HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946_REPORT OF BOARD OF APPRAISERS_EDINA WATER SYSTEMREPORT of APPRAISERS to VILLMM.OF EDIh:A, MIHHIsoTA and COMM. CLUB - DISMICT SERVICE CO. The board of, appraisers appointed to determine the Reproduction Cost of the waterworks system in the Village of Edina submits herewith the following report of its Findings. The board consists of Ur. Leonard Thompson of St. Paul, Mnnosota, appointed by the Country Club District Service Co., 11r. Karl C. Schmidt of Qhioago, Illinois, appointed by the Village Beard of the Village of Edina, and Mr. Herman T. Hag®stad of River Falls, Wisconsin, selected by Mr. Thompson and Mr. Schmidt with the approval of their principals. It was the understanding of the appraisal board that their work was to be undertaken in accordance with Section 9 of the Franchise Ordinance passed by the Village Counoil,of: the Village of Bdina, Minnesota, on or about October 13, 1923, which Section is, for oonveai.amoe, quoted belowo "SECTION 9: The Village of Edina shall have the right at any and all- times to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, the plant and property of said Country Club District Service Company, used and useful, 4n, connection with said seater supply system, upon the torma' and conditions hereinafter prescribed, and in tho event that said Country Club District Service Company, its successors and assigns, shall connect said water mains with the.water supply of the City,of MinneaT. polls, a municipal corporation, and the Village of Edina shall beoowe, by operation of azW law, a part of the City of Minneapolis, the said City of Minneapolis shall have the right to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, said plant and property, used and useful, in such water supply system+ In the event of purchase or condemnation of suoh water supply system by the Village of Edina or by the City of Minneapoli8, the price'to bs'paid for such water supply system, either by purchase or condemilation, shall be the fair and reasonable value of such plant and property, used and useful, in the operation of such water supply system at the time of such purchase or oaudeviation. In the determination of such fair and reasonable value, there shall not be included therein nor in the purchase or condemnation price of suoh system any allowance for franchise, good will or going conoam velue, but,suoh fair and reasonable valu® shall be the normal.reproduotion cost' exoludizig , the items hereiibefore• mentioned. "The villa e , of Bdina ox the- My of Hinnespolis, as the case may be,.in' the event of its desire to purohase.or oondemn, shall give to the Country Club ]District Service Company, its,suooessors and assigns, thirty (30) dayat notice in writing of its desire to purchase said water supply system, "Iu the event the said Village of Edina or the City of Minneapolis, as the case may be, oennot agree With the Country Club District Service Company upon the price to be paid for such system under the rule of value hereinbefOre defined, the question of the price to be paid.-for such•water supply system shall be. determined by a board of three appraisers, one to be appointed by the said .Village of Edina. or the City ' of Piinneapolis, a8 tha vase may be, one to be appointed by the said Country Club District Servios Comzpany, and the third to be selected by said two appraisers so appointed, and the members of such board of appraisers shall be designated by the municipal corporation or the Country Club District Service Company within thirty . (30) days after' the expiration of the notice by the munloipal corporation hereinbefore provided. The said board of appraisers shall proceed to appraise said Water supply system under the rule of value here- inb ®fore provided and•the report of said board of appraisers or_ a majority thereof wh:ea made shall. be