HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-29 Planning Commission PacketAgenda Plan n ing Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers Wednesday, August 29, 2018 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Planning Commission, August 15, 2018 V.Public Hearings A.Variance request B-18-20 for 6412 Indian Hills Road B.Variance request Interlachen Country Club, 6200 Interlachen Blvd. C.Variance request B-18-22 for 5428 Halifax Lane D.Variance request B-18-23 for 5905 Tamarac Lane E.Preliminary Rezoning & Preliminary Development Plan - 4500 France Avenue, 3905 & 3907 Sunnyside Road VI.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Reports/Recommendations VIII.Correspondence And Petitions IX.Chair And Member Comments X.Sta: Comments XI.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortable being part of the public proc ess . If you need as sistance in the way of hearing ampli=c ation, an interpreter, large-print documents or s om ething els e, pleas e c all 952-927-8861 72 hours in advanc e of the m eeting. Date: August 29, 2018 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : P lanning C ommis s ion, August 15, 2018 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: P lease approve the August 15, 2018, P lanning Commission M eeting M inutes. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes : Planning Commis s ion, August 15, 2018 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 1 of 10 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers August 15, 2018 I. Call To Order Chair Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering the roll were: Commissioners Miranda, Lee, Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Hamilton, Bennett, Berube, Chair Olsen. Staff Present: Cary Teague, City Planner, Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner, Emily Bodeker, Assistant Planner, Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Technology Services Director, Liz Olson, Support Staff Absent from the roll: Commissioner Jones and Mittal III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the August 15, 2018, meeting agenda. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. The motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Commissioner Lee moved to approve the July 25 2018, meeting minutes. Commissioner Thorsen seconded the motion. The motion carried. V. Public Hearings A. Variance Request. 5601 Tracy Ave., Edina, MN. Addition. Staff Presentation Planner Aaker informed the Commission that 5601 Tracy Ave., is approximately 20,312 square feet in area and is located on the southeast corner of Tracy Ave., and Vernon Ave. The existing home on the lot is a multi-level home with a low pitches roof built in 1962. The applicant is proposing a 2 foot side yard setback variance to the south property line and a 2.2 foot front yard setback variance to the west lot line to allow for an addition above Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 2 of 10 the existing nonconforming 2 car garage. The existing home currently has a 2 car garage located 8 feet from the south lot line instead of the required 10 feet. The applicant is undergoing an addition to the back of the home and remodeling project to the existing home to include a flat roof/contemporary redesign. All aspects of the redesign conform to city ordinances with the exception of the 2nd story addition above the nonconforming garage. The request is to maintain the existing nonconforming 8 foot side yard setback of the garage and reduce the front yard setback by 2.2 feet to bring the 2nd floor addition above the garage forward to create an overhang and add interest to the front façade. Aaker explained that the home is a multi-level home built in 1962. The existing first floor of the house will remind and be remodeled. The proposed additions will include a conforming addition to the back of the home and a 2nd floor above the existing 2 car garage. The house is orientated toward Tracy Ave. with the side street setback of 14.5 feet along Vernon Ave. The existing house is setback 35.4 feet from the west (front) property line, 8 feet from the south (side) property line and 157 feet to the east (REAR) property line. Planner Aaker concluded that staff recommends the approval of the 2 foot south side yard setback variance and a 2.2 foot west front yard setback variance for property at 5601 Tracy Ave. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings listed in the staff report and subject to the following conditions: • The survey date stamped July 16, 2018. • Elevations and building plans date stamped July 16, 2018. • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo. Appearing for the Applicant Jonathan Bartling, Homeowner Discussion/Comments/Questions • Planner Aaker was asked by Commissioners if the project is considered a tear down and if there will be a construction management plan required. Aaker replied that it is not a tear down because the property owner will not be tearing down 50 perfect of the exterior wall area and it would be classified as a remodel. Aaker explained if they did tear down more than 50 percent they would need a construction management plan. Commissioners followed up by asking if the project was also within the residential roof height limit. Aaker responded affirmative and also commented that the addition above the garage is about 1 foot and 3 inches higher than the existing. • Commissioners commented on the project being attractive. Commissioners also questioned the flooding and asked if the Planning Division felt comfortable with the mitigating measurements being used to prevent additional flooding. Aaker responded that staff felt comfortable and the proposed storm water management plan does not propose any drainage to neighboring properties. Aaker explain the plan goes overland and eventually on Vernon towards the lake. Aaker noted that in a storm event, there is a proposed rain garden that would control the rate and runoff. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 3 of 10 Applicant Presentation Bartling introduced himself thanked the Planning Commission. Bartling explained that he is a licensed architect and his wife is as well. Bartling explained that their goal of this project is to show that preservation of an existing structure is a viable scenario in Edina. He continued to explain that they feel this could be an example that people can look to as an alternative to tearing a house down. Bartling commented on the Commissioners question earlier about 50 perfect of the exterior wall not being taken down. Bartling explained that they are building on top of existing walls so no new walls will be built inside at grade within the setback. Bartling concluded by stating that the neighbors are in support of the project and Planner Aaker and Charlie Gerk have been great to work with. Public Hearing Chair Olsen opened the public hearing. Alex Gese, 5605 Tracy Ave, addressed the Commission and expressed support of the request. Gese stated that the design is thoughtful, efficient, and it’s important to consider remodel verses teardown. Gese also stated that as the neighbors that are most directly impacted by the side yard, there are no issues or concerns. Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. The motion carried. Discussion/Comments/Questions • Commissioners commended the whole process and project with the thoughtfulness. Commissioners also stated that it’s a good example for others and it was nice that the plans are so far along to see what the storm water mitigation design and technique is going to be. • Commissioners stated that the design looks wonderful and thinks it will be a great addition to the neighborhood. Commissioners also commended the project for not tearing down and making an existing structure better. • Commissioners commented on a remodel versus teardown regarding the character and being able to refresh the property. • Commissioners expressed hope that this project could be a learning experience for all or future residents of Edina. Commissions stated that the city is facing quite a few teardowns with large homes going up. The applicant was thanked and Commissioners suggested they share their process and cost information to show others the possible savings and so that others know what alternatives are for homes on small lots. Motion Commissioner Thorsen moved variance approval based on staff findings and subject to Staff conditions. Commissioner Hamilton seconded the motion. The motion carried. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 4 of 10 B. Variance Request. 5225 Division Street, Edina, MN. Addition. Staff Presentation Planner Bodeker informed the Commission that the subject property, 5225 Division Street, is approximately 10,286 square feet in area and is located on the southeast corner of Rutledge Avenue and Division Street. The existing home on the lot is a two-story home built in 1959 with a side load garage. Bodeker stated that the applicant is proposing a 1.3 foot side yard setback variance on the east property line and a 6.6 foot side (front) yard setback variance to the west property line for a two story addition to the existing home. The existing home has non-conforming setbacks to the east and west property lines. The proposed addition consistent with the setbacks of the existing home, but the addition area will not be on the same level of the existing first floor. The proposed addition would sit almost 3 feet higher than the existing first floor. Planner Bodeker concluded that staff recommends the denial the 1.3 foot side yard setback request to the east property line and approve a 6.6 foot side (front) yard setback variance to the west property line at 5225 Division Street. Staff recommendation for the variance requests is subject to the findings listed in the staff report above and subject to the following conditions: • Subject to the applicant providing a survey and plans that reflect the variance granted. • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo. Appearing for the Applicant Thu Hoang, Homeowner Discussion/Comments/Questions • Planner Bodeker was asked by Commissioners to confirm that staff is recommending to not approve the east side setback. Bodeker responded in the affirmative and commented that the house could be offset back to the original setback of 6 feet because it’s a new part to the home. Bodeker also said that staff believed it could further meet the sidewall articulation requirements laid out in the code. Commissioners asked Bodeker to explain what the code says about sidewall articulation. Bodeker explained that the sidewall articulation includes windows and overhangs, which the applicant has provided. Bodeker continues to explain that staff felt it further met the sidewall articulation intent by setting the addition back 1.3 feet to meet the 6 foot side yard setback requirement to further break up the wall that would expand 50 feet all on one façade. Commissioners questioned if that requirement is meant to avoid excessive, long walls that face adjacent properties and Bodeker responded in the affirmative. Applicant Presentation None. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 5 of 10 Public Hearing Chair Olsen opened the public hearing. Karen Kruse, 5221 Division Street, addressed the Commission and expressed that she was in opposition to the proposal. Her mother, Helen Kruse, lives in the house to the east of the proposed addition. Kruse stated that the addition would downgrade her mother’s quality of life. The homes are already very enclosed and the addition will affect the sun coming through to Kruse’s home. Kruse stated that she would like to see a home more neighborhood friendly instead of a solid wall on the east side. Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Hamilton seconded the motion. The motion carried. Discussion/Comments/Questions • Commissioners stated that it was great to see that the applicant is proposing a remodel instead of a teardown, while keeping aspects of the original house. Commissioners stated that they agree with staff regarding the east side setback because it adds better articulation to the east side for the current and new neighbor. Commissioners added that the proposed home will be a nice enhancement and match the change around them. • Commissioners agreed with previously stated comments and agree with staff’s recommendation and thought it is a good solution. • Commissioners commented that the proposed east side façade is exceptionally long and the way the best handle it would to break it up into different components, possibly with a different roof pitch. Commissioners added that it would be recommended to get a redesign by the applicant for the east side of the proposal. Motion Commissioner Thorsen moved approval of the variance to the west side and rejection of the variance request to the east side as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. The motion carried. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan Review, 7200 & 7250 France Avenue, Edina, MN. Planner Presentation Planner Teague reported that the Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to re- develop 5.2 acres of land west of France between 72nd Street West and Gallagher Drive. The existing office buildings and parking ramp on the sites would be removed. The existing parking ramp is in a very poor state of repair. As proposed, at full build out, the site would include: Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 6 of 10 • 7200 France – A 6-7 story 149-unit apartment, 14 rental townhomes, and 10 for sale townhomes (173 units); with 13,000 square feet of retail on France Avenue. • 7250 France – A 6-7 story139-unit apartment with 8 rental townhomes (147 units); with 16,000 square feet of retail on France Avenue. • Each building would have 2 levels of underground parking. • The Site Plan includes a north south woonerf as discussed in the Greater Southdale Framework as the western promenade. This area provides an improved transition to the property to the west (it would be roughly 95 feet wide). A row of 2-3 story for sale townhomes is proposed on the west side of the woonerf. • Shared connections from France Avenue and Gallagher Drive. • Pedestrian paths on all sides of both buildings. • At grade townhomes that would have street level entrances to 72nd and the new woonerf to activate the pedestrian areas. • A 48-foot setback from the paved portion of France & 25 feet from Gallagher. (These should be revised to 50 feet to France and 30 feet to Gallagher per the Southdale Framework.) • The applicant is proposing to comply with the City’s Affordable Housing Policy including providing 20% of the total units within the project at 60% AMI. (Up to 64 units.) The Southdale Area Development Principles were shared with the applicant. The applicant has responded. The City’s consultant for the Greater Southdale Area Plan, Mic Johnson has also provided a review of the proposed project. To accommodate the request the following is required: • Comprehensive Plan Amendments to increase density in the OR, Office Residential District from 30 units per acre to 65 units per acre; and • A Rezoning from POD-1, to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Flexibility through the PUD would be requested would be for setbacks and height. As with all sketch plan reviews; the Planning Commission is asked to provide non-binding comments and direction on a potential future development request. Areas of focus should be on the proposed land use, the appropriateness of the proposed development on this site, with a focus on the proposed density and building height. Flexibility through the PUD would be requested for building height, setback and FAR. A traffic study would be required to determine the impacts on adjacent roadways. Appearing for the Applicant Dean Dovolis, DJR Architecture Discussion/Comments/Questions Commissioners raised the following: • Planner Teague was asked by Commissioners about the City Council need to determine if the applicant can move forward with a formal application after a denial. Teague explained that there is a prevision in the code that states an applicant needs to wait 1 year to make another rezoning Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 7 of 10 request unless the City Council determines there is enough change to the plans or circumstances to allow a new application to be made. The City Council would need to take that action before the applicant can submit a formal application. • Commissioners asked Planner Teague about the rezoning to PUD and if it was only regarding the two parcels. Teague responded that it is just for the two parcels. He also explained that the Comprehensive Plan amendment would allow an increase density just for this site and not for the whole of the OR district. • Planner Teague was asked if the Comprehensive Plan amendment would have to wait until the Planning Commission gets their plan submitted. Teague responded that it does not have to wait and further explained that the Met Council has extended the deadline and the Planning Commission has until December 31st to consider the amendment. • Commissioners asked Planner Teague if the retail on the first floor wrap around the corner of 72nd Street. Planner Teague responded that Mic Johnson may have provided that comment. Commissioners questioned if they would need to consider the issues of entry points onto the project site off of France Ave, 72nd Street, or the new proposed street. Teague replied in the affirmative. Commissioners also questioned the changing height in stories from 6 to 7 and Teague explained that some sections of the proposed building are taller than others. • Commissioners asked Planner Teague about how the circulation happens if Hennepin County didn’t grant them a permit. Teague responded that the city could take the right-of-way as part of the project and plan for the curb cut on France in the future. Access to the site would still be available off of Gallagher and 72nd. Applicant Presentation Dean Dovolis addressed the Commission and delivered a presentation using a 3D interactive model to illustrate the proposal. With graphics, the following was highlighted: • 25 rental townhouses that are wrapped around the rear side of the project. • 10 ownership townhouses. • Retail that extends 50 feet along 72nd Street and all the way back to Gallagher and engages the Western promenade. • Two buildings with 765 concealed parking spaces, which includes being over parked by 50 feet for a Park and Ride or Park and Bike. • Preserving the trees and installing the storm water system around the perimeter of the site to maintain the buffer. • The proposal is the “first link” in the entire vision to expand the Western promenade to the North and South. • The right in and the right out is crucial off of France Ave for what the Southdale Area Plan for the mid-block access. • The materials will include metal, stucco, and brick. • The promenade is a key feature for the bigger urban design aspect and it starting a neighborhood feel within the project. • A variety of inset balconies will be included and a variety of roof heights. • Gallagher would like to include a restaurant on the 7250 France Ave block and retail going all the way down. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 8 of 10 • The deck will be a public space so it includes a variation of height and provides a point of interaction. • The key to this project is to set the pattern where all of the property lines are near the western promenade so there is an opportunity for it to grow from this parcel. • A roundabout will slow down traffic and gives the area a nice scale while the woonerf will be activated by other entrances. • The stairs on the north side of the woonerf will act as the plaza that’s above the view of the building to give a variety of shapes and sizes. Dovolis closed by thanking the Planning Commission and opened the floor for questions. Discussion/Comments/Questions Commissioners raised the following: • Commissions commented on the printed materials and animation with how well they were done and made for a compelling case. Commissioners also commented that it would be interesting to know what the Greater Southdale Area group members think with the projected future of the development regarding the North South continuance. Commissioners commented that a western view wasn’t shown by the trees during the presentation. Dovolis explained that the public meeting was 3 days ago with 11 people in attendance. The attendees were interested with the greenway and possibly concerned about the density. • Dovolis was asked by Commissioners about the woonerf and if it’s private property. Dovolis explained that it is private property, but as they develop with the city, Dovolis would like to develop a public and private partnership easements over it for public access. Commissioners followed up by asking if there was a name or a wayfinding system for the project. Dovolis expressed interest in the idea. • Commissioners noted that the woonerf seemed very wide. Dovolis responded that at first there won’t be as many people so that is why the retail is wrapped around the corner. Residents may use it more for now, but eventually people in the neighborhood will use it. Dovolis stated that when the development occurs in the area, more and more connections and more activity will happen, especially with the 9 mile creek trail. • The applicant was asked if bike trail is separate or if they are expected to go through the woonerf. Dovolis replied that the bike trail parallel with the main road and is integrated within the woonerf with pedestrians on either side. • Commissioners commented on how this development has addressed the Southdale Area Plan. • Commissioners expressed that conceptually, this plan is very exciting. Commissioners stated that it’s apparent that past comments have been taken into account and the designs have evolved and it seems PUD justified. Commissioners added that the concept is great and they would like to see the France Ave side of the structures refined due to the harsh angles. Commissioners agreed with Mic’s comments that the height seems pronounced on France Ave and may be perceived as being quite high on the corner of 72nd Street. Dovolis responded that the idea was to get the density up along France Ave. The variations are critical along France Ave so the 6 stories don’t look long, broad, and boring. • Commissioners commented on the width of the woonerf and having areas that are widened out a bit to have a place in people’s mind to go to, especially focusing on the center of it that aligns with the stairway. Commissioners stated that it could become a community identified place with a focus and reason, such as hosting a food truck type of festival. Dovolis replied that an idea including the “grand stairs” being a place that people can sit on and eat lunch, and the food truck idea allows a variety of events as to what could happen with the woonerf space. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 9 of 10 • The applicant was asked by Commissioners about the circulation about the exiting with left hand turning out from the project onto 72nd Street. Dovolis explained that part of the Southdale Area Plan was to encourage connectivity on all streets. An idea was presented to add a landscape island on 72nd Street and Dovolis expressed that the connection is important as a goal of making the blocks more identifiable. • Commissioners stated that the materials of the exterior should feel timeless and the color pallet and the forms could be a bit more traditional for the residents. Commissioners complimented the applicant that there are several good ideas included with this plan in general so far. • The applicant was asked to speak to the parking. Dovolis replied that there are 765 concealed parking spots underground between two spread out entrances to keep the cars scattered throughout the development. Commissioners also asked about the Park and Ride idea addressed earlier. Dovolis replied that the development is on the major Hennepin County regional bike lane and it’s near Centennial Lakes. 25- 50 community parking spaces may be used to park and take their bike or go to Centennial Lakes. They want to engage the bikeway and it will become a more critical element in the future adding to the sense of place. • Commissioners asked about the balance between all of the vehicles and trying to encourage walking and biking and with the natural tension. Dovolis responded that Edina is still in the place where you drive to a point and then walk, similar to the 50th and France area. • Commissioners commented that the density could be increased along France Ave., and that the visuals were very good for the presentation with blending renderings into the actual neighborhood. Commissioners suggested to the applicant to include shadow studies or a walk- through of a full day into the presentation. • Commissioners stated that the project is unique with the woonerf in the back and asked the applicant to consider the retail experience on the East side of the project and to get them to the woonerf. The applicant responded that they would like a restaurant on Gallagher and France Ave and the 72nd Street connection will be 4 sided to help position the retail. • Commissioners commented on the woonerf and stated that there could be more landscaping for more cover in the winter near the townhomes and rentals. The applicant replied that keeping it green will be essential. • Commissioners explained that the stairs in the woonerf is a great idea. • Commissioners stated when walking through the woonerf it could be a bit confusing and it interrupts the sidewalk so that idea may need to be looked at closer. Commissioners discussed the traffic ring and how critical of a role it plays due to the long length of the project. The applicant was told by Commissioners to consider pronouncing art on the woonerf, such as the traffic ring being taller or the south corner as more of a gathering spot to focus for bikes. Dovolis mentioned Spalding the dog statue could be added or more items to make it more identifiable. • Commissioners liked the idea of the rental units being on the west side of the project in case it became retail with any change in the market and applauded the applicant’s thoughts and time with the project. Dovolis stated that this project was supposed to be able to evolve with changes in the Southdale area. • Commissioners stated that they are in agreement with Mic’s memo regarding recommendations of lowering the height at 72nd Street and Gallagher and more greenspace on France Ave. and in the woonerf. • Commissioners commented that there is concern regarding the woonerf and the access from France Ave. If it wasn’t approved by the county, the traffic will all use the woonerf. The applicant replied that they could shift the garage off Gallagher and react to what is decided. The applicant went on to explain that in order for the Southdale Area Plan to be successful, these types of interruptions and mid-block connections off of France Ave. are crucial to change the nature of the street. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 10 of 10 • The applicant was asked how the townhouses are accessed. Dovolis replied that they are accessed through the garage underneath. When you get to the edge of the garage, there will be private garages within the parking ramp and there will be a set of stairs that go down each townhouse. • Commissioners asked the applicant the idea for the phasing and how it would work. Dovolis replied that it would start at the south end and be built to the north all at once as a singular project. • Commissioners stated that it is an attractive project and thanked the applicant. Commissioners continued to explain their definition of a woonerf as a pedestrian orientated road that can be used by cars. Commissioners stated if it becomes a car dominated road, there could be safety issues. The applicant was asked by the Commissioners about the county’s feelings on the cars exiting the property mid-block to zip across lanes to turn left on Gallagher. Commissioners offered the idea to move the property to the west 5 to 15 feet, or take space from the woonerf, to add a median on the first row of traffic. Dovolis replied that a slip lane with a burier may prevent that possible trees. Commissioners stated that the success of this project relies heavily on the access mid-block with permission from the county. Chair Olsen thanked the applicant for their presentation. VIII. Correspondence And Petitions None. IX. Chair And Member Comments • Commissioners stated that the next 50th & France community meeting is Wednesday, August 22nd at the Public Works building at 7:00 p.m. X. Staff Comments None. XI. Adjournment Commissioner Thorsen moved to adjourn the August 15, 2018, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 8:46 p.m. Commissioner Hamilton seconded the motion. The motion carried. Date: August 29, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e reques t B-18-20 for 6412 Indian Hills R oad Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variances as requested I N TR O D U C TI O N: B -18-20, A 17.79 foot front yard setback variance and a 4.4 foot 1 st floor height variance at 6412 I ndian H ills R oad. T he existing structure does not meet the required average front yard setback of 52.75 feet. T he existing 30.2 foot front yard setback is non-conforming. T he proposed new home will increase the front yard setback to be 34.96 feet from the front lot line, however will not maintain the existing average front yard setback as required. T he existing home is a multi-level home with a 1st floor elevation of 903.2. T he property owner desires to increase the 1st floor by 5.4 feet or 4.4 feet higher than allowed by ordinance to bring the home and grade around the home to a level closer to that of the adjacent homes. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report and Applicant Submittal STAFF 'REPORT Date: To: From: August 29, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner Subject: B-18-20, A 17.79 foot front yard setback variance and a 4.4 foot 1st floor height variance at 6412 Indian Hills Road Information / Background: The subject property is approximately 16,785 square feet in area. The home is a multi-level home built in 1959. There are two variances requested for the property, one for increasing the existing nonconforming front yard setback and another to increase the new first floor height beyond the I foot allowed for new construction. The applicant is proposing to tear-down and rebuild on the lot. The existing structure does not meet the required average front yard setback of 52.75 feet with the existing 30.2 foot front yard setback. The existing home is non-conforming by 22.5 feet into the required front yard setback. The proposed new home will increase the front yard setback to be 34.96 feet from the front lot line or I 7.79 feet into the front yard setback. The requested variance would improve on the existing nonconforming front yard setback of the original home. The existing home is a multi-level home with a 1st floor elevation of 903.2. The property owner desires to increase the 1st floor by 5.4 feet or 4.4 feet higher than allowed by ordinance to bring the home and grade around the home to a level closer to that of the adjacent homes. The existing home is a multi-level home which complicates new first floor height placement. The lowest level of the home is a walk-out and is just 4- 5 feet lower than the entry level of the home. The subject lot is a low point and with much lower elevations than the existing properties on either side. The objective is to raise the elevations on the lot to be higher than existing so that they will be more in keeping with adjacent properties, but no higher than adjacent neighboring grades and not affecting current drainage patterns. