HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-10-24 Planning Commission PacketAgenda Plan n ing Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers Wednesday, October 24, 2018 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Planning Commission, October 10, 2018 V.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Advisory Board & Commission Minutes - Scott Neal VI.Public Hearings A.Variance request B-18-29 for 4601 Meadow Road B.Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Preliminary Rezoning & Preliminary Development Plan; 7200 & 7250 France Avenue VII.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VIII.Reports/Recommendations IX.Correspondence And Petitions X.Chair And Member Comments XI.Sta9 Comments XII.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortable being part of the public proc ess . If you need as sistance in the way of hearing ampli<c ation, an interpreter, large-print documents or s om ething els e, pleas e c all 952-927-8861 72 hours in advanc e of the m eeting. Date: O c tober 24, 2018 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : P lanning C ommis s ion, O ctober 10, 2018 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: P lease approve the October 10, 2018, P lanning C ommission Meeting Minutes. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Date: O c tober 24, 2018 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:S cott Neal, C ity Manager Item Activity: Subject:Advisory Board & C ommission Minutes - S c ott Neal Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: I N TR O D U C TI O N: C ity M anager, Scott Neal will inform the P lanning Commission on the format used for minutes for all of the C ity's Advisory Boards and Commissions and C ity C ouncil. Date: O c tober 24, 2018 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Varianc e reques t B-18-29 for 4601 Meadow R oad Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: A 33.6 -foot front yard setback variance 4601 M eadow Road T he applicant is proposing to remodel the existing first floor and add a second story to the existing structure. T he existing structure does not meet the required front yard setback along the west side of the property. A setback of 10 feet is provided from the west property line and is non-conforming. T he proposed second floor will be farther from the front lot line at 14.1 feet from the front lot line than the existing setback. T he required front yard setback is 47.7 feet bisects 3/4ths of the current home. . AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report with attachments Date: O c tober 24, 2018 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:C omprehens ive P lan Amendment, P reliminary R ezoning & P reliminary Development P lan; 7200 & 7250 F rance Avenue Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the requests. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S ee attached staff report. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Site Location, Zoning, Comp. Plan, Height Overlay, Setbacks Staff Report Applicant Narrative Southdale Dis trict Traffic Study Proposed Plans Part 1 of 4 Proposed Plans Part 2 of 4 Proposed Plans Part 3 of 4 Proposed Plans Part 4 of 4 AFO review memo AFO review memo Applicant respons e to sketch & AFO comments Wenck Traffic Study The applicant, France Equities LLC is requesting a redevelopment of both 7200 & 7250 France Avenue. As proposed the development would include the following: Two buildings that would be 6-7-stories, 68-86.5 feet tall, with 309 units of housing (apartments and rental townhomes) and underground parking. Units would range from 1 to 3 bedroom units. There would be 590 parking spaces for the uses. Up to 30,000 square feet of retail on the first level of each building. There would be 30 parking spaces adjacent to the retail uses behind the building. Each building would have 2 levels of underground parking. The Site Plan includes a north-south woonerf as shown in the Greater Southdale Framework as the western promenade. This area provides a vastly improved transition to the property to the west. (They woonerf would be 50-80 feet wide). A row of ten 2-3 story for-sale townhomes is proposed on the west side of the woonerf. At grade townhomes that would have street level entrances to 72nd and the new woonerf to activate the pedestrian areas. Twenty percent (20%) of the unit area would be for affordable housing at 60% AMI, which would meet the City’s Affordable Housing Policy. October 24, 2018 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Preliminary Rezoning, & Preliminary Development Plan for 7200 & 7250 France Avenue. Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Sustainability. LEED or Green Globe designation would be pursued. Shared connections from France Avenue and Gallagher Drive. At grade townhomes that would have street level entrances to 72nd and the new woonerf to activate the pedestrian areas. Pedestrian and vehicular access is proposed around the perimeter if each building. Bike circulation through the site. Amenity terrace including a pool. Primary vehicle access points would be off France Avenue, Gallagher Drive and 72nd Street. A woonerf is proposed between 72nd and Gallagher and off France Avenue. The applicant has gone through the sketch plan process, and the Greater Southdale Area Development Principles were shared with the applicant. The City’s consultant for the Greater Southdale Area Plan, Mic Johnson of AFO, Architecture Field Office provided a sketch plan review as well. The applicant has responded to the development principles, AFO’s comments, and feedback received from the sketch plan, and has revised the plans as follows: Narrow the woonerf from 75-95 feet to 50-75 feet. Lower both corners to 60’ high by stepping back at 72nd street as well as Gallagher from six stories to five stories which achieved the recommended 60’ height in both corners of France Avenue. No individual garage doors along the woonerf and 72nd street. AFO has reviewed the revised plans (See attached memos dated October 17 & 18). To accommodate the request the following is required: Comprehensive Plan Amendment to increase the density in the OR, Office Residential District from 30 units per acre to 60 units per acre; and A Rezoning from POD-1, to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Attached is the city attorney’s “pyramid of discretion.” This project is within the “green” zone, meaning this is a legislative decision in which the City has significant discretion when reviewing this application. STAFF REPORT Page 3 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Senior Housing, Sunrise assisted living facility; zoned PSR-4, Planned Senior Citizen District and guided OR, Office Residential. Easterly: Macy’s Home Store; zoned PCD-3, Planned Commercial District and guided MXC, Mixed Use Center. Southerly: Office building; zoned POD-1, Planned Office District and guided OR, Office Residential. Westerly: Apartments; zoned PRD, Planned Residential District and guided High Density Residential. Existing Site Features The subject property is 5.2 acres in size, contains two existing 4-story office buildings, a parking ramp, surface parking and a wooded area. The parking ramp is in an extremely poor condition. Planning Guide Plan designation: OR, Office Residential. Zoning: POD, Planned Office District Parking Based on the City Code requirement, Section 36-1311, 1 fully enclosed space and .75 surface spaces are required per dwelling unit. (1.75 spaces per unit.) Therefore, the 169 unit apartment would require 295 parking spaces; the 130 unit apartment would require 227 spaces; the 10 owner-occupied townhomes require 18 spaces; and the 30,000 square feet of retail requires 146 spaces. Therefore, 686 spaces are required between the two uses. The project would provide 590 parking stalls, 540 of which would be underground, and 30 would adjacent to the commercial uses and 20 would be for the owner occupied units. Wenck Associates conducted a parking study and determined that the proposed parking spaces would be adequate for the development. (See attached study.) Site Circulation/Access/Traffic Primary access to the proposed development would be off Gallagher Drive, France Avenue and 72nd Street. A right in and right out is proposed off France Avenue. This access would have to be approved by Hennepin County, as France Avenue is a County Road. The County has provided a preliminary review and found they would grant the access. The connections off Gallagher and France would reduce traffic on 72nd Street, which was required as part of a previous development proposal for the 7200 France site. To ensure that this access is available to the property to the north, access easements would be established over these drive aisles along the west and north lot lines. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Wenck Consulting also conducted a traffic study. The study concludes that the existing roadways can be supported by the project. The level of service at adjacent intersections would not be impacted. (See attached traffic study.) Landscaping Based on the perimeter of the site, 55 overstory trees would be required. The proposed plans show that over 100 new overstory trees would be planted. The existing 60 foot wide wooded area adjacent to 72nd street would remain as a buffer to the west neighborhood. A full complement of understory shrubs and bushes are also proposed. Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined in the attached memo. A site improvement plan agreement would be required to outline public vs. private responsibilities and ownership for private improvement on public property. Any approvals of this project would be subject to review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, as they are the City’s review authority over the grading of the site. Building/Building Material The building materials would be a combination of stucco, architectural metal panels, stone, and glass, with metal panel accents. The applicant will have a materials board for review at the Planning Commission meeting. Mechanical Equipment Any rooftop and/or ground level equipment would have to be screened if visible from adjacent property lines. Loading Dock/Trash Enclosures Loading area and trash enclosures would be on the inside of the building/parking ramp. Shadow Study As requested at sketch plan, the applicant completed a shadow study to determine impacts the height of the buildings might have. As demonstrated, the biggest impact would be in the winter months and there would be no impact to nearby single-family homes. Building Height The building height requirement for this site is 4 stories and 48 feet. (See attached building height overlay district map.) The applicant is requesting flexibility from this standard through the PUD rezoning. STAFF REPORT Page 5 The City Code requirement for setbacks of buildings over six-stories in height from property zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District would be met for this project. Within the underlying POD zoning district, the Edina City Code requires that buildings seven-stories tall be setback four times the height of the building from the property line of single family homes. The building height is 86.5 feet in the seven story portion of the building; therefore a 348-foot setback is required. The distance as proposed would be 460 feet, therefore would be code compliant. (See attached.) Living Streets/Multi-Modal Consideration Sec. 36-1274. - Sidewalks, trails and bicycle facilities. (a) In order to promote and provide safe and effective sidewalks and trails in the City and encourage the use of bicycles for recreation and transportation, the following improvements are required, as a condition of approval, on developments requiring the approval of a final development plan or the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to article V of this chapter: (1) It is the policy of the City to require the construction of sidewalks and trails wherever feasible so as to encourage pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the City. Therefore, developments shall provide sidewalks and trails which adjoin the applicant's property: a. In locations shown on the City's sidewalk and trail plan; and b. In other locations where the council finds that the provision of such sidewalks and trails enhance public access to mass transit facilities or connections to other existing or planned sidewalks, trails or public facilities. (2) Developments shall provide sidewalks between building entrances and sidewalks or trails which exist or which will be constructed pursuant to this section. (3) Developments shall provide direct sidewalk and trail connections with adjoining properties where appropriate. (4) Developments must provide direct sidewalk and trail connections to transit stations or transit stops adjoining the property. (5) Design standards for sidewalks and trails shall be prescribed by the engineer. (6) Nonresidential developments having an off-street automobile parking requirement of 20 or more spaces must provide off-street bicycle parking spaces where bicycles may be parked and secured from theft by their owners. The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required shall be five percent of the automobile parking space requirement. The design and placement of bicycle parking spaces and bicycle racks used to secure bicycles shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Whenever possible, bicycle parking spaces shall be located within 50 feet of a public entrance to a principal building. (b) The expense of the improvements set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall be borne by the applicant. The proposal to add over 300 units of housing on France Avenue with extensive pedestrian walkway opportunities around the entire perimeter of the site would enhance the pedestrian experience in the area. The plans are consistent with the vision document for the Greater STAFF REPORT Page 6 Southdale Area by providing a 50 foot setback on France and 30 feet on Gallagher Drive. There would be dedicated bike storage and a bike maintenance area on the first level of the project. There would be pedestrian sidewalks around the perimeter of each building. COMPLIANCE TABLE While the applicant is proposing to rezone the site to PUD, the following table demonstrates compliance with the underlying zoning: *Not code compliant City Standard (POD-1) Proposed Building Setbacks Front – France Front – Gallagher Front – 72nd Street Front – 72nd (t-homes) Side – West (t-homes) Side – West (apartments) R-1 Property Setback 86.5 feet (based on height) 86.5 feet (based on height) 86.5 feet (based on height) 35 feet 35 feet 58 feet (based on height) Twice the building height from a 5-6 story building =116 feet required (based on 58 feet) Four times the height from R-1 for 7 story building = 344 required (based on 86.5 feet) 40 feet* (50 feet to curb) 20 feet* (30-50 feet to curb) 36-40 feet* (30-40 feet to curb) 25 feet* (30 to curb) 90 feet 50 feet* 320 feet 460 feet Building Height Four stories and 48 feet 7 stories and 86.5 feet* Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 1.0% 1.7%* Parking Stalls 309 enclosed (residential) 231 surface spaces 540 Total Residential 146 retail Total = 686 590 proposed* (540 underground) Parking Stall Size 8.5’ x 18’ 8.5 x 18’ STAFF REPORT Page 7 Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment – Density To accommodate the request, the following Comprehensive Plan amendment is requested: A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to increase the density in the OR, Office Residential District from 30 units per acre to 60 units per acre. The Office Residential area is located west of France Avenue and into the Pentagon Park Area. The OR, Office Residential Area allows up to 30 units per acre. This density is low given the density that has been considered as part of the Greater Southdale Area Study. Densities that have been contemplated to date have been 80-100 units per acre over the whole of the district. The thinking behind that density has been to allow greater densities in between France and York (100- 150 units per acre; the CAC, Community Activity Center allows up to 105 units per acre, and the MXC, Mixed Use Center allows up to 150 units per acre in the existing Comprehensive Plan); and lesser densities 50-75 units per acre west of France and East of York. The City has allowed greater densities on the east side of York (Envi Edina is 105 units per acre; and the Onyx is 52 units per acre. On the west side of France, the Aurora on France project (senior housing) is 80 units per acre. Below is table of existing high density developments in the City. Note that the trend in multi- family development is higher density. This is due to the high cost of land in Edina, the City’s requirement for affordable housing, and the added cost of redeveloping a site with existing buildings. High Density Development in Edina Development Address Units Units Per Acre Yorktown Continental 7151 York 264 45 The Durham 7201 York 264 46 York Plaza Condos 7200-20 York 260 34 York Plaza Apartments 7240-60 York 260 29 The Waters Colonial Drive 139 22 6500 France – Senior Housing 6500 France 188 80 Lennar - Onyx 6725 York 240 52 7250 France Project 7250 France 135 60 5000 France 5000 France 23 29 Hazelton Road Apartments 3650 Hazelton Road 186 150 Bus Garage – Trammel Crow Eden Avenue 165 100 STAFF REPORT Page 8 The Collaborative Market Street 131 46 Gateway Point 66th & York 191 96 The Millennium 66th & York 372 60 Lincoln Residences 5901 Lincoln Drive 250 30 Red – Indicates recent projects Example Residential Density Ranges in Surrounding City’s Comprehensive Plans City Range – Per Acre Bloomington Medium Density Residential 5-10 High Density Residential No limit General Business 0-83 Commercial (Community & Regional) 0-83 High Intense mix use 0-60 Airport South mix use 30-131 Richfield Medium Density Residential 7-12 High Density Residential Minimum of 24 High Density Res./Office Minimum of 24 Mixed Use 50+ St. Louis Park Medium Density Residential 6-30 High Density Residential 20-75 (PUD for high end) Mixed Use 20-75 (PUD for high end) Commercial 20-50 Minnetonka Medium Density Residential 4-12 High Density Residential 12+ Mixed Use No range established (density based on site location and site conditions.) Minneapolis Medium Density (mixed use) 20-50 High Density (mixed use) 50-120 Very High Density(mixed use) 120+ The site’s location on an arterial roadway provides a good location for higher density. The Comprehensive Plan currently suggests allowing higher density subject to proximity to utilities capacity, level of transit service available, and impact on adjacent roads. Other desired items to STAFF REPORT Page 9 allow greater density would include: Below grade parking, provision of park or open space, affordable housing, sustainable design principles, pedestrian circulation, and podium height. The proposed project would contain most of these elements. There is adequate utility capacity available. A traffic study was done by Wenck Associates and concludes that there would be minimal impact to the roads, and the existing roads could support the development. (See attached study.) Additionally, WSB did a traffic study of the entire Southdale area and contemplated densities higher than proposed. (See attached study.) Underground parking would be included; the at-grade parking lot would be behind the retail/office uses on the street; open space/public area is provided along the street fronts and the pedestrian and vehicle access along the north and west lot lines. Affordable housing is proposed to exceed the City of Edina policy by providing 20% of the units as affordable. The trade-off in allowing more height and density includes: A more creative site plan with improved site circulation and public space; Collaborative design with parcel to the north (7200 France). The plans allow access for the 7200 parcel to take traffic to be away from 72nd and the low density residential area to the north and west; Underground and hidden parking; Improved pedestrian and vehicle access and connections; Significant affordable housing provided within the development; Pedestrian and bicycle oriented design would include bike and pedestrian paths through the site to connect to the north and along France and Gallagher. The amendment to the Comprehensive Plan could be accomplished as follows: OR Office-Residential No current examples in City. Potential examples include Pentagon Park area and other I-494 corridor locations Transitional areas along major thoroughfares or between higher- intensity districts and residential districts. Many existing highway- oriented commercial areas are anticipated to transition to this more mixed-use character. Primary uses are offices, attached or multifamily housing. Secondary uses: Limited retail and service uses (not including “big box” retail), limited industrial (fully enclosed), institutional uses, parks and open space. Vertical mixed use should be encouraged, and may be required on larger sites. Upgrade existing streetscape and building appearance, improve pedestrian and transit environment. Encourage structured parking and open space linkages where feasible; emphasize the enhancement of the pedestrian environment. 12-30 residential dwelling units/acre. The City Council may approve a project for up to 60 units per acre through a PUD rezoning. Criteria to justify greater density includes: Addressing the City’s Working Principles for Development Building quality, meeting the city’s Affordable Housing Policy, sustainability, pedestrian oriented development, additional public space and public realm, provision of more green space, underground parking, proximity to low density uses, utilities capacity, level of transit service available, and impact on adjacent roads. Floor to Area Ratio may exceed 1.0 on a case by case basis, subject to proximity to utilities capacity, level of transit service available, and impact on adjacent roads. Other desired items to allow greater density or density on the high end of the residential housing range above, would include: Below grade parking, provision of park or open space, affordable housing, sustainable design principles, provision of public art, pedestrian circulation, and podium height. STAFF REPORT Page 10 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Per Section 36-253 the following are the regulations for a PUD: 1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PUD District is to provide comprehensive procedures and standards intended to allow more creativity and flexibility in site plan design than would be possible under a conventional zoning district. The decision to zone property to PUD is a public policy decision for the City Council to make in its legislative capacity. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. The proposal would meet the purpose and intent of the PUD, as most all of the above criteria would be met. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for “Office Residential” which allows for retail, office and housing. The proposal is a high quality residential development that would enhance the surrounding area and add pedestrian activity to the STAFF REPORT Page 11 area with housing on France Avenue. The proposed buildings would be a high quality architectural metal, stone and glass. The proposal would meet the City’s affordable housing policy to help provide additional affordable housing within the City. 2. Applicability/Criteria a. Uses. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, and uses allowed by administrative permit contained in the various zoning districts defined in this Chapter shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within a PUD district, provided they would be allowable on the site under the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed uses are all consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. As mentioned, the site is designated as OR, Office Residential, which encourages a mixture of uses. Uses include: Offices, attached or multifamily housing. Limited retail and service uses (not including “big box” retail), Vertical mixed use should be encouraged, and may be required on larger sites. b. Eligibility Standards. To be eligible for a PUD district, all development should be in compliance with the following: i. where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one (1) land use in the Comprehensive Plan, the City may require that the PUD include all the land uses so designated or such combination of the designated uses as the City Council shall deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; This project would be a true mixed use development with residential, retail and office uses. ii. any PUD which involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted provided that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; As mentioned, the proposal includes vertical mixed uses. iii. permitted densities may be specifically stated in the appropriate planned development designation and shall be in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and The proposal is to increase the allowed density in the OR District in the Comp. Plan. The uses proposed are consistent with the uses allowed in the OR District. The Comprehensive Plan encourages mixed use. The Wenck Traffic study concludes that the surrounding roadways could support the use. STAFF REPORT Page 12 iv. the setback regulation, building coverage and floor area ratio of the most closely related conventional zoning district shall be considered presumptively appropriate, but may be departed from to accomplish the purpose and intent described in #1 above. The table on page 6 shows how the proposed new buildings would comply with the POD Zoning Ordinance Standards and the zoning standard in the new PUD-19 District. Flexibility is requested in regard to building height, setbacks, FAR and parking standards. In relaxing these standards, the purpose and intent, as described in #1 above would be met. The area would be vastly improved from existing conditions on the site. The blighted parking ramp would be removed. The provision of housing on France Avenue would increase pedestrian activity on France Avenue. The use will bring more vibrancy to the area with a true mixed use project. The applicant is providing twenty percent of the units for affordable housing within the project. PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the Comprehensive Plan Amendment regarding density reasonable for this site? Yes. Staff believes the proposed amendment is reasonable for the following reasons: 1. Higher Densities are generally located on arterial roadways. The OR district is generally located on France Avenue, which connects to both Crosstown 62 and I- 494. 2. The densities that have been contemplated as part of the Greater Southdale Area Study have been 80-100 units per acre over the whole of the district. Higher Density is contemplated in between France Avenue and York Avenue (100-150 units per acre…the existing CAC area allows up to 105 units per acre, and the MXC, Mixed Use Center allows up to 150 units per acre; and lesser densities 50-80 units per acre west of France and East of York. The City has allowed greater densities on the east side of York (Envi Edina is 105 units per acre; and the Onyx is 52 units per acre. On the west side of France, the Aurora on France project (senior housing) is 80 units per acre. 3. Density proposed is similar or less than density for mixed use areas for surrounding communities including Minnetonka, Minneapolis, Bloomington, Richfield, and St. Louis Park. 4. Allowing higher densities allows the City greater opportunity to provide affordable housing units, which would help the city to achieve its affordable housing goals. The current Metropolitan Council goal for Edina is to build 878 new units by 2030. STAFF REPORT Page 13 5. Traffic studies done by Wenk Associates and WSB concludes that densities contemplated on the west side of France can be supported by the existing roadway system. • Is the proposal reasonable to justify the PUD rezoning of the site? Yes. Staff believes the PUD is justified for the following reasons: 1. Addresses the Development Principles established in the Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework Vision. The following principles are included: Division of the property into smaller blocks to include pedestrian and vehicle access and connection north/south and east/west; Improved pedestrian connections to move people through and around the site. This includes an improved sidewalk along all four lot lines; Provides additional public space along France and Gallagher; High quality design; Improved pedestrian and bike experience at street level; Public art; and Affordable housing within the project. (20%) 2. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Movement Patterns. ▪ Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. ▪ Provide pedestrian amenities, such as wide sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian- scale lighting, and street furnishings (benches, trash receptacles, etc.) ▪ A Pedestrian-Friendly Environment. Improving the auto-oriented design pattern discussed above under “Issues” will call for guidelines that change the relationship between parking, pedestrian movement and building placement. b. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of City infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. c. Support and enhance commercial areas that serve the neighborhoods, the City, and the larger region. d. Increase mixed-use development where supported by adequate infrastructure to minimize traffic congestion, support transit, and diversify the tax base. e. Increase pedestrian and bicycling opportunities and connections between neighborhoods, and with other communities, to improve transportation infrastructure and reduce dependence on the car. STAFF REPORT Page 14 f. Buildings should be placed in appropriate proximity to streets creating pedestrian scale. g. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. i. Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. ii. Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. iii. Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front façade. iv. Encourage or require placement of surface parking to the rear or side of buildings, rather than between buildings and the street. 3. The proposal meets the City’s criteria for PUD zoning. (See pages 10-12 of this report.) In summary the PUD zoning would: a. Creates a more pedestrian-friendly development with the construction of improved sidewalks and connections to the Promenade. The project would bring vibrancy to the area. b. The building would be of high quality architectural metal, stone, and glass. c. Ensure that the buildings proposed would be the only buildings built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. d. Project would significantly add to the City’s affordable housing stock by providing 20% for affordable housing. e. Provide for a more creative site design, consistent with goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. f. Enhance green space and landscaping and utilize sustainable concepts. 4. The height increase is justified. The City Code requirement for setbacks of buildings over six-stories in height from property zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District would be met for this project. Within the underlying POD zoning district, the Edina City Code requires that buildings seven-stories tall be setback four times the height of the building from the property line of single family homes. The building height is 86.5 feet in the seven story portion of the building; therefore a 348 foot setback is required. The distance as proposed would be 460 feet, therefore would be code compliant. 5. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. Wenck Associates conducted a traffic and parking impact study, and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads and proposed parking. STAFF REPORT Page 15 Staff Recommendation Comprehensive Plan Amendment Recommend that the City Council approve the requests for Comprehensive Plan Amendments as follows: A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to increase the density in the OR, Office Residential District in the Greater Southdale Area from 30 units per acre to 60 units per acre; and Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. Higher Densities are generally located on arterial roadways. The OR district is generally located on France Avenue, which connects to both Crosstown 62 and I- 494, and 77th street which connects over to Highway 100. Both 77th and France are arterial roadways. The density is consistent with the AUAR densities contemplated for this area. 2. The densities that have been contemplated as part of the Greater Southdale Area Study have been 80-100 units per acre over the whole of the district. Higher Density is contemplated in between France Avenue and York Avenue (100-150 units per acre…the existing CAC area allows up to 105 units per acre, and the MXC, Mixed Use Center allows up to 150 units per acre); and lesser densities 50-80 units per acre west of France and East of York. The City has allowed greater densities on the east side of York (Envi Edina is 105 units per acre; and the Onyx is 52 units per acre. On the west side of France, the Aurora on France project (senior housing) is 80 units per acre. 3. Density proposed is similar or less than density for mixed use areas for surrounding communities including Minnetonka, Minneapolis, Bloomington, Richfield, and St. Louis Park. 4. Allowing higher densities allows the City greater opportunity to provide affordable housing units, which would help the city to achieve its affordable housing goals. The current Metropolitan Council goal for Edina is to build 878 new units by 2030. 5. The traffic studies done by Wenk Associates and WSB concludes that densities contemplated on the west side of France can be supported by the existing roadway system. Preliminary Rezoning to PUD & Preliminary Development Plan Recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Rezoning from POD, Planned Office District to PUD-19, Planned Unit Development District, and Preliminary Development Plan for 7200 & 7250 France Avenue. Approval is subject to the following findings: STAFF REPORT Page 16 1. The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed buildings would be a high quality brick, stone and glass, designed to mix and blend with existing buildings in the area. 3. The PUD would ensure that the building proposed would be the only building built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. 