HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-14 Planning Commission Regular Meeting PacketAg enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City Council Cham ber s Wednesday, February 14, 2024 7:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeeting s or Facebook.com /EdinaMN. I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Regular Meeting Min u tes from Ja n u ary 10, 2024, and Sp ecia l W ork Session Min u tes from Ja n u ary 10, 2024 a n d Janua ry 24, 2024 V.Special Recogn ition s An d Presentation s A.Election of O(cers VI.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.Sketch Plan Review - 5780 Lincoln Drive B.Lincoln a n d Lon d onderry Sm a ll Area Plan W orkin g Grou p Green p rint VIII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents IX.Sta6 Com m ents X.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli8cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: F ebruary 14, 2024 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, P lanning Adminis trative S upport S pec ialis t Item Activity: Subject:R egular Meeting Minutes from January 10, 2024, and S pecial Work S ession Minutes from January 10, 2024 and January 24, 2024 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: M otion to approve the Regular M eeting M inutes from January 11, 2024, and S pecial Work S ession M inutes from January 11, 2024 and J anuary 24, 2024. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Regular Meeting Minutes from January 10, 2024 Special Work Session Minutes from January 10, 2024 Special Work Session Minutes from January 24, 2024 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2024  Page 1 of 2       Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers January 10, 2024 I. Call To Order Chair Bennett called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Bornstein, Miranda, Daye, Padilla, Strauss, Smith, Felt, Schultze and Chair Bennett. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioners Olson and Hu. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Padilla moved to approve the January 10, 2024, agenda. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, December 13, 2023 Commissioner Daye moved to approve the December 13, 2023, meeting minutes. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. V. Community Comment None. VI. Public Hearings A. B-24-01 Variance Request for 4603 Merilane Assistant Planner Aaker presented the request of 4603 Merilane for a variance. Staff recommended approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Kerry Hage, 2 Merilane, property owner, addressed the Commission and answered questions. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2024  Page 2 of 2     Public Hearing None. Commissioner Miranda moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the Variance and felt the changes were appropriate. Discussion and comments can be reviewed in the official meeting video. Motion Commissioner Miranda moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Padilla seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. VII. Chair and Member Comments None. VIII. Staff Comments Received. IX. Adjournment Commissioner Felt moved to adjourn the January 10, 2024, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 7:33 PM. Commissioner Daye seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2024  Page 1 of 1       Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Special Work Session January 10, 2024 I. Call To Order Staff called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Strauss, Miranda, Padilla, Smith, Bornstein, and Felt. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Addison Lewis, Community Development Coordinator, Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Chair Bennett and Commissioners Olson, Daye, Hu and Schultze. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda The meeting agenda was approved by general consensus. IV. Accessory Dwelling Units Commissioner Smith noted at the last work session meeting there was some really good feedback which will be covered at this work session. Community Development Coordinator Lewis presented information regarding the draft ordinance for accessory dwelling units with Commission consensus on a lot of the information. He indicated parking was also discussed and the Commission felt there did not need to be a minimum requirement for the number of parking stalls for ADU. There was also discussion regarding the design requirements in the draft ordinance. The Commission continued the discussion on setbacks, exceptions for existing structures, non-conforming structures and minimum size for two story accessory dwelling units. The Commission asked questions and provided feedback. The work session meeting can be reviewed in the official City meeting audio on the City website. V. Adjournment The Commission adjourned at 6:43 p.m. