HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-12 Planning Commission Regular Meeting PacketAgenda Planning Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING Me m be rs of th e public can watch the m e e ting live: • Edina TV (Com cast Ch anne ls 813 or 16) • Fa ce book.com /EdinaMN (https://www.face book.com /e din am n/) • City’s “Wa tch a Me eting” web page at Edin aM N .gov/Live Me e tings (https://www.edinam n.gov/746/Watch-a-City- Mee ting) Wednesday, August 12, 2020 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes - July 22, 2020 V.Reports/Recommendations A.Sketch Plan Review - 6600-6800 France Avenue VI.Correspondence And Petitions VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta , Comments IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortabl e bei ng part of the publi c proc ess . If you need as s is tanc e i n the way of heari ng am pli 0c ation, an interpreter, large-print doc um ents or s om ethi ng els e, pleas e c al l 952-927-8861 72 ho urs in advance of the m eeting. Date: Augus t 12, 2020 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Adminis trative S uppo rt S p ecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes - July 22, 2020 Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the minutes from the July 22, 2020 meeting. I N TR O D U C TI O N : AT TAC HME N T S : Description Draft Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 1 of 5 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission WebEx Virtual Meeting July 22, 2020 I. Call To Order Chair Nemerov called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Strauss, Olsen, Bennett, Agnew, and Chair Nemerov. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner, Emily Bodeker, Assistant Planner, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioners Berube and Thorsen. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Olsen moved to approve the July 22, 2020, agenda. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, July 8, 2020 Commissioner Strauss moved to approve the July 8, 2020, meeting minutes. Commissioner Agnew seconded the motion. Motion carried. V. Public Hearings A. 3.6 Foot Side Yard Setback Variance for an Addition – 6125 Westridge Blvd Assistant Planner Aaker presented the request for a 3.6-foot side yard setback variance for an addition. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Aaron & Mrs. Amber Kohler, owners, introduced themselves addressed the Commission. Public Hearing Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 2 of 5 No one wished to address the Commission. Commissioner Miranda moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Agnew seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Commission discussed the variance. Motion Commissioner Strauss moved that the Planning Commission approve the 3.6 Foot Side Yard Setback Variance for an Addition at 6125 Westridge Blvd as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Variance from the Basement Requirements for a New Home to be Constructed – 6800 Brittany Road Assistant Planner Aaker presented the request for a variance from the basement requirements. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Luffert Tigler, Architect was at the meeting to answer question. Ms. Patricia Johnson, owner, addressed the Commission. Public Hearing No one wished to address the Commission. Commissioner Agnew moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Commission discussed the variance and concluded: • Should encourage forward thinking which this design is. • Would like to see one driveway rather than two Motion Commissioner Agnew moved that the Planning Commission approve the Variance from the basement requirements for a new home to be constructed at 6800 Brittany Road as outlined in Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 3 of 5 the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. 23.5 Foot Front Yard Setback Variance to Allow for a Canopy Structure with Signage Above an Existing ATM for Gateway Bank – 4528 France Avenue Assistant Planner Bodeker presented the request of Gateway Bank for a front yard setback variance. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Brian Maxwell, Gateway Bank, introduced himself addressed the Commission. Public Hearing No one wished to address the Commission. Commissioner Miranda moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Commission discussed the variance and concluded: • Canopy seemed very inobtrusive • Need to make sure the sign meets the City Sign Ordinance • Liked the minimalist size of the canopy and the use of the lighting Motion Commissioner Miranda moved that the Planning Commission approving the 23.5 Foot Front Yard Setback Variance to allow for a canopy structure with signage above an existing ATM for Gateway Bank at 4528 France Avenue as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Motion carried. D. Site Plan Review – 3451 Parklawn Avenue for York Gardens Senior Living Director Teague presented the request of York Gardens Senior Living for a site plan review. Staff recommends approval of the site plan, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Ms. Susan Farr, Vice President of Business Development at Ebenezer, introduced herself and addressed the Commission. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 4 of 5 Public Hearing No one wished to address the Commission. Commissioner Olsen moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Agnew seconded the motion. Motion carried. Motion Commissioner Strauss moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the site plan review for York Gardens Senior Living at 3451 Parklawn Avenue as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Agnew seconded the motion. Motion carried. E. Zoning Ordinance Amendments Regarding: Setbacks in the Greater Southdale Area, Building Material Requirements, Requiring Affordable Housing in Commercial Zoning Districts, Design Experience Guidelines, and Number of Garage Stalls Required Director Teague presented the request of zoning ordinance amendments. Staff recommends approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendments, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Public Hearing No one wished to address the Commission. The public hearing was closed. Staff answered Commission questions. Motion Commissioner Olsen moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council adoption of the Ordinance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried. VI. Reports/Recommendations None. VII. Correspondence and Petitions Chair Nemerov indicated the Commission received on piece of correspondence. Mr. Teague reviewed the correspondence and staff’s response to it with the Commission. