HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-10-19 MinutesMINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, October 19, 2006 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Community Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Les Wanninger, Warren Plante, Marie Thorpe, Jean White, Marc Usem, Geof Workinger, Joni Kelly Bennett, Dean Dovolis MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Wayne Houle, Rebecca Foster I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by chair Wanninger. II. Concern of Residents None III. Old Business a. West 70th Street Corridor Study  Data collection should be completed by early November.  The November 16 meeting will be set aside for the study to hear from residents. Invitations will be mailed to approximately 1500 residents. The mailing area will be Highway 100 to France and W. 66th St. to W. 72nd St.  Two homeowners associations have presented comments.  Study Advisory Committee members may include Hennepin County, Mn/DOT, Christ Presbyterian Church, Edina school district, city of Richfield staff, and Chamber of Commerce. IV. New Business a. I494/TH169 & TH169/Valley View Road Interchange Project The plans for the above project were presented by Victoria Nill, P.E., Project Manager for Mn/DOT. Current conditions, history, goals, constraints, partners, layout and schedule were discussed. The plans were presented to the ETC in 2005 and it was not supported because of costs and impacts to parkland. The city’s cost is expected to be $2.2 mil. Pending bid letting date is 2016 and proposed construction would be three seasons. The following motion was made after discussion. Dovolis moved to support the design concept of the I494/TH169 and TH169/Valley View Road Interchange Project as presented by Mn/DOT and encourage Mn/DOT to explore the possibility of constructing a sound barrier at the northeast quadrant of TH169/Valley View Road. Seconded by Workinger. All voted aye. Motion carried. 2 b. Southwest Transit Study Three transit alternatives were identified: 1) Enhanced Bus (better service)  Three routes restructured to new stations 2) Bus Rapid (special hybrid – did not make it through the 1st tier, too expensive)  New Excelsior Blvd route: Hwy. 5 to 4th Street in Minneapolis  Runs on shoulder along Hwy. 169 3) Light Rail (Routes 1A, 3A and 3C - passed 1st and 2nd tier requirements)  Hiawatha train turns to become Southwest (LRT A)  Hopkins would have more than one option to Southwest  Southside of Midtown in Minneapolis then Southwest corridor (LRT C) Southwest Transit Way goals are:  Tier 1 – improve mobility; be cost effective; and provide efficient travel.  Tier 2 – all of Tier 1, plus protecting the environment, quality of life and support economic development. Ridership is projected as follow:  LRT 1A 23,000 4,500 (new riders by 2030)  LRT 3A 27,000 7,500 “  LRT 3C 28,100 6,800 “ Cost is as follow (2015 build date):  LRT 1A $865 Mil  LRT 3A $1.2 Bil  LRT 3C $1.4 Bil The cities of Minnetonka and Eden Prairie will be passing resolutions supporting routes LRT 3A and 3C. Dovolis moved to support LRT 3A and 3C as the better routes. Seconded by Bennett. 7 ayes, 1 abstaining (Wanninger). Motion carried. V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting, September 21, 2006 Wanninger noted that minutes are supposed to include major notes and not direct quotes. Dovolis moved to approve the minutes of September 21, 2006. Seconded by Plante. All voted aye. Motion carried. b. Special Meeting, September 7, 2006: Transcript of discussion regarding sidewalk on West 44th Street Bennett moved to adopt a resolution that on West 44th Street, between Grimes Avenue and Wooddale, a mid-block crosswalk with a center island be constructed and that no sidewalk be proposed on the south side of West 44th Street from Grimes Avenue to Kojetin Park. Seconded by Dovolis. 7 ayes, 1 naye (Wanninger). Motion carried. 3 VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Workinger) Workinger reported that TCF withdrew their plans; they were planning a drive-thru on the back of the building. VII. Open Discussion Houle reported that two neighborhood reconstruction projects (Woodhill and Southdale) will be going to Council for approval on Nov. 6, as well as the NE Edina Traffic Study. VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned.