HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-1958_MINNESOTA HWY DEPT_HWY 100 AND 169_PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION CORRES- vwl-� -- E STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 December 269 1958 Mr. Warren Hyde Village of Edina Manager 4801 -West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota Deer Sir: Re: S.P- 2733 -27 (TH 100 =130) S.P. 2734 -13 (TH 100 =5) Richmond Drive To Excelsior Blvd. Layout No. 1B Transmitted herewith are Preliminary Plans' Layout No. 1B and Resolution Form 2521 both in duplicate, relating to the proposed location and construction on the above referenced project within the corporate limits of your munici- pality. Also a form for the clerk's receipt for the same. If agreeable to you, will you please place this matter for consideration on the agenda of an, early council meeting for their approval and, after exeoution'of resolution forms, return one copy of each resolution together with one copy of approved Layout No. 1B. Your early advise as to the'date and place of this meeting will be appreciated. EJMC :drj Enclosure c ti �1 F 1� 2 , z Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS E. gEn b:^ D' tr� :�.=�. e Form 2521 H E S 0 L U T I 0 N At a (regular) (special) meeting of the Village Council Of the Village of Edina duly held or. the day of + , 19 , the following resolution_ was offered by seconded by __ to -exit: WHEREAS- THE Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Numbers renumbered as Trunk Highway Number, 100 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from tka Richmond I?rive to Excelsior Blvd. ; and . VMEREAS said preliminary plans: are on f ile in the off ice of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, .S.P. 2733 -27 (TH 160 -130) labeled, arid. identified as 9234-13 U11 100.130) and Layout 1B AREAS copies of said preliminary. plans as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and 11HEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the preliminary plans as in the f nregoing recitals particularly identified and described; NM, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number0 renumbered Trunk Highway Number 100 within the limits of the Village of Edina be and hereby are approved. Form 2521 Upor. the ^.all of the roll the following is ►rx ^or of the Resolution The following voted against its adoption.:. whereupon the Mayor and presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated _ 19 , • r Mayor Attest Village Clerk STATE Or MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Hennepin ) ss. .yi i I ELgA OF Edina __ ) I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting (rat a special meeting of which due and legal notice was given) of the Council of , Minnesota, on the day of ly , at which a majority of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. Given imder my hand and seal this day of 19 yy� i Ate_ C lerk 1 '► -t Foria 6- R E S C L U T I 0 N At a (regular) (special) meeting of the Village Council of the Villa�� of Edina duly held on the day of _ , 19 , the following resolution_ was offered by seconded by _ to -Erit WHEREAS THE Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered .as Trunk Highway Number, - 100 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from R abmmd Drive to Exceleioir Blvd* arcd WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the offioe of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, 8*P* 27337 (TH 1000130) labeled, and identified as _p. 273,613 (Xg jOOAjg) Layout iB and WHEREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and WHEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the preliminary plans as in the fnregoing recitals particularly identified and described; NOT, THEN, BE IT RMOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 130 , renumbered Trunk Highway dumber 100 within_ the limits of the Village of Edina be.und hereby are approved. V. i �1 Form 2521 Jpor. the call 6f the roll the following t-ctee: i :, :ti-or oz' the RAsolution The following ,_,_.votod against its adoption:, whereupor the Mayor and' presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Mayor Attest f Village Clerk, STATE OF YINM OTA ) COUNTY OF Hennepin ) ss. Village OF Edina � ) I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting (at a special meeting of which due and legal notice was given) of the Council of Minnesota, on the day of lyl, at which a majority of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. Given imder my hand and seal. this day of 19 Village Clerk December 240 1958 Honorable Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr., IWyyor Village of Edina 4801 hest 50th Street FAQ na 249 Minnesota Bear Siren Rea S.P. 2145 -11 JTH 169) Complying urith your request at the radar meeting; of your council on Monday, Becotaber 89 19589 we submit here- with our ao=ents on the recomz:endations of the 2.ina Planning Commission. as to the proposed relocation of Trunk Ughtrzq 169 within Village llwi.ts. Noted are the reasons submitted by the Aanni ng Cqmmisoion for disaplroving, the propooed relocation as submitted by it- subsequent to its meeting of December 3, 1958= 1. "The proposed route does not serve the Village of 06ina, LI that Only about one -ofourth of the Village Mould hava direct access to it at Hanson load &-id perhaps at lnterl,achen." 'It is our thought that Tac hk Highway 369 is primarily a through route and that by its relbeation the present route will remain a,s a. local service road for such awes as Edina Highlands and southwesterly thereof. Trunk Highway 100 will remain to serve local needs and will be relieved of Trunk Highway 169 trat io thus matring it much more convenient and efficient for Mina treific. 2. "As a State route, its main purpose io to accommodate through traffic and since this type of traffic hax its origin outside of s^adi.ne, the Plazuti.ng Commission does ' not see a. need to oaxry such traffic through the Vi.11a6e with the increased noise and fumes it would generate," Traffic has been floving through Edina by way of Trunk Highway x.69 for thirty years and will continue to go throuA the Village whether proper facilities area provided or not, By oonstruot ing a modem hi.ghwayg as proposed., such traffic will be channelized and other rosde =d streets rellsvad thereby. 30 "The Village has already given approves: for Hennepin County plane for the Crosstown Highway and plans to improve County Road 18 and the Planning Commission can see no sound readon wb�y additional tax monies should be expended on a new highway when these two 0ounty projects could be used." Arthur ;C. Bredesen, Jr. ' ;•2•* .eawaber 24, 1958 The suggostion that, the proposed Crosstown Highway and S.A.H. 16 be expanded and utilized for Trunk Highway 169 traffic is Impractical since these highs Vays are not in the diredtton of desire corridor and are propas to ha=d3a traffic with entirely different origihs and destimtions. 4� ".If the.State determines after further stu4t substantiated by valid facts regarding traffic volumes, that anticipated traffic on 169 could not be Wou,ted on either'County Road. 19 or the Crosstown, and that a new route must be located in F.A.ina, then the Plannin Commission re- Commende that the State consider carefully and fully the following reoommendation That existing U. S. 169 be rep - aligned and widened on the south and that a frontage road be considered from Gleason Road to poncaster (part Of which is already built). That.the alignment of. #169 be carried on Eden Avenue and a oloverleat be considered at Eden and Highway 100 with a )self diamond on 50th Street north of highway 711000 As we pointed . out at the council meeting, we believe that relocation of Trunk Highway -1,69 at some distance from present Trunk Highway 169 near Edina r4shlands is better planning that to widen present Trunk Ilighway 169 on the south provfd1mg better alignment and will. lend itself` better to devel.opment.of adjacent property. 