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2024  Page 1 of 1       Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Special Work Session January 24, 2024 I. Call To Order Chair Bennett called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Bornstein, Miranda, Daye, Smith, Felt and Chair Bennett. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Addison Lewis, Community Development Director, Bill Neundorf, Economic Development Manager, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Padilla, Hu, and Schultze. III. Sketch Plan Review – 7235 France Avenue Director Teague presented the sketch plan for 7235 France Avenue and asked the Commission to provide the applicant non-binding feedback on a potential future development application. Economic Development Manager Neundorf and Community Development Coordinator Lewis made a presentation to the Commission. Staff answered Commission questions. Applicants present were: Mr. Nick Enger and Mr. Josh Ziehwein, ESG Architects, Mr. Patrick Brama and Mr. Luke Stern, Enclave, Mr. Ben Landhauser, Lifestyle Communities, Mr. Michael Schroeder, Consultant to Edina, Mr. Michael Fisher, Consultant to Edina, LHB and Mr. Steve Brown, Neighbors for Affordable Housing who reviewed the sketch plan and answered Commission questions. The Commission discussed the sketch plan and offered feedback. This discussion can be reviewed in the official City meeting audio. IV. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m. Date: F ebruary 14, 2024 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Election of O fficers Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Election of a Chair, Vice-C hair, and S ecretary. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Date: F ebruary 14, 2024 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:S ketch P lan R eview - 5780 Linc oln Drive Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No action requested. P rovide the applicant non-binding feedback on a potential future land use application. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S olhem Development L L C is requesting consideration of a sketch plan proposal to redevelop 5780 Lincoln Drive. T he specific proposal is to tear down the existing office building on the site and construct a 3-story 81-unit apartment building with underground parking and a 2-story walkup townhome building with 8 units. All units would be for affordable housing with individuals/families earning 50% AM I or less. (See attached plans.) T his site is currently zoned P I D , P lanned Industrial District, and guided O R , O ffice R esidential in the C ity’s C omprehensive P lan. T he allowed residential density in this area is 20 – 75 units per acre. T his site is 2.59 acres in size; therefore, the applicant is proposing a density of 34 units per acre. T he request would require the following: A Rezoning of the existing P I D, P lanned I ndustrial D istrict designation. T he applicant is considering a Rezoning to one of the following two options: To P R D-4, P lanned Residential District 4 or to P U D , P lanned U nit Development. F lexibility or Variances would likely be required through the P U D Ordinance or R ezoning to vary from setbacks, building coverage, floor area ratio (FAR), usable area, and density allowed in the P R D -4 D istrict. T he P U D Zoning is the zoning tool that the C ity of Edina has used for 100% affordable housing developments to ensure long term affordability. (T he Sound, Amundson Apartments, 4040 70th Street) T he applicant has revised the original sketch plan based on the feedback they received. Revisions include reducing the height of the structure from 5 to 3 stories, eliminating phase 2 which reduces the total number of units from 141 to 89, and including 8 townhome units. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Memo Site Location, Zoning and Comp. Plan Proposed plans and renderings Memo from the City's Affordable Housing Manager Applicant Pres entation Staff Pres entation City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: February 14, 2024 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 5780 Lincoln Drive Solhem Development LLC is requesting consideration of a sketch plan proposal to redevelop 5780 Lincoln Drive. The specific proposal is to tear down the existing office building on the site and construct a 3-story 81-unit apartment building with underground parking and a 2-story walkup townhome building with 8 units. All units would be for affordable housing with individuals/families earning 50% AMI or less. (See attached plans.) This site is currently zoned PID, Planned Industrial District, and guided OR, Office Residential in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The