HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-21 Meeting Packet AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, January 21, 2010 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order II. Comments a. Chair Comments b. Community Comments III. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of October 15, 2009 and December 17, 2009 *+ IV. New Business a. TH 169 & Bren Road Interchange Presentation*# b. The Colony of Edina – 6200 Colonial Way*+ c. Transportation Commission Role in Development Review*# d. Small Area Planning Process Presentation*# V. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) VI. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) VII. Staff Liaison Comments a. Southwest Transitway Route 3A*# b. NTMP Deadline# VIII. Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, December 17, 2009 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Geof Workinger, Jennifer Janovy, Tom Bonneville, Jean White, Usha Abramovitz, Michael Schroeder MEMBERS ABSENT: Julie Sierks, Marc Usem, Warren Plante STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by chair Workinger. II. Comments a. Chairman Comments Chair Workinger noted that the Star Tribune did a story on the West 70th Street Traffic Study titled “City agrees to take action to calm traffic on W. 70th Street.” He said this project was recently approved by Council for implementation. b. Community Comments None. III. Old Business None. IV. New Business a. Election of Vice-Chair Chair Workinger said the responsibilities include being available to chair the meetings in the absence of the chair. Commissioner Janovy nominated herself and nomination was seconded by Commissioner Schroeder. All voted aye. b. Complete Streets Resolution Assistant City Engineer Sullivan explained that Mn/DOT has completed their study which was mandated by the legislators in 2008 to determine costs, benefits and feasibility of implementing a Complete Streets Policy. Mn/DOT’s purpose of a Complete Streets Policy, Mr. Sullivan said is to provide a transportation network that promotes physical activity, accessibility, environmental quality, safety and mobility. Mr. Sullivan explained further that while the City does not have a Complete Streets Policy, the practices of the engineering and planning departments are consistent with the Complete 2 Streets philosophy as documented in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update and when planning for redevelopments and neighborhood reconstruction, etc. Mr. Sullivan said a resolution was before the Commissioner for approval showing support of a Complete Streets Policy statewide. After discussion, Commissioner White motioned to approve the resolution as modified by Commissioner Janovy, deleting the last paragraph from the December 17th resolution and replacing it with the last paragraph from an earlier version which reads as follow: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Edina encourages the Minnesota legislature, with input and guidance from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, to authorize the development of a statewide Complete Streets program, which would provide for the development of a balanced transportation system, through appropriate planning, that integrates multiple transportation modes, where appropriate, for transportation users of all types, ages and abilities. And recommend approval to the Council. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bonneville. All voted aye. V. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of October 15, 2009 Approval was deferred until next meeting. VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) Commissioner Schroeder said they are working on developing a process for dealing with Small Area Planning as a result of updates in the Comprehensive Plan that identifies several commercial neighborhoods for redevelopment. He said there are no current statutes; therefore, the Planning Commission has recommended to the Council that a citizen advisory team, including an ETC member, be formed to formulate a process. He said the Small Area Planning Process would be used on areas such as the old public works site, beginning as early as April. He suggested adding this to the next meeting’s agenda for a broader explanation of the general process that the Planning Commission is proposing. Secondly, he said they are in the process of updating the Zoning Ordinances and looking at the development review process. While taking input from the community and others, Mr. Schroeder said it is clear that they are seeking clarity in the development review process and a question was raised regarding the role of the ETC. He said generally, the ETC and the Planning Commission does not hold public hearings or provide notices. He said the ETC reviews traffic studies internally and then makes recommendation to the Council which eliminates the public hearing/input process. Mr. Schroeder said the Zoning Ordinances Update Committee, which is essentially the Planning Commission in a committee role, is considering taking over the role of reviewing traffic studies. He said a review of the Planning Commission ordinance shows that this fits with their role of project related issues, where the ETC is more system-wide rather than project related. Chair Workinger asked that discussion be held over for the next ETC meeting so that the Commissioners can think about the value of having traffic concerns on development projects handled by the Planning Commission and not by the ETC and changing their focus to system- 3 wide issues. Commissioner Schroeder suggested including the minutes from the Zoning Ordinances Update Committee’s meeting in the next packet of information to the ETC. VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) a. Bike meeting minutes (November 12, 2009 Commissioner Janovy said December’s meeting was cancelled. VIII. Staff Liaison Comments (Sullivan) a. City is accepting applications for ETC positions. Mr. Sullivan said the City is soliciting applications until January December 23rd for all the boards and commissions, including two positions for the ETC. Commissioner Comments Commissioner Janovy reminded staff that part of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) process is to notify residents of the deadline to submit applications. Commissioner Bonneville suggested looking ahead at the end of each year to identify issue areas to be worked on so that they are not dependent on redevelopments. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, October 15, 2009 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Geof Workinger, Jennifer Janovy, Marc Usem, Warren Plante, Tom Bonneville, Jean White, Usha Abramovitz, Julie Sierks MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Schroeder STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by chair Workinger. II. Comments a. Chairman Comments Chair Workinger asked that electing a vice-chair be added to the next meeting’s agenda. b. Community Comments None. III. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of September 17, 2009 Motion made by Commissioner Usem and seconded by Commissioner Janovy approving the regular meeting minutes of September 17, 2009. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. New Business a. Metro Transit – Route 6 Revisions Assistant city engineer Sullivan said at the last ETC meeting, the Commissioners made a motion recommending to the Council that Metro Transit and residents meet; and, although Metro Transit had agreed to meet with residents, they later decided that they would not would not make any changes to the route for 12 months, therefore, a meeting to discuss changes would result in no route revision. Mr. Sullivan asked the Commission to adopt the following revised motion: • Acknowledging that Metro Transit cannot determine total change in ridership and other impacts to the new route at this time, thus allowing 12 month maturing of the route in order to determine impacts. • Metro Transit has the authority to manage operations within the City. 2 • The new route does not conflict with the City’s recent Comprehensive Plan Update. • The concerns of residents regarding the new route should be addressed by Metropolitan Council and Metro Transit. • ETC suggests Metro Transit inform all originally notified residents of their current plan to operate the new route for 12 months. Mr. Sullivan said that he would like to present the Commission’s recommendation to the Council at their next meeting, November 2. Chair Workinger asked the Commission if they felt that a meeting would not take place as agreed upon by Metro Transit, and the consensus was that the meeting would have taken place. Public Testimony Scott Edstrom, 305 Coventry Lane, addressed the Commission. Pat Thompson, 7420 Edinborough Way, addressed the Commission. Mike Bochert, 213 Coventry Lane, addressed the Commission. John O’Malley, 7420 Edinborough Way, addressed the Commission. After discussion and expressed disappointment with Metro Transit, the Commission agreed not to adopt staff’s recommended revised motion but instead made the following motion: Motion made by Commissioner Usem and seconded by Commissioner Bonneville that they recommend to the City Council that the residents meet with Metro Transit as previously requested and that they acknowledge communication between staff and Metro Transit in which Metro Transit indicated that they would not make changes to the route; and that Metro Transit stop the new bus route until the meeting with residents, which is to take place within 30 days from November 2. Rollcall: Ayes: Abramovitz, Bonneville, Janovy, Plante, Usem, Workinger Nay: White Motion carried. b. Complete Streets Update Assistant city engineer Sullivan said recently, the Commission was given an overview of Complete Streets by staff, along with resolutions including one from Hennepin County. Mr. Sullivan said one common definition for Complete Streets is streets that are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users. He stated further that Mn/DOT has commissioned a study and later in the year is expected to report to the legislators how Complete Streets will affect them and since the city uses Mn/DOT as a guide, staff is waiting for the study to be completed. In the meantime, Mr. Sullivan said staff is conversing with other municipalities that have formed technical committees and the topic will also be addressed at the American Public Works Association 2009 fall conference. Mr. Sullivan reiterated that this approach is not new to the city because staff does consider movements by pedestrian, bikes, etc. when planning street reconstruction projects. 3 V. New Business No new business. VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Brown) None. VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) a. Bike meeting minutes (September 10, 2009) Commissioner Janovy reported that they continue to work on Safe Routes to School, in addition to an art project, and that they are fine tuning their bylaws to limit membership. VIII. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. To: From: Date: Subject: Transportation Commission Jack Sullivan, P Assistant City En9ifeer January 21, 2010 TH 169 & Bren Road Interchange Agenda Item No.: IV.A ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion El Information Page 1 of 1 Item IV. A. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: The City of Minnetonka and the Minnesota Department of Transportation are undertaking the redesign and expansion of the Bren Road Interchange over 169 to accommodate proposed expansion in the Opus Development. The improvements are proposed starting at Green Oak Drive over to Lincoln Avenue and will include a wider bridge and ramp improvements. Construction is expected to start in the spring of 2011 and finish up that fall. It is anticipated that the bridge will be closed for 4 months during the construction process. Attached is a proposed project schedule and draft layout of the improvements. Lee Gustafson, the Director of Engineering for the City of Minnetonka, will present an overview of the project. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffie\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\20100121_Bren_169.docx TH 169 at Bren Road Interchange Reconstruction S.P. 142-128-008 Project Schedule City of Minnetonka Updated January 8, 2010 Right of Way Acquisition • Right of Way Limits Set January 15, 2010 • Parcel Descriptions/Drawings January 29, 2010 • Property Appraisals February to April 5, 2010 • Offer Preparation April 5 to April 30, 2010 • City Approval of Offers May 3, 2010 • Negotiation May 10 to July 15, 2010 • City Condemnation Resolution July 5, 2010 • File Paperwork with Court August 1, 2010 • Title and Possession November 15, 2010 Final Design and Construction • Authorization November 2009 • Mn/DOT Preliminary Layout Approval November 2009 to January 15, 2010 • Soil Borings January 4 to January 29, 2010 • City of Edina City Council Update January 21, 2010 • City Layout Approval • City of Minnetonka February 22, 2010 • Draft Soil Report February 2010 • Final Design Preparation • 60% Mn/DOT Plan Submittal May 1, 2010 • 95% Mn/DOT Plan Submittal August 1, 2010 • Final Mn/DOT District Plan Approval December 17, 2010 • Final Mn/DOT Central Office Approval January 17, 2011 • Cooperative Agreement Preparation February 23, 2011 • Permits April to June 2010 • Advertise for Bids January 24, 2011 • Bid Opening February 23, 2011 • Mn/DOT Concurrence on Bid March 11, 2011 • Award Project March 14, 2011 • Bridge Open to Traffic October 21, 2011 • Final Completion November 4, 2011 • Landscaping/Aesthetic Treatments (separate contract) Spring, 2012 1/8/2010 KA01502-28‘4dmin\DocA010810 TH169 Brett Rd Project Schedule .doc 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 900 MInneapdle, MN 65416 imv.vesbong.com • I. . . 1141. czx, 4 :sr 3,1 11 r If • '41 tni 14 . 4 • - --- • ,. ;•'%7, 6. t. WSB 4 asrOtlatel, M 12 4064146.V• fax 1$3611.91:0 INFRASTRUCTURE I 0IODEERIN3 I PIA4/010 I CONIMIUGDON • WW1 ;ht. fittp • --- "nit Bren Road at TH 169 14 HENNEPIN COUNTY City of naiiineton.ica. Wheat qualltycamas naturally SP 142-128-008 PRELIMINARY LAYOUT NO. 1a . . Legend Roadway & Reconstruct Traffic Signal I 1 ezzz2 Roadway Removal & Existing All Way Stop I I Bridge, Walls - - - Construction Limits Shoulders (Paved) — - - -- Existing ROW I 1 Median - Temporary Easement ail I 1 Sidewalk - - Permanent Easement I I Proposed Pond DESIGN FILE: K:1502-24\Cad \ Layout\ 01502241o.dgn DATE: 10/16/2009 1‘. 10, V it 1 -41411 200 4- ' 0 1 <7n:L7.‘-'.'"--i) *, oit .0 \ • \01\ \o`,. \\\\I if 0 \ o , \n:) _ ----- • rerL-21 17) 4 fi 100 SCALE IN FEET POSSIBLE DRANSICH FOR ADDEO W./MS jo — —0 iD3311,0 FOG. 1.1.SION ADDED POPERODU. TH 169 ti) BREW ROAD BREN RD VV 0 0 0 0 6" TACK 66: Tr: DES. 30 MPH tBREN RD 1:91106-14-6-E-R-Ry SPEED MPH o ;spa! 6H, ; EX I 03 0 0 ,215 .4 I • EOM! 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DESIGN FILE: K:1502-241CadlLayout\ 0150224 Jo.d gn DATE: 10/16/2009 A4971,0 FONos VOSSIKE ExPARSION ,F6A AGAEOVAPEAMOS BREN ROAD 200 9 44! •.•._-•=.",s, TH 169 tilt I *tiff a . •.- i . .1 L 0 ) f n , I o 4._,._.,..,,„_,___,I A -'t OA, \ ot 0 100 SCALE IN FEET 4. 7- or ei a # .. , • , 1)1 1.i , 1.°1.7;"fV,-141 --41 I !* finlAVIIV4=-4°. t ittitettti o o o 36 MPH 30 MPH 30 MPH • : ikA'...tie;) o Kra, .4 t 71 1 + b li --:% ,.a., nv z .-.. 1-,N • I 6 ) :reA, ...tic, 7 i rz ar•*. - • ' ''' 0 i r- „ ••`• WSB VP* 4 e 01101 to iittanaala t.‘ ' 40011.4:111 94.1S4LOra"T" .11 #14:••• or' 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 56416 wwwwsleng.com Assevlatek fru, s. 70441490•Fiall3.641-1NO IIFRA3TRICTURE I BIGINEERING I PlAttetO I CONS1RUC1ION BREN ROW S ar-k aid iiw -'1'-'4--1.111'"Fr tillrikdERIBLVD) • Transportation Impact Study The Waters Senior Living of Edina 6200 Colonial Way W+ E January, 2010 VIEW LOOKING SOUTH EAST 23 DECEMBER 2009 .. PROPOSto::BOILDIND r.r.'..0-0/ $09.0 : . • .. •.... • •.... ..• . ZONING REQUIREMENTS PARKING SUMMARY GENERAL NOTES FOR LAYOUT: t n .: PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT SITE LAYOUT PLAN -17 ICC 3077-001-00 AS SHOWN THEWATERS SENIOR LIVING- 1 t.0.n ,<,.. Atralnanse , tng 702 10 ..... Stl-Sult• 21.1 .e.bester. Xign•s.Pts 112. 51101 • 31" Taie,hoite 5...111.0" F.{11011( 647.21.1.100 C300 , - December 23, 2809 R.WMT THE WATERS SENIOR LIVING OF EDINA Proposed Senior Housing on the Campus of The Colonial Church of Edina REVISION HISTORY - THIS SHEET 23 DECEMBER 2009 Page 1 of 2 Item IV. B. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Transportation Commissioners Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engineer January 21, 2010 Subject: Transportation Impact Analysis – 6200 Colonial Way – The Colony of Edina Revised Jan. 21, 2010 Agenda Item No.: IV. B. ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion Information Recommendation: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by RLK revised on January 19, 2010, review memo dated January 11, 2010 from WSB and Associates and response memo from RLK dated January 19, 2010. Staff and WSB have reviewed the response memo from RLK dated January 19, 2010 and believe the development team has met our requirement s. If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that onnsi) rtati StudVfor 6200 Colonial Way does not adversely affect the adjacent tO—ra r-- -transportation system. Info/Background: At the time this report was submitted to the Edina Transportation Commission there were a few outstanding items staff was requiring of the Development Team prior to making a recommendation. See the following italic text stating staff's recommendation as of January 15, 2010. Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by RLK dated November 9, 2009 and review a memo dated January 11, 2010 from WSB and Associates. GAEngineering\InfrastructureStreetsgrafficUransportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\20100121_6200_Colonial_Way_Traffic_Study_REVISED.doc Page 2 of 2 Item IV. B. Edina Transportation Commission Currently staff and our traffic consultant WSB fee/ that this transportation submittal is not yet complete. Staff WSB and RLK are working to resolve the outstanding items listed in the attached memo prior to the Edina Transportation Commission meeting on January 21, 2010. Currently the conditions of the approval are: 1. This development shall address all comments in WSB's January 21, 2010 memo to the satisfaction of the ETC and Engineering Department. Therefore staff is withholding a recommendation on this project pending the resolution of the outstanding issues. The Staff received a proposal for a senior care facility with 150 apartments ranging from independent living, assisted living and memory care on the site of an existing parking lot and vacant land located east of the Colonial Church on the south side of Colonial Way. The Development Team was required to analyze intersection operations at Tracy Ave. & Colonial Way, Tracy Ave. & Olinger Blvd. and Olinger Blvd. & Colonial Way. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffiffransportation CommissionkAgendas\2010 R&R\201001216200_Colonial_Way Traffic_Study_REVISED.doc FULK.Engineering . Landscape Architecture. Planning . Surveying . Traffic ( INCORPORATED ) MEMORANDUM TO: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer COPY: Jay Jensen, Shelter Corporation FROM: Katie Bruwellvide, P.E. Vern Swing, P.E. DATE: January 19th, 2010 RE: Response to City Comments from 014140 The Colony of Edina RLK Project No. 2009-087-L Creating extraordinary Communities whoule@ciedina.mn.us jsullivan@cLedina.mn.us jay@sheltercmp.com kbruwelheide@rtkinc.com vswing@rlkinc.com The following comments by the City of Edina, dated January 11, 2010, have been received and addressed by RLK. RLK's comments and actions are in italics after each comment. 1. The Trip Generation rates used in Table 1 were based on 189 occupied beds (95% occupancy) using the Assisted Living ITE rate category. The description of the proposed facility indicates that the facility will include 150 apartments ranging from independent living units, assisted living units and memory care units. What is the breakdown of each of these unit types? The independent living units will have a higher traffic generation. This should be outlined more clearly. A table with the breakdown of units has been added to page 8. The trip generation classification and traffic volumes have not been changed as the description of the Assisted Living Land Use (254), described in ITE 's 8th Edition of Trip Generation, encompasses all types of units proposed for this development. The Assisted Living Land Use descriptions states "the rooms in these facilities may be private or shared accommodations, consisting of either a single room or a small apartment-style unit with a kitchenette and living space". The proposed independent living units are considered to be apartment style units with kitchenettes and, therefore, considered to be within the Assisted Living Land Use. 2. No information is provided with respect to the interaction between the Colony Way and TH 62 Ramp intersections on Tracy Avenue. What is the lane geometry on Tracy Avenue between these intersections? With an existing ADT on Tracy Ave of 7,700, Offices: Duluth • Harr) Lake • Hibbing • Minnetonka • Oakdale (952) 933-0972 • 6110 Blue Circle Drive • Suite 100 • Minnetonka, MN 55343 FAX (952) 933-1153 Equal Opportunity Employer turn lanes at these intersections may be warranted, especially with an additional 500 + vehicles being added from the proposed site turning on to and off of Tracy Avenue. Less than 500 daily vehicle trips (less than 250 vehicles) are anticipated with the development of the site. Only 437 vehicle trips are expected on a daily basis per the trip generation estimates. Of these 437 vehicle trips, approximately 37% during the AM peak hour and 61% during the PM peak hour are predicted to travel to/from the south (i.e. TH 62 Ramps) per Figure 4 in the TM With the existing ADT on Tracy Avenue and the addition of approximately 250 daily trips turning onto and off of Tracy Avenue at Colonial Way, turn lanes this intersection are not warranted. A more detailed discussion of LOS and queuing has been added to the results of existing and Build conditions. It is suggest that if northbound left turn operational and queuing problems arise in the future due to growth in background traffic, this portion of Tracy Avenue be re-striped by the City to provide a dedicated northbound left turn lane onto Colonial Way. 3. The analysis results indicate that all intersection will operate at acceptable level of service (LOS) on an overall basis. What about the turning vehicles, what is the left turn LOS at the Tracy Avenue intersections? The analysis also indicates that the 95% queue lengths are adequate. What are they? How do they compare with the existing vehicle storage available? Are there any issues / conflicts with the TH 62 intersection? Individual LOS and queuing results have been added to the results tables for both the Existing and Build conditions on pages 13 and 14. Discussion points have also been added after the results tables. No issues or conflicts are anticipated with the TH 62 intersection. 4. Electronic and hard copies of the Synchro / SimTraffic files should be provided to the City for review. Hard copies of the Synchro/SimTraffic results have been included in the appendix of the TM. Electronic copies of the Synchro files are being sent with this response. 5. The Site should be shown on the Pedestrian Facilities, Bicycle Facilities and Transit maps. How does the site connect to these facilities? The site location has been shown of the Pedestrian Facilities, Bicycle Facilities and Transit maps. As stated in the TL1 on page 15, the proposed project will incorporate new sidewalks from the building to the existing sidewalk system on the south side of Colonial Way. 6. The Traffic Generation numbers reported in the Executive Summary do not match those in Table 1 or the Conclusions. This should be clarified. The traffic generation numbers in the Executive Summary have been updated to match those in Table I and the Conclusions. GAShelter Corporation \2009-087-1A_Correspondence \ Traffic\ Response to City Comments 01-18-10.doc RLK Incorporated Page 2 of 2 January 19, 2010 The Colony of Edina 2009-087-M ysits mpa,ct Alli2 for ony ©f 'flkiftillla, in v.:he Co RLK ( INCORPORATED ) DJ-4112 9 MN -amilarcy 19 th9 2010 oxtraordinary TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS The Colony of Edina Edina, MN January 19th, 2010 Prepared For: Shelter Corporation 1600 Hopkins Crossroad Minnetonka, MN 55305 Prepared By: ,...ra RLK ( INCORPORATED ) \....../ RLK Incorporated Minnetonka Office 6110 Blue Circle Drive, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-933-0972 RLK Project No. 2009-087-L TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 II. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND STUDY AREA 2 III. EXISTING CONDITIONS 5 A. Data Collection 5 B. Existing Traffic Volumes 5 C. Roadway Descriptions 5 D. Intersection Descriptions 6 IV. PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 8 A. Trip Generation 8 B. Trip Distribution and Assignment 8 C. Build Traffic Volumes 9 V. RESULTS OF THE OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS 12 A. Traffic Forecast Scenarios 12 B. Operational Analysis Methodology 12 C. 2009 Existing Conditions Analysis 13 D. Build Conditions Analysis 13 E. Review of Access Locations 14 VI. PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE AND TRANSIT 15 A. Bicycle and Pedestrian 15 B. Transit 15 VII. TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN 20 A. Travel Demand Management Plan 20 B. Specific Travel Demand Management Strategies 20 VIII. CONCLUSIONS 21 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 — Vicinity Map 3 Figure 2 — Concept Site Plan 4 Figure 3 — 2009 Existing Traffic Volumes and Geometrics 7 Figure 4 — Trip Distribution & Assignment 10 Figure 5 — Build Traffic Volumes 11 Figure 6 — Pedestrian Facilities 16 Figure 7 — Bicycle Facilities 17 Figure 8— Bus Route 146 18 Figure 9 — Bus Route 578 19 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the traffic impacts associated with the proposed Colony of Edina senior housing development. The proposed site is located on the south side of Colonial Way in the northwest quadrant of the Highway 62 and Tracy Avenue interchange in Edina, MN. Traffic impacts were analyzed at the following three intersections: > Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way D Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard D Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way Impacts to pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities were also investigated. The proposed site, which is projected to be complete in 2010, consists of a senior care facility with 150 apartments ranging from independent living, assisted living, and memory care, a surface parking lot, an underground parking garage and common areas. Vehicular access to the site will be through two access on Colonial Way. The following summarizes the results of the analysis, as well as additional information presented in the report: D The proposed development will generate 32 weekday AM peak hour trips, 55 weekday PM peak hour trips and 437 daily trips. D The Existing operational analysis indicates acceptable traffic operations for the study area intersections. D The Build operational analysis indicates acceptable traffic operations with the inclusion of site- generated traffic. D The proposed site accesses are predicted to operate acceptably. D No significant impacts to the existing bicycle, pedestrian and transit system are expected. D The developer will commit to specific Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies to aid in lowering peak hour travel demand, helping to balance the needs of all users of the transportation system. > The developer will provide on-site shuttle or van for residents to travel between The Colony of Edina and retail/grocery and entertainment land uses. It is anticipated that the shuttle will make two trips a day. Additionally, the developer will provide a car that will be available to residents to medical appointments. RLK Incorporated Page 1 of 21 January 191h, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN II. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND STUDY AREA The purpose of this Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the traffic impacts associated with the proposed Colony of Edina senior housing development. The proposed site is located northwest quadrant of the Highway 62 and Tracy Avenue interchange in Edina, MN. The site is bordered on the north by Colonial Way, on the east by Fire Station #1, on the south by the Highway 62 westbound on-ramp and on the west by an existing pond. The project location is illustrated on Figure 1, the Vicinity Map. The proposed site, which is projected to be complete in 2010, consists of a senior care facility with 150 apartments ranging from independent living, assisted living, and memory care, a surface parking lot, an underground parking garage and common areas. Vehicular access to the site will be through two access on Colonial Way. Figure 2, the Concept Site Plan, shows the layout of the site and proposed access locations. Based on a scoping meeting with the City of Edina, traffic impacts were analyzed at the following three intersections: > Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way > Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard > Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the impact of traffic generated by the proposed development on the operations and safety of the adjacent roadway network. The study will detail the existing and future roadway conditions with the inclusion of the proposed site at studied intersections. Recommendations regarding geometric and/or traffic control needs to accommodate additional Background and site traffic and improve safety are included, as necessary. In addition to traffic related impacts, this Transportation Impact Analysis includes a Travel Demand Management Plan (TDMP) to outline measures the developer can use to encourage use of alternate modes of travel and enhanced pedestrian friendliness, by providing a balance in the needs of all users of the transportation system. This includes an analysis of pedestrian, bicycle and transit amenities. RLK Incorporated Page 2 of 21 January 19th, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN CIR. n 1,‘ 1000 SCALE IN FEET Figure # 1 Project # 2009087L IckLE\( Au g 18 . 20 0 9 9 : 03 a m G: \ She lt e r Co rp ora ti o n \ 2 0 0 9 - 08 7 — L\ _ Te c hn ic a l Da ta \ Tr a ff i c \ Fi g ur e s \ 01 — Vi c in it y M a p . dw g (02009 RIX INC. SAX ONY,1LcuEE LD u _E (Y- Li >- CI ..0/i L3 '-±4 4 5th ST, o '< 0 3 k-I JEF LA. re z -P R CI /1/OLL LA cA)- = w cy p HAW KES v9 z RIDG4-- -0 DR, I— _J ti) W 4i' \> TER, i 02 R --J- " o --) P 7 .c, 'KAY MAR < \-' k VD. F-.0 C6)s ozp,IRIE RD ,-- In \- < e<\ A, 1- WAR .... 4-- „v.__ c13-, -sSc2--' etc."0"'- IvER OLDGROvc LU .. IQ, P LJ ST GROVE s.) -P > N_ .(Ec>1..i j<. ‹ 17 Y - L.L1 Lij CAR' 64)Aixwe I R , .,\ 1 \--k D R , 1— -(E < 0 —I P z Li LYLE RD.] < CIR, > u D I— BENTON 3 Li L, c-, cc w i_i- COUNTRYSIDE 1--H W CC ID < < 46, BLAKE >1 w ‘ <t u RIDGE RD. z 0 r) D , , 6- C _J V) I. , m ARz) P C-1 o fx 61st < 44, C--70 voNTER 'OLAR ‘11 CIR.(-- ST, -IC JEFF PL. 9),V,AY EDINA OLINGER BLVD. -PA 'Y bd V-- ASON 1990 PP, 46,075 Li 01 c I C R<<\ A< 7 - '57_t_ 'ON IAL 2, If, \\ILLS PASS u .>- / -1.3 c: <c l' CREEK VALLEY RD. I- BALD PROJECT SITE LA. 68th cy\APEL DR. PROJECT LOCATION: HENNEPIN COUNTY CITY OF EDINA `71P3' liN IN( X )RP( //tAT-0.5) 0110 Blue Circle Drive • Suite 100 • Minnetonka, MN 55343 0-\E V. ST. SUSAN ,>E Duluth, MN Ham Lake., isitsi Hibbing,MN Minnetonka, MN Phone:952 933 0972 Fax: 952 933 1153 svarearlkinacom THE COLONY OF EDINA VICINITY MAP BIRCH \A, WHI1 GROVE <\ cc` DR, 66th ST, Da ta \ T r a ff i e Vi o u re A0 2 — Co n c e a t Sl l e WEST C 0 . 1. 1- r--rs to r A r. j,... ACCESS EAST L... ACCESS 0 70 SCALE IN FEET SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY HGA. 2009 RUC C. C DL 1 FA L v4 /4 lo-rkt+o cruvr-c0 FITLE I"OV.Se SITE DATA SENIOR HOUSING (ATTACHED) 46 UNITS ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE HOUSING 104 UNITS TOTAL SITE ACREAGE 2 AC± - RIX ▪ cumuseffo 1,S2.21211 MT= 474i1 6110 Dim Cac ▪ icDthe • &is 100 • MIcsaando. NEN =AG -NE COLONY OF EDINA CONCEPT SITE PLAN Figure # 2 Project # 2009-087L III. EXISTING CONDITIONS Currently, the proposed site is an overflow surface parking lot and an undeveloped wooded area owned by First Colonial Church. Directly across Colonial Way from the site is Countryside Park. A. Data Collection The existing conditions of the nearby roadway system were documented by a field inventory conducted by RLK Incorporated on August 6th, 2009. The purpose of the inventory was to identify features that affect roadway capacity, including intersection traffic control, lane designations, turn lane storage bay lengths, speed limits, etc. In addition to the field inventory, manual turning movement counts were conducted by RLK on Wednesday, June, 24th, Thursday, June 25th and Tuesday, June 30th, 2009 from 7:00-9:00 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM to document existing peak hour traffic volumes at the following intersections: > Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way > Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard > Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way B. Existing Traffic Volumes Review of the turning movement data collected indicates that the peak hour volumes generally occur during the following time periods: Weekday AM Peak Hour: 8:00 to 9:00 AM Weekday PM Peak Hour: 5:00 to 6:00 PM C. Roadway Descriptions Vehicular access to the site from the area is expected to occur primarily on three roadways: Tracy Avenue, Colonial Way and Olinger Boulevard. The following text details the specifics of each of these roadways: > Tracy Avenue is a Collector road near the site as it provides access to Highway 62 south of the site and connects to Vernon Avenue north of the site. Tracy Avenue is two lane road that travels north/south in the vicinity of the site and has a posted 30 mph speed limit. Based on 2009 average daily traffic count data (ADT) provided by City of Edina staff, Tracy Avenue carries approximately 7,730 vehicles per day south of Colonial Way. > Colonial Way is a local two-lane City road that connects Olinger Boulevard and Tracy Avenue. Currently, there is no ADT data for Colonial way. > Olinger Boulevard is functionally classified as a Collector Street. Olinger Boulevard is a two- lane road that travels east/west in the vicinity of the site. Based on 2009 average daily traffic count data (ADT) provided by City of Edina staff, Olinger Boulevard carries approximately 1,879 vehicles per day in the vicinity of the site. RLK Incorporated Page 5 of 21 January 19th, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN D. Intersection Descriptions The following paragraphs provide specific details on the existing configuration of the study area intersections. > Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way form a side-street stop-controlled "T" intersection. The eastbound approach is stop-controlled and has a shared left and right turn lane. The northbound approach is free-flowing and consists of a shared left turn and through lane. The southbound approach is free-flowing and is made up of a shared through and right turn lane. > Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard is a three-legged all-way stop-controlled "T" intersection. The eastbound approach has a shared left and right turn lane. The northbound approach consists of a shared left turn and through lane. The southbound approach is made up of a shared through and right turn lane. > Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way form a side-street stop-controlled "T" intersection. The eastbound approach is free-flowing and has a shared through and right turn lane. The westbound approach is free-flowing and consists of a shared left turn and through lane. The northbound approach is stop-controlled and is made up of a shared left and right turn lane. The 2009 existing weekday AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes and existing geometries for the study area are illustrated on Figure 3. RLK Incorporated Page 6 of 21 January 191h, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN 2009 RLK LEGEND AM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES XXX PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES XXX EXISTING ROADWAY EXISTING LANES 4)1 t EXISTING STOP CONTROL Sh e lt e r C a rp or a tIo n \20 09- 08 7 — L\ _ Te chn ic o l D a ta Vr a ffl e \FI g ure s \03— XX V o lu m ee . dt v 0 200 SCALE IN FEET I 20 09 9 : 12 a m Figure # 3 THE COLONY OF EDINA 2009 EXISTIN^ VOLUMES & GEOMETRICS Projcct ."