HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil_Connection_040511Council hears of local gypsy moth infestation The Council heard from the Minnesota Department of Agri- culture about a gypsy moth infestation in a small area of southwest Edina. Gypsy moth is a serious defoli- ator of forest, shade, fruit and ornamental trees. Gypsy moth caterpillars are voracious eat- ers and can strip trees of their leaves, stressing the trees sometimes to the point of death. High numbers of the caterpillars can cause a sub- stantial public nuisance, a re- duction in tree growth, branch dieback and tree death. A 136- acre area of infestation has been identified near U.S. High- way 169 and Highway 62, the majority of which is in Min- netonka. This spring, the Department of Agriculture plans to eradicate the gypsy moth populations with an aerial application of the biological insecticide called Btk. Area property owners will receive mailed notice of the application plans and sched- ule. Council considers changes to agenda format The Council discussed chang- ing the format of its meeting agenda. Based on his experience in other communities, new City Manager Scott Neal suggested a streamlined agenda. He pro- posed grouping the Consent Agenda items together so that those items are easier to track by all those in attendance. He also suggested grouping the perfunctory administrative actions of the Council earlier on the agenda so that topics that interest residents be heard earlier. Council members supported those changes. Neal also proposed “Community Comment” be held off-camera prior to the start of the meeting and that the meeting begin with the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Council members said they believe it’s important to televise Communi- ty Comment, but indicated a preference to have the meeting begin with it so that residents don’t have to wait through what could be long public hear- ings to offer a comment or opinion about a general topic. Rather than the “Pledge of Allegiance,” the Council will read a statement of unity. As the Council’s agenda is set by local ordinance, an amend- ment will be prepared for the group to consider at its April 19 meeting. The new agenda for- mat could be used as early as May 3. Council approves Business Subsidy Policy The Council approved a Busi- ness Subsidy Policy. The Minnesota Business Subsi- dies Act requires cities to adopt criteria for awarding business subsidies. City Manager Scott Neal proposed a policy adapted from one that was originally produced by the League of Minnesota Cities and then modified by a number of Minnesota cities. The purpose of a public subsi- dy granted to a private busi- ness is to incentivize the own- ers to make a positive busi- ness action it would not other- A summary of the April 5 Edina City Council & HRA meeting April 12, 2011 Volume 13, Issue 7 Council Connection Upcoming meetings: Heritage Preservation Board, 7 p.m. April 12 Park Board, 7 p.m. April 12 Energy & Environment Com- mission, 7 p.m. April 14 Grandview Small Area Plan Kick-off, 7 p.m. April 14 City Council Work Session, 5 p.m. April 19 City Contacts City Manager Scott Neal 952-826-0401 City Clerk Debra Mangen 952-826-0408 Park & Recreation Director John Keprios 952-826-0430 Public Works Director/City Engineer Wayne Houle 952-826-0443 Planning Director Cary Teague 952-826-0460 We’d like to hear from you … If you have any comments, call Communi- cations & Marketing Director Jennifer Bennerotte at 952-833-9520. The text of this publication will be available online at www.CityofEdina.com. PLEASE RECYCLE. www.CityofEdina.com wise do. Under the policy, each project will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, evaluated on its importance and benefit to the community from all per- spectives, including job crea- tion or retention. The City Council will conduct a public hearing in response to all re- quests for public subsidies. The Council will consider a tax- increment financing policy at its next meeting. Council discusses proposed sports dome The Council will meet with the Edina Board of Education later this year to discuss a proposed sports dome in the community. A group of Edina residents wish to develop an indoor sports facility for recreational and competitive athletic activi- ties. Representatives of the group have met with City and school district staff and inter- ested parties from local youth athletic associations. The pro- ject advocates are interested in moving their project for- ward, but want to pursue a partnership with the City and school district first. At a meeting in March, the Board of Education discussed the matter and requested sev- eral pieces of information from those leading the project. The Council agreed that the infor- mation must be obtained be- fore a decision about a part- nership can be discussed and directed staff to work with the project advocates as much as necessary to gather it. After the information is compiled, the Council will meet with the school board to discuss the proposal.