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 5 of 5 VIII. Chair and Member Comments None. IX. Staff Comments Planner Teague updated the Commission on the City Council meeting held on July 21, 2020. X. Adjournment Commissioner Agnew moved to adjourn the July 22, 2020, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 8:35 PM. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried. Date: Augus t 12, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:C ary Teague, C o mmunity Development Directo r Item Activity: Subject:S ketc h P lan R eview - 6600-6800 F ranc e Avenue Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : N o action requested. P rovide the applicant non-binding comments on a potential redevelopment proposal. I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he P lanning C ommission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to re-develop the 22-acre parcel at 6600-6800 France. T he applicant is proposing a significant change to the development plans that were approved for this site in 2017. I n 2017, this site was rezoned to P U D for a mixed-use development project (T he Avenue on F rance). T he approved plans did a very nice job of following the S outhdale D esign Experience G uidelines. T he plans included below grade parking, dividing the site into smaller parcels, preserving the mature oaks, providing the 50-foot setback from France Avenue with green space and sidewalks, storefronts on F rance with the new retail buildings. (S ee attached approved P lans.) T he approved plans were found to meet the P U D standards to justify a doubling of the density on the site. T he proposed plans shall be reviewed to those same standards to justify increasing the density of the site. T he applicant is N O T entitled the density that was approved for the previous request. T he underlying zoning of the site is P O D , P lanned O ffice District which allowed and FAR of .5; the approved P U D allowed up to 1.0. as long as the plans approved in the P U D were followed. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Propos ed Plans & Narrative Propos ed Square Footage Plan Memo from the city engineer regarding the water treatment facility Memo from the fire chief regarding the fire s tation location Review of the Plans from Mic Johns on AFO, Architecture Field Office 2017 Approved Plan for the Site Staff Memo FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 1 City Of Edina Sketch Plan Submission | 07.29.2020 FRANCEon FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 2 Sketch Plan N arrative Sketch Plan Narrative Southdale Office Partners, LLC and its project team (McGough, HGA, Kimley-Horn, and CushmanWakefield) is pleased to present a redevelopment proposal for the approximately 21.69 acre Southdale Office Center site at 6600 – 6800 France Ave South. The project proposes to create a vibrant mixed-use site and significantly enhance the existing 1970s era office park, expanding and bringing new amenities to an important Edina employment hub. Objectives of the redevelopment include: • Expand and enhance the site as a center of employment and economic vitality by replacing two outdated and non-code compliant buildings with one new office building, linking the existing 6600 and 6800 buildings, creating a best-in-class destination for employers and their staff. • Use the Greater Southdale District Plan and Design Experience Guidelines to guide site improvements in support of the City’s vision: creating a new and welcoming gateway experience to the France Ave Southdale District, subdividing the superblock into smaller parcels oriented toward a pedestrian scale, & providing a variety of outdoor gathering areas and new urban plazas. • Replace the existing surface parking lots with buildings, amenities, structured parking, and programmed outdoor space. A mix of uses, including office, dining and service retail, residen- tial, and medical office, will create a thriving, vibrant project that serves as a key transition between Southdale Mall and the neighborhoods and parks to the west. • Successfully solve for the parking demand of both new uses on the site AND the existing demand from 6600 and 6800 buildings, in a manner that is market viable, and considerate of adjacent properties. • Increase stormwater management capacity on the site to eliminate the surface flooding that occurs. This will benefit the neighborhood to the west and improve water quality in Lake Cornelia. • Incorporate sustainability strategies into planning, design and operations focused on human health impact, energy efficiency, and climate change. • Potentially incorporate the municipal infrastructure and services that have been contemplated, like a domestic water treatment plant and a public safety/fire station. This site was entitled for redevelopment in 2016/2017. The proposed concept at the time proved to rely too heavily on below-grade parking and destination retail. The high-water table at the site prevented that quantity of below-grade parking from being delivered at a price-point that building users were willing to pay. The retail industry has shifted drastically since 2016/2017 – and again even in the last 6 months! Destination and hard-goods retailers want to be on the east side of France Avenue and are willing to pay a premium for that location. The mix of surface, below-grade, and structured parking now proposed can be delivered at a more reasonable price-point, one that better aligns with the market. The limited amount of retail now proposed is service and dining focused, catering to the users of the site and those in the neighborhood. Recognizing that this project would be a significant change to the neighborhood, over the last month we have engaged with the neighbors in a variety of formats: letters mailed, Lake Cor- nelia and Point of France associations contacted and meetings held with leaders, project email account established, printed materials delivered to Point of France, two formal Zoom presenta- tions and Q&A sessions (we hosted a small group live meeting option for one of those meetings), distribution of the recordings of the Zoom meetings, on-site meetings with individuals and groups, phone calls and email exchanges. Our Sketch Plan slides are organized around the types of questions and concerns we’ve heard from the neighbors and our attempts to acknowl- edge and respond. This is a great opportunity to revitalize an aging office park and seek the highest and best uses for the site and the community. To achieve a meaningful revitalization, the development will need to incorporate greater density to generate the investment needed to make the necessary improvements. We request the City continue to consider the creation of a tax increment financing district at the site to assist in offsetting the costs associated with the public goals achieved through the redevelopment of the site. Using the Greater Southdale District Plan and De- sign Experience Guidelines has helped us prepare a new vision that we believe will become a market-viable, gateway project for the France Avenue corridor, welcoming employees, residents, and visitors to the Southdale neighborhood. FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 3 Existing Site C onditions - Site Aerial FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 4 310 197 189 161 473 69 82 38 54 21 Existing Buildings To Remain Type Stories RSF Parking Ratio Parking Demand E1 695000,1 / 3367,8916eciffOevA ecnarF S 0066 E2 031000,1 / 3662,343eciffOevA ecnarF S 0076 E3 6740 S France Ave (Tavern on France)Restaurant 1 + Basement 7,525 + Patio 3 / 1,000 E4 621000,1 / 3000,243eciffOevA ecnarF S 0576 E5 294000,1 / 3558,3617eciffOevA ecnarF S 0086 sllatS gnikraPseirotSepyT E1 831dnuorgrednUevA ecnarF S 0066 E5 451dnuorgrednUevA ecnarF S 0086 205,1ecafruSetiS Total 1,594 Existing Parking Existing Buildings Existing Parking Existing Buildings Existing Site C onditions - Buildings & Parking M etrics FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 5 Existing Site C onditions - Buildings FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 6 Existing Site C onditions - Buildings FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 7 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 Pervious Surface Impervious Surface 259,504 SF (5.95 Acres) = of Site Area 686,316 SF (15.76 Acres) = of Site Area Property Line Zoning Setback (35’) Southdale Design Experience Guidelines Setback (50’) Bank of America ATM Easement 945,820 SF (21.71 Acres) 806,145 SF (18.51 Acres) 747,735 SF (17.17 Acres) 50’35’ Existing Site C onditions - Pervious & Im pervious Surfaces FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 8 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 Area of Frequent Flooding Below Grade Water Table Elevations Water Table 18’ Below Grade Water Table 20’ Below Grade Water Table 11’ Below Grade Existing Site C onditions - Storm Event Flooding Area FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 9 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ ** RETAIL / RESTAURANT RETAIL / RESTAURANT RESIDENTIALRETAIL / RESTAURANT MEDICAL/ OFFICE OFFICE GREENWAY / BIO-FILTRATION PARKING PARKING PARKING FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D E5 E1 Southdale Design Experience Guidelines Setback (50’) 270’ Small-Scale Blocks Primary Vehicular Site Circulation Primary Pedestrian Site Circulation Site Entry Points (*County Road Curb Cuts) C om m unity Engagem ent M eeting 1 Recap FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 10 FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D PROMENADE GREENWAY BOULEVARD PLAZA PLAZA RETAIL / RESTAURANTRETAIL / RESTAURANT NEW OFFICE PUBLIC SAFETY PARKING EXISTING OFFICE EXISTING OFFICE RESIDENTIAL PARKING PARKING MEDICAL OFFICE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ Proposed Site Plan FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 11 FRANCE A V E N U E W 66 T H S T R E E T W 69TH STREETVALLEY VI E W R O A D RETAIL / RESTAURANT RETAIL / RESTAURANT NEW OFFICE PUBLIC SAFETY PARKING EXISTING OFFICE EXISTING OFFICE RESIDENTIAL PARKING PARKING MEDICAL OFFICE WATER TREATMENT PLANT Proposed Site Plan - Aerial View From Southeast FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 12W 6 9 TH S T R E E T VALLEY VI E W R O A D RETAIL / RESTAURANT NEW OFFICE PUBLIC SAFETY PARKING EXISTING OFFICE EXISTING OFFICE RESIDENTIAL PARKING PARKING MEDICAL OFFICE Proposed Site Plan - Aerial View From N orthwest FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 13 Building Height • Recognize this is a transition zone • Northern gateway to France Ave corridor can incorporate some height • Taller buildings on France Ave side of site • Shadow study will be conducted once plans are finalized • Strategies to soften northern and western edges • Bio-filtration • Recreational landscaping • 50’+ setbacks Building Height FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 14 FRANCE A V E N U E W 66 T H S T R E E T W 69TH STREETVALLEY VI E W R O A D 7 STORIES - 105’ 5 DECKS - 42’ 4 STORIES - 70’ 2 STORIES - 34’1 STORY - 24’ 1 STORY - 24’ 10 STORIES - 164’ 6 STORIES - 88’ 2 STORIES - 30’ 5 DECKS - 42’ 13 STORIES - 146’ 4 DECKS - 32’ 6 STORIES - 67’ Proposed Site Plan - Building Heights FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 15 Proposed Site Plan - Building Heights & Elevations 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D 907’ 945’ 875’ 1021’ 870’ 902’ 917’ 875’ 870’ 912’ 878’ 902’904’ 871’ 978’ 978’ 875’871’905’ 880’ 903’ 872’ 870’ 912’ 880’ 1044’ 880’ 898’ 898’ 865’ 867’866’ 954’ 891’ 903’ 896’ 942’ 876’ 32’ 70’ 32’ 42’ 42’ 24’24’ 107’ 103’ 34’ 42’ 164’ 88’ 30’ 146’ 67’ 5 DECKS 7 STORIES 1 STORY 1 STORY 2 STORIES 4 STORIES 5 DECKS 10 STORIES 6 STORIES 13 STORIES 4 DECKS 2 STORIES FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 16 Proposed Site Plan - View From Rosland Park FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 17 Green Space/Pervious Surfaces • INCREASE green space and pervious surface • Green space attractive and usable (walking, sitting, shade, outdoor gathering) • Healthy rejuvenation of the existing mature landscape • Stormwater management on-site and capacity to help off-site • Replace 1,500+ surface parking stalls with a mix of uses, amenities, and green space • Ability to create 50’+ boulevards/setbacks/buffers along all property edges • Use grade and landscaping to screen structures G reen Space/Pervious Surfaces FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 18 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D Pervious Surface Impervious Surface EXISTING 258,915 SF (5.94 Acres) = of Site Area 686,905 SF (15.767 Acres) = of Site NEW 263,797 SF (6.06 Acres) = of Site Area 682,023 SF (15.66 Acres) = of Site Area Proposed Site Plan - Pervious & Im pervious Surfaces FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 19 Stormwater Management • Existing stormwater system was not designed with controls • Proposed stormwater management system will be design to meet the City of Edina and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District requirements • No increase in runoff rates • Volume reduction of 1.1” over the impervious surface • Water quality improvements • Flood storage • Combination of surface ponds and underground tanks • Improved flood storage on site to reduce flooding in Valley View Storm water M anagem ent FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 20 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D INFILTRATION BASINS FLOOD STORAGE RAINGARDENS Proposed Site Plan - Storm water M anagem ent FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 21 Transition Zone • Transition height and density from east to the west • Focus new height added along France Ave • Lower scale along Valley View Road • Incorporate a mix of uses to benefit both site users and neighbors Transition Zone FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 22 CORNELIA NEIGHBORHOOD VALLEY VIEW GREENWAY 50’ Minimum Width CENTRAL PARKING 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D Proposed Site Plan - Transition to C ornelia N eighborhood FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 23 Proposed Site Plan - View From Valley View G reenway FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 24 FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D CORNELIA NEIGHBORHOOD 1 2 3 * ALL VIEWS TAKEN FROM 5’ ABOVE MARKED ELEVATION TO REPLICATE EYE LEVEL 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ 869’ * 868’ * 876’ * C ornelia Viewshed Locations FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 25 C ornelia Viewshed | 1 - South Residence FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 26 C ornelia Viewshed | 2 - Valley View & 68th FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 27 C ornelia Viewshed | 3 - N orth Residence FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 28 Traffic • No traffic study yet but will be an important step in City review process • In 2016/17 plan, no significant changes to roads or intersections recommended • Internal engineering analysis suggests a similar outcome for this concept • Neighbors have offered they do not want 68th Street access closed off at Valley View • (We’ve never suggested this as an option) • Removing 2 office buildings and one restaurant will offset some of the new uses • No additional curb cuts to France, Valley View or 66th; one relocated on VV Rd to improve alignment • City considering lane adjustments to Valley View Rd • Not currently in the 5-year CIP • A project north of 66th Street in 2024 if MnDOT replaces the Highway 62 bridge • IF that occurs, City MAY look at options to continue the project down VVRD to France • Funding uncertain • Positioning of buildings and parking will balance traffic between Valley View and France • Directing traffic through Lake Cornelia neighborhood is NOT a project objective Traffic FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 29 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D PRIMARY PARKING STRUCTURE ACCESS PRIMARY VEHICULAR CIRCULATION Proposed Site Plan - Vehicular C irculation FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 30 Proposed Site Plan - Aerial View of C entral Boulevard FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 31 Parking • The biggest challenge from Day 1 of the project! • Find a market viable, cost effective, sustainable parking solution • Replace 1,500+ surface parking stalls with consolidated, structured parking • Allow more uses, amenities, and green space on the site • Existing 6600 & 6800 buildings require over 1,000 stalls – approx. 5-6 levels of parking • High water table limits amount of parking that can be built below grade • Mixture of parking solutions: executive below building, surface, and ramp • Screening for parking ramps: topography of site, trees & plantings, and facade materials • Setbacks and scale of ramps to improve pedestrian experience • Public use of parking for events at Rosland Park Parking FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 32 Parking Structure Precedent Im agery FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 33 2019 Greater Southdale Design Experience Guidelines Key Objectives • Being a Connector to the Greater Community • Commercial Amenity-Focused Streets • All Buildings to be at Least 50’ Back From Property Line with Robust Landscape • Breaking Down Scale of Super Blocks Into Human-Scaled Connections • New Pedestrian Walkway & Circulation Options, Some in the Form of Linear Parks EDINA HRA HENNEPIN COUNTY SOUTHDALE LIBRARY SITE : REVISED SITE CONCEPT WORKSHOP February 9, 2017 build upon existing assets SOURCE: RE-VISIONING THE SOUTHDALE DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE FIELD OFFICE EDINA HRA HENNEPIN COUNTY SOUTHDALE LIBRARY SITE : REVISED SITE CONCEPT WORKSHOP February 9, 2017 walkable Image source: http://www.pearldistrictproperties.com/pearl-district-pearl-block-2-townhomes.html SOURCE: RE-VISIONING THE SOUTHDALE DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE FIELD OFFICE EDINA HRA HENNEPIN COUNTY SOUTHDALE LIBRARY SITE : REVISED SITE CONCEPT WORKSHOP February 9, 2017 mixed-use Image source: http://seattle.curbed.com/2016/3/1/11137608/vulcan-sells-south-lake-unions-2200-westlake-complex-for-65m SOURCE: RE-VISIONING THE SOUTHDALE DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE FIELD OFFICE EDINA HRA HENNEPIN COUNTY SOUTHDALE LIBRARY SITE : REVISED SITE CONCEPT WORKSHOP February 9, 2017 sustainable http://www.boredpanda.com/green-roof-solar-school-nyc/ EDINA HRA HENNEPIN COUNTY SOUTHDALE LIBRARY SITE : REVISED SITE CONCEPT WORKSHOP February 9, 2017 human-scaled Image source: www.upstairsbethesda.com SOURCE: RE-VISIONING THE SOUTHDALE DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE FIELD OFFICE green Southdale D esign G uidelines FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 34 0’ 50’ 100’ 200’400’ FRANCE AVENUE W 66TH STREETW 69TH STREETVALLEY VIEW RO A D Proposed Site Plan - Pedestrian Experience FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 35 Proposed Site Plan - View From Prom enade on France FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 36 Light Pollution • Concept level plan doesn’t yet have lighting types and locations • Upgrade/improve the current site lighting • Design to balance lighting for safety and security on the site with impact off-site • Mindful of lighting impact on POF and Lake Cornelia neighborhood Light Pollution FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 37 Light Pollution C ontrol Strategies FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 38 Noise • Still primarily an office/employment center, operations during typical business hours • Dining and service retail in evenings and weekends along France Ave • Same location planned for service and delivery for the office buildings • Fire Station along Valley View Rd. Possible siren restrictions N oise FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 07.29.2020 39 Uses • Remove two buildings, 85k SF office • Remove existing Tavern on France facility • Remove vast majority of existing 1,500+ surface parking stalls • Introduce: • 275k SF of Class A office and amenity space • 85k SF of modern medical office • 210 apartments • 25k SF of dining and service retail • Plazas, walking paths, outdoor gathering areas • Municipal water