HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-13 Planning Commission PacketAgenda Plan n ing Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers Wednesday, June 13, 2018 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes V.Public Hearings A.Variance request to the side yard setback for an addition at 6301 Westwood Court B.Variance request for rear yard setback fora garage addition at 4707 Townes Road C.Variance request to the front yard setback for an addition at 5512 Hillside Court VI.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Reports/Recommendations VIII.Correspondence And Petitions IX.Chair And Member Comments X.Sta1 Comments XI.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortable being part of the public proc ess . If you need as sistance in the way of hearing ampli4c ation, an interpreter, large-print documents or s om ething els e, pleas e c all 952-927-8861 72 hours in advanc e of the m eeting. Date: June 13, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e reques t to the side yard s etbac k for an addition at 6301 Westwood C ourt Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: A 1.9 foot variance to the side yard setback at 6301 Westwood Court to allow for an 800 square foot garage and kitchen addition. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Aerial Map Applicant Submittal Engineering Memo Photo-Exis ting Home June 13, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, AICP, Assistant City Planner B-18-13, A 1.9 foot variance to the side yard setback at 6301 Westwood Court Information / Background: The subject property, 6301 Westwood Court, is approximately 32,238 square feet in area and is located on the southeast corner of Westwood Court and Schaefer Road. The existing home on the lot is a one-story rambler built in 1956. The applicant is proposing a 1.9 foot variance to the east property line to allow for an 800 square foot 2 car garage and kitchen addition. The existing home currently has a 2 car tuck under garage. The applicant is undergoing the addition and remodeling project to have garage access on the same floor of the one story home. Today, the home complies with all required setbacks but the home is oriented closer to the east property line. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features 6301 Westwood Court is a one-story rambler built in 1956. The existing first floor of the house will remain and be remodeled. The proposed addition will include space for a 2 car garage and a new kitchen. The proposed addition is approximately 21.75’ x 37.3’ and is just over 800 square feet. STAFF REPORT Page 2 The house is oriented toward Westwood Court. The existing house is setback 99.9 feet from the west (side) property line, 60.3 feet from the north (front) property line and 29.8 feet to the east (side) property line. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage Proposed grading and drainage paths will closely mimic existing drainage paths. The subject property is upstream of a structural flooding issue and mitigation will be required as the public storm sewer does not have capacity. The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in a memorandum. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – East Side - South– West Side – 60.5 feet 10 feet 25 feet 25 feet 60.5 feet 8.1 feet* 54.3 feet 52.6 feet Building Coverage 25% 12.07% *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: STAFF REPORT Page 3 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. The practical difficulty is that the lot is not squared. The east property line moves west as it heads south to the rear of the lot. The lot lines gradually get closer to the existing structure heading south. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing house is oriented on the lot much closer to the east property line than the west. The house is currently 99.9 feet from the west property line and 29.8 feet to the east property line. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The applicants are hoping to continue to age in place in the home. The addition will be a seamless and will look as if it were part of the original plan for the home. There are homes of similar scale in the area. Recommended Action: Approve a 1.9 foot side yard setback variance for the east property line at 6301 Westwood Court. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings listed in the staff report above, and subject to the following conditions: • Survey date stamped May 1, 2018 • Elevations and building plans date stamped May 1, 2018 • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo. Deadline for a city decision: July 2, 2018. Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates 2013, HN Aerial 2015, © WSB & Associates 2013 6301 Westwood Court June 7, 2018 Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates 1 in = 100 ft / April 30, 2018 To the Edina Planning Commission This statement is submitted in support of the request for a variance in the setback requirement at 6301 Westwood Court on the east side of the property, with a proposed setback of 8 feet instead of 10 feet. We are elderly, in our late 60s, and wish to have all the necessary parts of the house, including a two-car garage, on one level. The house currently has a tuck-under garage. It is not feasible to add a main floor garage on the west side of the house, as the property slopes down to the west and south. As we age we will almost certainly need to have a garage with direct access to the main floor where the kitchen, bedrooms, living rooms and laundry room are, to maximize our ability to remain in the house for as long as possible. The recommended size of two-car garage, which allows us to easily exit and enter their respective cars and the house, would require the additional two-feet beyond the current setback requirement. This is a corner lot with only one neighboring house on Westwood Court to the east. Even with the setback at 8 feet, this house would be over 50 feet from the structure. As you go around Westwood Court, the distance between 6301 Westwood and this neighboring house would still be less than the distance between most, if not all of the other houses. So granting this variance will not in any manner change the character of the neighborhood. In fact, 6301 Westwood is one of the least fancy and expensive houses in this neighborhood. Many nearby residences have been substantially remodeled or even torn down and had new houses built in the last few years. Completing the proposed addition at 6301 Westwood, with the variance, will bring the house more into a consistent character with the other houses in the neighborhood. We believe the requested variance is consistent with the purposes of the zoning variance and the setback requirements, in that it does not provide any disturbance of any kind in the existing neighbors enjoyment of their property, in fact, al / ost certainly will help increase their property values, and it makes 6301 Wes m, .od even more consistent in character with other residences in the area. ez.,1 And granting the variance will be consistent with the Edina and MiAtesota policy of v, taking steps to assist elderly residents to age in place and remain their 4: homes. Thank you very much for your consideration of this r est. gtv MILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT Permit No. 2018-38 Is hereby issued to Craig Scofield, Scofield Homeworks, subject to the conditions specified in the attached form: For the Home Addition Home Addition at 6301 Westwood Court in Edina MN. Randy Anhorn, Administrator This permit expires on: May 1, 2019 Ae>1914/4-1---1-t _ . _ W IL i 1 ,__ T - [--4 511,14. -4 -- - -171 ------ _ 4,9_44)4s. aLay.A.-rioNt • -55-44414.=k- F",",``,111•••46, E I r-- !_ •1 T• fr- 111 1-/ _.;_..sroNe.- I II '{-1 _ — 1 I Li • ri 1 gar-44"%-- N4E$114112vp E.r,o4A,h4 4-1-14,115 r _ INADVITice4 1 '"Ct.1--1,11-4Cat• CrIt4C. 11402.G4 c4'-L'4 _ t- CLA.14 .ttavJ - , • IC p HL :9 t 17c—To 01 „„f r ! 1 JLiill0.; 4 i— WLLS lar,rAcA1Extt NaW. 44-1- ltd.:1-k-tb-i-let,r...g- 104 tepo-le 1,1-61.04v sit tZoatt"-. 1' 12,-X-PcE, eg49.0E-P-14-0- o. .4F-t5rX.4 00.1") Ca.. 53;7441 1114 14-22--a 25/ \A. N `::*-Fence Building Permit Survey MH 939.9 Legend • Found Iron Monument x 000.0 Existing Elevation (000.0) Proposed Elevation Drainage ® Manhole O Tree (deciduous) lee (coniferous) SCALE 10 20 1 inch = 20 feet Site Address: 6301 Westwood Court Edina, MN 55436 Benchmark' Top nut of hydrant located at northeast quadrant of Intersection of Schaefer Rd and the southerly extension of Westwood Court. Elevation = 941.50 (per Eagan, Field & Nowak survey doted Sept. 8, 2008) Boundary Description (supplied by client) Lot 1, Block 2, WESTWOOD COURT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Subject to any and all easements of record. Existing Hardcover (sa. ft.) House 2,699 Bituminous Driveway 1,987 Concrete Walk/Steps 755 Pavers 336 Stoop 74 Steps 62 Retaining Walls 69 Cantilever 5 5,987 Lot Area 32,238 Total Hardcover 18.6% Proposed Hardcover (sq. ft.) Proposed Addition 811 Proposed Driveway 1,391 Proposed Concrete 62 House. 2699 Bituminous Driveway 1,987 Concrete Walk/Steps 479 Pavers 336 Stoop 74 Retaining Walls _41 7880 Lot Area 32,238 Total Hardcover 24.4% Prepared for: Craig Scofield 2 in. 99. a xishng ouse E=955. 0 GFE=946.1 LFE=945.8 o rop sed, Addi ion 6tainin 99.9 --------- - kr) 9 Al Sys Westwood Court 11 , UHR=946.4 --Centerline _S89'42't4"W 189.97 (meas.) 190.04 (p/at) —950 91,7 - 957. 