HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953_WATER DEPTFENCE —BIDS CLOSE r AUG. 24. Edina, Minn. The Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, Monday, August 24, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. to open and consider sealed 'bids for the furnishing and installa- tion, of 288 Lin. Ft., more• or less, 8 ft. high Chain Link Fence, to be erected in circular form of 95 ft. diameter at base of water tower; also one 12' double gate. Work must be done as described and specified in specifications on file in office of Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with under- signed before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina (This notice first appeared Aug. 13) Construction Bulletin 1022 Lumber Exch., Minneapolis, Minn. is the only paper furnishing complete Northwest construction news. It is closely read every week by architects, engineers, contractors, builders, mate- rial men and bond buyers. Official advertising, 20 cents per line each insertion. This Includes I. Publication of the call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. 2. A copy of the Bulletin containing your ad. 3. Listing of the closing date on your work in an Index of Proposals for convenient use of contractors. 4. Fifteen separate printed copies of the ad mailed to you for your own use -FORM 239 SERTELSON BROS. i DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDS CE DATE SUBJECT t TO DEP'T v FROM DEPT v �y� t.• AR. VILLAGE OF ED1NA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA April 13, 1953 MEMO TO Mr. Mitchell RE: Extension of existing Water Main on Oaklawn Avenue to serve 6044 Brookview Avenue Deer Sir: In reply to your request dated 4/11/53 for recommendation on Mr. 0. Roy Jorgenson's letter requesting the extension of the existing water main from W. 61st Street and Oaklawn Avenue to 6044 Brookview Avenue, I submit the following: I would suggest that he run a 14" to 12" line up West 61st Street to the stop box and a 3/4" line fr a stop box to his house. Before he would be allowed to take a permit out he would have to pay a "con- sumer deposit ". The amount is figured as follows: The cost per front foot charge ($3.35 lateral) levied against W.M. 28 - Oaklawri Avenue - 59th to 62nd, multiplied by his frontage on Brookview Avenue (50') making a total of $167.50 he would have to pay the Village of Edina before any permit for construction be issued. Over and above this charge he would have to pay the plumbers cost for materials installation, permits, etc. The plumber will check with the Engineering Department for the proposed street grade on W. 61st Street and other pertinent information pertaining to the installation such as location of the line and required specifications. . In the future if a larger main is installed on Brookview Avenue between 60th and 61st Streets he will be placed on the assessment roll and will be either assessed the difference if the cost of installation is more on Brookview Avenue than it was on Oaklawn Avenue or else he will be refunded the difference if it is less. Fred as CQ Engineering Department Figures on cost obtained from Laura Wright 4/13/53 FJJ:msp 4904-28th Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. April 7 -1953. Village of Edina, Edina, Minn. Gentlemen: Att: Mr. Mitchell. I have purchased the lot at 6044 Brookview Ave., Lot 12, Block 180 Fairfax Addition. I called your office a couple of days ago and talked to a gentleman about getting the water extended from Oaklawn Ave. to this lot and he informed me that I would have to submit a request for water for this lot to the Village Council, so that they may act on it at their next meeting, which would be April 13. Would it be possible to have this done, as I under- stand that a well would cost considerable money, and I also checked with the property owners between 61st and 62nd on Brookview Ave. and understand that most of the owners do not want to sign up for city water. As ..there are only a couple of lots between 60th and 61st on Brookview Ave., I would like-to make a request for water only on the lot at 6044 Brookview and I would expect to pay the'necessary cost of such a procedure. Iwould appreciate.it very much if you would grant this request as we intend to make this our own home. Thank you. Yours very truly, ORJ-c j 0. Roy4i6fteroffin. 17� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER (Official Publication) EDIN VILLAGE OF EDINA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA '. ADVERTISEbIENT FOR BIDS CHLORINATION EQUIPMENT State of Minnesota, - . NOTICE � IS HEREBY ,GIVEN N that the . Edina, -Village Council will' meet• ., Mony,I SS. November 23,, 1953, at 7 :30 P. M ada t the - Edina Village Hall, and will ' at said time Count of - _ -____ H and place, consider sealed bids for the y II�innepin _______________________ _ _ _ _ __ furnishing 'of the following equipment: ,One Automatic operated, Visible Va- cuum - Solution Feed Chlorinator —Cap- ---------------- Glenn__H._ Partridge-______-_____- _----- _----- _--------- _______, being duly sworn, acity, 25 •lbs. per 24 hrs. Unit to be capable of operation against 90 ]bs. Main pressure when converted on oath says; s; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, to high pressure installation. one — Solution Check Valve for high pres- sure operation. One— Silver Tube and Corp; Cock for the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina- Mornin side COURIER, and main connection. ' i` Edina-Morning side Valve and Strainer A: . aemmy., - has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. One— Syphon Breaker Assembly. ,1 150 Ft. s/4 - Solution Hose. - - That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the 'One— Chlorine Testing Outfit, - Installation. of - equipment will be made printed by the Village, but supervision of -instal- __Advertisement for Bids - Chlorination li�ent----- __ - - -_- Iation shall be furnished by bidder. Bid - - - - -- ------ -- --- --- - - - - -- - - -- ------- is to be F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota. , hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- m muse be submitted name of cash payment No bide will be considered unless guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the e" sealed and filed. with undersigned before County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and time of said meeting and. accompanied by cash 'deposit, bid bond, or certified check sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; payable to Village Clerk, amount o publication ten percent of amount, of bid - has been issued from a known office established in said place of BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COP/ equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and CIL EVALD -C. BANK, / rintin VillageClerk; 1 p g the same- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Village -of Edina - - (November >_z and 19, 1953) `1 ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -- &d- ver_tizement -_f -0--- Bids- Chlorinatian- EgUiPMe-nt hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- two successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------- 12th ------------------- day of -----November -------------------- 19 --- 53and thereafter on -__ Thus'sday________---___----------_----- of each week to and including the .... 19th- ------ day of November--------------- P 1953 - and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is Acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Adv__ertisement_For _ -in se abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ' /-------------------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to .befo a m�th _2 7thay of _:_____- �1aYemher--------- 19___ 53 Notary Public ��n'sTZ�za ^.F -_rr .�e-" a ------- County, Minnesota ,votary Poi ?Iic, ;3 c:nep a County, r4jz21S, My Commission expires C °muussion Ex{liroq_i� e2�_'s: ___-------------------- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of .__, :;.. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, SS. County of ------- lid nnepin------------------------------ (offi lal�a'ubileatlon) tilenn_H.__ Partridge-------------- - - - -__ __ _____ - - - -_, being duly 'sworn, WLIUAAE OF ED INA - - -------- - - - - -- HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS On oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, CHLORINATION EQUIPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY I GIVEN that the: Edina. Village Council will: meet Monday,' -- ----- ---------------------- ------------------------- ------ ------------------------------- November 23, '1953, air 7:30 P. M., at theI Edina. Village Hall, and will at said time'i the Editor of the newspaper known as the . Edina - Morningside COURIER, and and place consider sealed bids for, the, furnishing of the following equipment: has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. One — Automatic ' operated, , Visible Va- euum 25 lbs. Feed chlormacor —cap- That for more than one year immediate) prior to the publication therein of the achy, 25. ]bs, Per 24 his. Y Y A p Unit to be capable of operation against', "90- ]ba. Main pressure when convertedi printed Advertisement for Bids__- _Chlorbation -E ui -ent_- __________ to high pressure Installation. One— Solution Check Valle -for high pres -'I hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- One e- - operation. Silver Tube and corn. cock.- fors guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the main connection. Hennepin, County of State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and ��One— SOlanold Valve and .Strainer - As sembly. sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of .single column two inches wide; ' One' — Syphon Breaker Assembly. 150 Ft; 3/411 Solution Hose. _ has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication One Chlorine Testing Outfit: with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and equipped Installation of equipment will be made, by the Village, but supervision of instal - Ilatiocf shall be furnished by bidder.. Bid printing the same_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ is to be F.O.B. • Edina, . Minnesota. - Rids must be submitted on basis. of cash ;has had in its makeup not less than. twenty -five payment No bids will be considered unless I _______________________ ___ __________ ____________ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ sealed-and filed with undersigned before. per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of _interest to said community time. of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check. it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- payable to Village . Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bia Tice -of, publication; has contained general news, comments; and miscellany; has . BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE •COUN- not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely, made up of patents, CIL EVALD C. BANK, 1 plate .matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place Village Clerk- Village of Eaina r of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- '(November 12 and 19,_.1953) •� scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed A-dvertlement __ -fox-- B ;as"CblQrJmfiLt-ioII E^ent hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for __ ----- two _ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the______ Utj __________________day of November ________________ ____ 19__ S3 and thereafter on __- Thursday __-- ___---- _-- _____________ of each. week to and including the -_l h______ day of November____ ______ _ _ ____ 1953__ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is. acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement__ For__ Bide___- _Chlorination_Elaui moment ----- _--------------------- - ---------------- abede f ghi j klmnopgrstuvwxyz -------------------- �, 1 Subscribed and sworn to •befor me this ---- ??4ay of ------ -', Wovember________- 19-9 ----- -- --------- - -- - -- _ ------ ---- - - - - -= Notary Public - __Cr?r] ^n_ *_•� " ^_ • _County, Minnesota Notury u:'?:ic:, ' :n n(.pir% County, &Iinrt; -'1. My Commission expires ---- 17 _ e in_g - :- sl Y -w------ - - - --- AFFIDAVIT OF ,PUBLICATION i -------------------------------------------------------------------------- w: d FORM 2536/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CHLOIII\ATION EQUIPMENT —BIDS Otate of Ofnngota, SS. CLOSE NOV. 23.r�. Edirm, Minn. Count o NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that y J the Edina Village Council will meet t �,, Monday, November 23, 1953, at 7:30 47• lwi,€ �its --_-------__-____._-____--. _______..--- _--- .---- _--- - -__ -- being duly sworn, Y.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and -------------------'------------- will at said time and place consider sealed bids for the furnishing of the following equipment: on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ------- --------------- ------- .--- One— Automatic operated, Visible Vacuum Solution Feed Chlorinator --Clark --------- -------- --------- - - ----- -------- ------ - ------ -- — Capacity, 25 lb s. per 24 hours. Unit to be capable of operating the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------------------- against 90 lbs. Main pressure when converted to high pressure instal - Q ;. _ti� __]3�j.� $ --- ---- - - - - -- and has full, knowledge of the la t i o n. ----------------------------- One —Solution Check Valve for high facts herein stated. pressure operation. One — Silver Tube and Corp. Cock That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed for main connection. Ad�rtlas t X _r b$ One— Solanoid Volvo and Strainer iia0 - One— Syphon Breaker Assembly. hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its 150 Ft. %" Solution Hose. One—Chlorine Testing Outfit. known office of publication within the----..------ - ---- -------- Installation of Equipment will be made by the Village, but supervision S* of installation shall be furnished by� Of =�A90j - ------------------------------------------ in the County of bidder. i1 { Bid is to be F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota. ----------------------------- Slate of Minnesota, on Bids must be submitted on basis ♦viii of cash payment. No bids will be con- -------------------- ------- --- - - - - -- --------- .------- -...of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in sidered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meet- space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h. -s been isued from ¢ known ing and accompanied by cash deposit, office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid material for preparing ,,and .prinntiing the ysame; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BY ORDER OF THE 00fttraction 1l111e ---- ----- - ----- ---- VILLAGE COUNCIL. --- ------ ---- ---- ----- °---- °----- --° ----- --------------------------------------------------------- °--- -------- - - ------------ --- ---- EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Villageof Edina ---- --- ---- --- -- ----- ---- -- - --- ------ -- -------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -----------------------------...----------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied= Q11 de nds of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed dyll 9#*P "_ 0r..b3ds ---- ---- . - - - - -- . -------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for .------ _- -_ - - -- up--------- ---------------------- -- - - -- --- - -- --- successiv w-------------------------- eeks; that it was first so published on the c- ti------------------ - - - -day of sov+ub "3 ------------------ ----------------------------- � 1�-- - - -. and thereafter on- --�----- ---- -- �� -- - �- - - - -- --- - - -- - -- -- - ��---- of each week to and including the ---- 19th ------------ day of ------- .------ Novo ber---------------S3----- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of ty e used in the publication of said_ .......................-..---. ..--------- ..------------ - - - - -- --- --- - -- Adverti"Ate nt for bills - -- --------- -- ----- --- - -- - ------ ----- - - - - -- ----- - --- -- -- --- ------ ------- -- -- - - -- - ... - -- . L"'CA_ abcdefghij klmnopgrstuvwxyz � -.---------------- ° °--- ---------- -------- - °- - - -- --- ---- --- ---- -- ---- - --- - -" °- -------------... ------------ Subscribed and sworn to befo me this. ...---- ....day o .er - ...... - Notary Public,. I ! -_ ...County, Minnesota. _ Cotmip, Minn. My commission ez ii°r�isaion ] apiiz -- �[une..5,- 185 ..................................... Affidavit of Publication OF - - - -- --------------------------------------------------- ---- ------- --- --------- .-- - - - -- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FORM 25361/2 —Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis ----------------------------------------- ------....--------------------..._._..-----------------------...........----------...------------------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 040 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ......... Mver- i Qnen iii_ for.b id s--------------------------- ---------- --.--- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ............... wo— .__....._- ____. - - -- ------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---------- 1•'�t�1 .... - --------- d¢Y of ----- - - - - -- --- -Nolembi)r. ---, j9_53- and thereafter on .... Thurs --------------.....------......-- of each week to and including the ------- 19th_ ------- day of.._Nfll r- - - - -- - - - - - -- .19.53...; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- lldvea" c fit._ -tor..bi&.-------- ._.... abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to befor4pme this ........ 1g� - - - -da day --�-o1re.beT 19._5 3.. .....:...:. ........... . . . . .. ti -.. �. —ll- Lei_...... ... _______._...__..._..______. ___.._.. _....... - -_. Notary Public ..............lva!�_ . . County, Minnesota. - illy Co nor -,.tv, rr_,1,:. emission L: jJ1IH3 .I..S_ Fj A ^� My commission expires -------- --------- - - -- -- --- --- ------- - '----,- 3......-- ---- -- ---- ------ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CHLORINATION EQUIPDiE \T- -BIDS CLOSE NOV. n. Edina Minn. , Mate of t'nrte0ota NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ss. the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, November 23, 1953, at 7:30 8emepft Y.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and County of -------------------------------------------------------- will at said time and place consider sealed bids for the furnishing of the $ Ls nna being duly sworn, u----i-----....------------------------ following equipment: One— Automatic operated, Visible ---- --------- -- --- - - --- -- ---•---- ------ ---- .---- _- -- -- -- - ---. Vacuum Solution Feed Chlorinator — Capacity, 25 lbs. per 24 hours. on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ,.-- _--- ----- ---------- _._ -_ - - -_ Unit to be capable re operating against 90 lbs. Main pressure when Advartlm,.,__ -010 __-- ______...____________ ��" &,1. ...._..- _......___... converted to high pressure instal- lation the publisher -------- and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------------------- One — Solution Check Valve for high pressure operation. Cock Gau rua � e ----------- , and has full knowledge of the One—Silver Tube and Corp. for main connection. facts herein stated. One — Solanoid Valve and Strainer Assembly. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed One—Syphon Breaker Assembly. 150 Ft. V' Solution Hose. p �,�p Advorfisemewt fU � 447 One—Chlorine Testing Outfit. Installation of Equipment will be ------------- --- - - °- °- . -...----------------- --- -- ._.........- ------ - - -bi ------------------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its made by the Village, but supervision of installation shall be furnished by known office of publication within the--------------------------------- --- ---------------------- - ----- bidder. Bid is to be F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota. basis n� Of ii- Q_______.....__ ....__._in the County of Bids must be submitted on of cash payment. No bids will be con- sidered unless sealed and filed with ....______.________________ ----- ---- ______________- _____- ------------ ----------------- ..------_----------------- _------ _-- _--- - - - - -- , State of Minnesota, on undersigned before time of said meet- ing and accompanied by cash deposit, 1rB_ _ of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known of amount of bid. office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk material for preparing and printing the same; --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Village of Edina Construction - ,3ul.l.etln ----------------------------------------- ------....--------------------..._._..-----------------------...........----------...------------------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 040 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ......... Mver- i Qnen iii_ for.b id s--------------------------- ---------- --.--- - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ............... wo— .__....._- ____. - - -- ------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---------- 1•'�t�1 .... - --------- d¢Y of ----- - - - - -- --- -Nolembi)r. ---, j9_53- and thereafter on .... Thurs --------------.....------......-- of each week to and including the ------- 19th_ ------- day of.._Nfll r- - - - -- - - - - - -- .19.53...; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- lldvea" c fit._ -tor..bi&.-------- ._.... abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to befor4pme this ........ 1g� - - - -da day --�-o1re.beT 19._5 3.. .....:...:. ........... . . . . .. ti -.. �. —ll- Lei_...... ... _______._...__..._..______. ___.._.. _....... - -_. Notary Public ..............lva!�_ . . County, Minnesota. - illy Co nor -,.tv, rr_,1,:. emission L: jJ1IH3 .I..S_ Fj A ^� My commission expires -------- --------- - - -- -- --- --- ------- - '----,- 3......