HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-14 Planning Commission Regular Meeting PacketAgenda Plan n ing Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING Wednesday, April 14, 2021 7:00 PM Watch the meeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings or Facebook.com/EdinaMN. To participate in Public Hearings: Call 800-374-0221. Enter Conference ID 9628828. Give the operator your name, street address and telephone number. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak. A City sta: member will introduce you when it is your turn. I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Planning Commission March 10, 2021 V.Public Hearings A.Continue to April 28, 2021, B-21-07, request for a front yard setback variance at 4248 Alden Drive B.B-21-06, A request for reasonable accommodation from the permitted 6 residents to 10 residents at 6222 Braeburn Circle. C.B-21-08, A 68 square foot variance for a garage addition, 6213 Tracy Ave. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Sketch Plan Review - 5146 Eden Avenue (Former Public Works Site) B.Sketch Plan Review - 4630 France Avenue VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta9 Comments IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortable being part of the public proc ess . If you need as sistance in the way of hearing ampli<c ation, an interpreter, large-print documents or s om ething els e, pleas e c all 952-927-8861 72 hours in advanc e of the m eeting. Date: April 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : P lanning C ommis s ion Marc h 10, 2021 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the minutes from the March 10, 2021 P lanning Commission. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes Planning Commission March 10, 2021 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021  Page 1 of 3       Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission VIRTUAL MEETING March 10, 2021 I. Call To Order Chair Nemerov called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Berube, Strauss, Cullen, Bennett, Agnew, Bartling, Alkire and Chair Nemerov. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Olsen. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Berube moved to approve the March 10, 2021, agenda. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, February 24, 2021 Commissioner Miranda moved to approve the February 24, 2021, meeting minutes. Commissioner Agnew seconded the motion. Commissioner Agnew offered up the amendment to change wording in every motion to read, “Motion carried unanimously.” Motion carried unanimously as amended. V. Special Recognitions and Presentation A. Welcome New Planning Commissioners – David Alkire and Rachel Bartling Chair Nemerov introduced the two new Planning Commissioners. Commissioner Rachel Bartling provided a brief history to the Commission. Commissioner David Alkire provided a brief history to the Commission. B. Annual Elections Director Teague indicated the Planning Commission needed to elect a Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021  Page 2 of 3     Chair Nemerov opened the floor for nominations for Chair of the Commission. Commissioner Berube indicated she would be honored to nominate current Chair Nemerov. Commissioner Strauss seconded the nomination. Commissioner Berube moved to appoint Commissioner Nemerov as Chair of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Nemerov opened the floor for nominations for Vice-Chair of the Commission. Commissioner Berube indicated she has filled in as Vice-Chair since Commissioner Thorsen left the Commission. She stated she realized due to other commitments that someone else on the Commission would be a better Vice-Chair at this time. She nominated Commissioner Agnew for Vice-Chair. Commissioner Berube moved to appoint Commissioner Agnew as Vice-Chair of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Nemerov explained he received from the City an interest not to have secretaries on the Commissions. He asked Director Teague for direction. Director Teague indicated a specific decision has not been made on that yet, so he has been directed to have that position filled. Chair Nemerov opened the floor for nominations for Secretary of the Commission. Commissioner Bennett indicated he would step up as secretary of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Berube moved to appoint Commissioner Bennett Secretary of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Agnew seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Draft Travel Demand Management Policy Transportation Planner Andrew Scipioni presented the Travel Demand Management Policy to the Commission. The Commission commented on the proposed TDM Policy. Video of the meeting is available on the City website for review of comments. VI. Public Hearings A. B-21-05, Side Yard Setback Variance – 6117 Chowen Ave S Assistant City Planner Bodeker presented the request of a side yard setback variance for 6117 Chowen Ave S.  Staff recommends approval of the side yard setback variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021  Page 3 of 3     Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Neil Theison addressed the Planning Commission and answered Commission questions. Public Hearing None. Commissioner Berube moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Agnew seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed this item. Video of the meeting is available on the City website for review of comments. Motion Commissioner Berube moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the Side Yard Setback Variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Agnew seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. VII. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Bennett discussed the “Homes within Reach” campaign in Edina. Commissioner Miranda discussed ways working at home have changed people’s lives and how that affects transportation. He also discussed Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and how it relates to congestion reduction. Chair Nemerov indicated he received the annual feedback response from Commissioners and hoped to discuss them at the April Work Session. He also addressed the sketch plan review that the Commission reviewed a few months ago for the affordable housing development in the Valley View Wooddale District. Chair Nemerov commented on the public feedback process. VIII. Staff Comments Planner Teague updated the Commission on City Council actions that were before the Planning Commission. He noted the March 24th Planning Commission has been cancelled but there will be a joint Work Session with the City Council that evening. IX. Adjournment Commissioner Alkire moved to adjourn the March 10, 2021, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 8:40 PM. Commissioner Bartling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: April 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C ontinue to April 28, 2021, B-21-07, request for a front yard setback varianc e at 4248 Alden Drive Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: C ontinue public hearing to the April 28, 2021, P lanning Commission Agenda. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Date: April 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-21-06, A request for reas onable acc ommodation from the permitted 6 residents to 10 residents at 6222 Braeburn C ircle. Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Deny the variance application. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S cott H emenway/T he Geneva Suites, 6222 B raeburn Circle, is requesting reasonable accommodation to increase resident occupancy from the permitted 6 residents to 10 residents in a facility having a Housing with Services certificate from Minnesota Department of H ealth H F I D: 33436 and a Minnesota Department of H ealth C omprehensive Home C are License. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Planning Staff Memo Building and Fire memo Police & Fire Chief Memos Building and Fire attachments Building and Fire attachments Engineering Memo Site Location Narrative Narrative Survey/plans Elevator plans Parking pre/post Covid Parking Policy Staffing Spreadsheet Neighbor Res ponse Email from William C. Griffith Letter from Rebecca Reich The subject property is located at 6222 Braeburn Circle, consisting of a 5,500 square foot single dwelling zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. The use on site is a permitted use care services group home facility for six residents. The Planning Commission is asked to consider a variance request from the owner Geneva Suites (Geneva) for “reasonable accommodation” under the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA or Act) to increase resident occupancy from the permitted 6 residents by State Statute, to 10 residents in a group home facility. At this address, Geneva has a Housing with Services C ertificate from Minnesota Department of Health HFID: 33436 and offers Assisted Living Services and Dementia Program through an agreement with a licensed home care provider. (See attached State Statute.) The applicant is proposing to remodel the interior of the six-bedroom facility with the addition of four bedrooms proposed in the lower level. An elevator installation is part of the remodel to access both the main and basement floors. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Family Residences; zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and Guided Low Density Residential Easterly: Single Family Residences; zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and Guided Low Density Residential Southerly: Single Family Residences; zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and Guided Low Density Westerly: Single Family Residences; zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and Guided Low Density Residential April 14, 2021 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner B-21-06, A variance request for reasonable accommodation to increase current resident occupancy from the permitted 6 residents by State Statutes to10 residents for a care services group home business/The Geneva Suites residence, located at 6222 Braeburn Circle. Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The subject property is 27,450 square feet in size and contains the Geneva Suites group home. The care facility was remodeled from a standard single dwelling unit in 2017 for the purposes of operating a group home care facility business. The current group home care facility business with a maximum of 6 residents is a permitted use on the property and has operated as a group home since the remodel in 2017. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Compliance Table *Requires variance in the form of accommodation under the federal law PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues The Act prohibits discrimination related to housing against individuals on the basis of a disability. With respect to cities, the Act prohibits discriminatory zoning or land use ordinances or discriminatory zoning or land use decisions. A city practice, policy, or ordinance cannot explicitly treat members of a protected group differently than others who are similarly situated, cannot disproportionately exclude or otherwise harm the housing opportunities of a class of persons protected by the Act, or refuse to make reasonable accommodations in land use rules when such accommodations may be necessary to afford such person equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. A reasonable accommodation is a change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to use a dwelling. Although the Planning Commission is fluent in the standards for a typical variance, in this case those legal standards do not apply. The variance application process is acting as a vehicle for Permitted by State Statute/City Standard Proposed Number of occupants in a resident care facility 6 occupants 10 occupants* STAFF REPORT Page 3 the Planning Commission to consider the reasonable accommodation request. All of the following questions must be answered in the affirmative in order to grant the reasonable accommodation: a. Existence of a Disability. Do the residents have a physical or mental impairment that substantially impacts a major life activity? b. Necessity. Will the variance request affirmatively enhance the quality of life of a person with a physical or mental impairment? c. Reasonableness. Is the accommodation request reasonable? In determining the reasonableness of the accommodation request, the commission should apply its collective judgment and follow the following criteria: • Does the request impose an undue burden or expense on the City? • Does the proposed use create a fundamental alteration in the zoning scheme? If the answer to either question is “yes” the application is not reasonable and can be denied. Disability The Act defines a person with a disability to include (1) individuals with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; (2) individuals who are regarded as having such an impairment; and (3) individuals with a record of such an impairment. In this case, the current and future residents of Geneva have either physical impairment issues with mobility or mental impairment issues such as Alzheimer’s. The residents qualify as persons with a disability under the definition established in the Act. Necessity According to the Act, it is unlawful discrimination to refuse to make a reasonable accommodation when such an accommodation may be necessary to afford a disabled person equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. If the accommodation is deemed not necessary, then the request can be denied. In this case, six persons with disabilities currently enjoy equal opportunity to use and enjoy this dwelling. In the context of the Act, demonstration that an accommodation is “necessary” requires a showing that the desired accommodation will affirmatively enhance the quality of life of disabled persons by lessening the effects of the disability. Geneva must show that increasing the resident limit to 10 persons would provide more enjoyment, more use, or more medical advantage for persons with disabilities. Staff believes that Applicant presented insufficient evidence to the City indicating why the increases from six people to ten is necessary. Applicant presented insufficient evidence to indicate how allowing ten residents at this location would enhance the quality of life or lessen the effects of the disability in a way that allowing six residents would not. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Reasonable In determining whether the requested accommodation is reasonable, commissioners should evaluate whether it: 1. imposes an undue burden or expense on the City or 2. creates a fundamental alteration in the zoning scheme. A request will be considered “reasonable” only if the answers to both of these questions is “no.” Undue Burden or Expense An accommodation is not reasonable if it imposes undue financial and administrative burdens. Undue burden or expense include any specialized burdens on municipal services, but any identified burden must be significantly more than a normal home and rise to a clear financial burden on the community. Fundamental Alteration in the Zoning Scheme An accommodation is not reasonable if it requires a substantial and fundamental modification to the city’s land-use and zoning scheme. The Department of Justice and Department of Housing and Urban Development state that what is considered “reasonable” in one circumstance may not be “reasonable” in another. For example, a four-person home for disabled adults in a single-family zoned neighborhood is likely reasonable, but a 50-bed nursing home in a single-family zoned neighborhood is likely unreasonable. The City must consider the scope and magnitude of the modification requested and the features of the surrounding neighborhood in order to make a determination. The Commission should take into account emergency calls, maintenance and repair of the buildings, traffic and parking, garbage and recycling management, and the character of the neighborhood are all relevant. Staff has concerns that the added number of residents to the home would increase the high volume of traffic flow and reliance upon on-street parking and would alter the zoning scheme. Parking currently occurs on the existing residential driveway and within the street when needed. (See the applicant’s parking policy.) Section 36-1254 (a) (5) of the City’s customary home occupation ordinance states that “All parking demands generated by the use (a customary home occupation) shall be accommodated within the accessory garage and the normal driveway area…” As indicated on the parking plan, cars stack within the driveway in three rows. If nothing is available within the driveway, residents, staff, visitors, maintenance crews, and delivery drivers will park in the street. (See attached parking plan.) Cars within the driveway could easily be boxed in by other cars and not be able to get out of the driveway easily. The increase to 10 residents within the home will have an increased demand on the on-site traffic flow and parking, and increase on-street parking, altering the character of the neighborhood, and creating more of the appearance of a commercial/medical operation within a residential zoning district. STAFF REPORT Page 5 If the decision is made to grant the accommodation, reasonable terms and conditions designed to improve the use may be imposed, provided they meet the general nexus and proportionality requirements. Whether the Commission recommends granting the accommodation or denying the accommodation, findings and conclusions must be made on the record to ensure that a reviewing court can determine whether the decision is reasonable. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Commission deny the requested variance to allow an increase from 6 to 10 residents in the existing home care group home facility at 6222 Braeburn Circle based on the following findings: 1. According to the Fair Housing Amendments Act, it is unlawful to refuse to make a reasonable accommodation when such an accommodation is necessary to afford disabled persons equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. 2. The issues of whether this group home should be allowed to operate in its current location, whether this group homes provides a valuable resource to the community, and whether this group home affirmatively enhances the quality of life of disabled persons by lessening the effects of their disabilities are not in dispute. The City acknowledges and supports the fact that this group home provides a valuable resource to the community and enhances the quality of life of disabled persons. The sole question is whether an increase in residents from six to ten is reasonable and necessary under the Fair Housing Amendments Act. 3. The proposed accommodation to increase occupancy from 6 to 10 residents is not reasonable because it would fundamentally alter the zoning scheme due to the change in neighborhood character. Namely, the increase in the volume of traffic and parking will alter the essential residential character of the neighborhood. 4. The proposed accommodation to increase occupancy from 6 to 10 residents is not shown to be necessary under the applicable legal standard because there not sufficient showing that increasing the limit to 10 persons is necessary to provide additional enjoyment, benefit, or use of the residence for disabled persons. 5. Section 36-1254 (a) (5) of the City’s customary home occupation ordinance states that “All parking demands generated by the use shall be accommodated within the accessory garage and the normal driveway area…” As indicated on the parking plan, cars stack within the driveway in three rows. If nothing is available, residents, staff, visitors, maintenance crews and delivery drivers will park in the street. The increase to 10 residents within the home will have an increased demand on the traffic flow and on-site parking and increase street parking, altering the character of the neighborhood, and creating more of the appearance of a commercial/medical operation within a residential zoning district. 462.357 OFFICIAL CONTROLS: ZONING ORDINANCE.​ Subdivision 1.Authority for zoning.For the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals,​ and general welfare, a municipality may by ordinance regulate on the earth's surface, in the air space above​ the surface, and in subsurface areas, the location, height, width, bulk, type of foundation, number of stories,​ size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of lot which may be occupied, the size of yards and​ other open spaces, the density and distribution of population, the uses of buildings and structures for trade,​ industry, residence, recreation, public activities, or other purposes, and the uses of land for trade, industry,​ residence, recreation, agriculture, forestry, soil conservation, water supply conservation, conservation of​ shorelands, as defined in sections 103F.201 to 103F.221, access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems​ as defined in section 216C.06, flood control or other purposes, and may establish standards and procedures​ regulating such uses. To accomplish these purposes, official controls may include provision for purchase of​ development rights by the governing body in the form of conservation easements under chapter 84C in areas​ where the governing body considers preservation desirable and the transfer of development rights from those​ areas to areas the governing body considers more appropriate for development. No regulation may prohibit​ earth sheltered construction as defined in section 216C.06, subdivision 14, relocated residential buildings,​ or manufactured homes built in conformance with sections 327.31 to 327.35 that comply with all other​ zoning ordinances promulgated pursuant to this section. The regulations may divide the surface, above​ surface, and subsurface areas of the municipality into districts or zones of suitable numbers, shape, and area.​ The regulations shall be uniform for each class or kind of buildings, structures, or land and for each class​ or kind of use throughout such district, but the regulations in one district may differ from those in other​ districts. The ordinance embodying these regulations shall be known as the zoning ordinance and shall​ consist of text and maps. A city may by ordinance extend the application of its zoning regulations to​ unincorporated territory located within two miles of its limits in any direction, but not in a county or town​ which has adopted zoning regulations; provided that where two or more noncontiguous municipalities have​ boundaries less than four miles apart, each is authorized to control the zoning of land on its side of a line​ equidistant between the two noncontiguous municipalities unless a town or county in the affected area has​ adopted zoning regulations. Any city may thereafter enforce such regulations in the area to the same extent​ as if such property were situated within its corporate limits, until the county or town board adopts a​ comprehensive zoning regulation which includes the area.​ Subd. 1a.Certain zoning ordinances.A municipality must not enact, amend, or enforce a zoning​ ordinance that has the effect of altering the existing density, lot-size requirements, or manufactured home​ setback requirements in any manufactured home park constructed before January 1, 1995, if the manufactured​ home park, when constructed, complied with the then existing density, lot-size and setback requirements.​ Subd. 1b.Conditional uses.A manufactured home park, as defined in section 327.14, subdivision 3,​ is a conditional use in a zoning district that allows the construction or placement of a building used or​ intended to be used by two or more families.​ Subd. 1c.Amortization prohibited.Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, a municipality​ must not enact, amend, or enforce an ordinance providing for the elimination or termination of a use by​ amortization which use was lawful at the time of its inception. This subdivision does not apply to adults-only​ bookstores, adults-only theaters, or similar adults-only businesses, as defined by ordinance.​ Subd. 1d.Nuisance.Subdivision 1c does not prohibit a municipality from enforcing an ordinance​ providing for the prevention or abatement of nuisances, as defined in section 561.01, or eliminating a use​ determined to be a public nuisance, as defined in section 617.81, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clauses (i) to​ (ix), without payment of compensation.​ Official Publication of the State of Minnesota​ Revisor of Statutes​ 462.357​MINNESOTA STATUTES 2020​1​ Subd. 1e.Nonconformities.(a) Except as otherwise provided by law, any nonconformity, including​ the lawful use or occupation of land or premises existing at the time of the adoption of an additional control​ under this chapter, may be continued, including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or​ improvement, but not including expansion, unless:​ (1) the nonconformity or occupancy is discontinued for a period of more than one year; or​ (2) any nonconforming use is destroyed by fire or other peril to the extent of greater than 50 percent of​ its estimated market value, as indicated in the records of the county assessor at the time of damage, and no​ building permit has been applied for within 180 days of when the property is damaged. In this case, a​ municipality may impose reasonable conditions upon a zoning or building permit in order to mitigate any​ newly created impact on adjacent property or water body. When a nonconforming structure in the shoreland​ district with less than 50 percent of the required setback from the water is destroyed by fire or other peril to​ greater than 50 percent of its estimated market value, as indicated in the records of the county assessor at​ the time of damage, the structure setback may be increased if practicable and reasonable conditions are​ placed upon a zoning or building permit to mitigate created impacts on the adjacent property or water body.​ (b) Any subsequent use or occupancy of the land or premises shall be a conforming use or occupancy.​ A municipality may, by ordinance, permit an expansion or impose upon nonconformities reasonable​ regulations to prevent and abate nuisances and to protect the public health, welfare, or safety. This subdivision​ does not prohibit a municipality from enforcing an ordinance that applies to adults-only bookstores, adults-only​ theaters, or similar adults-only businesses, as defined by ordinance.​ (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), a municipality shall regulate the repair, replacement, maintenance,​ improvement, or expansion of nonconforming uses and structures in floodplain areas to the extent necessary​ to maintain eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program and not increase flood damage potential or​ increase the degree of obstruction to flood flows in the floodway.​ (d) Paragraphs (d) to (j) apply to shoreland lots of record in the office of the county recorder on the date​ of adoption of local shoreland controls that do not meet the requirements for lot size or lot width. A​ municipality shall regulate the use of nonconforming lots of record and the repair, replacement, maintenance,​ improvement, or expansion of nonconforming uses and structures in shoreland areas according to paragraphs​ (d) to (j).​ (e) A nonconforming single lot of record located within a shoreland area may be allowed as a building​ site without variances from lot size requirements, provided that:​ (1) all structure and septic system setback distance requirements can be met;​ (2) a Type 1 sewage treatment system consistent with Minnesota Rules, chapter 7080, can be installed​ or the lot is connected to a public sewer; and​ (3) the impervious surface coverage does not exceed 25 percent of the lot.​ (f) In a group of two or more contiguous lots of record under a common ownership, an individual lot​ must be considered as a separate parcel of land for the purpose of sale or development, if it meets the​ following requirements:​ (1) the lot must be at least 66 percent of the dimensional standard for lot width and lot size for the​ shoreland classification consistent with Minnesota Rules, chapter 6120;​ Official Publication of the State of Minnesota​ Revisor of Statutes​ 2​MINNESOTA STATUTES 2020​462.357​ (2) the lot must be connected to a public sewer, if available, or must be suitable for the installation of a​ Type 1 sewage treatment system consistent with Minnesota Rules, chapter 7080, and local government​ controls;​ (3) impervious surface coverage must not exceed 25 percent of each lot; and​ (4) development of the lot must be consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan.​ (g) A lot subject to paragraph (f) not meeting the requirements of paragraph (f) must be combined with​ the one or more contiguous lots so they equal one or more conforming lots as much as possible.​ (h) Notwithstanding paragraph (f), contiguous nonconforming lots of record in shoreland areas under a​ common ownership must be able to be sold or purchased individually if each lot contained a habitable​ residential dwelling at the time the lots came under common ownership and the lots are suitable for, or​ served by, a sewage treatment system consistent with the requirements of section 115.55 and Minnesota​ Rules, chapter 7080, or connected to a public sewer.​ (i) In evaluating all variances, zoning and building permit applications, or conditional use requests, the​ zoning authority shall require the property owner to address, when appropriate, storm water runoff​ management, reducing impervious surfaces, increasing setback, restoration of wetlands, vegetative buffers,​ sewage treatment and water supply capabilities, and other conservation-designed actions.​ (j) A portion of a conforming lot may be separated from an existing parcel as long as the remainder of​ the existing parcel meets the lot size and sewage treatment requirements of the zoning district for a new lot​ and the newly created parcel is combined with an adjacent parcel.​ Subd. 1f.Substandard structures.Notwithstanding subdivision 1e, Minnesota Rules, parts 6105.0351​ to 6105.0550, may allow for the continuation and improvement of substandard structures, as defined in​ Minnesota Rules, part 6105.0354, subpart 30, in the Lower Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway.​ Subd. 1g.Feedlot zoning controls.(a) A municipality proposing to adopt a new feedlot zoning control​ or to amend an existing feedlot zoning control must notify the Pollution Control Agency and commissioner​ of agriculture at the beginning of the process, no later than the date notice is given of the first hearing​ proposing to adopt or amend a zoning control purporting to address feedlots.