HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-28 Planning Commission Regular MeetingAg enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all, Council Cham ber s Wednesday, Septem ber 28, 2022 7:00 PM Participate in Public H ear ing(s). Call 888-504-7949. E nter Participant Passcode 326815. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak. An operator will introduce you when it is your turn. I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Draft Minutes of Regu la r Meetin g Sep tem b er 14, 2022 V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Pu b lic Hea rings A.Com preh ensive Plan Am endm en t, Rezon ing and Site Plan with m u ltiple Va ria n ces – 6016 Vern on Aven u e VII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents VIII.Sta, Com m ents IX.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli0cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: S eptember 28, 2022 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Draft Minutes of R egular Meeting S eptember 14, 2022 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the draft minutes from September 14, 2022. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Minutes September 14, 2022 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022  Page 1 of 3       Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers September 14, 2022 I. Call To Order Chair Agnew called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Alkire, Gandhi, Bennett, Padilla, Smith, and Chair Agnew. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Strauss and Olson. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Alkire moved to approve the September 14, 2022, agenda. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, August 24, 2022 Commissioner Alkire moved to approve the August 24, 2022, meeting minutes. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Welcome Student Commissioners-Shayaan Gandhi and Sarah Hu Chair Agnew introduced one of the new Student Commissioner, Shayaan Gandhi. Youth Commissioner Gandhi reviewed his interests and grade level with the Commission. VI. Community Comment None. VII. Public Hearings A. Zoning Ordinance Amendment, to Revise the PUD-16 Zoning District to Include a New Overall Development Plan and Site Plan Review for 7200 and 7250 France Avenue Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022  Page 2 of 3     Director Teague presented the request of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment for 7200 and 7250 France Avenue.  Staff recommends approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Drew Stafford and Mr. Ted Carlson, Orion Investments, 6550 York, Edina, addressed the Commission. Mr. Nate Enger and Ms. Joanna Griffith, ESG Architecture and Design was also at the meeting and addressed the Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing Mr. Richard Stein, 7016 Bristol Blvd, indicated he had some concerns with this development. He addressed his concerns to the Commission. Commissioner Bennett moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the proposal and reviewed items with the applicant and staff.  Presentation and video gave the feel of what the development would look like and feel like  Likes the mixed-use office change  Likes the natural buffering with the retention pond and the pedestrian path  Transition of what is to the east of France Avenue  Liked the courtyard commitment to pedestrians and gathering space and the elimination of the east/west road  The design of the office in general looks really nice  Loves the below grade parking  Appreciated the way this plan focused on the north/south navigation and connecting to the existing bike infrastructure  Likes the design moving forward to obtain the green certification  Likes the look of the landscaping and trees  Concerned there may be congestion on the roadway from Gallagher or Hwy 72  Would like to see a way to incorporate the entrance into the parking without creating too much congestion  Loves the buildings design  Simplicity is important  Important to not overlook the lack of negative feedback  Would like to see more glass in the buildings on the ground level  Loves the north/south connection Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2022  Page 3 of 3      Does not want a winding path because this is for transportation and not for entertainment  The pedestrian feel is missing and feels very much like a single use building that is geared towards the vehicle  It is a beautiful building  Nervous about breaking this project into two phases  Would rather have a temporary parking lot in order to get a more robust pedestrian experience in the future The Commission continued with discussion on possible conditions to add to the motion. Motion Commissioner Alkire moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the request for Zoning Ordinance Amendment and new Overall Development Plan for PUD-16 as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. One condition was added that the bike and pedestrian path along the north south connection through the site be physically separated from vehicular path. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Planning Commission meeting can be viewed online at the City website. VIII. Reports/Recommendations A. 2023 Planning Commission Work Plan Director Teague presented the 2023 Planning Commission Work Plan. The Commission and staff discussed the proposed initiatives for 2023. Motion Commissioner Bennett moved approving the 2023 Planning Commission Work Plan. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IX. Chair and Member Comments Received. X. Staff Comments Received. XI. Adjournment Commissioner Miranda moved to adjourn the September 14, 2022, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 9:55 PM. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: S eptember 28, 2022 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:C omprehens ive P lan Amendment, R ezoning and S ite P lan with multiple Variances – 6016 Vernon Avenue Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil deny the requests. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S pecial X P roperties L L C is proposing to remodel and expand the existing Kee’s auto repair shop at 6016 Vernon Avenue into a 2,300 square foot, 59-indoor seat restaurant with 10 outdoor seats. T he existing site is zoned P C D-4, P lanned Commercial District, which allows only automobile service centers, gas stations and car washes. R estaurants are allowed uses in the P C D -1, P lanned C ommercial Zoning District. T he site is guided in the C omprehensive P lan for medium density residential use. To accommodate the request the following is required: Ø A C omprehensive P lan Amendment from Medium D ensity R esidential to N eighborhood N ode. Ø A R ezoning from P C D-4, P lanned Commercial District 4 to P C D-1, P lanned Commercial D istrict 1, with a lot size variance to allow a restaurant in the P C D-1 District less than 1 acre in size. Ø Site P lan R eview with the following: 1. F ront Street Setback Variance to Eden P rairie R oad from 35 to 12 feet. 2. S ide Yard setback variance from 25 to 5 feet. 3. A Front S treet S etback Variance for the patio built toward Vernon Avenue from 35 feet to 1-foot. 4. A P arking Lot Setback Variance from 10 feet to 0 feet to expand the parking area along the west lot line, and 10 feet to 4 feet for separation between the building and parking lot. 5. Trash enclosure screening setback from the street from 20 feet to 16 feet. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report and Memos Site Location, Zoning, & Comp. Plan Proposed Plans and Building Renderings Applicant Narrative Parking and Traffic Study Review Comments from Hennepin County Sustainability Questionnaire Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report 1 of 2 Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report 2 of 2 MPCA Letter MPCA Clean Up Letter Site Plan Showing Setback Variances Requested Staff Pres entation I STAFF REPORT Date: September 28, 2022 To: Planning Commission From: Subject: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan with multiple Variances - 6106 Vernon Avenue Information / Background: Special X Properties LLC is proposing to remodel and expand the existing Kee's auto repair shop at 6016 Vernon Avenue into a 2,300 square foot, 59-indoor seat restaurant with IO outdoor seats. The exact type of restaurant has not yet been determined. The existing site is zoned PCD-4, Planned Commercial District, which allows only automobile service centers, gas stations and car washes. Restaurants are allowed uses in the PCD-1, Planned Commercial Zoning District. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for medium density residential use. To accommodate the request the following is required: ►A Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Node. ►A Rezoning from PCD-4, Planned Commercial District 4 to PCD-1, Planned Commercial District I, with a lot size variance to allow a restaurant in the PCD-1 District less than I acre in size. ►Site Plan Review with the following: I.Front Street Setback Variance to Eden Prairie Road from 35 to 12 feet. 2.Side Yard setback variance from 25 to 5 feet. 3.A Front Street Setback Variance for the patio built toward Vernon Avenue from 35 feet to I-foot. 4.A Parking Lot Setback Variance from IO feet to O feet to expand the parking area along the west lot line, and IO feet to 4 feet for separation between the building and parking lot. 5.Trash enclosure screening setback from the street from 20 feet to 16 feet. City of Edina • 480 I W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 EdinaMN.gov 1 Site EdinaMN.gov 2 Site EdinaMN.gov 3 8 Site EdinaMN.gov 4 Site EdinaMN.gov 5 Site Zoning EdinaMN.gov 6 Site Comprehensive Plan REQUESTED VARIANCES• REZONING FROM PCD-4 TO PCD-1• REDUCE PARKING SETBACK ON NORTH PROPERTY LINE TO 3’-8”AND SETBACK AT SOUTH PROPERTY LINE TO 0’(TO REFLECT EXISTING PAVEMENT/PARKING CONDITIONS)• REDUCE BUILDING SETBACK ON WEST PROPERTY LINE FROM 25’TO 5’• REDUCE BUILDING SETBACK ON NORTH PROPERTY LINE FROM 25’TO 13’(EXISTING BUILDING IS 21’FROm the North property line)Contact2909 Bryant Avenue South, Suite 304Minneapolis, MN 55408CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLCArchitect2019 COPYRIGHT CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION7/25/2022 9:39:51 AM\\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtWESTSIDE CAFE6016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814APPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022DRAWING INDEXNO.NAMEGENERALG000COVERG102ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANG103EXISTING CONDITIONSG104CONTEXT PHOTOSG105CONTEXT PHOTOSLANDSCAPEL100LANDSCAPE PLANARCHITECTURALA201BASEMENT & LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLANA301BUILDING ELEVATIONS & EXT. MATERIALSCIVILC000COVER SHEETC001GENERAL NOTESC100EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLANC200SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL DETAILSC210SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL PLAN PH IC211SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL PLAN PH IIC300CIVIL SITE PLANC400GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANC500UTILITY PLANC900DETAILSEXISTING CONDITIONPROPOSED DESIGN 10' PARKING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACK25' BLDG SETBACKCATCH BASINM.H.EXISTING BUILDINGELEV = 927.4'VERNON AVENUEEDEN PRARIE RD.TALL ARBOR VITAE HEDGEOVERHEAD POWER LINESBITUMINOUS PATHBDEF54213PROPOSED EXPANSIONAC24' - 0"18' - 0"3' - 8"2 4 ' - 0 " 1 8 ' - 0 " 1 ' - 6 "24' - 0"18' - 0"EXISTING OVERHANG5' - 3"12' - 3 1/2"20' - 0"53' - 9"TRASH3' - 8 1/2"14' - 0"10' - 0"EXISTING CURB CUTEXISTING CURB CUTPATIO SEATING6' FENCEADA RAMPPERMEABLE PAVERSPLANTERNEW CEDAR FENCENEW CEDAR FENCENEW CEDAR FENCEPLANTEREXISTING ZONING: • ZONING:PRD-3 (PLANNED RESIDENCE DISTRICT)• DESIRED REZONING:PCD-1 (PLANNED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT)• LOT SIZE:16,584SF• FAR:1• SETBACKSFRONT -35FTSIDE ST-25FTSIDE YARD -25 FTREAR YARD -25FT• • PARKING: 20 FT FROM PUBLIC STREET R.O.W.10 FT FROM INTERIOR AND REAR LOT LINES10 FT FROM PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE• OTHER REQMTS:• TRASH ENCLOSURE MUST BE COMPLETELY SCREENED• BUILDING MUST BE COMPLETELY SCREENED FROM RESIDENTIAL LOTS• PARKING MUST BE SCREENED FROM STREETS WITHIN 50FT AND RES. LOTS• BUILDING SCREEN = 10FT HIGH• PARKING SCREEN = 4FT HIGH• TRASH SCREEN = 5-10FT• PARK REQMT:• 1/3 THE MAXIMUM SEATING CAPACITY, PLUS ONE SPACE FOR EACH EMPLOYEE ON THE MAJOR SHIFT. I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:54 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtG102ARCHITECTURAL SITEPLANAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"G1021ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:54 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtG103EXISTINGCONDITIONSAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:54 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtG104CONTEXT PHOTOSAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:54 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtG105CONTEXT PHOTOSAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate DNA3011A3012A3013A3014BDEF54213703 SFDINING257 SFHALLWAY89 SFSTORAGE56 SFRR59 SFRR347 SFKITCHEN77 SFWALK-IN REF75 SFWALK-IN FRZ119 SFENTRY109 SFBAR217 SFLUNCHAC53' - 9"8' - 3"27' - 8 1/2"17' - 9"3' - 9 1/2"48' - 10 1/2"20' - 0"28' - 10 1/2"14' - 0"4' - 1 1/2"18' - 10 1/2"10' - 0"10' - 2"136 SFTRASH4' - 7"7' - 4"3' - 9 1/2"32' - 11"25' - 2"627 SFPATIONEW CONCRETE STOOPNEW ADA RAMPSERVICE STATIONDELI REFDISPLAYPOS / HOSTBUILT-IN / SERVICE STATIONBANQUETTE BENCHEXTG. OPENINGINFILL W/ STOREFRONTEXTG. OPENINGINFILL W/ STOREFRONTREPLACE EXTG OVERHEAD DOORSADDITIONEXISTINGADDITIONEXISTINGSTORAGENEW CONCRETE WALKWAYNEW CONCRETE WALKWAYNEW PASS-THROUGH WINDOWINFILL W/ STOREFRONTEXG CONC. SLABNEW CONC. SLABPLANTERBDEF2166 SFMECH423 SFDRYSTORAGE59 SFSTAFF RR120 SFBREAK ROOM76 SFOFFICE53' - 9"20' - 0"10"9' - 0"12' - 3"12' - 5 1/2"7' - 6 1/2"PLAN KEY PROPOSED CONSTRUCTIONEXISTING CONDITIONNOT IN SCOPEI hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:49 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtA201BASEMENT & LEVEL 1FLOOR PLANAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate3/16" = 1'-0"A2011LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN3/16" = 1'-0"A2012BASEMENT SLABGROSS BUILDING AREAName AreaEXISTING BUILDING1,241 SFBASEMENT1,120 SFADDITION1,096 SFGrand total3,457 SF LEVEL 1927' -4 13/16"EXTG HIGH ROOF BRG113' -7 3/4"BASEMENT SLAB91' -0"5421ADDITION BRG LVL110' -2 3/16"MTLP-1MTLP-1MTLP-2MTLP-214' - 5"4' - 6"11' - 7"ADDITIONEXISTINGALUMINUM STOREFRONT, TYP.DK GREY FINISHNEW STOREFRONT @ INFILLED EXTG OPENINGSLEVEL 1927' -4 13/16"EXTG HIGH ROOF BRG113' -7 3/4"EXTG LOW ROOF BRG110' -11 1/2"BASEMENT SLAB91' -0"BDEFADDITION BRG LVL110' -2 3/16"MTL-1EXTG. STEEL FRAMEPT-3MTLP-1MTLP-3TL-1PT-2MTLP-24' - 6"2' - 10"11' - 7"12' - 5"EXTG. STEEL COLUMNADDITIONEXISTINGDK GREY FULL-LITE OVERHEAD DOORS @ EXTG. OPENINGSEXPAND EXTG.OPENING AND REPLACE W/ STOREFRONTLEVEL 1927' -4 13/16"EXTG HIGH ROOF BRG113' -7 3/4"EXTG LOW ROOF BRG110' -11 1/2"HIGH PARAPET114' -5"BASEMENT SLAB91' -0"421ADDITION BRG LVL110' -2 3/16"MTL-1EXTG. STEEL FRAMEPT-3MTLP-1MTLP-1TL-2TL-1MTLP-2ADDITIONEXISTINGEXPAND EXTG.OPENING AND REPLACE W/ STOREFRONTPT-2MTLP-3EXTG. STEEL COLUMNSNEW PASS-THROUGH WINDOWLEVEL 1927' -4 13/16"EXTG HIGH ROOF BRG113' -7 3/4"EXTG LOW ROOF BRG110' -11 1/2"BASEMENT SLAB91' -0"BDEFADDITION BRG LVL110' -2 3/16"MTLP-2MTLP-2MTLP-1EXTG. METAL PANELPT-2MTL-1EXTG. STEEL FRAMEPT-3DIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR PAINT FINISH -WHITEPT-1DIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR PAINT FINISH -YELLOWPT-3DIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR PAINT FINISH -GREYPT-2RESTORE AND PAINT WHITEDIVISION 7 -THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTIONEXTG. PAINTED METAL PANELMTLP-1POWDER COAT -LIGHT YELLOWDIVISION 5 -METALSPERF ALUMINUM PANELMTL-1DIVISION 7 -THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTIONMETAL PANEL, DK GREYMTLP-3LIGHT YELLOW4" SQUAREDIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR TILE -LIGHT YELLOWTL-1YELLOW4" SQUAREDIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR TILE -YELLOWTL-2PAINT WHITEDIVISION 7 -THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTIONREVEAL METAL PANELMTLP-2I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:50 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtA301BUILDINGELEVATIONS & EXT.MATERIALSAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate1/8" = 1'-0"A3011NORTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A3012EAST DEMO ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A3013SOUTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A3014WEST ELEVATIONKEY - EXTERIOR MATERIALS CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 1 6016 vernon ave PERSPECTIVE FROM VERNON AVE (SOUTH) CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 2 6016 vernon ave PERSPECTIVE FROM PARKING LOT (EAST) CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 3 6016 vernon ave BIRD’S EYE FROM SOUTH-EAST CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 4 6016 vernon ave BIRD’S EYE FROM NORTH-EAST CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 5 6016 vernon ave VIEW FROM VERNON AVE CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 6 6016 vernon ave VIEW FROM EAST CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 7 6016 vernon ave VIEW FROM NORTH Westside Café - Project Narrative The proposed use of a family focused restaurant will provide a neighborhood and community gathering place supported by the majority of the surrounding residents as evidenced by the community survey conducted by the property owner. We sent out mailers to the neighborhood within 3 miles of us and did an on-line poll. We asked people what they would like to see us do with the property. The options were: multi-family housing, gas station/car wash, auto repair shop, or a restaurant. The total replies were 2,159. 2,083 people are in support of a restaurant. The community comments from that poll have been included in an attached document. The new proposed use enhances the property from the current automobile service station into a vibrant neighborhood node located on an arterial street with limited single-family property owners sharing interior property lines. All the immediate neighboring single-family property owners are buffered by streets and public ways. The only immediate residential property is a large multi-family structure to the west. This structure has a large yard between it and the shared property line of approximately 88 feet. This large yard is fortunately adjacent to the interior ‘yard’ the project is seeking to reduce due to an addition necessary to make this a viable restaurant building. The comp plan currently supporting multi-family housing has not been adequately evaluated for this site. The unique triangular site coupled with the required setbacks makes this site virtually undevelopable for multi-family of any density. While the comp plan designates multi-family housing for this property, the specific dimensions and geometry of the site are not conducive to multi-family house AND off-street parking. Brief site studies to plan housing and parking revealed a very inefficient and low-density outcome for this property. The proposed use is more aligned with helping the immediate area become a livable community by providing a neighborhood amenity within walking and biking distance of a large resident population thus reducing the demand for vehicular travel for this segment of residents to access nearby commercial nodes that are not walkable. The proposed restaurant use is more compatible with a city planning effort for this location than the current auto repair shop. While ‘Kevin Kee’s Auto Service’ has been a valued neighborhood business the new proposed use will provide an inclusive gathering place for all ages and community members throughout the day. The prior use was exclusively a car destination. After sketch plan reviews with the Planning Commission and the City Council and after consulting with some of the neighbors who oppose the project, we have made a number of changes. We have reduced the size of the building, the number of seats in the restaurant and the corresponding parking stall requirements. We have shortened the hours of operation and we have moved the patio to the Vernon side of the building (away from the neighbors on Eden Prairie road). This development will improve the city, the neighborhood and the Edina community. And the residents want it. 