-- ---- -- ---- ------ Affidavit of Publication OF ;5 ........................................................... .............................'- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS r (Official Publication - VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CHLORINATION EQUIPMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet Monday, November 23, 1953, at 7 :30 P.M., at the Edina Village Hall, and .will at said time and place consider sealed bids for. the furnishing of the following equipment: One - Automatic operated, Visible Vacuum.Solution Feed Chlorinator - Capacity, 25 lbs. per 24 hrs. Unit to be capable of operating against 90 lbs. Main pressure when converted to high pressure installation. One - Solution Check"Valve- for° high pressure operation. One - Silver Tube and Corp..Cock for main connection. One - Solanoid Valve and Strainer Assembly.. One = Syphon Breaker Assembly. 150 Ft,.. V411. Solution hose: One'- Chlorine Testing Outfit. Installation of equipment will be made by the Village, but supervision of installation shall be furnished by bidder. Bid is to be F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota.: - . Bids must be.submitted on basis of cash payment. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVAID C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Edina- Morningaide Courier November 12 and 19, 19530 Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. .- Please send us 10 Clippings. (DUPLICATE) WALLACE& `TI ERNAN CO., INC NEWARK., 1, NEW- JERSEY mimlespolis't Wnwoota NEWARK 1, N. JN0VeMb.q;r..?3j ........... 13..... PROPOSAL To Water Department ViLlap of Edina Edina, Mnwsota (Hereinafter called the -Purchaser) WALLACE & TIERNAN IN .,, (hereinafter called the Company) proposes to furnish F. O. B. Newark; "k .: f. "the following apparatus, subject to. the terms and conditto'ns"st'ated:— One (1) Automatic Start do Stop Chlorinator, %vRq SLWCH, with 25 pounds /2!s hours Capacity,' one W 303bhoid, Valve- & "Strainer "semb] One (1) S-whon Breaker Assembly.- one t1l) solution Check Valve* One Rundred & 11fty feet (1500) of 3N Solution Bose. ,,One (1) Chlorlie Testing Outfit,#. One Silver tuba & Cor poration Cook. Swervision of Installation by one of our EngLwers. FUU freight allowed to Edina, Mgmaota. Terms: SEA TRIAL -NWAL.AGTdMHW ON 1E M SI16 1. PRICE s..VDA . ................................ 30 days net. If supervision of installation is to be provided ,by us ' these .terms may be considered as 807o', 30 days from date of invoice, 207o upon completion of installation, or if installation is delayed for reasons beyond Seller's control, full payment will be due within 90 days after date of invoice. dig2. SHIPMENT to be made within .............. ....30 ....s ....... J ................................................ after acceptance and approval of this con- tract and receipt of full information from the Purchaser at the Company's factory. Shipment to go forward via . ......... Ift . .... gh ......................... ............................... 'addressed to Wims Pxftnhsaot%A 3. TITLE to apparatus shall not pass to Purchaser until full payment therefore shall have been made in cash. On failure to pay, the Company may enter the premises without notice and remove the apparatus. 4. ACCEPTANCE. This proposal is subject to acceptance within thirty days by the Purchaser and when so accepted and thereafter approved by the Company. shall constitute the entire contract between the parties made at Newark, N. J. S. WARRANTY & FORCE MAJEURE. The Company warrants for a period of one year after shipment that the apparatus shipped of its manufacture is free from defects in workmanship and materials and its liability is limited to the replacement f.o.b. Newark, N. J., of such defective parts. The furnishing of the foregoing is subject to delay or cancellation caused by war, accidents, strikes, inability to secure labor and raw materi- als, fires, embargoes, car shortages, delays in transportation, governmental restraints of any kind and all other causes; whether of the same or of a different class, affecting the production or delivery of the whole or any constituent part thereof. A ccepted .... . ... .............19... ..... . ... . u as By .. ....... ............... ........................................ Title FORM 6378 11-52 iM A40 Proposal made by V1. J6 Dau ............................................ . . . . ... .......... Sales Re rese ve Co.. WALLACE AND TIE AN CO., INC. Approved on behalf of Wallace & Tiernan Co., Inc., at Newark, N. J. By* ....................................................................... .. .. TRIAI. WAL ClAUM 17ALLA(E & TIEiOM CA. agree to furnish this equipment under the following rental termat 3 per month rental for Six JQ months with the. understanding that if the City decides to purchase the equipment at any time during the trial period, we gill apply the rental charges against the purchase price of tho equipment. If the City decides to return the equipment at any time during the trial. period, 'it shall be returned 'to our, factory at Newark, New Jersey, Freight prepaid. .t 7n �- . Olson WSons, Inc. Sixty -Baird Year MANU ACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS TRUCK -BUS and UTILITY EQUIPMENT Pillsbury at Lake Minneapolis, Minn. RAY BOWLIN District Representative Pleasant 6846 Form I1 Rev. 2500 Sete M -D. 6-51 y PURCHASE ORDER ORIGINAL —TO VENDOR #114 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN. ORDER N®• A 16 9.1 � 4801 WEST 50TH STREET WHITTIER 1666 Wallace & Tiernan Compar>,y, Inc., DATE 11- 21-53 19 NewarN 1, New Jersey, TERMS DELIVER TO 4801 West 50th Street DEPT. WATER DATE WANTED Within 30 days FUN ACCOUNT IMPORTANT ORDERS ARE NOT VALID UNLESS RENDERED ON THIS FORM AND PROPERLY SIGNED. PLACE THIS ORDER NUMBER ON YOUR CLAIM. CLAIM MUST BE PROPERLY ITEMIZED AND VERIFIED AS REQUIRED BY LAW. SIGNED Z� _ OZO /-09 ele"� PURCHASING AGENT t QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Automatic Start & Stop Chlorinator, Type SASVCM, with 25 pounds /24 hour capacity. _ 1 Solenoid Valve & Strainer Assembly. 1 Syphon Breaker Assembly 1 Solution Check Valve 150 feet 3/411 Solution Hose 1 Chlorine Testing Outfit: One Silver tube & Corporation Cock. 61989. F.O.B. Fdina, Minnesota. As per bid dated November 23, 1953. IMPORTANT ORDERS ARE NOT VALID UNLESS RENDERED ON THIS FORM AND PROPERLY SIGNED. PLACE THIS ORDER NUMBER ON YOUR CLAIM. CLAIM MUST BE PROPERLY ITEMIZED AND VERIFIED AS REQUIRED BY LAW. SIGNED Z� _ OZO /-09 ele"� PURCHASING AGENT t WALLACE & TIERNAN CO. INC. CHLORINE CONTROLAND CHEMICAL FEED DEVICES NEWARK 1, NEW JERSEY QFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES Please reply to: 518 METROPOLITAN LIFE BUILDING Village Council Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota ATTENTION: Mr. _�rald C. Bank, Village Clerk SUBJECT: Red Water and Odor Control, Well No. 4 Gentlemen: Minneapolis 1, Minnesota November 23, 1953 1� Strictly in accordance with your specifications and requests for bids, we are pleased to attach our quotation in the amount of $1,989.00 covering our type SASVCM Visible Vacuum Automatic Start -Stop Solution Feed Chlorin- ator and accessories. The attached Publication No. 37 -0 describes the chlorinator and Publication No. 16—C illustrates the chlorine testing outfit. In the event that a mechanical diaphragm type chlorinator is given con- sideration, we attach alternate quotation in the amount of $$1,614.00 covering our type SASVDM Automatic Start —Stop Chlorinator as described in the attached Publication No. 5&.00. Attached is our Certified Check No. 43837 in the amount of $200.00. The above quotations.are firm but they are subject to thirty days acceptance and the terms printed at the bottom of this page. We will be present at your meeting to discuss this further with you at that time, if.you so desire. The opportunity of submitting this bid is appreciated and we look forward to receiving your valued order. Very truly yours, WALLACE & TIERNAN CO. INC. c .C� W. J Be ll, District Manager WJB :bbb encl. This quotation is subject to thirty days acceptance and to our usual terms of payment: so% thirty days from date of invoice: 20% upon completion of installation: title tc remain in its until equipment is paid for in full. Sales tax, if any, to be added. Any ��rder based on this quotation is subject to approval at our home office in Newark, New Jersey. Wallace & Tiernan Co., Inc. warrants for a period of one year after shipment that the apparatus shipped of its manufacture is free from defects in workmanship and materials. but its liability hereunder is limited to the replacement, I. o. b. Newark, N. J.. of the defective parts thereof. PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO THE MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE Form 209 7.52.2M (ORIGINAL) WALLACE & TI E RNAN CO., INC. �0 NEWARK, 1, N'EW JERSEY Minneapolis, Minnesota z NEWARK 1, N. J. ....NO'Pember...23A ..... 195,1.. PROPOSAL To Water Department Villa a of WJXa Edina Minn ota (Herehulter called the Psircbaser) WALLACE & TIE AN CO., INC., (hereinafter called the Company) proposes to furnish F. O. B. Newark, N. J. the following paratus, subject to the terms and conditions stated:— - One 1 Automatic St t & Stop Chlorinator, a SAMM with 25 pounds/24 hours —Capacity*,. One 1 lenoid Valve & Strainer Assembly. One (1) Syphon Breaker —Assembly: One (1 ) S ution Check Valve, One Hundred & Fifty feet (1501) of u Solution Hose, One Chlorine Testing Outfit: One Silver tube & Corporation Cock. Supervision of Installation one of o Engineers. Flil.l freight allowed to Edina Nb nneso Terms: SEE TRIAL — RENTAL AGREEIMENT ON (hi RSE SIEE 1. PRICE $��� _.._...._ --- 30 days net. If ervision of installation is to be provided by us, these terms maybe considered as 801Jo, 30 days from dat invoice, 20% upon completion of installation, or if installation is delayed for reasons beyond Seller's c ol, full payment will be due within 90 days after date of invoice. 2. SHIPMENT to be made within ..................��.. -dgY ... ..........................after acceptance and approval of this con- tract and receipt of full information from the Purc a e Company's factory. Shipment to go forward via ............... _. a` reghf,._........... ............................... addressed to . ................... a...........1..ririe -SQ- a �- 3. TITLE to apparatus shall not pass to Purchaser until full payment On failure to pay, the Company may enter the premises without notice 4. ACCEPTANCE. This proposal is subject to acceptance within thirty accepted and thereafter approved by the Company shall constitute the made at Newark, N. J. S. WARRANTY & FORCE MAJEURE. The Company warrants for a 1 the apparatus shipped of its manufacture is free from defects in work is limited to the replacement f.o.b. Newark, N. J., of such defective pa is subject to delay or cancellation caused by war, accidents, strikes, in als, fires, embargoes, car shortages, delays in transportation, governmenta causes, whether of the same or of a different class, affecting the produc constituent part thereof. Accepted................................. .....................19........ .................................................. ............................... Purchase By........................................... ............................... ........................... ............................... ....................... Title FORM 637A 11-82 1M A40 'e shall have been made in cash. remove the apparatus. by the Purchaser and when so Ire contract between the parties od of one year after shipment that anship and materials and its liability ts. The furnishing of the foregoing ,ility to secure labor and raw materi- restraints of any kind and all other ion or delivery of the whole or any Proposal made . , ....... �P. J. Bell ........................... Saks 1 WALLACE AND Approved on behalf of Wallace & at Newark, N. J. By.............. ............................... .K' Co.. Inc., TRIAL-RENTAL CLAUSE WALLACE & TIERNAN CO. agree to furnish this equipment under the following rental terms: $269.00 per month rental for Six (6) months with the understanding that if the City decides to purchase the equipment at any time during the trial period, we will apply the rental charges against the purchase price of the equipment. If the City decides to return the equipment at any time during the trial period, it shall be returned to our factory at Newark,• New Jersey, freight prepaid. I- (DUPLICATE) �� WA LLAC E & TIERNAN CO., INC. �0 NEWARK,.. 1, NEW. JERSEY Uinneapolier Minnesota November 23, 3 NEWARK 1, N. J .......................... .....................14........ PROPOSAL To Water Department Village of Edina Edinap Mnn sot& (Hereinafter called the Purchaser) ' WALLACE ' -& TIERNAN CO., INC., ( hereinafter called the Company) proposes to furnish F. 611. Newark, N. •J. the following apparatus,. subject to the terms and conditions stated:— . One (1).Automatic.Start & Stop Chlorinator, Type SASVD ?, with 25 pounds /24 hours Capacity. , Ono' (l) Solenoid Valve & Strainer Assembly. One ,(l) Syphon Breaker Aesembly9 Oise (1)" Solution Check Valve. One Hundred & Fifty feet (150,) of 31V Solution Hose. One .(l) Maor9ne Testing Outfits One Silver tune & Corporation Cock. Supervision of Installation by one of our Enderse ball freight allomd to Minas L1innesota. Terms: SFE TR3 U M]ITAL AMEZNT Obi EMRSE Sim 1. PRICE $1� ... .............................30 days net. If supervision of installation is to be provided by us, these terms may be 'considered as 80 %, 30 days from date of invoice, 2017o upon completion of installation, or if installation is delayed for reasons beyond Seller's control, full payment will be due within 90 days after date of invoice. 2. SHIPMENT to be made within ...............30..a ................... ..........................after acceptance and approval of this con- tract and cei t full information from the Purchaser �� tthe Co.$}pa�ny's cry. Shipment to go forward via ................... & n8 r a nn983'� . .................... .............................. addressed to ................i ............................................................................ ............................... 3. TITLE to apparatus shall not pass to Purchaser until full payment therefore shall have been made in cash. On failure to pay, the Company may enter the premises without notice and remove the apparatus. 4. ACCEPTANCE. This proposal is subject to acceptance within thirty days by the Purchaser and when so accepted and thereafter approved by the Company shall constitute the entire contract between the parties made at Newark, N. J. S. WARRANTY & FORCE MAJEURE. The Company warrants for a period of one year after shipment that the apparatus shipped of its manufacture is free from defects in workmanship and materials and its liability is limited to the replacement f.o.b. Newark, N. J., of such defective parts. The furnishing of the foregoing is subject to delay or cancellation caused by war, accidents, strikes, inability to secure labor and raw materi- als, fires, embargoes, car shortages, delays in transportation, governmental restraints of any kind and all other causes, whether of the same or of a different class, affecting the production or delivery of the whole or any constituent part thereof. Proposal made by Accepted................................. .....................19........ W. Jo Bell ? .................................................. ............ Sales Representative .................................. Purc ........ h .. a ... ser ..... ............................... WALLACE AND TIERNAN CO., INC. BB Approved on behalf of Wallace & Tiernan Co., Inc., y ............................................... ............................... at Newark, N. J ..................................................... ............................... By ............................... ............................... Title FORM 637B 11 -52 1M' A40 TRIAL- Oh-TAL CIA=,, WALLAS do TIERNAN CO. agree to furnish this equipment under the folloeing rental terms: .00 per month rental for te months with the underatanding that if the City decides to purchase the equipment at atW time during the trial period, we will apply tho rental char$se aganst the purchase price of the equipment. if the City decides to return the equipment at anry time during the trial period, it, shall be returned to our factory at Newark, Neer Jersey# fmight prepaid. FLOW REGULATING CHLORINE FLAW REGULATING HANDLE CHLORINE SOLUTION DISCHARGE HOSE PRESSURE RELIEF TUBE VALVE ASSEMBLY Connect with Hose To Pwmt Away ormm Appamtms. INJECTOR SUCTION TUBE INJECTOR VACUUM 5PRING CHilk MBER d FLEXIBLE TANK CONNECTION DIAPHRAGM INLET NEEDLE b SEAT AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLY FLOW MEASURING ORIFICE MANOMETER TUBE & SCALE INDICATES RATE OF - MAIN WATER SUPPLY CHLORINE FEED / _ r TANK PRESSURE GAGE MAIN CYLINDER VALVE INDICATES CYLINDER.PRESSURE - HANDLE WITH CARE - OVERFLOW TUBE 1+, / Ir DO NOT STRAIN. DO NOT REMOVE FROM TRAY WATER SUPPLY _ \0ATER - CYLINDER. REGULATING VALVE PRESWRE �� 4s-+ hz CHLORINE CYLINDER TRAY - - i - - UNION TYPE AUXILIARY } CYLINDER VALVE. /�/ `, • .:• -DO NOT USE WRENCH - OPERATE WITH HAND. MAIN CONNECTION OVERFLOW CONNECTION - -- FLOW DIAGRAM MANUAL CONTROL VACUUM SOLUTION FEED CHLORINATOR TYPE - MSVD A -507 SERIES WALLACE STIERNAN DWG.N2. 9322 - � 8•y4 -41. Publiention No. TP - 56 - C - 3 WALLACE & TIERNAN MANUAL AND SEMI-AUTOMATIC CONTROL VACUUM CHLORINATORS Types MSVD and SASVD -- Series A - 626 THE Types MSVD and SASVD Vacuum Chlorin- ators — like all W &T equipment — are designed as leaders in their class. Both units are the product of sound engineering, precision manufacturing, and rigid testing. Each is intended to fill the need, in both the public health and industrial fields of chlorination, for a unit incorporating the rugged design, simplicity of operation and dependable, trouble -free perform- ance of the vacuum principle, but, in the interests of economy, without the refinements of other W &T Visible Vacuum Chlorinators. Sound and serviceable, these units are the simplest modification of the vacuum principle consistent with good engineering practice. 4.onstraetion The Types MSVD and SASVD are of similar con- struction, with Type SASVD being additionally equipped for semi - automatic operation. (Semi -auto- matic means starting and stopping in conjunction with another item of equipment, such as a pump, or other control device.) Essentially, each unit consists of: a pressure - regulating and flow control valve; an indicating orifice meter; an aspirator type injector; and pressure gauges, control valves and accessories, all mounted on a durable steel pedestal. All parts which come in contact with chlorine gas are con- View of the Operating Panel structed of silver, hard rubber, glass or chlorine resistant plastics. Operating controls and gauges are located at eye level on the f ront of the pedestal. All other parts are readily accessible from the rear. Over -all dimensions are the same for both units and each requires a mini- mum of floor space. The units present an at- tractive, modern appearance whether installed near a wall or in the center of a room. Operation These chlorinators operate on the vacuum principle, wherein the chlorine gas is under a partial vacuum from the time it enters the ma- chine until it is mixed with water to form a chlorine solution in the injector. Chlorine from a cylinder or ton container passes through the main and auxiliary cylinder valves and a flexible connection to the flow regulating valve assembly. This assembly is a spring- loaded, vacuum actu- ated diaphragm valve which serves three func- tions. First, since it reduces the gas pressure to a value below atmospheric pressure prior to meter- ing, it serves to eliminate possible errors in feed rate due to pressure changes in the chlorine con- tainer. Second, since the spring load is manually adjustable, it serves as a rate of flow control valve. Third, it shuts off the gas if unusual con- ditions — such as injector water supply failure — should affect the vacuum in the system. Adjustment of the rate of flow is accomplished by setting the spring tension with the flow con- trol handle located on the front of the pedestal. This spring tension on one side of the diaphragm, opposing the vacuum (created by the injectorl on the other side, positions the needle in the flow control valve to maintain any desired rate of flow. Operation of the valve is visible through a sight glass, to facilitate checking. After passing through the flow regulating valve assembly, the gas flows through a meter- ing orifice, also visible through a sight glass. A water filled manometer tube, with a scale grad- uated in pounds of chlorine per 24 hours, is con- nected across the metering orifice to provide an accurate indication of the rate of chlorine flow. From the orifice, the gas flows into an injector suction chamber from which it is drawn into the injector throat. The injector, of the aspirator type, mixes the gas with a minor flow of water and discharges the resultant solution to the point of application. Operation in the Type MSVD is controlled by two valves — the chlorine flow control valve which is used to set the desired rate of chlorine flow, and the make -up water valve which regu- Publication LIA TA.4 -C WALLACE & TIERNAN E SEMI- AUYOMATIC CHLORINATION Automatic Start -Stop Operation Adaptable to All Visible Vacuum Chlorinators i AutoMatic operating schedules in water works, sew- age disposal plants and for industrial chlorination are becoming increasingly common. More and more plants are being' controlled; at least partially, by means of floats, pressure controls and program clocks. Chlorina- tion in conjunction with any controlled cycle such as this must synchronize automatically with the program in effect' Automatic start and stop with each cycle of plant operation to provide proper uniform chlorina- tion at all