​ (b) Prior to final approval of a feedlot zoning control, the governing body of a municipality may submit​ a copy of the proposed zoning control to the Pollution Control Agency and to the commissioner of agriculture​ and request review, comment, and recommendations on the environmental and agricultural effects from​ specific provisions in the ordinance.​ (c) The agencies' response to the municipality may include:​ (1) any recommendations for improvements in the ordinance; and​ (2) the legal, social, economic, or scientific justification for each recommendation under clause (1).​ (d) At the request of the municipality's governing body, the municipality must prepare a report on the​ economic effects from specific provisions in the ordinance. Economic analysis must state whether the​ ordinance will affect the local economy and describe the kinds of businesses affected and the projected​ impact the proposal will have on those businesses. To assist the municipality, the commissioner of agriculture,​ in cooperation with the Department of Employment and Economic Development, must develop a template​ for measuring local economic effects and make it available to the municipality. The report must be submitted​ Official Publication of the State of Minnesota​ Revisor of Statutes​ 462.357​MINNESOTA STATUTES 2020​3​ to the commissioners of employment and economic development and agriculture along with the proposed​ ordinance.​ (e) A local ordinance that contains a setback for new feedlots from existing residences must also provide​ for a new residence setback from existing feedlots located in areas zoned agricultural at the same distances​ and conditions specified in the setback for new feedlots, unless the new residence is built to replace an​ existing residence. A municipality may grant a variance from this requirement under section 462.358,​ subdivision 6.​ Subd. 1h.Comprehensive plans in greater Minnesota; open spaces.When adopting or updating a​ comprehensive plan in a municipality located within a county that is not a greater than 80 percent area, as​ defined in section 103G.005, subdivision 10b, and that is located outside the metropolitan area, as defined​ by section 473.121, subdivision 2, the municipality shall consider adopting goals and objectives for the​ preservation of agricultural, forest, wildlife, and open space land and the minimization of development in​ sensitive shoreland areas. Within three years of updating the comprehensive plan, the municipality shall​ consider adopting ordinances as part of the municipality's official controls that encourage the implementation​ of the goals and objectives.​ Subd. 1i.Airport safety zones on zoning maps.Airport safety zones must be included on maps that​ illustrate boundaries of zoning districts and that are adopted as official controls.​ Subd. 2.General requirements.(a) At any time after the adoption of a land use plan for the municipality,​ the planning agency, for the purpose of carrying out the policies and goals of the land use plan, may prepare​ a proposed zoning ordinance and submit it to the governing body with its recommendations for adoption.​ (b) Subject to the requirements of subdivisions 3, 4, and 5, the governing body may adopt and amend​ a zoning ordinance by a majority vote of all its members. The adoption or amendment of any portion of a​ zoning ordinance which changes all or part of the existing classification of a zoning district from residential​ to either commercial or industrial requires a two-thirds majority vote of all members of the governing body.​ (c) The land use plan must provide guidelines for the timing and sequence of the adoption of official​ controls to ensure planned, orderly, and staged development and redevelopment consistent with the land​ use plan.​ Subd. 3.Public hearings.No zoning ordinance or amendment thereto shall be adopted until a public​ hearing has been held thereon by the planning agency or by the governing body. A notice of the time, place​ and purpose of the hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the municipality at least ten days​ prior to the day of the hearing. When an amendment involves changes in district boundaries affecting an​ area of five acres or less, a similar notice shall be mailed at least ten days before the day of the hearing to​ each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property to​ which the amendment relates. For the purpose of giving mailed notice, the person responsible for mailing​ the notice may use any appropriate records to determine the names and addresses of owners. A copy of the​ notice and a list of the owners and addresses to which the notice was sent shall be attested to by the responsible​ person and shall be made a part of the records of the proceedings. The failure to give mailed notice to​ individual property owners, or defects in the notice shall not invalidate the proceedings, provided a bona​ fide attempt to comply with this subdivision has been made.​ Subd. 4.Amendments.An amendment to a zoning ordinance may be initiated by the governing body,​ the planning agency, or by petition of affected property owners as defined in the zoning ordinance. An​ amendment not initiated by the planning agency shall be referred to the planning agency, if there is one, for​ study and report and may not be acted upon by the governing body until it has received the recommendation​ Official Publication of the State of Minnesota​ Revisor of Statutes​ 4​MINNESOTA STATUTES 2020​462.357​ of the planning agency on the proposed amendment or until 60 days have elapsed from the date of reference​ of the amendment without a report by the planning agency.​ Subd. 5.Amendment; certain cities of the first class.The provisions of this subdivision apply to the​ adoption or amendment of any portion of a zoning ordinance which changes all or part of the existing​ classification of a zoning district from residential to either commercial or industrial of a property located in​ a city of the first class, except a city of the first class in which a different process is provided through the​ operation of the city's home rule charter. In a city to which this subdivision applies, amendments to a zoning​ ordinance shall be made in conformance with this section but only after there shall have been filed in the​ office of the city clerk a written consent of the owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate​ situate within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or any party​ purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the request, and after the affirmative​ vote in favor thereof by a majority of the members of the governing body of any such city. The governing​ body of such city may, by a two-thirds vote of its members, after hearing, adopt a new zoning ordinance​ without such written consent whenever the planning commission or planning board of such city shall have​ made a survey of the whole area of the city or of an area of not less than 40 acres, within which the new​ ordinance or the amendments or alterations of the existing ordinance would take effect when adopted, and​ shall have considered whether the number of descriptions of real estate affected by such changes and​ alterations renders the obtaining of such written consent impractical, and such planning commission or​ planning board shall report in writing as to whether in its opinion the proposals of the governing body in​ any case are reasonably related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, or to a plan for​ future land use, and shall have conducted a public hearing on such proposed ordinance, changes or alterations,​ of which hearing published notice shall have been given in a daily newspaper of general circulation at least​ once each week for three successive weeks prior to such hearing, which notice shall state the time, place​ and purpose of such hearing, and shall have reported to the governing body of the city its findings and​ recommendations in writing.​ Subd. 6.Appeals and adjustments.Appeals to the board of appeals and adjustments may be taken by​ any affected person upon compliance with any reasonable conditions imposed by the zoning ordinance. The​ board of appeals and adjustments has the following powers with respect to the zoning ordinance:​ (1) To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision,​ or determination made by an administrative officer in the enforcement of the zoning ordinance.​ (2) To hear requests for variances from the requirements of the zoning ordinance including restrictions​ placed on nonconformities. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general​ purposes and intent of the ordinance and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan.​ Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties​ in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of​ a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted​ by the zoning ordinance; the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not​ created by the landowner; and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality.​ Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Practical difficulties include, but are​ not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Variances shall be granted for​ earth sheltered construction as defined in section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with the​ ordinance. The board of appeals and adjustments or the governing body as the case may be, may not permit​ as a variance any use that is not allowed under the zoning ordinance for property in the zone where the​ affected person's land is located. The board or governing body as the case may be, may permit as a variance​ the temporary use of a one family dwelling as a two family dwelling. The board or governing body as the​ Official Publication of the State of Minnesota​ Revisor of Statutes​ 462.357​MINNESOTA STATUTES 2020​5​ case may be may impose conditions in the granting of variances. A condition must be directly related to and​ must bear a rough proportionality to the impact created by the variance.​ Subd. 6a.Normal residential surroundings for persons with disabilities.It is the policy of this state​ that persons with disabilities should not be excluded by municipal zoning ordinances or other land use​ regulations from the benefits of normal residential surroundings. For purposes of subdivisions 6a through​ 9, "person" has the meaning given in section 245A.02, subdivision 11.​ Subd. 7.Permitted single family use.A state licensed residential facility or a housing with services​ establishment registered under chapter 144D serving six or fewer persons, a licensed day care facility serving​ 12 or fewer persons, and a group family day care facility licensed under Minnesota Rules, parts 9502.0315​ to 9502.0445 to serve 14 or fewer children shall be considered a permitted single family residential use of​ property for the purposes of zoning, except that a residential facility whose primary purpose is to treat​ juveniles who have violated criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated delinquent​ on the basis of conduct in violation of criminal statutes relating to sex offenses shall not be considered a​ permitted use.​ Subd. 8.Permitted multifamily use.Except as otherwise provided in subdivision 7 or in any town,​ municipal or county zoning regulation as authorized by this subdivision, a state licensed residential facility​ serving from 7 through 16 persons or a licensed day care facility serving from 13 through 16 persons shall​ be considered a permitted multifamily residential use of property for purposes of zoning. A township,​ municipal or county zoning authority may require a conditional use or special use permit in order to assure​ proper maintenance and operation of a facility, provided that no conditions shall be imposed on the facility​ which are more restrictive than those imposed on other conditional uses or special uses of residential property​ in the same zones, unless the additional conditions are necessary to protect the health and safety of the​ residents of the residential facility. Nothing herein shall be construed to exclude or prohibit residential or​ day care facilities from single family zones if otherwise permitted by a local zoning regulation.​ Subd. 9.Development goals and objectives.In adopting official controls after July 1, 2008, in a​ municipality outside the metropolitan area, as defined by section 473.121, subdivision 2, the municipality​ shall consider restricting new residential, commercial, and industrial development so that the new development​ takes place in areas subject to the following goals and objectives:​ (1) minimizing the fragmentation and development of agricultural, forest, wildlife, and open space lands,​ including consideration of appropriate minimum lot sizes;​ (2) minimizing further development in sensitive shoreland areas;​ (3) minimizing development near wildlife management areas, scientific and natural areas, and nature​ centers;​ (4) encouraging land uses in airport safety zones that are compatible with the safe operation of the airport​ and the safety of people in the vicinity of the airport;​ (5) identification of areas of preference for higher density, including consideration of existing and​ necessary water and wastewater services, infrastructure, other services, and to the extent feasible, encouraging​ full development of areas previously zoned for nonagricultural uses;​ (6) encouraging development close to places of employment, shopping centers, schools, mass transit,​ and other public and private service centers;​ (7) identification of areas where other developments are appropriate; and​ Official Publication of the State of Minnesota​ Revisor of Statutes​ 6​MINNESOTA STATUTES 2020​462.357​ (8) other goals and objectives a municipality may identify.​ History: 1965 c 670 s 7; 1969 c 259 s 1; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1973 c 379 s 4; 1973 c 539 s 1; 1973 c​ 559 s 1,2; 1975 c 60 s 2; 1978 c 786 s 14,15; Ex1979 c 2 s 42,43; 1981 c 356 s 248; 1982 c 490 s 2; 1982​ c 507 s 22; 1984 c 617 s 6-8; 1985 c 62 s 3; 1985 c 194 s 23; 1986 c 444; 1987 c 333 s 22; 1989 c 82 s 2;​ 1990 c 391 art 8 s 47; 1990 c 568 art 2 s 66,67; 1994 c 473 s 3; 1995 c 224 s 95; 1997 c 113 s 20; 1997 c​ 200 art 4 s 5; 1997 c 202 art 4 s 11; 1997 c 216 s 138; 1999 c 96 s 3,4; 1999 c 211 s 1; 2001 c 174 s 1;​ 2001 c 207 s 13,14; 2002 c 366 s 6; 2004 c 258 s 2; 2005 c 56 s 1; 1Sp2005 c 1 art 1 s 92; art 2 s 146; 2007​ c 140 art 12 s 14; 2008 c 297 art 1 s 60,61; 2009 c 149 s 3; 2011 c 19 s 2; 1Sp2019 c 3 art 3 s 110,111​ Official Publication of the State of Minnesota​ Revisor of Statutes​ 462.357​MINNESOTA STATUTES 2020​7​ March 30, 2021 Cary Teague, Community Development Director David Fisher, Chief Building Official & Rick Hammerschmidt, Fire Marshall 6222 Braeburn Circle - Geneva Suites – Reasonable Accommodation Request Variance Information / Background: 6222 Braeburn Circle is a single-family home built in 1968 and classified as an R-3. Under today’s building code, the R-3 Residential Group is a residential occupancy where the occupants are primarily permanent in nature and not classified as a R-1 (hotels), R-2 (apartments), R-4 (occupant with more than 5 occupants but not more than 16 who reside on a 24-hour basis supervised and receiving custodial care, such as an assisted living facility, group home or social rehabilitation facility) or an Institutional Group I (hospital or assisted living with more than 16 occupants). Above we have listed just a few of the examples for the R-1, R-2, R-4 and the I occupancy classifications and uses to provide some background. On April 4, 2017, a building permit was issued for an addition and main floor renovation for 6222 Braeburn Circle. This would have been reviewed under the 2015 MN State Building Code. This was reviewed as an R- Single Family home. Because it was going to be a MN State licensed facility over 4,500 square foot, it was required to be fire sprinklered with a NFPA 13-D Fire Sprinkler system. The Fire sprinkler permit was issued July 17, 2017 and final inspection was signed off on October 3, 2017. An NFPA 13-D Fire Sprinkler System is a residential only type of fire sprinkler system that uses domestic water through the water meter, does not have a fire department connection and is not required to be monitored by a listed approved monitoring company. The final building inspection for this permit was on October 3, 2017, to verify code compliance. The occupant load of the residence did not exceed six occupants. On November 30, 2020, a building permit was issued again as an R-3 residential permit to remodel, alter and install an elevator in the lower level. There was no building code analysis provided by the designer, and no change in use or occupant load change that was requested within the plans from the building permit applicant. On December 10, 2020 a stop work order was issued after a building inspector found out there was going to be a change in use by having more than six occupants. The changes from six to seven occupants is a change in use withing a care facility in the building code from R-3 to R-4 or an I-1 or I-2 occupancy classification. The stop work order was issued to resolve the miscommunication of the permit that was issued as an R-3 Occupancy classification. In addition, when the occupant load exceeds six occupants, Planning, Health, Fire and Building Departments need to review the plans and permit for code compliance. STAFF REPORT Page 2 The letter dated March 1, 2021, from the attorney for The Geneva Suites regarding 6222 Braeburn Circle provided direction to the code analysis from Andy Campbell, Design Company dated February 28, 2021. In the project narrative Mr. Campbell states his review is using the 2020 MN Building Code, 2020 MN Accessibility Code and the 2020 MN Conservation Code for Existing Buildings. It appears that he used Option 2: Work for alteration, change of occupancy or addition of all existing building shall be done in accordance with the Work Area Compliance Method given in Chapters 6 through 12 as a level alteration as work does not exceed 50% of the building area. In 2020 MN Conservation Code for Existing Buildings Chapter 5 Section 506: Change of Occupancy is subject to approval by the code official. In 2020 MN Conservation Code for Existing Buildings Chapter 10 Section 1002 Change of Occupancy specifically requires Group I-2 occupancies to comply with the International Building Code and shall not be made without the approval of the code official. This is an important point, because it does not allow Type V-B non-rated construction in an I-2 occupancy. Type V-A one hour construction would be required throughout the whole building. Mr. Campbell states there is an existing NFPA 13-R fire sprinkler system. The City only has record of NFPA 13-D fire sprinkler system. The I-2 Occupancy would require a full NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system, which is another important point. The NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required to fully sprinkler throughout the building including the attic. The NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required to be monitored by licensed monitoring company and a fire department connection is required with a fire hydrant with in so many feet 100 feet of the Fire Department connection. There is a six-inch water main in the street so this could be accomplished. The automatic sprinkler system shall comply with the MN Building and Fire Code Section 903.2.6. requirement for group I occupancies. The fire alarm and smoke detection system would be required to comply with the MN Building and Fire Code Section 907 . through 907. requirement for an I-2 occupancy. The carbon monoxide detection would be required to comply with the MN Building and Fire Code Section 915.1.2 through 915.1.6 requirement for an I-2 occupancy. Mr. Campbell did not address the corridor width, exiting requirements or the Type – V non-rated construction that would be required to change to Type – V -A One-hour construction that is required 2020 MN State Building Code. In addition to review the Mr. Campbell’s code analysis the City consulted with the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Division and the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. They both agreed with the change in occupancy and the need to follow the code requirements in the 2020 MN State Building and Fire Code. Enclosed are the Quick Reference Guides to Care Facilities in Minnesota for the 2015 and 2020 State Building and Fire Code. I highlighted in yellow the housing with services facility that apply to this code review. 1 Liz Olson From:Jeff Siems Sent:Monday, April 12, 2021 7:14 AM To:Liz Olson; David Nelson Cc:Kris Aaker; Cary Teague; Emily Bodeker Subject:RE: 6222 Braeburn Circle- A request for reasonable accommodation from the permitted 6 residents to 10 residents Hi Liz, It appears that many of the calls listed are related to requests for ambulances (EMS) treatment and transportations. Given the proposed population of the variance, we can expect an increase in these types of calls should the variance be approved. From an emergency response perspective, we can handle the increased calls however, some of the photos also show a concern for congestion of vehicles in the cul-de-sac. This may limit our ability to negotiate fire apparatus, emergency vehicles and even snow plows and garbage trucks if more vehicles are introduced to the area due to an increased patient load of the occupancy. Jeff Siems, Assistant Fire Chief 952-826-0328 | Fax 952-826-0393 jsiems@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov/Fire Stay informed about the City’s response to COVID-19 at EdinaMN.gov/Coronavirus. Need a hand or want to help? Visit BetterTogetherEdina.org/COVID-19. From: Liz Olson <LKOlson@EdinaMN.gov> Sent: Friday, April 9, 2021 2:30 PM To: Jeff Siems <jsiems@EdinaMN.gov>; David Nelson <DNelson@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Kris Aaker <KAaker@EdinaMN.gov>; Cary Teague <cteague@EdinaMN.gov>; Emily Bodeker <EBodeker@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: 6222 Braeburn Circle- A request for reasonable accommodation from the permitted 6 residents to 10 residents Good afternoon, neighbor near the Geneva Suites at 6222 Braeburn Circle, emailed us with information that we passed along to Planning Commissioners. Attachments from are relevant to a variance request for reasonable accommodation from the permitted 6 residents to 10 residents at 6222 Braeburn Circle. The public hearing is on the agenda for the April 14th Planning Commission meeting. Planning is wondering if either of you have comments on the pictures or conflicts about parking on the street. Any concerns in general? Please reply all. Thanks, Liz Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist 952-826-0465 | Fax 952-826-0389 4801 W. 50th St. | Edina, MN 55424 LKOlson@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov/Planning Stay informed about the City’s response to COVID-19 at EdinaMN.gov/Coronavirus. Need a hand or want to help? Visit BetterTogetherEdina.org/COVID-19. 1 Liz Olson From:David Nelson Sent:Sunday, April 11, 2021 9:39 AM To:Liz Olson; Jeff Siems Cc:Kris Aaker; Cary Teague; Emily Bodeker Subject:RE: 6222 Braeburn Circle- A request for reasonable accommodation from the permitted 6 residents to 10 residents Hi Liz, Looks like the vast majority of the calls are medical related and we haven’t responded to any parking complaints for about two years. I don’t have any concerns about the parking on the street as long as the vehicles are legally parked. Increasing the number of residents will most likely increase the calls for service related to medical situations. Thanks, Dave Dave Nelson, Chief of Police 952-826-0487 | Fax 952-826-1607 DNelson@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov/Police Disclaimer: Information in this message or an attachment may be government data and thereby subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, may be subject to attorney-client or work product privilege, may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected, and the unauthorized review, copying, retransmission, or other use or disclosure of the information is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please immediately notify the sender of the transmission error and then promptly delete this message from your computer system. From: Liz Olson <LKOlson@EdinaMN.gov> Sent: Friday, April 9, 2021 2:30 PM To: Jeff Siems <jsiems@EdinaMN.gov>; David Nelson <DNelson@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Kris Aaker <KAaker@EdinaMN.gov>; Cary Teague <cteague@EdinaMN.gov>; Emily Bodeker <EBodeker@EdinaMN.gov> Subject: 6222 Braeburn Circle- A request for reasonable accommodation from the permitted 6 residents to 10 residents Good afternoon, neighbor near the Geneva Suites at 6222 Braeburn Circle, emailed us with information that we passed along to Planning Commissioners. Attachments from are relevant to a variance request for reasonable accommodation from the permitted 6 residents to 10 residents at 6222 Braeburn Circle. The public hearing is on the agenda for the April 14th Planning Commission meeting. Planning is wondering if either of you have comments on the pictures or conflicts about parking on the street. Any concerns in general? Please reply all. Thanks, Liz Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist 952-826-0465 | Fax 952-826-0389 4801 W. 50th St. | Edina, MN 55424 LKOlson@EdinaMN.gov | EdinaMN.gov/Planning Quick Reference Guide To Care Facilities in Minnesota 2020 Minnesota Building Code & 2020 Minnesota Fire Code DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH HUMAN DEPARTMENT s E RI I OF F E s ism DEPARTMENT OF 0 LABOR AND INDUSTRY 2020 MBC & 2020 MFC Table 1.1 Quick Reference Guide to Day Care Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements Type of Licensed Facility MN Rule (MR) or Statute (MS) Number of Care Recipients 2020 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements (8) (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Adult Day Care < 24 Child Care (Day Care) < 24 hours per day hours per day Family Child Care Home (4) MS 245A & Up to 10 Care Recipients with < 6 children below 5 years of age. R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS None Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Not Required MR 9502.0315 to MR 9502.0445 Group Child Care Home (4) MS 245A & 11-14 Care Recipients Dwelling R-3 Unit DHS None Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Not Required MR 9502.0315 to MR 9502.0445 Child Care Center MS 245A & More than 5 but < 100 Care Recipients < 30 months of age & each room at, and with an exit at the level of exit discharge. E DHS Fire Areas > 12,000 SF or Care Areas below level of exit discharge (1) (6) Fire Alarm & Detection required: IBC & IFC 907.2.3 Required MR 9503.0005 to MR 9503.0170 Child Care Center MS 245A & More than 5 Care Recipients greater than 30 months of age. E OHS Fire Areas > 12 000 SF or, Care Areas below level of exit discharge (1) (6) Fire Alarm & Detection required: IBC & IFC 907.2.3 Required MR 9503.0005 to MR 9503.0170 Child Care Center MS 245A & More than 5 Care Recipients < 30 months of age and less. 1-4 OHS Required (1) (9) Fire Alarm/Smoke Alarms per 907.2.6, Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required MR 9503.0005 to MR 9503.0170 Adult Day Care Center/ Adult Day Services Center MS 245A & 6 or more Care Recipients, all may or may not be capable of self preservation 1-4 OHS Required (1) (9) Fire Alarm/Smoke Alarms per 907.2.6, Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required MR 9555.9600 to MR 9555.9730 Adult Day Care Center/ Adult Day Services Center MS 245A & 6 or more Care Recipients but not more than 50% of the Care Recipients not capable of self preservation. See MSFC 8102 for additional requirements E DHS exit discharge (1) (6) Fire Areas > 12,000 SF or Care Areas below level of Fire Alarm & Detection required: IBC & IFC 907.2.3 Required MR 9555.9600 to MR 9555.9730 Footnotes: (8) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC Section for exceptions. (1) An NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required per code. (9) See IBC or IFC Section 903.2.6 for exceptions. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R, or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements Key: (4) Usually within the caregivers residence. DHS= Department of Human Services- www.dhs.state.mn.us (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. MDH= Department of Health- www.health.state.mn.us (6) See MR 1306 Special Fire Protection Systems for more restrictive thresholds if adopted by DLI= Department of Labor and Industry- www.dli.mn.gov municipality SFM= State Fire Marshal- www.dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm (7) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistant exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. Additional Resources For MN Statutes or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & HTTP://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared by a MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/index.html 3/31/20 2020 MBC & 2020 MFC Table 1.2 Quick Reference Guide to Supervised Living Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements Type of Licensed Facility MN Rule (MR) or Statute (MS) Number of Care Recipients 2020 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers are Required (4) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements (7) (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 ISupervised Living Facilities Class A-1 MS 144.50 & 6 or fewer Care Recipients- all capable of self preservation R-3 Dwelling Unit MDH DLI > 4,500 SF (3) (5) (6) Smoke alarms required: IBC 907.2.10.2; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 NOT Required MR 4665 Class A-2 ' MS 144.50 & 7-16 Care Recipients- all capable of self preservation R-4 Condition 1 MDH MDH DLI Required (2) Smoke alarms required: IBC 907.2.10.2; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 Required: 1 Accessible, Remainder Type B MR 4665 Also may include: Rule 36 Intensive Residential Treatment Services MR 9520.0500 DHS DLI to MR 9520.0670 Class A-2 MS 144.50 & More than 16 Care Recipients- all capable of self preservation 1-1 Condition 1 MDH DLI Required (2) Smoke alarms required: IBC 907.2.6, 907.2.10.2; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 Required: 4% Accessible, Remainder Type B MR 4665 Also may include: Rule 26 Sexually Dangerous MR 9515.3000 1-3 DHS MDH DLI Required (1) Smoke alarms required: IBC 907.2.6 Required: 3% Accessible to MR 9515.3110 Class B-1 MS 144.50 & 6 or fewer residents- all of whom may NOT be capable of self-preservation R-3 MDH DLI Required (3) Smoke alarms required: IBC 907.2.10.2; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 Type B Units required if > 3 Sleeping Units MR 4665 Also may include: Rule 32 Detox Service Program MR 9530.6510 OHS MDH DLI to MR 9530.6590 Class B-2 MS 144.50 & 7-16 Care Recipients- all of whom may NOT be capable of self-preservation R-4 Condition 2 MDH DLI Required (2) Smoke alarms required: IBC 907.2.10.2; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 Required: 1 Accessible, Remainder Type B MR 4665 Class B-3 MS 144.50 & More than 16 Care Recipients- SOME of whom require limited verbal or physical assistance with self-preservation 1-1 Condition 2 MDH DLI Required (1) Smoke alarms required: IBC 907.2.6.1, 907.2.10.2; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 Required: 4% Accessible, Remainder Type B MR 4665 More than 16 Care Recipients- all of whom may NOT be capable of self- preservation 1-2 MDH DLI Required (1) Smoke alarms required: IBC 907.2.6.2; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 Public Areas: Req'd Patient Rooms: 50% Accessible with MDH Toilet Rooms Footnotes: (1) An NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R, or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements (4) Usually within the caregivers residence. (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (6) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistant exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. Additional Resources (7) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC Section for exceptions. (8) See IBC or IFC Section 903.2.6 for exceptions. Key: DHS= Department of Human Services- www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH= Department of Health- www.health.state.mn.us DLI= Department of Labor and Industry- www.dli.mn.gov SFM= State Fire Marshal- www.dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm 3/31/20 For MN Statutes or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & HTTP://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared by a MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/index.html 2020 MBC & 2020 MFC Table 1.3 Quick Reference Guide to Hospice & Foster Care Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements Type of Licensed Facility MN Rule (MR) or Statute (MS) Number of Care Recipients 2020 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements (8) (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Hospice Residential Hospice Facility (6) MS 144A.75 & MR 4664 1-5 Terminally III Care Recipients R-3 MDH DLI Required (2) (7) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 If > 3 Sleeping Units; Type B units Residential Hospice Facility (6) MS 144A.75 & MR 4664 6-12 Terminally III Care Recipients R-4 Condition 2 MDH DLI Required (2) (7) Fire Alarm/Smoke Alarms per 907.2.10, Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 (1) Accessible Unit; If > 3 Sleeping Units; Type B units Adult Foster Care Adult Foster Care Home (4) (aka Rule 203) MS 245A, MS 245D.02 & MS 245D.21- MS245D.26, MR9555.5105- 1-5 Impaired Adults -3 Dwelling Unit DHS > 4,500 SF (2) (5) (8) Smoke Alarms Required: IBC 907.2.10; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 Not Required Community Residential Setting , Child Foster Care Foster Care (4) MS 245A & MR 2960.3000 to MR 2060.3340 1-6 Foster Children without severe disability or assisted medical technology R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS > 4,500 SF (2) (5) (8) Smoke Alarms Required: IBC 907.2.10; Carbon Monoxide Alarms required: IBC 915.1 Not Required 1-4 Foster Children with medical or special care services Footnotes: (1) An NFPA 13 or 13-R fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R, or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements (4) Usually within the caregivers residence. (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (6) If federally certified shall also meet NFPA 101 Chapters 18 & 19 as applicable. (7) IF federally certified an NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required. (8) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistant exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. (9) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC Section for exceptions. Additional Resources Key: DHS= Department of Human Services- https://mn.gov/dhs/ MDH= Department of Health- www.health.state.mn.us DLI= Department of Labor and Industry- www.dli.mn.gov SFM= State Fire Marshal- www.dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm 3/31/20 For MN Statutes or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directorv/providerselect.cfm & FITTP://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared by a MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/index.html 2020 MBC & 2020 MFC Table 1.4 Quick Reference Guide to Housing with Services and Assisted Living Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements Type of Licensed Facility MN Rule (MR) or Statute (MS) Type Number of Care Recipients 2020 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory When Sprinklers are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements (8) (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Housing with Services Facility Housing with Services Establishment MS 144D 1-5 Adult residents > 80% 55 yrs of age unless registered under 144D.025 R-3 Dwelling Unit (10) MDH > 4,500 SF (2) (4) (5) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Not Required May Also Provide: Assisted Living Services & Dementia Care MS 144G Personal Care Services Provided by MDH Licensed Class A or F Home Care Provider Housing with Services Establishment MS 144D 6 16 Adult residents > 80% 55 yrs of age unless registered under 144D.025 R-4 Condition 1 (10) MDH Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required: 1 Accessible unit, Remainder: Type B May Also Provide: Assisted Living Services MS 144G R-4 Condition 2 (10) Personal Care Services Provided by MDH Licensed Class A or F Home Care Provider Housing with Services Establishment MS 144D > 16 Adult residents > 80% 55 yrs of age unless registered under 144D.025 1-1 Condition 1 (10) MDH Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required: 4% Accessible, Remainder: Type B May Also Provide: Assisted Living Services MS 144G 1-1 Condition 2 (10) Personal Care Services Provided by MDH Licensed Class A or F Home Care Provider Assisted Living Dementia Care MS 144G > 6 residents are not capable of self-preservation 1-2 DLI/CCLD MDH (after 8/2021) Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required: 4% Accessible, Remainder: Type B (1) An NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required. (7) (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements. (4) Usually within the care-givers residence. (8) (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (9) (6) See MR 1306 Special Fire Protection Systems for more restrictive thresholds if adopted by municipality (10) Key: DHS= Department of Human Services- www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH= Department of Health- www.health.state.mn.us For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistant exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC Section for exceptions. See IBC or IFC Section 903.2.6 for exceptions. Group R & I-1 Occupancies require ALL residents to be capable of self-preservation. DLI= Department of Labor and Industry- www.dli.mn.gov SFM= State Fire Marshal- www.dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm Footnotes: Additional Resources For MN Statutes or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & HTTP://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared by a MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/index.html 3/31/20 2020 MBC & 2020 MFC Table 1.5 Quick Reference Guide to Boarding Care & Boarding and Lodging Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements Type of Licensed Facility MN Rule (MR) or Statute (MS) Number of Care Recipients 2020 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements (8) (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Boarding Care I Boarding Care Home (4) MS 144.50 & <5 Residents R-3 Dwelling Unit (9) MDH DLI Required (2) (7) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection & Alarms required: IBC 915 Not Required MR 4655 Boarding Care Home MS 144.50 & 6-16 Residents All capable of responding to an emergency situation to complete evacuation without assistance . R-4 Condition 1 (9) MDH DLI Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection & Alarms required: IBC 915 Required: 1 Accessible Unit, remainder Type B Units MR 4655 Boarding Care Home MS 144.50 & > 16 Residents All capable of responding to an emergency situation to complete evacuation without assistance 1-1 Condition 1 (9) MDH DLI Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection & Alarms required: IBC 915 (1) Accessible Unit; If> 3 Sleeping Units; Type B units MR 4655 Boarding & Lodging Boarding & Lodging MS 157 & < 16 Residents in sleeping rooms OR < 2 dwelling units R-3 (9) MDH Required (2) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection & Alarms required: IBC 915 Require: If> 3 sleeping units: All Type B Units MR 4625 Also may include Rule 36 Intensive Residential Treatment Services MR 9520.0500 DHS MDH to MR 9520.0670 Boarding & Lodging MS 157 & > 16 Residents in sleeping rooms OR > 2 Dwelling Units R-2 (9) MDH Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection & Alarms required: IBC 915 Required: Accessible Units and Type B Units per MR 1341 MR 4625 I<30 Days Boarding & Lodging MS 157 & Bed & Breakfast with > 6 guest rooms Boarding Houses with > 10 occupants R-1 MDH Required (1), (6), (7) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.1 Carbon Monoxide Detection & Alarms required: IBC 915 Required: Accessible Units and Type B Units per MR 1341 MR 4625 Boarding & Lodging MS 157 & Bed & Breakfast with <5 guest rooms R-3 Dwelling Unit MDH >_4,500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (6) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection & Alarms required: IBC 915 Not Required MR 4625 Boarding Houses with < 10 occupants R-3 Required (2) Require: If> 3 sleeping units: All Type B Units Footnotes: (1) An NFPA 13 or 13-R fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R, or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements (4) Usually within the caregivers residence. (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (6) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistant exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. Additional Resources (7) Multi-units resort buildings, as defined in MS 157.15 and licensed by MDH, with less than 9250 sq. ft. of building area. (8) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC Section for exceptions. (9) All residents in Group I & R occupancies must be capable of self preservation without assistance. Key: DHS= Department of Human Services- www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH= Department of Health- www.health.state.mn.us DLI= Department of Labor and Industry- www.dli.mn.gov SFM= State Fire Marshal- www.dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm 3/31/20 For MN Statutes or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/foc/directory/providerselect.cfm & HTTP://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared by a MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/index.html 2020 MBC & 2020 MFC Table 1.6 Quick Reference Guide to Senior Housing & Congregate Residence Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements Senior Housing I ..7.1 I of Licensed Facility MN Rule (MR) or Statute (MS) Number of Residents 2020 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements (8) (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Senior Housing (See MR 1305.0310) > 2 dwelling units AND Scoped per MN Rule 1305 R-2 None Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required: Accessible units and Type B units per MR 1341 amendments to IBC 1107.6.1 Senior Housing 2 dwelling units AND Scoped per MN Rule 1305 R-3 None Required (2) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required: If > 3 resident sleeping units; Type B units (See MR 1305.0310) 1 dwelling unit AND Scoped per MN Rule 1305 R-3 Dwelling Unit None 4,500 sq. ft. (2) (4) (5) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Not Required Congregate Residence Congregate Residence (3) < 16 Residents R-3 None Required (2) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required: If> 3 resident sleeping units; Type B units Congregate Residence (3) > 16 Residents R-2 None Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required: Accessible units and Type B units per MR 1341 amendments to IBC 1107.6.1 Footnotes: (1) An NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required per code. Key: (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R, or 13-0 fire sprinkler system is required per code. DHS= Department of Human Services- www.dhs.state.mn.us (3) No "Personal Care Service" provided. MDH= Department of Health- www.health.state.mn.us (4) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. DLI= Department of Labor and Industry- www.dli.mn.gov (5) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistant exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. SFM= State Fire Marshal- www.dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm (6) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC Section for exceptions. Additional Resources For MN Statutes or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directorv/providerselect.cfm & HTTP://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared by a MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/index.html 3/31/20 2020 MBC & 2020 MFC Table 1.7 Quick Reference Guide to Day Services & Chemical Dependency Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements Type of Licensed Facility MN Rule (MR) or Statute (MS) Number of Residents 2020 MSBC Occupancy Classificatio n State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements (8) (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Chemical Dependency Treatment Program Day Services Family Adult Day Services (4) MS 245A.143 < 8 impaired adults R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS > 4,500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (7) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Not Required Day Services Facility MS 245A, Adult (9) DHS Based upon occupancy Based upon occupancy Based upon occupancy MS 245D.21 MS 245D.22, MS 245D.27 to MS 245D.29 Chemical Dependency Treatment Program- Outpatient (<24 hours) MS 245G N/A B Ambulatory Care Facility DHS DLI If > 4 care recipients; if > 1 care recipient above or below the level of exit discharge. (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.2.1 Required Chemical Dependency Treatment Program- Residential MS 245G <5 Care Recipients R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS > 4,500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (7) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Not Required Chemical Dependency Treatment Program- Residential MS 245G 6-16 Residents All capable of responding157 to an emergency situation to complete evacuation R-4 Condition 1 (10) DHS Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required: 1- Accessible unit and remainder Type B units per MR 1341 amendments to IBC 1107.6.1 MS & MR 4625 Chemical Dependency Treatment Program- Residential MS 245G > 16 Residents (10 1-1 ) OHS Required (1) Smoke Alarms required: IBC & IFC 907.2.10.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1.1 Required: 4% Accessible units MS 157 & MR 4625 Footnotes: (1) An NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R, or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements. (4) Usually within the caregiver's residence. (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (6) See MR 1306 Special Fire Protection Systems for more restrictive thresholds if adopted by the municipality. (7) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistant exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. Additional Resources (8) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC Section for exceptions. (9) Occupancy classification based on primary space available, scheduling of activities at other service sites and space requirements of all persons receiving services at the facility. (10) All care recipients capable of responding to an emergency without assistance. Key: DHS= Department of Human Services- www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH= Department of Health- www.health.state.mn.us DLI= Department of Labor and Industry- www.dli.mn.gov SFM= State Fire Marshal- www.dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm 3/31/20 For MN Statutes or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & HTTP://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared by a MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/index.html 2020 MBC & 2020 MFC Table 1.8 Quick Reference Guide to Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Ambulatory Care Facilities & Outpatient Clinics in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements I Type of Licensed Facility MN Rule (MR) or Statute (MS) Number of Care Recipients 2020 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements (8) (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 > 24 Hour Care Hospital (Acute Care Facility) MS 144.50 — > 5 Patients incapable of self preservation 1-2 Condition 2 MDH DLI Required (1) Smoke Alarms Required: IBC 907.2.6.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1 Public Areas: Req'd Patient Rooms: 10% Accessible; Remainder Type B Rehab rooms: 100% Accessible MS 144.58 MS 626.557 MS 626.558 MR 4640, MR 4645 Nursing Home (Skilled Nursing Facility) MS 144A.02- > 5 Patients incapable of self preservation 1-2 Condition 1 MDH DLI Required (1) Smoke Alarms Required: IBC 907.2.6.2 Carbon Monoxide Detection required: IBC 915.1 Public Areas: Req'd Patient Rooms: 50% Accessible with MDH Toilet Rooms; Rehab rooms: 100% Accessible with MDH Toilet Rooms MS 144A.18, MS 144.651, MS 144.652 & MR 4658 < 24 hours Care Ambulatory Care Facility (Outpatient Surgical Center) MS 144.55, Persons who are rendered incapable of self-preservation by the B MDH DLI > 4 Care Recipients incapable of self preservation or > 1 Care Recipient incapable of self preservation located at other than the level of exit discharge. (1) (3) Smoke Alarms Required: IBC 907.2.2 Required MS 144.122,& Also Includes: End-Stage Renal Disease Facility (Kidney Dialysis) located at other than the level of exit discharge MR 4675 Required (1) services provided Outpatient Clinic Persons who are NOT B MDH Not Required (3) Not Required Required rendered incapable of self-preservation by the services provided Also Includes: End-Stage Renal Disease Facility (Kidney Dialysis) located at the level of exit discharge Footnotes: (1) An NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements (3) See MR 1306 Special Fire Protection Systems for more restrictive thresholds if adopted by municipality. (4) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC Section for exceptions. Additional Resources Key: DHS= Department of Human Services- www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH= Department of Health- www.health.state.mn.us DLI= Department of Labor and Industry- www.dli.mn.gov SFM= State Fire Marshal- www.dps.mn.gov/divisionsisfm 3/31/20 For MN Statutes or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & HTTP://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared by a MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.gov/aelslagid/index.html ) MINNESOTA&)E I NDUSTRY Aft Quick Reference Guide To Care Facilities in Minnesota 2015 Minnesota Building Code & 2015 Minnesota Fire Code MOOSISOTA MDH \\,, Minnesota Department of Human Services REPASTMENT at HUTH 2015 MBC & 2015 MFC Table 1.1 Quick Reference Guide to Day Care Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements. Type of Licensed Facility MN Rule (MR) Or Statute (MS) Number of Care Recipients 2015 MSEC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers Are Required (3) Fire Alarm& Detection Requirements(8) fas amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 IAdult Day Care I Child Care (Day Care) < 24 hours per day < 24 hours per day Family Child Care Home(4) MS 245A & 10 occupants maximum with < 6 below school age R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS > 4500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (7) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MR9502.0300 to MR9502.0445 Group Child Care Home(4) MS 245A & 11-14 occupants maximum R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS > 4500 sq. ft. (2) (5)(7) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MR9502.0300 to MR9502.0445 Child Care Center MS 245A & >5 but < 100 children < 2.5 yrs. of age & each room at, and with, an exit at the level of exit discharge E DHS 1 Fire Area > 12,000 sq. ft. or Care areas below level of exit discharge (1) (6) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.3 Required MR9503.0005 to MR9503.0170 Child Care Center MS 245A & More than 5 children > 2.5 yrs of age E DHS Fire Area > 12,000 sq. ft. or Care areas below level of exit discharge (1) (6) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.3 Required MR9503.0005 to MR9503.0170 Child Care Center MS 245A & More than 5 children < 2.5 yrs. of age 1-4 DHS , Required (1) (9) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.6.4 Required MR9503.0005 to MR9503.0170 Adult Daycare Center 1 MS 245A & 6 or more occupants, all may — or may not be capable of self- preservation 1-4 DHS Required (1) (9) 1 Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.6.4 & IFC 8102.1.3.3 Required MR9555.9600 to MR9555.9730 Adult Daycare Center MS 245A & 6 or more occupants — but having no more than 50% of the occupants who are not capable of self-preservation See MSFC 8102 for additional requirements E DHS Fire Area > 12,000 sq. ft. or Care areas below level of exit discharge (1) (6) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.3 & IFC 8102.1.3.3 Required MR9555.9600 to MR9555.9730 Footnotes: (1) An NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements. (4) Usually within the caregivers residence. (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages (6) See MR 1306 Special Fire Protection Systems for more restrictive thresholds if adopted by municipality. (7) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistance exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. (8) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC section for exceptions. (9) See IBC or IFC Sec. 903.2.6 for exceptions. Key: DHS = Department of Human Services — www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH = Department of Health — www.health.state.mn.us DLI = Department of Labor & Industry — www.dli.mn.gov SFM = State Fire Marshal —www.dps.mn.crov/divisions/sfm Additional Resources For MN Statute or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leq.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directorv/providerselect.cfm & http://licensinqlookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared and certified by a MN licensed architect or engineer see: http:l/mn.aov/aelslaq/index.html April 2016 2015 MBC & 2015 MFC Table 1.2 Quick Reference Guide to Supervised Living Facilities (SLF) in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements. Type of Facility MN Rule (MR) Or Statute (MS) Number of Care Recipients 2015 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers Are Required (4) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements(7) fas amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Supervised Living Facilities Class A-1 MS 144.50 & 6 or fewer residents — all of whom are capable of self-preservation R-3 Dwelling unit MDH DLI > 4500 sq. ft. (3) (5) (6) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MR 4665 Class A-2 MS 144.50 & 7 - 16 residents — all of whom are capable of self-preservation R-4 MDH DLI Required (2) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.10 & 907.2.11 Required: 1 Accessible, remainder Type B units MR 4665 Also may include: Rule 36 Intensive Residential Treatment Services MR9250.0500 to DHS MDH DLI MR9250.0690 Class A-2 MS 144.50 & More than 16 residents — all of whom are capable of self-preservation 1 MDH DLI Required (2) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.6.1 Required: 4% Accessible units, remainder Type B units MR 4665 Also may include: Rule 26 Sexually Dangerous MR9515.3000 to 1-3 MDH DHS DLI Required (1) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.6.3 Required: 3 % Accessible units MR9515.3110 Class B-1 MS 144.50 & 6 or fewer residents — all of whom may not be capable of self- preservation R-3 MDH DLI Required (3) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Required: if > 3 resident sleeping units: Type B units MR 4665 Also may include: Rule 32 Detox Service Pro ram g MR9530.6510 to DHS MDH DLI MR9530.6590 Class B-2 MS 144.50 & 7 - 16 residents — all of whom may not be capable of self-preservation R-4 MDH DLI Required (2) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.10 & 907.2.11 Required: 1 Accessible, remainder Type B units MR 4665 Class B-3 MS 144.50 & More than 16 residents — all of whom may not be capable of self- preservation 1-2 MDH DLI Required (1) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.6.2 Required: Per MDH rule MR 4665 Footnotes: (1) An NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) A NFPA 13 or 13-R fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) An NFPA 13, 13-R or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (4) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements. (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (6) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistance exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. (7) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC section for exceptions. Key: DHS = Department of Human Services — www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH = Department of Health — www.health.state.mn.us DLI = Department of Labor & Industry —www.dli.mn.clov SFM = State Fire Marshal — www.dps.mn.qov/divisions/sfm Additional Resources For MN Statute or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leq.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directoiv/providerselect.cfm & http://licensinqlookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ April 2016 For requirements for plans and specifications prepared and certified by MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.qov/aelslaq/index.html 2015 MBC & 2015 MFC Table 1.3 Quick Reference Guide to Hospice & Foster Care Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements. Type of Facility MN Rule (MR) Or Statute (MS) Number of Care Recipients 2015 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers Are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements(9) (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Hospice Residential Hospice Facility(6) MS 144A.75 & 1 - 5 terminally ill persons R-3 MDH DLI Required (2) (7) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.24 Required: if > 3 sleeping units; Type B units, exception for resident bathrooms MR 4664 Residential Hospice MS 144A.75 & 6 - 12 terminally ill persons R-4 MDH DLI Required (1) (7) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.24 Required: 1 Accessible unit, remainder Type B units exception for resident bathrooms Facili ty(6) MR 4664 Adult I Child Foster Care I Foster Care Adult Foster Care Home(4) (a.k.a. Ru1e203) MS 245A 1 — 5 Impaired Adults R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS >4500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (8) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MS2450.02 & MS2450.21 to Community Residential Setting MS245D.26 1 — 5 Impaired Adults R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS >4500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (8) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MR9555.5105 to MR9555.6265 Foster Care(4) MS 245A & 1-6 Foster children w/o severe disability or assisted medical technology R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS >4500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (8) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MR2960.3000 to MR2960.3340 Foster Care(4) MS 245A & 1 - 4 Foster children w/medical or special care services R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS >4500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (8) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MR2960.3000 to MR2960.3340 Footnotes: (1) A NFPA 13 or 13-R fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements. (4) Usually within the caregivers residence. (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (6) If federally-certified shall also meet NFPA 101 chapters 18 & 19 as applicable. (7) If federally-certified an NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required. (8) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistance exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. (9) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC section for exceptions. Key: DHS = Department of Human Services — www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH = Department of Health — www.health.state.mn.us DLI = Department of Labor & Industry — www.dli.mn.gov SFM = State Fire Marshal — www.dos.mn.00vklivisions/sfm Additional Resources For MN Statute or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leq.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & http://licensinqlookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared and certified by MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.qov/aelslaq/index.html April 2016 2015 MBC & 2015 MFC Table 1.4 Quick Reference Guide to Housing with Services Facilities including those that provide Assisted Living Services in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements. Type of Facility MN Rule (MR) Or Statute (MS) Number of Residents 2015 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers Are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements(6) fas amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 IHousing with Services Facility Housing with Services Establishment MS 144D 1 - 5 Adults residents > 80% 55 yrs of age unless registered under 144D.025 R-3 Dwelling Unit MDH >4500 sq. ft. (2) (4) (5) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required May also provide: MS 144G Personal Care Services Provided by MDH Licensed Class A or F Home Care Provider Assisted Living Services Housing with Services Establishment MS 144D 6-16 Adults residents > 80% 55 yrs of age unless registered under 144D.025 all capable of self- preservation R-4 MDH Required (1) Required:Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.10 & 907.2.11 1 Accessible unit, remainder T e B yp May also provide: MS 1440 Personal Care Services Provided by MDH Licensed Class A or F Home Care Provider Assisted Living Services Housing with Services Establishment MS 144D > 16 Adults residents > 80% 55 yrs of age unless registered under 144D.025 all capable of self- preservation 1-1 MDH Required (1) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.6.1 Required: 4% Accessible units, remainder Type B units May also provide: MS144G Personal Care Services Provided by MDH Licensed Class A or F Home Care Provider Assisted Living Services Footnotes: (1) A NFPA 13 or 13-R fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements. (4) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (5) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistance exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. (6) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC section for exceptions. Key: DHS = Department of Human Services — www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH = Department of Health — www.health.state.mn.us DLI = Department of Labor & Industry — www.dli.mn.qov SFM = State Fire Marshal —www.dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm Additional Resources For MN Statute or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leq.