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EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612- 927 -8861 RESOLUl ION [•TrFER AS, a resolution of the City Council -, adopted the 17th day of April, 1973, fixed a date for a public hearing on the proposed vacation of the following des - cribod street: That portion of Valley View Road, formerly Hennepin County Road 39, located in the North 1/2 of Section 7, Township 116, Range 21, and 66 feet in v.-i.dch, lying between the Southerly extencion of the l=a=st line of -,o venue aTid the West right- of-way line o FeT':'?F.`:tiTl ( :0.L11. -n:V Road No. 18; and MISFE_NS, two weeks' published and posted notice of said hearing was given and the hearing was held on the 15th day of May, 1978, at which time all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and MilF EAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City and of the public that said street vacation be made; and WFERFAS, the Council has considered the extent to which the vacation affects e-,J- stt -in� e.asem�:tnt_s w:i.thin the area of the vacation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person, corporation, or iminic:ipa.l.i.tp 0;1.114_na or controlling electric or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, or water_ pipes, ,Mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed va.car_ion, to continue maintaining the same, or to enter upon such street or port— ou thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of E4.;..na, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that the following described street is hereby vacated: That portion of Valley View ;load, formerly Hennepin County Road 39: located in the North 1/2 of Section 7, Tovash4p 116, Paige 21 A.nd 66 Zect in of the Easi. of Washington. <lve.noe and 'i he Weat line of rennepin C(. -Uuty Road No. 18; PROVIDE.D, however, that, after due consideration, the Council has determined and hereby specifies that the "orcguinh var..atiou shall not affect, and there is hereby continued, reserved and retained the following existing eascmmnts and authority in, on and under the above vacated area: The City of F,4i -na reservrs in said described vacated street and remova3 of, and otherwise hydrants and other faci.l. Al. t-i,es to provide service to c +.icc�a�e favor of itself a utility eaoert�2nt within for the irtaintenlnce. replacement, repair at•Leading thereto, underground watermains, as deeded necessary by the City of Edina rs along; this route; and Th,-, City of Edina reserves in favor. of Minnesota Gas Company a utility c.. cement � *i.thin said described vacated street for the maintenance, rj�placemr-nt, repair and removal of, and for otherwise attending to, underground gas lines required :to provide service to customers along this route; and The City of Edina reserves i.n favor of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company a ti! :[_:_ty easement within said described vacated street for the maintenance, replacement, repair and removal of, and for otherwise attending to, underground condiAt; man':loles, cables, wires and poles required for telephone communications and electric line.s'to provide sefvi.ce to customers along this route; and iAlat. tbfF Cleric is authorized and directed to cause a Not4ee o% C:Ojili' +lotion of to ^e prepared, entered in the urans -fey record Of the County' Auoi.tor, an.d f red with the Ref;i_ster of Deeds. in a.ccor3. ^?1ce 1 ra t- 4- nn.',:',` co a Stat:j`r�5, � +_c:.tii;n 4.t1.S51. ADPOPTE D THIS 1.5i-;; day of May, 1973. CERTIFICATIM OF MINii,.T?S I, the undersigned duly appointed Acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have cc:rparel the attached and foregci.ng resolution and that the same is a true and correct copy of a r-osclution duly adopted by the City of Edina Council at its Regular Meeting held Monday, Clay :i5, 1978, and as recorded in the Minutcs of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 26th day of May, 1.978, City Clerk 4394369 JUL 14-73 4 3 5 9 S 003.25 -DG H OFFICE OF Co!jq, i Y HENNEPIN couti Ty. M CER TIFT2 PLEC.'.'i <t: i:Icl.' L' C i t li3 JUL 14 i i 2: s coc�;;�I;, 43943G9 i EC TEE COPS' FEE 2 . 4 s + NEST 50TH STREET. EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 612.927 -8861 4394369 NO,rICE OF CO."'LETION OF PROCEEDINGS 0:`T Si ALT VACATION. IN, THE CITY CF EDII'%1, HENTNEPIN COU.T"', Mimi -Si'rA NOTICE iS HEFEBY GI" E11 that the Edina Cir y Council, Henncpin County, Minnesota, L1II 5 1978, adopted a Rc:30ilition Vacating Portion of Valley View Road, ,z , 7� 1 `£'.Y �.:.�.1.[' h•c.1:4 -n and ti:�f: "ii:F :h,-T'2G4 a8 T"EG -u? eei. y —a"1T os•trzY 4ntFar- Sil?�ti? it to be in best itteresc of the City aad o_ t"e public that said. s treet vacatica be made, which resolution ordered the vacation of the follow- ing described street, all as ai atted anti of record. in the office of the R.egiseer of Deeds in anc for Hennepin County, '1i.nnesora: That portion of galley View Road, formerly hann.epin County Road 39, located in the, N,,)rt.It 11/2 of Section 7, Township 116, Rube 21 and 66 feet in widish, lying between the Southerly extension of tj-e East line of Washinotcn Avenue and tine L,FLst right -of -.pay line of Hennepin County Rcad No. 18. The time of completion of proceedings and the effective date of said vacation is May 15, 1978. BY ORDER. OF THE EUT—N'A CITY COUNCIL. TRANSFER ENTERED JU L 1978 �ir4hsc�!;; DIVISON KNINEPIN COUNTY. MINN. BY 1 10 96 DEPUTY. Edina Cite C-TtA- i 1 ' .`�:c4 w`1 .ems . •.a V.c-� ice•. TRANSFER ENTERED JU L 1978 �ir4hsc�!;; DIVISON KNINEPIN COUNTY. MINN. BY 1 10 96 DEPUTY.