times, requires a chlorinator which will always be ready for instant action, will operate efficiently and accurately at a uniform rate during the • on •' period and will shut down instantly and com- pletely during the "off" period, to remain ready for instant action again, as the cycle repeats. Merely to, start and stop in synchronism, however, is not enough. Unless the chlorinator feed rate jumps from zero to the prescribed rate immediately the 11 on" cycle begins, accuracy is lost. Shut off too, must. embody this ' • snap action", dropping the chlorine feed rate instantly to zero in synchronism with 'shut down of pumping or termination of chlorination cycle in a program. The hydraulic operation of the Visible Vacuum Chlo- rinator makes- this type of equipment particularly . adaptable to semi - automatic operation. Any device that will interrupt the flow of water to the main in- jector will in turn break the vacuum in the chlorine meter allowing the water level inside the bell jar to drop and in so doing, shut off itheT flow of gas from the container to the bell jar at the chlorine pressure reducing valve. By simply adding an auxiliary injector which operates Schematic Operating Diagram W&T Semi - Automatic Chlorinator on a negligible quantity of water, a vacuum sufficient to hold ,:the apparatus ready for instant action is maintained during periods when the supply to the main injector is inter- rupted. ,When the flow through the main injector is re- established, the chlorinator feed rate;,:, immediately jumps from zero to the pre- established setting. No lag occurs between program operation and appli- cation of chlorine. Conversely, immediately the flow to the main injector is in- terrupted, application of chlo- rine stops and'remains at zero until the cycle repeats. Continuous operation of the auxiliary injector maintains the chlorinator prepared to start instantly on a new . cycle of chlorination -when the main injector is again ' placed in operation. By holding the chlo- L 1 Chlorine Metering Orifice Chlorine Solution to j Point of Application Float Valve Controls Chlorine Feed oz Chlorine / enters here Air Vacuum Control limits auxiliary vacuum Main Injector Auxiliary Injector Assembly Creates toper- '2,► - maintains chlorinator ready sting vacuum for instant action when "on cycle starts - Various methods of- con- -� trolling .Meter Vacuum - °n Au xiliary Water Su I PP Y during o cycle appl ied here o I o Automatic valve synchronizes main injector operation with operating - program �- Main - - i Water Supply - r. Schematic Operating Diagram W&T Semi - Automatic Chlorinator on a negligible quantity of water, a vacuum sufficient to hold ,:the apparatus ready for instant action is maintained during periods when the supply to the main injector is inter- rupted. ,When the flow through the main injector is re- established, the chlorinator feed rate;,:, immediately jumps from zero to the pre- established setting. No lag occurs between program operation and appli- cation of chlorine. Conversely, immediately the flow to the main injector is in- terrupted, application of chlo- rine stops and'remains at zero until the cycle repeats. Continuous operation of the auxiliary injector maintains the chlorinator prepared to start instantly on a new . cycle of chlorination -when the main injector is again ' placed in operation. By holding the chlo- L rinator ready for instantaneous action in this way, the chlorination cycle accurately follows the plant operat- ing program. There is no time lag which would permit initial flow to pass unchlorinated, nor is there a trailing off as chlorination stops. In every respect, the semi- automatic chlorinator em- bodies all of the recognized superior features of Visible Vacuum control as found in all W &T Visible Vacuum Chlorinators, in addition to the ability to synchronize chlorination with any automatic plant operating program. The semi- automatic feature may be in- stalled on either a manual chlorinator or a proportional automatic chlorinator. METHODS OF CONTROL In general, control of chlorination to synchronize with any automatic program requires control of the flow of water through the main injector. Means of accomplishing this may be selected from a number of possibilities, depending on the plant program and means of synchronization which will most readily fit into the general plant scheme. Solenoid Valves Solenoid valves actuated from the pump circuit, program clock, float switch or pressure switch may be installed directly in the water line to the main injector of smaller capacity chlorinators. Larger capacity injectors require that the solenoid be placed in the water line to the meter vacuum control, or the use of a motor operated valve. Motor Operated Valves Motor operated valves may be used for control of water flow to the main injector either directly in the injector water line or in the water line to meter vacuum control. Motor operated valves have a characteristic time lag of 15 to 30 seconds which must be taken into consideration, both in starting and stopping the chlorination cycle, and are not used where a snap action" is important. • Feed "On" Period Rate Note complete absence of time lag from "off" ly to "on" and vice versa c U U "Off" Period "OR" Period 0 TIME IN MINUTES Chlorination Cycle with W&T Semi - Automatic Chlorinator Program Clocks Program control regulated to time cycles is accom- plished by means of program clocks which will actuate the circuit of solenoid or motor operated valves. The W &T Program Clock is accurate, flexible and depend- able and is an important added accessory to semi- automatic chlorine control with W &T Semi - Automatic Chlorinators using time cycle programs. • The intimate knowledge of W &T in the entire field of chlorination is reflected in the design, engineer- ing and manufacture of Visible Vacuum Chlorinators. Semi - Automatic (automatic start -stop) Chlorina- tion is more and more widely needed in connection with automatic plant operation. By the flexibility of its application —W &T Semi- Automatic Control meets this need in all of its diverse requirements. Progressive changes in designs and specifications may be made without prior announcement. "The Only Safe Water Is a Sterilized !Water" WALLACE & TIERNAN Manufacturers of Chlorine and Ammonia Control Apparatus Newark 1, New Jersey Represented in ALBANY BUFFALO DALLAS JACKSONVILLE MINNEAPOLIS PORTLAND SEATTLE ATLANTA CHARLOTTE DENVER JEFFERSONTOWN MONROVIA ROANOKE SYRACUSE AUSTIN CHICAGO DETROIT KANSAS CITY OKLAHOMA CITY ST. LOUIS UNION CITY BOSTON CLEVELAND HOUSTON KNOXVILLE PHILADELPHIA SALT LAKE CITY WASHINGTON, D. C. BRIDGEPORT COLUMBUS INDIANAPOLIS LUBBOCK PITTSBURGH SAN FRANCISCO WALLACE & TIERNAN LTD., TORONTO, CANADA WALLACE & TIERNAN LTD., MONTREAL, CANADA WALLACE & TIERNAN LTD., WINNIPEG, CANADA WALLACE & TIERNAN LTD., LONDON, ENGLAND 3M 12 -50 Printed in U S. A lates the flow of water to the tray and injector suction chamber. Under normal circumstances, this latter valve may. be set once and left alone unless radical changes occur in the operating conditions. A chlorine pressure gauge and a water pressure gauge along with the orifice meter give all essential operating data. Senti- Autontatie Operation, Operation of the Type SASVD is similar to the', MSVD except that, in. addition, it is equipped with a solenoid valve in the injector water supply line which serves to interrupt the injector water. supply and thus shut down the chlorinator when current to the valve is inter- rupted; By wiring the valve in a pump or other control. circuit the chlorinator can be made to start and stop automatically, (semi - automatic operation) with any auxiliary piece of equip- ment. A small auxiliary- injector, operating contin- uously from a separate water supply, is also in- cluded in the Type SASVD.. This auxiliary in- jector serves to discharge to waste any chlorine which might leak past the chlorine regulating valve during shut -down periods. Design Features Outstanding design features include shut -off valves and strainers on water lines; accessibility of all parts; visible operation; and vacuum re- lief, overflow and pressure relief arrangements to protect the apparatus from damage due to water _pressure failures or other unexpected operating circumstances. General Dimensions of the Type MSVD or SASVD Chlorinator. 12° i 41 V 0 AN � GAS INLET _ _CHLORINE 2 "AUX. WATER INLET 652" CHLORINE SOLUTION DISCHARGE Je $ INJECTOR WATER INLET FOR _ 3" i CAPACITIES OF CHLORINE UNDER 100 0/24 HR S. 504 30° i1 _ in I° INJECTOR WATER INLET FOR " CAPACITIES OF CHLORINE OVER 100 # / H 5. - -� - 4.� 91. 4 FRONT SIDE DWG. NO. 1295 General Dimensions of the Type MSVD or SASVD Chlorinator. Teeknical Da,tte Capacity Maximum 400 lbs. per 24 hours. Minimum. 0.8 lbs. per 24 hours. Meters Available 4, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 3'0, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 400 lbs. per 24 hrs. Minimum Operating Water Pressure 25 p. s. "i. Dimensions Width 1' 6 "; Depth 2' 2%z'; Height 5' 5Y8" Shipping Weight 360 lbs. Serriee Every W &T Representative is a factory 'trained.- specialist in I, Teeknical Da,tte Capacity Maximum 400 lbs. per 24 hours. Minimum. 0.8 lbs. per 24 hours. Meters Available 4, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 3'0, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 400 lbs. per 24 hrs. Minimum Operating Water Pressure 25 p. s. "i. Dimensions Width 1' 6 "; Depth 2' 2%z'; Height 5' 5Y8" Shipping Weight 360 lbs. PRINTED IN U.S.A. Serriee Every W &T Representative is a factory 'trained.- specialist in chlorinator maintenance, prepared to give prompt service 'on All W &T Equipment. Located in some 35 cities throughout the country, the W &T Field Staff is always at your call. Communicate with any' W &T " Representative or directly with the Main Office and Factory at Newark, N. J. Progressive changes in designs may be made without prior 'announcement. "The Only Safe Water Is a Sterilized Water" - WALLACE T= ;I -ERNAN Newark 1, New Jersey Represented in, .. ALBANY B BUFFALO - DALLAS JACKSON -VILLE MINNEAPOLIS 'PORTLAND ATLANTA C CHARLOTTE DENVER JEFFERSONTOWN 31ONROVIA ROANOKE SYRACUSE • AUSTIN C CHICAGO DETROIT KANSAS CITT OKLAH031A CITY ST. LOUIS UNION CITY ' BOSTON' C CLEVELAND HOUSTON KNOXVILLE. - PHILADELPHIA SALT LAKE CITY WASHINGTON, D. C. BRIDGEPORT C COLUMBUS INDIANAPOLIS LUBBOCK PITTSBURGH SAN FRANCISCO WALLACE X TIEIINAN, L LTD.. TORONTO. CANADA WA LACE h TIERNAN. LTD., MONTREAL. CANADA A TIERNAN, I IYAIi\CH A TIERNA N. ITD.. LONDON. ENGLAND A "Standard of the if6r /d o MW9 for fono/ny and fffcenc " To :. Village Council Evald C. Bank, Village Clerk L— RIoldnegal Edina, TAnnesota (2ontirol0GuLPMent Gentlemen: Date November 170 1953 Est. No. 53/258/W. C. Subj: Chlorine Control Equip for Village of Edina, Minn. We are.pleased to submit a quotation on chlorinating equipment to meet the requirements of the specifications. ITEMS QUAN. DESCRIPTION PRICE 1 ] : Sterelator (Chlorinator) -series 1900 Semi - A» t ama , i c Capacity 3 -30 lbs. chlorine gas per 24 hours. Extra capacity Solution hose 150mr.. Drain hose eft. Vent Hose —15 --It. $ 2 - Scale F.M. #1124 Beam type, 18x27, platform , 1000 lbs. capacity $ 3 - Scale F.M. #1118 Beam type, 25x32, platform 2000 lbs. capacity $ 4 - Gas Mask - Approved type #1637 $ 5 y Test Set - No. 605 Hellige Comparator $ 6 - Test Set - No. 607A Hellige Comparator $ 7 1 Test Set - No. 1635D Taylor Enslow Chlorimeter $ 8 1 Engineering Supervision $ 9 - Chlorine gas Manifold for' Tanks $ 10 Chlorine Cylinders $ 11 - Chlorine Solution Distribution Manifold # for Points $ 12 _ Booster Pump Type $ GPM Head Feet Motor H.P. Volts Ph. RPM Starter No. 13 - Evaporator, complete with all controls #3206B, Capacity Lbs. $ 14 - Rubber-lined pipe, valves and fittings, size Lot $ 15 GUARANTEE: The Everson Mfg. Corp. guarantees this equipment to give good and accurate service, and will furnish for replacement any part that may prove defective due to workmanship or material during first year of operation at no cost to the purchaser. 16 TOTAL PRICE $ 1548.00 17 Prices F. O. B. Village of Edina, I12innesota Terms: Net, 30 days Shipment -days. Shipping Weight 400 lbs. EVERSON MANUFACTURING CORP. BY: Bid check No. 38610 enclosed. R. B. Everson, Pres. Everson - Manufacturing Corporation 2/4 -f6 W.N(IRON STREET — CHICAGO !0 ILLINOIS FORM NO. 3129 68S 11/53 -1M - "AL07% y/�0 rr�ris s```ue CYCLONE FENCE AMERICAN STEEL AND WIRE DIVISI0H UNITED STATES STEEL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES • WAUKEGAN, ILL. Branch Offices and Warehouses in Principal Cities Roan 1362•W, lit NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ST. PAUL 1, VINN. August 20, 1953 Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, Minn. Gentlemen: We proprose to furnish, deliver and erect, in accordance with your specification, 388 linear feet of 8 ft. Cyclone Invincible Fence and 1 double gate for 12 ft. opening around base of.the water tower at Edina High School for the sum of one thousand-dollars ($1,000.00). The fence is to be of cir- cular layout 95 feet in diameter. A certified check in the amount of $130.00 is enclosed. Very truly yours, P_ 8/ . F CYCLONE FENCE DEPT. AFRICAN STEM & WIRE DIV. U. S. STEEL CO. FDF:rh J� 1 f f t } j CYC LO MI E F E N C E AMERICAN STEEL fi WIRE DIVISIO N CYCLONE =._ UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION GENERAL OFFICES • WAUKEGAN.ILL. _ BRANCH OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES A14ust X. 1953 IN PRINCIPAL CITIES Village Of Edina Mr. Evald C. Bank (Clk.) Village Hall 4801 W 50th St. Minneapolis' Minnesota Re: Sanitary Sewer —Deep Well & Sidewalk Gentlemen: In connection with the above project, you may require one or more of the Cyclone products listed belo,4: Wire Fence and Gates Steel Picket Fence Wire Mesh Partitions Wire Mesh Window Guards Metal Conveyor Belts Backstops (Tennis or Baseball) Wire Mesh Refuse Baskets The address of our nearest sales office is: Mr. F. D. Ferree West Is t Nat'l Bank Bldg. St. Paul 1, Minnesota Phone: Nestor 1885 and we have requested our representative to contact you personally at his earliest opportunity. It is possible, however,.that your requirements may need immediate attention, in which case, we will greatly appreciate your contacting us. Wire or telephone, or mail the enclosed post card. Yours very truly, CYCLONE FENCE LPQ: jm 'rr Sales Department en ma -1 ON 01 WN WHIM W, CLIFFORD , PRESIDE MANUFACTURERS FRANKLIN A. AUSTIN VICE PRESIDENT OSCAR A. BRECKE �v ^ ~!� --! - -� - - -'�° METAL ® ® ® ® ®ia -' PRODUCTS SECRETARY - LATON S. SMITH' TREASURER Q y> or— PHONE GRANVILLE 3556 1229 TYLER STREET N. E. MINNEAPOLIS 13. MINN. August 20, 1953 Edina Village Council Edina Village Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Gentlemen; We submit a price of One Thousand Seventy —Nine Dollars ($1079.00) for the chain link fence in accordance with specifications erected in place at the base of the water tower. If awarded the contract, we have the materials in stock and can begin erection on short notice. Our price is based on furnishing Page Chain Link Fence. Certified check for $110.00 is enclosed. LCMOORE /je Enclosed 0 0 Yours truly, CROWN IRON WORKS COMPANY e epartme ESTABLISHED 1878 .•I 41 VIM � Y x r n r.. jz!1t��r.��t�js� ;t'•t`!1 A , rev �-�' Raw v • Al Mr 7 ��. '�.-� •'''�� � �� i �! p•ti f1"ri'�'�r ,�• � 'wl,, VN IRON 4 �'p WORKS 1200 Central Ave. N.E. t • • PAGE is on duty day and night dt� Most plant.rtoday have their parking areas fenced' in with chain link fence such as Page Fence. The reasons are apparent7i, it keeps outsiders out — prevents tampering with cars — stops petty pilfering of plant equipment — and keeps workers on the job during working hours. Page Fence increases the value of:property. It's "permanent protection"'. and that's money well spent. Cemeteries that have Page Protection are quiet, peaceful, neat-,looking; they are well - kept and well'manag&d regting places. Des - tructi'Ve'- -roaming of` stray,-,,d§ gs is checked aiid vandalism eliminated.. Its also easier to beautify the grounds by 16hdscaping as the cemetery is no longer a "shortcut" for thoughtless trespassers. Once a - oFe.Fence is erected, it is up to stay. Mair%feriance is very slight. Perpetual care takes -_on, a new meaning when Page is on the job. ;i�L fill, Fenced -in privacy-and protection is not only desirable.1;& a "golf course and club house = "it's'a wise investment as well. Strong"P'age "Protection" Fence permits tournament revenues which soon offset the cost of the fence. Signs such as "No Trespassing" and "No Picnicking" are unnecessary when a fence goes up. Chain link fence is an attractive, modern- looking enclosure that blends well with any landscape. 3TR -3W� Page PROTECTION fence STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS HEAVY CONSTRUCTION STANDARD IN HEIGHTS 5' TO 12', INCLUSIVE FABRIC — The fabric shall be composed of individual wire pickets helically wound and interwoven from No. 6 or No. 9 W &M gauge copperbearing steel wire to form a continuous chain link fabric having a 2" mesh. Top and bottom edges shall have a twisted and barbed finish. It shall be hot dip galvanized after weaving to produce a zinc coating not less in weight than 1.4 oz. per sq. ft. of bare wire surface and to stand 6 one - minute dips by Preece Test according to A.S.T.M. Spec. No. A- 191 -38. Wire in the fabric to stand a tensile strength test of 85,000 lbs. per sq. inch for No. 6 gauge, and 90,000 lbs. per sq. inch for No. 9 gauge, after galvanizing, LINE POSTS— Shall be 2/ "' O.D. std. pipe or 2%" x 1 %s" High Carbon H -Beams hot galvanized. Posts to be spaced approximately 10 ft. on centers and set full 3 ft. in bell - shaped concrete footings, crowned to shed water. TOP RAIL — Shall be (for style 3TR) is /" O.D. stand- ard pipe hot galvanized and shall be furnished in random lengths averaging not less than 20 ft., joined with extra long pressed steel sleeves, hot galvanized, making a rigid connection but allowing for expansion and contraction. TOP WIRE — Shall be (for style 3W) No. 7 W &M gauge extra galvanized High Carbon coiled steel wire securely fastened to line and terminal posts. FABRIC TIES — For attaching fabric to line posts, top rail or top wire, and shall be aluminum strip or wire. Used on top rail every 24 "; on line posts every 14 ". BARBED WIRE — The fabric shall be surmounted with 3 strands of barbed wire. Each strand shall consist of 2 No. 12/ W &M gauge twisted copperbearing steel line wires, hot double galvanized, with No. 14 W &M gauge alumi- num 4 Pt. barbs spaced not more than 4" apart. BARBED WIRE EXTENSIONS — All intermediate and corner posts shall be equipped with extension arms for supporting barbed wire. The base shall be malleable iron and the extension pressed steel hot galvanized after fabri- cation. Intermediate arm shall have provision for passing top rail and corner arm casting to have set screw. END AND CORNER POSTS — Shall be standard hot gal- vanized basic open hearth copperbearing steel pipe 3" O.D., weighing 5.79 lbs. per foot, for setting full 3' deep in bell- shaped concrete footings crowned to shed water. SWING GATE POSTS — Same as end posts, but in sizes — Pipe Size Wt. Per Gate Opening Gate Opening O:D. Ft. Single, inclusive Double, inclusive 3" 5.79 lbs. To 6' Up to 12' 4" 9.11 Over 6' to 13' Over 12' to 26' 65/" 18.97 Over 13' to 18' Over 26' to 36' 85/ „ 25.00 Over 18' to 32' Over 36' to 64' CANTILEVER GATE POSTS — 3" O.D. Wt. 5.79 lbs. per ft. OVERHEAD SLIDING GATE POSTS — 4" O.D. weighing 9.11 lbs. per foot for single and double gates up to and including 30' opening. Size of posts above this opening will depend on size of opening. END AND GATE POST TOPS — Hot galvanized malleable iron, drive fitting outside of post to exclude moisture. BRACE AND TENSION BANDS — Unclimbable beveled edge type with 3/" diameter square shouldered aluminum carriage bolts, non - removable from outside fence. BRACING —All terminal posts shall be braced by means of is /$" O.D. horizontal compression member, securely attached to terminal and first line posts with malleable iron fittings, beveled edge bands, and truss braced from first line post to bottom of terminal by %" rod & turnbuckle. Corner posts to be so braced in each direction. TENSION BARS — For attaching fabric to terminal posts. Shall be %a" x 3/" High Carbon steel attached to terminal post by means of beveled edge bands. GATES SWING GATE FRAMES — 2" O.D. standard pipe with in- ternal bracing of 15/g" O.D. standard pipe — welded at all joints to provide rigid watertight construction. SLIDING GATE FRAMES — Shall be same general con- struction as swing gates but shall have suitable extensions for attaching trolleys and bracing. GATE FILLERS — Frames shall be filled with same speci- fication of fabric as is used in line of fence. HINGES —Offset type allowing gates to swing parallel with line of fence; to be of malleable iron and forgings. DOUBLE LATCH —Shall be drop bar type securely bolted to gate frame and to engage a heavy malleable iron gate stop anchored in concrete footings. SINGLE LATCH —For Swing Gates to & including 10 ft. opening; to be malleable iron gravity type latch to auto- matically engage pin welded in gate frame. Can be pad- locked. GATEKEEPER —Gate frame to have a keeper which auto- matically engages the gate frame when swung open. MISCELLANEOUS FITTINGS — All fittings entering into fence necessary to make a complete installation to be mal- leable iron, pressed steel, aluminum or forgings. All fer- rous material shall be galvanized by hot dip method. STANDARD IN 5' AND 6' HEIGHTS Medium construction fence shall be of the same general construction and quality as heavy construction, except: LINE POSTS —To be 2" O.D. std. pipe, hot galvanized. END & CORNER POSTS —2/" O.D. std. pipe, hot galv. GATE POSTS —Std. pipe, hot galv.; furnished in sizes: Pipe Size Gate Opening Gate Opening O.D. Single Double 2V2 Up to 3' inc. Up to 6' inc. 3" Over 3' to 6' inc. Over 6' to 12' inc. GATES Swing gates shall be same general construction as for heavy construction except frames shall be 15/" O.D. with lys" O.D. internal bracing. GATE KEEPERS — Not regularly supplied but will be if required and specified. All specifications are subject to government changes or regulations. II � o r y �C y� moo Construction details — ' FABRIC BAND AND LINK TENSION BAND 0 BEVELED STEEL GALVANIZED WITH ALUMINUM BOLTS ALTERNATE POSTS 000000000�� 0 � ° 000 TUBULAR 0 H.BEAM LINE POST TOP END POST TOP 0 0 FABRIC IS PAGE SEMI - FLAT INTERLOCKING FABRIC FURNISHED WITH BARBED TOP BARBED TOP WILL BE OR KNUCKLED TOP FURNISHED UNLESS AS SPECIFIED NOTED OTHERWISE CORNER POST TOP END POST DETAIL LINE POST DETAIL CORNER POST DETAIL DH -336 Printed to U.S.A. "' ` N. O� .05 10M 12 -62 KP CONTINENTAL. hail -Link ]Fence TR. MRK. REG. u.B. PAT. OFF. A PRODUCT OF CONTINENTAL STEEL CORPORATION, KOKOMO, INDIANA PROPOSAL Edina High School Address -__—_ 480 West 50th City - Edina. Stato___Minn. This proposal covers CONTINENTAL, chain link fence in accordance with attached Standard specifications for: HEAVY Style 3BR ,Height over-all-84 inches, Fabric-7-2--inches high of No.