filed in the office of the clerk of the municipal corp- oration negotiating for such purchase and shall there - upon become binding upon the said-Country Glub District Service Com�pany.and the municipal corporation except as hereinafter provided, and the said Country Club District Service Company shall thereafter, upon: demand -and upon payment or securing of the compensation for such water supply system, execute a proper deed of conveyance to such water supply systems. In the errant the municipal. corporation is dissatisfied with the prioo so fixed, it may, within thirty (30) days thereafter, notify in writing the said Country Club District Service CompaUy and the said =Mioigal corporation shall thereafter not be obliged to accept said appraisal or purobase said system but may proceed upon proper notice as hereinbefore provided to aeoure another board of appraisal or to oondemm, as it bhall determine. "The said Country Club Distriot Service Company. by the acceptance of the provisioans of this Ordinance, agrees to negotiate with either said Village of Edina or the City of Minneapolis as.to the methods of appraisal hereinbefore provided.for,. and accept the purchase price so agreed upon or so Avnwded by said board,of appraisal, and agrees that in the event of ' oondem nAtion the rulo, of value hereinbefore provided shall. be adopted and applied i the valuation of said water supply system and agrees to nxeoute a deed of.00nvenfanae upon the performance of the conditions herein defined. Provided, however$ that said Country Club District Service Company shall have the right at any time. within thirty (30): days after the filing of &.report of such board of appraisals to appeal to the District Court of Henaepin,County,.Minnesota, from the price fixed by said Board of appraisals, by wW action orlrooesdings in which Jurisdiction can be oonferred'upon such court, and upon such appeal shall have :the the right and the' rig,Wonly to have reviewed by such District Court the question of the price tobe paid for such water supply systemi provided that the price to be allowed for such water supply system by the District Court shall be the value hereinbefore► defined.* The figuro to be determined by your board of appraisers is, according to the above franchise section, "the fair and reasonable `valuo ". o£ such plant and property, used and useful in the operation of suoh• water works systaa at'the time of purchase, IX, -View- of the Board#a interpretation of the above definition, certain property originally built, but presently abandoned, consisting of approximately 650 ft. of 8" main, the meter manhole, moter,'valves and oonneotions with.the City of Minnoapolis water wotOks system at Franoe.and 50th Streets, have been omitted from the appraisal. I� as,aoncoivable that these features might at some.future tide:be.repaired and'returned.to service, and in that event would result in - additional value to the system* ay the terms of the above quoted Section 9 of the franchisse, "the fair and reasonable value" of the property to be purobased under the .procedure outlined has. been defined as, and restricted to "the normal reproduction cost", and the board of appraisers has therefore given no consideration to other factors such as the value of the franchise itself, good will or going concern value, historical cost per so, financial history of the company, working capital requirements, or to many bther faotors which without i � � the limitations imposed by the frenohise, would normally be considered in determining a fair and roasbuable value for such a property. The phrase "time of such purchase" introduced the first question upon which there -sax any extended dissuasion by the members of the. board. It is apptrent that this phrase could, in itself", become a very important factor in the final . valuation of the property, particularly