HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-20 Meeting PacketAGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, May 20, 2010 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order IL Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of April 15, 2010 *# III. Old Business a. 66 th Street Speed Study *+ IV. New Business Edina's Greenstep Cities # 6,13A. CVS Transportation Impact Analysis (69th and York Avenue) *+ , c. Upcoming Workshops V. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) # VI. Public Works Small Area Guide Process Update (Commissioner Sprague) # VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) # VIII. Staff Liaison Comments a. 70 1h Street Reconstruction Update # IX. Commission Comments X. Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the (Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, April 15, 2010 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Usha Abramovitz, Tom Bonneville, Jennifer Janovy, Paul Nelson, Michael Schroeder, Josh Sprague, Jean White, Geof Workinger MEMBERS ABSENT: Nathan Franzen, Julie Sierks STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by chair Workinger. II. Election of Chair Commissioner Sprague nominated vice-chair Janovy and the nomination was seconded by Commissioner Nelson. There being no further nominees, all voted aye. Chair Janovy's term will expire in one year. Ill. Comments a. Chair Comments Chair Janovy took leadership immediately and thanked the commission. She said election of a vice-chair would be tabled until the next meeting. b. Community Comments None. IV. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of March 18, 2010 The following corrections were made: Item IV.a., last sentence, strike "She..." and replace with "The..." Item IV.b. 3rd paragraph, strike "...because 66th Street is a State Aid road..." and replace with italic "...a speed study is required by Mn/DOT to be consistent with state statute... Commissioner Workinger motioned to approve the minutes with the above corrections. Motion was seconded by Commissioner White. All voted aye. V. New Business a. France Avenue Restriping Assistant City Engineer Sullivan explained that Hennepin County is planning to mill and overlay France Avenue from the Crosstown to W. 54 th Street and the City has met with them to discuss options to address how the road is currently being used such as is it a 4-lane, is parking allowed, etc. After discussion, the proposed plan is to restripe the roadway with one- lane in each direction with parking allowed everywhere with the exception of the intersections at 58th, 60th and 62nd Streets which would be striped with designated left turn lanes. Mr. Sullivan stated further that the width of the roadway would remain the same. He also said that bike lanes were discussed but Hennepin County was not in favor since Xerxes Avenue is their primary bike route. Discussion ensued and concerns raised includ d the fact that the recently approved Comp Plan i cludes France Avenue as a bike rout ven though the County is not in favor of bike lane ). from a bike perspective, the project silould have been brought forward in November when the discussion began; and were all options considered. Commissioner White motioned to accept staff's recommendation that the "City Council not oppose the restriping of France Avenue from Highway 62 to W. 54th Street as depicted in the attached Plan from Hennepin County." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Commissioner Workinger offered an amendment to include a 'traffic merge sign' or restriping at W. 54th Street for southbound traffic traveling from a perceived two-lane roadway going into one-lane. His amendment was accepted by Commissioners White and Nelson. Ayes: Abramovitz, Bonneville, Nelson, Sprague, White, Workinger Nayes: Janovy, Schroeder Absent: Franzen, Sierks Motion carried. b. Introduction to the Edina Transportation Commission Assistant City Engineer Sullivan explained the purpose, duties, membership and history of the ETC. Mr. Sullivan said the ETC was formed by Council with 10 members from different geographical areas of the community. The ETC's purpose and duties include advising Council on matters related to streets operation, enhancing mass transit opportunities, offer recommendations and implementations for the Local Traffic Task Force findings, and evaluate methods for traffic calming and speed and volume mitigation. He said the guiding documents are the Local Traffic Task Force Findings and Recommendations (2003); the ETC policy (2005); and the Transportation Chapter from the Comp Plan. VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) Commissioner Schroeder said the continued focus is on the ordinance update. VII. Public Works Small Area Guide Process Update (Commissioner Sprague) Commissioner Sprague said four meetings have taken place so far that included selecting quadrants and at-large representatives, orientation and tour of the site, and developer and business owner roundtable discussions. Next meeting will be a community input session, followed by a summary meeting, design charrettes, and an open house. VIII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) Chair Janovy said a bike rodeo is planned for this Saturday, 10-Noon, at Highland School. Other events include a self-powered vehicle ride on May 15, 9-Noon, at Roslyn Park; and a ride to Quality Bicycle Products in Bloomington, date and time will be announced later. IX. Staff Liaison Comments a. 66th Street Speed Study (Hold over until May) This item is held over until May to pursue all options related to reducing the speed limit. 2 b. 70th Street Reconstruction Update Plans are at Mn/DOT for review and the construction schedule remains the same. c. 169/494 Project Update Mn/DOT received funding for this $170M project (the City's portion is expected to be $1.2M from its State Aid funds). The schedule at this time is to accept bids in early October to November and begin construction in 2011. It is expected to be a 2-3 year project. d. 2010 State of the Commute Agenda Mr. Sullivan said earlier this month, he attended the 494 Corridor Commission's 2010 State of the Commute meeting. He said the commission is made up of businesses, cities, etc. along the TH-494 corridor that uses the corridor to travel primarily to and from work. He said their goal is to increase multi-modal transportation and they recently opened a bike library for the purpose of loaning bikes to individuals who would like to commute using a bike but do not have one. X. Commission Comments a Commissioner Sprague said he is looking forward to delving into the ,TC policy as mentioned by Mr. Sullivan, possibly in a work session format as well as local collector street policy. He said the City of Bloomington has some great examples. Commissioner White suggested looking at alternative striping for Vernon Ave (between Hwy. 100 and Crosstown) when it comes up for reconstruction. Commissioner Workinger said at the next meeting, he would like to hear the types of options given to residents on West 70th Street for driveway turnarounds (to prevent backing out onto the street) and the number of homeowners who were given this option to be paid for by the City. He also suggested allowing residents to give input into the landscaping because they could probably do a better job than anyone else. Commissioner Sprague said they sent a letter to the City and in a response, they were told that the east and west end would be landscaped and the boulevards would be grass, and that a landscape architect would do the design and the plans would be posted to the website as part of the bidding process and residents can provide input at that time. Mr. Sprague said he has heard that some residents would like to do boulevard gardens so an opportunity for input would be good. Chair Janovy said an interesting presentation probably would be to see how landscaping shapes traffic calming. Commissioner Nelson said he is a member of the Southwest Corridor (for light railway) and he will be able to give updates in the future. Commissioner Bonneville said he would like the ETC to look at Xerxes Avenue from TH-494 to Crosstown because he thinks of it as a reliever route which is already designed with multiple lanes. And discuss with Mn/DOT the possibility of increasing access from TH-494 and as a partial solution as a truck route, instead of W. 70th. Commissioner Bonneville reminded the commissioners of the streamline development process that was discussed at an earlier meeting as it relates to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Schroeder was asked where the Planning Commission was in their planning efforts. Commissioner Schroeder said they have curtailed their work on the Zoning Commission due to the Small Area Study. He also said they do not have a timeframe in which to finish what they've started because the processes that they are looking at do not need to 3 conform to the Comp Plan. Commissioner Sprague said this could become a part of a work session as the ETC discuss its own policy. VIII. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned. 4 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: EDINA TRANSPORATION COMMISSION Agenda Item Item No. III.A From: Jack Sullivan .5 Assistant City Engineer X Action Discussion Information Date: Original: March 18, 2010 Revised: May 20, 2010 Subject: West 66th Street Speed Study ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend to the City Council adoption of the attached resolution lowering the speed limit on West 66" Street from 35 mph to 30 mph from TH 100 to Valley View Road. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: This issue was first brought to the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) in 2007 by eight residents who live on or near West 66th Street. Their request was to lower the speed limit on West 66th Street between Highway 100 and Valley View Road from the current posting of 35 mph to 30 mph. (Attachment A) The recommendation of the TSC was to request that the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) perform a speed study along West 66th Street from TH 100 to Valley View Road for consideration of reducing the speed limit from 35 to 30 mph. A resolution requesting the speed study from MnDOT was presented to the Council on February 16, 2010 and Council directed the issue to the ETC. At the March 18, 2010 ETC meeting, a motion was made to table the issue to allow further research on the possibility of adding bike lanes, changing the road to a park designation and clarification of the state statutes. Characteristics of West 66 th Street: • Street is 28 foot wide, two lane roadway (Attachment H) • Posted speed is 35 mph (Attachment F) • Traffic Volumes: (Attachment G) - 2005 6233 ADT with 85% speed of 38.1 mph (east of Southdale Road) - 2009: 5551 ADT with 85% speed of 33.1 mph (east of Southdale Road) 2008: 4600 Average Daily (ADT) with a 85% speed of 39.1 mph (west of Cornelia Drive) Scenarios reviewed by staff: Adding Bike Lanes — State statute 160.263 subd. 4. allows a reduction in the speed limit to 25 mph on streets with signed and marked bike lanes meeting MnDOT guidelines. The road width is 28 feet wide with an average daily traffic (ADT) of 5551 vehicles. According to the MnDOT Bikeway Facility Design Manual, bike lanes should be 6 feet wide (with a minimum continuous width of 3 feet) for the observed traffic volumes. State Aid standards require a minimum lane width of 11 feet. That leaves only 3 feet to the face of the curb. However, the curb is 1.5 feet wide. This produces only a 1.5 foot minimum continuous width for bicycles. (Attachment H) This extremely narrow, 1.5 foot lane, is not acceptable by State-Aid standards. Therefore, bike lanes are not a safe or acceptable solution for this roadway. Park Road Designation — State statute 169.14 subd. 5e. allows speed limits on park roads to be lowered to 20 mph or to reduce the existing speed limits by no more than15 mph The intent of the "speed limit on park road" statute is to establish speed limits on roadways located completely within a park. This designation does not fit West 66th Street as it is adjacent to a city park. The land on the south side of West 66th Street is owned by the City but is not actively used for any park purpose. Therefore, the City cannot use state statute "park road" language as a means to legally lower the speed limit. MnDOT Speed Study — State statute 169.14 subd. 5b. allows for a reduction in the speed limit to 30 mph when the roadway is in an "urban district" as defined in the statute. There are two criteria that must be reviewed when using this statue. 1. Has a speed study already been conducted by MnDOT? 2. What is the definition of the roadway according to state statute 169.011? Criteria No. 1 - MnDOT has confirmed that they do not have a record of any speed zone authorization for West 66th Street. Staff has also exhausted our research and has not found a speed study on file. In the absence of a speed study established by MnDOT, the City does not need to follow the process outlined in MN Statute 169.14 Subd. 5b to request a speed study by MnDOT to lower the speed limit. Criteria No. 2 — This section of roadway is made up of two urban districts on either end with a unique section of causeway in the middle. It is the interpretation of staff and MnDOT that this causeway is an extension of the urban district on either side which makes this an urban district corridor. (Attachment I) The City is therefore able to use the urban district definition set forth by the State Statute 169.011 subd. 90 to set the speed limit at 30 mph on West 66th Street from Highway 100 to Valley View road without a speed study by the State. A resolution by City Council will be needed to authorize the 30 mph speed limit from TH 100 to Valley View Road. Conclusion: It is staff's recommendation to lower the speed limit to 30 mph as it is the lawful speed for an urban district as outlined in state statue, for consistency with similar streets within the city and as this section of roadway is adjacent to Rosland Park. The attached resolution would be forwarded to City Council on June 1, 2010 with the draft minutes from the May 20, 2010 ETC meeting, if so desired by the ETC. (Attachment E) If Council adopts the resolution and the speed limit is lowered to 30 mph staff suggests that the Public Works and Police staff will install notification flags on the new signage as well as place the mobile speed trailer on the corridor to notify motorists of the revised speed limit. ATTACHMENTS: A. Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan Application Form (Feb. 28, 2007) B. Staff Report to ETC (March 18, 2010) C. Staff Report to Council (Feb. 16, 2010) D. Traffic Safety Staff Review from March 8, 2007. E. Draft Resolution 2010-XX F. Posted speed limit G. Traffic volumes H. Bike lane sketch I. Roadway footage sketch Engineering Department 4801 West 50tn Street Edina, Minnesota 55424-1394 (952) 826-0371 www.cityofedlna.com Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan Application Form Contact Name: 6 Address: eo—ot 4-tf 1Day/Message Phone: c5 2 qr Today's Date: .7--/4-1/0 1 E-mail Address: 0 / Please indicate traffic issues that concern residents in your neighborhood: o Speeding 0 Traffic Volumes edestri.gn/Bicycle Safety 0 Accidents Other: .1p, J -.7.cker 41- 114i°1-71- 0,4 Ab.5/q„„4 Suggested Traffic Calmin0 Measures (See Appendix B of the Transportation Commission Policy, please rank, No. I is most favored): Proposed Location from: 1} to Li, (street name) on k,/, (street name) io / (street name) We, the undersigned, as residents, hereby request the evaluation of the traffic management device listed above. We understand we may be assessed for the cost for the device. Please list all addresses in the potentially benefited area. One signature per household or business. Date Name (please print) Address Sis na 0 re 2 2467 ..5 -C.-,7-17 /7--S., 7,6.,2-,r.' ' .; ?- 01 til, (, _2- __ 3/, / 0 7 MA4eic de ..44/.0e,esti4 66-00 co/e,-,E.CrAt Dy,',./e_._ dird' 41111.11."' 3/3 /01 itit di D ocf-rn ei 54er '1311 e-oryve-lick, C.i rd-e_ . -1 / , as_iics2 ;'//o7 Lott Pete rs 1 243)S 6_01-i-LiziLit} ( 3)3 0 /t4e,..10_ re t lc ,13 Le- 0/1 Gryie. 6 kJ •Dir )1 ,/&:_i , k 3/ d ,ryucuttzt- ctetw-i.-) 619 ib Cerritato. "--le---- ..fl"Lbtiz-d-wit.., actv-e---1-. .e . _ 3 .-..? BM e_Or .4, k . ) 6 h614 S611,4-hit.4 1 --- Page of Please return the completed application form to the Engineering Department at the address noted above. 1. The Minnesota Data Practices Act re q uires that we inform you of your rig hts about the private data we are req uesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This application when submitted will become public information. There is no conseq uence for refusing to supply this information. c) e.- • Edina NTMP Application Form- April 2005 'I/4P _1-/e ST A A +lc( REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: EDINA TRANSPORATION COMMISSION Agenda Item Item No. IV.B From: Jack Sullivan Assistant City Engineer X Action Discussion Information Date: March 18, 2010 Subject: 66 th Street Speed Study ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend to the City Council that the Mayor sign the attached resolution requesting that the Commissioner of Transportation perform a speed study on West 66th Street from TH 100 to Valley View Road. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: Eight residents who live on or near 66" Street petitioned the City in 2007 to reduce the speed limit on W. 66" Street between Valley View Road and Highway 100 from the current posting of 35 mph to 30 mph. Refer to the Traffic Safety Staff Review from March 8, 2007 for details regarding the request. Updated vehicle data is as follows: • 2008: 4600 Average Daily (ADT) with a 85% speed of 39.1 mph • 2009: 5551 ADT with 85% speed of 33.1 mph Since 66th Street is a State-Aid route, the City of Edina cannot lower the speed without an speed study performed by the Commissioner of Transportation. ATTACHMENTS: Please see Resolution 2010-27 and the Traffic Safety Staff Review from March 8, 2007. Mayor & City Council Wayne D. Houle, PE City Engineer February 16, 2010 Request Commissioner of Transportation to Perform Speed Study of W. 66th St. from TH100 to Valley View Rd. Agenda Item # IV. F. Consent Information Only Mgr. Recommends To HRA ZI To Council Action Motion Resolution Ordinance Discussion To: From: Date: Subject: i--(e& IT, A A getcLoke•04- REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign attached resolution requesting that the Commissioner of Transportation perform a speed study on West 66th Street from TH100 to Valley View Road. Info/Background: In the March 8, 2007, Traffic Safety Report, a recommendation was made to request that the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) perform a speed study along West 66t1i Street from TH100 to Valley View Road for consideration of reducing the speed limit from 35 to 30 mph. Changing speed limits on city streets must be authorized by MNDOT. Attached is a copy of the March 8, 2007, Traffic Safety Report. gAengineering\infrastructure\streets\traffic\studies\speed studies\west 66th street from th100 to valley view row:1\20100216 council request rrform.doc -1-74e01. 7: A filAck Akem4- TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW Thursday, March 8, 2007 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on March 8, 2007. Staff present included the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, City Planner, Traffic Safety Coordinator and Chief of Police. From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the March 20, 2007 Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which staff recommends approval: 1. Request to restrict parking in the off-street parking area on Kellogg Avenue just to the north of Valley View Road (northwest corner of intersection). Request comes from a resident on Kellogg Avenue who is concerned with vehicles parking in this area for long periods of time, including overnight. The area in question is a small cut-back parking area with eight striped parking spaces directly across from 6133 Kellogg Avenue. There are currently no parking restrictions in this area. The 6100 block of Kellogg Avenue is restricted to "One Hour Parking Monday Thru Friday 8 AM to 4 PM." These restrictions apply to both sides of the street. The small parking area in question allows customers of the corner businesses to park for more than one hour. The "One Hour" restriction on the 6100 block of Kellogg Avenue was approved by the City Council on September 16, 1996, at the request of residents via petition. Residents expressed concern that parking during the daytime was frilly utilized on the south half of the block. Residents further stated that many times these parked vehicles infringed on their driveways. After further study and review by the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, staff recommends the following: Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 5 March 8, 2007 lacIA Staff recommends that signs be posted in the small cut-back parking area on the northwest corner of Kellogg Avenue and Valley View Road with the following restrictions: "No Parking 10 PM to 8 AWL 2. Request to reduce the speed limit on W. 66th Street between Valley View Road and Highway 100 from its current posting of 35 MPH to 30 MPH. Request comes from a resident in the 4200 block of west 66th Street with a petition signed by seven other homeowners. These residents are concerned with the speed and the volume of vehicles traveling along 66th Street at speeds of 35 MPH and higher. Requestor states that other streets in the area ( W. 64th Street, Valley View Road, W. 70th Street and East Frontage Road) are all posted 30 MPH. Requestor sees no reason to have an increased speed limit along this small stretch of roadway (speed is reduced to 30 MPH west of Highway 100). Requestor also cites the high volume of pedestrians in the area due to its unique location (Rosland Park, play ground, swimming pool and Lake Cornelia), all attracting a large number of visitors, walkers, bikers and joggers. A large number of pedestrians, mostly children, cross W. 66th Street to get to the park. Requestor states that the sidewalk along W. 66th Street is extremely close to the road which could possibly cause a dangerous situation. W. 66th Street, east of Valley View Road is a divided four lane roadway with a posted speed limit of 30 MPH that chokes down to two lanes immediately west of Valley View Road where the speed limit increases to 35 MPH. The average Monday thru Friday daily traffic count on this section of W. 66th Street is 6,234 with an 85th percentile speed of 38.1 MPH. There have been nine reported traffic accidents from 2000-2005 (4- injury and 5-property damage). No pedestrian accidents have been reported. Statistics for 2006 to the present have not yet been obtained. Staff checked records as far back as 1975 and could not find a date when the 35 MPH speed limit had been established. A similar request was made in June of 1999 and was denied (staff felt that the 35 MPH speed was appropriate and requested that the police department step up enforcement). W. 66th Street between Valley View Road and Highway 100 is classified as a city "Collector" street. Changing speed limits on city streets must be authorized by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. After much study and review, staff recommends the following: Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 5 March 8, 2007 846 A ll/rteLot-eo.#.1-7; Staff recommends that the City of Edina make a formal request to the Minnesota Department of Transportation to conduct a Traffic Speed Study on W. 66th Street between Valley View Road and Highway 100 to determine a safe driving speed while achieving maximum traffic flow. 3. Request to reduce the speed limit on Vernon Avenue between Villa Way and View Lane from the current posting of 40 MPH to 30 MPH. This request comes from two residents (one on Glengarry Pkwy. and another on Schaefer Road). Both residents feel that the higher speed limit on this stretch of Vernon Avenue is not needed. W. 50th Street/Vernon Avenue has a speed limit of 30 MPH from France Avenue to Villa Way. The speed limit increases to 40 MPH from Villa Way west to View Lane. Speeds reduce back to 30 MPH west of View Lane. Staff has checked records back to 1975 and was unable to find a date when this speed limit was established. Both residents feel that the additional speed is not needed and that it only increases accident severity. Vernon Avenue (County Road 158) is classified as an "A" Minor Arterial Reliever Street. It has a Monday thru Friday average daily traffic count of 10,400 vehicles with an 85th percentile speed of 44.5 MPH (in 40 MPH zone). There have been 25 reported accidents in the 40 MPH zone from 1/1/2000 to 6/17/06. Accidents are broken down as follows: 4 Injury accidents 6 Possible injury accidents 15 Property damage accidents There were 17 accidents, during the same time period, reported in the 30 MPH zone east of Villa Way: 1 Injury accident 2 Possible injury accidents 14 Property damage accidents There were 6 accidents, during the same time period, reported in the 30 MPH zone west of View Lane: 1 Possible injury accident 5 Property damage accidents Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 3 of 5 March 8, 2007 9/16 Requestor further states that the 40 MPH zone on Vernon Avenue is in an area where there are hills, curves and residences with blind drives. Requestor states that the 40 MPH portion of Vernon Avenue is only 1.3 miles long and it takes approximately 156 seconds to traverse this distance at 30 MPH. It takes approximately 117 seconds at 40 MPH (not verified by staff). Requestor states that legislation enacted in 2006 (169.224) permits "Neighborhood Electric Vehicles" to be operated on roadways with posted speed limits of 35 MPH or less. He states that such vehicles are becoming popular in Edina and preventing them from using Vernon Avenue poses an unfair burden on those seeking to reduce the use of imported fuel and to help preserve our environment. After much study and review, staff recommends the following: Staff recommends that the City of Edina make a formal request to the Minnesota Department of Transportation, through Hennepin County, to conduct a traffic speed study on Vernon Avenue between Villa Way and View Lane to determine a safe driving speed while achieving maximum traffic flow. SECTION B: Requests on which staff recommends denial of request: 1. Request to evaluate the intersection of Code Avenue and W. 56th Street and add some type of advanced warning sign to alert drivers to a blind intersection. Requestor is a resident on Code Avenue who states he has witnessed near accidents at the intersection of Code Avenue and W. 56th Street from northbound vehicles. Requestor feels that this intersection is "blind" and that some type of warning signs should be installed to alert drivers. Code Avenue is a 26-foot wide city street with an average Monday thru Friday daily traffic count of 1,096 vehicles. Code Avenue has no curb, gutter or sidewalks. Code Avenue is a through street at the intersection of W. 56th Street. Code Avenue has a slight downhill grade south of W. 56th Street. There have been no reported accidents since 2000. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 4 of 5 March 8, 2007 to/ If licte(k W. 56th Street is a 26-foot wide city street with no curb, gutter or sidewalks. It has an average Monday thru Friday daily traffic count of 823 vehicles with an 85th percentile speed of 29.5 MPH. W. 56th Street at Code Avenue is controlled with a two-way stop. There have been no reported accidents since 2000. Code Avenue at W. Se Street is a controlled intersection. Sight lines are adequate for anyone who uses due caution while approaching from all directions. The grade on Code Avenue to the south of W. Se Street is not steep enough to warrant an advanced hill warning sign. Staff recommends that no changes be made to the intersection of W. 56th Street and Code Avenue due to lack of warrants. SECTION C: Requests that are deferred to a later date for referred to others. None for March 8, 2007 meeting. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 5 of 5 March 8, 2007 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-XX REDUCING THE SPEED LIMIT ON WEST 66TH STREET BETWEEN TH-100 AND VALLEY VIEW ROAD WHEREAS, on February 16, 2010, the City Council requested the Edina Transportation Commission review residents' request to reduce the speed limit from 35 mph to 30 mph on West 66th Street between TH-100 and Valley View Road; and WHEREAS, the Edina Transportation Commission has determined that State Statute 169.011 subd. 90 allows the City Council to set the speed limit at 30 mph because the Minnesota Department of Transportation does not have a speed limit established for this portion of roadway; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Edina, has reduced the speed limit on West 66th Street between TH-100 and Valley View Road from 35 mph to 30 mph. Dated: June 1,2010 Attest: Debra A. fVlangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 1, 2010, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20 City Clerk 4 1.4.n • " 4'1 J. t ' 97 /71 Computatiyns For Sheet of ;5+; A) 01)Rc cyt "3:)i Ake itif,knotEy 17.5..at've.td Date ,V/LYfro Gc rt,.u:r1 • rE) '1/51 Project Name W. C6 ±L° 54tee-1L Improvement No ):40 Contract No 0 . 4 re.rtP. ' 4,307W004iTi. • e • - • • ....t.10," AU • • T "Ft • ' ' I e' - . - tit s'404) ;or 11? Pi' • L., 3 '_'..•tht!Isci, ,' 'itt• #1....,....4 , .1 , . 40, It, ' ; , ! ;' n ! , I, ! • ti .. ii.•:.Lii LW/ . . ,,.._ FRANCE AVE S,_ • via*. k, ?f,1/4). 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'7 „ ' .;,P t ••1•- 97,1 N.) o REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: EDINA TRANSPORATION COMMISSION Agenda Item Item No. IV.B From: Jack Sullivan „, Assistant City Engineer X Action Discussion Information Date: May 20, 2010 Subject: CVS Pharmacy Transportation Review (69th St. and York Ave.) ACTION REQUESTED: Review the attached transportation impact (TIA) analysis submitted by Spack Consulting dated May 14, 2010 and review memos dated March 31, 2010 and May 7, 2010 from WSB and Associates. Staff and WSB have reviewed the TIA dated May 14, 2010 and believe the development team has met the requirements of the TIA and review memos. The minor comments as outlined in WSB's May 7th memo have been addressed in the current TIA. If so desired by the Transportation Commission, adopt a motion recommending that the Transportation Impact Analysis for CVS Pharmacy at 69th and York does not adversely affect the adjacent transportation system. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: This site is located in the southeast corner of West 69th Street and York Avenue. The site is currently a vacant lot that has changed proposed uses of the last few years. City of Edina staff and the ETC have reviewed the following transportation studies: • November 2006: 85 unit senior apartments and 39,000 sq ft retail space • April 2008: 114 market rate apartments and 18,000 sq ft retail space The current proposal is a modification to the April 2008 proposal by switching out the two retail buildings (totaling 18,000 sq ft) with one building (CVS Pharmacy) totaling just over 13,000 sq ft. The CVS pharmacy will share the surface parking lot with the current apartment building to the east. The CVS is proposed to have two drive thru windows. The development team, including Spack Consulting, first discussed this modification with City staff in July of 2009. The November 2006 and April 2008 traffic studies were completed by Wenck Engineering. The current traffic engineering firm is Spack Consulting. The initial meeting covered the following issues: • The Transportation Impact Analysis form was not in existence during the first two reviews and would be required for this review • How to expand upon the previous traffic studies. • Analyze trip generation of the proposed use • Integration of trips destined for the apartments via the shared parking lot • No — Build and Build Level of Services (LOS) at the intersections of - W. 69th Street and York Ave - Right In / Right Out off of York Avenue - Right Out from the drive thru window - Full shared intersection on W. 69th Street The findings of the TIA are as follows: • The final TIA report shows consistent LOS at all the studied intersections in the no-build and build scenarios, therefore not adversely affecting the adjacent street operations. • The TIA also showed some area for improvement to the signal timing at West 691" and York Avenue. This signal is owned and operated by Hennepin County. The development team will work with Hennepin County after the retail store is open to optimize the signal timing. • The site layout replaces the sidewalk along the East and North sides of the parcel. The building is also moved closer to York Avenue to enhance pedestrian movements. • Most trips to and from the pharmacy will be via passenger vehicle. However, the store is on a major Metro Transit bus line and store will be posting bus schedules and looking for other ways to enhance mass transit. WSB .b. Infrastructure • Engineering • Planning • Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South & .4ssociates. Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: March 31, 2010 Re: CVS Pharmacy — 69th Street at York Avenue Traffic Impact Study Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686-02 As requested, we have reviewed the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Spack Consulting for a proposed CVS pharmacy located in the southeast quadrant of 69th Street and York Avenue. This site was previously reviewed for development in late 2006 and again in 2008. The 2008 proposal included a 114 unit apartment building and 18,050 square feet of general retail space. The apartment building was constructed and is currently partially occupied. The general retail component has now been changed to the proposed CVS pharmacy. Based on our review of the previous studies and the current Traffic Impact Study we offer the following comments. 1. The Traffic Impact Study should document the findings of the previous studies including the Cities reviews and indicate what improvements and / or recommendations from those studies and reviews were incorporated in to the CVS proposal. 2. With the analysis of existing conditions a discussion of the available bus routes is included. A map showing the relationship of the bus routes with the bus stops and the CVS site should be included. 3. The existing Level of Service (LOS) analysis section indicates that a movement LOS of F is acceptable when the overall LOS is at a D. Unfortunately, this is occurring at the 69th Street and York Avenue intersection with an overall LOS C. The text indicates this could be mitigated with signal timing changes. The results of the timing changes should be documented, not only for the existing conditions but also for the future 2011 build and no-build conditions. This signal is controlled by Hennepin County and, therefore the County will ultimately be responsible for the final approval of any signal timing plans. CAWSMEdineNCVS Review.doc Wayne Houle and Jack Sullivan City of Edina March 31, 2010 Page 2 of 2 4. The site traffic forecasting section and table 4.1 includes the vacant 34 apartments in the existing building. The text indicates that the No-Build volumes were adjusted to account for these trips. How were these trips assigned to the roadway network? How many of the trips were assigned through the CVS site driveways? 5. The text indicates that the pass-by trips were assumed to be 35% of the pharmacy trips. It also indicates that the City gave the direction to use this figure. That is not entirely true. City staff did agree that the pass-by percentage could be assumed because it was used in the pervious studies. However, it was actually the Cities recommendation to use no pass-by trips to represent a worst case condition. The study should include a description of pass-by trips indicating that they are just redistributed trips from the existing traffic stream. The total number of trips entering and exiting the site should not be reduced. It is unclear how these trips were accounted for. A column in Table 4.1 showing the total trips entering and exiting the site should be included. 6. Figures 4.2 through 4.5 show the site traffic volumes. These volumes do not seem to add up to the values in Table 4.1. Please clarify how the apartments (item 4 above) and the pass-by trips (item 5 above) are figured into these calculations. 7. The forecasted 2011 analysis indicates that there will be approximately 10 vehicles on 69th Street doing u-turns and that this will not cause any problems. How was this determined? Encouraging u-turns at a 2-way stop controlled intersection is a safety concern. That same section indicates that there will be a weaving movement of approximately 10 vehicles from the right-in / right-out on York Avenue to the left turn lane to go west on 69th Street. This also is a safety concern. It should be documented how these movements will not cause any safety issues. Also, the existing crash data should be reviewed to determine if any existing conditions are showing any safety issues. 8. Should the traffic volumes for the 2011 no-build or build conditions change, the analysis should be revised. 9. The analysis indicates that there are opportunities to improve the traffic signal timing at 69th Street and York Avenue to mitigate the deficient staking on York Avenue. The signal timing improvements should be documented as discussed in item 3 above. 10. The parking analysis should be defined better. Are the existing 13 stalls from the apartments included in the 90 stalls on the CVS site? 11. The Travel Demand Management section needs to be discussed in more detail. The developer needs to determine additional ways how they will encourage use of alternative transportation modes. Providing a bike rack is just one way. Based on these comments and my review of the Traffic Impact Study, additional information and analysis should be provided before any approval recommendation can be made. A WSB n 111111.11. Infrastructure • Engineering • Planning • Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Acsociales. Inc. Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Wayne Houle, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Jack Sullivan, PE, Assistant City Engineer City of Edina Front: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE Transportation Engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: May 7, 2010 Re: CVS Pharmacy — 69" Street at York Avenue Revised Traffic Impact Study Review City of Edina WSB Project No. 1686-02 As requested, we have reviewed the revised Traffic Impact Study prepared by Spack Consulting for a proposed CVS pharmacy located in the southeast quadrant of 69th Street and York Avenue. The Traffic Impact Study dated March 25th, 2010 was reviewed and comments were outlined in a review memo dated March 31st, 2010. The developer and his consultant met with City Staff and WSB and reviewed the comments. Spack Consulting subsequently prepared the revised Traffic Impact Study dated April 20th, 2010. Based on our review of the previous study and the current revised Traffic Impact Study we offer the following comments. 1. In general the comments from the March 31st review memorandum have been addressed. 2. In the Executive Summary section under the primary findings of the study, items i and iv seem to be conflicting. One indicates an overall LOS of C for all intersections and one indicates that the LOS at 69th Street and York would be at a LOS D with the retiming. This should be clarified. 3. In the Projected Traffic section under Non-site Traffic Forecasting, the 34 vacant apartments are discussed. This should be further clarified how many of those trips are actually using the CVS site access. It just indicates that the majority would use Xerxes Avenue. 4. It is still unclear how the site traffic in Figures 4.2 — 4.5 add up to that shown in Table 4.1. These values should be the same, especially now that the pass-by trips have been eliminated. CAWSBWdina CVS Revised Review.doc Wayne Houle and Jack Sullivan City of Edina May 7, 2010 Page 2 of 2 5. How does the retiming of the 69th Street and York Avenue signal impact the queuing analysis? Table 5.2 should be expanded to include these values. 6. The Crash Analysis discussion should be expanded to include a table or crash diagram outlining the location, type and severity of the crashes. 7. The Travel Demand Management section indicates that CVS will post bus schedules near its doors. This should be included as a recommended improvement in the Conclusions and Recommendations section. Based on these comments and my review of the Traffic Impact Study it can be concluded that the CVS Pharmacy proposed development will not have a significant impact on existing or future traffic operations adjacent to the site. It is therefore my recommendation that the Traffic Impact Study be approved with minor clarifications discussed above. 1 I Project Name: CVS WEST 69TH STREET _ phmgmacy SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES MODIFIED RIGHT ENTRANCE SEC YORK AVENUE SOUTH >2. MODIFY EXISTING . - FULL ;SHARED I. 5TIBACTSSL Front balding setback = 35 ft Front parking setheek = Side budding setback = 35 ft Side parking setboak = Rear building setback = 35 It Rear rear setback = 2. ZONING Existing zoning = 3. PARKING SUIAMARY Surface regular stalls = 86 Surfoce handicapped stalls = 4 20 ft 10 ft 10 ft THERE ARE NO SIGNS WITHIN THE INTERSECTION TO INDICATE THAT U-TURNS ARE ILLEGAL AND WEST 69TH STREET PCO-3 Proposed zoning = POD-3 MEET & MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER MEET & MATCH EXISTING CURB & CUTTER CL CVS CS #52767 CVS STORE # 5788 CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MN i BENCHES MEET & MATCH EXISTING SIDEWALK--_.! 4. AREA/DENSITY Told Plat Areo = 69 499 S0 FI or 180 AF = 1000 Impervious Surface Areo Excluding Building = 41,636 Sq.Ft. or 0.95 AR = 60.03 Building Surfoce Areo = 13,013 Sq.FL or aso As = 18.80 Pertious Surface Areo = 14,850 Sq.FL or 0.34 Ac. = 21.23 5. All paving, concrete curb, gutter and sidewolk MINI be furnished and Installed in occordonce with the datalls shown per sheet C8-1 and the requirements of the City. See Landscape ond Architectural Pions for any additional hordscope applicotions. S. The aty Department of Engineering ond Bonding Inspections Dept. ond the construction engineer shall be notified ot Rost 48 hours prior to ony work within the street right of way (sidewalk. street or driverrar) 7. Minnesota State statute requires notification per 'Gopher State One Coll° prior to commencing any grotfing, excavation or underground work. R=2.0 I Developer Name: 4 351.04 of - T A IA P ED COLORED CONCRETE FALSE ENTRANCE VELMEIR N89° CINUMENT SIGN COMPANIES Perinea In De:hi:potent 1 Professional &entices: LOUCKS Drat age 'linty 111 Per • c. N 11 597 Niq 13313L OSBL 14 " B BL BSBL B BL 8. See contract specifications for any removal details. D. Any sign or fixtures removed with in the right of way or es port of the site work shell be replaced by the eontractor in accordance with the City requirement. The contractor shall preserve and maintain any existing street lights and troffic signs per the requirements of the City. ASSOCRTES BEAM, • Cool Engineering • Land Suee,ing Lanticc., Atchileclue • Ensieunner.1 PROPOSED CVS 10. The contractor shall be required to obtain all permits from the City as required for at vrork with the street and public right of Ivey A significont potion of site improvements not shown on this sheet ore descrRed and provided in further detail on the Architecture' and Landscope Plans. This includes landscaping, lighting and other fixtures. 12. 8612 concrete curb ond gutter shall be installed at the edge of dl common drives and poexing lots. 720011endoc4 Lane -5,7r 1CO minne,tolit.tfinnesaa 55369 Telephone: 17631424-550S Fax7 1743N24-5822 ts,,,,thtdtsAssoctoostron 180000 ph@FMCy TYPE A - 13,013 sI. 96.-10" X 137'-6" 80 STALLS REQUIRED 90 STALLS PROVIDED FEE=878.50 8=5.0 R=5.0 R=2.0 0, 8=2.0 PROPOSED CONCRETE " WALK li=10.0 ta R=5.0 R=2.0 4 R=2.0 13. Construction Note. ® Pedestrian ramps shall be provided ot the locations shown and no shown per the landscape site pions. 0 The contractor shell saw-cut bituminous and concrete pavements os requited per the specifications. Remove existing curb and gutter and install 13512 concrete curb ond gutter. I4. See Sheets C3-1 and C4-1 for grading and utilities. 15. All concrete curb and gutter 8612. CityR Standard Plates. (See Detail Sheet). 16. The Intent of the proposed construction Is to preserve os much of the existing street pavement as possible, and to mil and overloy. Removed pavement areas ond patching than be installed per pavement section provided per Defog Sheet 17. Wheel stops sholl be 6' high is 9' wide ond 84° long with air entroined concrete 2500 psi minimum compressive strength. The comets shall be chornfered and drainage slots underneath Provide holes and steel dowels for anchoring. Attach to povement with not less than 2 golvantzed steel dowels embedded in concrete at one-third points. R=20.0 HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT R=15.0 NORR MI Ilr 111111111111. 111111111111Eik 111111•111Er - 11Nroianit I, 110•111111111MIEMIIIIIIMIA110•11111Ura11113MIMMilimaii•Lliii_ial ei 1111111111111111111114111111TUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMUILIII!1111•••••11111111111111111111111111,1 1•111111111Filll 11111111111EMMI i INSIMIM it7l -2'CL CURB STOP; (TYP).-/ 13 1 1111M11111111111, d C. & ' A(...7. 11111111E•11111 ; HANDICAP RAMI: ISO 20.0 32.9,4 20.0 24.0 20.0 CADD Qualification: ie• ir,ces...151ar b peject ...1epaxileabobuin.q.arineC4906...) color Access Esm't Per Doc. No 1 CURBI STOP I Submittal: SO 510 NM PLAAIREVIEW R97,77,1 HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS (SEE DETAIL SHEET C8-1I 4/23/10 DEVELOPMENT PLAN SLIBSSITTAL BSSL BSBL NUMBER OF PARKING STALLS WITHIN ROW 11 MEET & MATCH 11 EXISTING CURB & GUTTER 15 DUMPSTER &UPRIGHT COMPACTOR WiROOf SEE ARCH PLANS FOR DETAILS EXISTING DITUN AP LIOUS - PS8 PS81 PSBL ,Ti 1581 WEST 156 62 , SAWCUT PAVEMENT I MEET AND MATCH EXISTING ;PAVEMENT R=20 A 1,..-7fork East Pedefio1 Ac ess F.sm' Per Doc, No. 452- 930 21'5 --r-3 ,3A L11 ,Vofir-. EX STING SIDEPAL f4OTIC I Professional Si gnature: N89°54'25"E 194.81 \_PROPOSED CONCRETE PYLON SIGN WALK EXTENSION. I herd, eentereng Mrs pLen. ereermennn Wed.. reeemed by me or wrier my errem toys* ene team 6o9 Linens. Prenteskng BrArneer 0.60 OrS ten 9441e of Wren.. SIDEWALK EXISTING MEET dr MATCH York West Pedestrian Access Esm 't Per Doc. No Vicki I. Van Oeil - PE 41352 Licen Nre Dare 1 Quality Control: WBS WBS rAmne Bre Anne tme 01/10 1 CO-I 0.1 C1-2 0-1 0.2 cur C6-I 11.1 - -- NORTH 20 40 I Sheet Title. SITE PLAN SCALE IN FEET CALL BEFORE YOU 0101 04 / 23 / 2 0 1 0 9: 14 A M Gopher State One Call I Project No.: Loucks Project No 06416 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 'TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 I Sheet No.: C2-1 SOUTH ELEVATION EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE TAG MATERIAL / DESCRPIDN ION STYLE CAT. NO. COLOR NOTES CAT 550 PREIBER SYSTal 137 SLCOUT 1.5 RACK-0520 MEDIUM YELLOW SEE SPEOFEAllali EFS STO PREMIER SYSTEM 137 SLCOUT 1.5 NA05-0001 RAF-TNT& SEE SPEN50A-110N MICR VENEER PINE HALL 131005 WIRRAL CVS RED ISORTAR SPEC: 050-113 BY CINSOUDATED BRICK MANG SUPPUES INC. PEWIT BENJAMIN MOORE PANT TO MATCH EFS 'Er PAINT BENJANN MOORE PUNT TO MATCH EMS '12' PAINT BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT TO MATCH BMX 'Er PANT MONSOON MOORE HATCH OFTU YELLOW Tr FOR AU. PIPE BOLONDS AGOG STORDRONT SEE SPECS SEE SPECS SEM A/1002ED ALUISIAN C.) ALUM AUTO/ABC DOOR STANLEY SEE SPECS CLEM MOORED ALLIUNUU LEGEND RE IMERICR 10001 50002010 ROIL MACE LINDEN SEPARATE PERUIT WEST ELEVATION - YORK AVENUE SOUTH SCALE: 1/8" . 1'-0" SCALE: 1/8" /__(:)(M,E1AL, 03.1% METAL CCITING (ISP) NORTH ELEVATION - WEST 69TH STREET SCALE: 1/8" EAST ELEVATION VELMEIR COMPANIES Partners In Development SCALE: 1/8" • 1'-0" /IMO 1111111111111 719 Griswold Street Suite 1000 DeIrek, MI 48226 W.W.1301,C0111 , i 0 flit H t F kv k:,,,.......,.„.....,,,.......„_ V.1'65..h St.,„_ - (-1 I '••••.--P . 3 • Fl i IL .,.. 1 mit, s, ...„ . 4.--„W .S6t.17 SI 53 I 4-- .4 .j ti - 1 44 . ir .. i • Riatiold - w68u,s, United a He moiety '1-17 reiff 1,1 § I ; 31,1 e ..31 1'. .444- • < 1 e2116 I ri 4 liezeiten Re - . 1 • W75151 704h 54 4, 040.4. 15,71siSt'l, W7117St'' .! • •Ve'W Ma:MA= W 72nd , .111.1% SP a Ck THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY V Hb Traffic Impact Study CVS Pharmacy Edina, MN I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. —27`-'74,d-i4t/ Micigael P. Spack, RE. License No. 40936 Date: May 14, 2010 By: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Summary 1 2. Proposed Development 3 3. Analysis of Existing Conditions 6 4. Projected Traffic 14 5. Traffic and Improvement Analysis 30 6. Conclusions and Recommendations 35 7. Appendix 36 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 — Location Map 3 Figure 21 — Site Plan 5 Figure 3.1 — Existing Transportation System 9 Figure 3.2 — Existing Weekday AM Peak Hour Volumes 10 Figure 3.3 — Existing Weekday PM Peak Hour Volumes 11 Figure 3.4— Existing Saturday Midday Peak Hour Volumes 12 Figure 3.5— Existing Daily Volumes 13 Figure 4.1 — Trip Distribution 17 Figure 4.2— Weekday AM Peak Hour Volume Due to Development 18 Figure 4.3 — Weekday PM Peak Hour Volume Due to Development 19 Figure 4.4 — Saturday Midday Peak Hour Volume Due to Development 20 Figure 4.5 — Daily Volume Due to Development 21 Figure 4.6 — 2011 No-Build Weekday AM Peak Hour Volumes 22 Figure 4.7 — 2011 No-Build Weekday PM Peak Hour Volumes 23 Figure 4.8 — 2011 No-Build Saturday Midday Peak Hour Volumes 24 Figure 4.9 — 2011 No-Build Daily Volumes 25 Figure 4.10 — 2011 Build Weekday AM Peak Hour Volumes 26 Figure 4.11 — 2011 Build Weekday PM Peak Hour Volumes 27 Figure 4.12 — 2011 Build Saturday Midday Peak Hour Volumes 28 Figure 4.13 — 2011 Build Daily Volumes 29 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 — Existing Peak Hour Level of Service (LOS)1 8 Table 4.1 — Trip Generation 16 Table 5.1 — 2011 Level of Service (LOS)1 30 Table 5.2 — 2011 Build Peak Hour Stacking Results1 32 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study i York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN 1. Introduction and Summary a. Purpose of Report and Study Objectives CVS Pharmacy is proposing to build an approximately 13,013 square foot pharmacy on the vacant southeast quadrant of York Avenue South and West 69th Street in Edina, MN. The existing 114 unit York Place apartment building east of the proposed development will share the surface parking lot with CVS Pharmacy. The purpose of this report is to determine if the proposed pharmacy will significantly impact the adjacent transportation system in the near term and to recommend mitigation measures if necessary. The study objectives are: i. Document how the adjacent existing transportation system operates. ii. Analyze how the adjacent transportation system will operate in 2011 if there is no development. iii. Analyze how the adjacent transportation system will operate in 2011 with full development of the site. iv. Recommend improvements if needed. b. Executive Summary The development is proposed to contain a 13,013 square foot pharmacy with two drive-thru windows and 90 parking stalls. The eastern edge of the parking lot will have an additional 17 parking stalls owned by the York Place apartment building adjacent to the east side of the site. After the pharmacy is built, the apartment building and pharmacy will share the expanded lot and use the same driveways. The pharmacy is anticipated to be fully operational by 2011. The scope of this traffic study follows the City of Edina's Transportation Impact Analysis Initiation and Review Policy. Based on discussions with City of Edina staff, the following intersections are analyzed in this study: i. York Avenue/Existing northbound Right-in/Right-out driveway south of 69tn Street (the driveway is currently blocked with a fence) — Intersection 1 ii. York Avenue/69th Street — Intersection 2 69th Street/Proposed eastbound Right-out intersection which aligns closely with the Key Cadillac westbound Right- in/Right-out driveway on the north side of 69th Street — Intersection 3 iv. 69th Street/Existing full access driveways for Key Cadillac- York Place — Intersection 4 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 1 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN The principal findings of this study are: i. The York Avenue/69th Street intersection (Intersection 2) currently operates acceptably at LOS C and will continue to operate acceptably at LOS C in both the 2011 No-Build and Build scenarios. ii. The stop sign controlled study intersections on 69th Street (Intersections 3 & 4), as well as the CVS Pharmacy driveway on York Avenue (Intersection 1) will operate acceptably at LOS A with each movement operating at LOS B or better in the 2011 No-Build and Build scenarios. iii. The maximum queues during the 2011 Build study peak hours will not spill out of the turn lane or back up past the CVS right-out driveway (Intersection 3) on the eastbound approach to the 69th Street/Key Cadillac-Apartment Driveway intersection (Intersection 4). Approximately ten eastbound to westbound u-turns will be made during each peak hour at Intersection 4 and are not anticipated to cause any problems. iv. The 2011 Build study peak hour northbound to westbound queues at York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) will spill out of the left turn lane and back up past the CVS right- in/right-out driveway on the northbound approach to the intersection during the Weekday p.m. and Saturday midday peak hours. Approximately ten vehicles during each of these peak hours will be turning right onto York Avenue from the right-in/right-out driveway (Intersection 1) and then crossing lanes to get into the northbound to westbound left turn lane at the York Avenue/69th Street intersection (Intersection 2). This is a low volume of vehicles and is not expected to cause crash problems. Furthermore, there are opportunities to improve the signal timing plan at the York Avenue/69th Street intersection (Intersection 2) to minimize stacking while still maintaining an acceptable Level of Service at the intersection. In order to accommodate all modes of transportation after the proposed CVS Pharmacy is built, the following improvements are recommended: i. Install bicycle racks near the doors of the building. ii. Post transit schedules in their entrances. iii. Install sidewalks as shown on the site plan. iv. Work with Hennepin County to re-time the traffic signal at the York Avenue/69th Street intersection (Intersection 2) after the CVS Pharmacy is fully operational. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 2 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN _ ..esdiii; FE,e, lame.*H,f , Gold'"en ,PleY c.. E l H t. n01:1;e1610111. Tenit .St Louis Park 1.4 s.SouthdAtt' Joffamon Park Southdalo Shopping Conro, Study Area Proposed Site vi 7o. tr2 • 0.14'141 ;4 2. Proposed Development a. Site Location The project site is located just southeast of the Southdale Mall on the southeast quadrant of the York Avenue/69th Street intersection in Edina, MN (see Figure 2.1). Figure 2.1 - Location Map b. Land Use and Intensity The proposed development will consist of a 13,013 square foot pharmacy building with 90 parking stalls. The CVS Pharmacy parking lot and driveways will be shared by York Place apartments. The proposed 90 stall parking lot will abut 17 existing York Place parking stalls (providing 107 stalls in the shared lot). The shared parking lot will be used by visitors at York Place, however residents will use the underground parking garage accessed from Xerxes Avenue east of the site. c. Site Plan See Figure 2.2 for the proposed site plan. The plan shows the concrete sidewalk planned along the south, west, and north borders of the site. d. Development History, Phasing, and Timing The CVS Pharmacy is planned to be built and fully operational by 2011. This proposed CVS Pharmacy is part of the York Place site CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 3 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN previously approved, however the 13,013 square foot pharmacy building is different than the 18,000 retail center originally envisioned on the site. The apartment complex is already built and approximately 75% leased. As part of the apartment project, the main access on 69th Street (Intersection 4) was redesigned (left turn lanes were extended and the medians were modified). These safety enhancements will be shared by the proposed CVS Pharmacy through the parking lot it will share with York Place apartments. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 4 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Nr ...11.113.17 ELT ru- riZIAT;' ;.91,M2r. .-11r• ',PIO MI' :MEI EMI MI MO IMM 4 41e, ($7 L - . 14 eye Nu 4,2 rlq Me3.5425T z — Figure 2.2 Site Plan THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY KEY CADILLAC WEST 69111 STREET = SIDEWALK Site Plan prepared for The Velmeir Companies by Loucks Associates CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 5 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN 3. Analysis of Existing Conditions a. Transportation Network Characteristics York Avenue is Hennepin County State Aid Highway 31. It is designated as a "B" Minor Arterial and a Secondary Bicycle Route in the City of Edina's Comprehensive Plan. York Avenue is a four- lane divided roadway with a 35 mph speed limit near the proposed site. Turn lanes are provided on York Avenue at major intersections and sidewalks are provided along both sides of the street. York Avenue is a significant bus route for Metro Transit, connecting to the Southdale Transit Center. A bus stop is located on the west side of York Avenue south of 69th Street across from the proposed site. A bus stop is also located on the east side of York Avenue north of 69th Street approximately 400 feet from the proposed site. These bus stops are served by Metro Transit Routes 6, 538, 539, and 578. 69th Street is City of Edina Municipal State Aid Route 159. It is designated as a "B" Minor Arterial and a Primary Bicycle Route in the City of Edina's Comprehensive Plan. 69th Street is a four-lane divided roadway with a 35 mph speed limit near the proposed site. Turn lanes are provided on 691h Street at major intersections and a sidewalk is provided on the south side of the street near the proposed site. Existing traffic control, speed limits, bus stops, sidewalks and travel lanes are shown on Figure 3.1 for each study intersection. b. Traffic Volumes Based on direction from city staff, the turning movement volumes were counted at the study intersections during the following times: • Weekday a.m. peak hour (between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m.) • Weekday p.m. peak hour (between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m.) • Saturday midday peak hour (between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.) The peak hour turning movement volumes were counted at the existing study intersections in March 2010 and are shown at the end of this section in Figures 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4. The turning movement count data is contained in fifteen minute intervals in the Appendix. The data included in the Appendix also includes pedestrian counts, which were low during the study period (less than 25 pedestrians per crossing during the peak hour). The CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 6 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN LOS A LOS D = Acceptable .! , LOS F = Unacceptable-' Source: City of San Jose, CA existing daily traffic volumes for York Avenue and 69th Street (Intersection 2) are shown in Figure 3.5. The daily volume data is also included in the Appendix. c. Level of Service An intersection capacity analysis was conducted for the existing intersections per the Highway Capacity Manual. Intersections are assigned a "Level of Service" letter grade for the peak hour of traffic based on the number of lanes at the intersection, traffic volumes, and traffic control. Level of Service A (LOS A) represents light traffic flow (free flow conditions) while Level of Service F (LOS F) represents heavy traffic flow (over capacity conditions). LOS D at intersections is typically considered acceptable in the Twin Cities region. Individual movements are also assigned LOS grades. One or more individual movements typically operate at LOS F when the overall intersection is operating acceptably at LOS D. The pictures on the left represent some of the LOS grades (from a signal controlled intersection in San Jose, CA). These LOS grades represent the overall intersection operation, not individual movements. The LOS results for the existing study hours are shown in Table 3.1. These are based on the existing traffic control and lane configurations as shown in Figure 3.1. The existing turning movement volumes from Figures 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 were used in the LOS calculations. The LOS calculations were done using SYNCHROTM software utilizing the City of Edina's existing model. The City of Edina's existing SYNCHROTM model was used for the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection and the driveway intersections (Intersections 1, 3 & 4) were added to the model. The complete LOS calculations, which include grades for individual movements, are included in the Appendix. The York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection currently operates acceptably at LOS C, however the eastbound left turn movement operates at LOS F during the Weekday p.m. and Saturday midday peak hours indicating the existing signal timing plans could be improved. If the signal timing plans are optimized, the intersection All study intersections currently operate acceptably. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 7 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN can operate at LOS C or better with each movement operating at LOS D or better (see the Appendix for optimized LOS results). The unsignalized intersections on 69th Street operate acceptably at LOS A with each approach operating at LOS A. Table 3.1 — Existing Peak Hour Level of Service (LOS)1 Int. # 1 Intersection York Ave/CVS- Apartment Rt-in-Rt-out Weekday Weekday Sat. A.M. P.M. Midday (n/a - driveway is currently not connected to apartment parking lot) York Ave/69th St B (d) IIIZMIIIUIEMIIII A a A a 3 69th St/Ke Cadillac Dvw A a 4 69th St/Key Cadillac — Apartment D vw A (a) A (a) A (a) The first letter is the Level of Service for the intersection. The second letter (in parentheses) is the Level of Service for the worst operating movement. d. Data Sources The sources for the data sited above are: • Turning movement counts — Traffic Data Inc. (March 2010) • Daily traffic volumes — Traffic Data Inc. (July 2009) • Roadway geometrics and traffic control — Spack Consulting • Site Plan — Prepared by Loucks Associates for The Velmeir Companies • SYNCHROTM Model — Existing signal timing plans and traffic volumes for intersections not studied in this report provided by City of Edina. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 8 York Avenue/691h Street - Edina, MN C0 Co -0 / Intersection 4 cc Intersection 2 \ West 69th St 441P North No Scale SIDEWALK (Routes 6,538, BUS e 539, 578) STOP Intersection 1 Iii tExisting Driveway Temporarily closed Lfl M O BUS (Routes 6,538, STOP 539, 578) Co Intersection 3 Spack HIE TRAINC STUDY COMPANY Figure 3.1 Existing Transportation System CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 9 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN t North No Scale Am 10 .1 0 41NOWN 110 .11 Its I-1 4.1 0 0 Existing Driveway Temporaril Closed West 69th St Spack 'THE lkAi IIC SIUDY COMPANY Figure 3.2 Existing Weekday AM Peak Hour Volumes CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 10 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN North No Scale 256 Am* Existing Driveway Temporaril Closed West 69th St CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 11 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Spack IHk IIAF-IC S1UDY COMPANY Figure 3.3 Existing Weekday PM Peak Hour Volumes North No Scale 226111) 55 n 41. 156 CD CO 0 ) 4n 87 N Oa N Existing Driveway Temporaril Closed West 69th St Spa. ck IkAFf IC SIUUY COMPANY Figure 3.i Existing Saturday Midday Peak Hour Volume CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 12 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN SP a Ck lkAffIC S1UUY COMPANY Figure 3.5 Existing Daily Volumes North No Scale CD West 69th St 4:10 4,200 10,300 Existing Driveway Temporarily Closed Legend • July 2009 Daily Traffic Volumes Source: Traffic Data Inc. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 13 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN 4. Projected Traffic a. Site Traffic Forecasting A trip generation study was done at six CVS Pharmacies in the Twin Cities during the Fall of 2009 to document their trip generation characteristics. A summary memorandum from that study is included in the Appendix. City staff have authorized the use of that data for the proposed pharmacy in lieu of using data from the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 8th Edition. The resultant trip generation is shown in Table 4.1 at the end of this section. The directional orientation of the generated traffic was provided by city staff and is shown in Figure 4.1. This distribution pattern is consistent with the York Place Traffic Study. The traffic generated by the site development was assigned to the area roadways per the trip distributions shown in Figure 4.1. The traffic volumes added to the study roadways for each study period through this process are shown in Figures 4.2 through 4.5 at the end of this section. b. Non-site Traffic Forecasting Traffic forecasts were developed for the year 2011 scenario by applying a 0.48% compounded annual growth rate to the existing traffic volume data. This growth rate is based on the 20-year growth factor of 1.1 the Mn/DOT State Aid office has assigned to Hennepin County. Traffic generated by the 34 vacant apartments was added to these factored forecasts based on the trip generation (as shown in Table 4.1) and the trip distribution (as shown in Figure 4.1). These volumes will largely access the resident garage via it's driveway on Xerxes Avenue. Approximately 25% of the trips from these apartments are expected to use the combined CVS/York Place Apartment driveways. The resultant 2011 No-Build forecasts for each study period are shown in Figures 4.6 through 4.9 at the end of this section. c. Total Traffic Traffic forecasts were developed for each study period in the year 2011 Build scenario by adding the traffic generated by the proposed development (as shown in Figures 4.2 through 4.5) to the 2011 No-Build volumes (as shown in Figures 4.6 through 4.9). The CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 14 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN No-Build volumes at the site driveways were adjusted during this process to account for the apartment residents and visitors who would be able to use the access on York Avenue through the shared parking lot in the Build scenario. Based on the trip distribution pattern shown in Figure 4.1, it is assumed approximately a fifth of the apartment vehicles using the existing driveway on 69" Street (Intersection 4) will shift to the right-in/right- out intersection on York Avenue (Intersection 1) after the proposed project is constructed. The resultant 2011 Build forecasts are shown in Figures 4.10 through 4.13. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 15 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Spack 'TI1L 1RAFFIC COT FANY Table 4.1 Trip Generation PHARMACY/DRUGSTORE WITH DRIVE-THRU PERIOD DEVELOPMENT UNITS (GFA) QUANTITY DAILY RATE ENTER PERCENT EXIT NEW TRIPS PERCENT ENTER EXIT Daily 1,000 GFA 13.0 87.95 50% 50% 572 572 AM Peak Hour 1,000 GFA 13.0 3.99 51% 49% 26 25 PM Peak Hour 1,000 GFA 13.0 8.94 49% 51% 57 59 Saturday/Mid-Day Peak Hour 1,000 GFA 13.0 7.63 48% 52% 48 52 APARTMENT ITE CODE 220 PER IOD DEVELOPMENT UNITS (GFA) QUANTITY DAILY RATE ENTER PERCENT EXIT NEW TRIPS PERCENT ENTER EXIT Daily Dwelling Units 34.0 6.65 50% 50% 113 113 AM Peak Hour Dwelling Units 34.0 0.51 20% 80% 3 14 PM Peak Hour Dwelling Units 34.0 0.62 65% 35% 14 7 Saturday/Mid-Day Peak Hour Dwelling Units 34.0 0.52 50% 50% 9 9 NOTES: 1. GFA = Gross Floor Area 2. Apartment trip generation rates based on "Trip Generation", Institute of Transportation Engineers, 8th Edition. 3. Pharmacy/Drugstore with Drive-Thru based on trip generation rate analysis by TDI 4. A.M. Trip Generation is for the peak hour of adjacent street traffic (one hour between 7 and 9 a.m.). 5. P.M. Trip Generation is for the peak hour of adjacent street traffic (one hour between 4 and 6 p.m.). 6. Saturday Trip Generation is for the peak hour of generator (one hour between 11 and 1 p.m.). 7. Directional Distribution was not provided for Apartment on Saturday, but 50/50 was assumed. 8. The 34 apartment dwelling units are currently vacant but assumed to be occupied by 2011 and are included in the No-Build. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 16 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Legend Trip Distributions for Pharmacy/Drugstore Trip Distributions for Apartment Southdalo Shopping Contor 4 Jofforso Par< stira.authclu Ceunter 4/ 691h St T 4 t t V ' ., , Seuthdate % , - ,1, ,4 I I , - / Parking .._ I - r .. NE-Southdal / e 't, ,, Center te i'.> or — 4..., Age e is-Southdala • V' CY% * '4614 : p 1111L • Jivr ▪ - —am= /cy Gallorla slaaa a • W 70th St •- - 7 froNr117 7 ,t • rr,asr • 25010 20%. 'at Aria W 71st St 7:714-A W 70th St Spack TM TAF f IC STUDY COMPANY Figure 4.1 Trip Distribution North No Scale CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 17 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN North No Scale k A v e S o u th ›- CVS-Apartment Right in/Right-out West 69th St Spack THr ik,41 FiC Sr CCI COMPANY Figure 4.2 - Weekday AM Peak Hour Volume Due to Development CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 18 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN North No Scale West 69th St Right in/Right-out Speck Hit TkA1 [IC SIUDY COMPANY Figure 4.3 - Weekday PM Peak Hour Volume Due to Development 19 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study North No Scale CVS-Apartment Right in/Right-out West 69th St Spack. IltAFFIC SlUDY COMPANY Figure 4.4 - Saturday Midday Peak Hour Volume Due to Development CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 20 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN 500 1,000 Right in/Right-out pSack I NE I KAIF IC SIUDY COMPAI1Y Figure 4.5 Daily Volume Due to Development North No Scale CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 21 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN North - No Scale Existing Driveway Temporarit Closed West 69th St Spack THE TRAFFIC STUDY COMPANY Figure 4.6 - 2011 No-Build Weekday AM Peak Hour Volumes CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 22 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN North No Scale +slow 175 Om 5 Existing Driveway Temporaril Closed West 69th St CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 23 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Spack 1HE IRAIEIC SlUDY COMPANY Figure 4.7 - 2011 No-Build Weekday PM Peak Hour Volumes North No Scale 4.0 CD West 69th St 11n 190 Existing Driveway Temporaril Closed Spack lk n Nf iC SlUDY COMPANY Figure 4.8 - 2011 No-Builc Saturday Midday Peak Hour Volumes CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 24 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN 0 0 ••n •n • West 69th St 10,600 Spack t„, IkA[fIC SIUDY COMPANY Figure 4.9 2011 No-Build Daily Volumes North No Scale 0 4,400 Existing Driveway 4 Temporarily Closed CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 25 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN North No Scale 10 10 4=1.145 West 69th St CVS-Apartment Right in/Right-out SP a Ck IIIF IkAFIK, S1UUY COMJ'ANY Figure 4.10 - 2011 Build Weekday AM Peak Hour Volumes CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 26 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN 14 20J 250 55 200j 1951m. 150 —C 4,1 0 V) CVS-Apartment Right in/Right-out Spack IllL SIUUY COMPANY Figure 4.11 -2011 Build Weekday PM Peak Hour Volumes North No Scale West 69th St CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 27 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN North No Scale CVS-Apartment Rightin/Right-out West 69th St Spack 1HF flAIl IC S1UDY COMPANY Figure 4.12 -2011 Build Saturday Midday Peak Hour Volumes CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 28 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN West 69th St 10,800 U 4,400 CVS-Apartment Yo r k A v e S o u th 0 0 Spack, I lit IRA( ICI LWI COtA'ANI Figure 4.13 2011 Build Daily Volumes North No Scale Right in/Right-out 0 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 29 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN 5. Traffic and Improvement Analysis a. 2011 Level of Service Analysis The LOS results for the 2011 scenario study hours are shown in Table 5.1. These are based on the existing traffic control and lane configurations as shown in Figure 3.1 for the existing intersections plus the proposed development access configuration described in the previous sections. No improvements are programmed at any of the existing study intersections. The forecast turning movement volumes for each No-Build and Build scenario peak hour were used in the LOS calculations. The LOS calculations were done using SYNCHROTM software with the City of Edina provided model (including the existing signal timing plans). The complete LOS calculations, which include grades for individual movements, are included in the Appendix. Table 5.1 — 2011 Level of Service (LOS)1 Int. 1 Intersection Weekday No- Build n-a A.M. Weekday No- Build Build A (a) n-a P.M. Sat. Midday No- Build Build A (a) n-a Build A (a) York Ave/CVS- Aiartment Rt-in-Rt-out 2 York Ave/69th St B (d) B (d) C (f) C (f) C (f) C (f) 3 69th St/Key Cadillac Dvwy-CVS Rt-out A (a) A (a) A (a) A (a) A (a) A (a) 69th St/Key Cadillac- 4 A (a) A aliment Dvw A (a) A (b) A (b) A (b) A (b) 'The first letter is the Level of Service for the intersection. The second letter (in parentheses) is the Level of Service for the worst operating movement. The results in Table 5.1 show there is no difference between the No-Build and Build scenarios, meaning the proposed development will have little impact on the study intersections. The York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection will operate acceptably at LOS C or better, however the eastbound left turn movement will continue to operate at LOS F during the Weekday p.m. and Saturday midday peak hours indicating the existing signal timing plans could be improved. If the signal timing plans are optimized, the intersection can operate at LOS C or better with each movement operating at LOS D or better (see the Appendix for optimized LOS results). The unsignalized intersections on 69th Street (Intersections 1, 3, & 4) operate All of the intersections will operate acceptably in the 2011 No-Build and Build scenarios. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 30 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN acceptably at LOS A with each movement operating at LOS B or better. Figures 4.9 and 4.13 show the 2011 daily volumes anticipated on York Avenue and 69th Street in the No-Build and Build scenarios. Based on calculations from the Transportation Research Board's Highway Capacity Manual, a four-lane divided roadway with right and left turn lanes such as York Avenue and 69th Street will operate at LOS D if the road carries approximately 28,000 to 35,000 vehicles per day. The daily traffic volumes will be below the daily volume thresholds for LOS D on York Avenue and 69th Street in both the 2011 No-Build and Build scenarios. b. Queuing Analysis The Level of Service results do not fully address the impact of vehicles weaving across lanes in short distances. Problems with vehicles weaving across lanes could occur for two movements with the proposed site plan. The first is vehicles turning eastbound out of the CVS right-out access on 69th Street (Intersection 3) and then going into the left turn lane at the 69th Street/Key Cadillac- Apartment Driveway (Intersection 4) intersection to make a u-turn to ultimately go westbound on 69th Street. The second is vehicles turning northbound onto York Avenue from the right-in/right-out driveway (Intersection 1) and then crossing lanes to get into the northbound to westbound left turn lane at the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection. To determine the length of the queues on the eastbound approach of the 69th Street/Key Cadillac-Apartment Driveway (Intersection 4) intersection and the northbound approach at the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection, a more detailed traffic analysis was performed with a SimTrafficTm micro-simulation model. The intersection traffic control and turn lanes from Figure 3.1 were used with the 2011 Build Weekday a.m., Weekday p.m., and Saturday midday peak hour turning movement volumes in Figures 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12. These inputs for the York Avenue corridor were transferred from the City provided SYNCHROTM model to SimTrafficTm. The simulation software was seeded with a random number seed of 0, a seeding duration of 5 minutes, and a recording duration of 60 minutes. Then the simulation software was run and recorded five times with random number seeds of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; using a seeding duration of 5 minutes and a recording duration of 60 minutes. The stacking and delay results are contained in the Appendix. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 31 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Table 5.2 shows the stacking results for the eastbound approach to the 69th Street/Key Cadillac-Apartment Driveway (Intersection 4) intersection and the northbound approach to the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection in the 2011 Build Scenario. Table 5.2 — 2011 Build Peak Hour Stacking Resultsl Weekday AM Weekday PM Sat Midday 69 th S t /K e y C a di l l a c - Ap tm t Dy w y (In te r s e c t io n 4 ) E a s t bo u n d Left 50 ft (90 ft) 40 ft (90 ft) 40 ft (90 ft) Thru 20 ft (120 ft) 90 ft (120 ft) 10 ft (120 ft) Right Oft (120 ft) 90 ft (120 ft) 10 ft (120 ft) Yo r k A v e /6 9 th St (In te rs e c t io n 2) N o rt hb o u n d Left 90 ft (100 ft) 120 ft2 (100 ft) 120 ft2 (100 ft) Thru 90 ft (160 ft) 170 ft2 (160 ft) 180 ft2 (160 ft) Right 90 ft (160 ft) 170 ft2 (160 ft) 180 ft2 (160 ft) . . ' " • ' ' "' " '" " • " • pproxima e queue iengtns are in teet witn tne iirst value oeing trie maximum queue reported by SimTrafficTm for the longest queue for that movement, regardless of which lane it occurs in. The second number in parentheses is the storage in feet for either the dedicated turn lane or the through distance from the revious intersection. There is room to improve the overall delay experienced at the study intersections through traffic signal retiming, but maximum queues will not be reduced significantly with optimization due to the short stacking distance between the signal and existing driveway. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 32 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN The results in Table 5.2 show the maximum queues during the 2011 Build study peak hours will not spill out of the turn lane or back up past the CVS right-out driveway (Intersection 3) on the eastbound approach to the 69th Street/Key Cadillac-Apartment Driveway (Intersection 4) intersection. According to the Transportation Research Board's Access Management Manual, "recent research indicates that a right turn followed by a u-turn is safer than a direct left turn from an access connectionl." Approximately ten u-turns will be made during each peak hour and are not anticipated to cause any problems. The results in Table 5.2 show the maximum queues during the 2011 Build study peak hours will spill out of the turn lane and back up past the CVS right-in/right-out driveway (Intersection 1) on the northbound approach to the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection during the Weekday p.m. and Saturday midday peak hours. Approximately ten vehicles during each of these peak hours will be turning northbound onto York Avenue from the right-in/right- out driveway (Intersection 1) and then crossing lanes to get into the northbound to westbound left turn lane at the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection. This is a low volume of vehicles and is not expected to cause crash problems. Furthermore, there are opportunities to improve the signal timing plan at the York Avenue/69t1' Street (Intersection 2) intersection to minimize the stacking on York Avenue while still maintaining an acceptable LOS D or better at the intersection. c. Parking Analysis According to a trip generation study completed by Traffic Data Inc. in November 2009 for CVS Pharmacies in the Twin Cities area, the maximum parking rate for the PM peak hour was found to be 2.54 parked stalls per 1,000 square feet of building or 33 stalls for a 13,000 square foot pharmacy. The proposed site is required to provide 80 parking stalls per City of Edina ordinances. The site plan currently has 86 surface parking stalls and 4 surface handicapped stalls, meeting the City's requirements. The amount of parking provided is expected to be adequate for the site. In addition to the 90 stalls proposed by CVS, the York Place apartment complex will retain 17 parking stalls adjacent to its building as part of the site. The overall parking lot on the southeast corner of York Avenue and 69th Street will contain 107 stalls. 1 Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Access Management Manual, 2003, page 204. CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 33 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN d. Pedestrians & Bicycles Pedestrian volumes were relatively low for this area and should not be impacted by the nominal increase in traffic volume. Sidewalks are provided along each side of York Avenue and also along the south side of 69th Street. No segregated bicycle facilities exist adjacent to the project site, but it is recommended bicycle racks be provided at the site to promote bicycle usage along the York Avenue and 69th Street corridors. e. Crash Analyses Crash records were reviewed for the study intersections to see if there are existing safety problems that may be exacerbated by traffic from the proposed site. Crash records from 2004 through 2008 (the last five years of publicly available records) were analyzed with the Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Too/ (a database provided and maintained by Mn/DOT). There were no crashes associated with the three stop sign controlled study intersections during the five year period. There were 17 crashes at the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection during the five year period (the individual crash reports are included in the Appendix). Of the 17 crashes over the last five years, only three of them were associated with the northbound approach to the intersection. One of the crashes had injuries, two of the crashes were indicated as possible injury crashes, and the remaining crashes were property damage only. Eight of the crashes were rear-end crashes, two were left turn related, five were right angle related, and two were undesignated by the officers. Given less than one crash per year is associated with the northbound approach, it is assumed traffic from the site's right- in/right-out driveway (Intersection 1) on York Avenue will not cause a safety problem. f. Travel Demand Management Plan The intent of a Travel Demand Management Plan is to reduce the amount of single occupant vehicles during rush hour. CVS Pharmacy is not a large enough employer at this location to fully implement strategies such as structured carpooling and due to its retail nature it can't implement strategies such as telecommuting. However, CVS Pharmacy will work to encourage alternate modes of transportation for both its employees and patrons. York Avenue is a significant bus route for Metro Transit, connecting to the Southdale Transit Center. A bus stop is located on the west CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 34 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN side of York Avenue south of 69th Street across from the proposed site. A bus stop is also located on the east side of York Avenue north of 69th Street approximately 400 feet from the proposed site. These bus stops are served by Metro Transit Routes 6, 538, 539, and 578. CVS Pharmacy will post bus schedules near its doors for its employees and patrons use. 69th Street is designated as a Primary Bicycle Route in the City of Edina's Comprehensive Plan. To encourage the use Edina's Bicycle Routes near the site, CVS Pharmacy will provide bicycle racks near its entrances. To encourage walking, as well as the use of nearby transit, sidewalks will be built around the site as shown in Figure 2.2. This will connect the site with sidewalks along York Avenue and 69th Street, which already have sidewalk systems that extend away from the site. 6. Conclusions and Recommendations The York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection currently operates acceptably at LOS C and will continue to operate acceptably at LOS C in both the 2011 No-Build and Build scenarios. The stop sign controlled study intersections on 69th Street (Intersections 3 & 4), as well as the CVS Pharmacy driveway on York Avenue (Intersection 1) will operate acceptably at LOS A with each movement operating at LOS B or better in the 2011 No-Build and Build scenarios. The maximum queues during the 2011 Build study peak hours will not spill out of the turn lane or back up past the CVS right-out driveway (Intersection 3) on the eastbound approach to the 69th Street/Key Cadillac- Apartment Driveway (Intersection 4) intersection. Approximately ten u- turns will be made during each peak hour and are not anticipated to cause any problems. The 2011 Build study peak hour queues at York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) will spill out of the turn lane and back up past the CVS right-in/right-out driveway (Intersection 1) on the northbound approach to the intersection during the Weekday p.m. and Saturday midday peak hours. Approximately ten vehicles during each of these peak hours will be turning right onto York Avenue from the right-in/right-out driveway (Intersection 1) and then crossing lanes to get into the northbound to westbound left turn lane at the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection. This is a low volume of vehicles and is not expected to cause crash problems. Furthermore, there are opportunities to improve the CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 35 York Avenue/691h Street - Edina, MN signal timing plan at the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection to minimize stacking while still maintaining an acceptable LOS D or better at the intersection. In order to accommodate all modes of transportation after the proposed CVS Pharmacy is built, the following improvements are recommended: • Install bicycle racks near the doors of the building. • Post transit schedules in their entrances. • Install the sidewalks as shown on the site plan. • Work with Hennepin County to retime the traffic signal at the York Avenue/69th Street (Intersection 2) intersection after the CVS Pharmacy is fully operational. 7. Appendix A. Traffic counts B. Trip generation memo C. Capacity analysis backup D. Queuing analysis backup E. Crash Reports CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 36 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN I= MI CLJ Ill TRAFFIC DATA INC. York Ave & W 69th St - AM Edina, MN Appendix A - Traffic Counts Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1441011-York Ave & W 69th St-AM Site Code : 01441011 Start Date : 3/18/2010 Page No : 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted York Ave Southbound W 69th St Westbound York Ave Northbound Eastbound W 69th St Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 07:00 AM 9 39 3 0 51 8 9 6 0 23 3 40 9 1 53 5 5 8 0 18 145 07:15 AM 13 51 5 0 69 14 20 9 2 45 5 55 6 0 66 13 6 15 1 35 215 07:30 AM 15 88 5 1 109 9 14 3 1 27 1 66 8 0 75 15 13 12 2 42 253 07:45 AM 12 87 2 0 101 9 30 5 0 44 2 73 17 0 92 18 17 9 0 44 281 Total 49 265 15 1 330 40 73 23 3 139 11 234 40 1 286 51 41 44 3 139 894 08:00 AM 8 108 3 0 119 8 15 6 0 29 2 62 8 0 72 13 11 11 1 36 256 08:15 AM 20 98 3 1 122 3 17 7 0 27 4 62 13 0 79 16 11 10 4 41 269 08:30 AM 15 96 0 2 113 6 9 9 0 24 2 85 10 0 97 19 8 13 3 43 277 08:45 AM 19 104 4 0 127 9 13 9 0 31 2 81 23 0 106 21 13 10 3 47 311 Total 62 406 10 3 481 26 54 31 0 111 10 290 54 0 354 69 43 44 11 167 1113 Grand Total 111 671 25 4 811 66 127 54 3 250 21 524 94 1 640 120 84 88 14 306 2007 Apprch % 13.7 82.7 3.1 0.5 26.4 50.8 21.6 1.2 3.3 81.9 14.7 0.2 39.2 27.5 28.8 4.6 Total % 5.5 33.4 1.2 0.2 40.4 3.3 6.3 2.7 0.1 12.5 1 26.1 4.7 0 31.9 6 4.2 4.4 0.7 15.2 York Ave Southbound W 69th St Westbound York Ave Northbound W 69th St Eastbound Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total - • - -- -- - ' -- - " ' " - ' " " " eak Hour AnalYsiS rom 01:00 AM to . AM - F'eaK 1 o Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 08:00 AM 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 8 . .. 98 3 3 0 1 119 122 8 3 15 17 6 7 0 0 29 27 2 . 62 62 8 13 0 0 72 79 13 16 11 11 11 10 1 4 36 41 256 269 08:30 AM 15 96 0 2 113 6 9 9 0 24 2 85 10 0 97 19 8 13 3 43 277 08:45 AM 19 104 4 o 127 9 13 9 0 31 2 81 23 o 106 21 13 10 3 47 311 Total Volume 62 406 10 3 481 26 54 31 0 111 10 290 54 0 354 69 43 44 11 167 1113 % App. Total 12.9 84.4 2.1 0.6 23.4 48.6 27.9 0 2.8 81.9 15.3 0 41.3 25.7 26.3 6.6 PHF .775 .940 .625 .375 .947 .722 .794 .861 .000 .895 .625 .853 .587 .000 .835 .821 .827 .846 .688 .888 .895 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study Al York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN (,!,'=•n TRAFFIC DATA INC. York Ave & West 69th St - PM Edina, MN Appendix A - Traffic Counts Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 Site Code :01441011 Start Date : 3/18/2010 Page No :1 File Name : 1441011-York ave & W 69th St-PM Grour,s Printed- Unshifted York Avenue Southbound West 69th St Westbound York Avenue Northbound West 69th St Eastbound Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 04:00 PM 21 209 6 0 236 15 13 11 5 44 7 176 22 0 205 32 35 48 0 115 600 04:15 PM 22 153 11 0 186 9 14 6 1 30 6 202 21 1 230 40 27 34 3 104 550 04:30 PM 30 140 8 1 179 6 26 5 3 40 10 162 31 1 204 34 47 57 3 141 564 04:45 PM 45 185 12 1 243 16 20 14 2 52 11 188 32 4 235 29 49 52 1 131 661 Total 118 687 37 2 844 46 73 36 11 166 34 728 106 6 874 135 158 191 7 491 2375 05:00 PM 43 163 7 3 216 12 20 10 5 47 10 200 24 1 235 41 49 55 4 149 647 05:15 PM 39 183 13 2 237 12 19 6 6 43 6 222 32 0 260 40 47 44 1 132 672 05:30 PM 36 177 13 4 230 12 24 9 8 53 9 206 26 2 243 35 30 52 1 118 644 05:45 PM 24 199 12 0 235 5 19 7 1 32 5 164 20 1 190 35 38 53 2 128 585 Total 142 722 45 9 918 41 82 32 20 175 30 792 102 4 928 151 164 204 8 527 2548 Grand Total 260 1409 82 11 1762 87 155 68 31 341 64 1520 208 10 1802 286 322 395 15 1018 4923 Apprch °A) 14.8 80 4.7 0.6 25.5 45.5 19.9 9.1 3.6 84.4 11.5 0.6 28.1 31.6 38.8 1.5 Total % 5.3 28.6 1.7 0.2 35.8 1.8 3.1 1.4 0.6 6.9 1.3 30.9 4.2 0.2 36.6 5.8 6.5 8 0.3 20.7 York Avenue Southbound West 69th St Westbound York Avenue Northbound West 69th St Eastbound Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM ... 1E6 12 1 ,.. ,. 20 14 2 52 11 188 32 4 235 29 49 52 1 131 661 05:00 PM 43 163 7 3 216 12 20 10 5 47 10 200 24 1 235 41 49 55 4 149 647 05:15 PM 39 183 13 2 237 12 19 6 6 43 6 222 32 0 260 40 47 44 1 132 672 05:30 PM 36 177 13 4 230 12 24 9 8 53 9 206 26 2 243 35 30 52 1 118 644 Total Volume 163 708 45 10 926 52 83 39 21 195 36 816 114 7 973 145 175 203 7 530 2624 % App. Total 17.6 76.5 4.9 1.1 26.7 42.6 20 10.8 3.7 83.9 11.7 0.7 27.4 33 38.3 1.3 PHF .906 .957 .865 .625 .953 .813 .865 .696 .656 .920 .818 .919 .891 .438 .936 .884 .893 .923 .438 .889 .976 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study A2 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN MIN I --‘1 TRAFFIC DATA INC. York Ave & W 69th St - Sat Edina, MN Appendix A - Traffic Counts Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1441011-York Ave & W 69th St-Sat Site Code : 01441011 Start Date : 3/20/2010 Page No :1 Grou s Printed- Unshifted York Ave Southbound W 69th St Westbound York Ave Northbound Eastbound W 69th St Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thro Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total lot. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11:00 AM 45 155 6 0 206 16 13 8 0 37 10 194 28 3 235 39 14 57 0 110 588 11:15 AM 39 205 7 0 251 19 19 5 4 47 5 198 25 4 232 46 8 45 0 99 629 11:30 AM 28 185 8 1 222 11 26 10 3 50 6 234 32 0 272 40 16 54 0 110 654 11:45 AM 74 207 9 0 290 17 13 11 3 44 6 219 45 0 270 49 15 56 1 121 725 Total 186 752 30 1 969 63 71 34 10 178 27 845 130 7 1009 174 53 212 1 440 2596 12:00 PM 39 200 7 0 246 14 24 10 5 53 8 235 38 1 282 31 12 54 0 97 678 12:15 PM 49 214 9 0 272 17 21 9 2 49 6 254 29 0 289 46 13 59 o 118 728 12:30 PM 56 190 6 0 252 15 21 10 0 46 9 226 45 0 280 39 15 61 0 115 693 12:45 PM 62 252 5 0 319 17 21 10 4 52 10 236 40 0 286 40 15 52 1 108 765 Total 206 856 27 0 1089 63 87 39 11 200 33 951 152 1 1137 156 55 226 1 438 2864 Grand Total 392 1608 57 1 2058 126 158 73 21 378 60 1796 282 8 2146 330 108 438 1 878 5460 Apprch % 19 78.1 2.8 0 33.3 41.8 19.3 5.6 2.8 83.7 13.1 0.4 37.6 12.3 49.9 0.2 Total % 7.2 29.5 1 0 37.7 2.3 2.9 1.3 0.4 6.9 1.1 32.9 5.2 0.1 39.3 6 2 8 0 16.1 York Ave Southbound W 69th St Westbound York Ave Northbound W 69th St Eastbound Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Then Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Tbru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 11:00 AM to 12.45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 39 200 7 0 246 14 . III 5 ,1 8 235 38 1 282 31 12 54 0 97 678 12:15 PM 49 214 9 0 272 17 21 9 2 49 6 254 29 0 289 46 13 59 0 118 728 12:30 PM 56 190 6 0 252 15 21 10 0 46 9 226 45 0 280 39 15 61 0 115 693 12:45 PM 62 252 5 0 319 17 21 10 4 52 10 236 40 0 286 40 15 52 1 108 765 Total Volume 206 856 27 0 1089 63 87 39 11 200 33 951 152 1 1137 156 55 226 1 438 2864 % App. Total 18.9 78.6 2.5 0 31.5 43.5 19.5 5.5 2.9 83.6 13.4 0.1 35.6 12.6 51.6 0.2 PHF .831 .849 .750 .000 .853 .926 .906 .975 .550 .943 .825 .936 .844 .250 .984 .848 .917 .926 .250 .928 .936 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study A3 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 /*J mmi I 1°0 In TRAFFIC DATA INC. (no thru volumes) W 69th St & Key Cad. Rt in/Rt out - AM Edina, MN File Name : 1441012-W 69th St & Key Cad Rt-in Rt-out-AM Site Code : 01441012 Start Date : 3/18/2010 Page No :1 Appendix A - Traffic Counts Groups Printed- Class 1 Key Cadillac Right-in/Right-out Southbound W 69th St Westbound Northbound W 69th St Eastbound Start Time Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Rght Thru Left Other App. Total In Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 07:00 AM 0 0 o o o 1 o o o 1 o o o o o o o o o o 1 *** BREAK *** 07:30 AM 1 0 0 0 1 1 o o o 1 o o o o o o o o 2 07:45 AM 2 o o 0 2 o o o o 0 o o o o 0 o o 0 0 0 2 Total 3 0 0 0 3 2 o 0 o 2 o o o o 0 o o o o 5 08:00 AM o 0 o o o 1 0 0 o 1 o o o o o o o o o o 1 08:15 AM 0 0 0 o o 3 o o o 3 o o o o o o o o o o 3 08:30 AM 1 0 0 1 2 3 o o o 3 o o o o o o o o o o 5 08:45 AM 0 0 o o o 4 o o o 4 o o o o o o o o o o 4 Total 1 o 0 1 2 11 0 0 o 11 o o o o o o o o o o 13 Grand Total 4 0 0 1 5 13 0 0 0 13 o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o o 18 Apprch % Total % 80 22.2 0 0 0 0 20 5.6 27.8 100 72.2 0 o 0 o o o 72.2 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Key Cadillac Right-in/Right-out Southbound W 69th St Westbound Northbound W 69th St Eastbound Start Time Rght I Thru I Left I Other I App. Total Rght I Thru I Left I Other I App. Total Rght i Thru I Left I Other I App. Total Rght I Thru I Left I Other I App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Beams at 08:00 AM Int. Total I 08:00 AM 08:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 08:30 AM 0 0 2 3 0 o 0 3 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o , 08:45 AM 0 0 o 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Total Volume 1 0 0 1 2 11 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 o 0 o o o o o 13 % App. Total 50 o 0 50 100 o o 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 o PHF .250 .000 .000 .250 .250 .688 .000 .000 .000 .688 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .650 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study A4 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix A - Traffic Counts Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No =MI ati 1111 TRAFFIC DATA INC. (no thru volumes) W 69th St & Key Cad. Rt-in/Rt-out - PM Edina, MN 1441012-W 69th St & Key Cad Rt-in Rt-out-PM 01441012 3/18/2010 1 Grou s Printed- Class 1 Key Cadillac Right-in/Right-out Southbound West 69th Street Westbound Northbound West 69th Street Eastbound Start Time Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 04:00 PM 04:15 PM *** BREAK *** 04:45 PM 2 0 o 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 o o o 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 Total 4 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 o o o o o o o o 0 8 *** BREAK "** 05:15 PM 1 1 1 1 2 05:30 PM 2 2 2 2 4 05:45 PM 1 1 0 1 Total 4 4 3 0 3 0 0 7 Grand Total 8 0 0 0 8 7 0 0 0 7 o o o 0 o 15 Apprch % 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 o o o o Total % 53.3 0 0 0 53.3 46.7 0 0 0 46.7 0 0 o o 0 Key Cadillac Right-in/Right-out Southbound West 69th Street Westbound Northbound West 69th Street Eastbound Start Time Rght I Thru I Left I Other [ Aoo. Total Rght 1 Thru I Left I Other App. Total Rght I lbw I Left I Other I Aca Total Rght I Thru I Left I Other I Aoo. Total Peak Hour Arelyss Fran 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM- Peak 1 of 1 Int Total 1 04:45 PM 0 1 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 9 21:00 1 M 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06:16 P M 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 06:20 PM 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 Total Volume 4 o o o 4 5 o o o 5 o 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o 9 % App. Total 100 o o o loo o o o o o o o o 0 o o PHF .500 .000 .000 .000 .500 .625 .000 .000 .000 .625 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .563 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study A5 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1441012-W 69th St & Key Cad Rt-in Rt-out-Sat Site Code : 01441012 Start Date : 3/20/2010 Page No :1 Appendix A - Traffic Counts IOto TRAFFIC DATA INC. (no thru volumes) W 69th St & Key Cad. Rt in/Rt out - Sat Edina, MN GrouDs Printed- Class 1 Key Cadillac Right-in/Right-out Southbound W 69th St Westbound Northbound W 69th St Eastbound Start Time Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Rght Thru Left Other App. Total Rght Thru Left Other App. Total int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11:00 AM 5 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 11:15 AM 4 0 0 0 4 2 o o 0 2 o o o o o o o o o 0 6 11:30 AM 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 o o o o o o o o o 0 2 11:45 AM 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 o o o o o o o o o 0 4 Total 12 0 0 0 12 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 12:00 PM 4 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 12:15 PM 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 12:30 PM 4 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 7 12:45 PM 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 o 2 o o o o o o o o o 0 3 Total 10 0 0 0 10 12 0 0 0 12 o o o o o o o o o 0 22 Grand Total 22 0 0 0 22 19 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 Apprch °A) 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o Total % 53.7 0 0 0 53.7 46.3 0 0 0 46.3 o o o o o o o o o o Key Cadillac Right-in/Right-out Southbound W 69th St Westbound Northbound W 69th St Eastbound Start Time Rght I Thru I Left I Other I App. Total Rght I Thru I Left I other I App. Total Rght i Thru I Left I Other I App. Total Rght I Thru I Left I Other I App. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 11:00 AM Int. Total I 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 4 2 0 0 o 0 o 0 , 2 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o o o o o 0 o 7 6 11:30 AM 1 0 0 o 1 1 o o o 1 o o o o o o o o o o 2 11:45 AM 2 0 0 o 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 4 Total Volume 12 o o 0 12 7 o o o 7 o o o o o o o o o 0 19 % App. Total 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHF .600 .000 .000 .000 .600 .875 .000 .000 .000 .875 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .679 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study A6 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix A - Traffic Counts MI MN 3.!3 I TRAM( DATA IND. W 69th St & Apartment/Key Cad Drive - AM Edina, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1441012-W 69th St & Apt Drive-AM Site Code : 01441012 Start Date : 3/18/2010 Page No : 1 Groups Printed- Unshifted Key Cadillac Driveway Southbound W 69th St Westbound Apartment Driveway Northbound Eastbound W 69th St Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Pees App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 _ 1.0 1.0 _ 1.0 _ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 07:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 2 29 0 0 31 0 0 0 1 1 0 9 2 0 11 43 07:15 AM 0 0 1 0 1 3 36 0 0 39 0 0 2 0 2 0 11 4 0 15 57 07:30 AM 1 0 1 0 2 4 25 o 0 29 0 0 1 0 1 0 15 3 0 18 50 07:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 2 40 0 0 42 1 0 2 0 3 0 17 3 0 20 65 Total 1 0 2 0 3 11 130 0 0 141 1 0 5 1 7 0 52 12 0 64 215 08:00 AM 1 0 2 0 3 1 30 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 1 0 14 48 08:15 AM 1 0 2 0 3 3 24 0 0 27 1 0 0 0 1 1 12 4 0 17 48 08:30 AM 0 0 1 1 2 2 28 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 0 11 43 08:45 AM 0 0 2 0 2 4 28 1 0 33 0 0 1 0 1 0 13 6 0 19 55 Total 2 0 7 1 10 10 110 1 0 121 1 0 1 0 2 1 45 15 0 61 194 Grand Total 3 0 9 1 13 21 240 1 0 262 2 0 6 1 9 1 97 27 0 125 409 Apprch % 23.1 0 69.2 7.7 8 91.6 0.4 0 22.2 0 66.7 11.1 0.8 77.6 21.6 0 Total % 0.7 0 2.2 0.2 3.2 5.1 58.7 0.2 0 64.1 0.5 0 1.5 0.2 2.2 0.2 23.7 6.6 0 30.6 Key Cadillac Driveway Southbound W 69th St Westbound Apartment Driveway Northbound W 69th St Eastbound Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thu Left Peds App. Total Right Thu Left Peds App. Total Right Thu Left Peds App. Total Int Total Peak I-OX ysis ran . - Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Bedre at 07:15AM 07:15 AM 07 30 A M 0 _ 0 0 1 2 o 0 1 2 3 9 36 20 o 0 o 0 39 29 0 0 0 2 12 0 0 2 1 0 0 11 16 0 0 0 16 18 67 60 07:45 AM 0 0 0 0 o 2 40 0 0 42 1 0 2 0 3 0 17 3 0 20 65 08:00 AM 1 0 2 o 3 1 30 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 o o 13 1 0 14 48 Total Volume 2 0 4 0 6 10 131 0 0 141 1 0 5 0 6 0 56 11 0 67 220 % App. Total 33.3 0 66.7 o 7.1 92.9 0 0 16.7 0 83.3 o o 83.6 16.4 0 PHF .500 .000 .500 .000 .500 .625 .819 .000 .000 .839 .250 .000 .625 .000 .500 .000 .824 .688 .000 .838 .846 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study A7 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix A - Traffic Counts Traffic Data Inc. TRAFFIC DATA INC. W 69th St & Apartment/Key Cad Drive - PM Edina, MN 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1441012-W 69th St & Apt Drive-PM Site Code : 01441012 Start Date : 3/18/2010 Page No :1 Grou s Printed- Unshifted Key Cadillac Drive Southbound West 69th Street Westbound Northbound West 69th Street Eastbound Start Time Right Thru Left P • e....d s App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 04:00 PM 4 0 0 0 4 1 31 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 1 0 47 83 04:15 PM 2 0 3 0 5 3 31 0 0 34 0 0 1 1 2 1 37 3 0 41 82 04:30 PM 1 0 4 0 5 1 32 0 0 33 0 0 1 0 1 0 63 0 0 63 102 04:45 PM 0 0 0 2 2 1 49 0 0 50 0 0 1 2 3 1 59 3 0 63 118 Total 7 0 7 2 16 6 143 0 0 149 0 0 3 3 6 2 205 7 0 214 385 05:00 PM 0 0 1 0 1 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 1 1 1 65 1 0 67 109 05:15 PM 1 0 0 0 1 0 41 1 0 42 1 0 0 0 1 0 60 0 0 60 104 05:30 PM 0 0 0 2 2 0 41 0 0 41 1 0 0 1 2 3 50 2 0 55 100 05:45 PM 0 0 1 0 1 0 29 0 0 29 0 0 1 0 1 0 52 0 0 52 83 Total 1 0 2 2 5 0 151 1 0 152 2 0 1 2 5 4 227 3 0 234 396 Grand Total 8 0 9 4 21 6 294 1 0 301 2 0 4 5 11 6 432 10 0 448 781 Apprch % 38.1 0 42.9 19 2 97.7 0.3 0 18.2 0 36.4 45.5 1.3 96.4 2.2 0 Total % 1 0 1.2 0.5 2.7 0.8 37.6 0.1 0 38.5 0.3 0 0.5 0.6 1.4 0.8 55.3 1.3 0 57.4 Key Cadillac Drive Southbound West 69th Street Westbound Northbound West 69th Street Eastbound Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right ihru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int Total ysis rom : : 04:30 PM , -- . . . . , 00 0 0 00 0 0 1 0 1 0 63 0 0 63 102 04:45 PM 0 0 0 2 2 1 49 0 0 50 0 0 1 2 3 1 59 3 0 63 118 05:00 PM 0 0 1 0 1 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 1 1 1 65 1 0 67 109 05:15 PM 1 0 0 0 1 0 41 1 0 42 1 0 0 0 1 0 60 0 0 60 104 Total Volume 2 0 5 2 9 2 162 1 0 165 1 0 2 3 6 2 247 4 0 253 433 % App. Total 22.2 0 55.6 22.2 1.2 98.2 0.6 0 16.7 0 33.3 50 0.8 97.6 1.6 0 PHF .500 .000 .313 .250 .450 .500 .827 .250 .000 .825 .250 .000 .500 .375 .500 .500 .950 .333 .000 .944 .917 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study A8 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN W 69th St & Apartment/Key Cad Drive -Sat Edina, MN mu. oti UI TRAM( DATA IV. Appendix A - Traffic Counts Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1441012-W 69th St & Apt Drive -Sat Site Code : 01441012 Start Date : 3/20/2010 Page No : 1 Grou s Printed- Unshifted Key Cadillac Driveway Southbound W 69th St Westbound Apartment Driveway Northbound Eastbound W 69th St Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Pods App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 31 1 0 1 2 4 1 26 1 0 28 63 11:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 1 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 62 11:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 2 0 48 0 0 1 0 1 0 28 2 0 30 79 11:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 1 0 38 0 0 1 0 1 0 25 5 0 30 69 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 4 0 159 1 0 3 2 6 1 99 8 0 108 273 12:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 1 0 46 1 0 2 0 3 3 22 3 0 28 77 12:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 47 0 0 1 0 1 0 22 2 0 24 72 12:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 1 0 37 1 0 1 0 2 2 25 4 0 31 70 12:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 48 0 0 2 0 2 1 24 3 0 28 78 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 2 0 178 2 0 6 0 8 6 93 12 0 111 297 Grand Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 331 6 0 337 3 0 9 2 14 7 192 20 0 219 570 Apprch % 0 0 0 0 0 98.2 1.8 0 21.4 0 64.3 14.3 3.2 87.7 9.1 0 Total % 0 0 0 0 0 0 58.1 1.1 0 59.1 0.5 0 1.6 0.4 2.5 1.2 33.7 3.5 0 38.4 Key Cadillac Driveway Southbound W 69th St Westbound Apartment Driveway Northbound W 69th St Eastbound Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Right Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 11'30 AM 11:30 AM 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 46 : 0 . 