HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940_VILLAGE OF EDINA_AUDIT REPORTAUDIT REPORT For-tba Ye&r Wiwi Doewbor 31,1940 COUNTRY CLUB I TRICT SIMVICE COMPANY (A Carporatidn) nne.,poli s, ftmosota CourAtry Club District -Service company k.AGE 1 110 8 -- bath of Transmittal &nd. t of nentB PAGE 9 - Certificate OBIT A - Balcuce R.'yet ?.a at Drug ber 31, 1! %b i " Awlysis of &ri ned .$'14TH lue, II.Or the year ended Docam rar 31, I MIBIT C. - Profit and Loss wtctew -ent, for the yec r endeed Decerber 31, 194-0 VC."HWUL C--1 - Lpereting Coate a -id Expmeesp, for the year ended December 31, 1940 SCHMN, A--3 -- Finea Aseests ttnd Depreciation, for ,t year enled December 311, 1940 M- M A--? - Votes ?aya le, aacadber.34 1940 AUSTIN & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ROANOKE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS • ALBERT B. AUSTIN, C.P.A. Mr. Oscar Gaardent President Country Club District Service Company Minneapolis# Minnesota Bear Sirs April 5s 1941 We have made an au4i.t of the books and _ 're co s of the -COUNTRY CUTS DJ C3 V9,VICZ GOMPANY9, a Nizinssota Corporatioup MINNEAPOLIS* XI '=, for the year ended December 311111 19409' , and ure are ploaced to' s:ubait our ri a~ort in the fol- lowing co=ents and in tha Exhibits and Schiedules"a a listed in the preceding. Table � of Contents. TORICAL The Country Club District Eervite Camp-any vas Incorporated in Kinnesotra on racy 16, 1923 by Thorpe Brother's, for the purpose of rendering water and sewer sere to the Counter Club DUtrict in tha Village of and adjoining property ,in the Village of Edina: that night �wnt mob service. Tre Corporation -was o-riginally organized for ra period of thirty year& but ths-Charter was later a ns -nded so as-to provide .for a perpetual Charter. The original Capital Stack authorized was 500 shares of $100*00 par value per share, v.11 Common, or a total value. of WpI0013- 07. ;:his capitalization was later amended to provide for 3W atAres of Preferred -Stock of $100.00- ar . value Per sharep having . dative dividends and preferrPA in liquidation to the ex- tent of $100.00 per share aid unpaid dividends. a the vanes time, C.pawn Stock yr a5 provided for in the amount of 200 shares of no par value. With minor ama nd- me is later made with regard to the Preferred Stoc1c* tha above capitalization is i the one that wrists todaye TlAs Company was operated by Thorpe Brothers up to 1935 when Mr. Oscar Gaarden bought one—half interest and took over they matagene nt. Be later purchased THE PUBLICATION OF ANY CONDENSATION OR MODIFICATION OF STATEMENTS HEREIN CONTAINED OR THE USE OF OUR CERTIFICATE DETACHED FROM ITS CONTE %T, OR THE USE OF OUR NAME IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF SECURITIES OR OTHER PUBLICITY WILL NOT BE SANCTIONED UNLESS FIRST SUBMITTED FOR OUR APPROVAL. r 2. ._ nntiX Club Diotrrict ServiceCam 3r +mil of the atock end is now the sole otmer of the Company. T The.present Ord of Directors are - Oscar Gaar4esn ... Clifton A. Olson Lorraine M. Oaar den They 4fficers are - £is= Gaar4en - Presid -eut and Treamwe3r Clifton A. Olson - Vice President .orra:ftes M. Gaaardon Secretary The Comp-my secured a twanty -rive year Franchise from the Village " cat' tea, dated 'on October 16, 1923 which Fraateh- i8e is the b..:.sis o its operations. Under this Franchise,, the Village of Edina has the option to purchase-#,-take aver, and operate the property of the-Company at ar'ny time, and the Franchise sets forth the procedure to be followed in acquiring the property. The Corny renders threw typos of service in the territox7 which it operates - 1 - water Services 2 -- Sunitexy Sever Service 3 Storm Sevier $ervice As as part of the water service, it vpAntains hydrants for fire protection end as they Compzny has been receiving no revenue for the fire protection service which Includes surest flushing, etc., or the storm mazer service, it sterted snit egeitaat the Villzge of Edina for the ;xurposs of extablishing charge a for these services. The Villages of Bdinal. in answer to the suit, claims that the vaster mains and storm ae -wers, that vre re3 installed prior to 1936, do not belong to the Compsny but to the property c ars. The eases was tried somet ms ago but the Court has not yet rendered a decision. Should the Court decides that the proparty in question does not belong-to the Company# it would meau a subste;ntiaal adjustment of the figures in the Bence Sheet as contained herein. The other quaction that the Court *ill decide is) Wt at charges, .if w7,0 the Coma =y is antitl.ed to make for these ssrvi:c eb. Up through 1940„ the Company had been zaintnining the sanitary sewers and making quartorly obarges to 'rotidents for this service. Besgl=ing with 1941, the VMW of 8dina,, by means of a. contract with the GoMpW, bas tnken over than t • i 3+ Cmmtm Cltab. kistrict Service Comm am . znintainzence of the sanitary sewers and the Company receives no ether revame from this source. FINANCIAL POSITION We are subtitting Ps ftUbit A ond. nulyorting' SSthedules A-land A-20 the financial position of the Comyony in detail, as of Decenber 31, 1940• For your convenlence, v% are submitting in sumarized form this Siaance € heet in co rison- with the one for Veceambar 31, 1939, together with increeses and decreezes as follows: a ASSETS Fixed Assets GoodiM Current-Assets Deferred Charges TOTAL ASS= LMILITIES IND NET LZ H Fred Liabilities Current Li 4iail.ities Reserve for Unpaid Contributions Net 11orth TOTAL LIABILITIES kXD iq ET PO8 DECD. 31, t 1859380.35 5,981.00 73.70 28, f�.3.86 3:1.��r51.35 1191-435-05 IMEMER 31s .. 19-39- 5,766.86 6,ti93.99 � i93 b.75 2€S,13.8.89 10o795.07 3o948-07 x.974.72 T 193.83E�75 I8C88 3,4p,{�6.9,3y�5 5, 1 765.86 ll�z.�9 481.97 656.28 3,`3' G.07 M.12 2 C . Tkgwe have been no asibstantul chenges in the BUance Sheet of the Company during the curr6nt years except as brought about by the expansion of its services, tend the writing off of the Goodwill or Moing Concern 7slueO w icb will be explained in a later gwiraaph. The Surplus Account totaling 4,1320682.S4 is classifi.ed.. as followes Capital Surplus . t U7,494.77 Contributions in Aid of Construction 11,693.