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.usllicense/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & http://licensinqlookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared and certified by MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.qov/aelslaq/index.html April 2016 2015 MBC & 2015 MFC Table 1.5 Quick Reference Guide to Boarding Care & Boarding and Lodging Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements. Type of Facility MN Rule (MR) Or Statute (MS) Number of Residents 2015 MSEC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers Are Required (3) Fire Alarm 14 Detection Requirements ph (as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Boarding Care Boarding Care Home(4) MS 144.50 & <5 Residents R-3 Dwelling Unit MDH DLI >4500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (6) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MR 4655 Boarding Care Home MS 144.50 & 6-16 Residents R-4 MDH DLI Required (1) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.10 & 907.2.11 Required: 1 Accessible unit, remainder Type B MR 4655 Boarding Care Home MS 144.50 & > 16 Residents 1-1 MDH DLI Required (1) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.6.1 Required: 4 % Accessible units, remainder Type B units MR 4655 Boarding and Lodging Boarding and Lodging MS 157 & < 16 residents in sleeping rooms Or < 2 dwelling units R-3 MDH Required (2) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Required: if> 3 resident sleeping units; Type B units MR 4625 Also may include: Rule 36 Intensive Residential Treatment Services MR9250.0500 to OHS MDH MR9250.0690 Boarding and Lodging MS 157 & >16 residents in sleeping rooms Or >2 dwelling units R-2 MDH Required (1) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.9 & 907.2.11 Required: Accessible units and Type B units per MR 1341 amendment to IBC 1107.6.1 MR 4625 I<30 days Boarding and Lodging MS 157 & Bed & Breakfast with 6 or more guest rooms, boarding houses > 10 occupants R-1 MDH Required (1) (6) (7) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.8 & 907.2.11 Required: Accessible units and Type B units per MR 1341 amendment to IBC 1107.6.1 MR 4625 Boarding and Lodging MS 157 & Bed and Breakfast with 5 or fewer guest rooms, R-3 MDH Dwelling Unit Smoke > 4500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (6) alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MR 4625 Boarding houses with < 10 occupants R-3 Required (2) Required: if> 3 resident sleeping units; Type B units Footnotes: (1) A NFPA 13 or 13-R fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements. (4) Usually within the caregivers residence. (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (6) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistance exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. (7) Multiunit resort buildings, as defined in MS157.15 and licensed by MDH, with less than 9250 sq. ft. of building area. (8) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC section for exceptions. Key: DHS = Department of Human Services — www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH = Department of Health — www.health.state.mn.us DLI = Department of Labor & Industry — www.dli.mn.qov SFM = State Fire Marshal —www.dps.mn.gov/divisions/sfm Additional Resources For MN Statute or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leq.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & http://licensinqlookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared and certified by MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.qov/aelslaq/index.html April 2016 2015 MBC & 2015 MFC Table 1.6 Quick Reference Guide to Senior Housing & Congregate Residence Facilities in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements. I Type of Facility MN Rule (MR) Or Statute (MS) Number of Residents Statute 2015 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers Are Fire Alarm 8. Detection Requirements(6) as amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Senior Housing Senior Housing (See MR 1305.0310) Under the scope of the 2012 IBC and having more than 2 dwelling units R-2 Required (I) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.9 & 907.2.11 Required: Accessible units and Type B units per MR 1341 amendments to IBC 1107.6.1 Senior Housing (See MR 1305.0310) 2 dwelling units under the scope of the 2012 IBC R-3 Required (2) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Required: if > 3 resident sleeping units; Type B units Senior Housing (See MR 1305.0310) 1 dwelling unit under the scope of the 2012 IBC R-3 Dwelling Unit >4500 sq. ft. (2) (4) (5) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 , Not Required ICongregate Residence Congregate Residence (3) < 16 R-3 Required (2) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Required: if > 3 resident sleeping units; Type B units Congregate Residence (3) 17 or more R-2 Required (/) 1 Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.9 & 907.2.11 Required: Accessible units and Type B units per MR 1341 amendments to IBC 1107.6.1 Footnotes: (1) A NFPA 13 or 13-R fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) No 'Personal Care Service' provided. (4) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (5) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistance exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. (6) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC section for exceptions. Key: DHS = Department of Human Services — www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH = Department of Health — www.health.state.mn.us DLI = Department of Labor & Industry — www.dlinn.qov SFM = State Fire Marshal — www.dps.mn.qov/divisions/sfm Additional Resources For MN Statute or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leq.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.usllicense/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & http://licensinqlookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared and certified by MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.qov/aelslaq/index.html April 2016 2015 MBC & 2015 MFC Table 1.7 Quick Reference Guide to Day Services & Chemical Dependency in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements. Type of Facility MN Rule (MR) Or Statute (MS) Number or Type of Residents 2015 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers Are Required (3) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements(8) fas amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 Day Services Family Adult Day Services(4) MS 245A.143 < 8 impaired adults R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS > 4500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (7) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required Day Services Facility MS 245A, MS 245D.21 Adult (9) DHS Based on Occupancy Based on Occupancy Based on Occupancy MS 245D.22 MS245D.27 to MS245D29 Chemical Dependency Treatment Program Chemical Dependency Treatment Program- Outpatient (< 24 hrs.) MR9530.6405 to NA B DHS Not Required (6) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.2 Required MR9530.6505 Chemical Dependency Treatment Program- Residential MR9530.6405 to < 5 R-3 Dwelling Unit DHS >4500 sq. ft. (2) (5) (7) Smoke alarms required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.11 Not Required MR9530.6505 Chemical Dependency Treatment Program- Residential MS 157 & 6 —16 Residents R-4 DHS Required (1) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.10 & 907.2.11 Required: 1 Accessible unit, remainder Type B MR 4625 Chemical Dependency Treatment Program- Residential MS 157 & > 16 Residents 1-1 DHS Required (1) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.6.1 Required: 4% Accessible units, remainder Type B units MR 4625 Footnotes: (1) A NFPA 13 or 13-R fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) An NFPA 13, 13-R or 13-D fire sprinkler system is required per code. (3) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements. (4) Usually within the caregivers residence. (5) Combined area on all floors, excluding garages. (6) See MR 1306 Special Fire Protection Systems for more restrictive thresholds if adopted by municipality. (7) For the purposes of these provisions, fire walls, party walls, or attached multiple fire resistance exterior walls shall only create separate buildings where providing separation from occupancies other than Group R. (8) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC section for exceptions. (9) Occupancy classification based on primary space available, scheduling of activities at other service sites and space requirements of all persons receiving services at the facility. Key: OHS = Department of Human Services —www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH = Department of Health — www.health.state.mn.us DLI = Department of Labor & Industry — www.dli.mn.qov SFM = State Fire Marshal — www.dps.mn.qov/divisions/sfm Additional Resources For MN Statute or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leq.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directory/providerselect.cfm & http://licensinqlookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared and certified by MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.qov/aelslaq/index.html April 2016 2015 MBC & 2015 MFC Table 1.8 Quick Reference Guide to Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Ambulatory Care Facilities & Outpatient Clinics in Minnesota See the Minnesota Building Code and the Minnesota Fire Code for verification of applicable construction requirements. Type of Facility MN Rule (MR) Or Statute (MS) Number or Type of Residents 2015 MSBC Occupancy Classification State Regulatory Agency When Sprinklers Are Required (2) Fire Alarm & Detection Requirements(4) fas amended) Accessibility MN Rule 1341 >24 hour care Hospital (Acute Care Facility) MS144.50 to >5 Patients incapable of self- preservation 1-2 DLI MDH Required (1) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.6.2 Required: 10% Accessible units. Accessible toilet rooms not required within acute care patient rooms. MS144.58 MS 626.557 MS 626.558 MR 4640 MR 4645 Nursing Home (Skilled Nursing Facility) MS144A.02 to >5 Patients incapable of self- preservation 1-2 MDH DLI Required (/) Required: IBC& IFC Sec. 907.2.6.2 Resident sleeping and bathing rooms comply with Health Department rules. Other areas with Accessibility Code. MS144A18 MS144.651 MS 144.652 & MR 4658 <24 hour care Ambulatory Care Facility (Outpatient Surgical Center) MS 144.55 Persons who are rendered incapable of self-preservation by the services provided B MDH DLI 1 > 4 Care Recipients incapable of self-preservation or > 1 Care Recipient incapable of self-preservation located at other than the level of exit 3 (1) () discharge IBC Required: & IFC Sec. 907.2.3 Required MS 144.122 & Also includes: End-Stage Renal Disease Facility (Kidney Dialysis) located at other than the level of exit discharge MR 4675 Required (1) . Outpatient Clinic Persons who are not rendered incapable of self-preservation by the services provided B MDH Not Required. (3) Required: IBC & IFC Sec. 907.2.2 Required Also includes: End-Stage Renal Disease Facility (Kidney Dialysis) located at the level of exit discharge Footnotes: (1) An NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required per code. (2) Refer to license for special sprinkler installation requirements. (3) See MR 1306 Special Fire Protection Systems for more restrictive thresholds if adopted by municipality. (4) See MR 1305.0907, MR 7511.0907 and the specific IBC/IFC section for exceptions. Key: DHS = Department of Human Services — www.dhs.state.mn.us MDH = Department of Health — www.health.state.mn.us DLI = Department of Labor & Industry — www.dli.mn.qov SFM = State Fire Marshal — www.dos.mn.gov/divisions/sfm Additional Resources For MN Statute or MN Rule see: www.revisor.leq.state.mn.us/pubs/ For information on licensing see: www.state.mn.us/license/content.do?mode=search For a listing of licensed health care facilities see: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/directorv/providerselect.cfm & http://licensinqlookup.dhs.state.mn.us/ For requirements for plans and specifications prepared and certified by MN licensed architect or engineer see: http://mn.qov/aelslaq/index.html April 2016 DATE: 4/7/2021 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 6222 Braeburn Circle - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property and proposed project for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review may be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included the site and floor plans dated February 26, 2021. No exterior site improvements were proposed. Thus, the Engineering Department does not have concerns or guidance apart from the following: the service availability charge for the increase in occupancy may need to be revised and paid prior to building permit issuance. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 6222 Braeburn Mar ch 22, 2021 1 in = 94 f t / Larkin Hoff man ATTORNEYS CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT March 1, 2021 City of Edina Cary Teague, Community Development Director Planning Division 4801 W 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Larkin Hoffman 8300 Norman Center Drive Suite 1000 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55437-1060 GENERAL: 952-835-3800 FAX: 952-896-3333 WEB: www.larkinhoffman.com Via Email and U.S. Mail Re: 6222 Braeburn Circle — Request for Reasonable Accommodation Dear Mr. Teague: This firm represents The Geneva Suites ("Geneva"), which operates the residential property at 6222 Braeburn Circle ("Property") in the City of Edina ("City"). The Property provides housing with services to its disabled residents ("Residents") in a single-family home environment. Geneva recently obtained a building permit to make alterations to the inside of the Property to accommodate up to ten (10) Residents. Upon subsequent inspection, the City building department directed the work to stop based on the assertion that per "state statute there can only be 6 occupants that are non-related." Permit ED183538 Comments (Dec. 10, 2020). The purpose of this letter is to confirm that the Residents are a protected class under The Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 ("FHAA" or the "Act"), and to request reasonable accommodation under the Act to allow the ten (10) Residents to occupy the Property. Background The Property is approximately 5,500 square foot residence with six (6) bedrooms with another four (4) additional bedrooms proposed in the lower level. The Property is designed to provide each of the Residents a specifically-tailored environment that allows them to interact similar to a familial unit with shared kitchen, bath and common areas, while receiving the services necessary to address their individual disabilities. The Residents receive their individualized assistance and medical services while interacting in a family-style dynamic that allows them to maintain dignity and independence. The Residents of the Property are handicapped under the FHAA, and Geneva is requesting reasonable accommodation under the FHAA from any provisions of the City Code that would prohibit the residents to reside at the Property, including any occupancy and use restrictions that have been cited by the City's building inspector. Cary Teague, Community Development Director March 1, 2021 Page 2 CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Proposed Findings The City Code and Minnesota law set out the following criteria when considering requests for a variance. 1. The proposed variance will relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and the use is reasonable. It is no accident that both federal and state law protect residents with disabilities from discrimination. Neighbors and zoning officials frequently oppose such uses and deny the disabled access to single family residential neighborhoods. As required under the FHAA, the residents of the Property are classified as handicapped; the reasonable accommodation is necessary to afford the residents an equal opportunity to use and enjoy the dwelling as non- handicapped individuals; and, the requested accommodation is reasonable. The FHAA makes it illegal to "discriminate in the sale or rental, or to otherwise make unavailable or deny, a dwelling to any buyer or renter because of a handicap of . . . that buyer or renter . . . or any person associated with that buyer or renter." 42 U.S.C. § 3604(f)(1). Discrimination under the FHAA includes "a refusal to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services, when such accommodations may be necessary to afford such person equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling." 42 U.S.C. § 3604(f)(3)(B). Discrimination further includes the refusal by the government to make reasonable accommodations to occupancy restrictions and use restrictions under the local zoning ordinance. Federal courts have repeatedly held that where zoning ordinances regulate occupancy or spacing based on familial status (i.e. related versus unrelated), in a manner that treats families different than handicapped residents of group homes, such ordinances are facially discriminatory under the FHAA. See Children's All. v. City of Bellevue, 950 F. Supp. 1491, 1497 (W.D. Wash. 1997). As noted by the courts, the practical difficulty of locating housing for the disabled in single family neighborhoods is addressed by a reasonable accommodation that allows such housing notwithstanding prescriptions contained in local law. 2. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. This finding is not applicable to the request for reasonable accommodation since it would apply equally throughout single-family neighborhoods in the City. What is most important to the inquiry is whether the request is designed to serve Residents who are recovering physically or mentally disabled. As such, the Residents are persons with a handicap under the Act. With respect to a person, "handicap," as stated and defined in the FHAA, means: (1) a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities, (2) a record of having such an impairment, or Cary Teague, Community Development Director March 1, 2021 Page 3 CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT (3) being regarded as having such an impairment, but, such term does not include current, illegal use of or addiction to a controlled substance. 42 U.S.C. §3602(h). Because the residents of the Property are physically or mentally disabled, they are therefore handicapped under the Act. Here, the reasonable accommodation is a necessity. If the variance is not approved by the City, the disabled Residents will be denied an equal opportunity to use and enjoy the housing of their choice that would otherwise be afforded to members of a single family. A supportive group dynamic that replicates a familial environment is proven to be effective in improving mental and physical health and quality of life. Without the proposed reasonable accommodation, the Residents will be denied the opportunity to reside at the Property in the supportive setting that is necessary for success in addressing their disabilities. 3. Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. Although the Property could arguably be relocated to a zoning district in which the use is a permitted or conditional use under the City Code, that fact does not exempt the City from making reasonable accommodation under the FHAA. "The FHAA protects disabled persons' right to live in the dwelling of their choice, not some property within the community." United States v. City of Chicago Heights, 161 F. Supp. 2d 819, 841 (N.D. Ill. 2001). Accordingly, the fact that the proposed use may be allowed elsewhere in the community is irrelevant. In Chicago Heights, the court addressed this type of objection by the city: Under the City's logic, a city could always prevail by showing that there were other locations available for the [group] home to locate somewhere in the city. However the FHAA does not only outlaw discrimination in the denial of all housing; it outlaws discrimination in the denial of particular dwellings. Id. at 836. The proposed reasonable accommodations would neither impose a burden on the City, nor would it create a fundamental alteration of the City's zoning scheme. With respect to accommodations of zoning requirements, an accommodation is not "reasonable" if it would: 1) impose an undue financial or administrative burden on a local government, or 2) if the requested modification to zoning requirements would create a fundamental alteration in a local government's land use and zoning scheme. Joint Statement of the Dept. of Justice and the Dept. of Housing and Urban Dev't, Group Homes, Local Land Use, and the Fair Housing Act (August 18, 1999). With respect to the first criteria, the proposed reasonable accommodation will not impose any financial burden on the City. The residents of Property will be supported by various state and county programs, including CADI Waiver and Medical Assistance, and create no additional burden on City staff or finances. The second criterion for reasonableness is whether the accommodation would result in a fundamental alteration of the land use or zoning scheme, or as some courts have stated, whether CITY OF EDINA Cary Teague, Community MAR 0 3 2021 Development Director March 1, 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Page 4 the requested accommodation would "undermine the basic purpose which the requirement seeks to achieve." United States. v. Village of Marshall, 787 F. Supp. 872 (W.D. Wis. 1991). In the R-1 District, dwellings are limited to not more than one dwelling unit. City Code Sec. 36-433. The City's ordinance does not limit the number of individuals that can reside in a residence as part of a family. As a result, a family may lawfully consist of more than the ten (10) persons proposed to reside at the Property. 4. Not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. As proposed in this application, it cannot be said that the reasonable accommodation of the Property would fundamentally alter the City's zoning scheme. Under the FHAA, the City cannot allow a single family of ten (10) persons solely because those residents are related, but deny reasonable accommodation to allow ten (10) handicapped persons to occupy the same family- like setting. Such a refusal would deny an equal opportunity to use and enjoy the dwelling in violation of the FHAA. In determining what is a "reasonable" accommodation under the Act, federal courts and agencies have relied on several factors, including: the operation of the facility, the size and number of bedrooms, and the occupancy required to be financially feasible as a facility. In its published guidance, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has stated that "an occupancy policy of two persons in a bedroom, as a general rule, is reasonable under the Fair Housing Act." Fair Housing Enforcement—Occupancy Standards; Notice, 63 Fed. Reg. 70,982 (HUD Dec. 22, 1998). It is important to distinguish a request for reasonable accommodation from the protections for congregate living facilities under Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357, subd. 7, which ensures that group homes licensed under chapter 144D serving six or fewer persons are to be allowed as a permitted single-family residential use of property for the purposes of zoning. This language explicitly protects group homes from being otherwise discriminated against under occupancy restrictions that limit the number of unrelated occupants. It should be noted that this statute is intended to eliminate discrimination against residents of licensed group homes and cannot be relied upon to justify the refusal to make reasonable accommodations necessary to afford handicapped persons equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. The FHAA preempts both state and local land use regulations when the effect is to discriminate in the sale or rental, or to otherwise make unavailable or deny, a particular dwelling because of a handicap of a buyer or renter. See Smith & Lee Associates, Inc. v. City of Taylor, Mich., 102 F.3d 781, 799 (6th Cir. 1996). Conclusion The proposed reasonable accommodation is appropriate under the FHAA because the Residents of the Property are disabled under the Act, the reasonable accommodation is necessary, and the request is reasonable. If not for the proposed reasonable accommodations, the Residents will be excluded from R-1 District and denied the right to live at the Property in a setting that is designed to best manage and treat their disability. Geneva respectfully requests that the City Cary Teague, Community Development Director March 1, 2021 Page 5 CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT provide reasonable accommodation under the Act to protect the rights of Residents to reside at the Property. Please contact me with any questions about this letter or for additional information as may be necessary to act on this request. Thank you. Sincerely, William C. Griffith, for Larkin Hoffman Direct Dial: 952-896-3290 Direct Fax: 952-842-1729 Email: wgriffith@larkinhoffman.com cc: David Kendall, City Attorney 4829-8302-6142, v. 1 The Geneva Suites EXCEPTIONAL SENIOR RESIDENTIAL L I VI N G To: David S. Kendall, City Attorney City of Edina CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT From: Scott Hemenway The Geneva Suites Date: March 1, 2021 Re: 6222 Braeburn Circle 1. What are all impairments from which all current residents currently suffer, and what are all impairments from which Geneva Suites expects that any future residents may suffer? Mobility constraints due to spinal cord injury, Mobility constraints due to fracture of femur, Neuralgic amyotrophy, Quadriplegia, Neuromuscular dysfunction, Morbid obesity, Alzheimer's disease, Dementia 2. What will be the greatest number of res idents living at the home at one time? Ten residents; one per room 3. What is the greatest number of other employees (i.e. caretakers, Care Partners, etc.) expected to be on-site at one time? Three to four at maximum, including one nurse and two to three caregivers at a time. 4. What state agency 1 icens ur e s does this facility currently have? Minnesota Department of Health Comprehensive Home Care License Number: 397697 5. What food preparation licenses does this facility currently have? None. Food is prepared offsite at facilities licensed by the City of Bloomington LCB202100021 12207 Wood Lake Drive. Burnsville. Minnesota 55337Phone: 612-208-8888 l Fax: 952-891-8100 1 TheGenevaSuites .corn 6. What changes will be required to this facility's current state licensure if the facility houses more than six residents? CITY OF EDINA None. Additional residents will be covered under current license. MAR 0 3 2021 7. How is the Care Facility classified under Minn. R. 1305.0302? PLANNING DEPARTMENT The facility has a Housing with Services certificate from Minnesota Department of Health HFID: 33436. 8. What are the current and future residents' capacities for self-preservation in the event ofany emergency as determined by program licensure provisions? Residents range from independent to one person assist in the event of an emergency. 9. What type of fire sprinkler system and smoke detector system does the facility currently have? See attached Code Analysis from Andy Campbell Design Company, dated February 28, 2021 10. What type of fire sprinkler system and smoke detector system will be installed in the future, if different from what the facility currently has? See attached Code Analysis from Andy Campbell Design Company, dated February 28, 2021 11. Please provide a complete Code Study Analysis. See attached Code Analysis from Andy Campbell Design Company, dated February 28, 2021 4812-8395-6446, v. 4 12207 Wood Lake Drive. Burnsville, Minnesota 55337Phone: 612-208-8888 I Fax: 952-891- 8100 I TheGenevaSuites .com 12207 Wood Lake Drive, Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Phone : 612-208-8888 I Fax: 952 - 891- 8100 I TheGenevaSuites .com The Geneva Suites E X C E P T I O N A L SENIOR RESIDENTIAL L I VI N G To: From: Date: Re: David S. Kendall, City Attorney City of Edina Scott Hemenway The Geneva Suites March 1, 2021 (Updated March 16, 2021) 6222 Braeburn Circle l. What are all impairments from which all current residents currently suffer, and what are all impairments from which Geneva Suites expects that any future residents may suffer? Mobility constraints due to spinal cord injury, Mobility constraints due to fracture of femur, Neuralgic amyotrophy, Quadriplegia, Neuromuscular dysfunction , Morbid obesity, Alzheimer's disease, Dementia 2. What will be the greatest number of res idents living at the home at one time? Ten residents; one per room 3. What is the greatest number of other employees (i.e. caretakers, Care Partners, etc.) expected to be on-site at one time? Three to four at maximum, including one nurse and two to three caregivers at a time. 4. What state agency licensures does this facility currently have? Minnesota Department of Health Comprehensive Home Care License Number: 397697 5. What food preparation licenses does this facility currently have? None. Food is prepared offsite at facilities licens ed by the City of Bloomington LCB202100021 12207 Wood Lake Drive, Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Phone : 612-208-8888 I Fax: 952 - 891- 8100 I TheGenevaSuites .com 6. What changes will be required to this facility's current state licensure if the facility houses more than six residents? None. Additional residents will be covered under current license. 7. How is the Care Facility classified under Minn. R. 1305.0302? The facility has a Housing with Services certificate from Minnesota Department of Health HFID: 33436. 