0 0 1 0 1 0 . 2 0 .. 79 11:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 1 0 38 0 0 1 0 1 0 25 5 0 30 69 12:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 1 0 46 1 0 2 0 3 3 22 3 0 28 77 12:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 47 0 0 1 0 1 0 22 2 0 24 72 Total Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 4 0 179 1 0 5 0 6 3 97 12 0 112 297 % App. Total 0 0 0 0 0 97.8 2.2 0 16.7 0 83.3 0 2.7 86.6 10.7 0 PHF .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .931 .500 .000 .932 .250 .000 .625 .000 .500 .250 .866 .600 .000 .933 .940 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study A9 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix A - Traffic Counts Traffic Data Inc. Page 1 www.trafficdatainc.com 952.926.0916 Site Code: 000000144943 York Avenue south of 69th Street Edina, MN Start 20-Jul-09 Tue Wed Thu Fn Sat Sun Week Average Time SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB 12:00 AM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 PM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 * * 742 823 956 853 817 858 905 896 730 600 454 309 154 83 * * * * * * * * * * 646 921 955 836 785 848 875 956 784 635 506 354 173 68 34 27 12 7 28 81 160 398 584 674 726 854 974 942 843 881 888 876 680 598 490 321 170 81 41 18 9 10 24 52 164 305 395 539 690 913 912 885 813 800 895 1017 745 636 493 373 173 88 53 21 9 8 24 73 183 409 496 668 706 833 1020 958 940 846 859 919 797 594 514 359 166 82 46 30 14 12 14 58 172 304 417 529 634 952 1049 916 804 824 865 982 788 654 530 345 163 76 46 16 15 10 22 77 174 424 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 39 16 7 12 15 55 155 293 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 44 21 12 8 25 77 172 410 540 671 725 837 983 918 867 862 884 897 736 597 486 330 163 82 42 21 10 11 18 55 164 301 406 534 657 929 972 879 801 824 878 985 772 642 510 357 170 77 Lane 9180 9342 11329 10990 11537 11178 784 592 0 0 0 0 0 0 11347 11015 Day 18522 22319 22715 1376 0 0 0 22362 AM Peak 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 07:00 07:00 11:00 11:00 Vol. 823 921 854 913 833 952 424 293 837 929 PM Peak 12:00 17:00 12:00 17:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 17:00 Vol. 956 956 974 1017 1020 1049 983 985 Comb. 18522 22319 22715 Total 1376 0 0 0 22362 ADT ADT 22,517 AADT 22,517 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study Al 0 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix A - Traffic Counts Traffic Data Inc. Page 1 www.trafficdatainc.com 952.926.0916 Site Code: 000000144941 York Ave north of 69th St Edina, MN Start 20-Jul-09 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Week Average Time NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB 12:00 AM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 PM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 * * * * * * * * 718 1041 1117 1048 990 1001 1029 1098 909 815 636 471 229 103 * * * . * * * * * * 735 840 938 807 819 851 871 888 753 622 446 287 151 75 63 24 12 12 26 63 188 334 434 600 766 33 20 12 10 26 73 153 381 551 651 739 56 35 15 14 21 63 198 349 431 591 752 48 23 11 13 22 70 173 417 480 655 740 56 31 6 19 25 69 174 48 16 18 11 23 74 181 " * * * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " * * " * * * * * 58 30 11 15 24 65 187 338 432 596 745 1057 1161 1067 995 990 1030 1130 911 806 641 509 235 112 43 20 14 11 24 72 169 403 516 653 738 858 952 870 851 845 874 905 770 616 464 312 160 77 332 410 * * * " * * * * * * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1064 1114 1085 1004 972 1039 1167 872 798 636 558 225 122 862 941 878 830 851 889 886 755 601 468 294 164 83 1065 1251 873 976 1067 992 997 1021 1124 951 805 650 499 251 110 926 904 833 862 941 801 624 478 356 164 72 Lane 11205 9083 13178 11151 13308 11462 712 781 0 0 0 0 0 0 13145 11217 Day 20288 24329 24770 1493 0 0 0 24362 AM Peak 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 07:00 07:00 11:00 11:00 Vol. 1041 840 1064 862 1065 873 332 410 1057 858 PM Peak 12:00 12:00 17:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 Vol. 1117 938 1167 941 1251 976 1161 952 Comb. 24770 20288 24329 Total 1493 0 0 0 24362 ADT ADT 24,550 AADT 24,550 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study All York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix B - Trip Generation Memo Kevin McGhee, Velmeir Companies 3 CVS Pharmacy Trip Generation in MN The results in Table 1 show CVS Pharmacies in the Twin Cities generate traffic at a rate consistent with pharmacies nationwide. The slight exception is during the p.m. peak hour where the Twin Cities rate of 8.94 trips per 1000s of square feet is lower than the national average of 10.35 trips per 1000s of square feet. Drive Through Lane Queuing The manual p.m. peak hour count data in Appendix B shows the maximum queue observed in the drive through lanes during each fifteen minute period. The values shown are the maximum number of vehicles observed in both drive through lanes at one time. The maximum queue observed was three vehicles. Parking Rates The manual p.m. peak hour count data in Appendix B also shows the number of parked vehicles in the lot during each fifteen minute period. The total number of parked vehicles in the lot was counted at 4 p.m. Then the entering volumes were added to that total and the exiting volumes were subtracted to give the sum of the vehicles parked in the lot during each fifteen minute period. The maximum number of vehicles parked in a CVS Pharmacy lot during the p.m. peak period observed was 33 vehicles (representing a rate of 2.54 parked stalls per 1,000s of square feet). CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study B3 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix C - Capacity Analysis Backup HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 4: 69th Street & CVS Drive-Thru Exit SBT SBR r 0 10 Stop 0% 0.95 0.95 0 11 405 121 405 121 6.5 6.9 4.0 3.3 100 99 533 907 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL Lane Configurations tt +1+ r Volume (veh/h) 0 160 0 0 220 10 0 0 10 0 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 168 0 0 232 11 o o 11 0 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 200 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 242 168 295 411 84 332 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 242 168 295 411 84 332 tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.5 6.5 6.9 7.5 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 100 99 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 1321 1407 628 530 958 591 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 WB 2 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 84 84 154 88 11 11 Volume Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 0 11 11 11 cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 958 907 Volume to Capacity 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.05 0.01 0.01 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 0 1 1 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.8 9.0 Lane LOS A A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 8.8 9.0 Approach LOS A A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.4 Intersection Capacity Utilization 16.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 Spack Consulting Synchro 7 - Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study C39 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build AM Peak Hour 39: 69th Street & Southdale SE Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 Delay / Veh (s) 6.7 0.4 0.4 5.0 1.6 1.5 5.9 5.0 2.5 3.6 2.3 Total Stops 5 0 1 15 1 0 39 1 39 1 102 Travel Dist (mi) 4.3 17.5 7.9 5.4 15.4 0.8 1.5 0.0 1.4 0.0 54.3 Travel Time (hr) 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 2.4 Avg Speed (mph) 25 29 26 19 24 21 9 9 11 11 23 Vehicles Entered 29 117 53 55 157 8 39 1 39 1 499 Vehicles Exited 29 118 54 55 157 8 39 1 39 1 501 Hourly Exit Rate 29 118 54 55 157 8 39 1 39 1 501 Input Volume 31 115 56 53 159 8 38 1 36 1 498 % of Volume 94 103 96 104 99 100 103 100 108 100 101 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Total Delay (hr) 0.6 2.6 1.1 0.4 2.9 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.9 0.0 Delay / Veh (s) 44.6 129.5 54.2 44.4 150.3 71.7 37.8 3.1 2.3 45.6 7.5 3.0 Total Stops 43 68 73 35 67 43 45 46 2 18 130 2 Travel Dist (mi) 4.1 6.5 7.0 1.0 2.2 1.4 1.5 9.9 0.3 2.2 52.8 6.6 Travel Time (hr) 0.7 2.8 1.4 0.4 3.0 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.3 2.5 0.3 Avg Speed (mph) 6 2 5 2 1 1 3 17 13 7 21 25 Vehicles Entered 45 70 75 30 71 46 48 317 9 19 452 59 Vehicles Exited 45 71 75 30 69 46 48 317 9 19 452 59 Hourly Exit Rate 45 71 75 30 69 46 48 317 9 19 452 59 Input Volume 40 70 70 35 70 45 50 310 10 20 441 60 % of Volume 112 101 107 86 99 102 96 102 90 95 102 98 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement All Total Delay (hr) 10.5 Delay / Veh (s) 30.4 Total Stops 572 Travel Dist (mi) 95.5 Travel Time (hr) 13.6 Avg Speed (mph) 7 Vehicles Entered 1241 Vehicles Exited 1240 Hourly Exit Rate 1240 Input Volume 1221 % of Volume 102 Denied Entry Before 0 Denied Entry After 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 04 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report 2011 Build AM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 51: Galleria East & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.4 Delay / Veh (s) 4.1 6.7 1.6 0.7 0.3 1.3 Total Stops 30 15 3 1 1 50 Travel Dist (mi) 1.3 1.5 27.7 18.4 2.1 51.1 Travel Time (hr) 0.1 0.1 1.2 0.7 0.1 2.2 Avg Speed (mph) 10 13 24 28 17 24 Vehicles Entered 30 27 507 608 73 1245 Vehicles Exited 30 27 507 606 72 1242 Hourly Exit Rate 30 27 507 606 72 1242 Input Volume 30 30 500 600 70 1230 % of Volume 100 90 101 101 103 101 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 55: 70th Street & Galleria SE Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBR SBL SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 Delay / Veh (s) 3.3 4.7 3.4 4.1 1.8 4.3 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 2.7 Total Stops 9 17 5 5 2 4 4 6 6 11 69 Travel Dist (mi) 10.8 16.6 3.0 5.3 13.1 3.5 0.9 1.8 3.2 7.6 65.8 Travel Time (hr) 0.5 0.8 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 3.6 Avg Speed (mph) 21 21 21 19 20 19 13 14 14 14 19 Vehicles Entered 133 204 37 57 226 39 19 37 59 140 951 Vehicles Exited 133 204 38 58 226 38 19 37 58 140 951 Hourly Exit Rate 133 204 38 58 226 38 19 37 58 140 951 Input Volume 133 202 40 57 223 42 18 37 62 131 945 % of Volume 100 101 95 102 101 90 106 100 94 107 101 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D6 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build AM Peak Hour 56: 70th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Total Delay (hr) 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.3 0.2 1.5 1.5 0.1 0.9 2.0 0.1 Delay / Veh (s) 26.9 29.9 17.2 40.8 36.1 21.3 45.6 13.6 9.9 42.1 14.5 3.0 Total Stops 61 86 86 43 110 27 104 182 29 70 238 33 Travel Dist (mi) 7.5 11.9 11.4 4.7 12.8 3.1 6.6 22.6 3.0 3.8 25.0 3.7 Travel Time (hr) 0.9 1.5 1.1 0.7 1.8 0.3 1.7 2.3 0.3 1.1 2.8 0.2 Avg Speed (mph) 8 8 10 6 7 10 4 10 11 4 9 15 Vehicles Entered 73 118 112 47 132 31 115 393 53 77 502 74 Vehicles Exited 73 118 112 48 132 32 116 398 53 78 501 74 Hourly Exit Rate 73 118 112 48 132 32 116 398 53 78 501 74 Input Volume 77 106 119 51 131 27 115 393 55 77 495 76 % of Volume 95 111 94 94 101 119 101 101 96 101 101 97 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56: 70th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement All Total Delay (hr) 10.2 Delay! Veh (s) 21.2 Total Stops 1069 Travel Dist (mi) 116.1 Travel Time (hr) 14.7 Avg Speed (mph) 8 Vehicles Entered 1727 Vehicles Exited 1735 Hourly Exit Rate 1735 Input Volume 1722 % of Volume 101 Denied Entry Before 0 Denied Entry After 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D7 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build AM Peak Hour 57: 70th Street & Xerxes Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Total Delay (hr) 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Delay / Veh (s) 5.9 3.4 4.2 4.5 6.8 2.5 4.4 5.9 3.4 5.8 7.0 4.3 Total Stops 22 60 13 1 91 4 29 9 1 3 6 53 Travel Dist (mi) 2.5 17.3 1.5 0.1 7.8 0.3 1.8 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.7 6.4 Travel Time (hr) 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 Avg Speed (mph) 19 21 19 19 19 20 17 17 18 19 19 19 Vehicles Entered 22 212 13 1 91 4 30 9 1 3 6 53 Vehicles Exited 22 213 13 1 91 4 29 9 1 3 6 53 Hourly Exit Rate 22 213 13 1 91 4 29 9 1 3 6 53 Input Volume 19 205 13 1 87 4 32 10 1 3 8 54 % of Volume 116 104 100 100 105 100 91 90 100 100 75 98 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57: 70th Street & Xerxes Avenue Performance by movement Movement All Total Delay (hr) 0.6 Delay / Veh (s) 4.5 Total Stops 292 Travel Dist (mi) 39.5 Travel Time (hr) 2.0 Avg Speed (mph) 19 Vehicles Entered 445 Vehicles Exited 445 Hourly Exit Rate 445 Input Volume 437 % of Volume 102 Denied Entry Before 0 Denied Entry After 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D8 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report 2011 Build AM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave Total Network Performance Total Delay (hr) 28.2 Delay / Veh (s) 34.3 Total Stops 2945 Travel Dist (mi) 896.7 Travel Time (hr) 61.8 Avg Speed (mph) 15 Vehicles Entered 2954 Vehicles Exited 2961 Hourly Exit Rate 2961 Input Volume 12359 % of Volume 24 Denied Entry Before 0 Denied Entry After 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D9 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build AM Peak Hour Intersection: 2: 69th Street & CVS Dvwy Movement EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T L T TR LR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 49 16 6 4 14 40 30 Average Queue (ft) 5 1 0 0 1 18 10 95th Queue (ft) 27 11 4 3 12 42 33 Link Distance (ft) 164 125 125 101 119 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 50 50 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Intersection: 3: CVS Dvwy & York Avenue Movement WB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft) 30 Average Queue (ft) 10 95th Queue (ft) 33 Link Distance (ft) 106 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 4: 69th Street & CVS Drive-Thru Exit Movement WB WB NB SB Directions Served T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft) 46 87 30 30 Average Queue (ft) 4 12 8 4 95th Queue (ft) 25 59 30 21 Link Distance (ft) 164 164 102 100 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 010 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build AM Peak Hour Intersection: 33: Southdale East Exit & York Avenue Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L L T L L R T T R L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 35 57 34 51 74 53 145 166 27 120 81 112 Average Queue (ft) 7 15 4 14 22 24 47 65 2 53 23 36 95th Queue (ft) 28 44 20 40 53 46 109 128 15 99 63 90 Link Distance (ft) 380 380 380 154 154 154 552 552 552 600 600 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 150 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Intersection: 39: 69th Street & Southdale SE Movement EB EB WB NB NB SB Directions Served L TR L LT R R Maximum Queue (ft) 24 14 37 49 59 18 Average Queue (ft) 4 0 7 21 25 1 95th Queue (ft) 20 7 24 45 51 11 Link Distance (ft) 776 193 193 217 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 155 140 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D11 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build AM Peak Hour Intersection: 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR L T TR L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 126 151 195 105 139 127 87 90 78 55 126 156 Average Queue (ft) 39 66 98 30 69 87 39 14 27 17 43 62 95th Queue (ft) 86 127 178 79 129 140 80 53 62 49 96 124 Link Distance (ft) 476 476 109 109 106 106 552 552 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 5 17 0 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 3 12 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 150 100 100 120 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 2 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 Intersection: 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft) 71 Average Queue (ft) 3 95th Queue (ft) 34 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 100 Storage Blk Time (°/0) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Intersection: 41: 69th Street & Xerxes Avenue Movement EB EB WB NB SB Directions Served LT R LTR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 59 31 70 26 60 Average Queue (ft) 22 7 38 16 32 95th Queue (ft) 55 28 57 31 55 Link Distance (ft) 125 125 385 590 1941 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D12 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report 2011 Build AM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave Intersection: 51: Galleria East & York Avenue Movement EB NB SB SB SB Directions Served R LT T T R Maximum Queue (ft) 62 66 12 6 15 Average Queue (ft) 17 15 1 0 1 95th Queue (ft) 42 48 7 4 8 Link Distance (ft) 230 212 128 128 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 70 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 55: 70th Street & Galleria SE Movement EB WB NB SB Directions Served LTR LTR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 66 41 40 77 Average Queue (ft) 21 9 8 14 95th Queue (ft) 59 35 32 50 Link Distance (ft) 427 380 196 232 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 56: 70th Street & York Avenue Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB SB SB SB SB Directions Served L L TR L TR L T TR L T TR 197 86 95 24 162 60 212 0 0 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 Maximum Queue (ft) 50 142 198 168 174 154 140 168 126 173 Average Queue (ft) 16 30 100 41 93 79 69 83 57 79 95th Queue (ft) 42 80 188 105 160 135 121 140 107 147 Link Distance (ft) 380 521 301 301 212 Upstream Blk Time (°/0) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 200 200 150 160 160 Storage Blk Time (%) 1 2 0 0 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 1 1 0 0 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D13 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report 2011 Build AM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave Intersection: 57: 70th Street & Xerxes Avenue Movement EB WB NB SB Directions Served LTR LTR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 50 66 45 53 Average Queue (ft) 32 34 21 28 95th Queue (ft) 47 54 43 47 Link Distance (ft) 521 400 269 590 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 24 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D14 York Avenue/691h Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Simulation Summary CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build PM Peak Hour Summary of All Intervals Run Number 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Start Time 4:55 4:55 4:55 4:55 4:55 4:55 End Time 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 Total Time (min) 65 65 65 65 65 65 Time Recorded (min) 60 60 60 60 60 60 # of Intervals 2 2 2 2 2 2 # of Recorded Intvls 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vehs Entered 5867 5807 5898 5858 5773 5840 Vehs Exited 5888 5759 5874 5813 5800 5826 Starting Vehs 167 127 158 139 172 148 Ending Vehs 146 175 182 184 145 162 Denied Entry Before 12 2 0 3 5 3 Denied Entry After 23 42 17 42 11 26 Travel Distance (mi) 1922 1874 1907 1911 1904 1903 Travel Time (hr) 178.6 169.3 181.7 183.9 170.5 176.8 Total Delay (hr) 106.2 98.8 109.9 112.4 99.0 105.3 Total Stops 8935 8490 8925 8937 8792 8817 Fuel Used (gal) 105.9 102.0 105.7 106.5 102.9 104.6 Interval #0 Information Seeding Start Time 4:55 End Time 5:00 Total Time (min) 5 Volumes adjusted by Growth Factors. No data recorded this interval. Interval #1 Information Recording Start Time 5:00 End Time 6:00 Total Time (min) 60 Volumes adjusted by Growth Factors. Run Number 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Vehs Entered 5867 5807 5898 5858 5773 5840 Vehs Exited 5888 5759 5874 5813 5800 5826 Starting Vehs 167 127 158 139 172 148 Ending Vehs 146 175 182 184 145 162 Denied Entry Before 12 2 0 3 5 3 Denied Entry After 23 42 17 42 11 26 Travel Distance (mi) 1922 1874 1907 1911 1904 1903 Travel Time (hr) 178.6 169.3 181.7 183.9 170.5 176.8 Total Delay (hr) 106.2 98.8 109.9 112.4 99.0 105.3 Total Stops 8935 8490 8925 8937 8792 8817 Fuel Used (gal) 105.9 102.0 105.7 106.5 102.9 104.6 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D15 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build PM Peak Hour 2: 69th Street & CVS Dvwy Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR SBL SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 Delay / Veh (s) 2.7 1.6 0.3 4.2 1.6 7.1 4.5 7.3 2.9 2.1 Total Stops 4 7 0 3 0 38 14 3 4 73 Travel Dist (mi) 0.8 9.7 2.2 0.4 5.7 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.1 20.3 Travel Time (hr) 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 Avg Speed (mph) 16 22 18 11 18 7 8 7 11 17 Vehicles Entered 20 244 56 12 177 38 14 3 4 568 Vehicles Exited 20 244 56 12 177 38 14 3 4 568 Hourly Exit Rate 20 244 56 12 177 38 14 3 4 568 Input Volume 20 250 55 15 175 40 15 5 5 580 % of Volume 100 98 102 80 101 95 93 60 80 98 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3: CVS Dvwy & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement WBR NBT NBR SBT All Total Delay (hr) 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.6 1.6 Delay / Veh (s) 12.8 3.0 2.0 2.2 2.7 Total Stops 13 113 1 19 146 Travel Dist (mi) 0.3 39.1 0.4 36.7 76.4 Travel Time (hr) 0.1 2.1 0.0 1.8 4.0 Avg Speed (mph) 4 18 14 20 19 Vehicles Entered 12 1190 10 917 2129 Vehicles Exited 13 1193 10 918 2134 Hourly Exit Rate 13 1193 10 918 2134 Input Volume 10 1196 10 910 2126 % of Volume 130 100 100 101 100 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D16 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report 2011 Build PM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 4: 69th Street & CVS Drive-Thru Exit Performance by movement Movement EBT WBT WBR NBR SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 Delay / Veh (s) 1.5 5.8 2.7 2.2 18.1 3.3 Total Stops 0 29 1 8 4 42 Travel Dist (mi) 13.1 8.9 0.4 0.2 0.1 22.7 Travel Time (hr) 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 Avg Speed (mph) 19 13 14 10 3 16 Vehicles Entered 314 218 11 8 4 555 Vehicles Exited 314 219 11 8 4 556 Hourly Exit Rate 314 219 11 8 4 556 Input Volume 316 221 10 10 5 562 % of Volume 99 99 110 80 80 99 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 33: Southdale East Exit & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR All Total Delay (hr) 1.5 0.3 0.2 1.9 0.5 7.8 0.1 3.0 2.2 0.0 17.3 Delay / Veh (s) 45.6 45.7 5.3 43.5 10.5 26.1 5.0 49.0 11.7 1.9 24.1 Total Stops 104 20 7 141 153 623 23 185 243 0 1499 Travel Dist (mi) 8.4 1.7 7.0 4.8 5.3 124.8 4.7 25.0 78.7 0.2 260.6 Travel Time (hr) 2.0 0.4 0.6 2.3 0.9 11.7 0.2 3.8 4.6 0.0 26.6 Avg Speed (mph) 4 4 14 2 6 11 20 7 18 24 10 Vehicles Entered 116 23 104 161 175 1063 38 217 675 2 2574 Vehicles Exited 114 23 105 157 176 1074 38 220 682 2 2591 Hourly Exit Rate 114 23 105 157 176 1074 38 220 682 2 2591 Input Volume 115 24 99 174 184 1059 36 215 648 1 2555 % of Volume 99 96 106 90 96 101 106 102 105 200 101 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D17 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report 2011 Build PM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 39: 69th Street & Southdale SE Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBR SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.0 1.9 Delay / Veh (s) 11.0 3.2 1.6 8.0 2.2 2.1 10.5 3.0 5.2 Total Stops 95 12 1 37 6 7 159 38 355 Travel Dist (mi) 30.9 59.2 8.0 6.5 30.5 10.6 5.9 1.6 153.2 Travel Time (hr) 1.8 2.4 0.3 0.4 1.3 0.5 0.9 0.1 7.8 Avg Speed (mph) 21 27 25 16 23 20 7 11 21 Vehicles Entered 208 398 54 67 304 106 160 38 1335 Vehicles Exited 211 399 54 67 303 106 160 38 1338 Hourly Exit Rate 211 399 54 67 303 106 160 38 1338 Input Volume 215 397 54 64 292 100 157 37 1316 % of Volume 98 101 100 105 104 106 102 103 102 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Total Delay (hr) 3.9 4.1 1.4 0.6 2.9 1.1 1.9 1.7 0.1 0.9 4.2 0.5 Delay / Veh (s) 67.9 72.3 34.7 44.3 104.4 54.2 51.8 7.6 5.0 47.1 21.0 9.9 Total Stops 262 200 143 54 92 68 128 210 13 80 452 57 Travel Dist (mi) 21.5 20.4 15.0 1.5 3.1 2.4 4.0 25.4 1.4 8.6 85.8 18.8 Travel Time (hr) 4.8 4.8 2.1 0.6 3.0 1.3 2.1 2.5 0.1 1.2 6.9 1.1 Avg Speed (mph) 4 4 7 2 1 2 2 10 10 7 13 17 Vehicles Entered 208 203 147 47 100 75 131 819 47 72 727 170 Vehicles Exited 209 205 148 46 99 76 133 818 47 72 722 169 Hourly Exit Rate 209 205 148 46 99 76 133 818 47 72 722 169 Input Volume 200 204 150 50 101 75 120 821 45 75 710 160 % of Volume 104 100 99 92 98 101 111 100 104 96 102 106 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement All Total Delay (hr) 23.3 Delay / Veh (s) 30.6 Total Stops 1759 Travel Dist (mi) 207.9 Travel Time (hr) 30.5 Avg Speed (mph) 7 Vehicles Entered 2746 Vehicles Exited 2744 Hourly Exit Rate 2744 Input Volume 2711 % of Volume 101 Denied Entry Before 0 Denied Entry After 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D18 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report 2011 Build PM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 41: 69th Street & Xerxes Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Total Delay (hr) 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 Delay / Veh (s) 8.2 9.2 3.1 5.9 6.4 3.9 5.7 7.2 3.7 6.3 7.1 3.9 Total Stops 13 216 26 16 114 5 10 55 60 11 49 51 Travel Dist (mi) 0.4 7.6 0.9 1.3 9.5 0.4 1.2 6.8 7.3 4.0 18.1 18.9 Travel Time (hr) 0.0 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.7 Avg Speed (mph) 9 9 12 17 18 18 18 18 19 25 25 26 Vehicles Entered 12 222 26 16 115 5 10 56 60 11 49 51 Vehicles Exited 13 221 26 16 114 5 10 56 60 11 49 51 Hourly Exit Rate 13 221 