HomeMy WebLinkAbout1486Mr. Robert Dunn Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Bob: Enclosed is a copy of a deed from Frank R. Cardarelle and Lo's S. Cardarelle, his wife, to the Village of Edina granting an easement or drainage purposes over a part of Tract F, Registered Land Survey No. 1 83. This instrument was recorded January 5, 1970 in the office of the Regi trar of Titles as Document No. 962301. I send this to you for your records Also enclosed, for your records, are the prior documents inv lving the same easement which you gave to me the other day. All of these pr or documents have been superseded by the document on file in the Registra 's office. For your further information the certificate of title upon w ich the enclosed recorded easement exists (Certificate No. 460588) shows P C H Co. as the owner. P C H Co.is a partnership consisting of R. H. P. Investment Company, a Minnesota corporation, Frank R. Cardarelle and E nest 0. Hartwick. TSE:mj Enclosure Very truly yours, Tho as S. Erickson ! 1 �7- J' DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST & HALLADAY DONALD WEST THOMAS M. BROWN 2400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING LARRY L. VICKREY BRUCE W BURTON WALDO F 14AROUART CORNELIUS D. MAHONEY LOREN R KNOTT JAN D. STUURMANS JOHN W. WINDHORST THOMAS S. ERICKSON PHILLIP H_ MARTIN R.A. SCHWARTZBAUER HENRY HALLADAY WILLIAM C. BABCOCK MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 REESE C. JOHNSON DAVID N. FRONEK JULE M. HANNAFORD MICHAEL E_BRESS JAMES T_HALVERSON THOMAS W TINK HAM ARTHUR B_WHITNEY PAUL G. ZERBY CHARLES J. HAUENSTEIN JON F TUTTLE RUSSELL K LINDOUIST RAYMOND A. REISTER ( 612) 333— 2151 CHARLES A. GEER EARL L. DEVINE DAVID R_ BRINK JOHN J. TAYLOR JOHN C.ZWAKMAN ROBERT A. HEIBERG HORACE HITCH BERNARD G. HEINZEN CABLE: DOROW JOHN R. WICKS EMERY W. BARTLE VIRGIL H_ HILL WILLIAM J. HEMPEL EUGENE L.JOHNSON MICHAEL J_ RADMER ROBERT V. TARBOK JOHN S. HIBBS JOHN W_ WINDHORST, JR. CURTIS L. STINE .60REST SPENCER ROBERT O. FLOTTEN 1432 W—FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MICHAEL PRICHARD MICHAEL TRUCANO ROBERT J_JOHNSON JOHN D. LEVINE ST. PAU L, M I N N ESOTA 55101 WILLIAM R_SOTH WILLIAM J. KEPPEL M_6. HASSELOLIST ROBERT J. STRUM (612) 227 -8017 THOMAS R. MANTHEY JAMES A_FLADER PETER DORSEY MICHAEL A.OLSON RICHARD G_ SWANSON WILLIAM A. JOHNSTONE GEORGE P FLANNERY LARRY W_ JOHNSON FAITH LOHMAN WILLIAM E. BOWEN CURTIS L.ROY THOMAS SHAY DAVID A. RANHEIM STEPHEN A.GODDARD ARTHUR E_WEISBERG G_ LARRY GRIFFITH JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER ROBERT J_ SILVER AN DUANE E.JOSEPH CRAIG A. BECK CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 JAMES M. KLEBBA FREDERICK E. LANGE DAVID L McCUSKEY ( 612) 448 — 4012 WILLIAM R. HIBBS JAMES B.VESSEY THOMAS O. MOE JOHN D.KIRBY OF COUNSEL WILLIAM A- WHITLOCK JAMES H.O'HAGAN PHILIP F SOELTER DAVID E.BRONSON E_J_SCHWARTZBAUER MICHAEL W_ WRIGHT December 16, 1971 WILLIAM B_PAYNE LEAVITT R. BARKER Mr. Robert Dunn Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Bob: Enclosed is a copy of a deed from Frank R. Cardarelle and Lo's S. Cardarelle, his wife, to the Village of Edina granting an easement or drainage purposes over a part of Tract F, Registered Land Survey No. 1 83. This instrument was recorded January 5, 1970 in the office of the Regi trar of Titles as Document No. 962301. I send this to you for your records Also enclosed, for your records, are the prior documents inv lving the same easement which you gave to me the other day. All of these pr or documents have been superseded by the document on file in the Registra 's office. For your further information the certificate of title upon w ich the enclosed recorded easement exists (Certificate No. 460588) shows P C H Co. as the owner. P C H Co.is a partnership consisting of R. H. P. Investment Company, a Minnesota corporation, Frank R. Cardarelle and E nest 0. Hartwick. TSE:mj Enclosure Very truly yours, Tho as S. Erickson :4inncsota (,no Gr Ill Lon1ayaauns a anKs Cara . r.r.. -r:,-a! to C ... ... ... TbiZ 31nbenture, Made this _... ... 