8. What are the current and future residents' capacities for self-preservation in the event of any emergency as determined by program licensure provisions? Residents range from independent to one person assist in the event of an emergency. 9. What type of fire sprinkler system and smoke detector system does the facility currently have? See attached Code Analysis from Andy Campbell Design Company, dated February 28, 2021 10. What type of fire sprinkler system and smoke detector system will be installed in the future, if different from what the facility currently has? See attached Code Analysis from Andy Campbell Design Company, dated February 28, 2021 11. Please provide a complete Code Study Analysis. See attached Code Analysis from Andy Campbell Design Company, dated February 28, 2021 Additional Questions from City Attorney, dated March 16, 2021: 12. You responded that there will be three to four staff on site at one time. How many staff will be on site during the day and during which hours? How many staff will be on site at night and during which hours? See attached shift schedule and proposed shift schedule. Please note that the addition of four residents only results in one additional caregiver on site at any time. 12207 Wood Lake Drive, Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Phone : 612-208-8888 I Fax: 952 - 891- 8100 I TheGenevaSuites .com 13. What is the delivery Schedule for the meals that are dropped off from the Bloomington location or elsewhere? Meals and other nonfood deliveries occur in the afternoon on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 14. What other deliveries will be occurring on a regular basis and what is the schedule for those deliveries? None – as noted, nonfood deliveries occur at the same time as food deliveries. 15. Please provide a parking plan showing where it is proposed that delivery drivers, maintenance crews, staff, visitors, all other individuals coming to the site would park. See attached parking plan. Please note that no additional parking is required. 16. How often and on what schedule will yard maintenance, building maintenance, medical equipment maintenance, cleaning, and other functions occur? What is the anticipated schedule and hours of each type of maintenance? Cleaning and equipment maintenance occur daily with onsite staff. Please note that no additional personnel or staffing are required for these daily functions. 17. What is Geneva Suites’ visiting policy during a normal, non-pandemic conditions? How many visitors are allowed per resident and during what hours? See attached policy. 18. Is there currently an elevator in the building? If so, what size and capacity is the elevator and are any changes proposed to the size or capacity of the elevator? A residential elevator with a capacity of two to three people will be added as part of the renovation. 4812-8395-6446, v. 5 SHEET INDEX CVR COVER SHEET / PROPOSED SITE PLAN LS1.0 LIFE SAFETY CODE PLAN A1.0 EXISTING LOWER LEVEL I DEMO PLAN A2.0 PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL PLAN 42.1 PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN A4.0 ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS GENEVA SUITES 6222 BRAEBURN UNCLE, EDINA, MN PERMIT DRAWINGS 2-26-21 TOILET ROOM FIXTURES LAVATORY-PLAN TOILET -SIDE WALL ACCESSORY HEIGHTS of 2 MR11012 FE. CAR. F.E. COAT HOOK OAIN STATION PLANNING DEPARTMENT THE FOLLOWING ISA SUMMARY OF THE APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES: MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE (SBC) 2020 EDITION 2015 EDITION 2015 EDITION 2015 EDITION 2014 EDITION 2018 EDITION 2020 EDITION 2020 EDITION MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE (SPC) INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE (IFGC) NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) MINNESOTA FIRE CODE MINNESOTA ACCESSIBILITY CODE MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE CAICI1 eaq FIM MORMI 003FR POLE wer•ICIE - MEMO. MO. - MM. TRAOMMILER GAM MM. - Loll TRU -S- • SAMMY MICR 10. -0- 001E0 ute - CAS STOM1 DRAM 303 -E- 01101.4.13 MILM - CM40PETE 901.FACE H CJ •0 DISt130 IMMO. 11mIt 4.320 Sq. rt. eatettoa OMR t.440 El. Ft. COmmtt surfaces 0,0ae M. ft. Mt. tallt 340 Sq. Ft. TSTu snsrlrk w00002* ,are se,. 0210 w Lar 04,210 w. `4: FEMUR. OF 1133000VEP TO LOT 16.M 01111110 1211000 03.31403E Mom* 4,320 14. Cl. Patty tack 1,00 49. ft. Met crane MFA 6 LOT 2::1: 1131E00124E OF 044004414 10 tOT 1.55 CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 firaeburn Circle 7.13.7• thmoo 0 oar rk. pl LEGEND PROJECT DRECTORY ARCHITECT: Andy C.:inpboil Design Company Andy Campbell 612-432-1891 andy@acdestudio.com CONTRACTOR: Schaefco Development Tim Brown 612-802-6948 Tim@schaefco.com GENERAL NOTES 1. All dimensions shall be field verified prior to construction. Do not scale drawings. 2. Perimeter dimensions are to face of concrete or ext. face of wall sheathing. 3. Interior dimensions are to face of stud. 3. Verify all existing site conditions and provide necessary adjustments for construction. 5. All structural members to be sized accordingly by structural engineer. Do not substitute structural members without engineer signoff. LIMAL DT St 121 20. 131oek 2. DR. FMAR IIILLS,Ifroasrsa County. bliltae.olt SIT/PF. (IT WORK Sc LIMITATIONS I. Mnivtas at le tsa cael iireeleoe k's. of tit: lepl ..lrestirtioe IhtooI .ol000 the lope of our servka doer Ilk inel•de *Undoing %Int )ou cm2. n 1,kb Ls A Itul Nita. flewe checl. to coot dextirEou with>our teem& 1r con0A with comp:teat 1e‘21 allkei, if meesear,.... k, make arc chiit le erareet mad at any nun ki ax, caeignetru. that you wilh to be irtelikka on to Pater Eat Keno 112,0 0 2. Aiming at 4w-Liaod,Jrrr.ale.nliry inw0ernea6nr den rece,san 6a the moNey. 1. Setting mliVey maces or serifyIng esiming eunty inah-ere :oestabRib it. morn ot propetty. 4. Showing end label:sing I:amnions static/ cosemge of Ibt lot for yoar mina Leil for he resin,. of such governmenlal apocia that nay Loo judidiction mer that teuaittireolf to serify they ore eormtly shown before rorcsvcding nigh eon:tn.:gm S. Showing ckvatior.... on the site u Aelceted linallons to yin some balk:anon of Or toroperhy of the site. We lava el. 'Ionia-NI a bendatiark for cola ase ik delenainin‘eleNations for coseentaion or this site.110 elevations shown able rely to Ike benehmuL pnAided on Ibh aunty. Nee hat heeehrrak and cheek 0 lean one otter realm shoun or the vary uteri dolour intIg mher e' evations for ma to this site or before Inionino coanructioa. • Nae thot buildiar Jamul.. coil bti!dingkedimeroiatr to the 7topetV lin., as tato roan the Mins zed ot aarw ofthebilding STANI/ARI) !WHAMS & L'ON%'RNTIONS: 40' Demote irate aunty marker. sol, unite, ealeeraile noted. AC DC ANDY CAMPBELL DESIGN COMPANY Signature theralay cony thet.pla‘ somtkatimmemort as prmamt m•or uncle 01 4124 suommet act* tmstemdaMeM Lam cf Me SIYMMIMmeta 4111 11117 '&gnahme Andrew Campbell Name g:tudy 16, 3011 49940 Regtsealion Number Architect kw/ can,bol owe, cm,Pan/ mE200,33 Suto mentapas1414 5500 012-3k,7.1 kkkkOkikkIKIOCtfn Current Issue PERMIT DRAWINGS 2-20 21 Revision History IMO Sheet Title COVER SHEET Sheet Number CVR SITE PIAN SCALE:1/32' OACIDC 2021 CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPAATMEN MEM MOTES • NEW 1W UTI Wt' rat X OVP 130 NOES .10551,101W ODIFAYSE111•111A1C01 • PROM! 1 Wt R41.0,01114.00.1..10A541%1V MIOUCHOUT lOrial MEL awn ID LAY015 r MEC OUP 00.4110 01.5151e0 105000 JOISTS 016. OC ®NEfi =1.5 NO raLLS To Pm. WORK AREA: 2567 SF TOTAL WORK AREA: 2767 SF / 7,785 SF = 36% OF BUILDING Sri / LOWER LEVEL LIFE SAFETY PLAN SCAM 3/16. ELI WORK AREA: 200 SF accessible entrance BATH Id 1 hr RECEP11. ani P.GR000.1 IBL 1 hr 1711 m .11413111, BEI ELCF30,11 MAIN LEVEL LIFE SAFETY PLAN SCALE: 3/16. = 1-2 TYPE 5-A 27 OCC 4) -+-1 C.RE,R001 eEr 00 Lip Erl I=IE,,P,01011.5 TO REV.V1 PROJECT NARRATIVE: This code review pertains to the existing structure and proposed renovations at 6222 Braeburn Circle. This review is conducted using the 2020 Minnesota Building Code, 2020 MN Accessibility Code, 2020 Minnesota Fire Code, and the 2020 Minnesota Conservation Code for Existing Buildings (using the Work Area Compliance Method given in Chapters 6 through 12 as a Level 2 alteration as the work area does not exceed 50% of the building area.) Existing building at 6222 Braeburn Circle is type 5-B with NFP13R sprinkler system throughout. There is one above grade level and one below grade level. Current use is for housing with services facility of 6 residents, all of whom may NOT be capable of self-preservation. Proposed use is for additional 4 residents (10 total), all of whom may not be capable of self-preservation. License of facility is for Housing with Services, with staff on-duty at all hours. Type 5-B construction is not an allowed construction type for 1-2 occupancies, so the entire work area and lower level must be brought up to type 5-A construction with 1-hr protected exterior walls, bearing walls, and floor/ceiling construction. Our interpretation of the code is that this is only required in the work area and throughout the entire level where a work area exceeds 50% of the floor area (lower level). Building official to review these proposed fire-resistance ratings per 2020 MN Conservation Code section 802.6. Proposed occupancy classification is 1-2, condition 1 (308.3.1.1). Project is not considered a change in use as the existing use falls into the same category of 1-2, condition 1. Per MNCC 805.4 two exits are required in the work area. Per 805.8 Exit signs are required where applicable throughout the work area. An NFPA 13 sprinkler system is required for the proposed work area per 2020 MN Building Code (903.2.6). The building is currently sprinklered with an NFPA 13R system. 2020 MN Conservation Code section 803.2.2 provides an exception: If the building does not have sufficient municipal water supply for design of a fire sprinkler system available to the floor without installation of a new fire pump, work areas shall be protected by an automatic smoke detection system throughout all occupiable spaces other than sleeping units or individual dwelling units that activates the occupant notification system In accordance with Sections 907.4, 907.5 and 907.6 of the International Building Code. This building meets the requirement of the exception in that the building does not have sufficient municipal water supply for the design of an NFPA 13 system. As an alternate to this exception, we are proposing to extend the existing NFPA 13R system throughout the work area as an automatic smoke detection system does not seem to provide reasonable life safety for the proposed use and the extension of the existing NFPA 13R system is a reasonable upgrade to the building. A manual and automatic fire alarm system is required In Group 1-2 occupancies per MNBC [F]907.2.6.2. Per MNCC 803.4.1.3 an automatic fire alarm system is required throughout the work area. Carbon monoxide detection is required per 915.1.1 and Smoke alarms are required per 907.2.10.2 throughout the work area. An accessible route is required throughout the building per MN Accessibility Code Section 1104. Per MNBC TABLE 1107.6.1.1 (1) sleeping unit is required to be accessible; the remaining units are required to be Type B. Per MNBC TABLE 1107.6.1.3, (2) sleeping units are required to be provided with accessible communication features, including: 1.Audible and visual alarms complying with ICC A117.1; and 2.Visual notification devices to alert room occupants of a door knock or bell. Notification devices shall not be connected to visual alarm signal appliances. SYMBOL DESIGIATONS 28 —313 fr A-3 TYPE II-B ...., ... E 'EXIT' ---. ..„...= --. GENERAL BUIU)NG RECUIREkENTS PER MINNESOTA STATE BUILD/1G CODE IBC. MEINESOTA STATE BUILDING CONSERVATION CODE. OTHERS HEM ISSUE CHAPTER/ ARTICLE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENT ACTUAL REMARKS A OCCUPANCY GROUP a -HOUSFIGISTSERVICES IT BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPE SA C BUILDING AREA TABLE 503 $2003 SF MAX (S0 7.715 SF 0 UUIL01110 HEIC/IT TABLE 503 I STORY ABOVE GRADE I STORY ABOVE GRADE F SEPARATED USE TABLE 508.4 I W8E112E0154 l TB (EXCEPTION 10 NA G FRE RESISTANCE OF BUILDING ELEMENTS TABLE 601 STRUCTURAL FRAME I HOURS I HOURS W000 THANE CCNSTRUCDON ON CW FOIN BEARING WALL • EX TERM INCURS I HOURS WOOD STUD WALLS BEARING WALL •INTERIOR I HOURS I HOURS W031) STUD WALLS NONBEARING WALLS ANO PARTITIONS - INIEFUOR °HOURS °HOURS WOOD STUD WALLS FLOOR CONSTUCTION I HOURS I HOURS W000 BEAMS A TOISPJ ROOF CONSIUCTION I HOURS' °HOURS W000 BEAMS A JOISTS • ire probcIon oISSIMISSI members in tool consancIon shall nal be requied H EGRESS TABLE 1015.1 SINN LEVEL LI TREATMENT): 22:69SF/210 =9P (INPATIENT I2 (SLEEPING AREAS? IATSFILTO a UP STORAGE 1,119 SF/100 = IP TOTAL 22P LONER LEVEL 12 °SPAREST TREATMENT): 1,514sma= ip AREAST IS ISLEEPMG 911STI120.11P STORAGE/Kat 70211FR03= IP LOANER LEVEL TOTAL HIP J EKITACCESS TRAVEL DIST. TABLE 101E2 EMT ACCESS TRAVEL OST: 200 MAX K COMMON PATH TABLE I0032 ICOMMON PAIN OF TRAVEL 75. MAR I ACCESSIBLE ROUTE 1107.4 Eacemke 4 Tor R-2 ocaspanno an cassia* route is nd rept ed lo conned Lanes a nnizasnes wawa attesang e un is, II cannon we mem wring accesnble mt a and Al gnabbc Use rem re on en accesHble M.. ACCESSIBLE ROUTE IS PROVUED FOR COMMON SPACES AND ACCESSIBLE UNITS IN ADJACENT BUILDING AC DC ANDY CAMPBELL DESIGN COMPANY Signature I holty artly 014 ihts Oa, sp.k.atornornprot ty me a .30.nly bed supoweo .10. 1 m adAV argOtod 03. 5d toviKtho La. A OM SU. dr-10ms. 41111 /1117 1.3,1011Jre Andrew Campbell Name Malay 26.202.4 Dale Architect MeV Ca ...91C.V.V us E 101/1. S•1•13 Fenntapc4041155.1 15042,304 annoPacncsenfoccen Current Issue PERMIT DRAWINGS 2 28 21 Revision History Isenclfct Sheet Title CODE ANALYSIS Sheet Number A0.0 OACDC, 2024 DEMOLITION SYMBOL KEY EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN BigirreABWRI EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED EXISTING LOWER LEVEL/ DEMO PLAN SCALE:1/ 4' =1..0' LL- SI ALA 01.1). = = = = I II 1 L 1=1 1 1 , %_ . '-'r. < 0.0 00-0. ,-, .1: 0.0 *CV 1 1- 1 L'I=EX1311149EILI i 1 1 I - NG WALL 1 OFFICE 1 i DEN I r - 1 00 7 I CIO 01,0. I 1 01.0 00.4. EASILY ROOM I I CIO COO' I I I I STORAGE 1 EVE GIG TO' 0 . 41- -I"r:— tre III i DAM 0 055. Os ENTRY 0.0a O u u_T ELE0 WATETZPPLY JRNACE 1 MECHANICAL 10101 010®Cu' GEM° FURIUN0 WALLS, MAINTNN 4. ALONG FOUNDATION WAGS _> re DEMOStAll 100 LIFT 4,5" REC ROOM EDI 01.0 4)(1,0. UNE...JEDi i / / / / / / / / / Eli 01.0 RIM HALL 0.0 ACV v oo cl I OFFICE 2 01.0 BO' BATH ELI I I II II II STORAGE 2 I on j 01.0 WO' CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT AC DC ANDY CAMPBELL DESIGN COMPANY U) 0:1) E z cu CD Z (1) C (C C51 0) 0 %I W13 Signature 1 NAotry cirtlythitto pin smAue.on amp.. papa. m•crtroclereny suAtAn. a-K1 Out Ian ad* regentrod =N. tn../ Ow Ion cll..* cnInntsola *JAM e hi V Andrew Carmbett Name FebnAmy Anal Date 49946 Ttegstratal Nirnber Architect m Ar MY Vnoe.. cmlpay Wa51..15 mp.0.1 02-351. .44.1alml7.04 ucto Current Issue PERMIT DRAWINGS 2-28 21 Revision History 145.0474, Sheet Title EXISTING LOWER LEVELI DEMO PI AN Sheet Number A1.0 0000C. 2021 STORAGE 1 0.000-2 055 OSS -6 ENTRY 1 003 1 MG NEW LOT PLR BEDROOM I 1 007 1 NEW r W IC 0.0 tr NEW LV VI L 12-9' HALL NEW .E GRE 55 3,10" 13,0' NEW-EGRESS -10' 5.4. 3910' 11,0" AC DC ANDY CAMPBELL DESIGN COMPANY CONTRACTOR TO VEFUFTFURMNG DEPTH. HMO 4" CLEAR FROM FOUNDATION UNEXCAVATED i I Sheet Title PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL PLAN Sheet Number 4.-5. FINISHED HOISTWAY (HOLD) 6415' STORAGE I 017 I Signature Usk*, clay that th, RA, Nne.6c....1<r ,an as Froparl4 Ey me aurpformy supelvis/an rldlhaD an a 5* regetered wchte under the cl111•Std• al1.1nomea NEW WALLS 1-1E/OSTING WALLS TO REMNN Andrew Campbell Name February 06.201s Date 49940 kogstraboo Number Architect An*ConFbet Dann C.cmpan, X.th Y. Sure 13 ninnea,410.4 %Km ..144.1.,...10 coo Current Issue PERMIT DRAWINGS 2-20 21 Revision History Date Issueff 6'.0' ADA BATH l:1*= ao O EM NEW ME WE ELECT HEA 5'.6' BEDROOM 4 GUS OE-0' NEW Lvirtii 1016 I WREYNEYi6OFFITI4GT. NEW I.VTFUI 3 BEDROOM 3 1 018 1 01.0 01.0. NEW INTRA STORAGE 2 -H CLO Btra• NEVI LVT FLR Nati° WALL OVER FIREPLACE I 002 Elf C CIG B/ MECHANICAL I oio I /RN CE CLG TM' 4, 2,4' 3,0. s HALL 0-6S0' 6'-3}5• 1 008 2,10' GIG 1T-0. NEV/LVTFVL -""411111111W 1211 GI or-o. TEG 11 LE W/ EGT HEAT GIG O E.G. NEW TEE WE ELECT HEAT — / / /• / • / / / I / / Inn I/OU WW1 BEDROOM 2 cos 1 ATER SUPPLY PROVIDE WOCO SU SING KR LIFT PROVIDER REC ROOM I 012 I CLG PIER LVTFLR CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROPOSED LOWER LEVEL PLAN GAG *EV NEVI LVT PLR PLAN KEYNOTES: 1. Provide this sleeping unit with Audible and visual alarms eompNing with ICC A117.1; and Visual notification devices to alert room occupants of a door knock or bell. 2. Provide blacking in wall for future installation of grab bars at shower and toilet. 3. Provide ADA grab bars 4. All furnishings, doors, hardware, and equipment this unit lobe accessible per hill Accessibility Code Section 1002 S. All fixtures, dearances, accessories, and hardware this restroom to comply with MII Accessibility Code Section 603. At least con lavatory, one water closet and either a bathtub or shower within the unit shall comply with Sections 604 through 610. 6. Provide 1 hr rated floor/ceiling assembly this space in addition to entire work area GENERAL NOTES. • ALL NEWWALLS 2x4 STUD Yet TYPE %GYP BD BOTH SCES UNLESS NITE0 OTHERWISE Ii RR RATED) • PROVIDE 1 :IR RAPN FCR FLOORMUNG ASSEMBLY DIRCA1GROUTLOWER LEVEL WITH (2)LAYERS r TYPE C GYP BOARD FASTENED TOWCK0 JOISTS 016"0C PREFIMSHED DOORS 6 MU.WORK THROUGMCOTLONER LEVEL FAMILY ROOM I 013 I 01.0 0 04 /1EW LW FLO re NEW • EGRESS 6,2W 16-0' SCALE:1/4" =1,0' A2.0 OACDC2021 [ 00 10 0 51 BEDROOM n J L GARAGE hIUDROOM LAUNDRY POWDER 1 117 1 LJl KITCHEN Signature Own:W.140..0n r&P.., Nm.a...my and supernlia, and*. I on ad* roanteredarchtedundv. 1.6 ofthe Rao .1 ..14.saa 41111 5.918tue Andrew Campbell Name February as. 202t Only 49940 RegsbatIon Mabel Architect • 11E En cs s S. Dcam 13 ,nntaapcis14455.10.1 .2%40.4 BEDROOM NOTE: FIELOVERIFT FLOOR TO HOOK HEIGHTS 7.7 LIVING ROOM • DINING ROOM IIALL 1 108 I • DATIL 11021 BATH 1 104 1 \ / O SHARED BATH tot 1 BEDROOM PG GREAT ROOM 13EDROOP.1 3 1 107 I BEDROOM #4 BEDR0()1.1 05 103 I • 4. C SEW VERIICA •ATFORN LIF STORAGE 1 120 1 CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT AC DC ANDY CAMPBELL DESIGN COMPANY LLCIXJ Y 1 -NEW WALLS DOSING WALLS TO REMAIN Current Issue PERMIT DRAWINGS 2-20 21 Revision History Sheet Title PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN Sheet Number PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN A2.1 SCALE:1/4..1,V oacoc..0a PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION SCALE:1/4" L, B.0 115 0r MAIN LEVEL SU BFLocedn LOWER LEVEL B.O. JOISTS pi, 98*-111/)".. T.CL LOWERLEVEL CONC SUB 981 1' ELEVSLABA 9B- r — / — D,......• I I • I I / --1---A4------1 c—L,—,r. 1 - \ ' 1 I ii l ' . 1 1 r' I I z I I IIIII \IIII ADA BATH 016 ELEVATIONS SCALE:I/2' = / / / / i. — 1 1 is I _. im I Pm I I \ lili . di I INE ml 11 l L.111; MOW 1 KM lekWAVII 1 W2minis M I .. I I 3 0 9'11'PS' LINEN CAB. SCI-ID SURFACE FLOATNG COUNTERTOP & SINK FOLD-DOWN SHOWER SEAT CERAMIC WALL TILE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAB BARS FCC:I-DOWN SHOWER SEAT WALK-IN TUB CERAMIC WALL J TILE 2X8 GERING JOIST (VERIFY) A II V II I I II I I I I I I I .... I I I 17 JOISTS (VERIFY) I I I I 271CTI: ITICST FLOORT Vigh's FOR FIIIAL ELEV. INSTALL II I I ..;%*--1 . I I I I I I I I I I II II II II s,sr II FINISHED HOISTWAY (HOLD) ? ANON CONC / PIT W/ GYP. NN (ALL SIDES) ;,.• • FLOOR TO BE SMOOTH AND LEVEL, CONSTRUCTED OF 4' CONC. MIN SECTION THROUGH ELEV. SHAFT Signature Lax aRca.en a report. prepred by rm.. or unctsr 4.44 vrentwor, ad [1. I an ae4y reg.. art ht...the tax cf.S....lonfuts 41 hi V Signature Andrew Campbell Name Febniani 26.202. Date 4994e Registrabco Number Architect An* Carnplad DrIgtCcenpary anE att. 1.1nwpcis MN VAN 0.354-7.1 Current Issue PERMIT DRAWINGS 2-28 21 Rev'sion History oair IsandFa. Sheet Title ELEVATIONS & SECTIONS Sheet Number A4.0 CACDC 2021 SCALE 1' =1'-0' CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY FURRING DEPTH. HOLD 4' CLEAR FROM FOUNDATION HOISTWAY WALLS MUST BE PLUMB, SQUARE, AND TURNOVER FINISHED BEFORE MIR INSTALLATION. COIRRACTOR TO PROVIDE BUCKING FOR HOISTWAY TOWER SAW CUT EXLSTING BASEMENT CONC. SLAB FOR NEW ELEV. PIT. CITY OF EDINA MAR 0 3 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMEN-I SHOWER CONTROLS GRAB BARS T.P. DISP. ADA-HEIGHT TOILET CERAMIC WALL TILE LINEN CAB. MIRROR SOLID SURFACE FLOATING COUNTERTOP & SIM( GRAB BARS ADA-HEIGHT TORE T CERAMIC WALL TILE 1111111102: --------- ----- I r1 IIIk ILII III .12:21111 I I H I I, 1 1 1 15.4o 1 1 [ - , ' • , NEW • EGRESS, / .. , s .. HEW • • . NEW / e 'NEW ,EGRESS • ''. _ SID PATCH-‘ NG _ _ N /NEW s EGRESS ' ' PAT FH i SIDING r-f --.7)11-0-- 1 11 GENERAL NOTE ALL IXTERIOR MATERIALS, FINISHES, DETAILS, ETC. TO MATCH EXISTING, U.ILO. AC DC ANDY CAMPBELL DESIGN COMPANY TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: COVER PAGE 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 1 of 15 ARROW LIFT Business: (763) 786-3234 Toll Free: 1-888-815-4387 Fax: (763) 786-1281 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 of 15: Cover Page (Current Page) Page 2 of 15: Specifications Page 3 of 15: Lift Assembly Elevation Views Page 4 of 15: Lift Assembly Plan View Page 5 of 15: Lower Landing Door Details Page 6 of 15: Upper Landing Door Details Page 7 of 15: Hoistway Construction Elevation Views Page 8 of 15: Hoistway Construction Plan View Page 9 of 15: Electrical WBO Elevation Views Page 10 of 15: Electrical WBO Plan View Page 11 of 15: Lift Tower Electrical Termination Details Page 12 of 15: Lower Landing Door Electrical Details Page 13 of 15: Upper Landing Door Electrical Details Page 14 of 15: Disconnect Wiring Diagram Page 15 of 15: Static Loading Table Reviewed By (please print):_________________ Date:_________________ Signature:_________________ Approved: Approved as Noted: Signature indicates that you have reviewed all attached pages and acknowledge responsibility for Work By Others and for the equipment configuration. Drawings are for fabrication purposes and may not be indicative of exact site layout. Equipment will not be released for manufacturing until signed drawings are returned to Arrow Lift. Projected Dates are used for Arrow Lift and manufacturing scheduling purposes. Projected Site Ready for Lift Date:___________________ Projected Electrical Rough-In Completion Date:___________________ Verify Floor to Floor Measurement:___________________ TRADE NOTES BY COLOR Red: Electrical Magenta: Low Voltage Blue: Framing/General Construction Green: Structural/Loading Project Manager Jeremy Kness Direct: (218) 464-3179 Jeremy.Kness@Arrow-Lift.com TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: SPECIFICATIONS 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE 2 of 15 PAGEREAD AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ ELECTRICAL DATA POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE AMPERAGE PHASE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS DRIVE:LANDINGS SERVICED: EXIT CONFIGURATION: LOWER ENTRY: MID ENTRY: INTERLOCKS: TRAVEL:TOTAL ELEVATION CHANGE: UPPER ENTRY: STANDARD FEATURES 1 PHASE UPPER:MID:LOWER: CALLS:UPPER:MID:LOWER: TOWER LOCATION: CLEAR FLOOR SIZE: INDOOR/OUTDOOR: COLOR: OTHER OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: WITH NON-SLIP SURFACE CAPACITY: 750 LBS. SPEED: LED DIAGNOSTICR/CS TOP CAP SWITCH ETL LISTED CONTROLLER PLATFORM WITH NON-SLIP SURFACE ACME SCREW, ACCELERATED INDOOR LEFT HAND 2 PIT 3"118"121" IVORY 36" X 60" ENTER/EXIT SAME SIDE RIGHT HAND LANDING GATE STD SURFACE MOUNT N/A N/A N/A RIGHT HAND LANDING GATE STD SURFACE MOUNT 115 UPPER & LOWER: CHANNEL SILL PLATES, 2) OVERHEAD OPEARTORS, PHONE WIRE ONLY, SLIMLINE PHONE, PIT SWITCH, STANDBY POWER PACKAGE 20 FPM ILLUMINATED EMERGENCY STOP WITH ALARM TOP MOUNTED MOTOR AND CONTROLLER MANUAL LOWERING WRENCH 1 1/4" ROUND GRAB RAIL 20 AMP READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: ASSEMBLY ELEVATION VIEW 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 3 of 15 UPPER & LOWER GATES NOT SHOWN 21 2" RUN CLR53" FINISHED HOISTWAY (HOLD) 501 2" EQUIPMENT145" MAIN TOWER12312" MAIN ANCHOR POINT10212" ALTERNATIVE ANCHOR POINTFRONT VIEW UPPER LANDING 361 8" MAIN TOWER 121" ELEVATION CHANGE(FROM BASE ANCHORING SURFACE)21 2" RUN CLR 611 4" EQUIPMENT SIDE VIEW 641 2" FINISHED HOISTWAY (HOLD) 3 4" RUN CLR 42"SIDE WALL3" PITCHANNEL SILL PLATE 34"OPERATOR 8714" LOWER GATE(87 12" FINISHED OPENING)CHANNEL SILL PLATE 34"OPERATOR 8714" UPPER GATE(87 12" FINISHED OPENING)AUTO OFF OPENAUTO OFF OPEN3034"UP DOWN PUSH TO STOPPULL TO RUN EMERGENCY STOP CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1.FLOOR TO BE SMOOTH AND LEVEL; CONSTRUCTED OF 4 CONCRETE MINIMUM, WITH 3200 PSI MINIMUM LOAD. 2.IF THE CONVEYANCE IS INSTALLED WITHIN A PIT AND IS IN AN OUTDOOR APPLICATION, THE PIT MUST BE PROVIDED WITH AN ADEQUATE DRAIN. 3.HOISTWAY WALLS MUST BE PLUMB, SQUARE, AND TURNOVER FINISHED BEFORE UNIT INSTALLATION. 4.UPPER AND LOWER DOORS OR GATES MUST BE INSTALLED FLUSH TO THE INTERIOR OF THE HOISTWAY. 5.80 INCH MINIMUM HEAD CLEARANCE IS REQUIRED THROUGHOUT TRAVEL. 6.HOISTWAY LIGHTING IS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 5FTC REQUIRED ON THE PLATFORM SURFACE THROUGHOUT TRAVEL. AN AUXILIARY LIGHT CONSISTING OF NO FEWER THAN 2 LAMPS PRODUCING .2FT CON THE FLOOR AND CONTROLS FOR NOT LESS THAN 4 HOURS, AND ACTIVATED AUTOMATICALLY IN THE EVENT OF A POWER OUTAGE. 7.MAIN TOWER MUST BE FASTENED TO THE WALL AND FLOOR WITH ANCHORS SUITABLE TO THE SITE CONDITIONS, AND CAPABLE TO WITHSTAND THE FORCES PLACED UPON THEM. 8.ALL BLOCKING IS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 9.THE DISCONNECT (PROVIDED BY OTHERS) SHALL BE A LISTED DEVICE CONFORMING TO NFPA 70 / NEC 620.51 AND SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN SIGHT OF THE MOTOR CONTROLLER. THE DISCONNECTING MEANS SHALL BE EXTERNALLY OPERABLE, HAVE PERMANENT MEANS OF LOCKING THE DEVICE IN THE OPEN POSITION, AND BE LABELED WITH THE LOCATION OF THE SUPPLY SIDE OVERCURRENT PROTECTION MEANS. TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: ASSEMBLY PLAN VIEW 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 4 of 15 READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______MAIN TOWER53" FINISHED HOISTWAY (HOLD) PLAN VIEW 36" CLEAR GRAB RAIL℄311 2" 38" OUTSIDE 6114" OUTSIDEC.O.P. WITHSTOP & ALARMBLOCKING BY OTHERS6412" FINISHED HOISTWAY(HOLD)PLATFORMCENTER60" CLEARUPPER & LOWER LANDINGS BLOCKING BY OTHERS BLOCKING BY OTHERS 21 2"212"43" GATE (43 1 4" FINISHED OPENING) 311 2" GATE ℄ 357 8" clr OPERATOR39"MAIN TOWER & BASECONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1.FLOOR TO BE SMOOTH AND LEVEL; CONSTRUCTED OF 4 CONCRETE MINIMUM, WITH 3200 PSI MINIMUM LOAD. 2.IF THE CONVEYANCE IS INSTALLED WITHIN A PIT AND IS IN AN OUTDOOR APPLICATION, THE PIT MUST BE PROVIDED WITH AN ADEQUATE DRAIN. 3.HOISTWAY WALLS MUST BE PLUMB, SQUARE, AND TURNOVER FINISHED BEFORE UNIT INSTALLATION. 4.UPPER AND LOWER DOORS OR GATES MUST BE INSTALLED FLUSH TO THE INTERIOR OF THE HOISTWAY. 5.80 INCH MINIMUM HEAD CLEARANCE IS REQUIRED THROUGHOUT TRAVEL. 6.HOISTWAY LIGHTING IS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 5FTC REQUIRED ON THE PLATFORM SURFACE THROUGHOUT TRAVEL. AN AUXILIARY LIGHT CONSISTING OF NO FEWER THAN 2 LAMPS PRODUCING .2FT CON THE FLOOR AND CONTROLS FOR NOT LESS THAN 4 HOURS, AND ACTIVATED AUTOMATICALLY IN THE EVENT OF A POWER OUTAGE. 