HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-15 Meeting PacketAGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, April 15, 2010 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order IL Election of Chair III. Comments a. Chair Comments b. Community Comments IV. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of March 18, 2010 *# V. New Business a. France Avenue Restriping*+ c:°1)-N b. Introduction to the Edina Transportation Commission#1:V VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) VII. Public Works Small Area Guide Process Update (Commissioner Sprague) VIII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) IX. Staff Liaison Comments (p \\(") vs. 66th Street Speed Study (Hold over till May)# 70th Street Reconstruction Update# c. 169/494 Project Update# d. 2010 State of the Commute Agenda# X Commission Comments XL Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, March 18, 2010 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Geof Workinger, Jennifer Janovy, Tom Bonneville, Jean White, Michael Schroeder, Julie Sierks, Usha Abramovitz, Nathan Franzen, Paul Nelson, Josh Sprague MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order II. Comments a. Chairman Comments Chair Workinger reported that the City Council recently appointed over 35 new board and commissions members, including three to the ETC. They were introduced as Nathan Franzen, Josh Sprague and Paul Nelson. b. Community Comments None. Ill. Acceptance of Meeting Summary a. Regular Meeting of February 18, 2010 One correction was made to page 3, New Business — "Acting-chair Janovy suggested reviewing the idea of creating bylaws." Commission Bonneville motion to approve the meeting summary with the correction and it was seconded by Commissioner Janovy. The minutes of January 21, 2010 was also motioned for approval by Commission Bonneville and seconded by Commissioner Abramovitz. IV. New Business a. MnPass (Heidi Rudh) Ms. Rudh explained that MnPass Express Lanes are carpool lanes that can be used by cars, motorcycles, buses, etc. to increase the efficiencies of a roadway by giving solo drivers the opportunity to use carpool lanes for a fee (maximum is $8.00). After setting up on account, the average user uses the carpool lane at least twice monthly. Ms. Rudh explained further that the hours of operation are 6:00-10:00 a.m. driving into downtown Minneapolis and 2:00-7:00 p.m. leaving downtown. She fees generated are used for lane maintenance. Chair Workinger suggested working with our Communications Department to create a short segment for broadcast on our cable channel. b. 66th Street Speed Study Assistant city engineer Sullivan explained that a petition was received in 2007 requesting that the speed limit be reduced on 66th Street between Valley View Road and TH-100; and the City Council has referred it to the ETC for review and recommendation. Mr. S ullivan explained that the roadway is currently signed 35 mph to Sherwood, and then it goes down to 30 mph. He said the roadway was originally an entrance to TH-100 and most likely carried more vehicles than it does today. He said there are sidewalks in place and a Roslyn Park nearby. iv)L. oat.. *AA- M-occvLA-, Mr. Sullivan explaine further that because°66111-Street4a-e—E,tate Aid road, a speed study is required by Mn/DOT and also because of the roads unique designation of "rural/residential district" bounded on each side by "urban district." Data gathered shows that in 2005 there were 6,233 vehicles traveling at 38.1 mph; 2009 had 5,551 vehicles traveling at 33.9 mph; and most recent data in 2008 shows 4,600 vehicles traveling at 39.1 mph. Mr. Sullivan said given that the average speed is between 35-40 mph, Mn/DOT could reduce the speed to 30, leave it as is, or increase it. He said they study could be done this summer. Mr. Scott Solberg, 4201 W. 66th Street (petitioner) said his primary concern is safety and that walking is dangerous because of the high speed. He said currently, there have been no accidents, but he is concerned that the discussion to reduce W. 70th Street to 25 mph could cause traffic to increase on 66th Street and, if W. 70th can be reduced to 25 mph, why not 30 mph on W. 66th Street. After discussion, Commissioner Bonneville motioned that they recommend procedures to change the roadway to a park road and include signage similar to those in school zones for traffic to slow down when pedestrians are present, and to use this as a potential strategic way of handling other park problems within the City. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Janovy with an amendment that the motion be tabled pending further information on the discussion. Further discussion ensued and Commissioner Bonneville agreed to withdraw his motion until more information can be obtained. Commissioner Sprague motioned to table the resolution pending further investigation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner White. Commissioner Franzen requested an amendment to have staff study the options discussed (park road designation/urban district or rural/designate as park zone). The amendment was accepted. Rollcall: Ayes: Abrannovitz, Bonneville, Franzen, Janovy, Nelson, Schroeder, Sprague, White, Workinger Absent: Sierks Motion carried rollcall vote. Staff will bring this back to the ETC in April and chair Workinger asked that they do not begin discussion until all requested information is available. c. Introduction to the Edina Transportation Commission Assistant City Engineer Sullivan recommended that this be tabled for a later meeting. He said the intent is to explore the purpose of the ETC, including possibly hearing from residents. Chair 2 Workinger recommended that new members read the Transportation Chapter of the Comp Plan which is used as a benchmark. Commissioner Janovy suggested updating the ETC Policy to bring it in line with the Transportation Chapter. Sullivan said there should be some discussion on how to modify the Policy. V. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) Commissioner Schroeder said while they are reviewing the senior housing, their major activity continues to be the zoning ordinance update; and next month focus will be on the Small Area Study. VI. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) Commissioner Janovy said they are hosting a Bike Rodeo at Highlands School for children on April 17. VII. Staff Liaison Comments a. 70th Street Reconstruction Update Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said the plans have been sent to Mn/DOT for review and anticipated start date is still May. b. Metro Transit Route 6 Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said a revised map was sent out recently that appears to meet the needs of most residents. c. Community Comments from February 2010 Assistant City Engineer Sullivan said at the February meeting a resident had multiple traffic- related concerns and they were addressed by Traffic Safety Committee and the resident was notified. Commissioner Comments Commissioner White said she is no longer the ETC's representative on the Small Area Study committee. She said Commissioner Sprague expressed an interest and she had deferred to him. Commissioner Bonneville said he sent Mr. Sullivan a list of 15 items that he considers to be duties of the ETC and the Planning Commission to determine what each should be doing. He would like this added to the next agenda. Com missioner Workinger said they will be electing a new chair at the next meeting. He said he will continue to serve as Commissioner. VIII. Adjournment. 3 Q ''f' , . • v.. O. —iblziggYx • =1n 111n 1111MliMtlEINIMER iiillt--15ar tY, i F 1111111.11111. • 1111/1/1=EMn MANNAA t1141I; ILLLS, out, -• • k • n. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: EDINA TRANSPORATION COMMISSION Agenda Item Item No. V.A From: Jack Sullivan , Assistant City Engineer Action Discussion Information X X Date: May 15, 2010 Subject: France Avenue Restriping — Hwy 62 to W. 54th Street ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend a motion to the City Council not opposing the restriping of France Avenue from Highwa to W. 54th Street as depicted in the attached Plan from Hennepin County. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: City Staff has worked with Hennepin country staff to better redefine the lane usage along France Avenue. Some alternatives looked at were the addition of bike lanes, adding continuous turn lanes, or leave as is. The addition of bike lanes would remove parking from both side of France Avenue. The City of Edina Comprehensive Plan Update (fig. 7.11) shows France Avenue as a primary bike route north of 60th Street and a secondary route south of 60th Street. Hennepin County does not have France Avenue as a bike route. The addition of a continuous turn lane would also remove parking from both side of France Avenue. Both staffs looked at keeping the parking and adding turn lanes at the major intersections. This plan is conducive to a share the road format where bicyclists would be able to utilize the parking area (when vehicles are not parked). This plan also enhances the safety of pedestrians using the sidewalk on the west side of France Avenue by pulling the traveling vehicles away from the sidewalk. ATTACHMENTS: Comprehensive Plan - Bicycle Facilities Fig. 7.11 Hennepin County — Striping Plan Striping Concept Trunk Highway 62 to 54th St W Existing Curb Existing No Parking Existing Bus Stop TYPICAL SECTION 44 ' 12' Thru Ln '00 10' Shld 12' Thru Ln 10' Shld Bicycle Facilities Figure 7.11 City of Edina 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update ExislIng Existing Hennepin Proposed I From tho 2007 Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan Park Pathway County Corridors Park Pathway I — — Primary Route — — — Secondary Route LEGEND: C C I El 1,7M5.7 \\.) 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CE DATE ISSLE3t 02 ,0 4 /2 0 10 400E1104 ihN TH 169/1-494 Interchange http://www.dot.state.mn.usimetro/projects/169/index.html BACKGROUND: o Early 1990s — Mn/DOT assumes jurisdictional responsibility for TH 169 after Hennepin County reconstructs County Road 18 to expressway standards. O Mid 1990s — Mn/DOT replaces the TH 169 bridges over 1-494 and reconfigures diamond interchange to a three-quarter cloverleaf while retaining the north and south ramp signals. O 2003 — The interchange is identified as a Bond Accelerated Project and plans developed, but funding was used on other critical projects. O 2009 — The project was redesigned following the Mn/DOT's Context Sensitive Solutions/Flexible Design initiative to balance competing objectives and optimize return on investments. • 2009 — FHWA approves performance-based design. PERFORMALICM BASED DESOOLIg O The design solution is based on performance. It rebuilds the interchange with six ramps instead of eight as a phased approach instead of constructing all eight at once which is the current federal policy for interstate highways. It removes stoplights, reduces congestion and improves safety. O It meets more than 90 percent of the needs while saving approximately $30 to $40 million in construction cost that Mn/DOT could use on other projects in the area. IMPROVEMENTS: o Remove the three remaining traffic signals. O Connect the north and south frontage roads under TH 169. O Convert expressway to freeway with partial-directional interchange reconstruction. • Construct noise barriers, drainage and water quality facilities. PROJECT COST Mn/DOT Cost $165 M Local Cost Sharing $7M Total Project Cost $172 M FUNDIMG: Chapter 152 Bonds (State) $50 M Mn/DOT Federal Funds $75 M Regional Federal Funds (TAB approved 3/17/2010) $34 M State Funds $6M Local Funds $7M Total Funds $172 March 17, 2010 PROJECT SCHEDULE July 1,2010 Ad Date/Issue RFP October 1.2010 Proposals Due October 15. 2010 Best Value Identified November 15, 2010 Award Contract Spring 2011 Begin Major Construction For More Information Contact: John Griffith West Area Manager Metro District 651-234-7728 john.griffith@state.mn.us EXISTING CONDITIONS: 1. Southbound TH 169 2. Eastbound 1-494 PERMORMANCE BASED DESIGN: 3. Westbound 1-494 n 4. Northbound TH 169