__9 gauge wire woven into a__2:- -inch mesh "HOT -DIP" GALVANIZED AFTER WEAVING. Size of line posts_- -2-2:�--"__ o.d _ spaced 10 feet apart. Quantities Required:-Based on drawing -- UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 288' FT. COMPLETE FENCE WITH6OW4 TOP RAIL @ 2.12 PER LINEAL FT 610.56 FT. TOP RAIL " 0. D. @ PER LINEAL FT Fr. CENTER RAIL O. D. @ PER LINEAL FT BOTTOM NO. WIDTH TOTAL FT. SOL. OR DSL. FRAME 1211 1 12' 1211 GATES Ph1 2 " 0. D. @-12 - 90 PER LINEAL FT- 154.80 GATES " O. D. @ PER LINEAL FT TOTAL FT. GATES - GATES " O. D. @ PER LINEAL FT GATES " O. D. @ PER LINEAL FT GATES " O. D. @ PER LINEAL FT SHOW O. H. CLEARANCE - NO. a1ZB ON BLIDE GAT[S O. D. END POSTS @ PER POST O. D. CORNER__ POSTS @ PER POST PULL 2 3 8 PER POST 40.16 - 3" 0. D. GATE POSTS @ 20 . .0 O. D. GATE POSTS @ PER POST — _ O. D. GATE POSTS @ PER POST $805.52 Increase Aug. 1, 1953 40.27 Total - Materials F. O. B.__----- -_ —_ -- — ------------- ___--- R4Fi.79 ------- -- -&QQ___ —Ft. Fence and Gates Installation @ 4`�_ Per Lineal Ft. 315.00 --- 2_- __— Terminal Posts Installation (g1 5.00 —Each _ 10.00 -------Ft. Sliding Gates Installation Per Lineal Ft._ Total - Complete Installation Charge _— _ — 325.00 Total - Materials Completely Installed —_ —__ — $1170.791 _ disaount 4 1 4 o -Deduct - - - - - 50.00 Invoice Will Be Rendered for More or Less Quantifies at Above Unit Prices $1120.00 Shipment to ------ _ —__ —___— City_r____ State Address — _____Delivery requested by ___ —_— 19 —_ Erection Supt. report to: _ — By— — —_ 19_ Prices named herein are subject to change without notice. Applicable state or local sales or use taxes are not included and must be paid by purchaser. When properly signed by the purchaser and approved and accepted by the home office of the seller, this proposal becomes a contract, upon the forms and conditions expressly set out herein and printed on the back hereof and is contingent upon delays due to strikes, fires, accidents or other causes beyond the control of the seller. Terms: Net cash. Accepted by Respectfully submitted by MINNESOTA _ FENCE & _IRON Wg44S :__INC. ----------------- - - - - -- ----------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- PURCHASER SELLER _-- __- - - - - -_ 240 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. ------------------------------ ADDRESS ADDRESS SKETCH OF FENCE LINE CONDITIONS COMPLETE INSTALLATION CONTRACT — Includes the installation of fencing specified in contract, setting all posts in concrete footings, and fur- nishing all labor and concrete materials. The purchaser agrees to establish property line stakes, grade stakes, and to clear the fence lines of all obstructions that may interfere with the eree- fion. This preliminary work is to be completed by the purchaser before the date ereefion is to begin. Unless otherwise specified, if is assumed that the fence is to follow the natural contour of the ground. Should if be necessary to drill rock for the setting of posts, to remove existing fence or buildings, to grade, to fill, or to furnish extra large, or deep foofings for posts, or if additional labor is required other than fence erectors, the purchaser agrees to pay for the extra expense involved. All changes or alterations in measurements or maferials will be treated as an entirely new contract. If erection is suspended at the purchaser's request the ensuing expense for time and travel of the erection men to complete the job, is to be paid by the purchaser. ERECTION SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT — Includes furnishing an erection superintendent fully equipped with tools to supervise the erection of fencing specified in confracf. The charge begins at the time the superintendent reports on the job and continues until the installation is complete or until he is released by purchaser. Charge will be on the basis of 8 hours minimum per day for each working day, .including time lost due to wea- ther or any other cause beyond control of the seller. Where purchaser orders work stopped temporarily, for any reason whatsoever, purchaser is to pay at once for services of ereefion Superintendent fo fime when work was stopped. IOM 12 -92 KP CONTINEN'..AL Chain Link Fence TR. MRK. REG. U.S.FAT.OFP.. - A PRODUCT OF CONTINENTAL STEEL CORPORATION, KOKOMO. INDIANA PROPOSAL Edina:_ SLI].age__0s mni_1 ____ -- --- -_ -Jcbt —Edina ELF Sah©ol $801 west sm, city Fd171u Address ----- - - - - -- — .--------------- - - - - -- MiiiiTle -state.- Mime, proposal covers CONTINENTAL chain link fence in accordance with attached Standard specifications for: RUAVY Style_ Height over =all_ — inches, Febric?2 ___inches high of No. S _gauge wire woven into a � in'ch mesh "HOT -DIP" GALVANIZED, AFTER WEAVING. Size of line posts___ _2 _— * *do_— speced—o_ feet apart. Quantities Required: Based on drawing UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 2861 FT. COMPLETE FENCE WITHVM TOP RAIL @ 2.1E PER LINEAL'FT_ 610056 FT,-TOP RAIL " O.D. @ PER LINEAL FT FT. CENTER RAIL 0. D. BOTTOM @ PER LINEAL FT NO. WIDTH 1 12r TOTAL FT. SOL. OR DEL. FRAME 12* GATES Db1e 2 " 0. D. PER LINEAL FT. 164080 121 @12'90 GATES " O. D. @ PER LINEAL FT TOTAL PT. GATES. GATES " O. D. @ PER LINEAL FT _ GATES " O. D. @ PER LINEAL FT. GATES " O. D. @ PER LINEAL FT - SHOW O. H. CLEARANCE - - - NO. SlzK ON SLIDE GATES _ — O. D. END POSTS @ PER POST O. D. CORNER_ POSTS PULL @ PER POST 16 2 ga O. D. GATE POSTS @ 20008 PER POST 40* — — O. D. GATE POSTS @ PER POST _ — O. D. GATE POSTS @ PER POST 5% Increase Auge 1, 1958 80Se52 40* 27 Total - Materials F. O. B -------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- _ 4845.79 ------- —!W - -Ft. Fence and Gates Installation @ 1.05 Per Lineal Ft. 515.00 _ 2 ------ ___Terminal Posts Installation 5.00 Each 10000 ----- __ ---- _—____--Ft. Sliding Gates Installation @---Per Lineal Ft.----- _ Total - Complete Installation Charge -- -- 325' Total - Materials Completely Installed _ —_ _ 41170x78 dUoount 4__1/4 Deduot •• .• 50000 Shipment to Address — Invoice Will Be Rendered for More or Less Quantities at Above Unit Prices _ —__ -- City - -- -- State- ---Delivery requested by_ _ 19 Erection Supt. report to: _ _ —_ By — — __ -19_ Prices named herein are subject to change without notice. Applicable state or local sales or use taxes are not included and must be paid by purchaser. When proody'signed by the purchaser and approved and accepted by the home office of the seller, this proposal becomes-4 contract, upon the terms and conditions expressly set out herein and printed on the back hereof and is contingent upon delays due to strikes, fires, 'accidents or other 'causes beyond the control of the seller. Terms: Net cash. Accepted by Respectfully submitted by MLN%PSOU_FU -NCE IRON WCUSO, INC. PURCHASER SELLER 240 University, Avenues. Sts Paul, Minna ---------- -- -------------- -- -- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ADDRESS ADD!%SS _� 8. Lee sy �_ __Date -- Title-sat �a Fence De _Da, aft Ot - pedd0 45 "svM IJOM ue4M aW!} O} }uepue}u!JednS UOj400Je 10 590!AJOS JO} eOUO }y Avd O} S! JOSeVind 'J9A90S4e4m UOS90J Aug JO} 'Alpejodwe} paddo }s lJOM s,ep,o J9sv4OJnd GJ04M •Jellas e44 10 loJ }uoo puoAaq esnvo J8410 Aug JO Jey} -veM Of enp }sOI elu!} 6u!pnlou! 'Aep 6ullJOM 4oee Jo} App Jed wnwlullu s,n04 g }o s!seq 944 uO eq Il1A4 e6J040 •Jesv4o,nd Aq peseelaJ s! ay I!}un Jo a}aldwoo s! UO!{elle}sul e41 l!{un senuguoo pue qol e4} uo s}JodeJ }uopuo }u!Jedns ey} ew!} ay} }e su!6eq 66Je40 041 '}0eJ}u0a u! poy!oeds 6uloua} }o uo!420J0 04} as!AJadns Of S1004 4 4!M pedd!nbe Alin} }uepue}u!Jedns uo! }oe,9 uy 6ul4s!u,n} sepnloul- 10VL1N00 1NKN31NIVWS N01103t!3 •,espyoJnd 944 Aq pied eq of s! 'qol 044 04eldwoo o} uew uo!}oeJa ey} }o IGAaJ+ puv aw!} Jo} esuedxe 6ulasue e4} }senbeJ S Jesv4oJnd 944 40 pepuedsns fl uo! }oeJe fl '}o9J }uoo M9u AI9Jl +Ua Up So p04984 eq ll!M sIv!Je}pw JO s}ueweJnsoGw u! suO! }gJa }Iv JO Se6uyy0 IIv - peAIOAU1 esuedxe vJ }xe 94} JO} Aed O} seeJ6v J9SV4oJnd 644 'sJ0400Je e0u9} ugy} Je4}0 peJlnbaJ SI JOgvl lvuo!4!ppe }! JO 's}sod JO} s6u4O0} deep Jo 'a6Jel RJ}xe ys!uJn} o} Jo 'lI;} o4 'epvJ6 o} 's6u!pl!nq Jo eoue} 6u!}S!xe 0AOw9J Of 'S }sod }o bu!}}as 944 Jo} looJ ll!Jp of busseoau aq }! pino4S •punaJ6 e44 }O Jn0 4uoo lvJn }vu ay} MoIIO} o} so ague} e4 }y4} pewnsse s! }! 'pe�!oeds OS MJ9q }0 sselun •u!6eq o} s! uogoe,e 9}vp e4+ aJOJeq JeSO4o,nd e4} Aq p9 }eldwoo eq o }.s! jJOA+ AJaulwlloid s!41 -UO!} -aeJe 944 4}!M 9J0jJ94UI AM 494 su01 }onJ}sg0 119 }O seull eau9} 044 Jvelo o} pug 'se�lv4s OPPJ6 'se�le }s Gull edo,d ys!Ige }se o} seeJ6v Jespyo,nd 941 'SlelJe}vw o}eJ0000 pup JOgal Ile 6u14s!u -Jnf puv 's6ul }oo} e}aJOuoo u! s}sod Ile buI}{as '}ovJ }uoo u! poly!o0ds bulouej fo uagelle}su! 944 sepnloul- 10YUN00 NOI1VllV1SNl 3131dW00 SNOUNNO0 smil= 23MMA AO BOILERS ` Lt ALDRICH 0360 O hL�%1X1 - 1111 O-a HKOItks - MANUFACTURERS OF ORNAMENTAL IRON — Evald C. Bank, Village Clerk Village Hall 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, Minn. . 4129 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS 12, MINNESOTA August 21., 1953 Dear Sir; Proposal for; Chain Link Fence at base of Water Torrer Having carefully examined the plans and specifications for 288 Lin. Ft., more or less, 8 ft high Chain Link Fence, to be erected in circular form of 95 ft. diameter at base of water tower; also one 12+' double gate, the undersigned proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and services essential to the completion of this work for the sum of One thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($ 1,200.00 )• if the undersigned be notified of the acceptance of this proposal, he agrees to have work done as described and specified in the specifications on file in the office of Village Clerk. Respectfully submAted, ,partner Official Address; 4129 IVashington Ave. No., rgpls. 12, Minn. OUTSIDE AND INSIDE STAIR RAILINGS • FENCES • COLUMNS • FIRE ESCAPES • GLASS FIRE PLACE DOORS QUALITY AND SERVICE F ORNAMENTAL LAWN FENCE AND GATES CEMETERY FENCE AND ARCHES FACTORY PROTECTION FENCE,IRON AND WIRE WORK 3100 -3112 EAST LAKE STREET Minn e ap olis , Minn. August 20, 1953. Edina Village Council 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Gentlemen;- In response to your request for bids, we are pleased to submit a price of $1,263.00 to furnish and erect 28811 straight run fence at base of water tower, Edina Higha, School, in circular form, CROWLEY design 303 fence, using 9 gauge 2t1 mesh 71 high chain link wire fabric with three barb wires above top rail making fence 811 high overall. TELEPHONE DR Ex EL 4781 This job includes one double gate for 121 opening with 3"'OjD. gate posts, 2211 O.D. line posts spaced 1011 apart, 1 -5/811 O.D. top rail. All material to be galvanized and work done in first class mechanical manner. Trusting this will meet with your approval, we remain Yours Very Truly, ERS /B certified check encl. . Crowley's Protection Fences Crowley's Chain Link Protection Fence Design No. 303 Shown with Extension Arm Made to Carry Three Barbed Wires Above Top Rail. This is a Two -piece Post. CROWLEY FENCE COMPANY _- 3110 -3112 East Lake Street Telephone DRexel 4781 Minneapolis, Minnesota CROWLEY FENCES ARE "GOOD" FENCES, WELL BUILT. THE FIRST COST IS THE LAST COST. PROPOSAL We propose to furnish the following material for the sum of: $- 1e 41 1 F.O.B. For MINNEAPOLIS, Referring to yours Field measurements by Plans and Specifications by Finish_ Accepted by C DEMEULES BROS. WIRE AND IRO . WORKS, INC. By FROM EMEULES BROS. IRON, AND WIRE WORKS, INC. E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 0 4 1007 -1009 WASHINGTON AVENUE N. GRILLES, WIRE SIGNS, WINDOW ORNAMENTAL IRON, ELEVATOR INCLOSURES, BALCONY RAIL. INGS, ETC. TELEPHONE: BR. 5667 GUARDS, WIRE FENCES, FIRE AND IRON ESCAPES, ETC. We propose to furnish the following material for the sum of: $- 1e 41 1 F.O.B. For MINNEAPOLIS, Referring to yours Field measurements by Plans and Specifications by Finish_ Accepted by C DEMEULES BROS. WIRE AND IRO . WORKS, INC. By ROTy4- 1vIET�Eft SEft16S 1900 fill erElatorS ROTA -METER mill�I 9029 M A N U A L C O N T R O L OR S E M I - A U T O M A T I C high Uacuum Solution Seed-- -Zatio 70 to 7 THIS STERELATOR is designed to meet the requirements of Water Works, Sewage Plants and other installations where the demands are within its metering range. These SterElators are furnished in metering capacities rang- ing from a minimum of 2 pounds to a maximum of 1000 pounds of gas per 24 hours. THE ROTA -METER is a visible indicating, direct reading in- strument for metering chlorine gas flow from 2 pounds to a maximum of 1000 pounds for 24 hours. THE OPERATION of the Rota- Meter is simple as it has only one moving part—the Rotor. The glass Meter Tube has an indicating Rotor (511) which is raised or lowered according to the rate of flow of the gas passing through the Meter Tube (5c). When no gas is flowing, the Rotor rests in the oottom of the Meter Tube. The bore of the Meter Tube increases in diameter towards the upper or discharged end, so that the space between the Rotor and the inner surface of the Meter Tube increases as the Rotor is moved upward as the gas flow is increased with the result that the re- spective position of the Rotor is in direct relation to the rate of flow of the gas. A centimeter scale is etched on the outside of the Meter Tube and a Meter Scale at its side shows at a glance the rate of flow of gas in pounds per 24 hours. TYPE F TYPE O CAPACITY SELECTION TABLE #F2 -2 -20 LBS. #F3 -3 -30 LBS. #F4 --4-40 LBS. #5F -5 -50 LBS. #F6 -6 -60 LBS. #F7 -7 -70 LBS. #F8 -6 -80 LBS. #F9 -9 -90 LBS. #FIO -10 -100 LBS. BLACK CRINKLED FINISH CABINET SIZE 18" x 18" x 72" HIGH CAPACITY SELECTION TABLE No. 015— 15- 150 LBS. No. 020— 20- 200 LBS. No. 030— 30- 300 LBS. No. 040— 40- 400 LBS. No. 050— 50- 500 LBS. No. 075— 75- 750 LBS. No. 0100 — 100 -1000 LBS. REMOVABLE PANELS SHIPPING WEIGHT 400 LBS. B -324 SERIES 1900 h l A —WATER SUPPLY INLET K —GAS SUPPLY INLET 18— SOLUTION OUTLET 8B —VENT TO OUTSIDE I I B— EMERGENCY OVERFLOW Everson Manufacturing Corporation 214 -16 W. Huron St, Representatives in all principal cities Chicago 10, III. © 1952 BULLETIN No. 3020 -C MECHANICAL AND FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CONTROLS Everson SterElatorS are available with either manual, semi- automatic or automatic proportioning controls. In the first and simplest (MANUAL) type, a manual GAS CONTROL VALVE regulates the flow of chlorine gas, while the second type (SEMI- AUTOMATIC) is the same with the exception that a SOLE- NOID VALVE is added on the water supply. The semi - automatic control is recommended for use where the pumping operation is, intermittent, as the SterElator is synchronized with the off and on cycle of the main water pump. Where AUTOMATIC control to proportion the rate of gas flow to the rate of flow of the liquid to• be treated is required, Everson offers pro- portioning devices, either HYDRO =MATIC or AIRO - MATIC. With the addition of one of these devices, Everson SterElatorS can be made to Proportion automatically, leaving only the rate of dosage to be adjusted manually. Whatever the requirements or conditions, Everson has SterElatorS and accessories-to handle the problems. (Write for Special SterElatorS and accessories to handle the problems. (Write for Special "Hydro- Matic" Bulletin No. 1085 and "Afro- Matie" Bulletin No. 3117.) SterElatorS One of the most interesting parts of the SterElator is the famous Everson ROTA - METER, the VISIBLE INDICATING FLOW METER, Typical Installation which instantly and continuously shows the rate at which the chlorine Showing Scale gas is being applied to the liquid being treated. It also allows a much wider range in volume with one machine than any other type of chlorine meter. Everson has developed three types of application of the ROTA - METER: the STANDARD, the RELAY and the DUPLEX, which makes the SterElator flexible enough to meet any condition. The ratio between maximum and minimum metering capacity of each of the two types is: THE STANDARD ROTA - METER ............ .....: ............................... 10 to l THE RELAY . ROTA - METER ...................... ............................... 50 to 1 THE DUPLEX ROTA -METER ............... ......... ............................110 to 1 The ROTA -METER consists of a tapered glass tube through which the gas flows on its way to the water absorption tower. It contains an INDICATING ROTOR which is raised or lowered according to the rate of flow of gas through the meter tube. To show at a glance this rate of flow, a centimeter scale is etched on the outside of the tube with a meter scale at its side. Tests made in laboratory and in the field have proven the ROTA -METER to be of the highest accuracy. CONTROL VALVE To insure a constant flow of gas to the meter at a constant (reduced) pressure from the chlorine gas tank, Everson Ster- ElatorS are equipped with a PRESSURE REGULATOR and SHUT -OFF VALVE. The regulating valve can be furnished in either the •hydraulically or vacuum operated type, either of which automatically shuts off the supply of gas in the event that the water supply to the SterElator fails. The GAS CONTROL VALVE has a needle point which permits a minute regulation of the gas supply to the meter. SOLUTION INTRODUCERS To effect proper distribution.of chlorine. solution at the point of' application, Everson offers the following two types of introducers which have proved satis- factory in all installations throughout the country: 1. A DIFFUSER which consists of a perforated hard rubber pipe and is required where the point of application is either an open well, an open tank or an open pit. 2. A CORPORATION COCK with a silver tube which is required where the point of application is at a pump suction, pump dis- charge or pressure main. The CORPORATION COCK body is placed in the line at the point of application and the silver tube pushed through and into the center of flow of liquid to b� treated. SAFETY FEATURES Besides the gas PRESSURE REGULATOR and SHUT -OFF VALVE, a vent to the outside is provided as an additional emergency safety feature to allow any free gas within the SterElator absorption tower to escape. This gas is trapped by the water seal in the absorption tower and discharged to the atmosphere through the water- sealed trap and vent. Either a vacuum -type valve or the hydraulically- operated valve (if equipped with our GRAVI -VAC attachment) will not only shut off gas in case of water failure but will also shut off gas in case, of breakage of glassware, stoppage of the line between the injector or point of application, or any other circumstances which cause a vacuum to fail. In other words, either of "these devices insures that any leakage will be "air in" and not "chlorine out." Typical Installation with sooster Pump on Water Supply- EVERSON MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 214 -16 W. HURON STREET CHICAGO 10, ILL., U.S.A. I - W:�L 1181 L __ - A - WATER SUPPLY INLET C - INJECTOR SUCTION LINE J - GAS INLET LINE TO METER K - GAS SUPPLY INLET L - GAS OUTLET LINE FROM METER 0 - VISIBLE INDICATING METER T - GAS THROTTLING VALVE W - AUXILIARY TANK VALVE Z - POINT OF APPLICATION-TYPE I ZI - POINT OF APPLICATION- TYPE 2 VACUUM SOLUTION FEED CHLORINE CONTROL APPARATUS W 2 345 D WATER 3 O CHLORINE-WATER SOLUTION O VACUUM CHLORINE GAS O PRESSURE CHLORINE GAS O AIR - ATMOSPHERE 2 - CHLORINE CYLINDER VALVE 5C - ROTA TUBE 511 - ROTOR 6 - CHLORINE CYLINDER 7 -INJECTOR 8 - VACUUM TOWER SA - VENT LINE 8B - VENT TO OUTSIDE 9 - WATER RESERVOIR A 10 - WATER SUPPLY BALL COCK IIB - EMERGENCY OVERFLOW 18 - CHLORINE SOLUTION OUTLET 20V - WATER PRESSURE REGULATOR 39 - DIRECT READING SCALE 41C - HYDRAULIC VACUUM BREAKER 59 - SUCTION DRAFT TUBE 345 - CHLORINE GAS REGULATOR IN SHUT-OFF VALVE EVERSON MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 21416 W. HURON STREET CHICAGO 10, ILL., U. S. A. BULLETIN No. 3075 Page 1 COPYRIGHT 1949 B&S. 10M. 9.49. o �a aftc 0 Rota - Meter — Visible Indicating —Wide Range - Direct Reading The ROTA -METER is 'an improved meaes, for visibly indicating the flow of chlorine gas from the source of supply to the point of delivery Into the water to be treated. 1� 6"'Tif n.60A The Rota -meter is a visible, indicating, direct reading scientific in- strument for accurately indicating the gas flow. The meter ratio range is 10 to I and the capacity selection from 2 pounds minimum to 6000 pounds maximum. The Rote -meter assembly' consists of the glass meter tube 5 -C which has a tapered bore and houses the visible indicator 5 -R. This assembly is mounted between hard rubber blocks 5 and 5 -A with the necessary openings on the rear side for the gas to enter and leave. The direct reading scale 39 is mounted along side the meter tube 5 -C LSee Fig. 9029). 