HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954_WATER DEPT,206 7,14•SWOM NPFdB MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Analytical Examination of water NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION.. SPECIFIC. LOCATION SOURCE 1224 Edina Well. N61 pump disch. drilled well 122 n h n 2 n n n n 1226 3 n d n q 1227 ft tl n 4 1228 " 14532 W. 56th Sto hose bib diet. system 122 th•aad France Texaco -sere. star n Specimen. Number 1224 12Z • 1226 1227 1228 122 Station Number Collected by DIB �� DI8 �� DIB DIB Date Collected 8 20 8 ZO S 2O 2 8 2O Date Recd by Lab. 8 20 8 20 53 8 20 8 20 8 20 53 8 2 BACTERIAL: Exam. by Bacteria per c.c. 370 C.'24 hours Coliform group 100 mi. organisms M.P.N. per 100 ml. 0 10 0 0 PHYSICAL: Exam. by Turbidity Color .. Total Solids ' Total - suspended solids Settleable solids c.c. per liter. C gam. y arts er mil ion'exce t as noted Total hardness 3000 000' 300*- 310, Alkalinity 270a 2170 210. 00 - pH value 70 3 0 2 Iron 6 Wk 006 5 Manganese 001 0001. 001 Chlorides 6.5 . 700 00006 805 NF Residual Chlorine Sulphates * 19 2- 23 31 Fluorides 01 00l 01 0l Dissolved Oxygen five-day ioc emice Oxygen Demand ' Nitrate nitro 1, 1. _14 1. r on -dioxide ..26*' 274► 26* 36o leg 12 -9-E2 joM DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION F. L. WOODWARD. M.P.H.. DIRECTOR 4M=.svta Peyartmid of �haft4 ALBERT J. CHESLEY, M.D.. SECRETARY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MINNEAPOLIS 14, MINNESOTA October 22, 1953 ..kf SECTIONS: MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY WATER POLLUTION CONTRCL GENERAL SANITATICN INDUSTRIAL HEALTH HOTELS, RESORTS AND RESTAURANTS ENGINEERING LABORATORIES Village Council of Edina c o Evald Bank, Recorder 4801 Wi Fiftieth Street Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are enclosing a copy of the report of our District office covering an investigation of the water supply for your village. If you have any questions in regard to the information contained in this report, please write us. Yours very truly, F.L: Woodward, Director Division of Environmental Sanitation Enc. cc: Dr. L.M. Campbell, Health Officer Mr. Ben Woehler, Water Supt. t IU20MOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH District VI Report on Investigation of Water Supply of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota August 20, 1953 1. Date of Last Investigation - November 19, 1952• 2.. Rating at Last Investigation - 92. 3. Changes Since Iast Investigation - The door for pumphouse No. 2 has been changed to open outward. 4. Analytical Data - (See attached sheets) Samples Nos. 1224 through 1231 inclusive represent grater collected from wells Nos. 1 through 4 and from various points on the distribution system. The bacteriological examination of these samples showed the water to be of good sanitary quality as evidenced by the fact that organisms of the.coliform group were not found in the portions.of the samples examined. Sample No. 1232 represents water collected from a point on the distribution system. The bacteriological examination of this sample showed indications of contamination in the water as evidenced by the fact that organisms of the coliform group were found in the portions of the sample examined. At this time the indications of contamination do not appear to have any sanitary significance. Samples Nos. 1224 through 1227 were collected.from the four wells. A chemical examination of these samples showed the water in all four wells to be quite similar. The water was hard and high in alkalinity. The hydrogen -ion concentration (pH value)"was above neutral an the alkaline side. The iron content was moderate for wells Nos. 3 and 4 and high for wells Nos. 1 and 2. The manganese content of the.water was very low. Chlorides were very low for wells Nos. 1, 2 and 3 and were not found in well No. 4. Sulphates, fluorides and nitrate nitrogen were very low. The analysis for dissolved carbon dioxide indicated that the water may be mildly corrosive. A microscopic examination of these same well samples showed..wells Nos. 1, 2 and 3 to contain abundant iron bacteria and well No. 4 to contain a moderate number of iron bacteria. -2- The data indicates that the minim.= amount of water treatment needed is the control of iron bacteria. Iron bacteria growth can be controlled with the application of chlorine. For this purpose the concentration of chlorine can be low enough so that it will not be noted on the distribution system.. 5• List of Sanitary Defects - a. .It is possible that during a time of high water in Minnehaha Creek; water may back up through the buried overflow line of the elevated storage tank at well No. l to less than 50 feet from wells Nos. l and 2. b. Some of the older service connections have water and sever laid in the same trench. c. There are some unsatisfactory eater' and sewer crossings-on the- system. d. • Old plumbing exists on the system which is a menace to the supply when vacuum conditions occur. 6. Recommendations a. The buried overflow lime serving the elevated storage tank at well No: 1 should be removed. X b. The practice of laying new water and sewer services in separate trenches at least 10 feet apart should be continued.. Whenever the opportunity occurs, existing installations which have water and sewer pipes laid in the same trench should be reconstructed in the aforementioned manner. c. Hereafter, where new water mains cross below sewers or less, than 6 feet above them, all the joints on the water main.lying within 10 feet of the sewer, measured horiaontal.lry, should be provided with bell -joint clamps with rubber gaskets in addition to the usual leaded joint. Consideration should be given to the provisions of these additional safeguards on existing construction where water and sewer pipes are laid close together whenever a favorable opportunity occurs. -3-» d. All existing plumbing which is not properly designed and properly installed should be changed to conform to the Code whenever repairs or replacements are made. e. It is pointed out that unless the growth of iron bacteria in the system is checked and if not eradicated, at least kept under control, complaints of tastes and odors in the water, red water, reduced,pressures and even plugged service lines will result• It is suggested that all wells be chlorinated in an attempt to free them from iron bacteria and that the distribution system also be chlorinated. Judging from experience with iron bacteria, it appears likely that permanent chlorim tion of'the water supply system will be necessary. 7. Conclusion - The field survey showed that this supply complies substantially with the standards for'safe water supplies of the State Department of Health on this date. Computed on the basis of 100 points for complete compliance with standards of the Minnesota Department of Health$ the present status of this supply is estimated to be 90. By carrying out the recommendations made in this report, the rating-can be raised to 97. Approved. -� O.E. Brownell, Chief Municipal Water Supply Section D.L. Baer Public Health Engineer MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH :. Section of Municipal Water'Supply Sanitation Safety Rating of Edina Water Supply Date August 20, 1953 00 and upward - high degree of safety. Watchful maintenance needed. 85 to 89 - moderately high degree of safety. Correction and maintenance program continued. 70 to 84 - poor to dangerous condition. Prompt corrective action urgently needed. 69 and lower - very dangerous condition. Emergency measures necessary. Perfect As As See Recommendation No. Score Found Recommended In Attached Report (A) Source Sanitary Safety 20 20 20 Adequacy of treatment Bacteriological Quality 10 10 10 Physical quality 2 2 2 Chemical quality 4 3 3 Biological quality 2 1 2 Adequacy of quantity 2' 2 2 Sub -total 40 Hazard adjustment factor deducted 0 Total 40 3A 39 (B) Prime Moving Equipment Well or intake -8 8 8 Pumps 7 7 7 Piping arrangement 5 5 5 Reservoirs 7 6 7 a Equipment housing 3 3 3 Sub -total 30 Hazard adjustment factor deducted 0 Total 30 29 30 (C) -Distribution System Street mains 5 3 4 Building services 2 1 It b Plumbing 3 11 2Z d Hydrants 1 1 1 Storage 4 4 4 Pressure 2 2 2 Tap water quality 3 2 3 coliform free samples ----------------------------------------------------- ------- ---- -- ----- Sub -total --------------------------------- 20 --- - - - - - - ----- - - - - ------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------------ Hazard adjustment factor deducted 0 Total 20 14 18 (D) Operation and Operators Control of system 3 3 3 Condition of system 2 2 2 Operator qualifications 5 4 5 - - -- - — — - - - - - - - �i.}b -total - ------- 10 ------------ - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- — -- ------------- — — — - -- Hazard adjustment factor deducted 0 Total 10 9 10 GRAND TOTAL AND RATING1 100 1 90 1 97 00 and upward - high degree of safety. Watchful maintenance needed. 85 to 89 - moderately high degree of safety. Correction and maintenance program continued. 70 to 84 - poor to dangerous condition. Prompt corrective action urgently needed. 69 and lower - very dangerous condition. Emergency measures necessary. 4106 214.52 10M N P&B MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION. Analytical Examination of Eater NO. TOWN, ETC. MAP LOCATION• SPECIFIC LOCATION SOURCE . 1230 Edina 4941 France Hart$en motors diet, system 1231 * .50th -and Halifax Shell servo eta. " n village hall lav to Specimen Number 1230 - 1231 1232'. Station Number Collected' by ' DLB DIB, DIB ' Date Collected 20 3 8 20 3 8 20 ' Date Recd by Lab. 8/20/53 8/20/53 8/20/53 BACTERIAL: Exam, by Bacteria per c.c. 370 C. 24 hours Coliform group t 100 ml. .organisms S M.P.N. per 100 ml. Q 0 *68 PHYSICAL: Exam. by Turbidity Color Total Solids Total suspended solids Settleable solids c.c. per liter A L gam. y arts er mi l ion a ce pt as noted Total hardness Alkalinity pH value Iron Manganese Chlorides . Residual Chlorine Sulphates Fluorides Diesolved'Oxygen l five-day ioc emits Oxygen. Demand :, ' ,� 166 12 -12 -62 1M J' ME'4NESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Biological Examination of Water 62644 44jilp. 17 No. Date. Town, etc. Location Source 1224 84043 .. Edina No. 1 well Pump discharge.... 1225 ,� -.. _" __ No. 2 well` 1226 ".... n No. 3 well, 1227 n " No. 4 well No. Results of Microscopic Analysis Other Analyses 1224 Abundant iron bacteria found. Leptothrix SP found. 1225 Abundant iron bacteria found. Leptothrix SP found. 1226 Abundant iron bacteria found. Leptothrix SP found. 1227 Moderately abundant number of found. iron bacteria found. Leptothrix SP Collected by DIB Sal - 53 REB Received: 8-20 53 Examined: By: November 1D 1954 Mr, L. D. Beard - 4521 Casco Ave. Minnaspolis 10, tom, Des Mr. Beards - This letter is in answer . to yours of 'August 28, 1954. Tha* you for your comments and suggestions. X6u have mentioned a' vary., viportant item in the development of a Village. • Namelys . #hat of predicting the , future growth of the Village, not only the r . total number of residents to be serviced but also • the neeessi.ty�'for extension of road, sewer, water and other facilities. In Edi na°s cases I thinks this would have been rather difficult,, and I 'donvt kww of.any one that actually- predicted that the population would mare than doublo in less than four years. :We would certainly appreciate hour advice if you . can tell us, what win happen in the n=t four years? Do you believe that Edina•le growth will continue at the sanxB accelerated rate, and .possibly by 1960 we would' have a -population of 35#000 people., I am sure you will agree that over estbzt3ng is Alrtast as dangerous as under estimati<vr, as then ym have a tax load which is greater than the people can stand. In order to ate ymw im- ediato pmobleme .that is, of prov�ding enough water so you can service your h m and also lawna and 'boulevards the V;.11age Council has caused to be brought into effect during the past year the follmv nge Installation of a' new well underneath the raw Crater tit, immediately vest of the rmw grade school. - This hell is capable. of _ ° delivering 9,n the wighborhood of 2000- gallons -per minute, which is double -the quantity deliveored by any other well in -She Villagee In other words., it is equivalant 'to tam standard Village wells which doliver a maxim= quanntity of MW gallons per minute,. In addition to this, a well has been completed at 69th and Mrarceo and as soon as the puma has been ' . installed, which will. be 'a • matter 9f reeks P_ another 1000 gallon per minute hell ti9.1.. have been added to the Vibl age eyst2m.. The mon . connecting thlb well up to the , Village item has • already been accomplished. Wells in operations previous to 19540 were as follows. One at 50th and Wooddale, one at. 52nd and .Halifaxs one at S.outhview Tune and Concord Ave. From this you can see -that in the last year the Village Council has doubled its water capacity. The Village Council; in addition to this' is planning to' connect two more wells into the Village system chring 1955.- Ve' feel that there, will be --no trouble from now on, keeping the water tank full and our vater customers satisfied. Yours very truly# - S. R. Mitchell - Village Manager- &.Pineet SRM=rh _ L. D. BEARD 4521 CASCO AVENUE] { MINNEAPOLIS 10, MINN. !J� 4- c4 D� - � / _' ��i' >� �C fI/Lc� � �' ��.�ii%P�w✓��� -�i_" " �Gl'�v� �j i�%1.12 u� ���,�,,,/ �' ems✓ � � — �� l• ..a _ � ff/C.L�i TWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY j ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS V6C3" 2440 Franklin Avenue St. Paul 14, Minn. ih g i REPORT OF QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION >,aSty SAMPLE: TEST! OF WPMM DATE: May 8 1 4 REPORTED TO: Village of Edina COPIES To: S. R. Mitchell, City Engineer IEa.ina., Minn. Sample taken from new well at 69th and France, while pumping 1000 g.p.m. Laboratory No. 108127 Sample Identification Results Remarks CONSTITUENT Silica ( insoluble ) P.P.M. 13 Sample taken by Mr. C. W. Britzius for analysis 5 °4'54• AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES,. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI• ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. PLEB WILL BE HELD TWO (2) MONTHS FROM DATE RECEIVED, THEN DESTROYED, UNLESS WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CONTRARY ARE SUBMITTED BY THE CLIENT Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 411 By.......... NESTOR 4074 `ITWIN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS TPI; 2440 Franklin Avenue - St. Paul 14, Minn. a REPORT OF QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION SAMPLE: TEST OF WATER DATE: •"'41 6, 19% REPORTED TO: Village of Edina COPIES TO: S. R. Mitahe 11, City Engineer i Edina, Minn. f Laboratory No. 108127 Sample Identification: Sample taken from now Well at 69th and France, . while pumping 1000 g.p.m. Results W ' A P.P.M. Silica ( insoluble) 13 Remarks: Sample taken by Mr. C. W. Britzius for analysis 5 -4 -54. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. I SAMPLES WILL BE HELD TWO (2) MONTHS FROM DATE RECEIVED, THEN DESTROYED, UNLESS WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CONTRARY ARE SUBMITTED BY THE CLIENT Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory Form No. 48 By .......... .... .............. 00000 -- WATERWMS FUND FINANCIAL STATENENTS (Without Audit) VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ,Tune 30, 19�+ -- ooOoo -- WATERWORKS FUND BALANCE SHEET (Without Audit) . VILLAGE OF EDINA June 309 1954 ASSETS Cash: Current funds: On deposit $ 20.05302.5 Working fund 25,( Appropriated funds - for bonds and interest: On deposit Marketable securities - U. Se Government securitie: Accounts receivable: From customers Miscellaneous Due from other funds Inventories - at cost: Meters Supplies Segregated cash for debt retirement Fixed assets: Land Land improvements Buildings and equipment Less allowance for depreciation Construction in progress Deferred charges: Prepaid insurance LIABILITIES Due to other funds Accounts payable: Miscellaneous Interest Bonds payable Surplus: From excess of assets Contributed by special assessments Contributed Earned surplus: Appropriated Unappropriated 6 1987. 973oa S 229887.0 20'078.25 50377° 50 X6.259455075 68°50 209000000 $ 219 962 0,84 627.80 123-00 $9039568037 70126.95 299212,79 $ 59365°48 20529.88 79895°36 179510000 $ 109392.30 7929405087 68°50 8029866.67 627.80 $9039568037 $ 19494006 1050 10790084 19792034 1989000000 $ 359511°91 5372137.47' 169380066 1139251°93 7020281.97 i $9039568-37 ; . VILLAGE OF EDINA Periods from July 1, 1947, to June 30, 1951+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Without Audit) Year Six Months Six Months Ended Ended Ended June 0, June 0,, Year Ended December -14, December 19 V 1953 19.52 1951 1950 1949 .1948 319 1947 --------------------- Gross income: Water,°sales and penalties $829210-87 $31+1280 73 $749560.16 .$56,744.65 $46,24900,9 $4114.51.32 $35 415 ,7674-37 $339477-97 - ,.9974 .39 .3t9ll 47 0 21663-80 459.14 Permits and fees 67916-47 59790 9 lt807 65' 283,.87 314.64 19013 55 Profit on meters sold 747.66 332046 599:34 .796:95 17086.99 791.63 350-11 296:64 34-98 Miscellaneous :582.14 141.42 460.82, -15.00- 7" $16 468.51 -4 43 526.82 .1 411.22 $591�6�.2-5 6 - t 999" 8�5 $44 71339.12 $342�88.16 690t'+57. T38t665098 V811 Expenses - excluding depreciation and -debt.service charge s: 9 4 486 Pumping 9-,.2 9.7 $- 99,792.88 $ '9 673 81 $ 8 6 89:� 61 9 .72 $12t7l+8.92 39570.63 $17t116-1T $12.771 1-- $12905 9 Distribution 9233-51 69373 51957 6' 772"'i 3*5 -4 -218*04 3,048.7 2 614.11 19584.23 9064.60 7 .�'5 " 9 50.7Q 541 9 - c) 5... 1: 1+. Administrative and general., .842.80 8. -A 41. 6 .17 617- *. -17 '6. n4.: A i �5! -0 077.02 - -3-28- 8-3a JA $11 - 4T-&. (A - -.25 21A66-44 S 19,5,52, 8 $18 628.18 $15;410.7 8 -'7' 504, 2 8 i 0 0 0 REVENUE BEFORE DEPRECIATION AND DEBT SERVICE CHARGES $611624.01 $279247.95 $49,580.04; $33,920.00. - .$22;033:44 $241973-93, $1&9,710' 9 19 377.42 t 85964.23 Depreciation and debt service charges: $ 52870.1+2 Provision for depreciation $15t472j 9 $ 7,737.54: $13024.21 $10,354,91 S 9t298.08 $- 89-175il6 4 79054-61: $ 29110.82 Loss on equipment scrapped - tools 24.45 24.45 207-37 ,Amortization of property acquisition and bond issue expense. .514.26 514.26 3 12.45 594.24 594.24 594,24 594.24 297-05 .Interest on bonds 2@ ,12 50107.2 R 1. 56 8 -14 1 693,31 1. 81 S. 13 4 4 4 .87 1. 5C)4. QQ U21-351-067. SJQ-446.21 $189970.1 6 14; �43. 07 Fl-1585.65 912-- 58-7. T-3 22.19 9.53 6 4 001.2 0 609.90 $19t476. $ 82447-79 $12t386.20 79118.75 $ 87927-89 $ 4,962036 0T INCOM, $1+0�272.34 $16t8ol.24 $301 93 1� ------ ---------- ------ ----------- ---------- ---------- Number of water accounts by periods: Beginning 291+88 2,633 2199 29058 1,668 1743 1,207 1,047 - End of first quarter 2957 2,694 2,436 29195 1,755 1,412 17243 1,074 End of second quarter 2963 2,791 2$488 2,255 1,873 *67 1,269 12007 End of third quarter 2,69�. 2,577 2,315 1,981 1,559 1,291 1y023 End of fourth quarter 2 2 6 2,,p199 2___058_ i�66 1. --A4-1 4-1 192Q -1.01+7 13,183 -12-,-753-3 11,222 6,3 53 39328 39077 Average number of accounts for period 29636�. 2,706 27507 2,244 17867 1,490 11271 09 111 - 19026 Yearly increase in average number of connections 263 377 377 219 162 83 Earnings of average number of accounts 47 .74 before fixed charges $23-37 617- $10-07 $19-78 615.12 S11.8o $16-76 614-72 $8 ANALYSIS OF PRESENT DEBT REQUIREMENTS VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA $123,000.00 $-26,985.00 $80,000.00 $169912.50$2469897-50 1230000.00 809000.00 Average Bond requirement 1 1/4 times $1499985.00 10,713 $969912.50 6,922 $ 179635 22901+0 I December 31, 1953 1947 Issue 1951 2 -1/4% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Principal Interest Principal Interest Total ORIGINAL AMOUNT S150,000 $8o,000 1954 ($ 71000-00 $ 32310.00 $ 52000.00 $ 22131.25 $ 179441025 1955 2 1/2% 72000-00 39135-00 52000..00 11993675 179128.75 1956 79000-00 21960.00 59000.00 17856.25 16,816. 25 1957 8)000.00 21785-00 5,000.00 17718-75 179503-75 1958 81000.00 21585.00 52000.00 11581.25 17,166.25 1959 87000.00 2,365.00 51000.00 1)443075 162808-75 196o 81000.00 2,145.00 57000.00 11306.25 169451.25 1961 109000.00 19925.00 59000.00 19168-75 18,o93.75 1962 2 3/40 1o,000.00 11650.00 52000-00 19031.25 179681.25 1963 101000.00 11375-00 51000.00 893.75 179268.75 1964 109000.00 1400.00 51000.00 756.25 16)856.25 1965 107000.00 825.00 51000.00 618.75 169443075 1966 109000.00 550.00 109000.00 343-75 209893-75 1967 10, 000.00 275.00 10,000.00 68.75 200343.75 $123,000.00 $-26,985.00 $80,000.00 $169912.50$2469897-50 1230000.00 809000.00 Average Bond requirement 1 1/4 times $1499985.00 10,713 $969912.50 6,922 $ 179635 22901+0 I - -00000 -- REPORT.OF EXAMINATION WATERWORKS FUND OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA9 MINNESOTA December 319 195+ -- 00000 ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT ........ ..........a................PAGE 3 BALANCESHEET .......... ............................... Lt STATEMENT OF UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS........,........... 5 CONDENSED COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOMEAND EXPENSE .... ............................... 6 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ......................... 7 AKRON ATLANTA E R N S T& E R N S T BALTIMORE BIRMNGHAM BOSTON BUFFALO CANTON ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS CHICAGO CINCINNATI CLEVELAND COLUMBUS SYSTEM SERVICE DALLAS DALLAS DAYTON DENVER DETROIT ERIE FORT WORTH MINNEAPOLIS GRAND RAPIDS HOUSTON INDIANAPOLIS KALAMAZOO FIRST NAT L -$00 LINE BLDG KANSAS CITY LOS ANGELES I LOUISVLLE DELIVERY ZONE 2 MEMPHIS M IAMI MLWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS To the Village Council Village of Edina, Minnesota NEW ORLEANS NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH PORTLAND. ME. PROVIDENCE READING RICHMOND ROCHESTER ST, LOUIS ST. PAUL SAN ANTONIO SAN FRANC SCO SEATTLE TOLEDO WASHINGTON WINS T ON -SALEM YOUNGSTOWN TORONTO, CANADA CORRESPONDENTAT LONDON CABLE ADDRESS ' ERNSTAUDIT" N. Y. We have examined the balance sheet of WATERWORKS FUND OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA as of December 31, 1954, and the related statements of profit and loss and surplus for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and state- ments of profit and loss and surplus present fairly the financial position of WATERWORKS FUND OF THE VILLAGE 'OF EDINA at December 31,19549 and the results of its operations.for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles which, except as outlined in Note B to the financial statements, have been applied on a basis con- sistent with that of the preceding year. Certified Public Accountants Minneapolis ,t Minnesota July 8, 1957 Our certificate or report upon an audit or examination is delivered to client with the distinct understanding that ally advertisement, publication, or copy therefrom, in full or in part, of such certificate or report, shall be in the form to be approved by us. .4s a preventive against fraud, attention is directed to the fact that all .pages in this report should bear our water mark. -3- WATERWORKS FUND BALANCE SHEET VILLAGE OF EDINA December 31, 1954 :�.z: � = =w =a= : s;.�a:�.ae;.;- was_- -- = _�_-- _-- =�= •.cc::._� :____,.. -:.,mss ;_��._.�__.,_..-= ___-- __ - -__ AghUTS ash: Current funds Appropriated funds - for bonds and interest: On deposit aarketable securities: U. S. Government securities Less portion segregated for ccounts receivable: From customers Miscellaneous Due from other funds nventories - at cost: Meters Supplies at face value debt retirement egregated fund for debt retirement - U. S. Government securities ixed assets: Land Land improvements Buildings and equipment Less allowance for depreciation Construction in progress repaid insurance LIA L IF L. ccounts payable and accrued Accounts payable Contracts payable Accrued interest Accrued wages payable IDue to.other funds $ 5,458.48 70,000.00 1.2.12�.75 17,237.17 331.73 50500.00 $ 121257.86 52,871.25 23,068.90 2,919.66 4 .0 0 TOTAL CURRENT TSB 92,90 .06 2,194.22 1, 295, 21(0 136.216.04 expenses: $ 15,892-30 11158,974.35 110497.98 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES nds payable: 1947 issue - due annually September 1st 2 1 /2f to September 1, 1957, and 2 3/4� on balance - Note A: 7,000.00 annually 1955 through 1956, $,000.00 annually 1957 through 1960, and $10,000.00 annually 1961 through 1967 $6 1161000.00 1953 issue - 2 3/4% due annually March 1st - Note A: $ 5,000.00 annually 1955 through 1965, and $10,000.00 annually 1966 and 1967 plus: Revaluation of assets Contributed Contributed by special assessments Earned surplus: Appropriated Unappropriated $ 16)3J3.30 0.66 898,971.32 6 23,928.13 106.127.6 119-9 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 17,128.75 11186064.63 965.81 $172979367.25 4,748.05 19,480.08 1'15o.48 15.10 261126.21 191,000.00 $11297067.25 -4- 11 _WATERWORKS E STATEMENj OF UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS VILLAGE OF EDINA Year ended December 31, 1954 Balance at January 19 1954 $ 74,563.19 Additions& Net income for the year $329923.09 Transfer from Revaluation Surplus for depreciation provided on excess of appraisal value over cost 681.98 $1089168.26 D Increase in.Appropriated Surplus for debt retirement 2x040.61 Balance at December '319 1954 $106,127.63 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -5- .WATERWORKS FUND CONDENSED COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE VILLAGE OF EDINA Years ended December 319 19549 and December 31, 1953 Increase 1954 1953 Decrease* Gross income: Water sales Hydrant fees Permits, etc. Expenses - excluding depreciation and debt service charges: Pumping Distribution Administrative and general REVENUE BEFORE DEPRECIATION AND DEBT SERVICE CHARGES Depreciation and debt service charges: Provision for depreciation - Note B Loss on equipment scrapped Amortization of property acquisition and bond issue expense Interest on bonds Number of water accounts Beginning End of first quarter End of second quarter End of third quarter End of fourth quarter NET INCOME (A) by periods: verage' number of accounts for period early increase in average number of accounts arnings of average number of accounts before fixed charges $84,157.97 69050.00 939186.17 $129488.34 7,643.10 $749 560.16 49000.00 T81'9 11.22 $179116.17 61373. 5 $ 9,597.81 29050.00 $117774-95 $ 49627.83* 11269.55 $642909.42 $49,580.04 $159329.38 8269649.25 $139324.21 $13,325.04 -o- 24.45 . 24.45* iv "C $329923.09 2;694 290 -2+ 91 139878 2,775 . 514.26 618 970M $30,609.90 2.7�99 4 9 2., 4 8 2 122533 22507 263 $ 23.66 $ 19.78 See accompanying notes to financial statements. $ 29313.19. m VILLAGE OF EDINA Year ended December 319 1954 Note A - The bonds of the 1947 issue maturing after September 1 1957 and the bonds of the 1953 issue maturing after March L 19619 are subject to redemption.and_prepayment at the option of the Village on said date and any interest payment date there - after, on thirty days prior notice. B - Rates of depreciation have been increase over those heretofore used, such changes resulting in an increase in charges for depreciation in the amount of $8,311.14 and a corresponding reduction in net income. C - On May 23 1955, the council authorized the sale of $2009000 Waterworis Revenue Bonds for the purpose of financing acquisition of a new 500 000 gallon elevated wate_r.t,ank_.and wells and for other capital improvements.. These bonds are due $10,000 annually March 1, 1956,to 1967 inclusive9.and $30 000 on March 1 1968 and 1969 and $20 000 on March 1, 1976- Interest rates are from 2e30 to 2.60%, averaging approximately 2.51 %. _7- I . DEEP WELL CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMFI.OVEI FA ?T THIS AGRE.KIEI`dT, entered into this _ 27t h day of Degember ,1954 , between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of P'iinnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and KEYS W= DRILLING CO. of _ ` ,�._.._� _....� .No. _Minnesota —_— —' hereinafter called. the Contractor, Party of the Second Part, Inrl'�'ItESSE, : Article 1. Ttie Contractor, for a.nd in consideration of the payment, or payments, herein specified, and by th.� Y' Wii..cij-al.it,y to be trade, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and equip - went, and to do and perform all. the work anti labor necessary for the I DRILLING. CASING. GROUTING. CLEANING AND TESTING ' A DEEP r __ WELL FOR A 1x000 G.P.M. SAND FEE in strict co- iforrAt .3, with the plans and srec ifi cations and general contract conditions prepared therefor, lAiich arc., now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality, Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to end rnad.e a part of this contract to the same exte;it as i.f , horein set "orto., an(l the same, together with this contract, are herein rcferre(l to as the Contract Doc�une_rts. Article 2. The Contractor agrees to coii;rr.ence said work as herein provided for at the ear)J .,st practicabl.e date and in any event not later than THIRTY WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF WRITTEN NOTICE FROM THE VILIAGT and to prosecute the same diligent? ;r and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed.in every respect to the, satisfaction and approval of the engineer, WITS SEVENTY -FIVE CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS THEREAFTER Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the ,Municipality a bond ex -cuted by himself: and a surety cori:pany approved by the Council_ of the Ya :nicip<ility, in thc s,un of THIRTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AVID FORTY -FIVE AND N0 1100 Dollars ($1323A5.00 _). for the use of said. Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, mach-.nery or r, ateria.ls under or for the purpose of this contract, to secure the .f.'aithfrd_ ,,erformance of this contract by said 1 t� r Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec.. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved b-.- the Council of the 111unicipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pray the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a Part of this contract and attached hereto... Installment pa.7nnents, if any, on account of work _ done, and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract a.nd acltually in place in said i.r.�provement shall be rude in accordance with the provil ions of the general contract conditions r:),nd ;E'i.nal payment therefor shall be dl e and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council of the Municipality of a certificate by the end inocr that the wor? , his been. fully complet d and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipality's attorney that the Municipality is tlien obligated to past the sum contracted for herein. IN 6JIT1WS,3 WHEREOF, First Party hereto has causod these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authori_z,;d officers and i.ts corporate seal tet be hereunto affixed, and Second Yart�r h,os cawed its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. WITZ�SSED BY: p 6vITNIESSM BY: 'DI "'A, 0 ident of /V*la.go Council Til.la, -.e Clc:rik.�lV� KEYS WELL DRILLING CO. Contractor BY BY Form 1 500 Apr 44 SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY BOND NO. 54096 HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. KNOW _ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, the undersigned KEYS WELL DRILLING COO 43.3 North Lexington Avenue , of St. Paul., Minnesota (hereinafter called the "Principal'), a corpoFarm, partnership, MQ'1'r3f'1911l, and SEABOARD SURETY , COMPANY: 75 Maiden Lane of New York 38, Now York (hereinafter called the "Surety ") a corporation duly authorized to do a surety business under the Laws of the State of New York, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA, 14IMMOTA (hereinafter called the "Obligee "), in the penal sum of THIRTEEN 'Il`iQUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY -FIVE AND NO/100 — - - — - — - Dollars ($13s345e00 ), lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which well and truly to . be made unto said Obligee, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firm- ly by these presents, as follows: 27th The conditions of this obligation are such that, whereas on the _- day of December , 1954—, the said Principal entered into -a written Agreement with said Obligee for the construction of Drilling, . casing, grouting, cleaning and testing: a deep' well for a 1,000 G.P.M, wand free well located at Edina Minnesota as set forth in detail in the advertisement for bids, general conditions, information for bidders, pro- posal, plans and specifications, and other related contract documents referred to in said Agreement, all of which are hereby made a part hereof, and by reference incorporated herein. NOW, THEREFORE, If the said Principal shall well and truly perform and complete said project in strict accordance with said Agreement, advertisement for bids, general conditions, information for bidders, proposal, plans, specifications and related documents; shall comply with all the requirements of the Laws of the State of Minnesota _, shall pay as they become due all just claims for work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of the contract in accordance with its terms, and shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless said Obli- gee against any and all liens, encumbrances, damages, claims, demands, expenses, costs and charges of every kind, including patent infringement claims, except as otherwise provided in said specifications and other contract documents, arising out of or in relation to the performance of said work and the pro- visions of said Agreement, then this Bond shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. This obligation.is made for the use of the Obligee and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, or materials, or insurance premiums, or equipment, or supplies for any camp main- tained for the feeding or keeping of men or animals, or any combination thereof, engaged under or for the purpose of the execution of said Agreement and be sued on thereby in the name of said Obligee. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of said Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same, shall in any wise affect its obligations on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement as to the work or to the specifications. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have caused the execution hereof in three (3) _original counterparts as of the 27th day of December 195k­ KEYS LL DZI-I 0. WITNESS h Byt ' 1`676ipal SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY WITNESS �' By Its a .m -i - dft Jack J. Ziegler ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Individual STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss COUNTY OF RAMSE On this 27th day ,of December 1954, came before me personally to me well known to be the same person who executed the foregoing bond, and each severall y 'acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. Notary Public, County, Minn.' MILfRD G. HALEY My commission expires Notary Public:'RamsPy f!rn`inttq, Minrt: My Commission Expires Dec. 27,1960,' For Corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this 27th day of December , 19 54 before me appeared Jack J. Z iegler . to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of the SEABOARD SURETY "COMPANY, that the seal affixed to,the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of Jack J. Ziegler. its Board of Directors, and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. fUNICE B. SU'MAR, Notar Ramsey County, Minnesota, Notary JPublic, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission expires April 21, , yr,&p My commission expires STATE OF ) )ss COUNTY OF ) On this day of 19 , before me person- ally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he resides in that he is the of the the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Direc- tors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like-order. (Seal) Notary Public My commission expires Certified Copy No. 3185 SEABOA]Rn 5URE17Y COMPANY Homn OFFICIO I 78 MAIDEN LAwE,NEWYoxx 3 8.N.Y. Form 147 Rev. 1953- �nznpr of ;�itnrn>Q� ? uom all An fig #Igor WroltUtS: That SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New York, has made, constituted and appointed and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint Jack J. Ziegler of St. Paul, Minnesota, its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute and deliver, on its behalf as Surety, bonds, under- takings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature as follows: No one instrument to exceed the penal sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00100 ($250,000.00) DOLLARS. Such bonds, undertakings and obligatory instruments for said purposes, when duly executed by the afore- said Attorney -in -Fact, .shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds, undertakings 'and obligatory instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal; and all the acts of_ said Attorney -in -Fact, pursuant to the authority hereby, given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made pursuant to the following By -haws which were duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on December 8th, 1927, and are still in full force and effect: ARTICLE XI. Paragraph 6: "Attorneys -in -Fact, Departmental Managers, Branch Managers, Agents, Clerks, and other employees may be appointed or engaged by the President or a Vice- President, subject to the control of the Directors, upon such terms and with such powers and duties as he may prescribe." Article XVII, Paragraph I. "All policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations and all underwriting undertakings shall be valid: (a) When signed by the President, or the First Vice - President, or a Vice- President, or a Resident Vice- President, or a Departmental Manager and the Secretary, or an Assistant Secretary, or a Resident Assistant Secretary, or other duly authorized official or agent of the Company, and when ,sealed with the seal of the Company where required by law; or (b) When executed by an Attorney -in- Fact." Itt 19tturso ID4treof, SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice- President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and duly attested by its Assistant Sec- retary, this ............ 1- st .......... _day of. ....... ...... ....... .................. Jurke_------------ ............. 19...53.. Attest: SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, By (Seal) -- .._............. &- ...G.... Rode. --------------- - - - - -- -- -G._B. - Slattengren .....:..... .._..... Assistant Secretary Vice- President STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss.: On this............ Ist .......... ...day of...... ............................... 19...1`..3.., before me personally appeared ........... .............. ................. G ..... B.. .... Sl tte7A. eA...• ............................--..... .........----- .............. - -- .Vice- President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said that he resides in the State of ............ _XeT 10.r ................ ........... ; that he is Vice - President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, -the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said, instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Vice - President of said Company by like authority. LII.LIAN MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 03- 2711300 (Seal) Qualified in Bronx County . ........... ............. ld•l,la.t .._ 1122' .......................................... Corte. filed with New York County Notary Public Clerks and Registers STATE OF NEW YORK Commission Expires March 30, 1955 COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss.: I, ........ r---•------• ..................... ................�PAM.._GILLEl�I - -- ------................... - ....................... Asst. Secretary of ...... ........ - ....._........._.._...._..... -- - - - -- - SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a power of attorney executed by said SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, which is still in full force and effect. ft Nuttess M4rrrvf. I have signed this certificate at New York, New York this........... `y`_... ...... day of December 19 .................................... R -- ....................... mo Assistant Secretary W 1927 jz= jAF "HHIIIII.��� a t� _ (Oft,,•,,iclal Publication) VIA AGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS _ WELL CONSTRUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that seal- ed proposals for the construction of well will be received at the office of the VillageZC Clerk, 4801 W. 50th St., in the Village of— Edina, Minn., until 7:30 o'clock P.M., onl. the 13th day of December, 1954, and will + +i then be opened publicly and read. ,; Bids are Invited for well complete Inl' eyery detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and to accordance with the plansi and specifications which may be obtained! , at the office of the Village Clerk upon de-l' Oosit of $5, which will be refunded upon!" return of . plans, In good condition on or "liefore night of opening of bids. Each bidder must submit with his bid certified check, cashier's check. bid bond wits h ­a surety company as surety,' In an amount equal to ten ` percent • of ' his base; ` bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to make such i, an award under this advertisement as in the, judgement of its officials best serves the Village Intrests. ` EVALD C. BANK Village Clerk, - - Village of Edina '- (Dec. 2 and 9,1954) OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. county of — Hennepin --------------------------------------- Gl enn_ li.- Tar-tridge ---------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of-the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ____ Advofor Bids_ - Well Const. -- - -- -- -------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped, with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; _- ----------------------------------- ------------------ ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed _AaV. --- lax__3 ids: __ --_ g ell__ Gonste ---------------------------------- - --- nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for__ $i±7o__ -_ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------- 2nsl______________day of December 1954 ---_and thereafter on ThursdVp----------------------------- of each week to and including the _________9t}1--- day of ------------ Deaembpx__ -_, 19_>% __ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said - - Adv. for r_ Bids_ = � .� -�Qns o----------- - - - - -- abcde fghi jklmnopgrstuvwxyz — — - ---- --- ---- - - - - -- — Subscribed and sworn to bef7;W _/�_______ ____ __ -- - - NDERSON Nota Public Notary Pubic, Ne,nn _pin oc, unty, e4 &rnty, Minnesota My Commissiun tapirs Jan. 7,--1961. My Commission expires ----------- - -------------- _ -------------------------- -------------------- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of r 4_. '-(Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA- HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WELL CONSTRUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that seal- ed proposals for the construction of well will be received at the office of the Village Clerk, 4801 W. 50th St., in the Village of Edina, Minn., until 7:30 ,o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of December, 1954, and will then be opened publicly and read., -Bids are invited. for well complete in every detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and In accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon.de- posit of $5, which will be refunded upon return of, plans in good condition on or before,night of opening of bids. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified -cheek, cashier's check or bid bond with a surety company as surety,, in an amount equal to ten percent of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to make such an award under this advertisement as in the Judgement of its officials best serves. the Village intrests. EVALD C. BANK - Village Clerk, Village -of Edina (Dec. 2 and 9, 1954) OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. county of ___Bennaula -------------------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina- Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printedA P! -8 - ' --- -- ----- -OIXF- �------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; _ ------------------------------------------------------ _ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the presswork of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - ,- - -fm --- 2JA i _ - -Wb.- ` -------------------- - - - - -- -- - - nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------- UW------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------- Z}____ __________day of _ '______________:_, 19x3_ and thereafter on ____ ------- - ----------------------- " of each week to and including the ---------- M day of ------------ - - -_, 19_�_y and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said. -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------.---- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to befo me this ------ ---- day of ----------------------------------- 19 Notary Publi , ______ JANEfT J. ANDERSON Notary Minnesota -- 1Vii�e ►y.Piihlic, Hennepin County, Minn, My Commission expiry Commission_kites J>_ 7* 1t *®ll ----------------------- _ -__ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ;, of SAM 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION WELL CONSTRUCTION —BIDS - CLOSE DFfl , Ml n. Edina, n Mate of Affinelota NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 ss. sealed proposals for the construction of well will be received at the office Count o [fig y f �° of the Village Clerk, 4801 W. 50th St., ......... in the Village of Edina, Minn., until 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of December, 1954, and will then be ..... .�!............. ___________________________ ............... .. ---------------------- _-------- being duly sworn, opened publicly and read. Bids are invited for well complete in every detail. Bids must be upon on oath says; that he now is, and Burin y ; g all the times herein stated has been .... ............................... proposal forms and in accordance with Srus Mftvk ........................................................ theplans and specifications which may ......................... --------°°-- ------- °---........ ...._ °....... °.............---°-- Cl obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon deposit of $5, which will the ublisher.._..___and printer the newspaper known as ........................... ............................... p p f be refunded upon return of plans in good condition on or before night of.... +�raataitt r .. ........ ............................... .. ............ ._, and has full -knowledge of the opening of bids. Each bidder must submit with his facts herein staled. bid a certified check, cashier's check bid bond with a surety company That or more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed J or as surety, in an amount equal to ten bid. LdrerUssimmt for percent of his base The village council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to ._......-°---•-------°---• --...... °---- °-... °--.......... - -....- °---.... ° ° °...... ° °-- °- °- ---•----------- - --- printed and published in the English tan ua a from its hereto attached, said newspaper was r p g g g make such an award under this ad- vertisement as in the judgment of its known office of publication within the ................................................................. ............................... officials best serves the Village inter- V f County ests. EVALD C. BANK, ............................ ------- ---------o .... -................................................. n the . _....-- ° of Village Clerk _ - •... • .....:.......... Slate of Minnesota, on ............... : ........... ........ ...... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;---- .............................................. ............................... -- . -----•---• .........................---------------- -----------.....-- ------- --- --- -------- --- ---- -- ----- ---- ------- - - - - -- - -._............ ----...... ------------------------------------- .------------------------------------------ -------- ---------------- - ------------------------ --- ------------- ---- - - ---- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with,all demands of said Cou ty Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed'!' hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for......-------------------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the_________________________ _ _ _ _ __ 24d - - - - -- day of -- - ----------------6Y..... 19__ and thereafter on of each week to and including the ---------- A# ......... day of____________________ 410044ftr --------- 19.54 ... ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said... �O.*_:_ r..AW..b1ft -------------------- - -- - -- ------ ------------------ ------- - - - --- ..................................................... ....................................... abed efghijklmnopyrstuvwayz -----------°---------------- ------------------ --- - °-- °-- °-° .-°°---.............................--°......---------- Subscribed and sworn to re me this ......t.. ......... day o _ _..__... <r'.. x'_...._....19.... -------_----- . . ................................... Notary Public ......................................................................... County, Minnesota. My commission expires .................................................. . Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS A.. fORM 25361/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION WELL CONSTRUCTION —BIDS LOSE DEC. >- Mate of Af Edina. Minn.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that int ota, sealed proposals for the construction will be received at the office Count o H1� y °° °° of we of the Village Clerk, 4801 W. 50th St:, ................................... - -- - - -- -- in the Village of Edina, Minn., until 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of then be i7 9.L3 . . .... ........................... ...... . ..... . . ° ° °--- °----- --- ......... being duly sworn, December, 1954, and will publicly and read. - - - -- ---- ............ - ---- - -, opened Bids are invited for well complete be upon on oath says; g y ; that he now is, -and durin all the times herein stated has been ... ........... ____.. ............. in every detail. Bids must proposal forms and in accordance with . .a &srUsinp M&rk the plans and specifications which may of the Village ............................. -............. --------".... be obtained at the office Clerk upon deposit of $5, µ in the publisher ........ and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ........................... ............................... be refunded upon return of plans good condition on or before night of WY WYa Y rCt*ii ui. iii , and has full, knowledge of the opening of bids. Each bidder must submit with his facts herein staled. bid a certified check, cashier's check bid bond with a surety company That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed or as surety, in an amount equal to ten of his base bid. �p� �,t }si!var�r Qnt for ids percent The village Council reserves the to reject any or all bids and to .... - ° °- • ............................................. ................°......°----°°- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its right make such an award under this ad- as in the judgment of its known office of publication within the ................................................................. vertisement officials best serves the Village inter- ............................... L �ea XW7------------- ests. EVALDC. BANK, -....--- • ..... ....... ............� -- - -° J---------------...--- •------------- ....------- - - - - -- -- -- - ....in the County of Village Clerk V'!.. State of Minnesota, on ...............:............... ..............of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .................................................................................. {r'mstru(t' ion OuLltitin -- - - --- --- -- --------------- --- ------------------............. ------- ---- -...........--- - -- -- - --- ---- ................ - ---- - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------.._. .........------- --- --.......... -------------------------- ------- ----- --- -- - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ----- �_►_I .Or AWIm�.- -fdr._bi m- -------- - -------------- -------- - ------------------ - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ...... tM. ...... ------------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------------------------------- ______- .___. -- _....day of .... .. ............. ...., 19s.4- and thereafter on--- -'?1't n- ----------------------------------------- of each week to and including the .......... 9 -------- day of______ ___________ ___ c8�s a _........ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said___ A120L,:U210Mt..fOr - -�AIR abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ................................... / --­------­----­---- Subscribed and sworn to be re me this ------ 9th ......... day of . .___Ds:_C$ub@P .......... 19.. -%. .. ............................... Notary Public ...... ni F 1EV _EC Ccaahj, flJn* County, Minnesota. Sine b, 1° My commission expires------- - ----- ----------------- ------------- .................. - - -- -- ----.......... Affidavit of Publication OF ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ................................................ --------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------ ........ -------------------------------------------------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS EDINA, MINN. BIDS CLOSE DEC.13, 1954 WELL CONSTRUCTION NOTICE 13 HMM GIVEN that seai.ed proposals for the construction of well will be received at the office of the Village Clerk# 4801 T1.50th Stop in the Vi11ace of &Ump Minn,, until 7330 o1chock PA, ` on the 13th day of December# 1954p and will then be opened publicly and read. Bids are invited for well compldte in every.detail. .Bide must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with the plane and specifications 'i whlcf� may be obtained at the office of the Visage Clerk upon deposit of C,5 # which will be reAmded upon return of plans in good condition on or before ird&t of opening of bids. Eat bidder must submit with his bid.a certified check,* cashier's check or bid bond with a surety company as surety, in an amount equal to ten percent of hie base We The Village Council: reservem the right to reject any or all bids and to mdse such an award under this advertisement as in the judgement of Ito officials best serves the Village interests. EV ID C, BANK, Village Clerk Please publish in Construction Bulletin Dec. 2 and 9, 19541. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. i - (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA SIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISE -MT FOR BIDS I-MU CONSTRUCT ION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals for the construction of well will be received at the office of the Village Clerk, 4801 I.4 50th St., in the Village of 3dina, Minn., until 7 :30 o'clock P,M., on the 13th day of December, 1954, end will then be opened publicly and read. Bids are invited for well complete in every detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon deposit of gig, which will be refunded upon return of plans in good condition on or before night of opening of bids. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with a surety company as surety, in an amount equal to ten percent of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to make such an award under this advertisement as in the judgement of its officials best serves the Village interests. EVAID C. HANK, Village Clerk Please publish in Edina- Morningside Courier Dec. 2 and 9, 1954. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. �A KEYS WELL DRILLING CO. 413 No. Lexington Ave. ST. PAUL. MINN. The undersigned as bidder hereby proposes to enter a contract with the Village of Edina to supply all labor, equipment and material for drilling, casing, grouting, cleaning and testing a deep well, all in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by for aAO P.M, sand free well, for the lump sum base bid of .sc The final amount of the contract shall be determined . from actual measure- ments made at the completion of the work, as specified, and the amount of the final payment shall be determined by adding or deducting from the lump sum base bid according to the following schedule of unit prices: ITEM ESTIMATED LIN, FT, PRICE PER LIN. FT. 11 24" drive pipe & hole 1501 more or less .0) O 2, 2311 Hole 4001 more or less d 3. 161, casing in place) inc, seal ring or drive shoe 4. Grouting space between 16" casing & 23" hole and between 161' casing and 24" drive pipe 3501 more or less 350 sacks cement, more or less, per sack `� a 0 5. Operating Test Pump 8 hrs. more or less for final acceptance as determined by the 12 test Engineer, price per hr. w ..6- o0 Bid security. in the mount of "a1 Bio ti :{ , being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposal, the same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default as specified in the instructions to bidders. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is res;;rvad by the Village Council to reject -;ny and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 deys after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, tho undersigned agrc--s to promptly furnish contractors bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees th?t if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced within working days after receipt of notice, and that the contract will be fully performed and completed within Z:c consecutive calendar days thereafter. Respectfully, submitted, BY 7 Firm Namc KEYS WELL DRILLING CO. 413 No. Lexington Ave. ST. PAUL, MINN. Addr:. s s SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. PROPOSAL BOND Bond. No 53996 Num aU An bu 14tia lirtantis: THAT WE, KEYS WELL DRILLING CO. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA as principal, and SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of New York, having its principal place of business at No. 75 Maiden Lane in the City of New York, New York, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA EDINA, MINNESOTA as obligee, in the sum of TEN (10%) PER CENT OF A+I OUNT OF BID DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, -executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this l3 th day of December 19 54 . WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting its proposal for Deep Well THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, -that if the aforesaid principal shall be awarded the contract upon said proposal and shall within the required number of days after the notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the bid of the said principal and the amount -for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the said work if the latter amount be in excess of the former; but in no event shall the surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof:•r` KEYS WELL DRILLING CO. .......................................................... . Principal BY A 4�1 SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY By . ....................... ........ �....................'... Jack J. Ziegl ' Attorney -in -fact Form 136 15M -1 -64 I I f PROPOSAL BOND.