20 In. Proposed_ Concrete 1) 4 In. - 43.5 - 1 9531 - 20 1/3. aW Syv 4 In. `--Fence--, 10 In 10 In. in. 5 N8945'26"E 208.99 meas.) 209.0 (plat) 9190 „„ 4 15 (to be rernovod)' ----- 29.8 Job Number: 8599 Book/Page: LL Survey Date: 2/21/18 Drawing Name: scofield.dwg Drawn by: DMS Revisions: Note.' Proposed grading to be provided by civil engineer David Poggi of Civil Methods. SCHOBORG LA D SERVICES INC. 763-972-3221 8997 Co. Rd. 13 SE www.SchoborgLand.com Delano, MN 55328 I hereby certify that this certificate of survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the ate of Minnesota. Pau B. Soho org 4 Date: /92.E.IL_ 9,20.7P Registration No. 14700 E BENCHMARK Top nut hydrant, NE corner Schaefer Rd & Westwood Ct Elev. = 941.50 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SILT FENCE OR SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIRECTION PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING CONTOUR REMOVE TREE SAWCUT EXISTING CURB z 40 6"x 6" FABRIC ANCHOR TRENCH, BACKFILL IWTH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL OWNER: TITLE: SHEET NO: DRAM DMP CHECKED: KES CO1 DESTONEO, DMP DATE / REVISION: CRAIG SCOFIELD SCOFIELD HOMEWORKS I HEREOF DERTIFY TMAT TMIS PMN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED EY MEM OMER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION MO TWAT IAN A WO LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINES1 UNDER TIE LAWS CF DIE STATE OF MINNESOTA 04-12-2018 DAVID M POGGI xo: 44573 LOT GRADING & SWPPP 6301 WESTWOOD CT EDINA, MN CIVIL METHODS, INC. 1551 Livingston Avenue, Suite 104 West St. Paul, MN 55118 o:763.210.5713 I www.civilmethods.com 1. Site survey with existing utilities provided by Schoborg Land Services, Inc.; Contractor is responsible for identifying location of all utilities in field (which may not be shown), Including contacting Gopher State One Call and ensuring utilities are located prior to digging. 2. See Building Permit Survey for additional existing utility and proposed building and lot dimension information. 3. Topsoil from grading areas shall be stripped, salvaged and stockpiled; subcut below.final grade and replace salvaged topsoil to a minimum depth of 6". 4. Unless noted otherwise, all proposed contours Indicate finished grades. 5. Contractor is responsible for maintaining flow paths Indicated, with roof runoff directed to the street or backyard for conveyance to west, not to adjacent private properties. 6. Sediment control devices shall not redirect or back water up onto adjacent properties. 7. All grading and erosion control shall adhere to City and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District requirements. SEDIMENT CONTROL & TURF RESTORATION NOTES: 1. Perimeter sediment controls shall be installed as indicated prior to site disturbance, and shall be installed to allow for high-flow bypass or overflow to prevent failure during significant rainfall 2. Inlet protection shall be installed at City catch basins within 1 block of project site. 3. Contractor Is responsible for keeping sediment from leaving the property, including vehicle tracking. Should sediment be tracked offsite onto adjacent street, Contractor shall sweep at the end of work day. 4. Install silt fence or sediment control log around any soil stockpiles that will be present for more than 7 days. 5. Devices shall be inspected weekly and after all rainfall events exceeding 1", and maintained as necessary to keep the intended functional condition. 6. Accumulated sediment shall be removed from sediment control devices when 4- of device height has been reached. 7. After rough grading is completed, and topsoil spread, areas shall be seeded and blanketed or hydromulched (or sodded) within 7 days. Areas not being actively worked must be covered with temporary seed within 14 days. 8. Perimeter sediment controls shall remain in place until vegetation is growing / established In all disturbed areas. POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES: 1. Concrete washout shall not be permitted onsite, unless done per MPCA standard. 2. Vehicle or equipment washing will not be performed on site. 3. All solid waste must be disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal and state regulations. 4. All hazardous materials must be properly stored to prevent spills or leaks; dispose per all applicable regulations, including MN Rule Ch. 7045. 5. Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, cleaners, paints, treatment chemicals, etc., must be stored under cover to prevent pollutant discharge (or similarly protected to prevent contact with stormwater). 6. DEWATERING, if necessary, shall be done in a manner so as to not discharge sediment-laden water or cause downstream nuisance conditions of standing water,or erosion. 6.1. Discharge dewatering towards street. 