€ 0 . Ehreed Surplus MOM, Total 132. ix2 When Thorpe Brothers o,pertted the Coax Y, they maintained no accurate records vs to the cast of the property uhieb the Camay operates. In asn attezpt a 4. Co• . ib M4 strieot 5ervilce Core to get et the east, the Company hired Albert Craaberp Civil Engineer„ laho had charge of meking the original inatsUaati ins for the CompwW.9 to rake an appraisal of US t properties as at Janwry 1, '1937. This appraisal has been set up on the booko of the Company, and udaUtions wince that cute h. ve be$a included at cost. The Cctpi " Zurplus shown represents the extent of -the v€:luations placard on tho =perty €ewer the s-=iue of Capital Stock outstrandinso T1w 6riginel €count carried in this aa4count wts, C,1'23,261.63. kt the time that Mr. timber made this t w �, a ppi*ise.l, he placed A "Goizag Concern Falu a'O o this property of $5,766.86, rhilch Vaal a azpitallzadv and with the consent of Sr. Cuaarden, we have charged this amount off against the Capital Surplus, leaving c Capital Sur-plus at the. pradient time of .17,494.77. We have vri'tten off this Ooodr;ill or "Going Concern Va.litO for. the To Li reasar. tb� t it doea nct accurately portray tb4.s valuation at the pre -sent time, and as as remit the Comte has elected not to._ carry such a valuation on the books_$ but stwuld; it be nscea vrxy a a 1ater date to arrive at a uch au vLaluation, it would arrive at the . MWM— t at the tike it Is squired, in the -light of eircumstences existing at that time. We have included Co ntri butions in Aid of Construction, in the amount of til,6ta3.00, as a .part of the Surplus Aecot -.nt for the reason that tr`so property pur- cb%sed by the Company pith theme contributions Is the geoperty of the Company, and included in its plant values. M The Zarned Surplus, totaling AV#505.47, is cat fortis in daVA1 In Ziehibit B which aPowa that it was lnareosed to the extent of 1,918 -.84 by earnings during 1940• ORATIONS The operations for the yenx ended December 31, 1940 are Phoun in detail in. Exhibit 0 meal supporting Schedule C -1, and shows a Not Profit to Surplus of: 01,913.84, after provides for interest charges and Income Taxes on earnings. I8 arriving et them profits, depreciation to the extent of $4,623.4$' has been included. Zm order that you may have a better understanding of than operations for -the yeaarq we aubzit s condensed comparison for the current year and for the year ended, 5. Cguu= Club Di strict Service Con December 31, 1939, together with incresaes and deereasse, in both amounts and per - couteges, as follows: YM =ED YM BUDS RE-Gas'ER 32,j 1940 DECEMBER 31. 1939 O % TO 1XCR8ASj= ffX ?,i+ E AMBE 1 SALES AMEM T I'SALES PNOUNT Ste . iz, 61.01 100.00- 15,jg&161 1,00.00 , 2-. x.96.40 'latex Purchased for Resale 179..64 i.o2 64..52 .42' 115. .60 Power and Fmping 4,6U.47 26.13 4,083.70 26.42 527.77 429 Distribution Rypanse 40981.59 2a.22 3,625.53 23.46 11356.06 4.76 Accounting and Collection 4901.14 10 -M 10987.22 12.86 864 2.09 Administrative and General 22598-22': MI Z2 223131.31 14.89 TOTIM OPERAZING COSTS AND MOSES 14,272.83 -!9486 �, 12..062. .0 ;1 2.210.55 2,_81 Ng1 MFIT 1 =5 1RZ INLROZZ MD 1KQ rs . 