HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-13 Planning Commission Regular Meeting PacketAg enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all Council Chambers Wednesday, December 13, 2023 7:00 PM I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Regular Meeting Min u tes from Novem ber 15, 2023 V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.Sketch Plan Review - 7300 Metro Bou leva rd B.Ap p oin tm en t of Co-ch airs for the Lin coln and London d erry Sm all Area Pla n VII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents VIII.Sta/ Com m ents IX.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli3cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: December 13, 2023 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, P lanning Adminis trative S upport S pec ialis t Item Activity: Subject:R egular Meeting Minutes from November 15, 2023 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the regular minutes from November, 15, 2023. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Minutes of Regular Meeting on November 15, 2023 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2023  Page 1 of 4       Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers November 15, 2023 I. Call To Order Chair Bennett called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Bornstein, Miranda, Daye, Smith, Felt, Hu, Schultze and Chair Bennett. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Addison Lewis, Community Development Coordinator, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Strauss, Padilla, and Olson. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Felt moved to approve the November 15, 2023, agenda. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, October 25, 2023 Commissioner Miranda moved to approve the October 25, 2023, meeting minutes. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. V. Community Comment None. VI. Public Hearings A. B-23-20 Variance Request at 3501 & 3503 Galleria Community Development Coordinator Lewis presented the request of 3501 & 3503 Galleria for a variance.  Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2023  Page 2 of 4     Mr. Greg Houck, Cunningham, addressed the Planning Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing None. Commissioner Felt moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the variance request and felt the changes were appropriate. Comments can be reviewed in the official meeting video. Motion Commissioner Daye moved that the Planning Commission recommend of the variance at 3501 and 3503 Galleria as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein with Condition Four being revised per Planning Commission discussion and adding Condition Seven proposed by Commissioner Miranda. Commissioner Felt seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Ordinance Amendment and Site Plan Review – 6016 Vernon Avenue Director Teague presented the request of 6106 Vernon Avenue for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Ordinance Amendment and Site Plan review.  Staff recommends approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Ordinance Amendment and Site Plan, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Ron Dee, Green Drop/Savers, addressed the Commission and introduced Mr. Josh Fertosnek, Disabled American Veterans and Ms. Crystal Engquist, operational specialist with Green Drop. He made a presentation to the Commission and answered questions. Public Hearing Ms. Marsha Miller, 6105 Eden Prairie Road, addressed the Commission with her concerns about the condition of the property. Commissioner Miranda moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Felt seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Ordinance Amendment and Site Plan. Comments can be reviewed in the official meeting video. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2023  Page 3 of 4     Motion Commissioner Miranda moved that the Planning Commission recommend denial to the City Council of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Ordinance Amendment and Site Plan as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Daye seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan Review – 7001 York Avenue (Southdale Regional Library) Director Teague presented the request of 7001 York Avenue for a sketch plan review.   Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Matthew Kruntorad, MSR Design, addressed the Commission. The Commission asked questions of the applicant. Ms. Liz Veaderko, Hennepin County, addressed Commission questions. The Commission reviewed the sketch plan and offered comments that can be reviewed in the official meeting video. B. Sketch Plan Review – 4600 77th Street West Director Teague presented the request of 4600 77th Street West for a Sketch Plan Review.   Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Ms. Carolyn Farrell, and Mr. Brent Peterson, Seven Hills Preparatory Academy, made a presentation. Ms. Elizabeth McCollough, Architect at Collaborative Design Group, reviewed the design plan. The Commission asked questions of the applicant. The Commission reviewed the sketch plan and offered comments that can be reviewed in the official meeting video. VIII. Chair and Member Comments Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2023  Page 4 of 4     Received. IX. Staff Comments Received X. Adjournment Commissioner Felt moved to adjourn the November 15, 2023, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 11:33 PM. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: December 13, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:S ketch P lan R eview - 7300 Metro Boulevard Disc ussion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No action requested, provide the applicant non-binding feedback on a potential futrue land use request. I N TR O D U C TI O N: D J R Architects on behalf of the property owner, Hemple P roperties have submitted a sketch plan proposal build a new 6,000 square foot dental office in the parking lot of 7300 Metro Boulevard. T he existing site contains a 110,790 square foot office building that is served by a surface parking lot. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Memo Site Location, Zoning & Comp. Plan & Existing Conditions Narrative & Plans Edina's Bike and Pedestrian Plan Draft Sustainablilty Questionnaire Pyramid of Discretion in the Land Use Proces s Applicant Pres entation Staff Pres entation City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: December 13, 2023 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 7300 Metro Boulevard DJR Architects on behalf of the property owner, Hemple Properties, have submitted a sketch plan proposal to build a new 6,000 square foot dental office in the parking lot of 7300 Metro Boulevard. The existing site contains a 110,790 square foot office building that is served by a surface parking lot. The request would require the following:  Site Plan Review.  Potential Variances: First floor building height. The table on the last page of this report demonstrates how the proposed new buildings would comply with the existing Planned Office District 2 regulations. The Planning Commission is asked to provide non-binding comments on this potential future development application. The proposed use is allowed on the property, and the setback requirements for the building would be met, so the discretion on this project would be limited. (See attached pyramid of discretion.) Considerations  Dental Office Parking. The proposed parking spaces that are intended to serve the dental office are located in front of the building adjacent to Metro Boulevard. This is a site configuration that the City is trying to get away from. (See language from the Comprehensive Plan on the following page.) The applicant could pull the building up to the street and meet the 35-foot setback. They have demonstrated what that would look like on the site. (See attached alternative plan.) The applicant is proposing this parking in front to provide a more convenient and safe access for their patients so they would not have to cross a drive-aisle to access the building. Below are design guidelines from the comprehensive plan. The intention is to provide parking under or to the rear of a building, and not in front adjacent to the street: City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 i. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. ii. Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. iii. Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. iv. Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front façade. In some cases, much higher window coverage may be appropriate. v. Position buildings to fit with their existing and/or planned context by facing and complementing adjacent streets, parks and open spaces. vi. Locate and orient vehicle parking, vehicular access, service areas and utilities to minimize their visual impact on the property and on adjacent/surrounding properties, without compromising the safety and attractiveness of adjacent streets, parks, and open spaces.  Pedestrian/Bike Connections. The City’s pedestrian plan calls for a pedestrian sidewalk along Metro Boulevard. A boulevard style sidewalk should be constructed along the entire parcel.  Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The proposal would meet the City’s floor area ratio requirement for the POD, Planned Office District.  Building Materials & Facades. Buildings must be made of natural materials (stone, brick) on the first vertical 60 feet of a building, and first floor ceiling heights must be 20 feet tall. The applicant has indicated a desire to only have the entry lobby and waiting area meet the 20-foot requirement.  