HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-12-20 Minutes1 MINUTES OF CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COMMUNITY ROOM DECEMBER 20, 2012 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was members Bass, Braden, Franzen, Iyer, Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, Schweiger, Sierks, and Thompson. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF NOV. 15, 2012 The following correction was made: Page 4, paragraph 4, delete entire paragraph and replace with ‘Member Janovy said engineering’s role in communications should be to provide the technical expertise to the communications department and let them know when projects are coming up so that a communications plan can be developed. She said communications department staff is the communications professionals. They should be developing the relationship with the engineering department to stay ahead of the issues, rather than react. She said in their committee discussion she asked, “What is the role of the communications department: how do they work to identify the communications needs of other departments?” Director Houle said he believes they work on hot issues and residents’ reaction to the bike lanes took everyone by surprise. He said the communications department does not work with other departments to anticipate upcoming issues.’ Motion was made by member Bass and seconded by member Janovy to approve the amended minutes of Nov. 15, 2012. Aye: Bass, Braden, Franzen, Iyer, Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, Schweiger, Sierks Abstain: Thompson Motion carried. COMMUNITY COMMENT Mary Everett, 5600 Park Place, said she was in attendance to be more informed about things like the bike advisory lane on Wooddale Avenue and airport noise. Laura Hemler, 5601 Park Place, said she has actively opposed the bike lane on Wooddale Avenue and is in attendance to learn more about the process and how they were approved. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS 2013 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Work Plan Update Director Houle said this is on the agenda because member Janovy brought it to his attention that many of the items listed are transportation related. Member Janovy said she there are items listed such as the Greater Southdale Area Transportation Study that is not on the ETC’s Work Plan. She asked for feedback from the ETC and also asked how the projects would be coordinated. Director Houle explained that all the projects in the CIP are staff initiated and that the ETC will become involved but that staff was taking the lead role. He said the Greater Southdale Area Transportation Study is planned because of ongoing redevelopment in the area and staff would like to create a master plan. Member Bass mentioned the Grandview Area Small Study process that studied land use and traffic and allowed for input. Director Houle said land use and transportation goes together and this study will involve 2 the community development-planning department; however, it will not be a small area study like Grandview. Member Janovy said Southdale is important and expressed concerns that if the study is done in engineering without a global approach, they will not get what they need. Director Houle said it will not be done solely in engineering. He explained that the study will not include land use changes but instead will be focused on the roadway; for example, should a single lane become two lanes; should two lanes become four lanes, etc. Member Bass said she agreed with this but there are in-fills and the area is changing. Director Houle said he will be incorporating the Living Streets Policy and will be looking at all modes of transportation. Member Bass said she wanted to be sure that it is comprehensive and that input is solicited from area residents. Chair Nelson noted that the France Avenue Intersection Enhancements project will be going on at the same time as the Greater Southdale Study is underway. Director Houle said there are already some data available that they will be analyzing. While there isn’t a defined boundary for Southdale, Director Houle anticipates the study boundary to be from York Avenue over to Valley View Road and from Crosstown down to about W. 76th Street. He said the process would include going out for a Request for Proposal (RFP) and the RFP would be developed by a group that could be a working group of the ETC. Chair Nelson said based on feedback tonight it would be good to have a working group involved. Other projects in the CIP that were discussed are:  Promenade Phase III – this is the unimproved sidewalk behind Byerly’s that will be a bike lane and a water feature.  France Avenue & TH62 Reconstruction – this is a high crash area that Hennepin County studied for potential redesigning of the lanes to prevent T-bone accidents. There are no plans currently underway to reconstruct the entire intersection.  