1900.4G Where automatic shutting off of the chlorine gas flow is required whenever vacuum failure occurs, the addition of a .gravi -vac, to a Series 1900 -4 SterElator accomplishes this by the simple method of opening the gravi -vac cock 1011 by spring tension, when the weight of the water in the ball 26 is released through the loss of vacuum in the system. The operating water, pressure under the No. 40 Valve diaphragm is .then automatically' released and allows the No, 40 Valve to close and stop the flow of chlorine gas. (See Flow Chart 1900 -4G). 1900 -4 Where a constant metered flow of chlorine gas and automatic shutting off of the chlorine gas flow is' required the chlorine cylin- der gas pressure is reduced to a fixed constant low pressure by use of d'" No. 40 Hydraulically operated gas regulator and shut -off valve. The gas then flows to the (T) control 'valve which is adjusted manually to the desired flow thru the meter (0) to the absorption tower (8). The flow of water thru the injector (7) induces a 24" W.G. vacuum throughout the apparatus to the (T) control valve and draws gas and water from the absorption tower (8) and de- livers the chlorine solution to the point of application through line (18). The safety feature of the No. 40 valve is, should the water supply to the SterElator fail, for any reason, it will automatically shut off the chlorine gas flow. (See flow chart 1900 -4). 1900 -5 Where a constant metered flow of chlorine gas and automatic shutting off of the chlorine gas flow is required, the chlorine cylin- der gas pressure is reduced to a fixed constant negative pressure by the use of a No. 50 vacuum operated gas regulator and shut- off valve. The gas then flows to the (T) control valve which is ad- justed manually.to the desired flow thru the meter: (0) to absorp- tion tower (8). The flow of water thru injector (7) induces a 24" W.G. Vacuum throughout the apparatus up to the No. 50 valve gas pressure inlet and draws gas and water from the absorption tower (8) and delivers the chlorine solution to the point of appli- cation thru line (18). The safety features of the No. 50 valve are: I. It will shut of the chlorine gas flow in case of wafer failure to the SterElator. 2. It will shut of the chlorine gas flow in case of break- age of any vacuum line connection. 3. It will shut of the chlorine gas flow in case of stoppage of the injector discharge line (18). (See flow chart 1900 -5). / SEMI - AUTOMATIC Start and stop operation is accomplished by using a solenoid oper- ated wafer valve (60A) in the main water supply line and wired in sequence with the elecfric controls of fhe pumping units. An Auxiliary ejector (7 -11) with a constant wafer supply is used to maintain a partial vacuum in the SterElator during the of chlori- nation. period. Diverts any gas caused by leakage. A hydraulic operated vacuum breaker (41C) is also included so that a quick vent opening to the atmosphere is obtained to release the vacuum within the SterElator when if is automatically shut down. See Flow Charts 1900 4 X and 1900 -6. - y ' -IAwii ;iJl I 1 8B 0 1900-5 Be K W t 3 \I \ \I 50� \ \�6 41G ®R- n D 39 0„ 5 ROTA —METER FIG. s02s _ 3 - r 5R G INDEX - 3 TOP PACKING GLAND - = 5G 3A BOTTOM PACKING BLAND 3 TOP METER BLOCK = SA BOTTOM METER BLOCK a4 _IOTA -METER TUBE 3R ROTOR - =i - = 39 METER SCALE D TOP CLEAN -OUT FLANGE DI BOTTOM GLEAN -OUT FLANGE 53A 1� 6"'Tif n.60A The Rota -meter is a visible, indicating, direct reading scientific in- strument for accurately indicating the gas flow. The meter ratio range is 10 to I and the capacity selection from 2 pounds minimum to 6000 pounds maximum. The Rote -meter assembly' consists of the glass meter tube 5 -C which has a tapered bore and houses the visible indicator 5 -R. This assembly is mounted between hard rubber blocks 5 and 5 -A with the necessary openings on the rear side for the gas to enter and leave. The direct reading scale 39 is mounted along side the meter tube 5 -C LSee Fig. 9029). 1900.4G Where automatic shutting off of the chlorine gas flow is required whenever vacuum failure occurs, the addition of a .gravi -vac, to a Series 1900 -4 SterElator accomplishes this by the simple method of opening the gravi -vac cock 1011 by spring tension, when the weight of the water in the ball 26 is released through the loss of vacuum in the system. The operating water, pressure under the No. 40 Valve diaphragm is .then automatically' released and allows the No, 40 Valve to close and stop the flow of chlorine gas. (See Flow Chart 1900 -4G). 1900 -4 Where a constant metered flow of chlorine gas and automatic shutting off of the chlorine gas flow is' required the chlorine cylin- der gas pressure is reduced to a fixed constant low pressure by use of d'" No. 40 Hydraulically operated gas regulator and shut -off valve. The gas then flows to the (T) control 'valve which is adjusted manually to the desired flow thru the meter (0) to the absorption tower (8). The flow of water thru the injector (7) induces a 24" W.G. vacuum throughout the apparatus to the (T) control valve and draws gas and water from the absorption tower (8) and de- livers the chlorine solution to the point of application through line (18). The safety feature of the No. 40 valve is, should the water supply to the SterElator fail, for any reason, it will automatically shut off the chlorine gas flow. (See flow chart 1900 -4). 1900 -5 Where a constant metered flow of chlorine gas and automatic shutting off of the chlorine gas flow is required, the chlorine cylin- der gas pressure is reduced to a fixed constant negative pressure by the use of a No. 50 vacuum operated gas regulator and shut- off valve. The gas then flows to the (T) control valve which is ad- justed manually.to the desired flow thru the meter: (0) to absorp- tion tower (8). The flow of water thru injector (7) induces a 24" W.G. Vacuum throughout the apparatus up to the No. 50 valve gas pressure inlet and draws gas and water from the absorption tower (8) and delivers the chlorine solution to the point of appli- cation thru line (18). The safety features of the No. 50 valve are: I. It will shut of the chlorine gas flow in case of wafer failure to the SterElator. 2. It will shut of the chlorine gas flow in case of break- age of any vacuum line connection. 3. It will shut of the chlorine gas flow in case of stoppage of the injector discharge line (18). (See flow chart 1900 -5). / SEMI - AUTOMATIC Start and stop operation is accomplished by using a solenoid oper- ated wafer valve (60A) in the main water supply line and wired in sequence with the elecfric controls of fhe pumping units. An Auxiliary ejector (7 -11) with a constant wafer supply is used to maintain a partial vacuum in the SterElator during the of chlori- nation. period. Diverts any gas caused by leakage. A hydraulic operated vacuum breaker (41C) is also included so that a quick vent opening to the atmosphere is obtained to release the vacuum within the SterElator when if is automatically shut down. See Flow Charts 1900 4 X and 1900 -6. - y ' -IAwii ;iJl I 1 8B 0 1900-5 Be K W t 3 \I \ \I 50� \ \�6 41G ®R- EVERSON MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 214-16 W. MRON STREET BULLETIN No. 3075 CHICAGO 10, ML. U. & A. COPYRIGHT 1949 B &S. 10M. 9 -49. Page 2 n 0„ Io n •� �� I `I3fFI EVERSON MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 214-16 W. MRON STREET BULLETIN No. 3075 CHICAGO 10, ML. U. & A. COPYRIGHT 1949 B &S. 10M. 9 -49. Page 2 r1trS Taylor - Enslow Slide Chlorimeter This outfit, illusi ated on the front cover, consists of a base and slide. The base contains 2 vials of ortho tolidine, 2 -0.5cc pipettes and 3 molded lucite cells. Either of 2 Aides is supplied. One contains the 9 standards 0.0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2. 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0; and the other 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6. 0.8, ]A, 2.0, 3.0 ppm of chlorine. Remove the top from the base by pressing the two spring catches toward the middle of the base. Remove the caps and insert the 0.5cc pipettes iyhich serve as stoppers. Rinse the 3 cells thoroughly kith the water to be tested, fill them to the mark 111.5cct, and place them in the 3 middle holes in the base. Make sure that the ground side of each cell is next to the oblong opening in the back of the base. Fill one of the pipettes to the mark (0.5cc) with the ortho tolidine solution. add it tci the middle cell, and mix thoroughly. Place the slide containing the chlorine standards on the base and hold:ng the instrument toward a window or other source of daylight, compare the color of the test sample A%ith those of the standards. In making comparisons one of the arnn,s on the slide most always be directly above the arrow on the base. If the color of the middle cell does not match that of either of the standards or lie between the colors of the two standards. move the slide until the next arrow is above the arum on the base, etc. If an exact match is obtained, the chlorine content of the sample is read off directly from the valves on the slide. If, however, the color of the middle cell lies between the colors of the standards on either side of it, the chlorine content is taken as the average of the two. For example, if it lies between the colors of the standards 0.2 and 0.3, the chlorine content is taken as 0.25. SLIDE COMPARATORS FOR PH, CHLORINE AND PHOSPHATE CONTROL AND FOR WATER ANALYSIS All Taylor Color Standards carry an unlimited guarantee against fading. i ri._ Taylor Combination Swimming Pool Set '['his set consists of a base and 2 slides, one for chlorine and the other for pH, a vial each of ortho tolidine an:1 phenol red, two pipettes and 3 cells. The chlorine deter- mination is made in exactly the same manner as described for the Taylor- Enslow Slide Comparator. For the pH deter- mination the middle cell to which the ortho tolidine was added is washed with the pool water, again filled to the mark, and replaced in the middle compartment. Thorough washing of the cell is imperative as even traces of acid left from the ortho tolidine solution will cause an erroneous pl -I reading. Add 0.5cc of phenol red indicator solution to the middle cell and mix thoroughly. Compare the sample with the phenol red standards and read the pH value directly from the slide. MODEL H No. 1634 Without Case_ -- ----------- - ------- -$ No. 1634A With Case-- --------- -------- ---- -- -$ Taylor Swimming Pool Set This outfit is similar to the Combination Swimming Pool Set except that both pH and chlorine standards are con- tained in the same slide. Determinations are made in exactly the same manner as described for the Taylor Com- bination S%%imming Pool Set. MODEL g No. 1635 Without Case .....------- _---- - - -..$ — No. 1635A With Case ----- -------------- - - -_-$ No. 523 Moulded Lucite Cell ..----- . -_- - -$ No. 503 Reagent Vial ------------------- - - - -_$ No. 501 Pipette 0.5 ML--- _-------- _-- .. - - - - -$ EVERSON MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 214 -16 W. HURON STREET Bulletin No. 3005A CHICAGO 10, ILL., U.S.A. Page One St•rElal�rS HELLIGIE COMPARATORS POCKET COMPARATOR Illustrations show (LEFT) the comparator with open front cover, with color disc in position for use, and (RIGHT) open rear cover. revealing the convenient arrangement of indicator bottle, tubes, and dropping pipette. NON -FADI N G GLASS COLOR STANDARDS The Hellige Pocket Comparator, Model No. 605, is a small accurate instrument that is popularly used for colorimetrio hydrogen ion measurements in the water purification process and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes. It is a well - constructed instrument, made of corrosion resistive materials and measures but 3Y4" x 3Y" x 1%" in overall size. Price —No. 605 complete with one color disc, two square test tubes, and one 50ml bottle of indi- cator solution or reagent ............ ........$_ Price —No. 605A, which is the same as No. 605, except that it includes a Prism Attachment with Magnifying Lens that magnifies and brings the colors together in one field ....... ........ .$ Price —No. 605A Color Disc ................ $_ Price —No. 605TC Grad. Test Tube $ Price —No. 605PD Pipette .. ...... .... ........$ Price No. 605B Reagent Bottle ........ $_ The Hellige Standard Comparator, No. 607, is an ideal instrument where the factor of pocket size is not important. It differs from No. 605 in that the housing is deeper, thus permitting the use of test tubes of larger viewing depth (up to 40 mm), which is necessary in some tests and advanta- geous on some poor samples where the amount of reagent added would in itself affect the accuracy of the color match. The dust -proof enclosed prism attachment is included with this model, and there is also an extra opening provided in the housing for a measuring tube. Price —No. 607, complete including one color disc, two plain square acid -proof test tubes, one pipette, one 10 ml. measuring tube, and a 50 ml. bottle of indicator solution or reagent $ STANDARD COM PAR ATOR EVERSON MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 214 -16 W. HURON STREET Copyright lidB -2H -5I CHICAGO 10, ILL., U.S.A. Page Two Dl F/= USSR IN S TAZ L A TION FO AF C/-/ o,� /Nl - 1-105-E CLA T /E" 215 TRA S,gUAIDfRS r > -P - / / " R vG 6C- /? L / AvE-, R! /BBEf� CO VE�%� D/ Fill i5 L =,� I,t.;,q T/j /? A -JA/ N -2� f "W5 SOL V 7_10A1 F/_ ,'.' Nc E �A5h' /_= j i SKET "S HV }' D /FFl/SL=f� wFL DED TO Fp MAf/V WO O TE- TH /S D /FFUSEFr To BC U 5Z v fN L / N' /� 5 15x., / Al. BY -DATE EVERSON MANUFACTURING CORP. I INDEX NUMBER �_.Vt! f 9 c'4 ; 214 W. HURON ST. CHICAGO, ILL. 9363 suaRNi OI¢TZOHN CO. Information Bulletin X72 LUCKY I 3 All Water and Sewage should be.treated with Chlorine, to destroy dangerous bac- teria, thereby minimizing the dangers of sickness among the population. 1 - Everson SterElators (Chlorinators) excel on every engineering test you wish to conduct. 2 - They accomplish more by having a greater capacity meter range without changing meters, which is of great importance to the operators of Sewage Plants and Break Point Chlorination for Water Supplies. 3 - The exceptional accuracy of the Everson Meters, which, also, have the greatest ratio capacity range ever perfected: 10 to 1 50 to 1 110 to 1. 4 - The highest vacuum ever used, to mix chlorine gas with water, is a standard operating principle furnished on all Everson SterElators. 24" water lift equal to 2" Mercury Vacuum. 5 - The accessibility and simplicity of Everson SterElators is quickly recognised by the Engineering Profession, and the operator firms it so easy to put his hand'on any operating part, which may need his attention. 6 - All operating parts, meter, and control units operate in a 2" mercury vacuum, or equal to a 24" water lift. 7 - Chlorine control equipment operating within such a high vacuum cannot ever leak chlorine gas outwardly, because air will be drawn inwardly.. Air will imr- mediately break the vacuum and automatically shut off the chlorine gas at the vacuum operated gas compensator and shut -off valve. 8 - Everson Meters indicate accurately the flow of chlorine gas, whether the tank pressure is 10 lbs., or 100 lbs. Once adjusted neither hydraulic conditions, short of complete water shut -off or failure, nor temperature changes will alter the setting. 9 - The materials used by Everson in the construction of the SterElators, which come in contact with chlorine gas, are: GLASS - RUBBER - LAVA - TANTALUM - HASTELLOY. 10 - Read the story about Tantalum in Everson Bulletin No. 1032. It is a reprint from the Scientific American. The story tells the truth about this marvelous discovery. Chlorine gas has no corrosive effect on Tantalum. 11 - The insides of.the Automatic Gas Reducing and Regulating Valves, made by Everson, are glass lined, for protection against chlorine corrosion. 12 - Both the Rota Meter and Napierian Meter assemblies are _of the direct indicating type, which enables the operator to see at a glance the exact quantity of gas flow that is being metered. Should any stoppage occur before the gas enters the meter assembly, the meter will immediately indicate that the chlorine flow has.fallen off from where it was originally set. 13 - Standard size pipe threads are used on all fittings, pipes, and oonneotions. BY - DATE EVERSON MANUFACTURING CO. INDEX NUMBER 1/21/47 erg W. HURON ST: CHICAGO, ILL. Bulletin #72 T -A T A L t MH. NEW OLD METAL By PHILIP H. SMITH JUNE • 1940 AN Reprinted from CA TANTALUM - TANTALUM HAS NO MYSTERY IF' one is acquainted with the latest in chemical plant equipment, in elec- tronic tulle construction, or the sci- ence of metal- cutting and wire - drawing, tantalum is no mystery. But to many it is just a name. From now on, however, it is something to watch as a metal hav- ing-great practical value. TANTALUM IS A NEW OLD METAL Tantalum is a new, old metal. It is old because first noticed about a century and a half ago, although a hundred years had to elapse before it was isolated. It is new because it joined the community of com- mercial metals only 18 years ago, and that's yesterday in metallurgical time. In those 18 years, research had to cover a lot of territory. Methods had to be de- vised for producing tantalum on a com- mercial scale; physical and chemical properties had to be determined; ways and means for manipulation and control had to be perfected, and not until all this was accomplished did a curiosity become a practical tool of production. Unsurpassed in Many Uses, Especially Chemical Equipment ... Has Passivity of Glass, Strength of' Steel ... 0 w1T lt �01O . f tax are safeguarded at every vital point from corrosion and hydrate deposits by the use of tantalum. Valves protected by tantalum are completely free from replacement expense and function without trouble for an indefinite period. TANTALUM DISCOVERED . CENTURY AGO If you think this a long time in which to get from the unknown to the known, you fail to appreciate the peculiarities of tantalum. The metal cannot be ex- tracted from its ores by orthodox smelt- - ing or reducing methods. A_ chemical process is required. Nor can it be put into useful form by any simple process. The pure salts have to be reduced to powdered metal, which is then .pressed and sintered in vacuum furnaces. When this much has been accomplished, spe- cial techniques must be used to weld, roll, or draw it. HAS STRENGTH OF STEEL The outstanding properties which re- commend tantalum to the- commercial world are: a remarkable resistance to corrosion and chemical attack, in which quality it surpasses virtually all other metals and alloys; ' an ability to absorb and retain gases at high temperatures in vacuum; the peculiarity of forming an- odic films of unusual stability; and a strength comparable with steel. The first commercial use of tantalum was in battery- charging rectifiers where its film- forming characteristic was capi- talized upon. EVERSON MANUFACTURING- CORPORATION 214 W. MYRON STREET CHICAGO (10) ILLINOIS zx. B &s. 9-49. bulletin No.1032 T OLD ME'T.:AL Tantalum is having its greatest success in chemical plant equipment. Since most organic acids, salts, gases, alcohols, ke- tones, aldehydes, and esters leave tan- talum unaffected, and the high strength of the metal permits the use of thin walled tubes and sheet, even when high pressure's are to be used in processes, the chemical industry now has a material which couples.,the passivity of glass or ceramics with the strength of steel: Tan- talum, therefore, is coming to be used in heat transfer equipment and in. acid manufacture' and recovery systems: HIGHLY RESISTANT TO CORROSION Many chemical processes use reagents which are extremely corrosive to almost all metals: Glass, ceramics and, some- times plastics can usually be used for kettles, tanks, or piping, but since these are poor conductors of heat, some other material must be used to,get heat into or out of the corrosive fluids. For heating, cooling, and condensing operations, tan- talum is not only inert to chemical at- tack, but each square foot of the metal will transmit as much heat as 15 or more square feet of the container material, or anything else which could be used. TANTALUM IN HYDRO - CHLORIC ACID SYSTEMS COMPACT, highly. efficient,. hydro- chloric acid absorption systems, fashioned of tantalum, are now replacing older, cumbersome systems. The new type does not require an isolated build- ing to house it, because there are no es- Series 50 taping fumes to attack surrounding structures. When muriatic acid is pro- duced as a by- product of a chlorinating processi full recovery of the acid can be had and this by- product made to yield a profit. In view of the ever - increasing importance of the chlorine compounds to the chemical industry, the use of tan- talum equipment is certain to expand. TANTALUM INERT TO ACIDS Before tantalum's inertness to acids could be given the practical twist there had to belong research into problems.of�l fabrication. This could not•be,done over- night. Heating and condensing units re- quire the material in tube form and tan- talum could be neither drawn nor welded at the outset. When drawn through steel dies it tended to seize to the steel and lubricants were ineffective- Now tan- talum, in carbide form, used as a die material serves the purpose. TANTALUM HAS MANY USES Strength and non - corrosive properties put tantalum into many applications. Thus we find agitators in mixing equip- ment being given tantalum- covered steel shafts and solid tantalum blades; aera- tors which have tubes and jets of the metal, and tantalum - protected pump shafts and valves.! Spinning jets used in viscose process rayon manufacture have been made -of tantalum, but these are used principally in countries where the shortage of precious metals offsets the low scrap recovery value of tantalum. The welding point of tantalum is about 6000 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is heated in air, it will burn at 2000 degrees Fah- renheit. • • • • 9 Today, tan- talum ca:. be welded to itself and to a number.of other metals by electric spot, seam, butt, and roller processes, but not by torch welding. The operation is car- ried on under a liquid surface, with spe- cial techniques devised for both seam and arc welding. TANTALUM SAFE AT HIGH PRESSURES Tantalum is a high strength metal, otherwise it would be impossible for tubes of it having walls no thicker than 15 to 20 thousandths -of an inch to witfi stand pressures as great as 150 pounds- per square inch. Since chemical attack does not occur under condAkons where tantalum is recommended, it is unneces- sary to provide for loss of metal due to corrosion, as is commonly done when base metals are used. Therefore, thin walled tubes are safe at high pressures. HAS UNLIMITED FIELD Just what territory tantalum may next pre -empt is any man's guess. Those who have worked most closely with it are loath to. make predictions. It takes long and painstaking research to prepare the ground for small, advance and there's still much, to learn about this. urlusual metal. One can guess that whatever is, new will utilize the unique properties already employed and which are qot duplicated in any other metal or alloy. This would give tantalum more value and prominence in the industrial scheme. TANTALUM USED IN ALL EVERSON VALVES The Everson automatic vacuum operated gas reduction and shut -off valve Series 50 (shown at left) and the Everson automatic hydraulic gas reduction and shut -off valve, -- Series 40, are constructed with- tantalum diaphragms, sets and hastelloy —C' stems ,_and are standard' equipment on the Everson Sterelator. The inertness of tantalum to chemical attack from such organic acids ; as chlorine gas and chlorine solution, adds practically permanent life , to Everson chlorine gas apparatus. EVERSON' 214 W. HURON STREET IF YOUR WATER SUPPLY OR SEWERAGE SYSTEM NEEDS CHLORINATION EVERSON STERELATORS WILL MEET EVERY REQUIREMENT. MANUFACTURING CORPORATION CHICAGO (10) ILLINOIS Bulletin 17o.1032 ENGINEER'S UNBIASED REPORT ON CHLORINE FEEDING APPARATUS My comments regarding the differences in the operating principles of the Everson SterElator and other chlorinators are as follows: 1. The motive power for chlorine control in both instruments is a vacuum created by means of an injector. •. 