3,378.18 19.14 3,392.33 21.95 14.15 24-1 IN TOM M 'PAID .1.129.55 6.40 11,2LO.Mi 6,60 109.41 ,1 2,248.63 12.74 21,372.39 15.35 123.56 2.61 PROVISIOR FO R i:�c� ' T1� IZ9 -9 i i�� &25.5 2. 75.71 NET PRo T TO SMLU8 9 1.918.13 s Z.96b. C,S It is noted from the mbovs wmpar son that while there has been quite a substantial gain in the operating a�veme during the year, that the operating expenses have gone up at an even greater ratiop with the reault that the final eha -ving. lei not quite as good as it was a year ago. CONS ON BALANCE SHEET VIM ASSEM We are arming the Fixed Assets in summarized fore on the Balance Shest, Er-tibit A, and in still further detail in Schedule A-1. New expenditures were male during tbo .yssr to the extent of 489111.83, made up of - Addition to the Water Distribution System S 81,007.83 Addition to Tools wand Fquipment 104.00 Total 8 Depreciation -to the extuant of $1,523..48 bas be= taken Into operating 0 0 6. Country Club District Service ComPMZ ° , ,tLsd i z , a: evi us -peraZrvph2 the Goodwill or I'C,oing Concern Value' of $51766.86 ba:s been vrxi.tten off'. Thew AsaoVi have been pledgee. to the St. Pfu1 Fire 8rd 'Marine Insurzince. ConperW for a~ loan in the original amuunt of $20'000.00, with a present balance . of 017 ,000.CC, beaTlzg Ufterest at 5 %, Ire, "lleve nd5c explained In a. previous p€xregraph tba zethod or valuing. these Assets, and also that there is e questic.n -now beforo the Courts w ah may effect tbsse va2uatians. Ar, the o rationz of this CozjAw are rapidly extending into neri developod subdivi.zions, it is custom t > have the �oi'_ tease oubdivivic°,ne f =-i.eh 019 money for t,ho oxtend W of the water mmoius without L-ite: est. The CoirpaAy repriye. geese advartea a by tumi.ng over to the cWtividerr, om -balf of the :rev=ues received from the users on tease Mains upti.l 1.%id for but not to &xceed a period of ton gears. The Cmpany now iu.r; advances for constr'=tfi,?n, Tap&v'abla out of revzzues as tt Dec ber 31, &0 folloast I'DVOIle-M BY THCRIVE WWT# ERS Tloodd,Rll a Laction 42729.31 Hr'acowood Addition 41313.74 Arden !~venue 3xtonsion 497.64 50th and 11,465.eA Hidden Valley i; ,5_ , 9,� 4 33- Patel i.fit39.$6 Of these edv&ncez, the one mAde by Thar e Breathers for the ood&,la 8,3c.tion, its the amount of t4,7 9.31, is repayable by diverting to Thorpe Brothere one- half-of the rev=zs received from tiha Section, up to starch. 31, 19481, and the amt- at that date rP.�airA4g unpaid becomes - ayable in fix:1. The other sdas.nces are payable only by tae diversion of 50% of the revenues from thaave subdivisions for the first ten yearss or until. they are fuUy paid u,.; any bclaricen remaining after ten yGar s becoming a contribution. to the Cad any in aid of constructions. In addition to the ar- - -uats above refor-red to, tbo CowZmny receives contri- button~; in aid of construction for apeci fic =tensions which certain eustoxers vante. These contribut ona are outright gi ,ts to the Coo ny in order to secure water servic®, and we have tokens thm in at, a, part of the ourplAis. t • 7. Coxut�Club District Service Coma= .The cash in bank to the amount of $124.87 is ui.th the NorthwasUrn National Bank end Trust Comp ., and we have reconciled this -accimmt and verified the balance by direct correspondence. 