21st _. ...day of November 19.69. between Frank R. Cardarelle and Lois S. Cardarelle, his wife Henne i n and state o Minnesota of the County of- -- p .. f _ Part i es ,,f the first part, and Vl.l l age...of Edi.na..,....a mun.tcl pal ....... ....... ....... ................. ....................... ......... ......_ , A corporation under the taws of the State of .... Mi,nne.s.oU. . party of the second part, itne.qget, That the said part.. 145 of the first part, in consideration of the sum- of O.ne..Dol.l.ar and ot.he.r.. goo. d... a. nd....v.al..u.a.h.1..e....co.ns .. d. e.ra.tion-- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- . --. -- 1-1 - .- .- .-.- -.D0LL.4RS. to .......... them._ . _ _ ...__ .in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby achnowledc%ed, do _ _._ _ hereby Grant, Bar6ain, Qui"tctai,m, and Come; unto the said party of the second part, its successors and as3lons, Forever, all the tract..... or parcel ... of land lyi _9 and being' in, the County of _ ___He.nn.epi.n ....... ......._....................and State of 111i7mesota, described as fo 10uus, to -wit: An easement for drainage purposes over and across that part of the East 150 feet of the West 183 feet of Tract F, Registered Land Survey No. i2S3 files of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota ,lying South of the Nort�i 50 feet th reofreserv- ing unto the grantors, their heirs and assigns, the right to construct and maintain parking lot facilities/,�over and across the East 100 feet of said drainage easement, but in no event nearer than 50 feet of the centerline of the bed of Nine Mile Creek. State Deed Tax due hereon is $ GM ^. To JL4abe anb to �[)olb dje A)d111C, Tod :Wher with (tit the 7icreditaMents aatd appurte Lances there - ,i/o l,elon �;ino oI• in, ,;I-qj vise apperta.in4116, to the said party of the second part, its successor, and assi ns. l - ;ill Te5fllliollt) Mbereot, The said part ies. of th -e first part ha_ve.. hereunto set their -. S (IbOVC 7I'rltte71. �y I frank R . C�a le Lo i S ;....Gard 350 PARE AVENUE NEW YORE, NEW YORK 10022 (212) 415 -9200 1330 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N. W. WASHINGTON D. C. 20036 (202) 857 -0700 3 ORACECHURCH STREET LONDON B03Y OAT, ENGLAND 44 -71 -929 -3334 36, RUE TRONCHET 75009 PARIS, FRANCE 33- 1- 42-66 -59 -49 45, RUE DE TREVES B. 1040 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 32- 2- 238-78-8 Mr. Fran Hoffman 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 DORSEY & WHITNEY A PA- .Ps8IP INCLU - PB0 P88510]Q , COHPOB -V 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST 201 FIRST AVENUE, S. 812) 340 -25M R06HHSTER, MINNE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5 540 2 -1498 (507)288 -3. (612) 340-2600 (406) 721-60 TELEX 29-0605 1200 FIRST INTERST FAX (612) 340 -2868 BILLINGS, MONTH (406) 252 -31 THOMAS S. EMCKWN 201 DAVIDSON BI GREAT FALLS, MON] 812) 340 -25M (406) 727-3E April 11, 1991 IS BAST FRONT MI660ULA, MONTA: (406) 721-60 Re: Cherne Contracting/ Proceedings Subsequent Dear Fran: In reviewing the Examiner's Report for a Proceedings Subsequent instituj by Cherne Contracting Corporation, it came to my attention that a document releasing Edina's interest in a drainage easement in the land subject to Cherne's Proceeding Subsequent action is missing from your files. Therefore, please find enclosed a copy of such drainage easement release to be kept in your files. Such release is dated June 13, 1973 and was filed as Document No. 1109647 on June 7, in the Office of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, q � Thomas S. Erickson TSE:kh Enclosure SUITE 340 PA 55902 S CENTER 59103 ,DING rA 59401 BEET 59802 974 110.%47 , Form No, 31 -M. wfln...e..i. Ca, I m."POOK w, .. � V i ...N.al•. M Cti.MrNNa _ M1.wy1• rl al.r� C•. r.►.w.IN r1.N. 111111. 1109 '7 t �fjt5 31iiDr�ititre, xnde this .....1.3....