HomeMy WebLinkAbout31499\NA, Iii ��1.-i; J e (:.• 1G\ :,.. rJJ -------------------t"'� �� �o:__ _________________ _ MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: July 13, 2022 Hennepin County Taxpayer Services Department CenterPoint Energy USPS: West Edina Carrier Annex (55424, 55436, 55439) Edina Office (55410) Normandale Office (55435) Chad.F.Stephan@usps.gov Metropolitan Council Xcel Energy -Email City of Edina: Water/Utility Department Police Department Planning Department Engineering Department Voter Registration Assessing Department Health Department Public Works Department Fire Department FROM: David Fisher, Chief Building Official Y-;z__ SUBJECT: Address Assignment change for a new lot split from one lot into two lots for single family dwellings Please be advised of the following address assignment: 360 I 55th St W Legal Description: Lot Block PIO Number: 20-028-24-22-0087 20-028-24-22-0095 Old address: 360 I 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 New address: 360 I 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 3517 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 Multiple addresses: 360 I 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 3517 55th St W, Edina, MN 55424 Reason for change: Lot split from one lot to two lots Additional information: See attached info. Please adjust your records accordingly. l:\Building\Addrcsscs\ADDRESS ASSIGNMENTS\202213601 55th St W .docx CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0389 7/13/22, 3:09 PM DataLink I Edina CD Q CO CO Co C CO (.0 1.0 Cr) 7t. iQ LU CO CD CD Or, CO C LC) Cr) N1 CO CD C.D CO 55th St W C) (.0 CO CO CD (.0 CO CO CO 0 30 60ft k/3 rn Minnehaha Creek , o.) N-- C 35 is) Lo or) co Minnehaha Creek 5504 Documents https://gis.edinamn.gov/DataLink/Default.aspx# 1/4 PI381101 HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTY DIVISIONS SHEET NO. 1 OF 3_ DIVISION 210295 MUNICIPALITY: EDINA (24) 2021 PAY 2022 * NEW PLAT _x * TO ASSR / / SCH DIST 273 WATERSHED 3 SEWER DIST COPY FOR * REQUEST FROM ASSR / / IF PROS 9 GREEN ACRES OPEN SPACE DATE 12/17/21/ * WD _ * VALUE CHECK / / TRANS LINE/EZ INDIC BY CP * QCD * SPEC CHECK / / FILED / / * CD * COMPUTER / / DIVIDE/COMBINE: APPROVED 12/11/21 * OTHER * COMPLETED PROPERTY ID 20-028-24 22 0087 OWNER ERICA A BERGSLAND TAXPAYER N/A ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST N EDINA MN 55410 PROPERTY ADDRESS 03601 55TH ST W ADDITION NAME DATE FILED ADDNO WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 04/20/1926 78050 DATE OF LAST TRAN 04/30/93 LOT 001 BLOCK 007 ACREAGE 0.27 APPROX PARCEL SIZE N 60X187X63X207 METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION INCL ADJ 1/2 OF VAC STS SR EX AG PT H OWNS LAND BLDG MACH TOTAL H-BASE1 H-BASE2 N/H-BASE1 N/H TC GROSS TC PROPERTY ID 20-028-24 22 0095 OWNER ERICA A BERGSLAND ' TAXPAYER N/A ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST W EDINA MN 55410 PROPERTY ADDRESS 03601 55TH ST W ADDITION NAME DATE PILED ADDN4 WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 04/20/1926 76050 DATE OF LAST TRAN 04/30/93 LOT 004 BLOCK 008 ACREAGE 0.25 APPROX PARCEL SIZE N 60X168X63X187 METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION INCL ADJ 1/2 OF VAC ST SR EX AG PT H OWNS LAND BLDG MACH TOTAL H-BASE1 H-BASE2 N/H-BASE1 N/H TC GROSS TC P1301101 HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTY DIVISIONS SHEET NO. 2 OF _.I DIVISION # 210295 PROPERTY ID 20-028-24 22 0098 OWNER ERICA A BERGSLAND TAXPAYER N/A ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST W EDINA MN 55410 PROPERTY ADDRESS 00024 ADDRESS UNASSIGNED ADDITION NAME DATE FILED ADDNff WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET 04/20/1926 78050 DATE OF LAST TRAN 04/30/93 LOT BLOCK ACREAGE 0.21 APPROX PARCEL SIZE 120 X 70 METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF LOT A LYING BET THE W LINE OF LOT 1 BLK 7 AND THE E LINE OF LOT 4 BLK 8 EXTENDED ACROSS LOT A INCL ADJ 1/2 OF VAC ST SR EX AG PT H OWN% LAND BLDG MACH TOTAL H-BASEL H-BASE2 N/H-BASE1 N/H TC GROSS TC DIVISION/COMBINATION. NEW PROPERTY ID'S SEC TWP RG QQ SUPX SEC TWP RG QQ SUFX SEC TWP RG QQ SUPX 20-028-24 22 0110 20-028-24 22 0119 