treatment plant • Public safety and emergency vehicle station • Parking to support these uses Uses FRANCEon C ity O f Edina Sketch Plan Subm ission | 08.04.2020 FRANCE A V E N U E W 66 T H S T R E E T W 69TH STREETVALLEY VI E W R O A D 163,000 RSF 171,580 GSF 1,020 Stalls 84,000 RSF 88,420 GSF 20,000 RSF 21,050 GSF 12,000 RSF 12,630 GSF 10,000 RSF 10,525 GSF 283,000 RSF 297,895 GSF 198,000 RSF 208,420 GSF 14,000 RSF 14,735 GSF 497 Stalls 243,600 RSF 256,420 GSF 650 Stalls FAR CALCULATION Total Site Area 945,820 SF Building Area (GSF) 1,081,684 SF Total FAR 1.14 PARKING Structured 2,167 Existing Below Building 92 New Below Building 394 Surface 280 Total Parking 2,933 Proposed Site Plan - Building Area DATE: August 5, 2020 TO: 6600 France Avenue / Avenue on France - Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Chad Millner P.E. - Director of Engineering RE: 6600 France Avenue – Development Review, Water Plant Concept Only The Engineering Department has reviewed the sketch plan materials dated 7/29/2020 in regard to the Water Treatment Plant Concept. The sketch has shown a possible location for Water Treatment Plant (WTP) #5 on the south end of the property integrated with the south parking ramp. The WTP is shown adjacent to the Bank of America ATM drive-thru. In concept this location could work with the City’s water distribution system. For a successful integration into the water distribution system, the following needs to be considered. 1) Donation of land for WTP and located to accommodate: a. Facility Size - working square footage b. 2-3 stories above grade maybe 1 below c. Located with no risk of flooding d. If integrated into parking structure, the treatment plant could: i. Be within the footprint of the parking structure with City access from within the structure or within the site; or ii. Free standing building right next to a parking structure with City access from within the structure or within the site e. City facility/parcel to be integrated into overall site design (water, utilities, traffic, landscaping, parking, etc) f. Developer to deliver construction ready pad or shell and structure if integrated with parking structure g. Developer to hire engineer to design pad or parking structure; with input from City Engineer to ensure compatibility h. Developer to fund concept and preliminary plans for zoning consideration i. City to fund design and construction of water treatment plant j. Easement to include access over and through the site to accommodate construction and future operations at no cost k. Easement also required through portions of site to accommodate raw water pipe as well as distribution pipes at no cost l. Both parties have approval rights regarding location and shape of parcel m. Developer has rights to provide reasonable input on design of future City facility Date: August 6, 2020 To: Cary Teague, Community Development Director From: Tom M. Schmitz, Fire Chief Subject: Letter of Support for Fire Station 2 at the proposed 6600 – 6800 France Avenue Redevelopment Site In concept, I am in support of including a fire station in the proposed onFrance plans dated July 29, 2020. In 2018, the department hired Five Bugles Design to conduct a response time and station location study. One of the questions was whether our current fire station at 7335 York Avenue South was best positioned for current and future operations. The final report suggested a new station would best serve the community if it were north and to the west of the existing site. This new station should remain south of Hwy 62 along the France Avenue corridor. The onFrance location could be an ideal site that would improve our response times to the west and north without significantly changing our current response times in the southeast quadrant of the city. The report goes on to recommend the optimal fire station would be of such size to accommodate a 24-hour fire station operating two ALS ambulances and one fire apparatus. The plans do not get into any detail on actual fire station size or design. The proposed fire station on the plan is in a good location with access onto Valley View Road. It is set back enough from the north intersection of 66th Street and Valley View Road and the south intersection of Valley View and France Avenue. This would allow our vehicles an opportunity to clear the roadway as we approach the intersections. Obviously, further detail is needed to determine if this site is ideal for the fire department and the community. Thank you to Southdale Office Partners, LLC and its project team in their consideration and inclusion on their redevelopment proposal at 6600 – 6800 France Avenue South. 2200 Zane Ave N | Minneapolis, MN 55422 www.archfieldoffice.com Cary: At your request, we reviewed the Sketch Plan submission for the redevelopment of the current Southdale Office Center at 6600-6800 France Avenue based on our nearly 4 years’ experience working with the Greater Southdale Work Group to craft a physical vision for the future district, translating their guiding principles to the built environment. The resulting vision for development in the Greater Southdale District is to create an enhanced human experience along existing major and new connector streets, with o verall experience shaped via landscape setbacks, building step backs, a hierarchy of street typologies, transparency at street level, a minimized impact of the car, and managing storm water as an amenity. The outcome of our collaborations with the Work Group is described in the urban design chapter of the Greater Southdale District Plan and resulted in the Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines. The Sketch Plan review is an important milestone in the development process to assess a project’s overall conformance with the District Plan, the Design Experience Guidelines, and the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The intent is that it be a collaborative process, whereby the development team comes to the review with ideas, challenges, and design sketches with the intent of merging the goals of the District and Experience Guidelines with development goals and financial considerations into a comprehensive vision for the proposed site. The process further intends to open minds to innovative thinking, social responsibility, and reinforcing community structure to create a more resilient future. The site of the proposed development is a pivotal, large-scale parcel within the Greater Southdale District. It serves multiple roles: gateway to the District, transition to the Cornelia neighborhood, northern terminus of the proposed West Promenade, and the northern edge of the new street room along France Avenue. At nearly 22 acres, it offers great potential to exemplify and positively contribute to the broader