- , IA73 . , ..... betwvtw ...Y dny o/ .II,LACE OF EAINA ....................... . n eorpsration under the laus of the Slats o/ . _ M1nnPao. to ..........................._. ......, party of the ttrtt part, and B.H.P.. IhiYESTMENT XOMPANY, -a Minnesa.ta- carporat ion, ........ ............................... a eorporatton under the lams of the Sate of party of the sea,nrl part, , mitntsselb, That the said party of the fl-*Tt part. in toneideration of the vim of One. Dollar ...(.$.1.00)....and- othar-good anr....Valuabla. �iuid4ratian ..�*.+•.••�•w.•...�..- itGl.1..EJt,P, to it in hand pzid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof k hereby aeknou•ted jed, dwls hereby !)rant, Qarjatn, Quitolalm, and Cont•ey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and asei jns, fortutr, all the tract..... or parcel ....... of land lyin j and bein j to the County of . ................... Henmep.iri............ _... _ .............. and Slate of Alinnesola, described as follows, to-wU, That part of the East 150 feet of the West 183 feet of that part of Tract F. Registered Land Survey Number 1283 lying South of the North 109.21 feet thereof, as measured along the West line thereof, files of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota. The purpose of this conveyance is to releahe and extinguish .ill rights acquired by the Village of Edina in said property by reason of these certain grants of easement set forth in deed document nos. 962300 and 962301 li!es of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota. V r, gV V-2 icity) (state) THIS INSTRUMENT IS EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX. . •n�`to,oiD the Same. unto bolo t! i0 Tojethor with all the heredttanwids and appurknamm there. Former !n.R an dnyu�ier ap/*rtainin j, to the said party of the uoond part tte sueretsors and aed jnt, ';e %•; : ;'= 3n $eRtimonp Eituct. The said just party has caused thus t 1" • •' pnxnte to be exec!! ted in its corporate nanw lie... ........__._ Preeident awd its.......l;lerk _„w._ ._ .... aY �+Dr •, �, • • • • • • ....and its corporate teal to l,Y be hereunto apt•ted the day and year • VILLAGE OF EDINA •' ++ In P"sence of �. .............................. Its.. �.t..� c_ c•1 It,........... ...k._M,.- ..................... . -2 IM a *tatc of Ti�t�tc otn, C-. 1Y ,j HENNEPIN (rS. On lhix :.1)C1r)• Public � .•J 197 .3, hrJr�ry fire, o 41rt1)ul- C. l3red-Iaen Jr. rilhin nnrl J „r ,Seel rnunhJJ, 11xrsonallp appeared an,l Florence i3. llah.rorg fa me J,rrsono.ly knr -,rn, 1111 ", l•rimC r',ch hlJ file• Il,rl,J s,r,.rn did <ay that three fire racpeclirely the Mayor. _.. Poe," and the Clerk _ of the corporation named in tilt f„rr�nin� tnrtrunrrnl, and tlut6 the Seal alrr.red (n said inSfrrn•:ret iS the corporate seal of said corporation, tint] fhol said insh„n,ca.l ,rtis ri fned and senled in behalf of said rorporalinn by authority of itsWgimas +li �. Village ...Council and sit irl __..........._ ........ ......._............_..._...... and j 'li orknowledded said instrument to be the free act and decd of said rnrlxrrotion. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS RRAFTEG AV Do`s";: - -r T;,._” e ` Notary Public. rwnnepw (,wr , •.!,.aa��.. Yotary Public M, Cornmisstdl Expares July :C:! �7Younly, .Minn. _._. Minneopolis, Wrinowta 133 .Hy con,nli,csian arJ,ires ..... ....._ ._, 79 ........ TH.')%A IS S. ERICKSON Notary Pub! _ Hennepin Cr unty. MkS My Comm:ulook Expires JuIY i0l4 1973• 1 I Cq I � I � I V . V '7 C A K Z � h a, >_ C`0 Lz; Y A� C r W - , N W t t: p. V a 2 z u~ Iff •7 OWCZ= N >. � C LL W W y �• N - 1 i •J� Jp 07 Cl Jv � W R N O m 1 K Z a, >_ C`0 Lz; Y C r a Iff •7 LL W V .�, t, y �• Z c II F I! ham` V SK a r Q y N b W U tj 7 r � f 7 7 V J y � i.w •L 1 •L r I J 1 i .. i I A . I • 4� I r a ZZ��^ Lz; Y Iff •7 rr I V .�, t, y �• Z c II F I! ham` V SK C, o 1 0. �. .. •� � � �. it � I r a r Q y N b W U tj 7 r � f 7 7 V J y � i.w •L 1 •L r I J 1 i .. i I A . I • 4� I r a