Traffic & Parking Study. Would be required as part of any formal application.  Sustainability. The applicant has provided initial responses to the sustainability questionnaire. A more complete questionnaire would be provided with a formal application when the building has been further designed. The table on the following page demonstrates how the proposed new building would comply with the existing POD-2 Standards on the lot. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Compliance Table (Not exact as this is a sketch plan) City Standard (POD-2) (Setback measured to the property line) Proposed (Setback measured to the property line) Building Setbacks Front – Metro Boulevard Side – North Side – South Rear 35 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 90 feet 200+ feet 20 feet 21 feet Building Height 8 stories & 96 feet 1 story Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .50% 110,790 s.f. existing building plus 6,000 s.f. proposed = 116,790 s.f. total Site area = 238,321s.f. .50% Parking Office/Medical = 1 space/300 s.f. Existing building & dental office = 389 spaces 425 spaces total existing spaces included City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Site Existing Site CROSSTOWN PRESERVE | 10050 CROSSTOWN CIRCLE | SUITE 600 | EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 December 6, 2023 Cary Teague City of Edina Re: Edina Endodontics Dear Cary, Hempel Real Estate is looking to develop on behalf of a client an approximately 6,000 square foot specialty dental clinic for Edina Endodontics in the southeast corner of a larger 238,321 square foot land parcel located at 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, MN. The proposed building site for Edina Endodontics is currently an underutilized surface parking lot that is seldom used by tenants at the One Corporate Center III office building. The current 110,790 sf office building is 90% leased and the parking is rarely more than 40% to 50% used. The parking utilization has not changed since before the pandemic. The 5.47 acre site currently has 469 parking spaces and the new building would eliminate approximately 60 to 72 spaces. The majority of the parking lot would be replaced by an approximately 6,000 sf building footprint, new landscaping surrounding the building, stormwater retention, and sidewalk for patient accessing the building. The new building would have a cross parking easement with the office building and after the construction of the new building the shared parking would consist of approx. 400 parking spaces. The new FAR would stay under 50%. The building will support the expansion of Edina Endodontics in the Edina community and provide new employment opportunities. The building will be designed by local architecture firm DJR Architects, will have best in class finishes for a commercial building, and will meet and/or exceed the City of Edina zoning and site requirements. We propose to include a 20’ high entry lobby and waiting area per zoning code, but ask that the remainder of the treatment rooms be allowed to be less than this height. Access to the site will be provided by an existing curb cut to the parking lot along Metro Boulevard. The preferred site layout will have a prominent lobby entry on the east facing side of the building and will have patient parking to the east of the building. The parking to the east would greatly benefit patients by not requiring them to cross a drive aisle after undergoing procedures, some of which require them to be assisted to their vehicles. The balance of the employee and patient parking will be shared with the office tenants at 7300 Metro Boulevard. Following input from the city staff and the planning commission, a final site plan will be prepared, and all required materials will be submitted for the formal city approval process. The goal for Edina Endodontics is to begin site work and start construction Spring/Summer 2024 with an opening in 1st quarter 2025. Sincerely, Brent Jacobson Executive VP of Sales & Leasing Hempel PROPOSED BUILDING METRO BLVD DEVELOPMENT [12] Drainage & Utility Easement Document No. 4526595 [13] Drainage & Utility EasementDocument No. 4615678S89°42'25"W 493.53N00°01'19"W 488.01 S02°05'00"E 336.24C=135.80 CB=S0°42'30"E R=2829.66 Δ=2°45'00" 135.81S00°40'00"W16.13SignSignMonument Sign Monument Sign921717171722222222222824 181617171717222222222221PARCEL 1[16] Common Boundary betweenParties Named in Reciprocal LicenseAgreement Per Doc No. 4712170PID: 0911621240007Address:7300 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621310013Address:7400 Metro BoulevardOwner: One Corporate Plaza PartnershipPID: 0911621240016Address: UnassignedOwner: 1 Corp Ctr Fin Bld OwnPID: 0911621240025Address: 7301 Ohms LaneOwner: lcm (lX) Occ Lp 6 Story Concrete BuildingFoundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft.12" RCP15" RCP24" CMP (Per Rec.)18" RCP15" RC P 10" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP21" San. Sew.(Per Rec.)21" San. Sew.21" San. Sew.6" San. Serv.(Per Rec.)12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)Bench BenchConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete StepsConcrete RampConcrete StepsConcrete StepsConcrete StepsMech.Equip.ConcreteConcrete OverhangOverhangPaversPaversStoneRetaining WallStoneRetaining WallKeystoneRetaining WallWood FenceBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminousParking Lot BituminousParking Lot AccessAccessLandscaping Landscaping METRO BOULEVARD (A Public R/W) (Width Varies) 72.1 274.472.2274.48" WM (Per Rec.)12" WM (Per Rec.) 12" WM (Per Rec.) PARCEL 2 N89°42'25"E 480.00(MN STATE HWY NO . 100) Concrete Walk Concrete WalkConcrete Walk[C] ApparentPedestrian AccessLandscapingLandscaping Concrete Walk Concrete Walk Concrete Walk [B] Apparent Pedestrian Access[A] ApparentCross Access12" RCP12" RCP(Per Rec.)Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839 Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 47481 Found 1/2 Inch Iron Pipe W/ Cap No. 19839 Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYEDParcel 1:Lot 1, Block 1, Corporate Center Phase 3, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota.Parcel 2:Reciprocal License Agreement dated April 21, 1982, recorded April 21, 1982, as Document No. 4712170, in the Office of the CountyRecorder, Hennepin County, Minnesota.(Abstract Property)GENERAL SURVEY NOTES1.Bearings are based on the Hennepin County County Coordinate System (1986 Adjustment).2.Elevations are based on the NGVD 29 Datum. Site Benchmark is the top nut of the fire hydrant located on the west side of MetroBlvd, approximately 135 feet north of the southeast corner of the subject property, as shown hereon. Elevation = 831.323.We have shown the location of utilities to the best of our ability based on observed evidence together with evidence from the following sources: plans obtained from utility companies, plans provided by client, markings by utility companies and other appropriate sources. We have used this information to develop a view of the underground utilities for this site. However, lackingexcavation, the exact location of underground features cannot be accurately, completely and reliably depicted. Where additional ormore detailed information is required, the client is advised that excavation may be necessary. Also, please note that seasonal conditions may inhibit our ability to visibly observe all the utilities located on the subject property.ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY NOTES(numbered per Table A)1.Monuments placed and/or found at all major corners of the boundary of the surveyed property as shown hereon.2.Site Address: 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55439.3.This property is contained in Zone X (area determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain) per Flood Insurance RateMap, Community Panel No. 27053C0451F, effective date of November 4, 2016.4.The Gross land area is 238,321 +/- square feet or 5.471 +/- acres.7.(a) Exterior dimensions of buildings at ground level as shown hereon.8.Substantial features observed in the process of conducting the fieldwork as shown hereon. Please note that seasonal conditionsmay inhibit our ability to visibly observed all site features located on the subject property.9.The number of striped parking stalls on this site are as follows: 465 Regular + 9 Handicap = 474 Total Parking Stalls.13.The names of the adjoining owners of the platted lands, as shown hereon, are based on information obtained from the HennepinCounty Interactive Property Map.SURVEY REPORT1. This map and report was prepared with the benefit of a Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title InsuranceCompany, File No. NCS-1192508-MPLS, dated September 17, 2023. We note the following with regards to Schedule B II Exceptionsof the herein referenced Title Commitment:a. Item no.'s 1-11, 14 and 17-21 are not survey related.b. The following are numbered per the referenced Title Commitment:[12].Drainage and utility easements as shown on the recorded plat of One Corporate Center Phase 3 recorded December 4, 1979, as Document No. 4526595. Easement as shown hereon along the easterly 10 feet ofthe subject property.[13].Easement for drainage and utility purposes in favor of the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation andthe terms and provisions as contained in Easement dated December 12, 1980, recorded January 6, 1981 as Document No. 4615678. 10 foot wide easement is depicted heron in the southwest portion of the subject property.