-19087L RLIC CIONEEME) -- 6110 Blue Circle Daka1411dN Ham lake, lAN Hibbthg,IIN Minnetooks,Mts1 OddiblIN Fix= 952 933 0972 19= 952 933 1153 www.thioccsan • Sui= 100 • Dametocal, 1123 55343 189 occupied Beds2* 437 NA? 26 29 0.29 9 23 0.17 254 Assisted Living Table 2 Trip Generation Estimates'. ITE Land Use Code Trips Generated: AM Peak PM Peak Out Rate Land Use Size Rate In In Out Weekday Rate ADT 23 9 32 29 26 Totals 55 437 IV. PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS A. Trip Generation The proposed development will have 150 apartments ranging from independent living, assisted living, and memory care. Table 1 shows the breakdown of the units and associated number of beds. Table 1 Unit Breakdown Unit Mix Quantity Beds One Bedroom 21 21 One Bedroom /Den 22 22 Two Bedroom 24 48 Two Bedroom / den 10 20 Three Bedroom 5 15 Care suites 10 10 Memory Support 28 28 Affordable One Bedroom 30 30 Totals 150 194 Based on information from the developer, it is anticipated to have 194 patient beds with a 95-97% occupancy rate. The volume of vehicle trips generated by the proposed development has been estimated for the weekday AM and PM peak hours and on a daily basis using the data and methodologies contained in the 8th Edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The estimated volume of site-generated trips for the proposed development is summarized in Table 2. The Assisted Living Land Use Code (254) is assumed for the entire development as it encompasses all the types of proposed units and corresponds to the land use description detailed in Trip Generation. 1. Per the data and methodologies in Trip Generation, 8th Edition published by ITE. 2. 194 total beds are proposed with a predicted 97% occupancy rate, resulting in 189 occupied beds, per data provided by the developer. 3. The ITE fitted curve equation was used based on the location of data points and higher amount of studies for daily traffic. 4. ADT represent the Average Daily Traffic over a typical weekday 24-hour period. B. Trip Distribution and Assignment The distribution of site-generated trips to and from the adjacent street system was based on existing and expected future traffic patterns in the area for both the AM and PM peak hours. This distribution pattern, along with the estimated changes in traffic volumes at study area intersections expected as a result of the proposed redevelopment, are illustrated on Figure 4, Trip Distribution & Assignment. RLK Incorporated Page 8 of 21 January 19th, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN C. Build Traffic Volumes The Build scenario volumes result when the trip assignment volumes are combined with the 2009 existing traffic volumes, as detailed in Figure 5. RLK Incorporated Page 9 of 21 January 191h, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN LEGEND AM PEAK HOUR TRIPS XXX PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS XXX ROADWAY LANES STOP CONTROL DISTRIBUTION AM%/PM% 200 SCALE IN FEET Figure # 4 Dab* IAN Ham lake,701 RUC Hibbing, 3LN margail CEMMMIND Thos= 952 933 0972 IF= 952 933 1153 cww.rikiecersa THE COLONY OF EDINA TRIP DISTRIBUTION & ASSIGNMENT Project # 2009087L 6110 Blue Circle Dirsr. • Sul= 100 • Minactoaka, NEN 55343 08 1 N O 3 d O I S sw i nl o A u n o H MV 3 d N d S3 N n lO A un o H NV 3 d NV Oct 01, 2000 2: 38pm GAShelter Corporotlon\2009-087—L\_Technical Dato\TraffIc\FIgures\03—XX Volumes.ciwy Unsignalized Intersections Level of Service Average Delay per Vehicle (Seconds) A 0-10 10 - 15 15 - 25 25 - 35 35 - 50 50 - and up V. RESULTS OF THE OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS A. Traffic Forecast Scenarios The following two scenarios were considered in evaluating traffic operations near the site: 1. 2009 Existing Conditions. Based on the field inventory of roadway conditions and existing turning movement counts. 2. Build Alternative. This alternative assumes full development of the site with completion by 2010. No background growth is expected on the roadway network as the surrounding neighborhood is fully developed. B. Operational Analysis Methodology Traffic operations for the AM and PM peak hour conditions within the study area were analyzed using the industry-standard Synchro/SimTraffic 6 software package, which uses the data and methodology contained in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, published by the Transportation Research Board. The operating conditions of transportation facilities, such as traffic signals and stop-controlled intersections, are evaluated based on the relationship of the theoretical capacity of a facility to the actual traffic volumes on that facility. Various factors affect capacity, including travel speed, roadway geometry, grade, number and width of travel lanes, intersection control, etc. The current standards for evaluating capacity and operating conditions are contained in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The procedures describe operating conditions in terms of a Level of Service (LOS). Facilities are given letter designations from "A," representing the best operating conditions, to "F," representing the worst. In general, LOS "E" is the minimally acceptable condition during the peak periods of the day. At intersections, the letter grades are assigned based on the average delay per vehicle experienced during the peak hour on a particular approach or movement. The grade for the intersection as a whole is based on a weighted average of each movement. Table 3, below, details the ranges for each letter grade for unsignalized intersections, in seconds of average delay per vehicle. Table 3 Level of Service vs. Average Delay - Unsignalized Intersections Per the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, published by the Transportation Research Board. A final fundamental component of operational analyses is a study of vehicular queuing, or the lineup of vehicles waiting to pass through an intersection. An intersection can operate with an acceptable level of RLK Incorporated Page 12 of 21 January 19th, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN service, but if queues from the intersection extend back to block entrances to turn lanes or accesses to adjacent land uses, unsafe operating conditions could result. The 95th percentile queue, or the length of queue with a 5% chance of occurring during the peak hour, is considered the standard for design purposes. C. 2009 Existing Conditions Analysis This section contains the results of the intersection operational analyses for the existing conditions. Tables 4a and 4b show the results of the Build Conditions analysis. Table 4a Results of Existing Conditions Analysis — AM Peak Hour Intersection _ Level of ServiceL 95th Percentile Queues2. Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way A/A (NBL) Adequate queue lengths. NBL/T queue of 33'. Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard A/A(SBT) Adequate queue lengths. Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way A/A (NBL) Adequate queue lengths. 1. Overall LOS followed by the worst movement LOS reported from SimTraffic. 2. 95th percentile queues reported from SimTraffic Table 4b Results of Existing Conditions Analysis — PM Peak Hour Intersection Level of Service 95th Percentile Queues Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way A/A (NBL) Adequate queue lengths. NBL/T queue of 44'. Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard A/B (NBT) Adequate queue lengths. Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way A/A (NBL) Adequate queue lengths. Operations of the Existing roadway network are acceptable. For both the AM and the PM peak hours, overall intersection and worst movement LOS is B or better and all 95th percentile queues are accommodated by the existing roadway geometry. The interactions between the northbound left turn at the Tracy Avenue and Colonial Way intersection and the Tracy Avenue and TH 62 Westbound Ramp intersection were investigated to determine if any traffic problems exist as these two intersections are only 400 feet apart. Individual movement LOS for the northbound left turn at the Tracy Avenue and Colonial Way intersection is A during both the AM and PM peak hours with 95th percentile queues of 33 feet in the AM peak hour and 44 feet in the PM peak hour. No adverse interactions occur between the northbound left turn at the Tracy Avenue and Colonial Way intersection and the Tracy Avenue and TH 62 Westbound Ramp intersection. No improvements are recommended for the Existing Conditions. D. Build Conditions Analysis This section contains the results of the intersection operational analyses for the Build conditions. Tables 5a and 5b show the results of the existing conditions analysis. RLK Incorporated Page 13 of 21 January 19th, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN Results of Build Conditions Analysis — PM Peak Hour Intersection Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way Colonial Way & West Access Colonial Way & East Access Level of Service A/A (NBL) A/B (NBT) A/A (NBL) A/A (NBL) A/A (NBL) 95th Percentile Queues Adequate queue lengths. NBL/T queue of 53'. Adequate queue lengths. Adequate queue lengths. Adequate queue lengths. Adequate queue lengths. Table 5a Results of Build Conditions Analysis — AM Peak Hour Intersection Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way Colonial Way & West Access Colonial Way & East Access Level of Servicel' A/A (NBL) A/A (SBT) A/A (NBL) A/A (NBL) A/A (NBL) 95th Percentile Queues2' Adequate queue lengths. NBL/T queue of 44'. Adequate queue lengths. Adequate queue lengths. Adequate queue lengths. Adequate queue lengths. I. Overall LOS followed by the worst movement LOS reported from SimTraffic. 2. 95" percentile queues reported from SimTraffic Table 5b Analysis of the Build Conditions indicated acceptable operations on the roadway network and proposed site accesses. For both the AM and the PM peak hours, overall intersection and worst movement LOS is B or better and all 95th percentile queues are accommodated by the existing roadway geometry. Individual movement LOS for the northbound left turn at the Tracy Avenue and Colonial Way intersection is A during both the AM and PM peak hours with 95th percentile queues of 44 feet in the AM peak hour and 53 feet in the PM peak hour. No adverse interactions occur between the northbound left turn at the Tracy Avenue and Colonial Way intersection and the Tracy Avenue and TH 62 Westbound Ramp intersection. If northbound left turn operational and queuing problems arise in the future due to growth in background traffic, it is recommended that this portion of Tracy Avenue be re-striped by the City to provide a dedicated northbound left turn lane onto Colonial Way. No mitigation measures are recommended for the Build Conditions. E. Review of Access Locations The proposed site includes two accesses, a west access that serves the surface parking lot and the east access that serves that underground parking garage and the service dock. The separation of the two accesses is approximately 330 feet and there is adequate site distance for entering/exiting vehicles. We do not anticipate any operational issues with the proposed accesses as Colonial Way is a low volume road. The Build operational analysis indicates acceptable Level of Service results and adequate queue lengths that do not extend into other access points or intersections. RIK Incorporated Page 14 of 21 January 191h, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN VI. PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE AND TRANSIT The proposed site is located across the street from a park with pedestrian trails and sidewalks and near two bus routes. These pedestrian and transit amenities, suggest the site is ideally situated to facilitate alternative modes of transportation. A. Bicycle and Pedestrian As shown on Figure 6, Pedestrian Facilities, concrete sidewalks are provided along study area roadways. The proposed project will incorporate new sidewalks from the building to the existing sidewalk system on the south side of Colonial Way. Figure 7, Bicycle Facilities, illustrates the nearby bicycle facilities. Good access to the pedestrian and bicycle systems from the proposed project will encourage employee and visitor use. B. Transit Numerous transit stops and a Metro Transit Park & Ride lot are located near the site. Existing transit route 146, detailed on Figure 8, travels from Downtown Minneapolis to Edina with stops near the site on Colonial Way. Existing transit route 578, illustrated on Figure 9, travels from Downtown Minneapolis to Edina and the Southdale Mall with stops near the site on Colonial Way. The proximity of access to the transit system adjacent to the proposed project makes this a viable alternative for employees, visitors and residents. RLK Incorporated Page 15 of 21 January 191h, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN LEGEND:------- &tang Sidewalk Note: Park Pathways are included on Figure 7.11 Proposed School / Proposed Business Sidewalk State-Aid Sidewalk Sidewal Figure 7.10 City of Edina 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update P—°*\ RLK Duluth, MN Han Lake, MN MN Minnetonka, MN OdalitilAN GgaigifiiiE) Phonc 952 933 0972 Fa= 952 933 1153 uovwslkinc.com 6110 Blue Circle Drive • Suite 100 • Minnetonka, MN 55343 DMA THE COLONY 0 PEDESTRIAK FACOLII1 L.S Figure 6 Project 0 2009087L n \ 20 0 9 - 0E 7— L\ _ Te c hn ic a l Da ta Vr e ff i c \Fi g ur e s \06 - 07 — Bu s Ro uL es . dw g C: \She it e r C o rp Duluth, MN Fiibblu MN Ham Lake, MN lannetonka, MN Phone 952 933 0972 Fa = 952 933 1153 wwwilkinccom 6110 Blue Circle DAVE • Suite 100 • krumetonka, MN 55343 THE COLONY OF EDINA NCYCLE FACOLITE=S Figura 7 ProJ3ct 2009087L RLK tio n \2 0 0 9 - 08 7 — A_ Bicycle Facilities Figure 7.11 City of Edina 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Usting Existing Henneft Proposed I From the 2007 Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan Park Pathway County Corridors Park Pathway I — — Primary Route — Secondary Route LEGEND: io n \20 0 9 - 08 7— L\ _ Te ch -0 r- 0, _WS ROUTE 146 Duluth, 30 Hara Lalre,1VIN Hiblxiag,1VIN Prunnetordra, Ph.= 952 933 0972 Fa.= 952 933 1153 covrorstIcinc.com 6110 Elluc DaIve • Suit. 100 • Ifianctonlca,1VIN 55343 - THE COLONY OF EDINA Figure 8 Project 0 20090871_ SW 0 Q, 50¢.. Minneapolis Downtown Zone Ride in the Dorrntown Zone for ; I 1 Mies © 2000 RLK INC. 145W & Lake Street Metro Transit Routes: ei S.) (ED GO (ED (ED (ID C.E3 CD CD CZ) CV CD (ID CD CD MYTA Routes: CD CZ) CD CiD r., ,t; •-• 26th SI - _ - Lake - Powderhorn Pork 3811 St_ 54th St__ '--- 94 Park FM3 cac awaihburn 52ndSt 35,h , _ 77. , 621d St • — — F 46th St ‘3, /4i5, /47 67' /432:7 /4\ ......... - / 41•11•111,__-, .• • • 4,V #44 O , -Netrod9me AF Coriiehtion Centel a • tiedach II173 .Z>dueneinituoninAliviej4ii 1.6.‘ . .; • 1 i • .-'1ED 146C Southwest Hi gh School 50th s 0 LAKE HARRIET 0 46:h St -7 co 50th St 0.3 5.'4, St Figure # 9 Project f,t- -s"..-19087L THE COLONY OF EDINA PS ROUTE 578 -0 2009 RU: Duluth, MN Ham Lake, DIN Hlbbg.MN LEnnetoalca, MN Oddie,MM Phonc 952 933 0972 Fa. 952 933 1153 cruiwAltineuisa Minneapolis Downtown Zone Ride in the Downtown Zoste for 50e. • 0 - 0 ' '''''' t.:_-_-=;;;:e.„-• A, ........... 04 __rr.,...);?, --..?.... • ir ...... '..., '46,1 /.,:,..:--, ,k(letrodpMe •:' Sir" . -1,4** • .1-1,SNIC: .---. 2 01 0 1 : 4 1 p m ( ) 6110 Blue Civic . • Suite 100 • I.:finis-ft-wk., MN 55343 42nc St I Co r p or a ti o n \ 20 0 9 - 08 7 — L\ _ Te c hn ic a l Da ta \ Tr a ff i c \ Fi g ure s \ 06 - 07 — Bu s Ro u te s . dw g on Ave -Y ILO s._ = — --=-'"" b-4.• = •-45111111INE1131iittnioUlit11111111111111110411H1 ft 5 Dewey ' 94 0 1iiinz*7 V.1=3. 7 tt'S = 1„„e%iiiier6th -7°E1D ei Colonial For additional s 'ce, please see Rote 146 Metro Trarsit RouMs 0 CID in GB Routes CD SW Metro 50-2- St 661n St Air ,62 err; 65th W006 LAKE 51,At vitennsota Dr Minnesota Drive and France Ave (100 r----.5--=- eannanup, -ath ) F - - -- Hyland PLaakrke Reserve Metro Transit RoJtes. 0 CID CID SeL.i e Route' CZ) I-36W & Lake Streel (etro Tra" sit Fis,Aes. '71. "Z CD CD CD OD ED CD CD CD CZD 03 CZ) CL) MVTA Routes: CD CD CD CD ED CD CID L4,1 CALHOUN T9Z 7;1 LAKE HARRIET •—/ /4-1 PROJECT SITE Southdale Transit Center and Park & Ride • 66th S: 65:Is. St Heritage Dr - - .14141114 Er— 69th St 70tri St Blume VII. TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Travel Demand Management Plan The purpose of this Travel Demand Management Plan (TDMP) is to assist the City of Edina to achieve their transportation goals as detailed in the Comprehensive Plan as they relate specifically to The Colony of Edina site, by managing and minimizing the vehicle trips generated by the development. The Colony of Edina site is predicted to generate a low volume of site-generate traffic with minimal TDM needs, therefore specific travel demand strategies have been developed. B. Specific Travel Demand Management Strategies The Colony of Edina seeks to achieve the City of Edina's goal of enhancing the local transportation system by lowering peak hour travel demand, helping to balance the needs of all users of the transportation system. The Colony of Edina agrees to implement of the following measures: General 1. Provide informational displays on an bulletin board or kiosk detailing current transit schedules and bike maps. 2. Require truck and/or service deliveries to occur outside of weekday peak traffic times. This does not include FedEx / UPS-type deliveries. 