HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-10-21 Meeting PacketAGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Transportation Commission 6:00 PM, Thursday, October 21, 2010 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of September 16, 2010 *-1- III. Consent Agenda a. Traffic Safety Report of September 1, 2010 *# IV. Community Comment V. New Business State Aid Road Reconstruction Planning *# b Truck Routes in Edina *# ' -'Xerxes Avenue Overview *# W.60 th Street/France Avenue *# . Three Rivers Park District-ETC role in the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail *# VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) # VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) a. September 2010 meeting minutes * VIM Staff Liaison Comments a. 70 th Street Reconstruction Update # IX. Commission Comments X. Adjournment * Attachment included + Item requiring action by the ETC # Item for information only During "Public Hearings," the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from I those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the [Board or Commission] to respond to their comments. Instead, the [Board or Commission] might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. G: \Engineering \ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic\Transportation Commission \Agendas12010 Agendas \201 01 021_agenda.docx de--n 2zL4 1/3 MINUTES OF THE Edina Transportation Commission Thursday, September 16, 2010 Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Jennifer Janovy, Paul Nelson, Michael Schroeder, Tom Bonneville, Jean White, Geof Workinger, Nathan Franzen, Sarah Engbretson, Bohde Scheerer MEMBERS ABSENT: Josh Sprague STAFF PRESENT: Jack Sullivan, Sharon Allison I. Call to Order The meeting was called order by chair Janovy. IL Welcome new members Chair Janovy welcomed new student members Edina High seniors, Sarah Engbretson and Bohde Scheerer to the ETC. III. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting of August 19, 2010 Commissioner Schroeder motioned to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 19. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nelson. All voted aye. Motion passed. IV. Public Comment No public comment. V. New Business a. 2011-12 Street Reconstruction Proiects Assistant city engineer Sullivan said as part of the Capital Improvement Program, there is a 5- year plan for street reconstruction, with an outlook to 10 years. Residents are notified 2 years in advance and approximately 1,300 were recently invited to an open house to learn more about the process. The open house is scheduled September 20 at the new Public Works and Park Maintenance facility located at 7450 Metro Boulevard. Sullivan said streets are selected based on pavement condition, utility deficiencies and drainage issues and there is a neighborhood street reconstruction map that shows all the streets that are scheduled to be redone over the next 10 years. The 2011 neighborhoods are Carson's Hill, Killarney Shore, McCauley Heights, Golf Terrace, Minnehaha Woods, and Oscar Roberts. In addition to the open house, Sullivan said individual neighborhood meetings will be scheduled at a later date for each project area and a questionnaire is sent to residents to gather feedback on such things as sump pump, pet containment/irrigation system, sidewalk, streetlighting, traffic _T:11-e /IA .2Z,14 management concerns, etc. He said residents are generally assessed for such things as street, streetlight, and sidewalk, while the City pays for all utilities. b. Site Traffic and Circulation Sullivan said they often talk about the right-of-way line being the marker for the ETC's review responsibility while other groups are responsible for such things a site traffic and circulation. Sullivan explained that in addition to the ETC, development applications are reviewed by the City Engineer, Planning Director, other internal staff, Planning Commission, and the City Council. Explaining the role of each body, Sullivan said the ETC advises the Countil on traffic volumes, congestion, functional classification, but not maintenance activities, and the review is usually in the form of a Transportation Impact Analysis. The city engineer reviews traffic circulation including directional signalization, channelization, turn lanes, increased street width, warning lights, stacking lanes and location, number and width of curb cuts. The planning director reviews on-site traffic and circulation including parking spaces, parking drive isles and drive entrances. He presents the development application to the Planning Commission and they hold public hearing(s) and make recommendation to the City Council. The planning director presents the Planning Commission's recommendation to the City Council who may hold public hearing(s) and makes the final decision. Overall staff review includes the engineering, planning, fire and building departments. Commissioner Bonneville said he hopes that the ETC will still be able to make comments on areas outside of their jurisdiction and have them passed along. Commissioner Schroeder asked who has the responsibility for looking at local streets network with respect to buses, pedestrians, and transit. He said the code does not talk about how sites connect with other parts of the local network. Sullivan said the Transportation Plan, city engineer, BETF, etc. looks at these areas but better definition is probably needed. Chair Janovy said it does talk about mass transit. Chair Janovy asked if the ETC is in the right place in the order of the review process considering that a lot could change on the site by the time it goes through the process that could affect the roadway. Sullivan said it was set up this way to give ample time to the others in the review process. VI. Planning Commission Update (Commissioner Schroeder) Commissioner Schroeder said their major activity has been zoning code updates in areas such as ordinance for driveway widths and driveway pavement materials for R1 and R2 zoning classification; and adding a Planned Unit Development section to the code. The review process would be informal, no vote up or down, could involve the ETC, and getting neighborhood input early in the process. They are also looking at hardship for variances. He said most communities are not taking applications at this time due to a recent court decision. VII. Bike Edina Task Force Update (Commissioner Janovy) a. July and August 2010 meeting minutes Commissioner Janovy said Phase I if ETC wants to be informed about She asked if the ETC would like to involved with the Nine Mile Creek Trail. VIII. Staff Liaison Comments 2 2Z.A 3/3 a. 70th Street Reconstruction Update Sullivan said bids were opened and the low bidder will be awarded the project by Council at their next meeting. He said staff is having discussion with the contractor to see what can be done before winter. IX. Commission Comments Commissioner Workinger suggested to the new student members that they give some thought to traffic in their school zone and share their thoughts with the ETC at a future meeting. Commissioner Bonneville said he would like to see the ETC look at Xerxes Avenue from TH- 494 to the crosstown as a connection to TH-494 and determine if it would be an alternative truck route to France Avenue which is becoming more crowded. Chair Janovy asked that this be added to a future agenda for exploration and to identify agencies that would be involved. Sullivan said the process has already started with improvements to the bridge through Mn/DOT and city of Bloomington. He said Edina was recently included in their meetings and he will bring this up at their next meeting and report back. Chair Janovy said a resident reported a concern with stacking and the potential for collisions as a result of the restriping on France Avenue at 60th and she suggested looking at the timing of the signal. Sullivan said he will look into this and report back. Sullivan said a complaint was received regarding truck traffic on Gleason Avenue traveling towards 78th Street and traffic safety coordinator, Boyd Tate is checking axle count to determine how many trucks is using this road; however, the City cannot limit trucks on state aid roads (very similar to W. 70th Street). Sullivan said they are also checking to see how fast the trucks are traveling and will involve PD for enforcements. X. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. 3 Transportation Commission Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engineer October 21, 2010 Traffic Safety Report Of September 1, 2010 Agenda Item No.: IILA ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion Information To: From: Date: Subject: Page I of I Item III. A. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: This Traffic Safety Report was submitted to the Edina City Council for action at their Sept. 21, 2010 regularly scheduled meeting. The Edina Transportation Commission has requested a copy of Traffic Safety Reports acted on by City Council. G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\20101021_Item.IIIA Traffic_Safety Sept 1.docx A REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No: IV.D From: Boyd Tate Traffic Safety Coordinator X Action Discussion Information Date: September 21, 2010 Subject: Traffic Safety Report of September 1, 2010 ACTION REQUESTED: Review and approve Traffic Safety Staff Review of Wednesday, September 1, 2010. BACKGROUND: Staff will be presenting Section Al and B2, all other items could be passed in one motion. ATTACHMENTS: Traffic Safety Review for September 1, 2010. TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW Wednesday, September 1, 2010 The staff review of traffic safety matters occurred on September 1, 2010. Staff present included the City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, City Planner, Traffic Safety Coordinator and Sign Coordinator. From that review, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were also informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can be included on the September 21, 2010, Council Agenda. SECTION A: Requests on which staff recommends approval of request: 1. The Multiway Stop Signs Traffic Policy has been revised to bring the City's Policy in concurrence with the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MN MUTCD). The updated policy is attached to this report. The only significant changes to the policy have occurred in item 4.C.1 and 4.D. In 4.C.1 the minimum total vehicle volume has been reduced from 500 vehicles per hour to 300 vehicles per hour. Item 4.D has been added as additional criteria. 2. Request to put "No Parking Anytime" signs at the end of the cul-de-sac located at Benton Avenue and Stuart Avenue. This request comes from staff. The roadway in question is located on the north west side of Country Side Elementary School and is currently marked "No Parking — Fire Lane". Staff wants to post "No Parking" signs to prevent employees and visitors of the school from parking here. The area posted would be deep within the cul-de- sac so residents could continue to park on the street. Staff recommends approval of the request to post the Benton Avenue/Stuart Avenue cul-de-sac "No Parking". Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 1 of 4 September 1, 2010 3. Request to change all of the "90-minute" parking signs to "2-hour" parking in all three of the parking ramps at 50th & France Ave. This request comes from the 50th & France Business & Professional Association who want to give customers more time to park while using the businesses in this area. The association feels that 2-Hour parking would allow customers to dine or see a movie and not be in violation of the current restrictions. The City of Edina would be reimbursed by the association for time and materials. Staff recommends the approval of the request to change the parking restrictions in all three ramps at 50 th & France Avenue from "90- Minutes" to "2-Hour" parking. SECTION B: Requests on which staff recommends denial of request: 1. Request to put a "Yield" sign at 74th Street (south leg) at Xerxes Avenue for east bound 74th Street traffic, and a "Stop" sign at 75th Street for south bound Xerxes Avenue traffic. Both locations are on the Edina side of Xerxes Avenue. This request comes from the City of Richfield. (See attached map). The City of Richfield has adopted a new residential stop sign policy and is making this request to bring this section of Xerxes Avenue into compliance with that policy. This section of Xerxes Avenue has a Monday-Friday average daily traffic count of 167 vehicles with an 85th-percentile speed of 31.9 mph. This is far below the minimum vehicles required by warrants. Staff recommends that we stay within our written guidelines in order to maintain a fair and consistent application of this policy. Staff recommends the denial of the request for a Yield sign at 74th Street and a Stop sign at 75th Street on Xerxes Avenue for lack of warrants. 2. Request for an "All Way Stop" at W. 581h Street and Xerxes Avenue. This request was first reviewed by staff at the May 5, 2010 meeting and brought to Council on May 18, 2010. Since that time Staff has completed additional review at the request of the Council. Please see the attached Engineering Department Memo dated September 17, 2010 for the full report and recommendation. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 2 of 4 September 1, 2010 SECTION C: Requests that are deferred to a later date or referred to others. 1. Request to change the location of the "No Left Turn 3:10 — 3:40 PM School Days" sign for west bound Valley View Road traffic at Chapel Lane (adjacent to Edina High School) to make it more visible to motorists. Refer to Engineering Department. SECTION D: Other traffic safety issues handled from July 20, 2010 to August 15, 2010. 1. A total of fifty-one calls were received from residents with questions regarding various traffic safety issues. Many of the questions were related to the start of school. 2. A resident of Cornelia Place called to complain that ambulances and Metro Mobility vehicles were parking in the no parking zone of the new medical building on W. 65th Street between France Ave and Valley View Road. The no parking signs were taken down during the construction of this building. They are now back up and the area is clearly posted. 3. Request that the in-street pedestrian sign located on W. 661h Street and West Shore Drive be left up all year and not just during summer months. 4. Angry resident wanted to know why we lowered the speed limit on W. 66th Street between Valley View Road and Highway 100. He felt the limit should have been increased to 40 mph. This was a very lengthy phone call. 5. A resident called and was very upset because she got a ticket for making a right turn on red during the restricted hours at 50th Street and Grange Road. She wanted to know when this turn restriction was first put up. Research showed that the "No Right Turn on Red" was posted on September 10, 1985. 6. Two calls from realtors wanting to know traffic counts in the Morningside and Country club neighborhoods. 7. Complaint from resident on Woodland Circle about construction parking and noise. 8. Call from a resident on the Edina side of Xerxes Avenue who was opposed to the Richfield request that we place a stop sign at 75th Street for south bound Xerxes Ave traffic. Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 3 of 4 September 1, 2010 9. Clear view complaint on Blake Road and the south leg of Interlachen Boulevard. Ref. to Sgt. P. Larsen. 