HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-12 Planning Commission Regular MeetingAg enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all, Council Cham ber s Wednesday, October 12, 2022 7:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeeting s or Facebook.com /EdinaMN. Participate in Comm unity Comm ent and Public H earings Call 786-496-5601 E nter Confer ence Pin 6743296 Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to g et in the queue to speak An operator will intr oduce you when it is your turn I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. V.Pu b lic Hea rings A.B-22-18, A 10 foot h eigh t va ria n ce for a freesta n d ing sign a t 7777 W a shin gton Avenue S B.B-22-17 a pa rking va ria n ce for 7429 Bu sh Lake Road VI.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.Sketch Plan Review – 4212 and 4216 Valley View Roa d B.Sta tus Upda te for Com m issioners on 2022 W ork Pla n Progress VII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents VIII.Sta4 Com m ents IX.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli8cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: O c tober 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-22-18, A 10 foot height variance for a frees tanding s ign at 7777 Washington Avenue S Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: S taff recommends approval based on the findings listed in the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he applicant is requesting a sign variance for the height of a freestanding sign adjacent to H W Y 169. T he subject property, 7777 Washington Avenue S outh, is located on the west side of H W Y 169, east of Washington Avenue South. T he existing building is a three-story, 21,000 square foot building and is the site of T he District Edina, a combination of design, remodel, furnishings show rooms. T he applicant is asking for one variance, a variance to the height of the proposed freestanding sign on the east side of the property. T he proposed sign meets all other requirements of the city’s sign ordinance. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Applicant Submittal Site Location Map Better Together Report Staff Pres entation The applicant, Gregory Rich, is requesting a sign variance for the height of a freestanding sign adjacent to HWY 169. The subject property, 7777 Washington Avenue South, is located on the west side of HWY 169, east of Washington Avenue South. The existing building is a three-story, 21,000 square foot building and is the site of The District Edina, a combination of design, remodel, furnishings show rooms. The applicant is asking for one variance, a variance to the height of the proposed freestanding sign on the east side of the property. The proposed sign meets all other requirements of the city’s sign ordinance. The subject property has two street frontages and is allowed to have two freestanding signs, one along Washington Avenue South and one along HWY 169. The proposed sign is eighteen feet tall, 10 feet higher than allowed by the city’s sign code. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Extra Space Storage Facility; zoned PID, Planned Industrial District, and guided Industrial Easterly: Highway 169 Southerly: Excel Energy Substation (located outside city limits) Westerly: Nine Mile Creek Conservation Area (located outside city limits) October 12, 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner B-22-18, Sign variance for monument sign height at 7777 Washington Avenue South Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The subject property, 7777 Washington Avenue South is 2.61 acres and is the site of an existing three-story building. Planning Guide Plan designation: Industrial Zoning: PID, Planned Industrial District Compliance Table Signs located in the PID District Buildings four stories or less *Requires a variance The proposed electronic sign will need to meet the illuminated sign requirements of the city code. The sign will not be allowed to change in color or intensity of light more than once per hour, unless it’s giving the time, date, temperature, or weather information. Sign Standards- PID Proposed Monument Sign Number of Signs: Square footage: Height: 1 wall sign per building per frontage and one freestanding sign per frontage 86 square feet total between the two signs, with no individual sign being greater than 50 square feet 8 feet 1 monument sign adjacent to HWY 169 (proposed sign) 1 sign adjacent to Washington Ave S. 50 square feet 18 feet* Angle of Incidence for two-sided sign 60 degrees 35-45 degrees STAFF REPORT Page 3 PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues Is the proposed variance justified? Yes, Staff believes the requested sign variances are justified. Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances required that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively to grant a variance. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. The subject property allows for signage that more fits the size and property on which it is located. The proposed monument signage that is 18 feet tall will be adjacent to HWY 169. The additional height will allow for visibility and will help with wayfinding. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? There are circumstances that are unique to the property and are not common to similarly zoned properties. The requested height is due to the grade change from HWY 169 to the subject property. An eight-foot sign would not be visible from street frontage. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? The proposed variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The location of the proposed sign will have limited impact to the surrounding neighborhood. The height of the proposed monument signs along HWY 169 will help with visibility. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Staff Recommendation Approve the requested variance to allow the height of the proposed monument signs adjacent to HWY 169 be up to 18 feet based on the following findings: 1. The criteria for the proposed sign variance is met. The proposed signage will have limited impact on surrounding neighborhoods and will allow the sign to be visible due to the grade change between the subject property and HWY 169. 2. The practical difficulty is the grade of the subject property. An eight-foot monument sign would not be visible from HWY 169. 3. The proposed signage will not alter the character of the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans:  Sign plans and submittal date stamped September 12, 2022. 2. The sign is required to meet the illuminated sign requirements of the city code. Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com May -2022 1 Habitation Furnishing + Design 7777 Washington Ave S Edina, MN 55439 Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com2 Property: 7777 Washington Ave S, Edina, MN 55439 Sign Location Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com3 Property: 7777 Washington Ave S, Edina, MN 55439 Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com4 Edina Zoning District: PD –Planned Industrial Development Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com5 Edina Zoning District Summary: PD –Planned Development Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com6 Hardship and Variance Request (Narrative) Habitation Furnishing + Design is seeking a variance for the overall height of a new sign. Edina sign code allows a height of 8’. We are requesting an overall height of 18’ (a variance of 10’ of additional height). Unique Hardship (Practical Difficulties): Our grade of our property at 7777 Washington Ave S is 10’ below the grade of the primary roadway on which our sign will be viewed (Hwy 169). For our sign to be easily and safely viewed by passing traffic it needs to be higher than the standard 8’ allowance. We are requesting a 10’ height increase (8’ above the grade of Hwy 169). This is a hardship that is applicable to our property and generally not to other properties in our zoning district. There is a building to the north of our property and no buildings to the south. We will not impact any residential properties. The sign’s height will not adversely affect the surrounding properties. Because of the grade difference the sign will not look out of place as compared to the roadway. The sign will not alter the essential character of the area and will be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. We are only asking for a height variance. We will comply with all other aspects of the zoning ordinance including sign size and setbacks. Variance Request: 10’ Overall Additional Height Allowance. Edina Zoning Code Height Allowance: 8 Feet. Requested Sign Height: 18 Feet. Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com7 Elevation Change: 169 to Sign Location (-10’) Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com8 Elevation Change: 169 to Sign Location (-10’) 10’ Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com9 Elevation Change: 169 to Sign Location (-10’) 10ft. 0in. 18ft. 0in. 8ft. 0in. 8ft. 0in. The requested sign height of 18’ is 8’ above the grade of Hwy 169. Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com10 Elevation Change: 169 to Sign Location (-10’) 10ft. 0in. 18ft. 0in. 8ft. 0in. 8ft. 0in. The requested sign height of 18’ is 8’ above the grade of Hwy 169. Mike Kasbohm 612-719-1990 ThinkDigitalSigns.com11 Proposed Sign: 5x10 Electronic Message Center Sign/18’ Overall Height 5x10 Watchfire EMC Cabinet = 5'5" x 10'3" x 8" Dynamic Area = 50 Sq Feet 18'-0" 5'-5" 10ft. 3in. 0ft. 8in. 7'-6" 2ft. 0in. Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 06 October 2022 Public Hearing Comments-7777 Washington Ave Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: 7777 Washington Ave Sign No Responses VISITORS 1 CONTRIBUTORS 0 RESPONSES 0 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous The CITY of EDINA B-22-18 7777 Washington Ave S Sign Variance The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 2 7777 Washington Ave The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 3 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 4 Sign Standards-PID Proposed Monument Sign Number of Signs: Square footage: Height: 1 wall sign per building per frontage and one freestanding sign per frontage 86 square feet total between the two signs, with no individual sign being greater than 50 square feet 8 feet 1 monument sign adjacent to HWY 169 (proposed sign) 1 sign adjacent to Washington Ave S. 50 square feet 18 feet* Angle of Incidence for two-sided sign 60 degrees 35-45 degrees Compliance Table Signs located in the PID District Buildings four stories or less The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 5 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 6 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 7 Date: O c tober 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-22-17 a parking varianc e for 7429 Bush Lake R oad Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: S taff recommends approval based on findings as listed on page 5 of the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Wooden H ill B rewing C ompany L L C is requesting an 54-stall parking variance to expand the brewery and taproom business within existing adjacent tenant space at 7421 Bush Lake R oad. P er C ity C ode, 225 on-site parking spaces are required for the entire site with the proposed expansion. T he site will be restriped to have 171 on-site parking spaces, which is 54-spaces less than required. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Engineering Memo Stantec parking study Site Location Applicant narrative Plans and renderings Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Staff Pres entation October 12, 20 22 Planning Commission Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner 5 4 stall Parking Variance for 7 421 Bush Lake Road. Information / Background: The applicant, Wooden Hill Brewing Company, LLC is requesting a parking stall variance to increase the occupancy and seating capacity of the brewery and tap room located at 7421 Bush Lake Road . The property consists of a 55,522 sq. ft., multi-tenant, office/warehouse building with 130 parking stalls in the parking lot of which 33 spaces are reserved for other tenants from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays. Per City Code, 225 on -site parking spaces are required for the entire site with the proposed expansion. This requirement includes 153 spaces for the brewery alone. The site has been restriped to have 171 on -site parking spaces, wh ich is 5 4 spaces less than the requirement, however, 41 stalls more than existing. The proposed project expands the taproom and kitchen and adds an event room within adjacent building space. Exterior expansion includes additional outdoor seating areas. The existing 413 seats would be expanded to 421 seats including both inside and outside seating. Wooden Hill opened in 2018 as the first brewery and taproom in Edina. The applicant has indicated the taproom business has since experienced significant growth. The applicant is hoping to expand the taproom, event room, and kitchen to better serve the community. Per the applicant: The taproom is generally open to the public seven days a week. Most days the open hours are from 11:30am until 9:30pm, but the taproom is busiest from about 4:30pm to 7:00pm. The business employ s 34 people. The approximate number of employees working on a maximum shift is 12 people. The event room is used for private events such as birthdays, retirement parties, wedding receptions, and workplace gatherings. Unlike the taproom, it is not in use every day. Workplace events are more often scheduled during afternoons, and most other types of events occur during the evenings and weekends In April, (2022), a building permit was submitted for the proposed expansion into adjacent tenant space. The permit application has been put on hold due to the parking shortage and the need to address a variance from ordinance parking requirements. A parking study was completed as part of the variance request by Stantec consulting. STAFF REPORT Page 2 The specific request is as follows: • A 54-parking stall variance from 225 paces required to 171 proposed at 7421 Bush Lake Road for a brewery/tap room expansion. