HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-24 HRA Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JUNE 24, 2021 7:30 A.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m. and noted the meeting was being held virtually to comply with the Governor's Stay at Home Order due to the COVID-19 pandemic then explained the processes created for public comment. It. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland, Absent: None. Ill. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED - AS PRESENTED Motion by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, approving the meeting agenda as presented. Roll call: Ayes: Commissioners Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED - AS AMENDED Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, approving the consent agenda as amended, removing Item VI.D to be considered in conjunction with Item VII.B.: VI.A. Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting June 10, 2021 VI.B. Approve Payment of Claims, HRA Check Register dated March 2020-April 2021, totaling $S06,S00.7S VI.C. Approve Payment of Claims, HRA Check Register dated May 2021, totaling $222,401.93 . > Grandview Pedestrian Bridge, asseciated venders as presented, $2,783,609.14 Rollcall: Ayes: Commissioners Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA — ITEM DISCUSSED AFTER ITEM VII.B VI.D. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE, AWARDING BID TO THE LOWEST BIDDER, GRANDVIEW PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE, ASSOCIATED VENDORS AS PRESENTED, $2,783,609.14 — APPROVED The Commission shared concerns about ensuring the plan would dovetail within the plan and be flexible and take advantage of the lawn on the north side. They shared the intent to entice the south development and how this should not be a barrier and that the span of bridge needed to be far enough west. They spoke about how parking and access to the site would be critical and how the elevator would be useful even though expensive then spoke about how design elements were site Page 1 Minutes/HRA/June 24, 2021 driven and well as the railroad. They recognized that the elevator could not be incorporated into the current design but could be in the future. Mr. Neuendorf explained the design in further detail then spoke about the grade and other railroad restrictions for fencing, etc. including a roof then outlined the upcoming next day deadline for decision. Commissioner Staunton left the meeting. The Commission recognized the frustration to act today in order to use the TIF funds but how they did not have the project finalized that would meet most of the proposed standards, including a covered bridge. They spoke about the TIF improvements to the site which ultimately benefitted the developer and suggested they consider access to the site and the need to allow revisions in the future. Commissioner Pierce made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-04; Requesting Public Hearing for August 4, 2021, for 4040 W. 70th Street Tax Increment Financing District. Commissioner Anderson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Commissioners Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, and Chair Hovland Absent: Commissioner Staunton Motion carried. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VII.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-05; SUPPORTING SENIOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING AT 4040 W. 70TH STREET USING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING — ADOPTED Affordable Housing Development Manager Hawkinson explained financing for affordable housing was complex and outlined the annual funding application deadlines that must be met to avoid waiting a full year for the next application cycle. She said HRA Resolution No. 2021-05 stated the HRA would consider providing TIF financing for the development of 4040 W. 70th Street but in order to do so, there would be a public hearing on August 4 regarding the creation of a Housing TIF District for the Cornelia View apartment project. She reviewed the need for public funding and resulting gap then outlined affordable housing finance tools and the benefit of early funds committed. The Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area was modified in 2019 to allow for Southdale 2 TIF Pooled funds to be used for the acquisition of 4040 W. 70th. For those funds to be exchanged with Southdale 2 TIF Special Legislative Funds that sunset on December 31, 2021 and to capture new increment, a new Housing TIF District will need to be created. Ms. Hawkinson said Resolution 2021-05 would authorize the use of TIF increment subject to the Housing TIF District being approved and was being brought before the HRA prior to August 4 to support the developer's funding applications. The Commission asked how the financing fit in with the proposed west promenade, subsidizing for profit development, and how to interpret gross revenue from the apartment project to ensure the funds were only being used to subsidize the project and not for revenue loss. Ms. Hawkinson responded how that would have to be a separate discussion because preliminary discussions determined TIF funds for this project would not be eligible. Executive Director Neal shared the City had multiple revenue sources to use for the west promenade, in particular transportation funds such as the Centennial Lakes TIF. He said part of the exercise was the conventional method of funding affordable housing pyramids to state agencies and how the City was helping developers pursue dollars to entice them to come to Edina that also showed funding agencies the importance of development to the City. Page 2 Minutes/HRA/June 24, 2021 The Commission agreed this action was important to the senior housing community as it would provide affordable housing for 99 years and was not merely about developer subsidy. Commissioner Staunton made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2021-05; Supporting Senior Affordable Housing at 4040 W. 70t" Street Using Tax Increment Financing. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Commissioners Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. 5146 EDEN AVENUE — REDEVELOPMENT PLANNING — REVIEWED Economic Development Manager Neuendorf shared this item pertained to the redevelopment of the vacant property owned by the HRA located at 5146 Eden Avenue. He said staff requested additional direction be provided on the desired outcomes of the site so prospective operators could be effectively identified. He outlined how the site was proposed to be subdivided into north and south parcels, construct a pedestrian bridge and sidewalk along north edge, widen Arcadia Avenue, and apply the City's seven guiding principles. He outlined the south parcel could include multi -family ownership as senior cooperative housing with internal parking and shared access and parking for the north parcel. He outlined the five proposed components that included a restaurant with indoor/outdoor public activity, consideration of for sale property if no valid lease options were identified, seamless outdoor connection between the pedestrian bridge and senior coop, utilize parking in the adjacent Grandview ramp, and apply a maintenance district for shared expenses. Mr. Neuendorf reviewed needs of the HRA to achieve this vision that included a purchase agreement with the senior cooperative, a developer coordinator, modified parking agreement, and prepared maintenance budget then reviewed potential processes to select prospects in detail. He said the Commission was asked to further refine direction on the northern portion of the site and identify pros and cons of different types of users and need for items such as parking and restaurant/food offerings as well as operation/maintenance of site. Dave Anderson, Franuenshuh, spoke about the proposed dining hospitality and activation of the site and the creation of an experience for the community of all ages. He shared materials that included glass that would create transparency and draw people into the site by providing more outdoor dining options and other elements such as movie nights, festivals and other gatherings. Mr. Anderson spoke about the need to manage the grade and many other elements for a multi -use development. Bill Catter, United Properties, spoke of their intent to create a draw and anchor for the City and what could become unique and meet what was missing in Edina. He said he was confident the use could be compatible and a catalyst for other development then outlined highlights that would assist in getting people together by creating increased outdoor space. The Commission asked about the possibility of a future ground lease. They said they liked the south half with a coop concept, the number of units, and proposed affordability still being finalized but the north half needed direction. They liked what was presented then spoke about the need for some surface parking further south along with the restaurant with housing in the south. The Commission supported the proposed activities and terraced feel of Arcadia with a full -service restaurant year- round but asked if 30 stalls was reasonable. The Commission liked the proposal overall and stated this was only to be done once and wanted to ensure this was the right direction then spoke about how detailing the site was very important. They said parking would be driven by what was placed there then spoke about the lack of on street parking and how the ramp would play into the plan with the need for a pedestrian bridge. They identified one issue was lack of visibility of the site but liked the lawn on the north side and connection of the bridge with a small amphitheater for concerts. Page 3 Minutes/HRA/June 24, 2021 Commissioner Pierce left the meeting. Vill, HRA COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS — Received IX EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS — Received IXA. 7001 FRANCE AVENUE — PROJECT UPDATE IX.B. 4917 EDEN AVENUE — PROJECT UPDATE X. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 a.m. Roll call: Ayes: Commissioners Anderson, Jackson, and Chair Hovland Absent: Commissioner Pierce, Staunton Motion carried, . . . . . . .... . ........ . <�"11 ...... .... . ...... .. . ... .. Respectfully submitted, Scott Neal, Executive irector Page 4