4' of.Trunk Highway 169 by way of Eden Avenue with an #,nterchange of 'Trrc Highway 100 would not . pert .separation of traffic on the two trunk highwaye, which even now is beyond the capaelty of only one highway, even with multiple Lanes.. Such looati.on -was given serious consideration and extensive otudy and dhecarded as being impractical and inadequate• The proposal that Highway 100 be improved and made a restricted access highway from 78th to 59th Sttoet is endoreed by the Planning Commission but the treatment of highway #100 north of 50th street is not in any ma *r similar to that south of 50th Street insofar aer safety and access is concerned, The Planning Commission feels that highway A00 north of 50th 5t. should - certainly be improved -to a level parallel to the re- mainder of the proposed ,constraotion. r Plans are being developed to improve Trunk Highway 100 between 50th Street end leelelor Avenue to a sIX-19 ie divided hi.ghway' within the present right 'Of way. It is, we feel, impractical with present development to expand this portion further 6. "'tinder the proposed routing approximately 100 acres would be required for new right of vay which Mould conceivably contain approximately 150 t®, 200 homes, Assuming that these hones would have an ave age value of o250009 this means that-the future tax base of the'Villagd would be reduced by-from 3a to 5 million dollars.'' Arthur C. Bredesenp dr. 13scember 249 1958 Whether the new trunk highway is lboattA on the proposed, route or on Eder Avenue, land will be :required -for riot of way in either instanee. . "Early studies indicated to rise, in property values of residences ad- j.aoent to atpresswaye but a roeent. study zoported in the Appraisal Journal indicated a a4cline'in property values near freeways but a rise . . values a -blook away." Wo are not famWar with recent releases on the subject, but on the basis of rsoearch work crhioh has been done we understand that there Is at least no dovngrading of residential values adjacent to expressways and freewa" and *a positive upgrading of values of csomi4eroial# Industrial and. apartment -, areas especially near interchange Winta. -61 "The Planning Commse4on is very much aware of the fact that. vehicular traffic needs to be accomor ated but questions the need for that traffic. to be routed thxuheavilg populated areas, ": Due to its geographical location traffio from outstat6 to city downtown areas must of necessity pass through built up areas. In order to accommodate the traffic already there and to relieve existing roads and streets it to necessary to provide adequate highways to clumelize that traffico 90 "The proposed route of #169 has the -adverse affect of creating addi�• ti©nal segregated -neighborhoodo with the with the resulting problem ..Of serving these- arocs with sort/ices such as Parke, schoolay sewereq mater and the tike." We do not agree with the concept that a new+ adequate expresaway or freeway segregates neighborhoode, but rather that wtth .the tra►ffto channelized and -with separation. of cross traffics there is opportunity for safer ccm►miniaation betwoen r.elghlbovhoods than If It.. is ned®osary to cross the same traffic which is now using existing streets, Xoure every truly DMUt = OP $id$' IAMB E. J. MoCubrey District sneer ,�JMC i dr j cc: J. H. Swanberg E. 0. Illstrup D. T. Burns . E. J. Rowland D000mber 24* 1956 hohara)4e Shur C. 35redosen, 3i. NVO Vi'llage of r-Ai a 4801 Wort 50th ,.:treat: xim r e ®iita Dear Sir$ Hot 0.1,3, 2-145-U ('211 169) Coriplyirw, with your rwjuest at the rear meetinC of your council an Fond ,- December 8o, 1958, we submit here- with our convents on tho recounror- dations of tho ! a'la adng Coumizsiou ca to tho proposed r3location of TrLu* Hi.6w,7 169 i4 tl. IA Vi7 la. e limi.ta. k; aotec3 rxe the reasons submitted by the 4anni ng Con4ission for die -upproViag the prop000d relocatioa as eubmit W by it wubzeiuont; to it:; meatir4 of Decamber 39 1950; 1, -"Tlie pyw000d route doses not 'serve the Yilla;,N of ;mina in that only about one- folart'a of the Village would iaave dlract ecoawes taa it, at Hanson Road =4. p+erbaps at laterlachea." It is our thoug at that Trunk .Shay 169 is primly- a V=ugh rout$ and tb t by its rolbtoation, tho prrei3ent route will r+emaiu as m local aorvi.ce road for such areas as Mins MaMands and southwest arly thereO, Trunk Ujgh,.W loo will remajA to serve local ne44s and will be relieved of Trunk RieftwW 169 t4mffla th= making it mrnh more oftvwdent and effloi t for !;dine, traffio. 20 "As a . -rate roato, its main .p=pose LO. to ,aaczomnarate through traffic and since thia tsvo of traffic bas its origin. outside of ne,f the Lla3aw4r..g Coa=isniata 4oee not see a need to onrrY such trafiC tbrovgta the Village with the ,in6reassd noise and funea it could Generate." Vmfflc h,%s been flowing thvough MU& W wv of liln�. Highwv 169 for. tbi ty yaars end will oontLwe to go through the Village whether 9x'4psr fecili ti os arp provided or not. Sy, oonst:rructizig a mode=. highway, ss proposed` such traffic All be ohaznell zed and othsn' rogue and stireate re deved thereby. . 3..11he Village has a1 3►' given appro'rtal for Hennepin County p}ms for the Crosstoam mar and plans to 3mprcvO Caunty Road 18 and tho p1 ng Ooms4ssian *an se* W sound_ reams VtW riddit±tonal tax monies should be oxponW on a new bighv g when tbese two county projeeate could be uted." i Arthur C. predeseu, Yr. -200 December 24, 1956 The sMestion that the proposed Croestovm RighwW eind S.A.A. 18 be expande4 an utilized for Trunk Highway 159 traffic is impractical since these high - ways ore not in the dlredtiom of desire oorridor and ue proposed to handle traffic with entirely different origins.wd deatinationrs. 4. "if the :Mate determines liter ftrther study# substantiated by valid facsts regaldi" traffi o Volvmes, that anticipated traffic on 169 could not be routed on either County Sl+oaA 18 or the Crosstown, and that a . now route =at be located in. Sd1na,0 'Chen. the 'Mam ng Commission re» commends that the Mate cone$der aarafullyY and fully the fol,loving reaomm andatior That existing V S. 169 be rye- aligned and widened on tho south and 'that s frontage road be oonssiderod from Ole"on Road to Doncaster (part of whiah- is already bo lt). That the e-Ugrent of -#169 be oaried on Eden Avenue and a aloverleat ba considered at :Aeu and Highway 100 with a half diamorA on 50th Street north of higitwW #100. AO ate pointed out at the ooulroil meeting, we believe that relocation of Trunk 110vay 169 at soma diatemoe from gresent Trunk Uidr ay 169 near Edina Utghlands is better planning than to widen present Trunk Highway 1.65 on the south providing batter elignm,ent and win lend i Au 4. Hredeoeaas Jr. e0ember 24, 799 Whether tU now try bighway is ja'ost4 oa the pro ood ate or on Men &v4mutt jam4 X11 be require fog^ rat of way 14 either i1wtanos. values o:'- reoidenae6 ad- �. "�rlr a�Aea indic��at� a riao p�??e�Y . aaant to expresovays but a x00ent reported in the Agpx�.94 ,1 al i December 16, 1958 `- Mr. E• J. McCubrey District'Engiheer Minnesota Highway Department 1246- University Avenue St. Paul, Min6esote Dear -Sirs Res Relocation of Trunk Highway No. 169. 44 are enclosing herewith certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Edina ,Village Council at its regular meeting held December 8j approving preliminary plan for relocation of Trunk Highway- No. 169 between County Road No. 18 and Hansen Road. Yours very truly, - Village Clerk gse - Form 2521 R. ES 0 LUTjI0N At a. (regular) (special) meeting of the_ pi]U$® CAMInan of the viluge of FALM duly held on the 8th day of December , 19$8 , the following resolution_ was offered by Trustee Bank , seconded by Trustee Tupa , to-wit: WHEREAa THE Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number .5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 16_ within the corporate limits of the Village of Selina from the West Corporate Limits to Hanson Road and WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as Layant No, 4a T. H. 3,69, Vioinity of Ed- x from Rowland Jot. to Benson Road SoP, 2745-11 (T.H. 169=5) and WHEREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled and identified are a is o on file in the office of the Village C lerk; and WHEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the preliminary plans as in the fnregoing recitals particularly identified. and described; NOVY, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway Nrnmber. ___ 5 renumbered Trunk Highway Number 169 within the limits of the Village of Spina be and hereby are approved. Form 2521 Upon the call of the roll the following Five voted in favor of the Resolution Bank, aye; Dickson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye: and Bredesen, eye; The following voted against its adoption: No Nay .Votes whereupon .the Mayor and presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated December 8 19_efn . ~ Mayor , Attest Age Clerk I STATE OF MINNESOTA )� COUNTY OF .