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Industrial/office uses; zoned PID, Planned Industrial District and guided Industrial. Easterly: Industrial/office uses ; zoned PID, Planned Industrial District and guided Industrial. Southerly: Industrial/office uses ; zoned PID, Planned Industrial District and guided Industrial. Westerly: Industrial/office uses; zoned P ID, Planned Industrial District and guided Industrial. Existing Site Features The subject property is over one acre in size, and is a multi-tenant, office/warehouse building with a parking lot. Planning Guide Plan designation: Industrial. Zoning: PID, Planned Industrial District Parking Parking calculations were based on the new parking regulations, Section 36-1311 of the City Code. A total of 225 parking stalls would be required for the tap room expansion space. (See table below). Under the old parking regulations, 260 stalls would be required. Stantec conducted a parking study based on the plans with the parking lot restriped to increase the on -site supply to 171 spaces. The number of reserved spaces will be reduced to 22, which will be enforced from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays. The peak demand occurs at 5:30 on Thursday with 89 spaces used. On Friday peak occurs at 5:30 and 6:00 p.m., with 95 total spaces used. Per Stantec, the worst-case scenario for the brewery from a parking perspective is a 100 person event occurring at 6:00 p.m. on a Thursday. The increase of eight seats increases the peak demand to 98 spaces. A 100-person event creates a parking demand of 40 spaces assuming an average of 2.5 persons per vehicle. Under this scenario, the peak parking demand is 138 spaces , still less than the 171 stalls provided with improvements. STAFF REPORT Page 3 The applicant owns the property at 7421 Bush Lake Road and is an owner of Wooden Hill Brewery, one of the tenants in the multi-tenant building. There is no additional area on property allowing for parking expansion. Even with an increased parking count behind the building, customers may not identify the rear lot as parking for the brewery and may opt to park on the street instead of finding a parking spot in the lot. Onsite parking behind the building may not be perceived or seen as convenient to the front entrance of the brewery. On -street parking is allowed along the east side of Bush Lake Road an d along both sides of W. 74th Street. It should be noted that the city does not include on -street parking availability when reviewing required parking for a site. It can be acknowledged however, that much of the street parking is utilized by customers of the brewery in late afternoon when many of the nearby businesses are done or nearly done for the day . Engineering staff has reviewed the proposal and Stantec c onsultant parking study and provided a memo, (See attached memo.) Two general com ments were recommended as part of an approval of the project as follows: • Staff recommends providing surface bike parking. Stalls at a rate of 1 for every 500 square feet (26). These parking stalls should be in convenient, well-lit locations within 50’ of a public entrance to a principal building. Rack style and spacing should follow the recommendations of the Association of Pe destrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP). • Staff recommends providing information to patrons and employees about Metro Transit Routes 6 and 540, which operate adjacent to the property. Code Requirement Proposed Total = 225 spaces required 225 spaces required 171 spaces provided *54 space variance needed *Variance required Site Circulation/Access/Traffic Primary access points to the proposed development would not be altered. Access is gained from 2 curb cuts along Bush Lake Road and one along West 74th Street. Stantec concludes that existing roadways would still support the project and the additional brewery/tap room size. The level of service at adjacent intersections would not be impacted. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Parking Stall Variance As shown above, a parking variance for 54 stalls is required. Per the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the en forcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the Zoning Ordinance and that the use is reasonable. As demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal meets the variance standards, when applying the three conditions: Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The Proposed Variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. "Practical difficulties" may include functional and aesthetic concerns. There is practical difficulty in this instance due to the size of property. The expansion requires more parking by ordinance than can be provided on site. There is ability to provide 4 1 additional parking stalls in the back lot behind the building after re-striping. Stantec has determined the peak parking demand can be accommodated on -site at full capacity during peak use; therefore, staff believes the request is reasonable. On -street parking will continue for customers of the tap room regardless of proposed expansion given its convenience to the Tap room front door . On -street parking is allowed and will continue, with or without the proposed expansion and with the additional parking improvements. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? Yes. There are unique circumstances. The circumstances of being short parked are caused by the existing size of the parcel and building which does not have room for expanded parking. The circumstance of the off-set peak hours of the different uses within the building provide an opportunity for the uses to work together and share the parking. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No. Additional interior expansion with outdoor patio seating would not alter the character of the neighborhood. The brewery/tap room has been successfully operating since 2018. Expansion areas are all interior except for some additional seasonal outdoor seating so little or no exterior visual impact will occur. STAFF REPORT Page 5 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the variance request, subject to the following findings and conditions: 1. The parking study done by Stantec concludes there will be adequate on -site parking supply for peak use with the re-striping and signage. 2. On -street parking within the industrial park is also available to support the parking of this development. 3. The circumstances of being short parked are caused by lack of area on the lot to provide additional parking based on the changes of use within the existing structure. The different uses with varying peak times of operation s, provide an opportunity for shared parking on the lot. 4. Expansion areas are all interior except for some additional seasonal outdoor seating so little or no exterior visual impact will occur. 5. The brewery development is a reasonable use on the site with interior expansion into existing tenant spaces and continuation of reasonable use. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Provide surface bike parking. Stalls at a rate of 1 for every 500 square feet (26). These parking stalls should be in convenient, well-lit locations within 50’ of a public entrance to a principal building. Rack style and spacing should follow the recommendations of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP). 2. Provide information to patrons and employees about Metro Transit Routes 6 and 540, which operate adjacent to the property. 3. Install on -site directional signage indicating brewery parking behind the building and signing after hour tenant parking spaces to allow tap room parking. 4. Subject to the plans and renderings date stamped August 25, 2022. 5. Subject to conditions stated on the Engineer’s memo dated September 22, 2022. Deadline for a city decision: October 25, 2020 DATE: 9/22/2022 TO: 7421 Bush Lake Rd, Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE, Graduate Engineer RE: 7421 Bush Lake Rd – Development Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for pedestrian facilities, utility connections, grading, flood risk, and storm water. Plans reviewed included floorplans, a parking study, and survey drawings dated 8/26/2022. The request is for a variance to the number of on-site parking spaces required . Review Comment Required For 1. Provide proposed lowest opening elevation for new openings. Local 1% annual chance floodplain elevation of 834’ nearby. Grading/Building Permit 2. Provide traffic study and implement City -approved recommendations. Grading/Building Permit 3. Watermain was constructed in 1966. The building was constructed in 1973. Well likely not onsite. 