4. Addresses the Development Principles established in the Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework Vision. The following principles are included: Division of the property into smaller blocks to include pedestrian and vehicle access and connection north/south and east/west; Improved pedestrian connections to move people through and around the site. This includes an improved sidewalk along all four lot lines; Provides additional public space along France and Gallagher; High quality design; Improved pedestrian and bike experience at street level; Public art; and Twenty percent (20%) of the project would dedicated for affordable housing within the project. 5. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Movement Patterns. ▪ Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. ▪ Provide pedestrian amenities, such as wide sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian- scale lighting, and street furnishings (benches, trash receptacles, etc.) ▪ A Pedestrian-Friendly Environment. Improving the auto-oriented design pattern discussed above under “Issues” will call for guidelines that change the relationship between parking, pedestrian movement and building placement. b. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of City infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. c. Support and enhance commercial areas that serve the neighborhoods, the City, and the larger region. d. Increase mixed-use development where supported by adequate infrastructure to minimize traffic congestion, support transit, and diversify the tax base. e. Increase pedestrian and bicycling opportunities and connections between neighborhoods, and with other communities, to improve transportation infrastructure and reduce dependence on the car. f. Buildings should be placed in appropriate proximity to streets creating pedestrian scale. g. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. STAFF REPORT Page 17 v. Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. vi. Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. vii. Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front façade. viii. Encourage or require placement of surface parking to the rear or side of buildings, rather than between buildings and the street. 6. The height increase is justified. The City Code requirement for setbacks of buildings over six-stories in height from property zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District would be met for this project. Within the underlying POD zoning district, the Edina City Code requires that buildings seven-stories tall be setback four times the height of the building from the property line of single family homes. The building height is 86.5 feet in the seven story portion of the building; therefore a 348-foot setback is required. The distance as proposed would be 460 feet, therefore would be code compliant. 7. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. WSB conducted a traffic and parking impact study, and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads and proposed parking. 8. The proposal meets the City’s criteria for PUD zoning. The PUD zoning would: a. Create a more pedestrian-friendly development with the construction of improved sidewalks and connections to the Promenade. The project would bring vibrancy to the area. b. The building would be of high quality architectural metal, stone, and glass. c. Ensure that the buildings proposed would be the only buildings built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. d. Project would significantly add to the City’s affordable housing stock by providing 20% for affordable housing. e. Provide for a more creative site design, consistent with goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. f. Enhance green space and landscaping and utilize sustainable concepts. 9. The proposed uses would be a significant upgrade to the current buildings on the site. The existing parking ramp is in a very poor state of repair. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plans must be generally consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans dated September 25, 2018, and the materials board as presented to the Planning Commission. Final Plans must be consistent with Architecture Field Office recommendations dated October 17, 2018 regarding building setbacks over 60 feet. The building above 60 feet in height must be stepped in 10 feet. STAFF REPORT Page 18 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. 3. Provision of code compliant bike racks for each use near the building entrances. 4. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum requirements per Section 36-1260 of the City Code. 5. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened per Section 36-1459 of the City Code. 6. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district’s requirements. 7. A Developer’s Agreement/Site Improvement Plan Agreement is required at the time of Final Approval. 8. County approval of the right-in, right out on France Avenue. 9. Of the proposed housing units, 20% of the area must be dedicated for affordable housing and meet the conditions of the City’s affordable housing policy. 10. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the director of engineering’s memo dated October 19, 2018. 11. Compliance with the Wenck Associates Traffic & Parking Study recommendations. 12. Subject to the Zoning Ordinance Amendment creating the PUD-19, Planned Unit Development for this site. 13. Metropolitan Council approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment regarding density. 14. Dedication of public access easements along the west and north lot line subject to review and approval of the city engineer. The easement shall provide pedestrian and vehicular access to the property to the north, 7200 France Avenue. 15. Final Plans must be consistent with Architecture Field Office recommendations dated October 17, 2018 regarding building setbacks over 60 feet. The building above 60 feet in height must be stepped in 10 feet. Deadline for a city decision: January 15, 2018 DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. City of Edina Site Plan - 09.24.2018 FRANCE AVE. MIXED USE 7200 & 7250 France Avenue South Edina, MN 55435 France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 2 Table of Contents Contents Introduction Table of Contents A Key Mixed-Use on France Vicinity Map Current Site Conditions Site Analysis - Zoning Site Analysis - Land Use Bike Paths Nine-Mile Creek Regional Trail Sketch Vision Southdale Height Study Panorama Topography Size Comparison Survey Existing Conditions Proposed Development Masterplan Stacking Diagram Site Data Site Plan Circulation Diagrams Site Nodes and Water Retention Diagrams Model Views Sun Studies Aerial View Looking South Architect 333 Washington Avenue N, Suite 210 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Design Team Owner/Developers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 21 24 25 26 27 28-29 30-31 32-37 38 Landscape Architect 530 N 3rd St., Suite 120 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Civil Engineer 4931 West 35th St, Suite 200, St Louis Park, MN 55416 Site 7200 & 7250 France Avenue S.FRANCE AVENUEFrance Equities LLC CPEC EXCH 39560/61 DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 3 • Low density • Separated building uses • Car-dependent • Inefficient • Exclusive and isolating From To • Sensible higher density • Mixed-use, “total lifestyle” • Highly mobile; walking, biking, driving (and being driven) • Inclusive and connecting • Sustainable and connected to nature • A next step for existing residents to move to... • ... and new residents to join the Edina community France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 4 Vicinity Map Vicinity Map Gallagher Drive Looking West W 72nd Street Looking West France Avenue Looking South France Avenue Looking North Site 9-mi Creek Regional Trail Edina Promenade/Bike path France Ave S Hwy. 100 & 62; I-494 Key N Site Description The project site is composed two parcels along France Avenue South: Site A is the 7200 France Ave South on the west side of France Avenue S which is 152,751 sf/3.51 ac and is currently occupied by a blighted office building with surface parking and a natural tree grove to the west. Site B is the 7250 France Ave South on the west side of France Avenue S which is 73,079 sf/1.68 ac and is currently occupied by a blighted office building and two level parking structure. The project comprises the ‘missing link’ in an extensive network of pedestrian walkways and vehicular access points, as well as a center point in Edina’s primary com- mercial corridor between Highway 62 (Crosstown) on the north and Interstate 494 to the south. DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 5 Current Site Conditions 2. Existing Building at 72001. France Avenue Looking South 4. Existing Parking Structure at 7250 5. Existing Building at 7250 6. France Avenue Looking North 3. Existing Surface Parking N 1 2 3 4 5 6 France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 6 R-1 R-2 PRD-4 PCD-3 POD-1 PUD PSR-4 MDD-6 Key - Zoning Site Analysis- Zoning Zoning per City of Edina N Sec. 36-578 (POD District) (1) Maximum building coverage: 30 percent of the tract. (2) Maximum floor area ratio: 0.5 percent of the tract. (3) Setbacks shall be measured from the boundary of the tract: Front Street: 35 feet* Side Street: 35 feet* Interior Side Yard: 20 feet* Rear Yard: 20 feet* (4) Maximum Building Height POD-1: HOD-4, 4 stories or 48’, whichever is less Sec. 36-579 Special Requirements In addition to the general requirements described in article XII, division 2 of this chapter, the following special requirements shall apply: (1) Increased setbacks. The front street or side street setback shall be increased to not less than 50 feet when the principal use is located across the street from an R-1 district used for resi- dential purposes. When the Planned Office District is an integral part of either a Planned Industrial District or a Planned Commer- cial District, the front street setback and the side street setback shall be not less than those prescribed for the major district. (2) Proximity to R-1 district. The following minimum distance shall be provided between the closest point of the office building closest to an R-1 district and the nearest lot line of an R-1 district used for residential purposes: 5-6 stories - Twice the building height of the office building 7-8 stories - Four times the building height of the office building 9 or more stories - Six time the building height of the office build- ing (3) Building design and construction. In addition to other restric- tions of this section and article III of chapter 10, the use, con- struction, alteration or enlargement of any building or structure within the Planned Office District shall meet the following standards: a. All exterior wall finishes on any building shall be one or a com- bination of the following: 1. Face brick; 2. Natural stone; Relevant Codes per City of Edina Sec. 36-579 (cont.) 3. Specially designed precast concrete units, if the surfaces have been integrally treated with an applied decorative material or texture; 4. Factory fabricated and finished metal framed panel construction, if the panel materials are any of those noted in subsections (3)a.1 through 3 of this section; or 5. Glass or pre finished metal (other than unpainted galvanized iron). b. All subsequent additions, exterior alterations and accessory buildings constructed after the erection of an original building shall be constructed of materials comparable to those used in the original construction and shall be designed in a manner conforming to the original architectural design and general ap- pearance. DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 7 Site Analysis- Land Use Single-Family Duplex Multi-Family Mixed-Use Retail Office Senior Living Key - Usage Land Use N France Avenue Southdale Area Working Principles Allow latitude to gain tangible and intangible outcomes aligned with the district principles. Advance quality through thoughtful and artful design of buildings and publicly accessible spaces, highlighted human activity, and enhanced economic vibrancy. Look beyond baseline utilitarian functions of a single site to create mutually supportive and forward-looking infrastructure sustaining the district. Foster a logical, safe, inviting and expansive public realm facili- tating movement of people within and to the district. Encourage parcel-appropriate intensities promoting harmonious and interactive relationships without “leftover” spaces on sites. Advance human and environmental health as the public and private realms evolves. Embrace purposeful innovation aimed at identified and antici- pated problems. Promote well-balanced aggregations of “come to” and “stay at” places focused on human activity and linked to an engaging public realm. Ensure every component contributes to the sustained economic vitality of the district and the community. Give-to-Get; Plan & Process Edina Cultural Preferences; Identity District Function Comprehensive Connections; Movement Site Design; Transitions Health Innovation Land Use; Live-able Precincts Economic Vitality France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 8 Bike Paths The Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail meanders past its namesake Creek, and through the wetlands and woodlands of the Edina area including the newly master planned Fred Richards Park. When complete, the trail will travel from Hopkins through Edina and Richfield, connecting to the Nokomis-Minnesota River Regional Trail in Richfield and the Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail in Hopkins. The Trail will extend 15.3 miles when complete. The sizes occupy a key crossroads for this regional infrastructure and provide an opportunity to create a signature landmark for the Edina com- munity. Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail F R A N C E A V E N U E S O U T H WEST 76TH S T R E E T PARKLAW N A V E N U E Nine Mile Creek Bike Trail in Southdale Area DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 9 Nine-Mile Creek Regional Trail Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Bike Route Bus Line Bus Station Key Trail at intersection of France and Gallagher Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail, Edina East Sec. - Three Rivers Park District Current Investment - Bridge spanning Hwy. 100 north of Interstate 494 (finished) N France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 10 Sketch Vision Sketch Vision from Southdale Study (2016) *from dated March 18th, 2016 Proposed Site Edina Southdale Re-visioning Plan: • Build upon existing assets • Improve access • Walkable • Human-scaled • Architecturally varied • Mixed-use • Family friendly • Green • Summer city • Winter city • Connected • A destination DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 11 Southdale Height Study >200 ft 100-200 ft <100 ft Key N Southdale Height Study Site 1. The Edina Towers:154 ft.2. Point of France: 130 ft 4. The Westin Edina Galleria: 215 ft3. One Southdale Place: 115 ft 5. The Durham: 118 ft 7. Brookdale Edina: 190 ft 8. Yorktown Continental: 105 ft6. Minnesota Center: 207 ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 12 SITE 1 2 1 2 Gallagher Dr France Ave SW 72nd St Panorama- 7200&7250 France Ave 1. West View from France Ave 2. East View from France Ave Across From Project Site Project Site N Key Plan DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 13 Panorama- 7200&7250 France Ave 3. North View from Gallagher Dr 4. South View from Gallagher Dr Project Site Across From Project Site Key Plan SITE 1 2 1 2 Gallagher Dr France Ave SW 72nd St N France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 14 Topography 7200 & 7250 France Avenue S The site is located to the west of South France Ave and in between the West 72nd St and the Gallagher Dr. There is a 24-foot elevation difference from the high point of the site to the low point of the site which provides suitable conditions for underground parking. Topography @ 2’ contours from Hennepin County GIS Existing Topography N High Point +860.00 ft Low Point +836.00 ft DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 15 Size Comparison 7200/7250 France Avenue Total Area: 225,831 sf/ 5.18 ac One Southdale Place Total Area: 222,919 sf/ 5.12 ac N N SITE One Southdale France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 16 Survey - 7200 France Avenue South Survey-2008 DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 17 Survey - 7250 France Avenue South 4 Story Glass and Concrete Building 7250 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55435 Concrete Foundation Area: 13,947 Sq. Ft. N89°51'35"W 300.00 S00°11'54"E 268.99N75°01'42 " E 5 6 . 