HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944_VILLAGE OF EDINA_AUDIT REPORTBOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS JOHN S. FINDLAN WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, President SEVERIN A. MORTINSON WATER DEPARTMENT LEONARD N. THOMPSON, CITY OF SAINT PAUL R. A. THUMA General Manager Capital of Minnesota Supt. of Filtration WILLIAM A. PARRANTO, Commissioner BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Deputy Commissioner October 16, 1946 Village Manager Village of 'Edina 1801 W.5Pth St. Edina, Minn. Dear Sire I am sending to you herewith the audit for the Country Club District Service Company for the year ending December 31, 1945. This report was in the hands of the Board of Appraisers. Yours very truly, Leo rd N. Thompson Gene al Manager LNT -Hp r ORToF 0AINT PAUL LAND WATER AIR Gateway to the Great Northwest THE CITY OF PURE DRINKING WATER 4 0 Country Club District Service Company TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 1 TO 7 - Letter of Transmittal and Comments PAGE 8 - Certificate EXHIBIT A - Balance Sheet, as at December 31, 19" EXHIBIT B - Analysis of Earned Surplus, for the year ended December 31, 1944 EXHIBIT C - Profit and Loss Statement, for the year ended December 31, 1944 SCHEDULE C-1 - Operating Costs and Expenses, for the year ended December 31, 1944 SCHEDULE A--1 - Fixed Assets and Depreciation, for the year ended December 31, 19" AUSTIN & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ROANOKE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS ALBERT B. AUSTIN, C.P.A. Mr. Oscar Gaarden, President Country Club District Service Company Minneapolis l0, Minnesota Dear Sirs June 12, 1945 We have made an examination of the books and records of the COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT SERVICE COMPANY.. a Knnesota Corporation, MINNEAPOLIS, !MINNESOTA, for the year ended December 31, 19440 and we are pleased to submit our report in the following comments and in the Exhibita and Schedulec as listed in the 0 preceding Table of Contents. HISTORICAL A complete history of the e =parry ao Set forth in our report for the year ended December 31., 1940, and nub.xquent dasta is inclu.dnd in our reports for the years ended December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943. Anyone interested in the history of the company prior to the beginning of thYs ycar may rp.fer to these reports:. * As stated in the previous report for the year ended December 31, 1942, the Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota had handed doyen a decision which was filed on January 2, 1943, in which the company was refused rental for hy- drant service prior to March 25, 1939. The court also-held that a portion of the neater *mine and storm sewers serving the lots sold Prior to October 1, 1935, located in the Brown and Fairway sections of the Country Chub District was the property of the village of Edina for the benefit of the lot openers. The decision was so worded as to be not entirely clear, and therefore, the company and the village could not agree upon its interpretation. There has been no change in this �. situation dnring the current year, and as a result of this decision, the values as stated.in this report do not necessarily represent the true values of the properties of the company, and until such time as these values are definitely determined and segregated, we have not disturbed the values as they appear on the books of the spa y. THE PUBLICATION OF ANY CONDENSATION OR MODIFICATION OF STATEMENTS HEREIN CONTAINED OR THE USE OF OUR CERTIFICATE DETACHED FROM ITS CONTEXT. OR THE USE OF OUR NAME IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF SECURITIES OR OTHER PUBLICITY WILL NOT BE SANCTIONED UNLESS FIRST SUBMITTED FOR OUR APPROVAL. -2 Country Club District.Service Comyagy Subsequent to the closing of the. year under review, but prior to the making of this report, the company has instituted a new suit in the lover court to collect fees for fire protection services rendered to the Village of Edina.. The case -has not as yet been heard, and therefore we have no knowledge of what the outcome may be. FINANCIAL POSITION We are submitting as Exhibit A and supporting Schedule A-1. the Financial Position,of the company in detail:as of December 31, 1944, subject however to the preceding comments-under the caption *Historical,* and further comments in this report. For your convenience, sae are submitting 3.n summarized form, this Balance Sheet in comparison with the one.for Deeeg�ber 31, 1943, together with increases and decreases as follows: DECEMBER 310 DECEMBER 31, INCREASE ASSETS .1944 - 19-43 DEMASE Fixed Assets 4 163,368.:07 1720677.71 4009.64 Investments _ 256.24 256.24 Current Assets. - 13,167; 4 9,-751.20 3,416.54 Deferred Charges 39.60 61.20 21.60 TOTAL ASSETS 181 575.471 Z 1822746.35 1 170. LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH Fixed Liabilities 20,225.46..' 