PROPERTY DIVISIONS & COMBINATIONS Municipality: ( 24 ) Edina Division Form No. HOPT03-2 (11/97) Date: 12/17/2021 03:09 Page 1 of 1 Sheet 3 Of 3 Division No. 210295 20-028-24-22-0118 Owner: ERICA A BERGSLAND Property Address 24 ADDRESS PENDING Taxpayer: ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST W Mortgage Loan No: EDINA MN 55410 Mortgage Code: Addition No: 7 8 0 5 0 Lot: 1 Block: 7 Acreage: Approx. Parcel Size: IRREGULAR Metes & Bounds Description: INCLUDING ADJOINING HALF OF VACATED STREET; AND, THAT PART OF LOT A LYING BETWEEN THE WEST LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 7 AND THE EAST LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 8 EXTENDED ACROSS LOT A, INCLUDING ADJOING HALF OF VACATED STREET, ALL IN WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET. 20-028-24-22-0119 Owner: ERICA A BERGSLAND Property Address 24 ADDRESS PENDING Taxpayer: ERICA A BERGSLAND 3601 55TH ST W Mortgage Loan No: EDINA MN 55410 Mortgage Code: Addition No: 78050 Lot: 4 Block: 8 Acreage: Approx. Parcel Size: IRREGULAR Metes & Bounds Description: INCLUDING ADJOING HALF OF VACATED STREET; AND, THAT PART OF LOT A LYING BETWEEN THE EAST AND WEST LINES OF LOT 4, BLOCK 8 EXTENDED ACROSS LOT A, INCLUDING ADJOINING HALF OF VACATED STREET, ALL IN WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET. 51 51 Cl 5 I 54 1 5 I. 5. 0 i I 50 50 50 0 31) 53 0,... 00 6J 51.7 I 051 I . 1 .' . . (66) (65) (64) I (63) I (62) (61) (60) (59) (58) 1 i 1 RAIRK 00 00 00 60 50 50 00 00 01 53.3 55TH ST W 433.1 (101) 50 '20 (109) 012.77 (8) uJ 8 I (03) ((34) (C5) (57: (63) b 9) (61) (02) n 30.3 00 00 03 00 Ga. Go ILO Co n:ft [CIV 55TH ST W 00 00, CIC 03 013 [I=1;LA pr117 1\ ()3) ('I08) (91) 88) C.; 'N TN (117) (112) S.,t1A ttw t•,4 Cl 1 20 -kRNP., 2c1c, 1133, (8) 137 12 109) MUNICIPA SCHOOL WATERSHED SEWER TIF CODE DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT PROJECTTL 24 273 3 NEW PLAT NAME LAND TYPE: AO TO BO ADDITION CODECS) 78050 QUARTER- NEW IDS DIVISION El COMBINATION q SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE QUARTER REQUIRED 20 028 24 22 2 TECH SR DATE 12/17/2021 DATA ENTERED q 2021 PAY 2022 APPROVED BY CITY 12/11/2020 DATE SURVEYED Q C D DATE CERTIFIED C D DATE FILED OTHER NEW PLAT REQUEST X WD 0087 0095 0098 GREEN QUARTER- SUFFIX ACRES SPECIALS SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE QUARTER SUFFIX I I q Check if there are additional ID numbers on next page SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE QUARTER- QUARTER 20 028 24 22 20 028 24 22 20 028 24 22 GREEN ACRES SPECIALS q q q q q q q q • n PINS PRELIMINARY COVER SHEET nDIVISION-OF-DIVISION OLD ID NUMBERS NOTES: Other El Divide Combine Date LEVE ( Owner Sign/ ure Yes *If yes, please send a copy of No the Survey with this form.* HC A-500 Property ID and Platting VI;as a Survey done for this change? Last Revised January 2021 HENNEPIN COUNTY PARCEL DIVISIONS/COMBINATIONS — OWNER REQUEST FORM •l Property ID and Platting Unit ji) Resident and Real Estate Services A-500 Government Center I! Minneapolis, MN 55487-0060 Owner Name Erica A. Bergsland Address 3601 W 55th St. Phone 651-485-2835 Email ebergsland@gmail.com Mail Tax Statements To Erica A Bergsland 3601 W 55th St. Edina, MN 55410 I hereby make a request to change the assessment on the following described land: For City Of Edina For Tax Year earliest effective date Property ID Numbers (1) 2002824220087 (4) (2) 2002824220095 (5) (3) 2002824220098 (6) Additional Remarks Per submitted resolution (2020-04 City of Edina) Divide and consolidate parcel 3 into parcels 1 & 2 (For additional ID numbers, please add an attachment) Email: RRES.PropertylDandPlats@Hennepinms Phone: 612-348-3271 LAND TYPE A s ra A (A) DOC NUM 10914558 Certified, filed and/or recorded on Feb 10, 2021 10:41 AM Office of the County Recorder Hennepin County, Minnesota Martin McCormick, County Recorder Mark Chapin, County Auditor and Treasurer Deputy 98 Pkg ID 2171010E Document Recording Fee $46.00 Document Total $46.00 This cover sheet is now a permanent part of the recorded document. PLANNING RESOLUTION NO. 2020-04 APPROVING A LOT DIVISION FOR PARCELS AT 3601 WEST 55TH STREET WHEREAS, the