at a time of rapidly changing prices. Becausei a considerable period of time has elapsed singe appraisal proceedings were instituted and because more time may elapse between the appraisal and the date of the actual culmination of a purchase of the property, and because suoh purchase dato oannot be aoour%tely determined by your board, it was detorr m4 to make the appraisal as of March let, 1946, this being the approximate date on which the board began its work. The resolution of the Village Couuoil and the notice to the Country Club District Service Co. initiating the appointment of these appraisers refers specifically to 'that part of the watch system and plant., now used and useful, owned by and belonging to The Country Club District Service Co.* (see copy of notice Amd resolution attached.) The Board is cognizant of the fact that there is a considerable difference of opinion between the principals to this proceeding as to an exact definition of the property so owned, this difference beinv largely due to different interpretations plaoed on the recent Supreme Court opinion, by the Pillage officials and by the offioers of the Country Club District Service Co. 'M4_ Because of this oonfliot in the definition of ormerohip, the data regarding roproduction coats have been set forth separately, in ouch ma=er that a total fair value of the used and useful portion of the waterworks system, as appraised, can be readily determined by a proper'oombinstion of applicable figures given in thin report after the ownerehip has been defined by competent ' authority. Your board of appraisers has not attempted to Interpret the.reoent deoision.of the Supreme Rourt of the State of Miuusoota or to .otherwise determine title to eny of the several portions of , the titer -works eyotem in tho Village of Edina, or of the ogpities. of the two parties therein. We believe our function, under the to" of the franchise, is only to determine the reproduction-cost of the system* and that the disputee.as to owners2iip, equities, eto• should be determined by the pr iuoipals themselves or by a court of competent jur odic tion„ Your board likewise ekpresses no opinion as to ownership of extensions of the distribution lines construated and financed by "oontributions in aid of oonstruoti,oe made by customers desiring utter service since 1937, and which, as of Deoember 31st, IS45. is shown by o mpawr audits to mount, to AS776.53- Considembie disCUSSionL was had by members of the Hoard as to method of appraisal, the - final determination being to use two separate and' independent methodsa (s►j By `adjustaent of historical costs by means of post index figures. fib) *.inventory of the property, extended at unit prioso which in the opinion of the board members represent the fair current contract prices. for IAW5 similar oonstructiont and which would be properly- applicable to a contracts for the hypothetical reproduction 'of an identical property- It. was determined by the board that the appropriate index figures and unit prices should be determined as abstract figures before any extension of such figures or speoifio application of dam could affect the judgment of the board members, and the larger part of,our first meeting in March eras devoted to this vDrk• At this Meeting the applicable index figures and unit .prices to be usod'were determined and agreed upor4 The extension of inventories at the unit prices so determined and the application of index ratios was done by individual members.of the board and re- viewed in detail and agreed upon at a meeting of the full board . held in April, 1946. There having been little or no comparable water - works construction rrork during the timr years, the generally accepted Lambert cost index figures for materworks and distribution systems are not available after 1941, .. For purposes of study these two index figures were