26 16 114 5 10 56 60 11 49 51 Input Volume 17 231 22 19 113 4 11 51 59 9 50 53 % of Volume 76 96 118 84 101 125 91 110 102 122 98 96 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41: 69th Street & Xerxes Avenue Performance by movement Movement All Total Delay (hr) 1.2 Delay / Veh (s) 6.9 Total Stops 626 Travel Dist (mi) 76.6 Travel Time (hr) 4.0 Avg Speed (mph) 19 Vehicles Entered 633 Vehicles Exited 632 Hourly Exit Rate 632 Input Volume 639 % of Volume 99 Denied Entry Before 0 Denied Entry After 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D19 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report 2011 Build PM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 51: Galleria East & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBR NBT SBT SBR All Total Delay (hr) 3.3 1.1 2.5 0.2 7.1 Delay / Veh (s) 107.0 3.3 8.4 3.5 9.9 Total Stops 112 38 166 13 329 Travel Dist (mi) 5.0 69.1 31.5 5.0 110.6 Travel Time (hr) 3.6 3.4 3.5 0.5 11.0 Avg Speed (mph) 2 20 12 14 12 Vehicles Entered 113 1198 1082 175 2568 Vehicles Exited 108 1201 1079 176 2564 Hourly Exit Rate 108 1201 1079 176 2564 Input Volume 107 1207 1067 178 2559 % of Volume 101 100 101 99 100 Denied Entry Before 0 0 1 0 1 Denied Entry After 2 0 2 0 4 55: 70th Street & Galleria SE Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBR SBL SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.3 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 3.1 Delay! Veh (s) 8.0 8.9 7.2 6.7 7.9 6.3 3.7 3.6 2.6 2.0 6.8 Total Stops 27 112 23 13 90 24 39 57 16 52 453 Travel Dist (mi) 9.3 41.2 8.6 3.4 30.8 9.1 3.7 6.0 2.2 9.8 124.2 Travel Time (hr) 0.6 2.6 0.5 0.2 1.9 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.8 8.3 Avg Speed (mph) 16 17 17 16 16 16 11 11 12 13 15 Vehicles Entered 115 508 106 39 350 103 77 126 41 181 1646 Vehicles Exited 115 507 105 39 348 102 78 126 41 180 1641 Hourly Exit Rate 115 507 105 39 348 102 78 126 41 180 1641 Input Volume 117 505 102 42 360 103 83 118 46 185 1661 % of Volume 98 100 103 93 97 99 94 107 89 97 99 Denied Entry Before 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D20 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build PM Peak Hour 56: 70th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Total Delay (hr) 1.8 1.6 0.8 1.0 1.5 0.2 4.4 19.4 3.5 1.3 9.0 0.5 Delay / Veh (s) 22.9 25.4 17.5 47.0 34.9 22.2 104.4 78.1 79.6 43.2 36.4 9.4 Total Stops 231 158 123 72 123 23 220 818 153 125 696 167 Travel Dist (mi) 27.9 22.4 16.6 6.6 13.7 2.0 8.5 51.4 9.2 5.6 44.7 9.3 Travel Time (hr) 3.1 2.5 1.6 1.3 2.0 0.2 4.7 21.2 4.0 1.6 10.4 0.9 Avg Speed (mph) 9 9 10 5 7 9 3 4 4 4 4 10 Vehicles Entered 283 227 166 75 156 24 151 902 161 112 890 185 Vehicles Exited 280 227 167 76 155 25 151 892 160 113 884 185 Hourly Exit Rate 280 227 167 76 155 25 151 892 160 113 884 185 Input Volume 272 235 164 73 157 23 158 911 163 103 882 190 % of Volume 103 97 102 104 99 109 96 98 98 110 100 97 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 15 2 0 0 0 56: 70th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement All Total Delay (hr) 45.0 Delay! Veh (s) 48.8 Total Stops 2909 Travel Dist (mi) 217.9 Travel Time (hr) 53.5 Avg Speed (mph) 5 Vehicles Entered 3332 Vehicles Exited 3315 Hourly Exit Rate 3315 Input Volume 3331 % of Volume 100 Denied Entry Before 1 Denied Entry After 22 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D21 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build PM Peak Hour 57: 70th Street & Xerxes Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.4 Delay / Veh (s) 8.0 7.6 6.3 7.0 2.5 4.7 6.0 2.3 6.1 7.7 4.4 7.1 Total Stops 101 258 29 88 8 17 17 2 8 28 61 617 Travel Dist (mi) 11.6 37.0 3.4 7.6 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.1 1.0 3.3 7.3 74.0 Travel Time (hr) 0.7 2.1 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 4.2 Avg Speed (mph) 17 18 17 19 20 16 16 17 18 18 19 18 Vehicles Entered 100 367 29 88 8 16 17 2 8 28 61 724 Vehicles Exited 101 367 29 88 8 17 17 2 9 28 61 727 Hourly Exit Rate 101 367 29 88 8 17 17 2 9 28 61 727 Input Volume 98 368 33 86 8 15 15 1 10 27 60 721 % of Volume 103 100 88 102 100 113 113 200 90 104 102 101 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Network Performance Total Delay (hr) 105.3 Delay / Veh (s) 65.0 Total Stops 8817 Travel Dist (mi) 1903.5 Travel Time (hr) 176.8 Avg Speed (mph) 12 Vehicles Entered 5840 Vehicles Exited 5826 Hourly Exit Rate 5826 Input Volume 25759 % of Volume 23 Denied Entry Before 3 Denied Entry After 26 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D22 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build PM Peak Hour Intersection: 2: 69th Street & CVS limy Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T LR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 40 88 4 31 5 65 31 Average Queue (ft) 4 5 0 3 0 29 6 95th Queue (ft) 23 38 3 17 4 55 27 Link Distance (ft) 162 162 127 119 140 Upstream Blk Time (A) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 50 50 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 1 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 Intersection: 3: CVS Dvwy & York Avenue Movement WB NB NB SB SB Directions Served R T TR T T Maximum Queue (ft) 40 142 154 77 104 Average Queue (ft) 11 42 43 6 11 95th Queue (ft) 35 130 135 38 58 Link Distance (ft) 104 131 131 107 107 Upstream Blk Time (%) 2 2 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 9 12 0 2 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 4: 69th Street & CVS Drive-Thru Exit Movement EB WB WB NB SB Directions Served T T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft) 7 89 100 35 34 Average Queue (ft) 0 10 25 7 4 95th Queue (ft) 5 49 82 28 20 Link Distance (ft) 108 162 162 97 113 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D23 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report 2011 Build PM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave Intersection: 33: Southdale East Exit & York Avenue Movement EB EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L L T R L LR T T R L T Maximum Queue (ft) 104 128 77 77 105 131 144 386 405 59 174 303 Average Queue (ft) 39 55 21 9 46 69 62 227 242 16 130 105 95th Queue (ft) 79 98 58 49 92 119 118 344 362 43 199 251 Link Distance (ft) 380 380 380 154 154 154 552 552 552 600 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 75 150 Storage Blk Time (%) 2 0 10 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 2 0 33 1 Intersection: 33: Southdale East Exit & York Avenue Movement SB Directions Served TR Maximum Queue (ft) 232 Average Queue (ft) 105 95th Queue (ft) 186 Link Distance (ft) 600 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 39: 69th Street & Southdale SE Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L TR R R Maximum Queue (ft) 98 39 16 62 18 115 50 Average Queue (ft) 43 7 1 15 1 56 23 95th Queue (ft) 80 50 14 41 9 113 50 Link Distance (ft) 776 776 476 193 217 Upstream Blk Time (%) 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 155 140 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 024 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build PM Peak Hour Intersection: 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR L T TR L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 174 408 371 106 124 132 100 169 146 145 277 348 Average Queue (ft) 135 189 160 44 74 102 82 89 90 59 135 180 95th Queue (ft) 203 388 318 96 135 141 119 172 153 120 247 311 Link Distance (ft) 476 476 108 108 107 107 552 552 Upstream Blk Time (%) 5 0 1 7 22 2 9 7 Queuing Penalty (veh) 13 1 0 7 25 0 43 34 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 150 100 100 120 Storage Blk Time (%) 17 8 1 11 17 9 1 8 22 Queuing Penalty (veh) 16 16 1 5 69 11 3 6 35 Intersection: 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft) 125 Average Queue (ft) 57 95th Queue (ft) 156 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 100 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 Intersection: 41: 69th Street & Xerxes Avenue Movement EB EB WB NB SB Directions Served LT R LTR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 136 49 71 54 70 Average Queue (ft) 69 17 38 23 37 95th Queue (ft) 121 44 60 39 61 Link Distance (ft) 127 127 385 589 1942 Upstream Blk Time (%) 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D25 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build PM Peak Hour Intersection: 51: Galleria East & York Avenue Movement EB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served R T T T T R Maximunn Queue (ft) 217 147 172 141 140 91 Average Queue (ft) 99 12 15 61 69 12 95th Queue (ft) 223 74 85 139 152 64 Link Distance (ft) 230 212 212 131 131 Upstream Blk Time (%) 10 0 0 1 3 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 1 2 6 15 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 70 Storage Blk Time (%) 13 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 23 0 Intersection: 55: 70th Street & Galleria SE Movement EB WB NB SB Directions Served LTR LTR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 287 169 114 89 Average Queue (ft) 63 55 46 35 95th Queue (ft) 185 127 86 74 Link Distance (ft) 427 380 196 232 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 56: 70th Street & York Avenue Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB SB SB SB SB Directions Served L L TR L TR L TTR L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 105 317 224 217 174 185 328 330 185 234 252 205 Average Queue (ft) 54 94 150 65 100 123 299 302 102 214 222 135 95th Queue (ft) 96 223 238 139 163 205 360 358 196 248 252 263 Link Distance (ft) 380 521 301 301 212 212 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 27 30 20 24 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 0 0 118 140 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 200 200 150 160 160 250 Storage Blk Time (%) 3 0 2 7 43 0 33 24 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 8 0 1 34 68 1 33 45 3 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D26 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report 2011 Build PM Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave Intersection: 57: 70th Street & Xerxes Avenue Movement EB WB NB SB Directions Served LTR LTR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 95 68 38 56 Average Queue (ft) 58 35 21 32 95th Queue (ft) 84 54 42 46 Link Distance (ft) 521 400 269 589 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 844 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D27 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Simulation Summary CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour Summary of All Intervals Run Number 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Start Time 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 11:25 End Time 12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30 Total Time (min) 65 65 65 65 65 65 Time Recorded (min) 60 60 60 60 60 60 # of Intervals 2 2 2 2 2 2 # of Recorded Intvls 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vehs Entered 5891 5813 5929 5900 6026 5911 Vehs Exited 5928 5828 5968 5897 6004 5927 Starting Vehs 174 161 200 145 165 160 Ending Vehs 137 146 161 148 187 146 Denied Entry Before 4 4 5 2 3 2 Denied Entry After 4 1 6 3 5 2 Travel Distance (mi) 1915 1891 1924 1896 1944 1914 Travel Time (hr) 172.8 159.4 173.1 165.3 179.5 170.0 Total Delay (hr) 101.1 88.4 100.7 94.2 106.5 98.2 Total Stops 9608 8713 9326 8850 9219 9140 Fuel Used (gal) 104.4 100.5 104.8 102.1 106.5 103.7 Interval #0 Information Seeding Start Time 11:25 End Time 11:30 Total Time (min) 5 Volumes adjusted by Growth Factors. No data recorded this interval. Interval #1 Information Recording Start Time 11:30 End Time 12:30 Total Time (min) 60 Volumes adjusted by Growth Factors. Run Number 1 2 3 4 5 Avg Vehs Entered 5891 5813 5929 5900 6026 5911 Vehs Exited 5928 5828 5968 5897 6004 5927 Starting Vehs 174 161 200 145 165 160 Ending Vehs 137 146 161 148 187 146 Denied Entry Before 4 4 5 2 3 2 Denied Entry After 4 1 6 3 5 2 Travel Distance (mi) 1915 1891 1924 1896 1944 1914 Travel Time (hr) 172.8 159.4 173.1 165.3 179.5 170.0 Total Delay (hr) 101.1 88.4 100.7 94.2 106.5 98.2 Total Stops 9608 8713 9326 8850 9219 9140 Fuel Used (gal) 104.4 100.5 104.8 102.1 106.5 103.7 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 028 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour 2: 69th Street & CVS Dvwy Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT NBL NBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 Delay / Veh (s) 2.4 0.9 0.3 3.3 1.5 4.3 2.6 1.5 Total Stops 3 0 0 3 0 32 16 54 Travel Dist (mi) 0.7 4.3 1.9 0.4 5.8 0.7 0.4 14.2 Travel Time (hr) 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.8 Avg Speed (mph) 17 24 18 12 18 9 10 18 Vehicles Entered 18 107 47 14 184 32 16 418 Vehicles Exited 18 107 47 14 184 32 16 418 Hourly Exit Rate 18 107 47 14 184 32 16 418 Input Volume 20 105 45 15 185 35 15 420 % of Volume 90 102 104 93 99 91 107 100 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3: CVS Dvwy & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement WBR NBT NBR SBT All Total Delay (hr) 0.1 3.1 0.0 1.0 4.2 Delay / Veh (s) 36.3 9.4 5.1 3.5 6.7 Total Stops 8 363 3 72 446 Travel Dist (mi) 0.2 40.8 0.4 43.2 84.6 Travel Time (hr) 0.1 4.3 0.0 2.5 6.9 Avg Speed (mph) 2 10 11 17 12 Vehicles Entered 8 1188 11 1073 2280 Vehicles Exited 8 1184 11 1073 2276 Hourly Exit Rate 8 1184 11 1073 2276 Input Volume 10 1196 10 1070 2286 % of Volume 80 99 110 100 100 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D29 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 4: 69th Street & CVS Drive-Thru Exit Performance by movement Movement EBT WBT WBR NBR SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 Delay / Veh (s) 1.4 5.6 9.1 2.3 10.3 4.0 Total Stops 0 28 2 8 9 47 Travel Dist (mi) 6.9 8.7 0.5 0.1 0.2 16.4 Travel Time (hr) 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.1 Avg Speed (mph) 19 13 9 9 5 14 Vehicles Entered 167 214 12 8 9 410 Vehicles Exited 166 214 12 8 9 409 Hourly Exit Rate 166 214 12 8 9 409 Input Volume 161 221 10 10 10 412 °A of Volume 103 97 120 80 90 99 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 33: Southdale East Exit & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR All Total Delay (hr) 1.4 0.3 0.2 2.1 0.6 7.2 0.0 3.0 2.1 0.0 17.0 Delay / Veh (s) 44.7 44.1 5.2 43.6 10.4 21.4 4.1 50.2 11.4 15.1 22.3 Total Stops 108 24 4 157 165 585 22 192 228 1 1486 Travel Dist (mi) 8.4 2.0 7.0 5.3 5.8 134.7 4.7 25.2 75.4 0.2 268.6 Travel Time (hr) 2.0 0.5 0.6 2.5 1.0 11.4 0.2 3.9 4.3 0.0 26.5 Avg Speed (mph) 4 4 14 2 6 12 21 7 18 17 10 Vehicles Entered 117 28 105 178 192 1208 37 218 647 1 2731 Vehicles Exited 115 28 106 176 192 1216 37 218 652 1 2741 Hourly Exit Rate 115 28 106 176 192 1216 37 218 652 1 2741 Input Volume 115 24 99 174 184 1229 36 215 648 1 2725 % of Volume 100 117 107 101 104 99 103 101 101 100 101 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D30 York Avenue/691h Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour 39: 69th Street & Southdale SE Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBR SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.5 Delay / Veh (s) 10.4 2.2 1.4 6.4 2.2 2.2 4.7 3.2 4.1 Total Stops 89 3 0 31 7 7 161 41 339 Travel Dist (mi) 32.3 57.7 8.2 7.0 31.6 10.8 6.0 1.7 155.2 Travel Time (hr) 1.8 2.2 0.3 0.4 1.4 0.6 0.6 0.2 7.5 Avg Speed (mph) 21 28 26 17 22 20 9 11 22 Vehicles Entered 218 388 55 64 296 97 161 41 1320 Vehicles Exited 218 388 55 64 297 98 161 41 1322 Hourly Exit Rate 218 388 55 64 297 98 161 41 1322 Input Volume 215 397 54 64 311 100 157 37 1335 % of Volume 101 98 102 100 95 98 103 111 99 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Total Delay (hr) 4.5 2.6 1.7 0.6 3.2 1.0 2.0 3.2 0.1 0.6 5.9 0.8 Delay / Veh (s) 71.6 56.1 39.5 48.3 106.3 51.5 47.1 12.0 10.0 47.7 24.2 14.8 Total Stops 296 92 152 50 99 67 152 333 12 56 578 82 Travel Dist (mi) 23.3 13.5 15.9 1.4 3.4 2.2 4.8 29.4 0.9 5.2 95.2 20.0 Travel Time (hr) 5.5 3.1 2.4 0.7 3.3 1.1 2.2 4.0 0.1 0.8 8.9 1.5 Avg Speed (mph) 4 4 7 2 1 2 2 7 7 6 11 15 Vehicles Entered 227 166 156 45 108 71 156 949 29 48 878 199 Vehicles Exited 227 166 156 45 107 71 155 947 29 48 873 199 Hourly Exit Rate 227 166 156 45 107 71 155 947 29 48 873 199 Input Volume 230 164 160 50 106 75 160 960 30 45 860 210 % of Volume 99 101 98 90 101 95 97 99 97 107 102 95 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement All Total Delay (hr) 26.2 Delay / Veh (s) 31.2 Total Stops 1969 Travel Dist (mi) 215.3 Travel Time (hr) 33.7 Avg Speed (mph) 7 Vehicles Entered 3032 Vehicles Exited 3023 Hourly Exit Rate 3023 Input Volume 3050 % of Volume 99 Denied Entry Before 0 Denied Entry After 1 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study 031 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour 41: 69th Street & Xerxes Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Total Delay (hr) 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 Delay / Veh (s) 5.3 6.6 2.6 5.3 6.4 3.4 5.8 7.0 3.7 5.5 6.8 3.6 Total Stops 15 225 24 21 110 5 9 49 62 8 46 58 Travel Dist (mi) 0.4 5.3 0.5 1.7 9.1 0.4 1.1 6.1 7.7 3.0 16.9 21.5 Travel Time (hr) 0.0 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.8 Avg Speed (mph) 9 9 10 18 18 19 18 19 19 25 26 26 Vehicles Entered 17 237 24 21 110 5 9 50 62 8 46 59 Vehicles Exited 17 237 24 21 110 5 9 50 62 8 46 58 Hourly Exit Rate 17 237 24 21 110 5 9 50 62 8 46 58 Input Volume 17 227 22 19 113 4 11 51 59 9 50 53 % of Volume 100 104 109 111 97 125 82 98 105 89 92 109 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41: 69th Street & Xerxes Avenue Performance by movement Movement All Total Delay (hr) 1.0 Delay! Veh (s) 5.8 Total Stops 632 Travel Dist (mi) 73.7 Travel Time (hr) 3.8 Avg Speed (mph) 20 Vehicles Entered 648 Vehicles Exited 647 Hourly Exit Rate 647 Input Volume 635 % of Volume 102 Denied Entry Before 0 Denied Entry After 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D32 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 51: Galleria East & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBR NBT SBT SBR AH Total Delay (hr) 1.4 1.7 1.9 0.1 5.1 Delay / Veh (s) 51.5 5.1 6.4 2.0 7.2 Total Stops 100 126 178 13 417 Travel Dist (nip 4.5 69.2 34.5 5.5 113.7 Travel Time (hr) 1.7 4.0 2.9 0.4 9.1 Avg Speed (mph) 3 17 13 14 13 Vehicles Entered 101 1208 1081 172 2562 Vehicles Exited 98 1201 1080 172 2551 Hourly Exit Rate 98 1201 1080 172 2551 Input Volume 107 1207 1067 178 2559 % of Volume 92 100 101 97 100 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 55: 70th Street & Galleria SE Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBR SBL SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.2 1.1 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 2.8 Delay / Veh (s) 6.4 7.9 5.9 5.9 7.8 6.6 3.2 2.6 2.7 2.2 6.2 Total Stops 22 97 17 10 93 24 39 44 17 59 422 Travel Dist (mi) 9.5 41.1 8.1 4.1 32.1 8.4 3.8 5.3 2.4 9.9 124.7 Travel Time (hr) 0.6 2.5 0.5 0.3 2.0 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.8 8.0 Avg Speed (mph) 18 17 18 16 16 16 12 12 12 13 16 Vehicles Entered 117 507 100 46 364 94 80 111 44 181 1644 Vehicles Exited 117 508 100 47 365 95 80 111 44 182 1649 Hourly Exit Rate 117 508 100 47 365 95 80 111 44 182 1649 Input Volume 117 505 102 42 360 103 83 118 46 185 1661 % of Volume 100 101 98 112 101 92 96 94 96 98 99 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D33 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour 56: 70th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Total Delay (hr) 1.8 1.7 0.8 0.9 1.6 0.2 3.7 14.0 2.4 1.3 7.0 0.4 Delay / Veh (s) 23.6 26.4 18.8 52.1 37.9 25.6 85.4 55.2 53.2 48.5 28.4 7.5 Total Stops 221 164 118 64 130 20 223 795 147 109 583 143 Travel Dist (mi) 26.4 23.3 16.2 5.6 13.2 1.9 8.9 52.5 9.1 5.0 44.7 9.9 Travel Time (hr) 3.0 2.7 1.7 1.2 2.1 0.2 4.0 15.8 2.8 1.6 8.4 0.9 Avg Speed (mph) 9 9 10 5 7 8 3 4 4 3 5 11 Vehicles Entered 267 234 163 66 155 22 155 911 159 100 883 196 Vehicles Exited 267 234 162 64 152 21 156 920 160 100 894 195 Hourly Exit Rate 267 234 162 64 152 21 156 920 160 100 894 195 Input Volume 272 235 164 73 157 23 158 911 163 103 882 190 % of Volume 98 100 99 88 97 91 99 101 98 97 101 103 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 56: 70th Street & York Avenue Performance by movement Movement All Total Delay (hr) 35.9 Delay / Veh (s) 38.9 Total Stops 2717 Travel Dist (mi) 216.9 Travel Time (hr) 44.3 Avg Speed (mph) 6 Vehicles Entered 3311 Vehicles Exited 3325 Hourly Exit Rate 3325 Input Volume 3331 % of Volume 100 Denied Entry Before 0 Denied Entry After 1 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D34 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup SimTraffic Performance Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour 57: 70th Street & Xerxes Avenue Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR All Total Delay (hr) 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.4 Delay / Veh (s) 7.9 7.7 6.4 6.9 2.6 4.6 6.0 2.1 6.3 7.7 4.3 7.1 Total Stops 96 258 33 77 8 15 17 2 10 27 59 602 Travel Dist (mi) 11.1 36.6 3.8 6.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 0.1 1.1 3.3 7.2 72.4 Travel Time (hr) 0.6 2.1 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 4.1 Avg Speed (nriph) 17 18 17 19 21 16 16 16 18 18 19 18 Vehicles Entered 96 363 33 77 8 14 17 1 9 27 60 705 Vehicles Exited 96 363 33 77 8 15 17 2 10 27 59 707 Hourly Exit Rate 96 363 33 77 8 15 17 2 10 27 59 707 Input Volume 98 368 33 86 8 15 15 1 10 27 60 721 % of Volume 98 99 100 90 100 100 113 200 100 100 98 98 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Network Performance Total Delay (hr) 98.2 Delay / Veh (s) 59.7 Total Stops 9140 Travel Dist (mi) 1914.0 Travel Time (hr) 170.0 Avg Speed (mph) 12 Vehicles Entered 5911 Vehicles Exited 5927 Hourly Exit Rate 5927 Input Volume 26123 % of Volume 23 Denied Entry Before 2 Denied Entry After 2 Spack Consulting SinnTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D35 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave Intersection: 2: 69th Street & CVS Dvwy Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB Directions Served L T TR L TR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 39 6 4 36 6 58 Average Queue (ft) 3 0 0 3 0 25 95th Queue (ft) 20 4 3 17 4 49 Link Distance (ft) 162 162 127 119 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 50 50 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 Intersection: 3: CVS Dvwy & York Avenue Movement WB NB NB SB SB Directions Served R T TR T T Maximum Queue (ft) 43 161 173 118 120 Average Queue (ft) 8 115 119 24 29 95th Queue (ft) 31 182 190 94 107 Link Distance (ft) 104 131 131 107 107 Upstream Blk Time (%) 12 13 2 3 Queuing Penalty (veh) 71 76 8 16 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 4: 69th Street & CVS Drive-Thru Exit Movement WB WB NB SB Directions Served T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft) 83 103 35 34 Average Queue (ft) 9 26 7 8 95th Queue (ft) 42 79 29 30 Link Distance (ft) 162 162 97 113 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D36 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave Intersection: 33: Southdale East Exit & York Avenue Movement EB EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB SB SB Directions Served L L T R L LR T TR L T Maximum Queue (ft) 92 119 64 68 114 149 150 402 413 96 174 278 Average Queue (ft) 39 56 25 5 50 78 64 211 235 18 130 86 95th Queue (ft) 78 98 61 38 95 131 119 350 372 65 193 212 Link Distance (ft) 380 380 380 154 154 154 552 552 552 600 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 1 0 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 75 150 Storage Blk Time (%) 1 0 10 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 0 33 0 Intersection: 33: Southdale East Exit & York Avenue Movement SB Directions Served TR Maximum Queue (ft) 207 Average Queue (ft) 99 95th Queue (ft) 177 Link Distance (ft) 600 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 39: 69th Street & Southdale SE Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft) 112 48 7 49 115 13 89 67 Average Queue (ft) 41 2 0 12 4 0 50 25 95th Queue (ft) 81 27 4 36 81 6 79 51 Link Distance (ft) 776 776 476 476 193 217 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 155 140 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D37 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour Intersection: 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Movement EB EB EB WB WB WB NB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served L T TR L T TR L T TR L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 174 418 342 106 118 135 100 183 146 130 358 411 Average Queue (ft) 146 161 136 44 79 101 90 134 116 43 168 222 95th Queue (ft) 203 371 260 97 132 141 117 184 144 96 298 364 Link Distance (ft) 476 476 108 108 107 107 552 552 Upstream Blk Time (%) 1 0 1 9 22 2 26 24 Queuing Penalty (veh) 4 0 0 10 25 0 148 135 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 150 100 100 120 Storage Blk Time (%) 25 2 1 14 16 26 0 14 29 Queuing Penalty (veh) 10 4 1 7 78 42 0 6 60 Intersection: 40: 69th Street & York Avenue Movement SB Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) 125 Average Queue (ft) 69 95th Queue (ft) 169 Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 100 Storage Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 Intersection: 41: 69th Street & Xerxes Avenue Movement EB EB WB NB SB Directions Served LT R LTR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 117 50 66 49 67 Average Queue (ft) 65 18 37 23 35 95th Queue (ft) 101 45 58 35 57 Link Distance (ft) 127 127 385 589 1942 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D38 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour Intersection: 51: Galleria East & York Avenue Movement EB NB NB SB SB SB Directions Served R T T T T R Maximum Queue (ft) 178 196 205 147 155 94 Average Queue (ft) 70 47 51 58 64 12 95th Queue (ft) 165 138 148 157 164 64 Link Distance (ft) 230 212 212 131 131 Upstream Blk Time (%) 1 0 0 5 6 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 1 2 25 31 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 70 Storage Blk Time (%) 9 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 16 0 Intersection: 55: 70th Street & Galleria SE Movement EB WB NB SB Directions Served LTR LTR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 224 189 89 89 Average Queue (ft) 58 57 39 40 95th Queue (ft) 156 128 73 80 Link Distance (ft) 427 380 196 232 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 56: 70th Street & York Avenue Movement EB EB EB WB WB NB NB NB SB SB SB SB Directions Served L LTR LTR L TTR L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 112 381 225 213 174 185 325 336 184 243 264 205 Average Queue (ft) 52 99 154 59 98 135 292 297 87 188 197 99 95th Queue (ft) 93 255 239 142 165 210 369 367 172 274 274 226 Link Distance (ft) 380 521 301 301 212 212 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0 22 22 13 15 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 