4 1 121.79 Δ=14°46'24" R=472.36 N89°48'06"E 125.00 N00°11'54"W 237.2293.15 148.095.75 1.6686.94 150.67Gallagher Drive France Ave(A Public R/W)(A Public R/W)2 Story Parking Ramp Below Access to 2 Story Parking Ramp BelowDESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED Parcel 1: Lot 44, Block 1, Oscar Roberts First Addition, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Torrens Property Parcel 2: Together with the benefit of Easement for flowage and drainage of surface waters dated November 12, 1971, filed February 8, 1972, as Document No. 1022380. Parcel 3: Together with the benefit of Easement for flowage and drainage of surface waters dated November 10, 1971, filed February 8, 1972, as Document No. 1022381. ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Notes (numbered per Table A) 1.Bearings are based on the Hennepin County Coordinate System. 2.Site Address: 7250 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55435. 3. This property is contained in Zone X (area determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain) per Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 27059C0452F, effective date of 11-04-16. 4.The Gross land area is 73,298+/- square feet or 1.683 +/- acres. 5. Elevations are based on the top nut of the hydrant located at the southwest corner of the property, as shown hereon, having an elevation of 862.76 feet (NGVD 1929). 6. The current Zoning for the subject property was not provided by the insurer. Please note that the general restrictions for the subject property may have been amended through a city process. We could be unaware of such amendments if they are not in a recorded document provided to us. We recommend that a zoning letter be obtained from the Zoning Administrator for the current restrictions for this site. 11. We have shown the location of utilities to the best of our ability based on observed evidence together with evidence from the following sources: plans obtained from utility companies, plans provided by client, markings by utility companies and other appropriate sources. We have used this information to develop a view of the underground utilities for this site. However, lacking excavation, the exact location of underground features cannot be accurately, completely and reliably depicted. Where additional or more detailed information is required, the client is advised that excavation may be necessary. Also, please note that seasonal conditions may inhibit our ability to visibly observe all the utilities located on the subject property. SURVEY REPORT 1. This map and report was prepared with the benefit of a Loan Policy for Title Insurance issued by Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, File No. 552885, dated June 1, 2017. We note the following with regards to Schedule B of the herein referenced Title Commitment: a. Item no.'s 1-3 are not survey related. b. The following are numbered per the referenced title Commitment: 3.Drainage and utility easements(s) as shown on the recorded Plat of Oscar Roberts First Addition. As shown hereon. 4. The following appears as a Memorial on the Certificate of Title: Easement for flowage and drainage of surface waters dated November 12, 1971, filed February 8, 1972, as Document No. 1022380. This easement is located over the northerly adjoining property as shown hereon. 5. The following appears as a Memorial on the Certificate of Title: Easement for flowage and drainage of surface waters dated November 10, 1971, filed February 8, 1972, as Document No. 1022381. This Easement is located over the northeast portion of the westerly adjoining property as shown hereon. 6.Easement for flowage and drainage of surface waters dated January 28, 1972, filed February 8, 1972, as Document No. 1022382. This easement is located over the north 5 feet of the subject property as shown hereon. 7.Easement for public road purposes, in favor of the Village of Edina dated May 20, 1972, filed May 31, 1972, as Document No. 1032483. This easement is located in the southeast corner of the subject property, as shown hereon. 8.Easement for highway signal, in favor of County of Hennepin filed July 15, 1983, as Document No. 1524065. This easement is shown along the southerly line of the subject property, as shown hereon. 9.Easement for highway signal, in favor of County of Hennepin filed July 15, 1983, as Document No. 1524066. This easement is shown along the southerly line of the subject property, as shown hereon. 10.Easement for highway signal, in favor of County of Hennepin filed July 15, 1983, as Document No. 1524067.This easement is shown along the southerly line of the subject property, as shown hereon. 11.Easement for highway signal, in favor of County of Hennepin filed July 15, 1983, as Document No. 1524068. This easement is shown along the southerly line of the subject property, as shown hereon. 2. Conflicts such as (but not limited to): encroachments, protrusions, access, occupation, and easements and/or servitudes: a.There is a sidewalk that located partially on the subject property in the southwest corner of the site as shown hereon. b.there is a driveway that encroached the northeasterly portion of the site, as shown hereon. c. There is a bituminous driveway that is accessing the northerly and adjoining property without an easement, as shown hereon. ALTA CERTIFICATION To: France Equities, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company; Commerce Bank, a Minnesota chartered bank, its successors and/or assigns as their respective interests may appear; and Old Republic National Title Company: This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 11 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on February 9th, 2018. Dated this 14th day of February, 2018. ________________________________________________________ Rory L. Synstelien Minnesota License No. 44565 rory@civilsitegroup.com OVERHEAD UTILITIES FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER TELEPHONE LINE CABLE LINE WATERMAIN ELECTRIC LINE GASMAIN CHAINLINK FENCELINE GUARDRAIL SIGN SANITARY MANHOLE STORM MANHOLE CABLE TV BOX TELEPHONE MANHOLE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER TELEPHONE BOX TRAFFIC SIGNAL GAS METER ELECTRICAL METERWOODEN FENCELINE WATER MANHOLE WATER VALVE BARBED WIRE FENCE AIR CONDITIONER BOLLARD SOIL BORING CLEAN OUT CATCH BASIN ELECTRIC BOX HANDHOLE ELECTRIC MANHOLE GAS VALVE FLAG POLE HANDICAP SYMBOL FOUND IRON MONUMENT HYDRANT CAST IRON MONUMENT SET IRON MONUMENT FLARED END SECTION Linetype & Symbol Legend POWER POLEBLOCK RET WALL UTILITY MANHOLE VICINITY MAP7250 France Ave7250 France Ave, Edina, MN 55435333 washington avenue north, suite 210 union plaza, minneapolis, mn  55401DJR Architecture, Inc.PROJECT4931 W. 35TH ST. SUITE 200 ST. LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 CivilSiteGroup.com Matt Pavek Pat Sarver 763-213-3944 952-250-2003 PROJECT NO.: 18033 COPYRIGHT 2017 CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.c 44565 RORY L. SYNSTELIEN LICENSE NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 2-14-18 REVISION SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION V1.0 ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY 3-19-18 ADDED TREES . . . . . . . . . . 40102001040 SCALE IN FEET N N Survey-2007 France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 18 Existing Conditions - 7200 France Avenue The western property line on the proposed site is bordered by an existing tree grove on the 7200 parcel and a retaining wall and existing parking structure on the 7250 parcel. West Property Line DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 19 Existing Conditions - 7250 France Avenue The western property line on the proposed site is bordered by an existing tree grove on the 7200 parcel and a retaining wall and existing parking structure on the 7250 parcel. West Property Line France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 20 Existing Conditions - The Cedars West Property Line The western property line on the proposed site is bordered by a n apartment complex known as The Cedars of Edina . DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 21 The Proposed Project 7200 & 7250 France Avenue S 09.24.2018 285-310 Apartments+ 10 Town-Homes + 30,000 sf Commercial France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 22 Overall Perspective 1 Rendering viewing South entrance from Gallagher to the West Promenade DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 23 Overall Perspective 2 Rendering viewing South entrance from 72nd to the West Promenade France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 24 Overall Masterplan Overall Masterplan N France Avenue Mixed-Use The concept of Mixed-Use Living is to place increased density at appropriate locations within the Southdale Area and provide the vital links between the neighborhoods that allow the density to fit within the urban fabric correctly. Incorporating the Woonerfs concept to the West Promenade al- lows a perfect hybrid of live, work and relaxed in a well-balanced neighborhood. DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 25 Stacking Diagram 86' - 6"RESIDENT IAL RETAIL 76' - 6"RESIDENTIALRETAILRESIDENTIALRETAIL88' - 6"20' - 0"Overall Summary Stacking Diagram Retail Residential Key Proposed (GSF)Floors Residential 337,710 6 For Sale Town-homes 25,000 2 Retail 28,256 1 Parking 230,910 3 Total 621,876 France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 26 Summary - Site Data PID: 3102824140001 Address: 7200 France Avenue S. Area: 152,751 SF (3.51 acres) Zoning: POD-1 FAR: 0.5 Height Overlay: HOD-4, 4 stories or 48’, whichever is less. Legal Designation: The N 325 Ft Of The E 520 Ft Of Se 1/4 Of Ne 1/4 Ex Road Proposed: Area/FAR: 201,997 SF (1.29 FAR) Height: 86’-6” to top of deck Density: 145-165 units (40-50 units per acre) PID: 3102824140015 Address: 7250 France Avenue S. Area: 73,080 SF (1.68 acres) Zoning: POD-1 FAR: 0.5 Height Overlay: HOD-4, 4 stories or 48’, whichever is less. Legal Designation: Oscar Roberts First Addition Lot 004 Block 001 EX Street Proposed: Area/FAR: 170,848 SF (2.32 FAR) Height: 86’-6” to top of deck Density: 125-145 units (75-86 units per acre) Site A Data Site B Data Street View from France Ave Overall Proposed: Area/FAR: 372,845 SF (1.65 FAR) Height: 86’-6” to top of deck Density: 265 - 335 units (51-64 units per acre) Site A Area Table (7200 France)Site B Area Table (7250 France) 7250 Floor Use GSF Apts TH Units Park Spaces 7200 Floor Use GSF Apts TH Units Park Spaces L1 38,140 L1 45,709 Parking (TH) 11,286 14 Parking (TH)16,988 16 Rental Town-homes 7,317 8 Rental Town-homes 11,523 14 Retail A 4,877 Retail C 5,765 Retail B 11,433 Retail D 6,181 L2 Apartments 28,801 20 L2 Apartments 37,105 32 L3 Apartments 28,801 28 L3 Apartments 31,257 34 L4 Apartments 28,801 28 L4 Apartments 31,257 34 L5 Apartments 26,340 27 L5 Apartments 31,257 34 L6 Apartments 18,565 19 L6 Apartments 19,962 21 L7 Apartments 3,000 L7 Apartments 5,450 TOTAL 170,848 122 8 TOTAL 201,997 155 14 PARK Floor Use GSF Apts TH Units Park Spaces T.H.Floor Use GSF Apts TH Units Park Spaces P2 Parking 115,455 270 4 Sale L1 Townhomes 12,500 10 20 P1 Parking 115,455 270 L2 Townhomes 12,500 TOTAL 230,910 540 TOTAL 25,000 20 DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 27 Masterplan Site Description Masterplan N 80’ 40’ 50’ 55’ 25’ N The site is composed of two parcels, 7200 and 7250 France Avenue. The 7200 parcel (Site A) is proposed to be a mixed- use building, 6 floor with few aprtments that have a mezanine level, and steps down to a 2 story town-homes to the West. The building will house 138 units, 14 rental town home units, 10 for sale Town-houses and approximately 13,000 SF of Retail along France Avenue. The 7250 parcel (Site B) is proposed to be a 6 story mixed-use building which will house 117 residential units, 8 rental town- home units and approximately 16,300 SF of retail along France Avenue Both buildings will also have 2 levels of underground parking which will be accessible from either the road connecting from France Avenue to the West Promenade and from the West Promenade. The two buildings will also have access to on grade parking for the town home units. France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 28 Vehicular Circulation Diagram Site - Vehicular Circulation Vehicular Circulation Parking Entr ances Transit Stops Controlled Intersections Vehicular Circulation N The concept of the vehicular circulation was to provide very ac- cessible internal circulation off of France Avenue and Gallagher Drive which can be easily managed with the phasing of the proj- ect. There are drop-off locations on the West Promenade and the street connecting from France Ave to the West Promenade (retail/residential). There are multiple transit stops adjacent to the project which are located at the intersection of France and Gallagher and the intersection of France and 72nd. DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 29 Pedestrian/Bike Circulation Diagram Site - Pedestrian & Bike Circulation Bike Circulation Pedestrian Circulation Pedestrian/Bike Circulation N The concept of the pedestrian and bike circulation on site was based on the Woonerf concept. Pedestrian circulation starts on France Avenue and spills onto the parallel Woonerf (the West Promenade) through 72nd, Gallagher and a mid-block connect- ing France Avenue to the West Promenade. The Woonerf is a pedestrian oriented street with plenty of social activities and places for rest and socializing. The Townhomes on the East and for sale Town-Houses on the west of the Woonerf are both fac- ing the pedestrian oriented street and a vehicular street allows access from the south of the two sites on Gallagher to 72nd on the north. This access holds one of the two underground parking accesspoints. France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 30 Anticipated Nodes Diagram Site - Nodes Vehicular Circulation Anticipated Nodes Linear Node N Along the pedestrian main path, both on France Avenue and the Woonerf, there are few places that are anticipated to be a place of converging traffics and therefore become nodes. Few nodes will develop along France Ave. retail face and a landscape point of interest would be developed, as well as the Woonerf’s public plaza and stair entry to 72nd plaza. DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 31 Water Retention Diagram Water Flow and Retention Water Flow Direction Water Retention Pedestrian/Bike Circulation N The 7200 site has a major elevation drop which acts as a natu- ral water retention place. water from all the sur-roundings sites flow onto the center of the site as shown on the diagram. a water retention system is designed below the woonerf and to- gether with on grade water retention solutions such as bioswale designed planters and paving will hold the sufficient amount of water according to a hundred-year flood planning. France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 32 72nd and France Avenue Perspective DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 33 Gallagher and France Avenue Perspective France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 34 Gallagher and France Avenue Street View DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 35 7200 Public Plazza France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 36 7200 Public Plazza DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 37 72nd and France Avenue Perspective France Avenue Mixed-UseDJR ARCHITECTURE INC. 38 Shadow Studies 9 am 12 pm 3 pm Spring Equinox March 20 Summer Solstice June 21 Winter Solstice December 22 7200 & 7250 FRANCE AVE7200-7250 FRANCE AVE. NORTH, EDINA, MINNESOTACITY SUBMITTALPROJECT TEAMOWNEROWNERARCHITECTDJR Architecture, Inc.333 Washington Avenue NUnion Plaza, Suite 210Minneapolis, MN 55401Contact: Sheldon Berg, AIA LEED AP612.676.2700612.676.2796 (fax)sberg@djr-inc.comLANDSCAPECIVILFrance Equities, LLC10296 182nd St. WestLakeville, MN 55044Civil Site Group4931 W. 35th Street,Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416Contact: David Knaeble, PE.763.234.7523Dknaeble@civilsitegroup.comConfluence530 North Third Street,Suite 120Minneapolis, MN 55401Contact: Brad Aldrich, PLA LEED AP BD+C, ASLA612.333.3702 X503BAldrich@thinkconfluence.comPARKINGLEVEL P2LEVEL P1TOWNHOMES (LEVEL P1)7200 (LEVEL 1)7250 (LEVEL 1)SPACES270270201614590TOTALARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONG000COVER SHEETEDINA, MINNESOTA17-1249/24/2018RW7200 & 7250 France Ave.Approver9/24/2018DesignerSHEET INDEXPRE 1.00 LEVELS P1 & P2PRE 1.01 LEVEL 1PRE 1.02 LEVEL 2PRE 1.03 LEVEL 3PRE 1.04 LEVEL 4PRE 1.05 LEVEL 5PRE 1.06 LEVEL 6PRE 1.07 LEVEL 7PRE 2.00 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - 7200PRE 2.01 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - 7250PRE A200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - TOWNHOMES ELEVATOR LOBBYELEV.RESIDENTIAL ELEVATOR ELEVATOR LOBBYSTAIR ASTAIR BSTAIR CTRASH /RECYCLING MECH.STAIR ASTAIR BSTAIR CMECH.MECH.UPUP30' - 9"20' - 0"75' - 2 1/2"220' - 10"27' - 4 1/2"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0 1/2"258' - 7 1/2"476' - 8"RESIDENTIAL ELEVATORS ELEV.24' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 