platted for the years 1913 to 1943., iholusive, together with the figures for. general engineering construction as represented. by the rEmrineeriing News Record Index, whioh figures are available for, the full Liar, period* The three curves representing this data are shown by the attached graph. It was apparent that, although the three curvets do not vary in exactly the,aame degree, the general trend and ohareAter of the three cost index curves was highly similar. An average line saa.therofore drain through the.last several years of -6- . the Engineering NOm Index figures to determAns the present and war -time trend of costs and the Lambert Waterworks and,bistribution Systemoo at index curves.were projeoted by lines .drawn parallel to the above trend 1 n6,'.to approximate present index figures for these two ourves on the date of appraisal, Specifically, the terms of the franchise state that "the price to be-paid for such water supply systen either by purchase or coademnatiou, shall be the fair and reasonable value of such plant and,property, used and useful, in the operation of such water supply system: at the time of such purohase or oondemna- tion." Vh1le'this iooard has appraised the property as of March 1, 1U,. ,the trend of present prices is shown by the graph to be still upward. It is interesting to note that the average waterworks cost during.the t*enty -five year period following the outbreak of 17orld War I rose seventy ;five per cent as oompared with 1913 prices. It is not unreasonable to suppose a similar rise in the average prices. for the period following World War II may take place. A ling. indicating such an average, . index value is shown on the graph. The figures so determined were used to adjust hietorioal costs•to detormine reproduction oosta.under method (a) referred to above. To determine unit prices for extension of a physioal inventory, current yuotttions werd secured from several material supply houses and fram manufacturers or oontraotors for suoh equipment as the elevated tank, pumps, wells,, controls., eto. Labor and material estimates were made by the whole board for the prinoipal items comprising the-distribution system, and the unit prices thus obtained were compared with recent bid figured in -7- neighboring oommatiiies mush so St. Loui* Park, and with construction costs of work done•this spring by the Country Club District Service Co. itself. The historical costs used for the determlrta- tion of reproduction costa by index adjustments were determined from contracts and Court exhibits relating to the original coot of the work constructed by Thorpe Bros. prior to 1936 and from certified audit# and books of the Service Co. for years subsequent thereto. ,fin adjustment representing the savings to be made by contraoting the work in a single lump'sun contract was made by a deduction -of three par cent of the total not valuation determined by this method. The inventory of the distribution system was secured by mottling a large map of the area involved on which Mr. Guarden had indicated.the location and site of all pipe lines, valves, hydrants, etc. care was taken to exclude from the inventory all distribution lines built by the Village of Edina by speoial assessments. The inventory of the distribution system within the original Country Club District vms compared with the Inventory, listed in. the Craber appraisal. No important dia- crepanoiea were found. The board drove over the entire distriot to confirm the existence of the lines shown on the plat by observation of hydrants, and anade a - careful inspection of the equipment in the two pmping stations. U believe the inventory to be as accurate as can fairly be obtained without actual survey and meaeurement or inspection of the lines, the expense of which we did not doom warranted by any - probable variation over the method we weed. -8 Itaa Detailed Ubulations showing-the calculations by both methods of approach.to a reproduction cost are attached hereto as e;e ibits. por' purposes previously stated, they data have been separated as'followet 1., Original distribution system built by Thorpe Prot. prior to 1936. 