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Technical Memorandum To: Mr. Cary Teague AICP, Community Development Director City of Edina From: Charles Rickart PE, PTOE, Principal, Traffic Engineer WSB Date: June 13, 2022 Re: 6016 Vernon Avenue Traffic and Parking Study City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. R-20157-000 Background The purpose of this study is to determine the potential transportation impacts the proposed redevelopment of the existing Kee’s auto repair shop at 6016 Vernon Avenue has on: the area traffic operations; site traffic circulation; pedestrian safety and circulation and parking demand. The site is located on Vernon Avenue (County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 158) west of Olinger Road/Highwood Drive. The existing site contains an auto repaiir service station which is currently closed. Access to the existing site was provided at two locations on Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158). The project location is shown on Figure 1. The proposed site redevelopment includes remodeling and expansion of the site with a new 69 seat restaruant. Access to the site will be maintained at the existing access locations on Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158). The current plan provides 28 parking spaces for the site. The proposed site plan is shown on Figure 2. The traffic impacts of the existing and anticipated site redevelopment were evaluated at each site driveway as well as the primary impacted intersections on Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158). The parking demand was determined based on the City Code and Institue of Transportation Engineers (ITE) guidelines. The following sections of this report document the traffic and parking analysis and the anticipated impacts of the proposed site redevelopment has on the adjacent transportation system. Existing Conditions The existing conditions for the proposed site redevelopment were evaluated at the following intersections: • Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) at Blake Road/Olinger Boulevard • Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) at Olinger Road/Highwood Drive Roadway Characteristics • Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) is an east/west County Road classified as an A-Minor Arterial Reliver from TH 100, where it turns into W. 50th Street, to Gleason Road, which connects to TH 62 (Crosstown). The existing roadway adjacent to the sight includes a 2- lane urban cross section with 8ft shoulders designated as a on -road bike lane in both directions. The existing average daily traffic volume (ADT) adjacent to the site is 9,500 (based on current count). The posted speed limit is 40 miles per hour (mph). 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 2 Figure 1 - Project Location Figure 2 – Site Plan 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 3 The lane configurations at each of the study area intersection are as follows: Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at Blake Rd/Olinger Blvd – Traffic Signal Control • EB Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) – one right / thru, one left • WB Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) – one right / thru, one left • SB Blake Road – one right / thru / left • NB Olinger Boulevard – one right / thru / left Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at Olinger Rd/Highwood Drive – Side Street Stop Control • EB Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) – one right / thru / left • WB Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) – one right / thru / left • SB Highwood Drive – one right / thru / left • NB Olinger Road – one right / thru / left Traffic Volumes Existing peak hour turning movement volumes were developed based on new traffic counts conducted by WSB the week of April 4th, 2022, at the intersections noted above for the following time periods: • AM Peak: 6:00 – 9:00 am • PM Peak: 4:00 – 7:00 pm Figure 3 shows the existing area intersections that were analyzed as part of this study, with the existing AM and PM peak hour and ADT traffic volumes. Crash History Existing crash data included with this study was obtained using the Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) developed by MnDOT. The database includes crashes reported to MnDOT by local law enforcement agencies. The crash data presented is for a 3-year period from 2019-2021. The MnCMAT database does not provide access to the original handwritten crash reports, which contain some details that are not represented in the MnCMAT database. Crashes that resulted in damages under $1000 may not be included in the database results as well. Only the Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) at Blake Road/Olinger Boulevard had reported crashes. A summary of the existing crash data is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Crash Data Summary Location Crashes 2019 2020 2021 Total Crashes PD PI PD PI PD PI Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at Blake Rd/Olinger Blvd 2 0 1 0 0 1 4 The data shows that the intersection has a calculated crash rate and severity rate that is below MnDOT Metro and Statewide average rates. 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 4 Figure 3 – Existing Conditions 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 5 Traffic Projections To analyze intersection lane configuration and traffic control needs projected traffic volumes were determined for the area. Traffic projections were prepared for 2024 which represents the year after the proposed site redevelopment is completed and the year 2030 future conditions. The following sections outline the anticipated background traffic growth, traffic generation from the proposed development, as well as the traffic distribution and projected traffic volumes. Background (Non-Site) Traffic Growth Traffic growth in the vicinity of a proposed development area will occur between existing conditions and any given future year due to other development within the region. This background growth must be accounted for and included in future year traffic forecasts. To account for some background traffic growth several factors were considered including the current City and County Transportation Plans, future traffic projections compared to the existing traffic volumes and historic traffic volumes, based on this review a factor of 0.8%/year was used to project traffic from 2022 to the 2024 and 2030 analysis years. Proposed Development Area Traffic Generation The estimated trip generation from the proposed site redevelopment project is shown below in Table 2. The trip generation used to estimate the proposed site traffic is based on rates for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. The table shows the daily, AM peak hour and PM peak hour trip generation for the proposed site development. Table 2 – Development Site Trip Generation Planned Use Size ADT AM Peak PM Peak Total In Out Total In Out Restaurant (ITE Code 931) 69 Seats 180 11 6 5 21 12 9 Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual 11th Edition. Proposed Development Area Traffic Distribution Proposed site generated trips were distributed to the adjacent roadway system based on the anticipated origins and destinations for the planned land use, existing travel patterns and engineering judgement. Based on these parameters the following general traffic distribution was used to distribute the projected site traffic volumes to the area roadway network: • 55% to / from the east on Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) • 2% to / from the south on Olinger Road • 3% to / from the south on Olinger Boulevard • 35% to / from the west on Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) • 5% to / form the north on Blake Road Projected Traffic Volumes Traffic forecasts were prepared for the future build conditions by adding the projected annual background traffic growth to the existing traffic volumes to determine the no-build conditions. The 2024 and 2030 build conditions were then developed by adding the anticipated proposed site redevelopment traffic generation to the no-build volumes. Figure 4 and Figure 5 shows the projected 2024 and 2030 Build traffic volumes. 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 6 Figure 4 – 2024 Build Conditions 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 7 Figure 5 – 2030 Build Conditions 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 8 Traffic Operations Analysis Existing and/or forecasted traffic operations were evaluated for the intersections and proposed site access in the study area. The analysis was conducted for the following scenarios. 