- ) s s . m_r-enE OF If39a ) I do hereby certify that at a-regular meeting (at a special meeting of which'due and legal notice was given) of the Council of ,Minnesota, on the 8th De day of ce er i 19� at which a majority of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted.. Given under my hand and seal this 16th day of December 19�• `� y" Clerk r a RECEIVED NOV 17 1958 Dist Engm STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 August b, 1958 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Village Manager Ldina, Minnesota Lear tier. rque: he: Your fetter of July ; l regarding plans for Trunk Highways in Edina I am to as:. District Lngineer McCubrey to answer your let:.er more specifically but i -ish to mEae a few general statements, regarding the whole situation in connection idth improvement work in the area, and leave some of the details to him.' Insofar as the programming of improvements on Trunk Highway>-- No. 100 is concerned, I think it is only fair to say that we will not be able to reach any great amount of the work within the next several years. Right from the start we looked u)on our planning of this section as a pro- ject which would have to be done by stage improvement, hf-ving an overall Plan whems each stage fit into trie final plan of improvement. we still have in mina the building of a separation at inter- section of the cross —town highway with 11runk Highway No. 100 as soon as it is assured that a connection can be made i and used with existing Valley View road. The projection of any further improvement than this will have to be made by ;sir. McCubrey. It is nip belief that one of the most important p! arming jobs we have is that of Trunk Highway No. _i69. It has been apparent to all of us for some time, I believe, that we are only asking; for trouble if we combine the traffic of Trunk Highways Nos. 169, 212 and 100 between 50th Street and Excelsior Boulevard. There appears to be no simple way in which this sec- tion can be designed so as to carry the projected traffic oi' the next twenty years. As you know, considerable study has been given to the inter- section of Trunk highways Nos. 169 and IOU with 50th otreet but no plan seemed to meet the projected traffic demands, and with it a great deal of expensive right of way is involved. .r. v:arren C. Hyde 2— Augu3t 6, 1958 One concept we believe to be non — controversial, and that is that the need for additional entries into the Citr of Minneapolis is an absolute "must" in the future. with this in mind we are attempting to find a locationfbr Trunk Highways Nos. 169 and 212 that would, at least, take care of a part of this apparent need. I do not think that we will ever locate dunk highway No. 169 along County Road No. 18, but it is hoped to find some line through the general area between County Eoad No. 18 and Trunk Highway No. 100 that will carry beyond Excelsior Boulevard and enter the city somewhere northerly of the present alignment. In the general thinking also is the possibility of separating Trunk dighwRysNo. 169 and 212 and carrying one or the other on an entirely new routing. In order to accomplish (this, even as an advance planning pro- ject, we have to take into consideration many other trunk highway locations and other projected improvements, such as the southwest diagonal. It is my feeling the t taie improvement for realignment of 50th Street and Trunk Highway No. lUU will have to be accomplished as a separate project. If some of these matters can be determined then other parts of the improvement program should fall into a natural pattern. We appreciate the necessity of finalizing plans on the projects mentioned here, as well as others that may affect your general co3uminity, in order not to interfere with improvements that are projected by private capital and for the purpose of minimizing as much as possible right of way costs for trunk highway improve went. In regard to a meeting with you at some future time, I certainly feel it would be desiralble and will be very happy to confer with Mr. McCubrey as to when a sufficient amount of our studies will be available so that we can discuss ail the problems outlined in your letter. I will refrain from comments on Items Nos. 1 to 6,included in your communication and will leave them�lto Mr. McCubrey as he has considerable more detail at his command. Yours very truly, DEPARZALNZ OF tUU"WAYL3 LPZ/MM Cammissig''ner of Highways STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 August 61 1958 Mr. warren C. Hyde Village Manager Edina, Minnesota Lear 'sir. riyde: he; Your letter of July �l regarding plans for Trunk Highways in Edina I ar g•.;'_ni; +A) as.: District Engineer McCubrey to answer your leti.er more specifically but i -ish to make a_few general statements, regarding the whole situation in connection ?,-ith improvement work in the area, and leave some of the details to him. Insofar as tLe programming of improvements on Trunk Highway No. 100 is concerned, I think it is only fair to say that we will not be able to reach any great amount of the, work witain the next several ye£rs. Right from the start we looked u-,,-)on our planning of ti-iis section as a ,pro- ject which would have to be done by s'tzge improvement, hF,ving an overail plan whaze each stage fit into the final plan of i-mprovement. we still have in wind the! building of a separation at inter- section of the cross —town highway with Z+runk Highway No. 100 as soon as it is assured that a connection can be made and used �-ith existing Valley View road. The projection of any further improvement than this will have to be made by Mr. McCubrey. It is nW belief that one'of the most important planning jobs we have is that of Trunk Highway No. i69. It has been apparent to all of us for some time, I believe, that we are only asking for trouble if we combine the traffic of Trunk Highways Nos. 169,, 212 and 100 between 50th Street and saxcelsior Boulevard. There appears Ito' be no simple way in which tUP sec- tion can be designed so as to carry the projected traffic of the next twenty years. As you know, considerable study has been given to the inter- section of Trunk. highways Nos. l69 and 100 with 50th street but no plan seemed to meet the projected traffic demands; and with it a great deal of expensive right of way is involved, Aw. - Augu3t 6., 175 One concept we believe tolbe,�non- controversial, and that is that the need for additional entries into the City of Minneapolis {is. an absolute "must„ in the future. with this in mind we are attempting to find a locationfr Trunk tiighz;ays Nos., 169 and 212 that would, at least, take care of a part of this apparent need. I do not think that we will ever locate 11�runk highway No. 169 along County Road No. 1$, but it is holped to find some line through the general area between County Eoad No. 1$ and Trunk Highway No. loo that wii.l carry beyond Excelsior Boulevard and enter the city somewhere nortnerly of the present alignment. In the general thinking also. is the possibility of separating Trunk Highway$No. 169 and 212 and carry -1 one or the other on an entirely new routing. In order to accomplishjthi's, even as,.an advance planning.pro_ ject, we have to take into consideration many other trunk highway locations and other projected improvements, suc}i as the southwest diagonal. It is my feeling that the improvement for realignment of 50th Street and Trunk tiighW No. LUU will ;have to be accomplished as a separate ;project. If