10. Complaint that the stop signs at 70th & Cahill Road and 70th & Tracy Avenue were partially blocked by tree limbs. Ref. to Sgt. P. Larsen. 11. Call from a resident of Edina West Condos (Lincoln Drive) wanting to know why the City of Edina put speed bumps on their street. This is a private drive and the speed bumps were put in by the condo association. 12. Complaint about all of the extra traffic generated by the new medical building on W. 65th Street (France Avenue to Valley View Road). This is from a resident of Cornelia Place who is upset that people are driving through their front lot 13. Complaint about the street condition of Prescott Circle. Ref. to Street Department. Pot holes were filled in. 14. Call from a resident who stated cars were ignoring the stop sign on Maloney Avenue at Arthur Street. Ref. to EPD. 15. Two residents on Country Club Road called to complain that cars were parking to close the alley. This will be discussed at the next traffic safety meeting. 16. Received a call from an employee at the office building at 8000 West 78th Street stating it is nearly impossible to make a left turn from the parking lot onto West 78" Street during peak afternoon hours. This is a Bloomington address and the caller was referred to the City of Bloomington. 17. Call from a resident near Cornelia School stating that Edina needs more stop signs in all residential areas. 18. Complaint from a resident stating that the entrance to Southdale Mall off of France Avenue should be better marked. Ref. to Hennepin County. 19. Call from a resident on Ivy Way stating someone had taken down the street name sign. Ref. to sign shop. ATTACHMENTS O Multiway Stop Signs Traffic Policy O Engineering Department Memo dated September 17 , 2010 for 58th Street and Chowen Avenue O Proposed Signage at Xerxes Avenue and 74th/75th Street Traffic Safety Staff Review Page 4 of 4 September 1, 2010 MULTIWAY STOP SIGNS TRAFFIC POLICY ALL-WAY Revised September 1, 2010 City of Edina PURPOSE: The purpose of the multiway stop sign policy is to provide fair and uniform treatment of all requests for multiway, all way, and 4-way stop signs. Multiway stop signs can be an effective safety measure if properly warranted. However, they should not be installed inappropriately where they may be ignored by drivers, needlessly interrupt traffic flow, and negatively affect fuel consumption, the environment, or cause needless noise. A consistent application of the policy serves both the motorist and resident within the City. PROCESS: Your traffic safety concern or request will be formalized by the staff member you have contacted. That person will work with you and gather the pertinent facts and help clearly define the problem and seek a solution. Those facts will be reviewed by the City Engineer, the Police Chief, and the Assistant City Manager. That group will make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the matter. The staff safety review recommendation will be shared with you. If you disagree with the recommendation or can bring forth additional information and/or facts that are persuasive as related to the City warrants/policies for the requested issue, you can appear at the second Council meeting of the month and present your viewpoint. We suggest you alert any interested parties to attend the meeting with you. In all cases the City Council is the final authority on traffic safety matters. Any subsequent review of the same or similar request is at the discretion of the City Council. POLICY: 1. The provisions of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) shall be followed. 2. Relevant speed, volumes, accident records and sight obstructions shall be reviewed when considering the installation of a stop sign. 3. Absent engineering data which clearly indicates the need for a multiway stop sign, control devices at an intersection will remain unchanged. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\policies\multi way stop.docx MULTIWAY STOP SIGN POLICY (CONTINUED) 4. Any of the following conditions may warrant a multiway stop sign installation: a. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multiway stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation of the traffic control signal. b. A crash problem, as indicated by 5 or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi-way stop installation. Such crashes include right- and left-turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. c. Minimum volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and 2. The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor-street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour, but 3. If the 85th-percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 mph, the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the above values. d. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria B, C.1, and C.2 are all satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion C.3 is excluded from this condition. 5. Multiway stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control speed. 6. Multiway stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control volume. WEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\policiehnulti way stop.docx MEMORANDUM CITY OF EDINA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Date: September 17, 2010 TO: Traffic Safety Committee FROM: Jack Sullivan SUBJECT: 58th Street and Chowen Avenue - Traffic Report PURPOSE: To review the regulatory and cautionary signage of 58th Street east of France Avenue for concurrence with current City Traffic Policies as directed by the City Council. BACKGROUND: Two residents of Chowen Avenue requested an all-way stop intersection at 58th Street and Chowen Avenue. The residents became concerned when an off leash dog was hit at the intersection of 58th Street and Chowen Avenue. They are also concerned with the safety of children in the neighborhood as well as the speed of the traffic on 58th Street. The request was forwarded to the Traffic Advisory Committee (TSC) for review at the May 5, 2010 meeting. The TSC denied the request for a stop sign because the intersection does not meet the criteria of the City's Multiway Stop Sign Traffic Policy (Attachment A). The TSC report was brought to Council on May 18, 2010. Council directed staff to review the regulatory and cautionary signage of 58th Street east of France Avenue (Attachment B). PROCEDURE: Analyze the traffic volume and speeds of 58th Street east of France Avenue for consideration of traffic control signage. The criteria outlined in the City of Edina Multiway Stop Signs Traffic Policy (Attachment H), updated to reflect 2005 Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MN MUTCD), was used to determine if the intersection warrants multiway traffic control. G: \ Engineering\ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic\Studies\Traffic Studies\58th_Chowen\58th_Chowen_Traffic_Report.docx Page 1 of 12 STAFF SUMMARY: Engineering and Public Safety Staff do not believe there is a speed or traffic safety issue along 58th Street and the following supporting data illustrates that the intersection at 58th Street and Chowen Avenue does not warrant a Multiway Stop Sign per the City of Edina Multiway Stop Signs Traffic Policy and the MN MUTCD. Staff cannot support modifications to the traffic control at this intersection and is recommending denial of the multiway stop sign request. DATA COLLECTION: Data collection for this area included roadway geometrics, speed, volume, accident records and sight obstructions. Road Geometrics and Signage 58th Street is a designated Municipal State Aid (MSAS) street with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. The road has no horizontal curvature and gentle vertical curves along the corridor. The road is paved with a blacktop surface and is approximately 29 feet wide with no curb and