[15].Easement for the provision of cable communications and other services and access rights in favor of the Minneapolis Division of Time Warner Cable Inc., doing business as Time Warner Cable and the terms, conditionsand provisions as contained in Easement For Cable/Telecommunications Services dated January 21, 2004, recorded February 15, 2006, as Document No. 8749497. The Easement affects the subject property. TheEasement is blanket in nature and cannot be depicted hereon.[16].Terms, conditions, provisions, covenants and agreements as contained in Reciprocal License Agreement datedApril 21, 1982, recorded April 21, 1982, as Document No. 4712170. Agreement allows for free and unrestricted flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic over the common boundary line between the subject property and the adjacent property to the west.2.Conflicts such as (but not limited to): encroachments, protrusions, access, occupation, and easements and/or servitudes:[A].There is an apparent cross access between the subject property and the adjacent property to the north, as shown hereonnear the northwest corner of the subject property. We have not been provided with documentation for said cross access.[B].There is an apparent pedestrian access across the north line of the subject property, as shown hereon. We have not beenprovided with documentation for said pedestrian access.[C].There is an apparent pedestrian access across the south line of the subject property, as shown hereon. We have not beenprovided with documentation for said pedestrian access.ALTA CERTIFICATIONTo: Won Huh LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Revitalize OCC, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Emerald CityCapital, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company; and First American Title Insurance Company:This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2021 Minimum StandardDetail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3,4, 7(a), 8, 9, and 13 of Table A thereof.The fieldwork was completed on 10-20-2023.Dated this 27th day of October, 2023.________________________________________________________Rory L. Synstelien Minnesota License No. 44565rory@civilsitegroup.comVICINITY MAPEdina Dental Office 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55439 333 Washington Avenue N, #210, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 DJR Architecture, Inc. PROJECTPROJECT NO.: 23365.00COPYRIGHT 2023 CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cREVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONV1.0ALTA/NSPS LANDTITLE SURVEY............N44565RORY L. SYNSTELIENLICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY,PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.10-27-2023NCLIENT Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture 5000 Glenwood AvenueGolden Valley, MN 55422civilsitegroup.com 612-615-0060QA/QCFIELD CREWDRAWN BYREVIEWED BYUPDATED BYDH/HSDSCJ.OVERHEAD UTILITIESGASMAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERFIBER/COMM. LINEELECTRIC LINE (RECORD)WATERMAINELECTRIC LINEGASMAIN (RECORD)CHAINLINK FENCELINELinetype & Symbol Legend CONCRETE SURFACEPAVER SURFACEBITUMINOUS SURFACEGRAVEL/LANDSCAPE SURFACEWOODEN FENCELINEGUARDRAILWATERMAIN (RECORD)SANITARY SEWER (RECORD)STORM SEWER (RECORD)FIBER/COMM. LINE (RECORD)TELEPHONE LINE (RECORD)TELEPHONE LINESIGNSANITARY MANHOLESTORM MANHOLECABLE TV BOXTELEPHONE MANHOLEELECTRIC TRANSFORMERTELEPHONE BOXTRAFFIC SIGNALGAS METERELECTRICAL METERWATER MANHOLEWATER VALVEAIR CONDITIONERBOLLARDCATCH BASINELECTRIC MANHOLEGAS VALVEFLAG POLEHANDICAP SYMBOLFOUND IRON MONUMENTHYDRANTCAST IRON MONUMENTSET OR TO BE SET IRON MONUMENTFLARED END SECTIONPOWER POLEUTILITY MANHOLEGUY WIRECONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREEROOF DRAINSEWER CLEAN OUTFIRE CONNECTIONWELLUTILITY VAULTPOST INDICATOR VALVEGAS MANHOLEHAND HOLEFIBER/COMM. MANHOLEMAIL BOXFUEL TANKELECTRICAL OUTLETSBSOIL BORINGLIGHT POLEACCESS RESTRICTION60153001530SCALE IN FEET 9 22 PARCEL 1 PID: 0911621240007 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft. PCR " yawklaW etercno Concrete Steps pmaR etercnoC PaversStone Retaining Wall METRO BOULEVARD(MN STATE HWY NO . 100)Concrete WalkConcrete WalkLandscapinggnipacsdnaL NOPARKINGSITE DATA ZONING SUMMARY EXISTING ZONING POD-1 - PLANNED OFFICE PROPOSED ZONING REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT STREET 35' REAR YARD 20' SIDE STREET 35' INTERIOR SIDE YARD 20' PARKING SETBACKS FRONT - (FROM ROW)20' REAR 10' SIDE 10' REQUIRED PROVIDED PARKING SUMMARY PARKING STALL DIMENSIONS 8.5' X 18' COMPACT PARKING STALL DIMENSIONS 7.5' X 16' DRIVE AISLE DIMENSIONS 24' FIRE ACCESS ROAD DIMENSIONS REQUIRED PROVIDED PARKING STALLS - SURFACE 23 PARKING STALLS - GARAGE N/A civilsitegroup.com COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cPROJECTPRELI MI N A R Y: NOT F O R CONST R U CTI O N 2023 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION 12/XX/2023 DRAWN BY JR REVIEWED BY RL PROJECT MANAGER RL PROJECT NUMBER 23365 LICENSE NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 59612 Robert A. Latta 12/XX/2023EDINA DENTAL OFFICE7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439DJR ARCHITECTURE, INC.333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N, #210, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401SITE PLAN LEGEND: TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENT MARKINGS SIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED. HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGN NP = NO PARKING FIRE LANE ST = STOP CP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLY PROPERTY LINE CURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUT GUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLAN LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSE DEPTH, SEE DETAIL. HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSE DEPTH, SEE DETAIL. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TO CITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: 1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES. ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IF APPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT. CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) AS SPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETE DEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHIN PRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAIL OPERATIONAL NOTES SNOW REMOVAL ALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDE PARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALL REMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE. TRASH REMOVAL TRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASH AREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO. WEEKLY. DELIVERIES DELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOOR VIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERY VEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS). REVISION SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION C2.0 SITE PLAN SEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERAL SITE NOTES Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 0 1" = 20'-0" 20'-0"10'-0" N OWNER INFORMATION EMERALD CITY CAPITAL, LLC 6421 BISCAYNE BLVD EDINA, MN 55436 TODD GEISLER GEISLER@EDINAENDO.COM [12] Drainage & Utility Easement Document No. 4526595 Monument Sign9222222PARCEL 1PID: 0911621240007Address:7300 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621310013Address:7400 Metro BoulevardOwner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership6 Story Concrete BuildingFoundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft.15" RCP10" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)Bench BenchConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete StepsConcrete RampPaversStoneRetaining WallBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotAccessLandscaping METRO BOULEVARD 12" WM (Per Rec.) (MN STATE HWY NO . 100) Concrete Walk Concrete WalkConcrete Walk[C] ApparentPedestrian AccessLandscapingLandscaping Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839PROPOSED BUILDING6,600 GROSS SFLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGGARAGE55'-0"116'-0"75% GLASS EAST FACADE ENTRYLOBBY35' BUILDING SETBACK20' BUILDING SETBACKRELOCATED MONUMENT SIGN.COORD. W/ ARCH'L PLAN FORFINAL LOCATION10' D&U EASEMENTLINE20' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACK10'X10' CONC. UTILITY/TRANSFORMERPAD, COORD. W/ MECH'L AND UTILITYCO. FOR FINAL LOCATION AND SIZETRASH ENCLOSUREAREAREQUIRED MIN 10' SEPARATIONBETWEEN BUILDING ANDPARKING SPACEREQUIRED MIN 10' SEPARATIONBETWEEN BUILDING AND DRIVE AISLE20. 3 . 0 R3.0R5 . 0 R 3 . 0 R3. . 