community goal of a walkable, resilient, human-centric district. The Greater Southdale District Plan and Design Experience Guidelines address fundamental ideas about how building scale and location, block size, and street width come together to shape public realm and overall human experience. Through the development of the guidelines, we applied measurements to each of these components that are essential to shaping the future form and character of the district. We understand there are many ways this can be accomplished. However, the proposal for the site at 6600-6800 France that is being offered to the City is counter to those guidelines in many important categories: the location of buildings and their relationship to the street, the visibility of infrastructure and amount of the site dedicated to car To City of Edina Cary Teague, Community Development Director 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 From Mic Johnson, FAIA Date August 4, 2020 2 storage; the lack of attention paid to transition zones; the scale/massing of buildings that exceed 200 feet in length; and proposed connections and public realm improvements. W hen taken together, their broader impact on the individual and community experience is not in alignment with the Greater Southdale District vision of a public realm experience that catalyzes an active community-based approach to both development and daily life. In particular, we note:  Multi-level parking structures face the community/public realm and are not lined. Per page 15 of the Design Experience Guidelines, “above-grade parking structures should be lined with programmable public realm space.”  Parking structures have primary access from streets within the Superblock rather than a centralized access point off of the perimeter roads.  Primary vehicular circulation cuts through the central spine of the site.  The inclusion of surface parking, particularly surface parking along perimeter streets.  Pedestrian (primary) public realm is not connected to District assets. The proposal does not emphasize France Avenue as a major artery and connector, but rather is inward facing to the detriment of the overall goals of an interconnected district. In addition, there is no direct connection to the new north-south W est Promenade, which is envisioned as a woonerf that puts pedestrians first, bikes second and cars last.  New office building is located in the center of the site rather than along France to support the public realm development and the France Avenue street room. This could enable a potential extension of the W est Promenade through the site, allowing for one level of below grade parking connecting all existing and new buildings within the development, accessed off of Valley View Road with drop-off at the W est Promenade level.  The proposal does not consider the importance of pedestrian east/west streets, a primary purpose of which are increase connectivity of residents in the single family neighborhoods to flow through the site to other destinations within the district. They should be inviting and comfortable, residential in nature, with a character that makes them special and connective.  One story retail along France Avenue is unsustainable and does not meet the go als of a mixed-use district, nor does it provide flexibility long-term.  Lack of mixed-use buildings to support the integration of office, retail, residential within the district with flexibility at the ground plane to support a variety of district and neighborhood needs.  Lack of definable outdoor places that can be used for programmed activities for tenants, residents and the community alike. These are generators of both social and cultural activity for people within the public realm.  The typologies set forth in the Design Experience Guidelines have not been cited as to their application to specific buildings and uses, and appear to have been ignored as a fundamental organizing strategy for the development of the site With that in mind, we offer the following comments on the proposal for consideration by the development and design team, as well as the Planning Commission and City staff with the goal of better aligning the plan with the intent of the Design Experience Guidelines and overall vision for the District. Transition Zones During our involvement with the Work Group, respect for the existing neighborhoods that surround the Greater Southdale District was the focus of many conversations and a driver in our design thinking —resulting 3 in the establishment of dedicated Transition Zones. As stated on page 17 of the Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines, “new development within transition zones is expected to balance scale and building use between these single family neighborhoods and the higher density, more commercially focused Greater Southdale District.” The entire west side of the Southdale Office Center parcel lies within a Transition Zone, with the current plan showing three multi-level parking structures along that edge. The purpose of these transition zones is not to create a wall, as proposed in the current development plan – but rather, to respond to and respect the context of the adjacent single family neighborhoods, integrating between these residential neighborhoods with new housing more in scale with single family residences, such as two-and three-story townhomes transitioning to taller residential or mixed-use buildings. The zone is intended to be beneficial to both places, creating opportunity for shared commercial areas, landscape connections that enliven street life, and a building scale that literally transitions from one-or-two story single family homes to a higher density context. No matter how well bermed, landscaped, or nicely screened the walls are, structured parking immediately abutting a residential neighborhood or a parkway context is not in alignment with the Experience Guidelines. In addition, parking structures will need to be lined with program space (townhomes, office, etc.) or located underground or within buildings to meet the goals of the Experience Guidelines. Building Scale and Experience The future of the Greater Southdale District is envisioned to offer a vibrant mix of uses, supported by flexible buildings that can evolve over time. This transformation requires a greater focus on eliminating parking lots, and creating below-grade and hidden parking for residents, employees, visitors and customers. It incorporates smaller building blocks that are nominally 200’x200’ with buildings that have consistent 60-foot- tall podium bases, with the potential of taller building components stepping back from the street, in deference to the pedestrian experience. The ground floor of buildings is to be 20’ floor-to-floor to allow for future flexibility, with 