gutter. Parking is allowed on both sides and it is striped with a single skip yellow centerline marking. The paint striping on 58th Street changes to a double yellow 120 feet either side of Beard Avenue. The intersecting streets of Ewing Avenue, Drew Avenue, Chowen Avenue, Beard Avenue, Abbott Avenue, Zenith Avenue, and York Avenue are approximately 30 feet wide with on street parking. The side streets are posted as 30 mph and are controlled with side street stop sign with the exception of Beard Avenue. Beard Avenue is the only all-way stop intersection along the corridor. There is no recorded rationale or revisions to the street signage of 58th Street since the roadway was constructed in the late 1940's. It is assumed that the all-way stop at 58th Street and Beard Avenue was placed due to Beard Avenue being the half-way point between France Avenue and Xerxes Avenue and is located at the bottom of a hill. Similarly 60th Street has the only all-way stop located at Chowen Avenue, at a similar low point of the roadway. There are no sidewalks located along any of the streets, however a state aid funded sidewalk is proposed in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update for 58th Street (Attachment C). G: \ Engineerinanfrastructure \Streets Vraffic\Studies \Traffic Studies \58th_Chowen \58th_Chowen Traffic_Reportdocx Page 2 of 12 Chowen Park is located approximately 330 feet north of the intersection of 58th Street and Chowen Avenue. The park is situated in the southwest corner of 57th Street and Chowen Avenue at an all—way stop intersection. Speed and Volumes Eight traffic counters were placed near the intersection of 58th and Chowen Avenue. The counters were placed around midday Tuesday, May 25, 2010 and picked up on Friday, June 4, 2010. The counters were in place for nine full days and two half days. The counters record the number of vehicles, type of vehicle, bicycles, speed, direction and time of day. Average traffic volumes and speeds are shown on the Traffic Counter Location (Attachment D) The Memorial Day weekend was included in the data collection, however only Tuesday, June 1, 2010 to Thursday, June 3, 2010 was used for average daily traffic counts. 58th Street has an average of 1,905 vehicles near Chowen Avenue. Beard Avenue and Chowen Avenue have approximately 300 vehicles per day per roadway. Speed data and the 85 percentile speed were taken as an average of the eleven days. The 85 percentile speed is the speed at which 85 percent of the vehicles are traveling. The 85 percentile speed for 581" Street is between 30 and 32 mph, the speed for Beard Avenue is between 27 and 29 mph and Chowen Avenue is between 25 to 29 mph. Bicycle counts were also obtained as part of the traffic data collection by using the same traffic counters. Bicycle volumes on 58th Street averaged 0.5 bicycles per day, 2 bicycles per day on Beard Avenue and 2 bicycles per day on Chowen Avenue. Pedestrian volumes were not counted as part of this study. Counts of this type are extremely labor intensive, requiring human field observation for long periods of time. In addition, the volatility of weather and other factors greatly affect the pedestrian movements in a non-commercial area such as this. Accident History Accident data from 2001 to 2008 was derived from the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation crash history database. As shown in Figure No. 1 there has been no reported incidents of vehicle or property damage crashes along 58th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue. Accident data from 2008 to the present was supplied by the City of Edina Police Department. From January 2009 to June 30, 2010, there have been 50 police responses associated with this corridor exclusive of the France Avenue and the Xerxes Avenue intersections. Only one call was related to a property damage crash, all others GAEngineering\ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic\Studies \Traffic Studies\58th_Chowen \58th_Chowen_Traffic_Report.docx Page 3 of 12 W5811) Grimes La W5911, W 60th St were not traffic related. The property damage crash was on April 7, 2010, when an off leash dog was struck and killed by a drive-off motorist on 58t1 Street at the intersection of Chowen Avenue. Figure No. 1 - Traffic History on 58th and 60th Street: 2001 to 2008 Sight Obstructions 58th Street has no horizontal curvature with most of the trees and other landscape vegetation set back off the road; therefore, no horizontal sight obstruction issue exist and is compliant with City Code 1405 "Clear View Zone". The vertical profile of the road can be seen in the attached profile graphic (Attachment E). The intersection of 58th Street and Chowen Avenue is located near the crest (top) of a vertical curve; however, the area affords sufficient sight distances such that no sight obstructions exist. The intersection of 58th Street and Chowen Avenue is located at the bottom of a sag (bottom) vertical curve which has no sight distance issues. G: \ Engineerinanfrastructure \Streets\Traffic\Studies \Traffic Studies\58th_Chowen\58th_Chowen_Traffic_Report.docx Page 4 of 12 Police Speed Trailer The police department's speed radar trailer has been on-site during the months of April and May to give drivers instantaneous speed feedback. COMPARISON OF MULTI WAY STOP SIGN CRITERIA TO DATA COLLECTED: The data collected and evaluated in the above sections of this report is compared against the City's Multiway Stop Sign Traffic Policy for the intersection of 58th Street and Chowen Avenue. The Multiway Stop Sign Traffic Policy, in underlined italics, is followed by Staff's engineering evaluation. MULTIWAY STOP SIGN TRAFFIC POLICY: 1. The provisions of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) shall be followed The language of the City of Edina Multiway Stop Sign Traffic Policy conforms to the MN MUTCD, 2005 edition. 2. Relevant speed, volumes, accident records and sight obstructions shall be reviewed when considering the installation of a stop sign. Refer to the "Data Collection" section above for an overview of criteria reviewed. 3. Absent engineering data which clearly indicates the need for a multiway stop sign, control devices at an intersection will remain unchanged. Engineering data does not clearly indicate the need for a multiway stop sign at this intersection. 4. Any of the following conditions may warrant a multiway stop sign installation: a. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multiway stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation of the traffic control signaL The intersection of 58th Street and Chowen Avenue does not meet the 8 signal warrants as outlined in Chapter 4C of the MN MUTCD; therefore this intersection does not meet this requirement. G:\ Engineering \ Infrastructure \Streets\Traffic\Studies\Traffic Studies\58th_Chowen \58th_Chowen_Traffic_Report.docx Page 5 of 12 b. A crash problem, as indicated by 5 or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi-way stop installation. Such crashes include right- and left-turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. There has only been one reported accident at this intersection since 2001. This accident was between a vehicle and an unleashed dog. Therefore, there is not a crash problem at this intersection and does not meet crash requirements. c. Minimum volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and In order to determine the volume of vehicles entering the intersection of 58th Street and Chowen Avenue traffic count data was looked at to determine the largest volume day and location. The largest volume day was June 3, 2010 for this intersection (Figure No. 1) on the next page. G: \ Engineering\ Infrastructure \Streets\Traffic\Studies\Traffic Studies \58th_Chowen \58th_ChowenTraffic_Report.docx Page 6 of 12 58th Street