3. Encourage the use of alternate commuting options by dissemination of information to residents, visitors and employees. Transit 1. The developer shall consider transit incentives for employees, such a discounted transit pass. 2. The employer, when possible, shall work with employees to provide flexible work schedules to coordinate with transit schedules and to minimize peak hour vehicular trip generation. 3. The developer shall provide an on-site shuttle or van for residents to travel between The Colony of Edina and retail/grocery and entertainment land uses. It is anticipated that the shuttle will make two trips a day. Additionally, the developer shall provide a car that will be available to residents to medical appointments. Bicycle 1. The developer shall provide bike racks and locker storage facilities for personal belongings for employees that bike to work. Pedestrian 1. Rebuild sidewalks impacted by construction with ADA-compliant curb ramps, encouraging use by a broad cross-section of pedestrian types, and promoting the pedestrian mode of commuting for employees who are nearby residents. 2. Construct and maintain lighted private sidewalks connecting the building accesses to the public sidewalk. RLK Incorporated Page 20 of 21 January 191h, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN VIII CONCLUSIONS The preceding analysis has evaluated the potential traffic impacts associated with The Colony of Edina development on the operations to the study area roadway and intersections. Travel Demand Management measures are detailed that the developer agrees to implement to aid in lowering peak hour travel demand, helping to balance the needs of all users of the transportation system. The following summarizes the results to the analysis, as well as additional information presented in the report: D. The proposed development will generate 32 weekday AM peak hour trips, 55 weekday PM peak hour trips and 437 daily trips. D. The existing roadway network is predicted to easily handle the additional traffic generated by the proposed site. D The Existing operational analysis indicates acceptable traffic operations for the study area intersections. > The Build operational analysis indicates acceptable traffic operations with the inclusion of site- generated traffic. D The proposed site accesses are predicted to operate acceptably. > No significant impacts to the existing bicycle, pedestrian and transit system are expected. > The developer will commit to specific Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies to aid in lowering peak hour travel demand, helping to balance the needs of all users of the transportation system. RLK Incorporated Page 21 of 21 January 19th, 2010 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN Page 1 of 1 Item IV. B. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Transportation Commissioners Agenda Item No.: IV. B. From: Jack Sullivan, PE ACTION: Assistant City Engineer x Recommendation/Motion Date: January 21, 2010'- x Discussion Subject: Tra iortation Information Impact Analysi — 6200 Colonial Way — The Colony of Edina Recommendation: Review the attached transportation impact analysis submitted by RLK dated November 9, 2009 and review a memo dated January 11, 2010 from WSB and Associates. Currently staff and our traffic consultant WSB feel that this transportation submittal is not yet complete. Staff, WSB and RLK are working to resolve the outstanding items listed in the attached memo prior to the Edina Transportation Commission meeting on January 21, 2010. Currently the conditions of the approval are: 1. This development shall address all comments in WSB's January 21, 2010 memo to the satisfaction of the ETC and Engineering Department. Therefore staff is withholding a recommendation on this project pending the resolution of the outstanding issues. Info/Background: The Staff received a proposal for a senior care facility with 150 apartments ranging from independent living, assisted living and memory care on the site of an existing parking lot and vacant land located east of the Colonial Church on the south side of Colonial Way. The Development Team was required to analyze intersection operations at Tracy Ave. & Colonial Way, Tracy Ave. & Olinger Blvd. and Olinger Blvd. & Colonial Way. G:\Engineering\Infrastnicture\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\201001216200_Co1onia1_Way_Traffic_Study.doc A WSB .4n Infrastructure • Engineering • Planning u Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South & Associates, Inc. Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: January 11, 2010 Re: The Colony of Edina Traffic Impact Analysis Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686-02 As requested, we have reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis for The Colony of Edina, a new Senior housing development on Colonial Way west of Tracy Avenue adjacent to TH 62. Based on our review of the Traffic Impact Analysis we offer the following comments. 1. The Trip Generation rates used in Table 1 were based on 189 occupied beds (95% occupancy) using the Assisted Living ITE rate category. The description of the proposed facility indicates that the facility will include 150 apartments ranging from independent living units, assisted living units and memory care units. What is the breakdown of each of these unit types? The independent living units will have a higher traffic generation. This should be outlined more clearly. 2. No information is provided with respect to the interaction between the Colony Way and TH 62 Ramp intersections on Tracy Avenue. What is the lane geometry on Tracy Avenue between these intersections? With an existing ADT on Tracy Ave of 7,700, turn lanes at these intersections may be warranted, especially with an additional 500 + vehicles being added from the proposed site turning on to and off of Tracy Avenue. 3. The analysis results indicate that all intersection will operate at acceptable level of service (LOS) on an overall basis. What about the turning vehicles, what is the left turn LOS at the Tracy Avenue intersections? The analysis also indicates that the 95% queue lengths are adequate. What are they? How do they compare with the existing vehicle storage available? Are there any issues / conflicts with the TH 62 intersection? CAUsersUSullivankAppana \Local \Microsoft \ Windo,s\Teniporary Internet FileslContent.Clutlook \ROKOM67H \The Colony Review (2) doc Wayne Houle and Jack Sullivan City of Edina January 11, 2010 Page 2 of 2 4. Electronic and hard copies of the Synchro / SimTraffic files should be provided to the City for review. 5. The Site should be shown on the Pedestrian Facilities, Bicycle Facilities and Transit maps. How does the site connect to these facilities? 6. The Traffic Generation numbers reported in the Executive Summary do not match those in Table 1 or the Conclusions. This should be clarified. Based on these comments and my review of the Traffic Impact Analysis, additional information and analysis should be provided before any approval recommendation can be made. Irmff c mpi©t All12 ysfe for Th Co ony of TEdina, in Edinn, November 9th, 2009 Creating extraordinary Communities ( INCORPORATED ) RIK 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS The Colony of Edina Edina, MN November 9th, 2009 Prepared For: Shelter Corporation 1600 Hopkins Crossroad Minnetonka, MN 55305 Prepared By: P° RLK ( INCORPORATED ) .., RLK Incorporated Minnetonka Office 6110 Blue Circle Drive, Suite 100 Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-933-0972 RLK Project No. 2009-087-L TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 H. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND STUDY AREA 2 III. EXISTING CONDITIONS 5 A. Data Collection 5 B. Existing Traffic Volumes 5 C. Roadway Descriptions 5 D. Intersection Descriptions 6 IV. PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 8 A. Trip Generation 8 B. Trip Distribution and Assignment 8 C. Build Traffic Volumes 8 V. RESULTS OF THE OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS 11 A. Traffic Forecast Scenarios 11 B. Operational Analysis Methodology 11 C. 2009 Existing Conditions Analysis 12 D. Build Conditions Analysis 12 E. Review of Access Locations 13 VI. PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE AND TRANSIT 14 A. Bicycle and Pedestrian 14 B. Transit 14 VII. TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN 19 A. Travel Demand Management Plan 19 B. Specific Travel Demand Management Strategies 19 VIII. CONCLUSIONS 20 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 — Vicinity Map 3 Figure 2 — Concept Site Plan 4 Figure 3 — 2009 Existing Traffic Volumes and Geometrics 7 Figure 4 — Trip Distribution & Assignment 9 Figure 5 — Build Traffic Volumes 10 Figure 6 — Pedestrian Facilities 15 Figure 7 — Bicycle Facilities 16 Figure 8 — Bus Route 146 17 Figure 9 — Bus Route 578 18 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the traffic impacts associated with the proposed Colony of Edina senior housing development. The proposed site is located on the south side of Colonial Way in the northwest quadrant of the Highway 62 and Tracy Avenue interchange in Edina, MN. Traffic impacts were analyzed at the following three intersections: D Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way D Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard D Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way Impacts to pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities were also investigated. The proposed site, which is projected to be complete in 2010, consists of a senior care facility with 150 apartments ranging from independent living, assisted living, and memory care, a surface parking lot, an underground parking garage and common areas. Vehicular access to the site will be through two access on Colonial Way. The following summarizes the results of the analysis, as well as additional information presented in the report: D The proposed development will generate 26 weekday AM peak hour trips, 41 weekday PM peak hour trips and 532 daily trips. D The Existing operational analysis indicates acceptable traffic operations for the study area intersections. D The Build operational analysis indicates acceptable traffic operations with the inclusion of site- generated traffic. D The proposed site accesses are predicted to operate acceptably. D No significant impacts to the existing bicycle, pedestrian and transit system are expected. D The developer will commit to specific Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies to aid in lowering peak hour travel demand, helping to balance the needs of all users of the transportation system. RLK Incorporated Page 1 of 20 November 9th, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN H. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND STUDY AREA The purpose of this Transportation Impact Analysis is to evaluate the traffic impacts associated with the proposed Colony of Edina senior housing development. The proposed site is located northwest quadrant of the Highway 62 and Tracy Avenue interchange in Edina, MN. The site is bordered on the north by Colonial Way, on the east by Fire Station #1, on the south by the Highway 62 westbound on-ramp and on the west by an existing pond. The project location is illustrated on Figure 1, the Vicinity Map. The proposed site, which is projected to be complete in 2010, consists of a senior care facility with 150 apartments ranging from independent living, assisted living, and memory care, a surface parking lot, an underground parking garage and common areas. Vehicular access to the site will be through two access on Colonial Way. Figure 2, the Concept Site Plan, shows the layout of the site and proposed access locations. Based on a scoping meeting with the City of Edina, traffic impacts were analyzed at the following three intersections: D. Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way D Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard D Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the impact of traffic generated by the proposed development on the operations and safety of the adjacent roadway network. The study will detail the existing and future roadway conditions with the inclusion of the proposed site at studied intersections. Recommendations regarding geometric and/or traffic control needs to accommodate additional Background and site traffic and improve safety are included, as necessary. . In addition to traffic related impacts, this Transportation Impact Analysis includes a Travel Demand Management Plan (TDMP) to outline measures the developer can use to encourage use of alternate modes of travel and enhanced pedestrian friendliness, by providing a balance in the needs of all users of the transportation system. This includes an analysis of pedestrian, bicycle and transit amenities. RLK Incorporated Page 2 of 20 November 9th, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN 91,E_ 1000 SCALE IN FEET THE COLONY OF EDINA VICINITY MAP Figure # 1 Project # 2009087L Au g 1 8 , 2 009 9 : 0 H:01:17, Duluth, MN Ham Lake, MN Hibbing, MN Mirmetonka, MN Phone: 952 933 0972 Fax: 952 933 1153 wwwilkinc.com ( INC:ORPORATEll 6110 13hle Circle Drive • Suite 100. Mituletonka, MN 55343 ©2009 RU< INC. VD. cl‘z. 00' /oLt_ KAY SAX — — ONYRD.ES cE_ JEF LA. c.0 MAR sg.P1RIE RD LA, -L DR.. . — GROVE /IF/NI NC IR, 1± 41= 5th 21 ST, LA LA _J TER. LA< OLD GROvE . DR. LU RD. c.9 ST. JEFF PL, - < o AV COUNTRYSIDE RD. OALAND 2 61- BIRCFPHC OR RD, \AoNTER 46. BLAKE RIDGE RD. LI) MER -\<(\ LI > ST, < Ui HAW KES WARD LYLE CIR, ASON EDINA 1990 P P. 46,075 OLINGER BLVD. z ‘4, LA Z M (ONIAL 62,‘ c5,)/ WHI1 \\ILLS PASS BORON 4"-- - 14(E`f LA, 9 (Po CREEK VALLEY RD, /V BALD PROJECT SITE LA, CIR. ,ALRAlvs LLI C cL. "S)s A, V. 68th GRACE TE LOIS LA. LA ST. SUSAN > AVE, PROJECT LOCATION: HENNEPIN COUNTY CITY OF EDINA <‹, Li 0E3 <N <` DR, 66th ST, II:m.5M 9330973 Ps...9.33„:21.153 g —2 I 1 Propct 2009-087L THE COLONY OF EDINA CONCEPT SITE PLAN • RLIC. • CinIEEME) "GZIalgi 41ral I < ▪ 411019m C.14134,c • Soie: 100 • braagatscok4 MN 55343 SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY HGA. WEST C a P r I"- S.- ACCESS EAST L._ ACCESS ©2oog Ruc 3 s 5-ftt-U.I Ck,41'-c 0 oc) NO 0 70 SCALE IN FEET SITE DATA SENIOR HOUSING (ATTACHED) 46 UNITS ASSISTED/MEMORY CARE HOUSING 104 UNITS TOTAL SITE ACREAGE 2 AC± M. EXISTING CONDITIONS Currently, the proposed site is an overflow surface parking lot and an undeveloped wooded area owned by First Colonial Church. Directly across Colonial Way from the site is Countryside Park. A. Data Collection The existing conditions of the nearby roadway system were documented by a field inventory conducted by RLK Incorporated on August 6 th, 2009. The purpose of the inventory was to identify features that affect roadway capacity, including intersection traffic control, lane designations, turn lane storage bay lengths, speed limits, etc. In addition to the field inventory, manual turning movement counts were conducted by RLK on Wednesday, June, 24th, Thursday, June 25th and Tuesday, June 30th, 2009 from 7:00-9:00 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM to document existing peak hour traffic volumes at the following intersections: > Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way > Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard > Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way B. Existing Traffic Volumes Review of the turning movement data collected indicates that the peak hour volumes generally occur during the following time periods: Weekday AM Peak Hour: 8:00 to 9:00 AM Weekday PM Peak Hour: 5:00 to 6:00 PM C. Roadway Descriptions Vehicular access to the site from the area is expected to occur primarily on three roadways: Tracy Avenue, Colonial Way and Olinger Boulevard. The following text details the specifics of each of these roadways: > Tracy Avenue is a Collector road near the site as it provides access to Highway 62 south of the site and connects to Vernon Avenue north of the site. Tracy Avenue is two lane road that travels north/south in the vicinity of the site and has a posted 30 mph speed limit. Based on 2009 average daily traffic count data (ADT) provided by City of Edina staff, Tracy Avenue carries approximately 7,730 vehicles per day south of Colonial Way. > Colonial Way is a local two-lane City road that connects Olinger Boulevard and Tracy Avenue. Currently, there is no ADT data for Colonial way. • Olinger Boulevard is functionally classified as a Collector Street. Olinger Boulevard is a two- lane road that travels east/west in the vicinity of the site. Based on 2009 average daily traffic count data (ADT) provided by City of Edina staff, Olinger Boulevard carries approximately 1,879 vehicles per day in the vicinity of the site. RLK Incorporated Page 5 of 20 November 9th, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN D. Intersection Descriptions The following paragraphs provide specific details on the existing configuration of the study area intersections. > Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way form a side-street stop-controlled "T" intersection. The eastbound approach is stop-controlled and has a shared left and right turn lane. The northbound approach is free-flowing and consists of a shared left turn and through lane. The southbound approach is free-flowing and is made up of a shared through and right turn lane. > Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard is a three-legged all-way stop-controlled "T" intersection. The eastbound approach has a shared left and right turn lane. The northbound approach consists of a shared left turn and through lane. The southbound approach is made up of a shared through and right turn lane. • Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way form a side-street stop-controlled "T" intersection. The eastbound approach is free-flowing and has a shared through and right turn lane. The westbound approach is free-flowing and consists of a shared left turn and through lane. The northbound approach is stop-controlled and is made up of a shared left and right turn lane. The 2009 existing weekday AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes and existing geometrics for the study area are illustrated on Figure 3. RLK Incorporated Page 6 of 20 November 9th, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN ©2009 RL}( INC. :7".4 Tr a ff i c \ Fi g ure s \ 0 3 — XX Vo lu me s. dw g G: \ Sh e lt e r C o rp or a t io n \ 2 0 09 — 08 7 — L \ _ Te chn ic al 'THE COLONY OF EDINA 20 09 9 : 12 a m Figure # Project # 109087L Duluth, 1114 110u141:e, J0b MN liumemala,1507 Odaklel Ilecroe 952 913 0972 Fs= 952 933 1153 WWWiniZIGC0121 RLK \ 6110 Blue ▪ ▪ Cuele ...are • Suite 100 • Watueetteo10, 3t114 55343 2009 EXIST1fl VOLUMES 8c GEOMETRICS LEGEND AM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES XXX PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES XXX EXISTING ROADWAY EASING LANES EXISTING STOP CONTROL 189 occupied Beds2 437 NA3 26 0.29 29 0.17 9 23 254 Assisted Living Table 1 Trip Generation Estimates l • ITE Land Use Code Trips Generated: PM Peak In Out Land Use Size AM Peak Rate In Out Rate Weekday Rate ADT 4' 23 9 32 29 26 Totals 55 437 1. Per the data and methodologies in Trio Generation 8th Edition, published by ITE. 2. 