2. Production plant, including real estate, sells, Pumps, Pump houses, etc._ 3." Distribution system extensions built by Oountry Club DistrIct service Co. subsegueat to 19350 As stated above, the appraisal doeo .not include aqy portions of the distribution system built by the Village of Mina and paid for by special assessment procedure. A summary of the data tabulated in the exhibits is given in the following, tablet Reproduction Costls By Historical Cost By-Inventory and Adjusted by Index 'Unit prices By Average Ratios original Distribu- tion "tam $53,193.52 56,611.05 Production Plant 4) Real Estate b Tank and Tower G Wells, CAB, Pwap Houses, eta. Sub- total* Extensions of Dist. System by C *C.Dist.Serv. Qo. Sub. to 1935 Totals $3200.00 4328.56 20_ 27,841.53 69,320..18 150,363.23 - -- -9- $3200.00 447$.50 22279.02 29,957.52 64,897.53 15W466.10 , ----•� $54,902•2V $3200.00" X3.53 21296.00 28,899,53 67.12.85 i5o,94,66 Comparison of the valuations determined by the two methods of approaoh, to, -;wits index adjustn9at of historical costs and Inventory extension at the unit prices, determined upon, - resulted in two-total figures varying from each other by less than one per oerrt* this small variation, in the opinion of-your board, establishes the reasomblenees of both methods of approach and of the index figures and unit prices employed.. It is the opinion of the appraisal . board that both methoda'are entitled to equal weight and that the average of the figures arrived at by these two methods of approach represents the fair and reasonable value' of the property described, as measured by the norraal . reproduction coat, as of March let, 1946. Pork on.certai.n extensions of the distribution system is in progress, V&ioh are not included in this valuation. Adjustment at time of purchase should be made on the basis of.book costs for any extensions made subsequent to March lot, 19}6, other than for the Oak Drive extension which Was contracted in 1905 and is included in this valuation. Adjustment should also be made on the basis of an inventory,.at time-of trquefer, for any.small tools and equipment and for any water meters in .stock.. These items_ were not i.nvontoried for. the reason that theycb. not represent permanent equipment, sad might not be on hand When the property is transferred.. DLtedsG IS 1946 —10 -. Appendioies Exhibit A - Price trend curves B - Computation by Index method. e C Computations by unit method. " D - Notice of desire to purchase. 1� - Copy of Resolution to purobaso. REPRODUCTION COST BY HISTORICAL COST AWUSTED BY COST INDEX RATIOS � , �y y ftbibit w Cost used Lamber Cost Useful Index on Adj, Adj.. Dep.Ratio Reproduction Year Detail Retirements Property Ratio Cost do Cond. Cost Old Dist.System • Depreciated r 11923 4 27, 06-54 1,460.00 ** 25,546.54 149.8 3 34,1x7.53 1 -1/3 .70 �9 s 23,875.27 19 30,905.52 1,011.00 *�.« 29,894.52 152.2 39,283,20 .71 1/31 r; 28,022.02 -/1 r�?�� 1926 72o.8o 720.80 lho.5 1026:09 •74 -tv 759.31 ,�3P -7Z 1928 1,761.72 19761.72 123.6 2:8W .07 .76 2/3 1,1')) 2,182.08 �-1 PY C? 0, 9 •5 4 57,923-56 'f7#292 :� I 54, 38. _.(" o v 7.3 17 .� Less 3% for 1 job contract 1,6 �5.16 _ 1 b rc N 1 '?: qk 53,193.52 Production Supply Engineering 1923 Tank & Roarer 7000.00 474.00. 8,374.00 334/210 13,318.65 k 3 . 2 5 �4' 4 28.6 � •�"��/ 1936 Land ,3, 000.00 0 6% 3, 000.00 , 200.00 ( 3 3, 200.00 3 y x 1936 well #i 2, 409.60 144.54. 