1. Existing Conditions 2. Projected 2024 Build 3. Projected 2030 Build The following sections describe the methodology used to assess the operations and provides a summary of traffic operations for each scenario. Methodology The intersections in the study area were evaluated during the AM and PM peak hours using Synchro/SimTraffic micro simulation software. The results are derived from established methodologies documented in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) The software was used to evaluate the characteristics of the roadway network including lane geometrics, turning movement volumes, traffic control, and signal timing. In addition, the signal timing parameters for future year conditions were optimized using Synchro. This information was then transferred to SimTraffic, the traffic simulation model, to estimate average peak hour vehicle delays and queues. Due to the stochastic nature of the simulation models, there can be minor variations in the MOEs reported by the model between various runs. One of the primary measures of effectiveness used to evaluate intersection traffic operat ions, as defined in the HCM, is Level of Service (LOS) – a qualitative letter grade, A – F, based on seconds of vehicle delay due to a traffic control device at an intersection. LOS A conditions represent high quality operations (i.e., motorists experience very little delay or interference) and LOS F conditions represent very poor operations (i.e., extreme delay or severe congestion). For side street stop intersections, the intersection LOS is reported as the worst side street movement. Figure 6 depicts a graphical interpretation of delay times that define level of service. The delay thresholds are lower for un-signalized intersections than signalized intersections due to the public’s perception of acceptable delays for different traffic controls as indicated in the HCM. In accordance with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) guidelines, this analysis used the LOS D/E boundary as an indicator of acceptable traffic operations. Figure 6: LOS Ranges for Signalized and Un-signalized Intersections LOS and other Measure of Effectiveness (MOEs) were calculated from the models and are discussed in the following sections for each analysis year. 80 55 35 20 10 LOS A LOS B LOS C LOS D LOS E LOS F Not CongestedCongested50 35 25 10 LOS A LOS B LOS C LOS D LOS E LOS F Not CongestedCongested15 Signalized Intersection Unsignalized IntersectionControl Delay per Vehicle (sec.)Control Delay per Vehicle (sec.)SOURCE: Level of Service thresholds from the Highway Capacity Manual, 2000. 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 9 Existing Table 3 – Existing Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the existing LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area based on the current lane geometry, traffic control and existing traffic volumes. The analysis results show that all intersections are operating at overall LOS B or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours are also operating at a LOS D or better. Based on the queue analysis the only movements that have maximum queues that exceed existing storage lengths or block intersections, or driveways are: • Eastbound Left turn from Vernon Avenue to Blake Road in the PM peak hour exceeds the existing storage by 24ft (one car length). • Southbound approach backs up past first residential driveway in the PM peak hour. Table 3 – Existing Traffic Operations C = Overall LOS / Delay, (D) = Worst movement LOS / Delay 2024 Build Table 4 – 2024 Build Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the projected 2024 LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area assuming the current lane geometry and traffic control with the proposed site redevelopment traffic. The analysis results show that similar to the existing conditions, all intersections including both site access driveways would operate at overall LOS B or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours would operate at a LOS D or better. Based on the queue analysis the movements that would still have maximum queues that exceed existing storage lengths or block intersections, or driveways with the 2024 Build condition are: • Eastbound left turn from Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) to Blake Road in the PM peak hour exceeds the existing storage by 25ft (one car length) • Southbound Blake Road approach to Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) backs up past first residential driveway in the PM peak hour None of the site access driveways or adjacent street intersections would have queues that would be impacted. Control Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) Signal Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at Blake Rd/Olinger Blvd B (C) 13 (27) B (D) 14 (36) Thru- Stop Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at Olinger Rd/Highwood Dr A (B) 1 (11) A (C) 2 (19) 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 10 Table 4 – 2024 Build Traffic Operations Summary C = Overall LOS / Delay, (D) = Worst movement LOS / Delay 2030 Build Condition Table 5 – 2030 Build Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the projected 2030 LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area assuming the current lane geometry and traffic control with the proposed site redevelopment traffic. The analysis results show that similar to the 2024 Build condition all intersections including the site access driveways would be operating overall LOS C or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours with all movements operating at LOS D or better, with only a slight increase in delay from the 2024 Build Condition. Based on the queue analysis the movements that would still have maximum queues that exceed existing storage lengths or block intersections, or driveways with the 2030 Build condition are: • Eastbound Left turn from Vernon Avenue to Blake Road in the PM peak hour exceeds the existing storage by 24ft (one car length) • Westbound left turn from Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) to Olinger Boulevard in the PM peak hour exceeds the existing storage by 8ft (one car length) • Southbound Blake Road approach to Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) backs up past first residential driveway in the PM peak hour None of the site access driveways or adjacent street intersections would have queues that would be impacted. Control Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) Signal Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at Blake Rd/Olinger Blvd B (C) 13 (28) B (D) 15 (36) Thru- Stop Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at Olinger Rd/Highwood Dr A (B) 1 (13) A (C) 2 (21) Thru- Stop Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at West Site Access A (A) 1 (6) A (A) 1 (9) Thru- Stop Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at East Site Access A (A) 1 (8) A (B) 1 (13) 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 11 Table 5 – 2030 Build Improved Traffic Operations Summary C = Overall LOS / Delay, (D) = Worst movement LOS / Delay MULTI MODAL REVIEW/ANALYSIS Pedestrian/Bike System The City’s current 2040 Comprehensive Plan address’s locations of existing and proposed sidewalk and bicycle facilities within the city. The proposed Sidewalk and Bicycle Facilities are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. The City of Edina is committed to providing a comprehensive and coordinated pedestrian network that provides transportation as well as recreational value. Currently there are several pedestrian and bike facilities that could be accessed from the proposed redevelopment site including: • Bituminous sidewalk on the south side of Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) from east of Olinger Rd to Blake Rd, where it changes to a two-way trail to the west. • Concrete sidewalk on the north side of Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) west of Blake Rd. • Concrete sidewalk on the west side of Blake Rd north of Vernon Ave (CSH 158). • Bituminous trail on the west side of Olinger Blvd south of Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) • Bituminous trail on the north side of Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) from Highwood Dr to Eden Prairie Rd. • Concrete sidewalk on the west side of Olinger Rd south of Vernon Ave (CSAH 158). • On-road bike lane in both directions on Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) • On-road bike lane in both direction on Olinger Blvd south of Vernon Ave (CSAH 158). • On-road bike lane in both directions on Blake Rd north of Vernon Ave (CSAH 158). The city’s Comprehensive Plan identifies a new sidewalk on the north side of Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) between Blake Road/Olinger Boulevard to Olinger Road/Highwood Drive adjacent to the proposed site (Figure 7). The Comprehensive Plan also identifies a proposed bike facility on Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) which has been implemented (Figure 8). Transit System Transit service in the project area is provided by Metro Transit however, there is no bus service provided directly adjacent to the site along Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158). Currently the only route the area closest to the site is Route 46 which is a local bus route from Downtown St. Paul though south Minneapolis to Edina serving the 50th/France area and ending on Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) west of TH 100 at Eden Avenue. The route operates during the weekdays, weekends, and holidays with 30 to 60-minute headways. Control Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) Signal Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at Blake Rd/Olinger Blvd B (C) 15 (32) C (D) 22 (50) Thru- Stop Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at Olinger Rd/Highwood Dr A (C) 2 (16) A (C) 2 (24) Thru- Stop Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at West Site Access A (B) 2 (10) A (B) 2 (14) Thru- Stop Vernon Ave (CSAH 158) at East Site Access A (B) 2 (13) A (C) 2 (18) 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 12 Figure 7: Proposed Sidewalk Facilities 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 13 Figure 8: Proposed Bike Facilities 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 14 Parking Impact Analysis The parking demand for the proposed site redevelopment was analyzed based on the anticipated uses on the site. Based on the current City Code the proposed development would require a total of 28 parking spaces. The current site plan includes 28 spaces. Table 6 shows a breakdown of the parking required per City