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 STAFF REPORT Page 2 Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The existing 16,785 square foot lot is located on the east side of Indian Hills Road within the Indian Hills neighborhood. The property consists of a multi-level home built in 1959. The home has been unoccupied for quite some time and is in disrepair. The plan is to tear-down and rebuild on the property with a one story rambler with an attached three car garage. The property is the low spot between neighboring properties with both adjacent neighbors along Indian Hills Road at higher elevations. The existing first floor of the house is at 903.2 with the walkout level of the home at between 898.1-898.8, or between 5.1-4.4 feet lower than the 1st floor and not a full floor below the entry. The lower level is a walkout. The property owner would like to maintain the walk-out elevation for the new basement, so an increase in ceiling height in the basement is necessary and a driver of the variance request. The proposed home will have a basement elevation of 898.2, matching the low floor of the existing home. To match the low floor requires a greater increase in first floor elevation than the minimum I foot allowance. Given proposed 18 inch floor trusses, it appears that ceiling height in the basement will be approximately 8 feet, 8-10 inches, which is on the spectrum of standard basement ceiling height for new construction. The existing front yard setback of the house along Indian Hills Road on the west side of the property is 30.2 feet. The required front yard setback is determined by the front yard setback of the adjacent neighbors. The existing home has always been forward of the homes to the north and south. The setback of the subject house to the front lot line is currently non-conforming. The proposed project will place the home farther from the front lot line than the existing home. The new home is proposed to be a rambler and will be 33 feet in height as measured from average existing grade Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-I, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage Any grading must not impact adjacent neighbors. The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in a memorandum. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side — East Side - South— West Side — 10 feet 25 feet 10 feet 52.75 feet 10.32 feet 43.55 feet 18.68 feet *34.96 feet Building Coverage 1st Floor Elevation 25% 904.2 24.89% *908.6 feet Building Height 40 feet 33 feet *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: I) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. The practical difficulty is that the subject home was built in 1959 and located closer to the front lot line than the current average. The home complied with setback at the time of construction. The home to the south was re-built farther back from their front lot line than the original house on the lot. The home is a multi-level home built in a low spot with the lowest level of the home not a full floor below the existing 1st floor, so to maintain the lower level walk-out requires a higher first floor to allow for a full basement. The increase in 1st floor height while greater than the I foot increase allowed, will still be 4.4 feet lower than the 1st floor of the home to the south and 5.7 feet lower than the 1st floor of the home to the north. The ordinance was written to avoid reconstructed new 1st floors at much higher elevations than the adjacent homes. The proposed new 1st floor maintains the spirit and intent of the ordinance by not elevating the proposed new floor higher than existing 1st floor elevations of the neighbors. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing house has a non-conforming closer front yard setback along the west side of the house. The new home will be farther from the front lot line than the existing home. STAFF REPORT Page 4 The site is a low point between neighbors and will remain lower with new finished grade along the front building wall 6.5 — 7.8 feet lower than grade along the homes on adjacent property. The change in grade will not impact drainage patterns. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The home is a rambler with over-all height still well below the maximum allowed as measured from the existing grade. The new 1st floor will still be 4 — 5.7 feet lower than both adjacent neighbor's 1st floor height. Recommended Action: Approve a 17.79 foot front yard setback variance from the west property line and a 4.4 foot 1st floor height variance at 6412 Indian Hills Road. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings listed in the staff report above, and subject to the following conditions: • Survey date stamped, July 24 , 2018 • Elevations and building plans date stamped, July 24, 2018 • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer's memo. Deadline for a city decision September 22, 20I 8. VNIUI JoAinagi >tunureu Aq paramod dew OZ '17 Z 1SarIV a+M U 176 = UTI "r- 4 Edina Hennepin, 1/(W WaB 'etroGISI 01-5,Dtt8A§sdialee)20;100„ et:tiate AOlfa 1 in = 47 ft The CITY of EDINA W+E S August 24, 20 Map Powered by DataLink DATE: August 22, 2018 TO: Cary Teague — Planning Director FROM: Charles Gerk, PE — Graduate Engineer RE: 6412 Indian Hills Rd - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the existing conditions survey dated 7/17/2017 and the proposed site plan dated 7/03/18. Grading and Drainage The subject site is the low spot for itself and neighboring private properties. There is a public storm sewer inlet on the southeast side of the lot that collects the run-off from the subject site and neighboring private properties. Grading for the proposed work will closely match existing grades, with previous drainage paths continuing to direct drainage around the lot to the inlet on the southeast side. The proposed stormwater management plan does not propose any drainage to neighboring private properties and the public infrastructure has capacity to accept the runoff that was previously directed its way. Stor ►nwater Mitigation The proposed work on the subject site decreases the amount of overall impervious surfaces by approximately 300 SF. This reduction results in a net negative for run-off from the site and does not require any additional mitigation per Building Department Policy SP-003. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. Erosion and Sediment Control No Comments Street and Curb Cut A curb cut permit will be required if the applicant proposed replacing or relocating existing curb cut. Public Utilities No Comments Other Items A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District erosion and sediment control permit will be required. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard • Edina, Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-826-0371 • Fax 952-826-0392 Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. Please fully explain your answers using additional sheets of paper as necessary. The Proposed Variance will: 14-REA-1 Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA YES NO 2 Planning Committee, I'm applying for a variance at the location of 6412 Indian Hills Road. What I'm asking for is to protect the natural water flow that this lot has and to do that the new house I would like to build for my family needs the foundation to be raised up 3.4 feet instead of the 1 foot Edina code. The new house also needs to be put on the lot in a better position by changing the distance from the street. The current house is 30.2 feet from the street. I'm looking to put the new house 34.96 feet from the street. I'm requesting to do what is best for this lot with the current topography this area has. This lot is in a location that has a different topography then 90% of lots in Edina. It is not a flat lot. That houses around all sit higher on their property but raising the new single story house and we can improve the natural water flow around the house it is a win win for everyone. By making these adjustments it will help with the water flow from all the properties around the lot. With this lot being the lowest lot in the whole area all the water from surrounding lots flow towards it if we raise the property a little over 3 feet it will be street level. I think moving a house from a low lying area out of any water concerning situation is not a bad thing. I had one of our current city council members come out and take a look at the lot and he agreed with me. The house also needs to be adjusted on the lot the current house is is 30.2 feet from the street. The new house will be 34.96 feet from the street. Currently the average of adjacent houses are 52.75 ft. The house to the north is 37.99 feet. I can't control or afford some of the lots out there that are 1, 2 or 3+ acres. The size of those lots do though affect what others can build on smaller lots. I think the current codes for where a new house can be built on a lot are blanket codes that should not affect lots like this one that have a different topography and are not square or rectangle. The lots in the Indian Hills area are not the 50x120 flat lots we see everywhere. The topography out there is very different. Each lot is very unique. That is the reason I want to build a house for my family in a special area. I'm not asking for anything that would ever hurt the neighborhood or anything that I don't believe is fair. I'm a licensed contractor myself and I want to build my family a single story house on a smaller lot in a great area. I hope you can agree that I am helping the city without making any major changes. The neighbors all support this and are extremely excited for the new house. I donated all the flowers on the lot the the Edina flower group so I was able to talk to many people as they came to pick up the flowers growing on the lot wild. If you have any questions please call me or meet me at the lot I will be more then willing to show you the lot. I asked the City council to come out and they did because I wanted to get their opinion on many issues as they run for reelection. Thanks, Bryan Dye 612-237-9735 PV_PlitiNG DEPARTMENT .0_ ovr?OF ED".°4 6412 Indian Hills Road The proposed Variance will: Improve this area of the Indian Hills neighborhood. The reason for applying for the variance is the current house sits below the street. It also sits below all the houses around it. I want to help the natural water follow and improve the visual appearance of this lot. This lot needs corrections because it is to low and rather then build it in the same location I will be moving it back also 5 feet from current location. The lot needs to be updated in stormwater flow moving house up and moving it back will help that if you refer to the stormwater plan I have provided. The house will be in general harmony of the area with it being a single story home which is also what is next door. It will not exceed the height limits for the city. The new house will be placed on the lot in a better location which this lot needs. This house will improve the character of the neighborhood by cleaning up the lot. It will also have a nice simple but unique house which you see all over this part of Edina. If you look at the plans the house will fit in the area 100% Overall this is a Win Win for the Indian Hills neighborhood. The house currently on the lot is a house that has been empty for over 2 years. The brush is overgrown, house is moldy and full of water with house leaking. I'm willing to take on the project that others have backed out on. I have built other homes in the city of Edina I'm just excited to build this one for my family in an area that is perfect. I'm looking to start this as soon as I can to remove an unsafe home. Please pass this variances I can clean up a sad situation in a premier location of Edina. I have invited all City council members to the area with one stopping by and I welcome all of you to the lot also. If you want to see the lot you know see exactly why I am asking for this. I have included some pictures but they are pictures that are trying to show you how low the current house sits compared to the neighbors. I'm also backing it up from the street of the current home. Any questions please call me and I will be more then happy to come talk to you or meet you at the lot. Thanks, Bryan PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 4 NV) CIV OF EDINA Report Name: Images PID: 06-116-21-42-0002 City of Edina Property Images Printed: 8/20/2018 Page: 1 Steal ly) heltSketch JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA C) 0 m 0 z •iIlllfl1th. -". /74 l i MEM I JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4,4 Zoliais" 14.01% JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA r 42 1 c-.;,:•:_-- ... '... /.:•:^\„", ss... •.., N ‘.... 2011 1,11JTTEN&Tiff.11,1AIL.C'01+4 120.224-7844 HOUSe on right side. of 6412 Indian Hills PLANNING DEPARTMENT 00 GNI CITY OF EDINA House on left side of 6412 Indian Hills House proposed on 6412 Indian Hills Road Proposed House Review for 6412 Indian Hills Road PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA /4 -,, , ,/,/ • - I- -•,', \ NZ• [•‘:\ N \'‘..,. \ 'N..\.. • •, • IS 1_ fir',~ , II 91 ti V"21 lizrZ MED I II mow.- tawramn --AINNAIMIN "Is( •Caw — ....11114111.1 NV 4.,-Aleamisio•--s7a ;t 11 - 4' 4tv. ' Proposed house view PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA main asnoq 2upsp3 main asnoq pasodo-id PLANNING DEPARTA4ENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA t„ • • ‘;` - • 'tic 'PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 24 201),t3 CITY OF f-.)ir\i,,A rt. r .4)0' PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF EDINA • , , House on left side of 6432 Indian Hills House proposed on 6412 Indian Hills Road House on nght side of 6412 Indian Hills Proposed House Review for 6412 Indian Hills Road PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA 9 MILE C RE EK WATERSHED DISTRICT Nine Mile Creek Discovery Point 12800 Gerard Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55346 (952) 835-2078 www ninemilecreek.org Erin Hunker Steve Kloiber Jodi Peterson Grace Sheely Maressia Twele July 6, 2018 Bryan Dye 6820 Creston Road Edina, MN 55435 RE: NMCWD Permit 2018-88: Home Construction 6412 Indian Hills Road; Edina Grading and land alteration permit Dear Mr. Dye; Attached are the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit for the above referenced projects. Also attached is a copy of the District's General Permit Conditions that are applicable for the projects. If you have any questions, please contact me at (952) 835-2078 or Bob Obermeyer, District Engineer at (952) 832-2857. Sincerely, Randy Anhorn District Administrator PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA Understanding Our I rban Watershed Permit #: 2018-88 Project Name: Home Construction 6412 Indian Hills Road_Edina Approval Date: July 6, 2018 General Provisions 1. All temporary erosion control measures shown on the erosion and sedimentation control plans must be installed prior to commencement of surface or vegetation alteration and be maintained until completion of construction and vegetation is established as determined by NMCWD. If silt fence is used, the bottom flap must be buried and the maximum allowable spacing between posts is 4-foot on center. All posts must be either 2-inch x 2-inch pine, hardwood, or steel fence posts. If hay bales are used, all bales must be staked in place and reinforced on the downstream side with snow fence. 2. All areas altered because of construction must be restored with seed and disced mulch, sod, wood fiber blanket, or be hard surfaced within two weeks after completion of land alteration and no later than the end of the permit period. 3. Upon final stabilization, the permit applicant is responsible for the removal of all erosion control measures installed throughout the project site. 4. At the entryway onto the site, a rock filter dike being a minimum of two feet in height and having maximum side slopes of 4:1 must be constructed. This rock filter dike will enable construction traffic to enter the site and also provide an erosion control facility. 5. If dewatering is required and sump pumps are used, all pumped water must be discharged through an erosion control facility prior to leaving the construction site. Proper energy dissipation must be provided at the outlet of the pump system. 6. The NMCWD must be notified a minimum of 48 hours prior to commencement of construction. 7. The NMCWD, its officers, employees and agents review, comment upon, and approve plans and specifications prepared by permit applicants and their consultants for the limited administrative purpose of determining whether there is reasonable assurance that the proposed project will comply with the regulations and criteria of the NMCWD. The determination of the NMCWD that issuance of this permit is appropriate was made in reliance on the information provided by the applicant. 8. The grant of this permit shall not in any way relieve the permittee, its engineer, or other professional consultants of responsibility, nor shall it make the NMCWD responsible for the technical adequacy of the engineer's or consultant's work. The grant of this permit shall not relieve the permittee from complying with all conditions and requirements of the permit which shall be retained by the permittee with the permit. 9. The issue of this permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. 10. This permit is permissive only. No liability shall be imposed upon the NMCWD or any of its officers, agents or employees, officially or personally, on account of the granting of this permit or on account of any damage to any person or property resulting from any act or omission of the permittee or any of its agents, employees, or contractors. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA 1 I In all cases where the doing by the permittee of anything authorized by this permit shall involve the taking, using, or damaging of any property, rights or interests of any other person or persons, or of any publicly-owned lands or improvements or interests, the permittee, before proceeding therewith, shall obtain the written consent of all persons, agencies, or authorities concerned, and shall acquire all necessary property, rights, and interest. 12. The permit is transferable only with the approval of the NMCWD (see NMCWD Rule 1.0). The permittee shall make no changes, without written permission previously obtained from the NMCWD, in the dimensions, capacity, or location of any items of work authorized by this permit. 13. The permittee shall grant access to the site at all reasonable times during and after construction to authorized representatives of the NMCWD for inspection of the work authorized by this permit. 14. This permit may be terminated by the NMCWD at any time deemed necessary in the interest of public health and welfare, or for violation of any of the provisions of this permit. 15. Construction work authorized under this permit shall be completed on or before date specified above. The permittee may, in writing, request that the NMCWD extend the time to complete the project in accordance with NMCWD Rule 1.0. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA 2 MILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT Permit No. 2018-88 Is hereby issued to Bryan Dye, subject to the conditions specified in the attached form. For: Home Construction 6412 Indian Hills Road; Edina; Grading and land alteration permit. Randy Anhorn, Administrator This permit expires on: August 1, 2019 PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 2 4 2018 CITY OF EDINA Date: August 29, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e reques t Interlac hen C ountry C lub, 6200 Interlac hen Blvd. Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as requested I N TR O D U C TI O N: 16 foot setback variance, for a parking lot expansion to Interlachen Country C lub at 6200 Interlachen Blvd. Variance allows for a row of parking to overlap the required 50 foot setback from a pond located within the golf course property. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report STAFF REPORT Date: August 28, 2018 To: Planning Commission From: Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner Subject: Variance request B-18-2I for a 16 foot setback variance from the 50 foot setback requirement from a pond for a parking stall expansion of an existing parking lot at Interlachen Country Club at 6200 Interlachen Blvd. Information / Background: Joel Livingood, the applicant on behalf of Interlachen Country Club, is requesting a 16 foot setback variance from a pond located north of the westerly parking area at the Interlachen Golf club property at 6200 Interlachen Blvd. The proposed project includes an addition to a north portion of the parking lot located west of the existing club house building. The Country Club is in the midst of remodeling and reconfiguring some interior and exterior spaces including expanding and restriping the west parking lot. The revisions to the parking lot are an effort to provide a safer route between the club house and the existing tennis courts. The reconfiguration allows curb islands and a walkway, causing a reconfigure of the entire parking lot. Currently a path weaves through the parking lot with no barrier protections. All improvements are within the existing Conditional Use Permit and conform to the zoning ordinance requirements with the exception of pond setback of the parking area. A building permit was issued on 8/1 5 /2018 for all other proposed improvements with the exception of adding a row of 16 stalls within the pond setback area. The parking addition will be outside of the 30 foot wetland buffer area required by the Watershed District. The Watershed District has reviewed and approved the plans. The subject site is zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. The golf club use is a Conditional Use in the R-I zoning district with Interlachen's Conditional Use currently consisting of the golf course, a club house, various accessory buildings, outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, parking lots, etc. The Club was recently issued a building permit to upgrade and improve facilities covered under their existing CUP. All of the proposed changes/remodeling fall within the existing CUP with the exception of the parking lot expansion that does not conform to the required 50 foot setback from a ponding area. While the pond has been enhanced over the years, it is categorized as a "naturally occurring" pond and not a pond created for the purposes of drainage or as a water hazard for the golf course. The ordinance therefore requires a 50 foot setback from a naturally occurring lake, pond or stream. City of Edina • 4801 W 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 STAFF REPORT Page 2 Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The subject site is currently a golf course and country club including all of the buildings and facilities associated with a golf club. Planning Guide Plan designation: Zoning: R- 1, Single Dwelling Unit District Compliance Table City Standard (R-1 /CUP) Proposed Pond Setback 50 feet *34 feet *Variance Required Grading/Drainage/Utilities The City Engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and has approved the building permit associated with the various improvements to include the added parking stalls in the event a variance is granted. A memo stating as such is attached. The applicant's Engineer has stated that there currently is no storm water management provided for the parking lot. As part of the project, the storm water from the existing and proposed parking areas will be directed into a proposed sump catch basin, which will actually benefit water quality. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Site Access There would be no change in access to the site or parking area location. The location is generally not changing with the exception of the extension of a row of parking stalls on the north side of the lot. The change relating to the setback allows for safety improvements for a pathway from the club house to the tennis court area through the parking lot. Variance —Setback Per the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the enforcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the Zoning Ordinance and that the use is reasonable. As demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal does meet the variance standards, when applying the three conditions: Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The Proposed Variance will: • Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. "Practical difficulties" may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing site conditions. Shifting the parking to the south isn't feasible given steep slopes south of the main drive and proximity to the driving range, (possible damage to cars). Existing tennis courts to the west limit an addition to the west and steep slopes are also just east of the parking lot. Reconfiguring to angled parking does not provide additional stalls or provide better circulation. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? Yes, the site is a golf course with a pond that is located almost entirely within the golf course property. The expansion area originally had a large maintenance building located on it next to the pond and well within the required 50 foot setback. Parking expansion will be on a portion of the flat level area that had a maintenance building on it for many years and had been closer to the pond than the proposed, at grade, parking improvement. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No. The variance would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The parking row expansion is internal to the golf course site and will allow for a reconfigured parking lot to include a safer protected route from the club house to the tennis courts. STAFF REPORT Page 4 PRIMARY ISSUE/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issue • Is the proposed rear yard and side yard setback variance reasonable? Yes. Staff believes the proposed variance is reasonable for the following reasons: I. As highlighted above, the variance criteria are met. 2. The parking area next to the pond is existing and had a maintenance building in the same location as the proposed 16 foot parking area extension. 3. The parking area will maintain the 30 foot wetland buffer required by the Water Shed District, (permit has been issued by the District). 4. The expansion is well within the confines of the site with other locations for the improvement hampered by existing site conditions and topography. Staff Recommendation Approve an -foot variance to the pond setback for subject to the following findings: I. The findings for the Variances are met. 2. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing location of the pond relative to the parking lot, existing site improvements and topography. 3. The proposed addition in that area is reasonable as it does not encroach the 30 foot buffer as required by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. 4. The extension is an at grade row of parking pavement where a large building had been located previously.. The proposal is subject to the following conditions: I. Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Site plan date stamped July 26, 2018 • Grading plan date stamped July26, 2018 Deadline for a city decision: September 24, 2018 DATE: August 21, 2018 TO: 6200 Interlachen Ave, Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague — Community Development Director FROM: Chad Millner, PE — Director of Engineering Charlie Gerk, PE — Graduate Engineer RE: 6200 Interlachen Ave — Development Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for pedestrian facilities, utility connections, grading, and storm water. Plans reviewed were; Civil drawings dated 06/29/2018. This permit has already been approved and has met city code and building department policies requirements for a grading and site work permit. A condition of the original permit submittal was to deliver as-build records of public and private utility infrastructure post construction, this will be required to close out the permit. Review Comment Required For General I. Deliver as-build records of public and private utility infrastructure post construction. Certificate of Occupancy Survey 2. No Comments Living Streets 3. No Comments Traffic and Street 4. No Comments Sanitary and Water Utilities 5. No Comments Storm Water Utility 6. No Comments Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 7. No Comments Constructability and Safety 8. No Comments ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard • Edina, Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-826-0371 • Fax 952-826-0392 July 25, 2018 BKBM ENGINEERS City of Edina Planning Department 4801 West Fiftieth Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Interlachen County Club Application for Variance BKBM Project No. 17388.00 Dear Planning Commission: This letter is in regard to a zoning variance request for the Interlachen Country Club parking lot. The current zoning for the site requires a minimum parking setback of 50-feet from naturally occurring water bodies (Section 36-1268). Under the proposed conditions, the parking lot would be extended north toward the exiting pond and encroach into the required 50-foot setback by approximately 16 feet. The revisions to the parking lot are being proposed in an effort to provide a safer and more aesthetic route between the existing main club house and the existing tennis courts/pro shop. To facilitate the proposed curb islands and walkway, the parking lot needs to be reconfigured. The proposed parking modifications will decrease the number of parking stalls by 10 stalls; however, the owner is willing to accept this decrease to improve pedestrian safety. BKBM reviewed multiple options including angled parking and shifting the parking lot south. Because of the existing tennis courts to the west and steep slopes to the east, angled parking did not result in an increase in the total number of stalls. Similarly, the parking lot could not be shifted south due to the steep slopes south of the main drive and its proximity to the existing driving range (possible damage to cars). For these reasons, the parking is being proposed to extend to the north of the existing lot into an area that is currently a relatively flat, turf area. Although the parking lot would be closer to the existing pond, BKBM anticipates the water quality will actually benefit due to the proposed parking extension. Currently no stonnwater management is being provided for the parking lot. As part of this project, the stormwater runoff from the existing and proposed parking lot will be directed into a proposed sump catch basin. The addition of this sump catch basin would increase the water quality. Furthermore, the parking area is proposed to be outside of the wetland buffer that is required by the watershed district (30-feet). This means that the water quality provided by the buffer will still be maintained. It should also be noted that there are is only 1 other property adjacent to the pond which is located west/northwest of the existing tennis courts. Headlights from cars parking in the proposed parking lot extension should not adversely affect this property, especially given the heavy vegetation between the Interlachen property and the wetland/pond. 5930 Brooklyn Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55429 763-843-0420 3507 Ringsby Court, Suite 105, Denver, CO 80216 720-515-9807 www.bkbm.com It is our opinion that the proposed parking extension will increase the safety of the existing parking lot while having no negative impact on the neighborhood. While the City's 50-foot setback requirement would not be met, the wetland buffer requirement by the Watershed is still being met and the water quality for the pond will be enhanced. Thank you for your consideration and please contact me with any question. Sincerely, BKBM ENGINEERS 92,t2.... A . V,e)14 Kevin A. Bohl, P.E. Direct Line: (763) 843-0427 Copy: File F: \ 17 \ 17388 \Correspondence\Letters - Memos\Variance Request Letter\DFA.TWIlitlock.InterlachenCC.Due Diligence.07-10-17.docx Page 2 INV r7pesE-4--,._-...Finnet6-74' 4,* . r ' • • 4 ",,,tVi to II II ' r., 0* . 4 • . IF • [01.3 gam 71:91c,-) k 1 ilb 1 VG Mo. E'.. rile. • , - ".•••.,,.: Fr i•'?".. !;ilP - e4 7% - • uç -1! I . _ - • I s rem. tomr..) raj 41 't•;'7 '''.-: - ' 10 4r. - - Etli kl-tnneptritcrell,o5r,StaiWSB 4', W,S43 810Saitiate.01 3 sso0(00:$ 1 m= 188 ft The CITY ot EDINA W+E August 24, 20 Map Powered by DataLink 2()110n6XWBEIWAW6dialesS2 1 in = 376 ft Thecnyof EDINA W+E August 24, 20 Map Powered by DataLink N .5 10010 1000 ]E 4I44 • " GENERAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 001. 701.4.1 N. 011 NonooplA 0.17. 010oolo. DESIGN SURVEY -for- 0 1n 6 t 2 e a rl o ar n h te e ri n a C c o h u e n n tre iv C d 1 . ub cares ,zrvirmgrgggrra.tzt BENCHMARK 11.1011011VA710=2=4111.141101 tHf7=1.1'11T 01=NATATION 00.11.101110 Edina, MN 55436. FEE'ZilEFFSE: GRAPHIC SC ALE - PNA —010 NORTH •;'," '7/7' ea Maw LEGEND MOMS ANL 130. 0110. O LOOM KIM PC. O W.I. MET . 0 .0. ILICHT0 • DM= 00 .01001111 EIOT%' =0. 01111r. ID KM. SWAM TAITII MANN • MOM VO 010 1.11. • DENO. CATCH W OM A .019 OAX VALVE • 001000 HAT 0911ANT —17— MOT. WATONAIN - KAM NANITANT —0-- COM. 0.11 0014 •"'"' EOPTIrlg WA?' 0:921Z: ',le 070y01114:t d cr . ACRE LAND SUFiVEYNO gy/&4A/ tel;:61 • to•• •1 the 7034644007 • LAM 1MPo ve• JOB 07310 Sik GSM.. A... M1/110....,4then Co.". wase.inmen 01071 /014 10.011 MI CR 11. NOWT. 010.• Me .7 00 No. 44120 gr!,=MIL 12-= Pie , evhl,v ,04 /vex, /0/Zolbg/-67-#/ V NG AND GEOMETRIC PLAN N II 30' IS 0 30 60' bOALE 1- SO' BIOP0019 r.10,1 51•011101,_ .1.011111110141100. M14 cUne dr. g•I•11141 morornov coon num 471;,. =rev PAn0010 • 01041_ 0311011 (131 KrIO▪ WES Mt 01111.11.. ID a+ Kw. 01v0t0 11012 [411CJK1T Am curpet ar.rcn To 0,10/0 ycppo. 