199 total beds are proposed with a predicted 95% occupancy rate, resulting in 189 occupied beds, per data provided by the developer. 3. The ITE fitted curve equation was used based on the location of data points and higher amount of studies for daily traffic. 4. ADT represent the Average Daily Traffic over a typical weekday 24-hour period. IV. PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS A. Trip Generation The volume of vehicle trips generated by the proposed development has been estimated for the weekday AM and PM peak hours and on a daily basis using the data and methodologies contained in the 8th Edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Based on information from the developer, the proposed development is anticipated to have 199 patient beds with a 95% occupancy rate. The estimated volume of site-generated trips for each land use is summarized in Table 1. It is noted in Trip Generation, for a study of the Assisted Living land use, that less than 5% of the residents owned cars and employees, visitors and delivery trucks made most of the vehicle trips to the facility. Therefore, the information in the table below is conservative and it is likely that actual number of site-generated trips will be lower. B. Trip Distribution and Assignment The distribution of site-generated trips to and from the adjacent street system was based on existing and expected future traffic patterns in the area for both the AM and PM peak hours. This distribution pattern, along with the estimated changes in traffic volumes at study area intersections expected as a result of the proposed redevelopment, are illustrated on Figure 4, Trip Distribution & Assignment. C. Build Traffic Volumes The Build scenario volumes result when the trip assignment volumes are combined with the 2009 existing traffic volumes, as detailed in Figure 5. RLK Incorporated Page 8 of 20 November 901, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN Oct 01, 2009 2: 2 0 ^•-•-• Chou., nnenneottnn\ 2009-087—L\ Technical Doto \Traffic \Figures \03—XX Volumes.dwg '8(1) VN I CI 3 AO AN 01 0 0 LEGEND AM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES ROADWAY LANES STOP CONTROL 20 0 9- 08 7 — LV Te ch 0 SCALE IN FEET 200 THE COLONY OF EDINA lion Leis, YLN iiibtang, MIN Iftnntratilca. MN aliklarOiN CEIMEMEMOD Mono 952 933 0972 Foc 952 933 053 www:rikiar_osol Figure 5 Project # 2009087L ri•-n RLK BUILD TRAFFIC VOLUMES esi 0 0 0 6110 Blne Circle IDZiVe ° &aim WO • Leasetoolca, AIN 55343 Table 2 Level of Service vs. Average Delay - Unsignalized Intersections Unsignalized Intersections Level of Service Average Delay per Vehicle (Seconds) A 0-10 10 — 15 15 — 25 25 — 35 35 — 50 50 — and up V. RESULTS OF THE OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS A. Traffic Forecast Scenarios The following two scenarios were considered in evaluating traffic operations near the site: 1. 2009 Existing Conditions. Based on the field inventory of roadway conditions and existing turning movement counts. 2. Build Alternative. This alternative assumes full development of the site with completion by 2010. No background growth is expected on the roadway network as the surrounding neighborhood is fully developed. B. Operational Analysis Methodology Traffic operations for the AM and PM peak hour conditions within the study area were analyzed using the industry-standard Synchro/SimTraffic 6 software package, which uses the data and methodology contained in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, published by the Transportation Research Board. The operating conditions of transportation facilities, such as traffic signals and stop-controlled intersections, are evaluated based on the relationship of the theoretical capacity of a facility to the actual traffic volumes on that facility. Various factors affect capacity, including travel speed, roadway geometry, grade, number and width of travel lanes, intersection control, etc. The current standards for evaluating capacity and operating conditions are contained in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The procedures describe operating conditions in terms of a Level of Service (LOS). Facilities are given letter designations from "A," representing the best operating conditions, to "F," representing the worst. In general, LOS "E" is the minimally acceptable condition during the peak periods of the day. At intersections, the letter grades are assigned based on the average delay per vehicle experienced during the peak hour on a particular approach or movement. The grade for the intersection as a whole is based on a weighted average of each movement. Table 2, below, details the ranges for each letter grade for unsignalized intersections, in seconds of average delay per vehicle. -Per the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, pub ished by the Transportation Research Board. RLK Incorporated Page 11 of 20 November 9th, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN Level of Servicel ' Intersection 95th Percentile Queues2 ' A/A Adequate queue lengths. Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way Adequate queue lengths. A/A Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard Adequate queue lengths. A/A Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way Adequate queue lengths. A/A Colonial Way & West Access Adequate queue lengths. A/A Colonial Way & East Access Table 4a Results of Build Conditions Analysis — AM Peak Hour A final fundamental component of operational analyses is a study of vehicular queuing, or the lineup of vehicles waiting to pass through an intersection. An intersection can operate with an acceptable level of service, but if queues from the intersection extend back to block entrances to turn lanes or accesses to adjacent land uses, unsafe operating conditions could result. The 95th percentile queue, or the length of queue with a 5% chance of occurring during the peak hour, is considered the standard for design purposes. C. 2009 Existing Conditions Analysis This section contains the results of the intersection operational analyses for the existing conditions. Tables 3a and 3b show the results of the Build Conditions analysis. Table 3a Results of Existina Conditions Analysis — AM Peak Hour Intersection Level of Service 95th Percentile Queues l Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way A/A Adequate queue lengths. Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard A/A Adequate queue lengths. Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way AJA Adequate queue lengths. I . Overall LOS followed by the worst movement LOS reported from SimTraffic. 2. 95th percentile queues reported from SimTraffic Table 3b Results of Existina Conditions Analysis — PM Peak Hour Intersection Level of Service 95th Percentile Queues Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way A/A Adequate queue lengths. Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard ATB Adequate queue lengths. Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way A/A Adequate queue lengths. Operations of the Existing roadway network are acceptable. For both the AM and the PM peak hours, overall intersection and worst movement LOS is B or better and all 95th percentile queues are accommodated by the existing roadway geometry. No improvements are recommended for the Existing Conditions. D. Build Conditions Analysis This section contains the results of the intersection operational analyses for the Build conditions. Tables 4a and 4b show the results of the existing conditions analysis. I. Overall LOS followed by the worst movement LOS reported from SimTraffic. 2. 95th percentile queues reported from SimTraffic RLK Incorporated Page 12 of 20 November 91h, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN Level of Service Intersection 951h Percentile Queues A/A Adequate queue lengths. Tracy Avenue & Colonial Way Adequate queue lengths. A/B Tracy Avenue & Olinger Boulevard Adequate queue lengths. A/A Olinger Boulevard & Colonial Way Adequate queue lengths. A/A Colonial Way & West Access Adequate queue lengths. A/A Colonial Way & East Access Table 4b Results of Build Conditions Analysis — PM Peak Hour Analysis of the Build Conditions indicated acceptable operations on the roadway network and proposed site accesses. For both the AM and the PM peak hours, overall intersection and worst movement LOS is B or better and all 95th percentile queues are accommodated by the existing roadway geometry. No mitigation measures are recommended for the Build Conditions. E. Review of Access Locations The proposed site includes two accesses, a west access that serves the surface parking lot and the east access that serves that underground parking garage and the service dock. The separation of the two accesses is approximately 330 feet and there is adequate site distance for entering/exiting vehicles. We do not anticipate any operational issues with the proposed accesses as Colonial Way is a low volume road. The Build operational analysis indicates acceptable Level of Service results and adequate queue lengths that do not extend into other access points or intersections. RLK Incorporated Page 13 of 20 November 9th, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN VI. PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE AND TRANSIT The proposed site is located across the street from a park with pedestrian trails and sidewalks and near two bus routes. These pedestrian and transit amenities, suggest the site is ideally situated to facilitate alternative modes of transportation. A. Bicycle and Pedestrian As shown on Figure 6, Pedestrian Facilities, concrete sidewalks are provided along study area roadways. The proposed project will incorporate new sidewalks from the building to the existing sidewalk system on the south side of Colonial Way. Figure 7, Bicycle Facilities, illustrates the nearby bicycle facilities. Good access to the pedestrian and bicycle systems from the proposed project will encourage employee and visitor use. B. Transit Numerous transit stops and a Metro Transit Park & Ride lot are located near the site. Existing transit route 146, detailed on Figure 8, travels from Downtown Minneapolis to Edina with stops near the site on Colonial Way. Existing transit route 578, illustrated on Figure 9, travels from Downtown Minneapolis to Edina and the Southdale Mall with stops near the site on Colonial Way. The proximity of access to the transit system adjacent to the proposed project makes this a viable alternative for employees, visitors and residents. RLK Incorporated Page 14 of 20 November 9th, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN Thautb, HAM Lake, ma& CaniiirgiZO Mc= 95293.3 0972 az 952 933 1153 www111clac.com 6110 13h)e Clo.14 DA= • Scam 10:3 • lausctoulls, MN 55343 RLK ti• 2009 RUC INC. Existing Sidewalk LEGEND: Proposed School / Business Sidewalk Proposed State-Aid Sidewalk Note: Park Pathways are included on Figure 7.91 Sidewalk Facilities Figure 7.10 ( City of Edina JL 1 ' 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update THE COLONY OF LIMA PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Figura 0 ---- 6 1 ojeot P7 -- 20090871. Se p 2 9 , 2 00 9 9: 29 a m RLIC 6110 Blue Circle Drive • Bicycle Facilities Figure 7.11 City of Edi] 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Duluth, MN Ilam lake, MN Hibbing, MN hannetonh, MN CliddebEIN Ma= 952 933 0972 Far 952 933 1153 wwwslitInc.com Suite 100 • Drunnetonliza, MN 55343 THE COLONY OF EDINA BICYCLE FACILITIES Propet 2009087L G: \ Sh e lt e r C o r p or a ti o n \ 20 0 9 - 08 7 — L\ _ Te c hn ic a l Da ta Vr a ff i c \ Fi g ur e s \ 06 - 07— Bu s k u u te s . dw q Se p 2 9 , 2 0 0 9 9 : or Figur° (2 7 &sling Basting Hennepin - Proposed I From the 2007 Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan Park Pathway County Corridors Park Pathway I r Primary Route — — — Secondary Route LEGEND: 0; CL- e2009 RLK INC. , ..... , 0- ltsfati':` I ELCJ •i .-4111t- 468 12 0 Miles WE Ns, .......... • • " , : Coéjtiot centet , • ... . Minneapolis Downtown Zone Ride in the Dorntown Zone for etetlealftee, gI .s4 .i ,c ',:---. ..,`- '?9, 'ki -1' .--,;•.-' .-. - 0,.., -?,.•*4-zcs, .....• ., , . \' Southwest High School 50th St trodome Meho 11.1-11,1 ules: MVTA Ac..,tes 1-35W & Lake Street • area. Washburn . Yg30-1 52nd SI 54,h S., 151h St :Eth • zeith St Powderhorn Park 42nd St 26th SI Lake \ Figure 8 RUCCV 0). OZMEMILED Photic 952 933 0972 CV a \••••etesi— Ft= 952933 1153 saww.tildascom e () 6110 Blue Citel. ie • Suite 100 • SitutinettualuL 3536 55343 THE COLONY OF EDINA Dubtth, Ham Lake, MN Hibbing, MN Hfunletwalsa, MN oaidtit4Mla (S ROUTE 146 , • Project "-A09087L Southdale Transit Center and ff Park & Ride Lie,ritage Dr 6.R.Th St \ • 66th S: Rc -11.144181111 6.9t St stOmetent ;;;;;;; ttttttttt tin>-ta SouthdaleTransit Cent- Southbound AM Northbound PM i6Rth St_ ' AP. Door 401EPhri --'Southdale 13 Shopping iladr 1: Center / 1:1? / ,re-.11.S1 17.2 Benton Ave BuIGICID Coorial wati§F"f 70th St MiiniillEiefiffihnoWill1111111 MI I 0 ,, 2 - 7: cc '3 Ei , SU_ ?Mill 171n 1110 1E1 .7 • Hyl Park ,c5 Reserve 62 gala CI era et CI r, F:51h Eel- St 11,000 LAKE 2.; linnescita Drive and France Ave Metro Transit Routes: For additional service, please see Route 146 63 578A 1'0 49 2- ' el c'e Route R L,, Mthro Trarsit Routes: E.-e Ruutes Southdale Transit Center LAKE HARRJE I W E 1 Miles el 2009 RLI( INC. a, Duluth, MN o Ham Lake, MN o Hibbing, MN cri RIK Phu= 952 933 0972 CV Fa n 952 933 1153 Bfitinetonlo, MN Ctriddit,IIN cs, ww.ellbancom U)6110 Blue Circle Drive • Suite 100 • Minnetonka, MN 55343 wr THE COLONY OF EDINA Figure # 9 BUS ROUTE 578 Project # 2009087L VII. TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Travel Demand Management Plan The purpose of this Travel Demand Management Plan (TDMP) is to assist the City of Edina to achieve their transportation goals as detailed in the Comprehensive Plan as they relate specifically to The Colony of Edina site, by managing and minimizing the vehicle trips generated by the development. The Colony of Edina site is predicted to generate a low volume of site-generate traffic with minimal TDM needs, therefore specific travel demand strategies have been developed. B. Specific Travel Demand Management Strategies The Colony of Edina seeks to achieve the City of Edina's goal of enhancing the local transportation system by lowering peak hour travel demand, helping to balance the needs of all users of the transportation system. The Colony of Edina agrees to implement of the following measures: General 1. Provide informational displays on an bulletin board or kiosk detailing current transit schedules and bike maps. 2. Require truck and/or service deliveries to occur outside of weekday peak traffic times. This does not include FedEx / UPS-type deliveries. 3. Encourage the use of alternate commuting options by dissemination of information to residents, visitors and employees. Transit 1. The developer shall consider transit incentives for employees, such a discounted transit pass. 2. The employer, when possible, shall work with employees to provide flexible work schedules to coordinate with transit schedules and to minimize peak hour vehicular trip generation. 3. The developer shall provide an on-site shuttle or van for residents to travel between The Colony of Edina and retail/grocery and entertainment land uses. Bicycle 1. The developer shall provide bike racks and locker storage facilities for personal belongings for employees that bike to work. Pedestrian 1. Rebuild sidewalks impacted by construction with ADA-compliant curb ramps, encouraging use by a broad cross-section of pedestrian types, and promoting the pedestrian mode of commuting for employees who are nearby residents. 