24,372.33 2,].43.87 Current Liabilities 3,$73.36 4345.03 469.17 Net Worth 157.471.09 156,028.99 1.642.10 TOTAL LIBBILITIES AND NET VORTH$ 181,575.41 A;18227 1.i70.0 Due to conditions brought about -by the war and the fact that there has been practically no now construction during the year under review, there are no substantial changes in.the Balance Sheet of the company. The Surplus account, totalling 8138,771.09, is classified as follows; Capital. Surplus 1179494.77 Contributions in aid of construction 14o676.53 Earned Surplus 6.599.79 1 Total- 138.771.49 For fall explanation of the Capital Surplus, please refer to our • • • -3- x Country Club District Service Co y report of December 31, 1940. Contributions in aid of construction in the amount of $14,676.53 represents money contributed to the company for the extension of service facili- ties that become the property of the company, and therefore are included in its plant values. The Earned Surplus totalling $6,599.79 is set forth in detail in Exhibit By shish shows an increase over the previous year in the amount of $lp667.10, most of which.has resulted from net profit for the year. OPERATIONS The Operations for the year ended December 31, 1944, are shown in detail in Exhibit C and supporting Schedule 0--1, and shows a net profit of $1,671.43 after providing for interest charges and depreciation. In arriving at these figures, depreciation in the amount of $4,758.18 has been included. In order that you may have a better understanding of the operatigns +cr the year, we submit a condensed comparison for the current year and for the year ended De;Lmber 31, 1943, together with increases and decreases in both amounts and percentages as follows: YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1944 % TO AMOUNT SALES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1943, %M AMOUNT SALES INCREASE -Dt CRWE % TO AMOUNT SALES SALES $19,332.33 100.00 $ 18,169.34 100.00 $ 1,162.99 OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES: Dater Purchased for Resale 311.52 1.61 0 306.88 1.60 $ 4.64 .08 Power and Pumping 5405.90 30.03 5,254.88 28.92 551.02 1.11 Distribution Expense 4,656.50 24.09 4053.83 25.06 102.67 .97 Accounting and Collection 3,342.86 17.2%` 3,F92.79 20.32 349.93 3.03 Administrative and General 2,814.37 14.566 4.712.61 25.94 1,898.24 31. TOTAL OPERATING COSTS AND MENS96 16.931.15 87.58 2 i82520.99 101.93 1 1.589.84 14.35 NET PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAXES AND INTEREST 2,401.18 12.42 $ 353..65 -- 1.33 $ 2,752.83 14.35 IACONE TAXES _ _38.08 .20 - - 1 38.08 .20- 2,363.10 12:22 351.65 1.93 $ 21.714.75 14.15 INTEREST 691.67 3.58 772.27 4.25 80.6o .67 NET PROFIT OR LOSS 1.671.43 8. 2.123.92 2 7 1 .82 x Country Club Disrtrict Service Cow It Will be noted from the foregoing comparison that there vas a decided increase in,revenue and a decrea®e'in operating costs over the previous year, which accounts for the substantial'gain -in the'net profit for the year. Income taxes provided for -'the current year represent teams to the State of - Minnesota, as a carry -over of losses from a previous year eliminated Federal income tax. The operating profit for the year before provieion for income taxes and interest shows an increase of $2,752.83 over the previous year. CO NTS ON BALANCE SHEET FI XED ASSETS: We are showing the fixed assets in summarized form on the.Balance Sheet, Exhibit A, and in still further detail in Schedule A -1. New expenditures during the year amounted to $x.54, all being additions to the eater distribution system and meters. Depreciation to the extant of Uv75848 i is been taken into operating expenses. The Fixed Assets ,of the comp=y are pledged "to the St. Paul Fire and Marine.Insurance Company for a loan in the original amount of 620,000.00 with a present balance of 613,000.00 bearing interest at 5 %:. The interest is payable on May 1 and. November, 1 of each .year,; and the principal. is payable at the .rate of . 