11.0.410.00101 coor mom morn oo ovv. N • TZT-gr.'Ari="4:4.VVri.Z.r" 0 DIV. MOI116011.0 1.01111 01011, 11[01/1 no ova ti,mo. to MIgt.'IMItItoreetle. taf rFeli•tr-t= =Wet" rj 0041.00r0 onovo, voivo ▪ 11101011 MED MU. Pol .1011.13,0ceso. 1111110111111011113 mut N tl• 'I"L.-j.-TIVetVetr%•747n=gorlre=grr" terrOr14.'47.* torArrtnrrittnile4 =Ta.reN,tzn ogr- El =Lela Main 1.00.101i =0110 mem ewe ant Me PPorOPED orm 1.0110,0.0PE 0.1.45 00111 neuter OM, mom. tem wee re veeeten teeeeet orrvot p maw. emous ...(1111 ULM 11110400/40 {WA WTI 10 • .1,10/t4 I. 040 011110.0101011 RC /0 F. PI 1/ MOM. ,A.Ammto OUTIVIS 10 et OM CI1K0ZIr CUPP MD OMR 1.04.11 0011,0 wr,r, WM 111011.0 V VMS 110011, on Nan 114.10//. 311 tigg.0=1.04 IX., AM: sZartr 1r011.1.9. •11£ 10 o. o nro nor v, RV 01,u00 Iettlelrelt=2EMOPil r4ell.strI"'"" 0 0 0 0 C) 9 env. VAN LOA 230011303S00E IN, N. OVID PIONM.1111,32 0641 EiElEru-ba • 1909 0411 IMERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 0200 INTEALACHEN BELO. EDINA, 34 20435 IWO, WY, 50106045 vivoVvVv,v,oPortovo 200044by mo orber my OW mlohom12 Vet lam o ch.ry LkonsodProlevolonor 510 4y401000111410 2e.....Z.• A. V.4 tk.S.Pitiv' -, A INIERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE 6200 NTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 54436 " grzrz 4%1 t=i2 "J'47,%11=2.1." CONSTAUCION DOCUMENTS Ina 1.0.010. 1111,0740 01.0namel We. PAVING AND GEOMETRIC PLAN C400 N =X= ao! IN o 30' 60' Lrr r • 1512_1304257 310.2030 deadetipmcorn PRUP[1,1 m1x CY14•1111 VM LLC. 2100 !axone LN, N. 0205 PLITA0111,. MN 05111 • • tIVET:10d,44"ePIVE.01117700 MINNUPOLICAN 99430 ••••• INThRLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE 8200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 05436 cm,77.130-einar. ED tarn= tx= • 90 ow t=remVIIVAVoVetr M " 04,.. N oow ;gr.= 14.1301 00054 000 u ro n. Nun 1771:417,-.7,1,r "MV747•71•• 7=71% L N 1%7:aw V7V=VOZT:=""'" o 71n garcvl nR IrA•4111.2%Frol N =UV° 711=r-ZelLOVhEMM ZVI." v`r 'f.trik'ht•- •0•6 INTERIAOHEN COUNTRY CLUB 0200 INTERLACHEN DOM. EOINA, MN 55436 ••••••0, •ue 4541 peeee r•R ••,..• 44 am Toraira=0.= ^sLVINIXALT''''" f• "NT= IlVorV Ir7rcilia.FVVNIM Vcr°L.O' qumevcao pm, god..m or re•• m••••,•/ mail...4 mow :11=nrr =Stlert 000 000 A. 9.4 tal 6114Lr war CONSTRUC1100 DOCUMENTS c• n••••• ot&SX151ING SEWER •••• UTILI1Y PLAN C300 ifyreaFr &g,Fig,AwN ••••• 790100 4111101fl Jaw cluo 0/20/011 N • 30' 10 0 30' BO' bc LE I' - 30' 8151 84 54 45. MV 584 02 61.0,3311-2211 7.: VAA, 21d0 PERKSHRIE N. /200 Pt.vmani,Ingsscil BUM EIPOINENI2 4120 05216 520112 0000, 5000 180 01848081J% MN 95538 ------- Fr. ,••• I'',... POO. INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE 020011DIRLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, INN 55835 • Ept+Ante..: WOO a Plan IMEEMEED11 IF& ' 8400 '800 ion 80 001080 IV El ON pi. lor, 0.11111.1. RPM 1/02.00. MAIkPLReirrol WM. 12.110 ODA. 2.013 AND jag Mar A ILL LU :,,,:zuz•rossons. Nos, s ons.m. IsErrall " %''''117iir4":411gnrolr" INTURLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 ,..••..„, .- 111 M Rt.*/ moss nu. as n *sou Nosss No, WALKWAY WW1; gu'rst'=" itesontrVolls" "'""" """` Z. ALL 4.1./t .0111... MP 111..Pe ARP 10 et FM GP. I Imo* cor 44 MI. On, i**VodIT1 mosanyonsmonso BUSn e8LA10540P84484881 Dolma mtica Wawa orqouloleal A, 2,4 MING DRAINAGE AND EROSION GONTRDI PLAN 101,13K_POIIM 004=reill'Prrelir rjARTIZIOttriZreWprlintlin171.%71 0'0;17471:1=PrEn." " It totncnouto uoraRupwr Ira P/ pat MO PM.. Mr../ 172•45/1-109/. "= =11,=1,1c14.0n Urn '01. c`"1711". TOW:AZ' r.11,11,7M Aft'. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS p. pp...., pop., ptto ppp pp, • =7.,r pm.tp. pt.,/ p.p. , =1712.1° i't'EfFiSTS,"1:417-11.741r7,--74,„ UM. et toot Moo let nraroo* 0.110. reveitie 1./.. mew re. Ape.. reap MC urn VrLT, n=".41'.12 tfr7..,.1:1=FALVIgr,",,VJ,"="=1,7.1•21."=.4427.14„":;-17 ""'"" ""I` " """" Mos"ropsZIZIolorsit Zniro'Z'alg "1:71Pul::IZZTNANT:=4" "" """'" """ """ """ ""`" rg=grun s mow nos. om moss sou. no sops so nso op. Noss* posses. op won tummy tr mosso ue om on *Nemo mom *sponsor oprom • D./ peopoe , ALL VOT 11.110.10 .4010 IRK. Mt MM. or Mt elpf.. 11.0 • rpte Met.no eLepra A. /0 =we at. ftrir 11001.21/10 1 MT PrIter.1 tt.311 lie. OM.. D. Kan. 1.0. u•oll WPC DIPPO MP Din.. PeCtre 16 por. DIPPA.C. TON m.o. AT ALL le. " rs"p=tugung=lfsforZTNIr sunf". t"11."*47,2 ":1141oIrsroWn= 'olo"Noar" FitriariririrangTigniii:OMEiNT:PEPEalr""":"'1`1""V"7""" L PPM TOT /ALL I. Ot YORIPP PR PL.1.1. AS Pur1011/2 POPP. OM. Wet DP R... IMO PM PM. 1.10•14-111 At A D. Cr 02 Poltro. PM AWL / 1. , 111.7=f1/1/451arl o nt. 11111,ILTIA 04111:t1. P.101.5. AR01.1.1. FLAP OR MD.. DIRPO.Int Mir CO.. Or W/001 0.1.111. 211-Tal • P... me W.. Mom. WA. A. p.m./ trupoRAFri WPM .1 c.o. 111 tAtinAtk run otp-21.1 luaun Og repport0. 11. 100... .411,013 WY Nor DC WED FOR erlatenatl 111 PO. OP V.. DM. 2g3ge="t 'l'o'res7Srag" 'ustons"="A"o7Nroonln"N"orniatiOlio=o *"."4"4"sr4Nurnforir=f5"altroNlOrsro."47020or""" 11.1. 544005, 05,04536, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAIN =PAY= .11 at RIM.. Mill 1.01. !Pa. 0. Mt POD OF IRON OD MAT 112 PIM "sus Mt VIOW AnD10.5 TO irlatili,a0"Y4FITA4314/Sn'itILSOILPFIlirrilF1/711A7FEETIr:11W'n=17:' ortme..42,,-.74=.ronvravr. 27.2 .mr„rtzovotAtmeg.4r.„,-rgr.t:,tv ""- 140= .11 DP MIN. ARP P.M., ADOUPO 1121.1.01 Of ALP AtiO .1.0% WOW OR MM. PO 112 AP. TO RP ORPOPP teal lit10.11/./.11,111E 1.9 it. TO Poinee I110/00. W. .0{5.11 DI Mt. wirli A ett.17 nee .11.1r P.P c0.101...14 OR N.D. 16 AOLIMIAMI Oral tn.. o.1.01.13 ontlart 5.1. et ritlio. RD. to. Pr. collo...I or memo An... PROP. Comet pr. DMZ Loa. et etaltme mrp re. DIA81.1.1 DR Det.. et Ter only ADD, 10.111. le Mt ...DR DIPPLL leer DIP MARIO. ARCA AD POOH AP 1.0. C200 "-,i.774,7:41,474,74,F.'"".1,111,17711,7„,"."4:1= "="0,41r.,Nrr jtfiCIPOT11 PPPPILIO, rzt., tre.r' I r. mew arATO/ =P. 102 BMW rx-*— EZZI RETAINING WA L NOTES. bustelp 011,4201. amed KOS 7SLIVO SEWS'S ,/ • • r:RPOSFO CONDITIONS 1.1.11110/A gni Ill Pill, IX .1 o PllOgit> 'Ina= MIX1r1141' twit Mit JO o^l'ar&u:FILIR=7 INTEDLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 6200 INTEPLACHEN 41,00, EDINA, MN 55430 MINN NIAIN OW No oleo. mooOtwozdko,,popoor Nil I on o rAlo Nemo* Prolog. solo,noon..arooeow mom. A. Dale CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C600 ° 60' 30' 0 60' 120' SCS T • 60' MOD, RD Br, MN 1919 ESE AA, 23001IE MCHINE NI. N. 0200 RENOWN, IAN MG NNFMnU1 MN 91980 IMTER1ACHEN COUNTRY CLUE CLUBHOUSE 6200 INTERLACHEN BLOC. EDINA, MN 55420 VICINITY MAP MOPV/VAVAI.FWGEOWNIEGANDS/DATA/NAPPER.HTIAL .1,01117.. ...L. Will.. Didel VlOttgllraging111111*Irta." m. 110.19/10111 oolooN, /GINO ROM • I 111141,1 IIIIIIIIII , DOMING DRAINAGE AREAS o Bel ea./ Lt. 'Tar NNA NOM EEZFro",01-111' CGAGFIGGION STORMWATER RUNOFF SUMMARY soipit pry., till Merl. ill PN1 If NANNING EFE PoriElEihaa"FX4'.21141" 40392W/Mais-ma PROPOSED DRAINAGE Ma101,"747. Fn" VON N REI SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION (Tr'. 1 EkilfgfraaLITT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT T.U'lgr' 0° plIATLIC 311011091 011(corA9030. 409JaspaTT RITIIMINOI IS PAVEMENT 30.0 .011191.110911/ @_49.4.T.2aWN CURB SECTION r-- - %UV 0. 0001 ® oiCivagE SIGN AND POST- cRASS AREA PLACEMENT UP PI0 1,301 ”S7. issmommam VINVER NO PARKING ANY TIME 0000 Tr, MEM wawa tow ea* no 1111Milla 1111111111111 " ME11.1119 A0 A02 EWAN A/U39000 PNCY311 0111110103009031431 WAIT 040091101 Mat. ® a; SgAyMP DETAIL rft.`ier COWAN now. 100.113,00 '1?%1 PFRlMFTFR DRAIN III E_ ANIMA rommo NOTE: FOR ADA COMPUANT PEDESTRIAN RAMPS, REFER TO MN/DOT STANDARD PLAN -207250 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS AT 111E FOLLOWING WEB ADDRESS: bTTP.//STANDAROPLATES DOT STAT? 1.111 115/CITIPI ATF NAPE 0007000105 ,E,,,1 ANTI TOE CITY MOO OWNER PRIOR TO i,,,,,s/Cilarg.D PEDESTRIAN CURB OCT o qfr REVANGULAR KATrs RADIAL PLATES 30 rocTDATTaTY= DE= Calf TIT=ISI&MBLY:al CHID MfirtETT=arm. =T o &! := .7= gm= =am DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE TIMM. 031. 7038A MN CURB RAMP - DETECTABLE WARNING :A. SEWER MANHOLE ,1IT 5strcH BASIN 4.144CRFTE CURB AND TATTER ZOO eT 1/40AND bANFTANY 10 I COMA 1.9 „.-, .. .. . 246'247--Z°:4711-itar:' q3)45I,162470CK CONSTRUCTOR ENTRANCE EiFF.iEFP.Wrai" I ®4g.TgavrEEta_____ 01-10. 9391; 1 MOTT OA A .101031 Or a• MICA. T 2 1111011. 30100T 3339 IVY 3 &um, @frtparkiEDIMENTATION PROTECTION OPTIONS 105005 0000 0100 Monopole, NN 5,11G 11112_.9-VST 1 BIC MOM 01,111 =MOM VC •2211 51.110011111. MN WM 01181,1T1101TERII IND 813/ EARLE FROWN DRIVE, UWE TOO MINNEAPCL1.1,1,1155430 PRERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE 6200 INTERLACHEN BLVD. EDINA, MN 55436 • 1000 INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB 4130 INIERLACHEN BLVD, EDINA, MN 55430 Ih.0027 002W CM Napo, IpeclIWFmn CO WW1= P.,. FY 11111.10.111/6•100110903600/11110T 8111363/301131331113911310 Es.** 100los00000006 0100.0. A. 5CAM No NOM. Pow MO CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 750110 0520/2010 nevoa 400 CIVIL DETAILS C500 Date: August 29, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.C . To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e reques t B-18-22 for 5428 Halifax Lane Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he applicant is requesting to increase the first floor elevation 3.52 feet higher than the current home’s first floor elevation in order to construct a new home at 5428 Halifax L ane. 5428 H alifax Lane is approximately 17,332 square feet in area and is located on the west side of H alifax Lane, east of M innehaha C reek, and is located in the floodplain. T he C ity of Edina’s E ngineering standards require the basement elevation of the new home to be 2 feet higher than the F E M A base flood elevation. T he requirement for increased height in basement elevations impacts the ability for the project to conform to the maximum first floor height requirement of 1 foot. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Aerial Map Engineering Memo Applicant Submittal The applicant is requesting to increase the first floor elevation 3.52 feet higher than the current home’s first floor elevation in order to construct a new home at 5428 Halifax Lane. 5428 Halifax Lane is approximately 17,332 square feet in area and is located on the west side of Halifax Lane, east of Minnehaha Creek, and is located in the floodplain. The City of Edina’s Engineering standards require the basement elevation of the new home to be 2 feet higher than the FEMA base flood elevation. The requirement for increased height in basement elevations impacts the ability for the project to conform to the maximum first floor height requirement of 1 foot. The existing home is a rambler built in 1958 prior to the FEMA floodplain study conducted in 1979 to determine flood risk areas. It is a City and Watershed District goal to elevate and remove homes out of the flood hazard areas when the opportunity presents itself. A variance is requested to allow the first floor elevation of the new home to exceed the first floor elevation of the existing home more than one foot. The current home at 5428 Halifax Lane has a first floor elevation of 870.4 feet above sea level. The established flood elevation is 861.9. The minimum basement elevation must be no less than 2 feet above the flood elevation so the minimum basement elevation is 863.9. The proposed 1st floor is to be at 873.92, which after discounting floor trusses, spacers, subfloor, etc. provides a basement ceiling height around 8.5 feet. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential.. August 29, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner B-18-22, A 2.52 foot first floor height variance (3.52 feet total) for a new home at 5428 Halifax Lane Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The existing 17,332 square foot lot is located on the west side of Halifax Lane and east of Minnehaha Creek. The property is within the flood zone. The existing single story rambler is to be removed. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their August 22, 2018 memorandum. The stormwater management plan associated with the project shows that grading for the proposed work will closely match existing drainage paths. The property will drain to Halifax Lane and Minnehaha Creek. The plan does not propose any additional drainage to neighboring private properties. This project will require stormwater mitigation and the applicant proposes a rain garden to meet this requirement. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – East Side - South– West Side – 15’4” with no less than 7 feet on one side 34.3 feet 15’4” with no less than 7 feet on one side Roughly 162.44 feet 10 feet 35.7 feet 7.12 feet 25’ Building Coverage 25% 15.7% First Floor Elevation 870.4 Existing 873.92* *Requires a variance STAFF REPORT Page 3 PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Does the proposed new home meet the criteria for approval of variances with a with a first floor elevation 7.1 feet higher than the existing home? Staff believes the proposal meets the criteria for a variance to allow the first floor elevation 3.52 feet higher than the existing home for the following four reasons: 1. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with zoning standards, with exception of the new 1st floor elevation height. The proposed home design elevates the lowest level of the dwelling to an elevation two feet above the 100-year FEMA flood elevation of 861.9 removing it from the flood zone. 2. The variance allows the new home to be elevated out of the flood zone and maintain the required distances from the neighbors to the east and west. 3. The proposed home design project fits the character of the neighborhood in height, scale, and mass. The home is appropriate in size and scale for the lot and the improvements will enhance the property. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings listed in the staff report above, and subject to the following conditions: 1. The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans: • Survey date stamped July 30, 2018. • Building plans and elevations date stamped July 30, 2018. 2. Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo dated August 22, 2018. Edina, H ennepin, MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates 2013, HN Aerial 2015, ©WSB & Associates 2013 5428 Halifax Lane August 24, 2018 Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates 1 in = 75 ft / DATE: August 22, 2018 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Charles Gerk, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 5428 Halifax Lane - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the proposed site plan dated 8/1/18 and the stormwater management plan date 8/1/18. Grading and Drainage Grading for the proposed work will closely match existing drainage paths. Drainage will be directed to either Halifax Lane in the front of the property or to the rear of the property and into Minnehaha Creek. The proposed stormwater management plan does not propose any additional drainage to neighboring private properties and the public infrastructure on Halifax Lane has capacity to accept the runoff. Stormwater Mitigation City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 does require stormwater mitigation for this project. To meet the policy requirements the applicant has proposed a rain garden. The rain garden has been designed to capture and infiltrate 1” of run off from the new impervious surfaces and match the subjects site existing run off rate to the atlas-14 10% annual chance for flood. Flood Plain The subject site is located in the FEMA 1% annual chance flood plain which has an identified regional base flood elevation of 861.9’. City of Edina code requires the low floor elevation for redeveloped lots to be no less than 2’ above the base flood elevation. For this property the regulatory elevations require the low floor elevation to be no less than 863.9’. The subject property has a proposed a low floor elevation of 863.9’. Additionally the applicant has proposed fill in the flood plain, this fill is allowed per city code as long as there is an equal amount of cut on the site. The applicant is using the cut from the rain garden to meet this requirement. Erosion and Sediment Control No Comments Street and Curb Cut A curb cut permit will be required if the applicant proposed replacing or relocating existing curb cut. Public Utilities No Comments O ther Items A Minnehaha Watershed District permit will be required. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. 5428 Halifax LaneEdina, MN ± 5428 Halifax Lane Panel 27053C0364FEffective Date: November 4, 2016FEMA Base Flood Elevation = 861.9 ft (NGVD29) November 20172016 FEMA Map86286486686086887087 2874 8708668 6 0 862 860868 8668668688620.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD HAZARD 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD HAZARD FLOODWAY AREA Contours 2ft Legend Parcels Building Footprint Water Roads Date: August 29, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.D. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e reques t B-18-23 for 5905 Tamarac Lane Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve variance as requested I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he applicant is requesting to increase the first floor elevation 4 feet higher than the current home’s first floor elevation in order to construct a new home at 5905 Tamarac Lane. 5905 Tamarac Lane is approximately 12,350 square feet in area and is located on the east side of Tamarac Lane, on the west side of Nine M ile C reek and is located in the floodplain. T he City of E dina’s Engineering standards require the basement elevation of the new home to be 2 feet higher than the F E M A base flood elevation. T he requirement for increased height in basement elevations impacts the ability for the project to conform to the maximum first floor height requirement of 1 foot. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Aerial Map Applicant Submittal Engineering Memo The applicant is requesting to increase the first floor elevation 4 feet higher than the current home’s first floor elevation in order to construct a new home at 5905 Tamarac Lane. 5905 Tamarac Lane is approximately 12,350 square feet in area and is located on the east side of Tamarac Lane, on the west side of Nine Mile Creek and is located in the floodplain. The City of Edina’s Engineering standards require the basement elevation of the new home to be 2 feet higher than the FEMA base flood elevation. The requirement for increased height in basement elevations impacts the ability for the project to conform to the maximum first floor height requirement of 1 foot. The existing home is a split entry home built in 1959 prior to the FEMA floodplain study conducted in 1979 to determine flood risk areas. It is a City and Watershed District goal to elevate and remove homes out of the flood hazard areas when the opportunity presents itself. A variance is requested to allow the first floor elevation of the new home to exceed the first floor elevation of the existing home by more than one foot. The current home at 5905 Tamarac Lane has a first floor elevation of 875.2 feet above sea level. The established floodplain elevation is 866.7. The minimum basement elevation must be no less than 2 feet above the flood elevation so the minimum basement elevation is 868.7. The proposed first floor elevation of the house is 879.2. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Walnut Ridge Park; zoned R-1 and guided open space and parks. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential.. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. August 29, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner B-18-23, A 3 foot first floor height variance (four feet total) for a new home at 5905 Tamarac Lane Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The existing 12,350 square foot lot is located on the east side of Tamarac Lane and immediately west if Nine Mile Creek and south of Walnut Ridge Park. The property is within the flood zone. The existing split level home is to be removed. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their August 22, 2018, memorandum. Grading for the proposed work will closely match existing drainage paths. Drainage will be directed to either Tamarac Lane in the front of the property or to the rear of the property and into Nine Mile Creek. The public infrastructure on Tamarac Lane has the capacity to accept the runoff. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – East Side - South– West Side – 10 feet 25 feet 10 feet 32.6 feet 10.2 Roughly 37 feet 10.1 feet 32.6 feet Building Coverage 25% 24.6% First Floor Elevation 875.2 Existing 879.2* *Requires a variance STAFF REPORT Page 3 PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Does the proposed new home meet the criteria for approval of variances with a with a first floor elevation 7.1 feet higher than the existing home? Staff believes the proposal meets the criteria for a variance to allow the first floor elevation 4 feet higher than the existing home for the following four reasons: 1. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with zoning standards, with exception of the new 1st floor elevation height. The proposed home design elevates the lowest level of the dwelling to an elevation two feet above the 100-year FEMA flood elevation of 866.7 removing it from the flood zone. 2. The variance allows the new home to be elevated out of the flood zone and maintain the required distances from the neighbors to the east and west. 3. The proposed home design project fits the character of the neighborhood in height, scale, and mass. The home is appropriate in size and scale for the lot and the improvements will enhance the property. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings listed in the staff report above, and subject to the following conditions: 1. The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans: • Survey revision, updated flood plain elevation, 8-21-18 • Building plans and elevations date stamped July 30, 2018. 2. Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo dated August 22, 2018. Edina, H ennepin, MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates 2013, HN Aerial 2015, ©WSB & Associates 2013 5905 Tamarac Lane August 24, 2018 Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates 1 in = 50 ft / Variance Application for 5905 Tamarac Lane- Supplement We have been hired to build a new home for the Perry Family at 5905 Tamarac Lane. 5905 Tamarac Lane has a portion of the property in the backyard that is within the recently established local 100-year elevation of 866.7. The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit standards require that the basement floor and low floor entry of a new home must be built 2' above the 100-year flood plain at a height of 868.7. Because of this requirement, the new home's first floor must be built at an elevation of 879.2. Thus, the proposed first floor is 4' above the original home's first floor elevation of 875.2. The Edina zoning code requires new homes to be built no more than 1' above the first floor of the original home. The existing home is also a split entry so the existing first floor height is measured at the split entry which is below existing first floor. Therefore, we are requesting a variance of 3.0' from the 1' first floor requirement. The proposed variances will relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and the use is reasonable. The ordinance requires the new home be built with the basement 2' above the 100-year flood plain while the first floor can be no more than 1' above the old home. The local flood plain of 868.7 was established after the existing home was built. This circumstance was not created by the homeowner and will not alter the essential character of the property or its surroundings. The proposed variance will correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other properties in the vicinity. Many homeowners have been able to build above the floodplain throughout Edina as this an engineering requirement. The proposed variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance. Outside of the requested variance, the new home will meet all requirements of the zoning code. The proposed variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. 5905 Tamarac Lane is a wide 95' lot. There is no neighbor to the north. We typically build the garage on the north side to allow more southern light into the home, but we designed the garage on the south side to reduce the mass facing the south neighbor. 5905 Tamarac Lane new home proposed building materials: • Traditional lap siding o Asphalt roof o Detailed front entry o Stone details PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 3 0 2018 CITY OF EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ch42.. G-AkA6, JUL 3 () 2018 CITY OF EUINA ' r11111•1111•111111IMMINM 7 L . "?•2( 2 &r: . 4. ty C S )yp 1,1 O t • rt- • r xs, al ; 0 •?( 0 iQz- ;eh 1,9 .17 PLANNING DEPARTMENT .JUL 3 0 2018 CITY OF EDINA 2 3 7 41 4 f C It• a -4 -e PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 3 0 2018 CITY OF EDINA 0 1-4miA rzi.k c. U.R. ....Mr" Date: 7/24/2018 Hennepin County Property Map Comments: 1 inch = 100 feet PARCEL ID: 3111721420010 OWNER NAME: Brett Perry & Angela Perry PARCEL ADDRESS: 5905 Tamarac La, Edina MN 55436 PARCEL AREA: 0.28 acres, 12,350 sq ft A-T-B: Abstract SALE PRICE: $475,000 SALE DATA: 05/2016 SALE CODE: Excluded From Ratio Studies ASSESSED 2017, PAYABLE 2018 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $443,100 TAX TOTAL: $5,937.00 ASSESSED 2018, PAYABLE 2019 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $488,800 PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 3 0 2018 CITY OF EDINA This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (i ii) is notsuitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liale f or any damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2018 ic, arac_ eV 5-f; (4-, 'PLANNING DEPARTM ENT JUL 3 0 2018 - ••••:;:„ •; ;11. ; :!;), y=r . vJ t , • \ CITY OF N ttt •. • • PLANNING Dt--:.1-PAR-^: _ 1,, .11-, J A A LI Ain% eimmeamorrwagierNIINEK -rpior 141 to S WZMORNSVAZiaftlieNg +11 st, =Co 441aLit ,,Lamaltamuulawaasona&dart.tirzinmazt,,,,i 4/14,ajhatikhL5,1,.. ..A'A.:ylarS.14.13116)1,1AUC'Att.,.....t... • A. 11,1 ot Ua tis PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 3 0 2018 CITY OF EDINA t.tootvr i514.0170-0P trttkIrt. c> argip: .. • f5 TA;v_t_is,q-A PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL. 3 0 2018 CITY OF EDINA 74,4 " Clit4.)t -7s 0"3 •‘••••••••••••• tp!041,4 o O1' ri '416 NOlt, A 3 -7\CAMOrk—_-. -}u.ur,e,--r I 1 •+•••v•g•,..•In...s. •••••ad•r••••••,..... •M Mibi! kr406PArzrat 848;71 }•••••••.• • vt.e),;,1: et-A-1g 6 66,7 01-4 n_com. - _ 6.hx2114t P,..4113 &1 .ept,lat,,ovo 6.reAt?te-c' 4130 1= I9-"--) -1 _ /12 I ?M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT •JUL 3 0 2018 CITY OF EDINA 0 Ri-kt t (,_ Ry TA-NLAI2AC, e. )0/1--tA 6 1.3)'01 '0) 75) Y 2- 13f\a015?3 NI e, I V7\ V1\1103 JO 4119 810Z 0 e 7nr 1tg3n1elVd3C1 ONINNifid Li 161- V3,C1 R. 4,4 -Os (4 t t,- 7, 104 tg, DL PLANNING DEPARTMENT -JUL 3 2018 CITY OF E.--DINA i0t5-1174 \.r A t 657' t'. fok T.tamkqz-P _UM )1-1 01 813.2 32. DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAWING ORIENTATION & SCALE SCALE - 1° = 20' GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES 5905 TAMARAC LANE EDINA, MN CLIENT NAME /JOB ADDRESS EXISTING HARDCOVER House 1,743 Sq. Ft. Existing Deck 249 Sq. Ft. Concrete Surfaces 733 Sq. Ft. Ret. Walls 17 Sq. Ft. TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 2,739 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT 12,350 Sq. Ft. PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER TO LOT 22.295 EXISTING BUILDING COVERAGE House 1,743 Sq. Ft. Existing Deck 249 Sq. Ft. Deck Credit -150 Sq. Ft. TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 1,842 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT 12,350 Sq. Ft. PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER TO LOT 14.9', LEGEND ry CATCH BASH FRE HYDRANT = MEN POLE - WARIOLE - TELEPHONE PED. DEC. TFtANSFORSIER WW1 - GATE VALVE 1JGHT POLE 4x- o - TREE - FENCE LINE SANITARY SEVER UNE -W- WATER ONE GAS UNE -ST-- - 510101 DRAIN UNE -E- OVERHEAD InkiTY UNE - CONCRETE SURFACE PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL. 3 0 2018 CITY OF ED;f4A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 2, GLEASON SECOND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. SCOPE OF WORK & LIMITATIONS: 1. Showing the length and direction of boundary lines of the legal description listed above. The scope of our services does not include determining what you own, which is a legal matter. Please check the legal description with your records or consult with competent legal counsel, if necessary, to make sure that it is correct and that any matters of record, such as easements, that you wish to be included on the survey have been shown. 2. Showing the location of observed existing improvements we deem necessary for the survey. 3. Setting survey markers or verifying existing survey markers to establish the corners of the property. 4. Showing and tabulating impervious surface coverage of the lot for your review and for the review of such governmental agencies that may have jurisdiction over these requirements to verify they are correctly shown before proceeding with construction. 5. Showing elevations on the site at selected locations to give some indication of the topography of the site. We have also provided a benchmark for your use in determining elevations for construction on this site. The elevations shown relate only to the benchmark provided on this survey. Use that benchmark and check at least one other feature shown on the survey when determining other elevations for use on this site or before beginning construction. 6. This survey has been completed without the benefit of a current title commitment. There may be existing easements or other encumbrances that would be revealed by a current title commitment. Therefore, this survey does not purport to show any easements or encumbrances other than the ones shown hereon. 7. Note that all building dimensions and building tie dimensions to the property lines, are taken from the siding and or stucco of the building. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: " • " Denotes iron survey marker, set, unless otherwise noted. 867.7 X 67.7 869.0 PRELIMINARNif a I / 5' 86 6' eles,,•13 Co kup; 4-1 e 866.7 ) ,..-g 1369.7 8.9 ..f.. ) I 1 I I N I I z---X L E°:'S 8695 ://6 ' •:,. X 869E) I r`L 869.3 I I 1 CO / L 13 Li b / -.. / 4,4 i (:) 2" N m a I I a c‘i 0 ,z) Q3 / 436114 / / 6 6. `) :), / ,r, p, .•••• / (z) I ;15' • 7 8, // ,2 8' / 4+8 4869.1 / / i 1372. .4 Er7 TS 2 x,ia 71: i9 I ,/ / `•-"1 r: ' 86 9 7 S, 04/ 867, lib°Q'td Area Ns 8 r 5.3 r" Eg 86 . 'Si, X s '‘ 864.4 864.5 I X 864.9 863.5 X 8633 X 863.1 1 863.0 X 862.4 rs t/ X 862.8 / 862.5 863. 872.9 co-Th I X 073.3 8701-.--)130.0 S 8W4521V x ok Y 667 w _I / ;- / s 4.6 " S (pi 31 4 3 >,(870 X 8 11 1 1- ‘L \ 4:7E9 8730 ;4. 067.4 I _ I- 1 ), Z X867.5 X887.5 ', B6 .9 / rt 30.0 I rft"4 866.2& ,#./3 1 N 89'45'21" W !fif .5.- ;II -e,,T(1""" accs:13 6 67.7 ..- X -r..,‘ X 8683 X 8683 X 869.8X 869.6 --.... --L.N.,.( , "1 , 10-- -....„ `,... ---... oc2o I r%,...dc69.3 / ...---) ,‘. /N. X 869. \. P' 867.5 f( 868. fe Z.. e., , .. ' _ tit9.2 , p77.31 _/_c / on / f2yve5, 5/ / /X 869.9 1 g / 867 : 1 : El', r: ' i II --c\4 a , •,, 1 r- X 87171---- / ( 1 I < 867,1 ,,. I :EL 1 Peak 86 8 9 9 .8 .7 1 7 - 0 -: I N .3 --.. , .---. --... 01 C r.: CY) try' a) / , \ I \ \ \ cs 3 869.6 \ 869.6 I \ N c0 11.71•1 QI I NHS / 0 ?0 032 Oi Od . 