2. The chlorinators operate with a slight vacuum, or approximately 2" water lift. 39 Your SterElator operates with a high vacuum in excess of 24" water lift. 4. The high operating vacuum has many advantages for your type of SterElator operation. 5. The chlorinators admit chlorine gas by a float valve on a water diaphragm which is lifted by the vacuum which opens the gas valve where the gas contacts water and becomes moist= it then is metered by the principle that flow through an orifice is governed by the differential in pressure across the orifice. 6. The SterElator admits chlorine gas by a reducing and shut -off valve with a Tantalum diaphragm which is opened by the vacuum and the gas remains dry while passing through the flow control valve and meter. 7. The control instruments of the SterElator and the chlorinators vary considerably. 8. The Rota -Meter has a decided advantage, in my opinion, over other chlorinator's metering devices, for numerous reasons: 9. The other chlorinators advertise the visible vacuum principle. 109 The SterElator has the visible indicating Rota -Meter which instantly and con- tinuously shows the rate at which the chlorine gas is being applied to the liquid being treated. It is rated very high for aocuracy. 11. The Rota -Meter also allows a much wider range in volume of chlorine gas with one machine and does not require the changing of meters. 129 There are many other differences in operating principles which are too numerous -to try to explain in this report, and they are all to the advantage of the SterElator, such as the Safety, Precision, accessibility to all parts without interference, while operating at high vacuum gas cannot get out. 13.. In the SterElator the gas and water do not contact until the gas has passed through the regulating controls and metering devices to the mixing tower where it first contacts water and is absorbed by the water, and the solutions enter the ejector, continuing to ,point of application. 149 Construction of all parts are made of glass, rubber, tantalum, hasteloy and ceramics, all of which are immune to chlorine gas, wet or dry. 15. Your SterElator is a great chlorinating machine and is superior to other present day chlorinator designs, and from previous experience is less expensive.. #3101 a CABLE ADDRESS 'EVON' Ra PO W R EA 214 W. HURON ST. • CHICAGO 10, SQperior 7 -3337 Gentlemen: We submit for your information the following data on the cost of maintenance of Everson Sterelators. Also in this folder you will find 12 letters, each from a different State. This is the best evidence that the Everson Manufacturing Corp. have boosters for our machines all over the United States, as well as in many parts of the world. After making a.careful survey of the maintenance expense on Everson Chlorine Yetering Machines - we find the following remarkable results in the States of: OHIO INDIANA KANSAS NEBRASKA In these 4 States, we have selected 60 Everson Sterelators which have been in service for a total period of 692 years at an average maintenance cost of 1¢ per day. Another group represents the States of: ILLINOIS ICr A MINNESOTA WISCONSIN In these 4 States we have selected 84 Everson Sterelators which have been in service for a total period of 636 years'at an average maintenance cost of 1 -314X per day. Still another Group represents the States of: NVK YORK CALIFORNIA In these 2 States we have selected 67 Everson Sterelators that have been in service for a total period of 414 years at an average maintenance cost of per day. The tabulated reports above referred to have been selected from our list of installations in the above States. These - as well as many other installations - are available for inspection_ and comparison as to the low maintenance and operating costs where Everson Sterelators are in service. If this low operating cost is of further interest to you, we would be glad to give you a quotation on a chlorine machine (Everson's Sterelator) that is best suited to meet your requirements. Send us a specification or description, or the capacity of water you wish to purify, in a days time, that we may select the capacity Sterelator best suited for-your requirements. Upon request, we will be glad to furnish unbiased comments from satisfied users of Everson Sterelators. EVERSON MANUFACTURLtiG CORP. I.E. #149 -4 P -1 SterE]atorS vj��E OF 1q water Co. iVo C11484pp 0-p1NTLO� F/���t . Sag yO lfld� r "`t`r " SolNnm' •a.... N EBCTA January 1� 1950 .y / C11S0eson t,en JT nu`a�yFql MWNFBprq Co, III reOtUr ZggO Gent,. Plan: lncta 1 00', To 4s ie 0 n to r9 pe a t e 1 o n �'1 t0 Itt it eon the sew, rurn IZ l ben rI t 5y able rth�a th"' art °0f1 bnl YOU, rlr poa� Cestl rind oheQ�up th` o 0" he t11ae�a been 1g4j . �etfr0d In a+h1�0 e3e c, tha .2.0"'ist t7 parts lroOU1d a Into ejled h t0 e�Proe h Ith1 act �, shave penar�llp vllLgOr� 1� io0b1 m, s0 n0s,1Sal urs 3 Op .,vr A Ibert ' Llc �MQn,: s0n �1er.r , couxiuroxm o. nxu,n co""10" Au=/.MDwe. L/,.. Dterch 17 , 1941- 2W nunf turing CO., 14 Aro St Chloago, Madooeld 111. titled by Mr' elan State Oantlemen: 1 have been jueer of star8lator Sanitary t the of Louisiana• gng Everson '..istan t pied f T use.iII Sn6 to "'tug bas been app ver? grope =andTia bavin6 This oo for the G1t4 1 have carefully ement onslble d baeinB °s to other reap arson star end tors installed V cblorlIIators, emu, SterEla eaamined other 1 �yoh prefer your on experience, mrob 7, for one model to maebineg• order oY leasetcha, have Roger ding city t' ated r8pt 40 and 60 lb lb No. 1915 -4, d sbthat the price oY dria. 60 lb copacitd D�You 46.00 t. o. b. dlexan been informs machine Is the same, m Y�oru�rs very tru Y, o,Sneer, •.V . N , IiY tment Slater Depar turing Corp• Everson !;snll street hicago 10' Il our C linois timt 'It Gen en• eri ed veergc nnlch opin 0ly pp° S e Clem enc the trouble tt1 Not tha."chlorSnator,Sin a thl &ssumeit1'atnny 1010 EyeTson is Cop the "sw rSb tablei to ed 1n 194On eleme past Was tor pas Snstal I1a e served us well. chlorl"s Sterelstor our Everson truly yourst Truthfully' Very ,ATER Co- 001314 I SULLIVAN T r' . 1 m sm ;7HS:sjm W. d mute DAM y-vw Lc_ a r'alrb R a W °n_� CITY OV L4 NCASTER maces ��ONanv . "nemet 7. 1934 . 627 Datrylter 0 C8losga. t 1te °°e, t. Osatleaa - . 15° Aere oa dater for a, is gill the eratiaaoue use atgour Vasa beat of oatlsfWtloa.ehlah ran Installed e nary aOh ➢leased .1 th th�re�'ain, Pool .1.. � base la °sPSeially i �° eoastraoLloa mDree■ °pQ materiels used °1th y..1me1101 before la the ty of the ds sip and 1 se are .. Your aOhlortastor, t0ar�l�tthis 4PWRt... of °gulpmont. °. mfetab fo oar sgeral ocher j°den"t In sele.tloa . ?ours r.* eruly� Ilea �t.., r• EVERSON MANUFACTURING CO. P_2 2r4 W. HURON ST. CHICAGO, ILL. At a 444 w �r Aft ,r t• t SterElalorS Paz,).,. "t!C r epk NICIP1gLITY p �Ts PIRS'r BPD Ol, CL` 1 j 'r, NPSpAY CldY100, Ill op PACK MO�rTIi Eber oa BRa Eyereo0 �enaary 15. 195 O nur CO 1)sar SIr• Chi Oe� ;+lg 11 o1 B. orlBinal One pleat 10 °9ulpse yOar be 1890. °t 1 Este been very rs eepare � natal, BQ In o ., °a . fua °t �ned Perf etl t,u E j "4o-et twt".t Ehl Eer, tr BtmeAthe o of e e• Alt ee they ejl mt In ane msnE }� ry t ver h1a noa s rulY yours Y twat, tImet'th as ad ..arerl prtws,dent �►�EOF Cy,�l �� +�OP►OWATEa S n 1946 eEB.•i9�eb9 s : AM. N. Y. YeYr 28. i�BIA COV��� PV 91 Corp. I vveleon A R� St. . R. B. Everson ChlosBor 111. pttenti °n° �' 6terelateoBrs Oen en' ipformation q'st ins T1 yet oublee atd yh tlem these oPeretinBp ror °� y here, ge�,vha e b.& e0 at oeur e1OC 1r� axe Inus DSsP °setewB ion �,,tb Pert* oD .e161d our 1 yours, ®Y very store• UROVHART CJ.,,Vlr GOMPApIY °p'Nven. coLOnNOo y,eY 13, 1949 21ti N nxu� Illln Se ComPp°Y 10th. 1 et°ex'.0. P weed Chlceg° 10, Oentl °men: 9th end ue, Nan ying that t Yond&Y ar'd the City , here ie not a th On for r%6 or the il%a oomcharg° o2op 4 ip car, 8terelatoi o r, lust tio, t°�potion• d that nhe MT Donee has the N and much bet . yp °x,11 Yee favored a SPmB t .1'1 -e iy e t be � ea she hsa oP °rated 611 the Chlo the etetemana,. he einentYntive Y °ar to be of and really Ur. Caietor ,as Pea an oPP°TtwStY Chlorine .'ulpen Sorear d to ,�en)sing eeoru°lcea le arag your every truly. Surthe gV10E. co Geor6° R• Flaid f oz! on NORTH MUSKE— HIQAN vaauerY 17. 1950 . E*or°o° M°aufno gl set Huron Stre t Corp. B0 lo, I111ao1e 0satleetene In ehlme:r to Your let Plant!Blve yearn -,I,. Of tun �mea ry 15-1950. fur Paivrartve�Zuwe �S tted�Pfr mtlon In °d ofaee maaAtwbeent cogPe rn_ ho' °te,etc. die Mlo fns mr a °per aIa'.ell�eeBUre a>e�let_ was Install sIt., quh ee Sl'aoerelY Yours ' U7 /jsk 7h1ta, sup'; of Public Servlos. Deprt EVERSON MANUFACTURING CO. 2r4 W. HURON ST. CHICAGO, ILL. ANN..ty, [U[NY wu[t6 P -3 SterElatorS ' TFIE UNITE FORT gUINY OF CO N fk, torvoo LL o ,N�HT I cUT Ebel.eo NN. a Chic Bo ZO AaStrb ring Co - Depamber I5. dent, ar 121, Ole mPRAY O� 1988 '9B h vstY plea. eve vout let 1e gulag u to advise Yo ter of Deo,,, verb, Ploud Of ve etl epeeto mat rile nhloel 7th and lee Ore ry e have never he the wey in y111 ry reeulte. l nation e9ulprRe Pool d 412j hl °h It le n Pact of o we the pep that °eta to Inspect Praise °n MeoQloning ae freer° "j ch aae in. we ate. uela .rs. Al. ee ondl tl °n of talled g the 4"e 6108 to b the t be 'Disk.. le The msS tan ✓enualye 19g9epa chlorine t oadue to the Pat e t Plant 1 e4ulpant tY �O Is � chSYl� rlatsndeat. Yr. e oP ell Sobel* Trey traly Your91llp""nt. AXel r Plant SupeTe la endsat D %ViS1on %T. I ALte�, C,boo a r. ee E� �, �°° `°"'. 'ICTRO'Onmi+"" 1Up1T �rOu -woxia Ypt1t6A11AY5 AiAD U'1� wmwlo . ow° l�eOpber 50,1949 e.10m, 4yleae,0 n6 Corp• yynf•e 5%... t 2C aI.S lisoie lWas. wr letter °r L,.I% •c sn a y.ntlm.n, h to .,o. roon Chi- ,U`•ti a 0a the �r or.- regsrdln6 the.p,is eR vtent i.P of }.,.r 6 loty, 1• in m,r ,,a y.et them . any eo Noaa bar. ra6•Tdin6 io late sty r.r not .ennot y it wee im lie printed t • pre c in the eny 01 mOe of e.oe • madly —"the Pnroh• ng of the pereomel w thus . oo..f t v riwe m. Vary truly Ywre. Y yoi.tmeln6 dg°nt us .mTmn .x- ' sbhordt,lb o� : �1Qe Eon• rA. two pl•,1YOflpliNa a'so, Sol �S40N isgri'ILITIEg CITY OF CEDAR R p T; JCL oroTO POST Nl..ouri II Al IDS W r °M.,,rr,na tnr�o [Mr •tip January 12, 1942 x q e Peereon tl rab, r. 19 Zvi.. ryynre 219 W, fl mu noturiny 'm saunpy g1ce._o u10 3trest Corp. - e � � Il llnole .gverson lbnu- r s Cor�Pany 214 9est Herron street Ghiceg °: Illinois our regpest or ire i,.tall,d V- romPt rn pl'1 coo ;+o rntt on. Gentle.. ^..en: `^ou for °your Patore which I `j°nt t° „twok o, your hlortr. an,reclnto Your ilnvin;; ° plsposal Flant, We and th.y resent S%1' the iewn. E. those mchines thee' 1541, at andI believe that for •"rprozi- yor°... leas, re oC install'a tl on .1 had the P representative one,n These Yed by pour lwnv hove Jan aced trovblis im- nny Pe rp sere late chec• best never rye etio:+hich nntu e t aa1, • one° n, roll}' the .re have doper nice and chlor- cachine1G soothe and eoaw-tt on ore n °t ^e cha. about the so e mutely Ln the operators 1 11111 o, chlorine machines ore si o.s the one thine the a, -aunt ,p °rtant in has to bas si ^toe reduce or Lnereaso the vuxch,ge that i,1 ordaq d at the s to b turned. are instnlle I find into r. verve has rhjch only one d tha rachiu ,, bV anot..or dacresso• the ono h1c, 0 iyltre,ion Plane lolnnlice but nhe`ma� inea oor of ha °ola iE 1t. to t the 02e' o.smnd that the St la noose" on rysioa in ie�t end re they of bas• it a little c vc ry a ^fi..vill say that ui P- -"'nut I. esueee 4 of aqut PTAnt• °•d I feel thnt our v to anyone needin'o this t }'Pe Vary tr]ly ynnre, viii do all y°° chin. • AlI1."° Hn6insar genii $.r Yr. mere Attentl on, M. R. R. Peers or, on, It is true that Your leL ter of Jq eY 9sr1e1 have hetl m erl• 12th Se .t hand. rum bar 266 L hereon glare le tor, e our lA,niolpel 3ml InG Pool .1­. 1u9j 1 1C alner r° llmr ,.,. of Pl.a�nt m Pe rte, se the exeeptl on It hen oontS uoh nuetl to g•eket., hoe. 1 ontlw. to Fire Ye °aQ011ent se Lire ue the .ere rine r r'r1 oe. We hoPo 1t suite for se.e r.1 .ore Yee+O. JNg,— Cortltally yours, �Por otenohola, dept or Recreell oy EVERSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY P-4 214 -16 W. HURON STREET I.B. # 149 -4 CHICAGO, 10 ILL., U. S. A. Y ��� INSTALLATIONS PARTIAL LIST 01: �e� . � MID - WESTERN I STATES WATER WORKS Name and Address Length Service Capacity Name and Address Length Service Capacity City of Augusta, III ...... ..........................L'1 +1 1 -10 Municipal Water \ \'mks, Lrnnux, lowa.............1941 Board of Public Works. Holland. Mich ..............1940 2 -20 Illinois Ordnance Plant. Carbondale, 111 .............1942 Sewage Treatment Plant, No. Fond du Lac, Wisc..1939 1(1-100 City of Onawa. Iowa ...................... ..........1940 City of Mineral Falls. Texas ........................1942 1 -10 City of Coulterville, Ill ... ...........................1941 1939 2 -20 Water Works Department. Rockwell City, Iowa .... 1946 3 -30 City of East Moline. 111 .. ...........................1943 Board of Public \Yorks, Menominee. Mich.......... 4 -40 Vinton Water \\'orks. Vinton, Iowa ................. 1941 11/2 -15 Elgin State Hospital. Elgin, 111 .....................19+0 City of Bryan. Texas .... ...........................1945 6 -60 City of Grand Ilaven, Mich ......................... 1945 2 -20 City Water Dept., Geneseo, 111 ......................1943 4 -10 11h -15 City of Manistee, Mich .............................. 1944 1 -10 City of Hillsboro, III ...... ...........................1946 City of Taylorville. 111.... ...........................1941 10 -100 Village of Ontanagon. Mich ......................... 1949 1.5 -15 Manteno State Hospital, Manteno. 111 ...............1912 4 -40 \Gilson & Co.. Albert Lea, Minn ..................... 1945 1 -10 City of Naperville. 111 .... ...........................1945 Village of North St. Paul, Minn ....................1942 4 -40 Geo. A. Ilormel .0 Co.. Austin, Minn ................ 1944 4 -40 City of Peru. 111 .......... ...........................19+0 5 -50 Minneapolis Brewing Co.. Minneapolis. Minn....... 1945 2 -20 U. S. At`my (Chanute Field) Rantoul. 111...........1941 30 -300 4 -SO City of tit. Paul. Minn .... ...........................1939 Kaier- Frazer Co., Newark, Ohio ....................194:3 15 -150 City of Savanna. 111 ...... ...........................19+0 Selvage Treatment Plant. Independence, Iowa ...... 11/2-15 City of Neosho. I\lo .................................. 1944 2 -20 City of Wilmington. III ... ...........................1912 4 -40 City \\'rater Department, Unionville, Mo ............ 1940 2 -20 City of West Frankfort. III ..........................1946 WATER 3 -30 City of Circleville. Ohio ............................. 1947 4 -40 City of Rockford. 111 ...... ...........................19+9 Name and Address Length 10 -100 Columbus Army Sorvice Force. Columbus, Ohio .... 194i 3 -30 City of Alexandria, Incl .. ...........................1939 1947 3 -30 City \\"titer Works. Coshceton, Ohio ................ 1946 3 -30 Crothersville Water & Electric Dept.. Louisiana State. -Raton Rouge. La . .................194:1 i\lill Creole Valh•y Water Supply, Shell Chemical Corp.. Houston. Texas .............. 1947 Crothersville, Incl . .. ...........................19 +6 1.2 -12 Ilamilton County. Ohio ......................... 1943 20 -200 Greensburg Mun. Rater Works, Greensburg. Ind...1944 2 -20 4 -40 Water Treatment Plant. Wauseon, Ohio ............ 1939 4 -40 Town of Hagerstown. Ind ...........................1941 City of Overton. Texas ............................. 11/-15 City of \Cindhain. Ohio ............................. 1943 10 -100 West Terre Haute, Ind ... ...........................1933 City of Bartlesville. Okla ...........................1942 5 -30 Fox River Paper Corp.. Appleton, \Visc ............. 1944 20 -200 City Water Works. Ackley. Iowa ....................1940 11/, -15 Comhined Locks Paper Co., 1942 Dierke Lumber & Coal Co.. -Wright City. Okla Iowa Ordnance Plant. Burlington, Iowa .............1941 1 -10 20 -200 Combined Locks, Wise .......................... 1946 40 -400 Marquette Cement Co.. Des Moines, Iowa.......... 1941 11/•.-15 City of Nartford. Wise ... ...........................1947 1 -10 City of Emmetsburg, Iowa ..........................1937 1945 1 -10 Village of Luxemburg. \ Cis c.........................194G 10 -100 1 -10 Town of Lake Park, Iowa ...........................193S Corn Products Co., Corpus Christi. Texas......... 1 -10 3 -30 McCarthy Chemical Co.. \Minnie, Texas ............ 1949 SEWAGE PLANTS Name and Address Length Service Capacity Name and Address Length Service Sewage Disposal Plant. Belleville. Mich .............19:39 Capacity :30 -300 City Sewage Plant. Manitowoc, Wise ............... 1940 Board of Public Works. Holland. Mich ..............1940 75 -750 Sewage Treatment Plant, No. Fond du Lac, Wisc..1939 19 +1 Ionia State Hospital. Ionia. Mich ....................D46 City of Mineral Falls. Texas ........................1942 15 -1:',0 Village of fort Edwards. Wise ...................... 1939 Landel Treatment Plant. Lansing, D1ich ............ 1945 12 -120 Shawano Selvage Plant. Shawano, Wise .............1939 20 -200 Board of Public \Yorks, Menominee. Mich.......... 1939 25 -225 Ii. S. Army Headquarters. Fort Sheridan, 111.......1941 1940 Board of Public \Corks. Niles. Mich ................1948 City of Bryan. Texas .... ...........................1945 40 -400 U. S. Naval Training Center. Great Lakes, Ill.... .1943 Sewage Disposal Plant, North Muskegon. Mich ..... 1939 4 -10 City of Plainfield, 1111 ..... ...........................1938 5 -50 City of Zeeland, Mich ..... ...........................1942 5_50 City of Taylorville. 111.... ...........................1941 Sewage Disposal Plant. Goodhue. Minn ..............19:39 11/2 -15 North Shore Sanitary District. Waukegan, 111. Sewage Disposal Plant. Litchfield, Minn ............ 1939 5 -50 (S I.'nits — Various locations ) ..................1948 Village of North St. Paul, Minn ....................1942 4 -40 Vigo Ordnance Works, Terre Haute, Ind........... 1942 City of Pacific, Mo ........ ...........................1939 4 -40 Valparaiso Water Dept., Valparaiso, Ind ............ 1940 Sewage Treatment Plant. Ashland, Ohio ........... 1929 30 -300 City Sewage Plant. Anamosa• Iowa .................1939 Kaier- Frazer Co., Newark, Ohio ....................194:3 2 -20 Selvage Treatment Plant. Independence, Iowa ...... 1939 Sewage Treatment Plant, Lomira, \Visc ............ 1939 10 -100 City of Webster City, Iowa .........................1939 SOUTHWESTERN STATES WATER WORKS Name and Address Length Service Capacity Name and Address Length Service Lion Oil Co., El Dorado. Ark ........................1942 11/2-15 lone Star Steel Co.. Daingerlield, Texas ........... 1947 City of Little Rock. Ark .. ...........................1947 40-400 Distillate Prod. Corp.. Fairbanks, Texas ........... 1944 Louisiana State. -Raton Rouge. La . .................194:1 2 -20 Shell Chemical Corp.. Houston. Texas .............. 1947 Peoples \ \later Service Co.. Donaldsonville. La ..... 1947 1F. -5 Ilarris County Fresh Water Dist., City Light & Water Dept.. Jonesboro, La .......... 1944 2 -20 Houston. Texas ..... ...........................1945 Tremont Lumber Co., Rochelle, La .................1944 1/4 -21/, City of Overton. Texas ............................. 1946 V. A. Hospital. Shreveport. La ......................1949 'A -5 Dallas County Water Dist.. Pleasant Grove, Tex..1946 City of Bartlesville. Okla ...........................1942 10 -100 Randolph Field. San Antonio. Texas ............... 1945 Oklahoma City. Okla . ... ...........................1943 100 -1000 Kelly Field. San Antonio. Texas .................... 1942 Dierke Lumber & Coal Co.. -Wright City. Okla ..... 19:36 1 -10 Shell Oil Co.. Sheridan, Texas ......................1944 A & M College. Bryan. Texas ......................1942 7 -70 American Republic Corp.. Silsbee. Texas ........... 1949 City of Carthage. Texas ....... .....................1946 2 -20 J. S. Abercrombie Co.. Sweeney, Texas ............. 1945 United Gas Pipe Line Co.. Carthage. Texas........ 1944 10 -100 Dow Magnesium Corp.. Velasco. Texas .............1944 Corn Products Co., Corpus Christi. Texas......... 