2. Construct and maintain lighted private sidewalks connecting the building accesses to the public sidewalk. RLK Incorporated Page 19 of 20 November 9th, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN VIII. CONCLUSIONS The preceding analysis has evaluated the potential traffic impacts associated with The Colony of Edina development on the operations to the study area roadway and intersections. Travel Demand Management measures are detailed that the developer agrees to implement to aid in lowering peak hour travel demand, helping to balance the needs of all users of the transportation system. The following summarizes the results to the analysis, as well as additional information presented in the report: > The proposed development will generate 32 weekday AM peak hour trips, 55 weekday PM peak hour trips and 437 daily trips. > The existing roadway network is predicted to easily handle the additional traffic generated by the proposed site. > The Existing operational analysis indicates acceptable traffic operations for the study area intersections. > The Build operational analysis indicates acceptable traffic operations with the inclusion of site- generated traffic. > The proposed site accesses are predicted to operate acceptably. > No significant impacts to the existing bicycle, pedestrian and transit system are expected. > The developer will commit to specific Travel Demand Management (TDM) strategies to aid in lowering peak hour travel demand, helping to balance the needs of all users of the transportation system. RLK Incorporated Page 20 of 20 November 9th, 2009 The Colony of Edina - Edina, MN Jack Sullivan IL e From: kirkjohnsonster@gmail.com on behalf of Kirk Johnson [Kirk.Johnson@LoganLogic.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:23 PM To: ann swenson; Jim Hovland; Joni Bennett; Mary Brindle; Scot Housh; Gordon Hughes; Wayne Houle; Jack Sullivan; John Keprios; Surya Iyer; Phil Larsen; Robyn Wiesman; Bob; Andrew Nessel; Alex Dirr; Alice Hulbert; Bob Fried; Carl Follstad, home; Carl Gulbronson; Donald Eyberg; Jennifer Janovy; Joseph Hulbert; Kirk Johnson; Larry Olson; Richard Griffith; Rob Erickson; Sally Dunn; Sarah Jakobsen; Todd Brewer Subject: Bike Edina Task Force Meeting Minutes (January 14, 2010) Dear City Council, Mayor Jim Hovland, Gordon Hughes (City Manager), Wayne Houle (City Engineer & Director of Public Works), Jack Sullivan (Assistant City Engineer), John Keprios (Park and Recreation Director), Edina Energy & Environment Commission, Sgt. Phil Larsen (Edina Police Depaitment), and Bike Edina Task Force & visitors Andrew Nessel and Bob Aderhold: Our January meeting minutes are pasted below. They are also online (source file link). Other distribution: o Jack Sullivan, please provide for the Edina Transportation Commision packet. o Surya Iyer, please post for the Edina Energy & Environment Commission. Thank you for your interest and support. Please review and contact me with any questions. Bike Edina Task Force: News & Meeting Outcomes January 14, 2010 The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) Meets monthly on the 2 nd Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Kirk Johnson, Chair. Guests are welcome to observe, space permitting. • Online source: Source link here (http://tcstreetsforpeople.org/node/1106) • Present: Alice Hulbert, Carl Follstad, Donald Eyberg, Jennifer Janovy, Kirk Johnson, Richard Griffith, Rob Erickson, Sally Dunn, Sarah Jakobsen, Todd Brewer • Guests: Andrew Nessel, Bob Aderhold • Absent: Excused absences include Bob Fried, Alex Dirr, Carl Gulbronson, Larry Olson. Absent with no prior communication: Joseph Hulbert. • Recorded by: Sally Dunn, Kirk Johnson • Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, and Mayor & City Council. Also, Jack Sullivan to forward to the Edina Transportation Commission, and Surya lyer to post for the Edina Energy and Environment Commission. 1. A BETF member since 2006 passed away, Dwaine Lindberg. Discussion about Dwaine Lindberg and his Dwaine contributions, our plans for recognizing his contributions to BETF. Dwaine's obituary (link) is in the Star Tribune. Kirk Johnson will frame the picture Carl Follstad provided for Dwaine's March memorial and a gift to his family. Suggestions have been sent to City leaders for honoring Dwaine's name for some part of bicycling infrastructure. 2. Bicycle Friendly Community Application Part II - Deadline is in February. Kirk Johnson will draft the application and send it to this group via email for approval, and when ready, Kirk will send to Gordon Hughes, John Keprios, Jim Hovland and others. When approved by the City, Kirk will then submit to the League of American Bicyclists. Sarah Jakobsen volunteered to assist Kirk. Benefits are recognition, resources and a good boost for the City for active living and other measures. 3. Safe Routes to Schools: Rob Erickson reported the January meeting is tomorrow. Nearly completed with the parent and student survey going to Highland. Planning started on the bike rodeo and stations which will be in place, planned for April 17 at Highland Elementary. Members should mark their calendars for this date. There has also been discussion on the Virtual School Bus and this may start with a "walking Wednesday." We would like the City Council to know about the Bike Rodeo which is scheduled to be held on April 17th. The time is being solidified. We intend to invite all Elementary Schools in Edina. For more information, contact Rob Erickson. 4. Planning for February workshop meeting with City leaders: Discussion of what to include on the agenda for this February 16 at 5 pm. Ideas included reconfirmation from the city council of BETF goals; review and ratify the BETF charter/bylaws; update on Three Rivers Plan; BETF Quiz; memorial for Duane; council suggestions on how BETF should work with the police department; Ciclovia plan (see below); Phase I update; involvement with street improvement plans; complete streets resolution. Email any other ideas to Kirk Johnson by January 22 if possible. 5. Motorized traffic-free event (ciclovia -- Andrew Nessel, University of Minnesota student guest): Andrew is trying to organize an event similar to what occurs in Colombia - called a ciclovia. Roads are blocked off for the event. A key issue is getting permits and police involvement. A council person or a neighborhood may need to sponsor. "Sunday Streets" (8 am to 2 pm) is a concept in some cities (New York). There may be music, vendors selling items. There is always one Sunday in Minneapolis where Minneapolis blocks off streets for cycling the Grand Rounds route. Discussion of possible sites-perhapF with the July 4th parade or the Edina Art Fair or for the homecoming parade when Wooddale is blocked off. This idea may be something that could be piloted this year for assessment. 6. Phase I Update: Kirk Johnson is working on getting a response on progress for this project. Questions include what is the status and whether there is a sunset date. Todd Brewer will do follow-up on this issue and take over for Dwaine. 7. Update on communications: Carl Follstad met with Jennifer Bennerrotte about some publications for spring. The About Town deadline is tomorrow. Jennifer will try to fit in the quiz in. Carl F. suggested a link to the BETF website be put in the article for the answers. Carl also discussed with Jennifer about setting up a mailing list for BETF and they talked about maintenance issues. Discussion at our meeting included desire for BETF members maintaining the list. This item is still open and needs completion. Carl F. will send to BETF the article ideas when it's closer to biking season. 8. Update on bike racks: a. Rob Erickson reports that the date for the bike rack meeting with Robyn Weisman (SHIP Community Liaison) and John Keprios is January 26th at 9:00 at the City Hall. Robyn's contact information includes: Phone: 952-563-8917 and rwiesman(&,ci.bloomington.mn.us. b. Carl Gulbronson reports that up to 125 to 150 bike racks will be purchased with a $20,000 grant obtained by the Bloomington Health Department. The cities of Edina (5K), Bloomington (10K) and Ridgefield (5K) will share the grant. In an effort to stretch the available dollars, the racks are being purchased from Dero (www.dero.com), a Minneapolis-based manufacturer on a wholesale basis by a local bike shop. To further extend the available dolls' the Edina Parks Department has agreed to complete the installation of the racks in return for input on their 2 placement. Similar installation deals are being proposed in the other cities. If you know of a place where bike racks are needed, please call or email Carl Gulbronson with the location. 9. Bike Mosaic Project- Kirk Johnson will take the lead on this with Sarah Jakobsen's help. 10. 2010 street improvements- Wayne Houle has invited us to provide comments related to upcoming street improvements. Jennifer Janovy volunteered to be the lead on this, but noted that design information is hard to get. The public City map of 2010 -2019 indicates upcoming projects for bituminous street reconstruction. 11. Hennepin County Bicycle Advisory Committee - Kirk Johnson is retiring, representing Jan Callison. This is a monthly meeting for 2 hours, 4pm to 6 pm. Kirk is actively looking for a successor -- please contact him if interested, Kirk.Johnson@LoganLogic.com . 12. ETC Update: Jennifer reported that a resolution was passed for a MNDOT Complete Streets Program. MNDOT only affects state-funded streets. Discussion of whether a proposal should be developed for a local Complete Streets resolution. 13. Nine Mile Creek Update: There have been some neighborhood sessions to come up with qualitative measures that would improve the plan. Each segment will be walked with people who live in the area. The environmental study is not yet completed. There was discussion of linkages to the light rail system near the bike trail. Main contact for BETF includes Alice Hulbert. Questions or corrections? please contact Bike Edina Task Force Chair, Kirk.Johnson@LoganLogic.com Kirk Logan Johnson Kirk.johnson@LoganLogie.com (612) 916-9966 (Cell) 3 To: Transportation Commission From: Jack Sullivan, P Assistant City En Date: January 21, 2010 Subject: Transportation Reviews Agenda Item No.: IV.0 ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion Information Page 1 of 1 Item IV. C. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: At the December 17, 2009 Edina Transportation Commission, Chair Workinger asked that the issue of Transportation Commission's role in development reviews be placed on the agenda. Attached are the meeting minutes from the Edina Zoning Ordinance Update Committee meeting minutes. Also included in the attachments is an overview of all Transportation Reviews completed by the ETC over the last 3 years. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\20100121_Transporation_Reviews.docx MINUTES OF THE EDINA ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATE COMMITTEE DECEMBER 9, 2009 Planning Commissioners in Attendance: Mike Fischer, Kevin Staunton, Arlene Forrest, Michael Schroeder, Nancy Scherer and Julie Risser Staff in Attendance: Kris Aaker and Jackie Hoogenakker Residents in Attendance: Tom Bonneville, John and Janet Bohan, Andy Porter and Geof Workinger Others Present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney I. OLD TOPIC ITEMS: Final Draft Recommendations TOPIC: Transportation Commission role in the Development Review process DATE INTRODUCED: November 24, 2009 CONTINUED DISCUSSION: December 9, 2009 Introduction: Chair Fischer explained that at the November 24, 2009, Planning Commission PC) meeting, the Commission discussed the role of the Transportation Commission (TC) in the development review process. Chair Fischer further explained that at that meeting the Commission suggested that the Transportation Commission be eliminated from the development review process unless a specific referral is requested by staff, planning commission or city council. Discussion: Commissioner Risser questioned what would trigger review by the TC. Commissioner Schroeder said he envisions that the Transportation Commission would review projects of a scale sufficient to trigger an environmental review (environmental assessment worksheet, environmental impact statement, alternative urban areawide review), as well as any area of the city subject to a small area plan. Geof Workinger, 5224 Kellogg Avenue and Chair of the TO raised the following questions: 1. Does the Planning Commission see eliminating TO review on all development projects as an important step in streamlining the process? ZOUC Meeting Notes Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Page 2 of 9 2. Has the TC provided the Commission/Council quality guidance when reviewing traffic issues; and 3. Is review by both the TC and PC duplication and an overlap of process or does it provide the needed balance? Commissioner Staunton explained that at the joint meeting of the TC and Zoning Ordinance Update Committee (ZOUC) it was mentioned by a TC member that the focus of the TC should be the larger picture, adding it was also mentioned that reviewing every development project at the micro-level may be a duplication of effort. Concluding, Commissioner Staunton said the goal of the ZOUC is to streamline the development review process to avoid confusion for the public and the developer. Mr. Workinger clarified he wasn't aware the ZOUC was tackling this issue, adding he is not speaking on behalf of the TC; he is only expressing his opinion. Continuing, Mr. Workinger questioned if the Commission found it helpful that a specific project had the TC stamp of approval? Chair Fischer responded it was helpful, adding he doesn't want to convey the impression that the Planning Commission wants to "control everything". He reiterated that the goal of the ZOUC is to streamline and clarify the development review process. Mr. Workinger said in his opinion the role of the TC is vital, adding the TC has value with their expertise. A discussion ensued with Commissioners acknowledging the benefit of development review at the TO level; however, a piece in the TC review process is missing and that piece is public input. It was pointed out that the Planning Commission and City Council conduct the public hearings and with many projects traffic impact plays a very important role in the discussion and decision. Residents have expressed confusion when the Commission and Council refer to a recommendation from the TC when they weren't aware the project they were interested in was previously discussed at a City level. Mr. Bonneville, 4378 Browndale, and member of the TO said that in his opinion the TO should be involved in the development review process; however their role needs to be more clearly defined. Continuing, Mr. Bonneville pointed out the City Council appoints residents with applicable expertise to the various boards and commissions, adding the talents of Edina's residents should be used. Concluding, Mr. Bonneville acknowledged the question if where the TC fits in the development review process and suggested that the PC and the TC get together to establish criteria for development review. Commissioner Scherer agreed that clarification is needed on the role of the TO in the development review process, but noted the TO is an advisory board without public notice. Commissioners agreed with that comment. Continuing, Commissioner Scherer said in her opinion establishing the PUD as the development review threshold for the TO would be a good place to start. Concluding, Commissioner Scherer said if there is an issue with the relevance of ZOUC Meeting Notes Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Page 3 of 9 the TC that should be addressed at the Council level and if the Council deems that the TC continues its development review the Council should consider assigning them a public process. After further discussion the ZOUC suggested that either a joint session is needed between the PC and TC or a member of the PC attends a TC meeting to discuss the relavency and the role of the TC in the development review process. Chair Fischer reiterated what the ZOUC is trying to do is to establish a more transparent, easily understood, and streamlined development review process. He reiterated in no way should anyone take away from these work sessions that the Planning Commission is attempting to "take away" anything, pointing out the City Council has the final authority for any changes to the Zoning Ordinance. Action: The Zoning Ordinance Update Committee recommends that the previous recommendation to eliminate the Transportation Commission from the development review process be tabled until sometime in January 2010. Chair Fischer said this will allow the TC time to discuss their role as it relates to development review. Chair Fischer said minutes would be provided to the TC on the discussion this evening. Chair Fischer said if possible a member of the Planning Commission would also attend January's TC meeting. *See attached Memo from Chair I 'ir;cher to Chair Workinger TOPIC: Energy and Environment Commissions role in the Development Review Process DATE INTRODUCED: November 24, 2009 CONTINUED DISCUSSION: December 9, 2009 Introduction Chair Fischer explained this topic was discussed on November 24, 2009, with the Commission noting that currently the Energy and Environment Commission does not have a role in the development review process at the Commission level. It was further discussed that this should continue. Action The Final draft recommendation is that the Energy and Environment Commission will continue to have no role in the development review process; however, the Chair of the Energy and Environment Commission will receive Planning Commission meeting packets. ZOUC Meeting Notes Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Page 4 of 9 TOPIC Public Hearings DATE INTRODUCED November 24, 2009 CONTINUED DISCUSSION December 9, 2009 Introduction Chair Fischer noted that at the past meeting of the Ordinance Update Committee it was suggested