1 / N.c o 6 & 13 t 11.1 kw /X1369.7 ' 12" \ (3/7613.2 Advance Surveying & Engkieering,Co. 1791711Ighemy 7 Minnetonka. Minnesota 55345 Phone (952)474-7964 Web: www.acteser.COM I HEREBY PRIVY THAT TIE PLAN, %MEV OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BIM CR 198)01 YY DETECT SUPERLASICH AND THAT I All A DULY REGISTERED LAND SAWYER UNDER 111E LAWS OF 111E SIAM OF IANNESOTA. DATE SURVEYED: MAY 8, 2018 Thomas M. Doom # 42379 UCEINEW. MAY 8, 2018 DATE DATE DRAFTED: MAY 8, 2018 SHEET TITLE EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY DRAWING NUMBER 180307 TB SHEET SIZE 17 X 22 SHEET NO. S1 SHEET 1 OF 1 FOR REVIEW 0 wLY 863.5 X 863.3 "-INSTALL SILT FENCE X 863.1 LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTINC SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED CONTi9UR PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION DRAINAGE ARROIT - FLOE SILT FENCE/IVO ROLL TREE REJIOVAL X 875.5 675 675.5 SF 031 PROTECT EA7STNC TREE (INSTALL ORANGE CONST FENCE AROUND TREE TO PROTECT) 01 L 8662 li 8.0.8 867.7 866 9 X -6867. . GRADING & EROSION CONTROL NOTES: BEFORE DEMOLITION AND GRADING BEGIN • Install silt fence/bio roll around the perimeter of the construction area. • Sediment control measures must remain in place until final stabilization has been established and then shall be removed. Sediment controls may be removed to accommodate short tenn construction activity but must be replaced before the next rain. • A temporary rock construction entrance shall be established at each access point to the site and a 6 inch layer of Ito 2 inch rock extending at least 50 feet from the street into the site and shall be mtherlain with permeable geotextile fabric. The entrance shall be maintained during construction by top dressing or washing to prevent tracking or flow of sediments onto public streets, walks or alleys. Potential entrances that are not so protected shall be closed by fencing to prevent unprotected exit from the site. • Contractor shall install inlet protection on all existing stone sewer inlets in accordance with the city standard details. Inlet protection shall also be provided on all proposed storm sewer inlets immediately following construction of the inlet. Inlet protection must be installed in a manner that will not impound water for extended periods of time or in a manner that presents a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. DURING CONSTRUCTION: • When dirt stockpiles have been created, a double row of silt fence shall be placed to prevent escape of sediment laden runoff and if the piles or other disturbed areas are to remain in place for snore titan 14 days, they shall be seeded with Minnesota Department of Transportation Seed Mixture 22-111 at 100 lb/acre followed by covering with spray mulch. • A dumpster shall be placed on the site for prompt disposal of construction debris. These dumpsters shall be serviced regularly to prevent overflowing and blowing onto adjacetApropenies. Disposal of solid wastes from the site shall in ac8ftiflanceW2-1WRYPollution Control Agency requirements. • A separate container shall be placed for disposal of hazardous waste. Hazardous wastes shall be disposed of in accordance with MPCA requirements. • Concrete truck washout shall be in the plastic lined ditch and dispose of washings as solid waste. INSTALL NEW CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON PER CITY OF EDINA STANDARD PLATE 400. REPAIR EXISTING CONC. CURB & GUTTER AS NEED PER STANDARD PLATE 500. SAW CUT REMOVAL AREAS. • Sediment control devices shall be regularly inspected and after major rainfall events and shall be cleaned and repaired as necessary to provide downstream protection. • Streets and other public ways shall be inspected daily and if litter or soils has been deposited it shall promptly be removed. • If necessary, vehicles, that have mud on their wheels, shall be cleaned before exiting the site in the rock entrance areas. • Moisture shall be applied to disturbed areas to control dust as needed. • Portable toilet facilities shall be placed on site for use by workers and shall be properly maintained. • If it becomes necessary to pump the excavation during construction, pump discharge shall be into the stockpile areas so that the double silt fence around these areas can filter the water before it leaves the site. • Temporary erosion control shall be installed no later than 14 days after the site is first disturbed and shall consist of broadcast seeding with Minnesota Department of Transportation Seed Mixture 22-111 at 100 lb/acre followed by covering with spray mulch. • Erosion control measures shown on the erosion control plan are the absolute minimum. The contractor shall install temporary earth dikes, sediment traps or basins and additional silt fencing as deemed necessary to control erosion. SITE WORK COMPLETION: • When fmal grading has been completed but before placement of seed or sod an "as built" survey shall be done per City of Edina requirements to insure that grading was properly done. • When any remedial grading has been completed, sod or seeding shall be completed including any erosion control blankets for steep areas. • When turf is established, silt fence and inlet protection and other erosion control devices shall be disposed of and adjacent streets, alleys and walks shall be cleaned as needed to deliver a site that is erosion resistant and clean. • Contractor shall maintain positive drainage of a minimum 2% slope away from proposed building. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 2, GLEASON SECOND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. SCOPE OF WORK & LIMITATIONS: 1. Showing the length and direction of boundary lines of the legal description listed above. The scope of our services does not include detennining what you own, which is a legal matter. Please check the legal description with your records or consult with competent legal counsel, if necessary, to make sure that it is correct and that any matters of record, such as easements, that you wish to be included on the survey have been shown. 2. Showing the location of observed existing improvements we deem necessary for the survey. 3. Setting survey markers or verifying existing survey markers to establish the corners of the property. 4. Showing and tabulating impervious surface coverage of the lot for your review and for the review of such governmental agencies that may have jurisdiction over these requirements to verify they are correctly shown before proceeding with construction. 5. Showing elevations on the site at selected locations to give some indication of the topography of the site. We have also provided a benchmark for your use in determining elevations for construction on this site. The elevations shown relate only to the benchmark provided on this survey. Use that benchmark and check at least one other feature shown on the survey when determining other elevations for use on this site or before beginning construction. 6. This survey has been completed without the benefit of a current title commitment. There may be existing easements or other encumbrances that would be revealed by a current title commitment. Therefore, this survey does not purport to show any easements or encumbrances other than the ones shown hereon. 7. Note that all building dimensions and building tie dimensions to the property lines, are taken from the siding and or stucco of the building. 8. While we show a proposed location for this home or addition, we are not as familiarwith your proposed plans as you, your architect, or the builder are. Review our proposed location of the improvements and proposed yard grades carefully to verify that they snatch your plans before construction begins. Also, we are not as familiar with local codes and minimum requirements as the local building and zoning officials in this community are. Be sure to show this survey to said officials, or any other officials that may have jurisdiction over the proposed improvements and obtain their approvals before beginning construction or planning improvements to the property. • While we show the building setback lines per the City of Edina web site, we suggest you show this survey to the appropriate city officials to be sure that the setback lines are shown correctly. Do this BEFORE you use this survey to design anything for this site. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: "0 " Denotes iron survey marker, set, unless otherwise noted. CONNECT DOWNSPOUT-, TO 3" PVC PIPE 870.5Iw 8700bw 8617.5 4 I 86 0 '9 ...- • r • 874.0Iw G 870.0bw 867.4 X 868.3 869.i* g 10" 874.01w- 69.:„870.06w 869 z_ 875.01w 872.0bw 9.2 870.5bw \.87.5.5tw / 'v.. 7.5bw X473.3 \ \ //,220 csi x 869.6 87o.o__,/ja o_r_k 5 x 8 8 72/1 . E\ EXISTING HARDCOVER House 1,743 Sq. Ft. Existing Deck 249 Sq. Ft. Concrete Surfaces 730 Sq. Ft. Ret. Walls 17 Sq. Ft. TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 2,739 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT 12,350 Sq. Ft. PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER TO LOT 22.2% TOTAL PROPOSED HARDCOVER 4,863 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT 12,350 Sq. Ft. PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER TO LOT 39.4% X/13691 PROPOSED HARDCOVER House 2,858 Sq. Ft. Front Stoop 60 Sq. Ft. Walk/Steps 126 Sq. Ft. Driveway 1,332 Sq. Ft. Screen Porch 168 Sq. Ft. Deck 150 Sq. Ft. Ret. Walls 169 Sq. Ft. LF-3" PVC PIPE MIN. IX SLOPE 1-INSTALL SILT FENCE °Ef A NON --\ 8 PLAIN 66 7WAFLELTERSHED PER SF tg386f2„., x \ 864A EXISTING BUILD/NG COVERAGE House 1,743 Sq. Ft. Existing Deck 249 Sq. Ft. Deck Credit -150 Sq. Ft. TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 1,842 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT 12,350 Sq. Ft. PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER TO LOT 14.9% 863.3L_ 82_,2.5 \--PROPOSED RAIN GARDEN. (SEE DETAIL) Sm L 1163. INSTALL ROCK CONSTRUCRON --------------------- K76-0 l361,0 EN/RANCE PER NOTES ),b 6 13., p< 867.2.5 t 3 . INSTALL SILT FENCE -- ----- - ----- 2,.... """ 0,,,,„„, i',' A c a .92 a3, v: t e .I X 8677 X 8677 8.9.0 / PROTECT TREE / / I 328 AVERAGE EXISTING GRADE ACROSS-, FRONT OF PROPOSED HOUSE=872.0 RETAINING WALL--/ / r--INSTALL SILT FENCE RETAINING WALL N 894521" W X,1368.5 v d>3000-- "-CONNECT DOWNSPOUT I TO .5" PVC PIPE r - 42 LF-3" PVC PIPE AI/IV. IX SLOPE 666.7 O E co X 869.6 Small/ ",,,o,„ 7. ; X 862.4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 3 0 2018 CITY OF EDINA X 862.8 H 32.5 PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE House 2,858 Sq. Ft. Screen Porch 168 Sq. Ft. Front Stoop 10 Sq. Ft. Deck 150 Sq. Ft. Deck Credit -150 Sq. Ft. TOTAL PROPOSED HARDCOVER 3,036 Sq. Ft. AREA OF LOT 12,350 Sq. Ft. PERCENTAGE OF HARDCOVER TO LOT 24.6% ®8682 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS (EXISTING FIRST FLOOR = 875.20) FIRST FLOOR (SUB-FLOOR) = 879.20 TOP OF FOUNDATION = 877.49 GARAGE FLOOR = 875.70 BASEMENT FLOOR = 868.70 40' 17917 Tighmy 7 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345 Phone (952)4744969 Web: twow.advsuccom DRAWING ORIENTATION & SCALE SCALE - 1" = 20' 11 0 20' • • MI • III 5905 TAMARAC LANE EDINA, MN I WREST 09181 MAT MS PIA SFEDOCATCN CR ROW WAS PREPARED ST WE CR WIDER UT DIRECT SUPERVISM SAO THAT I AU A CULT LICENSED 1119CFESSIN GA UNDER DE LAYS CF THE STATE S. Rinke 52716 LICEMSE JULY 26, 2018 BATE DATE SURVEYED: MAY 8, 2018 SURVEYED BY: ADVANCED SURV. & ENGINEERING, CO. DATE DRAFTED: JULY 26, 2018 SHEETTnlE PROPOSED SURVEY, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT & TREE PRESERVATION PLAN DRAWING NUMBER 180775 .11? SHEETSVE 17 X 22 SHEET NO. S1 SHEET 1 OF 2 CUENTNAMENOBADDRESS GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES Advance Surveying & Engineering, Co. DATE REV1S1ON DESCRIPTION B-21-18 UPDATED FLOOD PLAIN ELEVATION 972.90739 30.0 ZS) 1 65 ,) . ( „ I 8673 ! 7 I 326 87'2(5 \ I 00/3 .3 \ t269 701 - \ S 89'452r, E 870.Z PROPOSED STORMWATER RUNOFF RATE SUMMARY (CFS) PROPOSED DISCHARGE RATE PER AREA (CFS) STORM EVENT P1 (STREET) T1 (NORTH & EAST) 2-YEAR 0.22 0.06 10-YEAR 0.39 0.14 1E0-YEAR 0.70 1.44 LECEND EITSTAIC CONTOUR .1527SY7JW SPOT ELM:1770AP PROPOSED CONTOUR BRAWACA' dil?ROF - FLO" SILT FENCE/RIO JAZZ IZf7STIV6' DRAINAOF AREA ID PROPOSED D.R4litr.40E AREA III 980 x ROO SF El P1 AVPOITTE0 FILL• Sat' ozavwc LW" COIIPOST/Tar SIND po NOT 09.4094D7Y AVV=1721.00 --, 71 H IIL -III- I I IL **5712Va k4 111- 141 111 11 1,,J(1 PEWIT SAND/Aar SECTION 0 PROPOSED RilOir CARDEN- DETAIL NOT ,sr,drdr -- I =III_ III III (.1. SOS Es '-' 13530 f LF-3' PYC PIPE 1-1.,/,/////7/ 1 5 MIN. 1X SLCRE .----- -., , - --., I 559.9 s,..Sa76W 771'0d/ Area ,r-- RETAINING WALL I N8945'21" W 22.8.3 Y469,5 71 0.00-- 2696 <--=-/o* ist, 257a 06w I ' ...„ P OPCASFJ3' , • - \Po, 62 • • • /.f161 scREEN DWELLING PORCH 54 1J ,;., f7ROLACE:-r- 972 22.0 / r I I yr 8277 APPLY 4' row OR FLINT myaa RAM' 01/11110V ROCK &Mal d1RO1ND--, *MVPS A.ND PLANTS.--, PLINTRVOR s. (SB&tWC NOT .4110,W1) RW=R28.00--, 42 LF-3 PVC PIPE MIN 1X SLOPE N 894521 W 0:568.3 X285 566 .3 2S7,.1- , A STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS 1. RATE CONTROL NO NET INCREASE IN RUNOFF RATE FROM EXISTING TO PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS FOR THE ATLAS 14: 2, 10, 100-YEAR STORM EVENT. REFER TO STORMWATER RUNOFF RATE SUMMARY TABLE. 2. VOLUME CONTROL: A. RETENTION OF 1.1-INCHES OVER NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA. a. NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA = 4,851 SF; VOLUME TO RETAIN:4,851X(1.1/12)= 445 CF b. RETENTION PROVIDED = 622 CF (INFILTRATION)(48 HR DRAWDOWN) (931 SF SURFACE AREA PROVIDED FOR INFILTRATION) 3. WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS - 60% PHOSPHORUS/90% SEDIMENT REMOVAL. WATER QUALITY OBTAINED THROUGH PRCPOSED BMPS: 92% PHOSPHORUS & 92% SEDIMENT REMOVAL (REFER TO MIDS CALCULATOR REPORT) PROTECT TREE / / 1 EMS7TNG GRADE ACROSS--; / ,PROPOSED HOUSE=872.0 30.0 '674.01w , 8 7 flOOD 87a5br I 8725bw , 8.9'452e - PLAIN ELEVA770N PER WATERSHED I \ .7"..3 3 • '270E, 32.6 OPERFLOIT=.92A0 31- 44' \--PROPOSED GARDEN. (S1 I I I[1 EXISTING STORMWATER RUNOFF RATE SUMMARY (CFS) EXISTING DISCHARGE RATE PER AREA (CFS) STORM EVENT El (STREET) E2 (NORTH & EAST) 2-YEAR 0.22 0.32 10-YEAR 0.40 0.70 100-YEAR 0.75 1.49 *NOTES: 1. RESULTS ARE DERIVED FROM HYDROCAD MODELING SOFTWARE UTILIZING ATLAS 14 STORM DATA. 2. TYPE 'C" SOILS ARE ASSUMED FOR SITE (0.2 IN/HR INFILTRATICN RATE)(CONFIRM WITH SOIL BORING). 3. RESULTS CONFIRM THAT THE RATE CONTROL REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JUL 3 0 2018 CITY OF EDINA DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION DRAINING ORIENTATION d SCALE SCALE -1' 20' 0 20' 40. 5905 TAMARAC LANE EDINA. MAT Advance Surveoicq Enghewing, Co. 17917 Highway 7 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345 I won CUM 1111,1 1115 FUJI. SPECNCAMN OR REPORT FAS PREPARED fly IE OR OOP MT DEEM( SUPERINKIN AND THAT I All A DOLT IICEHRU/ UNDER III LAWS IT THE STATE S. R,,4,4 52716 009114 1.0 DATE SURVEYED MAY 8, 2018 SURVEYED BY: ADVANCED SURV. ENGINEERING, CO. DATE DRAFTED: JULY 26, 2018 SHEET TITLE SFORMIVATER MANAGEMENT PLAN DRAWING NUMBER 180775 JR SHEET SIZE 17 X 22 SHEET NO. S2 CLIENT NAME /JOB ADDRESS GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES 510 5- %a /At a fra c_ 511--ez715- c PLANNING DE-PAR TmENT .ILIL 3 9 2018 CITY OF EO/NA DATE: August 22, 2018 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Charles Gerk, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 5905 Tamarac Lane - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the existing conditions survey dated 5/08/2018 and the proposed site plan dated 8/21/18. Grading and Drainage Grading for the proposed work will closely match existing drainage paths. Drainage will be directed to either Tamarac Lane in the front of the property or to the rear of the property and into Nine Mile Creek. The proposed stormwater management plan does not propose any drainage to neighboring private properties and the public infrastructure on Tamarac Lane has capacity to accept the runoff. Stormwater Mitigation City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 does not require any stormwater mitigation for this project. However the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Districts stormwater rules do apply to the project. To meet the NMCWD rules the applicant has proposed a rain garden. The rain garden has been designed to capture and infiltrate 1.1” of run off from the new impervious surfaces and match the subjects site existing run off rate to the atlas-14 1% annual chance for flood. Flood Plain The subject site is located in the FEMA 1% annual chance for flood plain. Additionally, the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District has identified a regional base flood elevation of 866.7’. Both City of Edina code and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District rules require the low floor elevation for redeveloped lots to be no less than 2’ above the base flood elevation. For this property the regulatory elevations require the low floor elevation to be no less than 868.7’. The subject property has a proposed a low floor elevation of 868.7’. Erosion and Sediment Control No Comments Street and Curb Cut A curb cut permit will be required if the applicant proposed replacing or relocating existing curb cut. Public Utilities No Comments O ther Items A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit will be required. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. Date: August 29, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.E. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:P reliminary R ezoning & P reliminary Development P lan - 4500 F ranc e Avenue, 3905 & 3907 S unnyside R oad Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the request subject to the findings and conditions outlined in the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S ee attached staff report. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Proposed Plans Applicant Narrative Location & Zoning Maps 44th and France Small Area Plan Documents Engineering Memo Draft Ordinance Traffic Study PC Sketch Plan Minutes Sketch Plan Docs August 29, 2018 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director Preliminary Rezoning, & Preliminary Development Plan for 4500 France Avenue, 3905 & 3907 Sunnyside Road. Information / Background: Orion Investments is requesting a redevelopment of a one acre tract of land at 4500 France Avenue and 3905 & 3907 Sunnyside Road. As proposed, the development would include the following on the above properties: A 4-story, 45 unit apartment, 6,500 square feet of restaurant & retail space with 69 below-grade parking stalls and 40 at-grade, enclosed public parking stalls for the retail uses. Units would range from 1 to 3 bedroom units. Two units (4%) within the project are proposed for affordable housing. These units would be targeted for residents with disabilities and earn no more than 50% AMI. The remaining 6% would be provided by a cash contribution to affordable housing elsewhere in Edina. To satisfy the affordable housing policy an additional 2.7 units would be required to equal 10%. The policy would require $100,000 per unit or $270,000. The applicant is agreeable to the cash contribution. A public gathering space/pocket park on the west side of the development which would provide a transition to the single-family neighborhood to the west. Improved pedestrian and public realm space along France and Sunnyside. An amenity terrace facing south. Primary vehicle access points would be off France Avenue and Sunnyside Road. The access road off of France is on the adjacent property to the south, which is owned by the applicant. Existing curb cuts on the subject property on France would be eliminated. STAFF REPORT Page 2 The applicant has gone through the sketch plan process, and made the following changes based on the feedback from the Planning Commission and City Council: Reduced the number of units from 52 to 45. Provided direct residential unit access to the pocket park Activated the Sunnyside portion of the project by putting the lobby and a portion of the restaurant on Sunnyside. At the corner, the building design has been modified to incorporate metal panels within a projecting bay element to vary the architectural expression at the intersection. The metal panels lighten this end of the building and provide a contrast to the solid brick articulation of the rest of the building. The building façade along Sunnyside incorporates more glass to ensure high visibility of the active uses adjacent to the street. Decorative screening has been integrated into the openings of the parking garage façade along Sunnyside, providing architectural interest and offering a level of transparency that improves safety for parking users. Window sizes were enlarged within the dwelling units. The building design steps down to create a “row house” character along Sunnyside. The depth of the balconies has been increased to allow resident more outdoor living space. An outdoor dog run is now located along the southeast wall of the building, between the parking garage entrances. The landscape plan has been developed further – incorporating bench seating, decorative lighting, and specialty concrete paving and curbed planting beds along the streetscape. The plans have evolved even from the initial request prior to the adoption of the 44th and France Small Area Plan. That plan was for a 5-story building with 65 units on a smaller site; and there was no pocket park proposed. (See attached pre small area plan proposal and the sketch plan proposal.) To accommodate the request the following is required: A Rezoning from R-1 and PCD-1to PUD, Planned Unit Development; and Site Plan Review. Attached is the city attorney’s “pyramid of discretion.” This project is within the “green” zone, meaning this is a legislative decision in which the City has discretion when reviewing this application. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Retail uses; zoned PCD-1, Planned Commercial District and guided NN, Neighborhood Node. Easterly: Retail uses in the City of Minneapolis. Southerly: Retail & Office uses; zoned PCD-1, Planned Commercial District and guided NN, Neighborhood Node. Westerly: Single-Family homes; zoned R-1, Single-Dwelling Unit District and guided Low Density Residential. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Existing Site Features The subject property is one acre in size, contains two single family homes and an existing vacant dry cleaners building. Planning Guide Plan designation: NN, Neighborhood Node. Zoning: PCD-1, Planned Commercial District Site Circulation/Access/Traffic Primary access points to the proposed development would be off France and Sunnyside. As mentioned, the number of access points off France would be reduced by eliminating all access off the 4500 site. The driveway off of France that would be utilized is the existing drive on property to the south, which is owned by the applicant. An easement would need to be established over this parcel in the instance that the land ownership changes. Spack Consulting conducted a traffic study. The study concludes that the existing roadways can be supported by the project. The level of service at adjacent intersections would not be impacted. The amount of traffic generated would be less than a 12,000 square foot Walgreens were located on the property, which is a use that would be allowed under current zoning. Parking Based on the City Code requirement, Section 36-1312, a total of 87 parking stall would be required (see table below). The proposed plans would provide 109 parking stalls. The excess parking would be in the residential parking stalls underground. There would be code compliant parking for the retail. The applicant has stated that they would put an easement over the retail parking to be used for the district. 6,500 s.f. retail spaces = 40 spaces 1.5 stalls/unit-1,500 s.f.+ (4)=6 enclosed 1 stall/unit under-1,500 s.f.(41)=41 enclosed Total = 87 40 enclosed spaces 69 enclosed spaces 109 total proposed STAFF REPORT Page 4 Landscaping Based on the perimeter of the site, 22 overstory trees would be required. The proposed plans show that 34 trees would be planted. A full complement of understory shrubs and bushes are also proposed. (See attached landscape plan.) Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined in the attached memo. A site improvement plan agreement would be required to outline public vs. private responsibilities and ownership for private improvement on public property. Any approvals of this project would be subject to review and approval of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, as they are the City’s review authority over the grading of the site. Building/Building Material The building materials would be primarily brick with architectural metal panels, and glass. Mechanical Equipment Any rooftop and/or ground level equipment would have to be screened if visible from adjacent property lines. Loading Dock/Trash Enclosures Loading area and trash enclosures would be on the inside of the building/parking ramp. Building Height The building height requirement for this site is 2 stories and 24 feet. (See attached building height overlay district map.) The applicant is requesting flexibility from this standard through the PUD rezoning. The building height proposed is 49 feet, and eight inches at France Avenue, which is the tallest portion of the building. The portion of the building closest to the residential homes to the west would be two stories and 30 feet. (See attached.) which is consistent with the Small Area Plan. (See attached.) Living Streets/Multi-Modal Consideration Sec. 36-1274. - Sidewalks, trails and bicycle facilities. (a) In order to promote and provide safe and effective sidewalks and trails in the City and encourage the use of bicycles for recreation and transportation, the following improvements are required, as a condition of approval, on developments requiring the approval of a final development plan or the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to article V of this chapter: STAFF REPORT Page 5 (1) It is the policy of the City to require the construction of sidewalks and trails wherever feasible so as to encourage pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the City. Therefore, developments shall provide sidewalks and trails which adjoin the applicant's property: a. In locations shown on the City's sidewalk and trail plan; and b. In other locations where the council finds that the provision of such sidewalks and trails enhance public access to mass transit facilities or connections to other existing or planned sidewalks, trails or public facilities. (2) Developments shall provide sidewalks between building entrances and sidewalks or trails which exist or which will be constructed pursuant to this section. (3) Developments shall provide direct sidewalk and trail connections with adjoining properties where appropriate. (4) Developments must provide direct sidewalk and trail connections to transit stations or transit stops adjoining the property. (5) Design standards for sidewalks and trails shall be prescribed by the engineer. (6) Nonresidential developments having an off-street automobile parking requirement of 20 or more spaces must provide off-street bicycle parking spaces where bicycles may be parked and secured from theft by their owners. The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required shall be five percent of the automobile parking space requirement. The design and placement of bicycle parking spaces and bicycle racks used to secure bicycles shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Whenever possible, bicycle parking spaces shall be located within 50 feet of a public entrance to a principal building. (b) The expense of the improvements set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall be borne by the applicant. The proposal to add 45 units of housing on France Avenue with retail and a restaurant on the street level with expanded area for pedestrian and biking would enhance and set a precedent for similar improvements in the district. The plans are consistent with the Small Area Plan. There would be dedicated bike storage and bike racks within the project. 44th & France Small Area Plan The applicant has designed a project following the guiding principles of the 44th & France Small Area Plan: Guiding Principle 1: Safe and Inviting The area should be safe for people of all ages and all backgrounds and should be a visually attractive and diverse place that encourages regular use and strengthens neighborhood identity. Guiding Principle 2: Community Gathering The small area should provide a place(s) for people to gather and spend leisure time, whether in a commercial or public location, and foster a community of learning. Flexible gathering space should be explored that can be programmed to accommodate a wide range of different uses. Guiding Principle 3: Circulation and Connections STAFF REPORT Page 6 The area should provide attractive and easily identifiable infrastructure that accommodates convenient and safe movement for a variety of transportation modes, including bicycling, walking, and transit use. The area should also have safe and convenient non-motorized connections to nearby districts. Vehicle traffic should be managed to discourage cut-through traffic in adjacent residential neighborhoods. Guiding Principle 4: Neighborhood-Oriented Business Mix There should be a mix of businesses that provides goods and services to the neighborhood, including small offices and commercial uses. The amount and configuration of commercial space should be allowed to adjust in response to the market. Guiding Principle 5: Housing Housing should be provided in the study area to ensure choices for existing and future neighborhood residents. New types of housing may be provided, including multi-family dwellings (in mixed-use buildings with residential uses above ground level commercial or office space) or additional types such as courtyard housing, townhomes, and live/work housing. It is felt that the market will support the preferred housing types, which could include apartments and ownership options. Preferences should be the types that best support the city's affordable housing policy. Guiding Principle 6: Height and Size of Buildings Building heights should be guided by the zoning ordinance. Additional height {up to four stories, at approximately 15 feet per story) may be considered, depending on their location and relationship to other buildings around them. {Building heights above the two story limit detailed in the existing zoning ordinance will be considered for approval if a developer agrees to implement study area-specific and project-specific improvements that are detailed in this small area plan's guiding principles, goals, and policies.) Guiding Principle 7: Parking Parking should be hidden from view behind or beneath buildings on the west side of France Avenue. The large parking lot with multiple owners between Sunnyside and 44th Street should be reimagined as a "community parking facility" 5 that accommodates parking for the study area (district). This community parking facility should be designed to double as gathering space and should have the flexibility to change over time, as other modes of transportation, such as ride- sharing, become more common and fewer parking spaces are needed. Guiding Principle 8: Streets and Sidewalks To create a gracious pedestrian environment, sidewalks should be widened as much as possible. Buildings should front onto the sidewalks, with few gaps and/or driveways breaking the street wall. Street trees and planters should be located between the curb and sidewalk. Furnishings should provide places to sit and dispose of trash and recycling. Vehicle traffic should be managed to maximize efficiency while maintaining safety for non-motorized users. Guiding Principle 9: Sustainability and Resiliency The 'urban forest' should be reestablished In the study area, and more efficient, district systems for managing storm water, harvesting energy and managing and recycling waste should be STAFF REPORT Page 7 incorporated. Design for adaptability to changing needs and trends over time should be pursued. Guiding Principle 10: Visual Quality and Aesthetics in the Public Realm The public realm should include a high level of aesthetic treatments, such as enhanced sidewalk pavement, planters, and pedestrian level lighting. Utilities should not impede sidewalks and should be underground, where feasible. Property owners are expected to keep their properties economically viable and attractive until the market guides them to major changes. Guiding Principle 11: High Quality Design, High Quality Materials, Respect for Existing Aesthetics, and Innovations to Ensure Sustainability in the Private Realm High quality architecture is required in the study area, in terms of design, materials, and energy efficiency, which will contribute to sustainability. The design of remodeled and new buildings in the study area shall reflect attention given to balance, proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast and space. Materials used in the construction of remodeled and new buildings shall harmonize with materials and design features used in the area's existing structures. Innovated systems should be installed to help achieve energy efficiency. The applicant has done very well at addressing the above guiding principles. The proposal would clean up a contaminated site (petroleum, asbestos and other soil contaminants) and improve the aesthetic of this corner by designing the building fit into the character of the area and burying overhead utility lines. The project would provide a more pedestrian friendly atmosphere along the adjacent roadway, with a restaurant and provide pocket park for gathering to strengthen the neighborhood identity. The mixed use (residential and retail) will provide an active street environment. Bike racks and indoor bike parking would be provided to encourage bike use. Storefronts open toward France and housing units open toward the pocket park to activate the public realm. The pocket park serves as a buffer and transition to the adjacent single family homes to the west. The project would include two units for affordable housing for the handicapped. Parking would be hidden inside the project and underground. Public parking would be provided for the district as the 40 stalls at street level would be made available to the public in the 44th and France District. Give to Get The 44th and France Small Area Plan states that redevelopment proposals with heights between three and four stories and densities higher than 12 dwelling units per acre will be considered for approval subject to “give to get.” In order to “get” additional height and density, the applicant is willing to give the following: (These are items that are listed in the Small Area Plan) Pay for the burying of utility lines; Provide bike racks for the public realm and within the residential facility; Pay for the sidewalk public realm improvements; Provide additional public realm with the pocket park; Provide a graceful transition to the neighborhood; Improve crosswalks; Meet the affordable housing policy; Provide public art; STAFF REPORT Page 8 Retail parking would be made available to the district; High quality architecture; and Underground and hidden parking. COMPLIANCE TABLE While the applicant is proposing to rezone the site to PUD, the following table demonstrates compliance with the underlying zoning: City Standard (PCD-1) Proposed Lot line Street Front – France Avenue Front – Sunnyside Road Side – West Side – South 50 feet 50 feet 30 feet 50 feet 9 feet* 16 feet 3-5 feet* 15-18 feet 28 feet* (55 feet at the street) 17-22 feet* Building Height 2-stories & 24 feet 2 stories & 30 feet to 4 stories and 50 feet* Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 1.0 1.3* Density 12+ units per acre with a limit of 4 stories in height 50 units per acre & 4 stories Parking 6,500 s.f. retail spaces = 40 spaces 1.5 stalls/unit-1,500 s.f.