29554-17 3150/2554=250/178 ;424,44 2 .81 19 t ,340.80 Pumps & Piping 5,356.lt2 321.38 5,677.80 250/178 7,98.92A- 4, .62 r� 3 . ,928.33 1f64 4 X Pump House 1P460.25 87.61,1 1,547.86 334/235 2,19or00x 2 .81 �S !, • x,,773.90 `8 1937 Buildings 522.88 31.37 554.25 334/235 782.00k 2 . .8M ���' 649.06 6 vF 'Well • 2 ✓ 1050.00 117,00 2,.067.00 4000/195Ox250/195 5,X47.44, 2 .83 4,521.46 YJ 74' -k' Pump Eq. 1,63o.74 97.84 1,728.58 250/195 2,250.00 -V 4 .66 o 1,W5.00 1938 Pump Eq• 3,124.18 187.40 3,311.6 250/192 4,330.00 a 4 . .7o G 3,031.00 7p'o �.y / K 1939 Pip &1• 458.72 27.52 486.2 250/189 645.00k' 4 •74 ; " p 477.30 y �+ 1941 Pump Eq. 77.93 4.67 82.6o 250/195 lo6.00� 4 .82 .167" 86.92 1943 Buildings % 21.05 1.26 22.31 334/290 25.63&- 10, •75 Li 19.20 ir'.t71 'r #-4 -668. oe I 27s841-53 �G T Distribution 8 stem subsequent to 193 ,177.7 1936 224-oo) 1344 60415.21 ].31.8'. 9,734.76 1 -1/3 .871/3 1937 7,169.27 43o.15 7,599.42 144.8 10, 496.43 .88 2/3 9,307.18 7071, y 1938 7,359.46 W41- 56 7,601.02 142,7 109933.45 .90 9,840.10 1939 19,342.o4 19160.52 20,502.56 14o.2 29,247.58 .91 1/3 '1 �',3 26,711.81 1940 e,007.83 4eo.47 8,4s8.30 144.7 11,732.27 .92 2/3 °'f: lo,872.29 /a 7. .� 1941 1,481.62 88.89 1070.51 147:6 2,128.06 .94 °''� 2,000.03 y % 1942 12.32 .73 13.05 158 1:.51 •95 1/3 `�' '� 15.70 1944 399.10 23.94 435.o5 180 47o.o5 98 GLr 46o.,65 ; ,r 1945 3072.65 202.35 3,575.00 v��190 3,763.15 - yr1 3,763-15 3 6Lv,. 7 *56,3es.12 4 78,522.26 71,472.35 j �•Q ►_ L( Less 3% for one job contract 2 :IU,' -17 ss -+ , �►+ Includes engineering �s 6�t ` i'� s �' 6 ,� S * 200 used unless otherwise noted Ca 9,3 .18 65o, 8" c.i.p. Grand total - 150,363.23 * ** Meter, meter 9H, eto. .ip• {r:':Y,111.'. wc�J,�ti',i +�; . +'-`' C3.i,S Q) 2L" 5 i�(_i'4�r':•tr.{,;, THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL — Engineering Division r+ 2 ', 1 3 5 , 6 7 9 10 REPRODUCTYnN'COST COMMY. CLUB DISTRICT SERVICE 00. . Fdina,,Minnesota ORIGINAL SYSTEK Reproduction. Year Constr +d. Cost Depreciation Percent Depreciated Items Quantity Unit Unit Cost. March 1, 19W Rate Condition Cost 1923 a Specials - b10,545 lbs. � .11 � l,�l59.95 4,449.60 S" C.I. pipe l Unit. 3.09 6% C.I. pipe 9,871 lin.ft. 2.32 21,913.62 " C.I. pipe 2,147 lin.ft. i.72 3,692.84 1" iron pipe 181 jin.ft. 1.60 2 .60 2". Iron pipe 354.2 1" ft- 1.65 3A" Iron pipe 83 lin.ft. 1.55 128.65 - Vxtra for Creek-Xing 1 aa. 600.00 600.00 Rydrants 28 _es. 120.00 3, 360.1uo Gate Valvess 8" 2 ea. 66,00 132.00 6" 11- - ea 50.00 550000 2 45.00 90 *00- 436,950.69 Snginearing (6%) 20217.0 TOTAL. 4 39047073 .1--33 70 6 27,417.41 19 - Specials 7,170 lbs. .11 78840 8" C.I. pipe 3,2 lin.ft. 3 -09 9,399.78 '6" C.I. pipe 9,669 lin. ft. 2.22 21,!465.18 4" C.I. pipe 10000 Iin.ft. 1.72 1,720.00 Hydrants 22 ia. 120.00 2,640.00 Gate Valves% a" 2 ea. 66.00 132.00 A I 50-00 ,W 4* 1 ea. 5.00 545.00 36o740.66 Sagineering { j 1,604 -W TOTAL 38. 5.1fl I, .3 71.33 1.351.56 0819 lb. added to replace out -in valves and sleeves listed.in Greaber Appraist►l. 1 B ti 6501 80 on-50th St..betueen Wooddale and Bruce deducted from 2090 due to being abandoned. HEPRODUCTIOR COST - Mont ►d. -2 Reprodnotion Year Constr$d. Cost Depreciation Percent Depreciated Item Quantity Unit Unit Coat March 1, 1946 Rate Condition Cost 1926 yp cials 160 lba. S .11 # 17.60 6" C.I. pipe 59 lin.ft. 2122 130.98 C.I. pipe 330 lin.ft. 1.72 .,56 7.60 716.18 Engineering (6%) x•97 TOTAL # 75945. 1.33 74.00_ A .77 1928 o 020 1,678 lbs. .11. 184.58 8" CSI• pipe 17A lin.ft. 3.09 1;x20.2 6" C.I. pipe lia.ft.. 2.22. 772.56 Gate Valves: 8" . 3 vs.., 66.00.00 1,57 038 Engineering (6) 1.669:90 I 764.67 " # 1,280*31 Original -System Total 75.982.91 Original Systems "Toted .plus Engineering 79.9", 88 Dep. Total_(3riginal System r ,611.05 IL936 iR'— Copper Pik 400 lin. ft. 1.60 640.00 Engineering (6%) TOTAL 1 675-40 1.3 87.3-3- 2924 2936 1,937 3,043 lbs. .11 $ 334.73 8 C.I. pipe 1,300 Iin.ft. 3.09 4,017.00 6" C.I. pipe 1,600 lin.it.•. 