Code. Table 6 – Parking Required per City Code Use Size Rate Parking Required Parking Provided Restaurant 69 Seats 1/3seats + employees (5) on max shift 28 28 Source: City of Edina The parking demand was also analyzed based on industry standards. The parking generation rates used to estimate the parking demand was based on surveys of the parking generation for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation E ngineers Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition. Table 7 below shows the estimated parking generation rate and the anticipated peak parking demand on a typical weekday (Monday – Thursday), on a typical weekend Friday and on a typical Saturday. It shows that the peak parking demand for the site is on Friday or Saturday could be supported with 36 parking spaces. With the peak parking demand on Friday and with the proposed use, the assumption is that the restaurant would use all parking spaces available, therefore no reduction associated with “shared parking” can be taken. Table 7 – Site Parking Demand per ITE Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition Based on the results of the parking demand analysis the parking included with the proposed site plan would meet City Code requirements, however it would not meet the guidelines based on industry standards. Four (4) to eight (8) additional parking spaces should be provided to meet this demand. With any parking deficit, on-street parking in the neighborhood to the north on Eden Prairie Road would likely be used for overflow site parking. No Parking signing should be considered on Eden Prairie Road adjacent to the site. As an alternative to meet the industry standard guidelines the restaurant size would need to be reduced to 53 seats to get to the provided 28 spaces. Table 8 shows the alternative parking demand. Table 8 – Site Parking Demand Alternative Use Size City Code ITE Weekday (Mon-Thur) Rate Parking Required Rate Parking Required Restaurant 53 Seats 1/3seats + employees on max shift 22 .52/seat 28 Use Size Weekday (Mon-Thur) Friday Saturday Rate Parking Required Rate Parking Required Rate Parking Required Restaurant (ITE Code 931) 69 Seats .52/seat 36 .47/seat 33 .46/seat 32 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 15 Travel Demand Management The City of Edina has adopted a Travel Demand Management (TDM) policy that emphasis the reduction of vehicular trips on congested roadways during peak travel times. For the proposed 6016 Vernon Avenue site redevelopment, a Tier 2 Plan is required based on requirement “c” 20 or more parking stalls. Tier 2 TDM plan is required when any of the following are met: a. Over 5,000 square feet of gross floor area; b. 10 or more residential units; c. 20 or more automobile parking stalls required by City Code; or d. Other development/redevelopment as required by Council condition A Tier 2 Plan requires developers to demonstrate that proposed project is designed in ways that support TDM. This requires identifying strategies aimed at reducing employee and visitor traffic volumes, during peak travel hours. Based on the policy, the following shall be included in a Tier 2 TDM Plan: Tier 2 TDM Plan shall include: a. Strategies, implementation measures and timeline. A minimum of three (3) unique strategies must be identified for implementation. b. Proposed total expenditures to implement the TDM strategies. Based on these requirements Table 9 outlines some recommended TDM strategies for the site that could be implemented by the developer: Table 9 – TDM Strategies Strategy Implementation Measures Timeline Cost Providing short-term bicycle parking spaces for restaurant patrons exceeding City requirements • Include on site plan • With site plan approval • Construct with site improvements • TBD Providing maps that show the area bus routes, light rail and bus schedules, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. • Create map or use available maps • Have available on Website and at restaurant • With occupancy • TBD Directional signage/information for adjacent pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities • Include on site plan • With site plan approval • Construct with site improvements • TBD Restricting freight deliveries to off peak hours to avoid traffic conflicts on adjacent roadways • Coordination with vendors • Verification with occupancy • On-going • TBD 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 16 Conclusions / Recommendations Based on the analysis documented in this memorandum, WSB offers he following conclusions and recommendations: • The existing Kee’s auto repair shop (6016 Vernon Avenue) located on Vernon Avenue (County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 158) west of Olinger Road/Highwood Drive is proposed to be remodeled and expanded. • The site is proposed to include a new 69-seat restaurant that is expected to generate 180 daily, 11 AM peak hour and 21 PM peak hour trips. Access to the site will be maintained at the existing access locations on Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158). The current plan provides 28 parking spaces for the site. • The crash data shows that only the Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) at Blake Road/Olinger Boulevard intersection had reported crashes over the past 3 years. The intersection has a calculated crash rate and severity rate that is below the MnDOT Metro and Statewide average rates. • The traffic operations analysis evaluated impacts for existing conditions and the horizon years of 2024 and 2030 for the local roadway network, specifically, the following intersections in the vicinity of the proposed site redevelopment: o Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) at Blake Road/Olinger Boulevard o Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) at Olinger Road/Highwood Drive o Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) at East and West Site Driveway • With the existing conditions based on the current lane geometry, traffic control and existing traffic volumes, the analysis results show that all intersections are operating at overall LOS B or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours with all movements also operating at a LOS D or better. • With the 2024 Build and 2030 Build conditions assuming the current lane geometry and traffic control with the proposed site redevelopment traffic, the results show that all intersections including both site access driveways would operate at overall LOS B or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours with all movements operating at a LOS D or better. • Based on the queue analysis the only movements that have maximum queues that exceed existing storage lengths or block intersections, or driveways are : o Eastbound Left turn from Vernon Avenue to Blake Road in the PM peak hour exceeds the existing storage by one car length – Beginning with the existing condition. o Westbound left turn from Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) to Olinger Boulevard in the PM peak hour exceeds the existing storage by one car length – Only with the 2030 condition. o Southbound Blake Road approach to Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) backs up past first residential driveway in the PM peak hour – Beginning with the existing condition. No improvements are recommended at this time. However, these movements should be monitored as traffic in the area grows to determine if any improvements would be required in the future. 6016 Vernon Ave - Edina Traffic and Parking Study June 13, 2022 Page 17 • The city’s Comprehensive Plan identifies a new sidewalk on the north side of Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) between Blake Road/Olinger Boulevard to Olinger Road/Highwood Drive. The section of sidewalk adjacent to the redevelopment site should be completed with the proposed project. • There is currently no transit bus service provided directly adjacent to the site along Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158). Currently the only route in the area closest to the site is Route 46 which has a bus stop on Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158) at Eden Avenue. The city should work with Metro Transit to evaluate extending this route to serve the area between TH 100 and TH 62 along Vernon Avenue (CSAH 158). • Based on the results of the parking demand analysis the parking included with the proposed site plan would meet City Code requirements however, it would not meet the guidelines based on industry standards. With this parking deficit, on-street parking in the neighborhood to the north on Eden Prairie Road would likely be used for overflow site parking. No Parking signing should be installed on Eden Prairie Road. In addition, to meet industry standard guidelines, a minimum of 8 additional parking spaces should be provided with the site redevelopment or as an alternative the restaurant size could be reduced to 53 seats. • The City of Edina has adopted a Travel Demand Management (TDM) Policy that requires developers to demonstrate that the proposed project is designed in ways that support TDM. This requires identifying strategies aimed at reducing employee and visitor traffic volumes, during peak travel hours. The proposed redevelopment site proposal would require a Tier 2 TDM Plan. Based on the requirements some potential TDM strategies for the site that could be implemented by the developer include: o Providing short-term bicycle parking spaces for restaurant patrons exceeding City requirements o Providing maps that show the area bus routes, light rail and bus schedules, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. o Directional signage/information for adjacent pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities o Restricting freight deliveries to off peak hours to avoid traffic conflicts on adjacent roadways If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Chuck Rickart at (612).360.1283. City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 1 