+ (4)=6 enclosed 1 stall/unit under-1,500 s.f.(41)=41 enclosed Total = 87 40 enclosed spaces 69 enclosed spaces 109 total proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) Per Section 36-253 the following are the regulations for a PUD: 1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PUD District is to provide comprehensive procedures and standards intended to allow more creativity and flexibility in site plan design than would be possible under a conventional zoning district. The decision to zone property to PUD is a public policy decision for the City Council to make in its legislative capacity. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; STAFF REPORT Page 9 b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. The proposal would meet the purpose and intent of the PUD, as most all of the above criteria would be met. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for “Neighborhood Node” which allows for retail and housing. The proposal is a high quality mixed-use residential development that would enhance the surrounding area and add and expand the pedestrian and bike activity to the area with housing on France Avenue. The proposed buildings would be a high quality brick, architectural metal, and glass. The proposal would meet the City’s affordable housing policy to help provide additional affordable housing within the City. The plans are consistent with the 44th and France Small Area Plan and have addressed the guiding principles including “give to get.” An appropriate transition into the neighborhood to the west is proposed by stepping the building down to two stories and providing a pocket park to increase the setback. 2. Applicability/Criteria a. Uses. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, and uses allowed by administrative permit contained in the various zoning districts defined in this Chapter shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within STAFF REPORT Page 10 a PUD district, provided they would be allowable on the site under the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed uses are all consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. As mentioned, the site is designated as NN, Neighborhood Node, which encourages a mixture of uses. Uses include: Small scale commercial and residential Mixed-Use Serves the adjacent neighborhood Pocket park b. Eligibility Standards. To be eligible for a PUD district, all development should be in compliance with the following: i. where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one (1) land use in the Comprehensive Plan, the City may require that the PUD include all the land uses so designated or such combination of the designated uses as the City Council shall deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; This project would be a true mixed use development with residential and retail use with additional public realm including the park and expanded sidewalks. There is the potential for additional parking to serve the neighborhood. ii. any PUD which involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted provided that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; As mentioned, the proposal includes vertical mixed uses and provides two affordable housing units. iii. permitted densities may be specifically stated in the appropriate planned development designation and shall be in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and As mentioned, the uses allowed are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant has adequately addressed the development guidelines as demonstrated above. iv. the setback regulation, building coverage and floor area ratio of the most closely related conventional zoning district shall be considered presumptively appropriate, but may be departed from to accomplish the purpose and intent described in #1 above. The table on page 8 shows how the proposed new buildings would comply with the PCD Zoning Ordinance Standards and the zoning standard in the new PUD District. Flexibility is requested in regard to building height, setbacks, and FAR. In relaxing STAFF REPORT Page 11 these standards, the purpose and intent, as described in #1 above would be met. The area would be vastly improved from existing conditions on the site. The blighted dry cleaner building would be removed. The provision of housing on France Avenue would increase pedestrian activity on France Avenue. The use will bring more vibrancy to the area with a true mixed use project. The applicant would meet the City’s affordable housing policy by providing two units and a $270,000 cash contribution. The applicant is also providing significant public realm with the pocket park and expanded sidewalks along France and Sunnyside. Retail parking would be made available for the district. PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issue • Is the proposal reasonable to justify the PUD rezoning of the site? Yes. Staff believes the PUD is justified for the following reasons: 1. Addresses the Development Principles and “Give to Get” guidelines established in the 44th and France Small Area Plan including: Cleaning up of a contaminated site (petroleum, asbestos and other soil contaminants) Improves the aesthetic of this corner by designing the building fit into the character of the area and burying overhead utility lines; Creates a more pedestrian friendly atmosphere along the adjacent roadway, with a restaurant and provide pocket park for gathering to strengthen the neighborhood identity; The mixed use (residential and retail) would provide an active street environment; Bike racks and indoor bike parking would be provided to encourage bike use; Storefronts open toward France and housing units open toward the pocket park to activate the public realm; The additional public realm provided with the pocket park The pocket park serves as a buffer and transition to the adjacent single family homes to the west; The project would include two units for affordable housing for the handicapped; Parking would be hidden inside the project and underground; Retail parking would be made available to the district; however, the plan provides just enough for proposed retail; High quality design; Sustainable principles including the participation in the Xcel Energy (EDA) Energy Design Assistance program; and Provision of public art. 2. In addition to the items mentioned above, the proposed project would meet the following additional goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Movement Patterns. STAFF REPORT Page 12 ▪ Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. ▪ Provide pedestrian amenities, such as wide sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian- scale lighting, and street furnishings (benches, trash receptacles, etc.) ▪ A Pedestrian-Friendly Environment. b. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of City infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. c. Support and enhance commercial areas that serve the neighborhoods, the City, and the larger region. d. Increase mixed-use development where supported by adequate infrastructure to minimize traffic congestion, support transit, and diversify the tax base. e. Increase pedestrian and bicycling opportunities and connections between neighborhoods, and with other communities, to improve transportation infrastructure and reduce dependence on the car. f. Buildings should be placed in appropriate proximity to streets creating pedestrian scale. g. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. i. Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. ii. Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. iii. Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front façade. iv. Encourage or require placement of surface parking to the rear or side of buildings, rather than between buildings and the street. 3. The proposal meets the City’s criteria for PUD zoning. (See pages 8-11 of this report.) In summary the PUD zoning would: a. Create a more pedestrian-friendly development with the construction of improved sidewalks and connections. The project would bring vibrancy to the area. b. The building would be of high quality brick, architectural panel and glass. c. Ensure that the buildings proposed would be the only buildings built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. d. Ensure that the affordable housing policy is met. e. Provide for a more creative site design, consistent with goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF REPORT Page 13 f. Enhance green space and landscaping and utilize sustainable concepts. g. Sustainable development. h. Enhance and provide additional public realm. 4. The height increase is justified. There would be an adequate transition from the four story portion of the project down to two stories and 30 feet as specified in the 44th and France Small Area Plan. The pocket park enhances the transition area. Meeting several of the give to get recommendation and adhering to the Small Area Plan guiding principles justifies the increase in height. Two to Four stories is consistent with the Small Area Plan. 5. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. Spack Consulting conducted a traffic and parking impact study, and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads. Staff Recommendation Preliminary Rezoning to PUD & Preliminary Development Plan Recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Rezoning from PCD-1, Planned Commercial District to PUD-18, Planned Unit Development District, and Preliminary Development Plan for 4500 France Avenue, 3905 & 3907 Sunnyside Road. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed buildings would be a high quality brick, metal panel and glass, designed to mix and blend with existing buildings in the area. 3. The PUD would ensure that the building proposed would be the only building built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. 4. Addresses the Development Principles established in the 44th and France Small Area Plan including: The proposal would clean up a contaminated site (petroleum, asbestos and other soil contaminants) and improve the aesthetic of this corner by designing the building fit into the character of the area and burying overhead utility lines; The project would provide a more pedestrian friendly atmosphere along the adjacent roadway, with a restaurant and provide pocket park for gathering to strengthen the neighborhood identity; The mixed use (residential and retail) will provide an active street environment; Bike racks and indoor bike parking would be provided to encourage bike use; Storefronts open toward France and housing units open toward the pocket park to activate the public realm; STAFF REPORT Page 14 Public realm in the pocket park which also serves as a buffer and transition to the adjacent single family homes to the west; The project would include two units for affordable housing for the handicapped; Parking would be hidden inside the project and underground; Retail parking would be made available to the district; however, the plan provides just enough for proposed retail; High quality design; and Public art. 5. In addition to the items mentioned above, the proposed project would meet the following additional goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Movement Patterns. ▪ Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. ▪ Provide pedestrian amenities, such as wide sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian- scale lighting, and street furnishings (benches, trash receptacles, etc.) ▪ A Pedestrian-Friendly Environment. b. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of City infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. c. Support and enhance commercial areas that serve the neighborhoods, the City, and the larger region. d. Increase mixed-use development where supported by adequate infrastructure to minimize traffic congestion, support transit, and diversify the tax base. e. Increase pedestrian and bicycling opportunities and connections between neighborhoods, and with other communities, to improve transportation infrastructure and reduce dependence on the car. f. Buildings should be placed in appropriate proximity to streets creating pedestrian scale. g. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. v. Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. vi. Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. vii. Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front façade. STAFF REPORT Page 15 viii. Encourage or require placement of surface parking to the rear or side of buildings, rather than between buildings and the street. 3. The proposal meets the City’s criteria for PUD zoning. (See pages 8-11of this report.) In summary the PUD zoning would: a. Create a more pedestrian-friendly development with the construction of improved sidewalks and connections. The project would bring vibrancy to the area. b. The building would be of high quality brick, architectural panel and glass. c. Ensure that the buildings proposed would be the only buildings built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. d. Ensure that the affordable housing policy is met. e. Provide for a more creative site design, consistent with goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. f. Enhance green space and landscaping and utilize sustainable concepts. g. Sustainable development. h. Enhance and provide additional public realm. 4. The height increase is justified. There would be an adequate transition from the four story portion of the project down to two stories and 30 feet as specified in the 44th and France Small Area Plan. The pocket park enhances the transition area. The give to get and adhering to the Small Area Plan guiding principles justifies the increase in height. Two to Four stories is consistent with the Small Area Plan. 5. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. Spack Consulting conducted a traffic and parking impact study, and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plans must be generally consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans dated July 27, 2018, and the materials board as presented to the Planning Commission. 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. 3. Provision of code compliant bike racks for each use near the building entrances. 4. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum requirements per Section 36-1260 of the City Code. 5. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened per Section 36-1459 of the City Code. 6. Submit a copy of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district’s requirements. STAFF REPORT Page 16 7. Two units with the project must be provided for residents earning no more than 50% AMI for 15 years from the date of the certificate of occupancy. Additionally $270,000 shall be paid to the City of Edina prior to issuance of a building permit for the City to provide affordable housing units else ware in the City. 8. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the director of engineering’s memo dated August 20, 2018. 9. Compliance with the Spack Consulting Traffic Study recommendations. 10. Subject to the Zoning Ordinance Amendment creating the PUD-18, Planned Unit Development for this site. 11. Dedication of public access easements along the sidewalks and pocket park. 12. A shared parking agreement to allow district parking in the street level parking lot. 13. A shared access easement must be established over the shared driveway on the property to the south. Deadline for a city decision: November 17, 2018 XXX XX'-X" T.O. XXX EL = XX'- X" SECTION AND ELEVATION REF INTERIOR ELEVATION REF DETAIL REF WALL TYPE WINDOW TYPE ELEVATION REF SPOT ELEVATION REF FLOOR FINISH TRANSITION REF X X X AX.X X X X X X X X X X EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEYNOTE REF ROOM NAME AND NUMBER DOOR NUMBER SECTION KEYNOTE REF REVISION NUMBER FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FIRE EXTINGUISHER - WALL MOUNTED ROOM X XXX XX XX Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:53 AMT1.1 TITLE SHEET 217525 ESG ESG France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 PROJECT TEAM SYMBOLS LEGENDPROJECT LOCATION DRAWING INDEX France Ave Apartments OWNER/DEVELOPER:Orion Investments 4530 West 77th Street, Edina, MN 55436 Ph: 612-812-7788 ARCHITECT:Elness Swenson Graham Architects, Inc. 500 Washington Ave. South, Suite 1080 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Ph: 612-339-5508 Fx: 612-339-5382 CONTRACTOR:T.B.D. CIVIL ENGINEER:Sunde Engineering, PLLC. 10830 Nesbit Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55437 Ph: 952-881-3344 Fx: 952-881-1913 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:Damon Faber 401 2nd Ave. N, Suite 410 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Ph: 612-332-7522 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:T.B.D. MECHANICAL ENGINEER:T.B.D. PLUMBING ENGINEER:T.B.D. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER:T.B.D. 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 Vicinity Site Location DRAWING INDEX DRAWING NUMBER DRAWING NAME PREL REZONE & SITE PLAN SUB 7/27/18GENERAL INFORMATION T1.1 TITLE SHEET * CIVIL C1.0 DEMOLITION PLAN * C1.1 SITE LAYOUT PLAN * C1.2 GRADING, DRAINAGE, UTILITY AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN * C1.3 NOTES AND DETAILS * C1.4 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN * LANDSCAPE L010 GENERAL NOTES & SCHEDULES * L110 MATERIALS & LAYOUT PLAN * L160 LANDSCAPE PLAN * L410 ENLARGED PLAN - PUBLIC PLAZA * L420 SITE SECTION & RENDERINGS * L500 LANDSCAPE DETAILS * ARCHITECTURAL A0.0 SITE IMAGES * A0.1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN * A0.2 PARKING & FIRST LEVEL PLAN * A0.3 LEVEL 2 & 3 FLOOR PLAN * A0.4 LEVEL 4 & ROOF PLAN * A0.5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS * A0.6 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS * A0.7 EXTERIOR MATERIALS * A0.8 PERSPECTIVE VIEWS * A0.9 PERSPECTIVE VIEWS * A0.10 PERSPECTIVE VIEWS SURVEY 1 ALTA/NSPS LANDTITLE SURVEY * SURVEY 2 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY * UNIT MIX & SQUARE FOOTAGES No. Description Date SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateC1.0DEMOLITION PLANPROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYSSMKORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONSNo.DescriptionDatePLOT DATE: 7/25/2018 2:28 PM KEY PLANI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed engineerunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaMike R. Kettler4042510830 NESBITT AVENUE SOUTHBLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55437(952) 881-3344 TELEPHONE(952) 881-1913 FAXwww.sundecivil.comCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERSSundeEngineering, PLLC.NOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO NGOPHER STATE ONE CALLWWW.GOPHERSTATEONECALL.ORG(800) 252-1166 TOLL FREE(651) 454-0002 LOCALFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018217525France Ave Apartments GOPHER STATE ONE CALLWWW.GOPHERSTATEONECALL.ORG(800) 252-1166 TOLL FREE(651) 454-0002 LOCALSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateC1.1SITE LAYOUT PLANPROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYSSMKORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONSNo.DescriptionDateKEY PLANI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed engineerunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaMike R. Kettler40425NOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N PLOT DATE: 7/25/2018 2:28 PM France AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018217525France Ave Apartments10830 NESBITT AVENUE SOUTHBLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55437(952) 881-3344 TELEPHONE(952) 881-1913 FAXwww.sundecivil.comCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERSSundeEngineering, PLLC. SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateC1.2GRADING, DRAINAGE,UTILITY AND EROSIONCONTROL PLANPROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYMKORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONSNo.DescriptionDateKEY PLANI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed engineerunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaMike R. Kettler40425NOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N PLOT DATE: 7/25/2018 2:29 PM GOPHER STATE ONE CALLWWW.GOPHERSTATEONECALL.ORG(800) 252-1166 TOLL FREE(651) 454-0002 LOCALSSFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018217525France Ave Apartments10830 NESBITT AVENUE SOUTHBLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55437(952) 881-3344 TELEPHONE(952) 881-1913 FAXwww.sundecivil.comCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERSSundeEngineering, PLLC. : SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateC1.3NOTES AND DETAILSPROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYMKORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONSNo.DescriptionDateKEY PLANI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed engineerunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaMike R. Kettler40425NOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N PLOT DATE: 7/25/2018 2:30 PM SSFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018217525France Ave Apartments10830 NESBITT AVENUE SOUTHBLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55437(952) 881-3344 TELEPHONE(952) 881-1913 FAXwww.sundecivil.comCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERSSundeEngineering, PLLC. SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateC1.4STORMWATERPOLLUTION PREVENTIONPLANPROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYMKORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONSNo.DescriptionDateKEY PLANI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed engineerunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaMike R. Kettler40425NOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N PLOT DATE: 7/25/2018 2:30 PM ⅛ ⅜ ·····SSFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018217525France Ave Apartments10830 NESBITT AVENUE SOUTHBLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55437(952) 881-3344 TELEPHONE(952) 881-1913 FAXwww.sundecivil.comCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERSSundeEngineering, PLLC. FENCE & GUARDRAILSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSWOOD PRIVACY FENCE - 8` HEIGHT335 LFCUSTOMWOODSTAIN, COLOR TBD8` HEIGHT WITH FROST FOOTINGSEXTERIOR FENCE - 5` HEIGHT195 LFOMEGA FENCE SYSTEMSOMEGA ARCHITECTURALBLACK5` HEIGHT WITH FROST FOOTINGSMINERAL MULCHSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSROCK MULCH7.38 CYTBDDRESSER TRAPGREY1 1/2"" DIA, 3" DEPTH OVER LANDSCAPEFABRICCRUSHED STONE3.21 CYTBDDRESSER TRAPGREY3" DEPTH - 3/16" MINUS OVER 6" CLASS VBASEPAVINGSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSCONCRETE PAVING7,336 SFTBDSTANDARD CONCRETEBROOM FINISHEDSEE CIVIL FOR PAVING PROFILECOLORED CONCRETE1,535 SFTBDSTANDARD CONCRETE W/INTEGRAL COLORCHARCOALSEE CIVIL FOR PAVING PROFILECONCRETE PAVER290 SFBORGERTHOLLAND STONECHARCOAL90 DEGREE HERRINGBONE PATTERNSITE FURNITURESYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSBOULEVARD BENCH6LANDSCAPE FORMSTOWN SQUARE BENCHBLACK, POWDERCOATSURFACE PER MANUFACTURER`S DIRECTIONPLAZA BENCH3LANDSCAPE FORMSBANCAL BENCHIPE / METAL - STORMCLOUDSURFACE PER MANUFACTURER`S DIRECTIONBIKE RACK4DEROHOOP RACKGALVANIZEDSURFACE PER MANUFACTURER`S DIRECTIONWALLSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSRETAINING WALL116 LFTBDBLUSTONE WALL STONENATURAL12" WIDE, VARYING LENGTHS AND HEIGHTSFE-01FE-02MM-01MM-02P-01P-02P-03SF-01SF-02SF-03WL-01REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULETREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESAC-R4ACER RUBRUM `ARMSTRONG` / ARMSTRONG RED MAPLE2.5" CAL.B&BNATURAL FORM, SINGLE LEADERAM-G4AMELANCHIER X GRANDIFLORA `AUTUMN BRILLIANCE` / `AUTUMN BRILLIANCE` SERVICEBERRY8` HEIGHTB&BCLUMP FORMBE-P5BETULA POPULIFOLIA `WHITESPIRE` / WHITESPIRE BIRCH10` HEIGHTB&BCLUMP FORMGL-T5GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS `SKYCOLE` TM / SKYLINE THORNLESS HONEY LOCUST5.5" CAL.B&BTRUNK FREE OF BRANCHES 6`-7` FROM BASEQU-W6QUERCUS X WAREI `LONG` TM / REGAL PRINCE OAK4.5" CAL.B&BSINGLE LEADER, WELL BRANCHEDTI-A2TILIA AMERICANA `REDMOND` / REDMOND AMERICAN LINDEN3.5" CALB&BSINGLE LEADER, WELL BRANCHEDDECIDUOUS SHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESCO-S11CORNUS SERICEA `BAILADELINE` / FIREDANCE DOGWOOD#10CONT.SPACE 4`-0" O.C.DL42DIERVILLA LONICERA / DWARF BUSH HONEYSUCKLE#5CONT.SPACE 3`-0" O.C.RG37RHUS AROMATICA `GRO-LOW` / GRO-LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC#5CONT.SPACE 5`-0" O.C.SP-G12SPIRAEA X BUMALDA `GOLDFLAME` / GOLDFLAME SPIREA#3CONT.SPACE 2`-6" O.C.EVERGREEN SHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESJU-R12JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM `SKYROCKET` / SKYROCKET JUNIPER7` HEIGHTCONT.SPACE 5`-0" O.C.PERENNIALS/ANNUALSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESCA-A148CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA `KARL FOERSTER` / FEATHER REED GRASS#3CONT.SPACE 2`-0" O.C.HR231HEMEROCALLIS X `RED RAZZMATAZZ` / RED RAZZMATAZZ DAYLILY#1CONT.SPACE 2`-0" O.C.PA-V40PANICUM VIRGATUM `NORTH WIND` / NORTHWIND SWITCH GRASS#3CONT.SPACE 1`-6" O.C.GROUND COVERSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESSOD1,979 SFSODSODROLLOVERALL PLANT SCHEDULEPROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N217525France Ave ApartmentsFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018No.DescriptionDateBDJSSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that i am a duly licensed landscape architectunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaCONSULTANTS401 2nd Avenue North, Suite 410Minneapolis, MN 55401p 612.332.7522L010GENERAL NOTES &SCHEDULESSITE AND LANDSCAPE NOTESSITE PREPARATION NOTES1.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE SITE AND BECOME FAMILIARWITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPEOF WORK.2.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PLAN LAYOUT AND BRING TO THEATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DISCREPANCIES WHICHMAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN OR INTENT OF THE LAYOUT.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLECODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK AND MATERIALSSUPPLIED.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING ROADS, CURBS/GUTTERS,TRAILS, TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURINGCONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BEREPAIRED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.5.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OFUNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE UTILITIES AND PROVIDE THENECESSARY PROTECTION FOR SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTIONBEGINS (MINIMUM 10' CLEARANCE).6.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTIONAND PLANTING INSTALLATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORSWORKING ON SITE.7.UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT TRENCHESDO NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF EXISTING TREES TOREMAIN.8.EXISTING CONTOURS, TRAILS, VEGETATION, CURB/GUTTER ANDOTHER ELEMENTS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TOTHE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR SHALLVERIFY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME.9.HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT OF PROPOSED WALKS,TRAILS OR ROADWAYS ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD ADJUSTMENTREQUIRED TO CONFORM TO LOCALIZED TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONSAND TO MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND GRADING. CHANGES INALIGNMENT AND GRADES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION.10.CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE SITE FOR DEFICIENCIES IN SITECONDITIONS WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANTESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL OR WARRANTY. UNDESIRABLE SITECONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THELANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK.11.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ONGOING MAINTENANCE OFNEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF SUBSTANTIALCOMPLETION. REPAIR OF ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICHMAY OCCUR PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION SHALL BE THERESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR.12.EXISTING TREES OR SIGNIFICANT SHRUB MASSINGS FOUND ON SITESHALL BE PROTECTED AND SAVED UNLESS NOTED TO BE REMOVEDOR ARE LOCATED IN AN AREA TO BE GRADED. QUESTIONSREGARDING EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THEATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO REMOVAL.13.EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN, UPON DIRECTION OF LANDSCAPEARCHITECT, SHALL BE FERTILIZED AND PRUNED TO REMOVE DEADWOOD, DAMAGED AND RUBBING BRANCHES.14.CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUESTFOR THE SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION OF LANDSCAPEAND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING FINAL PAYREQUEST.15.CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT REPRODUCIBLEAS-BUILT DRAWING(S) OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, IRRIGATIONAND SITE IMPROVEMENTS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTIONINSTALLATION AND PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION.16.SYMBOLS ON PLAN DRAWING TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCHEDULESIF DISCREPANCIES IN QUANTITIES EXIST. SPECIFICATIONS ANDDETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES.GRADING1.ROUGH GRADING AND FINISHED GRADING TO BE DONE BY OTHERSEXCEPT WHERE NOTED.2.GRADING LIMITS ARE DEFINED AS THE JUNCTURE OF PROPOSEDGRADE WITH EXISTING GRADE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.3.GRADING LIMITS AND LIMITS OF WORK SHOWN ON PLAN ARE ONLYAPPROXIMATE AND MAY BE ADJUSTED IN FIELD BY LANDSCAPEARCHITECT. WORK OUTSIDE OF THESE LIMITS WILL BE DONE ATLANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE UNLESS DIRECTED BYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER IN WRITING.4.FILL/CUT AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A 1% MINIMUM GRADE AWAYFROM BUILDINGS WITHIN LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION.5.SALVAGE TOPSOIL FROM THE EARTHWORK AREAS AS APPROPRIATEOR AS INDICATED ON PLANS AND STOCKPILE FOR REUSE.6.OBTAIN SOIL SAMPLE FROM SALVAGED TOPSOIL STOCKPILE ANDSUBMIT TO INDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCY FOR ANALYSIS.7.MAINTAIN A UNIFORM GRADE BETWEEN CONTOURS IN AREAS TO BEGRADED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8.ELEVATIONS, IF SHOWN ARE FINISHED ELEVATIONS. SPOTELEVATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER CONTOURS.9.ADD EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IF GRADES GREATER THAN 3:1OR IF CONDITIONS WARRANT. REFER TO MNDOT SPECIFICATIONSFOR EROSION CONTROL.10.