6.2. Dewatering water shall be inspected for turbidity (cloudy with sediment); if present, filtration mechanism shall be installed at pump Inlet and/or outlet to remove sediment. This may Include pumping from a perforated barrel li with a filter fabric, pumping to a sediment filter sack or temporary settling basin (lined r, pit, etc.) with in-line Chltosan sock (or similar non-toxic flocculant) and discharge it e surface, or similar filtration mechanism approved by the City. 6.3. Dewatering must be done to standards. ci(" EROSION CONTROERVISOR: S1. PRIMARY: Craig Ph: "--JZestwood Court 952 - — ¨ 1 20 4r Feel LEGEND: GRADING & STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTES: PUBLIC STREET RADIUS AS REQUIRED 12" MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3" TO 6" CRUSHED ROCK, CLEAR OR WASHED, OVER GEOTEXTILE FABRIC REQUIRED 15 MIN. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE z rn 1 IN. X 2 IN. X 24 IN. LONG WOODEN STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. 45' FLOW BACKFILL AND COMPACT SOIL FROM TRENCH ON UPGRADIENT SIDE OF SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG PLACE SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG IN SHALLOW TRENCH (1 TO 2 IN. DEPTH) (FOR TYPES: STRAW, WOOD FIBER, OR COIR. FOR WOODCHIP, COMPOST, OR ROCK ROLLS STAKE ON OUTSIDE & NO TRENCH REQ'D) SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS 5' MINIMUM LENGTH POSTS AT 6' MAXIMUM SPACING STAPLES (TYP.) GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, WOVEN, 36" WIDTH DIRECTION OF RUNOFF FLOW SILT FENCE - PREASSEMBLED • __ PROPOSED DRIVEWAY 951 • Sys \ • 'Ds, 800 SF ADDITION cSI• 951,- 950 L N. 9 • • • N .1(111 0 4n 10 • • \ r V N 00/e \ \ \ • \ • `911.0 • '`. \ • \ •. _,. • \ CONSTRUCT SWALE OR BERM AS NEC. TO DIRECT YARD DRAINAGE TO STREET ROW FFE=955.0 • GFE=946.1 LFE=945.8 - 951 — — — - • • • / .NN N40,4 / N 950 — — — SILT FENCE OR SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG — 940 -` — 949 — 0 N. • • 301 Edina Grading SWPPP108 DRAWINGS AND SPEGIFICATIO N — SF Know vines below. Calf before you dg. 8 IN. - 10 IN. DEEP L 1i,PX4UTPiaTI DATE: June 6, 2018 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Charles Gerk, P.E. – Graduate Engineer RE: 6301 Westwood Court - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the lot grading and SWPPP dated 04/20/18. Summary of Review The proposed work on the subject property includes the addition to an existing home. Proposed grading and drainage paths will closely mimic existing drainage paths. However the subject property is upstream of a structural flooding issue, mitigation per SP-003 will be required as the public storm sewer utility does not have capacity. Another plan review will take place at the time of building permit to verify compliance with relevant ordinances and engineering policies. Grading and Drainage Proposed grading and drainage paths will closely mimic existing drainage paths. However the subject property is upstream of a structural flooding issue, mitigation per SP-003 will be required because of the size of the addition. The applicant should consider any other future home additions and landscaping projects at this time and plan appropriately for any mitigation that could be required as a result of those projects. Erosion and Sediment Control No Comments Street and Curb Cut No Comments Public Utilities No Comments O ther Items No Comments Edina, H ennepin, MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates 2013, HN Aerial 2015, © WSB & Associates2013 Legend Contours - 2ft Index Intermediate Aerators FIRM Panels FEMA Administrative Floodway - 2016 Administrative Floodway Fema Flood Zones - 2016 100 500 Watershed Boundaries Floodzones - 10 year Floodzones - 100 year Subwatersheds Bathymetry Land 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 11' 12' 13' 14' Waterbodies (All) Hydrant Red Raw, Green Raw, Red Manhole Standard June 6, 2018 Map Powe red by DataLink from WSB & Associates 1 in = 75 ft / Date: June 13, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e reques t for rear yard s etbac k fora garage addition at 4707 Townes R oad Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance request. I N TR O D U C TI O N: B-18-14, A variance request to extent a garage below grade to be within the 25 foot rear yard setback requirement. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report with attachments Date: June 13, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.C . To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e reques t to the front yard s etbac k for an addition at 5512 Hills ide C ourt Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: A variance request for an 8 foot variance to the required 35.5 foot front yard setback to allow for the construction of an addition to the front façade of the existing home at 5512 H illside C ourt. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Aerial Map Applicant Submittal Engineering Memo June 13, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, AICP, Assistant City Planner B-18-13, An 8 foot variance to the required front yard setback for an addition to the front façade of the existing home at 5512 Hillside Court Information / Background: The subject property, 5512 Hillside Court, is approximately 15,635 square feet in area and is located on the north side of Hillside Court, south of Nine Mile Creek. The existing home on the lot is a two story home built in 1966. The applicant is proposing an 8 foot variance for an addition to the front façade of the existing home. The applicant is also proposing a 5’ x 12’ addition on the east side of the home that conforms to the side yard setback requirements. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features 5512 Hillside Court is a two story home built in 1966. The proposed addition requiring the variance is a 6.5’ x 13.33’ addition to the front of the home and will be an extension of the existing entryway. The proposed addition will be 27.5 feet from the front property line, a difference of 8 feet from the required 35.5 foot setback. STAFF REPORT Page 2 The second addition is off of the east side of the home and meets the required setbacks. The addition will sit 14 feet from the east property line. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage Any grading must not impact adjacent neighbors. Drainage will continue to flow to the street as it does today. The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in a memorandum. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – East Side - South– West Side – 50 feet (from creek) 10 feet 35.5 feet 10 feet 52 14 feet 27.5 feet* 14.5 feet Building Coverage 25% 23.2% *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. STAFF REPORT Page 3 The practical difficulty is that the lot is not square. Hillside Court is a curved street, and therefore the property line is curved to match the curvature of the street. The addition will match the setback of the existing front porch, but due to the addition being enclosed, it needs to meet the required front yard setback. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The front property line is curved to match the curvature of Hillside Court. The proposed addition requiring a variance will not exceed the area of where the existing front porch of the home sits today. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The addition to the front of the home will be in the same area of the existing front porch today. The proposed changes will blend in with other homes in the neighborhood. Recommended Action: Approve an 8 foot front yard setback variance at 5512 Hillside Court. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings listed in the staff report above, and subject to the following conditions: • Survey dated revisions 12/11/17 Proposed • Elevations and building plans date stamped May 18, 2018 • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo. Deadline for a city decision: July 17, 2018. Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates 2013, HN Aerial 2015, © WSB & Associates 2013 5512 Hillside Court June 7, 2018 Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates 1 in = 100 ft / VARIANCE APPLICATION ��? CASE NUMBER�� DATE 5/16/2018 Permit No. 159510 Fl;E PAID ..... ___ _ . City of Edina Planning Department * www.cityofedina.com 4801 West Fiftieth Street * Edina, MN 55424 * (952)826-0369 * _ fax (952). 826-0389-�-------------------;.·--------------�----------------------------------------------------- (Signature required on back page) FEE: RES - $450.00 NON-RES - $700.00 APPLICANT: NAME: Steven Kelly and Sally Kelly ADDRESS: 5512 Hillside Crn •ct EMAIL: PROPERTY OWNER: NAME: Steven and Sany Kelly ADDRESS: 5512 Hillside Crn,ct (Signature required on back page) PHONE: same as·above LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (written and electronic form): I of 1 o, 61k 1, Edina Valle¥ Estates, Hennepin Crnmtry, Minnesota Lat area· 15665 SF/0.36 acres **You must provide a full legal descliption. If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet. Note: The County may not accept the resolution approving your project if the legal description does not match their records. This· may delay your project. PROPERTY ADDRESS:_...,,5...,5._.1.._2_._H ....il...,ls-id..,.e...,C....,o,..u..._rt..._. ____________ _ PRESENT ZONING�-1 .. s1ngle Dwelling Unit DistrictPJ.D.# 05115?1130015 EXPLANATION OF REQUEST: The objective of the proposed ·5ft foyer extension is twofold: We would like a lamer entry area, since the existing closet is very s·mall. Also, we would·lik� to bring the front facade cif our home up to date, wit'1 the arch�ectural designs that are so prominent today, for the plJrpo_se of increasing the value of the home. This addition would complement the property directly to our west (5516 Hiilside Ct). (Use reverse side or additional pages if necessary) Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. Please fully explain your answers using additional sheets of paper as necessary. The Proposed Variance. will:. Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zo·ning ordinance and that the use 'is reasonable Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this ·property but. not applicable to 9ther property 1n the vicinity or zoning district Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance Not c1lter the essential Character of a neighborhood [�] □ □ □ - ; □ 2 Detailed Application Requirements: Unless waived by the Planning Department, you must complete all of the following items with this application. An incomplete application will not be accepted. V Completed and signed application form. V Application fee (not refundable). Make check payable to "City of Edina." V One (1) Copy of drawings to scale. V Seventeen (17) 11x17 copies of drawings, including elevations and survey, photographs and other information to explain and support the application. Copies must be collated. V A current survey is required. Please refer to "Exhibit A." WAIVED Grading, drainage, erosion control and stormwater management plan. Grading plan as per must include existing and proposed two-foot contours, and location and size of pipes C. Gerk. and water storage areas. The grading and erosion control plan along with a stormwater 5/17/2018 management plan must be signed by a licensed professional engineer. The stormwater management plan must detail how stormwater will be controlled to prevent damage to adjacent property and adverse impacts to the public stormwater drainage system. V Variance requests require scale drawings to explain and document the proposal. The drawings are not required to be prepared by a professional, but must be neat, accurate and drawn to an acceptable scale. The drawings may vary with the proposal, but should include a site plan, floor plans and elevations of the sides of the building which are affected by the variance. V Elevation drawings of all new buildings or additions and enlargements to existing buildings including a description of existing and proposed exterior building materials. For single-family home projects, elevations drawings must include a rendering of the proposed home AND the existing homes on either side as seen from the street. VARIANCE GUIDELINES AND APPLICATION INFORMATION The City of Edina Planning Department encourages healthy development within the city of Edina. Although this document is meant to serve as a guide for the application process for development through the Planning Department it is by no means comprehensive. The Planning Staff recommend that you schedule a meeting to answer any questions or to discuss issues that may accompany your project. It is much easier to tackle problems early on in the process. The office number for the Planning Staff is (952) 826-0465. Variance Information The Edina Planning Commission has been established to consider exceptions (variances) from the Land Use, Platting and Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 36), the Antenna Ordinance (Chapter 34), the Sign Ordinance (Chapter 36) and the Parking and Storage of Vehicles and Equipment Ordinance (Chapter 26). The variance procedure is a "safety valve" to handle the unusual circumstances that could not be anticipated by these ordinances. The Commission is charged to only grant a petition for a variance if it finds: 1. That strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties because of circumstances unique to the petitioner's property —„ ..... . I nis applIcation snouto De processeo in my name, anu t am me party wnom me urty snouia contact about this application. By signing this application, I certify that all fees, charges, utility bills, taxes, special assessments and other debts or obligations due to the City by me or for this property have been paid. i further certify that I am in compliance with all ordinance requirements and conditions regarding other City approvals that have been granted to me for any matter. I have completed all of the applicable filing requirements and, to the best of my knowledge, the documents and information I have submitted are true and correct. 5167 o/5- Date OWNER'S STATEMENT I am the fee title owner of the above described property, and I agree to this application. (If a corporation or partnership is the fee title holder, attach a resolution authorizing this application on behalf of the boar -of directors or partnership.) <-6(1 Owner's Date Applicar!t zSign ure 6Sz'- •?" Note. B h signa es are required (if the owner is different than the applicant) before we can process the pplication, otherwise it is considered incomplete. 1. t • IlIL iita•-• „ • VARIANCE REQUEST- • 5512 HILLSIDE COURT. z 6 STRUCTURE HARDCOVER EXISTING HOUSE = 2480 SF PORCHS = 478 SF DECK = 610 SF —150ASF= 460 SF TOTAL = 3418 SF / 21.8% rF co co .`st• / • Land Frank R. Cardarelle Surveyor 6440 FLYING CLOUD DRIVE EDEN PRAIR1E,MN 55344 1952-941-3031 BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY for KELLY RESIDENCE 5512 HILLSIDE COURT BOOK 0 'REVISIONS I HERB CERTIFY THAT THIS SUR Y WAS PREPARED BY ME I- UNDER MY DIRECT SUPE !SION AND THAT I A DULY RE ISTERED L D SURVEYOR UNDER T LA S OF H STATE F MINNESOTA. • FRANK CARD REL Q 0 z DATE OCT 20, 2017 t.