4. NMCWD permit not required per correspondence. MDH, MPCA and MCES permits required as needed. Grading/Building Permit 5. Staff recommends providing surface bike parking stalls at a rate of 1 for every 5 00 square feet (26). These parking stalls should be in convenient, well-lit locations within 50’ of a public entrance to a principal building. Rack style and spacing should follow the recommendations of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP). General Comment 6. Staff recommends providing information to patrons and employees about Metro Transit Routes 6 and 540, which operate adjacent to the property. General Comment Memo To: Cary Teague From: Ed Terhaar, P.E. City of Edina File: 227705015 Date: October 6, 2022 Reference: Parking Study Wooden Hill Brewery in Edina, MN I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. __________________________________ DATE: October 6, 2022 Edward F. Terhaar License No. 24441 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND This memorandum documents the results of the parking study for Wooden Hill Brewery. The study consisted of documenting existing parking usage during weekday afternoon time periods and estimating future parking demand with a proposed brewery expansion. EXISTING CONDITIONS The brewery is located at 7421 Bush Lake Road in a multi-tenant single story building. The site includes 130 total parking spaces, of which 33 spaces are reserved for other tenants from 8 am to 6 pm on weekdays. The brewery includes a taproom and a kitchen that serves lunch and dinner. The existing facility has a total of 413 seats including both inside and outside seating. On-street parking is allowed on streets near the brewery with approximately 46 spaces available. Existing conditions near the brewery, including the on-street parking locations, are shown in Figure 1. PROPOSED CONDITIONS The proposed project expands the taproom and kitchen and adds an event room. The seating would be expanded to 421 seats including both inside and outside seating. The parking lot would be restriped to increase parking to 171 spaces. The number of reserved spaces will be reduced to 22, which will be enforced from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays. The event room would be used for events ranging in size from 15 to 100 persons. Events are typically held on weeknight evenings and weekend afternoons. The frequency varies from one to five events per week with typical attendance of 15 to 40 guests. Events of 50-100 guests occur less frequently with approximately one per month. CITY CODE PARKING REQUIREMENT The City Code requirement for parking is 225 on-site spaces for the expanded brewery and the other uses in the building. This requirement includes 153 spaces for the brewery alone. Carey Teague City of Edina October 6, 2022 2 PARKING USAGE SURVEY RESULTS The number of parking spaces used by brewery patrons and non-brewery uses was recorded on the following dates and time periods: • Thursday May 5, 2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Friday May 6, 2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. These days and times were chosen because the brewery experiences high customer counts during these time periods. Warm and sunny weather on May 5 and May 6 also resulted in high usage of the outside seating. During these time periods there are 97 unrestricted parking spaces on -site and 46 on-street spaces available for brewery customers. The parking usage for the brewery on each day is shown in Table 1. Table 1 Brewery Parking Usage Time Thursday May 5 Friday May 6 Spaces used Spaces used Lot Street Lot Street 4:00 p.m. 49 6 50 22 4:30 p.m. 57 13 60 29 5:00 p.m. 67 19 61 32 5:30 p.m. 73 21 60 35 6:00 p.m. 72 24 56 39 As shown in the results, the peak demand on Thursday occurred at 6:00 p.m. with 96 total spaces used. The peak demand on Friday occurred at 5:30 and 6:00 p.m., with 95 total spaces used. The parking usage for non-brewery uses on each day is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Non-Brewery Parking Usage Time Thursday May 5 Friday May 6 Spaces used Spaces used Lot Street Lot Street 4:00 p.m. 22 0 20 0 4:30 p.m. 19 0 13 0 5:00 p.m. 16 0 12 0 5:30 p.m. 16 0 8 0 6:00 p.m. 12 0 10 0 As shown in the results, the peak demand on Thursday and Friday occurred at 4:00 p.m. with 22 and 20 spaces used, respectively. The overall peak for the 130 on-site spaces occurs at 5:30 on Thursday with 89 spaces used. Carey Teague City of Edina October 6, 2022 3 FUTURE PARKING SUPPLY AND DEMAND City Code Per City Code, 225 on-site parking spaces are required for the entire site with the proposed expansion. The site will have 171 on-site parking spaces, with is 54 spaces less than the requirement. On-street spaces are available near the site but are not included in the City Code calculation. Parking Usage Results The proposed project adds eight seats and creates an event room for events ranging from 15 to 100 customers. Therefore the worst case scenario for the brewery from a parking perspective is a 100 person event occurring at 6:00 p.m. on a Thursday. The increase of eight seats increases the peak demand to 98 spaces. A 100 person event creates a parking demand of 40 spaces assuming an average of 2.5 persons per vehicle. Under this scenario, the peak parking demand is 138 spaces. As described earlier, the parking lot will be restriped to increase the on -site supply to 171 spaces, with 22 spaces reserved for other tenants from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays. This results in 149 spaces available on- site for the brewery. Combined with the 46 on-street spaces results in total supply of 195 spaces. Therefore the total supply (on-site and on-street) of 195 spaces is 57 spaces greater than the calculated peak demand. CONCLUSIONS City Code requires 225 on-site parking spaces for the entire site with the proposed expansion. The proposed on-site parking plan has 171 spaces, which is 54 spaces less than the code requirement. A potential solution to the parking shortage, such as off-site leasing of spaces, is not proposed at this time. Therefore any additional demand would need to be accommodated by the on-street spaces. The future peak parking demand using the parking usage results is calculated at 138 stalls using the existing peak demand (96 stalls at 6 pm) and the future demand from the additional seats and event area (42 stalls). The restriped parking lot has 171 spaces, with 22 spaces reserved for other tenants from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays. This results in 149 spaces available on-site for the brewery. Therefore adequate parking is provided to accommodate the peak demand for the brewery. If parking demand exceeds the available supply during time periods other than those included in this study, additional off-site parking would be needed. The parking demand should be monitored to determine if additional parking is needed in the future. Wooden Hill Brewery Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS October 7, 2022 0 300 600150ft 0 80 16040m 1:2,180 CITY OF EDINA AUG 2.6 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7421 Bush Lake Road ► Edina, MN woodenhillbrewing.com August 22, 2022 Planning Commission City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Parking Variance Application for Wooden Hill Brewing Company To Whom It May Concern, This letter provides an explanation of Wooden Hill Brewing Company's proposed expansion plans, parking variance, and how the proposal meets the variance criteria listed in the variance application. Wooden Hill opened in 2018 as the first brewery and taproom in Edina. Since then, our taproom business has experienced significant growth. We are proposing to expand our taproom, event room, and kitchen to better serve our community. The taproom is generally open to the public seven days a week. The open hours most days are from 11:30am