some of these matters can be determined then other parts of the improvement program should fall into a natural pattern. -vie adareciate the necessity of finalizing plans on the projects mentioned here, as well as others that may affect your general community, in order not to interfere with improvements that are projected by private capital, and for the purpose of minimizing as much as possible right of way costs for trunk highway improve- ment. In regard to a meetin g witI h Y -ou a t some future time, 1 certainly feel it would be desirable and will-be very happy to confer with Mr. McCubrey as to when a sufficient amount of our studies will be available so that we can discuss ail the problems out1ine-d in your letter. I will refrain from comments on Items Nos. 1 'to 6jincluded in your communication and will leave them toiMr. McCubrey as he has considerable more detail at his command. Yours very truly, DEPJ;Lj Li Z OF kUuffl4AYS Commissioner of Highways 6 -4 -58 HIGHWAY #f100 Discussion and Recommendations The proposed improvement of Normandale Road from the South Village limits of Edina to Windsor Avenue (54th Street) as outlined in the "Orr Report" of November 209 19579 is the subject of this discussion. Item 1. In the text of the report on Page 139 it is noted that the right of way of ##100 has been adjusted to provide where possible at least 30 feet of front yard set -back for residences fronting on #100 and 15 feet of side yard.set -back where residences side on #100. As a basic design cri•Leria, we have no argument with these figures, however we feel that there may be instances where these distances I re not adequate and request that consideration be given those instances. Item 2. The design speed of the proposed highway is 50 M.P.H. We suggest that with the restricted access, the flattening of vertical curves9 the use of 12 foot traffic lanes and the construction of a median strip, a design speed of 60 M.P.H. be .used. We are not recommending a fixed speed limit of 60 M.P.M.9 we are merely endeavoring to allow such a maximum speed at a future date when it is warranted. Item 3. "Future" frontage roads south of 70th Street are shown as being 135 feet from the right of way line, and the report suggests that residences be constructed in this area to rear on #100. We commend the report for the soundness of the proposal but recommend that the depth of these lots be increased to at least 150 feet and that a barrier of some sort be required. Item 49 In numerous instances9 the proposed right_ of way acquisition splits or takes portions of lots. We call attention to the Village ordinances concerning minimum interior lot sizes of 75 foot front and 120 foot depth and corner lots of 80 foot front by 120 feet deep. In Lake Edina9 the following lots will not meet these requirements= Lot 1, Block 4; Lots 1 and*209 Block 3, Lots 1 and 219 B1.2. In Birchcrest, lots 19 29 3 and 49 Block 1; In Golf Terrace Heightsa Lot 39 B1.10. In MactMillangs 1st Addition, Lots 1 and 7. Item 5. In Item 19 it is noted that 15 foot side yards will be maintained; howevern the residences on the following lots do not have a 15 foot side yard. Lot 2 of Victorsen °s Addition to Normandale Courts, Lots 2 and 23 of Stow °s Yvonne Terrace, Lot 221, Block 1, of Richmond Hills. Item 6. At the present time9 with unrestricted access on #1009 members of the churches abutting Normandale have reasonable access to their church. Under the proposed plan, this access is reduced considerably. We recommend the construction of a facility allowing South Bound traffic on #100 to leave #100 to travel on the .Pest frontage road in the vicinity of West 56th Street and a similar facility allowing North Bound traffic on the east frontage road to reach the north bound lane on #100 in the area between Wind Road and Lake View Drive. This discussion does not contain any recommendations relative'to specific engineering problems such as storm neater drainage or utility crossings. It is assumed these questions will be incorporated into a.report originating in the office of the Village Engineer. Notes The Village has acquired a site on 66th Streets east of #100 for a Fire Station in line with the Fire Underwriters recommeendations. We note that access from 66th Street to #100 is not proposed and recommend that further study be given this situation. STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 Mr. Warren C.. Hyde Village Manager . Village of Edina 4807 - "est 50th Street Edina 2Lb Minnesota Dear Sir: march 6, 1958 Re: S. P. 2733 -08 (100130) Village of Edina Plan Approval We are returning herewith, the re- solution adopted by the Village Council of Edina dated February 10, 1958, and a copy of Layout 8 C and profile. The resolution, as passed, with a number of stipulations covering future commitments by the Department of Highways cannot be accepted by the State*_ Approval is requested of preliminary plans. of only that portion of the subject project embracing the cloverleaf interchange of Trunk Highway 100 and 63rd Street* ilMe have prepared and.attaohed a new resolution for the Village Counoilts „consideration and approval. It is requested that this matter be placed on the agenda of a council meeting for consideration and ap- proval at an early date. Will you please advise as to the date this will be considered? Very truly yours, E', J. MOCUBREY DISTRICT ENGINEER . P , BY: ` R. ,McFadden DRMC :drj Assisi iant District Engineer Enclosure ..'r. Form 25521 R E S 0 L U T I O N At a (regular) (special) meeting of the- Council of the Village of Edina duly held on the day of offered by seconded by to -wit: k, 19 58, the following resolution_ was , ; ; WHEREAS THE Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from the 62-nd St. Connection to Trunk Highway No. 100' and WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and. identified as S.P. 2733 -08 (T.H. 100) and WHEREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and WHEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the preliminary plans as in the f nregoing recitals particularly identified and described, NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway N»mbHr loo renumbered Trunk Highway Number 100 within the limits of the Village of Edina be and hereby are approved. RECEIVED MAR 5 1958 Form 2521 Upon the call of the roll the following favor of the Resolution The following voted against its adoption: voted in whereupon the Mayor and presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated , 19 58 Attest STATE OF MINNESOTA Mayor , Village Clerk COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ss. VILLAGE OF EDINA I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting.(at a special meeting of which due and legal notice was given) of the Village Council of Edina , Minnesota, on the day,of 1958P at which a majority of the members of said Council wer6, resent, the foregoing resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and seal this day of 19 58 Village Clerk s� i Form 25521 R E S 0 L U T I O N At a (regular) (special) meeting of the_ Village Council of the Village of Edina duly held on the day of 19 5$, the following resolution_ was offered by ' seconded by ' to -wit: WHEREAS THE Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as. ,Trunk: Highway Number_ within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from the 62hd St. Connection to Trunk Highway No. 100 ' and WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and. identified as S.P. 2733 -08 (T.H. 100) and WHEREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and WHEREA: the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the preliminary plans as in the fnregoing recitals particularly identified and described; NOW, THEN, BE -IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the . improvement of Trunk Highway N»mber - _130 renumbered Trunk Highway Number ' 100 within the limits of the Village of $dLaa be and hereby are approved. Form 2521 Upon the call of the roll the following voted in favor of the Resolution t The following voted against its adoption: 6 r whereupon the Mayor and presiding officer declared the "Resolution adopted. r Dated , 1958 • Mayor Attest Vilbge Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF p p � j s s . t TA( W. OF RnWA ) I do hereby certify that at a. regular meeting (at a special meeting of which due and legal notice was given) of the V:L1 age Council of grling , "Minnesota, on the day of 19 5e, at which a majority.of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and seal this day of 19 58 • Vi11ggA Clerk v i Form 2521 R E S 0 L U T 1,0 N At a (regular) (special) meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Edina duly held on the 10th day of February , 1c�58 , the following resolution was offered by Bank , seconded by Dickson , to wit: Trustee Trustee WHEREAS THE Commissioner of Highways. has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 1" renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from WMC 6Zhd Street connection to Trunk Highway No, 100 ; and WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as Iayout 8-C, S.P. 2733,08 (100=130) and WHEREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and WHEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as her used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the preliminary plans as in the foregoing I. recitals particularly identified and desvribed; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 11330 renumbered Trunk Highway 100 within the limits of the Village of Edina Number be and hereby are approved, subject to provision by the Department of Highways for grade separation crossings for said Trunk Highway Number 100 at W.57th Street and W.66th Street, further consideration of proposed treatment of Valley View Road, and provision by the-Department of Highways for such pedestrian crossings for said Trunk Highway Number 100 as may be required by this Council. �j�? \� /` r r . Sad /VM/ J j If m 1 I- -F=: ^rN r, -'L' , "r' . . T I .-- I - r -- Form 2521 Upon the call of the roll the following Five voted in favor of the Resolution Bank,'Dickson, k6 ler, Tupa and Bredesen The following voted against its adoption: whereupon the Mayor and presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated February 10 _ , 19-- • Mayor Attest 4117® Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF ) HEMP= ss HEMP= =LTAam OF I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting (at a special meeting of which due and legal notice was given) of the V 3,g, Council of g na , Minnesota, on the day of 19�,, at which a majority of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and seal this loth ' day of February 19�rg_. V41U.6 Clerk 1�_ r RECEIVED _____I FEB 20 1958 ,Fist. Engrg, Form 2 521 R E S O L U T I O N At a (regular) (special) meeting of the 1 11age CounaJl of the Village of Rdina duly held on the 10th day of February , 1%&_, the following resolution was offered by Bank' , Trustee ' seconded by Dickson Trustee ' to wit: ., WHEREAS THE Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number_ renumbered as Trunk Highway NumberIM within the corporate limits of the Q4 'llggg of RA40A from and . WHEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as 3 grn,f R T G pe2?3T08 (IOG aon�_ and WHEREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the off ice of the M -f-11 9. Clerk; and WHEREAS the, term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be doomed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the preliminary plans as in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 1130 ,, renumbered Trunk Highway Number snn within the - limits of the pillage ^ of Edina be and hereby are approved& subject to provision by the Department of Hig hways, for'grade.separation'crossings, for said Trunk High way _Nu_ ber 100 at W,57th Street and W,66th Street, further consideration of proposed treatment of Bailey Video Road, and provision by the 'Department of Highways for such pedestrian crossings for said Trunk Highway Number .100.as may be required by this Council* Form 2521 Upon the call` of the roll the following Five voted in favor of the Resolution Banks Dickson, Kohlers TUpa and Bredesen The foliowi.ng voted against its adoption: whereupon the Mayor and presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. Dated February 10 Idayor �Attest( Village Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HKThSpJN, ) ss . VILIAGE OF EDINA ) I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting (at a special meeting of which due and legal notice was given) of the Village Council of Edina , Minnes ota, on the day of 1958 , at which a majority of the members of said Council were present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and seal this 10th day of February l9 58 1;-zee f Village Clerk d STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVcR317Y AVENZIE ST PAUL 4 January 23, 1958 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Ilii la, e iftn%f er Villa.-e of Edina 4807 West 50th Street Edina " Minnesota Dear Sir: Res S.P. 2732 Normandals Road In accordance with our conversation of Yesterday, we enclose a copy. of our estimate of traffic at the proposed interchange between the Hennepin County Crosstown Rou-e and Normandale Road. As pointed out in the memo attached, these traffic estimates are predicated upon adequate interchanges being in place at Trunk Highway 5 (78th Street) and at 50th Street, or vicinity, and simple separations at or near Normandale Court and at or near 66th Street. It is also to be noted, that should a simple separation without interchaaee features be constructed at the Crosstown Highway, as suerrrested by the Edina Civic and Improvement Association, traffic desiring to reach areas on either side of Normandale Road would attempt to do so by divert- ing to frontage roads and otner access roads north and south of the Crosstown Highway, thus greatly increasing traffic on those cater streets. 'Very truly yours, DEPA 'TLI EW OF HT ?7,W!ATS E. J. McCubrey District En.ri neer EX-1C:dr J Enclosure STATE OF M 1 N N ESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST PAUIL 4 January 23, 1958 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Vil laP a Manager Village of Edina 4807 West 50th Street Edina Pik, Minnesota Dear Sirs Res, S.P. 2733 (TH 100) Normandale Road In accordance with our conversation of yesterday, we enclose a copylof our estimate of traffic at the proposed interchange between the Hennepin County Crosstown Route and Normandale Road. As pointed out in the memo attached, these traffic estimates are predicated upon adequate interchanges being in place at Trunk'Highway 5 (73th Street) and at 50th'Street, or vicinity, and sin_ple separations at or near Normandale Court and at or near 66th Street. It is also to be noted, that should a simple separation Without interchange features be constructed at the Crosstcm Highway, as sugPested by the Edina Civic and Improvement Associations traffic) desiring to reach areas on either side of Normandale Road would attempt to do so by divert- ing to frontage roads and other access roads north and south of the Crosstown Highway, thus greaitly increasing traffic on those outer streets. Very', truly yours, DEPA1ITMENT OF AI GHRAYS E. ore McCubrey EJbiC :dr j District Engi seer Enclosure '+`.Win;.:• i STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 Mr. Warren C. Hyde V i 1 lag a Manager. Village of Edina 4807 West 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Sir: January 123, 1958 Rei S.P. 2733 -(TH 100) Normandale Road In a000rdance with our conversation of yesterday, we enclose a copy of our . estimate of traffic at the proposed interchange between the Hennepin County Crosstown Route and Normandale Road. Asipointed out in the memo attached, these traffic estimates are predicated upon adequate interchanges being in place at Trunk Highway 5 (78th Street) and at 50th Street, or vicinity, and simple separations at or near Normandale Court and at or near 66th Street. It ' is also to be noted, that should a simple separation without interchange features be constructed at the Crosstown Highway, as suggested by the Edina Civic and Improvement Assooiation, traffic desiring to reach areas on either side