2 0 0 75 86 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 200 200 150 160 160 250 Storage Blk Time (%) 4 0 2 8 36 1 20 15 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 11 1 2 36 57 2 21 28 2 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D39 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Appendix D - Queuing Analysis Backup Queuing and Blocking Report 2011 Build Sat Peak Hour CVS Pharmacy @ 69th St / York Ave Intersection: 57: 70th Street & Xerxes Avenue Movement EB WB NB SB Directions Served LTR LTR LTR LTR Maximum Queue (ft) 96 60 29 60 Average Queue (ft) 61 33 20 33 95th Queue (ft) 88 50 41 50 Link Distance (ft) 521 400 269 589 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 1138 Spack Consulting SimTraffic Report CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study D40 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Sys: 04 Route: 27000031 (001+00.307) 050340047 12/13/2004 1901 COUrIty:Hennepin City:EDINA Sys: 05 Route: 11050159 (000+00.470) 042190088 03/06/2004 1430 County:Hennepin City:EDINA I Unit 1 I !nit Tray Dir: Veh Action: Configuration: Driver Age: Driver Gender: Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: WEST VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 051 NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED SeVerity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO First Harmul Event:NOT SPECIFIED Roadway Type:NOT SPECIFIED Relation to Junction:NoT SPECIFIED Type of CraSh:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Cont. Device:NOT APPLICABLE Surface Conditions: DRY Speed Limit:30 Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Diagram Location:oFFicER REPORTED THAT Weather Cond 1:CLEAR Investigating Officer:NOT SPECIFIED Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT Number of Vehicles: 02 I Unit 2 I WEST VEHICLE - MAKING RIGHT SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 025 NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED I Unit 3 I lieLolVeLLO LI ILLy2207 Crash Report -York Ave/69th St in Edina, MN PAP:Crash Detail Report IllIH SeVerity:INJURY - INCAPACITATING Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Type of CreSh:COLLISION WITH PEDESTRIAN Surface Conditions:DRY Light Conditions:DARK - STREET LIGHTS ON Weather Cond 1: CLEAR Weather Cond 2:NoT SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles: 01 First Harmul Event:oN THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Relation to Junction:T-INTERSECTION Traffic Cont. Device:NOT APPLICABLE Speed Limit:30 Diagram Location:RIGHT ANGLE Investigating Officer:NoT SPECIFIED Reliability of Irlf0:CONFIDENT Unit 1 Unit 2 I Unit 3 I SOUTH 98 VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT 36 PASSENGER CAR PEDESTRIAN 035 061 M M NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR DRIVER INATTENTION OR PEDESTRIAN VIOLATION OR NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED !nit Tray Dir Veh Action Configuration Driver Age Driver Gender Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: Appendix E - Crash Reports 4/19/2010 Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.0 Page: 1 of 9 El CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Severity:INJURY - POSSIBLE INJURY RoadwayType:OTHER DIVIDED HIGHWAY TypeofCrash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:icE / PACKED SNOW LightCondftions:DARK - STREET LIGHTS ON VVeatherCondl:SLEET, HAIL, OR FREEZING Weather Cond 2:NoT SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles: 02 FirstNannulEventoN THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Relation to Junction:4-LEGGED INTERSECTION Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFEIc SIGNALS Speed Limit:35 Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating Officer:LocAL (CITY POLICE) Reliability of InfO:CONFIDENT I Unit 1 1 I Unit 2 I Unit 3 I SOUTH SOUTH VEHICLE - STARTING IN VEHICLE - STARTING IN PASSENGER CAR PASSENGER CAR 047 039 F M NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING DRIVER INATTENTION OR NOT SPECIFIED !nit Tray Dir Veh Action Configuration Driver Age Driver Gender Driver Cond Drivr Contr 1 Drivr Contr 2: Severfty:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Type ofCrash:coLLisioN WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:DRY Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLEAR Weather Cond 2:NoT SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles: 02 FirstNannulEventoN THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Relation to Junction:4 -LEGGED INTERSECTION Traffic Cont. Device:sToP SIGN - ALL APPROACHES Speed Limit:30 Diagram Location:RIGHT ANGLE Investigating Officer:LocAL (CITY POLICE) Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT I Unit 1 I Unit 2 - GOING STRAIGHT Unit 3 j EAST VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT SOUTH VEHICLE SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE PASSENGER CAR 028 092 F F NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR DISREGARD TRAFFIC CONTROL NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING DRIVER INATTENTION OR NOT SPECIFIED !nit Tray Dir Veh Action Configuration Driver Age Driver Gender Driver Cond Drivr Contr 1 Drivr Contr 2 Rep. Verso'. I 111,1,2007 Crash Report -York Ave/69th St in Edina, MN /It Crash Detail Report LIIIID 050680141 03/08/2005 1658 COunty:Hennepin Cfty:EDINA Sys: 09 Route: 27000031 (001+00.273) 043560004 12/20/2009 1925 County:Hennepin City:EDINA Sys: 04 Route:27000031 (001+00.273) Appendix E - Crash Reports 4/19/2010 Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.0 Page: 2 of 9 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study E2 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN SeVerity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO First Harmul Event:oN THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Roadway Type: OTHER Relation to Junction:INTERsEcr ION-RELATED Type of Crash:coLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Cont. DeViCe:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Surface Conditions:wEr Speed Limit:30 Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Diagram Location:REAR END Weather Cond 1:cLouDY Investigating Officer:Nor SPECIFIED Weather Cond 2:N0r SPECIFIED Reliability of Info:coNFIDENT Number of Vehicles: 02 Unit 1 I Unit 21 [ Unit 3 I EAST EAST VEHICLE - MAKING LEFT TURN VEHICLE - SLOWING IN PASSENGER CAR PASSENGER CAR 039 028 F M NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR DRIVER INATTENTION OR NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY NOT SPECIFIED !nit Tray Dir Veh Action Configuration: Driver Age Driver Gender: Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: Crash Detail Report Crash Report -York Ave/69th St in Edina, MN R V WyM. 051600177 05/16/2005 1656 County:Hennepin City:EDINA Sys: 05 Route: 11050159 (000+00.467) Appendix E - Crash Reports 052970095 07/28/2005 1240 Sys: 04 County: Hennepin City:EDINA Route:27000031 (001+00.282) SeVerity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO First Harmul Event:Nor SPECIFIED Roadway Type:Nor SPECIFIED Relation to Junction:NoT SPECIFIED Type of CraSh:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Surface Conditions: DRY Speed Limit:30 Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Diagram Location:REAR END Weather Cond 1:CLEAR Investigating Officer:NoT SPECIFIED Weather Cond 2:N0r SPECIFIED Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT Number of Vehicles: 02 Configuration: Driver Age Driver Gender: Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: lnit Tray Dir Veh Action Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 1 SOUTH VEHICLE - STOPPED IN SOUTH VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT PASSENGER CAR OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE TYPE 047 893 F F NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED 4/19/2010 Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.0 Page: 3 of 9 E3 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study Severity:PRoPERTY DAMAGE - NO FirstHantlulEventNOT SPECIFIED Roadway Type:NoT SPECIFIED Relation to Junction:NoT SPECIFIED TypeofCrash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Cont. Device:sToR SIGN - OTHER Surface Conditions: DRY Speed Limit:00 Light Conditions:DAYLIGHT Diagram Location:REAR END Weather Cond 1:CLEAR Investigating OfficerNoT SPECIFIED Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED Reliability of Info:coNFIDENT Number of Vehicles: 02 Unit 1 I I Unit 2 I I Unit 3 I NORTH VEHICLE - MAKING LEFT TURN SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 00 VEHICLE - MAKING LEFT TURN UNKNOWN 075 032 M M NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED !nit Tray Dir Veh Action Configuration Driver Age Driver Gender Driver Cond Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO ROadwayType:OTHER DIVIDED HIGHWAY TypeotCtaSh:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions: WET Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1: CLOUDY Weather Cond 2: CLOUDY Number of Vehicles: 02 FirstHannulEventON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Relation to Junction:4-LEGGED INTERSECTION Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFEIc SIGNALS Speed Limit:35 Diagram Location:RIGHT ANGLE Investigating Officer:LOCAL (CITY POLICE) Reliability of Into:CONFIDENT Unit 1 I Unit 2 I Unit 3 I SOUTH WEST VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT PASSENGER CAR VAN OR MINIVAN 028 090 Ivi F NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR DISREGARD TRAFFIC CONTROL NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING !nit Tray Dir: Veh Action: Configuration: Driver Age: Driver Gender: Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: 060040130 01/04/2006 1008 County:Hennepin CHy:EDINA Sys: 04 Route:27000031 (001+00.273) Crash Detail Report LIM Crash Report -York Ave/69th St in Edina, MN 060370121 12/30/2005 1230 County:Hennepin City:EDINA Sys: 05 Route: 11050159 (000+00.442) Appendix E - Crash Reports 4/19/2010 Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.0 Page: 4 of 9 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study E4 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Unit 1 !nit Tray Dir: Veh Action: Configuration: Driver Age: Driver Gender: Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: DISREGARD TRAFFIC CONTROL Sys: 04 Route:27000031 (001+00.273) 060180398 01/18/2006 1252 COUllty:Hennepin City:EDINA SeVerity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Roadway Type:OTHER DIVIDED HIGHWAY Type of Crash:coLLisioN WITH MOTOR Surface Conditions: DRY Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLOUDY Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles: 02 First Hannul EventoN THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Relation to Junction:4-LEGGED INTERSECTION VEHICLE Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFEic SIGNALS Speed Limit:35 Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating Officer:LocAL (CITY POLICE) Reliability of MfixCONFIDENT Unit 1 NORTH !nit Tray Dir: Veh Action: Configuration: Driver Age: Driver Gender Driver Cond Drivr Contr 1 Drivr Contr 2: Sys: 04 Route:27000031 (001+00.287) 061600172 05/27/2006 2236 County: Hennepin City:EDINA Fe.Version 1.11..,1001 VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 052 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR DRIVER INATTENTION OR NOT SPECIFIED Crash Detail Report Crash Report -York Ave/69th St in Edina, MN I Unit 2 I NORTH VEHICLE - STOPPED IN PASSENGER CAR 079 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING NOT SPECIFIED I Unit 3 I SOUTH VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT PASSENGER CAR 018 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF SeVetity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Roadway Type:4-6 LANES UNDIVIDED (2 TO 3 Type of Crash:coLLisioN WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions: DRY Light Conditions: DARK - STREET LIGHTS ON Weather Cond 1: CLEAR Weather Cond 2!N0T SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles: 02 First Hannul EventoN THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Relation to Junction:4-LEGGED INTERSECTION Traffic Cont. DeViCe:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Speed Limit:35 Diagram Location:LEFT TURN Investigating Officer:LocAL (CITY POLICE) Reliability of InfO:CONFIDENT Unit 2 WEST VEHICLE - MAKING LEFT TURN SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 045 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING NOT SPECIFIED Unit 3 Appendix E - Crash Reports CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study E5 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN 4/19/2010 Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.0 Page: 5 of 9 Sys: 05 Route: 11050159 (000+00.470) 070290287 12/07/2006 1735 County:Hennepin City:EDINA Sys: 04 Route: 27000031 (001+00.287) 063530351 12/12/2006 1952 County:Hennepin City:EDINA Unit 1 !nit Tray Dir: Veh Action: Configuration: Driver Age: Driver Gender: Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF Ile,IVen. II May 2007 WEST 16 PASSENGER CAR 022 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR Crash Detail Report Crash Report -York Ave/69th St in Edina, MN Unit 2 NORTH VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT PASSENGER CAR 020 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING NOT SPECIFIED Unit 3 SOVerity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Roadway Type:NoT SPECIFIED Type of CraSh:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions: DRY Light COnditiOnS:DARK - STREET LIGHTS ON Weather Cond 1: CLEAR Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles: 02 First Harmul Event:NoT SPECIFIED Relation to JunctionvoT SPECIFIED Traffic Cont. Device:TRARRic SIGNALS Speed Limit:00 Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating OfficerNoT SPECIFIED Reliability of InfO:CONFIDENT Unit 1 Unit 2 I Unit 3 1 EAST VEHICLE - SLOWING IN EAST VEHICLE - STOPPED IN SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 027 038 M M NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED !nit Tray Dir Veh Action Configuration Driver Age Driver Gender Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: SeVerity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Roadway Type:2 LANES--1 EACH WAY Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions:DRY Light Conditions:DARK - STREET LIGHTS ON Weather Cond 1:CLEAR Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles: 02 First Harmul Event:oN THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Relation to Junction:4-LEGGED INTERSECTION Traffic Cont. Device:sToR SIGN - ALL APPROACHES Speed Limit:30 Diagram Location:RIGHT ANGLE Investigating Officer:LocAL (CITY POLICE) Reliability of Info:coNRIDENT Appendix E - Crash Reports 4/19/2010 Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.0 Page: 6 of 9 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study E6 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Sys: 04 Route: 27000031 (001+00.301) 063570107 12/23/2006 1506 COUnty:Hennepin City:EDINA NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING Sys: 04 Route:27000031 (001+00.287) 071500261 04/09/2007 1320 COUnty:Hennepin City:EDINA NOT NOT NOT SPECIFIED SPECIFIED SPECIFIED Vers. 1 11/a, .07 Crash Detail Report Crash Report -York Ave/69th St in Edina, MN First Harmul Event:oN THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, Relation to Junction:4-LEGGED INTERSECTION MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Cont. Device:YIELD SIGN Speed Limit:35 Diagram Location:REAR END Investigating Officer:LocAL (CITY POLICE) Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT Severity:INJuRY - POSSIBLE INJURY Roadway Type:OTHER DIVIDED HIGHWAY Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH Surface Conditions:DRY Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CL0DDY Weather Cond 2:NoT SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles: 02 'nit Tray Dir: Veh Action: Configuration: Driver Age: Driver Gender: Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: Unit 1 SOUTH VEHICLE - MAKING RIGHT PASSENGER CAR 049 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR DRIVER INATTENTION OR IMPROPER PARKING, I Unit 2 SOUTH VEHICLE - MAKING RIGHT PASSENGER CAR 054 NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NOT SPECIFIED I Unit 3 I Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO Roadway Type:NoT SPECIFIED Type of CraSh:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Surface Conditions: DRY Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Weather Cond 1:CLEAR Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED Number of Vehicles: 02 First Harmul Event:NOT SPECIFIED Relation to Junction:NoT SPECIFIED Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Speed Limit:00 Diagram Location:oFFicER LEFT FIELD BLANK Investigating Officer:NoT SPECIFIED Reliability of Info:coNFIDENT !nit Tray Dir: Veh Action: Configuration: Driver Age: Driver Gender: Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Conte 2: Unit 1 WEST VEHICLE - MAKING LEFT TURN VAN OR MINIVAN 076 NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED Unit 2 EAST VEHICLE - PARKED ILLEGALLY SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 040 [ Unit 3 Appendix E - Crash Reports 4/19/2010 Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.0 Page: 7 of 9 E7 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Sys: 04 Route:27000031 (001+00.273) 082620051 07/16/2008 9998 County:Hennepin City:EDINA Rep.1 Venxn may NW Crash Detail Report Crash Report -York Ave/69th St in Edina, MN Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO First Harmul Event:NOT SPECIFIED Roadway Type:NoT SPECIFIED Relation to JunctionvoT SPECIFIED Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Cont. Device:NoT APPLICABLE Surface Conditions: DRY Speed Limit:30 Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Diagram Location:LEFT TURN Weather Cond 1:CLEAR Investigating Officer:NOT SPECIFIED Weather Cond 2:NoT SPECIFIED Reliability of Info:CONFIDENT Number of Vehicles: 02 I Unit 1 I I Unit 2 I Unit 3 00 00 VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT 00 PASSENGER CAR UNKNOWN 068 896 F Z NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED !nit Tray Dir Veh Action Configuration Driver Age Driver Gender: Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: Severity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO First Harmul Event:NoT SPECIFIED Roadway Type:NoT SPECIFIED Relation to Juncflon:NoT SPECIFIED Type of Crash:COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Cont. Device:TRAFFIC SIGNALS Surface Conditions: DRY Speed Limit:30 Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Diagram Location:REAR END Weather Cond 1:CLEAR Investigating Officer:NoT SPECIFIED Weather Cond 2:NOT SPECIFIED Reliability of Info:coNFIDENT Number of Vehicles: 02 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 SOUTH VEHICLE - MAKING RIGHT SOUTH VEHICLE - MAKING RIGHT PASSENGER CAR SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 060 040 F M NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED NOT SPECIFIED !nit Tray Dir Veh Action Configuration: Driver Age Driver Gender. Driver Cond: Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: Appendix E - Crash Reports 082770231 08/18/2008 1215 County: Hennepin City:EDINA Sys: 04 Route: 27000031 (001+00.273) 4/19/2010 Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.0 Page: 8 of 9 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study E8 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN SeVerity:PROPERTY DAMAGE - NO FhlOtHannUIEVentON THE ROADWAY (ALLEY, ftadMialiType:OTHER DIVIDED HIGHWAY Relation to Junction:LI-LEGGED INTERSECTION Type ofCrash:coLLisioN WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Cont. Device:TEAFEic SIGNALS Surface Conditions: SNOW Speed Limit:35 Light Conditions: DAYLIGHT Diagram Location:EIGHT ANGLE Weather Cond 1:CL000Y Investigating Officer:LocAL (CITY POLICE) Weather Gond 2: SNOW Reliability of InfO:CONFIDENT Number of Vehicles: 02 I Unit 1 I - GOING STRAIGHT 1 Unit 2 1 1 Unit 3 I SOUTH VEHICLE EAST VEHICLE - GOING STRAIGHT SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 052 026 F F NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NORMAL - NO DRUGS OR NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING DISREGARD TRAFFIC CONTROL NO CLEAR CONTRIBUTING ILLEGAL OR UNSAFE SPEED !nit Tray Dir Veh Action Configuration Driver Age Driver Gender Driver Cond Drivr Contr 1: Drivr Contr 2: Crash Detail Report Crash Report -York Ave/69th St in Edina, MN fte,IVe-rs.. I 1 May 2007 0900203.08 12/17/2008 0915 COLulty:Hennepin City:EDINA Sys: 04 Route:27000031 (001+00.276) Appendix E - Crash Reports 4/19/2010 Mapping Analysis Tool 3.7.0 Page: 9 of 9 CVS Pharmacy Traffic Impact Study E9 York Avenue/69th Street - Edina, MN Jack Sullivan From: City Extra [cityextra@email-services.info] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 1:41 PM To: Jack Sullivan Subject: W. 70th St: TH 100 to France Ave Project Update May 12, 2010 Dear Resident: Here is an update on the status of this project. Construction Status: The Edina City Council authorized the creation of bid documents for this project at the December 15, 2009, City Council Meeting. The consultant for this project, WSB, Inc., has completed the final design and submitted the project to the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) for approval. During the MNDOT review they informed the City that a variance for parking lane width will be required for MNDOT approval. The process for attaining this variance will delay the construction start of the project. We should know on June 24 if the variance has been approved. After that date, we will send out another update with a potential construction schedule. We do know that with this delay construction will extend into the summer of 2011. The City Council was notified of the variance request at their May 4, 2010, City Council Meeting. The staff report and the City Council meeting can be viewed on Watch a Program segment of the City of Edina website at: http://www.cityofedina.com/departments/WatchaMeeting.htm. Center Point Energy (CPE) has started to replace the gas services located along West 70 th Street. We will be asking CPE to restore the boulevards within the next couple of weeks due to the delay in schedule. They will also be rehabilitating the joints of a steel gas main that runs along West 70 th Street; the construction schedule for this work will be identified in future mailings. Communication We have multiple ways of communicating with property owners before, during, and after construction projects. The most frequently used method is the City Extra e-mail notification service. This service is free and allows individuals to sign up to receive e-mail messages from the City on a variety of topics. To sign up for the service go to the City Extra website at http://cityextra.cityofedina.com and place a check mark in the box next to "West 70th Street - TH 100 to France Avenue" . Please contact the City at 952-927-8861 if you are having trouble signing up for City Extra. Once the project is underway, we will update the City Extra e-mail notification system on a weekly basis. These updates will cover things you need to know for the following week's schedule such as water shut off, parking restrictions, etc; it will also cover weekly street reconstruction highlights. All property owners, including those signed up for the e-mail notification system will continue to receive paper copies of the construction update letters by regular mail on a monthly basis. Thank you, Wayne D. Houle, PE Director of Public Works / City Engineer 1 Visit www.cityofedina.com to update your City Extra e-mail subscriptions. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item No. From: Boyd Tate Traffic Safety Coordinator Action Discussion Information X Date: April 20, 2010 Subject: Traffic Safety Review for April 7,2010. ACTION REQUESTED: Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Wednesday, April 7, 2010. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the Council meeting regarding any of the attached issues. ATTACHMENTS: Traffic Safety Review for April 7, 2010. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW Wednesday, April 7, 2010 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on April 7, 2010. Staff present included the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, City Planner, Traffic Safety Coordinator, Sign Coordinator and Police Traffic Supervisor. From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the April 20, 2010, Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which staff recommends approval of request: 1. Request from staff to remove the stop sign located on east bound West 49th Street at Westbrook Lane to conform to city policy. West 49th Street runs east from Brookside Avenue where it makes a ninety-degree turn and becomes Westbrook Lane (this is not an intersection). This sign stops east bound traffic on West 49th Street. The stop sign that currently exists at this turn in the roadway was installed in 1971 for unknown reasons and does not meet policy warrants. This stop sign needed to be repaired a total of six times this past winter due to being struck by snow plows (both city and private). The only accident reported in this area since 2001 is a single vehicle leaving the roadway and striking a fence (06-14-2007). Staff would like to replace this sign with a center stripe on the roadway to define the driving lanes and also install an advisory sign with a ninety- degree arrow. The removal of this stop sign would bring this section of roadway back into compliance with city policy. Staff feels that safety would actually be enhanced with these changes. Staff recommends the removal of the stop sign located on east bound West 49th Street and add center lane striping to define traffic lanes as well as install an advisory sign with a ninety-degree arrow. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 6 April 7, 2010 G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Traffie Advisory Committee\Staff Review Summaries\ 10 TSAC & Min\Traffic Safety Review 04-07-10 2. Request from staff to replace the temporary "No Parking" signs on Merilane Avenue with permanent ones until all construction projects on this block are complete. A massive tear-down/rebuild home construction project has been underway for the past 11/2 years on Merilane Avenue just north of Paddock Road. Construction workers on this project were parking their personal vehicles on Merialne Avenue causing this very narrow street to narrow even further. Staff has counted as many at 12-15 vehicles parked on both sides of Merilane Avenue on any given day. The requestor (neighbor) called staff in April of 2009 with concerns about the narrowing of Merilane Avenue. The requestor had concerns about emergency vehicles being able to get through and also that two cars could not meet in this area. Requestor was also concerned about the safety of residents who walk and bike in the area. As a result of this request, staff placed temporary "No Parking 7 a.m. — 4 p.m. Mon.