- OF I FOR I ,Y SURETY k SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. f ' o I, OCATION JAI 46'/- �. 1.1 IT AAIV CAiV^fFCi -111V6 A -AiNS ti� P y . o I OvwiviNc o� r Y S ` 7 7S 7 7 %ar kvv�(. Y 3% z z / •� 5 ! !o 7 7 8 8 5;r. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONSTRUCTION OF T -TELL VILLAGr OF EDINA, M.inrIT. LOC!!TION, The well to be constructed will be located on tract of land in the Village of Edina and owned by the Vi llr =• e, as indicated on the plans. SCOPE OF WORK. The work to be performed consists of the following items. Furnishing of all materials, equipment and tools necessary for the drilling and construction of a well, complete'in eviory detail, to the approximate depth of the bore sizes hereinafter specified, including the drilling., furnishing and placing of the necessary* drive pipe, drive shoe, well casing, sealing of casings, furnishing and testing of -"-?Le :sell, in a good and workmanlike mai-uzer in accordance wit }) the :-tars and specifications. BIB SECURITY. Each bid shall 1.)e accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or bid bond with a corporate surety in an amount at least equal to 10`£ of the total araount or ,the base b:id, parable. without condition to the Village. The bid ,security v:hich �mst acco_nipar�r each bid is required as a guaranty that -the bidder will enter into a contract with the Villa.oe for the T�rork described '.n the proposal, and the amount of the security of a successful bidder shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated dmTiages in the event that- such bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish contractor's bond. SUB MISSIOV OF i�l'i:.T i P...1 TA. 1?Each bidder shall :oF roauired to submit with his bid. the following information_ ar:.: Qiata: a'. The location of thc; bidder';; n,- rmanent ;.','lace of Du.siness. 2 3 b. A statement of the equipment which.the bidder proposes to use on the project. c. A financial statement showing assets and liabilities as of a time not lodger than 6 months previous to the bid or financial references. dt A statement listing projects of a similar nature which the bidder has constructed. e. Name of driller to be on job. MATERIALS AND 1rRKMANSHIP. Materials shall be the best of their respective kind. The steel pipe shall be National steel seamless or Republic electric welded. All joints shall be machine beveled before welding. Welding shall be done by a skilled welder whose craftsmanship may be demonstrated to ownerts representative. The drilling foreman or driller must be one who has had experience and success in drilling wells of this size in this. area, The contractor shall state if he has beveled pipe of proper size in stock. INFORMATION CONCERNING SITE. Bidders shall inform themselves of the conditions under which the work is to be performed concerning the site of the work, the structure of the ground, the obstacles which maybe encountered, and all other relevant matters.concerning the work to be performed, and if awarded the contract, shall not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing con- cerning which bidder might have informed himself because of his failure to have so informed himself prior to the bidding. No bidder may rely upon any statements or representations of any officer, agent, or employee of the Village with reference to the conditions of the work 4 or the character of the spit or other hazards which may be encountered in the course of construction, Quantities indicated by the Village Engineer on drawings'or elsewhere are estimated only, and bidders must rely on their own calculations. a CONDITIONS IN BIDDER'S PROPOSAL. The bidder shall not sti� pulate in his proposal any conditions not contained in the Contract Conditions prescribed by the Village. TIME OF CCMPLETION. The bidder shall specify in the pro- posal the date when he will commence work and the number of consecutive calendar days thereafter when the contract will be completely performed, and the stipulated time of completion will be of the essence of the contract. Because of the emergency need of this well, starting and completion time will be a factor in awarding the contract. Should the Contractor to whom the job is awarded f, -.:11 to cooperate in the prosecu- tion of this works his contract wall be immediately terminat-ed, and he shall forfeit all claims for any money due until the well has been completed by the owner. He then shall receive his proportionate share of any money, amount of the unit bill, not expended for completion of the well. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The contract documents will consist of the advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, proposal form, general contract conditions, detailed specifications,-the plans, and contract, he form of all of these., documents is on file with the Village Recorder -and available to the bidders upon application6.• FORM OF Pr�OPOSALi Froposals or bids must be written and conform to the form .attached,' and directed to the Clerk of the Village, securely sealed, so as to prevent its being opened without detection, and endorsed on the wrapper with a brief statemEnt or summary as to tze work for which the bid is made. PROPOSAL CONSTRUCTION OF A ' -JELL VILDICTZ OF FII NA, MINN.. To the Villa.:_;e Council of The Village of Edina,, Miruiesota Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, form of proposal, general contract,conditions, form of contract,,. and detailed specifications, including attached dra -wing, and plans on .file in the office of the V'i llao Clerk of the Village of Edina. Find is familiar with the site and location of the project for the construction of a well, the work to be done and the local conditions affecting the cost of the �-rork under which it must c performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor materials and equ.i_;rnent for the co,nul,Ae construction of a well, and to perform all work in accordance with tiic contract doc- uments and the plans hereto attached for "'ho following prices. 5 CONTRACT,FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WELL Village of Edina, Minn THIS AGREEMEdT� made and entered into as of the day of 195 1 by and between the VILLAGE OF EDINA hereinafter called "THE VILLAGE " and hereinafter called "THE CONTRACTOR." Witnesseth that the Contractor and the Village, for the consider" ation stated herein, agree as follows: Article I. - Scope of the Work. The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and perform all of the work shown on the drawings' and described in the specifications entitled "Specifications for Construction of Well)" under the direction of S. R. Mitchell] acting as and in these contract documents entitled "The Engineer0l and the Contractor shall do everything required by this agreement apd the contract documents. Article III Commencement and Completion of Work. The Contractor shall commence work under this contract promptly after receipt of written order from the Village and shall fully complete all work hereunder within calendar days from and including said date. Article III, Contract Sum. Payment will be made on a lump sum basis for the completed well as per unit prices in the proposal. The final contract sum shall be due and payable fifteen (15) days after receipt by the Village Council of the Village of a certificate by the Engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the Contractorp provided that such final payment shall in no event be due and payable less than sixty (60) days after the date of final completion of the work. 9 I i Article IV. - Contract Documents. The contract documents shall consist of the following: 1.. Advertisement for bids. 2. Instructions to bidders. 3. The accepted proposal. 4. General Contract Conditions, � 5. Detailed specifications. 6. Plans and drawings. 7, This .instrument. This instrument, together with the documents hereinabove mentioned, form the contract, and they.are, as fully a part of the contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated, In the event that any pror vision in any of the component parts of this contract .conflicts with any pro- vision of any other component part.,.the provision in the component part last enumerated herein shall govern except as otherwise specifically stated. 1 IN WTT JESS nT -EREOF the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed in two original counterparts as of the day and year first above writtene 10 VIT L:^ SS OF EDI_NA MINNES01 J BY PresiGht of tha Council BY Recorder Contractor SPECIFICATIONS FOR ?dET,L LOCATION. The well will be located on a tract of land in the Village of Edina and owned by the Village, as shown on attached plans.. SCOPE OF WORK. It is the intent of the plans and specifications to provide for t1ae drilling and construction of a. complete well, to the approximate depth of the bore sues as shown on the plans, the drilling, furnishing and placing of the necessary drive drive shoe, well casing, the sealing of dasings, furnishing nrid testing of the well. Unless otherwise provided, it is understood that tho, Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, cquipnent, tools and necess -pry supplies as may reasonable be roquired to complete the -cork in accordance with the plans, specifications, and terms of- the Contract. The approved plans on file in the office of the Villago Clerk will show the location, details and dimensions of the work contemplated. The Village reserves the right to increase or decrease any of the items specified in the plans, proposal and contract at the prices specified for the items in the proposal. Such changes shall not iiocrease or increase the total contract price by more than 200, The Engineer shall have the right to make such changes or alterations as the work progresses, if it is deemed necessary and desirable to do so, in order to complete fully the construction of the work. TrEML. The lengths of the various sizes of they hole F.nd casing are approximate, and the: Contractor will )c paid only for the actual lengths in the final construction. The drift strata shall be gilled ?net cased into the rock 11 formation with twenty -four inch (2411) O.D. black steel pipe with 3/8 inch walls weighing 94.62 lbs. per foot to an approximate depth of 150 ft. more or less below,the ground level. The casing shall extend above the ground level to a point determined by Village Engineer.. and the i cost of same shall be included in the unit price for drilling and casing the 24 inch casing 'below the ground level.: A suitable driving head to protect the pipe shall be provided and the price bid for the 24 inch hole and drive pipe shall include the furnishing of the driving head. A suitable drive shoe shall be attached to the end of the 24 inch drive pipe. A 23 inch hole shall be drilled from the bottom of the 24 inch 0. D. casing to an approximate depth below the ground level of 550 feet more or less. A 16 inch 0. D. wrought steel pipe weighing 62.58 lbs. per ft. and having a wall thickness of 3/8 inch shall be placed in the well with its top above the floor to an elevation designated by the Engineer with the lower end (20 feet into the Shakopee Dolomite) at a depth of approximately 350 feet more or less below the ground level. This pipe shall be placed truly vertioal in such a manner that it will retain its cylindrical shape throughout its entire length. The drill hole shall be bridged at the bottom of the 16" liner and a plug set, which will effectively prevent leakage of cement during the grouting of the well,. The annular space between the 16 inch casing and the 23 inch hole and between the 16 inch casing and the 24 inch drive pipe shall be filled with a cement grout ponsisting of one part cement and one part sand. Proportions of c sand and water shall be -12- accurately measured and maintained to permit a. consistency of grout that can be forced through the grout pipes. The mixture method of ;mixing and consistency of the grout shall be a.-rroved by th,::.in cr before being placed in the hole. A pipe of adequate size shall 't:e used for the grouting and if crevices are found in the rock formation within the length of casing, the contractor will pl�,.ce light steel or sheet metal liners in the 23 inch '�iole to prevent the loss of grout. The grouting shall be a continous operation and done in suc'-r a manner as will insure th.: entire filling of the annular space. The grout pipe shall be raised as the grouting proceeds so that the cement grout in plac. -. will be disturbed as little -,s possible during the period when it is taking its initial set, The work *frill . be done in such a manner that grout will not leak out below the casing and run into the well. The entire length of the an �ulr:r space !utside of the 16 inch casing is to ':c fill_c d grit l rout up to the top of the 24 inch casing. The unit price bid for grouting shall include the furnishing of all materials, grouting pipe, the furnishing any' ,)Tac .ng of light liners through creviced rock, if they are found n cc:= s:.ry, and the placing of the grout. No work will be pormitted-in the well until four days after the grouting of the casing. Upon compl�;tion of the: grouting the plug and bridge shall be drilled out. The Contractor shall furnish at his own expense a dtm ny 40 f,.A in length, with 3 rings, each ring 6 inches wide and 14 inches in diameter. The rings shall be truly cylindrical and shall be spaced one at each end -of the dummy with one ring in the center. The central, member of the dummy shall be rigid, so th .A it ?ri.l1 maintain the alignment of the axis of the rings. Before the grouting is started :^.nd after the grouting is completed, the Contractor shall lower the dummy in the well and the alignment shall be such, that the dummy will move fr- -cly t itho: t be:ndin to a c.epth of 300 ---0 13 feet. Should the dummy fail to move freely throughout the entire length of the 16 inch casing., or to the depth of 350 feet, the alignment of the well shall be corrected by the contractor at his own.expense., or should he fail to correct the alignment, t new well shall be constructed by the Contractor at his own expense., at a point to be. designated by the Engineer. In the event the owner requests.. the Contractor shall., at his expense) provide the services of a Consulting Engineering Firm to run the alignment test. The Firm must be approved by the ownerts representative. The Owner will furnish the necessary water for drilling. The Contractor shall furnish and install a turbine pump unit for testing the well when it is completed. This test to be called the Preliminary Acceptance Test. The pump shall have a capacity of at least 1600 gallons per minute when pumping against a static lift of 250 feet and the top of the bowls shall be set at a depth of 250 feet below the surface of the ground if necessary. The unit shall be complete with gas power, controls and all appurtenances. The Contractor shall furnish all piping including a pipe of a size to be determined by the Engineer which shall serve as an orifice drum., all gauge connections and an orifice.. Also to furnish and install a tell -tale pipe for measuring the water levels in the well daring the test. Pipe to be placed in such a manner that its bore will remain open and all joints air tight.. The Contractor will also furnish such facilities as are necessary to conduct the water pumped during the test to an outlet that will avoid any damage to property. -14- If the Contractor fails to drill the well to the depth specified on the plans) br abandons the well for obvious reasons, he shall drill another well at another place designated by the Engineer, at his own expense, and shall receive no further payment., until progress has been made in the new well to a point beyond that at which the previous well was abandoned. The abandoned hole shall be filled with clay and concrete.. The new well, upon completion, shall be left free from tools., timbers or debris of any kind and the well at the ground surface shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Minnesota State Board of Health. The Contractor shall furnish all the labor., all materials and supplies.required for the operation of the pumping unit during the Preliminary Acceptance Test, The estimated number -of hours required for the Final Acceptance Test is approximately 8 at 1000 G.P.M. sand free, but the Engineer shall make the final decision as to the duration of the test. The measurements of the drive pipe shall be from the surface of the ground to the bottom of said pipe, and the measurement of the drilled...sections shall be the actual length from the bottom of the.pre- ceding section measured. The measurement of the 16 inch casing and grouting shall be from the top of the drive pipe to the bottom of the casing. The Contractor shall keep an accurate record of the numberp length., and order in which the drive pipe and well casing lengths are inserted. A 2" breather line shall be welded into the inner'casing at such an angle as to permit easy access for electric draw -down equipment. It shall be equipped with a suitable cap and meet with approval of owner representa- tive. After completion of the test the well must be treated with a minimum of 15# of 70% H.T.H. and securely capped. w15- The Contractor shall preserve samples of the material encountered during the drilling of the well, one sample being taken from one section' not more than 5 feet in depth and from each point where the material -or strata encountered varies from that previously sampled. Each sample shall consist of 1 pound of material preserved in a jar and to be marked (195 ) with the depth at which the sample was date obt4ned. The well shall be drilled straight,.true and plumb throughout its entire length and shall be tested at the expense of the Contractor and in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer., for compliance with these specifications. Samples of material encountered in the drilling of the well shall be preserved by the Contractor. One sample of each change of formation encountered shall be kept in sealed jars at the site of the well for inspection by the Engineer, properly labelling same for identification, When the well has been completed, tested and accepted, the Contractor shall cut the casing at the proper heighth for installation of the deep well pump and shall temporarily close the opening in an approved substantial manner to prevent damage to the well and for the protection of the public, For the purpose of testing the well, the Contractor shall furnish his own deep well turbine test pump with the bowls of the pump set down 250 feet below surface and provide all of the necessary connections for the operation of said test pump. Said pump shall be capable of pumping the well from this depth up to a capacity of 1600 gallons per minute if the well is capable of producing this capacity at this pump setting„ The test shall be run by the Contractor for a period of not less than eight (8) hours in the presence of the'Engineer who may direct the test to -16- r be Continued beyond eight (8) hours if he elects. Such additional pumping time will be paid for at the unit price bid by the Contractor. In the event additional work is ordered after the first test, additional tests shall be run at the order of the Engineer. Prior to conducting the official test, the Contractor shall pump the.well.sufficienily long to remove sand and drillings, and to satisfy himself that the test equipment he has installed will comply with these specifications. No compensation will be allowed for cleaning the well and for testing the test equipment. Before starting this test the Engineer and Contractor shall observe and record the static water level in the wen. At thirty (30) minute - intervals observations shall be. taken and recorded showing the drawdown in the well and rate of flow. Samples of water shall be taken by the Engineer periodically to determine the presence of sand at various pumping rates including the 1000 G.P.M. rate. Near the end of the test the Contractor shall take a sample of the water, in a clean container suitable to receive water for testing purposes. The Contractor shall deliver the sample immediately to the Minnesota State Board of Health Laboratory for Chemical Analysis. Care shall be exercised in delivering the sample to the Laboratory so as not to contaminate the water sample. There will be no J charge for this analysis and the State Board of Health will furnish a report of the analysis to the Owner and the Engineer. At the time the test operations are completed the static water level shall be measured and recorded, and at regular intervals such observations shall be repeated until the water level becomes constant or returns to its original level. The Contractor will not be allowed to use any explosives in the water bearing formations. .•17 -. GUARANTEE. The Contractor shall further guarantee that the well upon completion will be capable of producing the 1000 gallons per minute of sand free water. The term "Sand Free Water" shall be defined as water having a turbidity of not to exceed 10 P.P.M. (Silica Scale) in accordance with,-the United States Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards - 1946. Any dispute arising under the paragraph as to the quantity of water obtained "Sand Free" shall be arbitrated by Twin Cities Testing Laboratory* It is3 the intent of the Village not to accept a well of less capacity than 1000 G.P.M. sand free water, and if the contractor is unable to meet the requirements of the Village., the final payment shall be prorated in proportion as percentage of gallons of sand free water produced to the 1000 gallons guaranteed. i Condition Page Number Number 1 1. 2. 2. 3e 3. 4. 3. 5. 3. 6: 3. 7. 4. 8. 4, 9. 4. 10, 4. 11. 6. 12, 7. 13. 7. 14. 7. 15. 8, 16. 8, 17. 9. 18. 9. 19. 9. 20. 10, 21. 10. 22, 10. 23. 11. 24. 11. 25. 11. 26. 11. 27. 12, 28a. 13. 28b. 14. 29. 14. 30, 14. 31. 14. 32. 14. 33. 14. 34. 15. 35. 16. 36. 16. 37. 16. 38. 16. 39. 17. 40. 17. 41. 17. 42. 18. 43. 18. VILLAGE OF EDINA GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Revised April 1. 1954 INDEX Condition Definitions. Consideration of .Bids. Award of Contracts. Return of Proposal Guaranty. Requirement of Contract Bond. Execution of Contract Documents. Failure to Execute Contract Documents. Types of .Bonds and Insurance Required. Workmants Compensation. Scope of the Contract. Control of Work. Unauthorized Work. Defective Work. Night Work. Protection of Work. Prosecution of Work, Suspension and Resumption of Work. Acceptance of the Work. Plans Coordination of Plans, Specifications Cooperation by Contractor. Construction Stakes. and Special Provisions. Moving Heavy Equipment over Public Highways. Restricted use of the Street by. Traffic. Engineerts Status. Inspection. Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public. Responsibility for Damage Claims. Responsibility for Damage to Property. Personal Liability of Public Officials. Accident Prevention,, Building Code. "Or Equal" Clause. Instruments. Payments to Contractor. The Right'of the Village to Do the Work. Right of the Village to Terminate Contract. Assignment. Subcontracts. Cleanrg Up, L''bcr Preference. Intcrercnce with Other Utilities. Lines and Grades Overtime VILLAGE OF EDINA GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Revised Api�j7, 1�,lh� 1. DEFINITIONS: In this contract and specifications, the following words are used in accordance with these definitions: (a) "The Village" means The Village of EdiiRa. (b) "Engineer" means the Vi.11a�;e Engineer of the Village of Edina un- less a consulting engineer or architect,is designated as engineer for the project by the Village Council, in which case the designated engi- neer or architect. (c) "Contractor" is the individual, firm, or corporation with whom the Village contracts and unless otherwise specified includes sub- contractors. (d) The..term "Work" of the Contractor or Sub- contractor includes labor or materials or both. (e) "Notice" shall be properly given to the Contractor by mailing same lay registered mail to the address given on his proposal or by delivery to his representative at the site of the work. Notice to the Village must be delivered to the Village Clerk's Office. (f) "Bidder" means any individual, partnership, or corporation sub - mitting a proposal for the work contemplated, acting directly or through a.duly authorized agent. (g) "Contract" means a written agreement, valid in form, between the Village and the successful bidder, by which the contractor is found to perform the work contemplated, in accordance with the plans, specifica- tions, special provisions, and supplemental agreements, and by which the Village is bound to cpmpensate him therefor at the mutually established and accepted rate or price. The contract includes the advertisement for bids;-instruction to bidders, proposal, contract bond, plans, general contract conditiop) special provisions, specifications, and the contract pertaining trthe work and /or materials therefor. "Contract Bond" is the a contractor and his surety or ability on the part of the cq with the terms of the contrail (h) "Grade" - the established improvement, or elevation poin ed form of security furnished by the ies as a guaranty of good faith and for to execute the work in aaeordanee evation of the surface of the completed shown on the plans. (i) "Inspector" - the.authorized representative of the engineer, as- signed to make detailed inspection of any or all portions of the work or materials therefor. (1) GENERAL CONTRACT C0BDITIONS= Cont,.; -2- (j) "Laboratory" - the testing laboratories df a reputable inde- pendent laboratory, or any other testing laboratory which may Oe acceptable to the engineer to inspect and.determine the suitability of materials. (k) "Plans" - All approved drawings, or reproductions of such draw- ings, pertaining to the work provided for in the contract. (1) "Project" - the contemplated improvement as indicated in the plans and specified in the bontraet. (m) "Proposal" - The written offer of the bidder, on a form furnished by the Village, to perform; the work contemplated. (n) "Special Provisions".- Specific clauses setting forth conditions or requirements peculiar to the project under consideration and cover- ing work or materials involved in the contract, which are not covered' by the specifications. (o) "Specifications ". - the directions, provisions, and. requirements contained herein, or in supplements hereto, duly approved by the Engineer pertaining to the.perfgrmance of the work and the qualities ,f materials to be furnished under the contract. (p) '!Sub- Contractor" - the-individual, fiM or corporation undertaking the execution of a part of the work under the terms of the contract by virtue of an agreement between himself and the contractor,. subject to the approval of the Village, but does not include one wno merely fur - nishes material. (q) "Surety" - the individual or corporate body which is bound with and for the contractor to insure his acceptable performance of the contract, and for his payment'of all obligations pertaining to the project. 2. CONSIDERATION'OF BIDS: (a) The Village reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive defects or technicalities, as it may deem best for its interest. (b) Comparison of bids will be based on the correct summation of item totals, obtained from the unit prices bid. (c) Bids submitted by "out of Stater" corporations will not be con- sidered unless these corporations have furnished evidence or pruof to the owner that they have met all legal requirements for transacting business in the sta.-,: in which the project is located. (d) Evidence that any bidder is interested in more than one proposal for the same project will cause rejection of all such proposals. Col- lusion between the bidders will bE considered sufficient cause for the rejection of all proposals made by bidders so involved, or rejection of all bids. (2) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -3- 3. AWARD OF CONTRACTS: Each contract will be awarded to the lowest re- sponsible bidder. Within 30 days after-the opening of propi.: als, the Village will send to the successful bidder the necessary contract and a notice that the contract has been awarded to him subject tv the pwper execution of the contract and furnishing of a bond, and insur- ance, and further subject to the approval of the contract as required by law. Notice of approval or disapproval of the contract and bond will be given the contractor within 7 days, Sundays and local holidays excepted, after they have been properly excepted and returned to the office of the Village Clerk. 4. RETURN OF PROPOSAL GUARANTY: All proposal guaranties except the low bidders will be returned within 30 days after the date of the opening of proposals. The proposal guaranty of the successful bidder will be returned upon the receipt of the properly executed contract and bond. Should no notice of award be given, the low bidders proposal guaranty will be returned. 5. REQUIRIIMENT OF CONTRACT BOND: Before commencing any work under this contract and within ten days after notice of acceptance of his bid, the contractor shall execute and deliver to the Villagu a bond executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota in a sum equal to the contract price for the use of the Village and all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, or materials under or for the purpose of this contract to secure: the faithful per- formance of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by the laws of the State of Minnesota for public contractor's bond. 6. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT DOCUME�,ITS: (a) The individual, a member of the Partnership, or the president or vice president and the secretary of the corporation to whom or to which the contract has been awarded shall sign the nocessary agreements entering into a contract with the Village, and shall return them to the office of the Village Clerk within 10 days after receiving written notice of such award, In the case of a corporation, the signatures shall be those of two different persons. No proposal will be con- sidered as binding on the Village until the contract has bean approved and certified as provided by law. (b) Execution, Correlation, and Intent cf Documents. The contract shall be executed in duplicate by the Contractor and the Village. The contract documentp aro complementary, and what is called fcr by any one shall be as birdinn as if called for by all. The intention of the documents is to include all labor and materials, equipment, transporta- tion necessary, etc, for the proper execution of the work. (3? Revised - March 15, 1954 GEIZRAL CO TRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. !.4- 7. FAILURE TO EXECUTE CONTRACT -DOCUMENTS : Failure on the part of the successful bidder to furnish an acceptable bond as provided above or to.execute the contract as provided will be considered cause for the annulment of the a ward and the f:;rfeiture of the.proposal guaranty, not as a penalty but-in liquidation of damages sustained by the, .Village as a result of such failure. If, due to the absence "of one or more of,the required signers of the agreements, return of the exr ecuted agreements within the specified time is impossible, the Village may extend such time provided evidence satisfactory to it is produced that the agreements will be executed. F.113 OF BONDS AND INSURANCE REOUIR:- D • 8. a' -Tfi6' on r c s y a-ira the Village named as an insured under the Contractors Public Liability Policy and to furnish the Village with evidence that this has been done. The Contractor shall furnish certified copies of insurance policies as evidence to the Village before commencing any work under this contract that trith respect to the operations he performs, he carries regular Contractorts Public Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than `50,0000 for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one person, and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of $x;100,000, for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of two or more per in any one accident, and regular Contractorts Property Damage Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than $p50,000, for all damages aris -. ing out of injury to or destruction of property.in any one accident and subject to that limit per: accident, a total limit of $100,000, for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property during the policy period, (b) If any part of the w ork is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by or in behalf of the Sub. - Contractors to cover their opera- tions. (c) Contractor shall keep the above insurance in effect during the life of the contract. 9, WORKMANtS CO-TENSATION: The attention of the Contractor. is directed to the provisions o the State Statutes relating to "'Workmen's Compen- sation Insurance ", which laws shall be applicable on this contract. 10, SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT: (a) Intent of Plans and Specifications. The intent of the plans and specifications is to prescribe a complete improvement. No deviations from the plans shall be made unless a uthorized by the Engineer in writing. Unless otherwise provided, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, (all matorial shall be new) equipment, tools, light, power, transportation, sup ^dies, incidentals, and all else which may be neces- sary to construct and corplete the improvement in accordance with the contract. (4) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -5- 10. SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT: (Continued) (b) Special Provisions. Should any construction items or require- ments which are not covered by these; specifications be anticipated on any proposed work, special provisions covering such items will be included with the prPposal form, and these special provisions shall_ be considered as apart of the contract. (c) Changes in the Work, The Village, to the extent authorized by law, may order extra work or makF, changes by altering, adding, to, or deducting from the work without invalidating the contract, and. the contract sum will be adjusted accordingly. No such order for r,xtra work or change shall be valid unless authorized by official action of the Village Council and communicated to the Contractor in writing by the Engineer. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract, Except that any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at tho time of or-Icring such change. In giving instructions the Cnginei;r shall havel authority to make minor changes in they work not involving extra cost and not inconsis- tent with the purposes of the installation, The value of any extra work or change Ishall be determined in one or fore of the following ways: upon. (1) By estimate and acceptance of a lump sum. (2) By unit prices named in the contract or subsequently agreed (3) By cost and percentage or by cost and a fixed fee. If none of the above methods is agreed upon, the Contractor, pro- vided he received an order as above:, shall proceed with the work. In such case and also under case (3), he shall keep and present in such form as the Engineer may direct a correct account of the net cost of the labor and materials, together with vouchers. In ai-.y Gases, the Engineer shall certify to the reasonable value of such labor and materials, and reasonable allowance shall be made by him for overhead and profit due to the Contractor. (d) Claims fc,r Extra Cost. If the Contractor clair.is that any in- structions by drawings or otherwise involve extra cost under this con- tract he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within a reasonable: time after the.receipt of such instructions and in any event before proceeding to execute the work, except in emergency en- dangering life or property, and the, procedure shall them be as pro- vided for changes_ in work. No such claim shall b�-valid unless so made. (e) Dc ;lays and :Exti _:si.nn of Tim . If the Ccntractor be delayed at any time in th; prop r<.as of t116 work by any act or neglect of the Village Council or th- 3 Enginc ;er, or of any employee; of either, or by any other contractor employed by thL Villag , or by changes ordered in the work, or by strikes, fire;, unusual delay in transportation, unavo4'dable casualties or other causes b:;yond this Contractor's control, or by any cause which -the Engine;_r shall decide to justify the delay, GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -6- 10. SCOPE i]F THE CONTRACT: (Continuc;d) then the time of completion shall be extanded for such reasonable time as the Engineer may decida. No such extan.sion shall be; mad;: for d,:.l.ay occurring more than seven days before claim thc;reforc is mad, in writ- ing to the Fngin6cr. This does not Qxclude the recovLry of damages fQr delay by either party und,.r other provisions of the contract docu- mznts. (f). Correction of Work Baforc- Final Payment. The Contractor shall pra:nptly rer=6 from the pr: raises all mat�,rials condemned by the Engineer as failing to conform to the contract, whether incorporated in the work or not, and the: Contractor shall promptly replace; and re- execute his own work in accordance with the contract documents and without expense to the Village; and shall -bear the expense of making good all work of otiier contractors destro yed or damaged by such re- moval or replacemcnt. If the:. Contractor doe_- nct remove such condemned work and mater- • ials within a reasonable time fixed by writtc;n notice, the Village may remove them and may store the material at the �_xp, .ns�.: of the Contractor, If the Contractor does not pay the expenses of such removal within ten days time therc-after, the Village.; may upon te.n days written notice sell such materials at auction or at private sale: and shall account for the nct proceEads theroof, after dc_:ductine all the costs and ex- penses that should hav: bean borne by the Contractor. 11. CONTROL OF WORK: Authority of Fngineer. The Engineer shall decide any and al].. questions which may arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials fur - nished and work performed, and as to the ma.nnc.r of p�:rformance and rate of prggress of said work. He shall docidc all questions which may arise as to the interpretation- of any or all plaris and specifications relating to the work, and all questions as to the acceptable: fulfill- ment of the contract on the part of the Contractor. He shall also determine the amount and quality o.f the sev..;ral kinds of work performed and materials furnished which are to be paid for under the contract. The Engineer shall have, the authority to dern^nd, in writing, the dis- missal of any person employed by the Contractor, in,apout, or upon the work who shall misconduct himself or b:; incojripe-t:.nt or ne € ,,lige. }t in th.e due. and prop( r pc:rfo.rmance of his duti,_s, and of any fort. man or superintendent who neglects or refuses to comply with the dirLctions given; dnd such person shall not be employed again on the work With- out the written cons:nt of the En­irser. Shculc the Contractor eon - tinuc to employ, or a :.i.n e;nj?ioy such person or persons, the; Village may withhold a.11 men which are or may become duct, or the Engineer may suspend the Wort, until such ordt:rs cr dismissals are complied with, The Contrar..tor shall at al.1 tires onforc _ strict discinli.ne: and ord:.r among his err,)lo;ees and shal: GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -7- 12. UNAUTHORIZED WORK: (a) Except as otherwise provided in the contract, work done without lines or elevations being Liven or with materials which have not been given the required inspection Pay be considcrcd as unuuthorizc..d work and as having been done at the expense of thu Contractor. Compcnsa- tion for such work will be made only in the event that the Engineer determines it to be acceptable to the Village. Any work which may be done by the Contractor prior to the approval of the contract may be considered as unauthorized work and as having been donc at the expense of the Contractor. Compensation for such work will be made only in the event that the contract is approved and the Engineer determines the work to be acceptable to the Village. (b) Any work done, which is not specified in the contract and which is not ordered by the Engineer to be done in writing, and any work done by the Contractor contrary to thy: terms of any "Suspension of Work Order" is- sued by the Engineer, will be considered as unauthorized work and will not be measured or paid for by the Village. Any unauthorized work may be ordered removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 13. DEFECTIVE WORK: (a) All work and materials which do not conform to the requirements of the contract shall he considered as defective and will not be ap- proved, When so ordered by the Engineer in writing, all defective work shall be remedied or repaired, or, if necessary, removed and re, placed in an acceptable manner by the Contractor and at Contractor's expense:. If the Contractor fails or refuses to remedy or repair any defective work or materials or to remove and replace: such work or materials, within the period specified in such written order, the Vil- lage shall have the right at its option: (1) to take; over and use such defective work by paym(.nt to the Contractor of any amount equal to the rea,sonabls value of such work, or (2) to cause such defective work to bey remedied or repaired, or removed and replaced, and deduct the cost thereof from any mcni.:s due or which may become: due the Contractor or require reimbursemcht there- fore from the surety of the contract bond. When such defective work has been remedied or repaired, or removed and replaced by the Contractor, the Contractor will M credited with an amount equal to the value of the: completed work based on the contract price or price therefor. (b) If the Contractor continues to perform defective work, the munici- pality may declare him in default. 14.. NIGHT W_!RK: No work will be permitted at night unloss the Contractor furnishes flood lights in sufficient number and of sufficient intensity to insure the same degrco of accuracy of workmanship Ls would be ob., tained by daylight. However, no work shall be Iona at night contrary (7) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cant. 4" 3.4. NIGHT WORK: (continued) to ai-y restriction imposed in the detailed specifications for any particular class of work. Night work may be undertaken only when written consent has been given by the-Engineer, 15. PROTECTION OF WORK: The Contractor shall have charge of the site and shall be responsible for the protection of his work during the exeau- tion of the contract, He shall take charge of, and be responsible for any loss or injui-i from any cause, to any materials delivered on or in the vicinity of the work to be used thereon in connection with this con tract. The Contractor shall protect his work from injury due to weather, frost, accident or other cause and shall imediately after written notice is given him by the Engineer repair any damaged work or replace such work with new work. All work shall be perfect upon com- pletion of the contract and shall be protected by the Gontractor until its final acceptance in writing by the Village Engineer. The Contractor shall erect substantial barricades, fences, walks, shelters,,provide and maintain danger signals and warnings where neces- sary apd do wpatever else may be necessary and shall gbserve and obey all laws and ordinances relating thereto, 16. PROSECUTION OF WORK: (a) The.Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the location at which he proposes to start work at least five calendar days prior to start- ing operations, and shall ou.tlinc his proposed sequence of operations and what portions of the work he expects to have completed at various times. (b) Should the prosecution of the work for any reason be temporarily suspended, with the consent of the Engineer, the Contractor shall give him at least 24 hours notice before again resuming opora - ions. In case of a seasonal suspension of operations, the Contractor shall give the Engineer at least five days notice of his intention to resume operations. (c) The work shall be prosecuted in such a manner as to ensure its completion within the time set forth in the contract. (d) No work shall be performed on Sundays or legal holidays without permission of the Village. This shall be 'interpreted to mean that construction operations shall be suspended for a period of 24 hours from approximately 6:00 A.M. on each Sunday or legal holiday until 6`00 A.M. on the following day. Slight changes in these hours will be permitted, but the intent of this policy shall be complied with. Written permission will not be required for the prosecution, on - undays or legal holidays, of m -nor operations which may be necessary to pro- tect the work or safeguard traffic, such as sprinkling concrete for curing, sprinkling sod, maintaining lights and barricades, etc.. ( GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -9- 17 SUSPENSION AND RESUMPTION OF WORK (a) The Engineer shall have the authority to suspend the Contractor's operations wholly or in part for such periods of time as he may deem necessary because of unsuitable weather or other conditions which he considers unfavorable for the prosecution of the work, or because of the non - completion of work being done and:::r other contracts on the same construction; or for su h time as n,ay be necessary because of the failure of the Contractor to comply with the provisions of the contract. Such "Suspension of Work Ordor" shall be in writing and will state the reason for such suspension, the effective date, and the operations suspended. Any work done by the Contractor contrary to such "Suspension of Work Order" shall be considered as unauthorized work and as having been done at the expense of the Contractor. (b) No operations which have been suspended by a "Suspension of Work Order" shall be resumed until the Engineer has issued a "Resumption of Work Order ". The order to rE�sumc: operations will be issued when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the conditions which justified the suspension no longer exist'. This order shall be in writing and will state the reason for ordering such resumption, the effective date, and the operations to be resumed. (c) If it should became necessary to suspend operations for any in- definite period, the Contractor snall, before leaving the project, store all materials and.i;quipm( -:nt in such a manner as will not obstruct or impede the traveling public. He shall take eavcry precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed, shall provide suitable drainaEe of the area and shall erect temporary structures where necessary. (d) The Engineer shall also have the authority tc order the resump- tion of any operations which may have been suspended by tKo Contractor. Such " Resumption of Work Order" shall be in writi.nr, and will state the reason far ordering such resumption, the effective date;, and the opera- tions to be resumed. Working days will be counted from the effective date of such order whether or not the Contractor resumes his operations as ordered. 18. ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK: The Engineer will. make a final inspection of the entire project, and, if such inspection shows that the work re- quired by the contract has been.completed in accordance with the terms thereof, the Engineer will so certify and the Village will forth•,rith accept the workmanship and quality of the materials in the entire project. 19. PLANS: All work shall be done in accordance with the lines, grad ('s and d- T.m nsions shown in t:nc plans except as otherwise ordered by the Engineer. A��}}y deviation from the plans which may be required by the:; exigc nci_es of construction will be determines by th,� Engineer and authorized by him in writing. All drawings, specification: and copies thereof furnished by the Village or any engineer :mpioywd by t remcin the property of (9) GEMERAL CONTRACT COi,:DITIONS- Cont. -10- 19. PLANS: (Continued) the Village or the Engineer and are not to be used on othor work. The plans and specifications are intended to cover the complete; installa- tion, and any details not shovm or described bot nc;cc s „;ar , for ti-_-e _ suc- cessful working of the installation must be furnished without addition- al cost to the Village, 20. COORUINATIOi” OF PTA �S, SFFCIFIC�.TIO'-'S AND Sr 4;GIAL D10TTSTONS: The specifications, plans, special provisions, and all supplementary docu- ments are essential parts of the contract, and a requirement occurring in one is as binding as .though occurring in all. Ir case of a dis- crepancy, figured dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions, plans shall govern over Special Provisions and specifications, and Special Provisions shall govern over specifications, 21. COOPERATION BY CONTRACTOR: (a) The Contractor shall have a complete set of plans and specifica- tions available on the project at all times during, its progress. tie shall cooperate with the Engineer in preserving stakes and marks . established by the Engineer.. he shall have a competent and reliable foreman or superintendent on'the project at all times who is au.thorizod to act for him. (b) Ttdhen different types of construction work on a section of tr-L, project are let under separate contracts, the, owners of the several contracts shall coop_ erate to the fullest c;xtc:nt with aaci: other so that prosecution of the work under each contract will be carried out to the best advantage of the Village, (c) When a contract is awarded on a portion or on all of a section covered by a previous contract, the owner of the subsoqucrit contract shall not interfere with t,ie operation of the previous contract with- out -permission of the owners of t ;.gat contract. When the!. construcbi.on of s7 ^wer. s, culverts, water mains, or buildings is within the limits of a grading project and is being provid,:d for under sE:parat(_- contract, '. the grading contractor shall cooperate in arranging a sch: iii.le: of oper- ations which will permit the construction of the structures ir advance of the grading, 22. CONSTRUCTION STAKSS: The Engineer will furnish and set surv:.y ;�ta..les for the center line, grade, and other necessary points', with proper notes thereon, accompanied wn,:�n necessary by detailed instructions. The Contractor shall. bt.: held responsible for the preservation of all stakes and marks, if in the opinion of the Engineer, any of the survey stakes or mar'..; �,ave been carelessly or wilfully destrcti�ed or distu.rbc_d by the Contract ,)r, th„ cost to the Village of replacing them shall be charged to the Contractor and shall be deducted from the .pay- ment for the work. (lO) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -11- 23. MOVING HEAVY E UIPNiEPiT OVER Pi3FT,IC HIGHhIAYS: No equipment which e - ceeds the statutory limitations in dimensions or wheel or axle load shall be moved over any public highway except in conformity with: (1) the terms of a special permit issued in accordance with the rc­gu- lations promulgated by the agency in charge of highways governing the movement of spocial equipment over trunk highways, in the case of trunk highways; or, -(2) the terms of a special, permit issued by the proper gov:rnmental subdivision or authority, in the case of roads other than trunk highways. 24. RESTRICTED USE OF THE STREET BY TRAFFIC; (a) When traffic cannot be diverted, it will be. permitted the use of the street at all times. (b) The Contractor shall at his own expense er:ct and maintain a suf- ficient number of warning signs and warning barricades at each end of the construction operations. The Contractor shall at his own expense furnish, place and maintain not less than two op:n- flamed torches at each of th<?se barricad,_­s, plus any flares and barricades which may be required betwoen the ends-as ordered by the Engineer. 25. ENGINEERIS;STATUS: The Village Engineer or such other consulting engineer as may be designated by the Village Council as responsible for this projoct, shall have general sup;=ision and direction of the work. He is the agent of the Village only to the exte -nt provided in the contract documents and as authorized by law. Ile has authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution of the contract. IIe is recognized by both parties to the contract as the interpreter of the contract documents, IIe shall, within a responsible, time, make decisions on all claims of the Village or the Contractor on all matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the contract documents, 26. INSPECTION: (a) Tho Engineer and the inspector arc authorized to inspect all work performed and materials furnished. Such inspection may Extend to all or any Part of the wcrk and to the preparation or manufacture of the materials to be used. Such inspection, however, shall not relieve the Contractor from any obligation to perform all of the wcrk strictly in accordahce with the requirements of the contract. (b) An inspector may be stationed on the work to report to the Engineer as to the progress of the work and the manner in whit" it is being performed; al -_o to report whenever it appears that the materials furnished, or the iiork performed by the Contractor fail to fulfill the requirements of the. co-ztr:.ct, a -.:id to call to the -attention of the Con- tractor any such failure or ot',icr lrfr.i.rgcmc.nt, In. case of any dispute -arising between the Contractor and .t.h;� in p.;ctor as to materials fur- ;'nished or the manner of performing the work, the inspector shall have the authority to reject any materials or cuspenu tiles worn until the question at issue can be referrea to aria ne aecidca by the ngineer, (u) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -12- 26. INSPECTION: (Continued) The inspector shall not act as foreman for the Contractor, or inter- fere with the management of the work. No advice which the inspector may give the Contractor shall be construed. as binding upon the Village, nor will such advice release the Contractor from the fulfillment of the terms of the contract., The Engineer- and his representatives shall at all times have access tc, the work wherever it is in preparation or progress, and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and for inspection. If the specifications, the Engineer's instructions, laws, ordinance, or any public authority require any work to be specially tested or ap- proved, the Contractor shall give the Engineer timely notice of its readiness for inspection, and if the inspection is by another authority than the Engineer, of the date fixed for such inspection. Inspecti 'ans by the Engineer shall be promptly made and where practicable at the source of supply. If any work shall bo covered up without approval or consent of the Engineer., it must, if required ty the Engineer, be un- covered for examination at the Contractor's expense, Re- examination of questioned work may be ordered by the Engineer, and if so ordered the work must be uncovered by the Contract.-)r. If such work be found in accordance with the contract documents the Village shall pay the cost of re- examination and replacement. If such work be.. found not in accordance with the contract c?oeuments.the Contractor shall pay suc.i cost. 27. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESFONSIBILITY TO ._THE PUBLIC: (a) Laws to be Observed. All work and materials covered by the -se specifications mast conform strictly to the respective requirements, of the latest edition of the Standard Specifications of the American Society of Testing Materials, all laws of th_ State of Minnesota, and all ordinances and .regulations of governmental .subdivisionii thereof having jurisdiction, including the r,linnesota State Board of Health. If the Contractor shall discover any tro•vi.sion in the contract which is contrary to or inconsistent with any s,,,ch laws or regulations, lie shall immediately report it to the L'ngineer• in writing. (b) Permits and Licenses. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licensos, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. (c) Patented Devi¢ s, Materials and ProccssF,s. The contract prices shall, without excl-1.1tioLl include compensation for all royalties and costs arising iron: nUutents, trademarks, and copyrights in any way in- volved in the work. (d) Sanitary Provisions. The Contractor shall observe and comply with all laws, rules and regulations of the state and local authorities and shall take.sueh precautions as are neecssary to avoid crating unsani- tary conditions. He shall provide suitable "toilet" facilities for (12) workmen on the project. Revised - March 15, 1954 GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITION .5- Cont. -13- 27. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC: (Continued) (e) Public Convenience and Safety. The Contractor shall atlall times conduct his operations and perform the work in such a manner; as to insure the least obstruction and interference to traffic. The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to insure the safety of the general public and those who require access to abutting property. (f) Traffic Provisions. In all cases where construction work inter- feres with the normal use of the construction area., provisions will be made to either close the construction area to traffic or to afford it restricted use of the area.. (g) Protection and Restilration of Property, The Contractor,shall not enter upon private property for any purpose without obtaining permission from the owner. The-Contractor shall notify, in writing] the owners of all corporate or private property which will be interfered with by his operations, advising them of the nature of the interference and arranging with them for the protection of such property, He shall furnish the Engineer, upon request, with copies of all such notifications. (h) The Contractor shall protect and carefully preserve all property markers until the owner or an authorized surveyor or agent has wit- nessed or otherwise referenced their location or relocation,, 28a.RESPONSIBILITY FOR DA14AGE CLAIMS: The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Village) ,e its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or property, whether or not there are any separate or independent acts of negligence on the part of the Village or any of its officers or employees which caused.or are claimed to have caused, or which contributed to or are claimed to have contributed to, the injury or damage, and whether or not any such claims are fraudulent or groundless, on account of the operations of the said Contractor, or on account of or in consequences of his neglect in safe- guarding the work; or through his use of unacceptable materials in con- structing the work; or because of any act or omission, neglect or mis- conduct of said Contractor; or because of any claim or liability arising from or based on any violation of any law or regulations made in accord- ance with law, whether by the Contractor or any of his agents or employees; or because of any claims or amounts recovered for any infringement or patent, trademark or copyright; or from any claim arising out of or amounts reoovered under any law, ordinance, or regulation made in accord- ance with any law or ordinance; and so much of the money due the Con- tractor under and by virtue of his contract as may be considered necessary by the municipality f!.x such purposes will be retained for the use of the municipality, or in case no money is due, his surety and the carrier of his public policy shall be held liable until such suit or suits, action or act.ons, claim or claims for injuries or damages as aforesaid shall have been settled and suitable evidence to that effect has been furnished by the Village, The responsibility for damage claims shall apply as � fully for damage to publicly owned property as to privately owned property (13) GENERAL CONTRACT COnIDT.TION6- Cont. -14- 28b. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DiiYIAGY TO PROPERTY. The Contractor shall made good, replace, renew at his own cost, any loss or dama`,u to the-work occurring during the construction thereof or prior to the final delivery to and acceptance thereof by the Villagc, by reason of fire., tornado, ti_c: ft or any cause whatsoever and shall b(; wholly rc::sponsible for the: construc- tion, comPl Lion, and delivery of the work in its untircty. 4ny pay- ment or paymcnts made to said Contractor pursuant to the contract shall, not be construed as operating to rk�lievu said Contractor from responsibility for the construction and delivery of the:: work as sp--:ci- fied in the, contract. The Contractor agrees to hold th•: V"illap:e harmless from all damages and claims of damages that may arise by reason of any nc gli.guncc:: or viola- tion of the law on the. part of said Contractor, A-_is agonts, or _mploy�es while Engaged in the performance of this contract and that said Contrac- tor will take all precautions necessary to protect the public against injury and keep danger signals ol)t at night end at such other times and at such places as nublic sf .tp ma;- r�quir, 29, PERSONAL LIEHILITY OF' PUBLIC OFFICIAT S. Tn carr;rinF out any of th e provisions of the contract or in cxc.rcising any powcx or authority grantc;d to it therebN, there shall be no personal liability upon the Village's authorized rcprescyntative:s, it bc;ing understood that in such matter they act as agents and representa.tivcs of tlie Vi.11�.gu. 30. ACCInFNT PRF;VIJNTIOP;: Precaution shall be z;Xc:rci.sed at all times for the protection of persons (including; employcos and propc:rt,r). `i'hu safety provisions of applicable laws, building and. construction coders shall be observed; machinery, equipment and all hazards shall be guarded or eliminated in accordance with the safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, publishc,d by the Association of Goneral Contractors of America, to the �,xt;.nt that such provisions are not in confliction of applicable, law. 31. BUILDING _CODE: The building cod-,: of the municipality whoe r the work is to be done shall be consider ,3d a part of these: specifications and shall bo complied with by the: Contractor. 32. "OR EQUAL" CLAUSE: Whericvc;r, in any of the contract docUF,cnts, any article, appliance, device or material is d..si ;nat;:.d by th_ name; of the manufacturer or vendor or .b.y any propri-ty n- me and such name is followed by the words "or equal" It shall b;; d; cmcd. that any article or materials equaling the stardards fixed may bc. used in .place of that specifically mc;rtionud by tY:.e specifications, provided that the material proposed i. first submitted to and approved by the Eng -necr. 33. INSTRUicT;NTS: 'The: Contractor shall rruvid:. and keep const•ant•ly upon the work first class survoyinF- instrwnc nts for i�.sc on. to p.roj ct in verifying and establishing lines, levels, etc. -.nd 'hall ascertain that the foreman on the work is thoroughly qualified in th.ir us:. (1.4) GENERAL CONTRLCT CO',,'-- ITIOP;S- Cont; -15- 34, PAYi' ENTS TO CONTRACTOR: (a) Payments will be made by the Vi.:llagc� monthly providing the tCor,.- tractor is due such amounts. (b) Partial payments will be reduced by 10% of th;_- total amount paid and due tha Contractor. (©) Payments Withhsld. The Village may withhold, in addition to re-. tai.ned percentages, from payment to the Contractor such an 'amount or amounts as may be necessary to cover: (1) Mective work_ not remu-died. (2) Failure: of the Contractor to make; payments properly to sub- contractors cr for material or labor., (3) A reasonable doubt that t'ne contract can be complotcd for the balance; then unpaid. (4) Evidence of damage: to anothex. contractor. The Village may di:bursc and shall have th:c. right to act as agent for the Contractor in disbursing; such funds as have be eJn withheld pur- suant to this paragraph to the party or parties who are entitled to payment therefrom, but, the Village aEsumas no obligation to make such disbursement. The Villag- will r(..ndcr to the Contractor a propL:r :.-c- counting of all such funds disbursed. (d) No payment made to the Contractor, nor partial or entire use; or occupancy of the work by the Village:, shall be an acceptance of any work or materials not in accordance with this contract. (o) Final Pa;,Tment . (1) After the project has been accepted, the Engineer will pre- pare a .final estimate showing the quantities of each and every itorn of work performed by the; Contractor. all estimates upon which previous payments may have been based ara partial estimatLs and arc subjc,ct to correction in the final statcmcnt. The final L:sti.matc, showing the entire quantity and value of each and every item of work performed will be submi:tted'to the Contractor for his approval before being pass-:;d for payment.. . (2) Upon written approval of the final estimate. by the Cor_tr_:ctor, the Villagc will make: final payment; however, the Village: may lat its discretion withhold final payment until the Contractor h.s filed with the Village an .affidavit showing evidence that all claims against him by reason of th; contract have been paid or satisf_.ctorily secured, In cast such: vid:r :: is not furnished, tho Village may retain, from any ,.mount duc. s:,iid Contr- .ctor, sure sufficient to covc.;r all claims unpaid. (3) Co.rrcction of Work 1':ftr Fir..l Fav- r',. Nc ith.r she final certificate nor payment nor any pr <.:tiision ui tne: cor_trac_ documents (1C) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -16- 34. PAYPIF'NTS TO CONTRACTOR: (Continued) shall rc;liove tha Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, and unless otherwise sp(,cifi,)d he shall r -mody any defects due thereto and pay for any dam3gc to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a per -od of onu year from the date of substantial completion. The Village shall gi�E notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. All questions arising - under this article shall be decided by the Engineer. 35. THE RIGHT OF THE VILLAGE TO DO TEE WORK: If th:- Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provi -. sion of this contract, the Village after three -.days written notice to the Contractor, may without prejudice to any other remedy the Village may have, make: good such de-ficiancies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due the; Contractor, provided, hotit- ever, that the Engineer shall approve both such action and the amount charged to the Contractor. 36. RIGHT OF THE VILUGE TO TERMINATE CONTRACT: If the Contractor should be adjudged a ln4ri krupt or if he should: make; a gcneral assignment for' the ,benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed:on account of his insolvency, or if he should persistently or repoat Aly refuse or should fail, except in cases for which extension of timc:i$ provided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to sub - contractors or for labor or materials, or should persistently disregard 1;ws, ordinances, or the instructions of the Engineer, or otherwise be qui.lty of a sub- stantial violation of any provision of the contract, then the Village, upon the certificate of the Engineer th,-,.t suffici .nt cause sxists to justify such action, may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor and the su.rt:ty on his boxd seven days written notice, terminate the employment of tre. Contractor and take possession of the promises and of all mat ;_:rizls, tools, and appliances thereon and finish th::. work by whatever method the: Villaga Council may deem expedient. In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the: work is fin.ishcd. If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exceed the exF:;nse of finishing the work, including compensation for additional maragerial: and administrative services, such excess shall be raid to thu Contractor. If such cxpensc shall exceed such unpaid bal nc,:, the Contra -ictcr shall pay the difference to the Village. 37. ASSIGNYE T: This contract shall not be assignable by the Contractor or sublet as a whole without the written consi;nt of the Village. C,.)uncil, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to become du,,-: to him hereunder without tnt: previous written consent of the Village Council. 38. SUBCONTRACTS: The Contractor shall., as soon as practicable after the signature of the contract, notifi• tht '_fng:.r_e,-r n writing of t c nam:s of sub - contractors, if any, prop;secl fcr }h,;.: principal parts o.£' the (16) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -17- 38. SUBCONTRACTS: (Continued), work and he shall not employ any that the Engineer may withi_n a reason- able time object to as incompetent or unfit. All sub- contr,.ctors shall be bound by the terms of all the contract documi:nts, but nothing in this article shall create any obligation on the part of the Village: to pay to or see; to the payment of any sums to any sub - contractor, and nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and the Village. 39. CLEANING UP: The Contractor shall it all times keep the premises free from accumulations of waste; materia-1 or rubbish caused by his employees or work, and at the completion of the work he shell remove; all his rub- bish from and about the, place of work and all his tools, scaffolding and surplus materials. In case the work requires excavation in the public streets, the same shall be_ left in a saft.. and smooth condition and all debris, soil, and matErials necessarily left upon adjoining property shall be removed. Any waste material or rubbish or other materials left by the Contractor on any public or private property may be removed by the Villago and the; cost thE;reof charged to the Con- tractor, 40. LABOR PREFERENCE: The Contractor shall giv; preference to Minnesota domestic labor in accordance with Minnesota Laws which may pertain thereto and will give preference to the residents of tho Village of Edina in employing labor whenevk:r possible. 41, INTERFERENCE WITH OTHER UTILITIES: (a) The Contractor shall determine the existence of gas mains, utili- ties, and any other obstructions located in the streets of the: Village, which may be interfered with under this contract, and no responsibility is assumed by the Village or the Engineer for the accuracy of the loca- tion of the utilities indicated on any of the plans. The Contractor is to exeroise carp in crossing water mains and other utilities and is to be responsible for any damage thereto. The Contractor will assume all responsibility to the Gas Company or other Utilities for Expense incur- red by them to protect or maintain their operation during the time the work is in progress. (b) The Contractor will notify the Village, thy: Gaa Company, the Telephone Company, and the Power Company prior to the beginning of any construction operations on Village property. (17) GENERAL CONTRACT C0NDITI-- ,7rJS- Cont, -18- 42-. LINES AYD GRADES: All work under this contract shall be constructed in accordance with line and grades shown on the drawings or as established by the Engineer. The contractor shall. furnish at his own expense such assistance as may be required for the setting of line and grade points, Batter boards, tern plates or points of line and grade. The contractor shall give the engineer sufficient notice for the establishment of line and grade, and he shall carefully preserve and protect all stakes set for line and grade. 43. OVERTII, : The contractor shall pay all ovErtime incurred by any Village employee under this contract. Overtime shall consist of any time over eight hours in any weekday and all weekend and holiday time. Overtime shall be paid at the rate of time and one half of the employees regular hourly wage, except tiliie worked on the seventh day of the week which shall be paid at the rate'of twice the employees regular hourly wage, M - _ (Ot(lclal Publication) .. „ILLAOE OF EDINA IENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CONSTRUCTION OF ELEVATED STEEL WATERTANH, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that seal- ed proposals for the construction of a 500,= 000 gallon elevated steel water storage tank and tower will be received at the office of the Village Clerk in the Village of Edina,. Minnesota, until 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 27th day of December, 1954, and will then be publicly . opened and read. Al- ternate bids will be accepted on a 1,000,- 000 gallon tank. Bids are Invited for a tank. of steel type construction. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with plans and specifications whicli may be obtained, at i,the. office of the Village Clerk on request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's Check or bid bond with corporate surety in an amount equal to. ten percent of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to ,reject any -_ or all _ bids. EVALD C. BANK Village- Clerk, Village of Edina (Dec. 2 and 9, 1954) OF 1935. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, as. County of Hennepin COURIER -------------------- G---lenn__H,_ Par_t x_ 3Slge ----------------- - ------- --- ----------- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the L printed _Ad4. for_ Bids_ -_ Count. of Steel Elev. _Watertank_ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; _ ------------------------------------------------------ ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said Clualification. That the* printed Adv. --- for_ Bids -__- _Corlst__of StseJ ---- Elay.__Water-tank nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for tM successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------------ nd___________ __ ___day of December 19_ and thereafter on ______ _`It�Z'ad______________________ -------- - - - - -- - -- of each week to and including the_______ 9th___ day of December______________ 19511 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Adv. for Bids — Const. of Steel Elev. 1atertank abcdefghijkbnnopgrstuvwxyz — 1__9 -- - - -------- - — — Subscribed and sworn to .befor me thi _7 day of - ___________ -___ __ _19 — - - --- - - - - -- - -- - -- ---- - - - - -- JANETT ANDERSON, Notary Publi ________NN1ot�_,_e,�, 4C ' rus p_n uu it_y_, --- bounty, Minnesota My Commission expirel Commissicn 6;%piros .an. 7, 1y61. --------------------------------- ---------- ----- - - - - -- - ----- - - - - -- 4 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of - ,XOfficlal Publication) VILLAGE' OF EDINA IIENNEPIN - COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ;ONSTRUCTION OF ELEVATED STEEL WATERTANK iiIVOTICE I3 HEREB GIVEN that -seal_ ,d proposals for the co rietion of a tank i- j0o.gallon elevated steel :er storage tank and tower -'Will be recei at the office of the Village Clerk in.-the Village of Edina, Minnesota, ,untll'7 30 o'clock P. WA on the 27th day of. December, 1954, and then bids will ie will leaceepdaon a 1,000 Al- ternate - 000 gallon tank. Bids are invited for a tank of steel type i construction.- Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with obtai plans and specifications which may be the office of the Village iClerk on request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with corporate surety In an 'amount equal to ten percent of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the. right to- reject any -or all bids.. EVALD C. BANK Village. Clerk,* _ Village of Edina 1" (Dec. 2 and 9, 1954) s OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, 8a. county of - - ----- ReraMin — --------------- - - - - -r ----------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed�� -� - �s" 02�9t i #_�_- ,�- 8!,�!!$------- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of'Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printingthe same; ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _- --------------------------------------- -------------- _ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed A&,,._,CW--- 8jjft_.w_ ,_8f_ Stg1___ E&W.-Mataftnk hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from , the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for tw successive. weeks; that it was first so published on the ---- _------- &A ---------------- day of ------------------- - - - - -- 19& and thereafter on _______ of each weeic to and including the -------- 9ft ---- day of ---- ]RQ j! ------------ 19% and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ------------------------ _A_�!jr_ �' � — :_fig _8�@a:_> :_�� . abode fghU klmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to be a me this y of _ �F�! ! 19 t,.' — - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- ------------------------ TE 1. ANDERSON Notary Pullii - -------------- yyotar trmi p rr�urm ±V,C1' °$tY, Minnesota i. My Commission expires My Commissicn Erpirts Jan. 7, 1961. - ------------------------------------------------------ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 5 Of —c FORM 2536 % — Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis material for preparing and printing the same; .................................................................................. Construction Bulletin ------------------------------------------ ------- - - - - -- -------------- - -_- -- .... - - - -- - - - -- ---- ... - - -- .... ............--- ....._..-- - - - - -- ..............: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ...._,Advent.S..em9Sit__for_.bi s------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- tWO- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------------------------------- 2r..1Sl................... day of ..................... Dee_ember...... 19.54_ and thereafter on-.... ThurSday ....... .--------------------------------- of each week to and including the ---------- 9th ........ day of .................... Pac_eribe '-- - - - - -- 19..511...; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---- Af var- kiis_ement ... or_..bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz L� Subscribed and sworn to - be f :o.. . this ...... 9th - - - - - -- -- d ay o�D.. erember.......... 19 --- 54. ......... _- ------- --- - ---- - - -- - —. Notary Public------ ---- ------ -- ----- -'•------- - --- -• --- ---- ---- - - - - -- --County, Minnesota. My commission expires ............. ........- ............- --......: - --= =- -- ---......----- --- --- ----..... AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ELEVATED STEEL �VATEi;TANK- BIDS CLOSE DEC. 27 Edina. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed Mate ofir�ne�ota, proposals for the construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel ss. water storage tank and tower will be re- ceived ' at the office 'of the Village County of ............ ......_. ._ ............................................. Clerk in the Village of Edina, Minne- sota, until 7:30 o'clock P.M., ' on the 27th day of December, 1954, and tvill T .... °-----------S_ aF! la .........................._......_____._..... ._.___..__.._........___.____., being duly sworn, t en be publicly opened and read. All ternate bids will be accepted on a 1,000,000 gallon tank. on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the times herein stated has been Bids are invited for a tank of steel type construction. Bids must be upon .... ............................... Advertising_ Cle*k proposes forms and in accordance with which °---- obtasneddatspecifications of the Village the publisher ------ ..and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ........................... ............................... Clerk on request.----------------------------. Each bidder must submit with his Ca nsti X: lb.C�'ia.S)5�..�.11�,�.e.fi.]n. .. ..... ....... and has full knowledge of the bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with corporate facts herein staled. surety in ba amount equal to ten percent of his bas e bid. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. .......................... Advertisement ..for ... b dz............. -- - - -I -• ---..........--------------------------------- EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the- -- - - - -- ................... .... ............................... -......--.................--- ........................... outy ....... of.— M1111.1p,aix 11$ the County of ........................... Hemepw...................................................... .............. State of Minnesota, on ............... : ........... Thursday .............. of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h -s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .................................................................................. Construction Bulletin ------------------------------------------ ------- - - - - -- -------------- - -_- -- .... - - - -- - - - -- ---- ... - - -- .... ............--- ....._..-- - - - - -- ..............: has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ...._,Advent.S..em9Sit__for_.bi s------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- tWO- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------------------------------- 2r..1Sl................... day of ..................... Dee_ember...... 19.54_ and thereafter on-.... ThurSday ....... .--------------------------------- of each week to and including the ---------- 9th ........ day of .................... Pac_eribe '-- - - - - -- 19..511...; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---- Af var- kiis_ement ... or_..bids abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz L� Subscribed and sworn to - be f :o.. . this ...... 9th - - - - - -- -- d ay o�D.. erember.......... 19 --- 54. ......... _- ------- --- - ---- - - -- - —. Notary Public------ ---- ------ -- ----- -'•------- - --- -• --- ---- ---- - - - - -- --County, Minnesota. My commission expires ............. ........- ............- --......: - --= =- -- ---......----- --- --- ----..... Affidavit of Publication OF r ---- -- -- -------------------------------------------- --- ----- ------------ --- -- --- - -- MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS c FORM 25361/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis ELEVATED STEEL WATERTAl\K_ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION BIDS CLOSE DEC. 27 Edina. 31inn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals for the construction Mate of Af of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water inegota, storage tank and tower will be re- ss. ceived at the office of the Village Clerk in the Village of Edina, Minne- County of- ......... H e11ne— Pin .................... ............. sota, until 7:30 o'clock P.M., , on the ...... . ... .. 27th day of December, 1954, and will then be publicly opened and read. Al- Stia± ternate bids will be accepted on a (38 being dui sworn, --- ----- --- ----- - - -- -- ------°°-----------°-°--°-------- ........- --- -- --- ----- - - - - -- 8 Y 1,000,000 gallon tank. Bids are invited for a tank of steel on oath says; that he now is,-and during all the times herein stated has been---- type construction. Bids must be upon --- -- ------------------ -- - - -- -- proposal forms and in accordance with Advertising GUrk plans and specifications which may be ...-- °----- ------ ............................. .... -----------.......---------... .....- °-------- .......... ....... --- _- ..............- --- - -.... obtained at the office of the Village Clerk on request. the publisher - -... ...and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ........................... ................. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check .............. ...... ..... ............... 6011.9tIil :� ... a .............., and has full knowledge of the or bid bond with corporate surety in facts herein stated. an amount equal to ten percent of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed right to reject any or all bids. EVALD C. BANK. X. ♦ }, 3,, ........... 4 a!1S�r. M.Y...fQT..i( fYM7. Village Clerk ................. ............................. hereto attached, said was er news a printed and newspaper p published in the English language from its known office of publication within the-------- ---- -------- ---- --------- -- - - -- -- --.............---- --.... -.....................--- - of a 11- - ---- - - -- -- --------- in the County of ...................... --- ----................. --------... ............-- -- --............, State of Minnesota, on ............... :...........� llli' _CJW............ - -of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; .......... ....................................................................... Construction Bulletin -- -- -------------------------- ---- --------------------- - - - - -- ......... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .-- -. woUsa wnt-1 o. r_ .bbb ------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------- t...W------------------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ................... ......... . . ... IId ------------------- day of --------- ------ - - - - - - fmpL ..... 1954. and thereafter on .... 7undW- --- --- ---- -- ------ - - - - -. of each week to and including the .......... nh --------- day of. - - - - -. D$camlx$r.. ....... 19 -.%- -; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .... A(Iiil9a:t SeMentr-- for ...bidS - -. abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ---------------------------------------------------------- --- ------- ------- -.....-------� ...................... Subscribed and sworn to W! me this ---- 5th ......... day of.. ..... DerAmber .......... 19 --- 74- Notary Public ................_�:,..... -. my Minnesota. nzi. - Ccic's: icn 1'> pines Jung 5, I E9. My commission expires_ ....................................................... 'Affidav'it of Publication OF - ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ......... ------ ------------------------ -------------------------- ------------------------------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA H MNEPIN COUNTYp MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMM FOR BIDS CONSTRUCTION OF ELEVATED STEEL LIATERTANK NOTICE IS HEREB CIVEtl that sealed proposals for the construction of a 500,000 gallon elevated steel water storage tank and tower will be received at the office of the Village Clerk in the Village of Edina'. MinneLoota, until 7 :30 o9clock P.14., on the 27th day of December, 1954, and will then be publicly opened and read.. Alternate bids will be accepted on a 100000000 gallon tank. Bids are invited for a tank of steel type construction. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with plens and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk on request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with corporate surety in an amount equal to ten percent of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. EVAN C. BANK, Village Clerk Please publish in Edina- Morningside Courier December 2 & 9, 1954. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. 0 EDINA, MINN. BIDS CLOSE DEC. 27, 1954 ELEVATED STEEL WATERTANK NOTICE IS HER= GI'VM that sealed proposals for the construction of a 500f000 gallon elevated steel grater storage tank and tower will be received at the office of the villages Clerk in the Village of Edda, Minaeuotas ,until 7x30 o'clock P.Hop' on the 27th day of Deemnberi 1954, and will glen be publicly opened and read. , Alternate bids will be , accepted on,a 1,000j000 gallon tank, bids are invited for s tank of steel typo construction. Bids must be upon proposal formal and in accordance with plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Vil age Clerk on request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with corporate. surety in an Mount equal to ten percent of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject wW or all bids. EQALD C. B 4Xp Village Clerk Please publish in'Construct on Bulletin December 2 & 9, 1954. Please send us 2 Affidavite of- Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. 1 - IN CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS 2440 Franklin Avenue - St. Paul 14, Minn. REPORT OF QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL EXAMINATION SAMPLE: CATER DATE: Dec. 2, 1954 REPORTED TO: Village of Edina COPIES TO: Attu: Mr. Mitchell ,Edina, Minnesota Laboratory No. 113096 Sample Identification Results: Remarks: One gallon sample picked up by this laboratory at the Edina Village Hall. Silica - 'Z� Sample picked up for test December 1, 1954. 2 P. P.M. NESTOR 4074 UFT�. o6C t? AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS, AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. SAMPLES WILL BE HELD TWO (2) MONTHS FROM DATE RECEIVED, THEN DESTROYED, UNLESS WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CONTRARY ARM SUBMITTED BY THE CLIENT. Perm No. 4B Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory By. ........... ...........:. ==- (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF SALE PUMPS: STEEL TANK: COMPRESSOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept bids for) the sale of any or all of the following un- til Monday, December 13, 1954, at 7:30' P.M.: One — Allis Chalmers Centrifugal Pump; Size 10x10; Type -SE No. 28325; 2,000 GPM, Head 50', 1160 RPM. Motor — 3 Phase 220 Volt, 60 Cycle, 30 HP. One Allis Chalmers Close Couples Centrifugal Pump; Size Sx6; 2000 GPM, Head 60', Type SSE - Special 1160; 3 Phase, 60 Cycle, 220 Volt,' 30 HP. One — Steel Tank, 75,000 Gals. Eaves to platform, 24' Platform to Base, 80'. One Compressor. Bidders will submit written bids, together with cash deposit, bidder's bond, or certl -i fled_ check in amount of . 5 per cent ofd bid, as guaranty of bid, - Any or all of the above may, be 1n i spected by appointment. EVALD C. BANK Village Clerk, - Village of Edina (Dec. 2 and 9, 1954) OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, So- / County of —_ - - Hennepin — _ — ' -------------------------- Glemn---- H,__ PartrjdZe --------- - ------- -------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ______Notice_ of Sale____- Ramps: Steel_ Tank: Compressor hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; _ ------------------------------------------------------ _ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of .240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed Notice of Sale ___- Pumps: _Steel Tank:_ �omPressor nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for______ two_ _______ ______ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------- Z?d ---------------------- day of December 195!1._ and thereafter on ------ Thursd - - -- �-- ----------------------- of each week to and including the --- 9 --------- day of ___December ------------------- - - - - -P 19­54 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---------------- - - - - -- --rot =-P amps- %-- Stsgl -- lank-._- -Compretss- or --------- abcdefghU klmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to .befo �thhis _d y of ------ ---- 195 — - ----- -- - - -- ---------------------- - - - - -- --------------------------- JAN E J. ANDERSON Notary Pub , ----------- NntRrv_Pu;_�tr „_LI_ eRr- nl9_(min,y _ aunty, Minnesota h!) 9440 MI'Mon CXlnlo7 Jan. 7, 1961. My Commission expires __ _____________ _________________________ _ _ _ ___ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Of w (Offl al Publication) i VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF SALE PUMPS:. STEEL TANK: COMPRESSOR j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the! Edina Village Council will accept'.bids for! the sale of any or all of the following un - IC til Monday, December 13, 1954, at 7:30- P.M.: ! One — Allis Chalmers Centrifugal Pump; Size 10x10; Type--.BE No. 28325; '2,000 - GPM, Head 50', 1160 RPM. Motor — 3.1 Phase 220 Volt, 60 Cycle, 30 HP. - .i One — Allis Chalmers Close Couples! Centrifugal Pump; Size 8x6; 2000 GPM, Head 50', Type -SSE- Special 1160;' 3 Phase, 60 Cycle, .220 Volt, 30 HP. One — Steel. Tank, 75,000 Gals. Eaves to platform, 24' Platform to Base, 80'. One Compressor. Bidders will submit written bids, together with cash deposit, bidder's bond, or 'certi- fied check in amount of -5 per cent of bid, as guaranty of bid. - Any or all of the above may be In- spected by appointment. EVALD C. BANK _ Village .Clerk,' _ Village of Edina (Dec. 2 and 9, 1954) f OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. county of --- - - - - -- — ----------------- - ------- G310am AL Partridge ------------------------ - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ------ fi&tjM_ni- �� ' _S j -fi t __C_ - 891 ---- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; __---------------- _____________________________; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its .said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of-said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed 5&t&1rA- _ Of__+ nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for______ ------- - - - - -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ------- ZW ---------------------- ay of - - - - - -- - -- DW ----- - - - - -- 19 and thereafter on ------- UWAdAy _ ----------------------- 9- of each weex to and including the day of ___�b'__ ___________ 19__j and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl= edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ----------------- - - - - -- 5C _.6;e2 a 8te6l =- t -- ! - abcdefghi j klmnopgrstuvwxyz - - ---- -- - -- -- - --- — Subscribed and sworn to b re me thi § day f ____ 19 �? JA t E 1. ANDERSON Notary P c, __________ :y : 4_c,•_Aj*,_MQ Aunty, Minnesota arY Nutfl My Commission expiry Wilill"�i' ion Expllrs Jan. 7 , 196 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Of 4 •PoRM 25361/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis .... --- - —C ----- ------ ---- --- - -- - -- ........- - -- ----- ---- ---- ---- -------- - - - --- ------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - --- ,QfZWr.tj8@11=t__Z®F--bddf9------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------------- ;w---..-.........-....-......------..------.-.--.------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ........... .............................2a d ----------- (lay of - ---- --- --- --- - - xli:: ilber ....... 1 19% -- and thereafter on ......... �dw.................................... of each week to and including the --------- 9- i -- - - - - -- -day of ... .. ... .... ... ... . .... J)ft ...... 19.% ... ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said... Advertisement-- for- - -blAs --... ------- ------ --- --------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -............----- --------- -- -. -------.....---- - _abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to be re me this ....... 9 .......day of. ......... D£veA168r ..... ......19..154.. Notary Public,-- ---e.. : ., ---------- ---- - - - - -- County, Minnesota. My commission experes.:..::. - ............... - - -:3 .................. ------------- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION rO1[i CO' MPRES OR --IDS CLOSEA,I;i •; DEC. 1g Mate of ir�rtegota, NOTICE IS Jinn' Minn. the HEREBY GIVEN ss. Edina Village that will accept bids for the sale County of. .......... 38n IDALn. of and or all of the following until Monday, December 13, 1954, -° .. ....... ...... ... at 7:30 P.M.: One - Allis- Chalmers Centrifugal Pump; TT j�,��,��� S• ....,.t�1 °------ - ----- ------ -- --- --............... i ---.....-----------.._---------.....°--- ---- -- --- ------ --- -- -- - --.., being duly sworn, Size 10x10; Type -SE No. 28325; 2,000 GPM, Head 50', 1160 RPM. Motor - 3 Phase, 220 on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the times herein stated has been - - --- --------------------- - -- ------ 60 Cycle, 30 HP. volt, One r -__ Allis- Chalmers Adverb �avtl Ii� Close Cou- plea ,Centrifugal Pump; Size 8x6; 2000 GPM, Head .. -.. ....... .............. .......................................................... -- .� .- 50', Type SSE- Special 1160; 3 the publisher. - - - -. -.and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ............................. ... .................... . ..... phase, 60 Cycle, 220 volt, 30 HP. One - Steel Tank. C= 6_t �lCt�ioI1. n- and has ull knowled e o the f 8 f 75,000 Eaves to platform, Gals- Base, 801. 24': Platform to facts herein stated. . BidaersCompressor wil submit That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed written bids, btogether with cash deposit, bidder's ond, or Advertisement for bids certified check in a 5% of bid, as guaranty of bid�ount of 'Any or .........°---•°-.......-°-......°°----------------------°•--•--°°----- -° ------•---°----------------------------°--. ..............................• hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language rom its p p g. f all of the above may be inspected by appointment. EVALD C. known office of publication within the ................................................................................................ BANK , Village Clerk -M V f - Hinm8pdr ............. ..........- ----..............in the County of ........................... ftj:IIelx . ..................................................... , ............. , State of Minnesota, on ........................... TbumdW ............. of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same----------------------..--......--................. .......................-- - - - -.. --------------- --- --------CeQLiHr3lQtioll.- $1711 @�� p--.....---...................------------------------------------ - - - - -- ----- ------ ---- --- - -- - -- ........- - -- ----- ---- ---- ---- -------- - - - --- ------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed - --- ,QfZWr.tj8@11=t__Z®F--bddf9------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --------------- ;w---..-.........-....-......------..------.-.--.------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ........... .............................2a d ----------- (lay of - ---- --- --- --- - - xli:: ilber ....... 1 19% -- and thereafter on ......... �dw.................................... of each week to and including the --------- 9- i -- - - - - -- -day of ... .. ... .... ... ... . .... J)ft ...... 19.% ... ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said... Advertisement-- for- - -blAs --... ------- ------ --- --------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -............----- --------- -- -. -------.....---- - _abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to be re me this ....... 9 .......day of. ......... D£veA168r ..... ......19..154.. Notary Public,-- ---e.. : ., ---------- ---- - - - - -- County, Minnesota. My commission experes.:..::. - ............... - - -:3 .................. ------------- Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS -+FORM 2536t/2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis I.OR SALE: PUMPS; STEEL TANK; COMPRESSOR —BIDS CLOSE DEC. 13 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept bids for the sale of any or all of the following until Monday, December 13, 1954, at 7:30 P.M.: One - Allis- Chalmers Centrifugal Pump; -Size 10x10; Type -SE No. 28325; 2,000 GPM, Head 50', 1160 RPM. Motor - 3 Phase, 220 volt, 60 Cycle, 30 HP. One - Allis - Chalmers Close Cou- Ples Centrifugal Pump: Size 8x6; 2000 GPM, Head 50', Tyne SSE_ Special 1160: 3 phase, 60 Cycle, 220 Volt, 30 HP. One - Steel Tank. 75,000 Gals. Eaves to platform, 24'; Platform to Base, 80'. One Compressor. Bidders will submit written bids, together with cash deposit, bidder's bond, or certified check in amount of 5% of bid, as guaranty of bid. Any or all of the above may be inspected by appointment. EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Otate of , innegotal ss. t Countyof. .......... HeieAn ---------------------------------------- ..................... ... --- ---................------ --- - -- ---- ------- ------ - - - - - -, being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the times herein stated has been ----------- --------------------_-- ........................... A� '! il"S. Vi�llft--"-------'--"--- ---.......----- -- .............. ............................. the publisher ........ and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ..............._----.--........--.--.--................-- ............................ '.Pit It 6 . ------ .......I and has full -knowledge of the facts herein staled. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ........................... Adw.rUsemnt. far -- bid.............. - - - - -- ........--------------------------..........-- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the ..................... ......... _.------ .............. ....- .......-- ......-- .... - - -. ----------------- ----------- .►it`- - ..... of-..... WaPDUS ----.----•----- ------ ---------------- --- - - -.in the County of ........................... QAmaMptft.................................................................... State of Minnesota, on .............:........... 2b&tmdiW . ............. of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same---- ------------ - - - - -- . .--- ..- ..---------- .----- - - - - -. . .......................... L�'u�t3.�II 8u7. 1B--......---- --- ------------ ---- ------ - - - - -- ...................................................... ...................... ------- ................................................................... : has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ---- AdWj!t4SSZMtr-,' e0.r.- M& ------------------------------------------------------ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for -------------- �---------------------------------------------- . ------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .......... ..............................' d - -- - -. - -- -day of ................. lim r-- - - - - -, 1954.. and thereafter on.....---- �-- ---- ---- --- --- - -- - -- of each week to and including the........... ........ day o -- - -19 -- - - -; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ... AdWr"tj8 .tor bLft....... -abed efghij k Im n opqrstu vWxyz Subscribed and sworn to befor me this ........ M .......day of.- .. - - -.- WeMber. .......... 19_54. Lp °wore Notary Public,...... al: au ;r:.:..._ - -- --- ------ -- -- -- - -- --- -County, Minnesota. My commission expires --- �r --- -•---------- �� -`?z: ` - = '---- -...�_-' •----- -------- ---- ------- ------------ .!Affidavit of Publication OF ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ................................ ......................................................... ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- .................. MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS 0- (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF SALE PUMPS: STEEL TANK: COMPRESSOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will accept bids for the sale of any or all of the following until Monday, December 13, 1954, at 7 :30 P.M.: One - Allis Chalmers Centrifugal Pump; Size 10x10; Type -SE No. 28325; 2,000 GPM, Head 50t, 1160 RPM. Motor- 3 Phase, 220 Volt, 60 Cycle, 30 HP. One - Allis Chalmers Close Cauples Centrifugal Pump; Size 8x6; 2000 GPM, Head 50t, Type SSE- Special 1160; 3 phase, 60 Cycle, 220 Volt, 30 HP. One - Steel Tank, 75,000 Gals. Eaves to platform, 24t; Platform to Base, 80f. One Compressor. Bidders will submit#t written bids, t6gether with cash deposit, bidderfs bond, or certified check in amount of 5% of bid, as guaranty of bid. Any or all of the above amts may be inspected by appointment. EVAID C. BANK, Village Clerk Please publish in Edina- Morningside Courier Dec. 2 and 9, 1954. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings, r EDINA.MINN, MIDI! 9 MIX WN FOR SALE: 'PUMPS: STEEL } TANKtICOMPRESSOR BIDS CLOSE DEC.13,1954 i NW= IS HERM GN i that the 0dina Village Council • :ill accept bide for the sale of wW or all of the folibwing until Y4ndsy# December 13, 1954s, at 7130 P"t One - Allis Chalmrs Centrifugal Pump; Size 10 .0; Type -W No, 203255 2,000 GW, Head 501, 1160 RPM, Motor 3 Phase, 220 Volt, 60 Cyclev 30 HP* One — Allis Chalmers Close Couples Centrifuol RMIp5 Sipe "I 2000 Geis Head 501, Type SHE - Special 11605 3 pies i 60 Cycle, 220 Volt, 30 HP* One — Steel Tank, 7 5,000 Crals. Eaves . to platform, 244; Platform to Base, 809, One Compressore f Bidders will mibmitkK written bides, together with cash deposit, bidder bond, of certified check in.- zmount of 5% of bid,'as guaranty of bid* Any or all of the above test may be inspected by aypointmm t. Eiit D Co BANK, Village Clerk F I Please publish in Construction Bulletin Dec. 2 and 9, 1954* Please sned us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings:. f t t i i i omrt 0 J Vool� 1 � \ -. ' =L I �I i ,I li z � I o :� Bids Received November 8gL 1954 TABULATION OF BIDS We Recommend H. N. Leighton (Signed) H.D. Gilbert (Signed) Ben Woehler �i By: S. R. Mitchell, Registered Engineer WATER PUMP STATIONS CARLSON H.N. OLSON & GUNNAR C.H. ENGINEERS LAVINE LEIGHTON ANDERSON JOHNSON PETERSON ESTIMATE Y Item . #.1 - Southdale Site $12,174.00 $ 8,880.00 $139433.44 $10,518.00 .$11,899.00 $ 9,978.00 Item . #2 m T E Tank Site $11,824.00 $ 8,880.00 $14,372.44 $11,000.00 $12,239.00 $10,409.00 Item I /3.= Add to Concord $ 3,072.00 $ 2,690.00 $ 3,369°55 $ 3,404.00_ $ 3,897.00- $ 2,508.00 Item #4 Total $26,860.00 $20,290.00 $319174.43 $24,900.00 $26,835.00 .322,895.00 Cosh Plus 10%_ 10% We Recommend H. N. Leighton (Signed) H.D. Gilbert (Signed) Ben Woehler �i �- _ _ r -�yyBT °1l e• . � g (Oft-, I �y i!AGT- OF iEDIINA 1IE "N TJ,. Cn NTV. MINNESOTA ADVEdTISEMENT FOR BIDS WATER METERS •NOTICE IS 'HEREBY' GIVEN "Itbat the�l Edina Village Councll will receive sealed ; bids' at the - Village Hall,' 4801 W. 50th 8t., IN Minneapolis 10, Minn­ '.until 7:30 P.M.; Mondiy,'-November 8 4954, at which time and place said bids will. be- opened; for fur, 1 nlshing the following Bronze Case Disc Type Water Meters, Frost Bottom; Regis= •' ter Dial' to be straight cu. ft.�,r"ding. 11 Badger Type A -IOT or equal; all melee to • be furnished with couplings: ` �" 200 more or less- 5/8 "x9 /4" to 1 be , furd ished as needed from Dec. 11, 1954 to:Dec: 1, .1955 50!more or less — 8/4" x 9/4 25 more or less — 1" 8 — 1%11 3 — 2" All bide' must be , sealed - and ccoml an- f led by 'a cash deposit or certified check payable to the .Village Clerk for• not' less than ten percent of.the bid. Bid prlee to.be j f.o.b. Edina. - - ' . 1 ' l The -Village .Council reserves ��the= right � t_o_-reject­any or all bids: BY- ORDER. -OF ,THE VILIXGE COMM- CIL. EVALD C. BANK, Clerk j Village of Edina -1 (October 28 and November 4, 1954) r I � 1 / /r OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. county of Hennepin --------------------- alem1TLH -- Psi trill Q------------------------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Adv. for _Bids - Water Meters -------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped . with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; --- ---- ____ - -_ - -- :_--- _______ ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- _ -------------------------- --------------------------- ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification . as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal he and that its publishers have complied with all demands of ,said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed Adv. --- for Bids — Water Meters hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----- two-- __---- -__ - -_ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the_________ 28t_h ---------------- day of October ______ , 1954 and thereafter on -- Thursday of each week to and including the ---- 4th --------- day of __ November ......... 19___c1 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Adv, for Bids — Water Meters �4 Subscribed and sworn to Notary My Commission expires _My Commission Expires Jan. 7, 1961. 19j_;! Minnesota AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Of —� (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF-EDINA. HENNEP,'N COUNTY, MINNESOTA .ADVEfiTISEMENT FOR . BIDS WATER METERS NOTICE .IS•, HEREBY GIVEN that the .Edina Village. Council. Will receive sealed Q bids at the Village Hall, 4801 W. -50th St., - Minneapolis, 10,.. Minp.;. until 7:30 P. M.; Monday, November 8 1954, 'at which tlme and place said bids will be 'opened,- fon fur - :. nishing the following. Bronze Case Disc Type Water Meters,`. Frost ,B•ottom; Regis= ter. Dial to be .straight cu. ft. reading. „ Badger Type A -IOT or equal; all meters to be fu rnisbed with couplings: 200 more or less -5/8 "x3/4•' to be furn- ished as needed from Dec. 1, 1954 to Dec. 1, 1955 50 more or less — 3/4•' x 3/4^ 25 moreor less — 1" 3 2, _ —, - All bids must be sealed and accompan- ied by a cash deposit or certified •check Payable to the Village. Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. Bid price to be 'f.o.b. Edina: _ The Village Councll reserves, the right to rejei any or all bids. • BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL. EVALD C. BANK, Clerk' Village of Edina (October 28 and November 4, 1954) , OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, �. county of _ -- HeYl in ---------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. t. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed - _- RJ dS -�-- _l1 aten- eters--- ------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with. skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same_ ______________ _______- _______ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ ----------------------------------------------------- ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five . per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of. interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied. with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed Ad0_�__Yaar__Hici9 —Water _Meters------ -__ - -_ nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper was published therein in the English language once each week for_____ ?___________ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the__________ 2f� --------------- ay of �tOb@r______ 19_c l and thereafter on 71WOd of each week to and including the ---- ht,$ -------- day of ----- NQy_i Mber ------------ 19 --- � and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said abcdefghi j klmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before mP this___,5 ----- day of Notary Public, ___ - _ IANETTE 1. ANDERSON County, Minnesota iVts487y PuTiiic;- Hennepin (;ounty,, Minn. 5 - - rn ;resJan. 7., -1961, My Commission explres�"___ _ ------------ __ `----- ____ -- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Of �T 0 lip POR$A 2536 %2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davie Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ------------------........----------------------------- ---------- ---....... ----- ............................... ------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .,i. r �r-� � *---��-~ a .......... ........ ............................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published tm therein in the English language once each week for .............. .......................... ............................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .. ..........................'�__. ..............- ...... day of r..- , 19 216d thereafter on- -------- --- -- = =t - °_ -: ....._......._........ of each week to and including the------- ----4! ........day of -------------------- .W'tt rnr 'rr.......19--- -- _5__1 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ..... ..:....::.. p..._ .________....__.__- .- ___��_____ - ........._ -_ ................... ---------------- _........................................................................................................................ abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz t'1 Subscribed and sworn to be a me this .........s4^r ...... day of --- ...------------------ .... 19.... G1CRn *nrNE LARSON Notary Publ ic .... .........a::�asQi'uac;.,ft�lig: Ciiiii?t� ;l�R�yaty, Minnesota. nnl- My commission expires .................... ............................... -­------------------------ Rate of 01thrte0ta, RATER METERS —BIDS CLOSE ss' Nov. S lTnv+�rw+Rs� Fdinn.County y o f._.....-- ..............°---------------------------.....---------------- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will re- T ie. LL-mk ceive sealed bids at the Village Hall, -------------------- - - - - -- .....-_.__..______.-_.._ _...___..- _____- __._..__- - -_ -_, being duly sworn, 4801 ZV. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., until 7:30 P.M., Monday, November 8, 1954, at which time and place said on oath says; that he now is, -and during all the tames herein stated has been---- --------- --- --------- ---- -- ---- bids will be opened, for furnishing f3 ACr ""t1ei.. 4 n.,� f /-�'V the following Bronze Case Disc Type ......--- ° ................ - K ater Meters, Frost Bottom; Register ............................................................. Dial to be straight cu. ft. reading. the publisher ___._._.and printer ____. -_.of the newspaper known as Badger Type A -IOT or equal: all meters to be furnished with couplings: ................. `' "' °' °""'' 200 more or less —% "x%" to be fur- . °--- ----- --- -- °- °- ° -- °- -- ------------------------ ....... and has full knowledge of the nished as needed from Dec. 1, facts herein stated. 1954 to Dec. 1, 1955 50 more or less— %"x%" 25 more or less -1" That or more than one year immediate) prior to the publication therein a the printed f y y p p f p s -1 , *C- ds 3 2" _... ........___.-___-_............_.._.__________-- __..____.................___. All bids must be sealed and ac- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its companied by a cash deposit or cer- tified check payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent known office of publication within the ................................................................. ...... ......................... of the bid. Bid price to be f.o.b. Edina. city Ili %nRArCi].ia The Village Council reserves the .......................... ........... -�I -- °- -- ° °--- ° - °- ------ °-- ° .......... .. . . .. ...........................in the County of right to reject any or all bids. A� BY ORDER OF THE ° - ::_ - °'Jn State of Minnesota, on VILLAGE COUNCIL. EvALD C. BANK, '? "-- ;:' °;A'at.�/ each week in column and sheet form in Clerk - ..............of equivalent Village of Edina space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h-s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;------------ -------------- - - - - -- ------------------.._...------------- ------------------........----------------------------- ---------- ---....... ----- ............................... ------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .,i. r �r-� � *---��-~ a .......... ........ ............................... hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published tm therein in the English language once each week for .............. .......................... ............................... successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .. ..........................'�__. ..............- ...... day of r..- , 19 216d thereafter on- -------- --- -- = =t - °_ -: ....._......._........ of each week to and including the------- ----4! ........day of -------------------- .W'tt rnr 'rr.......19--- -- _5__1 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ..... ..:....::.. p..._ .________....__.__- .- ___��_____ - ........._ -_ ................... ---------------- _........................................................................................................................ abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz t'1 Subscribed and sworn to be a me this .........s4^r ...... day of --- ...------------------ .... 19.... G1CRn *nrNE LARSON Notary Publ ic .... .........a::�asQi'uac;.,ft�lig: Ciiiii?t� ;l�R�yaty, Minnesota. nnl- My commission expires .................... ............................... -­------------------------ f Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS Foi?M 2536�h—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION WATER METERS —BIDS CLOSE Mate of 01in te�otat Nov. S ss. Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that County of ............._--- -- -- ----= - -- °' - - ---------------------- - - - --- - - -- the Edina Village Council will re- ceive sealed bids at the Village Hall, �+a 4q ld�i� 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., .. .................`........._... ----------------------- - ...., being duly sworn, until 7:30 P.M., Monday, November 8, 1954, at which time and place said bids will be opened, for furnishing on oath says; that he now is, -and durin all the times herein stated has been .... ............................... the following Bronze Case Disc Type Water Meters, Frost Bottom; is t Register Dial to be straight cu. ft. reading. . -----•---------- ............. ............. °-- ---- ........... - --- ............................ .......................--- °......... Badger Type A -IOT or equal; all meters to be furnished with couplings: the publisher -------- and printer ........ of the newspaper known as ........................... ............................... 200 more or less —"x3'4" to be fur- 5/s A!�R!!,. le nished as needed from Dec. I; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ----- - - - -- -- and has full knowledge of the 1954 to Dec. 1, 1955 50 more or less- 34 "x$/4" facts herein stated. 25 more or less -1" 6 -11/2" That for more than one year immediately prior orr to the publication therein of the printed All bids must be sealed and .• - • r bift ac- ti fled i e by a cash deposit or care tifled check payable to the Village . hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language rom its 8. � f Clerk for not less than :ten percent of the bid. Bid price to be f.o.b. Edina. The Village Council reserves the known office of publication within 14e ................ ..... right to reject anv bids. A""P or all ORDER .............................................. ....... ..................................................... the County of �i / VILLAGE COUNCIL. �� � � VI COUNCIL. � C. BANK,, ° .of _ _ ____ _ _ •---• ................ ............................... State of Minnesota, on Cierk . Village of Edina ":'!I: o each week in column and sheet form equivalent in ... - ..... J f 4 space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; hcs been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ------------------------------------------------------------- .. .. ....... .. ..... ... .......:......:..... `------......----------- --------- --- ......- ..-- -- - - -- - - - - - -. ----- ---- --- --- --- - ---- -- - - -- - - -- -- - --- - - - - -• ------- ------ ---------------------- --- --- ------ --------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- --------------------------------------------- --- ------ ----- --- ------ --- - -- -- . has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in 'its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with l m¢ said �ury�y A i r or proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ------ �1 *40w,'!!!"'�i'[± TID "" -------- --- ---- --- - -- --------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published low therein in the English language once each week for ...... ....__ .......................0-ft --------------­--------------- successive weeks; that it was first so6lished on the . ............................... ............................day of f, +s ........................................ 19 ..... ... nd thereafter on------------------------------ ................................... of each week to and including the ---------- ."