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire The City of Edina has set ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the community. To help achieve these goals, developers seeking City approval must complete this form as part of their their zoning application. Upon receipt of this form, please email Sustainability Division lead, Grace Hancock, GHancock@edinamn.gov, to set up a time to walk through the form and discuss sustainable building strategies. Please email the completed form to Cary Teague, CTeague@edinamn.gov, and copy Grace Hancock. Development Address: 6016 Vernon Ave. S Developmer Applicant Name: Special X Properties Date:09/05/2022 Is the development seeking a PUD or City financing? See Sustainable Buildings Policy if so NO Topics Answers Yes or No Brief Description Sustainable Design & Energy Consumption Will you utilize Xcel Energy’s Energy Design Assistance or Energy Efficient Buildings, and/or Centerpoint Energy’s Builder and Developer programs for this development? yes Will the buildings meet SB2030 energy goals? no Will the building be LEED certified? no Will all appliances and equipment be Energy Star or EPA WaterSense certified? no Will water heaters be electric or natural gas? gas Will building heat be powered by electricity or natural gas? electric Will different strategies to conserve energy (beyond those required by code) be included? If so, please describe yes Adaptive reuse of a building Will there be renewable energy such as solar or wind be generated on site? no Will the project include a geothermal system? no Will the completed project subscribe to a community solar program or other renewable energy program? no Will there be purchase of renewable energy credits (RECs)? no Comments: Managing Storm Water What percent of the property is pervious surface before the redevelopment? What is the percent post development? 16% 8.5% What new surfaces will be pervious? (i.e. Sidewalks, driveways, overflow parking) pavers Possible permeable paving will replace some exist. asphalt Will a green roof be included on the new structure to assist in storm water retention? no City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 2 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire Will rain gardens or similar features be included on site to filter and retain the storm water? yes See civil plans provided Comments: Landscaping Features to Manage Air Quality and Heat Island Effect Will existing healthy trees be protected and saved? yes What percent of the property is covered by tree canopy before redevelopment? What is the percent post development? unknown Will you meet the current tree preservation and planting ordinance? unknown Will shade trees be provided along roadways, drives and surface parking areas beyond those required by code? yes New trees will be planted Will native plantings be used in the landscaping? yes Will landscaping include pollinator-friendly varieties? yes Will future owners and managers be trained in methods to avoid harmful chemicals being used on landscaping? yes Comments: Managing Construction Waste Will demolition of existing structures meet LEED Green Building Demolition and/or B3 State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines? na We are renovating an existing building. Will existing building elements be salvaged for reuse? Example, timber, steel, asphalt, cabinets, etc. yes We will salvage viable materials Are scrap and excess construction materials being separated and recycled? yes Are workers provided with separate recycling dumpsters and training in proper use? yes Training but same dumpsters Comments: Managing Operational Waste Will a recycling service be provided to those in the multifamily complex? To any businesses on site? na Will an organic recycling service be provided to those in the multifamily complex? To any businesses on site? na Will future users of the building be provided with education and training regarding proper recycling practices? yes Comments: Managing Water Consumption City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 3 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire Is the project including features to reduce water consumption beyond features required by code? Unknown at this time Is there a grey water system included to reuse water on site? Will future users of the building be provided with education and training regarding conservation of water? no Will outdoor landscaping watering system include a water sensor to automatically reduce watering in wet conditions? yes Comments: Sustainable Transportation Features Is the site accessible by public transit within ½ mile? yes Are site features included to make the use of public transit convenient and simple? Examples include sheltered waiting areas, paved sidewalks and clear site lines. no If there is no public transit within ½ mile, is the project providing features to help bridge the distance to allow flexibility to use public transit? yes Is bike parking available near the main entrance for guests? Space in parking structure (e.g. bike corral, bike lockers) for residents’ bikes? yes Is bike parking and a shower facility provided for employees? no Do you have EV Charging Stations for owners, guests or customers to use? no Not yet Will there be parking spaces provided for car- sharing vehicles to reduce the overall number of cars? no They usually park in the normal spots Updated June 2022 t-rem-vic2-09 · LB 1528 · 8/5/21 March 1, 2022 VIA EMAIL Marty Collins Special X Properties LLC 6016 Vernon Ave S Edina, MN 55436-1908 RE: No Association Determination Kevin Kee's Auto Service, 6016 Vernon Ave, Edina MPCA Site ID: BF0001999 Billing ID: 104880 PIN: 3211721230027 Dear Marty Collins: This letter is in response to the request from Greg Browne of The Javelin Group, Inc. for a determination under Minn. Stat. § 115B.178 that certain actions proposed to be taken by Special X Properties LLC at the Kevin Kee's Auto Service site, located at the address referenced above (the Site), will not constitute conduct associating Special X Properties LLC with the release or threatened release of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants at the Site for the purpose of Minn. Stat. § 115B.03, subd. 3(4). The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff in the Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) Program has reviewed the documents submitted for the Site. The 0.38-acre Site was undeveloped until construction of the current Site building in 1957. The building was occupied by a gas station until the early 1990s and has since operated as an auto repair shop. A petroleum release was discovered in November 1992 when underground storage tanks were being removed from the Site. The leak site (MPCA Site ID# LS0002247) was closed in February 2002. Special X Properties LLC intends to renovate the existing Site building for use as a restaurant. An environmental investigation completed at the Site in September 2021 included three interior soil borings and one exterior soil boring. Four soil samples were collected and analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and diesel range organics (DRO); two of the soil samples were also analyzed for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals and one sample for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in one sample collected near the flammable waste trap at a concentration of 0.24 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), which is greater than the MPCA’s screening soil leaching value (SLV). Groundwater was not encountered during the investigation. Five exterior soil vapor samples were collected at the Site in August 2018 and three sub-slab soil vapor samples were collected at the Site in September 2021 (non-heating season) and November 2021 (heating season). PCE was detected at a maximum concentration of 279 μg/m3, which is less than the MPCA action level of thirty-three times (33X) its commercial intrusion screening value (ISV). Low concentrations of cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE) were also detected in soil vapor. Marty Collins Page 2 March 1, 2022 For the purpose of this letter, the identified release consists of PCE in soil, and PCE, cis-1,2-DCE and other non-petroleum-VOCs in soil vapor (Identified Release). This letter does not address petroleum- related contaminants. Petroleum contamination detected at the Site is under the oversight of the MPCA’s Petroleum Brownfield Program. Based upon a review of the information provided to the MPCA VIC Program, and subject to the conditions set forth in this letter, a determination is hereby made pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 115B.178, subd. 1 that the proposed actions (Proposed Actions) listed below will not associate Special X Properties LLC with the Identified Release for the purpose of Minn. Stat. § 115B.03, subd. 3(4). This determination applies only to the following Proposed Actions: • Purchase of the Site; • Renovation of the existing Site building for use as a restaurant; and • Operation and maintenance of the Site building, grounds, and related infrastructure. This determination is made in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 115B.178, subd. 1, and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The Proposed Actions shall be carried out as described herein. 2. Special X Properties LLC shall cooperate with the MPCA, its employees, contractors, and others acting at the MPCA’s direction, in the event that the MPCA takes, or directs others to take, response actions at the Site to address the Identified Release or any other as yet unidentified release or threatened release of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant, including, but not limited to, granting access to the Site so that response actions can be taken. 3. Special X Properties LLC shall avoid actions that contribute to the Identified Release or that interfere with response actions required under any MPCA-approved response action plan to address the Identified Release. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 115B.178, subd.1, when Special X Properties LLC takes the Proposed Actions in accordance with the determination in this letter, subject to the conditions stated herein, the Proposed Actions will not associate Special X Properties LLC with the Identified Release for the purpose of Minn. Stat. § 115B.03, subd. 3(4). The determination made in this letter applies to Special X Properties LLC’s successors and assigns if the successors and assigns: 1) are not otherwise responsible for the Identified Release at the Site; 2) do not engage in activities with respect to the Identified Release which are substantially different from the activities which Special X Properties LLC proposes to take, as described herein; and 3) comply with the conditions set forth in this letter. Please be advised that the determination made in this letter is subject to the disclaimers found in Attachment A and is contingent on compliance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. Marty Collins Page 3 March 1, 2022 If you have any questions about the contents of this letter, please contact Amanda Guertin, Project Manager/Hydrologist, at 651-757-2369 or by email at amanda.guertin@state.mn.us. Sincerely, Amy K. Hadiaris This document has been electronically signed. Amy K. Hadiaris, P.G. Supervisor Redevelopment Unit Remediation Division AKH/AG:akh Enclosure cc: Greg Browne, The Javelin Group, Inc. Sharon Allison, City of Edina John Evans, Hennepin County Attachment A Page 1 of 1 Disclaimers Kevin Kee's Auto Service MPCA Site ID: BF0001999 1. Reservation of authorities The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Commissioner reserves the authority to take any appropriate actions with respect to any release, threatened release, or other conditions at the Site. The MPCA Commissioner also reserves the authority to take such actions if the voluntary party does not proceed in the manner described in this letter or if actions taken or omitted by the voluntary party with respect to the Site contribute to any release or threatened release, or create an imminent and substantial danger to public health and welfare. 2. No MPCA assumption of liability The MPCA, its Commissioner, and staff do not assume any liability for any release, threatened release or other conditions at the Site or for any actions taken or omitted by the voluntary party with regard to the release, threatened release, or other conditions at the Site, whether the actions taken or omitted are in accordance with this letter or otherwise. 3. Letter based on current information All statements, conclusions, and representations in this letter are based upon information known to the MPCA Commissioner and staff at the time this letter was issued. The MPCA Commissioner and staff reserve the authority to modify or rescind any such statement, conclusion or representation and to take any appropriate action under his authority if the MPCA Commissioner or staff acquires information after issuance of this letter that provides a basis for such modification or action. 4. Disclaimer regarding use or development of the property The MPCA, its Commissioner, and staff do not warrant that the Site is suitable or appropriate for any particular use. 5. Disclaimer regarding investigative or response action at the property Nothing in this letter is intended to authorize any response action under Minn. Stat. § 115B.17, subd. 12. 6. This approval does not supplant any applicable state or local stormwater permits, ordinances, or other regulatory documents. EdinaMN.gov 1 4 12 5 0 1 316 1 Variances Requested (setback shown in feet) The CITY of EDINA Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan with multiple Variances – 6016 Vernon Avenue The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 2 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 3 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 4 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 5 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 6 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 7 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 8 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 9 Sketch Plan The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 10 Sketch Plan The CITY of EDINARevisions from Sketch Plan EdinaMN.gov 11  Eliminated the 2nd story office.  Reduced the number of indoor seats from 68 to 59.  Moved the patio from the north side of the building to the southeast away from the residential area. The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 12 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 13 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 14 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 15 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 16 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 17 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 18 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 19 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 20 Compliance Table City Standard (PCD-1) Proposed Structure Setbacks Front – Vernon Front Patio – Vernon Front – Eden Prairie Road Side – West Parking & Drive-aisle Setbacks Front – Vernon Front – Eden Prairie Road Side – West Space between building and parking area 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet (structure) 25 feet 20 feet 20 feet 10 feet 10 feet 40 feet (30 feet existing) ** 1-foot* 12 feet* (20 feet existing) ** 5 feet* 1Foot** 3 feet** 0 feet* 4 feet**&* Height 2-1/2 stories and 30 feet 1 story Parking Stalls Restaurant = 1 stall per 3 seats + number of employees on max shift (25 total stalls required) 28 stalls Lot Size (Restaurant in PCD-1) 1 acre 16,373 s.f. Trash Enclosure Screening 20 feet 16 feet* FAR 1.0 .13% *Variance Required **Existing Condition The CITY of EDINARequest Requires: EdinaMN.gov 21  A Comprehensive Plan Amendment from MDR, Medium Density Residential to NN, Neighborhood Node.  A Rezoning from PCD-4, Planned Commercial District 4 to PCD-1, Planned Commercial District 1, with a lot size variance to allow a restaurant in the PCD-1 District less than 1 acre in size.  Site Plan Review with the following: 1. Front Street Setback Variance to Eden Prairie Road from 35 to 12 feet. 2. Side Yard setback variance from 25 to 5 feet. 3. A Front Street Setback Variance for the patio built toward Vernon Avenue from 35 feet to 1-foot. 4. A Parking Lot Setback Variance from 10 feet to 0 feet to expand the parking area along the west lot line, and 10 feet to 4 feet for separation between the building and parking lot. 5. Trash enclosure screening setback from the street from 20 feet to 16 feet. The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 22 4 12 5 0 1 316 The CITY of EDINA Planning & Zoning Discretion Pyramid Bldg Permit Site Plan Review Conditional Use Permit Zoning, Rezoning Comprehensive Plan Subdivisions/Plats Variances More Discretion Less Discretion The CITY of EDINAPrimary Issues •Are the Proposed Variances Justified? •Is the Proposed Rezoning to PCD-1 Reasonable? •Is the Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Reasonable? EdinaMN.gov 24 The CITY of EDINAPrimary Issues •Are the Proposed Variances Justified? No. Staff believes the Variances requested are excessive for this site, and do not meet the City’s Variance criteria as follows: EdinaMN.gov 25 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 26 4 12 5 0 1 316 The CITY of EDINAPrimary Issues •Are the Proposed Variances Justified? EdinaMN.gov 27 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? Yes. The site is generally unique and not common to similarly zoned PCD, Planned Commercial properties. The site is very small in size, is triangular in shape, and has two street frontages. It would be difficult to build anything on this site without a variance. This site is similar in size to the property at 4404 Valley View Road that just received approval to build 4 townhomes. That site is 11,691 square feet in size, while the subject property is 16,373 square feet in size. The CITY of EDINAPrimary Issues •Are the Proposed Variances Justified? EdinaMN.gov 28 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Yes. Given the magnitude and number of variances requested, the lack of screening and separation for residential uses, concern over parking and vehicles maneuvering in, out and around the site, the variances and intensification of the site would alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The CITY of EDINAPrimary Issues •Is the Proposed Rezoning to PCD-1 Reasonable? EdinaMN.gov 29 No. In this instance, with the circumstances surrounding the proposed site plan, staff does not support the request for the following reasons: 1. The proposal does not meet the findings for rezoning per Section 36-216 of the City Code. specifically: a) The proposal is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. b) The site plan would be detrimental to properties given the magnitude and number variances requested, lack of green space, setback and separation from residential uses, potential parking issues and vehicle maneuvering in and out of the site. c) Will result in an overly intensive land use. d) Does not conform to the provisions of the City Code. e) Does not “provide a proper relationship between the proposed improvements, existing structures, open space and natural features.” The CITY of EDINAPrimary Issues •Is the Proposed Rezoning to PCD-1 Reasonable? EdinaMN.gov 30 2. The on-site circulation within the parking area is not adequate and does not comply with Section 36-1347 of the Zoning Ordinance, specifically, traffic moving from one part of a parking area to another is not capable of doing so without using Vernon Avenue. 