--. (.(2: a 14.5 TP00 GFE=860.4 24 8 AD* .4,14k. FFE=861.8 NiN / co-s, `o 32 0 y ,1111 N o 7 87 EXISTING HOUSE L 0 BENCHMARK cp\l`\ TOP RIM SAN MH ELEV =„.&7.6 i\T 20 40 0 SCALE IN FEET = EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION. X(998.0) = PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION = DIRECTION SURFACE DRAINAGE COH = CANTILEVERED OVERHANG OHL = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE GFE = GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION TFE = TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION LFE = LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION a c'\)‘ 0C- \ • 858 79.0 729 EXISTING HOUSE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 10, BLK 1, EDINA VALLEY ESTATES, HENNEPIN CO., MN. ADDRESS 5512 HILLSIDE COURT EDINA, MN 55439 PID# 0511621130015 LOT AREA = 15665 SF/ 0.36 AC X 25% = 3916 SF ST HC ALLOWED VERIFY ALL SETBACKS WITH CITY \838 f 78 e:\ EXISTING HOUSE LFE=853.5 0 AD [DRAFTING SYMBOLS DE5.f...R!pTioN NORTH .ON 4. 4 N:1Th4 &c./ T.41 r:f. • P•42.O1 m„r^tpr,R ____.--......., . . — _1I.4 LI.^6.1,,- oe Darr •i.x.c... 4/ +ENE /4E0 O. WA i CA41:-.. ',4,..:.$ KTYC-Argt, e.106l:Gs i..-k-L6 ,C. ReriAl.: KELLY'S HOUSE REMODEL/ADDITION FOUSIGRIf ellItO, ELEGIR4Z41.., et.,61-431.4.!. PA11 A.N.O tr.e•3L'Ar.y NoticcarloAt CEE:C04. Efte.:/1.CAnct: AvO Oj*LP TTOO.M.N.Tr. APT. TO Ltt! FIREPARSO thcER A pf?V.ATA.A.D .u.IREEmENT14IOU,ER11. 4ENERA/.. C.GP:TRAC,'ORA Th catiTt4.1C7CR FOR twit I ggio I Leinc nuDT I 2-, %../ I I EDINA, MN 55439 ,...., 1 1- , - ..., , , f ' . 1 i ......, ▪ ...._ I r ,,,,. , , .6,,-:..)%'--- :"...1 I ••.,,,, ... ''',.. I 1 co ‘s/ 11. t ; DECK .1 : SITE LOCATION 9c1xT•4 RETEKTEAT:4 ELEvATLON WrellW4f.E cc TAIL ,,E.A*-11,4E meme 1 --,,-1LevAner4 FcEFEALL-T4r.E rATOT VLE,64710.1 FZVTFZE ACE' ▪ -‘• 1 "•••• ;\ IzcifiTE(.711 J tz A L. ARcwyrcTultAt. I AT PROJICT 31.1F.£ K. I ME tit It IfT, StiE FLAN AT UCLIGICTUZWin.A.NANGAIFWO I:OEM PLAN ANO 'FRAMING PLAN AT _E_G......— iiii(T IL LVATX.)-AIS A'AID NLW EL C V AA , WALL !.t.c Itosi$ 41.1.03131-1AN. . . ()AERIAL 51TE FLN A 04.21 to tc.ii.e 051TE PLAN 0 ....e ' s 014 N / AC.&E. 1/6*•T.o. I I L 1r ACV - C.F.64,4ALJK. I • / PhotoScan by Google Photos Al TALC LbeRAL, COLLVV. Arl-t 0. OMEL 0.06C,'5 045r WI'II 4//). One AIR WO (41 .7 VERT FITE 10' 04. .ti_14;6,1 / ci 1-=.4-1 1 5.1 Jalar P.- Jr. c :71 tp„, O FRAMING FL.44 5CALE Or <5Z' '40 °Nina fte Lcroc te2I •• - - 41 II 11 11 11 II I II If 11 11 11 IF IL,s1 w4L:.15 A4 CF Atsaa !c, DII AX,OvE (A:317.4 WALL TO //1•4I,..1 ROOT/ ( OXIATNI ince PL ACE TO POZNAN •^- DEMOLITION PARTi4L FIRST FLOOR FLAN 6C ALE VA • l•-0' 1— - V.16 r. /Icitaz fr,TM,%•E Attl:Nits c'00 AM, COO f LOON CAAVV ReTiovi ex-47Ads fl C-11:41 =3:E vIA. • '...2.4,1,04 CAnt AND Itersrml CCIP•C, KAP PCI@ nao Ft;01146 A2•4? rockit. canc. rowc., •icrE,,c4 extoa4 ro Parton/ cot,vmeS Nuf, 0 ztn.,te my> pixel, --"1 • • b *AI OCNO. :AZ 7-L÷Le " F nom Ew, veArrr, tAliCTS14.1 MAN AA' AeOvi, 61.. gkr,, or TO RE K2 GREAVONT oe a* LAMM ITTNAR 1 JAE a••ce !!1-1 mon/Pe h 11040,4640.4i he WPM _- l 'ukc7or4 u.a raw mu/4 a' ACK:NE I.24434.4e 0 CAZAM 'okairoxis DEL,cxv OR 1.555 MANI 3•• marl I:TIRED FLOOR !WALLS, Rea/Rep A 1-6,004+1 MVO*: CairR41. VEACC. (C.) 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Prth;,• , • • • r 614.5 Pir ,IW,T Pkt 31:1 EMI fattcr. ceome Woo 10.04.0011 000440X 11•400:110 • 11/00/4 We: 11' !!1' , I • I ' • " • KANO. t ri-ANK tgOt,e• )04_ Da.00t.E - 6TChr CAP 44..At POOR PAPI1 - TH.p.•CAT .1 COO! °t,!. prcrel 6,5TE" 1.... 3 0.CALE. 04'' • 1,0-• ONEW EXTERIOF2 ELEVATION °NEW EXTERIOR ELEVATION 6CALIE. INV • I •C' ••a•-•o• (IMP 1,4 I Oa -01 P.1.11 o w a, 0 1Z5 0 A3 C-)EXISTI x ETO E_ ZICIR IILEVAT/ON SCALE, imPr'.. P-0" (2 EXt5TIN*. ExTERiOR ELEVATICZN 4 -43' Ph o,,oScan by Google Photos oy Google Photos . " ft.... P' rfir ccce• r,- I -I , 4/ rs.* iir Elf044/1 WOW Caiarin 1 0 my. mt., de E(7•3,,,.."111:::. Ps--5.. A4 PI-J•0•8‹ ;ALA,. t-"' C44to•tlalas1.4 2.4 X.I54.9 • W. U•'4.,' 2t WATT 4 fln, PCS,' vA•o• ep-RR,ER 4. cm. e2.-J T 0,44.-11W CANC. 1: 1:MAN. T4.6 skt U1,4, t:51I•gl-rerd•Ara, 171,...'• ••• din itt.,:o V•tr. -r•,1!-•TE /ft-laet • 14. erz: aru e4..•C• e4•4%.tft L1C, I a C.Ze.r.1 IN-•413 tilt POO' calmiemic, rJA_ WALL SECTION AT FOYER ISCALC. I/2• • l•-•,* 4.« 1 C.C.4C. MOCK= r 1Z.Z. 241100 CCK,, fcr.014, 0'44 2 C•6TT INO trANWIE1.-1., n't,i4M'etWt-e,•111P., • r \ €04 •tr.,0, nt.,”46 • .11 Ntz tP•larz141.0d4 ^. 4 0-1-1 KtPrKI.C1 1 1•• • 47, A•ZZ; ;..4 Ao walz. jrc • N E IA: 1....45.Phr• ev.i.&ONCA WM*. t60 GSM 0.0 Ar••I•3 7.4s tilUDS • k• 15.4111•44„, 4 r.P•INY W•••0•1 134Atokff un...ozsp. 4,:• wen • 4.• OG 01714 Drat R-10 MLR, 1.1401VG1-.4,4 ex,..titr) -- ZOO f•-1:1• JG1OT 11.*•4. LAID. Ulgep fft:44 ••-• :AU TAM Styr, .1 tir"Cpi" erepo 1; - I• VR -0017, r.•.."`I•C‘rf •Aolf2, et."47 • I r.ri'"i C-M-IENT O•C",e. sysIrt, I laciLVN.1 I2••• IlarZt • '4' C.L. r ri 4 . 