75% transparency at street level. Using these principles as a baseline, a hierarchy of street typologies serves as an organizing direction for architectural planning and design within the district. In this proposal, certain building heights along France, two of which are at 24 feet, do not align with the overall vision for the development of the district, nor do they support the creation of an enlivened street room experience. None of the street typologies set forth in the Design Experience Guidelines calls for one-story stand-alone retail buildings—especially on larger parcels that are part of the “Boulevards” typology, such as the north end of the west side of France Avenue. Street Rooms The existing extended breaks in the street wall in the form of surface parking lots and standalone one-and two-story buildings set back several hundred feet contribute to the negative pedestrian experience that currently exists along France. To mitigate that condition, the Design Experience Guidelines call for a contiguous podium/ground floor plane as an essential component in creating a street room that promotes a more active urban experience along France. In this proposal, 60-70% of the site along France is devoted to car circulation, surface parking, and one-story retail – which do not positively contribute to the development of the desired street room experience. Site Organization and Connections The goal of the roughly 200’x 200’ block outlined in the Experience Guidelines is to set the stage for a building scale that positively impacts human experience in the public realm: 4 o Promoting connections to adjacent properties and buildings, as well as connections through larger site (superblocks). o Allowing more variety in architectural expression and ultimately, the creation of more diverse places. o Limiting the length of building facades. o Offering shorter walking distances between blocks. o Creating a variety of street experiences. o Supporting greater density. o Minimizing the impact of the car. While the proposal does divide the site into nominally smaller parcels and reduce the amount of existing surface parking from what exists today, its overall organization is not significantly different than traditional suburban office park developments and is not in keeping with the vision for the future evolution of the Greater Southdale District. The intention in the experience guidelines is to create an active network of streets that accommodate pedestrians, bikes, transit and cars; peds and bikes; or pedestrians only. In this proposal, the lack of connection and definition of interior streets within the superblock framework does not meet the intention of the guidelines. As noted above, this is an important site within the district because it has all of the components found in numerous smaller parcels—namely, a gateway location, a relationship to France Avenue, adjacency to important districtwide amenities, and a mix of program uses—and is distinguished via its size and catalytic potential. It is also an important site in the development of the guidelines because of its relationship and proximity to the Cornelia neighborhood. The redevelopment of the site at 6600-6800 France is a tremendous opportunity for the City of Edina, the development team, and community stakeholders to create a forward-thinking model of development based on human experience while building upon and improving the assets that already exist on the site . The proposed site is part of a larger context of places within the District. W hen considering new buildings along France Avenue, we must imagine the whole length of France, and how each building will fit in and extend the shared vision that will make it a great street. This holistic mindset must be apply to every existing and new street within the District. We believe there are many opportunities for the design submitted as part of the sketch plan review process to evolve to better align with and support the broader vision for the future Greater Southdale District. Thank you for the opportunity to review. Please let me know if you have any questions. Mic DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. The Avenue on France 6600 France Avenue S Edina, MN 55435 City of Edina - Final Rezoning Submittal Phase II-A & II-B 04.12.2017 The Avenue on FranceDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 12 The Avenue on France 6600 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota Southwest View from 66th and France DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. The Avenue on France 13 Masterplan - The Avenue on France This Masterplan shows new construction of a Medical Office Building, (3) Retail Buildings, Residential, Hotel and Office that will replace (2) 3-story office buildings in the middle of the site that are not compliant with current ADA standards. The Masterplan also shows new construction of (3) areas of underground parking to meet the needs of the site and reduce the amount of surface parking on the site. N BANK OF AMERICA 1F 7,190 SF Under Permit RETAIL II-A 2F 25,748 SF EX. 6800 OFFICE 7F To Remain TAVERN ON FRANCE 1F To Remain OFFICE 6F 116,000 SF EX. 6600 OFFICE 6F To Remain RETAIL II-B 2F 23,093 SF MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 6F 155,000 SF RESIDENTIAL 8F 105,280 SF 70 Units RETAIL 1F 6,500 SF HOTEL 4F 72,350 SF 100 Rooms Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 2394 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls Site Data:Area Table: Phase I Phase II-A Phase II-B Phase III Phase IV Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Existing Existing Existing Allowable Actual Notes BOA Retail Retail MOB Office Hotel Residential Retail Total (New) 6600 6800 Tavern Total (Existing) Total (Site) Site Area:n/a 948,632 SF 21.78 acres L8 13,160 FAR:0.5 (474,316 GSF).92 (880,979 GSF)377,008 SF Existing/ 503,971 SF New L7 13,160 Height:48'-0"85'-0"HOD-4 Height Zone L6 25,000 20,000 13,160 Lot Coverage:30%24.2% est.229,598 SF Subject to Survey L5 25,000 20,000 13,160 L4 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L3 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L2 7,003 6225 25,000 20,000 17,950 13,160 L1 7,190 18,745 16,868 30,000 16,000 18,500 13,160 6,500 Total 7,190 25,748 23,093 155,000 116,000 72,350 105,280 6,500 503,971 SF NEW 198,763 163,855 7200 377,008 SF Ex. 880,979 SF Parking Summary: Surface to Remain Required (New)Basis of Calculation EMC Sec. 36-1311 New Parking Provided Total Parking Res. 2015-113 Total Parking Office 488 1084 271,000 SF of New Office 450 underground (North)(Per Count)(Varience) (Per code) Hotel 125 100 Room Hotel (est.)450 underground (Middle) Residential 123 70 units per EMC Sec. 36-1311 (w)400 underground (South) Retail 284 55,341 SF of New Retail 99 