5"24' - 5"25' - 0"TOWNHOME GARAGESTOWNHOME GARAGES19' - 0"18' - 0"18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"18' - 0"26' - 0 1/2"18' - 0"18' - 0"24' - 0 1/2"18' - 0"STORAGEMECH.STAIR ASTAIR BSTAIR CMECH.MECH.UPRESIDENTIAL ELEVATORS ELEV.19' - 0"18' - 0"18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"18' - 0"26' - 0 1/2"18' - 0"18' - 0"24' - 0 1/2"18' - 0"STORAGEELEVATOR LOBBYELEV.RESIDENTIAL ELEVATOR ELEVATOR LOBBYSTAIR BSTAIR CTRASH /RECYCLING MECH.UPMECH.ARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 1.00LEVELS P1 & P2EDINA, MINNESOTA17-1249/24/2018AuthorChecker7200 & 7250 France Ave.Approver9/24/2018Designer 3/64" = 1'-0"B1LEVEL P1 3/64" = 1'-0"A1LEVEL P2 UPELEVATOR LOBBYRETAILELEVATORRESIDENTIAL ELEVATORS ELEVATOR LOBBYSTAIR ASTAIR BSTAIR CRESIDENTIAL TRASHCOMMERCIAL TRASHRESIDENCE LOBBYRETAILRETAILPARKING14 SPACESTOWNHOMES FOR RENTDOWNSTAIR ASTAIR BSTAIR C34' - 10"52' - 4 1/2"75' - 8"207' - 10"39' - 0 1/2"141' - 4"24' - 0"71' - 0"55' - 2"50' - 10"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0 1/2"24' - 8 1/2"259' - 6 1/2"185' - 1"115' - 2"25' - 6"69' - 10"208' - 3 1/2"35' - 5"475' - 10"20' - 11 1/2"RESIDENTIAL TRASHCOMMERCIAL TRASHRESIDENTIAL ELEVATORS RESIDENCE LOBBYTOWNHOMES FOR RENTTOWNHOMES FOR RENTRETAILRETAILRETAIL ELEVATORTOWNHOMES FOR SALETOWNHOMES FOR SALEPARKING16 SPACESBIKE PARK AND RIDEARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 1.01LEVEL 1EDINA, MINNESOTA17-1249/24/2018AuthorChecker7200 & 7250 France Ave.Approver9/24/2018Designer DNDNTRASH/REC.ELEC.STORAGEAMMENITY SPACERESIDENTIAL ELEVATORS ELEVATOR LOBBYSTAIR ASTAIR BSTAIR CAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSOUTDOOR COURTYARDAPARTMENTSAMMENITY SPACEOUTDOOR COURTYARDAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSSTAIR ASTAIR BSTAIR C52' - 4 1/2"75' - 8"207' - 10"236' - 4"55' - 2"50' - 10"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0"25' - 0 1/2"24' - 8 1/2"259' - 6 1/2"185' - 1"211' - 3"TRASH/REC.ELEC. /DATA /STORAGEELEV.ELEV.ARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 1.02LEVEL 2EDINA, MINNESOTA17-1249/24/2018AuthorChecker7200 & 7250 France Ave.Approver9/24/2018Designer TRASH/REC.ELEC.STORAGERESIDENTIAL ELEVATORS ELEVATOR LOBBYSTAIR ASTAIR BSTAIR CAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSOUTDOOR PATIO.APARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSSTAIR ASTAIR BSTAIR C197' - 8 1/2"236' - 10"54' - 6"185' - 9"210' - 6"208' - 3"475' - 10"TRASH/REC.ELEC. /DATA /STORAGEELEV.ELEV.TERRACESTERRACESARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 1.03LEVEL 3EDINA, MINNESOTA17-1249/24/2018AuthorChecker7200 & 7250 France Ave.Approver9/24/2018Designer TRASH/REC.ELEC.STORAGERESIDENTIAL ELEVATORS ELEVATOR LOBBYSTAIR ASTAIR BAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSSTAIR BSTAIR C197' - 8 1/2"65' - 5"103' - 3"68' - 2"54' - 6"185' - 9"198' - 6 1/2"65' - 7 1/2"64' - 9 1/2"65' - 6 1/2"475' - 10"TRASH/REC.ELEC. /DATA /STORAGEELEV.ELEV.ARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 1.04LEVEL 4EDINA, MINNESOTA17-1249/24/2018AuthorChecker7200 & 7250 France Ave.Approver9/24/2018Designer TRASH/REC.ELEC.STORAGERESIDENTIAL ELEVATORS ELEVATOR LOBBYSTAIR ASTAIR BAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSOUTDOOR PATIO.APARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSSTAIR BSTAIR C197' - 8 1/2"65' - 5"103' - 3"68' - 2"54' - 6"185' - 9"9' - 5 1/2"189' - 6"65' - 7 1/2"64' - 9 1/2"65' - 6 1/2"475' - 10"TRASH/REC.ELEC. /DATA /STORAGESTAIR AELEV.ELEV.ARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 1.05LEVEL 5EDINA, MINNESOTA17-1249/24/2018AuthorChecker7200 & 7250 France Ave.Approver9/24/2018Designer TRASH/REC.ELEC.RESIDENTIAL ELEVATORS ELEVATOR LOBBYSTAIR ASTAIR BAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSOUTDOOR PATIO.APARTMENTSAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTSSTAIR BSTAIR C197' - 8 1/2"65' - 5"103' - 3"68' - 2"63' - 1"56' - 11 1/2"120' - 2 1/2"11' - 1"178' - 5 1/2"65' - 7 1/2"64' - 9 1/2"65' - 6 1/2"475' - 10"TRASH/REC.ELEC. /DATA /STORAGEELEV.ELEV.ARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 1.06LEVEL 6EDINA, MINNESOTA17-1249/24/2018AuthorChecker7200 & 7250 France Ave.Approver9/24/2018Designer APARTMENTS58' - 6 1/2"475' - 10"83' - 6 1/2"72' - 7 1/2"ARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 1.07LEVEL 7EDINA, MINNESOTA17-1249/24/2018AuthorChecker7200 & 7250 France Ave.Approver9/24/2018Designer LEVEL 1100' - 0"LEVEL 2116' - 0"LEVEL 3126' - 5 7/8"LEVEL 4136' - 11 3/4"ROOF TRUSS BEARING177' - 11 1/4"LEVEL 5147' - 5 5/8"LEVEL 6157' - 11 1/2"LEVEL 7168' - 5 3/8"STUCCOMETAL SHINGLESTUCCOFIBERGLASS WINDOWSMETAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTALUMINUM STOREFRONTSTUCCOSTUCCOMETAL PANELMETAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTALUMINUM STOREFRONTSTUCCOALUMINUM STOREFRONTMETAL PANELBRICKMETAL SHINGLEALUMINUM STOREFRONTSTUCCOARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELALUMINUM RAILINGSTUCCOARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELMETAL PANELARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELSTUCCOMETAL PANELFIBERGLASS WINDOWSFIBERGLASS WINDOWSALUMINUM STOREFRONTFIBERGLASS WINDOWSFIBERGLASS WINDOWSALUMINUM RAILINGALUMINUM STOREFRONTALUMINUM STOREFRONTLEVEL 1100' - 0"LEVEL 2116' - 0"LEVEL 3126' - 5 7/8"LEVEL 4136' - 11 3/4"ROOF TRUSS BEARING177' - 11 1/4"LEVEL 5147' - 5 5/8"LEVEL 6157' - 11 1/2"LEVEL 7168' - 5 3/8"ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTMETAL SHINGLEBRICKFIBERGLASS WINDOWMETAL PANELALUMINUM RAILINGARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELSTUCCOMETAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTALUMINUM RAILINGALUMINUM STOREFRONTMETAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTMETAL PANELSTUCCOMETAL SHINGLEBRICKALUMINUM STOREFRONTARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTFIBERGLASS WINDOWALUMINUM RAILINGARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELMETAL SHINGLESBRICKALUMINUM RAILINGFIBERGLASS WINDOWALUMINUM STORFRONTSTUCCOMETAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTALUMINUM STOREFRONTMETAL SHINGLEBRICKFIBERGLASS WINDOWALUMINUM RAILINGALUMINUM STOREFRONTSTUCCOALUMINUM RAILINGFIBERGLASS WINDOWMETAL PANELARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 2.00EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSCITY, STATE17-1249/24/2018RW7200 FRANCEApprover9/24/2018Designer 1/16" = 1'-0"B1EAST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A1NORTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"B2WEST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A2SOUTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A4INTERNAL SOUTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"B4INTERNAL EAST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"B3INTERNAL WEST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A3INTERNAL NORTH ELEVATION LEVEL 1100' - 0"LEVEL 2116' - 0"LEVEL P189' - 4"LEVEL 3/LEVEL4126' - 7 7/8"LEVEL 4 (SIM 3)137' - 3 3/4"LEVEL 5147' - 11 5/8"LEVEL 6158' - 7 1/2"LEVEL 7169' - 3 3/8"STUCCOFIBERGLASSWINDOWSMETAL PANELARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELSTUCCOMETAL PANELALUMINUM RAILINGFIBERGLASS WINDOWSOPEN TO GARAGEALUMINUM STOREFRONTALUMINUM STOREFRONTMETAL SHINGLEBRICK26' - 7 7/8"21' - 3 3/4"13' - 7 7/8"10' - 7 7/8"72' - 3 3/8"75' - 3 3/8"LEVEL 1100' - 0"LEVEL 2116' - 0"LEVEL P189' - 4"LEVEL 3/LEVEL4126' - 7 7/8"LEVEL 4 (SIM 3)137' - 3 3/4"LEVEL 5147' - 11 5/8"LEVEL 6158' - 7 1/2"LEVEL 7169' - 3 3/8"LEVEL P278' - 4"FIBERGLASS WINDOWSSTUCCOARCHITECTURAL METAL SIDINGGLASS RAILINGSMETAL PANELFIBERGLASS WINDOWSSTUCCO (BEYOND)STUCCOALUMINUM RAILINGFIBERGLASS WINDOWSARCHITECTURAL METAL SIDINGGLASS RAILINGMETAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTFIBERGLASS WINDOWSGLASS RAILINGMETAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTSTUCCOMETAL SHINGLEBRICK10' - 7 7/8"34' - 11 5/8"26' - 7 7/8"LEVEL 1100' - 0"LEVEL 2116' - 0"LEVEL P189' - 4"LEVEL 3/LEVEL4126' - 7 7/8"LEVEL 4 (SIM 3)137' - 3 3/4"LEVEL 5147' - 11 5/8"LEVEL 6158' - 7 1/2"LEVEL 7169' - 3 3/8"LEVEL P278' - 4"STUCCOFIBERGLASS WINDOWSALUMINUM BALCONY RAILINGARCHITECTURAL METAL SIDINGFIBERGLASS WINDOWSGLASS RAILINGALUMINUM STOREFRONTSTUCCOMETAL PANELMETAL PANEL ENTRYALUMINUM STOREFRONTMETAL PANELSTUCCOGLASS RAILING ON ALUMINUM BALCONYARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELMETAL PANELMETAL PANELALUMINUM STOREFRONTFIBERGLASS WINDOWSMETAL PANEL ENTRY12' - 0"72' - 3 3/8"LEVEL 1100' - 0"LEVEL 2116' - 0"LEVEL P189' - 4"LEVEL 3/LEVEL4126' - 7 7/8"LEVEL 4 (SIM 3)137' - 3 3/4"LEVEL 5147' - 11 5/8"LEVEL 6158' - 7 1/2"LEVEL 7169' - 3 3/8"LEVEL P278' - 4"FIBERGLASS WINDOWSALUMINUM BALCONY RAILINGARCHITECTURAL METAL SIDINGGLASS RAILINGMETAL SHINGLEBRICKMETAL PANELSTUCCOGLASS RAILING ON ALUMINUM BALCONYARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELFIBERGLASS INDOWSFIBERGLASS INDOWSMETAL SHINGLEBRICK34' - 11 5/8"26' - 7 7/8"LEVEL 2116' - 0"LEVEL 3/LEVEL4126' - 7 7/8"LEVEL 4 (SIM 3)137' - 3 3/4"LEVEL 5147' - 11 5/8"LEVEL 6158' - 7 1/2"LEVEL 7169' - 3 3/8"STUCCOFIBERGLASS WINDOWSALUMINUM RAILINGSARCHITECTURALMETAL PANELFIBERGLASS WINDOWSMETAL WRAPPED COLUMNSFIBERGLASS WINDOWSOPEN TO BEYONDSTUCCO12' - 0"56' - 3 3/8"LEVEL 2116' - 0"LEVEL 3/LEVEL4126' - 7 7/8"LEVEL 4 (SIM 3)137' - 3 3/4"LEVEL 5147' - 11 5/8"LEVEL 6158' - 7 1/2"LEVEL 7169' - 3 3/8"STUCCOALUMINUM BALCONY AND RAILINGFIBERGLASS WINDOWSSTUCCO56' - 3 3/8"LEVEL 2116' - 0"LEVEL 3/LEVEL4126' - 7 7/8"LEVEL 4 (SIM 3)137' - 3 3/4"LEVEL 5147' - 11 5/8"LEVEL 6158' - 7 1/2"LEVEL 7169' - 3 3/8"ALUMINUM BALCONY RAILINGARCHITECTURAL METAL PANELFIBERGLASS INDOWS45' - 7 1/2"ARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE54321PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRE 2.01EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSEDINA, MN17-1248.3.18AuthorChecker7250 FRANCE MIXED USEApprover8.3.18Designer 1/16" = 1'-0"1NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"2SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"7EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"8WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"3EAST COURTYARD 1/16" = 1'-0"4NORTH COURTYARD 1/16" = 1'-0"5WEST COURTYARD STUCCO METAL PANEL FIBERGLASS INDOWS ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL STUCCO METAL PANEL ALUMINUM BALCONY RAILING 23' - 3 3/4"9' - 7 7/8"32' - 11 5/8"METAL PANEL STUCCO ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL FIBERGLASS INDOWS BRICK ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL STUCCO STUCCOSTUCCOSTUCCO STUCCO METAL PANEL METAL PANEL BRICK ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL FIBERGLASS INDOWS ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL BRICK ALUMINUM BALCONY RAILING 10' - 7 7/8"12' - 7 7/8"9' - 7 7/8"32' - 11 5/8"STUCCO FIBERGLASS INDOWS ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL BRICK9' - 7 7/8"23' - 3 3/4"32' - 11 5/8"METAL PANEL STUCCO ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL FIBERGLASS INDOWS BRICK ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL STUCCO STUCCO STUCCOSTUCCO STUCCO METAL PANEL METAL PANEL BRICK ARCHITECTURAL METAL PANEL FIBERGLASS INDOWS 10' - 7 7/8"12' - 7 7/8"9' - 7 7/8"32' - 11 5/8"ARCHITECTURE, INCCopyright 2018 DJR Architecture, IncA 6 333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.comCLIENTIssue:Date:Project #:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:CONTRACTORSTRUCTURALCIVILBCDE 5 4 3 2 1 PRINT NAMESIGNATUREREGISTRATION NUMBERDATEI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY -NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONA200EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSCITY, STATE18-000Issue DateAuthorCheckerPROJECT NAMEApproverIssue DateDesigner 1/8" = 1'-0"F7 NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"F5 EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"F3 SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"F1 WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION UPUPDNDNBACIBCIJCABCIBCICB6UAACBAA9GD3PT3GB5AF13PT2GB350ss6MS200ba13AS57Vd60nf15Vd470bm6AB130sm5BP153dc2GD272dc490bm12GD8UA12AF3AA286dc6Dl20CC158ad2AA187dc40Ch141Ra9ad10Ch1AB6LL580bm91ba2QB36Ra2QB7CC4AF1GD24Vd1AB10sm10Ty1AB20sm8ca10TY1GD1AB6Vd6Ty10sm1AB69ss1AF20ca26sm6Vd71ca7Ch15Vd48sm1AF10PT297bm2GD1AB140BA145baBAH156shDD72ND ST. PROPOSED WOONERF24' TYPICAL WIDTHPROPOSED WOONERF22' TYPICAL WIDTHFRANCE AVE.GALLAGHER DR.LYNMAR LANEHH JJJLANDSCAPE SITE PLAN KEYNOTE LEGEND:SITE BENCHMOVEABLE TABLES AND CHAIRSCIP PLANTER/ SEAT WALLPEDESTRIAN LIGHTINGBOLLARDPLANTER/ POTSPLANT BED AT GRADEENTRY MONUMENT/ SIGNAGEACCESSIBLE RAMPSTAIRSACDFGHJBICCDECORATIVE PAVING ALANDSCAPE AREABIORETENTION AREASODNATIVE SEEDINNGFile Location: C:\Users\baldrich\Desktop\BRIEF\18071 - 7250 France\AUTOCAD\SHEETS\LS100 LANDSCAPE SITE / Drawn by: XX / Checked by: XX 30'60'15'7.5'0'1"=30'SCALE:01LANDSCAPE SITE AND PLANTING OVERVIEWDJR ARCHITECTURE, INC Copyright 2008 DJR Architecture, Inc A6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.com CLIENT Issue:Date:Project #: Date: Drawn by: Checked by: CONTRACTOR STRUCTURAL CIVIL BCDE54321PRINT NAME SIGNATURE REGISTRATION NUMBER DATE I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRU C T I O N PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EDINA, MINNESOTA 17-124 09.24.2018 EN BA 7200-7250 FRANCE MIXED USE Approver 03.26.2018Designer 530 NORTH THIRD STREET, SUITE 120 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 PH: 612-333-3702 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CONFLUENCELS100LANDSCAPE SITE AND PLANTING OVERVIEWLANDSCAPE VISUAL INTENT02LS100N.T.S 30"RADIUS MIN.4'-0"AEACH TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SUCHTHAT THE ROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THETOP OF THE ROOT BALL. IF THE ROOTFLARE IS NOT VISIBLE, THE SOIL SHALL BEREMOVED IN A LEVEL MANNER FROM THEROOT BALL TO WHERE THE FIRST MAINORDER ROOT (12" DIA. OR LARGER)EMERGES FROM THE TRUNK. SET MAINORDER ROOT 1" HIGHER THAN ADJACENTGRADE. DO NOT COVER TOP OF ROOTBALL WITH SOIL.SCARIFY SIDES OF TREE PIT WITH SPADEBY HAND TO BIND WITH PREPARED SOIL.PLANTING PIT TO BE TWO TO FIVE TIMESTHE DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL, SLOPEDTAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASEFIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THATROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT.DRAINAGE TRENCH AS REQUIRED PERPERCOLATION TEST IN SPEC. AUGER A 4"DIA. HOLE & FILL W/ 34" GRAVEL.PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED ORCOMPACTED SOIL.DIG PLANTING PIT 4-6" DEEPER THANROOTBALL.UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE.REMOVE BURLAP, WINE, ROPE ANDWIRE FROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALL.COMPACT PLANTING SOIL TO85% OF MAXIMUM DRY UNITWEIGHT PER ASTM D 698.EDGE CONDITION VARIES, SEEPLAN.4" BUILT-UP EARTH SAUCERBEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL.3" SHREDDED HARDWOODMULCH. DO NOT PLACE MULCHIN CONTACT WITH ROOT FLARE.RODENT TRUNK PROTECTION: 12"HARDWIRE-CLOTH MESHCYLINDER. DIMENSIONS: 8"DIAMETER (OR GREATER) X 36"HEIGHT. STAKE IN PLACE,AVOIDING ROOTS. SEE SPEC.NOTE:CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLEFOR MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMBPOSITION THROUGHOUT THE WARRANTYPERIOD. STAKING AND GUYING ISMANDATORY FOR TREES 4" CAL ORGREATER, AND ALL BARE ROOT TREES.WRAP TREE TRUNKS ONLY UPONAPPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 32 93 00.5' DIAMETER MULCH RING, TYP.TYPICAL TREE PLANTING DETAIL03L2.0N.T.STYPICAL PERENNIAL PLANTING DETAIL01L2.0N.T.S3 x A MIN.1'- 6"4"MIN.UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE.STEEL EDGING,AS SPECIFIEDMINIMIZE CONTACTW/ PLANT STEM(S)SET TOP OF ROOT CROWN 1" ABOVEFINISHED GRADE. MOUND PLANTINGBED SOIL SLIGHTLY TO TO TOP OFROOT CROWN.ORGANIC MULCH,AS SPECIFIED.TOP OF MULCH IS TO BELOWTOP OF WALK/CURB EXTENDINGA MIN. OF 1'-6" FROM EDGE OFWALK/CURB.5" DEEP MULCH POCKETCONCRETE WALK MAY OCCURNOTE: SEE SPECIFICATION SECTIONRELATED TO EXTERIOR PLANTING.PLANTING SOILSCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OFENTIRE BED WITH SPACE BY HANDTO BIND WITH PLANTING SOIL.3"MIN.CONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL SHALLHAVE ROOTS HAVE LOOSENED.PLANT SPACING02L2.0N.T.SS SSD D 2/3D EDGE OF PLANTING AREAPLANT ROW-TYP.PLANT CENTER-TYP.TRIANGULARSPACING - 'S'DISTANCE BETWEENROWS - 'D'TOTAL AREA PERPLANT (SF)12"15"18"21"24" (2')30"36" (3')42"10-1/2"13"15-1/2"18"21"26"31"36"0.881.351.942.633.505.427.7510.50File Location: C:\Users\baldrich\Desktop\BRIEF\18071 - 7250 France\AUTOCAD\SHEETS\L1.0 LANSCAPE PLAN / Drawn by: XX / Checked by: XX LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE04LP500N.T.SPLANTING NOTESTURF NOTES1. SOD AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE.2. WHERE SOD ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADE OFSOD/SEED SHALL BE HELD 1" BELOW SURFACE ELEVATION OFTRAIL, SLAB, CURB, ETC.3. SOD SHALL BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALLHAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR INDRAINAGE SWALES, SOD SHALL BE STAKED SECURELY IN STEEPSLOPES AND DRAINAGE AREAS.4. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, THE APPROPRIATE DATES FORSPRING SEED & SOD PLACEMENT IS FROM THE TIME GROUND HASTHAWED TO JUNE 15.5. FALL SODDING IS GENERALLY ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TONOVEMBER 1. FALL SEEDING IS GENERALLY ACCEPTABLE FROMAUGUST 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15. ADJUSTMENTS TO SOD/SEEDPLANTING DATES MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THELANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.1. NO PLANTS WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL FINAL GRADING ANDCONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREAAND ALL PLANTING IS APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.2. PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL PLANTINGBEDS IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF MULCH, FOR WEEDCONTROL.3. NO EXCAVATION OR PLANTING PIT SHALL BE LEFT OPENOVERNIGHT.4. PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CURRENTEDITION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, ANSIZ60.1. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, DECIDUOUS SHRUBS SHALLHAVE AT LEAST 5 CANES AT THE SPECIFIED HEIGHT. ORNAMENTALTREES SHALL HAVE NO 'V' CROTCHES AND SHALL BEGINBRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 3' FEET ABOVE THE ROOT BALL.STREET AND BOULEVARD TREES SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NOLOWER THAN 6' ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.5. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSEANY PLANT MATERIAL OR ANY DEFECTIVE WORKMANSHIP.6. MEASUREMENT OF CONIFER HEIGHT SHALL INCLUDE NOT MORETHAN FIFTY PERCENT (50%) OF THIS YEARS VERTICAL GROWTH(TOP CANDLE).7. PLANT SYMBOLS ON PLAN DRAWING TAKES PRECEDENCE OVERPLANT SCHEDULE IF DISCREPANCIES IN QUANTITIES EXIST.SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES.8. PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE LOCATED AND STAKED ASSHOWN ON PLAN. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVESTAKING OF PLANT MATERIAL PRIOR TO DIGGING.9. SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL ONLY BE ALLOWED WHEN THECONTRACTOR HAS EXHAUSTED ALL SOURCES FOR THE SPECIFIEDMATERIAL, AND HAS PROVEN THAT THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL ISNOT AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE NAME ANDVARIETY OF SUBSTITUTION TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FORAPPROVAL PRIOR TO TAGGING OR PLANTING. SUBSTITUTIONSSHALL BE NEAREST EQUIVALENT SIZE OF VARIETY OF PLANTHAVING SAME ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS. ADJUSTMENTS INLOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE NEEDED INFIELD. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TOADJUSTMENT OF PLANTS.10. PLANT MATERIALS TO BE INSTALLED PER PLANTING DETAILS.11. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE FERTILIZED UPON INSTALLATION WITHDRIED BONE MEAL, OTHER APPROVED FERTILIZER MIXED IN WITHTHE PLANTING SOIL PER THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS ORMAY BE TREATED FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH ANAPPLICATION OF GRANULAR 10-0-5 OF 12 OZ. PER 2.5" CALIPERTREE AND 6 OZ. PER SHRUB WITH AN ADDITIONAL APPLICATION OF10-0-10 THE FOLLOWING SPRING IN THE TREE SAUCER.12. PLANTING AREAS RECEIVING GROUND COVER, PERENNIALS,ANNUALS OR VINES SHALL RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 12" DEPTH OFPLANTING SOIL CONSISTING OF 45 PARTS TOPSOIL, 45 PARTSSCREENED COMPOST AND 10 PARTS SAND OR AS OTHERWISESPECIFIED.13. TREE WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE TWO-WALLED PLASTICSHEETING APPLIED FROM TRUNK FLARE TO FIRST BRANCH. WRAPSMOOTH-BARKED DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN THE FALL PRIORTO DECEMBER 1 AND REMOVE WRAPPING AFTER MAY 1.14. 3/16" THICK STEEL OR ALUMINUM EDGER TO BE USED TO CONTAINSHRUBS, PERENNIALS AND ANNUALS WHERE PLANTING BEDMEETS SOD - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.15. ANNUAL AND PERENNIAL PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE 3" DEEPSHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH WITH NO WEED BARRIER.16. SHRUB BED MASSINGS TO RECEIVE 3" DEEP SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCH.17. CONIFEROUS TREES ARE TO RECEIVE 4" DEEP SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCH AND SHALL HAVE NO MULCH IN DIRECTCONTACT WITH THE TREE TRUNK.18. ALL DECIDUOUS, PINE, AND LARCH TREE PLANTINGS SHALLRECEIVE RODENT PROTECTION PER MNDOT 2571.31.2. DO NOTPROVIDE ON SPRUCE TREES.19. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL WARRANTY NEW PLANTMATERIAL THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEAR FROM THE DATE OFSUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. NO PARTIAL ACCEPTANCE WILL BECONSIDERED.20. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, THE APPROPRIATE DATES FORSPRING PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLATION IS FROM THE TIMEGROUND HAS THAWED TO JUNE 15.21. CONIFEROUS PLANTING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TOOCTOBER 1. FALL DECIDUOUS PLANTING IS ACCEPTABLE FROMTHE FIRST FROST UNTIL NOVEMBER 15. ADJUSTMENTS TOPLANTING DATES MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THELANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.22. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TOVERIFY THAT EACH EXCAVATED TREE OR SHRUB PIT WILLPERFOLATE (DRAIN) PRIOR TO ADDING TOPSOIL AND INTALLINGPLANT MATERIAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILL THE BOTTOM OFSELECTED HOLES WITH SIX INCHES OF WATER. THIS WATERSHOULD PERCOLATE WITHIN A 24-HOUR PERIOD. THE OWNER ORLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL VERIFY ACCURACY AND EFFECT OFPERCOLATION TESTING. IF THE SOIL AT A GIVEN AREA DOES NOTDRAIN PROPERLY, A PVC DRAIN OR GRAVEL SUMP SHALL BEINSTALLED OR PLANTING RELOCATED IF DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPEARCHITECT.23. SHOULD THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR ENCOUNTERUNSATISFACTORY SURFACE OR OTHER SUBSURFACE DRAINAGECONDITIONS, SOIL DEPTH, LATENT SOILS, HARD PAN, STEAM OFOTHER UTILITY LINES OR OTHER CONDITIONS THAT WILLJEOPARDIZE THE HEALTH AND VIGOR OF THE PLANTS, HE MUSTADVISE THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN WRITING OF THECONDITIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE PLANTS, OTHERWISE THELANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WARRANTS THAT THE PLANTING AREASARE SUITABLE PROPER GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THEPLANTS TO BE INSTALLED.24. ALL HYDRANGEA AND YEW PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUMTOP SOIL DEPTH OF 12" WITH THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONALCONDITIONS MET:24.1. ALL PLANTS PLANTED A MINIMUM OF 2" ABOVE GRADE24.2. BACKFILL ALL PLANTING HOLES WITH A MIX OF SPECIFIEDGROWING MEDIUM AND TILLED TOPSOIL.24.3. AMEND TOPSOIL WITH ROOT STIMULANT APPROPRIATE FORHYDRANGEAS AND YEWS.24.4. VERIFY PLANTING PITS HAVE PASSED PERCOLATION TEST.GENERAL TREE SPECIFICATIONS:1. ALL STREET AND PARKING LOT TREES SHALL BE LIMBED UP TO THEFOLLOWING HEIGHTS:1.1. 2" CAL. TREES: LOWEST BRANCH 6' HT.1.2. 3" CAL.+ TREES: LOWEST BRANCH 7' HT.2. TREE CANOPY WIDTH SHALL BE RELATIVE TO HEIGHT/CALIPER OFTREE AND TYPE OF TREE.2.1. 1" CALIPER/ 6-8' HT: 3-4' WIDE MIN.2.2. 2" CALIPER/ 12-14' HT: 4-5' WIDE MIN.2.3. 3" CALIPER/ 14-16' HT: 6-7' WIDE MIN.3. CANOPY TREES SHALL NOT HAVE CO-DOMINATE LEADERS INLOWER HALF OF TREE CROWN4. ALL TREES SHALL HAVE SYMMETRICAL OR BALANCED BRANCHINGON ALL SIDES OF THE TREE.5. TREES SHALL NOT BE TIPPED PRUNED.6. TREES SHALL BE SOUND, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS, WELL BRANCHEDAND DENSELY FOLIATED WHEN IN LEAF, FREE OF DISEASE ANDINSECTS, EGGS LARVAE.7. TREES SHALL BE FREE OF PHYSICAL DAMAGE FROM SHIPPING ANDHANDLING. DAMAGED TREES SHALL BE REJECTED.8. SUMMER DUG TREES SHALL HAVE ROOTBALL SIZE INCREASED BY20%.9. TREES WHICH EXCEED RECOMMENDED CALIPER TO HEIGHTRELATIONSHIP SHALL BE REJECTED.DJR ARCHITECTURE, INC Copyright 2008 DJR Architecture, Inc A6333 Washington Ave N, Suite 210 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 612.676.2700 www.djr-inc.com CLIENT Issue:Date:Project #: Date: Drawn by: Checked by: CONTRACTOR STRUCTURAL CIVIL BCDE54321PRINT NAME SIGNATURE REGISTRATION NUMBER DATE I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota.NOT FOR CONSTRU C T I O N PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EDINA, MINNESOTA 17-124 09.24.2018 EN BA 7200-7250 FRANCE MIXED USE Approver 03.26.2018Designer 530 NORTH THIRD STREET, SUITE 120 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 PH: 612-333-3702 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CONFLUENCELP500LANDSCAPE DETAILS AND NOTES DJR ARCHITECTURE INC. France Avenue Mixed-Use 39 Thank you To City of Edina Cary Teague, Community Development Director From Mic Johnson, FAIA Date October 18,2018 Cary: We are pleased to submit this addendum to the report we provided to you yesterday regarding the proposed development at 7200-7250 France Avenue South. We reviewed the revised and new drawings provided to you by DJR Architecture on October 17. In general, we believe the comments we provided in our report dated October 17, 2018 are still valid and should be taken into consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council in their evaluation of the project. We do have some additional comments based upon the material palette as described on the building elevations submitted yesterday. This information was not part of the original packet provided to our team for review. We believe the proposed material usage is not in concert with the overall vision for achieving quality buildings that reflect the aspirations of the Edina community. Architecture Field Office Most building design is focused on efficient space utilization, continuity between interior functions, market fluctuations and project proforma, all of which are important to the quality of the building and overall project success. But in fact, the greater long-term role of any building is in its façade and how well it performs in making our city streets and public rooms successful in supporting a quality of life for all of its citizens. Every building’s exterior materials play a important role in defining the experience of the public realm. The quality of a building’s façade is critically important because its influence extends beyond the property line. The conscious design of the public realm and “street rooms” must take precedent to set the stage for high quality of daily life experiences. Through our continued conversations with the Greater Southdale Area Work Group, there is strong sense that the exterior materials of each building has a relationship to the history and the future of the whole district. Consideration for materials in the public realm fall into five categories that could apply to any building in the district: natural material such as brick, stone and tile are used within the 60 foot height limit materials such as wood, metal panel systems and stucco can be used within the 60 foot height limit when not facing the public realm material above the 60 foot limit material such as glass curtain wall, precast wall systems, metal panel wall systems are suggested. 75 transparency at the ground level for retail and commercial space No individual garage doors for residential units such as townhouses Architecture Field Office The colors on the plans below (first floor and typical floor) denote the important material attributes of the buildings and transparency of facades, corresponding with the key provided above. While the proposal does align with the guidance provided on the previous page in certain locations, it falls short in the first attribute (noted in red) that while some of the building’s public-realm facing facades do have a significant amount of glazing, the primary non-glazed material for the 60’ height is proposed as metal panel rather than a natural material such as brick or natural stone. We would encourage the design team to revisit the overall material usage to better align with the evolving districtwide goals for new building development. Thank you for the opportunity to review. Please let me know if you have questions. Mic. To City of Edina Cary Teague, Community Development Director From Mic Johnson, FAIA Date October 17,2018 Cary: At your request, we reviewed the most recent submission for the 7200-7250 France Avenue parcels based on our experience working with the Greater Southdale Work Group to craft a physical vision for how their guiding principles may translate to the built environment. We believe many aspects of this plan align with the overarching planning and design ideas set forth in the Greater Southdale District Planning Framework. However, as you are aware, the translation of that vision to a broader district plan and districtwide Design Experience Guidelines is still in process. Based on this month’s Work Group meeting, we are further refining the overall district goals related to building height and form, particularly as it relates to critical transition areas between the single-family residences to the west of France Avenue and the more commercially- focused Southdale district to the east. These latest conversations are summarized below. •The sub-district to the west side of France between 69th and Gallagher is a unique transition zone within the overall Southdale district. Any proposed developments within that zone and should be approached with special sensitivity. •As illustrated in the section below, within this transition zone, building heights will step up incrementally, from those that are adjacent to single family homes to those that are facing France Avenue to provide a more gradual transition from the residential neighborhood to the Southdale District. •The West Promenade, a new north-south shared pedestrian, bike and vehicle street/woonerf that accommodates service access, is intended to support the transition from townhouses and other residential buildings on the west side of the West Promenade, to taller buildings on the east side of the West Promenade. •New buildings that are adjacent to single family residential properties, on the west side of the West Promenade, should not exceed 36’ in height. Townhomes are the preferred residential typology in this area of the transition zone. •On the east side of the West Promenade, building faces should not exceed 50’ in height. •On France Avenue, building faces should not exceed 60’ in height. As a point of comparison, that is the height of a typical 4-story office building. Should the City choose to permit height above that 60’ height limit, it is our recommendation that any additional floor above 60’ step back from the face of the building by a minimum of 10 feet. •On the following pages, we have a few comments related to the details set forth in the plan. These comments are based on the visual information provided to the City by DJR Architects, with corresponding diagrams to help illustrate points. 50’ height limit Mixed Use Buildings Neighborhood Street or Back Yard West Promenade 60’ wide France Avenue Single Family Residence Townhouses Mixed Use Buildings 60’ height limit 36’ height limit Recommended width for the West Promenade (Woonerf) is 60’. This proposal is at 75’. Additional building footprint brought to the edge of the West Promenade (Woonerf) Street Rooms Creating defined “street rooms” is a primary goal of the Southdale District block planning. To define a room, buildings need consistent walls and a measurable cornice to frame the experience of the street. Within the district it is the intention to define a series of street rooms each having their own characteristics and connections to existing neighborhoods and other parts of the district. This strategy will enhance the experience of the pedestrian, creating both a sense of place and a safe environment. Levels 1 through 4 dark blue illustrates where built square footage can be added to the footprint (to reallocate from square footage in non- conforming overall building height) The proposal includes a 75 foot wide woonerf on the north parcel. Creating a narrower, 60 foot wide street results in additional space (in yellow) that can be built out to better meet the street room experience. Setbacks and Step-Backs The proposed building setbacks and building step-backs are not meeting the definition of the draft Southdale District Experience Guidelines in terms of creating a definable building wall. Although the design team has taken care to create a series of façade designs by pushing and pulling the face of the building wall, the design along the West Promenade (woonerf) does not meet the intent of the creating a street room experience. Nor is the proposed building height in compliance with current thinking about heights within this important transition zone. The diagrams below illustrate a strategy for reallocating square footage from the existing 6th and 7th floors (which do not comply with current thinking about building heights within transition zones) to square footage along the woonerf to offset some of the issues with the proposal exceeding the 60 foot building height. Level 5 additional space is illustrated in dark blue and is set back 10 feet from the woonerf Level 6 blue shading indicates a proposed step back from main facades above 60’ in height. The proposed Level 7 ‘pop ups’ on the corners are not aligned with current thinking about building heights in this transition zone. 60 foot wide West Promenade (Woonerf) 60 foot height limit50 foot height limit 36 foot height limit step back 10 feet Although height above 60’ is not part of the Work Group’s current discussions, should the City wish to consider additional height, we recommended allowing only one floor above the 60 foot height limit, which must be stepped back 10 feet from all public facing facades France Avenue Parking Access One the important goals of the draft Southdale District Experience Guidelines is to limit vehicular traffic as much as possible where pedestrians and bicycles are moving through the district. The West Promenade is intended to be a pedestrian and bicycle collector between the existing residential neighborhood and new development. We recommend providing access to the development’s below grade parking at one location closest to a primary road within the Southdale District –Gallagher Drive –and eliminate the below-grade access in the north parcel. Should this proposal have a more direct access from Gallagher into below grade parking, proposed new resident vehicular traffic on the West Promenade and 70th Street would be limited, making Gallagher the preferred movement to and from below grade parking. Eliminate below grade access June 19, 2017  Cary Teague  Community Development Director  Planning Division  4801 W. 50th St.  