_... .......day of______________________ ......19___.._ ! and that the following is a copy of the lowercase alphabet hick is acknowledged o have ben the �� for. bids size and kind of type used in the publication of said ........................................... ............................... ------------------- --- -- -- - -- -----------------------........... ...--------- ----- -------- - - - - -- ------------------------- -._................. ................................ abcdefghijklm °nopgrstuvwxyz ..............°--°--°--°°------•----- --- --- -------- -------- --- ------ ----------- ---------- ----- ----------....... --- Subscribed and sworn lab ;re me Ehis._.._.___.Y____day of .. ................................... .---- 19.......... - - -- Notary Public ....... . ::...•- - v.,,--- . ---�, _;: ___--- County, Minnesota. My commission eipires------------------------`- ---- ---- ---- ---- -'-- ---- --::... I. Affidavit of Publication OF --------------------------- ------------------ - ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS (Official "Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA - MWNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WATER HEPERS NOTICE IS JMEBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will receive sealed bids at the Village Hall, 4801 11.50th Ste, Minneapolis 10, Minn.,'until 7 :30 P.M., Monday, November 8,.1954,# at which time and place said bids will be openedi for furnishing the following Bronze Case Disc Type Slater Meters, Frost Bottom; Register Dial to be straight cu. ft, reading. 'Badger Type A -SOT or equal; all meters to be furnished with couplings: 200 more or leas -- 5/811x3/4" to be furnished as needed from Dec. 19 1954 to Dec. 1. 1955 50 more or Less -- 3/4114/4" - 25 more or leas --11, 6 — lift 3— 2" All bids must be sealed and accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the-Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. Bid'price to be f.o.b. Edina. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all. bids. :BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE - COUNCIL. _ EVALD C. BANK, Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Edina- Morningside Courier Oct. 28 and Nov. 4, 1954. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. r' l� Y EDINA, MINN. Bins. CLOSE Nov. 8, 1954 WATER 14ETERS MOTIGE IS X22-M G= that the rdina village Council will receive-sealed bids at the Village Hall, 4$01 110 50th t e s I- limeopolis . 10, K m—# until 700 P.M0,9 Mondays I3ovmber S, 1954, at which time and place said bids vi3t be opened, for furnishiiig the following. Bronze Case Disc Type.111ater deters, Frost Bottom; Register Dial to be straight cue fte reading. Badger Type A-10T or equal; all meters to be furnished with couplings: 200 more or less~ - 5/8114/4" to be furnished as needed from Dec. 1, 1954 to Dec. 1, 1955 50 more or less-­3/411x3/411 25 more or less --111 6 lift 3 . 211 All bids must be sealed and accompanied by a cash deposit or certified-check pwabler to the Village Clark for not less than tea percent of the bid. Bid price to be f.oeb. Edina. The Village Council reserves the right to reject Any or all bids. BY ORDi� OF THE VIUAGE COUNCn, EV= C. INK, Clerk Village of Edina Please publish in Construction Bulletin Oct. 28 and Nov. 4, 1954. Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. ON v 1 - L-`� -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- i d' NMI WOlKT IM1('TOB- GOl1111110)(ll METEKDPIU13'lIOlill p Edina Village Council Village Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Gentlemen: November 5, 1954 We take pleasure in. quoting you on water meters as required by your Village, in the quantities and sizes as requested, as follows: "Watch Dog" Frost- Proof Meters, with connections j 200 - 5 /8x3 /4 -inch Meters ............................ .... $ 23.31 each 50 3 /4 -inch Meters...... 34. 41 each 25 - 1 -inch Meters ............................. ...._ .... 51.33 each 6 - 11 -inch Disc - Meters... ........................ 96.01 each inch Disc Meters .............................. 144.30 each Terms: Net 30 days F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota You will find enclosed certified check in the amount of ten, per cent (10 0/o) of the total bid, -together with bulletins describing in full detail the meters upon which we are quoting. We thank you- for the opportunity of submitting this proposal and would welcome the chance to be of service to you. Very truly yours, W.OR.THINGTON -GAMON METER DIVISION Worthington Corporation 4 W— er H W-4 Zeis WHZ:ED Asst:. Secretary Encls. Bulletins M 975 B41 B42 i 296 SOUTH STREET NEWARK 5, NEW JERSEY Edina Village Council Village Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Minneapolis 10, Minnesota Gentlemen: November 5, 1954 We take pleasure in. quoting you on water meters as required by your Village, in the quantities and sizes as requested, as follows: "Watch Dog" Frost- Proof Meters, with connections j 200 - 5 /8x3 /4 -inch Meters ............................ .... $ 23.31 each 50 3 /4 -inch Meters...... 34. 41 each 25 - 1 -inch Meters ............................. ...._ .... 51.33 each 6 - 11 -inch Disc - Meters... ........................ 96.01 each inch Disc Meters .............................. 144.30 each Terms: Net 30 days F.O.B. Edina, Minnesota You will find enclosed certified check in the amount of ten, per cent (10 0/o) of the total bid, -together with bulletins describing in full detail the meters upon which we are quoting. We thank you- for the opportunity of submitting this proposal and would welcome the chance to be of service to you. Very truly yours, W.OR.THINGTON -GAMON METER DIVISION Worthington Corporation 4 W— er H W-4 Zeis WHZ:ED Asst:. Secretary Encls. Bulletins M 975 B41 B42 i 1 200 50 25 6 3 5/8 x 3/4° Water Meters 3/4" Waters 1" Water Meters 1 — 1211 Water Meters 2" Water Meters TOTAL TABULATION OF BIDS By: S.R. Mitchell WATER METERS BADG MFG. 22035 32.86 49.02 91.61 137.80 ER METER CO. 4,470.00 1,643.00 1,225050 549.66 413.40 8,301.56 November 8, 1954 WORTHINGTON*GAIMON METER DIVISION 23031 4,662.00 34.41 1,720.50 51.33 1,283.25 96.01 576.06 144.30 432.90 8,674.71 � z 1JATER PUN ZND STATTOns CONTRACT FOR LOCAL ] 4FftOT &v :EAiT TIIIS AGRE.KiENIT, entered into this 6th— day of 1RW _,19 , between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and _ H. N, =GHTOR MANY of 7M So,, 7th str"ti HIMOSPOUs* Hennepin County, VAIMIDsota hereinafter called. the Contractor, Party of the Second Part, Wl'i'NESSETH: Article 1. The Contractor, for a,nd in consideration of the payment, or payments, herein specified, and by the 1•' runi.cil-ality to be :i;ade, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all'nia11erials, all necessary tools and equip— went, and to do and perform all the v)ork and labor necessary for the date construction of Puup Stations, and to pestorm such work for pup stations as t`oUOWt to STATICO N49 1, SOUMALE DWJAMMs Wolf No. 2. ATICN No. 2 TOM AMID TANK SITE, WOU No, b 9.._STATS©N No„. *ADDITICN To CONCORD STATI©N, Well No. 4 ALL FCH THE VW SUH PRICE OF SM9290s,00 iri strict coriform.ity with the plans and s;reci_ficat.-Ions and general coutrract conditions prepared therefor, i4iich are now on file _n the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same exte,it as if hereiri set forth ., aleCl the same, to�cther with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Doc -unents. Article 2. The Contractor agrees to coirarence said work as herein provided • for at the e�arrY .,st pr�icti_cabl e, date /and in any event riot later than -,jMW �A�W DAM tfiiiyLl [Li'�/L+iFi � ti ORM FM TO and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and aprrovr.,,l of the engineer, WnH= = HUM= CQLTSMM CALENDAR DAYS THMEWER_., Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipalit�ra bond executed b-y himself and a surety company approved by the Council oa' the NUnicir< lity, in the stun of TiMfl'7[ THOUSAND TUO MWFM AND NINETY AND NO/i00 Dollars ($ 2x,290.00_). for the use of said. Municipality arid of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or r,Latcrials under or for the purpose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said y i Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota -for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, sha.l.l be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions .end final. payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council of the Municipality of a certificate by the engineer that the work_ has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipality's attorney that the Municipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. WITH SSEED BY: • /� SID BY Coi raftor BY BY LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to Certify that H. H. Leighton Company 716 South 7th Street Minn apolis, Minnesota 7 Name and address of Insured. is, at the date of this certificate, insured by the Company with respect to the business operations hereinafter described, for the types of insurance and in accordance with the provisions of the current policy contracts in use by said Company, hereinafter described. POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION TYPE OF POLICY LOCATIONS TO WHICH CERTIFICATE APPLIES DATE WC- 4- 1010-54.- 1/27/55 Workmen's Compensation State of Minnesota Mie LB- 4-100970-54- 1/27/55 Comprehensive General Village of Edina Minn. Liability Edina, Minnesota LIMITS OF LIABILITY GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE A COVERAGE B HAZARDS INSURED BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE Premises - Operations $1009000' $3009000 $5N= $100,000 LIMIT OF LIABILITY LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PARAGRAPH ONE (b) OF THE POLICY OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE UNDER PARAGRAPH THE LIMIT OF LIABILITY UNDER PAR. ONE (a) OF ONE (b) OF THE POLICY ALL CLAIMS ARISING FROM EACH ACCIDENT EACH PERSON AGGREGATE ` THE POLICY IS THE STATUTORY LIMIT OF THE Statutory WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW APPLICABLE WITH RESPECTS TO THE LOCATION DESIGNATED ABOVE. Description of Operations: Construction of Pump Houses Special Provisions: Issued for: Village of Edina, Edina, Minnesota Before the above stated expiration date the Company will not terminate or reduce the insurance afforded under the above numbered policies prior to days after notice of such termination or reduction has been mailed to A 11/10/54 Minneapolis Dated._.... _._...._— ..._.._......... -__ - -_ at�___.. ..._._....._..._--------- ..__._ GPO 66A Ed. 9 50M 12.53 ua• MERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY aakli �.. ty LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to Certify that 1 I H. E. Lel&ton Compaq Name and 716-South 7th Street address of Himeapolis, Minnesota Insured. L is, at the date of this certificate, insured by the Company with respect to the 'business operations hereinafter described, for the types of insurance and in accordance with the provisions of the current policy contracts in use by said Company, hereinafter described. POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION TYPE OF POLICY LOCATIONS TO WHICH CERTIFICATE APPLIES DATE �C- 101 1/27/55 Workman's Compensation State of Klmosota ffi� x+-100870 -54- 1/27/55 Comprehensive General 9iilao of Edina Minn. lAdbility Edina, Minnesota LIMITS OF LIABILITY GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE A COVERAGE B HAZARDS INSURED BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE ' EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE Promises - Operations $1000000. $3009000 $506000 $100,000 LIMIT OF LIABILITY LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PARAGRAPH ONE (b) OF THE POLICY OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE UNDER PARAGRAPH I THE LIMIT OF LIABILITY UNDER PAR. ONE (B) OF ONE (b) OF THE POLICY ALL CLAIMS ARISING FROM EACH ACCIDENT EACH PERSON AGGREGATE THE POLICY IS THE STATUTORY LIMIT OF THE �to WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW APPLICABLE RESPECTS TO THE LOCATION DESIGNATED Statutory ABOVE. - Description of Operations: Constrwtlon of P=p Souses Special Provisions: Issued fort Villsige of Edina, Edinso Minnesota Before the above stated expiration date the Company will not terminate or reduce the insurance afforded under the above numbered policies prior to days after notice of such termination or reduction has been mailed to LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 11/10/54 Kinneapolin Franklin i�o Dated_ _ ____ __ at - . - - — ..._ - - - -- - -- -- —_.... . - ........... ... .. ............... ..................... ............ --- GPO66A Fd.9 50M 12 -51 A.I.A. Form B1 y OWNER'S PROTECTIVE POND STANDARD FORM Copyright, 1940 by THE SURETY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA THIS STANDARD FORM OF OWNER'S PROTECTIVE BOND IS PRINTED AND SOLD BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS UNDER LICENSE OF THE SURETY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONEACT FOR THE, CONSTRUCTION' OF BUILDINGS, FIFTH EDITION, COPYRIGHT 1915 -1918- 1925 -1937 BY:THH A ERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, WASHINGTON, D. C., AND OTHERWISE. KNOW ALL MEN: That we ---- H. N. LEIGHTON COMPANY,__ a Minnesota Corporation, _ 716 South`_ 7th. Street; Miruieapolis, Minnesota, princi al - P 1 (Here insert the name and address or legal title of the Contractor) and ._ SAINT PA CURY. Q TY_ CCMPANY,_ a Delaware Corporation, 111 We 5th Street,__St.__ Paul,-- Minnesota, ............................................... � Surety, (Here insert the legal title of Surety) are held and firmly bound unto._Village - -of Edina,__a_Municipal Corporation, Edina Hennepin County, Minnesota - ,Owner, -------•------------------------ (Here insert the name and address or legal title of the Owner) TM-.TY THOUSAND TkJO HUNDRED NINETY AND N0 1100 - in the sum of ------------ •• -• - - -- -----------•--------- •--------------------- - - - - -_ -. -------------------= ------------ - - - - -- - - - -.. Dollars ----�--9----------- - - - - -- ($- 20 2 -) for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our legal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Whereas, Principal has executed contract. with ,Owner, dated.. November _ s :__1954 f r..the complete construction of the following pumping stations: Item 1, ----------------------------------.-------•----......-•--••--... ......---------- ••------- -• - - -. Station No. 1� Southdale Development, Well No. 5; Item 2, Station No. 2, - --------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Tower and Tank Site, Well No. 6;_ Item 3t Station No. 3, Addition to Concord Station, Well No. 4. copy of which contract is by reference made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, if Principal shall faithfully perform such contract and pay all persons who have furnished labor or material for use in or about the improvement and shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all cost and damage by reason of Principal's default or failure so to do, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. All persons who have furnished labor or material for use in .or about the. improvement shall have a direct right of action under the bond, subject to the. Owner's or The Contract, including the completion thereof after default, if any; shall be prosecuted under full supervision of a duly qualified architect. Any payment or payments under the bond shall reduce its penalty to the extent of such payment or payments. z 0 14 r U W F Cn W Z A- No suit or action may be maintained under the bond unless it shall have been instituted within two years from the date on which final payment under the contract falls due. The Owner and Architect shall cooperate with and assist Surety in prosecuting its rights and claims, if any, against -Principal and others by supplying testimony, books, .records and documentary evidence in their possession. The Surety hereby waives notice of any alteration, extension or forbearance made or extended by the Owner or Principal. In event Principal is in default under the contract as defined. therein, Surety will (a) within fifteen (15) days of determination of such default, take over and assume completion of said contract and become entitled to the payment of the balance of the contract price, or (b) pay the Owner in cash the reasonable cost of completion, less the balance of the contract price including retained per- centage. The'cost of completion shall be fixed by taking bids from at least three responsible contrac- tors, one chosen by the Owner; one by the Architect and one by the Surety. The Surety will make such payment within fifteen (15) days after the cost of completion shall have-been so determined. Provided, however, that unless the aforesaid contract is executed upon The Standard Documents of The American Institute of Architects, it is hereby stipulated and agreed and this bond is executed and delivered upon the condition that all disputes, claims or questions arising under such contract shall be subject to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Article 40 of the General Conditions of the Contract for the Construction of Buildings contained in the Fifth Edition of-such Standard Docu- ments aforesaid, anything to the contrary contained in such aforesaid contract notwithstanding. Signed and sealed this -------- -- ----$th -. .day of ---- NOVgmber ------ A.D. 9.54.............. -_ H. N. LEIGHTON COMPANY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - • �-` ------ • - - - - -_ 1------ -- - - - - -- - - - -- - -----------------_--- (Principal)' SAINT PA CURY INDEMNITY COK PANY ------------ ' ------------------------------------------------------ BT '` j____ __-:--.Attorn_ey=-in- Fact------------------------ - - - - -- v(Surety) COPY OF ARBITRATION CLAUSE REFERRED TO IN BOND. Art. 40. Arbitration. —All disputes, claims or questions subject to arbitration under this contract shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the provisions, then obtaining, of the Standard Form of Arbitration Procedure of The American Institute of Architects, and this -agreement shall be specifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitration law, and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in the highest court of the forum, state or federal, having jurisdiction. It is mutually agreed that the decision of the arbitrators shall be a condition prece- dent to any right of legal action that either party may have against the other. The Contractor shall not cause a delay of the work during any arbitration proceeding, except by agreement with the Owner. ` r-I Notice of the de_ mand for arbitration of a dispute shall be filed in writing with the Architect and the other %pi party to the contract. If the arbitration is an appeal from the Architect's decision, the demand therefor shall be %01 made, within ten days of its receipt; in any other case the demand for arbitration shall be made within a reason- able time after the dispute has arisen; in no case, however, shall the demand be made later than the time of final payment, except as otherwise expressly stipulated in the contract. C Z The arbitrators, if they deem that the case requires it, are authorized to award to the party whose contention is sustained, such sums as they or a majority of them shall deem proper to compensate it for the time and expense incident to the proceeding and, if the arbitration was demanded without reasonable cause, they may also award damages for delay. The arbitrators shall fix their own compensation, unless otherwise provided by agreement, and shall assess the costs and charges of the proceeding upon either or both parties. (From General Conditions of the Con- tract for the Construction of Buildings, Fifth Edition, Copyright 1915 - 1918 -1925 -1937 by The American Institute of Architects.) "I or 4 ' Acknowledgment of Attorney -in -Fact STATE OF ........................... MLMIeZat.... ...................... 1 COUNTY OF .......................Hennepin ........... »..........................1, ss. On this 8th day of November 1954 , before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, personally appeared John Dahl to me personally known, and known to me to be the Attorney -in -Fact of and for the SAmT PAUL MEacuRy INDEMNITY ComPANY, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation, created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware upon oath did say that the corporate seal affixed to the attached instrument is the seal of the said Company; that the seal was affixed and the said instrument was executed by the authority of its $oard of D; rectyrey�he did also acknowledge that he executed the said instrument as the free act and deed of said Company. � t-�(/ I - /J V 4 / Public. My Commission expires- .!� ................... 1A:..Kx.PE(v 20982 12 -52 20M Rev. 11 -49 Notary 'us,ic, year ,in (:6 "Niriri: My Commission Expires May 31, 1967. Class 1 (A Capital Stock Company) CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY Original on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification. I - / �/� �� 1 N STOCK - COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDER THE FIDELITY AND SURETY LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. DEPARTMENT k fV INDEMNITY 4MPANY HOME OFFICE: SAINT PAUI,, MINNESOTA KNOW ALL MEN BY .THESE PRESENTS: That the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does here- by constitute and appoint John Kahl;'L. W. Sanford, Me K. Pennington & A. L. Strege, Individually Northwestern Bank Building Minneapolis, Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contractor otherwise, and the execution of all such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said Saint Paul - Mercury Indemnity Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article VI, — Section 8, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of -Directors of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company at a meeting called and held on the 18th day of January, 1950, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 8: "The President or any Vice President, Resident Vice President, Secretary or Resident Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys -in -fact, who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance of this section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attorney -in -tact and revoke the authority given him." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 23rd day of September A. D. 19 52 m� �RPOR,Ir mod$ SEAL ,less � �E( A W ARE ` STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey f ss. SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY /2) k 1 -�, President. On this 23rd day of September 19 52 , before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company; that the seal affixed to said instruments is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that.the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the day and year first above written. CERTIFICATION G. C. L. JAEGER Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2, 1960. 1, the undersigned, a Special Attorney -in -fact of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of the By -Laws of said Company, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the some are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals; and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. - IN TESTIDIONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of November 19 % Special Attorney -in -fact. 24804 Ed. 1-51 V ,PROPOSAL EDINA, P4ITI ESOTA T1a0 WATER PUi-TPING STA` I-Ohm Alm ADDITION TO CONCORD STREET STQ`.t'ION TO M VILLAGE COUNCIL Or THE VILLAGE OF EDIWA Gentlemen-. November` -"3, 1954 r---; � 1ev The 'u-n d4?"igned ins exami.n-ed the -c ontr,-ct doctan.Cnts, irn:' Dud -, T3�; c' �'�1Crs" tisemerrl for bids, instruDtionss to biddGrs, general contract conditions, form of contract and detailed specifications,, including attached drawings and plans on rile in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and is fmAliar with the site and location of the project wort to be do -ae., and the local conditions affecting the coost of the work under which i•N must be perforp edv and hereby proposes to farsei.sh a?l Yabore material,,, and equip t few the complete construction of PmV Stations and to perforce such work, a.1 in accordance with the contract docents for the follovinga Bidder shall submit limp sum bids on each of the following four item. Village of Edina reser7as the right to accept itas oases � u two or three separate3y, or item four at- its option, yj Item No, One, Station No, 1., Southdal a Development, Wen Nop 59 for the 1mV aura price of _ % -Dollars (.4,;8v880,.00 i 'Eight Thousand 3tiigki#,rj,rAd ��i v - Item No. TGYo, Station No, 2, cuab a-ty wank Site, Well No. 6, �;.• (� °I for the lump sum price of :gg Eight Thousand Eight: Hundred -ZiEhty-Dol]Lare (q°- �880.'00 ) 0` q qro- �%0 Item No, Three, Addition to Concord Station,, Well No. ado �{��� ti� ,�/Ip•� for the lump sum price of gyp, Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety - - -- - Dollars U Item No. Four, Items haler oxse� two and .three for the lump sum price of i Twenty Thousand %Lo Hundred N-1 et,y -- --Dollars ( 0 . Extra Work, cost plus TEN % Bid security in the amount of $ fl being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposal, the same eing subject to forfeiture in the event of default. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by -the Village Council to -reject any aryl all bids and that this bid imy not be withdrawn until 30 days after the tune the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor° ° s bond and execute form of contract no*.; on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract,, tirork on the project will be commenced within 5 working days after receipt of written order from the Village and that it wi be fully performed and completed within 100 consecutive calendar days thereafter. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, H N LE IGHT ON 4M PAID 716 So. 7th Street Minnea olis Minn. BY S. L. Leighton, President 1; BID BOND PRINCIPAL OFFICE- 5TH AND WASHINGTON STREETS ST. PAUL 2. MINNESOTA &AW IN NI ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA STOCK COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE .PRESENTS, THAT WE, H. N. LEIGHTON COMPANY, a Minnesota Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, as principal, and the SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal place of business at 111 West Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE CLERK, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, as obligee, in the penal sum of TEN (10%) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE BID SUBMITTED DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed, and dated this 8th day of November, 1954 - WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting a proposal for furnishing of all labor and materials and performing all work for the construction of Water Pumping Stations for No. 1 — South Dale Development —'Well No. 5. No. 2 — Tower and Tank Site near School — Well No. 6. No. 3 — Addition to Concord Station — Well No. 4. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH that, if the said principal shall be awarded the contract, and shall within -Ten ( 10 ) days after receiving notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the principal's bid and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the work, if the latter amount be in excess of the former; in no event shall the surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof. H. N. LEIGHTON C'ANY S. L: Leighton, Preent Principals ti Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity' Company By 21820 7-53 ISM Rev. 450 OYlrl , Attorney -in -fact. r* , 1Qlriilesota Acknowledgment of Attorney -in -Fact STATEOF ............................................... ..............................� COUNTY OF.. Henne. P.: n..... ....._ ......................... On this 8th day of November 195 4 , before me, a Notary Public, within and for J said County and State, personally appeared 0hu Kahl to me personally known, and known to me to be the Attorney -in -Fact of and for the SAm PAUL- MEScusY INDEMNITY CoMPANY, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation, created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware, upon oath did any that the corporate seal affixed to the attached instrument is the a said Company; that the seal was affixed and the said instrument was executed by the authority of its &W of D an h 'd alsj owl ge that a executed the 7 said instrument as the free act and deed of said Company. /y. :cif: ff~Id Pdf TO .......Notary Public. rR Notary Public, Hennepin CountyMy Commission expires.. .tqy -�i ©n �c+ PA 1j20982 12 -52 20M Rev. 11-49 ---- ------ •--- - -• Class 1 CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY Original on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification. (A Capital Stock Company) FIDELITY AND SURETY TOCK COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDER THE Y LAWS of THE STATE OF DELAWARE. DEPARTMENT 08 , " INDEMNITY C MPANY HOME OFFICE: SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and having its principal office in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does here- by constitute and appoint John Kahl, L. W. Sanford, M. K. Pennington & A, .._L S.trege,.- ._ .. Individually Northwestern Bank Building Minneapolis, Minnesota its true and lawful attorneys) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of all such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article VI, — Section 8, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company at a meeting called and held on the 18th day of January, 1950, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 8: "The President or any Vice President, Resident Vice President, Secretary or Resident Secretary, shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys -in -fact, who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance of this section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and - (3) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attorney -in -fact and revoke the authority given him." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 23rd day of September A. D. 19 52 . �odelanlry� 40 %?0 'tP Qlod� E' 3 SEAL JIM 195 ,� 6 o� AD EL A W ARE \ STATE OF MINNESOTA)__ - County of Ramsey ass. SAINT PAULMERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY A 0-1�2�1 President. On this 23rd day of September 1952 , before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company; that the seal affixed to said instruments is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the day and year first above written. CERTIFICATION C. C. L. JAEGER Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June,2, 1960. 1, the undersigned, a Special Attorney -in -fact of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of the By -Laws of said Company, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the some are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is. now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of November, 1954 Special Attorney -in -fact. 24804 Ed. 1-51 September. 2%. 19' 4 a i.•N . Mr. D@Forest SpenC @T q _Doreey,Colman,Barker,Scott & Barber ' First National Soo Line Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota , Dear fir* -Spencers ' In compliance with the instructions of the Council, given September 27, we are enclosing herewith Contract far Purchase -of Lots 4,'5,6,7; .Block 1, and Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 2, Edenmoor Addition; .. It is the understanding of the Council. that the seller will pay the cost of bring ng the abstract,;'% to'. �. m date. ;. Yours very VILLAGE QF EDINA� Deputy Village Clerk -gsa JAMES E. D O R S E Y JOSEPH H. COLMAN DAVID E. BRON SON KENNETH M.OWEN LELAND W. SCOTT LEAV ITT R. BARKER HUGH H. BARBER CHARLES F. NOONAN DONALD WEST -WALDO F. MARQUART JOHN W. WINDHORST HENRY HAL LADAY JULE M. HANNAF.ORD ARTHUR B: W H I T N E Y JOHN G. D O R S E Y RUSSELL W. LINDQUIST D A V I D R . B R I N K DORSEY,COLMAN,BARKER,SCOTT 8, BARBER HORACE E. HITCH ��V V IRGI L H. HI LL ROBERT V. TARBOX DEFOREST SPENCER 1 R O BERT J .JOHNSON PETE R D O R S E Y GEORGE FLAN NERY CU RTI S L L. ROY @8y]e'9jOp�JjI ARTHUR E.WEISBERG rA Village of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota ATTORNEYS AT LAW September 3, 1954 1 .A Attention; Mr. Mitchell Gentlemen: r FIRST NATIONAL-SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINNESOTA TELEPHONE MAIN 3351 Re: Jessie T. McGuire, Property We enclose herewith an original and two copies of a Purchase Agreement, to be signed by Jessie T. McGuire and Village of Edina, which we think you will find to be self - explanatory. We think it incorporates the tentative agreement which has been heretofore made between the parties. You will notice that we have set the time for execu- tion of-the contract for deed as September 15, 1954. On or before that time the Village should have prepared a check running to Jessie T..McGuire`in the principal amount of $3,000. We have examined the abstract to Lot 4, Block 1, Edenmoor, for the most part, but that abstract, together with abstracts to the other lots, will have to be brought up to date immediately if we are to have time to finish our examina- tion before September 15. The abstract now in our possession' will have to be continued to date. Please contact us the firstlpart of next week and inform us what arrangements the seller is making in regard to delivery of her abstracts to us. Very truly yours, DORSEY, CO BARKER, SCOTT & BARBER `- By ROSrZ Rolf 0, Slen Encs, No. 1517 PURCHASE AGREEMENT r Revised 1952 MILLERDAVIS CO. Minneapolis, Minn.,......... Sept4�... ..,.,....... Minneapolis RECEIVED OF .... VIML&GE':.QF. E' Di: NA' :..............:.. ...............:............... the sum of.. .... Opp— and no /100 - - - - '..'..-..'... ($..1..QQ.........) .......................... DOLLARS as earnest money and in part payment for the purchase of property sb ................... ...............:............... ............ ............................... ' WHITE —OHice Copy YELLOW— Buyer's Receipt GREEN—Seller's Copy ............................... ............................... ................... ..........................:.... PINK— Buyer's copy situated in the County of ............. J1.QAX ep.?n.................... , State of Minne- sota, and legally described as follows, to -wit: Lots Four (4), Five (5), Six (b).and Seven M., Block One (1), and Lots One (1), Two (2)2 Three (3) and Four (4), Block Two (2), "EDENMOOR, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA," according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota. ielrr�- erl�- ataml -- ate;- erarcleans; s b4t& �reiblrlts; sel�eer�wrrings,- wiaaw- �rndes, #i�lc#s; olrt�i�a��;�r�k�ldt3 }�- gem- �e�r�e- ���k't�p"��'S"��t °�areee; �►��a -deb w.#�a.1cs- cad-• lie® �i�l�- �1'a�l�- (�it,�.�- ��nrers; 4asrles; - s' tek��- anc�o�l�er- ee�riIrb- naeei- �e��rr tl �rasui�b��ISed- ��- lee�ie�' �rr�rre�rrfses- Ierxl- irr��i�Ig- two- i�fo�k�t *iag'+perserl�l- p�erb�°• seller all of which property th��I�ec�y�e•a;E#,•f�rke.•�er, has this day sold to the buyer for the sum of F;l,even._Thonsand_ and- .nof_IQO ' - ------------ - - - - -- - -- - ($17.s• ) DOLLARS, which the buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: Earnest money herein paid____Oa(t.4Ad- _no110M ----------------------------------- ------------------- DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Two Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety -nine and no /100 ($2,999.00) Dollars on or before September 15, 1954, at which time seller and buyer shall execute a Contract for Deed in the usual form in which seller shall agree to convey to buyer by a Warranty Deed the property above described according to the terms hereinabove and hereinafter set forth. Eight Thousand and no /100($8,000.00) Dollars on or before April 1, 1955• It is expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that buyer shall have the privilege of prepaying the above indebtedness in whole or in part at any time without penalty and that no interest shall accrue on the above indebtedness if it is paid on or before April 19 1955• Subject to performance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a ....... ...... Warl_ a? 1tY. --------------------------------------- Deed (to be joined in by spouse, if any) conveying a marketable title to said premises subject only to the following exceptions: (a) Building, regulations, zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations. (b) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of premises not subject -to unreleased forfeiture. (c) Reservation of any minerals or - mineral rigs to the State of Minnesota. (d) Taxes due and payable in the year 19____ and in subsequent years, including all special assessments and deferred installments thereof if any heretofore levied against said land, payment of which is not yet enforceable. (e) - Rights of tenants as follows: (unless specified, not subject to tenancies) (f) Utility easements. The seller further agrees to deliver possession not later than ........- .S-e,Pt QMber _ 1 -5.j -__ 19. 54----------- --____.._.________ - -- provided that all the conditions of this agreement have been complied with. T�r.edl�on �vrrkller�egreesic��kee{ ��iQe�l• �wadet��► �txetii�riea�m: riolt+ �bie�g�te- 8E~-=-"_-_°-.:.--.- ite� '�'CmtSaunus13ci4+ri�.tlle�ii� X11, t�t73• agTS' CTttEti' �LT�rtaiibis ��erye�seplieni�4elrram9f�t °his ltttLvrAse i 'nffid"trMr"ee b Cr $ ���teefderbtry�ragTCesrttTClRI'q fie�cLox k�- i►ree -eo�ee a ge- Fe�ever the- aYnoatt t elc�e rrbrt�eb a erg me rtgage,�if ley. T1w3ir�r au�se] lor. psfi�3 e8�® greofikceb�prarebarad7eeb�nertbavfebeiit�beree6, �nsararee�aridtitr�ver6ernee�e�rtieee s lJ�eawa�du. aa® f------------------------- ------------------------------- --- --- - -- The seller shall within a reasonable time furnish an abstract of title or T r ens certificate (with title searches not included therein), showing marketable title, certified to date. The buyer shall be allowed _____________ -LV -------- .___.---- days after receipt thereof for examination of said title and the making of any objections thereto, said objections to be made in writing or deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made the seller shall be allowed ------ 12Q --- ..............days to make such title marketable. Pending correction of title the payments here- under required shall be postponed, but upon correction of title and within 10 days after written notice, the buyer shall perform this agreement according to its terms. If said title is not marketable and is not made so within... ----------- 120_..._... --------------- days from the date of written objections thereto as above provided, this agreement shall be void and neither principal shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other principal and all money theretofore paid by the buyer shall be refunded; but if the title to said property be found marketable, or be so made within said time, and said buyer shall default in any of the agreements and continue in default for a period of 10 days, then and in that case the .seller may terminate this contract, and on such termination all the payments made upon this contract shall be retained by said seller o4ii si4 �genl��e�FFa +i*teait�beRyl!��tRt�Rr, as liquidated damages, time being of the essence hereof; but this provision shall not deprive either party of the right of enforcing the specific performance of this contract provided such contract shall not be terminated as aforesaid, and provided action to enforce such specific performance shall be commenced within six months after such right of action shall arise. Uis-U&dnzste*&"d -"r *6Aftt-6kie leis ills lern{rfeeb4�t R aerFb�4heuiretZ�Lavid� $aerrriees frr�v *- �rkielr C Kat.. ......... .__--........... .... --------- ----- llsius.LvaL�tgi++�.wraEi t�ie�t�[+ �r+ elor�reed�ager�b�ispierne�ttama�r�itsbieefr •re��en7sihlCttrr�eeeer�IF k7>ireg�uwa�ww�t� w�ec+1.k���re4l��vre,e+ceern't lei- L- hetat' aea4.�ne�- tx:�d+e�,'ereEr�ate4t The delivery of all papers and monies shall be made at ..................................._...._-___......_._ ..___:_____.____...._._._..___. the office of___DOrsey, -CO7.m ti,Barker,Scott & Barber --- ---- - - - - -- ------------ ----- ------------ ---- - - -- - -- -------------------------------------------- 1300 First National -Soo Line Building Minneapolis 20 Minnesota = - ..... I, the undersigned, owner of the above land, do hereby I hereby agree to purchase the said property for the price ratify the above agreement and the sale thereby made. and upon the terms above mentioned, and subject to all con - ditions herein expressed. `TILLAGE OF EDINA . ------------------------------------------ - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------- By----------- - - - - -- - - -.... ........_. ------------------------------ ---------------------------- -------- - - - - -- * Jessie T. McGuire Its and ------------------ - ---- - - - - -- ------ e.--------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- �xP ----------------------- Its No. 1517 PURCHASE AGREEMENT Revised 1952 MILLER -DAVIS CO. Minneapolis, Minn ........... $ept....7,"- 19%. ", ",•,••••. Minneapolis RECEIVED OF:.�E 0$' mss- - ................ ............................... the sum of...... One.. and.. A%1PQ ...... ... �.. -.. -..... �.. �... ($..1.00.........) . DOLLARS as earnest money and in part payment for the purchase of propertygjj,................................................................................................ WHITE —Office Copy YELLOW— Buyer's Receipt GREENSeller's Copy ................................................................................. ............................... PINK — Buyer's Copy situated in the County of ............ Hennepin State of Minne- sota, and legally described as follows, to -wit: Lots Four (4) , Five (5), Six (5) and Seven M., Bloch One (i)., and Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4).9 Block Two (2), "EDENMOOR, HENNEPIN COUNTY, HINNESOTA," according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of•the Register of Deeds, Hennepin Countyp Minnesota. all- of which property th l,lseller , gou QP, .a —or, has this day sold to the buyer for the sum of Eleven- Thousand _ and - notwQ- - - - - - -- -" -- - - -- — ($:1�.�.�Xl--- - - - - -) DOLLARS, - - ----------------------------- which the buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: Earnest money herein paid____ — -- ---- --------------------- ___ ______ __________) DOLLARS the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Two Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-nine and noAOO ($2,999.00) Dollars on or before September 15, 19511, at which time seller and buyer shall execute a Contract for Deed in the usual form in iddch seller shall agree to convey to buyer by a Warranty Dead the property above described according to the terms hereinabove and hereinafter set forth. Eight Thousand and no%100(6$j000.00) Dollars on or before April 1,0 1955• It is expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that buyer shall have the privilege of prepaying the above indebtedness in whole or in part at any time without penalty and that no interest shall accrue on the above indebtedness if it is paid on or before April 1, 1955• Subject to performance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a ---- ......... wai" 1' 1i3 ty---_.--_ _---- _______._- .._.- .____..___. -_Deed (to be joined in by spouse, if any) conveying a marketable title to said premises subject only to the following exceptions: (a) Building, regulations, zoning laws,_ ordinances, state and federal regulations. (b) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of premises not subject to unreleased forfeiture. (c) Reservation of any minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota. (d) Taxes due and payable in the year 19... and in subsequent years, including all special assessments and deferred installments thereof if any heretofore levied against said land, payment of which is not yet enforceable. _ (e) Rights of tenants as follows: (unless specified, not subject to tenancies) (f) Utility easements. The seller further agrees to deliver possession not later than ------- S-e pteIdbOX'A. 59--- l9% ... ............................... provided that all the conditions of this agreement have been complied with. ww" I The seller shall within a reasonable time furnish an abstract of title or TprXens certificate (with title searches not included therein), showing marketable title, certified to date. The buyer shall be allowed ........ . -_ ------------------- days after receipt thereof for examination of said title and the making of any objections thereto, said objections to be made in writing or deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made the seller shall be allowed____ 12Q_________________ _ days to make such title marketable. Pending correction of title the payments here- under required shall be postponed, but upon correction of title and within 10 days after written notice, the buyer shall perform this agreement according to its terms. If said title is not marketable and is not made so within ------------- 1- 0 --------- .-------------- days from the date of written objections thereto as above provided, this agreement shall be void and neither principal shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other principal and all money theretofore paid by the buyer shall be refunded; but if the title to said property be found marketable, or be so made within said tinge, and said buyer shall default in any of the agreements and continue in default for a period of 10 days, then. and in that case the seller may terminate this contract, and on such termination all the payments made upon this contract shall be retained by said seller admwid • r, as liquidated damages, time being of the essence hereof; but this provision shall not deprive either party of the right of enforcing the specific performance of this contract provided such contract shall not be terminated as aforesaid, and provided action to enforce such specific performance shall be commenced within six months after such right of action shall arise. a--d 9g ofsaiCL{zr :��+►�kie gee ent "s.a"Ji— -------------------------------------------- - 6wcs.tn.al��fi . to W Merei�rea k,.w g t4 m The delivery of all papers and monies shall be made at ............................................................................. ............................... the office 0 f...0 'B.E ,CoLnan,BarkeriScott &_ Barber 1300 First National —Soo Lime Building $y Minneapolis 2, Minnesota .A@--t I, the undersigned, owner of the above land, do hereby I hereby agree to purchase the said property for the price ratify the above: agreement and the sale thereby made. and upon the terms above mentioned, and subject to all con- -------------- '------------ - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------- 4"Ier Jessie T. McGuire ditions herein expressed. VILLAGE OF EDINA By- - - - - -- -Its ------------------ - - - - -- and - its '°'°' No. 1517Y4 . PURCHASE AGREEMENT Revised 1952 MILLER -DAVIS CO. Minneapolis, Minn ............ SB?.::7�..19�t............ Minneapolis IU I I� F ,U14� RECEIVED OF.....:....: - ..•.... .. the sum of...... . qi�9 and noAO0 — ....... ............................... (S.. IA 00.........) DOLLARS as earnest money and in part payment for the purchase of WHITE —Office Copy property 9 ................................. .............................................................. YELLOW — Buyer's Receipt GREEN — Seller's Copy .................................................................................. ............................... PINK — Buyer's Copy situated in the County of............ HGAPepin .. ......... . .. . . .. State of Minne- sota, and legally described as follows, to -wit: Lots Four (fit), Five (5)s Six (6) and %Yen (7), Block One (1), and Tots Ow (1), Two (2)., Three (3) and Four Wo ek()d n he'eFf the Ree cHe S ta� or ofrecor i the offico h Register of Dbeds,nnepi cuntyp iTM so. sell< all of which property th 4iee, - mrnrt, has this day sold to the buyer for the sum of _Rlev! a n- .Th,ousa>ad- �d-- �noAoo- - ° - - -- _ ° .. _ - - -- - - -- - -- - - - -(8- 11,9 .0--- - - - - -) DOLLARS, ---------------=--- - - - - -- which the buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: Earnest money herein paid________n ®�_!___'_ __ __ _ °__'_!__ __"__ __`_($__x_a __ ________________) DOLLARSs the receipt of which is hereby.acknowledged. Two Thousand Nine Hundred ldnety -nine and noAO0 (42,999.00) Dollars on or before Septeeter 1% 1954, at Bch tine seller and buyer shall execute a Contract for Deed in the usual form in vAdch sellez shall agree to convey to toner by a Warranty Deed the property above described according to the terms hereinabove and hereinafter set forte. Eight Thousand and noAOO(4$i000.00) Dollars on or before April I, -1955• it is - expressly agreed by and between.the parties ereto that buyer shall have the privilege of prepaying the above indebtedness in whole or in part at any time without penalty and that no interest shall accrue on the above indebtednesa if it is paid on or before April 1, 1955• Subject to performance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a_.- _--- _._-- �BTI'Aiit,Y Deed - ----- - - ---- ----------------------------------------- (to be joined in by spouse, if any) conveying a marketable title to said premises subject only to the following exceptions: (a) Building, regulations; zoning laws,_ ordinances, state and federal regulations. (b) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of premises not subject to unreleased forfeiture. (c) Reservation of any minerals or mineral r' is to the State of Minnesota. (d) Taxes due and payable in the year 19 ... WW. and in subsequent years, including all special assessments and deferred installments thereof if any heretofore levied against said land, payment of which is not yet enforceable. (e) Rights of tenants as follows: (unless specified, not subject to tenancies) (f) Utility easements. The seller further agrees to deliver possession not later than ___ -_ -_ --A— - BT-- lfii'_�- .f -.��,- ............ , provided that all the conditions of this agreement have been complied with. .............. ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----------- 4W The seller shall within a reasonable time furnish an abstract of title or Teens certificate (with title searches not included therein), showing marketable title, certified to date. The buyer shall be allowed.._- ...... _......................... days after receipt thereof for examination of said title and the making of any objet' thereto, said objections to be made in writing or deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made the seller shall be allowed- ------ ---- --- --------- - - - --- --days to make such title marketable. Pending correction of title the payments here- under required shall be postponed, but upon correction of title and within 10 days after written notice, the buyer shall perform this agreement according to its terms. If said title is not marketable and is not made so within _____ _________Q-------- __- _______- _____days from the date of written objections thereto as above provided, this agreement shall be void and neither principal shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other principal and all money theretofore paid by the buyer shall be refunded; but if the title to said property be found marketable, or be so made within said time, and said buyer shall default in any of the agreements and continue in default for a period of 10 days, then. and in that case the seller nia terminate this contract and on such termination all the payments made upon this contract shall be retained by said seller1R?t*0,Mdld as liquidated damages, time being of the essence hereof; but this provision shall not deprive either party of the right of enforcing the specific performance of this contract provided such contract shall not be terminated as aforesaid, and provided action to enforce such specific performance shall be commenced within six months after such right of action shall arise. l - �fsr;�s; lRiTtg'ZIWtfCt1'CPhI�L�1Tt �tgCnth�S--__----------------- ---- ------- ------ --- -- -tht�a Can�rref The delivery of all papers and monies shall be made at _____________________________________________________________________________ _______ _____ ____ __ ___ ___ _____ __ the office of_.OorseV, *Colman, 'ker,Scott & Ember 10P8t�TatirE1n81 °BOO �� ------------------------------------------------------ ---- -- -- ---- ---------- --- - - - - -- ---------------------- Minneapolis 2, Hi lanesota By ane"t --- - ----------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- I, the undersigned, owner of the above land, do hereby ratify the above agreement and the sale thereby made. ---------------------------------- '�'•i%'�. 688 ®-- �. --�-- - -- -- -e- ------ -- ----- -- ---- -- --- -- ---- ----- ----- --- - ------- --------------- --- - -- --- ° - •- - - - --- -- - - -- - ---- - I hereby agree to purchase the said property for the price and upon the terms above mentioned, and subject to all con - dit�io AG herein OAF EM dam. By - ------- ----------------------•------------------------------------- and ---- - --- --- ----------------------- - -------- ----- It8 sept®ber 28 1954. Mr. John, W. Windhorat, Dopsey,Colman,Birker.Scott &,Barber, First. National Soo Line Buildings Minneapolis 29 Mirnzesota. Dear Johns. „ At the Edina Village Council maetJ�ng held on August,.23rd, the Council authorized the.- yurchase of Lots 4, 5, 6 and ?. Block 1 and Lots 19 29 3 and .4, Block 2, Edenmoor, from Francis McQuird - or possibly D. F. ,McGuire, I am not too sure mhoee name this .pro - party is listed in., The purchase price is, to be _+]1,000.00, pays- able am follows 33,000 down, and $8,000 du® on April let, 1955• The Mcduir®s are to pay the-taxes,for this year but not for the - next year°.. - Furtheruore, there brill be no charge fi?r interest on the 68,0009 r .l r. Child has been handling this with the, McGuire family, so if you have any. other.. questions which I : can ®L � an ' ,,please check with him. They have turned over to me aA abstract of title to - Lot 4O Block,l, Edenawor, which I an sending to you. Will you, therefore., kindly prepare the proper papers, and take vihatever. steps, are necessary to put this plan into affect as quickly as possible? The purpose. of adquiring this property, which Ao located on Sherwood Road just South of Trunk. Highway x$169, is to provide space to drill a Village well and, some time later on. install a water _tank at this location, as gall as to provide a stor "o space for Village mater- ials ouch as blacktop, clay, gravel, etce and snow. a w John, as you probably know, the Pack Board is very anxious to have the Wooddale Park at 50th and. Wooddald entirely devoted to park purposes. The Council goes along with them on this idea. For the past several - years, of course, we have used the area'West of the old hater Tank for. a dumping ground for the above• ;materials. It has saved the• V13.1age thousands of dollars through the years but it is now considered un- sightly and a new location is desired. Kindly check with ma if, you have any questions on'the- above. Yours vex? truly, S. R. Mitchell, Village Manager- Engineer. SRM:B ° CC -Child 1 Encl., 1 8 FORM `7 • 5M MD Co. VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis, Minn. ClaimNo ...................... . To .. QUM ........................................... Dr. State of Minnesota County of Hennepin S.S. I declare under the penalties of perjury that this claim is just and correct and no part of it hasbeen paid. Date Signature DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Fund NumAccount Amount ber Water 3.000.00 N .VERIFIED ACCOUNT Claim No ......1 ......... Of .............................. Audited and Allowed in the sum of s.3.,.000- 00 ....... ................................................................ President ........ ............... . ....... ............................ Trustee ------------ -------- ... .... ....................... Trustee ........... .... .. . ..... ..................... ..... . .... Trustee ................................................................ Clerk .................... day of.... I ................... 195 ................................................................................. Village Clerk VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Paid by order No .................................. ]Dated ....... SeRt......13..,....1.9.54 .... ..... . .... . .. .. ..... -- s August 23, 1954 ESTIMATE FOR FINAL PAY2- 0 1IT WATEIRMAIN FROM: 811 Main at Old Tower & Tank TO: 8i1 Main on Wooddale Avenue Contractor:, - Ba•rt Carlene CONTRACT PRICE; 62,579 ©50 CONTRACT DATE: June 3, 19540 CONSTRUCTION COMMENCED: July 22,, 1954 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED: July 26, 1954 TOTAL AMOUNT s FINAL PAYMENT $2,241.50 Recommended for Payment � Village Manager - Engineer Prepared by: Checked by: qw�-,�W 0 c ked by: d z ,, CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION UNIT -- – MATERIAL QUANTITIES QURNTITIES PRICE TOTAL L/F 811 Cast Iron Pipe in Place 31:.0 329 4.50 01,480,50 811 Gate Valves & Boxes in Place 2 2 L15-50 231000 Cut -iri Tees to 811 Main in Place 2 2 145,00 290,00 811 x 611 Tee in Place 1 1 42,50 42050 Hydrant in Place 1 1 197.50 197050 C/Y I11 to 1210 Gravel. 50 0 3,5p __- S/Y Blacktop Replaced 50 0 1050 - - - -�� L/F Curb & Gutter Replaced 10 0 3085 TOTAL AMOUNT s FINAL PAYMENT $2,241.50 Recommended for Payment � Village Manager - Engineer Prepared by: Checked by: qw�-,�W 0 c ked by: d z ,, August 23, 1954 ES T II-1ATE FOR FINAL PAYTjnNT t ^JAT:�tt4AIN FROM: 811 Main at Old Tower & Tank TO: 811 Main on Wooddale Avenue Contractor:, Bart Carlone CONTRACT PRICE; $2,579.50 CONTRACT DATE: June 3, 1954• CONSTRUCTION COMMENCED: July 22, 1954 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED: July 26, 19 TOTAL AMOUNT - FINAL PAYMENT $2,241050 Recommended for Payment � Village Manager-Engineer Prepared by: Checked by: %vaut 0oked by: d l, CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION UNIT MATERIAL QUANTITIES QUANTITIES PRICE TOTAL L/F 811 Cast Iron Pipe in Place 340 329 4.50 $1,480,50 8t1 Gate Valves & Boxes in Place 2 2 115.50 231,,00 Cut -iri Tees to 811 Main in Place 2 2 1165000 290,00 8" x 611 Tee in Place 1 1 42.50 42.50 Hydrant in Place 1 1 197.50 197.50 G/Y l° to 1210 Gravel 50 0 3,50 __— S/Y Blacktop Replaced 50 0 1,50 -�- L/F Curb & Gutter Replaced 10 0 3.85 TOTAL AMOUNT - FINAL PAYMENT $2,241050 Recommended for Payment � Village Manager-Engineer Prepared by: Checked by: %vaut 0oked by: d l, CONTRACT FOR LOCAL T1VIRROVIZ.E11T THIS AGREEIIENT, entered into this Ord day of June _ ,1954, between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and BART CARLONE - -- ' of 7.61 JEFFERSON A�ST. PAUL_,_MINi'�,_— __— __� - -..— hereinafter called. the Contractor, Party of the Second Fart, WITNFSSETH: Article 1. The Contractor, for and in consideration of the payment or payments, herein specified, and bs• the Nunicipal.it ;r _to be :ade, hereby I covenants and a.grees.to furnish all nate.rials, all. necessary; tools and equip- ment, and to do and perform a.l_l. the Ijo.rk UT)d labor necessary for the improvement of the following JW&1E9i FROM 811 MAIN AT OLD TOWER AND TANK TO 81' 14AIN ON WOODDAIE — _. �._ CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATMgAJN AND APPURTENANCES;—— in strict confoii,.ity with the plans and specifications and general_ contract conditions prepared therefor, which are nov on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same extent as '.if herein set forth, and the same, to!