following described tract of land is requested to be divided: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED ORIGINAL (3) PARCELS Lot 1, Block 7, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. All that part of Lot A lying between the West line of Lot 1, Block 7 and the East line of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, all in Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the • owners of the described land desires to subdivide said tract in to the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "parcels") described as f011ows: Parcel A Lot 1, Block 7, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND That part of Lot A lying between the West line of Lot 1, Block 7 and the East line of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, all in Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Parcel B Lot 4, Block 8, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. AND All that part of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 8 extended across Lot A, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated street, all in Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, Hennepin County, Minnesota. CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0389 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-04 Page Two WHEREAS, the requested lot line adjustment is authorized under Code Chapter 32 Section 32-6 and it has been determined to comply with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina and do not interfere with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the Edina City Code Chapter 32; NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved, that the lot division is hereby approved pursuant to City Code Sections 32-6. Adopted this 11th day of December 2020. ATTEST: Cary Teague,Teague, City Planner I hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the administrative approval of a lot line adjustment. WE:5;T 55 Tli STREET 'LTZY' ' ---1—i ----7 "" —, -.--*----"' I i I f . ; Cj ii CJu' • — — MITS° LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ORIGINAL PARCEL (AS SURVEYED 2001), La I, Blab I, including adjoining 1/2 of vsnted Meet WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE Emlaursr, Hmvcpin Carat, Minnevga LA 4, Block S, including adjoining 02 of NiCated Data, WOODBURY PARK NEARS a(la HARRIET, IlenneHin County, Minamota All due pad of Lee A ',Leg between the West Hs of Lot 1,11tock 7 and lie East line of Lot 4, NINA 2 extended amass Lot A. loch:ding adjoining 1/2 of Varatleil Mot, all ise 1VOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin Comity, Minnmoda. PROPOSES, LEGAL DESCRIPOON OF PARCEL As La 1, Blear 2, labsimg ratiOning I/2 of amted StreeL WOODBURY PARKNEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hemsepin County, Him... AND That part of Lot A Vag Ixtwcga the EA& aod West linin oft 1, Block 7 extended across La A, including adjoining I/2 of vacated gnat, HI in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Hennepin County, Ming.. Contains: 13,9•221 Sq. EL as measured to le edge ofwata at the time drum, (2001). PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL Pk La 4, Blab 5, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated Mae; WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE RATLIKE!, Heruse,in Comuy, Minameta AND That prat of Lot A lying between the East and West lines of Lot 4, Block 2 mikado-1 assess Lot A, including adjoining 1/2 of vacated greet, el in V1001/1111RY PARK NEAR LAKE. HARRIET, El crice,in County, Contains: 14,6TH Sq. FL as metanuni to Me tdge of water at the Was of sunny (2601). SCOPE OF WORK & LIMITATIONS: I. SIgtaing a pmposed Mt mitt pm a aunty completed by lama Patter. 0.1-1. No. 9235, date,! May 26, 2001. 11,45 many does mil purport IS shoe existing conditions led DO Si. visit nos pcdtemed V this frac. 2. Elevations shown berms an per 21101 Hovey and have ad been Bell - Showing elevations on Mc site at selected loceSmas to give some indiation of the topography at tbe site We lave abet presided a besidisms5 foe yon use in determining elevations for to:Duval. on this sits.Tbe alesaEons show:sedate only to the benekomak psovided on tiffs cssvey. U. tEl lamehmart and <beck 5: lust oro mi. feature 51031/1 (.1 the ninny tab. dammining of elnations fa use ma ibis site or Wort beginning oanstnsainn. 