allowed residential density in this area is 20 – 75 units per acre. This site is 2.59 acres in size; therefore, the applicant is proposing a density of 34 units per acre. The request would require the following:  A Rezoning of the existing PID, Planned Industrial District designation. The applicant is considering a Rezoning to one of the following two options: To PRD-4, Planned Residential District 4 or to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Flexibility or Variances would likely be required through the PUD Ordinance or Rezoning to vary from setbacks, building coverage, floor area ratio (FAR), usable area, and density allowed in the PRD-4 District. The PUD Zoning is the zoning tool that the City of Edina has used for 100% affordable housing developments to ensure long term affordability. (The Sound, Amundson Apartments, 4040 70th Street) The applicant has revised the original sketch plan based on the feedback they received. Revisions include reducing the height of the structure from 5 to 3 stories, eliminating phase 2 which reduces the total number of units from 141 to 89, and including 8 townhome units. The table on the following page demonstrates how the proposed new building(s) would comply with the PRD, PID and similar PUD zoning standards. As this is a sketch plan the proposed numbers may not be precise. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Compliance Table City Standard (PID) City Standard (PRD-4) (PUD - 4040 70th) Proposed (Measured from building to lot line) Building Setbacks Front – Lincoln Front – Londonderry Front – Highway 169 Side 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 20 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 50 feet (Valley View to curb) 40 feet (70th to curb) 10 feet 10 feet 25 feet** 25 feet** 25 feet** 25 feet** Building Height 4 stories & 48 feet 4 stories & 48 feet 4 stories & 45 feet 2 & 3 stories Density Comp. Plan 20-75 units per acre 31 units per acre (2.59 acres) 75 units per acre 34 units per acre** Building Coverage 30% 46% 35%** Usable Area (setback driveway & building not included) NA 35,000 s.f. NA 8,375 s.f.** Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .5% .5% 1.3% .93%* Parking Housing Phase 1– 1 enclosed space per unit + .25 surface spaces per unit = 111 spaces required Housing Phase 1– 1 enclosed space per unit + .25 surface spaces per unit = 111 spaces required .9 spaces per unit (Senior housing) 112 (89 enclosed) *Does not meet base Zoning Standards-Flexibility would be requested through a PUD ** Variance in the PRD-4 District Issues/considerations:  Small Area Plan. A Small Area Plan will be carried out for this area in 2024. Typically, a developer will wait until that process is completed before proceeding with a formal application within the boundaries of a small area plan. Staff also advises developers to wait with formal applications until a small area plan is completed before submitting a formal redevelopment application. However, in this instance the applicant has received up to 27 million dollars in funding for an 89-unit affordable housing project, therefore, is requesting a sketch plan review to seek feedback prior to submittal of a formal application. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 The applicant will be looking for feedback on whether to submit a formal application or wait. The City cannot, however, prevent a developer from submitting a formal application without adoption of a development moratorium. Should the applicant submit a formal application, the City would have 120 days to act on the application. Failure to act on the application would render the project approved as submitted.  Affordable Housing. The project would add 89 units of affordable housing. The City of Edina has established a goal to develop 992 to 1,804 new units of affordable housing by year end 2030. The addition of 89 new units would help the City achieve its goal.  Density. The development density is toward the low end of the density range. The allowed residential density in this area is 20-75 units per acre. This site is 2.59 acres in size; therefore, the applicant is proposing a density of 34 units per acre.  Rezoning. PUD, Planned Unit Development has been the zoning district used for 100% affordable housing projects. This allows the City to require the affordable housing to be carried forward on a permanent basis. Note in the compliance table on the preceding page that the PRD District would only allow a maximum of 80 on this site, while the Comprehensive Plan would allow up to 189. This is an issue that will be examined during the audit of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, which is currently taking place.  