53 have also w -ade a detailed check of all .deposits and withdrawals frora the bad, end found them to be prow y - recorded cad. . in order. The Accounts Receitrable in the amount of 44,414.63 have been c2asoified on the ]balance Sheet as to their nature. Re !hare made a detailed check of tbsee acc=wts and have reviewed the methods used for handling these accounts and found them to be In good order. The Inventories of $1., 441.50 consist of motors valued at $941.90 cnd mis- cellaneous items of 0499960* We were not present when the .inventories here taken but we-have examined the records of the Company with regard to thane inventories, and they appear to ba peae. T1e mote that certain of the meters tre secondhand but these eecondhand meters are casrric d. at a, much reduced cost, co that the vial.uat►ibns appoar to be conservative. FIX FA) LIAR TTIM The Compeany negotiated a fit € ortgage on its o;�eratin ,properties as of Rovwber is 1937, with the St. Paul mire and Verine Insur-mce Companyr in the total amount of $20,000.00, bee,riang interest at 5 %. which interest is Mable on May 1 and Yoveeber I,. of each year. The principal ie payable $1,000.00 annually on Ms vetbar 1, up to November 11, 1951 and the romaining 16.,000 *00 becomes due on November 1, 1952• The present unpaid balance of this mortgage is $17,WJ.00 and of this amount we have placed 1 #000.00 aging the Current liabilities- because it becomes due on lovember 1, 1941. he balance of wed Liabilities# totalling $12v60046, is roads up of advances for construction which is repayable out of revenues over a period of years as - pl Uned in v. previous paragraph. CURRFAqT i.Ti if IU M t Tho Accounts Payable are classified as follows: Parade 679.12 s ef=d of Conn traction Advaar7cas 753.23 To Officer � 125� Total 3,014.24 t U F-1 a. Tha. tirade .&ccaunte are those usual in the regular course of business and ere aid on a current basis. Th-2 refund: of construction advances are the eats due out of revenues to subdividers as explained in s previous per�Zreph. The amt of $10581.89 duet U officer is to Mr. Oscar Qaeerdan for engineering and other service randerad, a large part of thi eb i e . due to new construction. We ire s a list of acerued taxes, in the omount of '06,1y955.19, on the Balence beet. The accrued interest po.gable is itemized on Schedule A -2 and the notes- paysble to officer are also Itemized- cn Schedule A-2., NET VORTM. The pa*rticulc-zs of . Net 'Worth &Te set forth m the Balunce Shee3ti kibit A, and in Exhibit B. AU of they C p3tal Stock outstanding is held by Mr. Oscar Gaarden. The Preferred Stock provideja for 6% anmml cu=letive dividends and these dividends are3.t�wa years in arreara which fez a, total of per share, or 0i,- 440aoo in all. Tha Surplus Aceo -mt has been classified into three itemo, totaling $132,682.81 at,d each of those is ex-p%ad in a previous paragraph. Se found that the Company mates very accurate czd complete records co °that full infor ti on on all -activiti. es were available. Ve. wish