3. Staff would recommend a rezoning of the site to PRD-3 to bring the site in to compliance with the existing Comprehensive Plan designation. The property owner would then have the option of continuing the automotive repair use as a legally existing non-conforming use or could propose to redevelop the site with 4 units of housing under the PRD-3 standards. The CITY of EDINAPrimary Issues •Is the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Reasonable? EdinaMN.gov 31 No. Staff does not support the Variances or Rezoning, therefore, does not support the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the following reasons: 1. The subject property is too small to accommodate all that is being proposed on the site. As proposed with the significant number of variances being requested, the restaurant would be an overly intensive use for the site. 2. The proposed use and site plan to accommodate the use is not compatible with the adjacent residential land uses. The variances proposed are significant. 3. There is a lack of green space and landscaping to minimize impact to the adjacent properties. The parking lots are located right up to the lot lines, and the proposed addition is just 5 feet from the west lot line, providing no opportunity for green space and landscaping. 4. As proposed, based on the parking study done by WSB, there is potential for parking on adjacent streets. There is additional concern over car and truck maneuvering in and out of the site off Vernon Avenue. The on-site circulation within the parking area is not adequate and does not comply with Section 36-1347 of the Zoning Ordinance. The CITY of EDINABetter Together Edina EdinaMN.gov 32 The CITY of EDINARecommendation EdinaMN.gov 33 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 34 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 35 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 36 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 37 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 38 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 39 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 40 The CITY of EDINA EdinaMN.gov 41 REQUESTED VARIANCES• REZONING FROM PCD-4 TO PCD-1• REDUCE PARKING SETBACK ON NORTH PROPERTY LINE TO 3’-8”AND SETBACK AT SOUTH PROPERTY LINE TO 0’(TO REFLECT EXISTING PAVEMENT/PARKING CONDITIONS)• REDUCE BUILDING SETBACK ON WEST PROPERTY LINE FROM 25’TO 5’• REDUCE BUILDING SETBACK ON NORTH PROPERTY LINE FROM 25’TO 13’(EXISTING BUILDING IS 21’FROm the North property line)Contact2909 Bryant Avenue South, Suite 304Minneapolis, MN 55408CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLCArchitect2019 COPYRIGHT CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION7/25/2022 9:39:51 AM\\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtWESTSIDE CAFE6016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814APPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022DRAWING INDEXNO.NAMEGENERALG000COVERG102ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANG103EXISTING CONDITIONSG104CONTEXT PHOTOSG105CONTEXT PHOTOSLANDSCAPEL100LANDSCAPE PLANARCHITECTURALA201BASEMENT & LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLANA301BUILDING ELEVATIONS & EXT. MATERIALSCIVILC000COVER SHEETC001GENERAL NOTESC100EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLANC200SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL DETAILSC210SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL PLAN PH IC211SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL PLAN PH IIC300CIVIL SITE PLANC400GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANC500UTILITY PLANC900DETAILSEXISTING CONDITIONPROPOSED DESIGN 10' PARKING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACK25' BLDG SETBACKCATCH BASINM.H.EXISTING BUILDINGELEV = 927.4'VERNON AVENUEEDEN PRARIE RD.TALL ARBOR VITAE HEDGEOVERHEAD POWER LINESBITUMINOUS PATHBDEF54213PROPOSED EXPANSIONAC24' - 0"18' - 0"3' - 8"2 4 ' - 0 " 1 8 ' - 0 " 1 ' - 6 "24' - 0"18' - 0"EXISTING OVERHANG5' - 3"12' - 3 1/2"20' - 0"53' - 9"TRASH3' - 8 1/2"14' - 0"10' - 0"EXISTING CURB CUTEXISTING CURB CUTPATIO SEATING6' FENCEADA RAMPPERMEABLE PAVERSPLANTERNEW CEDAR FENCENEW CEDAR FENCENEW CEDAR FENCEPLANTEREXISTING ZONING: • ZONING:PRD-3 (PLANNED RESIDENCE DISTRICT)• DESIRED REZONING:PCD-1 (PLANNED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT)• LOT SIZE:16,584SF• FAR:1• SETBACKSFRONT -35FTSIDE ST-25FTSIDE YARD -25 FTREAR YARD -25FT• • PARKING: 20 FT FROM PUBLIC STREET R.O.W.10 FT FROM INTERIOR AND REAR LOT LINES10 FT FROM PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE• OTHER REQMTS:• TRASH ENCLOSURE MUST BE COMPLETELY SCREENED• BUILDING MUST BE COMPLETELY SCREENED FROM RESIDENTIAL LOTS• PARKING MUST BE SCREENED FROM STREETS WITHIN 50FT AND RES. LOTS• BUILDING SCREEN = 10FT HIGH• PARKING SCREEN = 4FT HIGH• TRASH SCREEN = 5-10FT• PARK REQMT:• 1/3 THE MAXIMUM SEATING CAPACITY, PLUS ONE SPACE FOR EACH EMPLOYEE ON THE MAJOR SHIFT. I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:54 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtG102ARCHITECTURAL SITEPLANAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"G1021ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:54 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtG103EXISTINGCONDITIONSAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:54 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtG104CONTEXT PHOTOSAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:54 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtG105CONTEXT PHOTOSAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate DNA3011A3012A3013A3014BDEF54213703 SFDINING257 SFHALLWAY89 SFSTORAGE56 SFRR59 SFRR347 SFKITCHEN77 SFWALK-IN REF75 SFWALK-IN FRZ119 SFENTRY109 SFBAR217 SFLUNCHAC53' - 9"8' - 3"27' - 8 1/2"17' - 9"3' - 9 1/2"48' - 10 1/2"20' - 0"28' - 10 1/2"14' - 0"4' - 1 1/2"18' - 10 1/2"10' - 0"10' - 2"136 SFTRASH4' - 7"7' - 4"3' - 9 1/2"32' - 11"25' - 2"627 SFPATIONEW CONCRETE STOOPNEW ADA RAMPSERVICE STATIONDELI REFDISPLAYPOS / HOSTBUILT-IN / SERVICE STATIONBANQUETTE BENCHEXTG. OPENINGINFILL W/ STOREFRONTEXTG. OPENINGINFILL W/ STOREFRONTREPLACE EXTG OVERHEAD DOORSADDITIONEXISTINGADDITIONEXISTINGSTORAGENEW CONCRETE WALKWAYNEW CONCRETE WALKWAYNEW PASS-THROUGH WINDOWINFILL W/ STOREFRONTEXG CONC. SLABNEW CONC. SLABPLANTERBDEF2166 SFMECH423 SFDRYSTORAGE59 SFSTAFF RR120 SFBREAK ROOM76 SFOFFICE53' - 9"20' - 0"10"9' - 0"12' - 3"12' - 5 1/2"7' - 6 1/2"PLAN KEY PROPOSED CONSTRUCTIONEXISTING CONDITIONNOT IN SCOPEI hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:49 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtA201BASEMENT & LEVEL 1FLOOR PLANAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate3/16" = 1'-0"A2011LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN3/16" = 1'-0"A2012BASEMENT SLABGROSS BUILDING AREAName AreaEXISTING BUILDING1,241 SFBASEMENT1,120 SFADDITION1,096 SFGrand total3,457 SF LEVEL 1927' -4 13/16"EXTG HIGH ROOF BRG113' -7 3/4"BASEMENT SLAB91' -0"5421ADDITION BRG LVL110' -2 3/16"MTLP-1MTLP-1MTLP-2MTLP-214' - 5"4' - 6"11' - 7"ADDITIONEXISTINGALUMINUM STOREFRONT, TYP.DK GREY FINISHNEW STOREFRONT @ INFILLED EXTG OPENINGSLEVEL 1927' -4 13/16"EXTG HIGH ROOF BRG113' -7 3/4"EXTG LOW ROOF BRG110' -11 1/2"BASEMENT SLAB91' -0"BDEFADDITION BRG LVL110' -2 3/16"MTL-1EXTG. STEEL FRAMEPT-3MTLP-1MTLP-3TL-1PT-2MTLP-24' - 6"2' - 10"11' - 7"12' - 5"EXTG. STEEL COLUMNADDITIONEXISTINGDK GREY FULL-LITE OVERHEAD DOORS @ EXTG. OPENINGSEXPAND EXTG.OPENING AND REPLACE W/ STOREFRONTLEVEL 1927' -4 13/16"EXTG HIGH ROOF BRG113' -7 3/4"EXTG LOW ROOF BRG110' -11 1/2"HIGH PARAPET114' -5"BASEMENT SLAB91' -0"421ADDITION BRG LVL110' -2 3/16"MTL-1EXTG. STEEL FRAMEPT-3MTLP-1MTLP-1TL-2TL-1MTLP-2ADDITIONEXISTINGEXPAND EXTG.OPENING AND REPLACE W/ STOREFRONTPT-2MTLP-3EXTG. STEEL COLUMNSNEW PASS-THROUGH WINDOWLEVEL 1927' -4 13/16"EXTG HIGH ROOF BRG113' -7 3/4"EXTG LOW ROOF BRG110' -11 1/2"BASEMENT SLAB91' -0"BDEFADDITION BRG LVL110' -2 3/16"MTLP-2MTLP-2MTLP-1EXTG. METAL PANELPT-2MTL-1EXTG. STEEL FRAMEPT-3DIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR PAINT FINISH -WHITEPT-1DIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR PAINT FINISH -YELLOWPT-3DIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR PAINT FINISH -GREYPT-2RESTORE AND PAINT WHITEDIVISION 7 -THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTIONEXTG. PAINTED METAL PANELMTLP-1POWDER COAT -LIGHT YELLOWDIVISION 5 -METALSPERF ALUMINUM PANELMTL-1DIVISION 7 -THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTIONMETAL PANEL, DK GREYMTLP-3LIGHT YELLOW4" SQUAREDIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR TILE -LIGHT YELLOWTL-1YELLOW4" SQUAREDIVISION 9 -FINISHESEXTERIOR TILE -YELLOWTL-2PAINT WHITEDIVISION 7 -THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTIONREVEAL METAL PANELMTLP-2I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.Print Name SignatureLicense Number 2019 Copyright CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE, LLC.2909 Bryant Ave #304 Minneapolis, MN 55408612 886 2814 www.deanarch.comContactNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONIssue / Revision Schedule7/25/2022 9:39:50 AM \\\share\Dropbox\CD Architecture\CDA-2021.17-6016 VERNON AVE\02 REVIT\202117_MAIN MODEL_R19.rvtA301BUILDINGELEVATIONS & EXT.MATERIALSAPPLICATIONS | JULY 25,2022WESTSIDE CAFEProject Number 2021176016 VERNON AVEEDINA, MNChristian Deancdean@deanarch.com612 886 2814NO DescriptionDate1/8" = 1'-0"A3011NORTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A3012EAST DEMO ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A3013SOUTH ELEVATION1/8" = 1'-0"A3014WEST ELEVATIONKEY - EXTERIOR MATERIALS CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 1 6016 vernon ave PERSPECTIVE FROM VERNON AVE (SOUTH) CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 2 6016 vernon ave PERSPECTIVE FROM PARKING LOT (EAST) CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 3 6016 vernon ave BIRD’S EYE FROM SOUTH-EAST CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 4 6016 vernon ave BIRD’S EYE FROM NORTH-EAST CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 5 6016 vernon ave VIEW FROM VERNON AVE CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 6 6016 vernon ave VIEW FROM EAST CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTUREP. 7 6016 vernon ave VIEW FROM NORTH