1947 3 -30 McCarthy Chemical Co.. \Minnie, Texas ............ 1949 City Water Works. Cooper, Texas ..................194:3 1 -10 City of Alhuquerque. New Mex ..................... 1949 SEWAGE PLANTS Capacity 50 -500 10 -100 3 -30 10 -100 4 -200 50 -500 4 -40 7%-75 10 -300 10 -100 4 -40 15 -150 15 -150 10 -100 Capacity 10 -100 10 -100 40 -400 4 -40 2 -20 4 -40 1.2 -12 2 -1 -10 50 -500 20 -200 20 -200 5 -50 20 -200 10 -100 Name and Address Length Service Capacity Name and Address Length Service Capacity Steam Plate Equipment Co.. Rogers. Ark........... 1942 5 -60 City of Lufkin. Texas ... ...........................1948 15 -150 Wilson - Bonfils Flying School. Chichasha. Okla ..... 19 +1 1 -10 City of Mineral Falls. Texas ........................1942 20 -200 City of Norman. Okla .......... .....................1944 40 -400 Imc•kland Air Base. San Antonio. Texas ............ 1949 20 -200 U. S. Gas Pipe Line Co.. Acqua Dulce. Texas ..... 1917 2 -20 Sewage Treatment Plant. Texarkana. Texas........ 1940 2 -20 City of Bryan. Texas .... ...........................1945 40 -400 City of Lal'orte. Texas .............................. 1949 10 -100 City of Lancaster. Texas ..........................1946 5 -50 EVERSON MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 214 WEST HURON STREET CHICAGO 10, ILLINOIS BULLETIN No. 1045F. ties 2M 3-53 WESTERN STATES WATER WORKS Name and Address Length Service Capacity easa.aena Water Dept.—Cal. (2) .....................1942 Farragut College & Tech. Inst., 20 -200 San Diego Water Dept. —Cal . ........................1942 Farragut, Idaho ..... ...........................1942 6 -60 Hawthorne Water Dept. Cal ........................1944 City of Mankato, Kans .. ...........................1948 10 -100 Escondido Mutual Water Co., Cal. (4) ................1947 City of Caney, Kans ...... ...........................1948 10 -100 Kaiser Co., Fontana, Cal. ( 3) .........................1942 City of Abilene, Bans .... ...........................1948 10 -100 Cross Water Co., Puente, Cal .........................1941 U. S. Engineers Office, Fort Peck, Mont ............ 1 -10 Laguna Beach Water Dept . — Cal ..................... 1946 4 -40 Santa Paula Water Works, Santa Paula, Cal ...... 1944 10 -100 Yorba Linda Water Co., Yorba Linda, Cal.......... 1944 10 -100 U. S. Naval Receiving Station, Long Beach, Cal...1949 6 -60 Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denver, Colo....... 1947 4 -40 U. S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Mines, 20 -200 Leavenworth, Wash . .... ...........................1949 Rifle, Colo . ........... ...........................1945 2 -20 1 -10 Walsenburg Water Works, Walsenburg, Colo....... 1948 2% -25 SEWAGE Name and Address Length Service Capacity Kaiser Co., Fontana, Cal. ( 2) .........................1942 5 -50 San Diego Sewage Treatment Plant. Cal ..............1941 17 - }75 Permanente Metals Corp., Permanente, Cal........ 1942 4 -40 Folkert's Dairy, Talbert, Cal .......................1948 10 -100 Name and Address Length Service Capacity Farragut College & Tech. Inst., Fort Devens, Ayer. Mass ...........................1942 Burlington Rendering Co., Burlington, Vt ........... 1948 Farragut, Idaho ..... ...........................1942 U. S. Veterans Hospital, Canadaigua, New York..1944 1.2 -12 City of Mankato, Kans .. ...........................1948 U. S. Coast Guard Training Station, 1 -10 City of Caney, Kans ...... ...........................1948 20 -200 4 -40 City of Abilene, Bans .... ...........................1948 10 -100 2 -20 U. S. Engineers Office, Fort Peck, Mont ............ 1941 3 -30 City of Mitchell. Nebr .... ...........................1941 Institute for Delinquent Defectives, 3 -30 Basic Magnesium, Inc., Las Vegas, Nev ............ 1942 30 -1500 Kanulite, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah ................1943 2- 1/4-21/4 15 -150 E. 1. Dupont de Nemours & Co., Hanford, Wash ... 1943 8 -80 E. 1. Dupont de Nemours & Co., Richland, Wash...1943 Fort Tilden, Rockaway, New York .................1942 20 -200 Leavenworth, Wash . .... ...........................1949 Naval Auxiliary Air Facilities, Westerly, R. I.......1944 2 -20 Buckley State Hospital, Buckley, Wash .............1947 1/4 -2% Northern State Hospital, Sedro Wooley, Wash.....1946 Heyden Chemical Co.. Morgantown, W. Va ......... 4 -40 PLANTS Name and Address Length Service Capacity Oak Creek Sewage Plant, Oak Creek, Colo.......... 1946 3 -30 Seattle- Tacoma Air Port. Seattle, Wash ............ 1949 2 -20 Mercer Island, Seattle, Wash .......................1948 10 -100 Boeing Shipping Center, Seattle, Wash .............1949 2.5 -25 EASTERN STATES WATER WORKS Name and Address Length Service Capacity Name and Address Length Service Capacity Fort Devens, Ayer. Mass ...........................1942 Burlington Rendering Co., Burlington, Vt ........... 1948 6 -60 U. S. Veterans Hospital, Canadaigua, New York..1944 4 -40 United Fruit Co., Boston, Mass .....................1945 U. S. Coast Guard Training Station, 10 -100 Camp Upton (U. S. Gov.) Upton, L. I., New York..1942 20 -200 Town of East Longmeadow, Mass ..................1942 3 -30 10 -100 Veterans Administration, Castle Point, New York..1949 1 -10 U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot, Bingham, Mass.... 1949 15 -15 Institute for Delinquent Defectives, Reynolds Meta! Co.. Louisville. Ky .................1945 New York - Buffalo Electro Chemical Co., Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, City of Bardstown, Ky ... ...........................1949 'Woodbourne, New York ........................1946 2- 1/4-21/4 Buffalo, New York ... ...........................1947 4 -40 20 -200 Scituate Reservoir, Providence, R. I................1940 20 -400 SEWAGE PLANTS Name and Address Length Service Capacity Name and Address Length Service Capacity Burlington Rendering Co., Burlington, Vt ........... 1948 5 -50 Institute for Delinquent Defectives, Avondale Mills, Sycamore, Ala ......................1948 City of Marianna. Fla .... ...........................1941 U. S. Coast Guard Training Station, Migratory Labor Homes, Bell Glade. Fla ............ 1941 'Woodbourne, New York .........................1946 Plymouth Citru Growers Ass'n., Plymouth, Fla....1949 3 -30 Groton, Conn . ....... ...........................1942 Sulphur Springs Dog Track. Tampa, Fla ............ 6 -60 Ephrata Sewage Treatment Plant, Ephrata, Pa ..... 1939 15 -150 City of Chatham, New York ........................1939 Reynolds Meta! Co.. Louisville. Ky .................1945 25 -100 Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, City of Bardstown, Ky ... ...........................1949 Veterans Hospital, Murphreesboro, Tenn ............ Aerial r'roducts Corporation, Merick, L. I., N. Y...1943 4 -40 Indiantown Gap, Pa .. ...........................1945 City of Laurel, Miss ...... ...........................1946 20 -200 Fort Tilden, Rockaway, New York .................1942 Town of Macon, Miss ..... ...........................1946 15 -150 Naval Auxiliary Air Facilities, Westerly, R. I.......1944 1/4 -21/2 2 -20 SOUTHERN STATES WATER WORKS Name and Address Length Service Capacity Maxfield Field (U. S. Gov.) Maxfield Field, Ala .... 1947 4 -40 Water Steamship Co.. Mobile, Ala ..................1942 Air Installation Office, Elgin Field, Fla .............1941 2 -20 Avondale Mills, Sycamore, Ala ......................1948 City of Marianna. Fla .... ...........................1941 % -5 Migratory Labor Homes, Bell Glade. Fla ............ 1941 6 -60 Plymouth Citru Growers Ass'n., Plymouth, Fla....1949 State Home for Feeble Minded, Donelson, Tenn....1949 15 -150 Sulphur Springs Dog Track. Tampa, Fla ............ 1949 1/4 -21/2 Tennessee Valley Authority, Gilbertsville, Ky ...... 193.9 1h -5 Reynolds Meta! Co.. Louisville. Ky .................1945 U. S. Marine Corps., Quantico, Va ..................1939 40 -400 City of Bardstown, Ky ... ...........................1949 Veterans Hospital, Murphreesboro, Tenn ............ 2 -4 -40 City of Columbus. Miss ... ...........................1946 Kingwood Mountain State Water Co., 4 -40 City of Laurel, Miss ...... ...........................1946 Phillipi, W. Va ....... ...........................1946 6 -60 Town of Macon, Miss ..... ...........................1946 Town of Buffalo, W. Va .. ...........................1949 4 -40 SEWAGE Name and Address Length Service Capacity Veterans Administration. Bay fines, Fla ............ 1940 5 -50 Air Installation Office, Elgin Field, Fla .............1941 Pacific Gas & Electric. Sta. P. 10 -100 City of Marianna. Fla .... ...........................1941 Metropolitan Transit Authority. Boston. Mass ...... 1f1 -100 Air Support Command Base, Sturgis, Ky ........... 1942 2 -20 Name and Address Length Service Capacity City of holly Springs, Miss .........................1947 U. S. Navy Yard. Aashington, D. 0 ................1940 1 -10 Town of Shaw, Miss ...... ...........................1948 Pacific Gas & Electric. Sta. P. 1 -10 City Water Department, Bessemer, N. C...........1940 Metropolitan Transit Authority. Boston. Mass ...... % -5 Town of Centerville, Tenn ..........................1942 San Francisco. Cal ... ...........................1949 1 -10 State Home for Feeble Minded, Donelson, Tenn....1949 Gulf States 1'lilities Co.. No. Raton Rouge, La ..... 4 -40 New War Dept. Building, Arlington, Va ............ 1942 30 -300 U. S. Navy Yard. Arlington. Va .....................1944 I'razos Itiver Transmission C'o -Op., 2 -20 U. S. Marine Corps., Quantico, Va ..................1939 San Francisco. C'al ... ...........................1949 1 -10 Veterans Hospital, Murphreesboro, Tenn ............ 1939 2 -3 -30 Kingwood Mountain State Water Co., Empire Distr. Electric. Riverton. Kansas ........... 1949 Phillipi, W. Va ....... ...........................1946 Ilumble Oil Co., Opelousas, La . ....................1!149 2 -20 Town of Buffalo, W. Va .. ...........................1949 Carbide - Chemical Corp.. Oak Ridge, Tenn.......... 1/4 -21/2 PLANTS Name and Address Length Service Capacity E. 1. Dupont de Nemours & Co., Chattanooga. Tenn . . ...........................1946 2 -20 Veterans Hospital, Murphreesboro, Tenn ........... 1939 2 -2 -20 MISCELLANEOUS INSTALLATIONS COOLING WATER SLIME CONTROL Name and Address Length Service Capacity Name and Address Length Service Capacity U. S. Navy Yard. Aashington, D. 0 ................1940 40 -400 Pacific Gas & Electric. Sta. P. Metropolitan Transit Authority. Boston. Mass ...... 1949 200 -2000 San Francisco. Cal ... ...........................1949 2- 350 -3500 Gulf States 1'lilities Co.. No. Raton Rouge, La ..... 1945 75 -750 I'aciric Gas & Electric, Sta. M., I'razos Itiver Transmission C'o -Op., San Francisco. C'al ... ...........................1949 3- 400 -4000 Charter Oak I'lant— Belton. Texas .............1949 200 -2000 Empire Distr. Electric. Riverton. Kansas ........... 1949 200 -2000 Ilumble Oil Co., Opelousas, La . ....................1!149 20 -200 Carbide - Chemical Corp.. Oak Ridge, Tenn.......... 1949 600 -6000 Heyden Chemical Co.. Morgantown, W. Va ......... 1943 300 -3000 f 4 Fires =Un F e a sag I specvt aRv 'ge, u MINNESOTA -NORTH DAKOTA -SOUTH DAKOTA M. B. RYON. BRANCH OFFICES MANAGER ST. PAUL. MINN. C. H. MITCHELL. GENERAL OFFICES DULUTH, MINN. O. A. BERGERSON, FARGO. NO. DAK. ASSISTANT MANAGERS 1229 PLYMOUTH BUILDING • MINNEAPOLIS 3. MINN. SIOUX FALLS. SO. DAK. October 2, 1953 Mr. Ewald Bank, Village Clerk 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis (Edina),, Minnesota Dear Sir:: The writer visited your municipality recently and in company with your utilities-superintendent, Mr. Woehler, :several water flow tests were made to note the effect of the new elevated water tank installation.on the availability of :water supply at hydrants for fire protection. While generally soave improvement-was .shown in the new flow tests as compared to those made prior to the tank installation, there still exists a substantial limiting factor in the carrying capacity of the water mains in some sections, particularly the business district. An inspection of the pressure charts which indicate the fluctuations in pressure made by a recording gauge which is installed in the new punping station, revealed that during this past simmer there were periods of time as long as a week in .which even with the new ele- vated tank pressures for fire and domestic use were extremely poor. Consumption has evidently increased'during :summer monthsat periods to the point .where the 500,000 - gallon elevated tank was completely empty and the only pressure left on the - system was occasioned by a few feet of water in the riser pipe of the tank. If :a fire had occurred in the municipality of other than:a very minor nature, the fire department would have been .severely handicapped by a lack of water supply. We believe it is important the situation regarding water :storage for fire protection be given earnest consideration at the earliest possi- ble time by the municipal officials in Edina. It is extremely.likely that if the unfavorable conditions noted are to occur at frequent intervals in the future, it will be necessary to reduce ;substantially the credit given in the fire insurance classification for the _new elevated tank and this,credit reduction compared with the continued growth of the municipality may have a serious effect upon the fire insurance classification and fire insurance rate level for the village. It will be very much.appreciated if we can be.informed;as soon :as possi- ble of any action taken regarding the alleviation of this condition. Yours very truly, FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSPECTION BUREAU WCF:LM Engineer CLIFFORD ANDERSON PRESIDENT FRANKLIN A. AUSTIN VICE PRESIDENT OSCAR A. EIRECKE SECRETARY LATON S. SMITH REASURER PHONE GRANVILLE 3556 1 1 IIII _ 111 ��. ;�1111111�1 I 1 I I II 1229 TYLER STREET N. E. MINNEAPOLIS 13, MINN. July 24, 1953 Mr. B. Woehler Utilities Mgr. Edina 4901 West 50th Street Minneapolis$ Minnesota Dear Sir: MANUFACTURERS METAL PRODUCTS ESTABLISHED 1878 In line with our conversation relative to the 8' high fence for the water tower, we offer you the following which we feel should cover specifications for the bidders to bid intelligently. To furnish and install in accordance with standard fence practice 28$ lineal. feet of 8 ft. high overall chain link fence consisting'of 2" mesh 9 ga. 94" gals. chain link wire with three strands 12} ga. barbed wire above fence at approx. 450 angle similar to Style 3TR Page fence or equal. Line posts 2 *" O.D. gale. pipe 10' spacing, 1 5/9" O.D. gale. top rail. Also one 121 ,double gate of 2" O.D. gale. framework complete with locking device and 1800 hinges and 2 - 3" O.D. gate posts with bracing. Fence to be erected in a circular form of 95 ft. diameter at base of water tower at Edina High School. You can either use all of the above or change it any way you see fit. Probably you would just as soon run only a notice in the publication and then. offer the bidders complete specifications on another sheet which you can copy from Page 19 of the catologue left with you, under the heading Heavy Construction. Those specifications cover the general items of all fence manufoLcturers. We will appreciate if you will keep us advised as to w`he bids will be taken. If we can be of any further help, do not hesitate to call on us CROWNIRORWORKSCO. LCM0ORE /je Yours truly, CROWN IRON WORKS COMPANY e e Department the mat vauss coon %du mr4 at the muss PAit on we "to iPOIW# A"Wt 24# 14536 'fit 700 P*i• to opeft M4 eandAw or l*"& S tt. U Cbaft Umk raartotsp t0 be wd. to +ir#4&r t of q3 ft• „ift at two of wtt r tmwl *Is* sue► 3►2t dm*le oto. work owt b o or b" spooitft In spwUl"ti4m on 1126 Sara atAsa of VILUV Clorko Bids =A be mbdtUA an bra of payoult wr*. Ild Uis Wsu be =00utmed mums daa ed 111*# with bar* tim tai" � *Ad p=MA by "ok 44POWojo WA b*VA# of +oaarai od ahesk plpUs to t' 'LSO C:LWU In at tan plan" at amm* of 'rho CMUU r0ftr"W the . Afilt to se; ► arary} , ar oU bids,, yi Ko of cow. or far A" pubilfhad in COWSAW 04 C01�itar atl ftUoUno AWpA 13 a 2Ds jq T h: ATUCW. . lib Sp=jCMj3 YM MOS =310 U T4= MM As Z,90 107XA COAU LI b4� S. ?, I-? TM .. CRA M ribCli rls�u to (raw Mau �. e r W53 Aslkw 3M 1 F-RM 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis gw AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION -------------------------- ----- ----------- ----- -- - -- --- ---------------------------------------- ...- ..------------ - - - - -- . -- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in 'I said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has no duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 040 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ........ tea %.- 1021- -131" ------------------------------- ------------ - -- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for. . .............._._..._.._..____. .__..._._..__.._..._....___.___ successive weeks; that it was first so published on tl te_._._______ ...............__..___.______y` �� - - -- -day of ----- - - - - -- 00�_, 19--- -,PAnd thereafter on---------- --- - --- -- -------- --- - -- ------ - - - .................. r3 of each week to and including the ----------------- +�_ . day of---------------- ------ - - - - -- - 4 !- ---- 19---- - - -._; and that the following is ¢ copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ................ ......................... . . . . .. ...__..___..__- ------------ - - - - -- - ------------------------------------------..__..------------------ abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwayz ..... ........ .............- ---- ---- -- ------- °-- °-- --- °-- ......... - - Subscribed and sworn to bef me this --------------- Ry of ----------- _.__�_�..���---- 19 ...... 53 ---------------_ -- Notary Public,.. ___Count Y, Minnesota. M commission ex ►2s lr0._ Y pz '.�39. Otate of FENCE—BIDS CLOSE ,linnegotat ss. AUG. 24. ) dine, 311m . Count o f--------- hazi4da-------- The Edina village Council will meet Y --- ----- -------- --------------- at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street. Monday, August 24, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. to open and consider sealed _, being duly sworn, - --------------- -- �..........------------------ ----------------------- -------- % Y bids for the furnishing and installa- tion, of 288 Lin. Ft., more or less, S ft. high Chain Link Fence, to be on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ----------- ----------------------- erected in circular form of 95 ft.� diameter at base of water tower; also ,ly one 12' double gate. Work must be done as described and the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as --------- ._ ..... .......... specified in specifications on file in office of Village Clerk. Bids must bed *� f % f ..__.. - -, and has ull knowledge o the submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered facts herein stated. unless sealed and filed with under- signed before time of said meeting That for more than one immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed and accompanied by cash deposit, bid year bond, or certified check payable to 33..�,,,�.. Sior Village Clerk in amount of ten percent ---- --- - - -- - -------- -----Adm+W -- --------------------------------------------------------- - ---- ----- of amount of bid. hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. known office of publication within the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCILEVALD C. BANK, ............................. la_ - -..- of. ------- !................ -------------------------- in the County of Village Clerk Village of Edina ------------- �:.�:` -._------------------ -- ----- ---- ---------- --------- - --- ---- --- --- State of Minnesota, on ------------------------- .______ - - -of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ..... . .._________________________------------------------ ......... - -- xul Oxi__I .Uft --------------- --- ----- --- ---------- - - -- -- --- ---- - - - - -- -- -- - - -- -- -------------------------- ----- ----------- ----- -- - -- --- ---------------------------------------- ...- ..------------ - - - - -- . -- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in 'I said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has no duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 040 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ........ tea %.- 1021- -131" ------------------------------- ------------ - -- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for. . .............._._..._.._..____. .__..._._..__.._..._....___.___ successive weeks; that it was first so published on tl te_._._______ ...............__..___.______y` �� - - -- -day of ----- - - - - -- 00�_, 19--- -,PAnd thereafter on---------- --- - --- -- -------- --- - -- ------ - - - .................. r3 of each week to and including the ----------------- +�_ . day of---------------- ------ - - - - -- - 4 !- ---- 19---- - - -._; and that the following is ¢ copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ................ ......................... . . . . .. ...__..___..__- ------------ - - - - -- - ------------------------------------------..__..------------------ abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwayz ..... ........ .............- ---- ---- -- ------- °-- °-- --- °-- ......... - - Subscribed and sworn to bef me this --------------- Ry of ----------- _.__�_�..���---- 19 ...... 53 ---------------_ -- Notary Public,.. ___Count Y, Minnesota. M commission ex ►2s lr0._ Y pz '.�39. Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FORM 2536''/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 1E1VCE otate of Inin1Ye0ota, . —BIDS CLOSE ss. AUG. 34. Edina. Minn. The Edina Village Council will meet County of ------------- ------------------------------------------ . at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street. Monday, August 24, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. to open and consider sealed being duly sworn, ---- ------ ------------------------------ 8 Y bids for the furnishing and installa- tion, of 288 Lin. Ft., more or less, 8 ft. high Chain Link Fence, to be on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been , ----------------------------- - . erected in circular form of 95 ft. diameter at base of water tower; also -------------------- -- - - -- 'i�e�.