-,et'1er with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract l')ocLunents. Article 2. The Contractor �),grc.,es to coirurence said work as herein provided for. at the earl_i :st rr;,r,ti.cable date and in any event not later than THIRTY ,TTTnT ORfl�lERC1 L- THE_VILLWE .--.J' and to prosecute the sapid diligc;ntly and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approvz:l of the engineer, WITHIN FIFTEEN CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS THEREAFTER ___ M • Article 3. The Contractor .fi.irther agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company I approved by the Council of' the Piu.nicip«.litY, in the stun of �r THRa THOUSAND AND THREE AND NO 100 _.— — ---r -- Dollars for t.ie use of said. lunici,pality and of all persons doing work i' or .furnishing skill, tools, mach'Iner7 cr materials under or for the purpose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said I Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Nunicipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay 'the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment pa- 7Ments, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions ..rid. _final_ payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty drays after receipt by the Council_ of the Municipality of a. certificate by the engineer that the work- has been fully cor_ipleted and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinio i of the Municipality's attorney that the Municipality is talen obligated to parr the sum contracted for herein. T N WITHESS WHEREOF, First Party Hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly au.thorizfA officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed Second Party has caused its duly' authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. VILLA .F, WITIWSSED BY: BY Pr c �e of Village Council BY - Village, I WITAPESSED BY: BART CARLONE / Contractor - - BY -- BY Form 1 500 Apr 54 SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. Bond No. 52462 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, the undersigned BART CARLONE 761 Jefferson Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota of (hereinafter called the "Principal'), a individual, and SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a New York corporation, 75 Maiden Lane, of New York 38, New York (hereinafter called the "Surety ") a corporation duly authorized to do a surety business under the Laws of the State of New York, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA, (hereinafter called the "Obligee "), in the penal sum of THREE THOUSAND THREE AND N011 0 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –-- – – – – – Dollars ($ 3003.00 ), lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which well and truly to be made unto said Obligee, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firm- ly by these presents, as follows: The conditions of this obligation are such that, whereas on the 3rd day of 'Tune , 19_54, the said Principal entered into a written Agreement with said Obligee for the construction of Village Watermain and appurtenances from 8" Main at Old Tower and Tank to 8" Main on Wooddale located at Edina, Minnesota as set forth in detail in the advertisement for bids, general conditions, information for bidders, pro- posal, plans and specifications, and other related contract documents referred to in said Agreement, all of , which are hereby made a part hereof, and by reference incorporated herein. NOW, THEREFORE, If the said Principal shall well and truly perform and complete said project in strict accordance with said Agreement, advertisement for bids, general conditions, information for bidders, proposal, plans, specifications and related documents; shall comply with all the requirements of the Laws of the State of Minnesota __, shall pay as they become due all just claims for work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of the contract in accordance with its terms, and shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless said Obli- gee against any and all liens, encumbrances, damages, claims, demands, expenses, costs and charges of every kind, including patent infringement claims, except as otherwise provided in said specifications and other contract documents, arising out of or in relation to the performance of said work and the pro- visions of said Agreement, then this Bond shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. This obligation is made for the use of the Obligee and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, or materials, or insurance premiums, or equipment, or supplies for any camp main- tained for the feeding or keeping of men or animals, or any combination thereof, engaged under or for the purpose of the execution of said Agreement and be sued on thereby in the name of said Obligee. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of said Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or . the specifications accompanying the same, shall in any wise affect its obligations on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement as to the work or to the specifications. IN-TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have caused the execution hereof in one — original counterparts as of the 21st day 6f une 194 BAR WITNESS B P ' cipal WITNESS C. E. B. Sutmar SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY By Its atto ey -in- c Jack J. i er ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Individual STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss COUNTY OF Ramsey ) On this 21st day of June , 1954 , came ?before me personally, BART CARLONE to me well known to be the same person who executed the foregoing bond, and each severally acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. Notary Public, County, Minn. My commission expires For Corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA,- ) )ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this 216t day of June ,,19,'5, before me appeared Jack J.Ziegler to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of the SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Jack J. Ziegler . acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey County,,Minn. Nay commission expires ' := �_, GS. : t ° STATE OF ) )ss COUNTY OF ) i . i On this day of 19 , before me person- ally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he resides in that he is the of the the corporation described in and which executed.the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Direc- tors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (Seal) Notary Public My commission expires 0 r j Certified Copy Form 147 Rev. 1953 $EABOARD SURETY COMPANY No. 3185 H ®ME Ovvicim 5 MAmLwLAm,WEwYoR:K 38,N.Y. �IIZUPx A� ,�1 # #AxriPl� . Know all Arn fig 14rnr tirrnrn#g: That SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New York, has made, constituted and appointed and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint Jack J. Ziegler, of St. Paul,, Minnesota, its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute and deliver, on its behalf as Surety, bonds, under- takings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature as follows: No one instrument to exceed the penal sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00100 ($250,,000.00) DOLLARS. Such bonds, undertakings and obligatory instruments for said purposes, when duly executed by the afore- said Attorney -in -Fact, shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds, undertakings and obligatory instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal; and all the acts of said Attorney -in -Fact, pursuant to the authority hereby given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made pursuant to the following By -haws which were duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on December 8th, 1927, and are still in full force and effect: ARTICLE XI. Paragraph 6: "Attorneys -in -Fact, Departmental Managers, Branch Managers, Agents, Clerks, and other employees may be appointed or engaged by the President or a Vice - President, subject to the control of the Directors, upon such terms and with such powers and duties as he may prescribe." Article XVII, Paragraph I. "All policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations and all underwriting undertakings shall be valid: (a) When signed by the President, or the First Vice - President, or a Vice- President, or a Resident Vice - President, or a Departmental Manager and the Secretary, or an Assistant Secretary, or a Resident Assistant Secretary, or other duly authorized official or agent of the Company, and when sealed with the seal of the Company where required by law; or (b) When executed by an Attorney -in- Fact." In Witness W4rrrof. SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its- Vice - President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and duly attested by its Assistant Sec- retary, this ............ 1.51 ........... day of. ..... _ ................ - ..... _....._:713I1e.. -- - - - - -- 19...53.. Attest: SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, By (Seal) .. ....................... ..:..G.... Rode.---.....-----.. ......----- -------------- ... - -- - -- = G' - -B. Slattengren ............ - ........ - Assistant Secretary Vice- President STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss.: On this ........... 1st .............day of ..................................... J=. . ................ - .................................. ..... 19...>`..1, before me personally appeared .... _ .................................. G..... B...... S18tt. e. w. en................................................................... ---Vice- President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said that he resides in the State of ............... H— eX._YArk ............ -- ._ ... ...... that he is Vice- President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Vice - President of said Company by like authority. LILLIAN MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 03- 2711300 (Seal) Carts. Clerk in Bronx County ---. ........--- --- -...Llui-�.._muer ..................................... ----- ualifie with New York County Notary Public Clerks and Registers STATE OF NEW YORK Commission' Expires March 30, 1955 COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss.: I ..:.... - _PAUL GILLEN ...................................................... - ............ _.---- ....... ... ..... ... _ ......................... ........ - .................................... - ................... :....Asst. Secretary of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that _the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a power of attorney executed by said SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, which is still in full force and effect. - In iii #arias i14errof, I have signed this certificate at New York, New Yofk, t s............. -_- -_21st day of June 19---5.4 all �p` II• pg.U..UN..RU..IE.II.TN.:,0 � s �J Assistant Secretary W 1927 Fir • �qrF 0 NE�y�p I�NI,NIIIIIII• / —�2 -C AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota) sa. County of - - -- Hennepin -------------------- Glenn_ [@ Pertridge----------------------------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, Legal Notice on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, (Official Publication) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VILLAGE OF 'EDINA HE14NEPIN COUNTY; MINNESOTA . .I the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and ADVERTISEMENT, FOR ,BIDS. 1 .WATE$SIAIN - GIVEN that. NOTICE IS-' HEREb•& the has full knowledge of the facts herein stated, ,I Edina Village • Council -will meet.' at the - Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street;{ That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the Monday, May _24, 11954, at 7:30 'P.M., and I Co C.I.P. ti Water[nar following:` sider sealed bids for place open .and- con- printed Advertisement for Bids atermain8 will at said time and ---- - - -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8" uction of approximately tbet e e 340 ft. '�j hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- 'n between Water Tower site at W. 50th St.-and Woad- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the dale Ave., and- Wooddale avenue -main. County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursda y of each week in column and Work . must' be done as. described and specified in 'plans and., specifications far. sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; said lmpro�ement-.on flle in. the office of Ltie Village Clerk.. Bids must be submit_ has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication Led on basis of cash .payment for work.) No bids will . be considered unless sealed equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and ,.nd filed with -undersigned . before time? If said meeting and accompanied by' cash; printing the same' --------------------- ----- ---- -- ----- ----- ----- -____ leposit, bid bond, - or certified check pay -! .en er the f Village -Clerk d. amount of - • has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five '.en percent of amount of bid. I - ----------------- -------- ------- ----- -- ---- ----, :I B _ Y ORDER OF TIIE, VILLAGE COUN -i per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community L. FvALlbr, C. BANK it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- illa ge tof Edina V fice of publication; has contained general news , comments , and miscellany; has Villa _ ;, - , (May %zo, 1954) not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, - - -- — plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- _ scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its- qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ----- Advertisement for _Bids _ j Natermains____________________ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---------- one -------- - - - - -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the 2Dth _day of - V------------------------ - - - - -- 19 --- 5-4and thereafter on --------------------------- - ----------- - ---------- of each weex to and including the -------------------- day of ----------------------- - ----- _ ----- 19 ...... and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to ,have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said C1Y_e t�s�ment Arm al n ............. - ........................................... abedef ghi jklmnopgrstuvwxyz r +� Subscribed and sworn to befo m this____ ?A - -- o _____Msy........................ 19__54 Notary Pub li __________ County, Minnesota Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn, My Commission expir _fommit mi - - aes tau. 7 ---------------------------- ------------- T AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER Y Y AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. vounty of —_$enn in -------------------- Gloa4 -$.t -T ' jdga ----------------------------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, Legal Notice-. " _ the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER,, and cofnelal Publication). has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. VILLAGE OF EDINA HF.NNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the 'ADVERTISE31ENT FOR BIDS j ' WATER3IAIN - NOTICE ,8 HEREET GIVEN that r hII, printed - - - - -Ad rti SeMent --for_ 8f- -- Wmte7mtal ------------------------- - --- ----------- Edina will m the Hall, 80 W 0th street, hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- I,Mond,ae ed b 24, or,th at 7:30" P.M., and guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the sider sealed bids for,the following. (will at said time and place open and con- County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and (' Construction of approximately 340 ft. r s^ C.I.P. Watermaln. between Water sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; Tower site, at W. 56th St. and .Wood I has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication dale Ave., and .Wooddale Avenue main. � + Work must, be done as described and ;equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and specified' in plans and specifications for said impro- -.ement.on . "file in the office -of printing the same; ____________________ the Village ,Clerk., Rids must be submit= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ted . on basis'.of -cash payment for work. ' No -U!ds will :be considered - unless sealed - ------- ---------------- -- -- ------ ---- ----- ---- -- ------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five and filed with, ntl accompanied-by ied-b clnle per cent of its news - columns devoted to local news of interest to said community ,oI said meeting and accompanied by cash P Y deposit, bid bond, or certified check pay - it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- able to the Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of•a.:ount of bid. - - fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has BY ORDER- of -.THE viLr,ACE cooN- not duplicated an other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents FVALD_ 'c.: saNx Clerk plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place Village of Edina of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- (May zo, Iss4) scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local I_ post office of — — -- - its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County: Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its- publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. , That the printed _______Ad4nlgeman+ GZ_B�B_�iBLermr39na --------- nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for_________QII�___________ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the_________ 20th---------- - - - - -- day of ------- E97 ----------------------------- 19- - -54and thereafter on ---------------- ----------------------------------- of each week to and including the -------------------- day of ----------------------- - ------------ 19 ------ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said - SAL- B�- ----- - ------- ----- ---------------------------------- _ abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz I Subscribed and sworn to befor a In, ____2atWay of j8�________________________ 19_ Notary Publi _ ___ ____________ JAIV E J_ ANDERSOrtounty, Minnesota dry RubTc F(ennepin County, Minn. My Commission expires _My Commission Expires_Jan._7, 196j�________ ________ _ _____ EORM12536�/:— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION material for preparing and pr1Iinting the ��s��am}}e;------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------- --------'- °--VJ+_-�_ _. Y7........... ------------------------------------------ ....... ------ -- --'- -----------....... -------------------------------------------- ------------------ '----- - -- _.._..--------. - - -. --------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it. purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all de ands ppf said County `q1 uditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -----------= : & ^Z'LfSF:"1!lTIL- --ft3I' DIB - -- -------- -- hereto attached as a past hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----------- rw .______--...____________ ______ _________- _--- ___- _ - - - - -_ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the_____________________ _--- _.__..__- _.__..--- ____ -�. day of ------------ ---- ------------- - - - - - - -- 1954__ and thereafter on- ------ - - - - -- ..-------------------------------------- of each week to and including the ...------------- - - - --- -day of------------ -- ----- - - - - -- --------- --- - - - - -- ---- -- -19 - - - - -- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ... dV9I` i.SC :A11 - -- -- to- -- abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz v .......... -------------------------------------------------------- --- - - - - -- Subscribed and sworn to b fSre me this....... ! .... day of__________ ____MW --------------- 19.5.1... -------------------- C�RI I,�IIdT; Ln,?iSG�7 ..Count Minnesota. Notary Public,- .... -- ,et,:rry a; :; - ---------- -------- --- -- Y, i2nnc�in County, lbPiaal: My commission expires .:`_' = ::': "' .. .. . . ._i9_9 ............... ... ....... *tate of Aftinegotat WATERMAIN -BIDS CLOSE ss. MAY 24. Edina, Minn. t} � Herm?'T' .i� County of-- - - - - -- ...... ------- ---- ----- - - - - -- - --- - - - - -- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet sd___,r at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, Monday, May 24, 1954, :.:Tj _____-__-_____..____.._______________ ___ ___________- .....-- __.__ -_ -, being duly sworn, at 7:30 P.M., and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ,..- .._- _- _- ------ ----- -__ - - -__ the following : Construction of approximately + 40 Ft. 3" C.I.P. Watermain be- tween «rater Tower site at W. 50th St. and Wooddale Ave., __________ _ _ _ _____ .....___________-----___-__-_-_.-_----- - -- -- - the publisher ______.and printer ____.._of the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------------------- and Work Avenue main. tiVork must be done as described p (� � full, knowledge of the GOiiS vl�i <_ u A �iLi��i.E + _....., and has and specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the - facts herein stated. office Z)f the Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed payment :or work. No bids will be considered finless sealed and filed AdwTLS.8elieutr.--ior_b3,t. - - -- with under- 5igned before time of said meeting tnd accompanied by cash deposit, ------ ------------------ - - --- -- - - ereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its bid 3ond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of ten known office of publication within the ........ .....--------------------------------------------------------- per- :ent of amount of bid. BY ORDER OF THE +� 1iMi$ --- ---------------- -- -- -- CI ' `51........... f--- --Mi-= - ---_-r'0U. C.; ------------------------- .-------------------- in the County of VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD C. BANK, Clerk - -- ---- -------------- -- -- - - -- - _______ ___ _ __ State of Minnesota, on Village of Edina -------------------------- �CL4.- . ............ of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 sunning inches of single column two inches wide; h,.s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and pr1Iinting the ��s��am}}e;------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------- --------'- °--VJ+_-�_ _. Y7........... ------------------------------------------ ....... ------ -- --'- -----------....... -------------------------------------------- ------------------ '----- - -- _.._..--------. - - -. --------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it. purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all de ands ppf said County `q1 uditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -----------= : & ^Z'LfSF:"1!lTIL- --ft3I' DIB - -- -------- -- hereto attached as a past hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----------- rw .______--...____________ ______ _________- _--- ___- _ - - - - -_ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the_____________________ _--- _.__..__- _.__..--- ____ -�. day of ------------ ---- ------------- - - - - - - -- 1954__ and thereafter on- ------ - - - - -- ..-------------------------------------- of each week to and including the ...------------- - - - --- -day of------------ -- ----- - - - - -- --------- --- - - - - -- ---- -- -19 - - - - -- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ... dV9I` i.SC :A11 - -- -- to- -- abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz v .......... -------------------------------------------------------- --- - - - - -- Subscribed and sworn to b fSre me this....... ! .... day of__________ ____MW --------------- 19.5.1... -------------------- C�RI I,�IIdT; Ln,?iSG�7 ..Count Minnesota. Notary Public,- .... -- ,et,:rry a; :; - ---------- -------- --- -- Y, i2nnc�in County, lbPiaal: My commission expires .:`_' = ::': "' .. .. . . ._i9_9 ............... ... ....... Affidavit of Publication OF .................. .......................................................... ......................................... ............................................. .................... ............................................................. ........ MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FOR mJ►2536� /x— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -----------....-------- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- ------ --- - - -- -- -------- ---- ------- ----- - - - - -- ....---------...----------------------------........--- ---- --- ---- ----------- - - - - -- --------------- -- - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in 'its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 040 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all de?nands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ........ :---ACtVertisemerit--fQr__- bids ------------------------------------- ------ ---- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ......____ o ----------­------------------ ----- weeks; that giitt,.was first so published on the ------------------------------ __________________�. *day of 1'-a.Y--- - -- 1954 -- and thereafter on -------------------------------------------------------------------- of each week to and including the-------------- - - -- -- y of------------------------------------- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said --- - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- ---- ___- ---- -- -- - - - --- ............ ---------------------------------- ab ed of gh ii k l m n opq rstu v wxyz ----------- - ---- Subscribed and sworn to b Jose me this....... 20th..... day eil; .._____May--------------- - - -- -- 19.54 --- ---- - - -- '----- - -- _--------_-------- �p Notary Public ,-- - - - - -- r n County, oun y, Minnesota. My commission expiies---------------------------------------------------- ------- ----- ----- ------ ------- Otate of Iffittitegotat ss. WATERMAIN —BIDS CLOSE Hennepin---------------------------------------- County of ....._ EdilAY Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that S. Linna the Edina Village Council will meet ° --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - -, being duly sworn, at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. ------------------------- ------------------- 50th Street, Monday, May 24, 1954, at 7:30 P.M., and will at said time and on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,._ place open and consider sealed bids for the following: Advertising Clerk Constructionof approximately -------------------------------- -- --------------------------------- --------------------------------------- .----- --- - -- -- -- ------- ---- ------ - -- - -- ------ 340 Ft. 8" C.I.P. Watermain be- tween Water Tower site at W. the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ----- ---------------------------------------------------- 50th St. and Wboddale Ave., and Wooddale Avenue main. COn�traotion Bulletin ................ and has full -knowledge of the Work must be, done as described and facts herein stated. specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Bids must be That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered --------------- - - - - -- A�verti9 nimt..for -- bids------------------------------------------------------------ unless sealed and filed with under- signed_ before time of said meeting hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the known office of publication within the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Village Clerk in amount of ten per- cent of amount of bid. v ;.. - - C - __.... -.of 17 j11@ jiQ i -Ei--------------------------------------------- in the County of BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. HenneP n-------„_._,------_-_--..-_............................. State of Minnesota, on EVALD C. BANK, Clerk --- -- """'--- -- -- - ----- ----- - - --_.__... Village of Edina ______________________ ____n11rBi ---------------- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -----------....-------- ------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- ------ --- - - -- -- -------- ---- ------- ----- - - - - -- ....---------...----------------------------........--- ---- --- ---- ----------- - - - - -- --------------- -- - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in 'its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 040 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all de?nands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ........ :---ACtVertisemerit--fQr__- bids ------------------------------------- ------ ---- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ......____ o ----------­------------------ ----- weeks; that giitt,.was first so published on the ------------------------------ __________________�. *day of 1'-a.Y--- - -- 1954 -- and thereafter on -------------------------------------------------------------------- of each week to and including the-------------- - - -- -- y of------------------------------------- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said --- - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- ---- ___- ---- -- -- - - - --- ............ ---------------------------------- ab ed of gh ii k l m n opq rstu v wxyz ----------- - ---- Subscribed and sworn to b Jose me this....... 20th..... day eil; .._____May--------------- - - -- -- 19.54 --- ---- - - -- '----- - -- _--------_-------- �p Notary Public ,-- - - - - -- r n County, oun y, Minnesota. My commission expiies---------------------------------------------------- ------- ----- ----- ------ ------- Affidavit of Publication OF -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...... . .......................................................................................... --­----­------------ ------- ................................................. MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS 1 Note: This M termain to be tied to the Wa.termain Extension to serve Brookview Heights II Addition Bast Carl-one. MaY 24, 1954 PROPOSAL - EDINA, MINNESOTA >JATER�4AIN EXTENSION From: 8" Plain at Old Tower & Tank To: 8" Main on Wooddale Avenue TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents; including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, general contract conditions,.form of contract and detailed specifications, including attached drairir:gs and. plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edira., and is fa:r:.liar with the site and location of the pro- ject; the work to be done, and the .local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it.must be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials and equipment for the complete construction of ;-later Main and to perform such work, all in accordance �­ith the contract documents for the following prices: 340. Lineal .Feet 8" Cast Iron Pipe in Place -i%so 1.6.30. o 0 2 811 Gate Valves and Boxes in Place 1166. • � a3/• o 0 2 Cut in Tees to 8" Plain, in Place 90. eo 1 8 11 x 5" Tee in Place 1 Hydrant in place 50 Cubic Yards 111 . to 1111 Gravel 3. So $ / 7s o a 50 Square Yards Blacktop Replaced 9 / 1-0 476 o o 10 Lineal Feet Curb and Gutter Replaced 9 Z?. BS $ 38 S0 TOTALP o2 ST.9 -so Extra ?,fork Cost .Plus / n Bid security in the amount of w being 7.0% of the high or base bid., accompanies roposal; the same.beinrT subject to forfeiture in the event of default. It•.is tood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to re- ny and all bid:.3 �i.nd that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the ,, he bids are onered. If. this bi.d is accepted, the undersigned_ agrees to promptly f�rnish contractor's bona and execute form of contract now on file with the Village erk' and further agrees that if awarded such contract, i.�ork on. the project will be c mmenced within workir_g days after receipt of written order from the Village and tit. at it will be fully performed and completed within consecutive days thereafter, �:: . RES; 'ECT LLY 5UB'.I "' ED ?/ FIPd NAIL 7611`. -,r/ ADDRESS BY s aY CONSTRUCTION OF MI NUNBE R SIX CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT THIS AGREEAIENT, entered into this 32th day of ARC ,195b, between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and __ KEYS WELL DRI=G Co. of 413 id. Lexington Ave., St. Paul, Nimesota hereinafter called the Contractor, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Article 1. The Contractor, for and in consideration of the payment, or payments, herein specified, and by the Municipality to be n.ade, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary-tools and equip- ment, and to do and perform all the work .and labor necessary for the o construction VIIJAGE OF EDINA - WEIL No. 6 - ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH BID TENDERED MARCH 22j1?% AND EMT THAT PEEK= IS NW TO PENALTY ffi TO PLY Il+T E%GffiS OF � OOf1 GAIS._PER MUTE: _Ault— FOR _THAN 12500 _GALS. PER Ka=p AND krxftVftkZEgj= in. strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article 2. The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than - THREE NORKING DAYS AFTER, RECEIPT OF NOTICE TO COMM NCE SAID MORK and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and.to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer, WITHIN FORTY —FIVE CONSECUTIVE CAIE NDAR DAYS THEREAFTER Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the Municipality, in the sum of NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY AND. N01100 Dollars ($ 9,380.E ). for the use of said Municipality and o.i all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the purpose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota'for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved b�., the Council of the Municipality, Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreements-stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the sum mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of work done and the materials.furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions �.uid final payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council_ of the Municipality of a certificate by the engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipalityls attorney that the Municipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorized officers to sign same in its behalf. WITNESSED BY: VILLN;a_ E;, NdA, BY h_4 Pr de BY nt of Vi /llage anti _ Village Clc:rk.�� KEYS WELL DRILLING CO.. BY BY 00?nTRUCUON OF M�NUMER � 7C CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVIXENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 12th day of Awl ,1$4 , between the Village of Edina, a municipal colporation, existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Hunicipality, Party of the First Part, and KM UM DRrLMG 00• of 49 lip. Lexdngan Ave., St. Paul, NIneSota hereinafter called the.Contractor, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: Article 1. The Contractor, for and in consideration of the payment, or payments, herein specified, and by the Municipality to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and equip- ment, and to do and perform all the work and labor necessary for the$C"�€ MUM M DF EDINA • WD,, 6 - ALT. YN ACCORD -4103 03 7" AID TaMEW 1MCH 22, 1954 AND UWT %W PZ=X U IM TO AVAT IM ZMS TIOX 220 mow► PX WZ4%* AM XbjX9M g in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and general contract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said - plans, specifications and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same extent as if herein set forth, and.the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article 2. The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein provided for at the earliest practicable date and in any event not later than "M 90RXING DAB; AF" K-CEIPT ©F NOTICE TO COW —NOE "AID 'DRK and to prosecute the same diligently and without delay, and to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer, "XTRIN FORTY-?M, ( OXMCMM CI'UNDAR DAYS THCRSA?= Article 3. The Contractor further agrees to make, execute and deliver to the Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council. of the Municipality, in the sum of NINE TWFAND THM HUNTWD AND '_"]$ FITT I'M) NOAOQ Dollars ,380.AQ ( ). for the use of said Municipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery or materials under or for the purpose of this contract, to secure the faithful performance of this contract by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised Laws of Minnesota for 1905, as amended, and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Council of the Municipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreements stated ,above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the stun mentioned in the proposal or bid of said contractor, which is made a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of work done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions arid final payment therefor shall be due and payable on or before thirty days after receipt by the Council of the Municipality of a certificate by the engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the Municipality's attorney that.the Municipality is then obligated to pay the sum contracted for.: herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Party hereto has caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly authorizod officers And its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Second Party has caused its duly authorizod.officers to sign same in its behalf. n WITNESSED BY: VILLA OF EJ.}IiQA, BY Village Clurk. KM IMU DRnLING CO. ~� ('.nnnt.rart.nrr 0 LirH 4. FORM 120 fOM•9•61 SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY BOND NO. 51441 HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, the undersigned KEYS WELL DRILLING CO. St. Paul. Minnesot (hereinafter called the 1TYrincipal-)s a corporation, partnership, individual, and SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY 75 Maiden Lane of New Yorx, New YorX hereinaf e.r caviled the "Surety") a corporation duly authorized to do a surety business lender the Laws of the State of New York, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF MINA. MINNESOTA (hereinafter called the "ObligeeP9), in the penal sum of NINE THOUSAND `i'HHEE HUNDRED EIGHTY AND NO /100 - - -- Dollars ($-9.,380.00 , lawful money of 'Ghe United States, for the payment of which well and truly to be made un- to said Obligee, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, success- ors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, as follows: The conditions of this obligation are such that, whereas on the 12th day of April. , 19_J4, the said Principal entered into a writ- ten Agreement with said Obligee for the construction of Well No. Six 6 all in accordance with bid tendered March 22nd, 19 located at Edina Minnesota as set forth in detail in the advertisement for bids, general conditions, informa- tion for bidders, proposal, plans and specifications, and other related contract documents referred to in -said Agreement, all of which are hereby made a part here- of, and by reference incorporated herein. NOW, THEREFORE, If the said Principal shall well and truly perform and com- plete said project in strict accordance with said Agreement, advertisement for bids, general conditions, information for bidders, proposal, plans, specifications and related documents; shall comply with all the requirements.of the Laws of the State of Minnesota , shall pay as they become due all just claims for work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of the contract in accordance with ite terms, and shall defend, in- demnify, and save harmless said Obligee against any and all liens, encumbrances, damages, claims, demands, expenses, costs and charges of every kind, including patent infringement claims, except as otherwise provided in said specifications and other contract documents, arising out of or in relation to the performance of said work and the provisions of said.Agreement, then this Bond shall be void, other- wise it shall remain in full force and effect. This obligation is made for the use of the Obligee and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, or materials, or insurance premiums, or equipment, or supplies for any camp maintained for the feeding or keeping of men or animals, or any combination thereof,.engaged under or for the purpose of the execution of said Agreement and be sued on thereby in the name of said Obligee. The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of said Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same, shall in any wise affect its obligations on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement as to the work or to the specifications. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have caused the execution hereof in Three ( 3) original counterparts as of the 21st day of April , 1954. KEYS WELL DRILLING CO. WITNESS B Y rin ipal' . SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY WYTAFSS By I at -in -fact Jack J. Ziegler e ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Individual STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this 21st day of April , 19_5L, , came before me personally, .) to me well known to be the same perspb who exec ed the foregoing bond, and each severally acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. Notary Public, County, Minne My commission expires E. M. KEYS, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires Jan. 17,1551. For Corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) -)ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this 21st day of April , 19 54 , before me appeared Jack J. Ziegler to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of the SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said Jack J. Ziegler acknowledged said instrument to be.the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission a x irreeB dn1iCE BUTMAR, lieterp Ramsey County, Minneso% Wplmmission expires April 21, ­56- STATE OF ) )ss COUNTY OF ) On this day of 19 , before me person- ally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he resides in . that he is the of the the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Direc- tors of said corporation, and that he-signed his name thereto by like order. (Seal) Notary Public My commission expires Certified Copy Form 147 Rev. 1953 $FDABOARD SURETY COMPANY No. 3185 )EYol+� OFFacI� 78 MAIDEN LANE,NEwYoxK 38,N.Y. nwrr of Atturneg Nualu all Men fill throe 11relaen #13: That SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New York, has made, constituted and appointed and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint Jack J. Ziegler of St. Paul, Minnesota, its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute and deliver, on its behalf as Surety, bonds, under- takings and other obligatory, instruments of similar nature as follows: No one instrument to exceed the penal sum of TWO HUNDRl� FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($250,000.00) DOLLARS. Such bonds, undertakings and obligatory instruments for said purposes, when duly executed by the afore- said Attorney -in -Fact, shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds, undertakings and obligatory instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of the Company and sealed with its corporate seal; and all the acts of, said Attorney -in -Fact, pursuant to the authority hereby given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made pursuant to the following By-Laws which were duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on December 8th, 1927, and are still in full force and effect: ARTICLE XI. Paragraph 6: "Attorneys -in -Fact, Departmental Managers, Branch Managers, Agents, Clerks, and other employees may be appointed or engaged by the President or a Vice - President, subject to the control of the Directors, upon such terms and with such powers and duties as he may prescribe." Article XVII, Paragraph 1. "All policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations and all underwriting undertakings shall be valid: (a) When signed by the President, or the First Vice - President, or a Vice- President, or a Resident Vice- President, or a Departmental Manager and the Secretary, or an Assistant Secretary, or a Resident Assistant Secretary, or other duly authorized official or agent of the Company, and when sealed with the seal of the Company where required by law; or (b) When executed by an Attorney -in- Fact." fit WitnesA 194ereaf, SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice- President, and its corporate seal -to be hereunto affixed and duly attested by its Assistant Sec- retary, this----- ....... lSt ............ day of. - - -- _ --- - - -JUM __ Attest: (Seal) .......................... B__.G.... Rode.-----............ .--------- ........--- ... - - - - - -- Assistant Secretary STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss.: SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, By — -- — - G'--B°---- Slattengren ................... ........ _ Vice- President On this ........... lst ............. day of ..................................... sTLIAe .......... — ..... - ................................. ........ 19 ...?r... before me personally appeared ............ - ..... ........................ G......B......S late. e. 7WV A .................................. .................. - ................... Vice-President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said that he resides in the State of.............. NeX._Mort that he is Vice - President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Vice - President of said Company by like authority. LILLIAN MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 03- 2711300 (Seal) Qualified in Bronx County .. ........... .......... ............................................ Carts. filed'with New York ,County Notary Public Clerks and Registers STATE OF NEW YORK Commission Expires March 30,195S COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss.: I, ...........- ......... MAUI :- _GILLEN ..................... _ ...... ...........Asst. Secretary of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a power of attorney executed by said SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, which is still in full force and effect. Itt 19i#ness 394tre.at. I have signed this certificate at New York, New York, his.... -._ -_ 21s t day of ............ April ...... - — ......... - - - - - -- - - 191 �I,LI,I,IIHH,,,,,' i oSUREry ... .. ...... _ ............................. ,A A....•••.... C4N: U Assistant Secretary is €W 1927 ii= OF;' �HIIIHIIIIIIIII ; RORM 120 IOM -9 -91 SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY BOND gyp °" HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, the undersigned T M WELL DRILLING Co. r�aaeso (hereinafter called the "PrincipalP9), a corporation, partnership, individual, and NFABOAND S CONPARK 7 HQ144n Leta of New or r' Hew Yark.. hereinaf;:e.° called the ''Suretyol a corporation duly authorized to do a surety business mnder the Laws.of the State of New York, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE AGE gZ MI WA & .MI ddEa TA hereinafter called the "Obligee1P , in the penal sum of NI I d `' HUN ED EIGHTY A R O Oil :►;.4:a. Dollars ($ %-350 o Oa lawful money of -C:-,he United States, for the payment of which well and truly to be made un- to said Obligee, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, success- ors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, as follows: The conditions of this obligation are such that, whereas on the2th day of � i , 19_5A, the said Principal entered, into a writ- ten Agreement with said Obligee for the construction of '.Well £30.. nu­ (6 el]. in O'oaordande With b1d tendgEed March 22nd. 19% located at Edina as set forth in detail in the advertisement for bids, general conditions, informa- tion for bidders, proposal, plans and specifications, and other related contract documents referred to in said Agreement, all of which are hereby made a part here - of, and by reference incorporated herein. NOW, THEREFORE, If the said Principal shall well and truly perform and com- plete said project in strict accordance with said Agreement, advertisement for bids,'general conditions, information for bidders, proposal, plans, specifications and related documents; shall ,comply with all the requirements of the Laws of the State of Xiftes Ot+ , shall pay as they become due all just claims for work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, for the completion of the contract in accordance with ite terms, and shall defend, in- demnify,. and save harmless said Obligee against any and all liens, encumbrances, damages, claims, demands, expenses, costs and charges of every kind, including patent infringement claims, except as otherwise provided in said specifications and other contract documents, arising out of or in relation to the performance of said work and the provisions of said Agreement, then this Bond shall be void, other- wise it shall remain in full force and effect. This obligation is made for the use of the Obligee and of all persons doing. work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, or materials, or insurance premiums, or equipment, or supplies for any camp maintained for the feeding or keeping of men or animals, or any combination thereof, engaged under or for the purpose of the execution of said Agreement and be sued on thereby in the name of said Obligee. The said Surety; for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of said Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same, shall in any wise affect its obligations on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement as to the work or to the specifications. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have caused the execution hereof in Three ( 3) original co terparts as of the 2$8 t day of `pr, , 195. XMI WELL MILLIM CO, WITNESS ..s fl� a p incipal SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY WITNESS By Its att a in -fact Kok J,► Ziegler" r " ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL For Individual STATE OF MINNESOTA, Notary Public, County, Minn. Nay commission expires E. M. KEYS, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn; MY Commlasion Expl►oa Jon, 17, 1901, For Corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this 21st day of April , 1954 , before me appeared Zack So Z legler to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of the SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board., 6f Directors, . and,.said . Zack :a+ ZltegUr acknowledged said,,.instrument to be the free act and deed of s did corporation. 1� tary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. STATE OF ) )ss COUNTY OF ) Any commission expires NICE S. SUTMAR, Notary Public; Ramsey County, Minnesota, ffiyeomission expires April 21, ,956, On this day of 19 , before me person- ally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that,he, resides in that he is the of the the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Direc- tors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (Seal) Notary Public My,cgpassion expires )ss e RAMEY COUNTY OF ) On this day ofRY"��. , 19, came-ibefore me personally to me well known to be the same Person who executed the foregoing bond, and each severally acknowledged the same to be his own free act and deed. Notary Public, County, Minn. Nay commission expires E. M. KEYS, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn; MY Commlasion Expl►oa Jon, 17, 1901, For Corporation STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) )ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this 21st day of April , 1954 , before me appeared Zack So Z legler to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the Attorney -in -fact of the SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board., 6f Directors, . and,.said . Zack :a+ ZltegUr acknowledged said,,.instrument to be the free act and deed of s did corporation. 1� tary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. STATE OF ) )ss COUNTY OF ) Any commission expires NICE S. SUTMAR, Notary Public; Ramsey County, Minnesota, ffiyeomission expires April 21, ,956, On this day of 19 , before me person- ally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that,he, resides in that he is the of the the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Direc- tors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. (Seal) Notary Public My,cgpassion expires L Certified Copy Form 147 Rev. 1943 $EABOARP SURETY COMPANY No. 3185 Holum Ovirmn 78 MAmLw L"E,NEwYoxx 38,NX. Power of Attorney Xnum all 12m bg t! rov, f rroltn1g: That SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New York, has made, constituted and appointed and by these presents does make, constitute and appoint Jack J. Ziegler of St. Paul, Minnesota, its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute and deliver, on its behalf as Surety, bonds, under- takings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature as follows: No one instrument to exceed the penal sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00 /100 ($250,000.00) DOLLARS. Such bonds, undertakings and obligatory instruments for said purposes, when duly executed by the afore- said Attorney -in -Fact, shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds, undertakings and obligatory instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of the Company, and sealed with its corporate sea]; and all the acts of said Attorney -in -Fact, pursuant to the authority hereby given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made pursuant to the following By -haws which were duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on December 8th, 1927, and are still in full force and effect: ARTICLE XI. Paragraph 6: "Attorneys -in -Fact, Departmental Managers, Branch Managers, Agents, Clerks, and other employees may be appointed or engaged by the.President or a Vice - President, subject to the control of the Directors, upon such terms and with such powers and duties as he may prescribe." Article XVII, Paragraph I. "All policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations and all underwriting undertakings shall be valid: (a) When signed by the President, or the First Vice - President, or a Vice - President, or a Resident Vice - President, or a Departmental Manager and the Secretary, or an Assistant Secretary, or a Resident Assistant Secretary, or other duly authorized official or agent of the Company, and when sealed with the seal of the Company where required by law; or (b) When executed by an Attorney-in-Fact." In Witurso 94trraf. SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice - President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and duly attested by its Assistant Sec- retary, this ............ 1.9t ............ day of ........ ...... - ...... --- --_ - - - -- 19...58.. Attest: SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, By (Seal) - - .......... E.... G.... Rnde ....... .....:................_-- -: - - -- - -- - -- - -- -G. _B.....Slattengren......................._..-- Assistant Secretary Vice- President STATE OF NEW YORK ss.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK On this ........... 1st day of...................................... 41Y1e. .......... _ ..... -.......................................... 19 1`.3.. before me personally appeared ........... _........................... G ..... B......S lat tejw. en ----------- ................................................................ Vice - President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, said that he resides in the State of .............. Nero.. lor. 1.t ..................... ...... ; that he is Vice - President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company.; and that he signed his name thereto as Vice- President of said Company by like authority. LILLIAN MILLER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 03- 2711300 (Seal) Qualified in Bronx County - - .............. L,� U.J.an - MlueY' COM filed with New York County Notary Public Clerks and Registers STATE OF NEW YORK Commission'Expires Maich 30, 1955 COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss.: I, ..: ... .... ..... - ........... ........... ............. ,leALTd: - GILL� .....---------..-_-_ ................. _ ....... ....... ....... _ ..... - .................. --------------- - - - - -- ....Asst. Secretary of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a power of attorney executed by said SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, which is still in full force and effect. 21st fln ftntso 94trrll#.. I have signed this certificAte at New York, New -York, this......._l! ___- _._..._.day of .I,INNNI,p, � r /� SURETy °� �!._ ....... ..._ ........................... a= 4�•• " "'•• +�'o,, Assistant Secretary =W. 1927 pz =_ •'%q% ........... �aaa,FOFNE`N IIIINIIIIIIIN . TABULATION WATE MAIN EXTENSION WOODDALE PARK BIDS RECEIVED MAY14a 195 1 2 3 BART CARLONE L. J. MC NULTY M. V. 1EMY WOLFF CONST. CO. 340 Lin. Ft. 8" C.I.P, 1n Place 1.50 01$530.00 9$ 5.45 $1053.00 6 4.70 $1 8 6010 324074s00 :598.00 2 8" Gate Valves & Boxes in Place 115.50 231.00 1.35 270000 150.00 300.00 120,00 20.00 2 Cut in Tees to.8 7 .Main 115.00 290,00 50,00 100.E 150,00 300,00 250000 500000 1 8" x 6" Tee in Place 42.50 12.50 45.00 15.00 50,00 50.00 55000 55.00 1 Hydrant in Place 197.50 197.50 225.00 225,00 250.00 250,00 220,00 220.00 50 Cu, Yds. 1" to 112t1 Rock in Place 3.50 175000 8.00 400,00 7.00 350.00 4.00 200,00 50 Sq0 Ms. B3.acktop replaced 1050 75000 1100 50,00 200 100.00 3,00 150,00 10 Lin. Fut. Curb & Gunter replaced 3,85 38.50 2050 25.00 5.50 55.00 3.00 30.00 TOTAL $29579.50 $2,968.00 VA03.00 03,469.00 $3,482.90 $3,550,00 $4x272,78 $4,675000 +8% U,5lo.00 200.80 82,710.80 PETER LAMETTI PHELPS DRAKE BARBAROSSA & SON CONSTRUCTION CO. LAMETTI & SON ENGINEERS ESTIMATE 7.00 $2,380,00 $ 6.00 $2,040.0o $ 8,37 $2,845.80 $ 10.00 $3,4OO.o0 $ 4.00 $19360,00 115.00 230000 15o.o0 300.00 110000 220.00 120,00 240000 120,00 240.00 100000 200000 200,00 400,C0 232,30 464.60 175.00 350,00 125000 250.00 47090 47090 70000 700oO 48.24 48,24 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 200,00 200,00 275000 275000 214.14 214.14 210,00 210.00 210000 210,00 6,00 300000 60oo 300000- 7.00 350.00 6050 325.00 6.00 300,,00 1,50 75,00 ,2050 125.00 2,00 100.00 1,50 75°00 1050 75,00 JJMW 50,00 4.00 40.00 3.00 3040 3,00 30000 3.00 30.00 $3,482.90 $3,550,00 $4x272,78 $4,675000 +8% U,5lo.00 200.80 82,710.80 ITJAO..� Off' T )rIfift. VrKME.