until 9:30pm, but the taproom is busiest from about 4:30pm to 7:00pm. We employ 34 people. The approximate number of employees working on a maximum shift is typically 12 people. Our event room is used for a number of different private events such as birthdays, retirement parties, wedding receptions, and workplace gatherings. Unlike the taproom, it is not used every day. Workplace events are more often scheduled during afternoons, and most other types of events occur during the evenings and weekends. We are located in a multi-tenant industrial building. Its parking lots can be re-striped for more efficiency to increase the on-site parking capacity to 171 spaces total, but this still falls short of the capacity required by the City Code. There are also 46 additional on-street parking spaces on streets adjacent to the building, but City Code does not include street parking in the calculation of parking capacity. A parking study ordered by the City concluded that the projected peak parking usage at our building will be 171 spaces after our expansion. This still leaves 46 total spaces (on-site and on-street), a nearly 30% increase in capacity, available for overflow parking. Our proposal meets the variance conditions listed in the variance application in the following ways: Condition 1. Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable. Sec. 36-1311 of the Edina Code of Ordinances establishes the minimum number of parking spaces required for various types of property and business uses. When the ordinances were revised in 2015 to allow taprooms in the Planned Industrial District (PID) of Edina, this section was modified to require that taprooms provide at least 1 parking space per 40 square feet of gross area, which is five times higher than the next highest parking density requirement in the PID district. The practical difficulties we are seeking to resolve with this variance are the following: • The majority of properties in the PID district, such as our property, were constructed before the 2015 taproom ordinance. These properties were intended for office and industrial users subject to lower minimum parking requirements of 1 space for every 200-2,000 square feet of gross floor area. As such, existing properties lack the parking capacity to remain code compliant for anything but a small taproom with no opportunity for growth. • There are 46 parking spaces on streets adjacent to our property that are underutilized by non-taproom tenants, especially during peak taproom usage. CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 6 2022 2 PLANNING DEPARTMENT • The parking spaces at our property are significantly underutilized by non-taproom tenants during peak taproom usage. Non-taproom tenants only use about 20% of the total number of spaces allocated to them by City Code. • In order to consume alcohol responsibly, taproom visitors are more inclined (and should be encouraged) to use rideshare services, carpool, or bike to the taproom. Some even walk over from residential areas nearby. The use is reasonable because the parking study ordered by the City of Edina indicates there will still be adequate parking available for both our taproom and the non-taproom tenants at our property. Condition 2. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. As the only taproom in the PID district and the entire city, our property is the only one to experience the extraordinary circumstance of having a taproom tenant and the dense parking requirements that come with it. The PID district is primarily comprised of office and industrial users who have much lower parking space needs and experience the highest parking usage at hours much earlier than taprooms. Condition 3. Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. The intent of the ordinance is to ensure adequate parking available for each tenant at each property. We will be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance because our parking study showed that during our peak parking usage there should be more than enough parking available for our proposed taproom expansion and for all the tenants at the property. Condition 4. Not alter the essential character of a neighborhood. The proposed variance is simply to change the number of parking spots required for our use. It will not change the physical appearance of the property nor alter the essential character of the area. CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 6 2022 3 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ewe Founder & President In conclusion, we are confident that there will be sufficient parking capacity for our proposed expansion and that the proposed variance satisfies the conditions required by Minnesota Statutes and Edina Ordinances. We respectfully request that the Planning Commission approve the proposed variance. Sincerely, James Ewen Founder & Head Brewer Brittany Violet Chris Peterka Event Manager General Manager CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 6 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 SCHEDULE "B" ITEMS Drainage and utility easements(s) as shown on the recorded Plat of Edina Interchange Center. (ITEM IS PLOTTED HEREON) Easement m Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway, Inc. for railway tracks pursuant to the Quit Claim Deed dated lune 30, 1966, recorded July 6,1966 in Book 2551 of Deeds, Page 15, as Document No. 3612404, the Quit Claim dated September 27, 1965, recorded July 22, 1966 in Book 2553 of Deeds, Page 247 as Document No. 3615160 and the Quit Claim Deed dated November 30, 1979 recorded December W, 1979 as Document No. 4528312. (ITEM IS PLOTTED HEREON) Easement to Northem States Power Company per Grant dated December 9, 1965, reoarded December 10, 1965 in Book 2524 of Deeds, Page 609, as Document No. 3579769, for transmission of electncal nergy, together with Incidental rights and including do necessary pasts, 06113, guys, stubs and other futures over, across and upon the Southerly 15 feet of the Westerly 196.65 feet ord. land. (ITEM IS PLOTTED HEREON) BEARING BASIS BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT I OF BLOCK 5 HAVING A BEARING OF N89./4'23T PER MINNESOTA COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, HENNEPIN COUNTY ZONE SITE PICTURE VICINITY MAP LAND AREA NOT TO SCALE 158,464 Sq.fL 3.638 BOOS PARKING STALLS REGULAR = 135 HANDICAP= 5 TOTAL = 140 SIGNIFICANT OBSERVATIONS MINS OBSEIMED ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING 7401 BUSH LAKE ROAD SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1 INDUSTRIAL,Ta: C hl . L2 , C id. 20. , 3 , 7 . - i g . BU u S . 1 , 1 fiivc i . L, L LC, a De Delaware Fl am zi ,i ted o Liatil , i ,i ly coin n r s : n y, 1 1 “ NIP , ar i t , na y , NatiOnal Title Insurance Company. company, manager, This is to certify that Ibis map Of plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2016 21inimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NIPS, and includes items I, 2, 3, 4, 7(a), 7(bK I), 7(e), 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, and IS of Table A thereof. The field bork n.s completed on 10/19/2016. 