of Normandale Roads would attempt to do so by divert- ing to frontage roads and other access roads north and south of the Crosstown Highway, thus greatly increasing traffic on those offer streets. Very truly yours, DEPARMENT OF HI GflKAYS E.; MoCubr Di riot BEng r EJMC:dr j -- Enclosure S i January 30, 1958 E. J. McCubray, District Engineer, State of Minnesota, DDpartment of Highways, 1246 University Avenue, Saint Paul 4, Minnesota. Dear fir.. McCubrey: Thanks for your letter of January 27, together with a copy of your letter to Mr. Koontz, in which you advise that you now propose to plan and construct a conventional type of cloverleaf Interchange at 63rd Street and Normandale Read. In checking our files, I find that all we have on the cloverleaf design Is an undated plan from G. P1. Orr which I think was done in early 1956, or perhaps late in 1955, for the County. The Orr comprehensive report on T.H. 100 did not include a cloverleaf design. Before we go any farther with this, I think we ought to have an up to date preliminary Flan of the interchange from you. I also have a strong feeling that when the Council gets the news that the State Highway De- partment has gone back to the conventional cloverleaf interchange, they will approve it and may not feel there is any necessity for an additional public hearing. The Council will be meeting informally with the park Board on Monday, February 3rd, at which time I will get further information on this matter. The next regular-meeting is February 10th.. Maybe the way to handle it is to give publicity next week to the fact that you have decided on the standard type and that the Council will.consider this at the meeting of the tenth. KCH:B Sincerely yours, Narren C. Hyde, Village Manager. STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 January 27, 1958 We 9Qarren Ce Hyde Village Manager Village of Edina 4807 West 50th- Street Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Sirr Res S.P. 2733 (TH 100) Attached is a 'copy of our reply to 'a letter from Lamont B. and Hazel He Koontz, identical to their letter of Januwy P-0, 1958, a copy of which you forwarded to us with your letter of January 21, 1958. As we have advised these good people, it is now proposed to plan and construct a con- ventional type cloverleaf interchange at 63rd Street and Norman da le Road. Will you not kindly arrange to have the matter of council approval of the preliminary plan for such an interchange placed on the agenda for an early council meeting and advise the date of such meet- ing. Thank you. EJMCsdrj Enclosure Very truly yours,. DEPARTMENT OF BIGHWUS r E. bcCubr Di trict Engin r c �l i� ' •i ' Z^ R'zal �, �t +' eF \ �l; rv� T• '. r • r, i� FiS f�1L': i', ' ' � r a: STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPART•MENT.QE HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 Jena uary 27; 1956 Be Koo --tz .. 1 51229 Valley View Road Edina, 24, Ninnesota Dear Wo Ko.ontss Res $.P. 2733 (TH 100) We have your letter of January -20& 1958, signed jointly by Hazel H.. Konntz and yourself, regarding the type of interchange.to be can- structed at 63rd Street and Normendals Road. Kindly be advised that we now pr.opose to construct there, a conventional inter- j change of the cloverleaf. type . We appreciate your interest in this .matter. We are always willing to entertain' sug- gestions frain. residents in areas affected by contemplated construction or recanatruction. Very truly yours, DEPARTMENT OF HE GMTS Y,. P. Umm rman Commissioner of Highwa" IPZAe(r January 27; 1958 Mr. Ward Innes,, Lakeville, Minn-. Dear Sirs The proposed highway development at West 63rd and Highway 100 is a,joint project of the State of Minnesota and Hennepin Cam nty. The only Information we have Is,-what they, from.-time to time,_ give us and is not necessarily up to dated _On the enclosed map you will find an area colored purple which represents the lots included in the latest "intersection plan we have in this office. This design is a so called. "directional flow" .type, and I believe it, can be safely said_ that if• the design is changed to sny other -type, say,a conventional cloverleaf, that y - the'amount of land required for the new design will be less than that needed-for the plan we -now have. The State is also preparing plans for the widening of Highway 100, but these plans are still in the preliminary stage and will, probably be changed a great deal be "fore final acceptance. I am sorry that I cannot give you any more definite information on these projects at-this time. If you have a chance to visit-Edina, please stop in the Village Hall and•perhaps we will have some more information for you then. Very truly yours, • t George Hite, GH:B Administrative Assistant.- . r Encl. 5129 Valley View Rd. Edina 24, Minn. Jan. 20, 1958 Council, Village of Edina Edina 24, Minn. Gentlemen: I wish to protest against the planned highway inter- change on the Belt Line and 63rd Street, Edina because: .1. There seems to,be no goodreaeon to expedite traffic at this particular intersection when most other intersections are cloverleafs or-less. 2. Uniformity of intersections is believed more important than having a deluxe intersection at one spot because people accustomed to cloverleafe will be on the wrong side of the road for an interchange turn. 3. The extra money required for the interchange intersection could better be spent eliminating bottlenecks, in the Belt Line such as where 169, Excelsior Blvd. and Wooddale cross. 4. The fact that an interchange can be negotiated faster than a cloverleaf can be a disadvantage in that'entry points to the cross town highway would have to be located further away from the intersection than if turns are made at lower speeds. 5. The additional houses eliminated by the interchange represent both capital cost and laps of tax income. Yours truly, 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street . Edina 24, Minnesota January 219 1958 Mr. Lamont B. Koontz, 5129 Valley View Road., Edina 24, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Thank you for your letter of January 20th. Copies of your letter .gill be given to the Council members and a -copy will be sent to the State Highway Department.. This is primarily a matter for the State Highway Department to decide. You may be sure that the Village Council is going to con- sider the matter very; thoroughly in exerEising the fairly limited powers they have on this matter. Yours very truly, Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager INCH: B 1. January 21, 1958 , Ar. La ont B. Koontz, 5129..Valley View Road, Edina 24, Minnesota. , Dear.'Sir Thant: ycu for your letter of January 20th. ,Copies of your litter ,mill ;he- gfven to the Council members and' e;copy. will ,be sent to the State 'Highway Department,.: - This is'primarily a matter -for. ,the, State Highway Oeparttrent to decade. You may be sure that the Village Council As going' to con - sider. the matter very thoroughly in exercising the fairly limited pmeis they.have on this -mettsr. Yours .very truly, . Marren C. Hyde, 'Village Rianager ..v . . . cvvs vwsp. wwsyy - r:y.1stJr?i Hennepin County Highway Department 440 Court House - tlinneapolis 139 Minnesota Dear Farr. Pedersone Re: 62nd Street Crosstown Highway As an answer to your letter of November lathp I quote froci the minutes of the Edina Village Councillbetingp held Docember 9th. - "[ �7NEPY�T OQt1P _ AQQUYSITION OF Rim —m-PAY FOR 2ggTonn - mmirAY P 0 ED.. *,* * Council 'was in agreement as to the routep but discussion was had as to access from tho proposed-highway to the municipal swimming pool. Fronk °s motion' authorizing the Village _ Manager to inform the Hennepin County Highway Department that it Is satisfactory to proceed with acquisition"of right -of -way for proposed 62nd. Street Crosstown Highway from.Xerxes Avenue to Olinger Roadp subject to access satisfactory to the Village from said Highway to the Edina Municipal-Swimming Poolp was seconded . by Dickson and carried." rie, feel sure that the matter, of access to the swimming pool can be .worked out withou$ difficultya Yours.very trulyp Warren C. Hyde Village Manager. d` December 15, 1957 MEMO TO: Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager Joseph Zikan, Village Engineer.. _ Re: Preliminary report on T.H. 100 - Orr Engineering Company 1. Recommend provision on southbound 100 for access to west-frontage road in vicinity of 56th Street so as to allow access to Our Lady of'Grace to the north and to Lutheran - Church at Valley.View - see page 28 of report.. This also allows southbound traffic to reach nigh School via 57th Street underpass. 