Edina, MN 55424  7200 - 7250 France Avenue:   Revisions and Responses to Sketch Plan and Southdale Work Group  DJR Architecture submitted a Sketch Plan package for the 7200 - 7250 France Avenue mixed use development last August. After the submittal we presented our proposal to both Planning Commission and City Council. Our proposal was also sent to the Southdale Work Group and Mr. Mic Johnson. DJR Architecture received comments and remarks from all three parties and in this letter we wish to point out the issues that were mentioned and how we addressed them.  The main comments made by Edina’s Planning Commission and Edina’s City Council were positive and the main concern was how DJR Architecture would address the comments made by Mic Johnson and Architecture Field Office.   Comments and responses:  1.Narrow the woonerf: in our Sketch Plan submittal, the woonerf varied between 75-95 feet. We have narrowed the woonerf to vary between 60-75 feet. We extended our townhomes on the East side of the woonerf to narrow it by 10 - 15 feet. The reduced 60-75 foot width of the woonerf still provides space for landscaping and greenery, allows area for activating the public spaces, and maintains circulation paths. 2.Lower both corners to 60’ high: we have managed to step back our buildings on both corners, 72nd street as well as Gallagher from six stories to five stories which achieved the recommended 60’ height in both corners of France Avenue. 3.Reduced Height: on the 7250 building we managed to eliminate the seventh story completely. We did keep our seventh story mezzanine level on 7200 building as it is further away from the corners and is an integral part of the building design. 4.Architecture Field Office recommendation for materials have been generally met in this proposal. We agree that the use of glass and storefront facade at the commercial face of France Avenue is crucial to the success of businesses along the street. 5.We also agree and met the recommendation of Architecture Field Office for no individual garage doors along the woonerf and 72nd street. One of the comments made by the Architecture Field Office was to heighten the residential buildings facing the woonerf to four stories. We believe that this will result in a much harder transition from the East to West side of the woonerf which is 2 story townhomes. In a previous submittal of the 7250 France Avenue proposal, we were asked by Edina’s City Council members to be aware and take into consideration two crucial issues:    Softer transition to the West: DJR Architecture has studied this and created a new project around this idea of gradually stepping our two buildings from France Avenue to the east side of the woonerf and again to the west of it. We designed the building facades to step from six to five, four, and finally to two story townhomes on the East of the woonerf, which transitions nicely to the 2 story townhomes on the West side of the woonerf.  Second issue was to create and design a solution for both 7200 and 7250 France Avenue as one project. We have managed to do so and we believe this is the right approach for this proposal as our design shows a cohesive solution to the following:  storm water treatment for both sites  traffic design consideration to both sites  pedestrian oriented solutions to both sites   DJR Architecture met additional criteria made by Planning Commission and City Council and we have managed to:    6. Enhance the green areas along France Avenue. 7. Enhance the green areas along the Woonerf. 8. We redesigned the woonerf road to be clearer and brighter. 9. We have met with the Cornelia Neighborhood and presented the project and addressed all of their questions.   We hope that these comments and responses to the recommendations we received from Edina’s City Council, Edina’s Planning Commission and Architecture Field Office, achieve the desired wish of all parties involved.       Sincerely, Dean Dovolis DJR Architecture  WENCK File #3022-12 October 15, 2018 Prepared by: WENCK Associates, Inc. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center Maple Plain, MN 55359 Phone: 7963-479-4200 Fax: 763-479-4242 Prepared for: City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Traffic and Parking Study for 7200 and 7250 France Avenue in Edina, MN October 2018 i DRAFT Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... I 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................... 1-1 2.0 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND ........................................................... 2-1 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS .................................................................... 3-1 4.0 TRAFFIC FORECASTS ........................................................................ 4-1 5.0 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 5-1 6.0 PARKING ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 6-1 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................... 6-1 8.0 APPENDIX ........................................................................................ 8-1 FIGURES FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION .................................................................. 2-3 FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN ................................................................................ 2-4 FIGURE 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS ............................................................. 3-2 FIGURE 4 WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES .......................................... 4-4 FIGURE 5 WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES............................................ 4-5 FIGURE 6 WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE ............................. 5-6 FIGURE 7 WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE ............................... 5-7 I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. __________________________________ DATE: October 15, 2018 Edward F. Terhaar License No. 24441 October 2018 1-1 DRAFT 1.0 Executive Summary The purpose of this Traffic and Parking Study is to evaluate the traffic impacts of the proposed new residential and retail development located at 7200 and 7250 France Avenue in Edina, MN. The project site is located on the west side of France Avenue between Gallagher Drive and 72nd Street. The proposed project location is currently occupied by two office buildings, a parking structure, and surface parking. This study examined weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic impacts of the proposed redevelopment at the following intersections: • France Avenue/Hazelton Road • France Avenue/72nd Street • France Avenue/Gallagher Drive • France Avenue/Parklawn Avenue • Parklawn Avenue/Gallagher Drive • France Avenue/proposed access • Gallagher Drive/proposed access • 72nd Street/proposed access The proposed project will involve removal of the existing office buildings and constructing two new residential and retail buildings. The project includes 590 on-site parking spaces. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 20 20. As shown in the site plan, the project includes access on Gallagher Drive, 72nd Street, and France Avenue. The access points on Gallagher Drive and 72nd Street are full movement accesses. The access on France Avenue is restricted to right turns in and out by the existing center median. In order to account for concerns expressed by Hennepin County, the study includes analysis of the following access options on France Avenue: • Right in/right out access • Right in only access • No access on France Avenue The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development is expected to generate 54 net trips during the weekday a.m. peak hour, 126 net trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 1,681 net weekday daily trips. • Traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at the intersections analyzed to accommodate the proposed project. • From a traffic operations perspective, all access options result in minimal impacts to operations on France Avenue. The option with no access on France Avenue results in slightly higher volumes at the Gallagher and 72nd Street access locations, but these October 2018 1-2 DRAFT increases are minimal from an operations standpoint. • France Avenue is under the jurisdiction of Hennepin County. City staff shared the project sketch plan with Hennepin County staff who responded with concerns about the proposed access on France Avenue. Specifically, Hennepin County staff commented that the proposed access falls short of meeting access spacing guidelines and would introduce a new conflict point on the high-volume corridor with the potential for vehicles to weave across three lanes in the southbound dire ction to make left or U-turns at Gallagher Drive. From these comments it appears Hennepin County will likely not allow access on France Avenue. • Traffic volumes on 72nd Street west of Lynmar Lane are expected to increase from 1,980 vehicles per day to 2,230 vehicles per day, an increase of 250 vehicles per day. • The proposed project is designed to provide both pedestrian and bicycle connections to the surrounding infrastructure. Space for pedestrian amenities is provided along all streets surrounding the project. Access to the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail is provided at the Gallagher Drive crosswalk. • Both short-term and long-term bicycle spaces should be provided in order to accommodate retail customers and residents. The short-term spaces should be located near building entrances and provide facilities to securely park each bicycle. Long-term spaces for residents should be provided in the parking ramp or in a separate room within each building. The provision of a bicycle maintenance station would help encourage bicycle use by both visitors and residents. • The proposed number of parking spaces can accommodate the expected peak parking demand based on Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) data. October 2018 2-1 DRAFT 2.0 Purpose and Background The purpose of this Traffic and Parking Study is to evaluate the traffic impacts of the proposed new residential and retail development located at 7200 and 7250 France Avenue in Edina, MN. The project site is located on the west side of France Avenue between Gallagher Drive and 72nd Street. The proposed project location is currently occupied by two office buildings, a parking structure, and surface parking. The project location is shown in Figure 1. This study examined weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic impacts of the proposed redevelopment at the following intersections: • France Avenue/Hazelton Road • France Avenue/72nd Street • France Avenue/Gallagher Drive • France Avenue/Parklawn Avenue • Parklawn Avenue/Gallagher Drive • France Avenue/proposed access • Gallagher Drive/proposed access • 72nd Street/proposed access Proposed Development Characteristics The proposed project will involve removal of the existing office buildings and constructing two new residential and retail buildings. The project includes 590 on-site parking spaces. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 20 20. The current site plan is shown in Figure 2. The proposed land uses and sizes are shown in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Proposed Land Uses and Sizes Land Use Size Unit 7200 Building Apartments 164 DU Townhouses 10 DU Sit-down restaurant 4,000 SF General retail 9,000 SF 7250 Building Apartments 135 DU Sit-down restaurant 4,000 SF General retail 13,000 SF SF = square feet, DU = dwelling units As shown in the site plan, the project includes access on Gallagher Drive, 72nd Street, and France Avenue. The access points on Gallagher Drive and 72nd Street are full movement accesses. The access on France Avenue is restricted to right turns in and out by the existing center median. October 2018 2-2 DRAFT France Avenue is under the jurisdiction of Hennepin County. City staff shared the project sketch plan with Hennepin County staff who responded with concerns about the proposed access on France Avenue. Specifically, Hennepin County staff commented that the proposed access falls short of meeting access spacing guidelines and would introduce a new conflict point on the high-volume corridor with the potential for vehicles to weave across three lanes in the southbound direction to make left or U-turns at Gallagher Drive. In order to account for these concerns, the study includes analysis of the following access options on France Avenue: • Right in/right out access • Right in only access • No access on France Avenue October 2018 2-3 DRAFT October 2018 2-4 DRAFT October 2018 3-1 DRAFT 3.0 Existing Conditions The proposed site is currently occupied by two office buildings, a parking structure, and surface parking. The site is bounded by France Avenue to the east, Gallagher Drive to the south, 72nd Street to the north, and residential areas to the west. Near the site location, France Avenue is a six-lane divided roadway with turn lanes at major intersections. Gallagher Drive and 72nd Street are a two-lane roadways. Existing conditions at intersections near the proposed project location are shown in Figure 3. France Avenue/Hazelton Road (traffic signal control) This intersection has four approaches and is controlled with a traffic signal. The westbound approach provides one left turn lane, one through lane, and one right turn lane. The eastbound approach proves one left turn and one through/right turn lane. The southbound approach provides one left turn lane, two through lanes, and one th rough/right turn lane. The northbound approach provides one left turn lane, three through lanes, and one right turn lane. France Avenue/72nd Street (minor street stop sign control) This intersection has three approaches and is controlled with a stop sig n on the eastbound 72nd Street approach. The eastbound approach provides one right turn lane. The northbound approach provides one left turn lane and three through lanes. The southbound approach provides two through lanes and one through/right turn lane. Left turns are not allowed from 72nd Street onto France Avenue. France Avenue/Gallagher Drive (traffic signal control) This intersection has four approaches and is controlled with a traffic signal. The eastbound and westbound approaches provide one left turn lane and one through/right turn lane. The northbound and southbound approaches provide one left turn lane, two through lanes, and one through/right turn lane. France Avenue/Parklawn Avenue (traffic signal control) This intersection has four approaches and is controlled with a traffic signal. The westbound approach provides one left turn lane, one through lane, and one right turn lane. The eastbound approach proves one left turn and one through/right turn lane. The southbound approach provides one left turn lane, two through lanes, and one through/right turn lane. The northbound approach provides one left turn lane, three through lanes, and one right turn lane. Parklawn Avenue/Gallagher Drive (minor street stop sign control) This intersection has three approaches and is controlled with a stop sign on the southbound Gallagher Drive approach. All approaches provide one left turn/through/right turn lane. Turn movement data for the intersections was collected during the weekday a.m. (7:00 - 9:00 a.m.) and p.m. (4:00 - 6:00 p.m.) peak periods in March 2018. October 2018 3-2 DRAFT October 2018 4-1 DRAFT 4.0 Traffic Forecasts Traffic Forecast Scenarios To adequately