-Fri." signs on the west side of Merilane Avenue from #18 north to # 20 Merilane Avenue. The requestor was advised that these temporary signs would stay up until the project was complete. A new permit has now been issued (March 2010) for a tear-down/rebuild for the home directly across the street from the one currently under construction (#11 Merilane Avenue). The requestor has renewed her traffic safety concerns because now there will be two major projects taking place simultaneously. Staff, along with the Edina Police Department, agreed that the east side of Merilane Avenue needed to be posted the same as the west side. The on- site construction workers would be able to park their personal vehicles on Paddock Lane leaving Merilane Avenue open to through traffic. Temporary signs were then put up. Demolition is now underway at #11 Merilane Avenue. On April 5, 2010, the requestor infonned staff that the construction workers had taken down one or more of the temporary signs and were parking their vehicles in that area. Temporary signs need to be changed out every couple of weeks in order to keep them looking professional due to weather conditions and are subject to being pulled out of the ground by vandals. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 6 April 7, 2010 GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets \ Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee\Staff Review Summaries \10 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety Review 04-07-10 Staff is recommending that the temporary signs be replaced with permanent ones until all construction is completed in this area. Once construction is complete, the signs will be removed and the street will be returned to its original form. Staff recommends that the temporary "No Parking 7 am — 4 pm Mon.-Fri." signs be replaced with permanent ones unill all construction projects are completed on Merilane Avenue. SECTION B: Requests on which staff recommends denial of request: 1. Request from South View Middle School to restrict parking on South View Lane from the school's west parking lot exit to the service drive on the south side of the roadway. This request comes from the School's Equity. He would like to see the currently unrestricted area in front of the activities building restricted to "No Parking 4 pm — 6 pm Mon.-Fri." The school would like to use this area for the late busses that come at 4:40, 4:45 and 5:15 to pick up students who stay late for school activities. The busses currently pick up students in the "half-moon" drive located directly in front of the school. This semi-circle is located on school property and off of the street. South View Middle School is divided into two areas; the academic side (east building) and the activities side (west building). The requestor states that the academic side is locked down once the school day is over and the school staff are trying to discourage students from hanging around this building. Moving the late bus pickup to the street in front of the activities building would help keep the students away from the front of the academic building. There is a parking lot on the west side of the activities building with a pick-up/drop-off area that would be better suited for late bus pick-ups. This off-street area would not only be much safer but would also keep students away from the academic side of the campus. The above alternative was discussed with the requestor. He stated that the bus drivers do not like using the parking lot because it is difficult to turn from the lot onto South View Lane. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 3 of 6 April 7, 2010 WEngineering\ Infrastructure \Streets \ Traffic \Traffic Advisory Committee\Staff Review SummariesU 0 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety Review 04-07-10 Staff has looked at all of the schools in the City and with the exception of the French Emersion School, all busses pick up students in off-street areas. Staff feels that using the parking lot for late bus pick-ups is a safe solution and that this request be denied. Staff recommends denial of the request to restrict parking on South View Lane, in front of the activities building, on the south side of the roadway, to No Parking 4 — 6 pm Mon. — Fri. for the above stated reasons. 2. Request to install guardrail fencing on the east side of Olinger Boulevard to protect the yards of homes at 6133, 6137 and 6141 Sherman Circle. The requestor is a resident on Sherman Circle with a back yard that abuts Olinger Boulevard. Requestor states that each year her yard, as well as the yards of her neighbors, are damaged by cars driving over them after making U-turns from across the street at Bredesen Park. Requestor states that each spring she has to fill in the ruts in her yard and reseed. She has also had to replace a small tree that was run over. Olinger Boulevard is a 32-foot wide state aid street with curb, gutter and no sidewalks. The existing curbing is surmountable which makes it easy to drive over. Vehicles parked on the west side of Olinger Boulevard often make U-turns to go north on Olinger to Vernon Avenue. This roadway is wide enough to accommodate these turns but vehicles sometimes drive over the curb and onto the residents' lawn. Staff feels that placing guardrail fencing in this area in not appropriate. Staff has sent the requestor a petition form to request that the existing surmountable curb be replaced with a bulkhead style curb be on the east side of Olinger Boulevard from Sherman Circle north to Vernon Avenue. This would eliminate the problem and state funds would cover the expense. Staff recommends the denial of the request to install guardrail fencing on this section of Olinger Boulevard and instead replace the existing surmountable curb with bulkhead style curbing 3. Request for an All-Way Stop at Tracy Avenue and McGuire Road. A Two-Way Stop is currently in place for east/west McGuire Road traffic. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 4 of 6 April 7, 2010 G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffie\Traffic Advisory Committee\Staff Review Summaries\ 10 TSAC & Min\Traffie Safety Review 04-07-10 This request comes from a resident on the 6700 block of Galway Drive. Requestor states that her children cross Tracy Avenue at McGuire Road and that cars frequently ignore the 30 mph speed limit on this stretch of roadway. She feels that making this intersection an All-Way Stop would slow down traffic. Tracy Avenue is a 30-foot wide city street with curb, gutter and no sidewalks. The Monday-Friday average daily traffic count is 1,501 vehicles with an 85th-percentile speed of 33.2 mph. There have been no reported accidents since 2001 on this stretch of Tracy Avenue and there are no sightline problems (traffic study September 2007). City policy warrants are not met for an All-Way Stop at this intersection. Staff recommends the denial of the request for an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Tracy Avenue and McGuire Road for lack of warrants. 3. Request for an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Tingdale Avenue and West 59th Street. A two way stop currently exists for east/west West 59th Street traffic. This request comes from a resident on Tingdale Avenue who is concerned with the speed of vehicles traveling on Tingdale Avenue south of Benton Avenue. Tingdale Avenue is a 30-foot wide city street with curb, gutter and no sidewalks. A traffic study was conducted on Tingdale Avenue from 03- 30-2010 to 04-06-2010. The average Monday-Friday traffic count was 214 vehicles with an 85th-percentile speed of 24.7 mph. There have been no reported accidents on this section of Tingdale Avenue since 2001. There is a "Child at Play" advisory sign on the west side of Tingdale Avenue at the park. City policy warrants are not met for an All-Way Stop at this intersection. Staff recommends the denial of the request for an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Tingdale Avenue and West 59I Street for lack of warrants. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 5 of 6 April 7, 2010 G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Traflic Advisory Committee \Staff Review Summaries \10 TSAC & Min \Traffic Safety Review 04-07-10 SECTION C: Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others. None for Wednesday, April 7, 2010 meeting. SECTION D: Other traffic safety issues handled: 1. Twenty-two phone calls requesting information concerning various traffic safety issues. 2. Request from the Building Department regarding a parking situation on West 59th Street. 3. Request from the Police Department with traffic concerns on Olinger Boulevard. 4. Two calls from realtors wanting traffic counts on area streets. 5. Two requests from residents for traffic studies. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 6 of 6 April 7, 2010 GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffiffraffic Advisory Committee\Staff Review Summaries\ 10 TSAC & Min\Traffic Safety Review 04-07-10 R UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CENTER FOR TRANSPORTATION STUDIES About CTS .:Faculty & Staff :.Programs & Institutes Research Events: Events Calendar Events Education &Careers News Home > Events > CTS Transportation Research Conference > 2010 Past Events 21st Annual CTS Transportation Subscribe to News & Research Conference Events Recurring Events: CTS Seminar Series CTS Research Conference Oberstar Forum CTS Luncheon Series Career Expo Freight & Logistics Symposium Minnesota Pavement Conference Environmental Stewardship & Streamlining Workshop View more photos from the conference Conference brochure (409 KB PDF) Abstracts (1.5 MB PDF) Sessions approved for AICP Credits (43 KB PDF) Presentations April 27-28, 2010 St. Paul RiverCentre Conference Materials -5Arvs4(?k5 4'4.' One Stop of Directories Sie444archPM SuL More search options Publications Library Services e Print page El E-mail page 2010 Conference Presentations and videos Photos Conference brochure (409 KB PDF) Abstracts (1.5 MB PDF) Sessions approved for AICP Credits (43 KB PDF) Opening Session - How Do National Transportation Priorities Influence Local Decisions? Keynote speaker: Eric C. Peterson, President, American High Speed Rail Alliance Panelists: Tim Henkel, Mn/DOT; David Levinson, U of M; Jim McDonough, Ramsey County Commissioner; Bob McFarlin, Metropolitan Council View presentation video (Mediasite Presenter, Length: 1:24:57; requires Microsoft Silverlight plug in) Download presentation slides (533 KB PDF) More about the opening session CTS Home Previous Conferences View presentations from the 2009 research conference: 2009 conference presentations News coverage of previous years is available in the CTS Report: 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Luncheon Presentation - Megaregions: A Framework for Planning in the 21st Century Dr. Catherine Ross, Director, Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development, Georgia Institute of Technology View presentation video (Mediasite Presenter, Length: 58:46; requires Microsoft Silverlight plug in) Download presentation slides (1.21 MB PDF) More about the luncheon presentation 1 — What We Know About Keeping Older Drivers Safe Through Research and Education Moderator: Lowell Benson Translating Mixed-Method Research into a TV Documentary Educating Mature Drivers Catherine Sullivan, St. Catherine University Download presentation slides (1.22 MB PDF) The Effectiveness of Changeable Message Signs and the Aging Population Kathleen Harder, College for Design in Health, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (955 KB PDF) 2 — Promoting Alternative Work Arrangements and Modes Moderator: Brian Smalkoski, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Lessons Learned from eWorkPlace, a State-sponsored Telework Initiative in the Twin Cities Adeel Lan, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Presentation slides not available Smart Trips Neighborhoods: Encouraging Travel Behavior Change Through Social Marketing Laura Baum, St. Paul Smart Trips Download presentation slides (1 MB PDF) Transportation Programs at Mayo Clinic Mary Ann Morris, Mayo Clinic Download presentation slides (560 KB PDF) top 3 — High Speed Rail: A National, Regional, and State Update Moderator: Dan Krom, Minnesota Department of Transportation Future of High Speed Passenger Rail in Minnesota and the Midwest Dave Christianson, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (1.1 MB PDF) US High Speed Rail - The New Holy Grail Stephanie Eiler, CH2M Hill, Inc. Download presentation slides (1.84 MB PDF) 2010 Minnesota Comprehensive Statewide Freight and Passenger Rail Plan Dan Krom, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (632 KB PDF) 4 — Maximizing Our Highways Moderator: Connie Kozlak, Metropolitan Council Metropolitan Highway System Investment Study Carl Ohm, Metropolitan Council Download presentation slides (1.35 MB PDF) Congestion and Safety Management in the Twin Cities: What Does the Future Hold? Dave Montebello, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Download presentation slides (1.53 MB PDF) Innovative Techniques for Delivering the Twin Cities' Urban Partnership Agreement on Schedule and Under Budget Craig Lamothe, Metropolitan Council/ Metro Transit Download presentation slides (1.13 MB PDF) (0), 5 — University Research Impacting Pavement Design Moderator: Jan Lucke, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota Soil Modulus Testing and Full Depth Reclamation Joe Labuz, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (2.43 MB PDF) PG Binder Selection in Minnesota Mihai Marasteanu, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota and Jim McGraw, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (911 KB PDF) Implements of Husbandry Lev Khazanovich, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (2.59 MB PDF) 143) top 6 — Driving "Toward Zero Deaths" on Rural Roads Moderator: Carla Stueve, SRF Consulting Group An Update on Strategic Safety Planning for Minnesota Counties Howard Preston, CH2M HILL, Inc. Download presentation slides (4.69 MB PDF) Summary of Rural Safety Policy ImproVement Index Project Keith Knapp, Center for Excellence in Rural Safety, University of Minnesota Presentation slides not available Rural ITS Safety Solution Systems Tom Sohrweide, SEH Inc. Download presentation slides (1.91 MB PDF) 7 — The Importance of Public Outreach in Building Community Trust and Successful Partnerships Moderator: Mindy Carlson, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota The Critical Role of Public Outreach and Education in the Successful Implementation of Pricing Projects Ferrol Robinson, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (134 KB PDF) Ombudsman's Office Resolves Issues and Rebuilds Trust Deb Ledvina, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (511 KB PDF) Planning Participation Case Study: Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned in Land Use Planning Efforts Adjacent to an LRT Station Julie Quinn, Metropolitan Council/Metro Transit Download presentation slides (2,11 MB PDF) op 8 — Transportation and Urban Design Moderator: Mike Marti, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Partnering with Mn/DOT for Complete Streets Scott Bradley, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (2.45 MB PDF) NorthStar Commuter Rail Update Mark Fuhrmann, Metropolitan Council Download presentation slides (2.37 MB PDF) Linking Transportation Initiatives with City Design Options: Re-thinking the University/Cedar Avenue LRT Station Ignacio San Martin, School of Architecture, University of Minnesota Presentation slides not available 9 — Unique Challenges and Innovative Solutions in Transportation Planning Moderator: Biz Colburn "Rock-On" – A New Life for the Rock Island Swing Bridge Chris Hiniker, SEH, Inc. Download presentation slides (1,85 MB PDF) Roadway Improvement Project Cost Allocation Craig Vaughn, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Download presentation slides (1,69 MB PDF) Bus Staging and Layover Space in Downtown Minneapolis Charles Carlson, Metro Transit Download presentation slides (281 MB PDF) 10 — Pavement Tools That You Can Use Moderator: Jerry Geib, Minnesota Department of Transportation Unsaturated Soil Mechanics Implementation During Pavement Construction Quality Assurance John Siekmeier, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (2.09 MB PDF) Statewide FWD Data Collection: Project Overview and Status 2010 David Rettner, American Engineering Testing, Inc. Download presentation slides (1.49 MB PDF) Nondestructive Evaluation of Pavements -- Ultrasonic Tomography Kyle Hoegh, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (4.26 MB PDF) ti) tort 11 — Metro Area Developments: Detection, Perception, and Reflection Moderator: Matt Gjersvik, Minnesota Department of Transportation Non-Intrusive Technologies Phase III Erik Minge, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Download presentation slides (2.97MB PDF) User Perceptions of Fee Lane Concepts in Minnesota Kenneth Buckeye, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (1.73 MB PDF) The Urban Partnership Agreement - Successes and Lessons Learned So Far Brian Kary, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (1.92 MB PDF) top 12 — Getting Around: Creative Solutions for Rural Communities Moderator: Jan Ekern, Minnesota Department of Transportation A Safer Way Home: The Minnesota SafeRide Resource Guide Karen Sprattler, Sprattler Group Presentation slides not available Itasca County Area Transportation Study Frank Douma, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota; Becky LaPlant, Blandin Foundation Presentation slides not available top 13 — Project Scoping and Cost Management in Action Moderator: Mike Barnes, Minnesota Department of Transportation Project Management Peer Review Jean Wallace, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (1.15 MB PDF) Minnesota Department of Transportation Change Management Mike Ginnaty and Jim Weingartz, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (1.68 MB PDF) Effects of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) on Minnesota Abby McKenzie, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (298 KB PDF) 14 — Non-Motorized Transportation Moderator: John S. Adams, University Metropolitan Consortium, University of Minnesota Temporal and Spatial Variation in Non-motorized Traffic: Some Exploratory Analyses Greg Lindsey and Spencer Agnew, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (924 KB PDF) Counting Bicyclists and Pedestrians Shaun Murphy, City of Minneapolis Download presentation slides (1.29 MB PDF) Analyzing Bicycle-Motorist Crashes in Minneapolis Rose Ryan, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (1.84 MB PDF) 15 — Innovations in Pavement Recycling Moderator: Roger Olson, Minnesota Department of Transportation Rubblization: A Cost-Effective Option Jill Thomas, Minnesota Asphalt Pavement Association Download presentation slides (2.07 MB PDF) PCC Mix Designs Using Recycled Concrete Pavements Mary Vancura, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (2.20 MB PDF) Recycled Unbound Base Pooled Fund Study Tuncer Edil, University of Wisconsin Download presentation slides (2.05 MB PDF) 16 — Keeping the Road Visible Moderator: Steve Lund, Minnesota Department of Transportation Rural Road Safety and Maintenance Roadway Safety Workshops Renae Kuehl & Carla Stueve, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Download presentation slides (1.04 MB PDF) Minnesota Local Agency Pavement Marking Practices Neal Hawkins and Omar Smadi, Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University Presentation slides not available Minnesota Toolkit - Information for Local Agencies to Meet FHWA's Sign Retroreflectivity Requirements Renae Kuehl, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.; Mark Vizecky, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (2.44 MB PDF) Snow Rendering for Interactive Snowplow Simulation - Improving Driver Ability to Avoid Collisions When Following a Snowplow Peter Willemsen, University of Minnesota, Duluth Presentation slides not available t- 17 — Innovations in the Communication and Exchange of Transportation Information Moderator: Nathan Bowie, Minnesota Department of Public Safety A Generational Checklist for Communicating Research Bob Filipczak, Minnesota Department of Transportation Presentation slides not available Collaborative Information Services Between Minnesota Public Agencies Sheila Hatchell, Minnesota Department of Transportation and Arlene Mathison, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (621 KB PDF) Evolution of Social Media Policy for State Agencies Linda Dahlen, Minnesota Department of Transportation Presentation slides not available Innovative Public Outreach Gina Baas, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (478 KB PDF) top 18 — Support and Sustainability of Innovative Transportation Funding Moderator: Adeel Lan, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Should the Fuel Tax be Replaced? Lee Munnich, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (635 KB PDF) Sustainable Transportation Funding Options for Minnesota Philip Schaffner and Jason Junge, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (1.84 MB PDF) Mn/DOT Quantitative Survey on Public Perceptions of Mileage-based User Fees Ken Buckeye, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (463 KB PDF) ITS and Privacy: Suggestions for Peaceful Coexistence Frank Douma, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota; Sara Aue, University of Minnesota Law School Download presentation slides (2.03 MB PDF) C.) top 19 — Transportation's Changing Impact on the Environment Moderator: Gavin Poindexter, URS Corporation Assessing Elements of a Low Carbon Transportation Fuel Standard for Minnesota Steve Taff, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (659 KB PDF) Travel Demand Management – Planning, Environment, Pricing, Sustainability Bill Obermann, UrbanTrans; John Doan, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Download presentation slides (Obermann) (800 KB PDF) Download presentation slides (Doan) (2.22 MB PDF) Addressing Climate Change in Environmental Impact Analysis Carissa Schively Slotterback and Garrett Peterson, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (1.22 MB PDF) 20 — Bridge Monitoring Moderator: Romeo Garcia, Federal Highway Administration Vibration Inspection Techniques to Rapidly Assess the Health of Rural Bridges Brian Brashaw, Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota, Duluth Download presentation slides (2.90 MB PDF) Long-Term Bridge Performance Program John Penrod, Federal Highway Administration Download presentation slides (1.16 MB PDF) I-35W St. Anthony Falls Bridge Structural Monitoring Cathy French, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (2.29 MB PDF) Thermal Monitoring Art Schultz, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Presentation slides not available Wakota Bridge Monitoring and Analysis Chris Scheevel, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (2.02 MB PDF) 21 — Strategies for Improving Roadway Safety Moderator: Bryant Ficek, TKDA Improving Transportation Safety Through Accident Investigation Vernon Ellingstad, National Transportation Safety Board Download presentation slides (3.79 MB PDF) Center for Excellence in Rural Safety Research and Outreach Activities Keith Knapp, Center for Excellence in Rural Safety, University of Minnesota Presentation slides not available New Methodologies to Identify Candidates for Safety Investment Howard Preston, CH2M Hill, Inc. Download presentation slides (4,69 MB PDF) C-.0P 22 - Innovations in the Communication and Exchange of Transportation Information Moderator: Gina Baas, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota Panelists: Shannon Tyree, City of St. Paul; Lee Munnich, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota; Phil Barnes, Minnesota Department of Transportation; John S. Adams, University Metropolitan Consortium, University of Minnesota Presentation slides not available g top 23 — Freight and Rail Planning Moderator: Bill Gardner, Minnesota Department of Transportation Minnesota Statewide Comprehensive Freight and Passenger Rail Plan Dave Christianson, Minnesota Department of Transportation Download presentation slides (3.74 MB PDF) Freight Performance Analysis on 1-94/ 1-90 from the Twin Cities to Chicago Chen-Fu Liao, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (2.99 MB PDF) An Assessment of the Impact of Competition on Rail Rates for Agricultural Shipments Kurt Markham, Minnesota Department of Agriculture Download presentation slides (291 KB PDF) Northern and Western Minnesota Regional Freight Studies Brian Shorten, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Download presentation slides (1.41 MB PDF) g top 24 — Public Transit in the Twin Cities: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions Moderator: John Levin, Metro Transit Mining Bus Location, Passenger Count and Fare Collection Database for Intelligent Transit Applications Chen-Fu Liao, Minnesota Traffic Observatory; Henry Liu, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (2.16 MB PDF) Transit Cost-Effectiveness: The C.E.I. Demystified Steve Wilson, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Presentation slides not available Impacts of the Hiawatha Light Rail Line on Commercial and Industrial Property Values in Minneapolis Jason Cao, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (1.36 MB PDF) Can LRT Improve the Job Access of the Working Poor? Yingling Fan, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota Download presentation slides (1.34 MB PDF) 25 — Storm Water Management Moderator: Jill Thomas, Minnesota Asphalt Pavement Association Porous Pavement for Storm Water Management Clifton Aichinger, Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District Download presentation slides (2.37 MB PDF) SAFL Baffle Improves Standard Sump as a Stormwater Treatment BMP Adam Howard, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Presentation slides not available Shingle Creek Porous Pavement Paired Intersection Study Ed Matthiesen, Wenck Associates, Inc. Download presentation slides (4.96 MB PDF) (ci) 2010 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. Trouble seeing the text? I Contact U of M I Privacy The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Last modified on Thursday, May 06, 2010