Pedestrian Bridge over TH62 – member Iyer asked if input has been solicited from the schools. Director Houle explained that the projects in the CIP are ‘place holders’ and that plans are not yet drafted for them. He said when planning begins, all stakeholders will be included. Member Iyer asked when would the ETC and other stakeholders become involved. Director Houle said it depends on the project but for a 2014 project, planning would begin in 2013 and for the bridge in particular, which will represent a brand in the community, he anticipates the ETC’s involvement as well as others. Member Iyer said he’s always wondered when was the ideal time to seek input – at the beginning or after you already have some information; he said both are positive and negative. Continuing, member Iyer said he liked the title but not the description. He suggested other connections (Westshore Drive, Virginia Avenue, Concord Avenue) that might work better than the current location when thinking of Safe Routes to School. Member Janovy asked if the suggestions could be communicated to the Safe Routes to School consultant for review as this study is currently underway. Member Janovy suggested revisiting this again in six months. Traffic Safety Committee Report of Dec. 12, 2012 Section B. I. ‘Highland Road is classified as City street’ should read ‘Highland Road is classified as local street.’ Member Janovy is concerned with the wording ‘MNMUTCD has standards in which a Yield sign should be placed at an intersection…’ She said standards means something and in this case it is guidance 3 that is being provided. She suggested rewording as ‘The MNMUTCD provides guidance on when a Yield sign should be placed at an intersection…’ Chair Nelson said it is a little upsetting to see the mention of a lack of sidewalk when the ETC recommended a sidewalk when the neighborhood streets were reconstructed but it was not approved. Section B. 2. Member Janovy asked if the 6-hr parking would be enforced and Director Houle said yes. Motion was made by member Franzen and seconded by member Braden to forward the Dec. 12 Traffic Safety Committee Report to the City Council. All voted aye. Motion carried. Meeting Schedule for 2013 The October meeting will be the 4th Thursday of the month because of MEA weekend. Updates Student Members None. Bike Edina Task Force Received minutes of Nov. 8, 2012. Member Janovy said the City of Minneapolis did a presentation on their bike lanes and the presentation was forwarded to the ETC. She reported that the following bike and pedestrians counts were done:  55th & Wooddale: Bike count, Thursday, August 16, 2012: 197 (approx. 21 hour video count--missing 12:30-3:30 p.m.) Bike count, Wednesday, October 3, 2012: 107 (24 hour video count) Ped count, August 16, 2012: 104 Ped count, October 3, 2012: 104  54th and Halifax: Bike count, Saturday, August 18, 2012: 106 (21 hour video count--missing 1:00-4:00 p.m.) Bike count, Monday, October 8, 2012: 16 (24 video count) Ped count, August 16, 2012: 129 Ped count, October 8, 2012: 314 Living Streets Working Group Member Thompson handed out the minutes from their last meeting which lists the progress they have made so far. He said if the requested budget was not approved, that they would do a ‘watered down’ version similar to that of the City of Maplewood. He said member Janovy did a draft ‘watered down’ policy using the policy from City of Maplewood, City of Los Angeles and the work that has been done by BARR and HR Green. He said staff would take the lead with implementation of the final policy with the ETC providing support. Member Thompson, city engineer for the City of Maplewood, said they wrote their policy internally after getting input from a taskforce and stakeholders. He said it was used in 2011 and 2012 when they did street 4 reconstruction. Member Braden recalled that City of North St. Paul also developed a Living Street Policy the same time as City of Maplewood but they did not approve a component of their policy for implementation. Member Thompson said it could be a cultural difference and education between the two cities. Member Braden said they need to be aware of this so the same thing doesn’t happen in Edina. Member Thompson said they had an internal taskforce and then they included boards and commissions. He asked for feedback on moving forward. Member Franzen asked if the next step is to put together the classification and member Thompson said it would be to form another working group to review the draft policy before it goes to staff. Member Thompson said a new category was created called ‘local connector’ – this is a local street that is a main artery into a neighborhood and it would have a sidewalk on at least one side but no sidewalk on streets with lower level traffic. He said Member Janovy have already identified some of the ‘local connector’ streets. He said they were not defined to give staff flexibility. Transportation Options Working Group Received minutes of Nov. 13, 2012. Communications Committee – Draft City of Edina Pedestrian and Bicycling Policy Statement Member LaForce said because of the committee’s concern that City policies are scattered all over and residents might say they are making up things, they’ve created a new draft City of Edina Pedestrian and Bicycling Policy Statement to put everything in one place. Member Braden asked what was meant by ‘prioritizing transportation right-of-way (ROW).’ Member LaForce said they can use the ROW for anything; for example, Wooddale Avenue does not only have to be for parking. Member Janovy added that transportation ROW is for transportation but they run into challenges with things like landscaping in the ROW even though they are not allowed and this makes it difficult for putting in sidewalk. This is in policy already said member Janovy but it is all over the place. Feedback included the following: Member Franzen suggested citing where each policy came from and member Janovy said it was difficult to note where everything came from because they are all related. Member Thompson asked what difference another policy was going to make from all the other policies. Member Franzen said it looks like a different policy but it sounds like they are trying to summarize all policies and if so, this should be stated in the purpose. Regarding Policy Statement #5 where it talks about removing snow, member Braden asked if the City is going to remove snow for her. Director Houle said removing snow from sidewalk along county roads, state aid roads and around schools is common practice. Member Janovy thinks the City should remove snow from all sidewalks. This sentence will be reworded to reflect the current practice. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Chair Nelson said most of the emails were talking about the bike lane on Wooddale Avenue. Member Janovy said one letter referenced Hibiscus Avenue and that she recommended sidewalk. She asked to have the minutes changed to reflect the actual conversation. Member Janovy motioned to change the Oct 25 minutes and the motion was seconded by member LaForce. Member LaForce motioned to change the Oct 25 minutes as follow: in the Lake Edina section delete ‘Member Janovy recommended a sidewalk on 5 Normandale Road to Hibiscus Avenue to Kellogg Avenue because of speed and volume and to connect with the Nine Mile trail that is coming soon.’ And replace with ‘Member Janovy suggested that staff evaluate the feasibility of sidewalks on Normandale Road and Hibiscus Avenue.’ The motion was seconded by member Iyer. All voted aye. Motion carried. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Member LaForce asked if any safety upgrades had been done at the top of the ramp at Benton Avenue and Normandale Road, coming from southbound TH100. He said cars coming up the ramp do not stop and he has experienced this at least once a month when biking. Director Houle said he will take a look at the area. Member Janovy said there was a ROW easement vacation on Benton Avenue and she thought City Council did not want to give up any ROW until they were inventoried. Also, there were two public comments on traffic: one about United Health in Minnetonka, and the other about Pizzeria Lola at Sunnyside Road and France Avenue. She said to expect these at the TSC. Member Bass asked if there is a policy or exception for disabled residents to remove snow. Director Houle said they are required to remove their snow and if they can’t there are resources available. She asked if there were any feedback now that Tracy Avenue (Vernon to Benton) is opened and Director Houle said not directly (the Mayor passed on feedback that he heard while campaigning - residents like it!) Member Iyer asked if there is a formal process to get feedback when projects are completed. Director Houle said no but recently, staff did a communications audit that led to changes in how engineering communicates with residents. He said a good indicator for him is how few residents attend the final assessment public hearing. Member Iyer said he would like to know how effective the commission has been. He said they have been involved in major projects and would like to know if they are making the right decisions or how they are perceived by residents. Member Janovy said the City Council gave the ETC the Wooddale Avenue bike lane project and said to make something happen and as for the neighborhood reconstruction projects, they’ve only been involved for two years. Member Iyer said he understands that the ETC does not make decisions but they do make recommendations and as a part of the process, he would like to know what people think about their recommendations. Chair Nelson said the PACS funding was approved by City Council. STAFF COMMENTS All of the neighborhood projects were approved by City Council on Dec. 11 and bids will be opened in February/March. Southwest LRT announced their preliminary engineers and they are Kimley Horn & Associates and AECOM. City Council approved the final development plans for 6500 France Avenue. At their expense, the developer will upgrade the intersection to match the intersections in the France Avenue Intersections Improvement project. Other developments around the Southdale area are: a new transit center by JCP is planned for next year; and enhanced crossing from the West End and Barnes and Noble across 69th Street which could also include a roundabout (to be determined when the Greater Southdale Transportation Study is done). 6 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned. ATTENDANCE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE NAME TERM J F M A M J J A S O N D Work Session # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 4/17/2012 Bass, Katherine 2/1/2014 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 85% Braden, Ann 2/1/2014 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 77% Franzen, Nathan 2/1/2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 85% Iyer, Surya 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 92% Janovy, Jennifer 2/1/2014 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 100% LaForce, Tom 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 100% Nelson, Paul 2/1/2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 92% Schweiger, Steven student 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 77% Sierks, Caroline student 1 1 1 1 4 100% Thompson, Michael 2/1/2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 85% Whited, Courtney 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 83%