HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Connection 03192013Council Mulls Residential Redevelopment Regulations The Edina City Council began consideration of an ordinance amendment and plan that would allow a more coordinated en- forcement of residential redevel- opment. The Council discussed aspects of the ordinance amendment at its work session, and continued during its regular meeting. As part of the plan, the cost of dem- olition permits would increase from $200 to $1,500. The in- creased revenue stream would be used for staffing to coordinate all aspects of residential redevel- opment. The City Council tabled a deci- sion, and will continue its discus- sion at a meeting later in April. Council Approves Preliminary Plan for Byerly’s The Council granted preliminary rezoning from Planned Commer- cial District (PCD-3) to Planned Unit Development (PUD), a pre- liminary development plan and preliminary plat for the redevel- opment of the Byerly’s site, 7171 France Ave. Lund Food Holdings is proposing to raze the existing 59,000- square-foot Byerly’s supermarket and build a new, slightly smaller store in the northwest corner of the property, at the intersection of France Avenue and Hazelton Road. The existing store would remain open during construction. When the new store is finished, the existing store would be removed and two six– or seven-story apart- ment buildings would be con- structed. Both buildings would have underground parking for residents and one building would have retail space on the first floor. In the second phase of the pro- ject, another six-story apartment building with an additional 10,500 square feet of first-floor retail space would be construct- ed. Lunds is expected to seek final approval this spring in order to begin construction later this year. Golf Dome to Be Rebuilt This Summer The Council approved an insur- ance settlement for the Braemar Golf Dome destroyed by fire in February 2012 and awarded bids for its reconstruction. The City hoped to rebuild the dome for the 2012-2013 season; however, negotiations with the City’s insurance carrier delayed the project. After an initial settle- ment offer of $930,000, the City reached a settlement of $2.6 million after several months of negotiations. The new dome will be an im- provement over the old one, and will include a better designed support building; a new structural steel and concrete upper-level driving deck; Tedlar coating on the dome membrane to better remove dirt, snow and ice; insula- tion in the walls of the dome to improve energy efficiency and a new parking lot and sidewalks. The entire cost of the project is $3.5 million. Construction is ex-pected to begin in early May and be completed by Nov. 1. Council Stalls on Revisions to ‘Southdale Place’ The City Council considered revi- sions to the approved plans for apartment buildings in the south- east corner of Southdale Center. The developer would like to re- vise its approved plans in order to reconfigure parking access, eliminating the need for intersec- A summary of the March 19 Edina City Council meeting March 22, 2013 Volume 15, Issue 6 Council Connection Upcoming meetings: • Planning Commission, 7 p.m. March 28 • Human Rights & Relations Commission, 7 p.m. March 28 • City Council, 7 p.m. April 2 • Park Board, 7 p.m. April 9 • Heritage Preservation Board, 7 p.m. April 9 City Contacts City Manager Scott Neal 952-826-0401 Assistant City Manager Karen Kurt 952-826-0415 City Clerk Debra Mangen 952-826-0408 Parks & Recreation Director Ann Kattreh 952-826-0431 Engineering Director Wayne Houle 952-826-0443 Community Development Director Cary Teague 952-826-0460 We’d like to hear from you … If you have any comments, call Communications & Technology Services Director Jennifer Bennerotte at 952-833- 9520. The text of this publication will be available online at www.EdinaMN.gov. www.EdinaMN.gov tion improvements on York Ave-nue; shorten two buildings by one story each; replace the town- homes with apartment-style housing; enhance landscaping and change pervious pavers on surface drives to bituminous. The Council expressed some dismay for the revised plans. The developer will come back at the Council’s April 2 meeting with revised plans, incorporating the Council’s comments. When the revised plans are re- viewed again, the Council can approve or deny the revised plans or send the request for a full review to the Planning Com- mission. However, the developer can withdraw its revision request and build the apartments as originally approved. City Council Approves Change to Bike Lanes on Wooddale Avenue The City Council approved plans for staff to pursue a proposed change to bike lanes on Wooddale Avenue. The proposed change includes placing a centerline, adding a dedicated bike lane southbound between 50th and 56th streets and placing sharrows, or “share the road” markings, on the re- mainder of the roadway. The change is contingent on agreement from the Federal Highway Administration that the change will not affect the status of the federal grant that funded the project. If the change does affect the grant, the Council will need to decide if the change will be funded with local funds or MSA (state aid) funds. The time- line for change is contingent on which source funds the change.