Sewer Capacity. Currently the City of Edina does not have the sanitary sewer capacity in this area to support this project. There is potential to connect to the City of Minnetonka under Highway 169, paid for by the applicant and subject to Metropolitan Council and the City of Minnetonka approval. This issue would have to be resolved prior to any approvals for housing on this site.  Proposed heights. The proposed height of 3 stories is below the code required 4-story maximum. The applicant lowered the height of the building to address issues raised last year during the original sketch plan review.  Pedestrian connection to the regional trail. The regional trail is located just to the south of this site. Consideration should be given to pedestrian connections to better connect to the trail.  Sustainability. The applicant will be asked to submit the sustainability questionnaire as part of a formal application.  Traffic and parking. A traffic and parking study would be required. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Site Site EDINA,Minnesota SKETCH PLAN REVIEW L INCOLN ON TH E CREEK kaas wilson national FUTURE LAND USE MAP PER THE 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SITE -OFFICE RESIDENTIAL (20-75 U/A) FIGURE 3.12 ZONING SUMMARY SITE DATA Site Area (SF) Site Area (Acres) District Area per Units Units /Acre Max Allowable Units Max Building Coverage Height Usable Lot Area PRD 4 109,740 (SF) 2.5 (Acres) Planned Residence District 4 2,900 15 37.8 30% - 32,922SF 4 stories or 48ft per HOD-4 400 SET BACKS Front Street (ft) ( Lincoln) Side Street (ft) Interior Side Yard (ft) Rear Yard (ft) - - Figure 3.12 Future Land Use - Table 3.6 Future Land Use Categories N/A - - - 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 2040 Comp Plan Section2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 109,740 (SF) 2.5 (Acres) Office Residential - 25-75 62.5 - 187.5 - - - Update the zoning code to be consistent with new future land use guidance. May include revisions to zoning district definitions, permitted densities, building height standards, building massing and setback standards, standards and guidelines for mixed use development, and other related changes that are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Ordinance Section - - Division 5 36-524 - - 36-254 Height Overlay Districts Appendix A 36-526 109,740 (SF) 2.5 (Acres) - 1,233sf* 35.6 Units /Acre* 89* 38.2% (42,000sfSF)* 40 ft to mid roof 614.7 25 ft* 25 ft* 25 ft* 25 ft* 36-525 36-525 36-525 36-525 PROPOSE Required Parking Total Parking Enclosed Parking 90 degree Parking Drive Aisle Accessible Parking Bumper Overhangs 1.25 min - 1.75 max per unit At least one fully enclosed space per unit 112 - 155 89 8'-6" x 18' 24' MSBC 1.5ft for full sized spaces 1.26 per unit & At least one fully enclosed space per unit 112 81 at apt - 8 at TH = 89 8'-6" x 18' 24' 6 1.5ft for full sized spaces 36-1311.b.1 - - 36-1317 36-1317 MSBC 36-1319 PARKING SET BACKS * Proposed does not meet PRD 4 PARKING Front Side & Rear Interior Side & Rear Yards 20 ft 10 ft Tract Boundary 36-1316.a 36-1316.a 36-1316.a N/A N/A Tract Boundary R E V IS E O N C E W E H A V E U P D A T E D C H A R T Lincoln on the Creek MINNETONKA CURRENT ZONING 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ZONING OFFICE RESIDENTIAL 20-75 U/A OPEN SPACE PARK NINE MILE CREEK MEDIUM DENSITY 5-12 U/A LOW DENSITY 1-5 U/A LOW DENSITY ATTACHED TO RESIDENTIAL 5-12 U/A PLANNED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL MIXED DEVELOPMENT SINGLE DWELLING PLANNED RESIDENCE 5 DOUBLE DWELLING CONNECTION TO NINE MILE CREEK NINE MILE CREEK TRAIL WALNUT RIDGE PARK N PLAYGROUND LOWER GARAGE ENTRY 81 UNITS 3 LEVELS OF HOUSING OVER 1 LEVEL UNDERGROUND GARAGE LONDONDERRY RDHWY 169 ON RAMPNINE MILE CREEK REGIONAL TRAIL 8 UNITS 2 LEVEL TOWNHOMES25'-0"25'-0"2 5 '-0 "2 5 '-0 "2 5 '-0 " 23 -SITE PARKING EXISTING WALKING / BIKE PATH COMMERCIAL BUILDING MPLS AREA REALTORS NINE MILE CREEK REGIONAL TRAIL EXISTING SIGNAGE EXISTING MONUMENT SIGN TO BE REDESIGNED MONUMENT SIGN POTENTIAL FUTURE PROPERTY LINE STALLS BELOW GRADE 81 PARKING STALLS N playground 23 OUTDOOR PARKING STALLS fitness community room offices 2 5 '-0 "25'-0"25'-0"lobby mail 8 TOWNHOMES 81 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING 2 5 '-0 " STAIR AS T A I R B EXISTING TOWNHOMES NINEMILE CREEKPROPOSED TOWNHOMES PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LEVEL 1 905'-0"LOWER TH GRADE 884'-0" RIDGE 948'-0" RIDGE 926'-0"PROPERTY LINETOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY MnTOPOHWY 169 ON RAMPLINCOLN DRPROPERTY LINETUCKER LNEXISTING TOWNHOMES APARTMENT 3 STORIES PARKING 1 STORY BELOW GRADE TOWNHOMES 2 STORIES PROPOSED TOWNHOMES PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LONDONDERRYTOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY MnTOPO LONDONDERRY SHOPS LINCOLN DRTHE LODENCHILDRENS BUSINESS CAMPUS BEYOND LEVEL 1 