7.MAIN TOWER MUST BE FASTENED TO THE WALL AND FLOOR WITH ANCHORS SUITABLE TO THE SITE CONDITIONS, AND CAPABLE TO WITHSTAND THE FORCES PLACED UPON THEM. 8.ALL BLOCKING IS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 9.THE DISCONNECT (PROVIDED BY OTHERS) SHALL BE A LISTED DEVICE CONFORMING TO NFPA 70 / NEC 620.51 AND SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN SIGHT OF THE MOTOR CONTROLLER. THE DISCONNECTING MEANS SHALL BE EXTERNALLY OPERABLE, HAVE PERMANENT MEANS OF LOCKING THE DEVICE IN THE OPEN POSITION, AND BE LABELED WITH THE LOCATION OF THE SUPPLY SIDE OVERCURRENT PROTECTION MEANS. PAGE TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: LOWER LANDING DOOR DETAIL 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE 5 of 15 READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ 43" GATE (43 1 4" FINISHED OPENING)8612" TOP SILL3813 16" SWING PORTION 80" GATE OPENING7914"SWING PORTION11 2"OPERATOR 8714"(87 1/2" FINISHED OPENING)LOWER LANDING GATE87316"AUTO OFF OPEN 375 16"4134"58"CHANNEL SILL PLATE 34"OPERATOR LOWER LANDING FLOOR LINE WIRE OUT STRIKE POST 2512"25 58" TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: UPPER LANDING DOOR DETAIL 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 6 of 15 READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ 43" GATE (43 1 4" FINISHED OPENING)8612" TOP SILL3813 16" SWING PORTION 80" GATE OPENING7914"SWING PORTION11 2"OPERATOR 8714"(87 1/2" FINISHED OPENING)UPPER LANDING GATE87316"AUTO OFF OPEN 375 16"4134"58"CHANNEL SILL PLATE 34"OPERATOR LOWER LANDING FLOOR LINE WIRE OUT STRIKE POST 2512"25 58" TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: HOISTWAY CONSTRUCTION ELEVATION VIEW 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE A.PROVIDE STRUCTURAL TIE-BACK BLOCKING AT 123 1 2" ABOVE FINISHED PIT FLOOR. AA. ALTERNATE TIE-BACK BLOCKING LOCATION AT 102 1 2" ABOVE FINISHED PIT FLOOR. STRUCTURAL: BLOCKING MUST SUPPORT TIE-BACK LOAD OF 1,000 LBS (SAFETY FACTOR INCLUDED).STRUCTURAL: BLOCKING MUST SUPPORT TIE-BACK LOAD OF 1,000 LBS (SAFETY FACTOR INCLUDED). B.PROVIDE 3" PIT WITH SUPPORTING SLAB. STRUCTURAL: PIT SLAB MUST CONSIST OF MINIMUM 4" THICK 3200 PSI CONCRETE UNLESS ENGINEERED SLAB IS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. C.PROVIDE STRUCTURAL HOISTING POINT FOR INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT AT TOP OF SHAFT. MAY BE REMOVABLE AFTER INSTALLATION. STRUCTURAL: HOIST POINT MUST SUPPORT TEMPORARY LOAD OF UP TO 2,000 LBS (SAFETY FACTOR INCLUDED). WORK BY OTHERS C A C READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ PAGE 7 of 15 UPPER & LOWER GATES NOT SHOWN 53" FINISHED HOISTWAY (HOLD)12312" MAIN ANCHOR POINT10212" ALTERNATIVE ANCHOR POINTFRONT VIEW UPPER LANDING 121" ELEVATION CHANGE(FROM BASE ANCHORING SURFACE)SIDE VIEW 641 2" FINISHED HOISTWAY (HOLD)3" PITCHANNEL SILL PLATE 34"8714" LOWER GATE(87 12" FINISHED OPENING)CHANNEL SILL PLATE 34"8714" UPPER GATE(87 12" FINISHED OPENING)AUTO OFF OPENAUTO OFF OPEN3034"AA B B TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: HOISTWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN VIEW 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 8 of 15 A A.PROVIDE STRUCTURAL TIE-BACK BLOCKING AT 123 1 2" ABOVE FINISHED PIT FLOOR. AA. ALTERNATE TIE-BACK BLOCKING LOCATION AT 102 1 2" ABOVE FINISHED PIT FLOOR. STRUCTURAL: BLOCKING MUST SUPPORT TIE-BACK LOAD OF 1,000 LBS (SAFETY FACTOR INCLUDED).STRUCTURAL: BLOCKING MUST SUPPORT TIE-BACK LOAD OF 1,000 LBS (SAFETY FACTOR INCLUDED). B.PROVIDE 3" PIT WITH SUPPORTING SLAB. STRUCTURAL: PIT SLAB MUST CONSIST OF MINIMUM 4" THICK 3200 PSI CONCRETE UNLESS ENGINEERED SLAB IS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. C.PROVIDE STRUCTURAL HOISTING POINT FOR INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT AT TOP OF SHAFT. MAY BE REMOVABLE AFTER INSTALLATION. STRUCTURAL: HOIST POINT MUST SUPPORT TEMPORARY LOAD OF UP TO 2,000 LBS (SAFETY FACTOR INCLUDED). WORK BY OTHERS B READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ 53" FINISHED HOISTWAY (HOLD) PLAN VIEW BLOCKING BY OTHERS6412" FINISHED HOISTWAY(HOLD)UPPER & LOWER LANDINGS BLOCKING BY OTHERS BLOCKING BY OTHERS 43" GATE (43 1 4" FINISHED OPENING) OPERATOR TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: ELECTRICAL WBO ELEVATION VIEW 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 9 of 15 WORK BY OTHERS 36" A.F.F.6434" A.F.F.ONOFFSIEMENS120 VAC 30 AMP FEED FROM PANEL H I G J F K A.SUPPLY OVERHEAD LIGHT IN SHAFT & AT EACH LANDING TO PROVIDE 5 FT-CANDLES AT PLATFORM AND ALL LANDINGS THROUGHOUT LIFT TRAVEL (MOTION DETECTOR OR 24x7 REQUIRED- NOT SWITCHED) (SEPARATE CIRCUIT). B.SUPPLY EMERGENCY LIGHT (2 HEAD FIXTURE) WITH 4 HOUR BACKUP BATTERY TO PROVIDE 0.2 FT-CANDLES AT CONTROL IN EVENT OF MAIN LIGHTING FAILURE. C.SUPPLY 3 4" FLEX CONDUIT TO STRIKE SIDE OF LANDING DOORS (ALL LEVELS). TERMINATE 26" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AND FLUSH WITH INSIDE FRAMING IN SHAFT. RETURNS TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F). D.SUPPLY 1 2" EMT OR FLEX CONDUIT TO LANDING HALL STATION JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE E). RETURNS TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE E.SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX AT EACH LANDING WITH SINGLE GANG MUDRING. MOUNT 36-42" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. LOCATE WHERE ADAA COMPLIANT CLEAR FLOOR SPACE OF 48" x 30" CAN BE LOCATED CLEAR OF RAMPS, WALLS, & DOOR SWINGS (SEE ELECTRICAL WBO PLAN VIEW). CONNECT TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F) VIA 1 2" EMT OR FLEX (SEE NOTE D). F. SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX 54" ABOVE PIT FLOOR TO TOP OF BOX. SERVES AS HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX FOR SIGNAL TERMINATION AT TOWER. G.SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX 30" ABOVE PIT FLOOR TO TOP OF BOX. SERVES AS HOISTWAY MAINLINE JUNCTION BOX FOR POWER TERMINATION AT TOWER. H.SUPPLY SIEMENS TYPE GF221N FUSED BLADED DISCONNECT OR EQUIVALENT (SEE ARROW LIFT FOR EQUIVALENT SQUARE D PART NUMBERS). LOCATE CLEAR OF HAZARDS & WITHIN SIGHT OF LIFT TOWER. REQUIRES MINIMUM 30" CLEAR WIDTH x 36" CLEAR DEPTH. PROVIDE ONE 30A FEED FROM PANEL TO FUSE #1. FUSE #2 USES BATTERY SWITCH LOOP. SEE PAGE 14 FOR WIRING DIAGRAM. I.PROVIDE TWO 14AWG WIRES FROM FUSE #2 IN DISCONNECT TO HOISTWAY MAINLINE JUNCTION BOX FOR BATTERY SWITCH LOOP. SEE WIRING DIAGRAM ON PAGE 14. J.PROVIDE 20 AMP FEED FROM FUSE #1 IN DISCONNECT TO HOISTWAY MAINLINE JUNCTION BOX FOR MAIN POWER (12-2 CIRCUIT). SEE WIRING DIAGRAM ON PAGE 14. K.PROVIDE LIVE DEDICATED PHONE LINE TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX. (SEE NOTE F). READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ UPPER & LOWER GATES NOT SHOWN FRONT VIEW UPPER LANDING SIDE VIEWAUTO OFF OPENAUTO OFF OPENL A EL B L A EL B C C E D E D TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: ELECTRICAL WBO PLAN VIEW 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 10 of 15 G F I J 120 VAC H K D E EL B WORK BY OTHERS A.SUPPLY OVERHEAD LIGHT IN SHAFT & AT EACH LANDING TO PROVIDE 5 FT-CANDLES AT PLATFORM AND ALL LANDINGS THROUGHOUT LIFT TRAVEL (MOTION DETECTOR OR 24x7 REQUIRED- NOT SWITCHED) (SEPARATE CIRCUIT). B.SUPPLY EMERGENCY LIGHT (2 HEAD FIXTURE) WITH 4 HOUR BACKUP BATTERY TO PROVIDE 0.2 FT-CANDLES AT CONTROL IN EVENT OF MAIN LIGHTING FAILURE. C.SUPPLY 3 4" FLEX CONDUIT TO STRIKE SIDE OF LANDING DOORS (ALL LEVELS). TERMINATE 26" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AND FLUSH WITH INSIDE FRAMING IN SHAFT. RETURNS TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F). D.SUPPLY 1 2" EMT OR FLEX CONDUIT TO LANDING HALL STATION JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE E). RETURNS TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F). E.SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX AT EACH LANDING WITH SINGLE GANG MUDRING. MOUNT 36-42" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. LOCATE WHERE ADAA COMPLIANT CLEAR FLOOR SPACE OF 48" x 30" CAN BE LOCATED CLEAR OF RAMPS, WALLS, & DOOR SWINGS (SEE ELECTRICAL WBO PLAN VIEW). CONNECT TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F) VIA 1 2" EMT OR FLEX (SEE NOTE D). F. SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX 54" ABOVE PIT FLOOR TO TOP OF BOX. SERVES AS HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX FOR SIGNAL TERMINATION AT TOWER. G.SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX 30" ABOVE PIT FLOOR TO TOP OF BOX. SERVES AS HOISTWAY MAINLINE JUNCTION BOX FOR POWER TERMINATION AT TOWER. H.SUPPLY SIEMENS TYPE GF221N FUSED BLADED DISCONNECT OR EQUIVALENT (SEE ARROW LIFT FOR EQUIVALENT SQUARE D PART NUMBERS). LOCATE CLEAR OF HAZARDS & WITHIN SIGHT OF LIFT TOWER. REQUIRES MINIMUM 30" CLEAR DEPTH x 36" CLEAR DEPTH. PROVIDE ONE 30A FEED FROM PANEL TO FUSE #1. FUSE #2 USES BATTERY SWITCH LOOP. SEE PAGE 14 FOR WIRING DIAGRAM. I.PROVIDE TWO 14AWG WIRES FROM FUSE #2 IN DISCONNECT TO HOISTWAY MAINLINE JUNCTION BOX FOR BATTERY SWITCH LOOP. SEE WIRING DIAGRAM ON PAGE 14. J.PROVIDE 20 AMP FEED FROM FUSE #1 IN DISCONNECT TO HOISTWAY MAINLINE JUNCTION BOX FOR MAIN POWER (12-2 CIRCUIT). SEE WIRING DIAGRAM ON PAGE 14. K.PROVIDE LIVE DEDICATED PHONE LINE TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX. (SEE NOTE F). READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ PLAN VIEW UPPER & LOWER LANDINGS L A L A TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: LIFT TOWER TERMINATION DETAIL 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 11 of 15 WORK BY OTHERS F. SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX 54" ABOVE PIT FLOOR TO TOP OF BOX. SERVES AS HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX FOR SIGNAL TERMINATION AT TOWER. G.SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX 30" ABOVE PIT FLOOR TO TOP OF BOX. SERVES AS HOISTWAY MAINLINE JUNCTION BOX FOR POWER TERMINATION AT TOWER. I.PROVIDE TWO 14AWG WIRES FROM FUSE #2 IN DISCONNECT TO HOISTWAY MAINLINE JUNCTION BOX FOR BATTERY SWITCH LOOP. SEE WIRING DIAGRAM ON PAGE 14. J. PROVIDE 30 AMP FEED FROM FUSE #1 IN DISCONNECT TO HOISTWAY MAINLINE JUNCTION BOX FOR MAIN POWER (10-2 CIRCUIT). SEE WIRING DIAGRAM ON PAGE 14. F GI J LOWER DOOR OPENING READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ 361 8" MAIN TOWER 145" MAIN TOWERF G 10"54"30"TOWER ℄ SEE PLAN VIEW FOR TOWER ℄ I J TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: LOWER LANDING DOOR WBO DETAILS 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 12 of 15 L A L A C WORK BY OTHERS A.SUPPLY OVERHEAD LIGHT IN SHAFT & AT EACH LANDING TO PROVIDE 5 FT-CANDLES AT PLATFORM AND ALL LANDINGS THROUGHOUT LIFT TRAVEL (MOTION DETECTOR OR 24x7 REQUIRED- NOT SWITCHED) (SEPARATE CIRCUIT). C.SUPPLY 3 4" FLEX CONDUIT TO STRIKE SIDE OF LANDING DOORS (ALL LEVELS). TERMINATE 26" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AND FLUSH WITH INSIDE FRAMING IN SHAFT. RETURNS TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F). D.SUPPLY 1 2" EMT OR FLEX CONDUIT TO LANDING HALL STATION JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE E). RETURNS TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F). E.SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX AT EACH LANDING WITH SINGLE GANG MUDRING. MOUNT 36-42" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. LOCATE WHERE ADAA COMPLIANT CLEAR FLOOR SPACE OF 48" x 30" CAN BE LOCATED CLEAR OF RAMPS, WALLS, & DOOR SWINGS. CONNECT TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F) VIA 1 2" EMT OR FLEX (SEE NOTE D). C D E 30"48"READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ PAGE 13 of 15 TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: UPPER LANDING DOOR WBO DETAILS 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE WORK BY OTHERS A.SUPPLY OVERHEAD LIGHT IN SHAFT & AT EACH LANDING TO PROVIDE 5 FT-CANDLES AT PLATFORM AND ALL LANDINGS THROUGHOUT LIFT TRAVEL (MOTION DETECTOR OR 24x7 REQUIRED- NOT SWITCHED) (SEPARATE CIRCUIT). C.SUPPLY 3 4" FLEX CONDUIT TO STRIKE SIDE OF LANDING DOORS (ALL LEVELS). TERMINATE 26" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AND FLUSH WITH INSIDE FRAMING IN SHAFT. RETURNS TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F). D.SUPPLY 1 2" EMT OR FLEX CONDUIT TO LANDING HALL STATION JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE E). RETURNS TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F). E.SUPPLY 4x4 1900 BOX AT EACH LANDING WITH SINGLE GANG MUDRING. MOUNT 36-42" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. LOCATE WHERE ADAA COMPLIANT CLEAR FLOOR SPACE OF 48" x 30" CAN BE LOCATED CLEAR OF RAMPS, WALLS, & DOOR SWINGS. CONNECT TO HOISTWAY JUNCTION BOX (SEE NOTE F) VIA 1 2" EMT OR FLEX (SEE NOTE D). L A L A C D E 30"48"READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ C TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: DISCONNECT WIRING DIAGRAM 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 14 of 15 LINE 1 12AWG BLACK NEUTRAL 12AWG WHITE BATTERY SWITCH LOOP 14AWG RED 20AMP FEED FROM PANEL LINE LOAD 20A 5A POWER WIRING FOR VERTICAL PLATFORM LIFT WITH BATTERY RAISING & LOWERING USE SIEMENS TYPE GF221N DISCONNECT READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS & DIAGRAMS CAREFULLY! LOAD 1 12AWG BLACK NEUTRAL LOAD SIDE 12AWG WHITE BATTERY SWITCH LOOP 14AWG RED READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ F1 = 1090 LB F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 PAYLOAD (MAX) CAR (PLATFORM) WT.MAX SHROUD WEIGHT FLOOR REACTION (INBOARD) FLOOR REACTION (OUTBOARD) WALL ANCHORING REACTION ENCLOSURE WEIGHT * FLOOR SHEAR REACTION 750 LB 340 LB SEE CHART SEE CHART SEE CHART SEE CHART SEE CHART SEE CHART SYMBOL DESCRIPTION VALUE (MAX) L1 L2 L3 L4 33.156 33.75 5.25 5.0 MODEL SHROUD HEIGHT ANCHOR HEIGHT (L5) APPROXIMATE MODEL MAX SHROUD WT. (LBS) F2 REACTION (LBS) INBOARD FLOOR F3 REACTION (LBS) OUTBOARD FLOOR F4 REACTION (LBS) WALL F5 F6 WT. (LBS)* MAX ENCLOSURE FLOOR SHEAR REACTION (LBS) F7 VALUES BELOW ARE TOTALS-DIVIDE BY THE NUMBER OF BOLTS FOR INDIVIDUAL BOLT LOADS * ON ENCLOSURES, ADD 175# FOR A ROOF OPTION AND ADD 161# FOR A 6'-8" ABOVE OPTION F1 + F2 = F3 + F4 F7 = F5 STATIC EQUILIBRIUM: F5*L5 + F4*L2 +F3*L4 = F2*L3 + F1*L1 ******** **** LAYOUT GEOMETRY STEEL PLEXI NOTE: These are the reaction forces based on the gravity loads and operation of the lift. These calculations do not include external loading due to such things as wind, snow, rain, seismic activity, etc. Adhere to local building codes, regulations, and safety factors for the supporting structures. [SUM OF FORCES AND SUM OF MOMENTS = 0] GENERIC STATIC LOADING TABLE FOR VERTICAL PLATFORM LIFTS ANCHORED TO FLOOR AND THE WALL L3 L5 L4 L1 L2 F1 F2 F3F4 F5 F7 ** ** 7-13-15 REV3 * NOTE: The enclosure weight is transferred directly to the floor along it's perimeter through pads (two to a side) except for the back side where the wing walls bolt up directly to the tower. **The reaction force values are based upon using an approximate horizontal mid-point location on the base as the point of action for the floor reaction. In reality there is a load distribution across the base plate versus a single point load. This distribution will vary by unit size, platform size and position, etc. The assumption of a point load based on the centroid of a distributed load, however, does appear to provide reasonable results. We have chosen locations of the lines of action of reaction forces based upon the applicable geometry of the components and also based on multiple FEA structural analysis runs which provide support for those choices. We also assume the outboard floor bolt reaction forces go to zero, and this assumption provides a conservative approach and is supported by multiple FEA runs. (These calculations are based upon the new leg design being implemented in 7/15.) TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE ORIGINAL DATE JOB INFORMATION ARROW LIFT 1550 91ST AVE NE - SUITE 202 763-786-3234BLAINE, MN 55449 GENEVA SUITES-EDINA RF/PMA VPC SL-120: STATIC LOADING TABLE 11/04/2020 110420-V02 R0 NONE PAGE 15 of 15 READ AND INITIAL: I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENT OF THIS PAGE. X_______ 120 145 123.44 743 01833 250 867120 754 250 8100 Old Cedar Ave S, Suite 105, Bloomington, Minnesota 55425 Phone: 612-208-8888 | Fax: 952-666-1306 | TheGenevaSuites.com Braeburn House Visitor Policy Pre-COVID-19 Visitor Policy: Up to 6 visitors were permitted at any given time. During-COVID-19 Visitor Policy: Up to 3 visitors are permitted at any given time. Post-COVID-19 Visitor Policy: The Pre-COVID-19 Visitor Policy will be reinstated resulting in up to 6 visitors at any given time. The Geneva Suites Braeburn - Parking Policy Purpose: To provide our resident’s family/friends, TGS Care Partner’s/staff, delivery vehicles and vendors appropriate parking space, while respecting our neighbors and their property. Scope: Resident’s family/friends, TGS Care Partner’s/staff, delivery vehicles and vendors Responsible Party: Property Manager: 612-208-8888 POLICY I. Policy Statement a. Designated spaces are outlined in the attached diagram for all Care Partner’s and visitors. Parking on the street is extremely limited and whenever possible, should be avoided. II. Procedure a. The top left side of the driveway (see diagram), are Care Partner parking spots. i. 15-30 minutes before shift switch change (based on resident/s level of needs at the time), Care Partner’s will take turns moving their cars to the cul-de-sac in front of the house. ii. Incoming Care Partner’s should park in the furthest front left positions in front of the garage (see diagram), replacing the previous Care Partner’s. III. Visitor and Open Parking Positions a. Two visitor positions are designated in the diagram b. Open positions are available for deliveries and physician IV. Restrictions a. There shall be no parking in front of or within 15 feet of residential mailboxes. Postal carriers are not required to get out of their vehicle to deliver mail. b. There shall be no parking in front of driveways. c. There shall be no parking on any residential grass V. Consequences a. On occasion, you may be asked to move your vehicle to reduce the number of automobiles parked in the public street. b. Staff may be issued points for non-compliance. c. Visitors and Staff may be fined by the City of Edina and/or vehicles may be towed at owner’s expense depending on the city violation. d. TGS is not responsible for non-compliance with the City of Edina ordinances or applicable laws and/or any fines issued. The Geneva Suites Braeburn - Parking Policy Continued HOUSE Garage Care Partner Transition Parking Visitor Visitor Care Partner 1 Care Partner 1 Care Partner 1 Care Partner 1 Open Open/ Delivery Open/ Maint. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 12am - 6am 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6am - 7am 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7am - 7pm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7pm - 10pm 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10pm - 12am 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12am - 6am 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6am - 10pm 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10pm - 12am 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Current (6 residents) Potential (10 Residents) Braeburn Staffing - Caregivers/Nurses Total 8 April 2021 Call Time Inci ID RPT#Street Nature Addtst Business 03/29/2021 12:22:43 2021022653 6222 BRAEBURN CIR THEFT BRAEBURN SUITES 03/27/2021 23:32:50 2021022319 6222 BRAEBURN CIR DISTURBANCE BRAEBURN SUITES 03/21/2021 20:15:14 2021020678 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON DIST: 99.2 ft BRAEBURN SUITES 02/25/2021 18:11:01 2021014644 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED CHEST PAIN DIST: .19 ft 02/25/2021 07:58:40 2021014514 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON DIST: 95.24 ft 02/07/2021 11:08:33 2021010290 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED FALLS DIST: 62.96 ft 01/29/2021 20:50:09 2021008040 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON DIST: 154.98 ft 01/21/2021 13:36:59 2021005574 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 01/14/2021 03:04:04 2021003551 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 01/05/2021 18:06:05 2021001129 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MISSING PERSON 01/02/2021 10:20:41 2021000296 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 12/31/2020 18:16:49 2020094432 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED FALLS 11/16/2020 22:16:38 2020084264 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON DIST: 158.85 ft 09/29/2020 16:35:55 2020073040 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 09/05/2020 22:16:59 2020066886 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 07/08/2020 19:37:03 2020050869 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 06/25/2020 16:53:07 2020047836 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 06/22/2020 17:48:06 2020047195 6222 BRAEBURN CIR LIFT ASSIST DIST: 483.91 ft 06/14/2020 14:02:24 2020045586 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 04/22/2020 21:14:51 2020032809 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 04/14/2020 11:05:31 2020031221 6222 BRAEBURN CIR LIFT ASSIST DIST: 147.56 ft 03/01/2020 00:09:22 2020020477 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 01/18/2020 21:00:12 2020006137 6222 BRAEBURN CIR DISTURBANCE 01/13/2020 13:32:03 2020004318 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED HEMMORRAGE/LACERATION 07/05/2019 01:06:24 2019058607 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED SICK PERSON 06/25/2019 08:41:23 2019054932 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 04/12/2019 13:30:09 2019030719 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 03/24/2019 15:18:25 2019024898 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 03/15/2019 14:03:51 2019021780 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 03/11/2019 11:59:51 2019020461 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC DIST: 161.09 ft 02/19/2019 13:05:42 2019014632 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MED BREATHING PROBLEMS 06/14/2018 17:48:46 2018052810 6222 BRAEBURN CIR ANIMAL COMPLAINTS 06/03/2018 10:56:07 2018049036 6222 BRAEBURN CIR NEIGHBOR DISPUTE 05/23/2018 08:38:10 2018045056 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MEDICAL EMERGENCY 05/09/2018 12:07:26 2018040495 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 04/19/2018 15:09:44 2018033933 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 04/12/2018 09:57:50 2018031658 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 03/30/2018 15:50:20 2018028065 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 03/09/2018 20:27:05 2018021240 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 03/01/2018 13:54:38 2018018682 18000640 6222 BRAEBURN CIR THEFT 02/17/2018 17:42:08 2018015044 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 02/16/2018 16:35:41 2018014670 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 02/15/2018 16:04:36 2018014381 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 02/06/2018 21:29:44 2018011590 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MEDICAL EMERGENCY 02/06/2018 16:25:53 2018011504 6222 BRAEBURN CIR ATTEMPT TO LOCATE 02/02/2018 15:33:12 2018010450 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 02/01/2018 10:32:47 2018010064 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MEDICAL EMERGENCY 01/28/2018 10:46:59 2018008857 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MEDICAL EMERGENCY 01/25/2018 14:32:29 2018007821 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 01/19/2018 13:27:43 2018005923 6222 BRAEBURN CIR PARKING COMPLAINT 01/10/2018 16:56:56 2018002874 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MEDICAL EMERGENCY 01/09/2018 14:32:45 2018002532 18000096 6222 BRAEBURN CIR ATTEMPT TO LOCATE 12/31/2017 09:21:06 2017123928 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MEDICAL EMERGENCY 12/21/2017 11:06:25 2017121086 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MEDICAL EMERGENCY DIST: 116.23 ft 12/08/2017 13:21:22 2017117015 6222 BRAEBURN CIR MEDICAL EMERGENCY 12/06/2017 15:22:03 2017116431 6222 BRAEBURN CIR ATTEMPT TO LOCATE 1 Liz Olson From:Cary Teague Sent:Tuesday, April 13, 2021 1:59 PM To:Liz Olson; Kris Aaker; Emily Bodeker; Cary Teague Subject:Fwd: The Geneva Suites Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed See below and attached...please add this one to the agenda packet also....thanks Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Griffith, William C." <wgriffith@larkinhoffman.com> Date: April 13, 2021 at 1:53:40 PM CDT To: Cary Teague <cteague@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Dave Kendall <DKendall@ck-law.com>, Scott Hemenway <Scott@thegenevasuites.com> Subject: The Geneva Suites EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Cary, Please include this email in the record of decision on the application submitted by The Geneva Suites. For context, Joe Richey and Judy Richey are mother and son, and are both disabled. They are under contract with The Geneva Suites to live in the Braeburn House when renovations are completed. John Richey, the writer of the email (below), is the primary care provider for both his wife and their son Joe and can no longer continue to be the primary provider for them due to his own mobility constraints. John plans to reside with them at the Braeburn House. I will refer to the email in my testimony tomorrow evening. Thanks for your assistance in this regard. Bill William C. Griffith Shareholder direct | 952-896-3290 mobile | 612-986-7711 8300 Norman Center Drive Suite 1000 Minneapolis, MN 55437-1060 www.larkinhoffman.com Thanks, 2 From: Catherine Decker <catherine.d@thegenevasuites.com> Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 11:54 AM To: Matt Hanley <Matt.h@thegenevasuites.com>, Scott Hemenway <Scott@thegenevasuites.com> Subject: Fw: assisted living Letter from John Richey below. Catherine Catherine Decker SVP, People Operations Main: 612-208-8888 8100 Old Cedar Ave S, Suite 105 Bloomington, MN 55425 www.TheGenevaSuites.com "Exceptional Senior Residential Living" From: JUDY AND JOHN RICHEY <judyjohnrichey@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 11:46 AM To: Catherine Decker <catherine.d@thegenevasuites.com> Subject: assisted living Hi Catherine The importance of Judy Joe and John Richey staying together as a family has great importance to us. The thought of moving to Braerburn House assisted living 3 has been very interesting concept to say the least. The importance of custom made improvements as accessible modifactions such as a in house elevator ceiling lifts and other modes of living would be greatly needed for us and others in need as well. Just wanted to be upfront honest and being very supportive about the living tasks at hand about the possible move to assisted living for us. Thank you for taking the time to reading this long email. If there is any thing else that is needed from us ;et me know. Thank you John Richey CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: INFORMATION IN THIS MESSAGE, INCLUDING ANY ATTACHMENTS, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL USE OF THE RECIPIENT(S) NAMED ABOVE. This message may be an Attorney-Client communication from the law firm of Larkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren Ltd., and as such is privileged and confidential. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, or an agent responsible for delivering it to an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this message in error, and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately, delete the message, and return any hard copy print-outs. No legal advice is being provided or implied via this communication unless you are (1) a client of Larkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren Ltd., and (2) an intended recipient of this message. This message may have been sent to you using encrypted delivery. If you reply to an encrypted email, your email provider may deliver the response with encryption. [Forwarding this message may not provide the same encryption safeguards, depending on the email services being used. By doing so, you may unknowingly expose the sensitive content to others via the Internet.] Page 1 of 1 Guardian and Conservator Services, LLC PO Box 1276 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Office 952-239-1799, Fax 952-426-4681 April 13, 2021 RE: Braeburn Enhancement, City of Edina Dear City Council Members, It has come to my attention that after receiving an approved permit for construction to enhance the Braeburn House, that furtherance of the project has been unexpectedly halted. You should be aware of how critical it is that the project is successfully completed as it impacts the health and wellbeing several people for whom we serve. I am a Licensed Practical Nurse and owner of Guardian & Conservator Services, LLC. People become our clients when they need assistance with decisions regarding their health and/or finances. One client s legal guardian came to us with a request that I have been able to solve only with the help of The Geneva Suites. Our client is in a very special medical situation and requires 24/7 care in all aspects of his life. His parents are 2 of the incredibly dedicated individuals and nursing staff who provide some of this care and are instrumental in his life. His parents are aging and have their own health care needs and support. It is critical that this family of three finds a place where they can live together. Finding an assisted living where all three can continue to live together is what our client and his parents want. The enhancement project at the Braeburn House is currently the only option this family must stay together, and all receive the medical care and services they require. The family has been patiently waiting for their new home to be ready for them to move in so that they can have the on-site, 24/7 support they each really need and stay together. Please understand that for this family, completing the enhancements at the Braeburn House will make a world of difference to their individual health and let the family focus on being a family again. We reserved this special arrangement with Geneva Suites to accommodate this family s wishes. Thank you for your consideration to allow this project to continue through completion. I would be happy to answer any other questions. Rebecca Reich, LPN, NCG Guardian and Conservator Services, LLC PO Box 1276 Minnetonka, MN 55345 763-301-4270 Date: April 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.C . To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-21-08, A 68 square foot varianc e for a garage addition, 6213 Trac y Ave. Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve variance as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: P roperty owner Mark S alisbury with contractor R ichfield C onstruction C ompany, have submitted a request for a 68 square foot variance for a garage addition with the finished garage exceeding the maximum 1,000 sq ft combined accessory structure limit at 6213 T racy Ave. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Engineering Memo Site Location Narrative Survey Plans The subject property, 6213 Tracy Ave., is approximately 22,802 square feet in area and is located on the east side of Tracy Ave. The existing structure is a one-story home built in 1954 with a detached two car garage. The existing detached garage is 528 square feet in area. The applicant is requesting a variance from the combined 1,000 square foot maximum of all accessory structures as required in today’s code to add onto the existing garage. The ordinance states the following: The minimum requirements for building coverage, setbacks and height in the Single Dwelling Unit District (R-1) are as follows: Building coverage. C. Combined total area. The combined total area occupied by all accessory buildings and structures, excluding attached garages, shall not exceed 1,000 square feet for lots used for single dwelling unit buildings. The 540 sq ft garage addition will increase the footprint of the garage 68 sq ft larger than allowed by the above-mentioned ordinance. The remodel and additions conform to all other aspects of the zoning ordinance. The homeowner uses the current two stalls to park their vehicles. The homeowner wishes to double the garage to make room for his boat and additional belongings, which is in accordance with the general purpose and intent of a garage. To meet the accessory building requirement, the addition would have to be minimized and shallower with the boat not able to fit into the space. Keeping the garage within the 1000 square foot limit will take away the owner’s intended use for the garage and will defeat the purpose of adding onto the existing garage. The homeowner is requesting a variance to provide a standard size garage addition. The new addition will not have a garage door leading into his backyard. There will be one service door on the side of the garage facing April 14, 2021 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner B-21-08, A 68 square foot variance for a detached garage addition, for property at 6213 Tracy Ave. Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 the homeowner’s side/back yard. The existing garage has one large garage door and that large door will remain a single, double garage door. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential/pond. Westerly: Fire Station and City Park; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The property is 22,802 sq ft in area with a one-story home built in 1954 and a detached 528 sq ft two car garage on property. The current detached garage is well within the required maximum combined square feet of all accessory structures as required in today’s code. The lot with proposed improvement will be below 13% building coverage. Maximum allowable coverage is 25% of the lot area. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in memorandum. Compliance Table – Detached garage City Standard Proposed Combine accessory limit North Side – East Side - South– 1,000 square feet 3 feet/detached garage 3 feet/detached garage 3 feet/detached garage 1,068 square feet 81 feet 76 feet 18.5 feet Building Coverage Building Height 25% 1 ½ stories 12.9% 1story *Requires a variance STAFF REPORT Page 3 PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with zoning standards, with exception of the combined total area occupied by all accessory buildings and structures, not exceeding 1,000 square feet for single dwelling unit lots. The practical difficulty is caused by the ordinance cap with no flexibility for one accessory structure on a large lot. The proposed addition is reasonable given that it is a minor amount of building area and will be well within the building coverage limitations. The detached garage will be refurbished and modified with existing setbacks and will be the only accessory structure allowed on the property. No additional out-buildings can be placed on the property without the benefit of a variance in the future. An intent of the ordinance is to limit the number of out buildings on a lot given the fixed total combined square foot allowance. The ordinance provides flexibility for accessory structures; however, limits are set at 1,000 square feet of total area and count for building coverage. Larger lots are at a disadvantage given the coverage can be well below the maximum limit with no opportunity to have any more out building area than a much smaller lot. The subject property after improvements will be at less than 13% building coverage. The ordinance allows up to 25% building coverage. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing detached garage is under sized for the property owner’s needs. The proposed addition to the existing garage will conform to all other zoning standards and will be a slight overage to the 1,000 square foot maximum. No additional accessory structures may be located on site with the property well within coverage limits. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variances will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The additions will match the existing garage setbacks with exception of 68 sq ft, with all other aspects of the STAFF REPORT Page 4 addition and remodeling conforming to the ordinance requirements. The street view of the garage will not change. The garage will accommodate indoor storge of the owner’s boat eliminating outdoor storage of a boat. Recommended Action: Approve the variance for an e at 6312 Tracy Ave. Approval of the variance request is subject to the findings listed in the staff report above and subject to the following conditions: • Subject to the survey stamped: March 11, 2021 • Plans date stamped: March 11, 2021 • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo. Deadline for a city decision: May 10, 2021 DATE: 4/5/2021 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 6213 Tracy Ave - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included stormwater and erosion control plans and drainage area maps dated November 5, 2020. Summary of Work The applicant proposes an addition to an existing garage. Easements No comment. Grading and Drainage Site drains to private property and Tracy Ave in both the existing and proposed conditions. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards. Inspections of the proposed rain garden will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. A final grade as-built survey may be required if compliance cannot be verified in the field. Floodplain Development No comment. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-002. Street and Driveway Entrance Relocation/replacement the existing curb cut is not proposed. The street was reconstructed in 2016. Refer to standard plates 540 and 542 for patching requirements. Public Utilities No comment. Miscellaneous A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit may be required, applicant will need to verify with the district. An unsealed well is located onsite. Thus, coordination with Minnesota Department of Health will be required. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 6213 Tracy A ve. Mar ch 22, 2021 1 in = 188 f t / 03/18/2021 RE: Kris Aaker Case #: B-21-08 On behalf of Mark Salsbury, homeowner of 6213 Tracy Ave in Edina, we have put together a variance package requesting consideration of a variance of the 1000 square foot accessory building code requirement by an additional 56 square feet. The variance request will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood given the fact that all the lots in Block 001 of the Valley View Heights (VVH) are half an acre or more and every house is fairly centered in the lot and set back from the main road. The legal description of Mark Salsbury’s lot is: LOT 15 BLOCK 001 OF THE VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION. The lot is 120x190 lot/.052 acres. • Jehovah Witness Inc. has the first two lots, LOT 12 is .052 acres and LOT 13 is .053acres. These lots will not be impacted by the garage addition whatsoever. • LOT 14 BLOCK 001 of VVH as a lot size of 120 x 189/ .052 acre. Adding an additional 56’ will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood given how large the lot is and the positioning of the house on the lot and the landscaping. We are only requesting an additional 56 square feet, hardly noticeable to the naked eye. • LOT 16 BLOCK 001 of VVH has lot dimensions of 133x189x140x145/ .051 acre lot. LOT 16 will not be impacted by the garage addition because of the position of the house relative to the build-out and the size of the lots. The garage is on the furthest and opposite side of LOT 15 and will barely be visible to the homeowners of LOT 16. Richfield, MN 55423 richfieldconstructionmn@gmail.com MN#BC791934 The essential character of the neighborhood will not be altered to those living in BLOCK 001 on Hillside Road, behind LOT 15 on Tracy Ave. All of the lots are over a half an acre and all the homes are fairly centered and setback closest to Hillside Road leaving the majority of the acreage behind the homes open as lawn space. • Directly behind LOT 15 is LOT 4 BLOCK 001 of VVH. This is a .67 acre lot and the home is setback closest to Hillside Road. This home is setback from Hillside Road and the majority of the adjoining acreage is backyard space. Landscaping also prevents the garage addition from being fully visible to the neighbor and should not compromise the harmony or enjoyment of the neighbor. • LOT 5 BLOCK 001 of VVH is 120 x 182/.50-acre lot. Due to the position of the home and the landscaping the garage addition will not be fully visible to the neighbor and therefore will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or compromise the harmony or enjoyment of the neighbor. The current garage is a 24 x 22 foot garage. The homeowner uses the current two stalls to park their vehicles. The homeowner wishes to double his garage to make room for his boat and additional belongings, which is in accordance with the general purpose and intent of a garage. We are less than 60 square feet from meeting the 1000 square foot limit on accessory buildings, a reasonable request to make. In order to meet the accessory building requirement, the addition would have to be minimized to a 22’ x 22’. This would make the garage addition more shallow and the boat would not be able to fit into the space. If we attempt to keep the garage within the 1000 square foot limit it will essentially take away the intended use for the garage in the first place and will defeat the purpose of adding onto the existing garage. We are requesting the variance so we can build the homeowner a standard size garage addition. The new addition will NOT have a garage door leading into his backyard. There will only be one service door on the side of the garage facing the homeowner’s side/back yard. The existing garage has one large garage door and that large door will remain a single, double garage door. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. Sincerely, Charley Williams, Ph.D, MBA Managing Principal 874.3 878.5G Gas Meter ffe 879.9 877.9 6" cdr 878.1 tof 878.9 1 1 " map 877.7 873.6 874.9ffe 876.5 tof 875.7 875.5878.1 cluster" 877.9 883.0 878.2 31 " map 879.0 878.3 877.9878.0 877.9 877.9 877.9 877.6 877.4 876.9 Power Pole 877.7 878.2 877.3 877.4 877.2 877.1 877.5 877.7 877.7 878.1 878.1 878.1 878.1 878.2 878.1 878.2 878.3 877.7 877.5877.9 877.7 877.5 1 8" map 877.8 877.4 877.4 876.5 Gar Fl 877.2874.0 874.6 875.4 876.7 879.8 Power Pole 876.5 876.5 879.7 Power Pole tcc 868.1 4 874.3 tw 875.2 tw 875.1 876.5 36" ash 878.3 30" ash 877.9 877.0 tw 875.0 tw 874.7 tw 873.5 tw 872.7 872.2 871 .7 871 .5 871 .1 tcc 870.86 871 .1872.1 tcc 871 .64 tcc 871 .81 tcc 872.38 872.9 Manhole rim=872.03 883.1 883.6882.3 881 .3879.5 881 .1 878.0 878.5877.7 875.7 877.1 874.9 873.9 876.3 Dead Birch 878.3 878.1 E Elec. Meter 878.3 Flood Light 878.3 877.8 878.3 877.0878.0876.8 878.1 875.7 873.4 875.9 877.4 877.9 Gar Fl 878.0 877.6 876.5876.4 6" 4" 4" 5" Cluster 876.3tw 876.2tw 876.5 tw 876.7 875.8 875.5 874.7 874.6 876.8 877.3 24" catalpa 876.6 24" Twin Maple 876.6875.1 876.2 876.1 876.0 876.0 876.1 876.2 876.2873.7873.6tcc 873.16 M mailboxtcc 872.47 tcc 872.74 Sign S 88°40'29" E 190.13 meas N 88°41'08" W 190.00 S 00°58'00" W 119.96 meas26.3 27.844.016.024.2 24.222.322.322.035.3 40.836.2 35.4876877878871872 N 00°54'24" E 120.001 1 .48.6Tracy Avenue1 8.5 14'0"44'0"15'6" 6'0" 10'0"21 .9 190.00 plat 120.00 plat29.4 880878879881882883878 877 876 877 876875 87 4 875873874876877878 875876 877 878 24'0"22'0"24'0" 878.3 877.9 877.3 877.5 877.0 877.9 877.0 875.5 No. 621 3 1 -S-Frame C o n c r e t e No. 621 1 1 -S-Tuck Under No. 6301 1 -S-Frame C o n c r e t e Overhead Wires Overhead Wires Overhead Wires Chain LinkFenceB i t u m i n o u s Shed Shed Garage Stoop Stoop 877.7 876.1 876.8 875.6 Siltfence or Biorolls (Typ.) Prop o sed Gara g e existing rain garden expand rain garden (12'x22' total) 4' wide outlet F:\survey\valley view heights - hennepin\15-1\vv15-1fb110435inv88201ec.dwgBasis for bearings is assumed Surveyors Certificate 000.0 x000.0 Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only Denotes Existing Elevation Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Surface Drainage Denotes Iron Monument Denotes Found Iron Monument Denotes Proposed Contours Denotes Existing Contours Drawn By Signed Gregory R. Prasch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 Scale: 1" = F.B.No. Project No. The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota rev Address: Legal Description 7601 73rd Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 (763) 560-3093 demarcinc.com 88201 1104-35 20' Surveyed this 5th day of November 2020. MARK SALSBURY Lot 15, Block 1, VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS Hennepin County, Minnesota Property located in Section 5, Township 116, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota Site Plan Survey For: 6213 Tracy Avenue Edina, MN Proposed Hardcover Lot area = 22,802 sq ft Building = 1 ,202 sq ft Garage = 540 sq ft Addition = 640 sq ft Proposed Garage = 528 sq ft Total = 2,91 0 sq ft Percentage = 1 2.76% 'U I now • oP IS r /el 1/47 arit'"? IPZ s)s.m.Lt. vowec007 rx V"vw," C-111Cve of CITY OF EDINP. MAR 11 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT • os 5k3-Itt' (A)", as ov e_vy, ck,v,,t_v , osz CI • • • -4-1 - 12 tr wocas 24n oh (c. w 1-if luku Gonsi-T t.cfric e" C4-1 ►4-ef . t 1SL foil ?tette 2,c ti lie ()VEX OW- -f (Z- 1 5 -E. els IA ct,N 1 /, , ,-d-c r F. 0 ItrAtif*, R •Iy g:] 98' egC4591 4- reesor et> 2)(4 cill OA/ CO hC,*rt-tt, ft" Lvay c 0 Its A " CITY OF EDINA MAR 1 1 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1.-46 64) (1.,t1 C re-1-e 6-r•-of E %o 1t 7" ftla• 67,44/ Li" .51 /4 /5 Lv . tA, sit,C5 6 AG — 10 g le tA i rsti IC:: yk rt CITY OF EDINA MAR 11 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 570.56 tcc •••._ • N 41-c- 12.7 I ts) 1 tcc %) I 868.14 x / / R / ° ro V 574-7' x 1 1 574.\. x \ 575.1 574.3 X 03 \ \ /zS \ \ \ V \ \ I tcl \ \ I I `9 x ) I x79.5 / /// x./55 / .3 / x--. 57f. 7 \ I ) _ -- ,, ,,,, 575.0 / z / x 87.9 _ 91.9-- -- - ' / ....X---' x51_4.9 - --- --- / / 1873.6_ _ , - - - - - r _ - -LL''' - N 88°41408" W 190:60 / ,/ 553.0 / / ....--- ----- / / / / // I W‘ / -- / x - - - 1373..5_, - -' --- , ,t9 7-673 - .-- / ' / 7 / 7 / / / , e) 770 1 / 1.1/ I 74.p I Co i N i z 03 N / I N / I N I i c° I Propos d Covered Porch 1 29.21 576.5 0" ash " 4' luster 6' t 6'0" o ffe 579.9 / Gas Meter 7 No. 62 L I -5-frame 75.3 op catalp 578. X ki• ., bir \ . m. ...- N w Q \ •-. ,..........,..--------, ,.. I // - - - N . - • / . - . - ilrg \ \ ---- i 13 / ____ \ c\t \ / t3 75.2 I \ / / N vs3 --.....,,......... _Overhea4 Wires_ -.. I ‘53 6761.5/'6" 575 1 \ • 1 ‘sz. 5.1 / N N 575.1 - \ 0 \ \ - .-•-- N N I `71i1 \ .5 2575.2 , 1 , to \ \ )3 75. 3 // N N 576 1 (1 1 Elec. N c \ \ Meter I\ \ \ \ / x N i ti;) \ \ \ 575.2 / 577.7 `- \ A-. \ Stoop / x N N 1 13713.3 Proposed // N \ _ N \ \ k ._\ \ \ 1\ / luster" 57.9 II Garage Gar Fl k / 575.0 \ i 1 \ (.. \ i \ ,- \ x 577.5 1 \ \ . 577.9 x 11 \ \ Overhead Wires \ \ I \ • - \ \ 4- .._5 .7 • I ' L. \ x 577.5 577 \ - 4 \ I \ \ x 577.4 I \ \ \ I \ \ \ , \ \ 77.9 ,.\ 577.9 I \ 41. _a \ .. \ \ \ Concrete x e317 \' \ X 877.4 4 \ 577.9 1 \ \ 577. 4 \ \ x 577.5 , - ‘ \\ ... ' \ \ S 88°40'29" E 190.13 mea• 190.00 rat / \ Addition x ": 575.)\ ) / wig Map .6 x 76.1 Overhead Wires x 377.4 x577.2 1 1 x) 75.2 1377.6 ISL -X-67-713 z 576. I Ina I, 877.8 576.0 - -3[9- - .43Z6. 0 \ )575.9 576.1 576.\ I 576.2 \ / q)' Power Pole 'wer .09.5 It a N 00°54'24" E 120.00 75.4 "Pole tcc / 57'1.64 Qtycc 571..51 tcc 573.16 1 Gar Fl 577.2 I 576.5 576.5 576.5 No. 6301 1-3-Frame Concrete (5) (\i b P X 00 Lc? tcc , 572.47 tcc 572.74 4 I 4 03 s7C / C11 / Mylh'hO-le cr =1372.03 tcc 572.35 CO FIGURE 1 11.05.2020 LAND SURVEYING a ENGINEERING LEGEND SUBCATCHMENT NUMBER POND/CATCH BASIN NUMBER LINK NUMBER REACH NUMBER DRAINAGE ARROW CITY OF EDINA MAR 11 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 20 40 1R SCALE IN FEET cl) LAND SURVEYING B. ENGINEERING w w < > Z I Z N- 2 < ›- 9 z > 5 w CO uJ i' c7, r CO z < LJ. E < z 0 LLI 0 < 0 Z CLIA § 0 00 0 LEGEND SUBCATCHMENT NUMBER POND/CATCH BASIN NUMBER LINK NUMBER 1R REACH NUMBER DRAINAGE ARROW CITY OF EDINA MAR 1 1 2021 P LA NNING DEPARTMENT FIGURE 2 11.05.2020 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 1 573.5 / 575.6 x ,157-673- x / ° 7 -- 9/9- - - 5 75.9 576.0 w tcc 570.56 tee 565.14 tcc / 579 .64 Vcc X 57/.5/ (1) .CC U / v / M,Qnhole 6,-572.03 tcc 572.35 x twi 12.7 1 N 1 I 573.6 1 v -- // v 7V 577.7 ...... I .57i.-0 1 1.! N a 1 Ix . iv I x I °N 74.p cv (NI N I\ I Q.3 A I I I 575.9 1 CU l\ t\ i ',3 // 1 a) / E i I\ f I cl;) 03 I CO I I cg , 0) I I I 29.4 1376'.5 A ro tcc 573.16 5n3.9 1" pap tof (3) - O x• CO Lf) X c) ' tee 572.4 7 tcc I 572.74 ffe 579.9 Gas Meter 75.4 I ‘b7672 1 1 Concrete N. 1 35.4 Gar Fl 577.2 V 576.5 57 .9 577.1 575.7 X 1575.0 m i l _„)x 7 N 88°41'08" W 19 i :00 575. X 579.5 88/.3 X X 553.0 Power Pole () u!) O (\i luster" 57. 9 -..a) go id 575.2 v '575.3 575.1 ////A Overhead Wires CV w (NI d. 10 O O 576.5 576.5 S 88°40'29" E 190.13 me sr 576!<1 190.00 1rat 5iltfence or Di o11.5 (Typ.) 1376. / h09e6 Or 09. Overhead ires xe377 x877.2 LPN 75.2 5 77-4 • OU 24'0" 57 x 57 ole existing rain garden 576.1 and rain ga de \\(12'x22' 576.2 \ 576. Wer No. 621 1-5-Fram No. 6301 1-5-Frame Sidew-11 D • WPM IMPAGPIS r gr. is.) di! 05 J 4 at-etui atu.rep kr a Sa 0., d),,,81, , CITY OF EDINA MAR 1 1 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2 MoN4•••••••••••• 8' 2' 8' 9/12/2020 Garage Dimensions Wall Configurations *Illustration may not depict all options selected. CITY OF EDINA MAR 11 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 28' ENDWALL B 6' 2'6" 13V 3' 31" SIDEWALL D 318" 76" 15'9" 2'6" 37^ SIDEWALL C JELD-WEN 30"W x 24"H Vinyl Sliding w/Nailing Flange JELD-WEN 30"W x 24"H Vinyl Sliding w/Nailing Flange ENDWALL A Ideal Door® 3-Star 8' x 7' White Standard Value Non-insulated Garage Door Ideal Door® 3-Star 8' x 7' White Standard Value Non-insulated Garage Door *Some items like wainscot, gutter, gable accents, are not displayed if selected. 0 2/6 9/1 2/2020 Garage Materials Building Info Building Width: 28' Building Length: 28' Building Height: 8' Wall Framing Stud: 2" x 4" Roof Framing: Truss Construction Truss Type: Common Roof Pitch: 4/12 Pitch Eave Overhang: 2' Gable Overhang: 1' Concrete Block Option: None Anchor bolt: Grip Fast 1/2" x 10" HDG Anchor Bolt w/ Nut & Washer CITY OF EDINP. MAR 11 2021 •T! Wall Info PLANNING DEPARTMENT Siding Material Types: Vinyl Vinyl Siding: ABCTO® Cedar CreekTM Double 4" - White Accent Material Type: None Wainscot Material Type: None Wall Sheathing: 7/16" OSB (Oriented Strand Board). House Wrap: Kimberly-Clark BLOCK-IT®9'x75'House Wrap Gable Vents: None 4. 3/6 9/12/2020 Garage CITY OF EDINA MAR 1 1 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roof Info Roof Sheathing: Roofing Material Type: Architectural Roofing: Roof Underlayment: Ice and Water Barrier: Fascia material Type: Fascia: Soffit material Type: Soffit: Gutter material Type: Ridge Vent: Roof Vents: Openings Garage Door Opener: Garage Door Opener: Overhead Door: Overhead Door: Overhead Door Trim Type: Vinyl Trim Color: Entry Door: Windows: Windows: Windows: Additional Options Ceiling Insulation: Wall Insulation: Ceiling Finish: Wall Finish: 1/2" OSB (Oriented Strand Board) Architectural Shingle Owens Coming® TruDefinition® Duration® Limited Lifetime Warranty Architectural Shingles (32.8 sq. ft.) - Chateau Green #15 Felt Roofing Underlayment 3' x 144' (432 sq. ft.) Owens Coming® WeatherLock® G Granulated Self-Sealing Ice and Water Barrier 3' x 66.7' (200 sq. ft.) Aluminum Fascia 6" x 12' Aluminum Rustic Fascia - White Aluminum Soffit 16" x 12' Aluminum Vented Soffit - White None None None None None Ideal Door® 3-Star 8' x 7' White Standard Value Non-insulated Garage Door Ideal Door® 3-Star 8' x 7' White Standard Value Non-insulated Garage Door Vinyl White Mastereraft® Smooth White Fiberglass 6-Panel Exterior Door with Composite Frame JELD-WEN 30"W x 24"H Vinyl Sliding w/Nailing Flange JELD-WEN 30"W x 24"H Vinyl Sliding w/Nailing Flange JELD-WEN 30"W x 24"H Vinyl Sliding w/Nailing Flange None Guardian R-l3 Kraft-Faced Fiberglass Insulation 3.625" x 15" x 32' - 40 sq ft 1/2" Lightweight Drywall 1/2" Lightweight DryiVall S. V • 4/6 2-0-0 6-7-2 14-0-0 7-4-14 7-4-14 6-7-2 20-7-2 7-4-14 28-0-0 2-0-0 , 0-0-0 0-0-0 9-7-4 9-7-4 9-7-4 28-0-0 8-9-8 18-4-12 124 4 12 TcueEuild QSzcfl-wate v55.2.240 Eagle Metal Products VC 75234 ALL PERSONS FABRICATENG, HANDLING, ER=ING OR INSTALLING ANY TRUSS BASED UPON THIS TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING ARE INSTRUCT reilTO REFER TO ALL OF TEE ThISTRUCTIONS, MUTATIONS AND QUALIEFICA:TIONS SETFORIBThl THE EAGLE METAL PRODUCTS DESIGN NOTES IS SUBD WITH TIM D—STGN AND AVA.U.BLE FROM Hot :t F UPON REQUEST DESIGN VALID OlsaY. WHEN EAS MErALCONNECTaRS ARE USED. V Midwest Manufacturing Truss: 011028 Address 1 JobNarre: RES STOCK. Address 2 Date: 02/22/17 09:26:21 City, State Zip Page: 1 of 1 SPAN PITCH QTY OHL 01-312. CANT L CANT R PLYS SPACING WGTIPLY 28-0-0 4/12 1 2-0-0 2-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 24 in 84 lbs 32-0-0 6 3x10 - 3X10 - 1 9 10 6 4x4 - All plates shown to be F.:sic 20 unless otherwise noted. Loading (psi) TILL: 42 Staaw(P&Pg): 42/60 TO L: 10 BCLL: 0 B : 10 General Bldg Co : IRC 201' TPI 1 -.d.*// Rep Mbr increase : Yes I ',Taber : 115 90 CSI Summary Deflection (loc) Allowed TC: 0.26 (2-3) Vert TL-. 0.5S in L/ 563 (5-6) L/ 180 BC : 0.29 (2-1) Vert LL: 0.33 in L1999 (5-6) Li 240 'Web: 0.76 (3-S) Bare TL: 0.14 in. 5 Reaction Summary IT Brg Combo Brx wah Red Erg -9iidth Max React Max Gray Upar Max M-WFRS Uplift Max C&C Up&t. Max Uplift Max Bode -305 lbs -305 rte -7 /be -305 lbs -305 ros Material Summary TIC SPF 1650/1.5 2x 4 BC SPF 1650/1.5 2x 4 Webs SPF Stud 2 x 3 Loads Summary 1) This truss has been designed for the age us of iralsor,ed and unkralaoce d =iw loads for bipstablesh, accordance oFkhAS=7 - 10 with tbe, follaorkg user derane4:11aptx 60 gourd mow load, Tarrain Category /3, E....I.—L.- Categary Fully Ehpereced (Co = 0.9), Risk Gagoc,,,E (I= 1.00), Thermal Cocaina Cold ventgatod (Cr = 1.1), DOL = 1.15. Ticsneatilated. If the roof conEgazatien cEffers croa.biptsplale,,Buil,liagDesigoer Man verify 575'77 loads. 2) This truss has been dedgoed to accou for henEfece of ice Alms forming at the eaves. 3) This suss bas been desigoed far theeffects of 'wind laads in accarclance A. - 10 6&0 the follawing =es defaced inpun 115 mph (Factored), arposure Enclosed. Gable/1-.1p. Risk Category ll, Overall Bldg Dams 25 ax60.*., b=153,End Zane ihns, Bathend webs ca&zlered. DOL= L60 4) Mioloaum. storage attic kracEnghas been applied in accordance with IRC 301.5 1 1 3.5 la 105111 L9,14 1175 5 1 3.5 in 3.05 in 1,9441las Bracing Somivary Bracing Skeadoe d or Purl n' at 2-41-0. Puck, &siva by (Th-rs, BC Bracing Sheathed or PurEas at 10-0-0, PI:din design by Others Member Forces Summary TO 11.-2 0.857 4,175 let 2.3 0.861 -3,62.4 lbs BC 5-6 0.889 3.875 lir 34 0.861 -3,624 /be 4-5 0.857 4,175 lbs C-342162) 6-3 0.693 2,614 lies (471 8-1 0.889 3,875 les (-34216s) 0.758 1.259 lbs (-49 lbs) 3.6 0,758 1,259 lbs (-4911-0 4.6 0.429 -991 lbs Webs 2-8 0.429 -941 lbs MentammacCS1, vox wrialferre,, (re= canps. firm if adient frera met aunt Seecei) Only 6sces grazier than 3001ba we shorn is this. tette. JR Summary 1=0.98, 2=0.73, 3= 0.93, 4= 0.73, 5 = 098, 6= 091.7=0.20. and 8=0.91 Notes 1) Unless noted otherwise' , do not cut or alter any hussmeraber or plate without prior approval foam a Prcrthetonal Er:gimes. 2) 74/band:Osman bas been chosen for svafity assurance inspection, the Dauble Polygon Method per TPI 1 -zuufiChapter 3 shall be med. 3) The fabrication tolerance for this roof hussis 0 56 (Cq = 1.00). 4) Brace bottom chard with approved sheathing or puchas per Bracing Summary 5) Creep ban been ccnsidered in Me analysis of this suss. 6) Listed wind upSft reactions based on WI/FRS & C&C loading 9/12/2020 Garage CITY OF EDINA MAR 11 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMEN' 5/6 Truss: 011128 JobNaxrc: RES STOCK ENDS Dam 02/22/27 69:36:35 Page 1 of 1 Midwest Manufacturing Address 1 Address 2 City, State Zip SPAN 28-0-0 PITCH 4 /22 QTY 1 0113 OHR - 2-0-0 2-0-0 CANT L 0-0-9 CANT R 0-0-0 PLYS 1 SPACING 24 in WGT/PLY 100 lbs 32-0-0 -2-0-0 , 14-0-0 140-0 14-0-0 28-0-0 2-0-0 ri,VIrir•MVPV,•.:•;:•:•,M4".741••••,...X•'•'•••ii. Nrig.C4-409:4Wel:49"."4-47,• • • -414c• • c+-•;€4,••-•;+:*".W.,1,•-•-•-•-•:•-•:•-•-•-•-•-••,-•.-•-•-• •,* •• • •• 41 1.41'1 All plates shown to beEagle 0-0-0 28-0-0 0-0-0 20 unless otherwise voted. 28-0-0 Loading (psi) 42 Scraw(PsfPg): 42/60 1.7.DL: 10 13 CLL : 0 BCDL: 10 General Bldg Code : IRC 2012' TPI 1-21mi Rep Iliac. Increase: No Lumber D.01, : 115 SG CSI Summary -cc: 0.77 (33-26) BC: 0.10 (13-14) Vb: 0.11 (6-20) Deflection Vert TL: 0.01 6a Vert LL: 0 6:1 Harz a.: Oa 11 L7999 L / 999 (loo) (13-14) 34 Allowed Li 380 Li 240 Reaction Summary BrgCambo Beg 'Nab Max Rea Ave React Max Gray Uplift MaxMWFRS Wit Max C&C Upili± Mast Up.E: Max Ec-th2' • 1 - 560 lbs 164 plf -34 las -5 lbs -145 lbs -145Ibs 135 Ins Material Summary Bracing SLIA ary TC SFF 42 2 x 4 TC Bracing Sheathed or Pudias at 6-3-0, Pucline de6gp by re-0 es BC SPE 42 2 x 4 BC Bracing Sb5athed or PurBas., at 10-0-0, Pudic' desigu by Others. Webs SPF Said 2:t 4 Loads Summary I) This truss has been degnerl far the effects of balanced arid imbalacced snow loads 'htisigables in accordance wahASCE7 - 1 0 with the fallowing.mer defined input 60 pe grund =lowland, Terrain Category E„ Expos= Category Fully Etpesed (Ce = 05) ,' Risk Category n (I =1.00), ToagmalConthana Cold vecOlated (Ct = 1.1), DOL =.- 1.15. Veratilad. If thereof configuration ciffers fr ma tip/gable, Buill:vgDeetper ail veV.c. y sacorloads 2) This taiss has been desigoed to account foc ths effecX of ice dams forming at tes eaves. 3) This truss bas been de.igned for dae efFecas of wind loads ia accordance willaAS7 - 10 v&a.±e. fallowing mon defined icptit: 115 mph (Factare ci), Bcpenice.13, Earlefec3, Gable/I-13p, Risk Category U, Overall Bldg Dixas 25 ft x 60 ft, h= 15 _ft, Pad Zane Ttuss, Bath end webs considered DOL= 1.60 Member Forces Summary rain indin-,ten: 51,02bn D. tax CSI. znrc nxial face, Can. ccimpz. fete if di£5isent. *cm ran.% axial. form) Only 5:rcni. greater than 3001tn sce. sinnarn in this tztite. BC We.. 1244 0.069 -309 tin 12-14 0.069 -309 lbs JSI Summary I, 0.48, 2= 0.76, 3= 0.55, 4= 0.55, 5= 055, 6 0.55, 7 =0.25, 8= 0.55, 9 = 0.55, 10 = 0.55, 11 = 0.55, 22= 0:76, 13= 0.48, 14= 0.79, 15 = 0.57, 16 = 0.57, 17 = 0.57, 18 = 0.57, 19 = 0.19, 20 = 0.57, 21 = 0.57, 22= 0.57, 23 = 0.57, and 24-= Me. Notes 1) Unless noted odeerwise, do not cut or alter at:7 trussmember or plate without pear approval frans. a Professional Engineer. 2) Gable regales cantimiousbarszn cbccd beariag. 3) Gable webs placed at 24" CC, U.N.O. 4) Attach gable webs with 1x4 20gu plates, U.N.O. 5) B racing shown is for in-plane requirements. Far out-a-planes reqdrenaents, refer to B CSI -B 3 pubtieked by the S2 CA. 6) When this truss has been chosen for qu afty a =ranee iner-ctho, the Double Polygon Method per Lei 1-2007/Chapter 3 Aball be used 7) The fabrication tolerance for this roof =anis 10 % (Cq = 0,90). 8) Creep his been ccosidered io tbe arnlyszs. of this trtrs. a 0) Due to raegl--vereacthixs iagravityload cases, special corrections ai the bearing sudace at joints 14, 24 may need to be considered 10) Li=ed whdupER reactions based m MWERS & C&C loaclu'ag. 1. Tc I 9/12/2020 Garage CITY OF EDINA MAR 1 1 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ALL PERSONS FABRICATING, HANDLING, ERECTING CR INSTALLING ANYTRUSS BASED UP QN 77-31S TRUSS DFSION DRAINING ARE INSTRUC LBOTO REFER TO ALL TrueBuild<DSaftwate v53.2.240 OF TEE EiSTRUCTIONS, LlivaTATIONS AND QUALIFICATION'S SETFORTHD4TBE EAGLE METAL FRODUCT6 DESIGN NOTES ISSUED WITH TIES DESI GNI AND Eagle Metal Przduct s AVAILABLE FROM EAGLE UPON REQUEST D--CION VALID ONLY WBEN FACT P MErALCONNECTZE&S ARE USED. 7,311=. "CC 75234 • • 6/6 470870 470880 470890 470900 470910 470920 470930 470940 470950 470960 470970 Custom Soil Resource Report Soil Map 93° 22' T W 93° 22' 3" W 44° 53 24" N o 0_ o 0_ F - N 44° 53' 24" N — a 5 a N_ 44° 53' 21" N 2,cflO Wap nay not be v 44° 53 21" N 470880 470890 470870 470900 470920 470960 470930 470970 470950 470910 470940 93° 22' 8" W A Map Scale: 1:513 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Meters 0 5 10 20 30 Feet 0 20 40 80 120 Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 15N WGS84 CITY OF EDINA 22 MAR 11 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5 FT MINIMUM LENGTH POST AT 6 FT MAXIMUM SPACING PLASTIC ZIP TIES (50 LBS TENSILE) LOCATED IN TOP 8 IN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36 IN WIDE TIRE COMPACTION ZONE FLOW No. 6211 5'.13'5 1-.5-Tuck Under ree 6706E 6 '77 '14 - e 6136 4JtJ, Z671.91 dm' n're677.03 872.38 672.47 2 SILT FENCE (MACHINE SLICED) NOT TO SCALE 877.9 x 6775771-T> 6' rap 67/.6 1.0 573 • 5 477 (6775 ,i~iP X17 _ SILT FENCE OR BIOROLLS (TYP.) tpf 5775 6 IN MINIMUM • \\c"\ EXISTING GROUND ROCK STABILIZING EXIT RAIN GARDEN UNDISTURBED / NON-COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOT TO SCALE PLACE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG IN SHALLOW TRENCH 8 IN - 10 IN EMBEDMENT DEPTH SPACE BETWEEN STAKES SHALL BE A (1 IN TO 2 IN DEPTH) MAXIMUM OF 1 FT FOR DITCH CHECKS OR 2 FT FOR OTHER APPLICATIONS. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG NOT TO SCALE INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET DEMARC LAND SURVEYING Er ENGINEERING 7601 73RD AVENUE N, BROOKLYN PARK, MN 55428 PHONE: 763.560.3093 FAX: 763.560.3522 www.DemarcInc.com SHEET NO. Cl OF Cl ',JEFFREY A. PRASCH, P.E. DATE: 11.05.20 LIC. NO.: 52706 GENERAL GRADING NOTES: 1. THE CITY OF EDINA STANDARD SPECIFICATION MUST APPLY EXCEPT WHERE MODIFIED BY THESE DOCUMENTS. 2. WITHIN 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION, THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL". (1-800-252-1166) 3. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, THE GRADING CONTRACTOR MUST FIELD VERIFY WITH UTILITY COMPANIES, ALL ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, AND THE ENGINEER MUST BE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFIED IF THERE ARE ANY CONFLICTS. 4. SALVAGE EXISTING TOPSOIL TO PROVIDE 4" OF TOPSOIL COVER OVER ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED. 5. AFTER BIOROLLS OR SILT FENCE HAVE BEEN REMOVED, ANY REMAINING SEDIMENT ON SITE MUST BE GRADED TO CONFORM TO THE EXISTING GRADE AND BE SODDED OR SEEDED AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 6. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, FINISHED SLOPES MUST NOT EXCEED 4H : 1V. 7. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. CHARLIE KIMBRO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CLEANLINESS OF THE SITE AND THE MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS. 2. THE STREET WILL BE SWEPT CLEAN BEFORE THE END OF EACH DAY OF ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, WHEN SEDIMENT IS TRACKED INTO THE STREET. 3. AREAS WITH SLOPES GREATER THAN 3 TO 1 AND AREAS NEXT TO VVETLANDS/WATERBODIES GRADED OR EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH TEMPORARY VEGETATION, MULCHING OR OTHER MEANS AS SOON AS PRACTICAL. 4. ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED AS SOON AS PRACTICAL. UNWORKED SOILS THAT REMAIN EXPOSED AND NOT IN USE FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS WILL BE COVERED WITH TEMPORARY SEED (GRASS, OATS, OR WHEAT). 5. NO CONCRETE WASHOUT SHALL OCCUR ON SITE UNLESS IT IS DONE WITH AN APPROVED MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (MPCA) DEVICE OR STANDARD. 6. STOCKPILES SHALL BE SURROUNDED WITH ADEQUATE PERIMETER CONTROL TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION. 7. INLET PROTECTION FOR ALL STORM SEWER INLETS DOWNSTREAM OF THE SITE WITHIN ONE BLOCK OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY. 8. SITE SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN AT ALL TIMES AND REFUSE PROPERLY CONTROLLED. 9. TEMPORARY PUMPING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT THE USE OF AN APPROVED MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (MPCA) DEVICE OR STANDARD. 10. SOIL COMPACTION SHALL BE MINIMIZED; AREAS OF COMPACTED SOIL WILL BE REMOVED OR LOOSENED VIA TILLING TO A DEPTH OF NO LESS THAN 6-INCHES. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ON A WEEKLY BASIS AND AFTER ANY RAINFALL GREATER THAN 1" ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND MAKE ANY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. AN INSPECTION LOG SHALL BE KEPT ON SITE DETAILING THESE INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS PERFORMED. 362 FLOW 5 x 661.3 3 6 683.0 ,6,05.7 233.2 pp 6m.5 Woo _ 6ge „- 1.675.0 _- -01 N 88'41'98" W 199,00 / • rote x 6' DO' tee 87-6 I 6661 0.42.3 253..5 64. - ;,C.7 MACHINE SLICE 8 IN - 12 IN DEPTH 5654 8770 crir z, At/77/ ASV/ '79 30' 67 / / 676.9 Meter E 9752 / 979 0. 313 676.1 Overheat. i {Wee 33k.,„. 676.1 - 673./ ' 76. C) 1 676./ I 676 1( 't \ 677.7 !877. 