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR LOCATION OFUNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES,VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVEIF DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TOTHE OWNER.11.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PROPER EROSION CONTROLMEASURES AS REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT EROSION IS KEPT TO ANABSOLUTE MINIMUM.12.PROVIDE TEMPORARY COVERING FOR CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES UNTIL FINISHED GRADING IS COMPLETE.13.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE BASINS AS NEEDED.14.PERIMETER SILT FENCE AND ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCESSHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO STATESPECIFICATIONS FOR AGGREGATE BASE AND SILT FENCE.15.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CATCH BASIN EROSION CONTROLMEASURES PER LOCAL POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY ANDSPECIFICATIONS.16.WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF FINISHED SITE GRADING, DISTURBED AREASSHALL BE STABILIZED WITH SEED, SOD, MULCH OR ROCK BASE.17.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES,INCLUDING THE REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED SILT IN FRONT OF SILTFENCES AND EXCESS SEDIMENT IN PROPOSED CATCH BASINS, FORTHE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION.18.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE EROSION CONTROL MEASURESAFTER VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED AND DISPOSE OF OFF SITE.19.CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT SOIL CONDITIONS AND COMPACTION ARE ADEQUATE TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DRAINAGEAROUND THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. UNDESIRABLE CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. IT SHALL BE THELANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE PROPERSURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE IN PLANTING AREAS.PLANTING1.SPRING PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLATION IS FROM APRIL 15 TO JUNE15.2.FALL CONIFEROUS PLANTING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 21 TOSEPTEMBER 30.3.FALL DECIDUOUS PLANTING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 UNTILNOVEMBER 15.4.ADJUSTMENTS TO PLANTING DATES MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITINGBY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.5.STAKE PROPOSED PLANTING LOCATIONS PER PLAN FOR REVIEWAND APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALL.6.PLANT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OFTHE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, ANSI Z60.1.UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, DECIDUOUS SHRUBS SHALL HAVE ATLEAST 5 CANES AT THE SPECIFIED HEIGHT. ORNAMENTAL TREESSHALL HAVE NO 'V' CROTCHES AND SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NOLOWER THAN 3' FEET ABOVE THE ROOT BALL. STREET ANDBOULEVARD TREES SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6'ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7.INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL AFTER FINAL GRADING ANDCONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA.8.INSTALL PLANT MATERIALS PER PLANTING DETAILS.9.SUBSTITUTION REQUESTS FOR PLANT MATERIAL TYPE & SIZE SHALLBE SUBMITTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FORCONSIDERATION PRIOR TO BIDDING. SUBSTITUTIONS AFTERBIDDING MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND ARESUBJECT TO CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS.10.ADJUSTMENTS IN LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAYBE NEEDED IN FIELD. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIEDPRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT OF PLANTS.11.FERTILIZE PLANT MATERIAL UPON INSTALLATION WITH DRIED BONEMEAL AND OTHER APPROVED FERTILIZER MIXED IN WITH THEPLANTING SOIL (PER THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS) ORTREAT FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH AN APPLICATIONOF GRANULAR 10-0-5 OF 12 OZ. PER 2.5" CALIPER TREE AND 6 OZ.PER SHRUB WITH AN ADDITIONAL APPLICATION OF 10-0-10 THEFOLLOWING SPRING IN THE TREE SAUCER.12.INSTALL 18" DEPTH OF PLANTING SOIL IN AREAS RECEIVING GROUNDCOVER, PERENNIALS, AND ANNUALS. PLANTING SOIL SHALLCONSIST OF MnDOT 3877-B MODIFIED TO CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF30% SAND, A PH OF 7.1 MAX, OR AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THEPROJECT SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL.13.TREE WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE TWO-WALLED PLASTICSHEETING APPLIED FROM TRUNK FLARE TO FIRST BRANCH. WRAPSMOOTH-BARKED DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN THE FALL PRIORTO DECEMBER 1 AND REMOVE WRAPPING AFTER MAY 1.14.APPLY PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE (PREEN OR APPROVED EQUAL) INANNUAL, PERENNIAL, AND SHRUB BEDS FOLLOWED BY SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCH. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATION REGARDING USE OF HERBICIDES.MULCHING1.INSTALL 4" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH RINGS AT CONIFEROUS & DECIDUOUS TREES WITH NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK.2.INSTALL 3" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH RINGS AT SHRUBPLANTING AREAS WITH NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH SHRUB STEMS.3.INSTALL 3" DEEP FINELY SHREDDED MULCH OR 1" DEEP SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCH IN PERENNIAL PLANTING BEDS. REMOVE ALLMULCH FROM STEMS OF PERENNIALS - PLANT STEMS SHOULD NOTBE IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH MULCH.WATERING1.PLANTED MATERIALS SHALL BE WATERED BY TEMPORARY MEANSUNTIL PLANTS ARE ESTABLISHED.2.TEMPORARY WATERING MEANS, METHODS, AND SCHEDULING SHALLBE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. REMOVE TEMPORARYWATERING EQUIPMENT UPON PLANT ESTABLISHMENT.WARRANTY1.WARRANTY NEW PLANT MATERIAL THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEARFROM THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. NO PARTIALACCEPTANCE WILL BE CONSIDERED.IRRIGATION NOTES1.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AN IRRIGATION LAYOUT PLAN AND SPECIFICATION THAT MEETS THEREQUIREMENTS OF THE PROVIDED PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONAS PART OF THE SCOPE OF WORK. SUBMIT LAYOUT PLAN ANDSPECIFICATIONS FOR APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTPRIOR TO ORDER AND/OR CONSTRUCTION. IT SHALL BE THECONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THATSODDED/SEEDED AND PLANTED AREAS ARE IRRIGATED PROPERLY,INCLUDING THOSE AREAS DIRECTLY AROUND AND ABUTTINGBUILDING FOUNDATION.2.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY WATER SUPPLY, VOLUME,PRESSURE AND LOCATION FOR SYSTEM TAP PRIOR TO SYSTEMDESIGN.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY AND INSPECT EXISTINGIRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT, EQUIPMENT, CONDITION ANDOPERABILITY PRIOR TO SYSTEM DESIGN.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM COMPLETE LIMITS OF IRRIGATIONWITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUPPLYING SHOPDRAWINGS.5.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF AREAS RECEIVING DRIP IRRIGATION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MULCH.6.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPEARCHITECT WITH AS-BUILT DRAWINGS, DETAILED SYSTEMOPERATION INSTRUCTIONS AND AN IRRIGATION SCHEDULEAPPROPRIATE TO THE PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS AND PLANTEDMATERIAL GROWTH REQUIREMENTS.TURF NOTES1.SOD AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE.2.WHERE SOD ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADEOF SOD/SEED SHALL BE HELD 1" BELOW SURFACE ELEVATION OF TRAIL, SLAB, CURB, ETC.3.SOD SHALL BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALLHAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR INDRAINAGE SWALES, SOD SHALL BE STAKED SECURELY.4.UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, THE APPROPRIATE DATES FORSPRING SEED & SOD PLACEMENT IS FROM THE TIME GROUNDHAS THAWED TO JUNE 15.5.FALL SODDING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TO NOVEMBER 1. FALL SEEDING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15. ADJUSTMENTS TO SOD/SEED PLANTING DATES MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SUNNYSIDE ROAD FRANCE AVENUEBIKE RACKS(4 TOTAL)CURBED PLANTINGBED WITH 1'-0" STEPOUT FROM BACK OFCURB,SEE L-420BENCH SEATINGSTREET LIGHTSPECIALTYCONCRETECONCRETEWALKWAY, SEE CIVIL40'-0"18'-0"40'-0"18'-0"40'-0"ACCESS TO PARKING36'-2"5'-6"1 7 ' - 1 0 " 6 ' - 0 " 1 7 ' - 1 0 " 1 9 ' - 0 " 2 7 ' - 5 "5'-6"9'-6"2'-6"2 9 ' - 9 "SPECIALTYCONCRETECURBED PLANTING BEDWITH 2'-0" STEP OUT ATBACK OF CURB,SEE L-420STREET LIGHTCONCRETE WALKWAY,SEE CIVILTRANSFORMERINTERNALCOURTYARD,SEE L-4102 0 ' - 8 " 6 ' - 0 " 2 0 ' - 8 " 7 ' - 5 "4500 FRANCEAVENUEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY L INE PRO P ER T Y L IN E PLANTING BEDWITH SCULPTURERETAINING WALL,SEE CIVIL FOR TOPOF WALL ELEVATIONSCAFESEATINGAREADOG RUN WITH FENCE1'-0"9'-0"10'-0"4 3 ' - 0 "SF-03SF-01BENCH SEATINGSF-01P-02P-01P-02BENCH SEATINGSF-01P-011L410CURBED PLANTING BEDWITH 2'-0" STEP OUT ATBACK OF CURB,SEE L-420ACCESS TO PARKINGDECORATIVE METALFENCE AROUND CAFE AREADESIGN AND HEIGHT TBDFE-02CRUSHED STONEMM-02FENCE & GUARDRAILSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSWOOD PRIVACY FENCE - 8` HEIGHT335 LFCUSTOMWOODSTAIN, COLOR TBD8` HEIGHT WITH FROST FOOTINGSEXTERIOR FENCE - 5` HEIGHT195 LFOMEGA FENCE SYSTEMSOMEGA ARCHITECTURALBLACK5` HEIGHT WITH FROST FOOTINGSMINERAL MULCHSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSROCK MULCH7.38 CYTBDDRESSER TRAPGREY1 1/2"" DIA, 3" DEPTH OVER LANDSCAPEFABRICCRUSHED STONE3.21 CYTBDDRESSER TRAPGREY3" DEPTH - 3/16" MINUS OVER 6" CLASS VBASEPAVINGSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSCONCRETE PAVING7,336 SFTBDSTANDARD CONCRETEBROOM FINISHEDSEE CIVIL FOR PAVING PROFILECOLORED CONCRETE1,535 SFTBDSTANDARD CONCRETE W/INTEGRAL COLORCHARCOALSEE CIVIL FOR PAVING PROFILECONCRETE PAVER290 SFBORGERTHOLLAND STONECHARCOAL90 DEGREE HERRINGBONE PATTERNSITE FURNITURESYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSBOULEVARD BENCH6LANDSCAPE FORMSTOWN SQUARE BENCHBLACK, POWDERCOATSURFACE PER MANUFACTURER`S DIRECTIONPLAZA BENCH3LANDSCAPE FORMSBANCAL BENCHIPE / METAL - STORMCLOUDSURFACE PER MANUFACTURER`S DIRECTIONBIKE RACK4DEROHOOP RACKGALVANIZEDSURFACE PER MANUFACTURER`S DIRECTIONWALLSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSRETAINING WALL116 LFTBDBLUSTONE WALL STONENATURAL12" WIDE, VARYING LENGTHS AND HEIGHTSFE-01FE-02MM-01MM-02P-01P-02P-03SF-01SF-02SF-03WL-01REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULENORTH0SCALE:1"=12'12'24'36'PROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N217525France Ave ApartmentsFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018No.DescriptionDateBDJSSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that i am a duly licensed landscape architectunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaCONSULTANTS401 2nd Avenue North, Suite 410Minneapolis, MN 55401p 612.332.7522L110MATERIALS & LAYOUTPLANSITE PLAN INFORMATION:TOTAL SITE AREA:43,507 SFBUILDING FOOTPRINT:30,068 SFHARDSCAPE AREA:8,189 SFLANDSCAPE AREA(WITHIN PROPERTY:5,250 SFLANDSCAPE AREA(WITHIN R.O.W.):1,319 SF SUNNYSIDE ROAD FRANCE AVENUE4500 FRANCEAVENUEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY L INE PRO P ER T Y L IN E 2 - QU-W60 - HR2 - QU-W60 - CA-A51 - HR2 - QU-W54 - HR7 - JU-R40 - PA-V41 - CA-A1 - GL-T1 - GL-T27 - CA-A1 - GL-T12 - SP-G1 - GL-T33 - HR1 - GL-T33 - HRTURF SOD21 - DL21 - DL9 - RG1 - AM-GTURF SOD5 - BE-P5 - CO-S6 - CO-S20 - CA-A2 - TI-A28 - RG3 - AM-G4 - AC-R5 - JU-RTREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESAC-R4ACER RUBRUM `ARMSTRONG` / ARMSTRONG RED MAPLE2.5" CAL.B&BNATURAL FORM, SINGLE LEADERAM-G4AMELANCHIER X GRANDIFLORA `AUTUMN BRILLIANCE` / `AUTUMN BRILLIANCE` SERVICEBERRY8` HEIGHTB&BCLUMP FORMBE-P5BETULA POPULIFOLIA `WHITESPIRE` / WHITESPIRE BIRCH10` HEIGHTB&BCLUMP FORMGL-T5GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS `SKYCOLE` TM / SKYLINE THORNLESS HONEY LOCUST5.5" CAL.B&BTRUNK FREE OF BRANCHES 6`-7` FROM BASEQU-W6QUERCUS X WAREI `LONG` TM / REGAL PRINCE OAK4.5" CAL.B&BSINGLE LEADER, WELL BRANCHEDTI-A2TILIA AMERICANA `REDMOND` / REDMOND AMERICAN LINDEN3.5" CALB&BSINGLE LEADER, WELL BRANCHEDDECIDUOUS SHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESCO-S11CORNUS SERICEA `BAILADELINE` / FIREDANCE DOGWOOD#10CONT.SPACE 4`-0" O.C.DL42DIERVILLA LONICERA / DWARF BUSH HONEYSUCKLE#5CONT.SPACE 3`-0" O.C.RG37RHUS AROMATICA `GRO-LOW` / GRO-LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC#5CONT.SPACE 5`-0" O.C.SP-G12SPIRAEA X BUMALDA `GOLDFLAME` / GOLDFLAME SPIREA#3CONT.SPACE 2`-6" O.C.EVERGREEN SHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESJU-R12JUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM `SKYROCKET` / SKYROCKET JUNIPER7` HEIGHTCONT.SPACE 5`-0" O.C.PERENNIALS/ANNUALSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESCA-A148CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA `KARL FOERSTER` / FEATHER REED GRASS#3CONT.SPACE 2`-0" O.C.HR231HEMEROCALLIS X `RED RAZZMATAZZ` / RED RAZZMATAZZ DAYLILY#1CONT.SPACE 2`-0" O.C.PA-V40PANICUM VIRGATUM `NORTH WIND` / NORTHWIND SWITCH GRASS#3CONT.SPACE 1`-6" O.C.GROUND COVERSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESSOD1,979 SFSODSODROLLOVERALL PLANT SCHEDULENORTH0SCALE:1"=12'12'24'36'PROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N217525France Ave ApartmentsFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018No.DescriptionDateBDJSSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that i am a duly licensed landscape architectunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaCONSULTANTS401 2nd Avenue North, Suite 410Minneapolis, MN 55401p 612.332.7522L160LANDSCAPE PLANEXISTING TREE,ON ADJACENT PROPERTYEXISTING TREESEXISTING TREE,TO REMAINCITY OF EDINALANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS:TOTAL REQUIRED TREES:23 TREESTOTAL TREES PROVIDED:26 TREES(1 TREE FOR EVERY 40' OF PROPERTY LINE - 902 LFSEC. 36-1438. - MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS)TREE REQUIREMENT BY SIZE:5 12" CALIPER: 5 TREES / 5 PROVIDED4 12" CALIPER:5 TREES / 6 PROVIDED3 12" CALIPER:6 TREES / 7 PROVIDED2 12" CALIPER:6 TREES / 8 PROVIDED2" OR LESS CALIPER:1 TREE / 0 PROVIDEDNOTE:ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPEPLANS TO BE DESIGN/BUILD IRRIGATED PROPERTY LINEP-039 ' - 7 " 1 7 ' - 7 " 9 ' - 7 " 5 ' - 0 "21'-7"P-01FE-015 ' - 0 " TYP .40'-2"17'-3"12'-7"10'-0"2'-6"8'-8"DRYSTACK STONE WALLCONCRETE PAVERENTRY STAIR TO WALK-UPUNITS, SEE ARCHITECTUREENTRY STAIRACCESS RAMPSCULPTUREREVISED PROPERTYLINEMM-01WL-01MULTI-PURPOSELAWN AREAPLAZA BENCHSF-02ROCK MULCHWOODEN PRIVACY FENCE,8'-0" HEIGHTCONCRETE WALKWAY,SEE CIVILFENCE & GUARDRAILSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSWOOD PRIVACY FENCE - 8` HEIGHT335 LFCUSTOMWOODSTAIN, COLOR TBD8` HEIGHT WITH FROST FOOTINGSEXTERIOR FENCE - 5` HEIGHT195 LFOMEGA FENCE SYSTEMSOMEGA ARCHITECTURALBLACK5` HEIGHT WITH FROST FOOTINGSMINERAL MULCHSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSROCK MULCH7.38 CYTBDDRESSER TRAPGREY1 1/2"" DIA, 3" DEPTH OVER LANDSCAPEFABRICCRUSHED STONE3.21 CYTBDDRESSER TRAPGREY3" DEPTH - 3/16" MINUS OVER 6" CLASS VBASEPAVINGSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSCONCRETE PAVING7,336 SFTBDSTANDARD CONCRETEBROOM FINISHEDSEE CIVIL FOR PAVING PROFILECOLORED CONCRETE1,535 SFTBDSTANDARD CONCRETE W/INTEGRAL COLORCHARCOALSEE CIVIL FOR PAVING PROFILECONCRETE PAVER290 SFBORGERTHOLLAND STONECHARCOAL90 DEGREE HERRINGBONE PATTERNSITE FURNITURESYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSBOULEVARD BENCH6LANDSCAPE FORMSTOWN SQUARE BENCHBLACK, POWDERCOATSURFACE PER MANUFACTURER`S DIRECTIONPLAZA BENCH3LANDSCAPE FORMSBANCAL BENCHIPE / METAL - STORMCLOUDSURFACE PER MANUFACTURER`S DIRECTIONBIKE RACK4DEROHOOP RACKGALVANIZEDSURFACE PER MANUFACTURER`S DIRECTIONWALLSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONQTYMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSRETAINING WALL116 LFTBDBLUSTONE WALL STONENATURAL12" WIDE, VARYING LENGTHS AND HEIGHTSFE-01FE-02MM-01MM-02P-01P-02P-03SF-01SF-02SF-03WL-01REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULENORTH0SCALE:1"=5'5'10'20'PROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N217525France Ave ApartmentsFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018No.DescriptionDateBDJSSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that i am a duly licensed landscape architectunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaCONSULTANTS401 2nd Avenue North, Suite 410Minneapolis, MN 55401p 612.332.7522L410ENLARGED PLAN -PUBLIC PLAZA 9'-0" SIDEWALK FROM BUILDING FACADE7'-3" CLR. FROM PILASTER5'-6"RAISED PLANTING BED1'-0"STEPOUTDECORATIVE METALFENCE SURROUND(12" HEIGHT)CONCRETE CURBING,(6" HEIGHT)FRANCE AVENUE1'-0"SIDEWALKEASEMENT(8'-10")PROPERTY LINE15'-6" OVERALL WIDTH2'-6"STEPOUT5'-6"RAISED PLANTING BED9'-6" SIDEWALK FROM BUILDING FACADE7'-6" CLR. FROM PILASTER1'-0"DECORATIVE METALFENCE SURROUND(12" HEIGHT)CONCRETE CURBING,(6" HEIGHT)ON-STREET PARKINGSUNNYSIDE ROADSIDEWALKEASEMENT(5'-4")PROPERTY LINE17'-6" OVERALL WIDTHPROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N217525France Ave ApartmentsFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018No.DescriptionDateBDJSSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that i am a duly licensed landscape architectunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaCONSULTANTS401 2nd Avenue North, Suite 410Minneapolis, MN 55401p 612.332.7522L420SITE SECTIONS &RENDERINGS2VIEW ALONGSUNNYSIDE ROAD1VIEW ALONGFRANCE AVENUEFRANCE AVENUE STREET SECTIONSUNNYSIDE AVENUE STREET SECTION PROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N217525France Ave ApartmentsFrance AveApartments4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410PRELIMINARYREZONING & SITEPLAN SUBMITTAL7/27/2018No.DescriptionDateBDJSSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DateI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or reportwas prepared by me or under my direct supervisionand that i am a duly licensed landscape architectunder the laws of the State of MinnesotaCONSULTANTS401 2nd Avenue North, Suite 410Minneapolis, MN 55401p 612.332.7522L500LANDSCAPE DETAILS1136" RADIUSDIG PLANTING PIT 4" TO 6" DEEPER THAN ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADENOTE:CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORMAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITIONTHROUGHOUT THE WARRANTY PERIOD. WRAPTREE TRUNKS ONLY UPON APPROVAL BYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE SPECIFICATIONSECTION RELATED TO PLANTS AND SOILPREPARATION.EACH TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THEROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THEROOT BALL. IF THE ROOT FLARE IS NOT VISIBLE,THE SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED IN A LEVELMANNER FROM THE ROOT BALL TO WHERE THEFIRST MAIN ORDER ROOT (12" DIA. OR LARGER)EMERGES FROM THE TRUNK. SET MAIN ORDERROOT 1" HIGHER THAN ADJACENT GRADE. DONOT COVER TOP OF ROOT BALL WITH SOIL.PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED ORCOMPACTED SOILTAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASE FIRMLYWITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOT BALLDOES NOT SHIFT4" BUILT-UP EARTH SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OFROOT BALLPLANTING PIT TO BE TWOTO FIVE TIMES THE DIAMETEROF THE ROOT BALL, SLOPEDPREPARED PLANTING SOILPER SPEC6' DIAMETERMULCH RINGREMOVE BURLAP, TWINE, ROPE AND WIRE FROMTOP HALF OF ROOT BALLEDGE CONDITION VARIES;REFER TO PLAN4" ORGANIC MULCH; DO NOT PLACE MULCH INCONTACT WITH TREE TRUNKSCARIFY SIDES OF TREE PITWITH SPADE BY HAND TO BINDWITH PREPARED PLANTING SOILTREE PLANTING3/4" = 1'-0"PROVIDE & INSTALL RODENT PROTECTION.12"HARDWIRE CLOTH MESH CYLINDER, 8" DIA. ORGREATER X 36" HGT; STAKE IN PLACE. PER SPECP-18 155-01111DIG PLANTING PIT 4" TO 6" DEEPER THAN ROOT BALL NOTE:CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORMAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITIONTHROUGHOUT THE WARRANTY PERIOD. WRAPTREE TRUNKS ONLY UPON APPROVAL BYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE SPECIFICATIONSECTION RELATED TO PLANTS AND SOILPREPARATION.EACH TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THEROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THEROOT BALL. IF THE ROOT FLARE IS NOT VISIBLE,THE SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED IN A LEVELMANNER FROM THE ROOT BALL TO WHERE THEFIRST MAIN ORDER ROOT (12" DIA. OR LARGER)EMERGES FROM THE TRUNK. SET MAIN ORDERROOT 1" HIGHER THAN ADJACENT GRADE. DONOT COVER TOP OF ROOT BALL WITH SOIL.PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED ORCOMPACTED SOILTAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASEFIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THATROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT+/- 4'-2" OPENINGREMOVE BURLAP, TWINE, ROPE AND WIREFROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALLCONCRETE OR WALKABLESURFACE4" ORGANIC MULCH; DO NOT PLACEMULCH IN CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK2' DEPTH X 3' WIDE PLANTINGSOIL PER SPECUNDISTURBED SUBGRADEENGINEERED SOIL, MINIMUM500 CU. FT.MIN 3' DEPTH / MAX 4' DEPTH TREE IN ENGINEERED SOIL3/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED CURB AND METALFENCING SURROUND2P-18 155-07PREPARE PLANTING SOIL FORTHE ENTIRE BEDAPPLICATION OF PRE-EMERGENTHERBICIDE3" MULCH; DO NOT PLACE INCONTACT WITH SHRUB STEMPREPARE BED A MIN. 4" DEEPER THAN ROOT BALL 12" MIN.SPACINGSHRUB PLANTING1" = 1'-0"EDGE CONDITION VARIES;REFER TO PLANPLANTING SOIL FOR SHRUBSSCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF ENTIREBED WITH SPADE BY HAND TO BINDWITH PLANTING SOILUNDISTURBED SUBGRADECONTAINER GROWN MATERIALSHALL HAVE ROOTS HAND LOOSENEDP-18 155-023PREPARE PLANTING SOIL FORTHE ENTIRE BED1'-6"6"MIN.SPACINGUNDISTURBED SUBGRADESCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF ENTIREBED WITH SPADE BY HAND TO BIND WITHPLANTING SOILPLANTING SOIL FOR PERENNIALSCONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL SHALLHAVE ROOTS AND LOOSENEDEDGE CONDITION VARIES; REFER TO PLAN3" MULCH; DO NOT PLACE IN CONTACTWITH PLANT STEMPERENNIAL PLANTING1 1/2" = 1'-0"4P-18 155-04OMEGA ARCHITECTURALFENCE SYSTEM,INSTALL PERMANUFACTURER'SDETAILS ANDRECOMMENDATIONS2"3"6"X6" BASE PLATEC-FLANG3GV12" DIA SONOTUBECONCRETE FOOTINGEQUAL SPACED SEGMENTS -7'-6" O.C. MAX SPACING3'-6" MIN DEPTH EXTERIOR FENCE - 5` HEIGHT1/2" = 1'-0"5'-0"NOTE:ALL GATE HARDWARE SHALL BECOMPLIANT WITH ADA STANDARDS ANDGUIDELINES.PROVIDE 10" HIGH SMOOTH SURFACEAS KICK PLATE ACROSS BASE OF PUSHSIDE OF GATE PER ADA REQUIREMENTS.5P-18 155-09BIKE RACK, SURFACE MOUNT1" = 1'-0"CONCRETE SIDEWALK,SEE CIVILCOMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE,SEE CIVILPREPARED SUBGRADEDERO HOOP RACK - GALVANIZED FINISH,SURFACE MOUNT PER MANUFACTURER'SDIRECTION, SPACE 36" O.C.6P-18 155-063" THK. 316" MINUS TRAPROCK WITH STEELEDGING6" THK. CLASS 5 BASE-COMPACT TO 98%PROCTOR DENSITYCOMPACTED SUBBASECRUSHED STONE1" = 1'-0"7P-18 155-133" CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS W/ POLYMERICSAND SWEPT JOINTS, SET HAND TIGHTMANUFACTURER: BORGERTSERIES: HOLLAND STONECOLOR: CHARCOAL1" WASHED SAND LEVELING BASE6" COMPACTED AGGREGATE SUBBASECOMPACTED SUBGRADEPLANTING VARIES- HOLD FINISHED GRADE1" BELOW PAVERS, SEE PLANTING PLANPLASTIC PAVER RESTRAINT SYSTEMCONCRETE UNIT PAVER1" = 1'-0"FLUSHADJACENT PAVING, SEE PLANSNOTE:CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS SHALL BEINSTALLED PER MFR 90° HERRINGBONEPATTERN6"P-18 155-108EXTERIOR WOOD FENCE - 8' HEIGHT1" = 1'-0"8'-0"2'-0"1x6 BEYOND, TYP.1x6 WOOD MID BRACE1x6 VERTICAL, TYP.1x6 BOTTOM RAILMAINTAIN 2" CLEAR ABOVE FINISHED GRADE1x6 WOOD TOP RAILP-18 155-649 Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:41 AMA0.0 SITE IMAGES 217525 Author Checker 07/24/18 France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 VIEW AT CORNER OF FRANCE AVE S AND SUNNYSIDE AVE VIEW LOOKING NORTH ALONG FRANCE AVE S VIEW LOOKING EAST ALONG SUNNYSIDE AVE AERIAL VIEW AT CORNER OF FRANCE AVE S AND SUNNYSIDE AVE No. Description Date France Avenue SouthSunnyside AvenueParking Entry/Exit Outline of Building Above Transformer Public Pocket Park -Refer to Landscape Drawings 4' - 0 3/32"Parking Entry/Exit 2 ' - 6 " 5 ' - 6 " 7' - 6 " 5' - 6"7' - 3"1' - 9"1' - 0" 9' - 2 " 6' - 6"60 ' - 7"Existing House 1 1' - 0 1 / 2 " 1 0' - 7 "26' - 4 1/2"20' - 4 1/2"9 ' - 0 " D N25' - 4"22 ' - 8 "22' - 6"9' - 0" 8 ' - 0"28 ' - 7"1 4 ' - 9 1 / 2 " 2 ' - 0 1 / 2 " 6' - 6 1/2" Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:43 AMA0.1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN 217525 Author Checker 07/24/18 France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.1 1 FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN No. Description Date France Avenue SouthSunnyside Avenue17,496 SF Public Parking 3,587 SF Restaurant Parking Entry/Exit Outline of Building Above 604 SF Trash 1,311 SF Retail 1,649 SF Retail 872 SF 1 BR 1,197 SF 2 BR Transformer 2,566 SF Lobby Public Pocket Park -Refer to Landscape Drawings 627 SF Service 209 SF Storage Service CorridorParking Entry/Exit 29,561 SF Parking Elec Rm W aterRoom Transformer location at grade above 1,250 SF Storage Wall Bicycle Storage Parking Entry/Exit Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:46 AMA0.2 PARKING & FIRST LEVEL PLAN 217525 ESG ESG France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.2 1 FIRST LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.2 2 PARKING LEVEL FLOOR PLAN No. Description Date Elec 1,263 SF 2 BR 1,350 SF 2 BR 1,488 SF 2 BR 1,280 SF 2 BR 1,489 SF 2 BR 735 SF 1 BR 1,413 SF 2 BR 806 SF 1 BR 1,040 SF 1 BR DEN Tr 1,428 SF 2 BR Amenity Terrace 919 SF 1 BR 1,168 SF 2 BR 1,197 SF 2 BR 1,425 SF 2 BR 1,432 SF 2 BR 725 SF 1 BR Club Room 930 sf Fitness Women Men PrivateTerraceP riv a t e T e r r a c e P riv a t e T e rr a c e P riv a t e T e rr a c e Storage Yoga Elec 1,263 SF 2 BR 806 SF 1 BR 1,488 SF 2 BR 1,280 SF 2 BR 1,488 SF 2 BR 1,425 SF 2 BR 1,428 SF 2 BR 731 SF 1 BR 737 SF 1 BR 737 SF 1 BR 1,415 SF 2 BR 1,040 SF 1 BR DEN Tr 737 SF 1 BR 1,168 SF 2 BR 919 SF 1 BR 1,197 SF 2 BR 608 SF Storage 725 SF 1 BR 1,432 SF 2 BR 1,350 SF 2 BR Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:47 AMA0.3 LEVEL 2 & 3 FLOOR PLAN 217525 Author Checker 07/24/18 France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.3 1 SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.3 2 THIRD LEVEL FLOOR PLAN No. Description Date 2,493 SF 2 BR 1,838 SF 2 BR 1,263 SF 2 BR 1,432 SF 2 BR 1,462 SF 2 BR 1,506 SF 2 BR 1,631 SF 2 BR 1,280 SF 2 BR Elec Roof of Level Below Tr 253 SF Elevator Lobby 749 SF Rooftop Patio Screened Restaurant Mechanical Corral Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:48 AMA0.4 LEVEL 4 & ROOF PLAN 217525 Author Checker 07/24/18 France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.4 1 MP-04 City Submittal 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.4 2 ROOF LEVEL City Submittal No. Description Date 1A 1B6 7 543B 12 3C 6 8B 9 5 3A 3B 3B10 10 10 5 245 11 1C 8A 7 6 7 4 3C 6 8B 3B1B 1A 4 6 3A 5 3B 1A 1B 5 4 8B 3C 7 24 8A 3B 3B 10 7 1C1B 12 451B1C 2A 7 9 2 75 4 612 9 2 4 5 7B4 7 1A 29 3C 12 7B 5 4 EXTERIOR MATERIAL KEY 1A BRICK MASONRY COLOR 1 1B BRICK MASONRY COLOR 2 3A 3B 2 4 7 PREFABRICATED METAL BALCONY SYSTEM METAL PANEL-ZINC FINISH METAL COMPOSITE PANEL -BLACK 3 COAT CEMENTITIOUS STUCCO -NATURAL GREY COLOR FIBER CEMENT PANEL -CHARCOAL COLOR 8A METAL SLATTED PARKING SCREENING 6 STOREFRONT -ANODIZED ALUMINUM BLACK 5 COMPOSITE WINDOW 3C PREFINISHED METAL PANEL -BLACK 8B LOUVERED MECHANICAL SCREEN 9 METAL CAP FLASHING -BLACK 1C BURNISHED BLOCK MASONRY 10 CHANNEL EDGED ENTRY CANOPY 11 ALUMINUM OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR W/ GLASS LITES 12 PREFINISHED ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL SYTEM LEVEL 1 100' - 0" LEVEL 2 115' - 0" LEVEL 3 125' - 4" LEVEL 4 135' - 8" ROOF LEVEL 147' - 0" LOWER LEVEL 90' - 0" T.O. ELEVATOR CORE 160' - 0"13' - 0"11' - 4"10' - 4"10' - 4"15' - 0"10' - 0"LEVEL 1 100' - 0" LEVEL 2 115' - 0" LEVEL 3 125' - 4" LEVEL 4 135' - 8" ROOF LEVEL 147' - 0" LOWER LEVEL 90' - 0" T.O. ELEVATOR CORE 160' - 0"13' - 0"11' - 4"10' - 4"10' - 4"15' - 0"10' - 0"LEVEL 1 100' - 0" LEVEL 2 115' - 0" LEVEL 3 125' - 4" LEVEL 4 135' - 8" ROOF LEVEL 147' - 0" T.O. ELEVATOR CORE 160' - 0"13' - 0"11' - 4"10' - 4"10' - 4"15' - 0"LEVEL 2 115' - 0" LEVEL 3 125' - 4" LEVEL 4 135' - 8" ROOF LEVEL 147' - 0" T.O. ELEVATOR CORE 160' - 0"13' - 0"11' - 4"10' - 4"10' - 4"LEVEL 2 115' - 0" LEVEL 3 125' - 4" LEVEL 4 135' - 8" ROOF LEVEL 147' - 0" T.O. ELEVATOR CORE 160' - 0"13' - 0"11' - 4"10' - 4"10' - 4"LEVEL 2 115' - 0" LEVEL 3 125' - 4" LEVEL 4 135' - 8"10' - 4"10' - 4"LEVEL 2 115' - 0" LEVEL 3 125' - 4" LEVEL 4 135' - 8" ROOF LEVEL 147' - 0"11' - 4"10' - 4"10' - 4"Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:50 AMA0.5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 217525 ESG ESG France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.5 1 East Elevation 1 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.5 2 East Elevation 2 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.5 3 West Elevation 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.5 4 South Elevation 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.5 5 Internal Elevation 3 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.5 6 Internal Elevation 2 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.5 7 Internal Elevation 1 No. Description Date Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:51 AMA0.6 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 217525 Author Checker 07/25/18 France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 No. Description Date 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.6 1 Existing vs Proposed Sunnyside Ave Elevation Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:51 AMA0.7 EXTERIOR MATERIALS 217525 ESG ESG France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 No. Description Date 1A- Brick #1- Medium Red Blend 1B- Brick #2- Dark Brown Iron Spot 1C- Burnished Block #1- Dark Brown 2A- Stucco #1- Fine Finish Natural Grey 3A- Metal Panel #1- Zinc Finish 3B- Metal Panel #2- Black 4A- Fiber Cement Panel #1- Charcoal Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:52 AMA0.8 PERSPECTIVE VIEWS 217525 Author Checker 07/25/18 France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 No. Description Date FRANCE AVE ELEVATION FROM NORTHEAST SUNNYSIDE ELEVATION FROM SOUTHWEST SUNNYSIDE AVE ELEVATION FROM NORTHEAST FRANCE AVE ELEVATION FROM SOUTHEAST Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:49:52 AMA0.9 PERSPECTIVE VIEWS 217525 Author Checker 07/26/18 France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 No. Description Date PERSPECTIVE VEIW AT FRANCE AVE AND SUNNYSIDE AVE AERIAL VEIW AT FRANCE AVE AND SUNNYSIDE AVE Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 7/27/2018 10:55:58 AMA0.10 PERSPECTIVE VIEWS 217525 Author Checker 07/27/18 France Ave Apartments France Ave Apartments 4500 France Ave S, Edina MN 55410 PRELIMINARY REZONING & SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL 7/27/2018 No. Description Date CURRENT VS PROPOSED PERSPECTIVE VEIW AT FRANCE AVE ELEVATION CURRENT VS PROPOSED PERSPECTIVE VEIW AT FRANCE AVE ELEVATION CURRENT VS PROPOSED PERSPECTIVE VEIW AT SUNNYSIDE ELEVATION DATE: August 20, 2018 TO: 4500 France Ave, Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Chad Millner, PE – Director of Engineering Charlie Gerk, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 4500 France Ave – Development Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for pedestrian facilities, utility connections, grading, and storm water. Plans reviewed were; Civil, Landscape, and Survey drawings dated 07/27/2018. Review Comment Required For General 1. Provide access easement between south property and south garage entrance. Grading/Building Permit 2. Proposed designs for any landscaping containers in the right of way on Sunnyside must be approved by Engineering and Public Works. Proposed planters and landscaping on France Avenue required approval from Hennepin County. All landscaping and landscaping related improvements to be maintained by the property owner. Grading/Building Permit 3. Deliver as-build records of public and private utility infrastructure post construction. Certificate of Occupancy 4. Maintenance for sidewalks to be responsibility of property owner. General Comment Survey 5. An existing and proposed site condition survey is required. Grading/Building Permit 5.1 Show all existing and proposed public and private easements. Grading/Building Permit Living Streets 6. Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. Grading/Building Permit 7. Saw cut concrete sidewalk joints on public sidewalks. Grading/Building Permit 8. Public sidewalk to be minimum 6’ in width. Grading/Building Permit Traffic and Street 9. Review fire access requirements with fire department. Fire truck turning template attached. Grading/Building Permit 10. Provide traffic study and implement city approved recommendations. Grading/Building Permit 11. Curb cut permit required for entrance reconstruction. Prior to Reconstructing Entrance 12. Road patching shall conform to Edina Standard Plates 540-545. Full width, saw cut to saw cut on Sunnyside Ave. Certificate of Occupancy Sanitary and Water Utilities 13. Verify fire demand and hydrant locations. Grading/Building Permit 14. Domestic water shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 15. Domestic sanitary shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 16. Apply for a sewer and water connection permit with public works. Prior to Starting Utility Work 16.1 Meter required for building service line and combined lines. No meter required for fire only service line. Grading/Building Permit 16.2 Public works to determine acceptable installation methods. Grading/Building Permit 17. Disconnected sanitary and water services to be capped at main. 18. A SAC determination will be required by the Metropolitan Council. The SAC determination will be used by the city to calculate sewer and water connection charges Grading/Building Permit 19. Single connection from main for fire and domestic, split after main connection. Grading/Building Permit Storm Water Utility 20. Provide geotechnical report with soil borings. Grading/Building Permit 21. Provide hydraulic and hydrologic report meeting watershed and state construction site permit requirements. Grading/Building Permit 22. Submit watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement in favor of watershed. Grading/Building Permit 23. Subject site is tributary to subwatershed MHN_65, a landlocked basin. No net increase in flood elevation for the 1% Atlas-14 event. Grading/Building Permit 24. Applicant proposes to connect roof drains into storm sewer on France Ave, storm system is owned by Minneapolis. Will need permit from City of Minneapolis. Grading/Building Permit Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 25. A SWPPP consistent with the state general construction site Grading/Building Permit stormwater permit is required. Constructability and Safety 26. Construction staging, traffic control, and pedestrian access plans will be required. Grading/Building Permit Other Agency Coordination 27. Hennepin County, MDH, MPCA and MCES permits required as needed. Grading/Building Permit 28. Minnehaha Creek Watershed Districts permit is required. Grading/Building Permit From:Jason D Gottfried To:"Chad Millner" Cc:Joshua Potter Subject:HC Prelim Comments - 4500 France Sketch Plan Date:Friday, March 30, 2018 11:28:00 AM Hi Chad, As we discussed this morning, our plat review committee discussed the sketch plan for 4500 France this Tuesday (March 27) and offer the following preliminary thoughts: The removal of the ‘slip lane’ or free right along Sunnyside removes the EB right traffic movement altogether. We need to continue to provide for this movement along approaching streets to France and all County Roads. This would not be an option as proposed. We are willing to consider other modifications here however that still allow EB right turns including trucks (truck turning templates needed). One option may be to tighten the free right by expanding the ‘porkchop’. This would have the added benefit or providing additional space for a ped refuge and being able to add Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) within the island. Another more costly option to the developer may be to pull the porkchop back towards the corner, and ‘round off’ the corner (similar current efforts at 66th and York). This however would require relocating the signal and utility poles. Generally speaking, we are open to further suggestions and would support any further efforts to enhance pedestrian crossings at this challenging intersection, and this redevelopment may be an appropriate opportunity. Right-of-Way · Additionally, if platting, we will request additional right-of-way along France Ave to be able to contain any reconstructed sidewalk (6’ minimum), and boulevard 8’ minimum), along with utilities. If not platting, this could be provided for with easements (drainage & utility/sidewalk) · If platting, we will also request a cutout of ROW at the SW quadrant of the intersection (France/Sunnyside) that would contain ADA ramps and APS Access While we support the removal of existing access points and accept the proposed shared access on the south end of the development (must demonstrate adequate sight distance), we recommend a further setback of the parking garage access from France Avenue. As proposed, this would introduce numerous potential internal conflicts as a result of queueing that may encroach onto France Avenue. Ideally this ramp access could be relocated to the western side of the development. Other Consideration · We recommend the applicant provide for any remaining ADA/APS needs to come into compliance at the France/Sunnyside intersection · We would support the applicant ‘undergrounding’ utilities · Landscaping cannot block sight distance for the driveway · Please remove or relocate existing ‘Edina Cleaners’ sign as it is an encroachment into existing ROW as well as a hindrance to the pedestrian realm · The underground parking garage would support the sidewalk and roadway (France Ave). This may deserve additional consideration, as it would be a private structure supporting public infrastructure · Please submit for county review any traffic study provided · Please submit for county review any stormwater report or drainage plans when available Thank you for your consideration, Jason Jason Gottfried Transportation Planner Hennepin County Office: 612-596-0394 Email: Jason.Gottfried@hennepin.us Hennepin County Public Works 1600 Prairie Drive Medina, MN 55340-3410 Turning Performance Analysis 5/1/2013 45.00 ° Inside Cramp Angle: 81.92 in.Axle Track: 5.25 in.Wheel Offset: 16.60 in.Tread Width: 65.99 in.Chassis Overhang: 258.00 in.Wheelbase: 20 ft. 4 in.Inside Turn: 36 ft. 8 in.Curb to Curb: 41 ft. 1 in.Wall to Wall: Parameters: Calculated Turning Radii: Comments: Truck 12205 Additional Bumper Depth: 19.00 in. Axle Track Tread WidthChassis Overhang Wheelbase Inside Turning Radius Wheel Offset Cramp Angle Additional Bumper Depth C urb to C urb Turning R adius W all to W al l T u rnin g R a diu s 84.99 in.Front Overhang Components Front Tires Chassis Front Bumper Aerial Device Tires, Michelin, 425/65R22.50 20 ply XZY 3 tread Dash-2000, Chassis, PAP/SkyArm/Midmount Bumper, 19" extended, Imp/Vel xxxAerial, 100' Pierce Platform PRIDE #Description 0078244 0070220 0123625 0006900 Notes: Actual Inside Cramp Angle may be less due to highly specialized options. Curb to Curb turning radius calculated for a 9.00 inch curb. Page 1 of 2 Turning Performance Analysis 5/1/2013 Definitions: Inside Cramp Angle Maximum turning angle of the front inside tire. Axle Track King-pin to king-pin distance of the front axle. Wheel Offset Offset from the center-line of the wheel to the king-pin. Tread Width Width of the tire tread. Chassis Overhang Distance from the center-line of the front axle to the front edge of the cab. This does not include the bumper depth. Additional Bumper Depth Depth that the bumper assembly adds to the front overhang. Wheelbase Distance between the center lines of the vehicle's front and rear axles. Inside Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle around which the vehicle can turn. Curb to Curb Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle inside of which the vehicle's tires can turn. This measurement assumes a curb height of 9 inches. Wall to Wall Turning Radius Radius of the smallest circle inside of which the entire vehicle can turn. This measurement takes into account any front overhang due to the chassis, bumper extensions and/or aerial devices. Page 2 of 2 DRAFT ORDINANCE FOR CONSIDERATION ORDINANCE NO. 2018-__ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE PUD-18, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-18 ZONING DISTRICT The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Chapter 36, Article VIII, Division 4 is hereby amended to add the following: Sec. 36-507 Planned Unit Development District-18 (PUD-18) 4500 France Avenue Apartments (a) Legal description: See attached Exhibit A (b) Approved Plans. Incorporated herein by reference are the re-development plans, including the master development plan for the site received by the City on July 10, 2018 except as amended by City Council Resolution No. 2018-__ on file in the Office of the Planning Department. (c) Principal Uses: All uses allowed in the PCD-1 Zoning District. Multi-family Apartments/Condos. Senior Housing (d) Accessory Uses: All accessory uses allowed in the PCD-1 Zoning District. (e) Conditional Uses: None (f) Development Standards. Required Setbacks - Buildings Front – France Avenue Front – Sunnyside Road Side – West Side – South 8 feet 3 feet 25 Feet 15 feet Building Height 4 stories and 50 feet Parking lot and drive aisle setback Street Side & Park 20 feet 10 feet Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 1.5 FAR Parking Stalls Shall be regulated per the Planned Commercial District Parking Regulations Section 36-1312 2 (g) Signs shall be regulated per the Planned Commercial District Regulations. Section 2. This ordinance is effective upon approval publication of the Ordinance. First Reading: October 2, 2018 Second Reading: Published: Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk I hereby certify this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. By: _________________________ Max Moreland, P.E. License No. 52665 Date: June 5, 2018 Traffic Impact Study 4500 FRANCE APARTMENTS EDINA, MINNESOTA Traffic Impact Study i 4500 France Apartments Executive Summary Background: A mixed-use development, known as 4500 France Apartments, is proposed on the southwest corner of the France Avenue and Sunnyside Road intersection in Edina, Minnesota. The purpose of this study is to determine the traffic impacts associated with the build out of the proposed development on the study roads and intersections where significant impact is anticipated. Results: The principal findings of this study are: • The proposed development is expected to generate 572 new trips during an average weekday, 25 new trips during the a.m. peak hour and 53 new trips during the p.m. peak hour. • The actual site trips, when accounting for pass-by trips, are 827 daily trips, 31 a.m. peak hour trips, and 77 p.m. peak hour trips. • The proposed development is expected to generate less traffic compared to the potential use of the site. A 12,000 square foot drug store would be expected to generate 1,428 daily, 57 a.m. peak hour and 120 p.m. peak hour trips. • All roadways and intersections have acceptable queue delays based on the capacity analysis. • The proposed site plan removes four existing curb cuts and adds one new curb cut. • The channelized right turn from eastbound Sunnyside Road to southbound France Avenue will also be removed. The City of Edina and Hennepin County will need to review a design of the intersection without the channelized right turn before it can be removed. Items to consider include impacts to pedestrian safety and crossings as well as accommodating right turns for larger vehicles. This may impact the location of the traffic signal pole, utility pole, curb/gutter and pedestrian ramps. • Adequate vehicle and bicycle parking will be provided on site per Edina City code. The site may have more restaurant/retail vehicle parking demand than capacity on Saturday evening in which case overflow parking will need to be handled on-street. • Potential conflicts may occur, though infrequently, at the site access on France Avenue between vehicles exiting this development and vehicles entering the parking area for the businesses south of this development. Recommendations: The following items are recommended based on the analyses contained in this study: • Additional bicycle parking be added to the site as needed. • Any patio seating be placed to ensure there is adequate width on the sidewalk for pedestrians. • A bicycle maintenance station be included in the bicycle room or near the exterior bicycle parking to encourage residents/visitors to use bicycles as a mode of transportation. • All loading on site be encouraged to occur outside of peak periods (7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.). • Encourage drivers going to/from the at grade parking to use the Sunnyside Road access or limit the France Avenue access to the at grade parking to an entrance only. This would eliminate some potential conflicts at the site accesses closely spaced to France Avenue. This study is based upon a concept development plan dated March 14, 2018. Assuming the general characteristics of the proposed development remain approximately the same as documented, minor changes in the final design are not expected to alter the results or recommendations of this study. Traffic Impact Study ii 4500 France Apartments TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ........................................................................................... 1 2. Existing Conditions ............................................................................... 3 3. Forecasted Traffic ................................................................................. 4 4. Analyses ................................................................................................ 7 5. 44th & France Small Area Plan ............................................................ 16 6. Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................. 18 7. Appendix .............................................................................................. 19 LIST OF TABLES & CHARTS Table 1 – Study Corridor Characteristics ...................................................................... 3 Table 2 – New Trip Generation ....................................................................................... 4 Table 3 – Maximum Trip Generation Comparison ........................................................ 5 Chart 1 – Study Corridor Volume to Capacity ............................................................... 8 Chart 2 – A.M. Peak Hour Delays: Signal Controlled Intersections ............................. 9 Chart 3 – P.M. Peak Hour Delays: Signal Controlled Intersections ............................. 9 Chart 4 – A.M. Peak Hour Queues: Side Street Stop Sign Controlled Intersections 10 Chart 5 – P.M. Peak Hour Queues: Side Street Stop Sign Controlled Intersections 11 Table 4 – Peak Period Parking Demands ..................................................................... 12 Traffic Impact Study 1 4500 France Apartments 1. Introduction a. Proposed Development A mixed-use development, known as 4500 France Apartments, is proposed on the southwest corner of the France Avenue and Sunnyside Road intersection in Edina, Minnesota. Following are the proposal’s key attributes: i. Vehicular access to the site will be provided via an existing access off France Avenue leading to two access points and a new access point on Sunnyside Road per the concept development plan shown in the Appendix. ii. The proposed development will include 52 apartment units, 2,700 square feet of retail space and a 3,700 square foot restaurant. iii. The development is expected to be fully occupied by 2020 for the purposes of this study. iv. 107 vehicle parking stalls are proposed for the site; 77 below grade for residential use and 40 at grade for public use. v. The channelized right turn lane from eastbound Sunnyside Road to southbound France Avenue will be removed as part of this development. b. Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to determine the traffic impacts associated with the build out of the proposed development. The traffic impacts are studied on the roads and intersections where significant impact is anticipated, and improvements are recommended where mitigation is needed. For those not familiar with the general concepts and terms associated with traffic engineering, The Language of Traffic Engineering guide is included in the Appendix. c. Study Objectives The objectives of this study are: i. Document how the study intersections and roadways currently operate. ii. Forecast the amount of traffic expected to/from the proposed development. iii. Determine how the study intersections and roadways will operate in the future with and without the proposed development. iv. Recommend appropriate mitigation measures if poor operations are identified. v. Review multi-modal facilities surrounding the site. vi. Review the proposed parking supply for the site. The roadways corridors studied in this document include those surrounding the proposed site, which are: i. France Avenue ii. Sunnyside Road iii. 44th Street For the purposes of this traffic study, the study intersections closest to the proposed development and where the greatest impact is expected were chosen for review and include: Traffic Impact Study 2 4500 France Apartments i. France Avenue & 44th Street ii. France Avenue & Sunnyside Road iii. France Avenue & 45th Street iv. France Avenue & Site Access v. Sunnyside Road & 44th Street vi. Sunnyside Road & Site Access This study does not account for the existing roadway conditions such as pavement quality or appropriate drainage. Traffic Impact Study 3 4500 France Apartments 2. Existing Conditions a. Corridor Characteristics As mentioned, the proposed site is located on the southwest corner of the France Avenue and Sunnyside Road intersection. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the key roadway corridors around this site and within the study area. It is noted that in this part of Edina, France Avenue serves as a border between Edina and Minneapolis. Table 1 – Study Corridor Characteristics Name Designation1 Classification2 Speed Limit Lanes Fixed Route Transit3 Peds/ Bicycles France Avenue Hennepin CSAH 17 A-Minor Augmentor 30 mph 2 undivided 1 route 4 buses Sidewalks both sides 44th Street Edina MSAS 140 Minneapolis MSAS 424 A-Minor Reliever (east of France Ave) 30 mph 2 undivided None Sidewalks both sides, bikes share road Sunnyside Road Local Collector 30 mph 2 undivided None Sidewalks both sides 1 CSAH = County State Aid Highway, MSAS = Municipal State Aid Street. 2 Metropolitan Council Functional Classification Map and Edina Comprehensive Plan Update 2008. 3 Number of routes around the proposed site followed by the frequency of transit service during the peak periods. b. Traffic Volumes Intersection video was collected at the existing study intersections under normal weekday conditions in May 2018. Using these videos, 48-hour turning movement counts were obtained at the study intersections. The data from the two days was averaged to provide the base traffic for a “typical weekday”. The average weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours were found to be from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. The counts from these two peak hours were used at the study intersections for analysis. The turning movement count data from the counts are contained in fifteen-minute intervals in the Appendix. Based on the “typical day” turning movement volumes, the current daily traffic volumes on each study corridor are: i. 12,000 vehicles per day on France Avenue north of 44th Street ii. 13,000 vehicles per day on France Avenue south of Sunnyside Road iii. 5,200 vehicles per day on 44th Street west of France Avenue iv. 9,100 vehicles per day on 44th Street east of France Avenue v. 2,800 vehicles per day on Sunnyside Road west of France Avenue Traffic Impact Study 4 4500 France Apartments 3. Forecasted Traffic a. Site Traffic Forecasting A trip generation analysis was performed for the development site based on the methods published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. Trip generation rates are provided by the ITE manual as well as local data collected by Spack Consulting. The ITE manual compiles studies from across the country to provide a national average traffic for various land uses. Spack Consulting collects current average traffic volumes for various land uses in the Twin Cities regional area for use in our studies. Local data is considered more relevant than the ITE national data as it is generally newer and accounts for our area’s specific characteristics. Per the procedure in the Trip Generation Manual, local trip generation data is used when possible and supplemented with national ITE data when local data is not available. For each analysis, the raw trip generation was divided among three types of trips – new, pass-by, and internal. Pass-by trips are those vehicles already on the roads which will stop at the development site in the future. For this development, pass -by trips only apply to the retail and restaurant portions. Internal trips are those vehicles within the site visiting both two or more locations within the site. New trips represent traffic increasing the overall number of vehicles at the intersections. The resultant new trips generated by the proposed development are shown in Table 2 based on both the ITE data and Spack Consulting data. A detailed trip generation table showing the exact breakdowns is provided in the Appendix. Table 2 – New Trip Generation Land Use Code – Source1 Description & Size Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out In Out In Out 221 - ITE Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) (52 dwelling units) 123 123 4 12 12 8 820 - ITE Shopping Center (2,713 square feet) 29 29 1 1 3 3 932 - ITE High-Turnover Sit-Down Restaurant (3,700 square feet) 103 103 10 8 11 7 Total (ITE) 255 255 15 21 26 18 Local Apartment (52 dwelling units) 102 102 2 13 13 6 Local Small Box Store (2,713 square feet) 48 48 3 2 5 5 Local Restaurant (3,700 square feet) 136 136 3 2 16 8 Total (Local) 286 286 8 17 34 19 1 Local = Trip generation data collected by Spack Consulting in this regional area. Traffic Impact Study 5 4500 France Apartments As shown in Table 2, the trip generation forecasts based on both ITE and Spack Consulting data are relatively close. Since it is better to use local data when available, the trip generation based on local rates is used in the analysis. For comparison purposes, Table 3 shows the trip generation for the site assuming a different development for the site. With the PCD -1 zoning of the site, instead of the proposed development, a 12,000 square foot drug store/pharmacy could be developed instead. As shown in Table 3, the proposed development generates less than half of the daily vehicle traffic than what could be put on the site. Table 3 – Maximum Trip Generation Comparison Land Use Code – Source1 Description & Size Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out In Out In Out Local Drug Store/Pharmacy (12,000 square feet) 714 714 33 24 59 61 Local Proposed Development 286 286 8 17 34 19 1 Local = Trip generation data collected by Spack Consulting in this regional area. A trip distribution pattern was developed for the generated traffic going to and from the proposed development. This pattern is based on the existing traffic volumes, site access, competing land uses, and access to the regional transportation system. The general trip distribution pattern for this study is: • 30% of the generated traffic to/from the north on France Avenue • 20% of the generated traffic to/from the east on 44th Street • 30% of the generated traffic to/from the south on France Avenue • 5% of the generated traffic to/from the west on Sunnyside Road • 15% of the generated traffic to/from the west on 44th Street Traffic generated by the site development was assigned to the area roadways per this distribution pattern. b. Non-site Traffic Forecasting To forecast future traffic volumes for the future build -out year of 2020 in the study area outside of the proposed development’s traffic, general growth in traffic was added. Using MnDOT’s provided AADT volume history, the past roadway volumes along the study intersection were examined. These volumes show relatively stable volumes with recent decreases along France Avenue and recent increases along 44th Street. From this information, a conservative 1.0% annual growth rate was applied to the existing volumes to generate the forecast year 2020 traffic volumes (2% growth total). This growth was applied to all existing movements in the study network to establish the No-Build forecasts. Traffic Impact Study 6 4500 France Apartments c. Total Traffic Traffic forecasts were developed for the 2020 Build scenarios by adding the traffic generated by the proposed residential development to the No-Build forecast volumes. Peak hour forecasts are shown in the Appendix. Traffic Impact Study 7 4500 France Apartments 4. Analyses a. Corridor Vehicular Analysis While many factors contribute to a road feeling congested, the two biggest factors are volume, how many vehicles are using the road, and capacity, how many vehicles the road can accommodate a day. Transportation professionals use these pieces of information to create a ratio of volume to capacity. For example, a road with a volume to capacity ratio of 1.0, where the traffic demand is nearly equal to the traffic supply, will feel congested to motorists. Below is a rough guide of the daily traffic volumes different types of roads can accommodate based on Exhibits 16-16 and 12-39 of the Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition. If the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume on a roadway is below the threshold, then it is considered un-congested. If the daily volume falls inside the range, the road is almost congested, and if the daily volume is over the threshold the road is congested. • 2-Lane (one in each direction with left turn lanes at busy intersections and coordinated signals), undivided street, are considered congested with a volume between 8,900 to 18,300 vehicles per day. • 4-Lane, undivided street (two in each direction with left turn lanes at busy intersections and coordinated signals), – 18,600 to 36,800 vehicles per day. • 6-Lane, divided street (three in each direction with left turn lanes at busy intersections and coordinated signals), – 29,100 to 55,300 vehicles per day. To provide an initial planning level screening, Chart 1 provides volume to capacity ratios of the study corridors during each of the study years to determine if any of the roadway corridors are candidates for additional through lanes. As shown, on a planning-level analysis, the study roadways can accommodate the expected increase in traffic. The results also show a minimal increase in daily traffic volumes to the projected year 2020 compared to existing volumes. Traffic Impact Study 8 4500 France Apartments Chart 1 – Study Corridor Volume to Capacity b. Intersection Vehicular Analysis Individual intersections can perform poorly during peak periods while the overall roadway corridor is operating with an uncongested daily volume to capacity ratio lower than 1.0. Therefore, capacity analyses are performed for the study intersections to determine if they need improvements such as turn lanes or an upgrade in traffic control. The existing and forecasted turning movement volumes along with the existing intersection configurations and traffic control were used to develop the average delay per intersection in each study scenario. The delay calculations were done in accordance with the Highway Capacity Manual, 6th Edition using the Vistro software package. The full calculations for each study scenario, including Level of Service (LOS) grades and queue lengths, are included in the Appendix. Also, included in the Appendix is a guide explaining the Level of Service grade concept. Chart 2 (a.m. peak hour) and Chart 3 (p.m. peak hour) show the average peak hour delay per traffic signal-controlled intersection for each study scenario. The LOS D/E boundary of 55 seconds of delay per vehicle is considered the threshold between acceptable and unacceptable traffic signal operation in Minnesota. The signal timing was provided by the City of Minneapolis. Congested: volume/capacity of 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 France Ave north of 44th St France Ave south of Sunnyside Rd 44th St west of France Ave 44th St east of Sunnyside Rd Sunnyside Rd west of France AveVolume to Capacity RatioExisting 2020 No-Build 2020 Build Traffic Impact Study 9 4500 France Apartments Chart 2 – A.M. Peak Hour Delays: Signal Controlled Intersections Chart 3 – P.M. Peak Hour Delays: Signal Controlled Intersections Chart 4 (a.m. peak hour) and Chart 5 (p.m. peak hour) show the 95th percentile queue lengths on the busiest stop sign controlled approach at intersections with side street stop sign control. Average delays are not considered a quality metric for intersections with side street stop sign control because the vast majority of vehicles going through the intersection are on the main roadway and have zero delay, which Congested at LOS D/E Boundary (55 seconds) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 France Ave & 44th St France Ave & Sunnyside RdAverage Delay (seconds)Existing 2020 No-Build 2020 Build Congested at LOS D/E Boundary (55 seconds) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 France Ave & 44th St France Ave & Sunnyside RdAverage Delay (seconds)Existing 2020 No-Build 2020 Build Traffic Impact Study 10 4500 France Apartments leads to low overall average delays. At side street stop sign controlled approaches to busy roadways, the average delay for all the vehicles on the approach often exceeds 60 seconds. This can be the case for a few vehicles waiting at the stop sign where improvements would not be justified for the low traffic volume. Based on our experience, improvements are not warranted at these types of intersections until the 95th percentile queue at a stop sign is in the five to ten vehicle range. Chart 4 – A.M. Peak Hour Queues: Side Street Stop Sign Controlled Intersections Unreasonable 95th Percentile Queue (5 Vehicles) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 45th St at France Ave - WB Site Access at France Ave - EB Site Access at France Ave - WB Sunnyside Rd at 44th St - NB Sunnyside Rd at 44th St - SB Sunnyside Rd at Site Access - NB Sunnyside Rd at Site Access - SB95th Percentile Queues (vehicles)Existing 2020 No-Build 2020 Build Traffic Impact Study 11 4500 France Apartments Chart 5 – P.M. Peak Hour Queues: Side Street Stop Sign Controlled Intersections Per the above analyses, all the study intersections and corridors will operate acceptably throughout the study scenarios. No additional intersection modifications are needed to accommodate traffic from the development. It should be noted that during peak times the northbound vehicle queues on France Avenue at the signalized intersections can stretch back to the site access on France Avenue. These queues are cleared by the signal and do not result in sustained periods of blocked intersections. c. Automobile Parking Forecasting & Analysis Parking to be Provided On Site Covered, on-site automobile parking will be provided on the at grade level as well as in a below grade level. A total of 107 automobile parking stalls with 77 of them being below grade for residential use (including seven tandem spaces) and 40 being at grade for public use. Parking Required by Edina Code This development is located in the Downtown Parking Overlay District. According to the City of Edina’s Code of Ordinances, in planned commercial districts, multi- residential developments must have at least one enclosed parking space per dwelling unit, except for units with more than 1,500 square feet, in which case they must have 1.5 enclosed spaces per unit. With 52 units, five of which have more than 1,500 square feet, that totals to 55 parking spaces needed for the residential portion of the site. With 77 spaces being allocated for the residential portion of the site, City requirements will be met. Unreasonable 95th Percentile Queue (5 Vehicles) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 45th St at France Ave - WB Site Access at France Ave - EB Site Access