HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-28 Arts Culture Commission MinutesEdina Art Center Board meeting September 28, 1995 7:30am Edina Art Center 00c FA0.4, Members present: Jim Van Valkenburg, Peter R. Spokes, Elizabeth Eisenbrey, Heather Randall King, Dodie Paul, Art Dickey, Sandy Clark, Suzie Kelm Members absent:Gene Andersen, Dee Dege, Dick Wyatt Staff present:John Keprios and Diana Hedges I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 7:35 a. m. by Jim Van Valkenburg. II. MINUTES Art Dickey MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 22 MEETING AS WRITTEN. Liz Eisenbrey SECONDED MOTION CARRIED. III. MEETING TIME CHANGED. Heather suggested that we change meeting times, since the Art Center Board meeting conflicts with her Minneapolis Institute of Arts Board meeting. Liz agreed. Dodie suggested that we keep it the same time that we have been meeting. There was no motion made, but it was agreed on that the meetings would be changed from 7:30am to 4:00pm on the fourth Thursday of the month. The October 26 meeting will be at 4:00 pm. The November meeting will be on November 30, (the 5th Thursday) at 4:00 p.m. due to Thanksgiving. IV. MEMBERSHIP Liz passed around copies of a flyer that she created to be included in the membership renewal letters that she sends out monthly. The flyers will not cost any extra postage and may be a way to have members who are renewing to solicit a friend into joining. The board agreed that this was an excellent idea and that any member who added two or more new members would receive an Edina Art Center tote bag. The bags retail for $10.95 but only cost us $5.50. Heather asked if we are reaching out to Newcomers. Diana stated that we were and also one realty office. Peter suggested that we have Kevin Reis on our mailing list and that we reach out to more Realtors. Diana said that she would follow up on this. Diana stated that we are averaging about 40 more members than last year (due to largely to Liz's renewal letters and personalized notes). Membership is about 600. Our goal was 95 new members. Diana later brought up a note from Peggy Kelly who suggested that the Board consider a discount for residents. It was decided that this would decrease revenue and not be feasible at this time. V. JURIED SHOW RECAP(see attached) Diana stated that Bradley Benn and Dianne Farber did an excellent job on the Juried Show. Its a beautiful show and Doug Hanson was one of the best judges that we have ever had. She thanked board members again for helping with the show. VI. FIRESIDE SUPPER Diana stated that Jim and Sharon Hale have offered to host a Fireside Supper in their home on November 5 in conjunction with the opening of the Holiday Show. We would bus out to Corcoran to their new home. Sandy, Gene, and Diana are working on the invitations. VII. HOLIDAY SALE Holiday Sale will open on Sunday, Nov. 5 from 1-5:OOpm and run thru Dec. 23. Jane Zins Riffey and Karna Swanson are coordinating the sale this year. Diana asked for any volunteer help from the Board. Liz Eisenbrey signed up to help with set-up for Oct. 30 and Dodie Paul will help on Oct. 31. Suzie has already done some publicity for the sale and is working on more. VIII. MEDIA LAB Diana presented preliminary information regarding the Media equipment from the Hennepin County Library Lab that closed on Sept. 1. (See attached if you did not receive at the Board meeting.) Diana stated that she believes that we would have community support on this project. The Media Lab was in constant use and booked up to six weeks in advance. Sandy asked that we get names and addresses of people who used the lab. Diana said she thought that the library staff may not be comfortable in releasing this information, but we will try. Peter affirmed the need for this list. John asked why they closed the lab. Diana stated that it was for financial reasons primarily: they were not charging a user fee yet they were paying three staff people and equipment repair and replacement. Diana is meeting with Ric Johnson and Julie Anger on Monday to go over the equipment list. We do not have a dollar figure yet. Diana thought that the Foundation may have some funds for us and Heather would contact the Kopp foundation for funding. John asked about the ADA. Diana said that making reasonable accommodations would mean moving some equipment to make it accessible to all. Eventually, we would like to build a new Multi- purpose room focusing on using audio-visual equipment. John stated that there may be a possibility of including the cost of an addition to the bond issue. IX. Other Diana stated that we now accept Visa/MC/Discover for classes and gift shop items. It is a great convenience for our customers and will help sales in the gift shop. Diana stated that our tour to Maui with Jan Fabian Wallake is almost filled for January, we may have a possible tour to Tennessee in May, and we will meet again on Oct. 26 for our France trip (Sept. 196). X. ADJOURNMENT Jim VanValkenburg adjourned the meeting at 8:30 a.m.