``>CiTA Wit; AS, the Ylll^mo of 341na. Vinnosota. requires electric service for he pu•rooso of testing the new Vil!Ve well now under construction one.bloct Fast of Highvv No. 100 South of 58th St., extended,, and r ; -,4A3. in order to make o'lectrIc' service avallaable at the lomtl,on of said new 1011. it trill be necessary for Rorthern states I'ovier Goxpany to provide Cp city for the ors - ration of a lOn Horne Power phase ?!M volt motnr. ?owl MITS C 'Z, he lt. and It 1% hereby resolved by the Vtllve Council of the Villare of 91raa, Min-nos V.. that In ennsideratfnn of Northern Strtss rovsr Oestahyaa Providing ca 'nasty og aforesaid. the Villare of F41na shall pay to said Ooar• the sum of �,TO.Og irspresau.tinr the estimated sin and out4l cost of asking; such canaacity avallable upon s temrora t7 basis?. stab act to the condition that said. sine is to be paid to sold Ooannny ouly in I he event that tho 'Village of Nana, within 60 deve after tenting, does not ostablish end wet), ass an a dAttinnael puemlar, station and does not dude electric service for said statlnn under that certain Municipal Knit r yu ptnP crntrnet betxesan Woxthern States rower 0ourany and the T111sne, of Edina sated July ?P, l9h7.. Adopted the, councia � • 19.,sa!r Rvor r ;i . m'= tt�eota r• viii age Z r?t A P P R O V A L S Geer. De t- ----------------- Credi;, Cz: t. --------- - - - - -- Q Sales rcpt. ----------------- m Rate Dcpt . Law Dept. ----- __- - - - - -- w Oper. Dept. ----------- - - - - -- a Sales Dept. ----- - - - - -: Exgc�utivel ----------------- `' x �> 7 July 110 1954 Keys lien Drilling Company 413 North Lexington Ave. , St. Paul 4, Minn, Gentlemen: We -are returning herewith your Certified Check No. 28708 in the amount of $600m00p which was submitted urlth your recent bld on a deep well pump. Thank you for 'submitting your bid. Yours very truly,, ' VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Deputy Village Clerk r gea r i Ju1Y 1, 1954 Fadden Pump Company 740 Washington Ave* North f . Mixnneapolis, Win* Gentlemew ; We are returning herewith your'Certified Check No* 9944 of Mayj20,9 1954, amount $776.00, which was submitted with your recent bid on a deep well pump* Thank you for submitting your bide Yours very trulyb •' VILLAGE OF EDINA � BY De y Village Clerk S , i August 24, 1954 Keys Well Drilling CompwW 413 North ladrigton Avem St. Paul 4, Kinnesota Gentlement We are enclosing herewith your, certified chock No• 28666 in the amount of MOM# cornering bid on pumps Thank you for placing this bid* Yours very truly* VILLAGE OF EDINA HY Deputy V13.1age Clark r oil IF- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDAIENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside COURIER gal Notices � (Offlblal Publication) VILLAGE OF 'EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PICKUP TRUCK ` The Edina Village: Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801.W. 50th Street on Monday, March 22, (1954, at 7.30, P. M., and will at said time . and place con- sider sealed bids for One I New Pickup Truck, in accordance with specifications available at the office of the Village Clerk. Bids will' not be considered unless sealed, Identified• on envepole, and accompanied- by a certified check payable to the Village i Treasurer • for an. amount not - less than ten percent of the base bid.. 1 11 The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. VILLAGE, OF EDINA - BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, �_ March III and 18, 1954 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION , State of Minnesota, SS. Countyof --- - - - - -- --------------------- - - - - -- _He _ 4$ R�' RIQiiI�.................... ---------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says-, that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed - - - - -- tjjiomlr i-- fOW-- Bif----- -PI. CIMPL-' L' Jwk-------- ----------- --------- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup not less than twenty five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ------ -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ------ t o___ ____________ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the -____ uP ----------- - - - - -- day of MST'Cj1_ 19_A and thereafter on __ T____ ______________ ___________ of each week to and including the ---- ift ------ day of ----- 11JUN6 L___________ _______ 19 -_54 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said AdY� iiBamaD - f0a' $ids - lei - - '-! MDW---------------------------------------------- abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me this-_18--day of Notary Public, ------- JANETT_ E J. AIWERSOKCounty, Minnesota o� ®iy Publil;, Hennepin County, �dinn, My Commission expirb C ®tnt0ll�tr_fcptres__��_ ;g�l� ______________----- - -_ - -- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION r,r of -------------------------------------------------------------- ---- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C: w ti C, C7 C� C, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER — Legal Notices — (Offlolal Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN,COUNTY, MINNESOTA .ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PICKUP TRUCK The Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street on Monday, March 22, 11954, at 7.30 P. M., and will at said time and place con- sider sealed bids for One New Pickup Truck, in accordance with specifications available at the office of the Village Clerk. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, Identified on envepole, and accompanied by a certified check payable to the Village Treasurer for an amount not less than ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. " VILLAGE OF EDINA BYVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, March al and 18, 1954 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. County of _______ --------------- OLEA}- -R;-- PAR} EGE----------------------- ------------- -- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed p�� �r �}� ----- atta*c eVJ s l'r PA*'1- dNMU in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ; has had in its makeup not less than .twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ---- A&ertjA -mew gae -- - - g - — hereto at as a part hereof was cut from the columns of sa11 newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---- tW---------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the _____________________day of - 19_ and thereafter on J------------------------------ of each week to and including the__ ------- day of ------------------ 19_0[ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is ackno*r -- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said rMse Jp�s y� ----------------------- +,on-- for- B�---- - -- ?Uk yK„t f6---------------------------- abede f ghij kl mnopgrstauiv"wxxyyz• -- - _L.L------------ ---------- --- --- -------- - ----- Subscribed and sworn to before me this --- 1# ---- day o __Marc&___ _______ ______ __ __ __ 1 _ Notary Public, ______ ________ County, Minnesota ftAfilfl'TE -T.- ARDERSDN -- My Commission expiresfi9tofy Public, 6lennrnln County, Wiin, -- ------- - - - - -- Afy ®tn�T ®»i ®flx�lrbe Jan. i, 1961. r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER — Legal Notices — (Offlolal Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN,COUNTY, MINNESOTA .ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PICKUP TRUCK The Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street on Monday, March 22, 11954, at 7.30 P. M., and will at said time and place con- sider sealed bids for One New Pickup Truck, in accordance with specifications available at the office of the Village Clerk. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, Identified on envepole, and accompanied by a certified check payable to the Village Treasurer for an amount not less than ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. " VILLAGE OF EDINA BYVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, March al and 18, 1954 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. County of _______ --------------- OLEA}- -R;-- PAR} EGE----------------------- ------------- -- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed p�� �r �}� ----- atta*c eVJ s l'r PA*'1- dNMU in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ; has had in its makeup not less than .twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ---- A&ertjA -mew gae -- - - g - — hereto at as a part hereof was cut from the columns of sa11 newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---- tW---------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the _____________________day of - 19_ and thereafter on J------------------------------ of each week to and including the__ ------- day of ------------------ 19_0[ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is ackno*r -- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said rMse Jp�s y� ----------------------- +,on-- for- B�---- - -- ?Uk yK„t f6---------------------------- abede f ghij kl mnopgrstauiv"wxxyyz• -- - _L.L------------ ---------- --- --- -------- - ----- Subscribed and sworn to before me this --- 1# ---- day o __Marc&___ _______ ______ __ __ __ 1 _ Notary Public, ______ ________ County, Minnesota ftAfilfl'TE -T.- ARDERSDN -- My Commission expiresfi9tofy Public, 6lennrnln County, Wiin, -- ------- - - - - -- Afy ®tn�T ®»i ®flx�lrbe Jan. i, 1961. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- — ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F641 25361/:— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Henn- pin---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- , State of Minnesota, on ______________-- _.._.. -mlw�� ---------- ......... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;. ----------------------------------- - -------------------------- ------------ .. - -- - -- Construction_. Bulletin....------------- - - - - -- - -- --------- ------ - -- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - - - -- -- ---------- - - -- -- ------ - - - - -- .. has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication, has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices.- and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ... Advertiaement --- far- -- bids ---------------------------------------------------- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ______.____.... two----._-------_--------------- --- ---- __-- ____.__ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---------------------------- _______ ____uth --------- day of ---------------------------- Mareh ------ 19 5 4__ and thereafter on Thur-sdey------------------- of each week to and including the ............ 18fh .... day of___.__ . .................... . -MWEh___ - -- 1954.._; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---------------------------------------------------- ._.- _.____- _._____ -- -- ----------- - - - - -- Advertisement -- far---- bi4 ds------------------------------._...--------------------------------- - - - - -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwx-ys J b� �- Subscribed and sworn to be re me thi.s ....... lath _..._day of___...... . . ,Nj2,rpah ........... 19 .... 5 -....... - - ... -..... ":' County Minnesota. Notary Public, - t ------- ------- - - - - -- -- My commission exTpere_",,_ Z:. kaa.W:. sA� = ae J, - %s� 9- - - - - -- -------- ---- - - - - -- Mate of Ainne0ta, PICKUP TRUCK —DIDS Clr OS1 ss. MAR. 22 Edina. Minn. V IyenneT County of--------------------P•__.. ------------------------------------------------ The Edina at the Edina Village Hall, �W. 41501 50th Street on Monday, March 22, 1954, at S an - . -_. , being duly sworn, ____________________ 2___ __ ___..._ ..____. __________..... _____.__. 7:30 P. M., and will at said time and Place consider sealed bids for One New Pickup Truck, in accordance with on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,._ ._. specifications available at the office Of the Village Clerk. A,i tfLtYeltl.SCi�i _.... - - . -... ° ° -- - - - Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope, and ac- companied by a certified the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------- ----------- check payable to the Village Treasurer for an amount not less than ten --..----..-_.----..--- ri ow trl] GUo n-- B3lleatin------------ ------ and has full knowledge of the bid percent of the base The Village Council reserves the right facts herein stated. to reject any or all bids. VTLLACE OF EDINA That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed BY EVALD C. BANK Clerk ------ Advertisement-tor --- blds ------------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the--------------------------------------- --- -------- ------- - - - - -- - -- --------- ------ - --- -- - -- - Clty_. --------- of 1t11.-C.3pc is ------------------------------------------------- in the County of Henn- pin---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- , State of Minnesota, on ______________-- _.._.. -mlw�� ---------- ......... of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same;. ----------------------------------- - -------------------------- ------------ .. - -- - -- Construction_. Bulletin....------------- - - - - -- - -- --------- ------ - -- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - - - -- -- ---------- - - -- -- ------ - - - - -- .. has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication, has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices.- and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ... Advertiaement --- far- -- bids ---------------------------------------------------- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ______.____.... two----._-------_--------------- --- ---- __-- ____.__ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ---------------------------- _______ ____uth --------- day of ---------------------------- Mareh ------ 19 5 4__ and thereafter on Thur-sdey------------------- of each week to and including the ............ 18fh .... day of___.__ . .................... . -MWEh___ - -- 1954.._; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---------------------------------------------------- ._.- _.____- _._____ -- -- ----------- - - - - -- Advertisement -- far---- bi4 ds------------------------------._...--------------------------------- - - - - -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwx-ys J b� �- Subscribed and sworn to be re me thi.s ....... lath _..._day of___...... . . ,Nj2,rpah ........... 19 .... 5 -....... - - ... -..... ":' County Minnesota. Notary Public, - t ------- ------- - - - - -- -- My commission exTpere_",,_ Z:. kaa.W:. sA� = ae J, - %s� 9- - - - - -- -------- ---- - - - - -- 0 Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER•OAV18 COMPANY. MINNEAPOL16 l' FORM 2536/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis PICKUP TRUCK —AIDS CLOSI ' MAR. 22 Fwlinn. Minn. The Edina Village Council will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 '"'. 50th Street on Monday; March 22, 1954, at 7:30 P.M., and will at said time and place consider sealed bids for One New Pickup Truck, in accordance with specifications available at the office of the Village Cleik. Bids will not be considered unless sealed, identified on envelope, and ac- companied by a certified check,payable to the Village Treasurer for an amount not less than ten percent of the base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. VILLAGE OF EDINA BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerl< AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION *tate of ,Rinnezota, ss. Countyof ------- Hennepin ............... -------------------------------- ---------------- S_.- --- L ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- - - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,_ ----------- At VAI'tr �.tl$. _Clerk------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - the publisher ........ and printer--- - -_ -of the newspaper known as ------------------ ----------------------- QQnstr=t ion- Mullati1 ----------- -------- and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ------------------ -... A.dverUsi mmt.- for -- bids-------------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------- - - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the-------------------------- --------------------- ---- -- - - -- ..---------------------- -- ---- -- ------ - - - - -- Cit7 -- --- ...of- At1.nC8pO ------------- ---------------------------- -- - - -- in the County of -------------- -- -- -- -- -Hem pin--- .- --------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------ ........ State of Minnesota, on .. -. - -- 1ura ----- -- --- ---- - - -- of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; --------------------------------- -.-......_----------------.-------------------- Construiotion Bulletin --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------...... .------------------------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed .- Adver' -Use ment -. far- bids------------------ ---------- ---------- - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper,- was published therein in the English language once each week for ........... . . . .. - - - - -- ------------- ..------------ - - - - -. successive weeks; that it was first so published on the..... ---------------- - - - - - � .- - - - - -- -day of ---------------------------- 14"Ch...... 1954-- and thereafter on--- -- - W- -- -------------Tlwsd---------------------- of each week to and including the---------- - -14!% --- -day of ----------- ------------------ Xw-ch ------- 1954 ---- ; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .......... .... __ - - - - -. ---_--_-------------_------------- --------------------- AdmerUacment ... Ar -- bids-------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- abedef gh i jklm nopgrstuvwxyz .Q_ - ---------------------------------------------- : ................. Y --------------------- Subscribed and sworn to ore me this -------- 1 ...--- �- .--- da� ... ..... .. .....1 �'-C�i...... ----- m - -- j Notary Public ............ ----------------------------- ------------- - ------------------ County, Minnesota. Mycommission expires------- ---- ---- ---------- -- ---- - - -- -- -------'------------------------ ----- - - - -- -- • Affidavit of Publication OF 'r --- ------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- ------- ----- - - - - -- ........................................ . - - -- MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNIEAPOLIB W Legal Notice (Ofrioial Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS P14URUP TRUCK The Edina Village Councii will meet at the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street on l+dbndgy, arch 22,- U4 .at. 7.30 �.( M., and will t `"said time and_ $]aelt wilt, sealed '!bids' Mr Ono New _ Pickup Trbck, in accordance with specifications availabfe at the office of the Village Clerk. Bids will hot be cdnsldered 'unless sealed; identified on gBvepoie, and accompanied by a certified check payable, to the Village Treasurer for, an amognt, ni5t Ycss than ten perc @pt of fhe base, tiid: The Village C9unctl_, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. VILLAGE OF .EDINA BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, March ill and 18, 1954 V VILLAGE OF F01HIVA, HENTWITa COUATY, T- --ITar I�SOTA PROPOSAL, F0H . 3/4 Tort PICKUP BODY TRUCK TO: The Village Council of Edina., lydnnesota . The undersigned hereby agrees to furnishs equipments materials or supplies listed below in accordance with the specifications on file in the office of the village Clerk and which are attached hereto, SCHEDULE OF PRICES ITEM N0, DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 Current Model -'3/4 Ton Pickup Txluck Cash Price as pe,.attached specifications No Trade in, Amount of Federal Duc to be deducted from above Cash Price NET CASH PRICE . . . . , . , Equipment to be completely serviced by Dealer before unit is delivered., subject to inspection and approval by the Village of Edina. No material deviation from the specifications will be permitted, It is agreed that equipment will be delivered within 30 days. after award by Council. Equipment to be delivered F.O,B, 1801 Truest 50th Street., Edina., Minnesota. Enclosed herewith is (certified check) (bid bond) in the amount of Dollarss being at least five percent (5 %) of the Amount of the proposil made payable to the Village of Edina as a proposal guarantee which it is agreed by the undersigned will be forfeited in the event equipment, materials and supplies are not delivered or furnished if contract for same is awarded to the under- signed, Waine of Individuals Partner or Corporation Address Authorized Signature T tle NOTE: Bids to be opened at o °clock P,H, G 195 -/,, VILLNGE OF EDIN-A i EN- ITEPIN COt i .T s FuNINSSOTA q L� BIDS TO BE TAKEN NOTE: Bids to be opensd at � ® °clock P.M. �� 2 195 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PICKUP BODY TRUCK 11YA1I W1 1 EQUIFIENT TO BE SUPPLIEDt lv Box size - Minimm Leath - 96f Width — 4$" Height -,1611 to flare 2, VLI Filter 3. Air Cleanrs - (Oil Ba-Lh) 4. Tire Size - 7000 x 179 6 ply 5. Color m Black 6. Bumpers o Front and Rear 7, Shocks ' Front and Rear $o Dual Wipers 9, Motor @ 215 Cu, Inches or more 10, cross Vehicle Weight 5100 lbs e llo Transnxi.ssion 3 Speeds 12. Tarn Signals 13o Spare Wheel and Tire 114o Fresh Air T' pea Heater and Defroster NOTE: Bids to be opensd at � ® °clock P.M. �� 2 195 uU� S 1C�Iuixi�e . "JR SPECIFICATIONS FCC? j,/11 '.? ON PICKUP EO?JY RUC L 1, T -AKE MODEL YE 2, GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT: LBS. 3, I =WELBASE- - -- INCHES; C.A. DI1,01SIONS INCHES, 4. ENGIP,T: NO. OF CYLDIEERS , HORSEP%M AT Mi. PISTON DISPL -IC71 MITT CU.IN. 5, `FIRES: MAKE SIZE PLY 6, BODY SIZE: LOAD. LENGTH IN. WIDTH INSIDE IN. HEIGHT IN, 7, HEI(MT TO BOTTON OF FLAREBOARDS: INCHES, 6, OIL BATH AIR CLE12A1�i t YES No ar ERI tOSTAT a YES NO 9, OIL FITTER, REPIACEABLE CARTRIDGE TYPE: YES NO 10, GENERATOR: PlAKE CAPACITY, COLD OUTPUT AMPS. 11, THERMOSTAT Iii RADIATOR HOSE � OR CYLINDER BEAD 12, DUAL AUTOR11TIC iTiNDSHIELD WIPERS: YES NO , 13- DASH ENGINE HEAT INDICATOR: YES Ho , 14. DASH OIL PRESSURE GAUGE: YES NO . e„ DASH GASOLINE LEVEL GAUGE: YES NO , 16,. DASH HEADLIGHT BEAM INDICATOR: YES NO 17, REAR -VMl TURROR: YES NO , 18, FRESH AIR TYPE HOT WATER HEATER WITH DEFROSTER EQUIPIqENTa YES NO 19, APPROVED 4-vlAY ELECTRICAL TURN SIGNALS: YES NO 20, SHOCK ABSORBERS, FRONT AND REARS YES NO , 21, FRONT BUDIPERS: YES NO a REAR BUMPERS: YES NO 22, SPARE WHEEL: YES. NO a SPARE TIRE CARRIER: YES NO , 23, UNDERCOATING TO CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS: YES NO , 24, TOOLS FURNISHED: DESCRIBE BIDDER °S SIGNATURE DATE _. 'G.. , VILLAGE OF FLr7N:!A HENNI SPIN COUNTY, T,11 IDESOTA PROPOSAL FOR 3/4 TON PICKUP BODY TRUCK TO: The Village Council of Edinas Minnesota The undersigned hereby agrees to furnish$ equipment, materials or supplies listed belmu in accordance' ccordancefaith the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk and which are attached hereto, SCHEDULE OF PRICES ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I Current Model o p 3ila Ton Pickup Tr Cash Price .as per attached specifications No Trade Ar:o�.nt of ; Federal Ttx to be deducted from above Cash Price Cd eJ,arJ NET CASH PRICE . . . . Equipme-Yat to be completa_y serviced by Dealer before unit is delivered, subject to inspection and approval by the Village of Edina. - No material deviation from the specifications will be. perm ittedn It is agreed that equipment will be delivered within 30 days after award by Council, Equipment to be delivered F.O,B, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, V.inaesota. Enclosed heretri.th is (certified check) (bid board) in the amount of 4 k.00 Dollaa�s, being at least five percent (5 %) of the Amount of the proposal made payable to the Village of Edina as a proposal guarantee which it is agreed by the undersigned T4ili be forfeited in the event equipment, materials arA supplies are not delivered or furnished if contract for same is awarded to the under- signed, LWE: pure of Individuals Partner or Corporation Address Authorized Signature Title Bads to be opened at oaclock P,H, 3.951 , liom Bids to be opened at oeclock P,Mo il.LaAC7 OF Mr-M8. Im- nnTIPM CO M. , YTIMSOM B31)S TO BE TAKEN SPECIFICATIM Fit ` PICKi1P BODY TRUCK 13IYUUM EQiJIPM'III+1T TO BE SUPPLIM t 1. Box size Mimimm Length 901 widvi 48o Rel&t 16n to fLu a 20 oil Filter 3, Air Cleaner „ (oil. Ba-Lh) 4, Tare Size 7000 x 17, 6 ply 50 Colcr a Black 6, Bu pees - Donn and Rear 7, Shocks - Front and Rear 8, Dual Wipers 9, N:otor m 215 Cam :Emhes cr more 10, Gross Vehicle [ro0i&t ® 5400 31bs o 11, Trans;desion ® 3 SPeads 12 a Ti?�^Il Signals 13, Spare Mheel and Tire 3)4, ffr-esh Aar Type Heater and Defroster liom Bids to be opened at oeclock P,Mo SPECIFICATIONS FCfil 3/4 TON PICKUP BOY TRUCK 1, 14AKE � �, � v ,r o � � t MODEL L4 YEAR 19 5 2, GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT: � � y 00 I LBS. 3. NT~IEELBASE (2+ 5 _ INCHES; C.A DII NSIONS y $ y INCHES. 4. T NGDIlr: NO. OF CYIMi ,DERS Co , HORSEPOWER I I I AT IS I a O RPM. PISTON DISPIACM,794T �3 ._5 CU.IN. a TIRES: P °tIil:; S } �.,Y: ae ;� A SIZE - 6, BODY SIZE: TOAD L7E IGT°I 9 O Ii1.. WID3 -I IIET,iIDE 7, HEIGHT TO BOTTOM 05' IoLA.REBOARDSd - � '7 4�c lNCHES, E, OIL BATH AII? C7 &nj. as e YES Q✓ Fjo .- 7h[EffiiOSTAT: YES ✓ No 9, • OIL FILTER, REPLACEABLE CAR A'IV.IDGE TYPE s YES ,I No �. 10, GENERATOR: MAKE �4 I c.o . CAPACI�IY, COLD OUTPUT A1.IPS, 14 THERMOSTAT IN RADIATOR HOSE OR CYLINDER HEAD � 12, DUAL AUT0114TIC TWINDSHIELD WIPERS: YES NO , 13, DASH ENGINE HEAT INDICAT=OR: YES NO , 14. DASH OIL PRESSURE GAUGE: YES J No 15, DASH GASOLINE LEVEL GAUGE: YES V PTO , 16, DASH HEADLIGHT BEAD INDICATOR: YES NO 17, REAR -VMI MIRROR: YES No , 18. FRESH AIR TfPE HOT WATER HEATER WITH DEFROSTER EQUIPHEIrl YES ✓ NO 19, APPROVED 4-1IAY ELECTRICAL TURN SIGIUIS: YES ✓ , NO 20. SHOCK ABSORBERS, FRONT AND REAR: YES J no , 21. FRONT BUMPERS: YES. ✓ No : REAR BUMPERS -t YES J NO 22, SPARE WHEEL: YES J NO o SPARE TI13EtCARRIER: IFS 'v/ NO 23, UNDERCOATINq TO CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS:" YE5 N0 , 24. TOOLS FURNISHED: DESCRIBE � �- � �' � � Q u ► L Q � � �� BIDDER °S SIiT-iM7JRE Aq -DATE / b� 1 1 W"51%4 Legal Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PICKUP ,TRUCK The Edina Village, Council Will meet at the Edina Village 11all,.4801 W. 50th Street on Monday, .. March .22s 118 4, at 7.30 P. M., and wiltt said time Ind: place, eon - sidec $ealeAe.blds fbr, O4b, New.. Picpkup Truck, in accordance with ' specifications avathi.bie at the office of the Village Clerk. Bids will not be considered unless sepLied, identified on envepole, and accompanied by a certified check payable, to the Village Treasurer for an amount not less than ten percent of the 'base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. VILLAGE OF EDINA BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk, March ill and 18, 1954 i VILIAGE OF &D I Nk I-]ENTNEPIN COUNTY, H 1IN ESOTA PROPOSAL FCH 314 TON PICKUP BODY TRUCK TO The Village Council of Edinaa Minnesota The undersigned hereby ogre ®� to furnish' equipments materials or supplies listed below in accoF dance �w�th. the specifications on file in the office of the dillage Clerk and which are attached hereto, SCHEDULE Or PRICES ITEM NO. DESCRIPTI0N AMOUNT 1 Current Model 0 314 Ton Pickup Truck Cash Price as per attached specifications No Trade in. / Amount of Federal Tax to be deducted from above Cash Price �p NET CASH PRICE . . . . . . o Equipment to be completely serviced by Dealer before unit is delivereds subj� to inspection and approval by the Village of Edina. No material deviation from the specifications will be permitted. It is agreed that equipment will be delivered tri thin 30 days after award by Council. Equipment to be delivered F.O,B, 4801 West 50th Streets Edinas Minnesota. Enclosed herewith is. (certified check) (bid bond) in the amount of­.* / "a Dollars' being at least five percent (5 %) of the Amount of the proposal made payable to the Village of Edina as a proposal guarantee which it is agreed by the undersigned will be forfeited in the event equipments materials and supplies are not delivered or furnished if contract for same is awarded to the under - signed, Kwm of Individuals Partner or Corporation 0j, Address euz Authorized Signature - --�-�� Title e NOTE: Bids to be opened atooclock P.M, . '1.-2 195 -Y. V.1- uNGE OF EDINA IEW0,P111 CO- i z s 14IN E"OTA BIDS TO BE TAKEA3 . Of Pp.r 41 SPEC v SCATIONS FM �� PICKUP BODY IRUCK rIINIIIIPZI EQUIPP N TO BE ISUPPLIEDa 1, Fox size - Ninfimm �- Length 96f, D Width Height 160 to flare 2. 0.11 Filter 3. Air Clear m (Oil. Ba'Lh) 6 Tire Size -'7.00 x 179 6 ply 5. Color - Black 6a Biampers - Front and Rear 79 Shocks m Front ,arxi Rear �o Dual Wipers 9. No's m 215 Cu. Inches or more 100 Gross Vehicle 416i &t - 5400 lbs. 11. Transmission - 3 Spseds 12. Turn . S3ga?als 13. Spare WhGel and Tire 14. Fresh Air Tie Heated' and Defroster NOTE: Bids to he opened at o°elock P.M. 7p °qw o L'!•.•,.. . SPECIFICATiOI':S FCR 3!4 TMI PICKUP BODY `17,iiUCK 1'iODE'L -- — °S� "' YEAR s._.�°� IT 2. GROSS VEHICLE 71,1GHT : _ � Zoo LBS . . WdEE►,BASE • � INCHES% C.A. DSIMN IONS �� /` INCHES. Sao Eii 1I`!,: I+IQ. OF CYL1IIRS30RSEPOI+TER RPN;. P E STONT DISPL1Cr VIMT -- •�� CiJ.M. 5„ TIRES: MAKE l/( d SIZE o o X PLY 6. BODY SIZE: WAD DENGM o IM. 14 —IDTH INSIDE � IN. MIGHT���II�. I ?o HEIC" T TO BOTT' IA CE FL•AREBOARDSa -- INCHES. 6,, OIL l3A`1I AIR CLEkPTE-11 t YE-8 V Pao THERiIOS'TAT a YES ENO 9. M.BIDDEROS SIGNATURE DATE OIL s IL ER, RI EPMCEABLE CARTRIDGE TIM: YES NO 0. GENERATOR: 1AIS " CAPACI`d'Y, C OLD . CfU TPUT AMPS. ✓ 11. T'iMMOSTA T IN RADIATOR HOSE .e Oft CYLINDER MAD 12. DOTAL AUTOMATIC InMMSHIELD WIPERS: YES NO'. �. 13. DASH ENGIM, HEAT INDICATOR: TES _✓ NO 4 ✓ 14. DASH OIL PRESSURE GAUGE: YES NO - . 15, DASH GASOLINE LE7EL GAUGE: YES VO 16. DASH HEADLIGHT BEAM INDICATORa 110 a 17. REAR—VIEW' IIERROR, v YES NO 0 3.8. FRESH AIR TYPE HOT WATER HEATER WITH DEFROSTER EQUIMENT a YES 19. APPROVED WAY ELECTRICAL TURN SIGNALS: YES NO 20. SHOCK ABSORBERS, FRONT AND REAR: YES NO 21. FRONT BUMPERSt YES NO a REAR BMIPERSt.YES NO o °' ✓ 22. SPARE WHEEL: YESY fd0 . SPARE TIRE CARRIER: YES NO o 23. UNDERCOATING TO CONFORM TO S ICATIONSa YES NO ✓ ., 24. TOOLS FURNISHED: DESCRIBE �� X M.BIDDEROS SIGNATURE DATE j. VILLAGE OF F-DIMA HCNNEPM COUNT', MIMMESOTA PROPOSAL FOR-_ 3/4 TON PICKUP BODY TRUCK TO: The Village Council of Edina$ Minnesota The undersigned hereby agrees to furnish$ equipment$ materials or supplies listed below in accordance grith the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clark and which are attached hereto, SCHEDULE CF PRICES TE14 NO DESCRIPTION MOUNT 1 Current Model 0 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Cash Price as per attached specifications No Trade in. 1574.35 Amount of Federal Tax to be deducted from above Cash Price 107.00 - y .f NET CASH PRICE a , . 9 , . , 1467.135 Equipment to be complete].., serviced by Dealer before unit is delivered., subject to inspection and approval by the Village of Edina. No material deviation from the specifications will be permitted. It is agreed that equipment will be delivered within 30 days after at:ard by Council. Equipment to be delivered F.O.B. 4801 West 50th Street, Edina$ Hinms ta, Enclosed herewith is (certified check) (bid bond) in the err!ount of 0 73.50 Dollars, being at least five percent (5 %) of the Anount of the proposal made p4able to the Village of Edina as a proposal guarantee which it is agreed by the undersigned will be forfeited in the event equipment., materials and - supplies are not delivered or fua^nished if contract for same is awarded to the under- signed. HM: Warae of Individual $ Partner or Corporation DAHLBElRG BROTHERS INC Address Authorized Signature I 'ov 3 '5�' '�4-W _11° Title VICE PRESIDELQT Bids to be opened at clock Palo 195;0 df ~ • V4 ..f• T ;ANA FOR SPivTFICATIMMS FOR 3, TO ?. FICYiJP BODY `i'I?UC 1. 19M FORD MODELSERIES -2.5,0 EXPRESS 2, ' GROSS VEHICM WEIGHT: 5800 - ?� 3. '6WELBASE 118 INCHES; C.A. DIMENSIONS 48.5 INCHES. 4. Fmm, : No. of cy-Lu ERS 6 . HORSEPCFPIFR AT 3906 RPM. PISTON DISPLACEFIENT 223 CU.111. Firestone or 5, TIRESa MADE ec ual SIZE 700"17 PLY 6 6, BODY SIZE: LOAD LMgGT•i 96 I1M. WIDrA IMIDE 54 33. HEIGHT _22.1 IN. 7. HEIST TO BOTTIM OF FIAREBOARDS: 17" INCHES, 8. OIL BATH AIR C �� s YES # NO THERMOSTAT: YES # NO 9, OIL FILTER, REPLACEABLE CARTRIDGE TYPE: YES # NO- 35 imp 10. GENERATOR: rME Ford CAPACITY, COLD OQTPU9250 watt AMPS. 11, THERMOSTAT IN RADIATOR HOSE � OR CYLINDER HEAD # 32, DUAL AUT017ATIC TTINDSHIELD WIPERS: YES' # NO 13, DASH ENGINE HEAT IN -DICATOR: YES # NO 14, DASH OIL PRESSURE GAUGE: YES # NO 15, DASH GASOLINE LEVEL GAUGE: YES # NO 16. DASH HEADLIGHT BEAM INDICATOR: YES # NO e 17, REAR -VIEW MIRROR: YES # NO . 18. FRESH AIR TTPE HOT WATER HEATER WITH DEFROSTER EQUIPMENT9 YES # NO 19, APPROVED 4-WAY ELECTRICAL TURN SIGNALS: YES # m . 20. SHOCK ABSORBERS, FRONT AND REAR: YES # NO , 21. FRONT BUMPERS: YES # No a REAR BUMPERS: YEAS # NO . 22. SPARE WHEEL: YES # NO . SPARE TIRE CARRIER: YES # No 23, UNDERCOATING TO CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS: YES NO Optiowl'. 24. TOOLS FURNISHED: DESCRIBE Jack and Wheel Wrench BIDDERS SIGN A'Y'tTi3E DATE 3/22/54 - �4 HENINEP0 COUNTY H:.NICSOTA PROPOSAL FOR 3/4 TON PICKUP BODY RRUCK TO: The Village Council of Edinae Ydnnesota The undersigned hereby agrees to furnish,, equipment., materials or supplies_ listed below in accordance with the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk And which are attached hereto, SCHEDULE. OF PRICES ITEM N0, DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 Current Model - A Ton Fickup Truck Cash Price as per attached specifications No 'made in® of Amount of Federal Tax to be deducted from above Cash Price 90 y� NET CASH PRICE a o a o Equipment to be completely serviced by-Dealer before unit is delivered,, subject to inspection and approval by the Village of Edina. No material deviation from the specifications will be permitted, It is agreed that equipment will be delivered within 30 days after award by Council, Equipment to be delivered F.O.B. 1801 'Jest 50th Street., Edina, Minnesota. Enclosed herewith is (certified check) (bid bond) in the amount of 80 "`.'p Dollars, being at least five .percent (5 %) of the Amount of the prop e payable to the Village of Edina as a proposal guarantee which it is agreed by the undersigned will be forfeited in the event equipment, materials -and supplies are not delivered or furnished if contract for same is awarded to.the under- signed, Name of Individual, Partner or Corporation J • lu op v Address �9a.r . �•�KF - aiy� l3 Authorized Signature Title NOTE: Bids to be opened at o °clock 'P.M. A2 195 -V0 NOTE& Bids to be opened at > o'clock P.M. 2 1950 (FILLY' ; OF EDIW-k HEM SPIN COUWY, HiNtESO` A BIDS TO IrE TA.i N SPECUICA.TIONS FCR PICTIM BODY TRUCK MINL% N EQUIPiEUT TO BE SUPPLIED: 1. Box size - P 1nimm Lerg ^�� a 96n Wid -di - I�B� Height - 160 to flare 2.• Oil Filter 3o Air Cleaner M (oil Bath) , 4o 'dire Size - 7000 x 179 6 Pte' 5. Colo Black 60 Bumpers Front and Rear 7. Shocks Front and Rear 8. Dual. Wipers 99 No'tor - 215 Cu..Imhes or more l0c, Gross ®dL`ele Weight m 5400 lbs.. . 32o Trans- adssion - 3 Spesda 3.2. %m Sisals 13. Spare Wheel and Tire 14o Fresh Air Type Beater and Defroster NOTE& Bids to be opened at > o'clock P.M. 2 1950 ,_ " QU SPECIFICATIONS FCR 3/14 a mi PIC m P mn ` r-,ucK .� 16 -A.KE `T d R 'k, It`i0z;1L � ;!!;-o YEAR � �f 2,. GRZOSS VEHICLE, WEIGHT: LBS . 3, 1-09EELBA_SE As INCHES; C.A. DIT'ENSIONS �� � INCHES° 4. ENGINT,,: 110. OF CYLIl0ERS b ° HORSEP%JER l T 3900 RPM, PISTON DISPL1110alENT Z 2. I CU, IN, 5. TIRES: MAKE -rlwtP � AGIZE 2c PLY 6, BODY SIZE: LOAD L sG7R71 96- ° Ij`• WIDT-A INSIDE �g `F IN. i�IGHT IN. 7, HEIGHT 10 BOTI'OIq ,OF FLAREPOAR.DSs INCHES, 8, OIL BA'XH AIR CL J U,:i r YES X FJO THERMOSTAT: YES I NO 9 °. OIL FILTER, REPLkCEABLE CARTRIDGE TYPE : YES NO 10, GMEIERATOR: MAKE 40, ! CAPACITY, COLD CUTPUT 36, AMPS, 11, TilERMOSTAT IN RADIATOR ROSE OR CYLINDER HEAD / 120 DUAL AUT0;IATIC TrrTTDSHIELD WIPERS: YES NO ' 0 3,3, DASH 'ENGIIJE HET INDICATOR: YES NO 140 DASH OIL PRESSURE GAUGE: YES NO 15, DASH GASOLINE LEVEL GAUGE: YES No 16, DASH HEADLIGHT BEAM INDICATORS YES No , 170 REAR-VM4 I MIRRCAI: YES X NO 180 FRESH AIR TIPE HOT WATER HEAT WITH, Lyw- FROSTEFi EQUIPMENT: YES x NO 190 APPROVED 4 -WAY ELECTRICAL TURN SIGNALS: YES ® NO • 20, SHOCK ABSORBERS, FRONT AND REARS YES P10 210 FRONT BUNPERSS YES NO : REAR BUMPERS: YES NO �• 22, SPARE WHEEL: YES ! NO �, SPARE TIRE CARRIER: YES NO 230 UNDERCOATING TO CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS: YES P30 , 24, TOOLS FURNISHED: DESCRIBE Ida - I Ilz rl -roll,/ BIDDER °S SIGNATURE \" DATE YILIrn GE, C.J Fil i.4 -1+ HENIqEPIN COUNZY, f S'SOTIi PROPOSAL FOR 3/4 TON PICKUP BODY TRI UCK T0: The Village Council of Edinae Mnnesota The u- ndersigned hereby agrees Ito furnishs equipments materials or supplies listed beloi-r in actor dance i-r1 h the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk and which are attached hereto, SCHEDULE OF PRICES Tq NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 Current Model 0 3/4 Ton 'Pickup Truck Cash Price as per attached specifications No Trade in. 1546.79 Amount of Federal Tax to be deducted from above Cash Price 85• �5 NET CASH PRICE . . . . o . . 1546.79 Equipment to be completely serviced by Dealer before unit is delivereds subject to inspection and approval by the Village of Edina. No material deviation from the specifications will be permitted. It is agreed that equipment will be delivered within 30 dais after ward by Council, Equipment to be delivered F.O.B. 4801 West 50th Streets Edina, Minnesotao Enclosed herewith is (certified check) {bid bond) in the amount of` 7 008 Dollars, being at least five percent (5 %) of the Amount-of the proposal made . payable to the Village of Edina as a proposal guarantee Which it is agreed by the undersigned Will be forfeited in the event equipment, materials and supplies are not delivered or furnished if contract for same is awarded to the under@ signedo Nary of Individuals Partner or Corporation GROSSMAN CHEVROLET CO. INC. Address 1304 E, Lake St. Authorized Signature Title ck Manage NOTEa Bids to be opened at. L02clock Porto . SlP CY'.'ICAT.i:.jNS i C41 3/4 TON PICKUP BODY TTRUCIK a MAKE NOD- .31a C7 YEAR 4 • y 20 GROSS VEHICLE HEIGHT: ���o� LBS. 3. F HEEEL SE 45 INCHES; C .A. DIMENSIONS G' / INCHES. . Et�GTINE: PIO. OL' Cummmss S / ; . HORSEPO`4ER AT .._a O RPM. PISTON < ff 2 3 S� S� cu. I T. 50 /DISPL�!Ca- TIRES: l�'�Ii /�a �� •• � to 5 %& SIZE � J 7 PLY 4-0 6. �ood BODY S'1 "7E: L{?z1D �,Ei3GTG�3 IAI. WIDTH IMIDE S O IN. HEIGHT AIN. 70 E( i•T TO BOTTOTI Or FLAREBOARDSs — 9/A IIJMS. 8� OIL BATH AIR CMME—lit YES -)�- NO .�.0 THERMOSTAT: YES 2- 190 9. OIL FILTER, REP LkCEABLE CARTRIDGE TIDE: YES NO 10® GENERATOR: MAI {E CAPACITY, COLD GU�"T�PUtT AMPS, 11, THERMOSTAT IN RADIATOR HOSE e OR CYLINDER HEAD Tit , „o S!d 7•e mod s 12. DUAL AUTOMATIC �7INDSHIELD WIPERS: YES NO . 13. DASH ENGINE HEAT INDICATOR: YES NO . 314. DASH OIL PRESSURE GAUGE: YES NO . 15. DASH GASOLINE LEVEL GAUGE: YES X NO . 16. DASH HEADLIGHT BEAM INDICATORa YES a X NO 17. REAR-VIEW NIRROR: YES NO 18. FRESH AIR TYPE HOT WATER HEATER WITH DEFRCMER EQUIPMENT# YES NO 19. APPROVED 4-14AY ELWTRICAL TURN SIGNALS: YES X m 20. SHOCK ABSORBERS, FRONT AND REAR: YES y NO . 21. FRONT BUMPERS: YES NO REAR BUMPERS: YES NO . 22. SPARE 14HEEL: YES NO . SPARE TIRE CARRIER: YES NO . 23. UNDERCOATING TO CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS: YES NO � � �' � � tj o � 24,,. TOOLS FURNISHED: DESCRIBE Ta c- (t Y- L y �- LJ t- -e A( C WOMAN CHEVROLET Co. BIDDERVS SIGNATURE �. % DATE h 19., 1954. 9IDLkQE OF EDI14A HENNEPIN COUNTY, P1ENNESOTA BIDS TO BE TAKEN " �� f 5 CK SPECIFICATIONS FOH -a; 15141 PICKUP BODY TRUCK MINI1111M EQUIPFMU TO BE SUPPLIEDs 1, Box size Minima Length - 96" Width 48" Height -1611 to flare 20 Oil Filter 3, Air Clean -ar - (021 Bach) 4o Tire Size - 7.00 x 17' 6 Ply 5, Color a Black 60 Bumpers o Front and Rear 7, Shocks - Front and Rear 8, Dual Wipers 9, Motor m 215 Goa, Imhes or more 10, cross Vehicle Weight m 5400 1bs, ll, Transrdssion m 3 Speeds 22, T;rn Sigoa s. 13, Spare Mheel and Tire 14 o Fresh Air Tie Heater and Defroster NOTE Bids. to be opened at O o °clock P.M. G� %o� 195 �/ , PROPOSAL FOR 3/4 TON PICKUP BODY TRUCK TO: The Village Council of Edina, Minnesota The undersigned hereby agrees to furnish, equipment, materials or supplies listed below in accordance with the specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk and which are attached hereto, SCHEDULE OF PRICES ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I Current Model - 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Cash Price as per attached specifications No Trade in, 1Gf6.� Amount of Federal Tax to be deducted from above Cash Price oa NET CASH.PRICE , , , . , . , •% Equipment to be completely serviced by Dealer before unit is delivered,' subject to inspection mid approval by the Village of Edina. No material deviation from the specifications will be permitted, It is agreed that equipment will be delivered within 30 dvs after award by Council. Equipment to be delivered F,O,B, 1801 Test 50th Street,' Edina, Ninve _ Enclosed herewith is (certified check) (bid bond) in the mount of Dollars, being at least five percent (50 of the Amount of the propos made payable .to the Village of Edina as a proposal guarantee which it is agreed by the undersigned mill be forfeited in the event equipment, materials and supplies are not delivered or furnished if contract for same is awarded to the under- signed. % Kama of Individual, Partner or Corporation NOTE: Address Authorized Signature Title Bids to be opened at o °clock P.M. s „3. Al. VILLAGE OF EDINA T HENNEPIN COMM,, XENMSOTA BIDS TO BE TAKEN SPECIFICATIONS FCRs PICKUP BODY TRUCK MlNnM EQUIMMT TO BE SUPPLMs 1. Box size MMIMUM length . Width -x.90 Height - 16D to flaxe 20. Oil Filter 3. Air Cleaver (Oil Bath) 4o Tire Size - 7.00 x 17., 6 ply 5. Color m Black 6. Bumpers Front and Row 7. Shocks, ® Front arxi Rear 8. Dual 11 pars 90 Motor - 215 Cu. Inches or more 10. Gross Vehicle llbigbt ® 5400 3bs. 32o Tramdssion - 3 Speeds 12. Turn Signals 13o Spare Wheel and Time 144 Fresh Air Type Beater and Defroster HOTE-t Bids to be opened at ro0clock P.M9 IL95 A,( SPECIFICAT!Oiq.S ii OR � ")T'T i'ICKUP roby `i'RU'C3, 1. M- KE ¢ - - _ MODEL 2, GROSS VEHICLE WrLIGHT: (o /O 01 3. E- 9EELBASE _4Ll � INCHES; C.A. DIM 4. ENGU. ME : HO., OF GYLIHDERS PISTON DISPLACEDN + T �4 5. TIRES:. FAKE SIZE .., 6. BODY SIZE: LOAD LENGTH � IN. W 7, HEIGHT. TO BOTT%1 OF FLAREBOARDS: 8, OIL BATH AIR CLEA : YES X TO T 9. OIL FILt'ER, REPLIkCEABLE CARTRIDGE TYPE: 10. GENERATOR: PIAK'E CAPACITY, C 11. T"tiE 40STAT IN RADIATOR HOSE' 4AW � 12. DUAL AUT6gIATIC j °]11-FDSHIELD WIPERS: YES 5-D YEAR 9 A- .. ONS INCHES. EPOIdER //S AT RPM CU.IN. D o Z/ PLY C? 3 INSIDE f �' IN. HEIGHTa2-;�, / IN. INCHES, T: YES X NO NO OUTPUT °5' ATTPS, CYLINDER HEAD NO . 13. DASH ENGINE HEAT INDICATOR: YES 14, DASH OIL PRESSURE GAUGE: YES X I NO , 15. DASH GASOLINE LEVEL GAUGE: YES j< PTO 16. DASH HEADLIGHT BEA14 INDICATOR: YES j NO 17. REAR -VM- I TrJRROR : YES NO 18. FRESH AIR TYPE HOT WATER BEATER WITH DEFROISTER EQUIPMENT: YES s PTO . I 19, APPROVED 4-wAY ELECTRICAL TARN SIGNALS: YES ®® No • 20, SHOCK ABSORBERS, FRONT AND REAR: YES i I NO 21. FRONT BT1PERS: YES x NO a REAR BUMPERSs YES NO �. 22. SPARE WHEELS YES NO �. SPARE TIRE CARRIER: YES NO 230 UNDERCOATING TO CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS: YES NO , 24. TOOLS FURNISHED: DESCRIBE BIDDERDS SIGNATURE DATE MAILING LIST FOR - AD FOR BIDS - PICK UP TRUCK - TAKING BIDS 3/22/54 1. Downtown Chev. Co., 1666 Hennepin Ave. 2. Grossman Chev. Co., 1304 E. Lake St. 3. Suburban Chev. Co., 1201 Harmon Place Li. Dahlberg Bros., Hopkins 5e Boyer-x -3 n, llflla 1201 Harmon Place 6. Anderson Motor Co., 1201 E. Lake St. 7. Dependable Motors, 600 So. 7th St. —go Hartzell Motor -Co., Minneapolis 10 I 1 l i • VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA Suburban Chevrolet Co. 1106 Excelsior eve* Hopkins, Minn. Gentlemen: We are returning herewith your certified check in the amount of $. 7340 which you submitted with your bid taken March 22j, on a pick up truck. We wish to thank you for your interest and trust we may hear from you in the future. BMJ Yours truly, VILLAGE, OF EDINA BY 1-• ?fttYff?YF" Clerk 3 VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA Mw 12, 1954 Downtown Chev. Co. 1666 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. Gentlemen: We are returning herewith your certified check in the amount of $ 145 *0 % which you submitted with your bid taken March 22, 1954, on a pick up truck* We wish to thank you for your interest and trust we may hear from you in the future. BMJ Yours truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Deputy TMORYM Clerk El VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA My 12, 1954 Dahlberg Broe,i Inc* filth and Excelsior Hopkins, Minn* Gentlemen: We are returning herewith your certified check in the amount of 673,50 which you submitted with your bid taken March 222 19540 on a pick — up truck. We wish to thank you for your interest and trust we may hear from you in the future. am Yours truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY Deputy Rommam Clerk VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA Mov 120 1954 H,J.tsinar Co. 2905 E. Lake Street MirmoapoUz, Unn. Gentlemen: We are returning herewith your certified check in the amount of $80,00 which you submitted with your bid taken March 22j 1954= on a pick-up truck. We wish to thank you for your interest and trust we may hear from you in the future. BMJ Yours truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA Navy 120 1954 Grossman Chev. Co., Inc. 1300 E. Lake St. Minneapolis, Unn,. Gentlemen: We are returning herewith your certified check in the amount of 6 73 *08 which you submitted with your bid taken March 22, 1954, on a pick —up trucko We wish to thank you for your interest and trust we may hear from you in the future. Yours truly, VILLAGE, OF EDINA BY Deputy ftwv= Clerk BMJ \ VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA May 128, 1954 Boyer & Gilf'iilan Motor Co, 1201 Harmon Place Minneapolis, Mir-no Gentlemen: We are returning herewith your certified check in the amount of $80000 which you submitted with your bid taken March 22, 1954, on a pick up truck* We wish to thank you for your interest and trust we may hear from you in the future. Yours truly, VILLAGE OF EDINA BY BMJ Deputy RkRffdUM Clerk VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA ex year Gross Vehicle Weight - Lbs. `-4heelbase Inches C.A. Dimensions Inches Engine:No. of Cylinders Horsepower R.P.M. Piston Displacement a Cia. In. Make of Ti res- Sitie of Tires Ply of Tires Load Length ®Inches Width Inside (BodySizo) Inches Height (BodySize) I.n.ci;es Height to Bottom of slareboards Inches Oil Bath Air 'leaner Thermostat Oil Filter,Replaceable Cartridge Make of Generator Capacity,Cold Output m Amps Thermostat In, TAMIATIOW OF BIDS. 250 Bide Reed 3f22/54 Yes Yes Yes Tabulated 3/23/54 Express :1/4 TON PICKUP BODY TRUCK Yes Yes 1954 BY: S.R. Mitchell 1954 1954 1954 Rego Engineer 5400 5800 i Suburban Downtown Dahlberg H.J.Minar Grossman Boyer. 6900 Chev.Do. Chev. Bros. 125 Chev. Co Gilfilla: ;ash Price v No .Trade in 1537.57 1574.35 1580,01 1546.79 1686.47 1a8a1,- � 30.38 48.5 484 mount of Fed. Tax to be Deducted 6 6. _.rom Cash Price 85.25 86.85 .107.00. 90.28 85.25 . 83.00 `et Cass Price 1445.13 1450.72 1467035 1489.73 1546.79 1603.47 ',ake Chev. Chev. Ford Ford Chev. Ford Model 3604 3604 Series F250 3604 F250 year Gross Vehicle Weight - Lbs. `-4heelbase Inches C.A. Dimensions Inches Engine:No. of Cylinders Horsepower R.P.M. Piston Displacement a Cia. In. Make of Ti res- Sitie of Tires Ply of Tires Load Length ®Inches Width Inside (BodySizo) Inches Height (BodySize) I.n.ci;es Height to Bottom of slareboards Inches Oil Bath Air 'leaner Thermostat Oil Filter,Replaceable Cartridge Make of Generator Capacity,Cold Output m Amps Thermostat In, Dual Automatic Windshield _Nipers Dash Engine Heat Indicator Dash Oil Pressure Gauge Cyl. Dyl. 250 Head Yes Yes Yes Yes Express Yes Yes Yes 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 5400 5800 5800 6900 5800 6900 125,14 125 118 118 1254 118 484 1a8a1,- 48.5 48.5 484 48.8 6 6 6. 6 6 6 112 112 115 115 112 115 37 0J 3700 3900 3900 3700 3900 23 5. 5 235.5 223 223 ., 235.5 223- 1 t US or Fire- Good- USRoyal Stan - Line Equal stone Year Fire- dard Equal Fire- stone stone Good rich 700:17 700x17 700x17 700x17 700x17 700x17 6 6. 6 6 6 6 90 90 96 96 90 . 96 50 50. 54 48.4 50. 48.5 17 9/16 17 9/16 *22.1 22_.1 17 9/16 22;1 17 9/16 17 17 19.4 17 9/16 19.+4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye -s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes. Yes Yes Yes Delco Delco' Ford Ford Delco Own Remy 45 45 35amp 35 45 35 250watt Dual Automatic Windshield _Nipers Dash Engine Heat Indicator Dash Oil Pressure Gauge Cyl. Dyl. Head Head Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cyl. Head Yes Yes Yes Cyl. Cyl. Cyl. Head Head Head Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes P PR (2) ..1'Ah Gasoline Level Gauge Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YE, ash Headlight Beam Indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye [= ear -View Mirror Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YE Fresh Air Type Hot Water Heater with '10froster Equipment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YE Approved 4-way Electrical Turn Signals Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YE IDiock Absorbers, Front & Rear Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YE ont Bumpers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye. fear Bumpers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YE `pare Wheel- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YE. Spare Tire Carrier Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YE Undercoating to Conform to Specifications No No No Optional No._ No a :tz)ols Furnished aA kf X c x r 15 a ® r ro n A n I - /U, DEEP NEIL TtMINE PUMP CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEIVIE T - I9sY THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 23rd day of August between the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, existing under the laws •f the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Municipality, Party of the First Part, and __ IAYNE-)0201ESOTA CO* of Sn3140 e Ave., Minnelis Minnesota _._..� -ink a o _.L.. —��.. _ hereinafter called. the Contractor, Party.of the Second Part, WITNESSETF: Article 1. The Contractor, for and in consideration of the payment, or payments, herein specified, and by the Municipality to be made, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish all materials, all necessary tools and equip- ment, and to do and perform all. the work and labor necessary for the FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF ONE DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMPS MU!POR _AND CONTROL, .. iT SITE OF NEW TOWER AND TANK .NEAR CONCORD GRADE in strict conforn;i.ty with the plans and specifications and general contract g tract conditions prepared therefor, which are now on file in the office of the clerk of said Municipality. Said plans, specifications.and general contract conditions are hereby referred to and made a part of this contract to the same extent as if herein set fortis, and the same, together with this contract, are herein referred to as the Contract Documents. Article 2. The Contractor agrees to commence said work as herein provided for at the ea.rl.J.est practicable date and in any event riot later than SEVEN DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF WRITTEN ORDER FROM THE VILLAGE and to prosecute the same diligeritl-17 and without delay, arid to have the work entirely completed in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the engineer, WITHIN SIXTY CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS THEREAFTER, 3, The Contractor. further agrees to make, , execute and deliver to the. Municipality a bond executed by himself and a surety company approved by the Council of the PTunicipality, in the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND FORTY -SIX AND N0 1100 Dollars ($7,546.00 ) . for the use of said �u.nicipality and of all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, ma.ch.nery cr materials under or for the purpose of r this contract, to secure the faithful perfornb.nce of this contract by said by said Contractor and to be conditioned as required by Sec. 4535 of the Revised craws of 14mesota for 1905, as amended., and this contract shall not become effective until said bond has been received and approved by the Gouncil ¢ . the Hunicipality. Article 4. In consideration of the covenants and agreemen':s stated above, the Municipality agrees to pay the Contractor the swn mentioned in the propasal or bid of said contractor, which is Trade a part of this contract and attached hereto. Installment payments, if any, on account of imrk done and the materials furnished by said contractor under this contract and actually in place in said improvement, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the general contract conditions and final payment t1lerefor shall be due and payable on or before T.ii1,RTY clays after roceaipt by the Council of the Luhicipality of a certificate by the engineer that the-work-has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the contractor and the opinion of the hunicipality's attorne -v -that the i•:un .cipulity is then obli�a.ted to pay the sum contracted for herein. IN ,_ITNESJS . :ii u�, ;OF, First Party here-Lo h:.s caused these presents to be signed in its behalf by its duly V thorized officers anal its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and ,Second Pax-Ly­has caused its duly authorized officers .to sign szm:-ie in its behalf. ifITIJESSED BY: JITNESSED BY: rL t -Vl:iLI . Bi ,OAK_ �,V_ill' ge Clerk 1211 r ,-'.�ntrac�tJo'r BY_..— v BY ,. STATE OF .... MINNESOTA ) .......... County of ...... HENNEP l N 1 On this ,,.........32TH ................ day of ,,,,,,,A UGUST ......... 195` , before me, a Notary Public in and for said' Count personally appeared LEON F/ TZGERA L D Y, P Y PP ............................................... ..................... ............................... . Personally known to me who being by me sworn did state that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corpor- poration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, that the seal affixed'to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and further acknowledged that the said instrument arid the execution thereof to be the volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, by him voluntarily executed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at ....... bf / N.NEA . .POL /..8 ............. .................................................... J 14. NAlES0. TA................................................................................ the day and year last above written. My. Co expires G°AlJVIN A.�il' • 11c ary Public, flennenin County, Minn. r Commission Expires May 13, 188E 19 .. ........................................... : ... ......... Notary Pub c B-1015 _ I I ^1 L UNITED PA&CIFFIC Ce romp Bond Mo. HOME OFFICE - TACOMA. WASHINGTON 150630 FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT CONTRACT POND KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS, That we, LA YNE MINNESOTA COMPANY as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Washington corporation, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA as Obligee, in the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY SIX AND N0110 0 Ls Dollars ($ 7, 546. 0 for which sum, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas on the 30 TH day of AUGUST 19 54 the Principal entered into a contract with the Obligee for FURNISHING AND INSTALLING PUMP FOR THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA. which contract is by reference made a part hereof and is hereafter referred to as the Contract. Now, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall indemnify the Obligee against loss or damage arising by reason of the failure of the Principal to perform said contract according to its terms and conditions or to pay for labor performed or material furnished in connection with the performance of said contract, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this day of 19 30 TH AUGUST 54 Principal UNI ED PACIFIC IN RANCE COMPANY BY LEON FITZG-ERAV V '-y-in-faci FORM B-1316. CONTRACT • PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT 11M ED PACIFIC No. 9T1m,rance CompaZy_, FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Washington, having its principal offices in the city of Tacoma, Washington, pursuant to authority granted by By -Law No. 37 -A of its By -Laws, which reads as follows: "The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice - President of this Corporation, shall have authority to appoint in writing such attorneys -in -fact as the business of the Company may require, and to authorize such attorneys -in -fact, and each of them, to execute on behalf of the Company, any bonds, recognizances, stipulations, contracts of indemnity and other undertakings of like character, or to exercise any lesser number of said powers as hereinbefore set forth. "Said appointments shall be attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of this Corporation under its seal. The President, any Executive Vice - President, any other Vice - President, any Assistant Vice - President, or any Resident Vice- Presi- dent may revoke any appointment made pursuant hereto, and revoke any and all authority conferred by any such appointment." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, The execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Tacoma, Washington, in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be 'signed by its- -- ---------- ------ --- ---- - - ---- ----Vice- President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, this -- ------------------------------ - - - - -- -day of------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -, 19......... UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Attest- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- By ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- (SEAL) Assistant Secretary Vice - President STATEOF .................................. .. ......... � ss. Countyof ..................................................... On this .... .... ...... .............. . ..... ..............day of...-......... .- ...- ..- ..........--- .- ....... ....................... 19............. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of .......................... ......... .. ..... ......... ...... duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared..--.....-.......-....---------..-..-........-.-...............-.--...--... ....- ........-- ------- -........ and....................... _ .............. _ ...................................... _ ...................... _ ......... .. .................................................. to me known to be the .............................. Vice - President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ........................ .... ........ ................... ............................... .. ... ...................... ... ................ STATE OF ........................................... Notary Public in and for the State of ..................................... ....... ............. .... ....... County of ....................... ................... ........... ss. residing at ...................................................................................... ......... .............. ........ I . .................................................................................. ......... .- .- ................ -, Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the copy of By -Law No. 37 -A, set forth in the foregoing instrument, is a true copy of said by -law and now in force, and I do hereby further certify that the Power of Attorney above set forth was duly and regularly executed by said UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY in its usual form, and that the seal thereto affixed is the corporate seal of said Company, and that said Power of Attorney is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company at the City of ............................... ....... .. ......... ... .. ...... .. this. ........ .... .. ........ ......... day of ..------.....-.-..-.-..........-..-.-. .........- ..- ..........- ......, 19 ... -.... ......................................................................................... ...... ..... .. ....... .. ... ... ... (SEAL) Assistant Secretary STATE OF ................ .............. ... ........ .....Iss. County of ...................... ................... .......... .. I . ..................................................................................... ..... ....... ............ ...... Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument is a true copy of a Power of Attorney duly and regularly issued by said Company, and that the same is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company at the City of .............................................................. this .......... 7- Q- TH........ day of ....... UG US- T .......... .... .......... ........ ......... 19 ..... 54 G ....... .. .. ... ......_ ... . . ta Form B.1027 —Rev. 5- 52— n•m -ral —power of Attnrnev Assisnt Secretary Layne4unnesota Co. 3140 Snel_13ng Ave, Minneapolis Mfihn. Gentlemen: We are enclosing herewith three copies of Contract for Deep t•Fell Turbine Fume. One copy Is for your files: one is for your bonding companyp and one should be exocuted by your �offic3als and returned to us together with the necessary perfoxmande bond and insurance certificate.. Thank you for return of contract at the earliest possible date.. Yours very truly,, VILLAGE OF EDINA Deputy ViMge Clerk�� AirFIDAIIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside . COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - State of Minnesota, ss. — Legal'Notices — Henne County of p --------- - - - - -- ` (Official Publication) - -- VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN, COUNTY, MINNESOTA- ------------ ----- ----- - -Glen 1-- Hs-- Plrfr1- dgQ------------------------------- - - - - -° being duly sworn, ADVERTISEIMUENT FOR BIDS , , DEEP WELL. TURBINE PUMP' NOTICE IS .HEREBY- GIVEN that the on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, j Edina Village-'.Council will meet at the ",. , Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th 8t., Mlitinea- -i0,. 001ia Minn., on Monday, July 12; ----------- ------ --- ----------- ------ - -- -- ------------------------------------------------- 1 s 1954; foY the. purpose of opening and con- sideririg 9edkii bids for the furnishing and -I.-, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and Installation of a water, lubricated electric motor driven' 661Y well Turbine pump, Cap. .r ; has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. 1. 1000'.G.PAd., complete vUith' electric motor,. I I. control • eiluipment', appurtlenaoc'es and ae- 'cessocles. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the 'r a $peciflcakiona Ter: came tiiay ,be hxa 8w tiie Edina' - Village. Hall'. . Advertisement for bids —Deep Well Turbine Pump printed Allbid's must .he sealed and decompa'- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �; led' by _a cash .deposit, certiffEd' check, or bid b d acceptable to the Vil?agc Couiicil, - hereto attached, said' newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- payable Village for nJ. 1. I guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the rt (,,. it ,to,,;the ,Clerk than ten, per cent of, the bid. The,'Vilidgg. 0'u ­11 reserves the right tc - County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and reject any a�f bjasy,� , iB'Y -ORDER TIiF7 V21.)rA�11 COU1V= sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; ,O .OF CIL: has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication i EVALD C. BANK -• ' Village Clerk 11k equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary aterial for preparing and equ V111'age of Edina.L7 �- - ---- = --� -_ - printing the same; -------- - ----- __ ----------------------------------------------------- ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a, person having first hand _ knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ____Advertisement forbids — Deep Well Turbine Pump nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----------- two _---------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ----------- 13t ------------------ day of -July - - -- 1954 and thereafter on ------ - - - - -- Thursday -------- - - - - -- of each week to and including the ------- gth ----- day of -------- July__---- _------------ 19 --- 5-4 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisement for --Dee Well Turbine_ _Pump-------------------------- abcdefghl j klmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before me or - - - - -16 -day of - - - - - -- -July ----------------- 19 - -- 54 - - - - - - - -- - - -- ------ - - - - -- Notary Public, 1 MV 1. ANDEitgFity, Minnesota o aryPuClic, Henne In P� County, Minn. My Commission expires My_Commission JIpifes_JaA;_�, }�Erl -------------- r I ' *AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Of r. 7; • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina- Morningside_`COURIER - y , — LegalN)tices = ^K AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION " (Official 'Publication) " VILLAGE OF EDLNA HE111NEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISE,.r:NT -FOR BIDS �' ®� ) ss. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the � - 110' . County of - -___ —_ _'" ep _— •. Edina 'Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minnea- polie -10,• Minn., on Monday, July 12, { O.exm F£l�3'��$_ being duly sworn, 1954, for the purpose of'opening and cqn- _He _ _______, 1' - ------- ----------------- - - --- ------- --- ----- -- ------------------------- sldering sealed bids for the furnishing and LL installation of a water lubricated electric li on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, motor driven deep ,well turbine pump, 'Cap. - 1000.G.P.M., complete with electric motor, , control equipment, appurtenances and ac- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- cessories. - Specifications for same may ,be had at the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and the Edina Village Hall. led bids-must be' al certified cheeck, ori,. bid bond acceptable to the Village- Council, has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. , payable to the Village 'Clerk for not .less = That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the than ten per cent of the bid., reserves right,. - Advertisement for bids -Deep Well Turbine Pump to reject any or all bids. : ': printed -- - ------- --------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- - - ---- ---------------------------------------------------- �B'Y ORDER iOFuTHE VILLAGE COUN- CIL. # hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- EVALD C. BANK guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the Village Clerk - Village of Edina. _— ? County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; — has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; __________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - _ ------------------------------------------------------ _ has had in its makeup not less than twenty - five:` per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of =,-``= fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has ::' not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents;` plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub= scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said Clualification. That the printed ---- 1ldvert is eraent f or bids - Deep Wen Turbine - Pump - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----------- tvio ------- - - - - -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ----------- lSt ------------------ ay of July 19.54 and thereafter on -------------- t1urs$ay- - --------- of each week to and including the ------- th_____day of _______July_ ___________________ 19___54 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Advertisoment for bids Dee _Well Turbine Pump------------ ----- --- - -- - -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before m thls_____�_ day of ______ °Tu--3'____ ______________ 19__ - Notary Public, ------- He _______ jA14ffff__l:_.ANDft9ty, Minnesota My Commission expires Notary Pt:blic, Hennepin County, Minn. - -- - - -- Nly Commission -�p� - j► AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of - -- ------- - - - - -- — — - - -- -- - — - — — -- FORM• 2, 536/2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - - -- - - -- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------- - - - --- ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -------------------- - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied witliiall _deter a�ie -of sea�j Cq�tr�ty _0l for proofs of its said qualification. Thatthe printed Ac" 84M ------------------------._.------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --- - - - - -- ...__--_____-_..-._-__-_-_---..---- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .......................................... �.... .....day of JUIV .............................. -- - -- 19.54 and thereafter on - - -- -------------------------- of each week to and including the ----------- at_ - - --- --day of--------------- ---- ----.------ ----- .._19 ...... ..; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said_____ ad" rtl6enMt __ for __ ___ __________ bids _______ ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --- -- --------- ..._......... ... -------- --- - -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwayz l% ..--------------°°--------------------------------- -- ------- --.._....---- -- ------- ------------------------------...---- Subscribed and sworn to befoo a this ----- ..... day of . i ✓y......... .........19 am---- ; .... _ -. ;gpN Notary Publ ic, ----- - ---.- ... ry`n �LD1NE Llie _A 11SON CoiiriFp -County, Minnesota. i 03 Jucc 5, 1959. My commission exp ires ----------------------------- -- -------------------- --------- .................................. Otate of Ainntgota, DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP—BIDS ss. CLOSE JULY 12 Edina, � y� Count of 91------------------------------------------------------ Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., --- ---- - - - - -- A -- ---------------- ------------------ - --- -- --- --- - - - - -- -- being duly sworn, Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, July 12, 1954, for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the on oath says that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ----------- - ------------------ __. furnishing and installation of a water lubricated electric motor driven deep ta$eiwtr ftes �i�""yt _ -_. ----------------- -------- - - - --- - - ----- -- we turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., - ---° ---------------- - - -- -- - ---- ------ - - - -- -- ----------- complete with electric motor, control equipment, appurtenances and the publisher_______and printer -------- of the newspaper known as__....__.._______________ _________ ___ ______ ___ ____ ______ acces- sories. . Specifications for same may be had �� ®�,e Un --------------- --- ------- --- ------ --------- - - - - -- -------------------------- ---- -- - -- -------- ------ I and has full -knowledge of the at the Edina Village Hall. facts herein stated. All bids must be sealed and accompa- nied by a cash deposit, certified check, or bid bond acceptable to the Village That for more than one year im diatel� rior to the publication therein of the printed "8 Council, payable to the Village Clerk Ad"rtie►emenL .90 b for not less than ten bid. Percent of the - --- ---- �-------------------------- ---- ------ --- °-- --- ---- ------- --- °- ----- ---- - - - --- --- - °-- -- °-- ------ - -° -.. - -- -- - - - - -- The Village Council hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE known office of publication within the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VILLAGE COUNCIL. ea in County �i1R----- 8------------------- EVALD C. BANK, ----------- of-------Z --- ---------- - - - - -- the of Village Clerk HemepW = --------- -------------------------------------------------------- ---- -------------------- - - - --- ---------- - - - - -, Stale of Minnesota, on TbgdW ............ ....... ....�..____________.__of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preiparing and pr^nting the ___._ - - - -- L ©YI$Lt1It-- -v10i1 - - -- - - -- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------- - - - --- ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -------------------- - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied witliiall _deter a�ie -of sea�j Cq�tr�ty _0l for proofs of its said qualification. Thatthe printed Ac" 84M ------------------------._.------------------------------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for --- - - - - -- ...__--_____-_..-._-__-_-_---..---- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .......................................... �.... .....day of JUIV .............................. -- - -- 19.54 and thereafter on - - -- -------------------------- of each week to and including the ----------- at_ - - --- --day of--------------- ---- ----.------ ----- .._19 ...... ..; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said_____ ad" rtl6enMt __ for __ ___ __________ bids _______ ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --- -- --------- ..._......... ... -------- --- - -- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwayz l% ..--------------°°--------------------------------- -- ------- --.._....---- -- ------- ------------------------------...---- Subscribed and sworn to befoo a this ----- ..... day of . i ✓y......... .........19 am---- ; .... _ -. ;gpN Notary Publ ic, ----- - ---.- ... ry`n �LD1NE Llie _A 11SON CoiiriFp -County, Minnesota. i 03 Jucc 5, 1959. My commission exp ires ----------------------------- -- -------------------- --------- .................................. Affidavit of Publication 'i OF MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FOR rvr2_536 %2—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co.. Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for pre ?grin and printing the ilf _ ----------------- "I - . ------------ ---- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - --- -- - ------------------------------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements,- has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied wi ll Chi for proofs of its said qualification. Thatthe printed --- .:-------------------------- -------------------- ----------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published tw therein in the English language once each week for ..... .___.___.___.._. ----------------------------------------- 5-kw. __ __o successive weeks; that it was first so published on. the_..______..._. .__-- ___- ..._....._- . --�Z_ -... -- -day of -- --w4.- „yf-- ----- 1 19. ,:4 d thereafter on - - -- ----- ---- .... of each week to and including the . ............ t h y ---- - - - -da of----------- ------- ---------------- - - - - - -- - - -- -----19.-------- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said --- . __�.... - .t ... - - _ abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz -------------------------------- . --------------------------------------------------------- .. - ---- - ------ ----- Subscribed and sworn to befo me this_.........�____daXof '. ....__._._..._...19..__..... ........................... Notary Public,- - - -Jf At Ar�P' L�•C{WX .... ... ........... . . . . .. ...County, Minnesota. My commission expires.. - - = - :_: i. -�. Con ^tS� 1lTf ................................ 1;, -, -, ing3. Mate of ftlinnegota, DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP —BIDS ss. CLOSE JULY 12 Edina, Minn. A'.'°`..��j County NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of_______________ ------------------------------------------------------ the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., being duly sworn, Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, July 12, 1954, for the purpose of opening ---- ---------- ------------------------------------.....----- -------------- -- ----- ---------I and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of a water on oath says; that he now is, and during all the tames herein stated has been,--. --- ___ ----------- ___---- lubricated electric motor driven deep � dIk -r. �t �a �., 71^.�r well turbine Pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M.. ... -- - -- -- - --- ---- ----- -- - - --- -- -------- - - --- ---- ------ -- - - - - - -- - - - complete with electric, motor, control equipment, appurtenances and acces- so r i es. the publisher .__.__._and printer __....__of the newspaper known as.. - - - -- - -MA for same may be had lull � .1�:� (m .•'iii and has full knowledge of the at the Edina Village Hall. - -------- ----- ------ -- -------- ---- - - - - -- ------------ -- - -- - -- ------------------------ -- - - - - - -- -- All bids must be sealed and accompa- facts herein stated. nied by a cash deposit, certified check, or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to ithe Village Clerk for less That for more than one year im ediat lv rior to the publication therein of the printed L�1i'!i4.OP not than ten percent of the bid. - ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- --- --------------- --- - ---- - - -- The Village Council reserves the hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. known office of publication within the -------------- - --- ----t-------------------------------------.---------.--.-_--------- --------- EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk `4 -0 V *Oiril��iil `''" in the County of ........ ......_.of._..._.'__...______._ .8 tt - . o-m7 * T% ------------------ - - - - -- -----------------------------------------------------.-..... ---------------------- --- - - - - -. State of Minnesota, on ---- __............._..__....... _._____r_.._..._..._._____of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for pre ?grin and printing the ilf _ ----------------- "I - . ------------ ---- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - --- -- - ------------------------------------------ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements,- has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied wi ll Chi for proofs of its said qualification. Thatthe printed --- .:-------------------------- -------------------- ----------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published tw therein in the English language once each week for ..... .___.___.___.._. ----------------------------------------- 5-kw. __ __o successive weeks; that it was first so published on. the_..______..._. .__-- ___- ..._....._- . --�Z_ -... -- -day of -- --w4.- „yf-- ----- 1 19. ,:4 d thereafter on - - -- ----- ---- .... of each week to and including the . ............ t h y ---- - - - -da of----------- ------- ---------------- - - - - - -- - - -- -----19.-------- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said --- . __�.... - .t ... - - _ abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz -------------------------------- . --------------------------------------------------------- .. - ---- - ------ ----- Subscribed and sworn to befo me this_.........�____daXof '. ....__._._..._...19..__..... ........................... Notary Public,- - - -Jf At Ar�P' L�•C{WX .... ... ........... . . . . .. ...County, Minnesota. My commission expires.. - - = - :_: i. -�. Con ^tS� 1lTf ................................ 1;, -, -, ing3. r ` Affidavit of Publication r OF j MILLER -DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HWNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR -BIDS DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NOTICE IS HMEBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W.50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minne, on Monday, July 12, 1954,.for the purpose of opening and consider- ing sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of a water lubricated electric motor driven deep well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, control equipment, appurte- nances and accessories, Specifications for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed Fnd accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the - 'right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD,C. HANK, Village Clerk Please publish in Edina- Morningside- Courier July 1 and 8. Please send us 2 Affidivits'of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. CONFIRMATION OF ORDER PLACID JUNE 30 1 i (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HWNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR -BIDS DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NOTICE IS HMEBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W.50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minne, on Monday, July 12, 1954,.for the purpose of opening and consider- ing sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of a water lubricated electric motor driven deep well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, control equipment, appurte- nances and accessories, Specifications for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed Fnd accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. The Village Council reserves the - 'right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. EVALD,C. HANK, Village Clerk Please publish in Edina- Morningside- Courier July 1 and 8. Please send us 2 Affidivits'of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. CONFIRMATION OF ORDER PLACID JUNE 30 (� 4 �i r {; r` EDINA, MINN. BIDS CLOSE JULY 120 1954 DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP 11MICE IS == GIM that the Edina Village age Council will meet at 'the Village Hall, 4801 11# 50th Ste • Minneapolis 101, YAM** on Mond-y, July 12, 1954s, for the purpose of opening and coheidel- ing sealed bids for the furniW ing and installation of a water lubricated electric motor driven deep well turbine puap, Cape 1000 G.P.M## conplete with electric. motor, control equipcaemt, appurte- nances amd accessories. Specifications for same my be had at the Edina Village Halle All bide must be sealed and' accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check or bid bond acceptable to the Village Councilp payable to'the Village Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bide The Village Council reserves the ri f� . to reject ate► or all bide. � BY mlim or. v ri'-. vlu. m cOUNGIL. � EVALD C. 1)MK, Village Clerk l Please publish in Edina- Morningside Courier July l and 8, Please send us 2 Affidavits of Publication. .Please send us 10 Clippings. CONFIRMATION OF ORDER PLACED BY TELEPHONE JUNE �0. July 12, 1954 PROPOSAL - EDIANA, MINI ESOTA FURNISHING AT-,D INSTALLATION OF A DEEP WELL TURBIN PUMP IN: The !%Tell on the Site of the New Tot•rer and Tank near the School TO THE VILLAGE COIJT,CIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIT ?A Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, general contract conditions, form cf contract and.detailed. sneci.fication.s, including attached drawings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of.Edina, and is familiar with the site and locati..n of the pro- ject, the work to be done, and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be performed, and hereby pronoses to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment for-the complete construction. of Veep-Well Turbin Pump and to perform such work; all in accordance with the.conti-act documents for the following prices:. Furnish and Install, 1 Deep Well Turbin Pump, Motors and Control in Accordance with Specif:Lcations � Dollars Bid securit in the amount of .being 10% of the high or base bid, accompan- ies this proposal, the same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default. It .is understood by the undersigned that the rig'At is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after . the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor °s bond - 'a.nd execute form of contract rioivr on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced-within' z working days after receipt of irritt,en order from the Village and that it will be fully performed and completed withinQconsecutive calendar days thereafter. ,RESPECTFULLY SUBT!ITTED, I R[ ` Ai, �E VILLAGE OF EDRIA I-I ITTEPIN COUNTY, 11INN. TURBINE PITT-1P SPECIFICATIONS 1. Under this heading, the successful bidder is to furnish and install a water lubricated, electric motor driven, deep well turbine pump, complete with wlectric motor, control equipment and such appurtenances and accessories as hereinafter enumer- ated. 2. Well Conditions. The well in which the pump is to be installed is 500 feet deep, and 1 inches in diameter (O.S.) to depth well below the required setting of the pump bowls. The static water level is 90 feet below the surface; the anticipated drawdown is 65 feet when pimped at the desired- capacity of'1700 G.P.M. 3. Pump Construction. The pump c. p _ be furnished under these specifications is to be a standard well known make, is to be water lubricated, and must in all respects comply with the applicable regulations of local and state health authorities. -The pump is to have a capacity of 1700 GPM when operating against a discharge ressure of 170 feet and a well li4 of 170 feet; or a total head of 340 feet exclusive of all pump column friction loss, at an operating speed of approximately 1760 R.P.M. The. pump discharge head is to be of cast iron, or cast semi - steel, with a smooth well finished surface„ It is to be furnished with a 10" Flanged discharge. The head is to be fitted with a deep stuffing box, and is to be tapped for both drawdown gauge pipe and for well vent pipe, The pump shall be furnished with not less than 170 feet of 10" inch I.D. Steel pipe column measured from base of discharge head to the top connection of the impeller unit, The column is to be the manufacturer's standaed design, with either heavy screwed couplings, -and in lengths not to exceed 10 feet per section. A column bearing shall be furnished at each colum coupling. Each bearing is to be supported in a cast bronze spider. Bearings are to be water lubricated, and are to be of Goodrich Cutless rubber or iqual. The pump column shafting is to be in lengths conforming to the column pipe, and is to be of high quality, high tensile strength steel, and of a diameter sufficiently large to safely transmit the ma,rimur_1 horsepower and thrust imposed by the pump minimum 211. The shaft is to be fitted with a non - corrosive sleeve through each column. Impeller Unit. The impeller unit is to be furnished with a sufficient number of. stages to effectively meet the conditions as stated above. Impellers are to be of cast bronze, mounted on a stainless steel impeller shaft bit means of`a taper sleeve and lock nuts. No key ways shall be cut into impeller `shaft. Impellers may be either of the semi -open or of the enclosed design as re- commended b.• manufacturer. Enclosed impeller pump>+ shall be furnished with wearing rings. Turbine bowls are to be of cast iron, or cast semi - steel, fitted with Goodrich Cutless rubber or equal, water lubricated rubber bearings at the top and the bottom of the impeller unit and in each series bowl. A 10 foot length-of 10 inch suction pipe complete with strainer shall be furnished for installation below the pump bowls. P motor 200 HP 4. Motor Construction.' The pumpAis to beAa s-arurrd well known make of the vertical hollow shaft design, shielded and drip proof, for operation on 3 phase 60 cycle 460 volt service. The rating is to be sufficiently large to operate the pump at any point on submitted pump curve without overload. The motor thrust bearing is to have a rating well in excess of the maximum load imposed by the pump. Motor shall be equipped with non- reve'rsing ratchet, 5. Motor Control. A motor starter shall be provided with sufficient capacity for motor required and for 3 phase 60 cycle 460 volt service and shaILl be of a magnetic reduced voltage type either resistant or automatic transformer disign, it shall pro- vide overload and underload protection. Starter shall be.designed with taps to limit current of not more than 65% of fu.11 voltage starting current. Contractor shall also furnish selector switch.with hand off automatic. 6. Installation. The successful bidder is to install' the pump and motor on a foundation provided by Village. All piping wiring, etc., is to be performed by others. 7. Information with bid. Each bidder is to furnish a complete description on the following: a. make of pump b. capacity and head c. number of stages d. size of bowls e. size of column & shaft f. field efficiency g. make of motor & efficiency h. guaranteed MC /1000.G.P.M. 8. The bidder is to state the length of time required to complete the contract after date of award. Bids to be received on July 12, 1954 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Bids must be accompanied by cash deposit, certified check or bidder's bond in amount equal to 10 per cent of bid, Village reserves the right tc reject an,­ or all bids. EVAZD BADrK Village Clerk Edina, Minnesota i& I IF3TRUCTI ^NS TO DIDDERS B:I1II A, t,1INI ESOTA March 15, 1964 1. Date and Place for Opening Pronosi.ls• Pursuant to the "Invi.tati.on to Bidders". sealed proposals for perforninc, the vork will be received by th :� Edina Village Council, At the time and ola.cc set forth in sail notice, they %.;rill be publicly opened by the Villa 'qe Council and read; tho awarding of the contract, if awarded, will be made by The Edina Village Council as scon therea.ftt.r as practicable . 2; Printed Form for Proposals. All proposals must be made upon the blank form of proposal attached hereto, and should give the unit; prices for.thc work, in figures and must be signed and acknowled.grd :'y the b;idder, in accordance with the directions in the form of proposal. In order to insure considc,rat ion.. the proposal should be enclosed in a sealed envelope, ma.rkeci ".Proposal " f6r type of work (Location) and addressed to Village Clerk, Village of Edina, 4801 ;Vest 50th Street, Edina, i,:innesota.. 3. Omissions and Discrepancies. Should a bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the drawings or other contract documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once notify the•engir.eer who may send a written instruction to all bidders. 4. Acceptance or Rejection of Proposals. The Villar*e of 11 -lina reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. ' 4ithout limitann the ¢c:nerality of the foregoing any proposal -hich is incomrlete, obscure, or irregular may be rejected; any pro- posal having erasures or corrections in the price sheet may be rejected; any pro- posal which omits a bid on any one or more items in the price sheet may be reject- ed; any proposal in Jrhich unit prices are omitted, or in which unit prices are ob- viously unbalanced, may be rejected; any proposal accompanied by an insufficient or irregular certified check may be rejected. 5. Bid Security, All proposals shall be accompanied by eertified check or a cashier's check ui= a national or state bank, located in Linnesota, drawr and made payable to the order of The Village Clerk of Lhe Village of Edina, or a bid bond with a corporate surety in an amount at leapt equal to 10,, of thy; total amount of the base bid, oava.ble without ccnditions to the Village. The bid security which must accompany each bid is required as a guaranty that the bidder will enter into a contract with the Village of Edina for the work described in the proposal, and the amount of the bid security of a successful bidder shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages in the event that such bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish contractors bond. 6, Time for Executing ., Contract and Damages for Failure to Execute, Any bidder whose proposal shall be accepted will be i- (,quired to appear at the office of the Village Clerk in person, or, if a firm'or corporation, a duly authorized represen- tative shall so appear, and to execute the contract within seven (7) days after notice that the contract has'been awarded to him, Failure or neglect to do so shall constitute a breach of the agreement effected b, the acceptance of the proposal. 7. Information concerning Site. Didders shall inform themselves of the conditions under which the work is to be performed concerning the site of the work, the struc- ture of the ground, the obstacles which may encountered, acid all other relevant matters concerning the work to br: performed, and, if awarded the contract, shall not be allowed any extra comr),:^ ;•_tJon by reason of any matter or thing concerning which bidder might have inforrak,' himself because of his failure to have so inform- ed himself prior to bidding. No bidder may rely upon any statements or represen- tations of any officor, agent, or craployee of the Village with reference to the conditions of the work or the character of the soil or other hazards which may be encountered in the course of construction, Quantities indicated by the Village Engineer on, drawings or elsewhere are estimated only, and bidders must rely on (2) (Cont.) their own calculations. g# Conditions in Bidders Proposal._ The bidder shall not stipulate in his proposal any conditions not contained in the Contract Conditions prescribed, by the Village. 9. Time of Completion. The bidder shall specify in the proposal the date when he will commence work and the number of eonsecu.tive calendar days thereafter when the contract will be completely p.)rformed, and the stipulated time of completion will be of the essence of the contractb 10. Contract Documentd. The contract documents will consist of the advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, proposal form, general contract conditions, contract bond, detailed specifications, snc.ci_:i.l provisions, the plans and contract. The form of all thE;se, documents is on file with the Village Clerk and available to the bidder upon application. 11. Interpretations and Addenda, No oral. interpretations shall be effective if made to any bidder as to the meaning of any of the contract documents. Every re- quest for an interpretation shall be made in writing, and addressed and forwarded tVD the Village Clerk. The Villag6 will then issue a written intorpre;tation to the Contractor.. ��SS�HROUGyR S F C� F9'P s 4f#(o ° j#on sofa o0 Water Wells Pumps Water Treatment AFFILIATES • LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. • GENERAL FILTER CO. 3140 -3148 SNELLING AVENUE •MINNEAPOLIS 6, MINNESOTA *PARKWAY 2 -6668 " BRANCH OFFICE BILLINGS, MONTANA July 22, 1954 J Mr. Ben Woehler, Water Supt. Edina Village Hall Minneapolis 10, Minn. Dear Sir: With regard to bids which were received on a deep well pump July 12th, an error appeared on our performance curve. It shows that the pump line shaftings was to be 1- 15/16 ". However, we submitted a bona fide bid on the specifications, and as stated in our proposal, we will furnish a pump complying with the specifications. They state that the minimum diameter of the line shafting should be 2 ". When we figured the job and submitted our bid, we.de- cided to furnish 2 -3/16" shafting. The notation on the curve is not correct. Very truly yours, LAYNE - MINNESOTA CO. obert R Contracting Engineer RRM:mh C' , Oorlds .L2ryesr7Uaeer0ezaIo,6ars" Ml NNESOTA ko" STATE OF ....................... ............................... � SS. � County of . H £ NNE,P l N On this .............. ...................... day f JULY , 19•. ., before me, a Notary Public in and for said r ... 5 County, personally appeared ...............L.E,Q.IV Fl•TZGERALD personally known ........ ................... ............................... _ to me who being by me sworn did state that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corpor- poration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and further acknowledged that the said instrument and the execution thereof to be the volun- tary nact and deed of said corporation, by him voluntarily executed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at ........................................ ........................ ........... ......................... ............................... the day and year last above written. d , T'ission expires +.�►�atvv tA OPSAIM GEY Public, Hennepin County, �$ Csad>aiesion Ex84[RaMag 3�.1g0i19•••••• 4Noiryublic B-1015 ' bri u NEllpr Mi a��CIP10 surem C romp an t� HOME OFFICE - TACOMA, WASHINGTON C�� FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT BondNo .............. ............................... BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That We,....1 AXN.9...M I,NNESOTA C ...............OMPA. ........NY ....................... .............................................................................................................................................................,... ............................... as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, and authorized to do business in the State of .Ml. PAN .EZ.O.Th ...................... as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the ..... V.I. LL. A. G. E ... DF.. ... ED. LL IA ................................. ............................... .................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... .................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... as obligee, in the sum of ... 1. D% a.. DF.. ... BASZ... R/. ll .......................................................................... ............................... ........................................................... ............................... .......................DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for: FURNISHING AND INSTALLING PUMP according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as Surety or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceed- ing the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Signed, Sealed and Dated this ......... ... day of ......JUL Y............ 19.?4.. ...... .............................,. B -1312 -Contract - Bid Bond Z'.s e .....��)P cipal By:... .............................. UNIT PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY By:....C'f "ey-in-Fact IImIllIIIIIIOA mmmmmm I., R -1-j 1, 0/' VT � CA IL TO'�JR''�BI� N � E PPU d rt 3 _ WATER LUBRICATED FOR WATER WELLS Serving Cities, Factories and all kinds of Industries LAYNE VERTICAL TURBINE PUMP • ELECTRIC MOTOR, vertical hollow shaft type of any standard make. • DISCHARGE OUTLET, above - ground type, fitted with standard companion flange. Underground dis- charge outlet can be fur- nished if required. • STUFFING BOX or PACKING GLAND designed for vertical shaft operating at relatively high speed. -- • PUMP DRIVE HEAD of heavy cast iron, rugged design with low center of gravity. Drive heads are available for any kind of power application. • BASE PLATE, separate from pump drive head, made of heavy cast iron. Separate base plates are not standard equip- ment but are furnished on spe- cial order. This direct connected engine drive through right angle gears is used extensively where there is no electric power. r 5b F - Engine driven pump using one - quarter turn belt drive. A popular drive in agricultural irrigation work. LAYNE VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS A Dependable and Efficient Line of Pumps Used Throughout the Entire World APPLICATIONS =For a half century Layne Pumps have been used for pumping water for cities, towns and villages; by industries of all sizes and kinds; by railroad systems; by farmers, agriculturalists and planters for irrigating crops —in fact, by all who use water for any purpose in quantity, large or small. Short Coupled Layne Pumps also are used for In eo JL ! Typical Installation with hollow shaft vertical motor. IThe standard unit where electric power is available. pumping water from lakes, reservoirs or streams. They are particularly desirable for this kind of pumping duty because fluctuations of water level do not interfere with operation of the pump. They also are used for mine drainage and sub- surface drainage. Since the driver is installed at the surface above high wafer level, the pump- ing units cannot drown out. SIZES AND CAPACITIES —The sizes of Layne Pumps depend upon quantify of water, speed of pump and the pumping head. Required inside well diameters range from 4- inches for the smallest pump up to 42- inches for the largest pump. There are many intermediate sizes. Ca- pacities range from 50 U. S. gallons a minute up to 30,000 U. S. gallons a minute. Total pumping heads vary from the lift in the well or shaft only up to seven or eight hundred feet. The amount of setting (discharge column) depends upon the distance to the pumping water level. Beginning at the surface or the fop of the pump. the following component parts make up a complete pump: (a) The pump drive head which consists of the discharge ell and outlef, the stuffing box or packing gland and the thrust bearing assembly, when one is necessary. The drive head supports the entire pump which is suspended in the well or shaft. (b) The discharge column consisting of suc- tion pipe and connections, the line shafting with couplings, bearings and supporting members. The length of discharge column is governed by the distance from the pump drive head to the pumping water level, (c) The pump bowl, made up of discharge and suction nozzles, intermediate bowls or stages, including impellers, bowl bushings, wearing rings and impeller shaft. The number of stages (bowls) depends upon the pump bowl size (diameter), speed of rotation, amount of wafer pumped and the total pumping head. The bowl usually is equipped with 10 -feef of suction pipe. 0 If you have a pumping problem, write the factory giving operating conditions. Recommendations and estimates will be sent. No obligation whatever. LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. GENERAL OFFICES, MEMPHIS 8, TENN. Offices and Representatives Throughout the World VTP -W -53 Printed in U.S.A. • LINE SHAFT is highest grade carbon steel stock, turned, ground and pol- ished. Standard lengths are 10 -feet, and both ends are faced and threaded in lathes. Size of shaft is determined by the horsepower and pump speed. Shaft made of special alloys for severe or unusual conditions furnished at extra cost. • DISCHARGE PIPE COUPLINGS are extra heavy semi- steel, with aligning spider cast integrally. All pipe connections are butt joint ensuring proper alignment. • RUBBER BEARINGS are extra length, made of highest grade cutless rubber, with inside bearing surface fluted to insure maximum lubrication by the water. They are retained in the spider hub by a positive screw lock. • SHAFT COUPLINGS are made from solid steel shafting stock, bored, threaded and finished all over on spe- cial lathes. Each is carefully balanced. No set screws, bolts or pins are used. • ADAPTER CASTING connects the top stage of the pump bowl with the dis- charge pipe. It is designed with vanes which straighten the flow of water from the pump bowl, delivering it to the dis- charge column with minimum turbu- lence. • COLUMN or DISCHARGE PIPE supports the pump bowls and conducts the water to the surface of the ground. It also centers and supports the line shaft. It is STANDARD WEIGHT STEEL PIPE, fabri- cated in 10 -foot lengths with ends threaded and faced. Column pipe is fur- nished in sizes giving proper velocity of water without excess friction loss. • ALIGNING SPIDERS are cast in the combination column coupling, are full streamlined and are spaced at 10 -foot intervals. The rubber shaft bearing is mounted in the spider hub. • SHAFT SLEEVES are MONEL METAL af- fixed to the line shaft opposite the rubber bearings. • IMPELLER SHAFT is over -size, made of selected stainless steel shaft stock. It connects with the line shaft and extends through the pump bowl. The impellers are affixed with collets. No keyways or keys are necessary. • SLEEVE BEARINGS in adapter and throughout the entire pump bowl are made of plastic bronze, extra long for added wearing life. • BOWL STAGES or SECTIONS make up the complete bowl. The size and num- ber of stages required depend upon the amount of water, the pumping head and pump speed. • IMPELLERS are fully enclosed, bottom suction, non - overloading type. They are made of phosphor bronze, hand fin- ished, and accurately balanced. • WEAR RINGS are fitted in each stage. They are made of phosphor bronze and are removable so new rings may be in- stalled when required. • SUCTION NOZZLE BUSHING is plastic bronze, sleeve type and extra long and rugged. • SUCTION STRAINER is steel and de- signed for use with vertical turbine pumps. The cone type is standard but flat or basket type is available for spe- cial conditions. W A T E R • DIFFUSER VANES are designed in con - formance with the most modern prac- tices in hydro- dynamics. The propor- tions are accurately calculated for min- imum loss of applied energy. • SUCTION NOZZLE is venturi type with streamline vanes. It conducts the water from the suction pipe to the eye or suc- tion of the lowest impeller and delivers it without swirls or eddies. • SUCTION PIPE for standard pumps consists of 10 -feet of standard weight steel pipe. LUBRICATED PUMP DRIVE HEADS A TYPE FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT The most commonly used pump drive heads are those shown on this page and the head shown on the large illustration on the inside of this folder. All Layne Pump Drive Heads have low center of gravity and plenty of iron for rugged strength. The design is simple and all adjustments are made easily and quickly. Only minimum care and attention is required after the pump is installed. Construction details of Type TF drive head. This Is the head shown on the full length illustration Inside this folder. It Is the basic part of all standard drive heads. Type BF drive head has pulley and thrust bearing assembly for belt drive. Either flat or grooved pulleys furnished. Type TF -GI) combination drive head for electric motor and standby engine drive through right angle gear. SPECIAL DRIVE HEADS Supplementing the complete line of standard pump drive heads is a line of special heads. These are for unusual con- ditions or power applications. Available are heads for Underwriters' Fire Pumps, combination electric motor and direct connected engine drive, vertical steam turbine drive, combination electric motor and belt drive, heads for exceed- ingly heavy duty and others. Usually it is possible to design and furnish heads for any condition. Type MA head with thrust Type TF -GI) II head for direct en- bearing assembly, motor sup- et t'8N Ilu`lt gine drive through right angle port and flexible coupling for gears. mounting solid shaft motor. .1�emice t) T LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP PERFORMANCE CHART CURVE SHEET NO. MEMPHIS, TENN. DATE • TH F C I RV SS OW HE _ EN RAL SHAPE O • - TM PU P OW C RA TER 6TI S U Oii T H IAN N CA D. TO ER CE OF LUS OR IN 2'. _A DR ! j { . ' MU T R AL OW D 1 TH GU RA TEE C - - RA D OIN W tW UM FIN G NO OA OU E F'► MP IG. d I ' aR P. WA ER, RE FR O RI S. T A EM ER + ratr t► 1 rNs !TP{QILf f ttlp�jtM. � LO EST IMP LL E S SM FIE O P RFORMA 1 Ct , IMAL 7, A CE OR LL Ht HYD AU IC �D [C ANI A4 'LO f N T C W M A DP AFT OF H [ CT LLA ION 4C :W TO YU ITU THZ F PI G H D IS C IFT FRO C L FLUp WIN C RG HE D EA R€ KAT f IOTA, " /_}��• + C PAC TY , 176 C) S. 1 O► FI Lb H[AR FIELD H. ��� tL¢tn{rclwct� l Mc, TOR EF* �� ✓ ( W E Ttl� RI7�ICIthCk wl - 3 + + 1 { flit- t 1 4 1 VILLAGE OF EDINA 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET • EDINA, MINNESOTA �5� 114 Returned by Mail July 15, 2�X4 - R.H. eL71)- Returned by q it July 15, 1954. - R. H. May P4, 1954 PROPOSAL - EDINA, MINAESOTA FURNISHING AFD INSTALLATION OF A DEEP WELL TURBI N PUMP IN: The Well on the Site of the New Tower and Tank near the School TO TAE VILLAGE COU1JCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIT ?A Gentlemen: The undersigned has exw-nined the cent „act documents, including advertisement for bids, _instructions to bidders, general contract conditions, form of contract and detailed snecifications, including attache.,i drawings and plans on file in the office of the Clerk of the Village of Edina, and is familiar with the site and locati.:n of the pro- ject, the work to be done., and the local conditions affecting the cost-of the work under which it must be performed, and hereby pronoses to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment for the .complete construction. of Veep,-Well Turbin.Pump and to perform ,such work, all in accordance with the contract documents for the following prices: Furnish and Install, 1 Deep Well Turbin Pump, Motor, and Control in Accordance with Specifications Dollars s oc. Aid security in the a. nt of D !being 10% of the high or base bid, accompan- ies this proposal, the same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor °s bond and execute form of cont'ra.ct no,-! on file i•?ith the Village Clerk and further agrees that.if awarded such contract, work on the projoct vill be coma enced within working days after receipt of written order frorni the Village and that it will be fully performed and completed w1thir r/. cone,ecl.)t. _ve calendar days thereafter, RESPECTFULLY SUBP ITTED, ADDRESS BY STATE OF M/ NNESOTA l County of ........ HENNEP/ N 111 ►tA' On this .......... 1 9.TH ................. day) of ............ MA Y ............................ . 194, before me, a Notary Public in and for said Coo et who personally appeared LEON F.. TZGERA L D Y. P ........................................................................................................ ............................... . Personally known being by me sworn did state lat he is Attorney -in -Fact of the on IZNUED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corpor- t poration organized and- exdsting -finder the laws of the State of Washington, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and further acknowledged that the said instrument and the execution thereof to be the volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, by him voluntarily executed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at ......... ............................... .................M.. NNEAPO.. /5�:...M/ MINNESOTA ............................. the day and year last above wri en. ...................... .............. My Commission expires .................. J... ..... ........ ......... . ................... .................. ........................... ............................... 19...... Notary Public ELWIN T. BRAWTHEN Notary Public., Hennepin County, Minn. B-1015 My Commission Expires Sept. 22, 1954. 9 � � s ur" (7" c e Comp on t/ �� �§ HOME OFFICE -TACOMA, WASHINGTON FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT g SEATTLE 14, WASH 1 N GTO N Bond No..21.3_:3.3.3_----- BID 13OND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That We, ____.LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY --------------------- --- - ----- ------ - - - - -• ••------------------------....-•--....----•-----------•-------------------•----------...-----•-----•----------•--•-------- as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, and authorized to do business in the State of ........WASH INGTON as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the ............................ V/ LLAGE OF ED_I NA4 A7! NNES0TA § - -•---------•--•-•---•--------•-•---._...--•-•-------------•---•------------ as obligee in the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED AND NOI1 00 ....................................... . ........... ............................ -------------•--- ' ................................. ............................... ...DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, ad- (t= ministrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. gee) THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obl igee . steal l make any award to the Principal for: INSTALLATION OF DEEP WELL PUMP according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the I Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful perform- ,§ ance thereof, with the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as Surety or with other „I Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay to the Obligee the damages which the .Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceeding the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; (r§ otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Signed, Sealed and Dated this .......E-9TH ...............day of MAY ..................... 19_54.- LAYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY ...... ...... .. . P i cipal f (_ By: ... ................... ......... ...:. L UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY By: -- • ...... ................. . . . . .. ................ . $ LEON FI TZGERAL Attomey -in -Fact , FORM-B-1312 - CONTRACT - BID BONI) 5M REV. 6-50 o - w - - •- � ,ems _�) l� `1� •1J I! anm� ®o�am�oacoo�oeo�m�m �� it � 11111T. IIII' �•" " " "' _ a II IIII , ,�� vulli IIIIIR III DEPARTMENT SEATTLE 1114-,WASHINGTON I!I ,III I ` IIIIII� °'�I 0101 J. i �1(. vlul� Ilu. 'I IIII II ILA ��,III IIIIII Ij11«dl AM IIII illlll �� Illli IIlI IIIIIII� IaQI', nil am - w - - •- � ,ems _�) l� `1� •1J LAYNE* BOWLER, INC. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP PERFORMANCE CHART CURVE SHEET Pf. MEMPHIS, TENN. DATE NEON ll Zcr = so Molimmol . owl V'p- I L �ij WHfiffiftl-RAM 1 ONE NONE wF IN FROM MME sow" mmmmoRm I . J N lark NMI 2310. sk _ m MEMO =MEN mm HOPE NO U4,001 mud MEMO M .. � ..ee u.. i�sciae�se■Ieiaee�w�ueirre� vac�� �e�m:�rle�ra � KE4F'El, d ESSER C2. Y. V AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION — AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. county . of — Hennepin Glenn____A art r14Ze__________ ______ ________ being duly sworn, — on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, " (Offtcial.I'ubllcation) "^ VILLAGE OF EDINA; HENNEPIN COUNTY, . MINNESOTA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ADVERTISEMENT_ FOR BIDS `DEEP WELL` " TURBINE _ PU31P I thg EdltOr of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and -NOTICE. I9 ,HEREBY-f•GIVEN, that, -the( Edina Village Council Win. meet at the: Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th `'St., Minnea has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. polls 10, Minn., - on 'Monday, May 24, 1954, for the purpose of opening and con - That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the sldering sealed bids for ,the furnishing and I _ Installation of a water lubricated .electric printed Advertisement for motor driven' deep well, turbine, pump, Cap." O-- Bids � Dee W1-- Turbine P 1000 G.P.M., complete With electric motor, hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and pub ished in the English Ian- - control equipment, and ac- cessorles. guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the Specifications. for same May ".be: had at County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and the Edina Village -Hall. .'All .bid's must •be .scaled and accompan- sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; Sed.j by, -,a. cash deposit, certified' check, -or bide bondiacceptable to tbe•.Village Council,, has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication payable ,to the' Village' Clerk for not .le'ss- equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and than ten per cent of the bid. The Village Council' reserves the right . to reject any or an bias. , r printing the same_ ________ _ _ ___ --------- -- - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- - - -- ---------------------------------- BORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL. ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five EVALD:C. BANK. • ----------------------------------------- Village -.Clerk per cen"- of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community _,,Vi y 13 of" Edina it purports to serve; the re 43 and zo, 1334) press ss work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, _ Plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place _ of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub - scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed A1_vertisementfor _Bids -Deep_ Well Pump nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ---------- two -------- - - - - -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the---- ---- - - - - -- 13th - - - - -- ____day of - May 19 --- 54and thereafter on --------- Thursday----------------- - - - - -- of each week to and including the -------- 20th_day of __ _____ _______ ft ---------------- 19__51+ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said Qd_v__ert_Jseg►e __iQ_r___ Aida_ — �ae11_Turbi ne_�ump :-- Yillaga__Of Edina abcdefghijklm rstuvwxyz Subscribed and sworn to before— e this____2Q_ day of _______ ____________ ____ _ _ ____ 19__5,4 Notary Public, ____ IANETE • ANDERSON__ County, Minnesota ttotd�y PIi�TTC, Hennepin County, Minn. My Commission expiry_Commission_Expi[os_ja _ 7 ryg&t._________________________ __ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . r Of . 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDMENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER •,(Offacial' Publication) VILLAGE OF-EDINA- HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA / ADVERTIBEMENT'FOR BIDS I� DEEP WELL TURBINE- PUMP NOTICE IS HEREBY `GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minnea- polis .10, Minn., on Monday, May 24, 1954, for the purpose of opening and con - sidering sealed bids for the furnishing and ' installation of a water lubricated electric motor driven deep well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, control equipment, appurtenances and ac- ceasories. .Specifications for same .may _be, had at. the - Edina Village Hall.: - All bids must be sealed and. accompan -� led by a cash deposit, certified' check, or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council,. .payable to the Village Clerk for - not - less , than ten per cent- of the bid. - The Village .Council reserves the right. to; rejedt, any, or,' a_ ll ' bids. 'BY ORDER, OF THE_ VILLAGE COUN- CIL.. ' ' . EVA1;D C. BANK . Village Clerk - Villag of Edina (May' -'13 and..20, 1954) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, ss. county of _- HP121'l�min - $: ------------------------------------ - ---- ---- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed .. ,Adt48@ffi6IIt-- 'Or - -$JA B- r _ q': hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and Published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped . with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ____ _______________________________ ; has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near, its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub-, scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a- person , having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting. its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed Adger,3,ABiBY1t,_.for__$- +DOp(S`,®1_Twbine- Pism, .. nereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for two successive weeks; that it was first so published on the__________ '___13th ___________day of May ----------------- - 19__ sand thereafter on -- T)11V Pday---------------------- of each weeK to and including the _______ _day of _____________ _______________- 19_ and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said -p�_nor- _ridsu� - b -- - -v11 Q - - aHJ,iir'A .abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Z / Subscribed and sworn to before a this___2a - -- ay of _ _ _ _______ ___ ____________ 19 Notary Public_ __________________�qyE_ f__ County, Minnesota Notary Public, �ND�ON- _- - - -- My Commission exp' Hennepin County, Minn. Cstttf9i�st7rExpires Jan, - - ---- 6 - --- ------------------- 7,1961. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION of 0 FORM - 253fi� /z— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION -------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------- ... -- ------------ .....---------- .