2.22 3.552.00 Wdrants 6 ea, 120.00 720.00 ate Valves$ 8" 1 va. 66.Oo 66.00 611, 3 ea. 50.00 150o 00 Eatra Cost act. S -ing 150.00 8,989.73 Engineering (6%) 90 TOTAL., 3 ,5 1.33 88,00 8,385• Year Constrld. Item Y �•� 1 7 ials 6 C.1. pipe Hydrants Gate veavess 6" 1 88. Specula 6" - a.1. pipe . 4* C.I. pipe Hydrants Oate.Valves: 6" V meter m.$. E ls 6" C.I. pipe Hydrants Oats valves: 6" 1" Copper Pipe 1940 $peaiala " 8" 0. 1. pipe 6" C.I. pipe Hydrants Gate -Valves I .6" Percent Condition Depreolated Cost 90.00 7,,64.02 93L 33 s 23,747.93 92 12,601.07 REPRODUCTION COST - Cvnt•d - 3 Reparoduotion Cost Depreciation unit Unit Cost maroh 1, 1946 Bate 820 Iba. ,11 90.20 20-900 lin.ft. 2.22' 6,438.00 5 ea. 220900" 3 50.00 150.00 7.278.2o Engineering ( � TOTAL $• 1. 2,73 lbs. Oil 272.03 2,6W lin.ft. 2.22 5,7?2.00 350 lin.ft. 1.72 602.00 6 es. 120.00 '20.00 4 ea.. 30.00 '200.00 l ea. 5.00 ,. 45.00 150.00 0 7 7#761-03 Engineering (6%) 465.66 TOTAL 4 F.226.69 5,750 lbs. .31 632.5o 9,400. lin.ft. 2.22 20,868.00 - 19 sa. 120.00 2;280.00 7 Via. 50.00 35000 250 lin.ft. 1.60 000 2 Engineering (6%) 271.83 ,10 TOTAL M1002-33 133 20610 lbs. .11 $ 287.20- . 800 lin.ft. 3.09. 2,472.00 3,950 lin.ft. 2.22 8,769.00 10 08,0 120.00 10,200.00 2 ea. 50.00 100.00 Bogineering (6%) 120828.10 769.69 TOM 13,597.79 1.33 Percent Condition Depreolated Cost 90.00 7,,64.02 93L 33 s 23,747.93 92 12,601.07 REPRODUCTIO11 COST - Cont'd. • 4 Reproduction _ Year Constrld Cost Depreoiation Percent Depreciated Its Tnatit Unit Unite t march i, 1946 Rate Condition Cost 1941 ie►ls 210 lbs.. ell 2 ..10 , 6" Go I* pipe 700 linoe , f't 2.22 1055 :oa Hydrants l ea. 120.001 ,",.,120:00 is 97.10 . Engineering (6i) 101.83 TOTAL. 1.798-93, 1.33 94.00 . 1 1"690. 1945 dials 78s lbe: .11 -86.x+ 6" O.I: pipe 1,14 linoft. 2.22 2,619.60 $ydraate 2 ea. 220.00 240.00 Gate Valves s 6" l ea. $0.00 0.00 2,995. Haginewin8 (6%) 179.71--. . TOTAL = 3,175.59 1-33 .99-33 4 3,15.31 TOTAL "gown System (Less 1942 -19G.4 Item) = 66,720.50 Rear System Total, plus Engineering 70,723073 Sis, Capital Expend. (1942 -194+2 incl. engr. 500.56 1.33 96900. TOTAL. "Now" System 71,224.09. Depro Total "Neer" systems 0- m -.VI jS # 64,897-R Percent Condition 81.00 83.00 81.00 83.00 52.50 52.50 57.50 57.5© Depreciated Cost 2,232,36 5i.�38 4,63" 6,334.56 183 %57 289.80 1,767.55 619.72 77.50 2,287.06 32.50 4,478.50' 100,00 3,200.00 82.00. 2,199408 $29,957,52 PAODIICTION SUPPLY PLAT "�h ot Pumpe do Storage) Reprodu�Cost Is 1946):' Reproduction 8eproduotion Cost Engineering plus De eciation Lxcl.BW- Engineering Ea 9 Yes" pHouse (orig.) 2,600.00 156.00 2,756.00 2 - 905 1 P House (MM11) 600.00 36.00 636.00 2 8.5 We1 ll #1 5,400,00 324.00 5,724.00 2 905 Well +2 7,200.00 432.00 7,632.00 2 8.5 1 Deep Wall #1 2,488.00 149.28- 2,637.28 5 9.5 PMP 1936 Booster Pump 5214,70 31.30 552.00. 5 9.5 Deep Well �2 .20900.00. 174.00 3.074.00 5 8.5 Pump 1 Booster Pmp 1,016.76 61.01, 1#077.77 5 805 1936 A 1937. Piping (P mp House & Riser) 2,784.00 167004 2 *951 *04 2.5 9.0 1923 Tank d Tourer 13,000.00 78040 13,780.100 3 22.5 Land 3,200.00 - 3,200.00 0 - 1936 Controls, Wiring & Starters 2,530.00. .151.80 2,681.80 2 9.0 TOTAL Production & Supply Plant, 46 #701.89 TOTAL Depreciated Production 6 Supply Plant Percent Condition 81.00 83.00 81.00 83.00 52.50 52.50 57.50 57.5© Depreciated Cost 2,232,36 5i.�38 4,63" 6,334.56 183 %57 289.80 1,767.55 619.72 77.50 2,287.06 32.50 4,478.50' 100,00 3,200.00 82.00. 2,199408 $29,957,52 PMOWTION WMUAS, it is desirable to purchase that part of the water supply systea and plant now used and useful, owned by the Country Club District Service Company# IT IS R7RSCLVMj, by the couaoil of the Village of Edina, that the cleric be and he hereby is directed to give to the Country club District Service Campawy thirty (30) dayysr written notice of the desire of the image to purchase that part of the water supply system and plant, now used and useful, owned by and belonging to the Country Club District Service Company, Fl.'thibit 9