905'-0" RIDGE 948'-0" AVERAGE RIDGE 926'-0"LEVEL 1 912'-0" TO: Cary Teague, Community Development Director FROM: Stephanie Hawkinson DATE: February 5, 2024 RE: 5780 Lincoln: Lincoln on the Creek The proposed Lincoln on the Creek is an 89-unit, 100% affordable family housing development. It provides much needed housing for people of limited financial means who want to raise their children in Edina, live near their employment, and/or age in community. Lincoln on the Creek will contribute to the City’s goal of increasing the number of affordable units by 1804 units. The affordable housing goal was established by the Metropolitan Council based on a variety of factors including the growing disparity between wages and housing costs. The City Council approved the 1804 goal with passage of the Comprehensive Plan and again via Resolution No. 2020-94 in October 2020. Although the goal is ambitious, even if it were 1/3rd that number (541 units), the City still has work to do to address a local shortage of affordable housing. Affordable Housing Financing Affordable Housing requires multiple sources of financing. The rents are insufficient to leverage the mortgage debt necessary to cover the cost of construction. Depending on the location, the number of units, and design requirements, the mortgage debt generally accounts for 30%-70% of the cost to develop, with the remaining 30%-70% of the funds needed provided by public sources and Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) equity. For Lincoln on the Creek, bank financing accounts for 20% of the development budget. This requires 80% of the financing to come from other sources. The City funds do not have an application deadline and are best used to leverage financing from our funding partners, including Hennepin County, Minnesota Housing and the Metropolitan Council. In June 2023, the HRA provided a contingent award of $2,500,00 accounting for 6.5% of the development budget. As the City does not have the capacity to provide all required gap financing, this left $28,276,431 to be raised from other sources. Hennepin County, Minnesota Housing, and the Metropolitan Council have one funding round each year, February, July, and August respectively. This year was exceptional on the State level due to the $1B affordable housing budget that was passed during the 2023 legislative session. The increase in State funding for multifamily affordable housing developments is available for just two years. Even so the funding was oversubscribed: The funding applications far exceeded the funding available. The State, County, and Metropolitan Council’s funding criteria may not fully align with Edina’s, but unless the City is able to full fund an affordable development, to be competitive proposed developments must adhere to the City’s funding partners’ priorities. Lincoln on the Creek was exceptionally successful this past funding cycle. They are the only multifamily development in the Western Metro to receive State financing. In addition to the State awarding over $8.4MM in a deferred loan, they awarded 9% LIHTC, which will leverage over $15MM in private equity. In addition, the Metropolitan Council awarded the development $1.95MM. This is over $25MM being invested by other entities into the City. Timing In November and December 2021, the Solhem Companies presented a market rate development for sketch plan review by the Planning Commission and City Council. At that time there was little to no neighborhood push-back. The proposed market rate development did not move forward because there was no financial capacity to pay for the sewer connection to Minnetonka. It did not qualify for any financing tools to help offset that cost. In May 2023 Solem returned with a 100% affordable development that raised a great deal of neighborhood opposition. The timing was admittedly tight as financing applications to Minnesota Housing and the Metropolitan Council were due in July and August respectively. To leverage those funds, they sought HRA financial approval contingent upon securing Site Plan approval. Six months after the Minnesota Housing funding application was submitted, the City Council authorized a Small Area Plan to be conducted. Explicitly stated at the time was there was no moratorium placed on development. Within weeks after this decision, both Minnesota Housing and the Metropolitan Council announced their financing awards to this development. The Federal government placed strict timing requirement on developments that receive 9%-LIHTC. By January 12, 2024 Solhem was required to pay a $64,000 reservation fee. By November 1, 2024 the Developer will need to know if the project is moving forward in order to “Carryover” the tax credits. The proposed development must be placed in service by December 31, 2026. Location According to the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, 5780 Lincoln Avenue is guided Office Residential which allows for 20 to 75 residential dwelling units per acre. A vast majority of multifamily affordable housing is located in the southeast quadrant of the City. The School District and residents in that area expressed concern that this concentration of affordable housing fed into one elementary school. However, there are few places outside that quadrant that are guided to allow for multifamily development. 