and Chowen Avenue 8 Hour Average (June 3, 2010 Data Set) 58th Street (Major Street) Chowen Avenue (Minor Street) West Bound' East Bound' Vehicle Volume South Bound2 North Bound3 Vehicle Volume 12:00 AM 4 2 6 0 1 1 1:00 AM 3 4 7 0 0 0 2:00 AM 0 1 1 0 0 0 3:00 AM 0 0 0 0 1 1 4:00 AM 0 2 2 0 1 1 5:00 AM 1 6 7 0 2 2 6:00 AM 9 23 32 2 6 8 *7:00 AM 63 103 166 28 13 41 *8:00 AM 66 99 165 14 10 24 9:00 AM 53 47 100 7 9 16 10:00 AM 48 26 74 6 6 12 11:00 AM 64 37 101 5 15 20 *12:00 PM 68 42 110 8 9 17 1:00 PM 60 34 94 6 10 16 2:00 PM 52 , 47 99 12 19 31 *3:00 PM 122 61 183 16 21 37 *4:00 PM 146 69 215 12 18 30 *5:00 PM 160 80 240 12 13 25 *6:00 PM 94 74 168 9 10 19 *7:00 PM 71 33 104 3 5 8 8:00 PM 66 30 96 6 5 11 9:00 PM 31 18 49 3 4 7 10:00 PM 16 8 24 2 1 3 11:00 PM 8 5 13 0 0 0 Total Volume: 1205 851 2056 * 8 Hour Average (June 3, 2010 Data Set): 168.9 1 Traffic Counts for West Bound and East Bound used Station B 2 Traffic Counts for South Bound used Station C 3 Traffic Counts for North Bound used Station D 151 179 330 25.1 Figure No. 2 — 8 Hour Traffic Volume at 58th St. and Chowen Ave. As shown in the above figure, the major street (58th Street) combined approaches average around 169 vehicles per hour for any eight hours, well below the 300 required. Therefore, the intersection does not meet the major street volume requirements. G: \ Engineering\ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic\Studies\Traffic Studies\58th_Chowen\58th_Chowen_Traffic_Report.docx Page 7 of 12 2. The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor- street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour, but The minor street (Chowen Avenue) averages around 25 vehicles per hour the same eight hours. As previously indicated, there are only 2 bicycles per day at this location and pedestrians were not counted. It can be assumed that there are not 173 pedestrians crossing at this location per hour for the same eight hours. Therefore, this intersection does not meet the combined vehicle requirements. 3. If the 85th-percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 mph, the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the above values. The 8591-percentile speed for the major street (5891 Street) is 30 mph. Therefore, the intersection does not meet the speed requirements. d. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria B, C.1, and C.2 are all satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion C.3 is excluded from this condition. Criteria B — 5 Crashes in a 12 month period: Since there is only one crash along the corridor in the last 9 years; therefore, the 80 percent reduction criteria is not met. Criteria C.1 — Total vehicles on major streets: 80% of 300 vehicles per day is 240. The average at this location is only 169 vehicles per hour; therefore, the total vehicle requirement is not met. Criteria C.2. — Combined vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles on minor street: 80% of 200 is 160. The average daily vehicle traffic at this location is only 25 per hour and bicycle and pedestrian counts are extremely low. Therefore, the intersection does not meet the combined criteria. G: \ Engineering \ Infrastructure\Streets \Traffic\Studies \Traffic Studies\58th_Chowen \58th_Chowen_Traffic_Report.docx Page 8 of 12 5. Multiway stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control speed. Speeds on both 58th Street (30.0 mph) and Chowen Avenue (25.7mph) are both within the posted speed limit of 30 mph. 6. Multiway stop signs shall not be installed in an attempt to control volume. Traffic volumes for 58th Street are approximately 1,905 vehicles per day and volumes on Chowen are approximately 300 vehicles per day. The recorded volumes are consistent with other similar streets within Edina. The intersection of 58th Street and Beard Avenue was also evaluated and can be found in Table No. 1 and the "8 Hour Average" data set (Attachment G) Criteria Edina Multiway Stop Sign and MN MUTCD Criteria 58th Street and Beard Avenue Intersection 58th Street and Chowen Avenue Intersection Data Yes/No Data Yes/No 4a. Are signals warranted? If signals are warranted then install temp. signs N/A No N/A No 4b. Crash Problem 5 or more crashes in a 12-month period no crashes in 9 years No 1 crash in 9 years No 4c.1. Minimum Traffic Volumes 300 vehicles on major leg in 8 hours 77 No 169 No 4c.2. Combined vehicular/pedestrian 200 vehicles, peds and bikes on minor street 27 No 27 No 4c.3. 85% approaching speed 85% speed exceeds 40 mph 31.2 mph No 30 mph No 4d. 80% of minimum values 80% rule of 4b, 4c.1 and 4c.d see data above No see data above No Table No. 1 — Multiway Stop Sign Criteria Matrix The intersection of 58th Street and Chowen and the intersection of 58th Street and Beard Avenue do not meet the criteria set forth in the Multiway Stop Sign Traffic Policy. However, staff believes that the existing location of the all way stop should remain at the intersection of 58th Street and Beard Avenue. G:\ Engineering\ Infrastructure \Streets\Traffic\Studies \Traffic Studies \58th_Chowen \58th_Chowen_Traffic_Report.docx Page 9 of 12 OTHER TRAFFIC MANANGEMENT OPTIONS: Pedestrian Crossings The intersection of 58th and Chowen and 58th and Beard do not meet the criteria of the Pedestrian Crosswalks Traffic Policy (Attachment l). The pedestrian count would have to be 20 per hour for two hours in order to meet the policy. Due to the geometrics of the neighborhood staff believes that the number of pedestrians do not exist. Additionally, by State Statute 169.21 subd.2, a driver of a motor vehicle must yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway regardless if a crosswalk is marked. Staff also looked at other traffic control devices at the request of residents. A request was made for an overhead pedestrian signal commonly referred to as the "HAWK" (Figure No. 3). These devices act more like a traffic signal than a pedestrian flashing crossing. The cost for installation of such a system starts at $100,000. More importantly, the warrants required for installation are just as restrictive as a traditional traffic signal. By inspection, this intersection would not meet the required warrants. Figure No. 3 — HAWK Pedestrian Crossing G: \ Engineerinanfrastructure \Streets\Traffic\Studies\Traffic Studies \58th_Chowen \58th_Chowen_Traffic_Report.docx Page 10 of 12 Sidewalks The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 58th Street is just over 1,900 vehicles per day. Engineering staff recommends separating pedestrians and vehicles whenever traffic exceeds 750 vehicles per day. Based on the ADT of 58th Street Staff believes sidewalks are necessary. 58th Street is tentatively scheduled for reconstruction in 2014. Bike Lanes 58th Street is shown as a primary bike route in the City of Edina Compressive Bicycle Transportation Plan and the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update (Attachment l). It is possible to install bike lanes in both directions along 58th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue if parking is removed from the street. The cross section of the road would be a 3.5' bike lane, two 11 foot drive lanes and 3.5' bike lane. The designated bike lanes would allow the City to reduce the speed limit to 25 mph per state statute. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending denial of the Multiway Stop Sign request at the intersection of 58th Street and Chowen as it does not meet the criteria of the City of Edina Multiway Stop Signs Traffic Policy and that all other regulatory and cautionary signage remain as-is along 58th Street from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue. However, Staff recommends a short term solution of striping bike lanes along 58t1 Street. This solution would remove parking along 58th Street, narrow up the traffic lanes and reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians. Staff does not recommend painted or signed crosswalks since the street does not meet the criteria of the Pedestrian Crosswalks Traffic Policy. A longer term solution when 58th street is scheduled for reconstruction is to add curb and gutter and sidewalk to one side of the roadway. The bike lanes, 25 mph speed limit and no parking from the short term solution would remain. If Council adopts the short term solution, staff will return with resolutions for no parking along 58th Street and signage of the 25 mph speed limit GAEngineering\ Infrastructure \Streets \Traffic\Studies\Traffic Studies\58th_Chowen \58th_Chowen_Traffic_Report.docx Page 11 of 12 Attachments: Attachment A — Traffic Safety Staff Review (May 5, 2010) Attachment B — Edina City Council Meeting Minutes (May 18, 2010) Attachment C —2008 Comprehensive Plan Update — Sidewalk Facilities Fig. 7.10 Attachment D - Traffic Counter Location Map Attachment E — Intersection Control of 58th & 60th Street with profile information Attachment F — 8 hour Traffic Volumes at 58th Street and Beard Avenue Attachment G — Multiway Stop Sign Traffic Policy Attachment H — Pedestrian Crosswalk Traffic Policy Attachment I - 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update — Bicycle Facilities Fig. 7.11 G: \ Engineering\ Infrastructure \Streets\Traffic\Studies\Traffic Studies\58th_Chowen \58th_Chowen_Traffic_Reportdocx Page 12 of 12 To: Transportation Commission From: Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engineer Date: October 21, 2010 Agenda Item No.: V.A ACTION: Recommendation/Motion x Discussion Subject: State Aid Road Reconstruction Planning Information Page 1 of 1 Item V. A. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) provides assistance for improvement to those municipal streets which are designated as part of its Municipal State Aid (MSA) systems. Money for this fund is supplied with a dedicated portion of revenues collected from road use and gasoline taxes. Funds are released for improvements on those streets on the system whose design and construction met MSA standards. Funds may be expended for any street on the MSA system at any time, and MSA funds may be accumulated over several years. The City of Edina receives MSA funds totaling approximately $1.2 million per year. Attached is a map outlined anticipated projects for the next 4 years. Evaluation regarding the condition of the pavement, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain are used to set the priority of roadway improvements. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffiffransportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\20101021_Item.V.A_State Aid_Street Recon.docx c- f6. e City of Edina 2010-2014 Anticipated Municipal State Aid Street Reconstruction and Mill and Overlay 1_ At- II- Vt I t I ' MACNEY. AVE I t j . VAN A ile 4t 4, VALKENBURG I NTERLACHEN ' , PARK II T COUNTRY 4 ,.. -- NTISIILACH41-EtV 21 Legend Anticipated Reconstruction Year SC H A E F E R - RD EDINA COUNTRY CLUB 2010 2011 * — 2012 * 2013* 2014 * Anticipated Mill & Overlay Year 2011* Stde Aid Roadways September, 2009 Eng heeling Dept. BRAEMAR PARK % GOLF COURSE • —DEWEY-HILL-RD- • %4Iessmelt ' 7Ei cH ST Vir- FRED RICHARDS GOLF COURSE e r MTH-ST W Kr Note/Disclaimer The dates shown on the map represent the anticipated years of construction and are subject to change based on budgetary issues, adjacent projects, resident input and other factors. Ira road is not higNighted then the potential reconstruction date may be beyond the City's bng term planning process. The City of Ecfina's sheet improvement pclicy is to assess residents for a portion of the roadway reconstruction costs. Pubic utility Improvements are paid for from the City's utiRy fund Extensive evaluatbn regarding the condtion of the bituminous pavement, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main were used to set the priority of roadway hprovements. This map only addresses State-Aid routes within the Cly. * Project schedules to change due to a deficit funding. Fie Name: MSAS_Bit Street Reconmxd To: From: Date: Subject: Transportation Commission Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engineer October 21, 2010 Truck Routes in Edina Agenda Item No.: V.B ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion Information Page 1 of 2 Item V. B. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: The City of Edina Engineering Department along with the Police Department receives numerous calls regarding truck traffic on streets within Edina. The City has a Truck and Truck Zone ordnance within the current City code. However, the City has chosen not to established or identify truck routes within the City. Therefore no enforcement of truck traffic can take place. 1400.12 Trucks and Truck Zones. Subd. 1 Truck Routes. Truck routes may be established and shall be identified by signs or markings erected and maintained by the Engineer. The establishment of such routes shall be subject to review by the Council. The work "truck" for purposes of this Subsection, shall mean and include truck, trailer, truck tractor and semi-trailer. The police department does enforce the Minnesota State Law for overweight and unsecured loads on trucks traveling within Edina. In addition, the City cannot limit truck traffic on Municipal State Aid (MSA) routes within Edina. (see map below) GAEngineering\Infrastructure‘Streets\Traffiffransportation Commission \Agendas \2010 R&R\20101021 Jtem.V.B_Truck Routes.docx W E Engineerhg Dept Febniary, 2003 1.494 • State Aid Streets i.IALOIIEY.AVE ''4TH ST W 11412.1 Lake ' Page 2 of 2 Item V. B. Edina Transportation Commission City of Edina Municipal State AUcil Streets GAEngineering\ Infrastructure \Streets\Traffiarransportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\20101021_Item.V.B_Truck Routes.docx Information Subject: Xerxes Avenue Bridge To: From: Date: Transportation Commission Jack Sullivan, PE Assistant City Engineer October 21, 2010 Agenda Item No.: V.0 ACTION: Recommendation/Motion Discussion Page 1 of 1 Item V. C. Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: The Edina Transportation Commission has discussed creating access from Xerxes Avenue (York Avenue) to 1-494 at previous meetings. MnDOT began the preliminary design work for reconstruction of the Xerxes Avenue Bridge over 1-494 and has meet with the local agencies to discuss the design. With these discussions Staff thought this would be a good time to bring this forward to the Transportation Commission as an information only overview. In 2001 MnDOT completed and received approval of the Final Environment Impact Statement (FEIS) for and "Ultimate Build" of 1-494 (see attached draft sketch #1). This is a six lane section in each direction. As part of the document, provisions for access were provided at France Avenue and Penn Avenue. The distance between the two access points is limited and does not meet the standard spacing guidelines for interchange spacing. MnDOT is using the FEIS as the basis for all design work moving forward. The current proposed project is to reconstruct the Xerxes Avenue bridge of 1-494. The bridge will be constructed to be consistent with the proposed typical section of Xerxes Avenue and provided for 10 foot sidewalks, 6 foot right shoulders, four 12 foot thru lanes and 13 foot center left turn lane (see attached draft sketch #2). The approximate cost of the project is $6 million. The working is anticipated to start in 2013 and take approximately one year to complete. Staff has been working with MnDOT and the other agencies to ensure biking and pedestrian needs are accounted for since the Xerxes Avenue Bridge is identified as a bike route on the County Bicycle Transportation Plan, the Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan, and the Bloomington Alternative Transportation Plan. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\20101021Item.V.C_Xerxes_Bridge.docx IL. •-• :'7429.G , ' 0-0 0 0 0 r"--7 PENN AVE'. S.. HI H tr-1 n-1 11 ' - \ iste , <3k „. PENN AVE. S. C, ,,?§ 51'' --;5;:?--- ---'. .- r • 5,-.; .,-_--r,---- ...n 4.5";;;;;;:•'-'-' t_._.- _ --4 -- (414 ! ' \`::‘,"-•'-'---':-c, ,,,. ,.---------' 5-4'; ----___, ',.,_-•,-;;.c,,,,,,,,, r.7.) 0 1 --\ J---- / I , ii 1 IF. n ' ‘„,'-'1 ., ,, \ , 4„,,,,,, \\:\!\\.!2'''‘\ki.- 1 --IL V 1 .,.,1,,,._!_„..._________z-,,/' ,L ''.2--, --"'" !"--7-,!Ftri'E.:•?2;4•1 ' ..7.•—a.".•:-'''''d...- ..2) 1>0.7,.__„,,,-7-4.(-- tr__;, _.1 .,, _// x., = 1111 1317 ==.= - „ „•,,,,...0 0, .01 ,,,,, Q. ).0c4 ' p1., 0 - 1.:.n ,,:k:)___,,-- I II I. ----. _ I szk..... -;., L. 1 I ...., _,•.• ,,.::, u,..-, ,,,,, , . '',.., ,.t.., _ r : 0,‘,. ,:F.?=.•:-..7-,I a o\ A 1,,,',1 0) -, :L:.6) (''d,Z 4... ...- ....-"....-\ \ ti -r -7.'r- t . N.A.,_. 117'-', - Q6 , t 8 1., 0 g 1 A p ./..1-, PENN AVE. 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Edina Transportation Commission REGULAR TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING REPORT/RECOMMENDATION Info/Background: The Edina Transportation Commission has asked that Staff look in to the accident history of two intersections in town; 58th Street and France Avenue and 60th Street and France Avenue. The following accident data for the last 10 years was collected from the State of Minnesota and the Edina Police Department. France Avenue was restriped in August of 2010 to better define the one lane in each direction and to provide dedicated left turn lanes and key intersections (including 58th and 60th Street) 58th Street and France Avenue • 58th Street is a signalized intersection. • Meets the City Clear View Zone requirements. • France Avenue is a County Roadway that was striped as two lanes (one north and one south) but routinely driven as a 4 lane roadway with an average daily traffic of 17,300. • 58th Street is a Municipal State Aid Street with a two lanes of traffic with an average daily traffic of 2,100. • 54 traffic accidents have been reported at location. Most of the accidents are resulting while vehicles are turning. • 36 property damage incidents. • 18 personal injury incidents. • No reported accidents at the intersection since the restriping of France Avenue in August 2010. GAEngineering\Infrastructure\Streets\TrafficUransportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\20101021_Item.V.D_France 5860_Intersections.docx Page 2 of 2 Item V. D. Edina Transportation Commission 60th Street and France Avenue • 60th Street is a tee intersection. It is near a vertical curve of France Avenue crea in6 limited site lines. • Meets the City Clear View Zone requirements. • France Avenue is a County Roadway that was striped as two lanes (one north and one south) but routinely driven as a 4 lane roadway with an average daily traffic of 17,300. • 60th Street is a Municipal State Aid Street with a two lanes of traffic with France Avenue with an average daily traffic of 3,190. • 18 traffic accidents have been reported at location. Most of the accidents are resulting while vehicles are turning. • 13 property damage incidents. • 5 personal injury incidents. • No reported accidents at the intersection since the restriping of France Avenue in August 2010. The accident history is somewhat randomly distributed over the last 10 years. Although accidents at these locations are not desired, it could be expected due to the high vehicle volumes and ambiguous nature of the striping that existed on France Avenue prior to August 2010. Staff has inquired with Hennepin County as to any concerns or complaints they have received regarding either intersection. Although the County received initial concerns by motorists and residents regarding the change in lane configuration, County Staff has not had any comments regarding the safety or operations of the two intersections. City Staff believes these two intersections operate with minimum safety concerns and that the lane channelization and dedicated left turn lanes will lead to a reduction in accidents at these two locations. Additional time is needed to fully understand the anticipated safety improvements with the recent restriping of France Avenue. Staff recommends reviewing accident data at one and two years after the restriping to analyze the effectiveness of the revised striping. G:\Engineering\Infrastructure\Streets\Traffic\Transportation Commission\Agendas\2010 R&R\20101021 Item.V.D_France 58_60_Intersections.docx - > • FULLER ST W I ( 95TH ST W , < ST H ST W / - 56TH ST - 0 •2,2, ',-50 -SETH ST W - co • , - ,- TOWER ST -1 . • - SOUTHVIEW LN WOODLAND RD - -57TH ST W - - ,-DOVRE DR 0 RKWOOD LN 1 i24PEN-R"D ' RO E DATA PARK L"GFORD DR z ...-?. n:)'. 5.,' _ s I ,..f,.,'' /0, — 62N, 'fr CIRCLE DR L.,._ ,. , , - - . • . '14 CTI___CNN_ • .. SO IV '- ' '111)- 2sA .;s) _ 69TH ST W 0 • Lu I Legend Creek-Based Route Alternative Trail Routes* Alternative Trail Route Number Miles 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 * Alternative Trail Route is generalized to reflect conceptual trail corridor and does not depict actual trail alignment. • 0 1-: >0 --G'170-VE ST ce GRO " 9, GROVE ST > 5STH ST W 6:‹ 59117 S0T, OWOL RD PI-IILBROOK 4, n / 1 ' a I I . - . - -- - "a" < < <N 6C2ND 5T`.14' -4104tp--- - - cRE,, C:i, ,Lors LN I HI-. 62 ---- 6- - „A N, - 66TH ST VAI wHrr VE L>' 69TH ST 2 ;(' 8 ;pin s-r LU I D ")) E6 7 'It' 66TH ST W w °I. ID z tp,GUA' BALFANZ RD Fe' eR Tee 65TH ST W -- L., \ a R r- - --HAZELTON 9.0 --- 73RD ST_W --74TH ST W Lu 76TH ST W .A LUiL _=1 0 g MINNESOTA DR QR 1/1 C5 ft" - DR- 5.41:S RD . a , '1 APACHE RD. 0 '!LTONND. WEST - < , - 7,2 'IDYL\NOOD L°IDYLWOOD DR ./r; SAXONY •4 oLL - I rt LN ' \P MEE RD 0 ER LN u ...'"fS"/ • ---" -- s 0 NIAL WAY D Gss F o•AY lz° BE NTON AVE -- - • g — ElST ST W PL , I HAWKES TER LZ' LA g - TERI ----2 1,--- D - 62N ST W -.,' : i-,, --" .:- : • MADDuX LN • ')-) ROBERTS PL . _14)) i)).) ) r I cu - 0 "•-• > 4 4, ;IC 63RD ST W 1 , I 6 ! 0 - 0 60TH ST W w , ,,,,,5 —,--- ,= ,- — : i_____ __:.,...._L _- S'i 8T: ST W LH-- ., , .._. 1 . 1 ; .' v) L' '1 I 5' 9TH' ST W - ' ',' _?. •C I--- _SUSAN AVE 1 = ' ----VALLEY VALLEY VIEW RD —C' ' cyal,PEL DR... _ 6STH ST_ W - --'' -,- . „.' -, .--• BROOK DR .----.rn . .- .-4,..7 '3-i 1- , -- ERINS,____Z;7, 70TH ST W .--------1-_-__. Ao- 7 '7CGUIRE RD .'' I- '. ' ,r____ O I : I .) .z... '. Z 8 E 3 g Fi , 4'; .. ,-.:' ........4 , ' DEWEY HILL RD --- , 92. 't:11 7/317.1 ST W, _ DU I W 69TH ST W - • • " • ;-= La - 77TH ST W VIKING DR f, I j 8 ELAvNiDDEORVEuv ANDOVER RD MAVELLE DR I . I -DR C,:DAELL al:,i, iC..1:::,(Iri' vEt_i':UC:___ .., 81 ' ....