79 ff JAS OH SOS FS * I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or lefOrt was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that lamaduly Licensed Land Sniveyor under Me laws of the State of Minn 10/21/2016 limed Dated Jason NI. Gustafson, PLS License Number 42596 My license renewal date is June 30, 2018. Pages or sheets covered by this seal: 1 of 1 D te of plat or map: 10/21/2016 D le ofIlafni.6011: SURVEYED BY: GUSTAFSON GEOMATICS LLC P O. BOX 297 HAMNIOND, Va 54015 quotes gogeomatics cons HENNEPIN COUNTY - EDINA, MINNESOTA 0 03 03 O —1 0 (I) 0 0 0 SC )- t33 0 0 O O 6 APPROVED BY: JMG 0 15 30 N89' 47' 45'V CP) N89* 44' 23T 374.38 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (TYPICAL) ASPHALT SURFACE cPS E;' 1 9 :ct4: MULTI-TENANT OFFICES/WAREHOUSE 7401 BUSH LAKE ROAD 1-STORY BRICK/CONC. BUILDING 55,522 SQ. FT. HEIGHT=19' PT, ACCESS ASPHALT SURFACE O <//. z',144.6/ --CONCRETE (TYPICAL) R LOT 1 STAIR BLOCK 5 EDINA INTERCHANGE CENTER // PID: 0811621410010 / AMOY ASPHALT SURFACE sta. KE CRR SWATCH PID: 08111621410011 The 614 Co I' = 30' GRAPHIC SCALE RFL TRACK 0— PARKING LOT LOT 2 BLOCK 5 EDINA INTERCHANGE CENTER PID: 0911621320005 Rickland Llc IGHT.OF_WAY I INF trfELCAL) WEST 74TH STREET (601 PUBLIC ROW) ASPHALT SURFACE LOT 7 BLOCK 5 EDINA INTERCHANGE CENTER LOT 8 BLOCK 5 EDINA INTERCHANGE CENTER JOB NUMBER: 16-29012 SCALE 1" = 30' DRAWN BY: SLG II 2 IFIN Ht LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHEET 1 OF 1 Lot 1, Block 5, Edina Interchange Center, Hennepin County, Minnesota. CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 6 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT TITLE COMMITMENT INFORMATION THE PROPERTY HEREON DESCRIBED IS THE SAME AS TILE PERTINENT PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED IN FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT NO.: 11762MN WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF AUGUST 1, 2016 AT MS P.M. (ISSUED/REVISED DATE: 8115/2016) GENERAL NOTES 1 NO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY, ONLY ABOVE GROUND VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF UTILITIES ARE SHOWN. 2. ALL STATEMENTS WITHIN THE CERTIFICATION, AND OTHER REFERENCES LOCATED ELSEWHERE HEREON, RELATED TO. UHUTIES, IMPROVEMENTS, STRUCTURES, BUILDINGS, PARTY WALLS, PARIONG, EASEMENTS, SERVITUDES, AND ENCROACHMENTS ARE BASED SOLELY ON ABOVE GROUND, VISIBLE EVIDENCE. UNLESS ANOTHER SOURCE OF INFORMATION IS SPECIFICALLY REFERENCED HEREON. 3. THIS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SURVEY STANDARDS/STANDARDS OF CARE AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 30F THE 2016 ALTNNSPS SURVEY REQUIREMENTS. 4. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY HAS DIRECT ACCESS TOW 71111 ST AND BUSH LAKE ROAD, DEDICATED PUB. HIGHWAYS STREETS. 5. THERE IS NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF CEMETERIES ON SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6. THERE IS OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE OF EARTH MOVING WORK. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDING ADOITIONS WITHIN NICEST motnscs NEW CONSTRUCTION. 7. THERE IS NO OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE OF SITE USE AS A SOLID WASTE DUMP, SUMP OR SMIITARY LANDFILL a THE PARCELS COIRAINED 111 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ARE CONTIGUOUS WITHOUT ANY GAPS, GORES OR OVERLAPS. B. ZONING INFORMATION NOT PROVIDED TO THE SURVEYOR BY THE TIRE WSURER 10 BUILDING AREAS SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR THE FOOTPRINT OF THE BOLDING OLLY. 11. NO APPARENT CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES EITHER COMPLETED OR PROPOSED, A/10 AVAILABLE FROM THE CONTROLLING JURISDICTION. NO OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE OF RECENT STREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIRS. 12. NOT VALID Vrt111010 THE SIGNATURE AND STAMP OFA LICENSED SURVEYOR_ ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS TO SURVEY MAPS, SKETCHES, OR REPORTS BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES. O -I < W Z 3 0 F Ew t z LO [to L9: I 6 , , I FLOOD NOTE FLOOD NOTE: BASED ON MAPS PREPARED BY TOTE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) AVAILABLE ONLINE AT WWW.hISC.FEMA.GOV, AND BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE 'VON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 27053C045IE EFFECTIVE DATE 0902/2004 AND IS NOT INA SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. BY REVIEWING FLOOD MAPS PROVIDED BY 111E NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM WE HAVE LEARNED THIS COMMUNITY DOES PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM. NO FIELD SURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS ZONE AND AN ELEVATION CERTIFICATE MAY BE NEEDED TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OP THE MAPS ANWOR TO APPLY FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. LEGEND • FOUND I /2- IRON PIPE SOFT. SQUARE FEET L=1 CONCRETE SURFACE Ea NO PARKING AREA HANDICAP PARKING SPACE EM ELECTRIC METER GM GAS METER ET ELECBC TRANSFORMER TP TELEPHONE PEDESTAL PS PARKING SPACE OHU OVERHEAD UTILITIES (P) PLAT BEARING/DISTANCE * LIGHT POLE 1-,4 FIRE HYDRANT SIGN la ROUND CATCH BASIN CATCH BASIN C) MANHOLE r-0.3 POWER POLE 1:}1V WATER VALVE vesammassann WOMEN 40 1 abkiNineAgliii — EXISTING ACCESSI t Ti a EN%NCE NE TE TE RE: 41A5.0 — ALLIED MEDICAL GROUP B-I J IA& 111 MI MEM =M1=M INNI=AMNIM OP.SINK AND UTILITY CL3SET —OW CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 6 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT NEW FSTROOMS NEW GARAC DOOR •IN 131113EL NK • mi. sEX • 1 SION F C FQ o BAR XP41 EXIS-1/4 ING SEATING 445 SF OOLER EXIST! del RID EXIT 11 ENTRY „,13REWERY AREA DE C JC TAPR5Ortfl C 7 A1 1-I EXIS PORTLAIN T to 40 8084 044 44 ISI I I 1104/ I I I f r.Ll 1 i11 1 I 111-L ItI I I L I I EXISTING C k ADA ACCESSIBLE SEATING NOTED ON PLAN gregg hackett architect 4342 abbott avenue south minneapolis mn 55410 LE I MITI l EXIT NEW STOREFRONT SYSTEM MEN OJI VIII 7421 BUSH LAKE RD EDINA, MN 55439 EXISTING STORAGE SHIPPING RECERfiglfr KITCHEN-TAPROOM EXPANSION ,A REVISION # I 23 FEBRUARY 2022 A REVISION # 2 9 MARCH 2022 EVENT ROOM 159 SF = 144 PERSONS NEW COUNTER SERVING WINDOW OR ROLL UP DOOR I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF NIINNESOTA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 19736 )44k 23 JANUARY 2022 NEW GARAGE DOORS LEFFLER PRINTING GR?UP F-I EVENT ROOM EXPANSION 28 JANUARY 2022 FLOOR PLAN OVERALL NEW 3 Li A L o FLOOR PLAN EVENT ROOM AND KITCHEN EXPANSION I/8" = 1'-0 SUITE IS SUMMIT CONSTRUCTION WAREHOUSE 1592 SF 1592 TENANT NET USEABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE I" = 20'-0 TENANT SPACE NET USEABLE SQUARE FEET SUITES I & 2 LEFFLER PRINTING 8878 SF OFFICE 1067 CIRCULATION/RESTROOMS 382 PRODUCTION 5081 WAREHOUSE 2348 SUITES 3 4 & 5 WOODEN HILL BREWERY 12822 SF TAPROOM AND EVENTS 6144 CIRCULATION & RESTROOMS 1308 PRODUCTION 2705 WAREHOUSE 2665 SUITE 6 ALLIED MEDICAL TRAINING 6320 SF OFFICE 438 CLASROOM/TRAINING 3415 CIRCULATION 783 WAREHOUSE 1684 SUITE 7 CASPIAN GROUP 5973 SF OFFICE 4729 CIRC./ RESTROOMS STORAGE 1244 SUITE 8 BIOSCIENCE 735 PRODUCTION 735 SUITE 9 ROMAINIE HEALTH 1001 SF OFFICE 338 PRODUCTION 620 CIRCULATION /STORAGE 43 SUITES 10 & II SUMMIT CONSTRUCTION 1706 SF OFFICES 1497 CIRCULATION 209 SUITE 12 NEW CENTURY TAX 1020 SF OFFICES 776 PRODUCTION 244 SUITE 13 HELPFUL HANDS TRANSPORTATION 1 196 SF OFFICE 664 PRODUCTION 218 STO RAGE 314 SUITE 14 CRAFT CUSTOM HOME 1960 SF PRODUCTION 1354 WAREHOUSE 606 SUITE 16 MACK FINE ART 1900SF OFFICES 521 WAREHOUSE 1339 CIRCULATION 40 SUITE 17 MY EXPRESSION.COM 1970 SF OFFICES 282 PRODUCTION 1294 WAREHOUSE 394 SUITE 18 WOODEN HILL BREWERY 2943 OFFICE 487 WAREHOUSE 2200 CIRCULATION 256 20 JULY 2022 CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 6 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUITES 3, 4 & 5 WOODEN HILL BREWER ASSEMBLY OCCUPANCY 6,144 SF W U ce I-V) 5 o in co e1.1 U W I w w- cc 2 7 'IAN GROUP 2 SUITE 6 L_A LIED MEDICAL TRAINING 03 14 I • W 51 0 0 3 OUTDOOR PATIOS 2,132 SF _Lt SUITE I & 2 — LEFFLER RINTING TRAINING/ EXAM ROOMS 3,415 SF PRODUCTION 12,251 SF WAREHOUSE 12,828 SF TENANT CIRCULATION/ UTILITY/ RESTROOMS 4,265 SF BUILDING COMMON CIRC./RESTROOMS/ UTILITY 2,506 SF BUILDING FOOTPRINT 55,636 SF V