611,000,00 per year on November 1, up to November.1, 1951,'and the balance of 66,.000.00 remaining at that tim& is payable on November 1,.1952.. During the past, the company had extended.service into the'newly develop- ed subdivisions and agreements were made for the promoters of these subdivisions to furnish the money for the.extending.of the water mains without interest. The company agreed to repay these advances by returning to the subdividers one -half of the revenue received from the users of these mains until paid. €or, but in no event are repayments made'for a period to.exceed ten years. The company now has.advances for construction repayable out of revenue as of December 31,. 1944° as follows: • 0 s -5— Country Club District Service Company ADVANCED BY THORPE BROS., INC. Tooddale Section Brucewood Addition Arden Avenue Extension Portion of East Sunnyslope ADVANCED BY WHITE INVEST M0T COMPANY Hidden Valley Total 3,865.69 2,]13.26 100.82 1,288.83 859.86 8,2280- 6 Of these advances, the one made by Thorpe Bros. for the Wooddale section with a present balance of 63,865.69 is repayable by diverting to Thorpe Bros. one- half of the revenue received from this section up to March 31, 19481, and the mount remaining unpaid, if any, at that date becomes payable in full by the company to Thorpe Bros. The other advances are payable only by the diversion of 50% of the revenues from the subdivisions for the first ten years, unless they are fully paid up prior to that time, and any balance remaining at the and of ten years becomes a contribution to the company in aid of construction. In addition to the above amounts referred to, the company has received contributions in aid of construction for specific; eat msions which certain cus- tomers wanted. These contributions were outright gifts to the company in order to secure water service, and we have taken them in as part of the surplus. The extensions covered by these contributions become the property of the company and are included in their fixed assets. CURRENT ASSETS s The Cash in Bank in the amount of 010,301.24 is deposited with the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, and we have reconciled this amount and verified the balance by direct correspondence. We have also made a detailed check of all deposits and withdrawals from the bank and found them to be properly record -. ed and in order. The Accounts Receivable in the amount of #2,255.14 have been classified on the Balance Sheet as to their nature. We have made a detailed check of these • • 0 4 0 Country Club District Service Company accounts and have reviewed the methods used to handle them and found them to be in good order. However, we did not verify the balances by direct correspondence with the debtors. The Inventories amounting to $611..36 are classified on the Balance Sheet. We were not present when the inventories were taken, but we have examined the re- cords of the company with regard to these inventories, and they appear to be proper. Certain of the meters Were listed as secondhand but were carried at a much reduced cost so that the values appeared to be conservative. FIXED LIABILITIES: The company negotiated a first mortgage loan on its operating properties as of November 1, 1937, with the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company in the total amount of $20,000.00, bearing interest at 5 %. which interest is payable on May 1 and November 1 of each year. The principal is payable $1,000.00 annually up to November 1, 1951, and the remsini.ng 66,000.00 becomes due and payable on November 1, 1952• The present unpaid balance of this mortgage is $13,000.00, and of this amount we have shown $1.,000.00 among the Current Liabilities as it becomes due on November 1, 1945• The balance of Fixed Liabilities totalling $8 ,228.46 is made up of advances for construction, which is repayable out of revenues over a period of years as explained in a previous paragraph. CURPZIT LIABILITIES: The Accounts Parable are classified as follows: Refund of Construction Advances 1,143.87 Income Tag withheld on wages 262.75 Miscellaneous 2-7..00 Total lo422.62 There were no trade accounts unpaid as of the end of the year. The refund of construction advances are the payments due out of revenues to subdividers for the period ended December 319 1944, as explained in a previous paragraph. We have made an analysis of this account and found it to be correct. We are showing a list of accrued taxes in the amount of $1,332.90.' These taxes are all applicable to 1944, payable in 1945• The accrued interest payable in 7— Country flub District Service Company the amount-of'$108-34 is the amount of interest accrued to December 319, 1944, . on the mortgage loan to the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company. The notes payable-in the amount of.