that the Planning Commission hold the public hearing for development projects with the City Council taking public comments, but not holding the "public hearing". Commissioner Staunton agreed with that statement and added in his opinion it is important to make a recommendation on who should hold the public hearing on development projects in order to clarify the planning process. Discussion City Attorney Knuston told the Committee that in the cities he works with the Planning Commission holds the public hearing on development projects. He further noted that the City Councils he works with may, or may not; take public input at City Council meetings. Mr. Bohan commented that in his opinion having both the Planning Commission and City Council hold the public hearings is a duplication of effort creating dysfunction within the process. Treating the Planning Commission as advisory only creates a "practice run" climate before the final City Council public hearing. A brief discussion ensued with Members agreeing a clear recommendation needs to be drafted on the public hearing process. Members also noted in many instances the developer is required to attend numerous meetings to "get a project through" the process (Planning Commission, City Council, Transportation, Zoning Board of Appeals, HPB). Multiple meetings elongate the process increasing the number of presentations and time spent on a project. It also is confusing for residents. The discussion continued as to control during the public hearing while meeting the developers and residents expectations. City Attorney Knutson stated in his experience the body that holds the public hearing controls the process as to when, how, and how often parties are allowed to speak. Mr. Knutson stated most cities do not re-open hearings once it has been closed or offer a time for rebuttal as suggested at a previous ZOUC meeting. Continuing, Mr. Knutson stressed that a public hearing is not a dialog or debate between the Commission, developer and/or the public. Concluding Mr. Knutson said the goal of each hearing is to have an orderly fair meeting that ultimately must come to an end and a decision must be made. ZOUC Meeting Notes Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Page 5 of 9 Chair Fischer said the problem he sees is that after the public hearing is closed and the Commission redirects questions to the developer the public feels slighted if they can't continue to weigh in, especially if they disagree with the developer's answer. Commissioner Schroeder asked Mr. Knutson if there is a "legal" outline on how to conduct public hearings. Mr. Knutson said to the best of his knowledge how to run a public hearing is not legislated; however, there should be consistency in the approach cities take with running a public hearing. Mr. Knuston said that the body conducting the public hearing could "make their own rules"; however, as previously mentioned the "rules" to follow should be consistent and should be available for review. Mr. Knutson said the Commission bylaws being drafted during this process should contain language on conducting a public hearing. Action The ZOUC agreed to a final draft recommendation that one public hearing should be held on development applications. The Planning Commission should be the group to hold the public hearing. The City Council could still take testimony or comment during their review, but the official public hearing would be held with the Planning Commission. TOPIC Driveway Widths DATE INTRODUCED November 24, 2009 CONTINUED DISCUSSION December 9, 2009 Discussion The issue was raised regarding driveway width in not only the Country Club Overlay District but in all small lot neighborhoods in Edina. Mr. Knutson clarified that the Country Club District Overlay District is required to maintain the same driveway width as stipulated in the zoning ordinance. Mr. Knutson explained if driveway width is an issue the ordinance as it is written today would need to be amended across the board. If the Country Club District wants different standards it may be best to rezone the district and establish new standards. A brief discussion ensued on even having a driveway width requirement with the opinion that on balance more people would benefit from not requiring a minimum driveway width. Members also suggested that staff check with the Engineering Department on how often the 30 foot wide curb cut standard is applied and if it is "working". Further discussion focused on driveway materials with the suggestion that materials need to be addressed as part of the ordinance update to allow pervious surfaces. Further study on materials is needed. ZOUC Meeting Notes Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Page 6 of 9 Action The ZOUC agreed to a final draft recommendation to not require a minimum driveway width in the R-1 Zoning District. Acceptable materials for driveways will include pervious pavers. OLD TOPIC ITEMS — CONTINUING DISCUSSIONS TOPIC Variance review process DATE INTRODUCED November 24, 2009 CONTINUED DISCUSSION December 9, 2009 Introduction Chair Fischer reminded the Committee that at the last meeting discussion on the variance review process was moving in the direction of eliminating the Zoning Board of Appeals and instead have the Planning Commission become the Zoning Board. Chair Fischer explained that City Attorney Knutson indicated that it would appear that Edina's variance process may be at odds with State Statues. Discussion Mr. Knutson clarified that State Statute indicates there shall be "a" Zoning Board of Appeals, adding he doesn't mean Edina can't function the same way they have been for many years; it's just that the current process may poise a legal challenge. Commissioner Staunton suggested the possibility of keeping the Zoning Board in place to hear residential variances and allowing the Planning Commission to hear variances relating to development projects with both holding the public hearing, however, advisory to the City Council who would be the Zoning Board of Appeals and take final action. Commissioner Staunton suggested the possibility of the City Council hearing some items (residential) as consent. The discussion ensued with a concern raised regarding the added time burden that would be put on the City Council to read all of the materials and minutes relating to variances. Concern was also raised as to whether the Council would actually approve consent items or would two hearings/review of a project ultimately occur for possibly a simple and minimal request. Some Commissioners wondered if assigning the Council as the Zoning Board of Appeals would elongate the process even more. Chair Fischer asked Planner Aaker if she believes the Zoning Board of Appeals works well. Planner Aaker responded that in her opinion the Board works well as ZOUC Meeting Notes Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Page 7 of 9 it is. Planner Aaker said the Zoning Board of Appeals follows a process that requires a 10-day neighborhood notification before the public hearing. The Zoning Board of Appeals at present is the final action unless an appeal is made. All variance appeals are heard by the City Council at a public hearing. Mr. Andy Porter addressed the Committee and said he agrees with Planner Aaker that the process works. There is a glitch however; on what body hears a variance request first during HPB review process. Further discussion pointed out that at the present time the ZOUC is considering the option of implementing a PUD process and if the ordinance incorporates a PUD, the variance process for large development projects would change. Mr. John Bohan said in his opinion regardless of what is decided variance review should be front ended. Hardship should be demonstrated by the applicant. From past and present discussions the Committee indicated there are two clear options; 1. establish the Planning Commission as the Zoning Board of Appeals; 2. suggest that the City Council act as the Zoning Board of Appeals with the current Zoning Board of Appeals reviewing and recommending residential variances and Planning Commission reviewing and recommending commercial variances. The ZOUC decided to continue the discussion regarding the variance review process until such time as the group discusses the PUD process and how framing PUD's within the ordinance could affect the variance process. Action Continue discussion with the PUD discussion. TOPIC Heritage Preservation Board role in the Development Review Process DATE INTRODUCED November 24, 2009 CONTINUED DISCUSSION December 9, 2009 Discussion The ZOUC discussed the roles of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Heritage Preservation Board (HPB) and decided as a final recommendation that applications should first receive HPB review, prior to variance review by the Zoning Board of Appeals. City Attorney Knutson reiterated that the City could re-zone the Country Club Overlay District as a separate Zoning District with unique and specific requirements from what is currently required by the R-1 District. ZOUC Meeting Notes Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Page 8 of 9 Action The ZOUC agreed to a final draft recommendation that when a variance is required in the Country Club or other Edina Heritage Landmark District that also requires a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA); the Heritage Preservation Board should hear the COA application prior to variance review by the Zoning Board of Appeals. III. NEW TOPIC ITEMS — Introductions TOPIC Staff Meeting(s) with Developer DISCUSSION December 9, 2009 Introduction Planner Aaker explained the current development review process noting that presently there is a pre-application process with the Planner where submission criteria and intent are reviewed. Planner Aaker said depending on the application that typically there are a number of meetings with the developer that includes a variety of city staff to address any concerns up-front prior to Planning Commission review. ZOUC Members agreed that in their opinion there hasn't been a problem perceived by them with regard to the application process. The Committee further noted that at times the PC receives too much information at the preliminary review level of a project. Members expressed the opinion that plans have become so detailed that by the time of Commission review the applicant has invested so heavily in the plans that it is difficult to be flexible and possibly change direction. This concern will be addressed in the Sketch Plan Review discussion. Action Preliminary draft recommendation to make no changes to current staff/developer meeting process. TOPIC Requirement for developer to Meet with Affected Neighbors DISCUSSION December 9, 2009 Introduction ZOUC Meeting Notes Wednesday, December 9, 2009 Page 9 of 9 Chair Fischer said that at the Commission level residents have mentioned that they didn't hear, or didn't hear soon enough that an application was made to develop or redevelop within their area. Chair Fischer raised the question if neighborhood meetings should be required for all development applications by ordinance. Planner Aaker further explained that all residents are notified in some form that a redevelopment application was made. First, a sign is required 10-day prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission, Second, since both the Planning Commission and City Council hold public hearings neighbors that reside within 1000 feet of a project are notified via mail; third, publication in the Edina Sun Current. City Attorney Knutson stated that neighborhood meetings could be required by ordinance. Mr. Knutson added, however; that none of the cities he works with require neighborhood meetings by ordinance. This is generally left up to the discretion of the City Planner to suggest such meetings. Continuing, Mr. Knutson said that it is in the best interest of the applicant to heed the advice of the Planner since he/she usually knows if a project would be of interest to neighbors. Concluding, Mr. Knutson added that requiring meetings by ordinance may add an unnecessary step. A discussion ensued with Planner Aaker further explaining that presently staff suggests neighborhood meetings where appropriate. Planner Aaker pointed out if this becomes an ordinance requirement the applicant would need to verify to city staff that they conducted the neighborhood meeting. Further discussion occurred with ZOUC Members agreeing that requiring a neighborhood meeting may be a topic of discussion as part of a possible PUD process. Action Preliminary draft recommendation to keep the current process of a common sense approach to suggest that developers meet with neighbors when appropriate. This seems to work without adding an undue burden on the applicant. IV. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Fischer noted the next meeting of the Zoning Ordinance Update Committee is scheduled for January 13, 2010 and thanked members of the community and Roger Knutson for their presence. Jackie Hoogenakker From: Mike Fischer [Mike.Fischer@lhbcorp.com] Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:34 PM Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: FW: Role of Transportation Commission in Development Review Jackie, I think this letter should be included as an attachment to the minutes of our iast work session right behind the "Role of the Transportation Commission" topic. I will be sending you my edits of the December 9 minutes soon. Thanks. Mike From: Mike Fischer Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 2:01 PM To: 'gswork@aol.com' Cc: ijsullivan@ci.edina.mn.ust; Cary Teague; Kevin Staunton Subject: Role of Transportation Commission in Development Review Dear Geoff, As you know, the Planning Commission is in the process of reviewing the City's Zoning Code. As part of that process, it is examining the development review process to consider ways that it can be improved. One suggestion is that we discontinue the practice of having the Transportation Commission review • -velopment applications and, instead, have any review and analysis of the traffic implications of such 'posed developments incorporated into the Planning Commission's review. This approach has the advantage of streamlining the process by eliminating an additional meeting for both the developer and interested members of the public. It would also allow the Transportation Commission to focus on more "big picture" issues consistent with its charge in the City ordinance creating it. At our Zoning Ordinance Update Committee meeting on December 9, this issue was on our agenda. You were nice enough to take the time to come and share some of your thoughts on the topic. After discussing the issue, the Committee decided to table the proposal until the Transportation Commission had an opportunity to discuss the idea and provide its thoughts. I understand that you hope to do that at either your December meeting (which is scheduled for December 17) or your January meeting. Please let me know if you would like someone from the Planning Commission to attend the meeting. You can access minutes of our meetings on the City's web site. I look forward to input from you and your colleagues on the Transportation Commission as we work to ensure that we have the best possible development review process. Sincerely, Michael Fischer 1/7/2010 Transportation Reviews The following is a list of all items listed on the Agendas for the 2007, 8 and 9 calendar year. All items are taken from the "new business" section of the agenda. In 2007 a total of 10 reviews 6 Private Developments (PD) Reviews (60%) 4 City Initiated (Cl) Reviews (40%) 2007 January 70th Street Study (CI-1) January Special Meeting 70th Street Public Hearing (CI-1) February York Place (PD-1) NE Edina Traffic Study Implementation (CI-2) 70th Street Study (CI-1) March 7380 France Office Bldg (PD-2) April May June July 7311 France Retail (PD-3) No May Meeting Southdale Medical Facility (PD-4) Gateway AUAR Traffic Study (PD-5) No July Meeting August 6444 Xerxes Avenue (PD-6) Bike Edina Task Force — Draft Bicycle Comp. Plan (CI-3) City of Edina Comp. Plan — Transp. Chapter (CI-4) September City of Edina Comp. Plan — Transp. Chapter (CI-4) October Edina Gateway — Pentagon Redevelopment (PD-5) NE Edina Traffic Study Implementation (CI-2) 70th Street Study (CI-1) November Edina Gateway — Pentagon Redevelopment (PD-5) NE Edina Traffic Study Implementation (CI-2) December No December Meeting GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffiarransportation Commission\Miscellaneousk20091215_traffic_reviews.doc Transportation Reviews In 2008 a total of 13 reviews 8 Private Developments (PD) Reviews (62%) 5 City Initiated (Cl) Reviews (38%) 2008 January Opus Development — Existing Public Works Facility (CI-1) (PD-1) Bikeway section of Transportation Chapter (CI-2) February City of Edina Comp. Plan — Transp. Chapter (CI-3) March No March Meeting April 701" Street Study (CI-4) May 6921 York Place (PD-2) 4010 w. 65th Street — Crosstown Medical (PD-3) June Southeast Edina Synchro Traffic Model (CI-5) July 7500 York Avenue — Ebenezer Management (PD-4) 7300 Bush Lake Road — Minnesota Made (PD-5) August No August Meeting September 7355 York Avenue — Southdale YMCA and CommonBound (PD-6) 6200 Interlachen Boulevard — Interlachen CC Maintenance Bldg (PD-7) October Aloft Edina Hotel (PD-8) November No November Meeting December No December Meeting G: \Engineering \ Infrastructure \Streets Uraffic\Transportation Connnnission \Miscellaneous \20091215_traffic_reviews.doc Transportation Reviews In 2009 a total of 6 reviews 2 Private Developments (PD) Reviews (33%) 4 City Initiated (Cl) Reviews (66%) 2009 January 70th Street Traffic Study (CI-1) February No February Meeting March No March Meeting April Halifax Avenue NTMP (CI-2) May Workshop with Council Northeast Edina 70th Street June Complete Streets (CI-3) July No July Meeting August 4820 W. 77th Street Transportation 8050 W. 78th Street Transportation September 4820 W. 77th Street Transportation October Metro Transit Route 6 (CI-4) Complete Streets (CI-3) November No November Meeting December Complete Streets (CI-3) Review (PD-1) Review (PD-2) Review (PD-1) Compiled by Jack Sullivan, December 16, 2009 from ETC agendas. G:Engineering \ I nfrastructure \Streets \TraffiaTransportation Commission \Miscellaneous \20091215_traffic_reviews.doc Transportation Commission Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City En eer January 21, 2010 Southwest Transitway — Route 3A Agenda Item No.: VILA ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion Information To: From: Date: Subject: Page 1 of I Item VII. A. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: The Edina City Council at their January 5, 2010 meeting adopted the attached resolution 2010-14 endorsing Route 3A as the locally preferred alternative of the Southwest Transitway Technical Advisory Committee. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\ Streets\Traffic \Transportation Commission\Agendas 12010 R&R\20100121Southwest_Route3A.docx Mayor & City Council Wayne D. Houle, P Public Works Direct City Engineer January 5, 2010 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: From: Date: Subjec Southwest Transitway — Route 3A Resolution 2010-14 To HRA X To Council Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion Mgr. Recommends Action Agenda Item # IV. 0. Consent Information Only Recommendation: If so desired by the Council, adopt the attached Resolution 2010-14 endorsing Route 3A as the locally preferred alternative of the Southwest Transitway Technical Advisory Committee. Info/Background: The Southwest Transitway Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is finalizing over 7 years of planning by the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority (HCRRA) that included a feasibility study, analysis of three route alternatives, station area planning and draft environmental impact statement. The TAC was charged with selecting the preferred route of the Southwest LRT line, called the Locally Preferred Alternative. The four alternatives: 1A, 3A, 3C-1, and 3C-2, were evaluated based on ridership, capital and operating cost estimates, cost effectiveness, transit system integration, implementation factors, and an inventory of potetiy affeeied environmental resources. See the Route Map attached to this report. The TAC's recommendation of Route 3A was forwarded to the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority. The HCRRA voted on the Southwest Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project's Locally Preferred Alternative on Tuesday, November 3, 2009. The HCRRA unanimously voted to recommend LRT 3A to the Metropolitan Council for inclusion in its 2030 Transportation Plan. The Metropolitan Council has asked for resolutions supporting the route prior to January 27, 2010. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Hennepin County\SW LRT TAC 2005-06\20100105_RR-2010-14 .doc RESOLUTION NO. 2010-14 ENDORSING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE SOUTHWEST TRANSITWAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE CONCERNING THE RECOMMENDATION OF ROUTE 3A AS THE LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR THE SOUTHWEST TRANSITWAY WHEREAS, the Southwest Transitway Technical Advisory Committee has unanimously recommended the selection of Route 3A as the locally preferred alternative for the Southwest Transitway; and WHEREAS, The City Council desires to affirm its support for the selection of Route 3A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council affirms its support and preference for Route 3A for the Southwest Transitway and recommends to the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority and the Metropolitan Council that Route 3A be selected as the Southwest Transitway locally preferred alternative. ADOPTED this 5th day of January, 2010. Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA CERTIFICATE OF CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 5, 2010 ,-nr4 recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of 200 City Clerk Olson Memorial Highway Glenwood Ave. Laurel Ave ranklin Ave Cedar Lake Rd. 28th St. 8th St. Row, 3C 28th St Greenway Latest. C88 tmba B Lake Caihovn Wooddale 35th St. 36th St. Excetzior & Grand 3811I St. 3811, St. Louisiana 40th St. ,e1hore Ry' 2nd St HE LO' excelsior Sottlever Blake Lake Harriet. St. 5th St. S. Hopkins 7th St. S. Interlachen Blvd. I terIa chin 50th St. Smetana A. Rowland 58th St. Teenline Rd. 66th St. IC Stew Rd 66th St. Wood Lake Nature Center 40. LRT Alignment IA • LRT Station • LRT Park & Ride Station 3A LRT Alignment 3A °I— Existing Freight Lines 1111) ROME 3C -LRT Alignment 3C n 111. Hiawatha & Central LRT NORTH Scale (In mlles) 41111n , Ilth/12th Sub-Alt Concepts Trails o 0 0.1 0) 025 s,ta. HI et lc & Ro alston Transportation Commission Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engi er January 21, 2010 Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan Deadline Agenda Item No.: V11.13 ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion x Information To: From: Date: Subject: Page 1 of 1 Item VII. B. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: The Edina Transportation Commission has created a process called the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) by which residents can request a study of traffic in their neighborhood. The studies are intended to respond to requests dealing with speeding and excessive volumes of traffic on streets in residential neighborhoods. To date, the Edina Transportation Commission has not had a successful application. A NTMP study application can be filed by any individual, a business or by a neighborhood organization. Applications are typically made once a year. To consider a NTMP study the application must be in writing and are due by to the Engineering Department by 4:30 p.m. on February 9, 2010. G: \Engineering\Infrastructure \ Streets \Traffiffransportation Commission \Agendas \2010 R&R\20100121_NTMP_Dead1ine.docx MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA DATE: January 15, 2009 TO: ETC Members FROM: Jack Sullivan SUBJECT: Correspondence from Residents _ ETC Members, Attached is correspondence that has been received after the ETC packet was sent to you. Panel's advice for busy Edina street: Roundabouts Page 1 of 2 StarTribunexam MINNEAPOLIS - ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Panel's advice for busy Edina street: Roundabouts By MARY JANE SMETANKA, Star Tribune January 13, 2009 Round and around Edina discussions went on easing traffic problems on W. 70th Street, and when more than two years of talk and study came to an end last week, one of the possible solutions was: roundabouts. Recommendations to the city from a study advisory committee include a proposed roundabout at 70th and Valley View Road and a city study on whether a double roundabout near the intersection with Hwy. 100 would calm traffic. Homeowners who live along W. 70th say the street was never designed to be the throughway that it's become as one of the few east-west roads that cuts through much of the heart of Edina. Drivers heading to Southdale mall or the Galleria from Hwy. 100 often exceed the 30-mile-per-hour speed limit despite a residential setting that includes an elementary school and two parks. Heavy traffic sometimes makes it nearly impossible for residents to back out of their driveways. Seventeen public meetings have been held on W. 70th's issues since the city began looking at the street in 2006. The committee's job of devising a plan to slow and reduce traffic was made more complex by the sometimes-competing views of people who live on and near the street, said committee Chairman Steve Brown. "You're never going to be able to make everyone happy. Even the people who live on W. 70th did not have a unified position," Brown said. "But I feel like everyone got to express their opinion. ... I feel very good about the process." The committee's recommendations to the city include: •Studying construction of a roundabout to slow traffic at the crossing with Valley View Road, where city-owned land is already available to build the new traffic structure. •Studying the possibility of a double roundabout near the intersection with Hwy. 100. That proposal would be more expensive and could mean taking some private property. •Addition of a traffic light at the intersection with W. Shore Drive. •Removal of the unimpeded right turn onto W. 70th from northbound Hwy. 100, and addition of signals that adapt to traffic loads. •Better marking of a go-slow school zone on the stretch of W. 70th near Cornelia http://www.startribune.com/templates/Print_This_Story?sid=37547459 1/15/2009 Panel's advice for busy Edina street: Roundabouts Page 2 of 2 Elementary School. Parking is allowed on parts of W. 70th, and the committee recommended retaining that at the request of some homeowners who live on W. 70th. But unless the street was widened -- something that would require the city to reclaim rights of way that now are part of residents' front lawns -- there is not room for parking and bike lanes, Brown said. So the committee decided not to recommend bike lanes. That contradicts a bike plan that was adopted as part of Edina's comprehensive plan and suggested that W. 70th become a "primary" route for bicyclists. Alice Hulbert, a member of the task force that prepared the bike plan, questioned, "Are we going to cede control of streets only to people who live on those streets? I think you have to look at roads as used by people from the whole city." Experienced cyclists already use W. 70th, she said, but the heavy traffic, speeding and lack of bike lanes is a deterrent to less confident cyclists and children. The Edina Transportation Commission will discuss the committee report on Thursday. The council is expected to discuss it next month. Mary Jane Smetanka • 612-673-7380 @ 2009 Star Tribune. All rights reserved. http://www.startribune.com/templates/Print_This_Story?sid--37547459 1/15/2009 Page 1 of 1 Jack Sullivan From: kirkjohnsonster@gmail.com on behalf of Kirk Johnson [Kirk.Johnson@loganlogic.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:30 AM To: Jack Sullivan Cc: Gordon Hughes; Wayne Houle Subject: Cornelia West 70th Study Support Attachments: Cornelia West 70 Study Support Letter January 14.doc Dear Jack, please find the attached letter from the Bike Edina Task Force and forward to the Edina Transportation Commission members. If there are any questions, I would be glad to field them. Jennifer Janovy would likely be a good contact too with her dual role on both groups. Thank you very much. Kirk Logan Johnson Kirk. j ohnson@LoganLogic . com (612) 916-9966 (Cell) 1/15/2009 EVIKE DI NA January 14, 2009 Edina Transportation Commission Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Transportation Commission Member, In regard to the Greater Cornelia / West 70th Street Study and recommendations forwarded to you by the SAC this week, the Bike Edina Task Force would like to state its support for an option that includes bike/multi-purpose lanes on both sides of 70th street. Having dedicated bike lanes increases the number of individuals commuting by bicycle, reduces and calms motorized traffic, improves bicycling safety and provides more opportunity for fitness and recreation. West 70th Street is one of the direct routes on the Safe Routes to Schools, outlined in the City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan. This plan's vision is a "progressive bicycle-friendly community where citizens can easily integrate cycling into their daily lives." This important east-west roadway also enables bicycle users of all ages and abilities to reach important destinations, such as commuting to work, shopping, places of worship, and connecting to other roadways: As you might know, biking and walking facilities were indicated as the most desired improvement for which households were willing to support funding (2006 Edina Parks and Recreation survey). Thank you for your consideration of bike lanes on W. 70th Street to improve the quality of life in our community. Please contact me if you have any questions or feedback. Sincerely, Kirk Johnson Kirk.Johnson@LoganLogic.com 612-916-9966 Chair, Bike Edina Task Force Page 1 of,i L. Jack Sullivan From: Looieruth@aol.com Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:30 AM To: Jack Sullivan Subject: ARNESON PARKWAY Dear Mr Sullivan The night is too cold for the old-if both were not true I would be at the ETC to present this message. However, if I was not this old I would not have this message! The first item on your phasing in process on the Draft Report is just great! I have written you before on the subject of the 'free right'. I honestly believe that if you take a traffic count on 100 going NORTH taking 70th EAST- before and after you close that thing, you will see a dramatic decrease in traffic and easier exits from driveways and side streets. Did I read in the draft that there could be a 25% decrease in traffic going South on 100 and East on 70th with some adjustment? There might be another 25% decrease with those going North- we might need one lane!!!! I was equally appalled at the 'back of the hand' reaction to renaming that one mile road Arneson Parkway! That step in your process would not only enhance the character of the road but ,primarily, it would honor Mort Arneson for handing Edina a natural treasure. Arneson Nursery has been my back yard for 50 years-Mort said it was for kids and dogs.He loved them both and they could run free. [There was a stop sign at 70th and 100!] He drained a large pond because it was a danger to the kids. He loved to sit in his window and watch them slide down his hill. He was a Norwegian Immigrant and professional gardener. He grew and provided shrubs and trees for all Village of Edina locations. Before he turned this elegant property over to the Village he offered us all plantings across the back of our lots for'privacy'-we declined -we wanted to see what he did. A cursory glance at road names in Edina gave me over 50 named after people ,lakes or farms far less significant than Arneson Acres.Mort should most certainly be so honored. It is important ,as well, to those of us who have worked with you so hard and for so long to protect the path through his neighborhood. Please share this with the ETC and the Council-the new people may not be aware of the Arneson story. Ruth C. Johnson 7020 West Shore Drive 952-922-4814 1/15/2009 Jack Sullivan From: tabonneville@aol.com Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 10:35 PM To: Jack Sullivan Subject: Edina Streamlined Development Process EDINA STREAMLINED DEVELOPMENT PROCESS I. PRELIMINARY STAFF AND DEVELOPER INTERVIEW MEETING(S) IL SYSTEM DESIGN OF THE WHAT/WHO/HOW PROCESS FLOW III. SYSTEM DESIGN OF THE INTERACTING OF PROJECT PEOPLE DEVELOPER, STAFF, COMMITTEES, AND PROFESSIONAL DESIGNERS IV. SYSTEM DESIGN OF THE DECISION PROCESS AS AGUIDE FOR DEVELOPERS V. POST-DECISION ACTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY AND DEVELOPERS I. PRELIMINARY MEETING OF STAFF AND DEVELOPERS The team will determine if certain threshold criteria are met, and if any are met or exceeded, the Transportation Commission will need to be met and satisfied. A. The project will be a PUD B. The project will generate more than 1000 trips ADT C. The project will generate more than 100 trips/hour at peak in AM or PM D. The project will be developed on a street which is at 80% capacity during a AM or PM peak - -or--is in an area where the roadway serving the project is at a LOS E or worse. E. The City Council or Planning Commission requests the Transportation Commission to review and advise on the project traffic impacts. II. THE WHAT WHEN WHO AND HOW OF THE PROJECT PROCESS A. The City Council and Planning Commission are always required to vote on the project going forward with public hearings. B. The Transportation Commission is involved if any of the prescribed conditions are met from above. C. During the preliminary meeting with the developer and staff, all project team members are to be identified along with contact addresses, phone numbers and email data. Key project contacts shall be the Director of Planning and a named individual from the developer's side of the team. All company data is identified at this time D. The Planner will outline the project steps as a guide to the developer. The developer may request an extension in time for any step in the process for any reasonable need. The City may offer special meetings only for very unusual conditions as unilaterally determined by the 1 + Review and approve drawing and specs in a timely manner + appoint persons as field inspectors to interface with developer superintendent + approve plans and specs or coordinate with agencies who do this. +review field surveys and do footing inspections and continuous inspections thereafter + provide all rules for street conditions, cleanliness and safety. + establish a pre-construction meeting with the developer + issue any needed directives red tags, permit posting signs B. DEVELOPER ACTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES + Maintain contact with the City + advise the city of design progress and change processes + provide all required developer drawings and specs and a set on site as may be required if there is a construction trailer + Provide fees for permit prior to start of work on these items. + advise the City when an inspection is ready + Provide a project superintendent and advise the City + Provide information on cut sheets, specs and details as may be requested by the City. + provide all safety info to the City, security of the site, field survey information and measurements. + provide neighborhood public relations, work wit the City on this as well. Thomas Bonneville 952-454-2222 3 5