0 R3.0 29.4R3.0R2.0R2.0R2.0R3. RAMP, SEEDETAIL.25.025.0PROPERTY LINECONSTRUCTIONLIMITSCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSPROPERTY LINENO PARKINGACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACES, INCL. SIGNAGE,STRIPING AND RAMPS14' CURB TAPER9' CURB TAPERACCESSIBLE ROUTE ARROW.DO NOT PAINT, FOR CODEREVIEW ONLY, TYP.3' CURB TAPER12' CURB TAPERSAFETY BOLLARD,SEE DETAIL.MATCH EXISTINGC&GMATCH EXISTING C&G21.610.9SITE DATAZONING SUMMARYEXISTING ZONINGPOD-1 - PLANNED OFFICEPROPOSED ZONINGREQUIREDPROVIDEDBUILDING SETBACKSFRONT STREET35'REAR YARD20'SIDE STREET35'INTERIOR SIDE YARD20'PARKING SETBACKSFRONT - (FROM ROW)20'REAR10'SIDE10'REQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING SUMMARYPARKING STALLDIMENSIONS8.5' X 18'COMPACT PARKINGSTALL DIMENSIONS7.5' X 16'DRIVE AISLEDIMENSIONS24'FIRE ACCESS ROADDIMENSIONSREQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING STALLS -SURFACE23PARKING STALLS -GARAGEN/ACivil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture5000 Glenwood AvenueGolden Valley, MN 55422civilsitegroup.com 612-615-0060COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cPROJECT PRELIM INARY :NOT FORCONSTRUCTION2023ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION12/XX/2023DRAWN BYJRREVIEWED BYRLPROJECT MANAGERRLPROJECT NUMBER23365LICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULYLICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.59612Robert A. Latta12/XX/2023EDINA DENTAL OFFICE 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 DJR ARCHITECTURE, INC. 333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N, #210, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401SITE PLAN LEGEND:TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENTMARKINGSSIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGSREQUIRED.HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGNNP = NO PARKING FIRE LANEST = STOPCP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLYPROPERTY LINECURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUTGUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLANLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.CONSTRUCTION LIMITSTOCITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES:1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES.ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IFAPPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT.CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ASSPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETEDEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHINPRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAILOPERATIONAL NOTESSNOW REMOVALALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDEPARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALLREMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE.TRASH REMOVALTRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASHAREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO.WEEKLY.DELIVERIESDELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOORVIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERYVEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS).REVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONC2.0SITE PLANSEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERALSITE NOTESKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR01" = 20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"NOWNER INFORMATIONEMERALD CITY CAPITAL, LLC6421 BISCAYNE BLVDEDINA, MN 55436TODD GEISLERGEISLER@EDINAENDO.COM [12] Drainage & Utility Easement Document No. 4526595 Monument Sign Monument Sign9222222PARCEL 1PID: 0911621240007Address:7300 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621310013Address:7400 Metro BoulevardOwner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership6 Story Concrete BuildingFoundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft.15" RCP10" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)Bench BenchConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete StepsConcrete RampPaversStoneRetaining WallBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotAccessLandscaping Landscaping METRO BOULEVARD12" WM (Per Rec.) (MN STATE HWY NO . 100) Concrete Walk Concrete WalkConcrete Walk[C] ApparentPedestrian AccessLandscapingLandscaping Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839PROPOSED BUILDING6,600 GROSS SFLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGGARAGE55'-0"116'-0"75% GLASS EAST FACADE ENTRYLOBBY35' BUILDING SETBACK20' BUILDING SETBACK10' D&U EASEMENTLINE20' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACK10'X10' CONC. UTILITY/TRANSFORMERPAD, COORD. W/ MECH'L AND UTILITY CO.FOR FINAL LOCATION AND SIZEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE20.020.038.735.035.010.1NOPARKINGACCESSIBLE ROUTEARROW. DO NOTPAINT, FOR CODEREVIEW ONLY, TYP. MONUMENTSIGNMATCH EXISTINGC&G.MATCH EXISTING C&G.25.0SAFETY BOLLARD.,SEE DETAIL.ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, INCL. SIGNAGE,STRIPING AND RAMPSPED RAMP, SEEDETAIL.24.912' CURB TAPER5' CURB TAPERTRASH ENCLOSUREAREA3' CURB TAPER8'' CONC. PVMT.,SEE DETAIL.RIBBON CURBR3.0R3. MIN 10' SEPARATIONBETWEEN BUILDING AND DRIVE AISLE18.714.3SITE DATAZONING SUMMARYEXISTING ZONINGPOD-1 - PLANNED OFFICEPROPOSED ZONINGREQUIREDPROVIDEDBUILDING SETBACKSFRONT STREET35'REAR YARD20'SIDE STREET35'INTERIOR SIDE YARD20'PARKING SETBACKSFRONT - (FROM ROW)20'REAR10'SIDE10'REQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING SUMMARYPARKING STALLDIMENSIONS8.5' X 18'COMPACT PARKINGSTALL DIMENSIONS7.5' X 16'DRIVE AISLEDIMENSIONS24'FIRE ACCESS ROADDIMENSIONSREQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING STALLS -SURFACE23PARKING STALLS -GARAGEN/ACivil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture5000 Glenwood AvenueGolden Valley, MN 55422civilsitegroup.com 612-615-0060COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cPROJECT PRELIM INARY :NOT FORCONSTRUCTION2023ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION12/XX/2023DRAWN BYJRREVIEWED BYRLPROJECT MANAGERRLPROJECT NUMBER23365LICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULYLICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.59612Robert A. Latta12/XX/2023EDINA DENTAL OFFICE 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 DJR ARCHITECTURE, INC. 333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N, #210, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401SITE PLAN LEGEND:TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENTMARKINGSSIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGSREQUIRED.HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGNNP = NO PARKING FIRE LANEST = STOPCP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLYPROPERTY LINECURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUTGUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLANLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.CONSTRUCTION LIMITSTOCITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES:1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES.ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IFAPPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT.CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ASSPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETEDEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHINPRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAILOPERATIONAL NOTESSNOW REMOVALALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDEPARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALLREMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE.TRASH REMOVALTRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASHAREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO.WEEKLY.DELIVERIESDELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOORVIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERYVEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS).REVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONC2.0SITE PLANSEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERALSITE NOTESKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR01" = 20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"NOWNER INFORMATIONEMERALD CITY CAPITAL, LLC6421 BISCAYNE BLVDEDINA, MN 55436TODD GEISLERGEISLER@EDINAENDO.COM [12] Drainage & Utility Easement Document No. 4526595 Monument Sign Monument Sign9222222PARCEL 1PID: 0911621240007Address:7300 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621310013Address:7400 Metro BoulevardOwner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership6 Story Concrete BuildingFoundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft.15" RCP10" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)Bench BenchConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete StepsConcrete RampPaversStoneRetaining WallBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotLandscaping Landscaping METRO BOULEVARD12" WM (Per Rec.) (MN STATE HWY NO . 100) Concrete Walk Concrete WalkConcrete Walk[C] ApparentPedestrian AccessLandscapingLandscaping Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839PROPOSED BUILDING6,600 GROSS SFLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGGARAGE55'-0"116'-0"75% GLASS EAST FACADE ENTRYLOBBY35' BUILDING SETBACK20' BUILDING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACKPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE10' D&U EASEMENTLINE10'X10' CONC. UTILITY/TRANSFORMERPAD, COORD. W/ MECH'L AND UTILITY CO.FOR FINAL LOCATION AND SIZE20.020.038.735.035.010.1NOPARKINGACCESSIBLE ROUTE ARROW.DO NOT PAINT, FOR CODEREVIEW ONLY, TYP. MONUMENTSIGNMATCH EXISTINGC&G.MATCH EXISTINGC&G.25.0SAFETY BOLLARD.,SEE DETAIL.ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, INCL. SIGNAGE,STRIPING AND RAMPSPED RAMP, SEEDETAIL.24.912' CURB TAPER5' CURB TAPERTRASH ENCLOSUREAREA3' CURB TAPER8'' CONC. PVMT.,SEE DETAIL.RIBBON CURBR3.0R3. EXISTING C&G18.714.366.9SITE DATAZONING SUMMARYEXISTING ZONINGPOD-1 - PLANNED OFFICEPROPOSED ZONINGREQUIREDPROVIDEDBUILDING SETBACKSFRONT STREET35'REAR YARD20'SIDE STREET35'INTERIOR SIDE YARD20'PARKING SETBACKSFRONT - (FROM ROW)20'REAR10'SIDE10'REQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING SUMMARYPARKING STALLDIMENSIONS8.5' X 18'COMPACT PARKINGSTALL DIMENSIONS7.5' X 16'DRIVE AISLEDIMENSIONS24'FIRE ACCESS ROADDIMENSIONSREQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING STALLS -SURFACE23PARKING STALLS -GARAGEN/ACivil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture5000 Glenwood AvenueGolden Valley, MN 55422civilsitegroup.com 612-615-0060COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cPROJECT PRELIM INARY :NOT FORCONSTRUCTION2023ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION12/XX/2023DRAWN BYJRREVIEWED BYRLPROJECT MANAGERRLPROJECT NUMBER23365LICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULYLICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.59612Robert A. Latta12/XX/2023EDINA DENTAL OFFICE 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 DJR ARCHITECTURE, INC. 333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N, #210, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401SITE PLAN LEGEND:TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENTMARKINGSSIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGSREQUIRED.HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGNNP = NO PARKING FIRE LANEST = STOPCP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLYPROPERTY LINECURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUTGUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLANLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.CONSTRUCTION LIMITSTOCITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES:1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES.ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IFAPPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT.CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ASSPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETEDEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHINPRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAILOPERATIONAL NOTESSNOW REMOVALALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDEPARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALLREMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE.TRASH REMOVALTRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASHAREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO.WEEKLY.DELIVERIESDELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOORVIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERYVEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS).REVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONC2.0SITE PLANSEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERALSITE NOTESKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR01" = 20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"NOWNER INFORMATIONEMERALD CITY CAPITAL, LLC6421 BISCAYNE BLVDEDINA, MN 55436TODD GEISLERGEISLER@EDINAENDO.COM City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 1 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire The City of Edina has set ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the community. To help achieve these goals, developers seeking City approval must complete this form as part of their their zoning application. Upon receipt of this form, please email Sustainability Division lead, Grace Hancock, GHancock@edinamn.gov, to set up a time to walk through the form and discuss sustainable building strategies. Please email the completed form to Cary Teague, CTeague@edinamn.gov, and copy Grace Hancock. Development Address: 7300 Metro Blvd., Edina, MN Developmer Applicant Name: Hempel Real Estate on behalf of Edina Endodontics Date: Is the development seeking a PUD or City financing? See Sustainable Buildings Policy if so Topics Answers Yes or No Brief Description Sustainable Design & Energy Consumption Will you utilize Xcel Energy’s Energy Design Assistance or Energy Efficient Buildings, and/or Centerpoint Energy’s Builder and Developer programs for this development? To be determined. Will the buildings meet SB2030 energy goals? To be determined. Will the building be LEED certified? No Will all appliances and equipment be Energy Star or EPA WaterSense certified? Yes Goal will be to use Energy Star Rated appliances. Will water heaters be electric or natural gas? Yes Natural Gas Will building heat be powered by electricity or natural gas? Yes Natural Gas Will different strategies to conserve energy (beyond those required by code) be included? If so, please describe To be determined. Will there be renewable energy such as solar or wind be generated on site? To be determined. Will the project include a geothermal system? No Will the completed project subscribe to a community solar program or other renewable energy program? No Will there be purchase of renewable energy credits (RECs)? No Comments: Managing Storm Water What percent of the property is pervious surface before the redevelopment? What is the percent post development? Nearly 100% is currently a parking lot. Post development approx.. 6,000sf will be building footprint and the balance will be new landscaping, sidewalk and stormwater retention. City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 2 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire What new surfaces will be pervious? (i.e. Sidewalks, driveways, overflow parking) Yes sidewalk Will a green roof be included on the new structure to assist in storm water retention? No Will rain gardens or similar features be included on site to filter and retain the storm water? To be determined Comments: Landscaping Features to Manage Air Quality and Heat Island Effect Will existing healthy trees be protected and saved? NA What percent of the property is covered by tree canopy before redevelopment? What is the percent post development? The area being developed is a parking lot. Post development additional landscaping will be added around the perimeter of the bldg.. Will you meet the current tree preservation and planting ordinance? Yes Will shade trees be provided along roadways, drives and surface parking areas beyond those required by code? Yes Will native plantings be used in the landscaping? Yes Will landscaping include pollinator-friendly varieties? To be determined Will future owners and managers be trained in methods to avoid harmful chemicals being used on landscaping? Yes Comments: Managing Construction Waste Will demolition of existing structures meet LEED Green Building Demolition and/or B3 State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines? No existing structures to be demolished Will existing building elements be salvaged for reuse? Example, timber, steel, asphalt, cabinets, etc. No existing building elements exist Are scrap and excess construction materials being separated and recycled? No existing building elements exist, other than asphalt Are workers provided with separate recycling dumpsters and training in proper use? Yes Comments: Managing Operational Waste Will a recycling service be provided to those in the multifamily complex? To any businesses on site? Yes City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 3 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire Will an organic recycling service be provided to those in the multifamily complex? To any businesses on site? To be determined Will future users of the building be provided with education and training regarding proper recycling practices? Yes Comments: Managing Water Consumption Is the project including features to reduce water consumption beyond features required by code? To be determined Is there a grey water system included to reuse water on site? Will future users of the building be provided with education and training regarding conservation of water? To be determined Will outdoor landscaping watering system include a water sensor to automatically reduce watering in wet conditions? Yes Comments: Sustainable Transportation Features Is the site accessible by public transit within ½ mile? Yes Are site features included to make the use of public transit convenient and simple? Examples include sheltered waiting areas, paved sidewalks and clear site lines. To be determined If there is no public transit within ½ mile, is the project providing features to help bridge the distance to allow flexibility to use public transit? NA Is bike parking available near the main entrance for guests? Space in parking structure (e.g. bike corral, bike lockers) for residents’ bikes? To be determined Is bike parking and a shower facility provided for employees? To be determined Do you have EV Charging Stations for owners, guests or customers to use? To be determined Will there be parking spaces provided for car- sharing vehicles to reduce the overall number of cars? NA Updated June 2022 PROPOSED BUILDING METRO BLVD DEVELOPMENT [12] Drainage & Utility Easement Document No. 4526595 [13] Drainage & Utility EasementDocument No. 4615678S89°42'25"W 493.53N00°01'19"W 488.01 S02°05'00"E 336.24C=135.80 CB=S0°42'30"E R=2829.66 Δ=2°45'00" 135.81S00°40'00"W16.13SignSignMonument Sign Monument Sign921717171722222222222824 181617171717222222222221PARCEL 1[16] Common Boundary betweenParties Named in Reciprocal LicenseAgreement Per Doc No. 4712170PID: 0911621240007Address:7300 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621310013Address:7400 Metro BoulevardOwner: One Corporate Plaza PartnershipPID: 0911621240016Address: UnassignedOwner: 1 Corp Ctr Fin Bld OwnPID: 0911621240025Address: 7301 Ohms LaneOwner: lcm (lX) Occ Lp 6 Story Concrete BuildingFoundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft.12" RCP15" RCP24" CMP (Per Rec.)18" RCP15" RC P 10" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP21" San. Sew.(Per Rec.)21" San. Sew.21" San. Sew.6" San. Serv.(Per Rec.)12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)Bench BenchConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete StepsConcrete RampConcrete StepsConcrete StepsConcrete StepsMech.Equip.ConcreteConcrete OverhangOverhangPaversPaversStoneRetaining WallStoneRetaining WallKeystoneRetaining WallWood FenceBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminousParking Lot BituminousParking Lot AccessAccessLandscaping Landscaping METRO BOULEVARD (A Public R/W) (Width Varies) 72.1 274.472.2274.48" WM (Per Rec.)12" WM (Per Rec.) 12" WM (Per Rec.) PARCEL 2 N89°42'25"E 480.00(MN STATE HWY NO . 