$l,,000.00 is the current portion of the mortgage loan which is due on November 1,, 1945. NET WORTH3. The particulars of Net Worth are set forth on the Balance Sheet,, Exhibit Al, and the changes in Earned Surplus are set forth in Exhibit B. Net.Worth is subject to revision to give effect to the Supreme Court decision as discussed elsewhere in this report. All of-the capital stock outstanding is held by Mr. Oscar Gaarden. Thelpr6ferred stock provides for 6% annual cumulative dividends, and these-dividends are six years in arrears,, which makes stotal of $36.00 per share, or 04,320.00-in all. The Surplus account has been clasnified'on the Bal- ance Sheet and totals $138,771.09. These classifications are explained in a pre- viou,& paragraph.. We found that the company -keepp-,7ary-accurate and complete records so that full information on all of the activitice is readily available* We wish-to express our appreciation-of the courtesies extended and the cooperation afforded us during the'course of this engagement. Respectful.1y submitted,,, �71 ALBERT B. AUSTIN, C.P.A. AUSTIN & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ROANOKE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS CERTIFICATE We have made an examination of the Balance Sheet of the COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT SERVICE COMPANY, MIN EAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, as at December 31, 1944, and of the Statement of Income and Surplus for the calendar year ended December 31, 1944. In connection therewith, we have examined or tested accounting records of the company and other supporting evidence and obtained information and ex- planations from officers of tho company, but wo did not make a detailed audit of the transactions. In our opinion, based upon such examination and subject to the.comments 6 contained in this report, the accompemying Ba:Lance Sheet and related Statement of Income and Surplus fairly present, in accordance with accepted principles of accounting consistently maintained by the COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT SERVICE COMPANY during the calendar year under review, its position at December 31, 1944, and the results of the operations for the year. Respectfully submitted, Certified Public Accountants June l2 s 1945 THE PUBLICATION OF ANY CONDENSATION OR MODIFICATION OF STATEMENTS HEREIN CONTAINED OR THE USE OF OUR CERTIFICATE DETACHED FROM ITS CONTEXT, OR THE USE OF OUR NAME IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF SECURITIES OR OTHER PUBLICITY WILL NOT BE SANCTIONED UNLESS FIRST SUBMITTED FOR OUR APPROVAL. Exhibit A J ASSETS VET AORTH a FIXED ASSETS: Note A — Schedule A-1 Land Wells, Building, Tank, Distributioi System, Toole and Equipment Least Accumulated Depreciation (Including $29,178.19 Accrue, at date of appraisal) 13,000.00 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS (NE' 1.000.00 $ 12,000.00 The above valuations were based on as of January 1j.' 1937, plus subs The above assets are pledged to sei $ 3,865.69 originally $20,000.00, now $13,1 .� 6,362.77 8,228.46 CIIRRE�iT ASSETS: Cash on Hand and in Banks . Accounts Receivable - Pater Construction Contributions Miscellaneous $ 1,1.43.87. Inventories — 262.75 Meters 2+7.00 $ 1,433.62 �scellaneous i 1.00 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 108.34 DEFERRED CHARGES& $ 1,224.48 Unexpired Insurance 56.25 e 14.09 38.08 1032.90 NOTE A — In a Minnesota Supreme Court January 2, 1943, the court 1 1,2000.00 serving the lots in the Brw. Club District gold prior to 3,875,86 the village of Edina for the the decision is not clear, a definitely determined and s4 values as they appear on tho as stated in this report do values of the properties of $ 302000.00 installed prior to the preso — and all additions and instaj in the capital accounts and, $ 12,000.00 6.700.00 18,700.E $ NOTE B — Accumulated dividends on Pre! share or a total of $4020.0C $ 117,494.77 R 14,676.53 6,599.79 138,771.09 157,471.09 TOTAL ASSETS 181,575.11 0 a M Mthibit B Country Club District Service Company ANALYSIS OF EARNED SURPLUS For the.Year Ended December 31, 1944 BALANCE PER AUDIT REPORT, DECEMER 31, 1943 $-4,932.69 AM Net Profit for Year 1.671.43 6,6o4.12 DEDUCT: Adjustment of Sewer Accounts Receivable 4:33 TOTAL EARNED SURPLUS, PER EMMIT A 6 . 