underground (Phase II)157 Total 488 1616 New Stalls To be provided by underground parking 1399 underground 1887 Stalls 157 Stalls 2044 Stalls The Avenue on FranceDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 14 The Avenue on France 6600 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota Aerial View from W 69th Street and France Avenue City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: August 12, 2020 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 6600-6800 France Avenue The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to re-develop the 22-acre parcel at 6600-6800 France. The applicant is proposing a significant change to the development plans that were approved for this site in 2017. In 2017, this site was rezoned to PUD for a mixed-use development project (The Avenue on France). The approved plans did a very nice job of following the Southdale Design Experience Guidelines. The plans included below grade parking, dividing the site into smaller parcels, preserving the mature oaks, providing the 50-foot setback from France Avenue with green space and sidewalks, storefronts on France with the new retail buildings. (See attached approved Plans.) The approved plans were found to meet the PUD standards to justify a doubling of the density on the site. The proposed plans shall be reviewed to those same standards to justify increasing the density of the site. The applicant is NOT entitled the density that was approved for the previous request. The underlying zoning of the site is POD, Planned Office District which allowed and FAR of .5; the approved PUD allowed up to 1.0. as long as the plans approved in the PUD were followed. As proposed, at full built out, the site would include the following new structures: Office Space – 297,895 square feet (10 stories) Medical Office – 85,000 square feet (4 stories) Rental Apartments – 210 units (13 stories) Retail/Restaurants - 25,000 square feet (1 story) Parking Structures Above Grade (3) – (4, 5 & 5 Decks) Municipal Water Treatment Plan (Concept Proposed) Public Safety/Fire Station (Concept Proposed) To accommodate the request the following is required: A Rezoning Ordinance Amendment to revise the existing PUD. The existing PUD would only allow the development of the plans approved in 2017; and City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 A Revised Overall Development Plan and Site Plan Review. The Southdale Area Development Principles have been shared with the applicant; they have tried to incorporate the core principles into the proposed plans. Sidewalks are proposed completely around and through the site; they are providing the 50-foot setback on France Avenue with green space and sidewalks; have created storefronts on France with the new retail buildings. (See attached Plans.) Mic Johnson, AFO, Architectural Field Office has provided a review of the project. (See attached.) The fire chief and city engineer have provided memos regarding the proposed fire station and water treatment facility. (See attached.) As demonstrated on the following table, the FAR and height of the proposed development is not allowed by current City Code. Compliance Table City Standard (POD-2) Existing PUD Proposed New Building Setbacks Front – France Ave Front – Valley View Front - 66th Street Parking Setbacks Front – France Ave Front – Valley View Front - 66th Street 35 feet or the height of the building 35 feet or the height of the building 35 feet or the height of the building 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 45 feet 100 feet 50 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 50 feet 20*-100 feet 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet Building Height 4 Stories or 48 feet whichever is less 8 stories and 96 feet (No building shall be taller than the existing building at 6,800France) 13 stories – Apartment* 10 stories – Office* 4 stories – Medical 1 story – Retail Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .50 of the tract Tract size = 21.78 acres or 948,736 s.f. 474,316 s.f. MAX 1.0 (948,736 s.f.) 1.14 (1,081,684 s.f.)* Parking Stalls – Entire Site Mixed Use District 3,118 spaces total Nonresidential = 1/300 s.f. (2,751 spaces) Residential = 1 enclosed space/unit (210) + .75 spaces exposed per unit (157) 488 surface spaces 1,399 underground spaces 1,887 Total 2,933 stalls proposed * Change to the Approved PUD City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 As stated in the Design Experience Guidelines “Flexibility is not a right, but rather the natural by-product of a fair exchange for benefits, collaboration, and quality in development.” Additional Considerations/Staff Concerns Concern over the removal of the mature Oak Trees on Valley View Road to build a parking structure. Project seems to turn its back on the neighborhood to the west. The three parking structures face Valley View Road. No transition to the single-family neighborhood to the west, as suggested in the design experience guidelines. No building should be longer than 200 feet. First floor height of all new buildings must be 20 feet with 75% of the building fronts being transparent. Tall buildings should be stepped back from the street per the design experience guidelines. Proposed height exceeds the PUD by five stories. Project appears to be too dense for the site with little public realm other than within the required setback areas. The applicant must meet the City’s Affordable Housing Policy. Interior sidewalks are located adjacent to drive-aisles which do not make for a comfortable pedestrian environment. Sidewalks should be considered for bike traffic including the perimeter sidewalk around the side, which could have the width expended to allow for a shared bike and pedestrian path. The developer has not committed to donating the land to the city on which they are showing a public safety (fire station) and water treatment facility. Staff views this as a must to satisfy the give to get concept to justify the requested increase in density and height proposed on the site. The applicant will also be asked to respond to the city’s Sustainability Questionnaire within their formally submitted plans. A traffic and parking study would be required to determine the impacts on adjacent roadways. The study would include the full development buildout. Parking data and square footage of buildings has not been provided. Project should provide parking that is needed for the development and not based on city code. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Watershed district review. Review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District is required. Sustainable design. As part of any formal application, sustainable design should be included. PUD The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424