to express our appreciation of they courtevies e t2.Id d: and the coo ration ' afforded us during the course of this engagement. ReqmctfuU7 submitted, Carti,fied Public Accountants 41 C, 9. AUSTIN & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ROANOKE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS ALBERT B.AUSTIN,C.P.A. CIRTIFICATE We have mr-de an e=ainati= of Mice Baia c g S%st of She COMM CLUB DISTRICT 91MVICE COWAN,, MINNEAFOLI&, MUMMA# a.e at December 31p 19400 and of the -St atemant of Income and Surplue for tho calendar year ended December, 311, 1940. In connection therewith, we ,have examinedor tested accounting records df the Company m.d other support - evidence rad captained inforsation and m a- nati.ons from officers of the :Opm but nei- idt' of make a detailed audit of the transactions. In our opinion, based .upou such exaanatAon and mab ject to the comments contr-ined in this report, the acconpanyiaag Dance Sheet and related Statement of Income and Su,rplue fairly gresett.y in aecordpn.ce' frith accepted principles of acco.uuti: rg consistently mnintrined. by the COUNTRY C= DISTUCT SERVICE COVANY during the calendar year under review, ita position at December Sit 191403, end -tbe results of operations, for this pear. April 5, 1941 - THE PUBLICATION OF ANY CONDENSATION OR MODIFICATION OF STATEMENTS HEREIN CONTAINED OR THE USE OF OUR CERTIFICATE DETACHED FROM ITS CONTEXT. OR THE USE OF OUR NAME IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF SECURITIES OR OTHER PUBLICITY WILL NOT BE SANCTIONED UNLESS FIRST SUBMITTED FOR OUR APPROVAL. Errs- a i A. 2806000-86 4b�r � •c`� Y ►a 11,451.35 151.382.84 IM .li3 .0 Col ntry Club District ' Service Comp BAL AHC F 4 T13 Aa at December 31* 1940 ` =S LUBILITIM AND RU rORT H FIX0 kSOSTSt Note A Schedule A -1 FIXED LIABIt,ITI S: Land 3j'0w.00 5% First Morteage dated November' 1: 1937 to St. Wells, 8uil.ellmg, Tank, Distribution . Prul Fire end Marine Inzurance Comp, due System, cnd Equ#amt � 2��,3�"�•9� 1$000.00 anuua iy on November 1 of ' c1i. gear „Tool,s Twat F.c= ated Depreciation 46.9?-2.55 182.380.35 to November i, 195-1f emd $61,000.00 on November (Uclusing $290 173.1$ raccrued at is 1952. Cecured by . l Oper4 tirg t', ojue wties:. date of Apprai ael) 0rip_in &l Amount M,000.00, w)w, l�,)30.30 d. k TA"e, FIX= I� SETS Less: Due � i ida one y our ✓hozn in Current i,ieebil3ties 1,f3 3. 16, ; . The above valuations were based on lade adent Appreisal as of Jenuaryls, 1:937., plus subsequent Advainces for Construction"- additions at cost. r syable from Revues -. The above assets are pledged to secure e 5% First Daze March 31, 1948 :, � 4972901 Mortgage prigIr�611 ,' '�t3.0 , nor: 17f'004.00. Pbyebl only to eft 50% of! Rave -quos during ten years ' cftcer construction 7.M.55 12,600.86 Cash in Bak 124.87 TOTI.L .FIXED LWIIITIES Accounts receivable- - ter # 342.4,13 CUEVU0$i LI BILI:TT .Ms Bawer 375.36 Accounts Payable - Ctinutructi:ora Contributions -,8694 Tr&de 6`19.12 Kiscelltneow (I"i - ludin; 1,0-59.. from Refund of Construction Advenc' 753.2 Officers) 827-15- 4114-14-63 3 io Officar 3,0.4.24 Ina stories - &ecrwas - eter 941.90 Y es Local 1'2 V:EcellXsous 4 ocO ' Taxes-Capital StoCk 50-00 �` Ct9 - SociFtl eci. i`:��:�' 7.9 TOTAL CUPRENT Av 5,.9 I.JC Uxes- ,Mete and Federal Income 329;'x"9 1. Aocr ual:- Interest Payable Schedule A-2 #955.19 31.92 C?i1g8t Rata: Payable- Unexpired lnnur : ce 13.70 To Officer ucb ule A -2$ 5,250.00 Current ,ntwityr .First Mortgage Due Rov.1,1940(See Above) 11000.00 6.250.00 NOTE A - The• 'Pillage of Wine in contesting. the Company's ; title " the Ito= Severe.- I°eter Acins in TOTAL CUP MT LIABILITIEX Country Club Districts, inst& -Ued prior to 1936 in arnswer to a suit filed by tie Company. Should NET KORTHt Al the- decision b,,;.- adverse to the the Capital Stock- AutrhorUad v91m t ibns Off acted vould Mate to be renovad from 6% Cuwulativ(A.Froferred, this statem-ent. U00.00 P&r Vulus callable flit Par 30.000.00 co=on-140 Rrtr Value -byes wn B - Acm- gUated divide -ads on Preferred Stock to the OutsUnding- extent of 1 12 *00 Per share or a total of $1#440.00 'salt P�`e�err�t? -12E3 4��'9iT � 3.2,DC+`t.4Q ems DacemI bear 31, 1940 ire unpaid. _ Corwon -200 83aeres (8eae Hoto 8) 6.700.2g 18,700.00 Surplus- Capital Surpl� e 117,494.77 Contrib�:ti3n° in tai of Cozantt::ction 11,683.00 Eame:d Surplus-- hibi t 8 3, C .0k _ 32.642.84 TOIAL WS iiTH 11Jlp+id ASSETS 4a+ 123- 6� 0 TOT AI d.t�:XM1wib li. LJ i'b ai"A t "3 T11iY avC2�^4 Errs- a i A. 2806000-86 4b�r � •c`� Y ►a 11,451.35 151.382.84 IM .li3 .0 s Country Club Diatrict Service CompW j.1j'ALYSIS OF EAr TjReLUS For the leor ''Tuded Dace - ber - 31 t 1940 K fitP JADD: Adjuotments in Accrued Social ,security Tsx —es' for 11939 cmd.. rIerr not re=gXizpd. b7 .the C part' as a liability AM Let Profit for fear AL RA E. SUP =a PUR EXMIT A. a _ 6 EXHIBIT S 1,528.16 1086-23 MIT C :i Country Club Diat'rict Service Company "OFIT MID. LUIS STAT .1211T For the . ackr ' Ende6 Decozber 310 1940 4ze�y 3 (ER �n�n, p P�pd a A}��g T a OPERPTI G RiMMUSSr Sol" and Services U Cust mers v l7s645.9tt6 � 22,32..52 4 15,324 -34 .�sci:�.�.e�.aoim i�±''$` -6nu z —Yet 2.1 5.1 GIZOSS SEAL 17,651.01 2,321.52 159329.49 OPMATING COSTS AD MMSZ& Schedule C-1 Water purchase for re 4ie 11790' 64 179.64 s Power and .Puopiog 4!611.47 242.40 4,369.07 ° Distribution er-ats 4#981.5; ,9161.38 31,020 .21 XPMcounting cmd CcUectLon 301.55 1099.559 f?rAm nUtrative and General � X199001.3..1,, �.P��f ��lC� a5.27 . ,+.• 2,10. 72 TCT14L CtFMA INU IOSTS ..kfirlr UFMSES j 142272.0 FIRT E7.110r IT BEFORS I &S ,1NO LE TAXI 30378.1$ M-09 4,1357.26 PROVISION n7lfi 11.COMS TAUS: Federal 292. 70 -^ 21- 2..7 , k State - 37.22 ^37.09 — w1.7....-M - r� 51049.39. # yJ19.08 V 3m, f C [.4.( IY3T &QT CHl"+M - - -I,1 ,5 -5 -- 1,129.55 t BET PROFIT-011 ( Los;, Provision for deer eiation included above 4p623.48 6 31, "22.05 2.,951.43 NOTE - No credits Is given to -the Xbter Division or charge made to the Caner Division :nor vmter used in saver flushing. r 3 1nI hTJ 92sr.11CM QRT sisc ONTWI T17—jo 77,103 T911 COT - T9' COT 54.5£ 9T'97 TZ°Tn Q`t£ 37. LV*Mgy gE'`LTT - Ltt� 08'90T - W 9GT `T I2 S aeaT- uoT�nqTj4aTZI jo 4 Balm wa 3:11le ia (wIf V.SwIloi 111101 !&que,-TaR P.