5780 Lincoln provides an opportunity to develop affordable housing outside the Southdale area. This is the only location west of Hansen Road and north of Highway 62 that is within .25 miles of a transit stop, thus aligning with the City’s goal of creating affordable options near transit corridors. It is also just over ½ mi. away from the future Opus light rail station. In addition, The Nine Mile Creek regional trail borders the site. Within a half mile, Walnut Ridge Park offers fields, tennis courts, and a play area. The development proposes improved access to the trails. Future residents could benefit from the location, same as existing residents. Commercial uses are offered along the highway, providing hundreds of jobs within walking distance, including Children’s Hospital business center, United Healthcare group, and a Marriott Hotel. Concern has been expressed regarding distance to a grocery store. In the same manner that current residents determine if 2.5 miles is too far to travel, so will future residents and will self-select accordingly. Lincoln on the Creek -Progress ORIGINAL -JUNE 2023 UPDATED -FEB 2024 Density 2 phases -141 total units (54 units / acre) 1 phase -89 total units (34 units / acre) Height 5 stories ~72 feet 3 stories ~40 feet Setbacks < 25 feet 25+ feet Site Layout Significant surface parking Playground along site perimeter Increased green space Courtyard with playground Pedestrian Safety No pedestrian access to SE crosswalk Sidewalk access to SE crosswalk Sewer Connection Lack of sufficient sewer capacity Edina, Minnetonka, and Met Council engineers meeting regularly Affordable Home Ownership Rental only MHFA allows for ownership after initial 15-year affordability period Lincoln on the Creek -Site Plan Updates June 2023 February 2024 Lincoln on the Creek -Project Summary 89 Total Units of Workforce Housing 34 Units / Acre Three-story Apartment Building 81 Units Studio -3BR Units Height ~40’ Two-story Townhome Building 8 Units 4BR Units 1.26 Parking Spots per Unit Amenities Community room, fitness center, courtyard with playground US Green Building Standard –Silver Certification Lincoln on the Creek –Community Elements Lincoln on the Creek –Rendering Lincoln on the Creek –Rendering Lincoln on the Creek –Building Section Lincoln on the Creek –Zoning Summary Lincoln on the Creek (Proposed)PRD-4 Comprehensive Plan SITE DATA Site Area 2.59 acres / 112,820 sq feet 2.59 acres / 112,820 sq feet 2.59 acres / 112,820 sq feet Area per Unit (sq ft)1268 1500 -2900 - Units / Acre 34 15 25 -75 Max Allowable Units 89 39 -75 65 -194 Max Building Coverage 38% 30%- Height 3 stories / 40 feet 4 stories / 48 feet - Usable Lot Area 615 400 - Setbacks 25+ feet all around 35 feet all around - PARKING Required Parking 1.26 spaces / unit 1 enclosed space / unit 1.25 –1.75 spaces / unit 1 enclosed space / unit - Total Parking 112 112 -155 - Enclosed Parking 89 89 - 90 Degree Parking 8’-6’ x 18’ 8’-6’ x 18’ - Drive Aisle 24 feet 24 feet - Accessible Parking 6 MSBC - Lincoln on the Creek –Location & Access Lincoln on the Creek -What’s Next? Feb 2024 2nd Sketch Plan Review Community Discussion Planning Commission City Council Q1 2025 Start Construction Permits secured Land Use Traffic & Parking Study Submit Application Q2 2024 Land Use Land Use Approval Begin permitting process May 2024 Q3 2026 Construction Complete Lease-up begins Q4 2026 100% Occupied Reference Slides Lincoln on the Creek -Timeline May/June 2023 Sketch Plan Review Neighborhood Meeting Planning Commission City Council June 2023 Edina HRA $2.5M Commitment CONTINGENT upon Site plan approval July 2023 MHFA & Met Council Submitted funding applications Feb 2024 2nd Sketch Plan Review Community Discussion Planning Commission City Council Dec 2023 MHFA & Met Council Awarded 9% Tax Credits and $8.4M deferred loan from MHFA Awarded $1.95M from Met Council Lincoln on the Creek -Residents 50% AMI -66 Units 30% AMI -23 Units (18 Supportive Housing) Lincoln on the Creek -Capital Stack Source Amount % of Funding Notes MHFA 9% Tax Credit Syndication Proceeds $15,056,981 39%Awarded Dec 2023 MHFA Deferred Loan $8,416,000 22%Awarded Dec 2023 City of Edina (HRA)$2,500,000 7%Contingent upon Site Plan approval Met Council $1,950,000 5%Awarded Dec 2023 Deferred Developer Fee $1,700,000 4%Solhem