- . PLAZA D BREN RD: W 5 Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail: City of Edina Creek-based Route ThreeRivers PARK DISTRICT ThisGIS Data is provided "as is" without warranty of any representation of accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. The user acknowledges and accepts the limitations of the Data, including the fact that the Data is dynamic and is in a constant state of maintenance, correction, and update. Map prepared by Three Rivers Park District Planning Section - KKG 06-2010 X---71e/ut V114V5 Bike Edina Task Force: News & Meeting Outcomes September 9, 2010 Purpose: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets to serve citizens and partner with City staff and elected officials to promote bicycle improvements in Edina for education, encouragement, infrastructure, enforcement, and ongoing assessment. We support implementation of the approved City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan that serves all levels of bicyclists, connects key destinations including safe routes to schools, and integrates with the Twin Cities' regional bike network. Our vision is a progressive bicycle-friendly community where citizens can integrate cycling into their daily lives. Time & Location: The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) meets monthly on the 2 nd Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room at Edina City Hall. For questions contact Kirk Johnson, Chair. Guests are welcome. Distribution: BETF, guests, City Manager, City Engineer, Edina Police BETF Liaison Sgt. Phil Larsen, SHIP contact Robyn Wiesman, and Mayor & City Council. Also, Jack Sullivan to forward to the Edina Transportation Commission, and Surya lyer to post for the Edina Energy and Environment Commission. • Online source: Source link here (http://tcstreetsforpeople.ordnode/1261) • Present: Alex Dirr, Alice Hulbert, Bob Fried, Carl Gulbronson, Donald Eyberg, Jennifer Janovy, Ellen Jones, Kirk Johnson, Richard Griffith, Rob Erickson, Sally Dunn, Sarah Jakobsen • Guests: Brad Schaeppi • Absent: Larry Olson, Carl Follstad • Recorded by: Sally Dunn, Kirk Johnson 1. Member Resignation: Sarah Jakobsen attending her last meeting tonight and will resign from the task force to support her growing family. Sarah was thanked for her excellent leadership and contributions for many BETF matters. 2. Review fall/winter activity schedule and key events for 2011 7:17-4e a. et, vii. Fall Ride to the Greenway (Kirk Johnson). The date is October 2nd. viii. Continued monthly skills rides (Kirk Johnson). ix. Bike counts in the fall of 2010 (BETF, Transit for Livable Communities). x. Workshop with City Council and staff annually usually in February. xi. Hiawatha Bike club rides in Edina the last Friday of each month. xii. Frost Bike trade show at QBP. xiii. 4th of July Bike Parade. Carl G. suggested an event near City Hall or along 50th Street when the road will be closed. xiv. Minnesota Cycling Federation Event at the Fairgrounds (2 day event)-may be considered as a link for other events. f. Events Chair & improved calendar: New position to discuss: Events Chair. Volunteers? This will be discussed further in November when bylaws are discussed. Bob F. is interested in taking over website site management. 3. Bike count activity (metro wide) coming up next week and see if any other volunteers are interested and related logistics. Carl Folstad, Richard Griffith, Ellen Jones, Brad Schaeppi, and Peter Kelley volunteered. This is Tuesday (9/14/10) and Wednesday (9/15/10) from 4-6 pm with a rain date of 9/16. Kirk Johnson will train volunteers. Kirk Johnson will work with Wayne Houle to determine the intersections and will try to offer choices to the volunteers. [Post meeting note update: The counts were completed; view the summary and count files for more information.] 4. Nice Ride location discussion -- Feedback submitted. Discuss corporate sponsorship (Carl G.). A new kiosk costs $45,000 which holds 19 spots and comes with 12 bikes. After the initial cost, maintenance is handled by Nice Ride. Kirk Johnson will submit our feedback to the Nice Ride committee which is soliciting location ideas from various areas in and near Minneapolis. a. Edina: 50th & France area b. Edina: Southdale c. Edina: 44th and France--the Linden Hills Coop will be opening their store there later this month, it's close to the lakes, on a bus line, and close to Excelsior & Grand. d. Edina: NW corner in/near Opus area and near future light rail e. Edina: Centennial Lakes area f. Edina: Southdale area library g. Edina: Southdale YMCA h. St. Louis Park: Excelsior & Grand -- close to lakes, high-density housing, business and shopping nearby, bus. i. Richfield: Near Best Buy which would be near Penn and 76th and nearby shopping and the 9 Mile Creek Trail j. Richfield: 76th and Lyndale, also close to the 9 Mile Creek Trail and close access to safe routes to the Mall of America, Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Cedar Point Commons Retail Area, Lake Nokomis and Southdale Mall k. Note: The feedback is due before September 10th, so Kirk Johnson can volunteer to post a note for Nice Ride after our meeting tonight. Alice Hulbert suggested funding through a hotel tax. Richard Griffith suggested sites somewhere near the light rail stops. [Post-meeting note -- Kirk Johnson is meeting with Bill Dossett of Nice Ride MN to discuss recommendations.] 5. ETC news, Jennifer reports that a police officer talked to the group and reported concern about bicycles who don't stop at stop signs -- this kind of enforcement is strongly supported by the BETF. Discussed that channel 16 bike suggestions need to be updated. All agreed this could be a good task for Carl Follstad. 6. Update on Phase I: Kirk Johnson reported that Wayne Houle hopes to start construction of Phase 1 at the end of spring, 2011. Brief background is that Transit for Liveable Communities provided a grant. BETF members are interested in learning more of what will be happening in the spring. It was proposed and seconded that City managementwould work with BETF to establish roles and communications for this project. 7. Update on Nine Mile Creek a. News from Alice Hulbert includes that the trail will either be primarily a creek- based route or a road-based route, but it may be that each section will need to be decided for fine-tuning. Some road re-construction may be needed. b. Press release (from John Keprios)- A joint work session with City Council and Three Rivers about the proposed creek trail will be at Southview on September 29 at 7 p.m. 8. CP Rail Line: Would like another volunteer to be the point of contact-Todd Brewer, who has resigned, had been the contact. Peter Kelley volunteered to be the contact. 9. Plaque: From John Keprios: "I have received the plaque, paid for it, and installed it at the east end of the Promenade just west of the bridge as directed by Gordon Hughes. " Kirk Johnson has informed Sue Lindberg. Upcoming meetings: vit.,5.4- • In October we will have the LAB feedback as a key topic. Note that we will need a new location due to the election activities at City Hall. • In November we will have a topic related to bylaw updates, membership, etc. Note that we will need a new location due to the election activities at City Hall 'I'EARS OF WATERSHED MANAGEMENT Jack Sullivan From: Claire Bleser [mailto:cbleser@ninemilecreek.orgi Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 3:29 PM To: Jane Timm; Sharon Allison Subject: REMINDER NEMO - Nov 8th Hi Sharon, Could you please forward this email to the Transportation Commission. Thanks, Claire Dear Commissioners, As you might be aware, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District in partnership with the City of Edina are hosting a Non-point source Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) workshop focusing on keeping our waters healthy in Edina. The workshop will identify the various water and natural resources in Edina and at the same time explore techniques and Best Management Practices that help protect our water resources now and for future generations. The workshop is on Monday, November 8, 2010 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at Council Chambers in the City of Edina City Hall. Please RSVP by October 25,2010 to: Claire Bleser at 952-358-2276 or via email at cbleser@ninemilecreek.org. I look forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, Claire Bleser Claire Bleser Education and Outreach Coordinator Nine Mile Creek Watershed District 7710 Computer Ave, Suite 135 Edina, MN 55435 Tel: (952) 358-2276 Fax: (952) 835-2079 www.ninemilecreek.org 1 to, `1,1) Neat, awl 11 1' - League of Women Voters of Edina League o 'Women, Volvo of ittuiteA you to, a , /5 6:0C-8:Cepm Eden' a eitti Come meet S adt and weicome him to, Edina. f04 mite ini folunation eantad Suzanne .7-Couttin, .EIVVE 9te/3 ident at 952-925-9763 lwvedina@gmail.com 04 lwvedina.org