address the impacts of the proposed project, forecasts and analyses were completed for the year 2021. Specifically, weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic forecasts were completed for the following scenarios: • 2018 Existing. Existing volumes were determined through traffic counts at the subject intersections. The existing volume information includes trips generated by the uses currently on the site. • 2021 No-Build. Existing volumes at the subject intersections were increased by 1.0 percent per year to determine 2021 No-Build volumes. The 1.0 percent per year growth rate was calculated based on both recent growth experienced near the site and projected growth in the area. • 2021 Build. Trips generated by the proposed development were added to the 2021 No-Build volumes to determine 2021 Build volumes. In addition, existing trips generated by the uses currently on the site were subtracted from the total volume. Trip Generation Weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour trip generation for the proposed development were calculated based on data presented in the tenth edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Trips generated by the existing uses were based on the traffic count data. The resultant trip generation estimates are shown in Table 4-1. October 2018 4-2 DRAFT Table 4-1 Trip Generation for Proposed Project Land Use Size Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday Daily In Out Total In Out Total Total Proposed Project 7200 Building Apartments and Townhomes 174 DU 16 47 63 47 30 77 947 Restaurant 4,000 SF 22 18 40 24 15 39 449 General Retail 9,000 SF 5 3 8 16 18 34 340 Subtotal 43 68 111 87 63 150 1736 10% internal trip reduction (4) (7) (11) (9) (6) (15) (174) 10% transit reduction (4) (6) (10) (8) (6) (14) (156) Total 35 55 90 70 51 121 1406 7250 Building Apartments 135 DU 13 36 49 36 23 59 734 Restaurant 4,000 SF 22 18 40 24 15 39 449 General Retail 13,000 SF 7 5 12 24 26 50 491 Subtotal 42 59 101 84 64 148 1674 10% internal trip reduction (4) (6) (10) (9) (6) (15) (167) 10% transit reduction (4) (5) (9) (7) (6) (13) (151) Total 34 48 82 68 52 120 1356 Existing Uses Removed 7200 Building Office 39,600 SF (40) (6) (46) (7) (39) (46) (386) 7250 Building Medical office 55,000 SF (58) (14) (72) (25) (44) (69) (695) Total Net Trips (29) 83 54 106 20 126 1681 DU=dwelling unit, SF=square feet Table 1 shows the net number of trips generated by the proposed development including reductions for existing trips. As shown, the project adds 54 net trips during the a.m. peak hour, 126 net trips during the p.m. peak hour, and 1,681 net trips daily. Trip Distribution Percentages Trip distribution percentages for the subject development trips were established based on the nearby roadway network, existing and expected future traffic patterns, and location of the subject development in relation to major attractions and population concentrations. The distribution percentages for trips generated by the proposed development are as follows: • 30 percent to/from the north on France Avenue • 15 percent to/from the west on 72nd Street • 5 percent to/from the east on Hazelton Road • 5 percent to/from the east on Gallagher Drive • 5 percent to/from the west on Parklawn Avenue • 5 percent to/from the east on Parklawn Avenue • 35 percent to/from the south on France Avenue October 2018 4-3 DRAFT Site Access Options As shown in the site plan, the project includes access on Gallagher Drive, 72nd Street, and France Avenue. The access points on Gallagher Drive and 72nd Street are full movement accesses. The access on France Avenue is restricted to right turns in and out by the existing center median. The study includes analysis of the following access options on France Avenue: • Right in/right out access • Right in only access • No access on France Avenue Traffic Volumes Development trips were assigned to the surrounding roadway network using the preceding trip distribution percentages. Traffic volumes were established for all the forecasting scenarios described earlier during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The resultant traffic volumes are presented in Figures 4 and 5. October 2018 4-4 DRAFT October 2018 4-5 DRAFT October 2018 5-1 DRAFT 5.0 Traffic Analysis Intersection Level of Service Analysis Traffic analyses were completed for the subject intersections for all scenarios described earlier during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours using Synchro software. Initial analysis was completed using existing geometrics and intersection control. Capacity analysis results are presented in terms of level of service (LOS), which is defined in terms of traffic delay at the intersection. LOS ranges from A to F. LOS A represents the best intersection operation, with little delay for each vehicle using the intersection. LOS F represents the worst intersection operation with excessive delay. The following is a detailed description of the conditions described by each LOS designation: • Level of service A corresponds to a free flow condition with motorists virtually unaffected by the intersection control mechanism. For a signalized or an unsignalized intersection, the average delay per vehicle would be approximately 10 seconds or less. • Level of service B represents stable flow with a high degree of freedom, b ut with some influence from the intersection control device and the traffic volumes. For a signalized intersection, the average delay ranges from 10 to 20 seconds. An unsignalized intersection would have delays ranging from 10 to 15 seconds for this level. • Level of service C depicts a restricted flow which remains stable, but with significant influence from the intersection control device and the traffic volumes. The general level of comfort and convenience changes noticeably at this level. The delay ranges from 20 to 35 seconds for a signalized intersection and from 15 to 25 seconds for an unsignalized intersection at this level. • Level of service D corresponds to high-density flow in which speed and freedom are significantly restricted. Though traffi c flow remains stable, reductions in comfort and convenience are experienced. The control delay for this level is 35 to 55 seconds for a signalized intersection and 25 to 35 seconds for an unsignalized intersection. • Level of service E represents unstable flow of traffic at or near the capacity of the intersection with poor levels of comfort and convenience. The delay ranges from 55 to 80 seconds for a signalized intersection and from 35 to 50 seconds for an unsignalized intersection at this level. • Level of service F represents forced flow in which the volume of traffic approaching the intersection exceeds the volume that can be served. Characteristics often experienced include long queues, stop-and-go waves, poor travel times, low comfort and convenience, and increased accident exposure. Delays over 80 seconds for a signalized intersection and over 50 seconds for an unsignalized intersection correspond to this level of service. October 2018 5-2 DRAFT The LOS results for the study intersections are presented in Figures 6 and 7 and discussed below. France Avenue/Hazelton Road (traffic signal control) - During the a.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS E or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS C for all scenarios. During the p.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS E or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS C for all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. France Avenue/72nd Street (minor street stop sign control) - During the a.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. During the p.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS C or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. France Avenue/Gallagher Drive (traffic signal control) - During the a.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS E or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS D for all scenarios. During the p.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS E or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS D for all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. France Avenue/Parklawn Avenue (traffic signal control) - During the a.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS D or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS D for all scenarios. During the p.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS E or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS E for all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. October 2018 5-3 DRAFT Parklawn Avenue/Gallagher Drive (minor street stop sign control) - During the a.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. During the p.m. peak hour under existing, 2021 No-Build, and 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersecti on operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. France Avenue/proposed access (minor street stop control) - During the a.m. peak hour under 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. During the p.m. peak hour under 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS C or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. Gallagher Drive/proposed access (minor street stop control) - During the a.m. peak hour under 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. During the p.m. peak hour under 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. 72nd Street/proposed access (minor street stop control) - During the a.m. peak hour under 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS A. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. During the p.m. peak hour under 2021 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A for all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. October 2018 5-4 DRAFT France Avenue Access The study included analysis of the following access options on France Avenue: • Right in/right out access • Right in only access • No access on France Avenue As shown in the traffic analysis results, all intersections operate at acceptable level s of service under all three France Avenue access options. From a traffic operations perspective, all access options result in minimal impacts to operations on France Avenue. The option with no access on France Avenue results in slightly higher volumes at the Gallagher and 72nd Street access locations, but these increases are minimal from an operations standpoint. As described earlier, Hennepin County staff expressed concerns about the proposed access on France Avenue. Specifically, Hennepin County staff commented that the proposed access falls short of meeting access spacing guidelines and would introduce a new conflict point on the high-volume corridor with the potential for vehicles to weave across three lanes in the southbound direction to make left or U-turns at Gallagher Drive. 72nd Street Impacts 72nd Street extends west from France Avenue and provides connections to residential areas west of the project site. 72nd Street is also used to access 70th Street via connections to Cornelia Drive and Wooddale Avenue. Traffic volume data collected for this project indicate a daily volume of 1,980 vehicles on 72nd Street between Heatherton Trail and Glouchester Avenue. Observations indicate that traffic utilizing 72nd Street is a mixture of local trips and trips accessing 70th Street. Under existing conditions, the office building has two access points on 72nd Street. Through observations and data collected at the access locations, approximately 15% of existing site trips use 72nd Street west of Lynmar Lane to access the site. The proposed project includes one access point on 72nd Street. Circulation within the project site includes a continuous north/south drive, which allows the entire site access to 72nd Street. As a result, traffic volumes on 72nd Street are expected to increase with the proposed project. The existing and forecasted volumes on 72nd Street west of Lynmar Lane are shown in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 Weekday Daily Traffic Volumes on 72nd Street West of Lynmar Lane Scenario Daily Volume 2018 1,980 Remove existing use (160) Proposed project +410 2021 Build 2,230 As shown, the daily volume on 72nd Street is expected to increase by 250 vehicles per day. October 2018 5-5 DRAFT Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Under existing conditions, sidewalk is provided on both sides of France Avenue, on the north/west side of Gallagher Drive west of France Avenue, and on the north side of 72nd Street west of France Avenue. The Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail is located on the south/east side of Gallagher Drive. Striped crosswalks and pedestrian signal heads are provided at all signalized intersections along France Avenue. The proposed project is designed to provide both pedestrian and bicycle connections to the surrounding infrastructure. Space for pedestrian amenities is provided along all streets surrounding the project. Access to the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail is provided at the Gallagher Drive crosswalk. The site plan does not specifically indicate the location or number of bicycle parking spaces. Both short-term and long-term bicycle spaces should be provided in order to accommodate retail customers and residents. The short-term spaces should be located near building entrances and provide facilities to securely park each bicycle. Long-term spaces for residents should be provided in the parking ramp or in a separate room within each building. The provision of a bicycle maintenance station would help encourage bicycle use by both visitors and residents. October 2018 5-6 DRAFT October 2018 5-7 DRAFT October 2018 6-1 DRAFT 6.0 Parking Analysis As described earlier, the project will include 590 on-site parking spaces. The proposed amount of parking was compared to industry standards to determine adequacy. Parking data from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) was used to determine the expected parking demand for the proposed land uses. Data provided in the ITE publication Parking Generation, 4th Edition, indicates the various proposed uses peak at different times during the day. The ITE data was adjusted to account for the expected modal split for the site. Based on the ITE data, the peak weekday parking demand for the overall site occurs between 6 pm and 9 pm. The peak parking demand during that time period is 419 spaces. The 590 spaces provided can accommodate the expected peak parking demand. If the retail and restaurant uses change from those currently assumed, the parking calculations should be updated to ensure adequate on-site parking. October 2018 7-2 DRAFT 7.0 Conclusions and Recommendations The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development is expected to generate 54 net trips during the weekday a.m. peak hour, 126 net trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 1,681 net weekday daily trips. • Traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at the intersections analyzed to accommodate the proposed project. • From a traffic operations perspective, all access options result in minimal impacts to operations on France Avenue. The option with no access on France Avenue results in slightly higher volumes at the Gallagher and 72nd Street access locations, but these increases are minimal from an operations standpoint. • France Avenue is under the jurisdiction of Hennepin County. City staff shared the project sketch plan with Hennepin County staff who responded with concerns about the proposed access on France Avenue. Specifically, Hennepin County staff commented that the proposed access falls short of meeting access spacing guidelines and would introduce a new conflict point on the high-volume corridor with the potential for vehicles to weave across three lanes in the southbound direction to make left or U-turns at Gallagher Drive. From these comments it appears Hennepin County will likely not allow access on France Avenue. • Traffic volumes on 72nd Street west of Lynmar Lane are expected to increase from 1,980 vehicles per day to 2,230 vehicles per day, an increase of 250 vehicles per day. • The proposed project is designed to provide both pedestrian and bicycle connections to the surrounding infrastructure. Space for pedestrian amenities is provided a long all streets surrounding the project. Access to the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail is provided at the Gallagher Drive crosswalk. • Both short-term and long-term bicycle spaces should be provided in order to accommodate retail customers and residents. The short-term spaces should be located near building entrances and provide facilities to securely park each bicycle. Long-term spaces for residents should be provided in the parking ramp or in a separate room within each building. The provision of a bicycle maintenance station would help encourage bicycle use by both visitors and residents. • The proposed number of parking spaces can accommodate the expected peak parking demand based on Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) data. October 2018 8-1 DRAFT 8.0 Appendix • Level of Service Worksheets