committed 43% of Developer Fees Hennepin County $1,000,000 3%To be secured May 2024 First Mortgage $7,644,000 20%NOI-supported debt Total Development Costs = $38.4M Lincoln on the Creek -Unit Mix Unit Type # of Units Studio 18 1BR 4 2BR 44 3BR 15 4BR 8 (townhomes) 30% AMI 23 50% AMI 66 Supportive Housing 18 (9 HPH, 9 PWD) Rental Assistance 18 Non-Rental Assistance 71 Unit Type % AMI # of Units Studio 30%18* 1BR 30%3 50%1 2BR 30%2 50%42 3BR 50%15 4BR 50%8 EdinaMN.govSketch Plan Review5780 Lincoln Drive Site Site 2023 Sketch Plan 2023 Sketch Plan 2023 Sketch Plan Proposed 2024 Sketch Plan Proposed 2024 Sketch Plan Formal Application Would Require:A Rezoning of the existing PID, Planned Industrial District designation. The applicant is considering a Rezoning to one of the following two options: To PRD-4, Planned Residential District 4 or to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Flexibility or Variances would likely be required through the PUD Ordinance or Rezoning to vary from setbacks, building coverage, floor area ratio (FAR), usable area, and density allowed in the PRD-4 District. The PUD Zoning is the zoning tool that the City of Edina has used for 100% affordable housing developments to ensure long term affordability. (The Sound, Amundson Apartments, 4040 70th Street) Compliance Table City Standard (PID) City Standard (PRD-4) (PUD - 4040 70th) Proposed (Measured from building to lot line) Building Setbacks Front – Lincoln Front – Londonderry Front – Highway 169 Side 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 20 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 50 feet (Valley View to curb) 40 feet (70th to curb) 10 feet 10 feet 25 feet** 25 feet** 25 feet** 25 feet** Building Height 4 stories & 48 feet 4 stories & 48 feet 4 stories & 45 feet 2 & 3 stories Density Comp. Plan 20-75 units per acre 31 units per acre (2.59 acres) 75 units per acre 34 units per acre** Building Coverage 30% 46% 35%** Usable Area (setback driveway & building not included) NA 35,000 s.f. NA 8,375 s.f.** Floor Area Ratio (FAR) .5% .5% 1.3% .93%* Parking Housing Phase 1– 1 enclosed space per unit + .25 surface spaces per unit = 111 spaces required Housing Phase 1– 1 enclosed space per unit + .25 surface spaces per unit = 111 spaces required .9 spaces per unit (Senior housing) 112 (89 enclosed) *Does not meet base Zoning Standards-Flexibility would be requested through a PUD ** Variance in the PRD-4 District Issues/ConsiderationsSmall Area Plan. A Small Area Plan will be carried out for this area in 2024. Typically, a developer will wait until that process is completed before proceeding with a formal application within the boundaries of a small area plan. Staff also advises developers to wait with formal applications until a small area plan is completed before submitting a formal redevelopment application. However, in this instance the applicant has received up to 27 million dollars in funding for an 89-unit affordable housing project, therefore, is requesting a sketch plan review to seek feedback prior to submittal of a formal application. The City cannot, however, prevent a developer from submitting a formal application without adoption of a development moratorium. Should the applicant submit a formal application, the City would have 120 days to act on the application. Failure to act on the application would render the project approved as submitted. Issues/ConsiderationsAffordable Housing. The project would add 89 units of affordable housing. The City of Edina has established a goal to develop 992 to 1,804 new units of affordable housing by year end 2030. The addition of 89 new units would help the City achieve its goal.Density. The development density is toward the low end of the density range. The allowed residential density in this area is 20-75 units per acre. This site is 2.59 acres in size; therefore, the applicant is proposing a density of 34 units per acre. Rezoning. PUD, Planned Unit Development has been the zoning district used for 100% affordable housing projects. This allows the City to require the affordable housing to be carried forward on a permanent basis. Note in the compliance table on the preceding page that the PRD District would only allow a maximum of 80 on this site, while the Comprehensive Plan would allow up to 189. This is an issue that will be examined during the audit of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, which is currently taking place. Issues/ConsiderationsSewer Capacity. Currently the City of Edina does not have the sanitary sewer capacity in this area to support this project. There is potential to connect to the City of Minnetonka under Highway 169, paid for by the applicant and subject to Metropolitan Council and the City of Minnetonka approval. This issue would have to be resolved prior to any approvals for housing on this site. Proposed heights. The proposed height of 3 stories is below the code required 4-story maximum. The applicant lowered the height of the building to address issues raised last year during the original sketch plan review. Pedestrian connection to the regional trail. The regional trail is located just to the south of this site. Consideration should be given to pedestrian connections to better connect to the trail. Discussion/Feedback Date: F ebruary 14, 2024 Agenda Item #: VI I.