gregg hackett architect 4342 abbott avenue south minneapolis mn 55410 7421 BUSH LAKE RD EDINA, MN 55439 KITCHEN-TAPROOM EXPANSION TENANT DIAGRAM OFFICE 10,799 SF \ / a Flo / \ EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE NOT TO EXCEED 250' WITH SPRINKLER SYSTEM ACTUAL IS I CORRIDOR FIRE RESISTANCE RATING OCCUPANT LOAD SERVED IS GREATER THAN 30 WITH SPRIN MINIMUM EXIT CORRIDOR WIDTH 44 INCHES PLUMBING FIXTURES TABLE 2902.1 TOTAL OCCUPANCY 616 / 2 =308 308 MEN -1 PER 75 - 4 (3 TOILETS PROVIDED 1 URINAL PROVIDED) 308 WOMEN -1 PER 75 4 (4 TOILETS PROVIDED) LAVATORIES - I PER 200 ,3 - 6 PROVIDED SERVICE SINKS- 1 15 REQUIRED-1 IS PROVIDED FREE WATER WILL BE PROVIDED AT WATER STATION. FIRE SEPARATION MIXED OCCUPANCY CHAPTER 5 TABLE 508.4 BETWEEN A AND F2.0 FOR FULLY SPRINKLED BETWEEN A AND S2=0 FOR FULLY SPRINKLED TABLE 1020.1 ER IS 0 HOUR TABLE 1020.2 '''''''''''''NO SP as SHIP ILICEIVE sTolt SZ AGR MEW EVERT EEPARS1011 7I/ SF SPEWENTE OCIRERIEW BREWERY PHI SF PATIO I WWI EP TAPROOFI "VW" rAntoom MARRON IHO ST 0 rl I 0 O O O 4- 0 0 1 Si ta rcatmor 0 SITE J--- 1.r...brow/AI... 0 olt 011 EXIT DIAGRAM 1/16" = 1'-0 ADDITIONAL NOTES t vi 4 ADA ACCESSIBLE SEATING OTED ON PLAN EXISTING ENTRANCES ARE ALL ACCESSOBLE • _o. I_ IIIIIe11i~1►C IIII n I11,11 TAPROOM g1.(?, III 11 X11 II 83 49•.e. A I IED EDICAL TRA NING Znl P B-I EVENT SPACE 0 STORAGE II LEFFLER PRINTING Ga)UP F-I >1111111 f.r__ MINNESOTA BUILDING CODE 2020 -FLOOR AREA-GROS& IZETIN1110 S CHAPTER 2 AND OCCUPAN TAPROOM 2490 SF /15 -166 TAPROOM EXPAND 1340 SF /15 - 90 BREWERY 718 SF /200 - 4 SPEC. EVENTS 385 SF /15 - 26 STORAGE 1896 SF /500 - 4 EVENT SPACE 1742 SF /15- 117 EVENT EXPAND 780 SF /15 - 52 COOLERS 631 SF /0 - 0 EXIST KITCHEN 28I SF /200 - 2 NEW KITCHEN 1450 SF /200 = 7 SHIP/RECEIVE 442 SF /0 - 0 SHIP/RECEIVE 2 222 SF /0 - 0 RESTROOMS 390 SF /0 - 0 RESTROON1S 2 106 SF /0 - 0 PATIO 1 1008 SF /15 - 67 PATIO 2 479 SF /15 - 32 PATIO 3 330 SF /15 . 22 & ELUEL4 10121E /15.27 TOTAL 14886 SF 616 PERSONS TABLE 1004.5 CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 6 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT gregg hackett architect 4342 abbott avenue south minneapolis mn 55410 8 AREA TAKEOFFS I" = 30'-0 KEY PLAN EXISTING BUILDING I" = MY-0 A REVISION # 2 9 MARCH 2022 KITCHEN-TAPROOM EXPANSION REVISION # I 23 FEBRUARY 2022 7421 BUSH LAKE RD EDINA, MN 55439 LOCATION MAP DRAWING INDEX A0.0 COVER SHEET A1.0 FLOOR PLAN OVERALL Al .1 FLOOR PLAN TAPROOM AND KITCHEN A1.2 FLOOR PLAN EVENT ROOM AI .3 FLOOR PLAN KITCHEN A1.4 FLOOR PLAN RESTROOMS A2.0 CEILING PLANS A2.1 CEILING PLAN OVERALL A3.0 FINISH PLANS A4.0 ELEVATIONS A4.1 ELEVATIONS A4.2 ELEVATIONS A5.0 DOOR TYPES WALL TYPES A6.0 DETAILS 28 JANUARY 2022 COVER SHEET I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 19736 0)141 28 JANUARY 2022 Ao.o USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: SI DOCCUPANCY ASSEMBLY A-2 AND FACTORY F-2 SECTION AND 3113 S-2 STORAGE SECTION 311 ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT AND AREA CHAPTER STABLE 5013& TABLE 506.2 AZ-FULLY FIRE SPRINKLED -ONE STORY -9500SF PROJECT IS BEING INSTALLED IN AN EXISTING OFFICE WAREHOUSE BUILDING AND IS IN COMPLIANCE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPE IIB CHAPTER 6 BUILDING IS FULLY SPRINKLED FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGREQUIRED IN HOURS: CHAPTER 6 TABLE 601 PRIMARY STRUCTURAL FRAME 0 BEARING WALLS 0 FLOOR AND ROOF CONSTRUCTION 0 FIRE RESISTANCE RATING EXTERIOR BASED ON FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE CHAPTER 6 TABLE 602 X 15 GREATER THAN 30' -BUILDING IS IN COMPLIANCE MAXIMUM AREA of EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS CHAPTER 7 TABLE 705.8 XIS GREATER THAN 30'- BUILDING IS IN COMPLIANCE ---- INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES CHAPTER 8 TABLE 803.13 FOR A FULLY SPRINKLED BUILDING FOR A2 AND F2 INTERIOR EXIT WAYS -CLASS B CORRIDORS FOR EXIT ACCESS -CLASS B ROOMS AND ENCLOSED SPACES - CLASS C FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM CHAPTER 9 BUILDING IS FULLY SPRINKLED OCCUPANT LOAD CHA V R 10 TABLE 10043 616 PERSONS SEE ABOVE NUMBER AND WIDTH OF EXITS CHAPTER 10 SECTION 1035-1006 1009.1010 4 EXITS REQUIRED, 4 EXITS PROVIDED 128- EXIT WIDTH PROVIDED COMMON PATH OF EGRESS IS SHOWN BELOW CODE REVIEW 15 SPACES N k0 ‘1, I THESE SPACES WOULD ONLY BE AVAILABLE AFTER 5PM SITE SCHEME I" = 30.-0 CITY OF EDINA AUG 2 6 2022 PLANNING DEPARTMENT gregg hackett architect 4342 abbott avenue south minneapolis mn 55410 7421 BUSH LAKE RD EDINA, MN 55439 KITCHEN-TAPROOM EXPANSION SIIACES LOT WOULD BE RESTRIPED ALL SPACES SHOWN ARE A MINIMUM OF 8'6" x18' co 0 374.38' .••••• AY I V1••14 •MI• lb I •./.•• 1,A 1r- r 1 TrNAkr rerrtn*Millf11-4PT .1 4,11 1114:411 Lek111 10UAL I AMMY now:Kicrimr PS II iNiti 51.1:2 GO r HI.K1141 ACES • um OUTDOO PATIO C.1 2 SPACES ..• TNA iprrt III I N 11 I *111 26 MAY 2022 PROPOSED SITE %A/WY III • 4.111010 1••••• laaM • The CITY of EDINA Parking Stall Variance –Wooden Hill Brewery The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 2 Site The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 3 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 4 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 5 The CITY of EDINARequest Requires: EdinaMN.gov 6 A 54-parking stall variance from 225 paces required to 171 proposed at 7421 Bush Lake Road for a brewery/tap room expansion. The CITY of EDINAPrimary Issue •Is the Proposed Variance Justified? EdinaMN.gov 7 The CITY of EDINABetter Together Edina EdinaMN.gov 8 The CITY of EDINARecommendation EdinaMN.gov 9 Date: O c tober 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:S ketch P lan R eview – 4212 and 4216 Valley View R oad Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No action requested. P rovide the applicant non-binding comments on a potential future land use request. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he P lanning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to redevelop these two properties that currently contain duplexes on each site. T he specific request would be to tear down the existing duplexes and build a 5-unit townhome over the two properties. (See attached applicant narrative and plans.) AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Memo Applicant Narrative Proposed Plans Site Location, Zoning, & Comp. Plan Staff Pres entation Grandview Townhomes Images City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: October 12, 2022 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 4212 and 4216 Valley View Road The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to redevelop these two properties that currently contain duplexes on each site. The specific request would be to tear down the existing duplexes and build a 5-unit townhome over the two properties. (See attached applicant narrative and plans.) The two properties are currently zoned R-2, Double Dwelling unit District. The site is guided low density attached residential, which allows between 4-8 units per acre. The properties total .62 acres or 27,148 square feet in size. The proposed density is 8.03 units per acre. The request would require the following:  A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from low density attached to medium density, which would allow up to 12 units per acre; and  A Rezoning from R-2, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PRD-3, Planned Residential District-3, and Side Yard Setback Variances for the structure. The table on the following page is a compliance table demonstrating how the proposed new building would comply with a PRD-3, Planned Residential Development-3 standards on the lot. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Compliance Table City Standard (PRD-3) Comprehensive Plan Proposed Front – Valley View Side – North Side/Rear – South Rear 35 feet 20 feet 20 feet 35 feet 43 feet 10 feet* 10 feet* 62 feet Building Height 2.5 stories 2.5 stories Building Coverage .30 .23 Lot Area per Dwelling Unit 4,400 s.f. 5,429 s.f. Density Allowed (units allowed on the site) 8 units per acre (4 units) 8.03 units per acre** (5 units**) *Variances required **Comprehensive Plan Amendment Required Highlights/Issues:  Affordable Housing. The average market value for the four units that exist on the site is $280,000, therefore, the units are considered naturally occurring affordable housing. The proposal would remove these units and replace them with market rate housing.  Density. Increased density was not considered for this site as part of the nearby small area plan for the Valley View/Wooddale Area or the recent Comprehensive Plan Update. Although the project is very close to meeting the density allowed for Low Density Attached Housing, it would still be considered a Medium Density Development.  The properties to the north and south contain duplexes that are zoned R-2, Double Dwelling Unit District. Properties to the east are R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. There are properties further north zoned PRD-2. (See attached Zoning Map). City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424  Comprehensive Plan Amendment. While the proposal would add only one unit over the two lots, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment would still be required. Increased density with separate land use designations do not typically occur in the middle of a block.  Staff would suggest that this entire stretch of land along Valley View Road be considered as a potential future area of change and studied further within the next Comprehensive Plan Update. Re-guiding this entire area to medium density residential could be considered at that time.  Pedestrian Connections/boulevard sidewalks. The proposed project would not impact the recently constructed sidewalk along Valley View Road. D o n n a y H o m e s, I n c. 9655 – 63rd Avenue North, Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369 Builder #594838, #594839 Date: September 20, 2022 Re: Valley View Road Redevelopment 4212 and 4216 Valley View Rd. PID 3002824110026, PID 3002824110025 Background: Proposal: Project is a total of 5 townhome units on the subject properties in 1 – 5 unit building. Submittal description (Building in the images is a 3-plex and a Walkout):  Unit count is 5. o Project Density is 8u/a, allowing the Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan requests to meet the Current Use of Medium Density. o Total Hardcover is 38.98%. o Building (Structural) Hardcover is 22.5%  Building is 1 – 5-unit Building. o Building offers reasonable side setback distances of 17-feet. o Building to Street distance is generous at 43-feet and we consolidate the drives and parking in the front of the structure. o Rear Setback is 62-feet to the accessory decks. o Building would be built as a Lower Level Lookout (on the Flat Lot at the addresses).  Building Elevations are as shown. o Siding is a quality Vinyl product. o ‘Stone’ accents are a composite stone product. o Material Board can be provided at PC and Council o Exterior finishes are the same as what we have used in many projects throughout the metro area. See image Above.  Unit Pricing is estimated to start in the $500’s.  Building information o Units have a full-sized 2-car garage o Units are Split-level, with an unfinished basement option offering a variety of finish options. o Basement finishes are available from the builder o Units may have up to 4 bedrooms and 3 baths Conclusion: Donnay Homes is confident the redevelopment of these properties will enhance the neighborhood, offering a type of housing in short supply, and modestly increasing density. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com EdinaMN.gov 2 Sites EdinaMN.gov 3 Sites EdinaMN.gov 4 Site EdinaMN.gov 5 Site The CITY of EDINA Sketch Plan Review – 4212 and 4216 Valley View Road The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 2 Sites The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 3 Sites The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 4 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 5 Site The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 6 Site The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 7 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 8 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 9 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 10 The CITY of EDINAThis Request Requires: EdinaMN.gov 11 A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from low density attached to medium density, which would allow up to 12 units per acre; and A Rezoning from R-2, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PRD-3, Planned Residential District-3, and Side Yard Setback Variances for the structure. The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 12 City Standard (PRD-3) Comprehensive Plan Proposed Front – Valley View Side – North Side/Rear – South Rear 35 feet 20 feet 20 feet 35 feet 43 feet 10 feet* 10 feet* 62 feet Building Height 2.5 stories 2.5 stories Building Coverage .30 .23 Lot Area per Dwelling Unit 4,400 s.f. 5,429 s.f. Density Allowed (units allowed on the site) 8 units per acre (4 units) 8.03 units per acre** (5 units**) The CITY of EDINADiscussion/Sketch Plan Review EdinaMN.gov 13 Affordable Housing. The average market value for the four units that exist on the site is $280,000, therefore, the units are considered naturally occurring affordable housing. The proposal would remove these units and replace them with market rate housing. Density. Increased density was not considered for this site as part of the nearby small area plan for the Valley View/Wooddale Area or the recent Comprehensive Plan Update. Although the project is very close to meeting the density allowed for Low Density Attached Housing, it would still be considered a Medium Density Development. The CITY of EDINADiscussion/Sketch Plan Review EdinaMN.gov 14 The properties to the north and south contain duplexes that are zoned R-2, Double Dwelling Unit District. Properties to the east are R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. There are properties further north zoned PRD-2. (See attached Zoning Map). Comprehensive Plan Amendment. While the proposal would add only one unit over the two lots, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment would still be required. Increased density with separate land use designations do not typically occur in the middle of a block. The CITY of EDINADiscussion/Sketch Plan Review EdinaMN.gov 15 Staff would suggest that this entire stretch of land along Valley View Road be considered as a potential future area of change and studied further within the next Comprehensive Plan Update. Re-guiding this entire area to medium density residential could be considered at that time. Pedestrian Connections/boulevard sidewalks. The proposed project would not impact the recently constructed sidewalk along Valley View Road. Grandview Townhomes, Edina MN c2020 Grandview Townhomes, LLC All Rights Reserved Date: O c tober 12, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom: Item Activity: Subject:S tatus Update for C ommissioners on 2022 Work P lan P rogress Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: C hair Agnew will ask lead Commissioners for a status update on their progress for their 2022 work plan. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Each P lanning C ommission work plan leader will give a status update on their progress for their 2022 work plan item.