3. ibis stuvey Las been romplated 54002.1 the benefit of a =scat tide commitment. Mere may be arairting easements or Mbar enevmbrences that "Amid be revealed by a masers tide commitment. Meehan, dale Hovey does net pmpoat b Ho, any nserocusa or eneurnbramm Ober M.O. atm Hunan bacon. 4. SES sbow a proposed division of the ,opmty pa your Lattruetiona Please review the proposed division to verify that it It what Solt intended We suggert you submit this attEcy b Ne you-mum:gal agenda Mat have jusivfietioo ova it to obtain the afassovals, Upon can, before making any deciaimasnaganling Bm gdopeity. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: 'ea Deno. Man sunny musk, finial, teilwat otholvise nowt en./. He P. e.noanLel INF ../11 r0 Vom tvakin. una.INus ....I ...NIA • ERICA BERCSLAIVD 3601 W. 557775T. EDINA, MN Advance $06,17,0 4 EE,0.-31,0, Co. F,E4iii.1.1, LOT SPIEE SKIT y.s.l.:2”(1.1 HEU112, S1 160371 WE rix202.2•2200.,0 ERICA BERGSLAND 3601 IV 55TII ED)WA, MN 22.204 raisrurai 22.20.2421.11 alarr lattE LOT SPLIT por,oxi awyn 180872 SEP S1 124...01 9114N611,98,11, aur12.22.21 .L2/2120 22 20. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ORIGINAL P C AL LRVEYJLEL20Olt Lot I, Block 1, Malu ding ndsoining 10 of vacated meet WSKTDEURY PARK TWA LAKE. HAR.TUEL Hennepin County, Minim.. Lot 4,111.9 P. includieg adjoining TO of vacated Meet WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Ticernpio County, hiinemote. All Output of tor A Hang batmen the West lino of Lot 1,11lock 7.41 the East hoe of Lotit. Block fl extended amiss Lot A, ',Indio!, ruqoining I/2 of mr.a.i 10x450 in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Ilamepin County, Mimes°. PROPOSED LEGAL ITESCRIVITON OF PARCEL, Lot I, Block 7, including adjoining 1/2 of szcated me. WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Nom,. County, Elloomota. AND Tut put of lut A Hing betwenn quasi and Wal linos of Lot I, Block 7 extended across Lot A, including adjoining 10 01 vacated street, m in WOODBURY PARK NEAR TAKE HARRIET, Tien cp. County, hlicrimus. Contain. 15,31035 Sq. Ft al timasured to the cdge of wet. at the Moc nfsuvcy (2001). PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ?ARM. IT: iLint 4, /111016 a, including ',Coining la .r.‘..d 0100, woommxy PARK NEAR LAKE EARFUL-F, Hum.. County, Minim., ANO That put of Lot A Hing between the ER. rod West linea of Lot 4, 131116 8 estcodul urMs Lot A, irmIuding adjoining 12 of vacated shut el in WOODBURY PARK NEAR LAKE HARRIET, Herm,. Comity, Mimeo. Contains: 14,6774 Sq. Ft es marmot to the edge of voter at the time of sunny (2001). SCOPE OP WORK 0 LIMITAHONS: I. Showing a proposed lot ri.dit Fur a sunny romRleted by Junes Palter, ILLS, No. 9235, staNd 1,ey 26, 2001. 11111 annoy do us not poussil to show egistiog conditions end no site visit*u petfonced at this Mae. 2, Elev.., Mown hereon am pu 2001 toryCy and ham o. Henn Self retitled-Showing Condom mi the site 11 relocted louder. to give wastie Mdituti00 of the topography of the sitz WI have also provided a bcr.hntatk for your use in deunnining ckvationt for conmuction ru this site. The elm-aims shown rotate only to the benchmuk movidol on this rarity. Est this buielnurt and thank at kant one otlacr feature shown on the survey when etUrarainieg .her elm... for use II this site or before beginning 3. This sooty has bent ourggeted witl.ut die benefit of a cummt title 002001222.211 There may he mist.; cum:cats se otter ...Era.0 that would be rovealod by current tide commits.. 11erefore, this mosey docs not pout°. to slue any 2.11200125 01 citunnbrances other than the Dote shown Lemon. 4. Wc show a proposed division of the property pa your institutions. Plowse rovitw the proposed division to verify that it 0 what mo ioteaded We suggest you submit this swum, 0 do govannintod aguscies 00 have jusiadictimi mu It to obtain their swumls, if you cam before making any decisions a.m., the popettat STANDARD SYMBOLS CONVENTIONS: 5" Damics Atm survey muka, (smut 1010.11 otheuvisc rood.