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Addis on Lewis, C ommunity Development C oordinator Item Activity: Subject:Linc oln and Londonderry S mall Area P lan Working G roup G reenprint Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: M otion to approve the Working G roup G reenprint for the L incoln and Londonderry S mall Area P lan. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he P lanning Commission's 2024 Work P lan includes completion of the L incoln and Londonderry S mall Area P lan. Working groups are typically formed to assist the C ommission in the completion of small area plans. T he Working Group's charter is referred to as a "G reenprint" and establishes the group's purpose, expected outcomes, and timeline for the project. I f the P lanning Commission approves the G reenprint, staff would make the application for serving on the Working Group available on T hursday, February 15. Applications would be accepted through Friday, March 8. Applications would be reviewed and recommended by the Co-chairs (C ommissioners M iranda, D aye, and Felt). Approval of the Working G roup members is voted on by the P lanning C ommission and would likely take place at the March 27 meeting. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Working Group Greenprint Study Area Board and Commission Working Group Greenprint BOARD/COMMISSION: Planning Commission WORKING GROUP NAME: Lincoln and Londonderry Small Area Plan Working Group WORKING GROUP OBJECTIVE: Complete a Small Area Plan to be adopted into the City’s Comprehensive Plan WORKING GROUP CO-CHAIRS: Commissioners Miranda, Felt, and Daye Project Title Lincoln and Londonderry Small Area Plan Description The intent is to work with Co-Chairs, City staff and its consultant to engage neighborhood residents, businesses, and other stakeholders in the study area for the purposes of developing and drafting a small area plan to be adopted into the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, the Work Group will participate in working meetings and will present the recommended small area plan to the Planning Commission. Purpose It is intended that the small area plan would be adopted as an amendment to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and be a guide for future redevelopment and infrastructure decision making. The small area plan may provide guidance on topics such as land use, transportation, housing, economic development, sustainability, parks, and natural resources. Work Group members are asked to take a leadership role and to serve as “champions” for the small area plan and inform the final document. Duration of the Group The plan will be developed over the course of approximately 12 months, beginning in early 2024. Deliverables The deliverable will be a small area plan intended to be incorporated into the City’s current Comprehensive Plan. Community Benefit The small area plan will provide a detailed framework to guide future redevelopment and infrastructure decisions. Key Dates The planning process for the working group will take place over approximately 12 months. It is anticipated that the Working Group would meet once or twice per month and will help facilitate workshops with the community at-large. There will be possible additional check-ins with the group as the plan is completed. Promotion & Implementation The small area plan will be presented to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the City Board and Commission Working Group Greenprint Council for approval. The findings and completion of the small area plan are intended to be adopted into the City’s current Comprehensive Plan. Evaluation The Working Group will work with the consultant team to collaboratively produce findings to populate a small area plan. Membership & Time Commitment Approximately 12 months. Ideally, the Working Group will be comprised of individuals with a variety of backgrounds, interests, or connections to the study area. Public Notice & Member Recruitment Date for release of public notice: February 15, 2024 Working Group applications due: March 8, 2024 Date for Working Group member selection: March 27, 2024 Date for working group first meeting: Approximately the week of April 22nd Legend Lincoln-Londonderry Small Area Plan Parcel Boundaries January 3, 2024 ±