______,__.____________________.____...- __.____......_.._..__._..__.... one 12' double gate. Work must be done as described and specified in specifications on file in the publisher . ------ and printer -------- of the newspaper known as_______ ---------------------------------------------------------- office Village Clerk. Bids must be basis �� and has full knowledge of the submitted on of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered ______________________________ -. , facts herein stated. unless sealed and filed with under- signed before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed bond, or certified check payable to I iiroa iit,L. Village Clerk in amount of ten percent � ----------------------------- i913r idlt�'------------------------------------------------------------------- of amount of bid. The Council reserves the right to hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE known office of ,publication within the ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- COUNCIL EVALD C. BANK, ¢ ________ __ __ __ _ __ _in the Count o °-- -- - - -~ ------ of Y f Village Clerk Village of Edina - --- --- ------------ ---------------------------- I Stale of Minnesota, on ___________ ___ ________ ____--- ANIIW�..._._____of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ---------------- -------------------------------------------- --------------------- - -- ----------- ------- - - -- -- _.: _------------ --- ----- - - - - -- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- --- -- - - - - -- ---- - - ---- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 040 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said Count Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. Thatthe printed...__... ----------------------- ------------ -- - - -- -- --- -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ___._..._....__________ ------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so&blished on h _ _______ _________________day of 19 -- - --- ------------ ----- ----- - - -'-! ., ?M t saA of each week to and including the- --- ------------- ---- - - - - -- -day of --------------------------------------------- .._...-19 ---------- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ------------------------------------------------------ .------------------- d� R2- � - ------- -- - - ---- ................................................ abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwsyl a- .............................................. ---- ---- ---- --- ---- - ----- - -- --------- - - -IF& Subscribed and sworn tebre me this------------ --- ---- -- �ay of._..___ 19 ----- -- - - - - -- --- ------ ---- - - -- -- - - Notar Public,. ---------- - - - - -- County, Minnesota. �', ;• �. My commission expires----- --- - -- ------ --- --- -- .L. ---. - -- -- -- -�;:.':---- - ----- -- - - ---- - - --- - -- - ---- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. - Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF, PUBLICATION _ (Official Publication) s State of Minne ota, " VILLAGE OF EDINA. ss. HENNEPIN COUNTY,- MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR RIDS—FENCE County of Hennepin The Edina Village Council will meet -at -- ----------- -------------- -----------' the Village Hall, 4801 _W. 50th Street, Monday, ,August -1953, at P. M., Zerpme- being duly sworn consider to open and consider sealed bide for the ids _0.__..B.�.i_rke__ -------- ------ --- --- -------------- ---- --- --- ------- ---- --' furnishing and installation, of 288 Lin. Ft., more or less, 8 ft. high Chain Link Fence, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, to be erected in circular form of 95 ft. diameter at base of water tower; also one 12' double gate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- _ Work must be done as described and specified in'. specifications on 'file in office the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina COURIER, and of Village Clerk. _Bids must be 'submitted on basis. of cash - payment for work.. No bids will , considered unless sealed and of the facts herein stated. has full knowledge filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the bid bond, or certified check- payable - to Village Clerk in. amount of ten percent Advertlsemerit for Bids -Fence of amount of bid.- printed _____ — - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The C reserves the right to re�eet hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English Ian - bi , any or all 11 bi ds. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- _ guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the CIL, . EVALD C. BANK, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and - Village Clerk, ^� ) sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; . Village of Edina (August 13, 20. 1953) , has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication - — I equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printingthe same; ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ --------------- -- - - -- ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ----- Adv rtjSe> t -f or- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for____ tWO---------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the___________ 13th_____________ day of August-------- -- -- - - ---- 1 1953_ and thereafter on ------- ihuT'sdy_____________ - - - -__ of each week to and including the ---------- of ______August___________ _ ____ 19__5-3 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement _ for__Btds__ -_. FW=_ - - ,. and sworn to .before me this_20th day of ----- Aug.1.a t____ ________ ___ __ 1953 _ I ------- ? - ----- - -----------= ---199 �- CONSTANCE WINSH�R(3 Notary Public, Henr-epin County ay� Notary Public, _______My_ _j-;gj aa, Minnesota My Commission expires --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- a 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION (Otffcal u ) - =- State of Minnesota, VILLAGE OF EDINA .I ' SS. - HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA" ��yy ADVERTISEe1lENT FOR -'BIDS —FENCE Hennepin The Edina: Village Council will meet Eit County of ______ the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, Monday, August 24, 1953, at 7:30 P. M., Pt n to open and consider sealed bids for the --------------------- --- ---- ---- --- ----- -- -- -o crone �!!_ -u�-e- _---- __-- _- ___- - - -_ -, being duly sworn, furnishing and installation, of 288 Lin. Ft., more or lean, 8 ft. high Chain Link Fence, to be erected in circular form -of 95 ft. on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, diameter at base of-, water tower; also one 12' double gate. - . Workmust be done as described. and ---------------------------------------- -- --- --- ------ ---- --- -------- -- ----------------------------------------- --- -- ----- ------- -------- --- - -" specified in speclOcations on -file In - office of Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered, unless sealed and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, That for -more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the Village Clerk, in amount of ten bee to nO of amount of/bid. tified check payable AdVel'ti,n@3I�9nt for Bide Fen .� printed .The Council reserves the right to reject - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .any,or all bids. hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COiJN- CIL. guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the - EVALD C. BANK, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and Village Clerk, - Village of Edina sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; (August 13, 20, 1953)_ has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ - has had in its makeup not less than twenty five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor, for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ------- AdverUsement._ibl!_ Bids - ±. Fenee ------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for________________________ _ _ __ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -___ _______�"________ -_ -_ day of t 19_ 3 and thereafter on �Li-id ----------------- - of each week to and including the_______- _ -_'�ay of ------- 8t'__________ __ _ __ 19 - - -53 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been 'the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement for Bids - Fence ------------------------------------------------------------------------"---------------------------------------------------------------------- abedefg Imnopgrstuvwxyz . -- - ---- --- ------ ------ -- -- ---- --- -------- ----------- "UPS Su ibed and sworn to .before me this --- =clay of: _--- ------ - - - - -- 1953 4 N � Notary Public, ---------- - - - - -- County, Minnesota Notary Public, I:ennepin County, Minn. My Commission — ---------- -- - ----- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of i --------------------- =--=---------------------------------------------------- A�, (Official. Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN.COUNTY,, MINNESOTA ;ADVERTI$EMMT; 'FOR BIDS" - FENCE: The Edina Village-Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W.50th Street, Monday, August 24, 1953, at 7:30 P,M. to open and consider sealed bids for'the furnishing and installation, of 288 Lin. Ft., more..or less, 8 ft. High Chain Link Fence, to be erected in circular form of 95 ft, diameter at base of water tower; also one 121 double gate. Work must be done as described and specified in specifications on file in office of Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed taith undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to Village-Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. LVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Edina- Morningside Courier Au@xst 13 & 20, 1953. Please send us 2 Affidavits *of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings, 1 The Edina Village Council will meat at the Village Ralf, 4801 w.50th Street, Mondays August 24, 1953, at 7130 P.M. to opm and consider sealed bide for the furnishing and installation, of 288 Lino Ft., more or leas, 8 ft. high Chain Link Fence, to be erected in circular form of 95 ft, diamoUr at Tease of water tourer; also one 12t dpuble gate* Ulork must be done as described and specified In specificatima on file In office .of Village Clark# Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for worts, No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with undersilped before time of said meeting and accmpsnied by cash deposit, bid'bond, or certified check payobke to Village Clark in amount of tea ptarcent of amount of bid, The Council reserves the right to reJect any or all bids, ST CaDIR 07 VE, 'IF.WGI,; ODURC1L4, =ATE C. D=# Village Clark V311age Of iAina Please publish in Construction Bulletin August 13 & 20, 1953. Please send us 2 Affidavits' of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings.. MAILING LIST FOR ADV4ERTISEMENT FOR BIDS -FENCE FOR NEVI WATER T07M S- TO-Bt?--TAKM - MUST -24- -1953 ADS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAILED OUT AUGUST 13, 1953. 1, Baker Iron Co,, 1420 So. 7th St., Minneapolis 2. Crowley Fence Co., 3110 E. Lake St., Minneapolis 3, Crown Iron.Works Co., 1229 Tyler St. N.E., Minneapolis 4. Cyclone Fence Dept., Amn. Steel & Wire Division H; ,-- &tee1- Go,- W- 1s -t- N --B&nk B1cg. ,- St. 5.— DaMea -l-es- Bros- .- �Ti�e- B�I�or��cs.,- Ins.-,- 10 .0- 9�: +Jash.�ve.- No- .- ,- MPls -• 6.. M; nn eso -ta-F enc.e -B--Iron - Wks -._,- 240 -Jni v.- Ave -..',._S_t- . -Pa-ul .— Mr-az- Fence- Go.i�90-5- F- illsbury -tie.,_ ,Lan polls 8. Maited D Sztributin Co._, 116_241h Ave. No„ Mills. $'r;�#�ii 1'�' fire �••� Ths 7AIM Td l UV CoUndl IdU Not at tbo VIIUV .1 b°sM 3U* 4,p )WWq►'r Augut 24s 1953f 4 TOO Veg,** U Opft *a$ wad4W 044ard bUs tw the Auvdsblag &VA AnsUUAUM of „* Wto or 1"Ov 6 A* MA ChA t ZU& raft4o* too be woiw Vic! cirduut tan of 95 A* .,Imm4 e' at b - of rant w towal 0 doubja Vark mot bo as doslsrlb4 ar4 - O�dA” U SPOAftoluem an t U a01446 at TnUa Clake Ws a bay oWnittod on bad #f a for vo** *a' b 1 WIU 'b+s Oftsidegod VAIO s SWO, and rile %dth or rU and "XW�SmLsa, fir. =wA of tom► "re" of a=" of bid. 'char Gmawl r"Wrm the v ht +ova rVeft Ow Ot Ou bus *. Aid 4:* am Mu qlup C 1ttrr�;a► of O'CoN art PA Aw Wo pAbUstmA in Gars► and IAUAUU AmVA 33 200 191 !SMVrAV '3i S i -o }3M TO aS TAXM X11 MPT 24,p 195) IWXVA VON* a W tAMA*44 &W lfttAUA sso air With a% toffs 2" Une ft& of 0 Ao bj4ft onasu obdA Uft tmft "M"W ot to 9 ► 069' p1wo mist lac idre with WOO " ads obro 540400 A appmx. 45 w4as 31OLUr io AAA 31'1 t fdo" oat * Oath , a'• Idlo 1.01 •PaAln& I -SI ' O.O• .�i Leo .• Also am 12* dPub s pto of 241 O *D* plvo bulow as lc copUU %dth UsIdo g dordoo and 20 bps srA 2 3" 0tD410 pto pots idth brmlft• raaao to " we" In n girmsUp tom of " ft. dlaost4w at, bast of tatw tar w of BUM RIO sabo"o Legal Notice (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS INSURANCE The Edina" Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, on Monday, June S, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., and will at said place and time consider sealed bids for the following insurance: BUILDERS RISK INSURANCE, Comp- leted Value Form, amount - 3240,000 —Fire, Extended Coverage, Vandalism and Mal - iclous Mischief —on New Village Hall to be under construction approximately ten 'mon- ths. Bidder will bid on 80 per cent co- Insurance, with alternate on 100 per cent co- Insurance. WINDSTORM INSUIIINCE, alnount $75,000; 100 per cent co- insurance —on New 5010,000 Gallon Elevated Steel Water Tank. Bidder will "bid on Alternate, Ex- tended Coverage, also. Bids will not be accepted unless sealed and Identified on envelope as to type of bid. 'T,he Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of Edina (May 28 and June 4, 1953) �p el Garr er �c�s�s IP 11 ®O a:7G� ��°. 40 �h t July 20th, 1953. MEMO To Ben Woehler , Utilitie s Supt . Dear Ben: The Council bas directed that, plans and specifications be prepared to encircle the new Water Tank with a standard type .cyclone fence. It has been suggested that the fence. should be circular and 4-e approximately 20 to 40 feet outside the -legs on the water tank. Another suggestion was to decrease the cost by making it either square or a series of cords. It seems to me that it should be studied in the field, due to the contour on the West side. The - topography of the ground may be the deciding factor. Provision should be made to have a large truck gate installed on the North side, in line with the openings on the curbing. What they want is a face similar to the one around the playing field at Edina High School, with barbed wire at the top. It may be, Ben, that you are too busy to handle this or you may feel that it is in not in your department to take this on, however some of this information should be initiated with you and a rough sketch submitted to this office, along with your recommendations. With your recommendations, our Engineering Department can formally draw up a plan and formulate the specifications.. Let me know at once if you.do not intend to do this so that I can make other arrangements. r Yours very truly, `'L S - R Mitchell, Village Manager. SRIK: B Ur* , I Sli� �= C� .� i v r �. February 25,r 1953 Mr. E. R. Nelson, Treasurer's Department _ - - Chicago Bridge & .Iron Company. 1305 W. 105th. Street.- . Chicago 43, Illinois Dear Mr. Nelson:. Re: Contract dated 8/13/51 . i One 50ONG Elevated Tank Your Contract 6.0336 We hive your letter of,Rebruary 18, which we have been , obliged to delay answering until some definite information could be furnished you. We are pleased to inform you that, as of February 23, the V- illage of Edina sold a Waterworks Revenue Bond issue of 080,000, at 2.75% interest, for the financing of thin tank. Bonds will be delivered within'30 dos from date of'sale. The Operating Fund of our Waterworks Department has sufficient funds to make payment for work completed by your crews before that time. Yours very truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Deputy Village Clerk gsa CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 1305 WEST 105T. STREET CHICAGO 43,ILLINOIS February 18, 1953 FILE 6 -0336 Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota Attention: Mr. G. S. Alden Village Clerk Re: Contract dated 8/13`51 One 50CMG Elevated Tank Our Contract 6 -0336 Gentlemen: .We are attaching a copy of our letter dated Febru- ary; 4, in which we ask your office for information re- garding the financing of the above subject tank. At the present time, we have not -been favored with a reply to our letter, which is necessary that we have in order to complete our records. Your consideration and attention in this-matter will Pe greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, CHICAGO BRIDGE.& BY FS. K fleis n Treasurer's De artment ERN /ev Encl.- cc Chicago Sales 6 -0336 E.R.T. � ZOOM 6 -32 CJ.R, _. CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 1305 WEST 105TH STREET CHICAGO 43. ILLINOIS February 4, 1953 Village of FA3ina 4801 ;Nest 50tt, btreet Edina, Minnesota Attention: G. &.Alden Villslge Clerx Re: Corr t rac t ca ted 3-13-51 1- 5001E Elevated Tank .Our Contract 6 -0336 Gea tlemen : Reference is dude to your letter Ot Lece'.;abLr r,tt> in an&wer to previous corresponds., ce regarding tine financi.,i; of tue above subject tare. Your Ictter informed us that the Village of Fdlnu would sell their 4,%terK:-;rns Revenue arrants on gorAdady, ja— nu -try �6t11' 19 2, of :; is i the f-, ^::s received from the or these w4rrants woulti be us ed to finance the above grater Wnkc. In order to assist cis in ca:apletii)g our crc+:i t roe -rNas, we would like to e.n;::is if the warrants -;ere sold and ttee oney turned over to the village at the present time. Your consideration and attelition in this natter -w111 be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, 139 :RN /dlvr E.H.heisv n cc /Chgo. Sales Treasurer I s Lepartment 6 -0336 F'u CHICAGO MAIN CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY 1305 REST 1051 :'' STREET CHICAGO 43,ILLINOIS February 41 1953 Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota. Attention: G.S.Alden Village Clerk Re: Contract dated 8 -13 -51 1- 500MG Elevated Tank Our Contract 6 -0336 Gentlemen: Reference is made to -your letter of December 4th in answer to previous correspondence regarding the financing of the above subject tank. Your letter informed us that the Village of Edina would sell their Waterworks Revenue Warrants on Monday, January 26th, 1952, of which the funds received from the sale of these warrants - would be -used to finance the above water tank. In order to assist us in completing our credit records, we would like to know if the warrants were sold and the money turned over to.the village at the present time. Your consideration and attention in this.matter_will.be greatly appreciated. ERN /jlw cc /Chgo. Sales 6 -0336 FU Very .truly yours CHICAGO BRIDG & N CO. By E.R.Nel on Treasurerts Department (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EOINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, IMMSOTA ADVERTISMWT FOR BIDS" WATER PUMPING STATIONS NOTICE IS FMBBY GIV01:that the Edina Village Council will'meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 17,50th-St., Mondayb`October 11,:1954, at 7130 P.M.y and vrill at said time anO place open and consider sealed bids for the folloidng i !-WiM PWING SWT101181, - Two water pumping stations and Addition to 'existing station. Brick and Concrete Construction. ':`l. - 71. 59th St. at Rrance !eve.. . ;2. --Tower and Tank Site near Concord Grade school. f3. - Addition to Concord- Southview Lane' B ationo, Bidder must bid on.each project separately;:with &n alternate lump sum bid on all three projects. Fork =st be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the of4ice of the Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment - for work. ido bids trill be considered' unless sealed and filed with undersiG.ed before tine of said meeting and - accompanied by cash depoeit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in ,amount of ton pbrcent of amount of bid. BY ORD22 OF THL VILLAGE COUNCIL, EVAtb C. BANK)'Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Edina korningside Courier September 30 and October 7, 1954, Please send us 2 AffidaviLa of Publication, Please send us 10 Clippings, EDINA, MINN. BIDS CLOSE OCT. 1110 1954 WATER PUMPING STATIONS NONCE 2 M .011W that the WbA Village Counctil will meet at the 9dina Village 11alliv 4WI 10650th St.s Honday, October 11, 1954s at' 713Q P•Hos, and will at said time and place open and cormider sealed bids for the to3'�.owSn�s WATER PUMPIi�tG STATIONSs 1066.. �., .�_�. Two roster pumping stations and addition to existing station. Bride and Concrete Construction, Pl. — W 59th Ste at France Ave. '2• — Tower and Tank Site near Concord Grade School# #39 — Addition to Concord- Southview Une Station* Bidder $mat bid on each project separately, with an alternate lump sum bid on all three projectu . i+'Ork snet be done as described and specified in plum and speoifirstions for said Smprovament on file In the office of the Vi l ago Clark* Bids mat be submitted on basis of cash payment for work, No bids will be Considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said mebting and acconpanied by cash dopoL;i,.x bid bond10 or certified check payable to that g-.� Clrr't in azriunt of ten 1;ereent of amomt of big'.. F/ii a� 11�=J if+iV r.J. u'V AII) C..r, X lKs Clark Vil agp of -Xina Please publish in Construction Bulletin September 30 and October 710 1954. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication.. Please send us 10 Clippings.