2. Width of turn lanes is shown as 18 feet... I question this width and recommend -14 or 15 feet. 3. The use of "curbs has a tendency to cause vehicles traveling in -the adjacent lanes to "shy away" and we recommend that - additional lane width be considered. 4. T.H. 100 is being designed on.a vehicle speed of 50 MPH and�the design criteria chart on page 17.calls out lane capacities of 1200 V.P.H.-on a 12 foot lane. However, referring'to table'23 -29 "Theoretical Design Capacity for Uninterrupted Flow" in- "Traffic Engineering" by Matson, Smith and Hurd., capacity for a 4 lane highway and an- operating speed of 45-50 MPH calls out a capacity of only 1000 V.P.H. Either the engineers are in error in their.proposed capacities or the expected speeds will exceed -50 MPH. 5. We question the entire stoim - drainage system on T.H. 100 south of 50th Street. .Specifically, the proposal to.empty storm drainage water. into Lake Cornelia and -the present ponding area,on the west side of T.H. 100 in the vicinity of "58th Street. At the time there is no provision for the control of water level in these two lakes and.we- wonder whet damages might result from the additional water. 6. "No data" is indicated on flow maps for frontage roads'north of 66th Street. We suggest that estimates could be made based on number of dwelling units ex- --petting to use this facility. 7. Page 24 shows no proposed treatment of Nine Mile Creek and.we recommend that it be redesigned to run between the proposed frontage road and the access roads so as to avoid construction of one bridge. - 8. We further recommend that lthe State purchase all - right of way needed now to provide frontage -roads in the future, as shown on page 24 and 25. 9.-In acquiring right of way, some lots are being split and the unpurchased lot portion remaining is not sufficiently large enough to comply with the Village ordinances. We recommend that the entire lot be purchased by the State in these cases. 10. Cul -de -sacs are shown in some locations on Interchange plans where it,would be relatively easy to provide through access and we recommend that cul -de -sacs be avoided wherever possible. Respectfully, CES:B C. Edward Swanson December 15, 1957 NM TO: Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager Joseph Zikan, Village Engineer, Re: Preliminary report on T.H. 100 --Orr Engineering Company 1. Recommend provision on southbound 100 for access to west frontage road in vicinity of 56th Street so as to allow access to Our Lady of Grace to the north and to Lutheran Church at Valley View- see page 28 of report. This also allows southbound traffic to reach High School via 57th Street underpass. 2, Width of turn lanes is shown as 18 fact. I question this width and.reeommend 14 "4r 15 feet. 3. , The.-use of curbs has a tendency to cause vehicles traveling in the adjacent lanes to 'shy away" and we recommend that additional lane width be considered. 4. T.H. 100 is being designed on a vehicle speed of 50 MPH and the design criteria chart on page 17 calls out lane capacities of 1200 V.P.H. on a 12 foot lane. However, referring'to table 23«2,. "Theoretical Design Capacity for Uninterrupted Flow" in "Traffic Engineering" by Matson,, -Smith and Hurd,, capacity for a 4 lane highway and an operating speed of 45 -50 MPH calls out a capacity of only 1000 V.P.H. Either the engineers are in error in -their proposed capacities or the expected speeds will exceed 50 MPH. 5. We question the entire storm drainage system on T.H. 100 south of 50th Street. Speeiffiaally, the proposal to empty storm drainage water into Lale Cornelia and the present ponding area on the west side of T. H. 100 in the vicinity of 58th Street. At the time thdre is no provision for the control of water level in these two lakes and we wonder what damages might result from the additional water. 6. "No data" is indicated on flow maps for.frontage roads north of 66th Street. We suggest that estimates could be made based on number of dwelling units ex- pecting to use this facility, 7. Page 24 shows no proposed treatment of Nine Mile Creek and we recommend that it be redesigned to run between the proposed frontage road and the access roads so as to avoid construction of one bridge. 8. We further recommend that the State purchase all right of way needed now to provide frontage roads in the future, as shown on.page 24 and 25, 9. In acquiring right of way, some lots are being split and the unpurehased lot portion remaining is not sufficiently large enough to comply with the Village ordinances. We recommend that the entire lot be purchased by the State in these cases, 10. Cul-de-sacs are shown in some locations or Interchange plans Mere it would be relatively easy to provide through access and we recommend that cul-de-sacs be avoided wherever possible. Respectfully, CES:B C. Edward Swanson 9 December 15, 1957 1EI0 T0: Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager - Joseph-Zikan,'Village Engineer.. Re: Preliminary report on T.H..100. Orr Engineering Company. 1. Recommend provision on southbound 100 for access to west frontage road. in vicinity of .56th Street so as to allow access to Our Lady of Grace to the north and to Lutheran Church at Valley -View see page 28 of report. This also allows southbound traffic to reach High,School via 57th Street underpass, 2. Width of'turn lanes- is shown as 18 feet. I' question this width and recommend 14-br 15 feet. 3. The use of curbs has a. tendency to.eause vehicles traveling in the adjacent lanes to "shy away" and we recommend that additional lane width be considered, 4. T.H 100 is being designed on a vehicle speed of 50 MPH and the.design criteria chart on page 17 calls out lane capacities of 1200 V.P.H. on a 12 foot lanes However, referring to table.23-2," "Theoretical Design Capacity -for Uninterrupted glow" in "Traffic Engineering" by Matson,. Smith and.Hurd, capacity for a 4 lane highway and an.oper•ating speed of 45 -50 MPH calls out a capacity of only 1000 �- V.P.H.. Either the engineers are in error in their proposed-capacities or the 'expected speeds will exceed 50 MPH. � 5. We question the entire storm drainage .system on T.H. 100 south of 50th -Street. 3peciffically, the proposal to empty storm drainage water int6 Laka' Cornelia and the- present'ponding area on the west side of T. H. 100 -in the vicinity of 58th Street. 'At the time thdre is no provision for the control of w&cer level in t• ese two lakes and we wonder what damages might result from the additional . water. 6•. "No data" is indicated on flow maps for frontage roads north of 66th Street. We suggest that estimates could.be made.based on number of dwelling unita ex- pecting to.use this facility. 7'.: Page. 24 shows no proposed treatment of Nine Mile Greek and we recommend that. it be redesigned to run between the proposed frontage. road and the'acdess roads so as.to avoid construction of one bridge. 8. We further recommend that the State purchase all right of may- needed now to provide frontage roads in the future, as shown on page 24 and. 25. 9. -In acquiring right of way, some ,lots are being split and the unpurchased lot portion remaining is not sufficiently large enough to coMly. with the Village ordinances.' We-recommend what the entire lot be purchased by the State in these cases. 10. Cul-de--sacs are shown. in some-locations or Interchange plans where it would be- relatively easy to provide through access and .we recommend that cul-de-sacs .be ; avoided wherever possible. Respectfully, CES:B C. Edward Swanson December 15, 1957 MEMO T6 Warren C. Hyde, Village Manager - Joseph Gikan, Village Engineer. Re: Preliminary - report on T.H. 100 - Orr Engineering Company 1. Reeom ^,end provision on southbound 100 for access to crest frontage road in vicinity of 56th Street so as to allow access to GLu• Lady of Grace to the north and to Lutheran Church at Valley View - see page 28 of report. This also allows southbound traffic to reach High Sch.:ol via 57th Street underpass. 