100) Concrete Walk Concrete WalkConcrete Walk[C] ApparentPedestrian AccessLandscapingLandscaping Concrete Walk Concrete Walk Concrete Walk [B] Apparent Pedestrian Access[A] ApparentCross Access12" RCP12" RCP(Per Rec.)Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839 Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 47481 Found 1/2 Inch Iron Pipe W/ Cap No. 19839 Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYEDParcel 1:Lot 1, Block 1, Corporate Center Phase 3, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota.Parcel 2:Reciprocal License Agreement dated April 21, 1982, recorded April 21, 1982, as Document No. 4712170, in the Office of the CountyRecorder, Hennepin County, Minnesota.(Abstract Property)GENERAL SURVEY NOTES1.Bearings are based on the Hennepin County County Coordinate System (1986 Adjustment).2.Elevations are based on the NGVD 29 Datum. Site Benchmark is the top nut of the fire hydrant located on the west side of MetroBlvd, approximately 135 feet north of the southeast corner of the subject property, as shown hereon. Elevation = 831.323.We have shown the location of utilities to the best of our ability based on observed evidence together with evidence from the following sources: plans obtained from utility companies, plans provided by client, markings by utility companies and other appropriate sources. We have used this information to develop a view of the underground utilities for this site. However, lackingexcavation, the exact location of underground features cannot be accurately, completely and reliably depicted. Where additional ormore detailed information is required, the client is advised that excavation may be necessary. Also, please note that seasonal conditions may inhibit our ability to visibly observe all the utilities located on the subject property.ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY NOTES(numbered per Table A)1.Monuments placed and/or found at all major corners of the boundary of the surveyed property as shown hereon.2.Site Address: 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55439.3.This property is contained in Zone X (area determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain) per Flood Insurance RateMap, Community Panel No. 27053C0451F, effective date of November 4, 2016.4.The Gross land area is 238,321 +/- square feet or 5.471 +/- acres.7.(a) Exterior dimensions of buildings at ground level as shown hereon.8.Substantial features observed in the process of conducting the fieldwork as shown hereon. Please note that seasonal conditionsmay inhibit our ability to visibly observed all site features located on the subject property.9.The number of striped parking stalls on this site are as follows: 465 Regular + 9 Handicap = 474 Total Parking Stalls.13.The names of the adjoining owners of the platted lands, as shown hereon, are based on information obtained from the HennepinCounty Interactive Property Map.SURVEY REPORT1. This map and report was prepared with the benefit of a Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title InsuranceCompany, File No. NCS-1192508-MPLS, dated September 17, 2023. We note the following with regards to Schedule B II Exceptionsof the herein referenced Title Commitment:a. Item no.'s 1-11, 14 and 17-21 are not survey related.b. The following are numbered per the referenced Title Commitment:[12].Drainage and utility easements as shown on the recorded plat of One Corporate Center Phase 3 recorded December 4, 1979, as Document No. 4526595. Easement as shown hereon along the easterly 10 feet ofthe subject property.[13].Easement for drainage and utility purposes in favor of the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation andthe terms and provisions as contained in Easement dated December 12, 1980, recorded January 6, 1981 as Document No. 4615678. 10 foot wide easement is depicted heron in the southwest portion of the subject property.[15].Easement for the provision of cable communications and other services and access rights in favor of the Minneapolis Division of Time Warner Cable Inc., doing business as Time Warner Cable and the terms, conditionsand provisions as contained in Easement For Cable/Telecommunications Services dated January 21, 2004, recorded February 15, 2006, as Document No. 8749497. The Easement affects the subject property. TheEasement is blanket in nature and cannot be depicted hereon.[16].Terms, conditions, provisions, covenants and agreements as contained in Reciprocal License Agreement datedApril 21, 1982, recorded April 21, 1982, as Document No. 4712170. Agreement allows for free and unrestricted flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic over the common boundary line between the subject property and the adjacent property to the west.2.Conflicts such as (but not limited to): encroachments, protrusions, access, occupation, and easements and/or servitudes:[A].There is an apparent cross access between the subject property and the adjacent property to the north, as shown hereonnear the northwest corner of the subject property. We have not been provided with documentation for said cross access.[B].There is an apparent pedestrian access across the north line of the subject property, as shown hereon. We have not beenprovided with documentation for said pedestrian access.[C].There is an apparent pedestrian access across the south line of the subject property, as shown hereon. We have not beenprovided with documentation for said pedestrian access.ALTA CERTIFICATIONTo: Won Huh LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Revitalize OCC, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Emerald CityCapital, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company; and First American Title Insurance Company:This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2021 Minimum StandardDetail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3,4, 7(a), 8, 9, and 13 of Table A thereof.The fieldwork was completed on 10-20-2023.Dated this 27th day of October, 2023.________________________________________________________Rory L. Synstelien Minnesota License No. 44565rory@civilsitegroup.comVICINITY MAPEdina Dental Office 7300 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55439 333 Washington Avenue N, #210, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 DJR Architecture, Inc. PROJECTPROJECT NO.: 23365.00COPYRIGHT 2023 CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cREVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONV1.0ALTA/NSPS LANDTITLE SURVEY............N44565RORY L. SYNSTELIENLICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY,PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.10-27-2023NCLIENT Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture 5000 Glenwood AvenueGolden Valley, MN 55422civilsitegroup.com 612-615-0060QA/QCFIELD CREWDRAWN BYREVIEWED BYUPDATED BYDH/HSDSCJ.OVERHEAD UTILITIESGASMAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERFIBER/COMM. LINEELECTRIC LINE (RECORD)WATERMAINELECTRIC LINEGASMAIN (RECORD)CHAINLINK FENCELINELinetype & Symbol Legend CONCRETE SURFACEPAVER SURFACEBITUMINOUS SURFACEGRAVEL/LANDSCAPE SURFACEWOODEN FENCELINEGUARDRAILWATERMAIN (RECORD)SANITARY SEWER (RECORD)STORM SEWER (RECORD)FIBER/COMM. LINE (RECORD)TELEPHONE LINE (RECORD)TELEPHONE LINESIGNSANITARY MANHOLESTORM MANHOLECABLE TV BOXTELEPHONE MANHOLEELECTRIC TRANSFORMERTELEPHONE BOXTRAFFIC SIGNALGAS METERELECTRICAL METERWATER MANHOLEWATER VALVEAIR CONDITIONERBOLLARDCATCH BASINELECTRIC MANHOLEGAS VALVEFLAG POLEHANDICAP SYMBOLFOUND IRON MONUMENTHYDRANTCAST IRON MONUMENTSET OR TO BE SET IRON MONUMENTFLARED END SECTIONPOWER POLEUTILITY MANHOLEGUY WIRECONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREEROOF DRAINSEWER CLEAN OUTFIRE CONNECTIONWELLUTILITY VAULTPOST INDICATOR VALVEGAS MANHOLEHAND HOLEFIBER/COMM. MANHOLEMAIL BOXFUEL TANKELECTRICAL OUTLETSBSOIL BORINGLIGHT POLEACCESS RESTRICTION60153001530SCALE IN FEET 9 22 PARCEL 1 PID: 0911621240007 Address:7300 Metro Boulevard 6 Story Concrete Building Foundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft. PCR " yawklaW etercno Concrete Steps pmaR etercnoC PaversStone Retaining Wall METRO BOULEVARD(MN STATE HWY NO . 100)Concrete WalkConcrete WalkLandscapinggnipacsdnaL NOPARKINGSITE DATA ZONING SUMMARY EXISTING ZONING POD-1 - PLANNED OFFICE PROPOSED ZONING REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT STREET 35' REAR YARD 20' SIDE STREET 35' INTERIOR SIDE YARD 20' PARKING SETBACKS FRONT - (FROM ROW)20' REAR 10' SIDE 10' REQUIRED PROVIDED PARKING SUMMARY PARKING STALL DIMENSIONS 8.5' X 18' COMPACT PARKING STALL DIMENSIONS 7.5' X 16' DRIVE AISLE DIMENSIONS 24' FIRE ACCESS ROAD DIMENSIONS REQUIRED PROVIDED PARKING STALLS - SURFACE 23 PARKING STALLS - GARAGE N/A civilsitegroup.com COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cPROJECTPRELI MI N A R Y: NOT F O R CONST R U CTI O N 2023 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION 12/XX/2023 DRAWN BY JR REVIEWED BY RL PROJECT MANAGER RL PROJECT NUMBER 23365 LICENSE NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 59612 Robert A. Latta 12/XX/2023EDINA DENTAL OFFICE7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439DJR ARCHITECTURE, INC.333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N, #210, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401SITE PLAN LEGEND: TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENT MARKINGS SIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED. HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGN NP = NO PARKING FIRE LANE ST = STOP CP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLY PROPERTY LINE CURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUT GUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLAN LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSE DEPTH, SEE DETAIL. HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSE DEPTH, SEE DETAIL. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TO CITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: 1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES. ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IF APPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT. CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) AS SPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETE DEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHIN PRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAIL OPERATIONAL NOTES SNOW REMOVAL ALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDE PARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALL REMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE. TRASH REMOVAL TRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASH AREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO. WEEKLY. DELIVERIES DELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOOR VIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERY VEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS). REVISION SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION C2.0 SITE PLAN SEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERAL SITE NOTES Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 0 1" = 20'-0" 20'-0"10'-0" N OWNER INFORMATION EMERALD CITY CAPITAL, LLC 6421 BISCAYNE BLVD EDINA, MN 55436 TODD GEISLER GEISLER@EDINAENDO.COM [12] Drainage & Utility Easement Document No. 4526595 Monument Sign9222222PARCEL 1PID: 0911621240007Address:7300 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621310013Address:7400 Metro BoulevardOwner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership6 Story Concrete BuildingFoundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft.15" RCP10" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)Bench BenchConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete StepsConcrete RampPaversStoneRetaining WallBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotAccessLandscaping METRO BOULEVARD 12" WM (Per Rec.) (MN STATE HWY NO . 100) Concrete Walk Concrete WalkConcrete Walk[C] ApparentPedestrian AccessLandscapingLandscaping Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839PROPOSED BUILDING6,600 GROSS SFLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGGARAGE55'-0"116'-0"75% GLASS EAST FACADE ENTRYLOBBY35' BUILDING SETBACK20' BUILDING SETBACKRELOCATED MONUMENT SIGN.COORD. W/ ARCH'L PLAN FORFINAL LOCATION10' D&U EASEMENTLINE20' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACK10'X10' CONC. UTILITY/TRANSFORMERPAD, COORD. W/ MECH'L AND UTILITYCO. FOR FINAL LOCATION AND SIZETRASH ENCLOSUREAREAREQUIRED MIN 10' SEPARATIONBETWEEN BUILDING ANDPARKING SPACEREQUIRED MIN 10' SEPARATIONBETWEEN BUILDING AND DRIVE AISLE20. 3 . 0 R3.0R5 . 0 R 3 . 0 R3. . 0 R3.0 29.4R3.0R2.0R2.0R2.0R3. RAMP, SEEDETAIL.25.025.0PROPERTY LINECONSTRUCTIONLIMITSCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSPROPERTY LINENO PARKINGACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACES, INCL. SIGNAGE,STRIPING AND RAMPS14' CURB TAPER9' CURB TAPERACCESSIBLE ROUTE ARROW.DO NOT PAINT, FOR CODEREVIEW ONLY, TYP.3' CURB TAPER12' CURB TAPERSAFETY BOLLARD,SEE DETAIL.MATCH EXISTINGC&GMATCH EXISTING C&G21.610.9SITE DATAZONING SUMMARYEXISTING ZONINGPOD-1 - PLANNED OFFICEPROPOSED ZONINGREQUIREDPROVIDEDBUILDING SETBACKSFRONT STREET35'REAR YARD20'SIDE STREET35'INTERIOR SIDE YARD20'PARKING SETBACKSFRONT - (FROM ROW)20'REAR10'SIDE10'REQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING SUMMARYPARKING STALLDIMENSIONS8.5' X 18'COMPACT PARKINGSTALL DIMENSIONS7.5' X 16'DRIVE AISLEDIMENSIONS24'FIRE ACCESS ROADDIMENSIONSREQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING STALLS -SURFACE23PARKING STALLS -GARAGEN/ACivil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture5000 Glenwood AvenueGolden Valley, MN 55422civilsitegroup.com 612-615-0060COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cPROJECT PRELIM INARY :NOT FORCONSTRUCTION2023ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION12/XX/2023DRAWN BYJRREVIEWED BYRLPROJECT MANAGERRLPROJECT NUMBER23365LICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULYLICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.59612Robert A. Latta12/XX/2023EDINA DENTAL OFFICE 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 DJR ARCHITECTURE, INC. 333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N, #210, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401SITE PLAN LEGEND:TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENTMARKINGSSIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGSREQUIRED.HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGNNP = NO PARKING FIRE LANEST = STOPCP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLYPROPERTY LINECURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUTGUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLANLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.CONSTRUCTION LIMITSTOCITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES:1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES.ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IFAPPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT.CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ASSPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETEDEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHINPRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAILOPERATIONAL NOTESSNOW REMOVALALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDEPARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALLREMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE.TRASH REMOVALTRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASHAREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO.WEEKLY.DELIVERIESDELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOORVIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERYVEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS).REVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONC2.0SITE PLANSEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERALSITE NOTESKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR01" = 20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"NOWNER INFORMATIONEMERALD CITY CAPITAL, LLC6421 BISCAYNE BLVDEDINA, MN 55436TODD GEISLERGEISLER@EDINAENDO.COM [12] Drainage & Utility Easement Document No. 4526595 Monument Sign Monument Sign9222222PARCEL 1PID: 0911621240007Address:7300 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621310013Address:7400 Metro BoulevardOwner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership6 Story Concrete BuildingFoundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft.15" RCP10" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)Bench BenchConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete StepsConcrete RampPaversStoneRetaining WallBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotAccessLandscaping Landscaping METRO BOULEVARD12" WM (Per Rec.) (MN STATE HWY NO . 100) Concrete Walk Concrete WalkConcrete Walk[C] ApparentPedestrian AccessLandscapingLandscaping Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839PROPOSED BUILDING6,600 GROSS SFLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGGARAGE55'-0"116'-0"75% GLASS EAST FACADE ENTRYLOBBY35' BUILDING SETBACK20' BUILDING SETBACK10' D&U EASEMENTLINE20' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACK10'X10' CONC. UTILITY/TRANSFORMERPAD, COORD. W/ MECH'L AND UTILITY CO.FOR FINAL LOCATION AND SIZEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE20.020.038.735.035.010.1NOPARKINGACCESSIBLE ROUTEARROW. DO NOTPAINT, FOR CODEREVIEW ONLY, TYP. MONUMENTSIGNMATCH EXISTINGC&G.MATCH EXISTING C&G.25.0SAFETY BOLLARD.,SEE DETAIL.ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, INCL. SIGNAGE,STRIPING AND RAMPSPED RAMP, SEEDETAIL.24.912' CURB TAPER5' CURB TAPERTRASH ENCLOSUREAREA3' CURB TAPER8'' CONC. PVMT.,SEE DETAIL.RIBBON CURBR3.0R3. MIN 10' SEPARATIONBETWEEN BUILDING AND DRIVE AISLE18.714.3SITE DATAZONING SUMMARYEXISTING ZONINGPOD-1 - PLANNED OFFICEPROPOSED ZONINGREQUIREDPROVIDEDBUILDING SETBACKSFRONT STREET35'REAR YARD20'SIDE STREET35'INTERIOR SIDE YARD20'PARKING SETBACKSFRONT - (FROM ROW)20'REAR10'SIDE10'REQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING SUMMARYPARKING STALLDIMENSIONS8.5' X 18'COMPACT PARKINGSTALL DIMENSIONS7.5' X 16'DRIVE AISLEDIMENSIONS24'FIRE ACCESS ROADDIMENSIONSREQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING STALLS -SURFACE23PARKING STALLS -GARAGEN/ACivil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture5000 Glenwood AvenueGolden Valley, MN 55422civilsitegroup.com 612-615-0060COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cPROJECT PRELIM INARY :NOT FORCONSTRUCTION2023ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION12/XX/2023DRAWN BYJRREVIEWED BYRLPROJECT MANAGERRLPROJECT NUMBER23365LICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULYLICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.59612Robert A. Latta12/XX/2023EDINA DENTAL OFFICE 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 DJR ARCHITECTURE, INC. 333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N, #210, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401SITE PLAN LEGEND:TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENTMARKINGSSIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGSREQUIRED.HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGNNP = NO PARKING FIRE LANEST = STOPCP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLYPROPERTY LINECURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUTGUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLANLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.CONSTRUCTION LIMITSTOCITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES:1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES.ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IFAPPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT.CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ASSPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETEDEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHINPRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAILOPERATIONAL NOTESSNOW REMOVALALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDEPARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALLREMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE.TRASH REMOVALTRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASHAREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO.WEEKLY.DELIVERIESDELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOORVIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERYVEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS).REVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONC2.0SITE PLANSEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERALSITE NOTESKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR01" = 20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"NOWNER INFORMATIONEMERALD CITY CAPITAL, LLC6421 BISCAYNE BLVDEDINA, MN 55436TODD GEISLERGEISLER@EDINAENDO.COM [12] Drainage & Utility Easement Document No. 4526595 Monument Sign Monument Sign9222222PARCEL 1PID: 0911621240007Address:7300 Metro BoulevardPID: 0911621310013Address:7400 Metro BoulevardOwner: One Corporate Plaza Partnership6 Story Concrete BuildingFoundation Area = 19,783 +/- Sq. Ft.15" RCP10" RCP(Per Rec.)12" RCP12" RCP18" RCP(Per Rec.)Bench BenchConcrete WalkwayConcrete WalkwayConcrete StepsConcrete RampPaversStoneRetaining WallBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotBituminous Parking LotLandscaping Landscaping METRO BOULEVARD12" WM (Per Rec.) (MN STATE HWY NO . 100) Concrete Walk Concrete WalkConcrete Walk[C] ApparentPedestrian AccessLandscapingLandscaping Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839Found 1/2 Inch IronPipe W/ Cap No. 19839PROPOSED BUILDING6,600 GROSS SFLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGGARAGE55'-0"116'-0"75% GLASS EAST FACADE ENTRYLOBBY35' BUILDING SETBACK20' BUILDING SETBACK20' PARKING SETBACK10' PARKING SETBACKPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE10' D&U EASEMENTLINE10'X10' CONC. UTILITY/TRANSFORMERPAD, COORD. W/ MECH'L AND UTILITY CO.FOR FINAL LOCATION AND SIZE20.020.038.735.035.010.1NOPARKINGACCESSIBLE ROUTE ARROW.DO NOT PAINT, FOR CODEREVIEW ONLY, TYP. MONUMENTSIGNMATCH EXISTINGC&G.MATCH EXISTINGC&G.25.0SAFETY BOLLARD.,SEE DETAIL.ACCESSIBLE PARKINGSPACE, INCL. SIGNAGE,STRIPING AND RAMPSPED RAMP, SEEDETAIL.24.912' CURB TAPER5' CURB TAPERTRASH ENCLOSUREAREA3' CURB TAPER8'' CONC. PVMT.,SEE DETAIL.RIBBON CURBR3.0R3. EXISTING C&G18.714.366.9SITE DATAZONING SUMMARYEXISTING ZONINGPOD-1 - PLANNED OFFICEPROPOSED ZONINGREQUIREDPROVIDEDBUILDING SETBACKSFRONT STREET35'REAR YARD20'SIDE STREET35'INTERIOR SIDE YARD20'PARKING SETBACKSFRONT - (FROM ROW)20'REAR10'SIDE10'REQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING SUMMARYPARKING STALLDIMENSIONS8.5' X 18'COMPACT PARKINGSTALL DIMENSIONS7.5' X 16'DRIVE AISLEDIMENSIONS24'FIRE ACCESS ROADDIMENSIONSREQUIREDPROVIDEDPARKING STALLS -SURFACE23PARKING STALLS -GARAGEN/ACivil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture5000 Glenwood AvenueGolden Valley, MN 55422civilsitegroup.com 612-615-0060COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cPROJECT PRELIM INARY :NOT FORCONSTRUCTION2023ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION12/XX/2023DRAWN BYJRREVIEWED BYRLPROJECT MANAGERRLPROJECT NUMBER23365LICENSE NO.DATEI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WASPREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULYLICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.59612Robert A. Latta12/XX/2023EDINA DENTAL OFFICE 7300 METRO BOULEVARD, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 DJR ARCHITECTURE, INC. 333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N, #210, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401SITE PLAN LEGEND:TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PAVEMENTMARKINGSSIGN AND POST ASSEMBLY. SHOP DRAWINGSREQUIRED.HC = ACCESSIBLE SIGNNP = NO PARKING FIRE LANEST = STOPCP = COMPACT CAR PARKING ONLYPROPERTY LINECURB AND GUTTER-SEE NOTES (T.O.) TIP OUTGUTTER WHERE APPLICABLE-SEE PLANLIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IFAPPLICABLE). SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORTFOR AGGREGATE BASE & WEAR COURSEDEPTH, SEE DETAIL.CONSTRUCTION LIMITSTOCITY OF EDINA SITE SPECIFIC NOTES:1.RESERVED FOR CITY SPECIFIC SITE NOTES.ACCESSIBILITY ROUTE ARROW (IFAPPLICABLE) DO NOT PAINT.CONCRETE PAVEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ASSPECIFIED (PAD OR WALK) SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT FOR AGGREGATE BASE & CONCRETEDEPTHS, WITHIN ROW SEE CITY DETAIL, WITHINPRIVATE PROPERTY SEE CSG DETAILOPERATIONAL NOTESSNOW REMOVALALL SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON-SITE OUTSIDEPARKING LOT. WHEN FULL, REMOVAL CO. SHALLREMOVE EXCESS OFF-SITE.TRASH REMOVALTRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN EXTERIOR TRASHAREA AND REMOVED BY COMMERCIAL CO.WEEKLY.DELIVERIESDELIVERIES SHALL OCCUR AT THE FRONT DOORVIA STANDARD COMMERCIAL DELIVERYVEHICLES (UPS, FED-EX, USPS).REVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONC2.0SITE PLANSEE SHEET C0.1 FOR GENERALSITE NOTESKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR01" = 20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"NOWNER INFORMATIONEMERALD CITY CAPITAL, LLC6421 BISCAYNE BLVDEDINA, MN 55436TODD GEISLERGEISLER@EDINAENDO.COM EdinaMN.govSketch Plan Review7300 Metro Boulevard – Dental Office Site Existing Site Formal Application Would RequireThe request would require the following:Site Plan Review.Potential Variances: First floor building height. Issues/ConsiderationsDental Office Parking. The proposed parking spaces that are intended to serve the dental office are located in front of the building adjacent to Metro Boulevard. i. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. ii. Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. iii. Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. iv. Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front façade. In some cases, much higher window coverage may be appropriate.v. Position buildings to fit with their existing and/or planned context by facing and complementing adjacent streets, parks and open spaces. vi. Locate and orient vehicle parking, vehicular access, service areas and utilities to minimize their visual impact on the property and on adjacent/surrounding properties, without compromising the safety and attractiveness of adjacent streets, parks, and open spaces. Issues/ConsiderationsPedestrian/Bike Connections. The City’s pedestrian plan calls for a pedestrian sidewalk along Metro Boulevard. A boulevard style sidewalk should be constructed along the entire parcel.Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The proposal would meet the City’s floor area ratio requirement for the POD, Planned Office District.Building Materials & Facades. Buildings must be made of natural materials (stone, brick) on the first vertical 60 feet of a building, and first floor ceiling heights must be 20 feet tall. The applicant has indicated a desire to only have the entry lobby and waiting area meet the 20-foot requirement. Traffic & Parking Study. Would be required as part of any formal application. Discussion/Feedback Existing buildings Date: December 13, 2023 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Addis on Lewis, C ommunity Development C oordinator Item Activity: Subject:Appointment of C o-chairs for the Lincoln and Londonderry S mall Area P lan Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: M ake a motion to appoint two commissioners to serve as co-chairs for the Lincoln and L ondonderry Small Area P lan. I N TR O D U C TI O N: On December 5, 2023, the Edina City Council approved the P lanning Commission's 2024 Work P lan, which included direction to complete a small area plan for the property surrounding L incoln D rive and Londonderry R oad. Since this item was not included in the draft work plan recommended by the P lanning C ommission, leads for this project have not been identified. For larger work plan items that may require additional support, such as small area plans, a work group is typically established by the Commission and the leads serve as co-chairs of the working group. C o-chairs are expected to serve in a leadership role on the working group, working closely with the consultant team and city staff throughout the development of the plan. T he estimated time commitment is approximately 5-8 hours per month, which may include meetings with staff and the consultant team, regular working group meetings, and community workshops.