27 a • 0 0 Exhibit C Country Club District Service Company PROFIT AND LOSS STATOWT For the Year Ended December 311, 19" OPERATING REVENUES: Sales and Services to Customers 19,325.67 Miscellaneous Revenues (Net) 6.66 GROSS REVENUES 19,332.33 OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES: — Schedule C-1 Wafter Purchased for Resalo 311.52 Power and Pumping 5,805.90 Distribution Expenses 4,656.50 Accounting and Collection 3,342.86 Administrative and General. 2.811..37 TOT& OPERATING COSTS AND EXPMSW 16.931:15 NET OPERATING INCOME 2,1401.18 PROVISION FOR IECOME TAXES: Minnesota 38.08 2,363.10 INTEREST CHARGES 691.67 NET PROFIT TO =QIT B 1067i.Aa Provision for Depreciation Included Above 4.7'8.18 /1 u �'� , Schedule C-1 Country Clnb District Service Company OP�,TING COSTS AND BgPENSES For the Y ®ar Eaded December 31, 1944 �PATF� PIiRCHASBD FOR IlESALB . • _ POD AND FUB11'ING •. Power Purchased 'Operating Labor .- Depreciation � F,9ca1 Taxes Suppl�.es and B�penasa Ysintenance � TOTAL Pam AND Pi1�iPIIdG "� > DISrRIBIITIOti F.�'BNSESt �, Depreciation ,. ffiaintenance of �fa,ins Serrice,ou Consumers F�re�isea Operatics of Distribut�.on L3aea TOTAL DISTRIDIITiO?� B�'BI!3S�S l�CCO�TING AND COT,LECTIJPit i ffieter Reading .. " - �tiacellaaeous � -: Billing and Accaunting TOgA� AeeOII�rING ,SND COLLECTION ADffiIIVIST�TIYE AND GENLR�Ls �' � Saleri.es end Gages H[iscellaueone ,, —Legal S®rvicea �- Insurance _ � Office Supplies -and Expenses ., ; — Federal Capital Stock Tax ., — Payroll Tess Depreciation on Office Equipment TOTAL ADffiINISTAATI9i's AND GIIdEAAL TOTAL OPEiiATING COSTS AND F�PEftSFAS - Per Exhibit C � 311.52 � 2,532,92 586.SO , 1, 046. � 1,224.48 166.00 250.00 � 3, 694.63 81.51 600.63 .279.73 � 2Ci0.I0' $79.01 2.263:75 � 1, 594..50 21.75 / 1,000.00 ?1.60 6.00 11,2.50 40.47 17.55 5,805.90 4,656.50 3,342.86 2.814.37 � 16.931x15 ,;, -- �i; =��; �t�s� r'�' ��. �,�� r_ TOTALS, PER EgHIBIT A 4 234.295.07 - ASSETS BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE 1 1 ;ADDITIONS -- DEDUCTIONS 12-31-_"' WATER DIVISION DEWCTIONS I2- Land $ 3, 000: (?G? ` "000.00 Building- 2,109.40 - - - - 29109.40 well #1. 2,578.27 - - - 2;578.27 Well #2 1,950.00 1 2/3% 211.25 kevated.Tank and Piping 10,053:34 - - - - 109053.34 Pumping Equipment 8,709.2$ - - 8.9709.28 Water Distribution System 121,'282066 399.10 - - 121 ,581.76 = - - 3,274.13 1-2/3% 49.44 2,021.93 - - / 4% TOTAL WATER. DIVISION 14 ..582.9: 49"0, 150.031.49 SEffER DIVISIONS 34.46'7.87 3pO2O.O2. Sanitary .Seger System \� $-- 51, 522.79--- F -;�- $ - - 51, 522.79 Storm Suer System $- - - $ 16 0925-95 9 32479.68 TOTAL'SEKER DIVISION $ .83.602.47 - - $ 83.b02.47 MISCELLANEOUS: 26015i. ' 19079-95 L Tools and Equipment $ 485.61 $ - - $` - - $ .- 485,61 Office Furniture and Equipment 175.50 - - - 175.50 '89.20 TOTAL VISCELLANSOUS 661.11 106.75 661.11 TOTALS # 233.84 6.53 •` 'J J 611,168,82 1 4x758.19-, TOTALS, PER EgHIBIT A 4 234.295.07 NOTE A - The above assets mortgaged to the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company to secure a loan bearing.interest at 5% in an original amount of $20,00.0.00, now $139000.00.: :: NOTE B The. values 'as . shown above are... subject to amendments to give effect to the .Supreme Court decision as referred to elsewhere in this report. 65,927.00 Schedule Al DEPRECIATED. VALUE 3,000.00 1,388,04 2,191.53 1,706,25 3,733e97- 5,435.15 95,039.87 48:79 112,543.60 $ 34,596.94 20,980.01 '8 5�,57b.85 $ 178.87 68:75 $ 247.62 $ 168.368.07 D­E'P- RECIATI0N BALANCE BALANCE .RATA 1 1;44, DEWCTIONS I2- 4% 636.98 8408 :. _ - 721.36 1 2/3% 343.77 '42.97 - - 386.74 1 2/3% 211.25 32.50 - - 243.75 4%' 5,.917.24 40243 - - 6,319.37 5% 2,838,67 435.46 = - - 3,274.13 1-2/3% 24,519.96 2,021.93 - - 26041.89 4% .65 - - :65 34.46'7.87 3pO2O.O2. 2� 150'$95.49 $ 1,9030-46 $- - - $ 16 0925-95 9 10.458.08 641.55, = - 11.099. b7 26015i. ' 19079-95 L 280025.62' 10% 258.18 $ 48.56 - _ .: 306.74 10 '89.20 17.55 - - 106.75 37 8. 9 66.0 . J 611,168,82 1 4x758.19-, NOTE A - The above assets mortgaged to the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company to secure a loan bearing.interest at 5% in an original amount of $20,00.0.00, now $139000.00.: :: NOTE B The. values 'as . shown above are... subject to amendments to give effect to the .Supreme Court decision as referred to elsewhere in this report. 65,927.00 Schedule Al DEPRECIATED. VALUE 3,000.00 1,388,04 2,191.53 1,706,25 3,733e97- 5,435.15 95,039.87 48:79 112,543.60 $ 34,596.94 20,980.01 '8 5�,57b.85 $ 178.87 68:75 $ 247.62 $ 168.368.07