2. Width of turn lanes is shown as 18 feet. I question this Width and recommend 14 or 15 feet. 3. The use of curbs has a tendency to c au9e vehicles traveling in the .adjacent lanes to "shy away" and we recommend that additional lane rd dth be w nsidered. 4. T.H.. 100 is being designed on a vehicle speed of 50 MPH and the design criteria chart on page 17 calls out lane capacities of 1200 V.P.H. on a 12 foot lane. However, ref)rring to table 23 -2, "Theoretical Deeign Capacity for Uninterrupted Flow" in "Traffic Engineering" by Matson,• Smith and Hurd, capacity for a 4 lane highway and an operating speed.of 45 -50 1PH calls out a capacity of onl:r 1000 V.P.H. Either the engineers are in error in their proposed capacities or the expected speeds will exceed 50 ;fiPH. 5. 'go question the entire storm drainage system on T.H. 100 south. of 50th Street. Speciffically, the proposal to empty storm drainage water into Lake Cornelia and the present ponding area on the west side of T. H. 100 in the vicinity of 58th Street. At the time thdre is no provision for the control of wafer level in t ese two lakes and we wonder what damages might result from the additional water. 6. "No data" is indicated on flow maps for frontage roads north of 66th Street* ale suggest that estimates could be made based on number of dwsllin& units ex- pecting to use this facility. 7. - Pa -e 24 shows no proposed t re: .,tment of :Dine Mile Creek and we recomaend that It be redesigned to run between the proposed frontage road and the access roads so as to avoid construction of one bridge. 8. We further reco3 .-and that the State purchase all right of way headed now to provide frontage roads in the future, as shown on page 24 and 25. 9. In acquiring r1 ht of way, some lots are being split and the unpurchased lot portion remaining is not sufficiently lame enough to comply with the Village ordinances. We recommend that the entire lot be purchased by the State in these cases. 109 Cul-de -sacs are shown in some locations or Interchange plans mere it would be relatively easy to provide through access and we recorynend that cul-de -sacs be avoided wherever possible. Respectfully C. Edward Swanson 3s 1951a hog Frmk J. Tupa Lvald C44 Bank N. B '%itia za tltachad to tha Zotter I r.entioned 44 ing a r owtiriq with the *Jtate 'Highway .spartowit lost Pridaye i- thirik it Is advis- awDio that at the mating of ac* r 9th, ccuncii decido Wvi t ; vri y +tea 1Cvtorto t as tw p W purdia4ir of va;ant property nrdAg ar the Intex-changs , aroaf 4t Ifloway 100. lL I , October e, _1957 L. P. Zimmerman, .Commissioner. of Highways, 1246 Univeirsity Avenue, St. Paul 4, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Zimmermann a At our luncheon on the 25th:with Paul Albrecht, it Was agreed tentatively to have a special meeting with,the Edina Village Council relative to the proposed Crosstown Interchange., The meeting etas to.be Sround October 15th as. you- Wntioned.that you betievad in €oxinatiop could be obtained from Orr Engineering relative to plans for Normandale through Edina by thst.dete.- To Ireftesh, your memory, ve feel that. comparative ,figures on, co6ts of construction end -area required for the 'super clover -leaf ®s opposed to the directional flow interchange are necessary. A breakdown of these .figures. by stages, would. be ,most helpful.. Also,.?An - Swanson- offered to prepare existing and projected traffic flow diagrams for.the Crosstown interchango as soon ae,the Highway Separtment could furnish-him with the data. s We'are receiving numerous inquiri®s concerning the Highway Department's plans for both the interchange and Highway 10D, which ire -cannot answer factually'" &.t this time. As our.Council.is, sometimes difficult to'gather together for a.special meeting, vie mould appreciate as-much' notice as possible from you as to a possible me ®ting• date:. Very truly yours, - Warren C. Hyde, .Village,Manager. CES:B x IL STATE HIGHWAY PATROL TELEPHONE MI. 6 -4688 AFTER HouRs M1. 6.3067 DRIVERS LICENSE SECTION TELEPHONE MI. 5.6692 .n '71]1 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS HIGHWAY SAFETY DIVISION 1279 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 August 1, 1957 Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk Edina, Minnesota Dear Madam: We have your letter of July 31 in which you request approval of the use of tax ex- empt pleasure class plates on a 1957 Ford, six pass- enger Country Sedan, Serial # C7PX 176418, owned by the Village of Edina and operated in police work. Enclosed herewith is Seal of Exemption # A 1891 which we have issued for 1957 on .this car and which we request that you have attached some place in the vehicle. A copy of this letter is being forwarded to the Motor Vehicle Department for their records. Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS In4TPAUL R. MARTZ Chief, Minnesota Highway Patrol PRM:jll cc: Motor Vehicle Dept. a V _ STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 August 8, 1957 Honorable Arthur Bredesen, Jr. Mayor of Edina 4801 west _ 50th . Street , Minneapolis 24,.Minnesota Dear Mr. Bredesens Re S.`33�- (lII0�I3a� Hennepin County Interchange, Trunk Highway No. 100.% and 63rd Street-- Pursuant to your request we are transmitting herewith a print of the layout and profile of the proposed intersection of Trunk Highway No, 100 (Normandale Road) and 63rd. Street in the Village of Edina. The layout shows the proposed intersection design and the limits of the right of way which the State of Minnesota is to acquire at this. intersection. Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OF GHWAY'S l � JHS;hk -C of Engineer Attch. 8 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL 4 May 7, 1957 Mr. Warren C. Hyde Village Manager 4801 Nest 50th Street Edina 24, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hyde. Re: S.P. 2733 & 45 (TH 100) From South'Village Limits of.Edina to 49th Street Referring to your letter of March 6, 1957, we regret that no answer has been forthcoming until this time. Due to the fact that certain preliminary studies on the above referenced projects had to be revised to conform with more modern standards and recent developments in,the area in question have greatly influenced the estimates of future traffic volumes, the design has been seriously delayed. The G. M. Orr Company has now received all necessary in- formation and their studies have advanced to a point where a preliminary layout showing all interchanges will be ready for discussion by the end of this week. It is hoped that this layout will answer all major "questions and that only minor changes will be necessary later on. When this layout has been received in this office we will be happy to discuss it with you at your convenience. LPZ/EC Yours very truly DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ,l erman. oner of Highways I -vim . Oct. 17 Nor. Mitchell; Attached is a copy of my telephone notes of Feb. 7 and 81 1952 covering our conversations regarding closing Minnewawa St. and Pukwana Lane for your information. E. J. McCubrey District Engineer Memo For File February 7, 1952 S.P. 2733 -10 - T.H. 100 50th St. Connection Sid Mitchell called about wish of Edina Council that a grade separation be built soon. However, if we build the present.layout, they think the S.E. and S.W. legs need not be built. They also think that the N.E.-leg should be carried farther north and on an easier curve. February 89 1952 Mitchell has discussed. Council wants South diagonals in. N.E. diagonal - some think should be longer. Minnewawa - Council wants -to cut it off- - dead end at 50th St. Do not want intermediate-opening on 'E..side. Take down to N. end of Jordan property. Will agree to cut off 49th St. - service lanes are provided. Cut off Pukwana Lane,. E. J. McCubrey District Engineer EJMc :bak