17 te... h e0 re4. ro• r POTERt 4"r+,4 raxwa ()VALLEY DETAIL 5C44.E. 3/4' • V•C' gRAMX0,0C.k..COvStRocriNsiEps fi • KU Cacialastel 2‘114E2 01 'KV ISW.V4 PRIAM 2). rsThfr cc Illi .Y14,0 tO otkl•KINuti WUWaiSzt -CLYItiO•vRav ar' act U•IntfrolLare.41r4 11:1, Witte CC MITA makm-4 totats.vr...04Kir - Icus- ••:)orrial 4 10/1.7,1 to icat ir eg€ a &WEI S4110 . Offt:AP vu riasKr tribl.YOCC,..74 4IX:Cf1Kk.afi - . occe avottvone vozrth Cis:coax 02- - 1 ..cr WALL SECTION AT FOYER WALL SECTION AT MASTER BATHROOM !CALE. LI' • I •O' Al. Dons& ma /Weed. 1111M11D*00.1 0111110111110 1-K4 emsd •/$.4 am 334I• I I N 0 6 O STRUCTURE HARDCOVER EXISTING HOUSE = 2480 SF PORCHS = 478 SF DECK = 610 SF —150ASF= 460 SF TOTAL = 3418 SF/21.8% EXISTING HOUSE 42 FT WEST / _(NTS) 1 /5 r--- "7 ) / / cP*10 ./// ss, --, .e •d-, 0/ \l's, ---. \ •-:. I \ . -,.. •-•. 1 --.... 1 •,.. \ 1 At r. -aig.-- .., or,- ----;,, ,p1 / i 0, / tk,S4 ._ ',,,,......,i t',., / 1 \ / /\e\, ' ''-'4Vof _ / N 0- ''../.k- -0-- \/\,< / 0,4'. 44- 40 / -!, - 0,* —±—ilig / ,.,../ --irc.,/ 0 \ : tfib. \\q-S" / ‘'. / ',. i '\, 7 '-,-., E45'5' .....-s.., 1' \ \ ----.--L---'----1. \\ 1451' / T----'-- ---.‹ 0/ 5')." \ N 4 ' 2 ---`- <o„ 'Pk- / N t/A N N/ op,/ . / , .,PP 7 ,,,S c ' 76: cy 6E 1 PKUI-V5LU ADDITIONS = 146.4 SF PORCH = 66.6 SF TOTAL = 213 SF/1.4X TOTAL EXISTING TO REMAIN AND PROPOSED /4 • = 3631 SF/23.2Z 41// REED 0 _,\ 5-0 0 )i Jge°' i.x>b 0:5 r \85a 53'vkv. 43 4) P. / .61t:' / --PROPOSED ,.ADDITIONS MATCH EXISTING FLOOR ELEVATION --(VERIFY) NO SIGNIFICANT GRADING IS REQ' FOR CONSTRUCTION IN I M • o 14 • zo/ / EXISTING HOUSE ml BENCHMARK/ 5.° TOP RIM SAN MH C)5 ELEV =:,. 857.6 0 0 I 20 40 SCALE • IN FEET oco = EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION. X(998.0) = PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION = DIRECTION SURFACE DRAINAGE COH = CANTILEVERED OVERHANG OHL = OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE GFE = GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION TFE = TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION LFE — LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 10, BLK 1, EDINA VALLEY ESTATES, HENNEPIN CO., MN. ADDRESS 5512 HILLSIDE COURT EDINA, MN 55439 PID# 0511621130015 LOT AREA = 15665 SF/ 0.36 AC X 25% = 3916 SF ST HC ALLOWED VERIFY ALL SETBACKS WITH CITY yid ‘.9 Kris Aaker From: Kris Aaker Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2018 9:33 AM To: Kris Aaker Subject: FW: Kelly House Variance Application - 5512 Hillside Ct Attachments: Kelly House-Nlnform.pdf From: Mike Carl Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2018 8:31 AM To: Kris Aaker <KAaker@EdinaMN.gov> Cc: Subject: Kelly House Variance Application - 5512 Hillside Ct Kris — We are the property owners at 5508 Hillside Ct. We have reviewed the attached plans for the Kelly House at 5512 Hillside Ct and the changes are acceptable to us. Please let me know if anything else is needed. Thank you, Mike and Chandra Carl MICHAEL CARL Crawford Door Sales Co. Project Manager / Sales Office: Mobile: Kris Aaker From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dave Karen Wedding <' Sunday, May 20, 2018 4:25 PM Kris Aaker Kelly Residence cuction Feedback Sally Kelly at 5512 Hillside Court indicated that we should send a note of support around the pending construction of a bump-out to their residence, if we were so inclined after reviewing the plans. We live at 5516 Hillside Court, immediately next door to the west. We are fully supportive of the proposed construction based on the plan submitted; we believe it will greatly enhance the front facade and overall neighborhood. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks: Karen Liu and Dave Schneider 5516 Hillside Court Edina Dave Schneider Apologies for typos, sent from mIphone. DATE: June 6, 2018 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Charles Gerk, P.E. – Graduate Engineer RE: 5512 Hillside Court - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the site plan dated 10/20/17. Summary of Review The proposed work on the subject property includes the addition of a front covered porch. Due to the small scale of work proposed, the requirement for a stormwater management plan was waived. Another plan review will take place at the time of building permit to verify compliance with relevant ordinances and engineering policies. Grading and Drainage Proposed grading and drainage paths will closely mimic existing drainage paths. Drainage will continue to flow to the street as it previously did. No stormwater mitigation is required per policy SP-003. The applicant should consider any other future home additions and landscaping projects at this time and plan appropriately for any mitigation that could be required as a result of those projects. Erosion and Sediment Control No Comments Street and Curb Cut No Comments Public Utilities No Comments O ther Items No Comments