—= awfT Ons « 5 IeM a'riv �axod ZIM S-1 Vod (ITZ "Made IAz�.a 076T `TC XOT1039a OPUTj' . O Wg -10A Bauuwa3 azilAieg IiDp4sTi qu to c3 T-3 2"Im -Hos 0 i L' to ase Q3'T - COOT esaed)q "Ur! GOT -[ Mns O.'T6 OMT 08670T .y 31'310'49 T %W.23 Twspo,3 Ioz 55/� OUT - s9G iy.C��Jy M1�� /5�YTT/`.{y��5T' bl "59Z Viols` "T VW 4954 }�q q�p����gi.F�, On0Oe UTIODSTA 001,06 "' 30'05 go-TA�mq Tepsrl ;�► 57, *6WT 00*C C 5M591T tai . `P-;;7 gala rT s' T ` eta I TT - TWO T 3 `M 4 "NUM-1703. QNV 13ii`7 3 W51T . 0005y, T- 4uuoo *V pay `- uTTTTZ 55'6Y9 65'9'[ 17T`9atsT�r 004,051 - 00,061 2 -mod 4940a T911 COT - T9' COT 54.5£ 9T'97 TZ°Tn Q`t£ 37. LV*Mgy gE'`LTT - Ltt� 08'90T - W 9GT `T I2 S aeaT- uoT�nqTj4aTZI jo 4 Balm wa 3:11le ia (wIf V.SwIloi 111101 !&que,-TaR P.—= awfT Ons « 5 IeM a'riv �axod ZIM S-1 Vod (ITZ "Made IAz�.a 076T `TC XOT1039a OPUTj' . O Wg -10A Bauuwa3 azilAieg IiDp4sTi qu to c3 T-3 2"Im -Hos 0 i L' to SCFIFMLE A =1 Country Club District 8ery ce GompwW MED . &SSF S AND DEPRECIATION Year Ended Decexber 31,E 1940 NOTE: TM above assets mortgaged to the St.. Pool Fare and a r-ir-s- 1 -noure ee 'CompmW to secure c loan bearing interests at 5 %. in as orle. cl rmmo=t of $20,00.300, n€w.017,000.40. 0 B. _ _ .. i _ D� P n .` G I A I i i� R l hTED BALM L BAANCS VALUE I:I=jo ADDITION 12 1 -1 -40 CuRF n 12-21=62 2 -U1 4Q CATER DIVISaO d eqye�; f 6 - �y0 3, =.0 6 3tOW -00 2*088.35 2,089.35 A% 302.58 83.53 386.11 1,702.24 We?l,# I 2,578.27 - 2,578.27 1 2/3% 171.88 42.98 214.86 2063.41 VdI1 # w 1,950- -00 _ 3.,950.E b 2/3% 81.25 V. 50 -113.75 4836.25 Elevated Te.n.k and Piping .10053.34 10YO53.34 4368.7 402.13 4,710.85 5,342.49 ' Pumping 'RquipmenL .. 8,631.35 8,631.35, 5% ltIO3.31 431-57 X;534-88. 7,096.47 Water Distribution Sy at 11�„Ei��.�d 8�f1t�'it8; �91Gi�d .�d. 1 2,� 16.567.90. 11908..1:5 18. /a'7b.05 . 101,,,3,0.26.96 19 '� MOTAL VA TER ER .T! I I ".:3.01,11 1��0��� � 140, L94.4-9, 'it �}��WC.arG ] / q 2.32 '�"T`f iJ�.'. �� 22. 525.64 wKe '1 i. • 2.900 86 .K 436. 50 4 122,695.82 �"i� 95.8/2 P SL m D_.Vla loo % r. •per: r _ t w 5.105r2�2,.7 51v52�.7!9� Z1,773t.6y5 t�.,t0�r3€0.46 � 3�,.8CQ4.11 388,718x.68 ` t3'?' �L 8 llI'iwl0 03,602 .b7' 6 2,. 642.4. 19,665.37 1.672.05. .1 '. 2 �a2b5.Og. ae �d'tL a:i ii �..t •n ��t2� .iscel.�.gan�.ve..ou� e sd. uiprnant 30�S -61 1.01.00 .. -4.10.61 - 10% �- , 8'3.13 34-12 � 111.2(5q � �iTools .3,° r cr t1 u e :A xd y 111pne t _ Office � � aLL7..r�s �51i � � �� s i7 .+i�J% �5. ^..� _ 6.45 /� =r.�. .a ^293.30' 11= IM-71'r IMM 8 , 471.11 104.00 575 3 105-06 ' 50.57. 6 419.48 '42.306.07 6 Z-03T 9 PER 7dfti+TalBIT Xi NOTE: TM above assets mortgaged to the St.. Pool Fare and a r-ir-s- 1 -noure ee 'CompmW to secure c loan bearing interests at 5 %. in as orle. cl rmmo=t of $20,00.300, n€w.017,000.40. 0 LI .. i SCH A-4 Country Club .District Service Gomm N; OTXS .PAT], Dec€ydbei' 3i, 1940 ICCRUED DATE ANDURT IE T 1 -40 Oscar Gorden 6-3 0- 41 400.00 w'.00 3-2a-40 Do. '5 5010. W. 12 -31— Do. DID. .5 1#875-00 5 12 -3l-40 Lorrain-a Virden 6-30-41 6 W-. o .. -TOTALS P ' EXHIBIT A g 2 �. �J � � 53.40 ADDI -TIV"' L ACCM D VhT T On first Mortgage 141.67 On Open Accowl _ Oscar Onarden ?.2. 70TAL WKBIT. A 1.