17 tfo° , No. 6213 / 1-5-Frame 8 cr, /, 179 9 Cas .677.5 x 677.9 co 0 / me, 677.7 5 .35.3 676.6, 8 .5 El 676 6774 S. tec 672 74 .671'.7 9 eo ncre 677.0 1674 137e • 677.9 t Downspout _, Direct ewe e to driveway 9 /tv ,"/"90, .9 ////24.2 • Garage • 975 5»9 d9. / 24.0. s90, oa RADIUS AS REQUIRED 20' MINIMUM LENGTH O EXPAND RAIN GARDEN TO 12' x 22' PER "j-- ROCK CONSTRUCTION EXIT 24'O -,1 ;1 a 6 \ -,T 76\9 It'd .9777 :.:075 \ L -I- s , t, .677- - L. I , , 988°40'29" E190,13 nle:si-'7771:)-. --. \ 676.'1 190. C19,13i6t 0 ti 3 3,1 e6)6.6 • r.• 2 ...67,4 976.5 ,;, x 2375.1 3. - a 679. '5762 ‘, Concrete '595 CRUSHED ROCK PER SPECIFICATION ').675.9 -00-1 EXIT WIDTH AS REQUIRED 1 IN - 2 IN CRUSHED ROCK - TAPER EDGES AT 1:1 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 876.9 USE REBAR OR STEEL ROD FOR REMOVAL (FOR INLETS WITH CAST CURB BOX REPLACE ROD WITH WOOD 2 IN X 4 IN). EXTEND 10 IN BEYOND GRATE WIDTH ON BOTH SIDES, LENGTH VARIES. SECURE TO GRATE WITH WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES. NOT TO SCALE INLET SPECIFICATIONS AS PER THE PLAN DIMENSION LENGTH AND WIDTH TO MATCH FLAP POCKET STRAW SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG SIZE TO PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 1 IN X 2 IN X 24 IN LONG WOODEN STAKES. - STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. 450 7 MINIMUM DOUBLE STITCHED SEAMS ALL AROUND SIDE PIECES AND ON FLAP POCKETS 4-FOOT WIDE OUTLET = 877.00 N 1V:3H MAX SLOPE IN RAIN GARDEN (TYP.) MINERAL SOD OR RAIN GARDEN PLANTINGS IIIIII I 1111---111E111E1 I I LEI I la I 6" SALVAGED TOPSOIL III III \\,/\\./`\,,, II 2\ /\,/ 6" SCARIFIED SOIL 1V:3H MAX SLOPE IN RAIN GARDEN (TYP.) TOP OF MINERAL SOD = 975.50 OVERFLOW HOLES (2 IN X 4 IN HOLE SHALL BE HEAT CUT INTO ALL FOUR SIDE PANELS) FRONT, BACK, AND BOTTOM TO BE MADE FROM SINGLE PIECE OF FABRIC FLOW FAsurveyWalley view heights - hennepin \15-1 \Engineering \CAD \SVVEC.d CITY OF EDINA MAR 1 1 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 BACKFILL AND COMPACT SOIL FROM TRENCH ON UPGRADIENT SIDE OF SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG DESIGNED BY: JAP I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UND7 7/THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. REVISIONS LOT 15, BLOCK 1 - VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS 6213 TRACY AVENUE EDINA, MINNESOTA PROJECT: 86201A MARK SALSBURY 6213 TRACY AVENUE EDINA, MINNESOTA 55436 763.498.1535 STORM WATER EROSION CONTROL PLAN DRAWN BY: JRD CHECKED BY: GRP 12-O NT \A-gu0 GA-12461/4-‘c NitENJ (F- 6k8 0 L acm pip CITY OF EDINA MAR 11 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1A-ex YM b \)1-\fk) To\IA-e.0 1-10vs E. --4 -x(5-ri -2 Pt V1/4(3. Wc-RD \)‘__-vJ — INI-1‘11Bof._ ID Date: April 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:S ketch P lan R eview - 5146 Eden Avenue (F ormer P ublic Works S ite) Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No action requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: P rovide the applicant non-binding input on a potential future development proposal. Areas of focus on the discussion should be on the proposed land uses, proposed height, setbacks (especially along Eden Avenue) and the Grandview D evelopment Framework. T he applicant has responded to the G randview District’s 7 Guiding P rinciples within their narrative. (See attached plans and narrative.) AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Memo Grandview Development Framework Grandview Trans portation Plan Proposed Plans Applicant Narrative City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: April 14, 2021 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 5146 Eden Avenue (Former Public Works Site) The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to re-develop the 3.3-acre vacant site at 5146 Eden Avenue. This is the old Public Works site. As proposed, at full build out, the site would include: A 5-1/2-story, 90-unit senior cooperative project (owner occupied) with underground parking. (Applewood Pointe Cooperative) Ten percent (10%) of the units would be for affordable housing. A 3-story, 40,000 square foot medical office building with two levels of structured parking under and behind the building. Though needed for the development, the applicant has indicated the potential to provide some of the parking as available for district parking as recommended in the Grandview Development Framework. A pedestrian walkway and bridge to connect the Jerry’s parking ramp. This connection was recommended in the Grandview Development Framework. (See attached pages from the development framework.) A 10,500 square foot public plaza. To accommodate the request the following is required: A Rezoning from PID, Planned Industrial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Flexibility would be requested through the PUD Ordinance to vary from setback, building height, and floor area ratio (FAR) requirements. The PUD Zoning is also used to ensure the affordable housing on the site. As with all sketch plan reviews; the Planning Commission is asked to provide non-binding comments and direction on a potential future development request. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Areas of focus for the Planning Commission discussion should be on the proposed land uses, proposed height, setbacks (especially along Eden Avenue), and the Grandview Development Framework. The applicant has responded to the Grandview District’s 7 Guiding Principles within their narrative. (See attached plans and narrative.) While the applicant is proposing to rezone the site to PUD, the following table demonstrates compliance with the underlying zoning: COMPLIANCE TABLE City Standard (PID) Proposed Building Setbacks -Residential Front – Eden Avenue Front - Arcadia Avenue Side – West Rear – North Building Setbacks -Office Front – Eden Avenue Front - Arcadia Avenue Side – West Rear – North 60 feet (based on height) 60 feet (based on height) 71 feet (based on height) 60-71 feet (based on height) 42 feet (based on height) 42 feet (based on height) 42 feet (based on height) 42 feet (based on height) 100+ feet 10 feet* (22’ to the curb) 10 feet* 72 and 100 feet 5 feet*(17’ to future curb) 5 feet*(20’ to future curb) 70 feet 100+ feet Building Height – Residential Building Height – Office Four Stories and 48 feet Four Stories and 48 feet Five-1/2 stories and 71 feet* Three stories and 42 feet Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .5% (Adjacent zoning PCD-2 Zoning allows 1.5 FAR) – Comp Plan Guides the site for PCD-2 Uses 1.5%* Parking Stalls – Residential (Senior Housing) Parking Stalls – Medical Office .75 units per unit = 68 spaces One space per 200 s.f. + one space per physician = 200+ spaces 153 spaces 166 spaces* Parking Stall Size 8.5’ x 18’ 8.5 x 18’ Drive Aisle Width 24 feet 24 feet *Not code compliant City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Issues/considerations: Density. The residential density proposed is on the low end of the density range within the Comprehensive Plan and therefore reasonable for the site. The density is 28 units per acre. The Comprehensive Plan would allow up to 100 units at this site. Grandview Development Framework. The proposed plans contain two key elements in the Framework: a bridge that would connect the Jerry’s parking ramp and public green space. Plans show the bridge and a 10,500 square foot public plaza in the middle of the site. There is no public building on the site which is shown in the Framework. The City has pursued public buildings on the site but has not worked out. (See attached Development Framework Document.) Grandview Transportation Plan. Sidewalks are proposed along the south and east lot line per the Plan. Also, there is a round-a-bout planned for the intersection of Eden Avenue and Arcadia. The applicant has revised their plans to accommodate the new configuration of this intersection. (Depicted by the red lines on page 1 of the proposed plans.) Setbacks. The setback proposed are relatively tight on Eden Avenue and Arcadia. Given the roadway realignment, and area within the right of way the setbacks seem reasonable. Buildings would be 17 to 22 feet from the curb. The proposed location of the buildings are consistent with the new apartment building to west which is also close to the street at 5 feet to the lot line and 19 feet to the curb on Eden Avenue. Traffic and parking. A traffic and parking study would be required. Affordable Housing. The applicant proposes to provide 10% of the units to families earning 50% AMI within the project to meet the City’s Affordable Housing Policy. Proposed heights. The proposed height of 5-6 stories exceeds the code required 4-story maximum. The height would not exceed the height of the Jerry’s office tower. The Grandview Development Framework Study contemplated no buildings exceeding the height of the Jerry’s tower. The added height seems appropriate to obtain affordable housing units, the public plaza and construction of the public bridge across the railroad tracks to connect to the Jerry’s parking ramp and would not exceed the height of the Jerry’s tower. Sustainability. The applicant will be required to fill out the City’s Sustainability Questionnaire to address sustainability issues. The proposed plans would be subject to review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 FIRST LEVEL 114'-0" SECOND LEVEL - MOB 128'-0" THIRD LEVEL - MOB 142'-0" ROOF LEVEL - MOB 156'-0" SECOND LEVEL - HOUSING 161'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"11'-0"16'-0"12'-0"THIRD LEVEL - HOUSING 172'-0" FOURTH LEVEL - HOUSING 183'-0" FIFTH LEVEL - HOUSING 194'-0" ROOF LEVEL - HOUSING 216'-0" FIRST LEVEL - HOUSING 145'-0"14'-0"14'-0"14'-0"LOWER LEVEL - PARKING HOUSING 133'-0" FIRST LEVEL COVERED PARKING SECOND LEVEL SURFACE PARKING MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING PLAZA GREEN LOBBY & AMENITY SENIOR CO-OP HOUSING COURT AUTO COURT PEDESTRIAN LINK ROOF DECK -1 LEVEL PARKING SIXTH LEVEL - HOUSING 205'-0" LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 COURT FIRST LEVEL SECOND LEVEL THIRD LEVEL ARCADIA AVE SECTION LINE SECOND LEVEL - HOUSING 161'-0" THIRD LEVEL - HOUSING 172'-0" FOURTH LEVEL - HOUSING 183'-0" FIFTH LEVEL - HOUSING 194'-0" ROOF LEVEL - HOUSING 216'-0" FIRST LEVEL - HOUSING 145'-0" LOWER LEVEL - PARKING HOUSING 133'-0" SIXTH LEVEL - HOUSING 205'-0" JERRY'S PARKING PEDESTRIAN LINK ROOF DECK -1 LEVEL PARKING FIRST LEVEL PARKING SENIOR CO-OP HOUSING LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 6 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 1 GRANDVIEW EDINA, MN 03/31/21 | COMM#26175-21021 SITE SECTION -NORTH 1" = 50'-0" SITE SECTION -WEST 1" = 50'-0" DROP-OFF COVERED PARKING 103 STALLS MOB DROP-OFF184'-4"OFFICE & SERVICE2-STORY ENTRANCE/LOBBY 199'-8" STAIR 3990 GSF NEW PROPOSED ROUNDABOUT LAYOUT SURFACE PARKING 63 STALLS 2-STORY ENTRANCE/LOBBY OFFICE7'-0"123'-8"STAIR 7'-0" 17785 GSF OFFICE STAIR OUTDOOR DECK 18575 GSF GRANDVIEW EDINA, MN 03/31/21 | COMM#26175-21021 MOB -FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1" = 50'-0" MOB -SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1" = 50'-0" MOB -THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1" = 50'-0" STORAGE WORKSHOP STAIR STAIR STAIRSTAIR HOUSING LOWER LEVEL PARKING 114 STALLS AUTO COURT COURT GREAT ROOM ENTRANCE & LOBBY MAILOFFICECRAFT STAIR STAIRSTAIR PARLOR GUEST PARKING 39 STALLS TRASH STAGING TRASH STAIR B10 B10 B4B6 B9 B4B2 RESIDENT OUTDOOR GATHERINGDR O P-OFFGRANDVIEW EDINA, MN 03/31/21 | COMM#26175-21021 SENIOR CO-OP -LOWER LEVEL PARKING 1"= 40'-0" SENIOR CO-OP -FIRST LEVEL 1"= 40'-0" OPEN LOUNGE & LIBRARY B11 GUEST ROOM FITNESS STAIR STAIR STAIRSTAIRB7 B1 B1 B1 B5 B5B5 B4 B4 B4 B10 B10 B6 B9 B3 B2 B8 B4 B1 B1 B3 B5 B5 B5 B5 B10 B9 STAIRB7 B1 STAIR STAIR B10 B6 RES STORAGE B4 B4 B4 B2 B8 STAIR GRANDVIEW EDINA, MN 03/31/21 | COMM#26175-21021 SENIOR CO-OP -SECOND LEVEL 1"= 40'-0" SENIOR CO-OP -UPPER LEVELS (3-5) 1"= 40'-0" ROOFTOP PATIO STAIR STAIR CLUB ROOM B7 B4 B1 B1 B1 B4 B3 B8 GRANDVIEW EDINA, MN 03/31/21 | COMM#26175-21021 SENIOR CO-OP -SIXTH LEVEL 1"= 40'-0" GRANDVIEW EDINA, MN 03/31/21 | COMM#26175-21021 SOUTH-EAST PERSPECTIVE GRANDVIEW EDINA, MN 03/31/21 | COMM#26175-21021 NORTH-EAST PERSPECTIVE 1 PROJECT NARRATIVE Sketch Plan Submittal March 31, 2021 Grandview Senior Cooperative & Medical Office Mixed-Use Development 5146 Eden Ave South Edina, Minnesota Project Team: Master Developer Co-Developer Frauenshuh, Inc. United Properties 7101 78th Street West, Suite 100 651 Nicollet Mall, Suite 450 Edina, MN 55439 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Contact: David Anderson, Senior Vice President Contact: Alex Hall, Senior Vice President Phone: 952.829.3480 Phone: 952.820.8725 Email: david.anderson@frauenshuh.com Email: alex.hall@uproperties.com Master Plan Design Team / Architecture Master Plan Design Team / Civil Pope Associates Loucks Associates 1295 Bandana Blvd. N, Suite 200 7200 Hemlock Ln N, Suite 300 St. Paul, MN 55108 Maple Grove, MN 55369 Contact: Paul Holmes, Principal Contact: Vicki VanDell, Engineer Phone: 651.642.9200 Phone: 763.424.5505 email: pholmes@popearch.com email: VVanDell@loucksinc.com Property Owner City of Edina HRA 4801 W 50th St Edina, MN 55424 Contact: Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Phone: 952.826.0407 Email: BNeuendorf@EdinaMN.gov The team of Frauenshuh, Inc. and United Properties is pleased to submit this package for sketch plan review with the City of Edina Planning Commission and City Council. The enclosed package provides information which describes and illustrates the elements of an exciting redevelopment vision being crafted for the property at 5146 Eden Avenue, commonly referred to as the “former public works site”. 2 At the foundation of this plan and vision are the Grandview District 7 Guiding Principles, which set an important framework for the City’s vision and opportunity to achieve even greater potential for the Grandview District, through sound planning, land uses, design and civic infrastructure reflected in this plan. We are excited to bring this project together, working in collaboration with the City of Edina HRA and community stakeholders to drive the success of this vision. Frauenshuh, Inc. and United Properties are excited to share our long-standing commitment as stakeholders, investors, residents and contributors to the growth and success of the Edina community. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss the overall vision with the Planning Commission and City Council at this early sketch plan/pre-design phase. 1. SITE OVERVIEW Parcel Basics The parcel is approximately 3.125 acres in size and is positioned at the northwest quadrant of Eden Avenue and Arcadia Avenue in the Grandview district of Edina. The site was formerly occupied by the City of Edina public works operations, which relocated its operation to 7450 Metro Blvd. in 2010. Subsequent to the move, the public works building was demolished, and the parcel has remained vacant and minimally maintained in the interim. Project Land Use Data The site is currently zoned Planned Industrial District (PID) and would seek to be rezoned as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate the specific use components and attributes that the project will bring to the Grandview district. The proposed development will include a replat of the parcels, creating a new parcel on the north end of the site (the “Senior Cooperative Parcel”) and a parcel on the south end of the site (the “MOB Parcel”) as illustrated in the attached site plan. Integrated with the Senior Cooperative Parcel is an elevated public plaza/green connecting to Arcadia Avenue that would provide an open gathering space amenity and become a unique addition to the community and Arcadia Avenue experience. The north portion of the site would accommodate a future trunk water line extension to be installed, owned and maintained by the City in addition to providing right-of-way for a pedestrian walkway and bridge installation, spanning the rail line and extending to Arcadia Avenue to the east and to the Brookside Parking ramp and nearby developments west of the railroad right-of-way. This pedestrian connection is under evaluation to be developed in coordination with the HRA as part of the 2021 Grandview District improvement plans. In addition to the physical plan and use components of the site, the site plan incorporates and anticipates the future installation of a roundabout at Eden Ave. and Arcadia Ave., widening of Arcadia Ave. and pedestrian improvements to the rail bridge foundation at Eden Ave. These improvements, along with the elements of the development plan for the site, bring together an exciting vision for this important site and its overall integration into the Grandview District. 3 2. DEVELOPMENT DATA Senior Cooperative Overview The senior cooperative project will reside on the north portion of the site with two points of ingress/egress from Arcadia Avenue. The building will be five and one-half stories in height and contain two levels of underground parking (114 spaces), with guest parking on the main level, west portion of the site (39 spaces), for a total of approximately 153 parking spaces. Units will range in size from 1,230 to 1,779 sq. ft. and contain a mix of 2 and 3-bedroom units. Initial programming targets a total unit count of approximately 90 homes. Applewood Pointe Cooperatives provide a “for sale” housing option with high quality finishes in a low maintenance community-based setting. Members elect a resident board of directors responsible for managing their community. Financing is provided through a 40 -ear HUD insured master mortgage. Members choose from 4 equity tiers with the balance financed thru this mortgage eliminating the need to secure individual financing. It is anticipated that this cooperative would include a 10% affordable housing component. Medical Office Building Overview The medical office building project will reside on the south portion of the site with points of ingress/egress from Eden Avenue and Arcadia Avenue. The building will be three stories in height and contain two levels of structured parking (approximately 166 spaces), and a roundabout drop-off area at the southwest entry of the site. The total building area will consist of approximately 40,000 gross square feet and designed to accommodate a range of medical office, clinical and specialty healthcare uses. The materiality and design of the building will provide flexibility to allow the incorporation of brand components that reflect the specific healthcare providers. The overall vision for the building’s architecture will include the incorporation of glass, masonry and metal elements that create an energetic and identifiable ‘point of entry’ into the Grandview district from the southeast. Pedestrian Bridge Overview A key element of the overall vision for the site and response to the Grandview District 7 Guiding Principles is the incorporation of a pedestrian bridge spanning the rail line and connecting the district from east to west. This infrastructure is a key element of ‘unlocking the potential’ of the Brookside parking ramp and drawing pedestrians to destinations on both sides of the rail line through the heart of the Grandview district. Plans are underway for the design scope of this infrastructure and its inclusion with the 2021 Grandview area improvement project. Green Plaza Overview The Green Plaza along Arcadia Avenue is an exciting element of the overall vision of the site and opportunity to bring a dynamic new and functional open space to the Grandview District. The space would be similar in size and dimension to the Grandview Square park and provide 4 adequate space for passive use by pedestrians and also be used for certain types of public gatherings throughout the year. We view the Green Plaza as a key component of the site plan and an exciting opportunity create greater outdoor opportunities for Edina residents, guests and visitors throughout the year. Additionally, we see an opportunity to name or brand the Green Plaza in a way that honors the history of the Edina community and the Grandview District and look forward to exploring these opportunities with the City. Site and Building Program Summary Component Site Area Building Area (Total GSF) FAR Parking Area Total Parking Count Senior Cooperative (SC) 76,000 171,650 2.26 56,740 153 Medical Office Building (MOB) 55,580 40,500 0.73 36,500 166 Green Plaza (11,750 SF) Incl. in SC n/a n/a n/a n/a Total Development Area 131,580 212,150 1.61 93,240 319 Pedestrian Walkway & Bridge 4,540 n/a n/a n/a n/a 3. GRANDVIEW DISTRICT 7 GUIDING PRINCIPLES 1. Leverage publicly owned parcels and civic presence to create a vibrant and connected District that serves as a catalyst for high quality, integrated public and private development. The 5146 Parcel is the “strategic interior link” between the Grandview District Hwy 100 Frontage area and Vernon Avenue West Gateway area. The proposal activates this link with the pedestrian connections, green plaza on Arcadia and maintains access for transit. 2. Enhance the District’s economic viability as a neighborhood center with regional connections, recognizing that meeting the needs of both business and residents will make the District a good place to do business. Economic viability includes tax base, residential living, expanded service offerings and job creation. The proposal hits on all points with tax capacity generation of the entire site, new home ownership opportunities for Edina residents, and economic development to enhance neighborhood center improvements. 3. Turn perceived barriers into opportunities. Consider layering development over supporting infrastructure and taking advantage of the natural topography of the area. The development is layered over structured parking that uses the natural 35-foot topographic differential from north to south. Pedestrian connectivity – once a barrier, is now an opportunity. 4. Design for the present and for the future by pursuing logical increments of change using key parcels as stepping-stones to a more vibrant, walkable, functional, attractive and life-filled place. The site design captures all these themes – vibrant, walkable, functional, attractive and life filled. 5. Organize parking as an effective resource for the District by linking community parking to public and private destinations while also providing parking that is convenient for businesses and customers. The plan offers nearly 200 new parking spaces with the potential for shared district use and moreover activates the Brookside ramp (270+ spaces) into a renewed resource for parking supply in the district with the addition of the pedestrian bridge. 6. Improve movement within and access to the District for people of all ages by facilitating multiple modes of transportation and preserve future transit opportunities provided by the rail corridor. The development is multi-modal, pedestrian led, transit ready. The site plan covers the objective and opportunities for district wide access to and through the site. 7. Create an identity and unique sense of place that incorporates natural spaces into a high quality and sustainable development reflecting Edina’s innovative development heritage. A combination of common space, home ownership and community health and wellness care packaged within a design plan that is sustainable and augments the potential of existing district infrastructure. 5 4. SUMMARY The team of Frauenshuh, Inc. and United Properties is excited to bring this exciting development vision to life through a collaborative effort with the City of Edina HRA. We believe the elements that are incorporated into this vision provide the opportunity to create a truly forward looking, fitting and catalytic redevelopment of this important site in the Grandview District. Date: April 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:S ketch P lan R eview - 4630 F ranc e Avenue Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No Action R equested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: P rovide non-binding feedback on a potential future development application. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Memo Proposed Plans Street View of Property Zoning Map aerial City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: April 14, 2021 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 4630 France Avenue The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to tear down the existing single-family home and build two villa type homes at 4630 France Avenue. The property to the north contains a 4-unit townhome development zoned PRD-2, Planned Residential Development - 2. The property to the south is a single-family home zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. Further south are duplexes zoned R-2, Double Dwelling Unit District. (See attached zoning map.) To accommodate the request the following is required: A Rezoning from R-1, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PRD-2 Planned Residential District 2 with setback variances. As with all sketch plan reviews; the Planning Commission is asked to provide non-binding comments and direction on a potential future development request. Areas of focus should be on the proposed land use, setbacks and how this proposal fits in to the surrounding area. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 The following table demonstrates compliance with the underlying zoning: COMPLIANCE TABLE City Standard (PID) Proposed Structure Setbacks Front – France Avenue Side – North Side – South Rear – West 30 feet 20 feet 20 feet 35 feet 40 feet 7 feet* 20 feet 25 feet* Height 2-1/2 stories and 30 feet 2-1/2 stories and 30 feet Density Lot area per unit - 7,300 s.f. 5,016 s.f.* Building Coverage 25% 19% *Variance Required Issues/considerations: Density. The residential density proposed (lot area of 5,016 square feet per lot) is similar to the PRD- 2 development to the north. The four lots to the north are 5,121 square feet per lot. Setbacks. Staff finds the setbacks to be reasonable. The side setback would be similar to the existing single-family home on the site. The two structures to the north are set 10 feet back from the lot line. Staff would recommend the development shift 10 feet to the east to meet the required rear yard setback to be further away from the single-family homes. The front yard setback to France Avenue would still be met. Zoning. The proposed rezoning to PRD-2 would accommodate the same use as the development to the north that is zoned PRD-2 and contains 4 units similar in size to the proposal. The proposal would fit the character of the area given the development to the north and the duplexes to the south. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 1 4630 France Avenue .Edina, Minnesota Redevelopment Study March 23, 2021 By Simply Homes 2 4630 France Avenue .Edina, Minnesota Redevelopment Study March 23, 2021 By Simply Homes 4630 France Avenue Edina, Minnesota by Simply Homes The new development would propose the construction of two (2) villa type homes to be built on the 4630 France Avenue lot/parcel. The existing home on site is vacant, listed as a teardown and been on the market for many months. In this specific setting, we believe there is a market for smaller single family detached homes as a viable option to a town home setting or condominium. There are several townhome developments nearby this location (one directly north and adjacent this site). The specifics of the new homes include the following: •Approximately 2,400 SF of living space (each unit) •2 car garage •3 Bedroom, 4 Bath including Recreation Room (or 4th Bedroom) and Home Office •2 ½ story construction (slab on grade), ground level floor depressed (verify grading) to reduce overall height •Architectural style would be urban cottage •Exterior materials to include (several study options and combinations): Board and batten siding, vertical siding in combination with stained (or painted) wood siding and shingle or metal roofs. Planning variances and rezoning request would include the following: •Re-zoning to enable 2 units on this lot/parcel •Proposed Rear Yard Setback reduced to 20’ –0” versus 25’ –0” required •Assumes Side Yard Setbacks of 7’-0” (verify requirement) •Assume 35’ –0” Front Yard Setback (verify requirement) •Lot Coverage: Proposed building and hardscape at 33% of lot area, not including reduction for pervious paving (verify requirement) •All dimensions and areas to be verified with formal survey France AvenueDriveway 35’ Front Yard Setback20’ Rear Yard Setback 7’ Side Yard Setback7’ Side Yard SetbackLine of Floor Level Above Villa Home 1 Villa Home 2 4630 France Avenue Edina, Minnesota Lot Size = 10,032 SF (.23 acres) Ground Level Structure Footprint = 936 SF Driveway = 2,410 SF Developed Footprint = 3,346 SF (approximate) or 33% 2 ½ Story Homes (Approx. 2,400 SF each) 42’ Offset N                           G 1 2 10’ –0”10’ –0” G 1 2 10’ –0”10’ –0” G 1 2 10’ –0”10’ –0” G 1 2 10’ –0”10’ –0” 20’ –0”56’ –0”42’ –0”Rear Yard Setback LineProperty Line Line 20’ –0”56’ –0”42’ –0”Rear Yard Setback LineProperty Line Line 20’ –0”56’ –0”42’ –0”Rear Yard Setback LineProperty Line Line 20’ –0”56’ –0”42’ –0”Rear Yard Setback LineProperty Line Line 20’ –0”56’ –0”42’ –0”Rear Yard Setback LineProperty Line Line 20’ –0”56’ –0”42’ –0”Rear Yard Setback LineProperty Line Line Precedent Images (Home in Minnetonka) Precedent Images (Home in Linden Hills) Precedent Images (Home in Linden Hills) 4630 France Ave S - Google Maps Page 1 of 2 c2 Maps 4630 France Ave S Image capture: May 2019 © 2021 Google Minneapolis, Minnesota Google Street View https://www.google.com/maps/place/4630+France+Ave+S,+Minneapolis,+MN+55410/@44.9187334,-93.329088,3a,75y,269.24... 4/8/2021 4624 France Ave S - Google Maps Page 1 of 2 Go gle Maps 4624 France Ave S Image capture: May 2019 © 2021 Google Minneapolis, Minnesota Google Street View https://www.google.com/maps/place/4630+France+Ave+S,+Minneapolis,+MN+55410/@44.9188226,-93.3290898,3a,75y,269.2... 4/8/2021 209 NE923.49119 OD Page 1 of 4 DataLin.kjEdina A 607 4608 Q C....2, . \ ...._------ 4611 44,7 /,,,,,e,„ , , , Aff, „ 37 31 or / .4:'ef 1117'e , 1 461 5 s 4613 14 '3 4615 0 30 644617 4 dr. 1 1 9 171,' 4617 39.4 CO 4634 *VW j... . 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T.4.4 to. %444r..40144Y. . ..+1) 401' 3900 https://gis.edinamn.gov/DataLink/Defaultaspx 4/8/2021 DataLinklEdina Page 2 of 3 R-2 - Double Dwelling Unit • PRD-1 - Planned Residence PRD-2 - Planned Residence PRD-3 - Planned Residence PRD-4 - Planned Residence iii PRD-5 - Planned Residence PCD-1 - Planned Commercial 1 PCD-2 - Planned Commercial PCD-3 - Planned Commercial PCD-4 - Planned Commercial POD-1 - Planned Office POD-2 - Planned Office RMD - Regional Medical PID - Planned Industrial • PUD - Planned Unit Development APD - Automotive Parking • PSR-4 - Planned Residence MDD-4 - Mixed Development • MDD-5 - Mixed Development MDD-6 - Mixed Development https://gis.edinamn.gov/DataLinIdDefault.aspx 4/8/2021 Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS | © WSB & Asso ciates 2013 , Hennep in Co unty,Ed ina, © WSB & Associate s 20 13 Site Locat ion Lege nd Addresses April 9, 2021 1 in = 94 f t /