at France Ave - WB Sunnyside Rd at 44th St - NB Sunnyside Rd at 44th St - SB Sunnyside Rd at Site Access - NB Sunnyside Rd at Site Access - SB95th Percentile Queues (vehicles)Existing 2020 No-Build 2020 Build Traffic Impact Study 12 4500 France Apartments For retail areas, City code dictates eight parking spaces for the first 1,000 square feet plus six parking spaces for each additional 1,000 square feet up to 15,000 square feet. With 6,400 square feet of retail/restaurant proposed, that equates to 40 vehicle parking spaces. The development is proposed to include 40 at grade, enclosed spaces for retail/restaurant use which meets City requirements. Expected Parking Demand - ITE The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) has put together a document, ITE Parking Generation, 4th Edition, that compiled parking demand data from different land uses. Using that data, peak period parking demands were calculated for each land use of this development for a non -Friday weekday, a Friday and a Saturday. Those peak period parking demands are summarized in Table 4. Table 4 – Peak Period Parking Demands Land Use Peak Period Vehicle Parking Demand Weekday Friday Saturday Apartments 64 64 54 Retail 7 8 8 Restaurant 39 39 60 As seen in Table 4, the forecast residential parking at peak time will be able to be contained within the 77 below grade spaces for residential use. The combined retail and restaurant may exceed the provided 40 spaces at some times. With these different land uses, it is unlikely that all will experience their peak parking demand at the same time. For example, an apartment will have its highest parking demand in the middle of the night while a retail use will have its highest parking demand during business hours and a restaurant will have its highest parking demand during lunch or dinner. To be able to determine what the total number of parking demand on site during different times, a time-of-day analysis was done. In addition to ITE, Spack Consulting has collected parking and trip generation data for land uses in the Twin Cities. Using this information, the percentage of peak parking demand can be found for each hour over the course of a day. Using data collected on different days, these percentages are unique for weekdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Hourly results of the time-of-day parking analysis are attached. This analysis forecasts that the peak parking demand for the retail and restaurant portion of the site for a weekday, Friday and Saturday will be: • 40 vehicles on a weekday at 7:00 p.m. • 40 vehicles on a Friday at 7:00 p.m. • 65 vehicles on a Saturday at 7:00 p.m. Based on these numbers the 40 provided spaces will be able to accommodate retail and restaurant parking on weekdays and Fridays. On Saturday evenings, however, there may be increased demand for parking by as many as 25 parking spaces. Traffic Impact Study 13 4500 France Apartments About one quarter of these excess vehicles can be accommodated adjacent to the site on Sunnyside Road. The remainder will need to be accommodated on -street elsewhere near the site. On-street parking can be found on 45th Street, France Avenue, Sunnyside Road and 44th Street near the site. While the peak parking demand for the retail/restaurant portion of the site exceeds the 40 parking stalls to be provided on site, there have been no adjustments to these forecasts to account for pedestrians, bicycles or transit. This site is located in an area that is very conducive to pedestrians and also has access for bicycles and transit. Encouraging multi-modal transport to the site can reduce the vehicle parking demand. d. Bicycle Parking Section 36-1274 of the City of Edina Code of Ordinances states that non-residential developments providing 20 or more automobile parking spaces shall provide bicycle parking spaces equal or greater than five percent of the number of automobile parking spaces required. With 40 automobile parking spaces being provided for the non-residential portion of the site, a minimum of two bicycle parking are needed for the retail/restaurant portion of the site. With five spaces being proposed, City requirements will be met. Bicycle parking for the residential portion of the site will be located in a bicycle parking room accessible from the at grade parking level. It is recommended that additional bicycle parking be added to the site as needed. e. Concept Site Plan & Multi-Modal Review The concept site plan contained in the Appendix was reviewed to determine if the plan meets city requirement’s, provides appropriate circulation, and minimizes conflicts. Following are key transportation elements of the concept site plan: i. Vehicle Circulation: The site uses two external access points; one on France Avenue and one on Sunnyside Road. The access on France Avenue will give access to both the at grade parking level as well as the below grade parking level. This access on France Avenue will be shared with the existing businesses just south of the development which effectively use this access as an enter only. A potential conflict could arise between vehicles exiting the development turning onto France Avenue and vehicles entering the acce ss to get to the businesses on the south side. However, per the capacity analyses, the delays for vehicles exiting the development are forecast to be low and this type of conflict is not anticipated to happen with any regularity. If it does happen, it will temporarily cause a vehicle to wait to access the southern business parking area and block the access off France Avenue. Vehicles in the at-grade parking level can choose to exit onto Sunnyside Road if any issues arise here. Encouraging drivers going to/from the at grade parking to use the Sunnyside Road access or limiting the France Avenue Traffic Impact Study 14 4500 France Apartments access to the at grade parking to an entrance only would eliminate some potential conflicts at the site accesses closely spaced to France Avenue. The other access point to the development is on Sunnyside Road. This is a new access point to the roadway. The existing curb cut on Sunnyside Road for the former Edina Cleaners will be removed resulting in no net change in curb cuts on Sunnyside Road. Three existing curb cuts will be removed along France Avenue, so overall the site results in a decrease in the total number of curb cuts on the property. The access point on Sunnyside Road will give access to the at grade parking for public use. This results in two access points for the at grade parking which will result in a lower concentration of traffic at one location. Removal of the channelized eastbound right turn lane from Sunnyside Road to France Avenue may present challenges to some vehicles attempting to make that right turn movement due to the tight turn radius. The City of Edina as well as Hennepin County will need to review a design of the intersection without the channelized right turn before it can be removed. Items to consider include impacts to pedestrian safety and crossings as well as accommodating right turns for larger vehicles. This may impact the location of the traffic signal pole, utility pole, curb/gutter and pedestrian ramps. ii. Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure: The site plan shows maintaining the existing sidewalks along France Avenue and Sunnyside Road with the new development. Removing some of the curb cuts as well as the channelized right turn, with proper design, will enhance the pedestrian experience by limiting interruptions in the sidewalk. Trees and planters are proposed along the roadside edge of the sidewalks on both sides of the development. These will also enhance the pedestrian experience by giving a buffer to pedestrians from vehicle traffic. A bump out along the west side of France Avenue on the south side of Sunnyside Road will further increase the pedestrian area. Patio seating for the restaurant portion of the site is proposed along the sidewalk area along France Avenue. Any patio seating should be carefully placed to ensure there is adequate space left on the sidewalk for pedestrians, a recommended minimum of six feet. Bicycle parking is proposed on the south side of the site along France Avenue for use by the retail and restaurant portions of the site. Any bicycle parking placed along the sidewalk for public use will need to be oriented in a way that parked bicycles do not block the sidewalk. A bicycle room is proposed within the development for use by the residential portion of the site. It is recommended a bicycle maintenance station be included in that room or near the exterior bicycle parking to further encourage residents/visitors to use bicycles as a mode of transportation. Traffic Impact Study 15 4500 France Apartments iii. Loading: Loading zones are not explicitly denoted in the attached site plan, however loading could occur in several different locations: curbside on Sunnyside Road, within the at grade parking level or on the access road on the south side of the building between the at grade parking access and below grade parking access. The trash area for the site is located within the at grade parking level. Collection vehicles can enter this area on one side and exit on the other. Alternatively, the property manager could coordinate moving the trash containers for the trash to be collected curbside. It is recommended that all loading on site be encouraged to occur outside of peak periods (7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.) to reduce potential conflicts. Traffic Impact Study 16 4500 France Apartments 5. 44th & France Small Area Plan In February of 2018 the City of Edina relea sed a draft of the Small Area Plan for the City of Edina’s 44th & France Neighborhood Node. This plan is intended to “chart a course for future change for the Edina portion of this larger node and an implementation program for shaping and managing public and private investment”. The plan includes a number of guiding principles and general guidelines, several of which touch on transportation. The following section looks at the transportation aspects of the plan and focuses on how this development fits into them. Guiding Principle 3: Circulation and Connections The area should provide attractive and easily identifiable infrastructure that accommodates convenient and safe movement for a variety of transportation modes, including bicycling, walking, and transit use. The area should also have safe and convenient non-motorized connections to nearby districts. Vehicle traffic should be managed to discourage cut-through traffic in adjacent residential neighborhoods. The removal of curb cuts, removal of the channelized right turn lane, with proper design, and addition of the bump out along France Avenue at Sunnyside Road improve pedestrian circulation and connection around the site. Bicycle parking is available for bicycle access to the site. The main corridor for ve hicles in the area is France Avenue and vehicle access points to the site do not route vehicles through residential areas to get to/from France Avenue. Guiding Principle 7: Parking Parking should be hidden from view behind or beneath buildings on the west side of France Avenue. Vehicle parking for this site will be located both underground and in a fully enclosed at grade level shielding these parking areas from view. Guiding Principle 8: Streets and Sidewalks To create a gracious pedestrian environmen t, sidewalks should be widened as much as possible. Buildings should front onto the sidewalks, with few gaps and/or driveways breaking the street wall. Street trees and planters should be located between the curb and sidewalk. Furnishings should provide places to sit and dispose of trash and recycling. Vehicle traffic should be managed to maximize efficiency while maintaining safety for non-motorized users. The proposed building will front onto the sidewalk and several curb cuts are being removed to improve pedestrian connectivity. Planters and trees are proposed between the street and sidewalks along France Avenue and Sunnyside Road adjacent to the site. Patio seating should be carefully placed to ensure there is adequate space left on the sidewalk for pedestrians. Traffic Impact Study 17 4500 France Apartments Development Concepts for Future Land Use These include: wider sidewalks along France Avenue, vegetation planted in the public right-of-way along France Avenue and Sunnyside Road, elimination of the free right - turn channel on the eastbound approach of Sunnyside Road to France Avenue, traffic calming (narrow width roadway) along Sunnyside Road west of France Avenue. While wider sidewalks are not planned, vegetation, elimination of the channelized right turn on eastbound Sunnyside Road at France Avenue, and a narrowing of Sunnyside Road at France Avenue with a curb bump out will all be included in this project. General guidelines for the entire neighborhood node These include: encouraging underground parking for residents, visually buffering surface parking lots, displaying consistent signage for automobiles and bicycle access, clearly defining pedestrian paths between parking lot and buildings , bicycle parking facilities close to front doors of businesses and on-site lighting for pedestrians. This site will include underground resident parking, visually buffered parking areas and bicycle parking near the building accesses. On-site lighting should be included for safe pedestrian access. Transportation Trends & Challenges These include: skewed intersection layouts, high volumes on France Avenue, lack of parking for some businesses, lack of on-street bicycle facilities, lack of adequate transit facilities and uninviting pedestrian environment and narrow sidewalks. This development will provide parking for its businesses and make the pedestrian environment more inviting. The City is encouraged to increase the amount of bicycle and transit facilities. Traffic Impact Study 18 4500 France Apartments 6. Conclusions and Recommendations The traffic impacts of the proposed development were studied and the principal findings are: • The proposed development is expected to generate 572 new trips during an average weekday, 25 new trips during the a.m. peak hour and 53 new trips during the p.m. peak hour. • The actual site trips, when accounting for pass-by trips, are 827 daily trips, 31 a.m. peak hour trips, and 77 p.m. peak hour trips. • The proposed development is expected to generate less traffic compared to the potential use of the site. A 12,000 square foot drug store would be expected to generate 1,428 daily, 57 a.m. peak hour and 120 p.m. peak hour trips. • All roadways and intersections have acceptable queue delays based on the capacity analysis. • The proposed site plan removes four existing curb cuts and adds one new curb cut. • The channelized right turn from eastbound Sunnyside Road to southbound France Avenue will also be removed. The City of Edina and Hennepin County will need to review a design of the intersection without the channelized right turn before it can be removed. Items to consider include impacts to pedestrian safety and crossings as well as accommodating right turns for larger vehicles. This may impact the location of the traffic signal pole, utility pole, curb/gutter and pedestrian ramps. • Adequate vehicle and bicycle parking will be provided on site per Edina City code. The site may have more restaurant/retail vehicle parking demand than capacity on Saturday evening in which case overflow parking will need to be handled on-street. • Potential conflicts may occur, though infrequently, at the site access on France Avenue between vehicles exiting this development and vehicles entering the parking area for the businesses south of this development. The following recommendations are made based on the above findings: • Additional bicycle parking be added to the site as needed. • Any patio seating be placed to ensure there is adequate width on the sidewalk for pedestrians. • A bicycle maintenance station be included in the bicycle room or near the exterior bicycle parking to encourage residents/visitors to use bicycles as a mode of transportation. • All loading on site be encouraged to occur outside of peak periods (7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.). • Encourage drivers going to/from the at grade parking to use the Sunnyside Road access or limit the France Avenue access to the at grade parking to an entrance only. This would eliminate some potential conflicts at the site accesses closely spaced to France Avenue. Traffic Impact Study 19 4500 France Apartments 7. Appendix A. Site Plan B. The Language of Traffic Engineering C. Traffic Counts D. Trip Generation Table E. Time of Day Parking Generation F. Level of Service (LOS) G. Capacity Analysis Backup • AM Existing • PM Existing • AM 2020 No-Build • PM 2020 No-Build • AM 2020 Build • PM 2020 Build Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 1 of 8 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers April 11, 2018 I. Call To Order Chair Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. II. Roll Call Answering the roll were: Commissioners Miranda, Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Hamilton, Bennett, Berube, Chair Olsen. Student Members, Mittal, Jones. Staff, City Planner, Teague, Assistant Planner, Aaker, Sr. Support Staff, Wills, Hoogenakker III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the April 11, 2018, meeting agenda. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the minutes of the March 28, 2018 meeting minutes. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Election of Officers Planner Teague told the Commission that new officers need to be elected to the Commission. Teague explained that all sitting officers are eligible to be reelected. Chair Olsen asked for nominations. Commissioner Berube nominated Commissioner Olsen as Chair. Commissioner Thorsen seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Chair Olsen thanked the Commission for their support. Commissioner Berube nominated Commissioner Nemerov as Vice-chair. Commissioner Hamilton seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Commissioner Nemerov thanked the Commission for their support. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 2 of 8 Commissioner Strauss nominated Commissioner Thorsen as Secretary. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Thorsen thanked Commissioners for their support. B. 2018 By Laws Commissioner Thorsen moved to adopt the 2018 Planning Commission By Laws as submitted. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. VI. Public Hearings A. Variance. 2 Circle East, Edina, MN Front yard setback variance. Planner Presentation Planner Aaker informed the Commission the subject property is located north of Circle East and is approximately is 64,990 square feet in area. The home on the property is a multi-level home built in 1953. The applicant is requesting a variance to remodel and add onto a portion of the existing garage with bedroom space above. The proposal is to add an addition on the south side, (by adding a garage stall to the existing two car garage and floor space above requiring a setback variance from the south lot line. Planner Aaker explained that the homeowners are requesting a 37.1-foot front yard setback variance to remodel the home and construct an addition to the attached two-car garage with bedroom area above. The addition will add a third garage stall that is proposed to be 13 feet wide. The front yard setback from Circle East is 82.1 feet based on the average front yard setback of the homes located adjacent to the subject home. The homeowners propose to provide a 45-foot setback from the lot line adjacent to Circle East. Planner Aaker concluded that staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the variance based on the following findings: • The property with an addition of the garage and living space above request to deviate from the front yard is a reasonable use of the property. • The home is appropriate in size and scale with the addition of garage and living space allowing reasonable use of the property. It is the least impacting proposal on neighboring properties given other expansion opportunities. • There is a practical difficulty in meeting the ordinance requirements due to the existing floor plan and desire to maintain the character of the home while adding an additional garage stall and bedroom expansion. Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 3 of 8 • Architectural site plans date stamped March 16, 2018 • Building plans/ elevations date stamped: March 16, 2018 Appearing for the Applicant Andy Campbell Applicant Presentation Mr. Campbell addressed the Commission and informed them they are excited about their addition and believe their request is reasonable. He noted on his block front yard setbacks vary, adding as Circle East turns into Circle West there are houses that are much closer to the street. Campbell thanked the Commission for their time. Public Hearing Chair Olsen opened the public hearing. David Sieben, 1 Spur Road, Edina, MN told the Commission he supports the request as submitted. Comments Commissioners indicated their support for the variance noting the addition as presented maintains the character of the neighborhood. Motion Commissioner Thorsen moved variance approval based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. Variance Request for 6612 Cornelia Drive, Edina, MN tabled to April 25, 2018. VII. Community Comment None. Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 4 of 8 VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan Review – 4500 France Avenue, Edina, MN. Planner Presentation Planner Teague reported that the Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to redevelop the site at 4500 France Avenue. The applicant would tear down the former movie theater and dry cleaners building and build a new 52 unit rental apartment with 6,400 square feet of restaurant and retail space. There would be 77 underground parking stalls for the apartments and 40 covered parking stalls for the retail uses at grade. Amenities for the apartments include a fitness center, rooftop patio, clubroom and an outdoor courtyard with grilling stations, seating and landscaping. Teague noted that the property is 1.05 acres (45,738 s.f.) in size. The density proposed in the project would be 50 units per acre. This site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan as NN, Neighborhood Node, which allows over 12 units per acre up to a maximum height of 4-stories. The plans are generally consistent with the 44th & France Small Area Plan. The applicant has responding the guiding principles within their narrative. Planner Teague concluded that the request would require the following: A Rezoning from R-1 and PCD-1 to PUD, Planned Commercial District. He asked the Commission to note that several variances would be required under the existing zoning standards. Flexibility is requested through the PUD concerning setback and height. The PUD Zoning enables the City to require affordable housing. Appearing for the Applicant Ted Carlson, Orion Investments. Gretchen Camp, ESG Discussion/Comments/Questions Planner Teague was asked what the current zoning for the site was. Planner Teague responded that the subject site is zoned PCD-1, Planned Commercial District. Planner Teague was asked if Hennepin County indicated their support for eliminating the “cut through” curve onto France Avenue. Teague reported that so far the County has indicated they do not support this movement. Commissioners noted that incorporating that “cut through curve” helped create the plaza area which could be considered in the “give to get” Teague agreed; however if the County doesn’t sign off on eliminating that cut through lane onto France the plaza area would be minimal. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 5 of 8 Commissioners asked Planner Teague how they came up with the building height modification. Teague explained the change took into consideration the allowed building height of single-family homes, adding it was felt that this was a fair approach. Continuing, Teague said in Edina allowed building height for a single family home is between 30 and 40 feet maximum. Building height is based on lot width. Teague was asked if the proposal matches the 44th & France Small Area Plan. Teague responded in the affirmative. Commissioners wondered if TIF funds could be applied here. Teague responded in the affirmative. The applicant could ask for TIF Funding for the affordable housing component. In was noted that there are a number of public improvements that need to occur in this area questioning how that would be addressed. Teague agreed; however, noted that the project provides its own parking and is improving the site by burying utility lines, etc. It is also the first redevelopment, adding the public improvements would need to be implemented as time goes on. Applicant Presentation Mr. Carlson addressed the Commission noting that he purchased this site some time ago; however, waited until the 44th and France Small area Plan was complete before submitting a Sketch Plan for consideration. Carlson said during the 44th and France Small Area Plan discussions neighborhood feedback was shared, adding since listening to the concerns raised at those meetings the following changes were implemented to the plan. • The proposal now complies within the suggested height range, which is from three to four stories along France Avenue and two to three stories along Sunnyside Road and 44th Street. • The proposal is also smaller with a lower unit count. • Over 80% of the second lot is proposed as a “pocket” park. • Carlson asked that street parking continue to be permitted on Sunnyside Road. Carlson introduced Gretchen Camp. Ms. Camp highlighted aspects of the proposed apartment building as follows: • Camp noted that there is a grade change on this property from 898 to 906. • As previously mentioned the curb cut onto France Avenue would be incorporated into the site to create an amenity terrace. • Building as proposed is classic in design providing a timeless façade. • Public “pocket park” west of the building. The type of park is still being studied. • As designed one goal of the proposal was to give life to the street front. The front amenity plaza and “pocket park” will allow everyone to enjoy this area; not only Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 6 of 8 residents of the apartment. The proposed planters along France Avenue will create a safe space. Mr. Carlson continued noting the following: • Outlined for the Commission the Guiding Principles. • Two at grade units are proposed for the disabled. • Parking was enhanced. • Timeless building with brick construction, sustainability elements and a high quality visual. • Allow on-street parking to continue on Sunnyside Road. Carlson explained that on- street parking was a personal preference. He added he believes on-street parking engages the street and helps with traffic calming. Discussion/Comments/Questions Commissioners raised the following: • The applicant was asked the reason for the on-street parking request on Sunnyside Road. Carlson said that on-street parking was his personal preference, adding studies find that on-street parking slows down traffic. • The applicant was asked about turning options. Carlson said they are still studying traffic flow and are not opposed to suggestions on calming measures from City Staff. • The applicant was asked to explain aspects of the “pocket park”. Camp explained that their intent was to add an open space “pocket park” abutting the residential homes. This park would be for everyone - not only residents of the apartment building. • It was suggested that the applicant consider sliding the building back toward the southwest to create an area off Sunnyside Road for walk up/townhouse type units. This might impact the size of the “pocket park”; however, walk-up units would better engage Sunnyside Road as the building eases into the residential neighborhood. • Take another look at parking along Sunnyside Road; does it really achieve the desired effect. • It was suggested that the applicant upgrade the exterior materials. It was pointed out that the building across the street was built with brick; this building should follow suit. • The applicant was complimented on the project; however, it was suggested that bike- parking stations be implemented outside and inside. It was also suggested that the applicant revisit the corner to ensure safety between pedestrians, vehicles and bikers. • It was suggested that additional screening be added along the “pocket park”. Work with that residential neighbor to ensure that their privacy is maintained. Also, consider the impact the noise from the proposed “pocket park” could have on the adjacent property owner. • It was acknowledged that the subject site was blighted; however, an opinion was expressed that the plan presented was not a “wow”. A concern was also expressed that the four-stories were extended along Sunnyside Road. • Consider stepping the building back. Articulate the space along Sunnyside Road better. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 7 of 8 The discussion ensued on parking and traffic with Carlson noting that they will continue to work with Planning and Engineering on parking, adding he would work closely with staff on handling any unwanted consequences. Continuing, Carlson noted their intent was to create a building that compliments the architecture of the building across the street (Bruegger’s) while keeping the building design current. There was further discussion on the transition from the commercial node to the single dwelling neighborhood with Commissioners suggesting that Mr. Carlson be as accommodating as possible within this area. It was again suggested that he take another look at the “pocket park”, possibly shifting building, and to have an alternative plan if the County was not willing to eliminate the curve onto France Avenue. Without that curve, the site would need to be redesigned. Chair Olsen thanked the applicant for their presentation. A brief discussion ensued on the 44th and France Small Area Plan and the Sketch Plan presented by Mr. Carlson. It was noted that the timing of the proposed redevelopment was frustrating because not everything has been vetted. B. Greenprint. 50th and France Small Area Plan Commissioner Nemerov reported that he, along with Commissioner Hamilton are the liaisons for the 50th and France Small Area Plan. Nemerov referred to the Greenprint and explained their intent is to provide an accurate future vision for the area, adding they hope to complete their plan within a 3-month period. Nemerov said at this time working group member applications are being accepted. Commissioner Hamilton encouraged volunteers to serve on the working group that are open to looking into the future of this neighborhood node. He said the goal is to move quickly and efficiently through the small area plan process; with the 3-month end date their goal. Hamilton said 3-months was a place to start, allowing room for more time to complete the Plan if needed. Concluding Hamilton said they look forward to the process and to develop an accurate vision for the area. Motion Commissioner Thorsen moved to adopt the 50th and France Avenue Greenprint. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. VI. Correspondence And Petitions Chair Olsen acknowledged back of packet materials. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Page 8 of 8 VII. Chair And Member Comments Commissioner Nemerov reported he attended the annual training program for Commissioners elected to position of Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. Nemerov stated this session was very helpful suggesting that all Commissioners should attend the program. Planner Teague responded that is a good idea, adding he will speak with MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator. Nemerov further stated at this time the Commission is busy with the Comprehensive Plan; however, when time is available it would be great to hear from MJ. VIII. Staff Comments Planner Teague reported that the Council adopted the 44th and France Small Area Plan at their last meeting. Teague said the Council agreed to shift the boundary area to include an additional single-family house. Planner Teague noted that the City Council approved a built in increase to the Comprehensive Plan Consultant contract. Teague further noted that all the work that has occurred in the past on the Grandview Area would be folded into the Comprehensive Plan. IX. Adjournment Commissioner Thorsen moved to adjourn the April 11, 2018, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 10:30 PM. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. Jackie HoogenakkerJackie HoogenakkerJackie HoogenakkerJackie Hoogenakker Respectfully submitted