------ - - - - -- --------------- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as ¢ newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed --- AdVe.rtlsement --- fo-r --- bids ----------------------- ------------------------ -------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ... _---------- ti- Wo------------------------------------------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------------------------------------------- .3tih . --- day of --------- --- ---- -------- - - - - - -- McV - --- - -. 1954.. and thereafter on- -- ---- ----- ThUrsday-- - - - --- - ----------------------- of each week to and including the ............ 20th .... day of--- -------------- ---- ---- -- - - -M ------- 19--5j- 4 - -- -; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ... dvertliSem -ent --- for - - -- bards-, abcdoFfghijklmnopgrstuvwxy -i Jz—�_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -------- ----------- - -. --- -- Subscribed and sworn to before me this __----- 20txl ----- day of.__ ........... May - - - - -- -19, - -- ---- -- ---- - ------------­------- --- - - -- Notary Public, i- :nlr�� :_ :. - a- . :,Is6ant- r- z -EntSr lYlls� : - - -- County, Minnesota. E,o- .z.iis,lon L'xpiie.- June 5, 1959, Mycommission expires ...................................................................................... *tate of 19in tetota, ss. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP —BIDS CLOSE MAY :A.. 0 Count y f Fl--------- ennep----------- --- --------------------- ------- Edina. Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet S'-- Ldza being duly sworn, at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., -------------------- .... ------------------------ - -------------------- - --- ------- ------- -- - ----, Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, May 24 , and for the purpose of opening rid considering sealed bids for the on oath says; that he now is, and during ll the times herein stated has been y � g --------------- - furnishing and installation of a water AdvertlSln� Clerk i np,, lubricated electric motor driven deep --- ------ ----- -- ------- - - - - ---------------- --- - -° - --------------- ---- -------- ------ we]] turbine pump, .Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, control the publisher -------- and printer_______ of the newspaper known as ----------------------------------------- .---------------- equipment, appurtenances and acces- sories. + COn�_4j.'A-e't.:L. -B- „- $- ti].n..,,_.._______, and has full knowledge of the Specifications for same may be had ------------- ------------ at the Edina Village Hall. facts herein stated. All bids must be sealed and accom- panied by a cash deposit, certified That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed check, or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village Advertisement for bids ------ Clerk for not less than ten percent of the bid. ---- - -- - -- ------------ ----- --- -- ---- ---------- ---. -- ------------------.---------- --- ----- ---- ----- ----- - ---------- --------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ......------.------------------ known office of publication urethan the ----------------------------------------------- ..._.-._.-____ _ BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. � in the County of +it of EVALD C. BANK, -------------------------- y- --- --- -- -----MlnneSpol-is---------------_---------------------------- Village Clerk — -------------------------- ennCp1I1 State of Minnesota, on ----------------------- _ __�Ux',a^Cwy_._- __---- -.___of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h,_s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------_--------------- ------------------- - - - - -- Construction -- Bulletin - -- ----------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------- ... -- ------------ .....---------- .------ - - - - -- --------------- - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as ¢ newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed --- AdVe.rtlsement --- fo-r --- bids ----------------------- ------------------------ -------- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ... _---------- ti- Wo------------------------------------------------------ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the --------------------------------------------- .3tih . --- day of --------- --- ---- -------- - - - - - -- McV - --- - -. 1954.. and thereafter on- -- ---- ----- ThUrsday-- - - - --- - ----------------------- of each week to and including the ............ 20th .... day of--- -------------- ---- ---- -- - - -M ------- 19--5j- 4 - -- -; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ... dvertliSem -ent --- for - - -- bards-, abcdoFfghijklmnopgrstuvwxy -i Jz—�_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -------- ----------- - -. --- -- Subscribed and sworn to before me this __----- 20txl ----- day of.__ ........... May - - - - -- -19, - -- ---- -- ---- - ------------­------- --- - - -- Notary Public, i- :nlr�� :_ :. - a- . :,Is6ant- r- z -EntSr lYlls� : - - -- County, Minnesota. E,o- .z.iis,lon L'xpiie.- June 5, 1959, Mycommission expires ...................................................................................... Affidavit of Publication OF MILLER•OAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS FORM _2516%—Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION material for preparing and printing the same- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- - ---------------------- - --- .------------------------------------- -- ----------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ...... A4CJV-eY'tJ,1J-EiiUUJtr- `+AZ --- ]Aft ------------------------------------------------- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for_______________ two --------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ----------------------------------------- 1 ,3t - - - - -- -day of ----- ------ ------ -------- -- -- -- -- 19_-�4 and thereafter on----------- Wred-aW --------------------- yy�,,,,��,, w�ryry.. of each week to and including the -------------- X�- -day of------- ------------- - - - - -- '91-- _--- .---- 19 - -%-_; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said- Advart-,Ti>'ment -- fas__bids. abcdefghi jklm nopgrstUvwxy$ ----.. ..../.1J----------------------- Subscribed and sworn to Pefore me this.------ 7 ------ -- -.th ..-. -day oJ___- ----- ........ �w- - 1 ....----9...5 _ .......... Notary Public ................ .___.____.; .__,__...., ... County, Minnesota. Mycommission expires ------ ------- -- ---- --- --- --- ------- -------- ......................................... *tate of Ainneotat ss. DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP —BIDS CLOSE MAY °.9. County of 11CMIr Edina, Minn. --------- ---------- --- - - - - - -- -- - - - - --- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ` g,___T15-n the Edina Village Council will meet _____ ___ _______ ___ __ _ ---------- being duly sworn, at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 10, Minn., on Monday, May 24, 1954, for the purpose of opening on oath says that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been ----------------- ----------------- and considering sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of a water .'�dvcrE� ' 'jic C1T rk °- lubricated electric motor driven deep ................................................. well turbine pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, control the publisher -------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ---------------------------------------------------------- _ equipment, appurtenances and acces- , -- ----------------------- 'fl.Y3:1- i,Tii.^ki:».- i�1T.�. - e.................. and has jull knowledge of the sories. Specifications for same may be had facts herein stated. at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and accom- deposit, certified That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed panied by a cash check, or bid bond acceptable to the Village Council, payable to the Village r *. -- --- ------- --- -- -- --- -- -.ry1 �'y;;,u €],ti +f,jj-'�_- j;or- -'Ai*--- --------- ------ ----------- -- -- ------- - ---- - ----- Clerk for not less than ten percent of hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. known office of publication within the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - .--------- BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. 6� in the Count - - r�%--.-------. of- �cc11J;: ��Sii13----- ....._---- ----- ------- --- - - - --- y Of EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk �+.�.�1C3$ ..---- - - - - -, State of Minnesota, on -------------------------- 1,1111M each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- - ---------------------- - --- .------------------------------------- -- ----------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- - - - - -- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ...... A4CJV-eY'tJ,1J-EiiUUJtr- `+AZ --- ]Aft ------------------------------------------------- - -- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for_______________ two --------------------------------------------------- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the ----------------------------------------- 1 ,3t - - - - -- -day of ----- ------ ------ -------- -- -- -- -- 19_-�4 and thereafter on----------- Wred-aW --------------------- yy�,,,,��,, w�ryry.. of each week to and including the -------------- X�- -day of------- ------------- - - - - -- '91-- _--- .---- 19 - -%-_; and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said- Advart-,Ti>'ment -- fas__bids. abcdefghi jklm nopgrstUvwxy$ ----.. ..../.1J----------------------- Subscribed and sworn to Pefore me this.------ 7 ------ -- -.th ..-. -day oJ___- ----- ........ �w- - 1 ....----9...5 _ .......... Notary Public ................ .___.____.; .__,__...., ... County, Minnesota. Mycommission expires ------ ------- -- ---- --- --- --- ------- -------- ......................................... Affidavit of Publication OF .................... ....................................... ............................. . ..................... ......................................................... ------- .......................................................................................... MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY. MINNEAPOLIS .,..... .. ,�. .,; ..:L ilI' - — " Li� Lid/ ✓rte `� ��' �'�— `." CG/- AFFIDAVIT OF PIIBLiCATION— AMEND!11ENT OF 1836. / Edina - Morningside COURIER Legal Notices — (Official Publication) ' VILLAGE OMINNESOTA _ HENNEPIN COUNTY, .� ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS , I.VELL CONSTRUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that seal- ed :proposals. for the construction Of well Will be received, at the office of. the Vil- i lage Clerk, 4801 W. 50th 8t., in the Village of Edina, Minn.- until '7.30 o'clock P., M., on the Dnd day Of March, 1954, and will then'' be publicly opened and read.' BEids are invited for well complete in every detail. Bids ,must be upon Proposal forms and in accordance with the plans and specificataions which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon re- quest. Each bidder must submit with his bid id a certi ie a check 'Call aseCsurety,bin an" amount equal. to 10 - per cent of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right e such to- reject any, or all bids and to mak ent as 16 an award under this advertise officials, best . seserves the. judgement of its the Village's interest. VILLAGE OF EDINA ' BY EVALD C. BANK,., Village Clerk, - March 11 and 18, 1964 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, SS. County of HENNEPIN ---------------------- - - - - -" GLENN _H. _TARTRIDQF ------------------------------------- ------------ - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated! That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed Advertisemant._for_ Bids -- _Weld_ C°ra-tMotiQn--------------------------- hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English lan- guage from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; _ has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- fice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub- scribers-, has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ----- A&_er_ti A=nt -- ,f oie -- Bide___ W8_11_qQns_t_0rugti_QM_ hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for ----- tm ----------- ____ successive weeks; that it was first so published on the_ ____llth_ -------------------- day of mar _ 19_ and thereafter on __ThU" %____________________________ - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - of each week to and including the ---- I$th ------ day of - -_- 1954- and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- edged to have been the size and kind -of type used in the publication of said AdTArtisemente; - -fo* -- Bids: - -- :WWJL- Censtr=t: Lon---------------------------- - - - - -- abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ,� �SI'C$ --------- 19_?�! Subscribed and sworn -to befor thisl8thclay of __________________ ,-�- -- Notary Public, -_ County, Minnesota faidt i E t i1NBf RSOW- - - - - -- My Commission expires Noary Public, Hennepin County, Minh. - y C6mlftiSsion'" Expires Jen: T, T56T: --------------------------- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION +. of 0 J AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION— AMENDINIENT OF 1935. Edina - Morningside COURIER AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of Minnesota, SS. County of --------- jrgA p3a--------------------- - - - - -- ___GL M -$ PAI-- WIM---------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been, Subscribed and sworn to befor VethisIftit_day of --------- Mappb, -------------- _ 1 %__ Notary Publi -------------------- IM j _ANDEASO.0 - - -- County, Minnesota Notary Public, Hennepin County, M1%). My Commission expires Cwnrr++c iatt Eicpiros fart. �; i9�1----------------------- - - - - -- the Editor of the newspaper known as the Edina - Morningside COURIER, and — Legal Notices — has full knowledge of the facts herein stated. (offlWai Publication) _ That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS printed A �$pHl6Atr_ -for -- -Bids - -__?g - �ilffi��p ----------- ------------ - ---- WELL CONSTRUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that seal- well hereto attached, said newspaper was printMand pubZlsFie in the English lan- from its known office of publication within the Village of Edina, in the ed proposals for the construction of will be received at the office of the Vil- guage County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota on Thursday of each week in column an lage Clerk, 4801 W. 50th St., In the Village of Edina, Minn. until 7:30 o'clock P. M., sheet form equivalent to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; on the 22nd day of March, 1954, and will then be publicly opened and read. has been issued from a known office established in said place of publication Bids are invited for well complete in be upon proposal equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and every detail. Bids must forms and in accordance with the plans and specificatalons which may be obtained at printing the same- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the office of the Village Clerk upon re- quest. had in its makeup not less than twenty-five Each bidder must submit with his bid Each a certified check, cashier's check or bid -- _- _----- ______-- -. - - -_ p er cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community bond with a surety company as surety, in an amount equal to 10 per cent of his it purports to serve; the press work of which has been done in its said known of- base bid. The Village Council reserves the right Tice of publication; has contained general news, comments, and miscellany; has to reject any or all bids and to make such not duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, an award under this advertisement as In the judgement of its oeficials, best serves plate matter and advertisements, has been circulated at or near its said place the Village's interest. VILLAGE OF EDINA of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying sub BY EVALD C. BANK, I scribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local Bost office of Village Clerk, March 11 and 18, 1954 its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualification as a newspaper for publi- cation of legal notices; and that its publishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed ___� ;. -fps. ----- WeU_4Oi49 #OA--'- hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for___________ ____ __ that it was first so published on the___lM ----------------------- ay of successive weeks; 1itl__ and thereafter on MRW _ -- - - - - -- - -- ---- - - - - -- -- of each week to and including the- _3$th -------- day of -_j�pq----------------------- 114-_ is copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowl- and that the following a edged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said A�iT81'#r 98ffiCl rl �OZ' --- -W@U - -Fi@T t1=----------------------------- - - - - -- Subscribed and sworn to befor VethisIftit_day of --------- Mappb, -------------- _ 1 %__ Notary Publi -------------------- IM j _ANDEASO.0 - - -- County, Minnesota Notary Public, Hennepin County, M1%). My Commission expires Cwnrr++c iatt Eicpiros fart. �; i9�1----------------------- - - - - -- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ' of FORM 25361/=— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis WELL CONSTRUCTION —BIDS CLOSE. - MAR. 22 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals for the construction of well will be received at the office of the Village Clerk, 4801 W. 50th St., in the Village of Edina, Minn. until 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 22'nd day of March, 1954, and will then be publicly opened and read. Bids are invited for well complete in every detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with a surety company as surety, in an amount equal to 10% of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to make such an award under this ad- vertisement as in the judgment of its officials, best serves the Village's interest. VILLAGE OF EDINA BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate of Ainneota, ss. County of - - - - -- ------------------------------------------- ------ al ;_l'b" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- , being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has been,__ --------- -- ------- ---- -- ----- - -- - ---------------- ------------------- -- -- ------- the publisher -------- and printer_______ of the newspaper known as ------------- ----- ---------------- ____ , and has full "knowledge of the facts herein st 2 e2 That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed - a ---- --- ------- - - - - -- - ---- -- - - -- -- --- -- -- - ------ - - ---- hereto atta hed, sai newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within th ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -------- - - - - -- ---- --------- of --------- - - - - - � in the County of -- -------- - - - - -- -------------------------- ------------------- - - - - -. , State of Minnesota, on _______________ ___ .______________of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space to 4.10 runnnyng inc zes of single column two inches wide; h..s been isued from a known office estab shed in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material fo preparing and printing the same; ------- _------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ 1 ----------- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- -- ----------------- ------ - - - - - -- __ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest o said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said know office of publication,- has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication, has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisem nts; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies reg arly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County A i ditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constitutin its qualification as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub - lisheis hav complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That he printed - - -- - Ad*wrt#4*s"%-- f*# - -bJ ------------ -- --------- - - - - -- - - - - -- hereto atla hed as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in I he English language once each week for -------------- _---- _-- ____________ - successive eeks; that it was first so published on the------------------------------------- A* ---------- day of ----------- - - - - -- --- --------- - - -�19 -_%and thereafter on---- - - - - -- - Thm_-------- "-------- --- ---- - -c- - -�-� of each week to and including the .- ____________U -*day of _ -- --- 19______, 48 and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said .__._____ AftAM —wom ii �`-w Udso abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxys Subscribed and sworn to beftlrf me this -------------- Uy of__.. .___________._. -___ - 19__..____ -- --- -- - - -- ---- -- .... '' ' d _ Notary Public,- - - - - -- nc� _Count yam din County, !f y Minnesota. my My commission expiresmsfion ExFizes June �, wA r' Affidavit of Publication OF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . ........................................................ ................................. ........................................................... .............................. MILLER-OAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS Milier -Davis Co., Minneapolis PoAM 25361 /2— Affidavit of Publication— Amendment of 1935. WELL CONS7RUOTION —BIDS. CLOSE. MAR. 22 Edina, Minn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals' _for the construction of well will be received at the, office of the Village Clerk, 4801 W. 50th, St:, in •the Village of Edina, Minn. until 7:30 o'clock P.M., on -the 22nd day of March, 1954, and will then be publicly opened and read. Bids are, invited for well complete in every detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond with a surety company as surety, ih an . amount. equal to 10% of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to make such an award under this ad- vertisement as in the judgment of its officials, best serves 'the Village's Interest. VILLAGE OF EDINA BY EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Mate ofitt�te�ota, ss. County of- -- Hellnepinl--------------------------------------- - S. Llnn3 --- - - -- -- - - - -- - - - -- --- --- - --- -- -- being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and during all the times herein stated has een ------------ _-------- --------- --- ----------------- --Advertis 111 - - Clerk -- -------- - - - - -- ----------- -- - - - - -- - - -- - the bublisher --------- and printer -------- of the newspaper known as ------------ _____------------------------------------ - -- - ------------ - -C_ons traction- -$ulle tin -- facts herein stated. That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the printed ------------- , and has full knowledge of the ------- - -- ---------- A�ertisement..for - -------------------------- - -- - - hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication within the ._____--_----- .---- ---------- -------- ---- -- - -- ---- - - ---- -- - - --------------- - -------------------- Cit--------------- of - - -- -- - �+ir- 1r�eapo- Minneapolis - - M- -- - - - -- - - -- - in the County of __ Hennepin_---------------------------- -------------------------------- ,------------- State of Minnesota, on o each week in column and sheet form equivalent in ------------------- Thurida � --s f si__g_._ J from a known space to 450 running inches o single column two inches wide; h..s been is:eed r office established in said lace o publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; ------------------------------------------------ - ------------------- - -- - ---- -- Construt, q�n _ Hallett i. n- ------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- ---------------------- ----------------------------------- - - - - -- I -------------------------------------------------------- has had in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication, has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualijication as a newspaper for publication of legal notices; and that its pub- lishers have complied with all demands of said County Auditor for proofs of its said qualification. That the printed -- Advert }semen[ -GP -- 1_ ----------------------------------------------------- --- __ _____ _______ _ .__ _ _ _ _ .. hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper; was published therein in the English language once each week for .________ two--------- -------------------------- - -- -- -- -- ----- - - - -- successive weeks; that it was first so published on the .___._______ ......... ...:.....11th--------- - -. - -- -day of -------------- ------ __MaI'Ch- -- ' 1 �4- --- and thereafter. on- --- �hurs - -- - ----------- -- -- - - - -- -- -- March - ----- 19- 54--.; of each week to and including the ---------- l8th- - - - -�Y of ------------------------------ - -- -= -- - -- - - and that the following is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is acknowledged to have been the size and kind of type used in the publication of said ---- Advertisement.- go -r -- bids r ------------------------------ --- ----- ---- - - - - -- --------------------------------------- abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz __ — . J _ ------------------- Subscribed and sworn to be re me this..__... 18th - -- -day o --- - - - - -- )larch -------- 19 -34.. Notar y Public ............. f 1mc - -' °?,-� -E. � fS�j5 - ---- __.._..___.._County, Minnesota. c- ni1ePi>�>roua -- -- My commission ex s_�oit3>�lsjp� Expires June inn' tie 5, 1859, Affidavit of Publication, OF .......................................................................................... ......................................... ................................................ ............................................................................ ........ MILLER-DAVIS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS • (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WELL CO NSTRUCT ION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals for the construction of well will be received at the office of the Village Clerk, 4801 W.50th St.,. in the Village of Edina, Minn. until 7 :30 otclock P.M., on the 22nd day of March, 1954, and will then be publicly opened and read. Bids are invited for well complete in every detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in, accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, eashierts check or bid bond with'a surety company as surety, in an amount equal to 10% of his base bid. The Village Council reserves "the right to reject any or all bids and to make.such an award under this advertisement as in the judgnent of its officials, best serves the Village's interest. VILLAGE OF EDINA' BY EVALD C. BANK' Village Clerk Please publish in EdinarMorningside- Courier -March °11 and 18, 195.. Please send.us 2 Affidavits',of,Publication. Please. send us -10 'Clippings. d0 ! J' EDINA, MINN. BIDS CLOSE MARCH 222, 1954 WELL CONSTRUCTION NOTICE IS �i�Y aEWN that sealed proposals for the constriction of well will be received at the.. office of the Village Clerka 4$01 t'lo%th $t., in the Village d Edinaa Minn. until 700 o9clock Potlea on the 22nd day of March, 19%, and vvlll, then be pubUdy opened and read. Bids are invited for well oo3mplote in every detaile Bids must be upon proposal fhrms end in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request. Each bidder must subunit- vdth his bid a certified checks cashiers check or bid bond with a surety, c4mPany as surAy, In an amount equal to 19% of hia base bid, The Village Council reserves the right to reject aW or all bids and to ,make such an- award under this advertisement as in the Judgment of its officials-, best serves the Village's interest. Vitt CM OF m= BY EVM G.O. l3 WJ, limge Cie* Please publish in Construction B ulletin March 11 and 18, 1954. Please send us 2 Affidavits-of Publication. Please send us 10 Clippings. 0 y -A W §AM.! A. !/y !T w.6" suz C� MINHE/CPO r LIS & ST. PAUL NORTHWEST'S LARGEST Phom NE90R 7566 WATER DEVELOPERS A&— Rgplilo 670 EUSPS ST. - ST. PAUL 14; MINK March 22, 1954 iV i 1 lage Counc i 1 'V i 1 1 age of Edina Edina; Minnesota. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find Proposal for the construction of New Well #6 in accordance with specifications. We are hereby su;bmiAting certain data that is required as follows.: I. 670 Eustis Street, St. Paul, Minn. is our permanent place of business. B..We propose to use the latest drilling equipment manufactured. by Bucyrus Erie Co. of the 24L, 60L, 28L or 36L Classification. i C. Please refer'to the First National Bank of Minneapolis for final references. D. We are pleased to refer to you the two wells for-.1t-he Village I -of Edina which are of a similar nature and we are enclos=ing, a Diversification Bulletin which gives a further listing of work we have completed. i We appreciate the opportunity of submitting this pr 'op:o.sal;-`and we look forward to being awarded this work. i jjrf Very truly yours, MCCARTHY WELL COMPANY J. R. Fischer. u 1. U� V A TIAYI! AI !� Wat" sup�� MINNEI+CPOLIS & ST. PAUL NORTHWEST'S LARGEST Phone NE90R 7566 WATER DEVELOPERS PROPOSAL Address Reply to 670 EUSTIS ST. - ST. PAUL 14, MINK CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN. To the Village Council of The Village of Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, form of proposal, general contract conditions, form of contract, and detailed speci- fications, including attached drawing and plans on file in the office of the V i 1 lage Clerk of the V i 1 lage of Edina and is familiar with the site and location of the project for the construction of a well, the work to be done and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor materials and equipment for..the complete construct- ion of a well, and to perform all work in accordance with the contract documents and the plans hereto attached for the following prices: WELL NUMBER ITEM ESTIMATED LIN. FT. 24" drive ) Pipe & Hole) 100' More or less 23" Hole 2001 More or less 16" O.D. ) Casing in place) inc. seal ring ) 3001 More or less or drive shoe ) 19" Open Rock) Hole ) 2001 More or less 24 Inch ) ,.eel Shoe) lc h ) PRICE PER LIN.FT. TOTAL $ 28.00 $ 2,800.00 13.00 21600.00 7.00 2,100.00 13.00 21600.00 450.00 Page 2, To the Village Council of The Village of Edina, Minnesota. Grouting space between) 16 ",casing & 23" hole ) and',between 16" casing) and 24" drive pipe ) 30 C.Y.More or less per Cu.Yd. 25 TOTAL 75n-nn Furnishing & Installing ) Turbine pump unit and ) all equipment required for) Lump Sum 1,500.00 the preliminary acceptance) test. ) Operating Test Pump) for final ) 8 hrs. More or less as determined by 60 Acceptance Test ) the Engineer. Price per hr. $ 1 . 00 Base Bid ) 1500 G.P,M. "Sand Free" Water) See Guarantee. ) Bonus for each gal. of "Sand Free" Water over 1500 G.P.M. - Add per gal. Penalty for each gal..of "Sand Free" Water less than 1500 G.P.M. - Deduct per gal. 2,000.00 TOTAL $14,960.00 $ 1.00 $ .25 Bid ,security in the amount of $ 1 ,500.00 , being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposal, the same being subject to for - feiture in the event of default as specified in the instructions to bidders. It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this .bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractors bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced within 30 -60 working days after receipt of notice, and th;tthe contract will be fully performed and completed within . 90 consecutive calendar days thereafter. Resq.e tfu11 )submit d_, Boy,w._r.,,m.w EXPE'RI'ENC'E 13120 Wayzata Boulevard 0 Minneapolis 16, Minn. ORchard 5 -8834 March 22nd 1954 Village Council Village of Edina Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The specifications on which we based our bid require the submission of certain data, for your consideration of the bidders. The following is the data from our company which you requested: a. 13120 Wayzata Blvd., Minneapolis 16, Minnesota. This is about 2 -1/2 miles east of the town of Wayzata on the Wayzata Blvd. otherwise known as Highway 12. b. It is our intention to use the same well rig which we used on the well which we drilled for the Village of Edina in 1950, or a 1949 Model 28 -L Bucyrus Erie cable tool rig. c. Financial references are: First National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Wayzata State Bank, Wayzata, Minnesota Crane Company R. R. Howell Company George A. Clark Inc. Tart -Ide Corporation Fadden Pump Company Fairbanks -Morse & Co. 'In the event your City Manager should wish to have further references we would we would be glad to show him our financial statement. d. We shall,.list only similar projects which can- be::compared because of their proximity and because the formations are of a very si- rnilar nature. We could refer you to 'hundred of others but we believe the following list is very re- presentative and are more comparable to the anticipated formations at your site; and of wells constructed since 1950. Edina Village Well 1950. Stow Project - Edina, Minn. Village of Robbinsdale Golden Rule Dept. Store Archer Daniels Midland Co. - 2 Wells Edina Country Club Interlachen Country Club WELL DRILLING AND REPAIRING % PUMP INSTALLATION AND SERVICE .. i BERGERSON- CASWELL INC. - - - -- Page 2. Village of-- Edina_. = e. The driller will be either Les Heath or Vern Grover. Enclosed is our bid bond. We appreciate very much the opportunity of submitting our bid and hope that you will give it very careful consideration based on past performances. Very sincerely yours, BERGERSON— CASWELL INC. BY: )45 2Z R.K.Bergerson —cc BID BOND 6 PRINCIPAL OFFICE: STN AND WASHINGTON STREETS ST. PAUL 2. MINNESOTA INDEMNRAANY ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA STOCK COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE, BERGERSON- CASWELL, INC., a Minnesota Corporation, of Minneapolis, Minnesota as principal, and the SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal place of business at 111 West Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA, .MINNESOTA, as obligee, in the penal sum of - - - Ten Percent (10 %) of total amount of bid - - - DOLLA iSr lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed, and dated this 22nd day of March 1954 WHEREAS, the said principal is herewith submitting a proposal for construction and testing of a guaranteed Well in the Village of Edina, Minnesota, THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH that, if the said principal shall be awarded the contract, and shall within - - - the time specified receiving notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the principal's bid and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract 1 - with another party to perform the work, if the latter amount be in excess of the former; in no event shalfthe,siirety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof. BERG SO CAS C. r - - principal - i 1 - - - - Saint Paul- A mni mpany u 218 .20 7 -53 ISM Rev. d -so Eu70 F. ri svold - Attorney -in -fact. Class Open Special CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY (A Capital stack Company) Original on File at Home Office of Company. See fourth line of Certification hereof. "STOCK COMPANY, ORGANIZED UNDER THE FIDELITY AND SURETY LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. • rtV (� OWNED, .OPERATED AND CONTROLLED BY DEPARTMENT V THE ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE N S INDEMNITY MPA INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, a corporation organ- ized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and having its principal office . in! the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, does hereby constitute and appoint Robert L. Cobb9-Eugene F.- farisffold & E. E. Pearson' Individually 310 Builders Exchange Minneapolis, Minnesota its true and lawful attorney(s) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and un- dertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instru- ment(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said Saint Paul - Mercury Indemnity Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and - acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article VI,— Section 6 -F, of the By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company at a meet- ing called and held on the 24th day of October, 1936, of which the following is a true transcript.of said Section 6 -F: "The President or any Vice President or Secretary shall have power and authority: (1) To appoint Attorneys -in -fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto. bonds and undertakings, recognizances. contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys -in -fact who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power -of- attorney issued in pursuance to this section and/or any of the By -Laws of the Company, and (3) To remove.at any time. any such Attorney -in -fact or Special Attorney -in -fact and revoke the authority given him." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer this ej .. 4P,, °$ 10th day of February 19 50. 3 SEAL `° SAINT PAUL - MERCURY INDEMNITY COMPANY pF[AWP -0 STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. County of Ramsey . President. On thlOth day of February 1950, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me known. and, being by me duly sworn. said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul. Minnesota, the day and year first above 11 written. , C. L. JAEGER Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires June 2, 1953. CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned. a Special Attorney -in -fact of the Saint Paul- Mercury Indemnity Company, duly appointed pursuant to and by authority of Section 6 -F (2) of Article VI of the By -Laws of said Company, adopted on the 24th day of October. 1936, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of Section 6 -F of Article VI of the By -Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney. with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY'WHEREOF, 1 -have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day. of March 19 22060 -� Special Attorney -in -fact. Operating Test Pump) for final ) 8 hrs. More or less as determined by the / Acceptance Test ) Engineer. Price per hr.v Base Bid ) 1500 G.P.M. "Sand Free" Water) See Guarantee. TOTAL Bonus for each gal. of "Sand Free" Water over 1500 G.P.M, - Add per gal.h o Penalty for each gal. of "Sand Free" Water less than 1500 G.P.M. - Deduct per gal. w� 6 WELL NUMBER ITEM ESTIMATED LIN. FT, PRICE PER LIN.FT. TOTAL 24" drive ) Pipe & Hole) 1001 More or less a 400, 00 23 ". Hole 200! More or less 16" O.D. )r Casing in place) O inc. seal ring ) 3001 More or less 21z s ®, �® or drive shoe ) 19" Open Rock) Hole Y 200' More or less / ;Z .�� , O049 i 1 24 Inch ) Steel Shoe) ®® Each ) Grouting space between) 16" casing & 23" hole ) �, and between 16" casing) 30 C,Y. More or less per Cu.Yd. ,�,�' 9� and 24" drive pipe ) Furnishing & Installing ) Turbine pump unit and ) all equipment required for) Lump Sum the preliminary acceptance) testa ) Operating Test Pump) for final ) 8 hrs. More or less as determined by the / Acceptance Test ) Engineer. Price per hr.v Base Bid ) 1500 G.P.M. "Sand Free" Water) See Guarantee. TOTAL Bonus for each gal. of "Sand Free" Water over 1500 G.P.M, - Add per gal.h o Penalty for each gal. of "Sand Free" Water less than 1500 G.P.M. - Deduct per gal. w� Bid security in the amount of 'n / L7 OA40 , being 100 of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposal, the same being subject to forfeiture in the event of.default as specified in the instructions to bidders. It is understood by the.undersigned that the_ right is reserved by the Village Council to reject Gny and all bids and that this bi' may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractorts bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced within %E: working days after receipt of notice, and that the contract will be fully performed and completed within 60 - consecutive calendar days thereafter. Respectfully submitted, Tiromne Addross 7 r. r A f�.r 1HROUGyRF se9 ° Water Wells + Pumps Water Treatment AFFILIATES * LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. * GENERAL FILTER CO. 3140 -3148 SNELLING AVENUE * MINNEAPOLIS 6, MINNESOTA * S BRANCH OFFICE - BILLINGS, MONTANA PARKWAY 2 -6668 OFFICIAL ADDRESS Layne- Minnesota Co. 3140 Snelling Ave. So. Minneapolis 6, Minn. EQUIPMENT TO BE USED 29W Bucyrus Erie Drilling Rig & Layne Test Pump FINANCIAL STATEMENT References: Dunn & Bradstreet, First National Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. SIMILAR PROJECTS Minneapolis Brewing Company Schmidt Birewing Company Swift & Co. , So* St. Paul Village of St. Louis Park, Minn. University of Minnesota - Farm Campus DRILLER Truman Monson " Wortda.LargestWater�aLelopose y���SSjHROUGyR�S • �9 Water Wells Pumps Water T- reatment AFFILIATES * LAYNE & BOWLER, INC. * GENERAL FILTER CO. 3140-3148 SNELLING AVENUE * MINNEAPOLIS 6, MINNESOTA BRANCH OFFICE • BILLINGS, MONTANA PARKWAY 2 -6668 OFFICIAL ADDRESS Layne - Minnesota Co. 3140 Snelling Ave. So. Minneapolis 6. Minn. EQUIPMENT TO BE USED 29W Bucyrus Erie Drilling Rig & Layne Test Pump FINANCIAL STATEMENT References: Dunn & Bradstreet, First National Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. SIMILAR PROJECTS Minneapolis Brewing Company Schmidt Brrewing Company Swift & Co.. So. St. Paul Village of St. Louis Park, Minn. University of Minnesota - Farm Campus DRILLER Truman Monson f Worlds.Larges Wa far Ue-&elo,6e rs 6 WELL NUMBER ITEM ESTIMATED LIN. FT, PRICE PER LIN.FT. TOTAL 2411 drive Pipe &Hole) 100' More or less �� o� 2311 Hole 200' More or less 16" O.D. ) Casing in place) o p 0 inc. seal ring) 300' More or less ADD\ or drive shoe ) 191! Open Rock) Hole ) 200' More or less _ ea � e 1 24 Inch) Steel Shoe) � c D Each ) Grouting space between) 16" casing & 23" hole } and between 16" casing) 30 C.Y. C.Y, More or less ��� od per Cu. Cu.Yd. \ ,� �D od c� and 24" drive pipe ) Furnishing & Installing ) Turbine pump unit and ) o a all equipment required for) Lump Sum 4/ P oa the preliminary acceptance) test. ) Operating Test Pump) for final ) 8 hrs. More or less as determined by the Acceptance Test ) Engineer. Price per hr. o Q Base Bid ) 1500 G.P.M. "Sand Free" Water) See Guarantee. rsa TOTAL Bonus for each gal. of "Sand Free" Water 1500 Add 0 over G.P.M. - per gal. $ Penalty for each gal. of "Sand Free" Water less than 1500 G.P.M, - Deduct per gal. w� Bid security in the amount of <+ �G!. , being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposal, the same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default as specified in the instructions to bidders. It is understood by the undersigned . that the right is reserved-by the Village Council to reject any and all bids and that this bi. d may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractor's bond and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded, such contract, work'on the project will be commenced within %el) working days after receipt'of notice, and that the contract will be fully performed and completed within %d consecutive calendar days thereafter. Respectfully submitted rc , Firm Name J�. I A R U ` ]Fiii J IF E �stIl'"" ce rom an I' HOME OFFICE - TAGOMq, WASHINGTON v ,��� FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT Bond No..7.98265 ................ BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That We. ...... L-AYNE MINNESOTA COMPANY � . ................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE. COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, and authorized to do business in the State of '..AUANE. AT.A' ....... ............ ' E NA M/ NNESOTA as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the ...... V.. I. �L. A. �i. �. ... QF ... ... Q./....... i .............................. ..:............................ .................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... La .\ .............. .......................................... ............................... ... ................. ............................... ....•• as obligee, in the sum of ... .- ... .- ...�..-..QNE...THOUSA•ND AND ... 00 -• . — — —•• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• al ........................................................... ............................... .......................DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety .o bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obligee shall make any award Lo the _` "x Principal for: WELL CONSTRUCTION FOR THE YI LLAGE OF EDI NAO MINNESOTA AT THE YI GLAGE HALL. according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly, make i s' and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as Surety or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure so to do, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceed- § ing the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. 22ND MARCH Signed, Sealed and Dated this ......... ............................... day of ............... ............................... . LAY1� -MI NNE OTA - -....... . .......A..CQ... `... s � - � •ecipal- /.�5.........; B J��-'��J.v. ..? .,.P.�...... -_ UNITE PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY LEON FI TZGERAL Attorne - in -F`" B -1312- Contract - Bid Bond — PIT r - – - J�. I A r WE ,, f ��I !illir VIII �j IIIII �� b Jill �IIIIII� =� nfnr,, ulll P"ii 1� VIII III P�II' VIII, v P c -,fj mp s � ��IIC IIIII surance ♦ ♦ ♦ .�: IV STATE OF ..... A.I..NNESOTA„ , 1 r ss. County of ........ (:fENNEPI N -..,4 On this 22ND ............... day of MARCH rj% ........ ............................... 19......, before me, a Notary Public in and for said' County, personally appeared LEON FI TZGERALO ............................... ................................................................. . Personally known to me who being by me sworn did state that he is Attorney -in -Fact of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corpor` poration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the instrument was signed, sealed and executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and further acknowledged that the said instrument and the execution thereof to be the volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, by him voluntarily executed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at ......... ............................... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MINNEAPOLIS, .... MINNESOTA ................ the day and ygar last,'above written. ............................ ........................ My Commission expires ELWIN T. BRAWFHEN NQUa Public, Hennepip County, Minn. 19 My Commission Expires Sept:'2'2; I95g; ” "" B-1015 ............. ............................... .. .... ...... .................... ...... Notary Public • ,liyY.0 bi 5 r, 414'; :GH 22] 1954 TOTZ FM Aw 23w R 16" 19"Roc* a 1 .11 'UnI . Price G.P41. G.P.40 .4'PA. G.PA. f owl • TS Ift :�Ltn bLd Ir - AO «dd 42 *00 per ia].. zr ?.t* Deduct: 2.100 per ol. 160 C*siqg 9.00 mw. X109. 1" RAC 7.00 r 2574. 1638. 7513. 600. 50. 12fl, 1.00 24" 2J"00 :add $.00 2400, 2337.5D X145. 2W6. 960. S0.. . 176. 23" 12. w Bsduct 4,(* 1619 Pipe .740 I" Rock 12.{80 X4 6iri aar 24N 28,00 Aad LOD 28W. 2431. 23" 13.00 �sWuct .25 16% Pipe 7.00 19" Rode 13.00 w2s.5o 31586. L2". 12586. 2,x&6. 13586. 1409. 2002. 3062. 750. 15W* 49D, 200. MM. 15175. 240 " 113.116 Ad. 10000 2000. .. 200.2. 23413, 750. 300. 150.. 80. 16" Pipe 7.00 'JWMdt10.00 190 aock 10000 t :42.00 per Saw B&se bid j 942D.00 eduGt 44.00 per &A, L►so Ad #11W.t10 wufi ii duet 4 .25 per a1. Bases Bid '44960.00 1� : vdut 410.34 ror I-,&1. Las* ,' 9384.00 ice` UUM 14%00 35060. 15168.. 15260. 15360. 15660. 9380. 10380. 1 W. 12300o 3.33AO. 14380. �r 9620. 7 7Ki4V. 302D. S8200 11180. 101000 33380. "80. 95800 26935. 14910. 34885. U86019 14350 -4 7300, 63800 5300. 43800 14%00 35060. 15168.. 15260. 15360. 15660. 9380. 10380. 1 W. 12300o 3.33AO. 14380. �r F) -a w SEABOARD- SURETY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. PROPOSAL BOND Bond No. 51064 Xnam all Mtn bg 14rnr f rrnrnts: THAT WE, KEYS W19,L DRILLING CO. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA as principal, and SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of New York, having its principal place of business at No. 75 Maiden Lane in the City of New York, New York, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto VILLAGE OF EDINA EDINA, MINNESOTA as obligee, in the sum of TEN (10%) PER CENT OF A4 OUNT OF BID' DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 22nd day of March 19 54• WHEREAS, the said principal ,is herewith submitting its proposal for Construction of a Well THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the aforesaid principal shall be awarded the contract upon said proposal and shall within' the required number of days after the notice of such award enter into a contract and give bond for the faithful performance of the contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise the principal and surety will pay unto the obligee the difference in money between the amount of the bid of the said principal and the amount for which the obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the said work if the latter amount be in excess of the former; but in no event shall the surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof. :....KEYS WELL, -DR IL.L.MG... (70:..a ...................... _. ...... ---- Principal .......BY. ..... _......l i ^ .............................. ...................... SEABOARD SURETY PANY B ........ ----------------------------------- -- . T C . Field., III Attorney -in -Fact Form 136 IOM -7.53 PROPOSAL BOND OF FOR SURETY SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK, N. Y. WESLEY C. KEYS Elkhurst 4998 Midway 8149 STANL9Y W. KEYS GEORGE H. KEYS 413 No. Lexington Pkwy. St. Paul 4, Minnesota March 22, 1954. Village Council, Edina, Minn. Gentlemen: Re: BID ON WELL AT EDINA,MINN. The Keys Well Drilling Company's permanent place of bus>t<ness is 413 No. Lexington Ave., St. Paul, Minn. The Equipment we propose to use on this project is a Howell Rig #320 or equal. For financial references we refer you to the American National Bank of St. Paul; the Edw. E. Johnson Screen Company, St. Paul; the R. R. Howell Company, Minneapolis, Minn. Wells of a similar nature have been drilled at the School of Feeble Minded, Faribault, Minn; City of Jordan, Minn; City of St. Peter, Minn; State Hospital of St. Peter, Minn, and the City of Rochester, Minn. The driller on the job will be Herbert Kemper. We have all the necessary material on hand for this project. Yours very truly, SVU.MK KEYS WELL DRILLING COMPANY. wh 166 7 P ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION Village of Edina, Minn. Notice.is hereby given that sealed proposals for the construction of well will be received at the office of the Village Clerk ..,in the Village of Edina, Minn. until 7:30 o'clock P.M,p on the day of 1959 and will then be Publicly opened and read,. Bids are invited for well complete in every detail. Bids must be upon proposal forms and in accordance with.the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk upon request. Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified cheeky cashier's check or bid bond with a surety company as surety, in an amount equal to 10% of his base bid. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to make such an award under this advertisement as in the judgement of its o£ficials9 best serves the Villagers interest. l VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINN. BY Village Clerk LOCATION. OF e WELL 'O a _. St,400& V, �l a � •d a � � ^•rte W 0 F INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONSTRUCTION OF WELL VILLAGE OF EDINA, MIiN, LOCATION. The well to be constructed will be located on a tract of land in the Village of Edina-and owned by the Villa.. -e, as indicated on the plans. SCOPE OF WORK. The work.to be performed consists of the following items. Furnishing of all materials, equipment and tools necessary for the drilling and construction of a well, complete in every detail, to the approximate depth of the bore sizes hereinafter specified, including .the drilling, furnishing and placing of the necessary drive pipe, drive shoe, well casing, sealing of casings, furnishing and testing of the well, in a good and workmanlike mariner in accordance with the - LPlans and specifications. BID SECURITY. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or bid bond with a corporate surety in an amount at least equal t 10% f the total amount of the base bid, payable without condition to the Village. The bid security which must accompany each'bid is required as a guaranty that the.bidder will enter into a contract with the Village for the work described in the proposal, and the amount of the security of a successful bidder shall be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages in the event that such bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish contractor's bond. SUBMISSION OF C.?RTAIN D'.TA. 'ach bidder shall be required to submit with his bid the following information and data: a. The location of the bidder's permanent place of business. 2 3 b. A statement of the equipment which the bidder proposes to use on the project. c. A financial statement showing assets and liabilities as of a time not longer than 6 months previous to the bid or financial references. d. A statement listing projects of a similar nature which the bidder has constructed. e. Name of driller to be on job, MATERIAIS AND WRKMANSHIP.. Materials shall be the best of their respective kind. The steel pipe shall be'National steel seamless or Republic electric welded. All joints shall be machine beveled before welding. Welding shall be done by a skilled welder whose craftsmanship may be demonstrated to owner's representative. The drilling foreman or driller must be one who has had experience and success in drilling wells of this size in this area. The contractor shall state if he has beveled pipe of proper size in stock. INFORMATION CONCERNING SITE. Bidders shall inform themselves of the conditions under Mich the work is to be performed concerning the site of the work) the structure of the grounds the obstacles which may be encountered) and all other relevant matters concerning the work to be performeds and if awarded the contracts shall not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing con. cerning which bidder might have informed himself because of his failure to hav® so,informed himself prior to the bidding. No bidder may rely upon any statements or representations of any officer, agent., or employee of the Village with reference to the conditions of the work 4 or the character of the soil or other hazards which may be encountered in the course of construction. Quantities indicated by the Village Engineer on drawings or elsewhere are estimated onlyp and bidders must rely on their own calculations. CONDITIONS IN BIDDER'S PROPOSAL. The bidder shall not sti- pulate in his proposal any conditions not contained in the Contract Conditions prescribed by the Village. TIME OF COMPLETION. The bidder shall specify in the pro- posal the date when he will commence work and the number of consecutive calendar days thereafter when the contract will be completely performed and the stipulated time of completion will be of the essence of the contract. Because of the emergency need of this welly starting and completion time will be a factor in awarding the contract. Should the Contractor to whom the job is awarded fail to cooperate in the prosecu- tion of this workp his contract will be immediately terminatedq and he shall forfeit all claims for any money due until the well has been completed by the owner. He then shall receive his proportionate share of any money). amount of the unit billy not expended for completion of the well. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The contract documents will consist of the advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders., proposal form, general contract conditions, detailed specifications$ the plans, and contract. The form of all of these documents is on file with the Village Recorder and available to the bidders upon application. FORM OF PROPOSAL. Proposals or bids must be written and conform to the form attachedy and directed to the Clerk of the Village., securely sealed, so as to prevent its being opened without detection., and endorsed on the wrapper with a brief statemEn t or summary as to the work for which the bid is made. PROPOSAL CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL VILLAGE OF EIlINA. MILAN. To the Villac-e Council of The Village of Edina, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned has examined the contract documents, including advertisement for bids, instructions to bidders, form of proposal, general contract conditions, form of contract. and detailed specifications, including attached drawing and plans on file ,in the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Edina and is familiar with the site and location of the project for the construction of a well, the work to be done and the local conditions affecting the cost of the work under which it must be performed, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor materials and equipment for the complete construction of a well, and to perform all work in accordance with the contract doe- �. uments and the plans hereto attached for the following prices. 5 k , Bonus for each gal. -of "Sand Free" Water ' over 150.0..G,P.M, Add per gal, Penalty for each gal. of "Sand Free" Water less than 1500 G,P.M, - Deduct per gal. l-P 6 WELL NUMBER. ITEM ESTIMATED LIN. FT, PRICE PER LIN.FT. TOTAL 2411 drive, ) J Pipe &,Hole) 1001, More ,or. less QA 23" Hole 2007 More, or",Iless Im.. 16„ o,D. ) Casing in place) inc, seal ring) 300' More or less zM �/ 0 0 1' or. drive shoe ) pen Rock) - --- Hole ) 200' More or less 1 24 Inch ) Steel Shoe) Each ) Grouting space between) 16" casing & 23" hole.) and between 16" casing) 30 C.Y. More or less per Cu.Yd.°- -o�° —° and 2411 drive pipe ) Furnishing & Installing ) Turbine pump unit and ) all equipment required for) Lump Sum -L5 the preliminary acceptance) test. ) Operating Test Pump) .for final ) 8 hrs. More or less as determined by the Acceptance Test ) Engineer. Price per hr. Jo cm 0-0 Base Bid 15OO,G.P.M. "Sand Free" Water) �. See Guarantee. TOTAL w -C% I? 'D Bonus for each gal. -of "Sand Free" Water ' over 150.0..G,P.M, Add per gal, Penalty for each gal. of "Sand Free" Water less than 1500 G,P.M, - Deduct per gal. Bid security in the amount of 8o,y o , being 10% of the high or base bid, accompanies this proposal, the same being subject to forfeiture in the event of default as specified in the instructions to bidders. i It is understood by the undersigned that the right is reserved by the Village Council to reject :;ny and. all bids and that this bid may not be withdrawn until 30 days after the time the bids are opened. If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to promptly furnish contractorts bond-'and execute form of contract now on file with the Village Clerk and further agrees that if awarded such contract, work on the project will be commenced within �� working days after receipt of notice, and,that the contract will be fully performed and completed within ' consecutive calendar days thereafter. I Respectfully submitted, Firm Name YS WELL DRILLING CO. 413 Igo: Lexington Ave. ST. PAUL. MINN. _. I Address j BY 7 H CONTRACT FOR.CONSTRUCTION OF WELL Village of Edina, Minn. THIS AGREEMENTS made and entered into as of the day of 195 by and between the VILLAGE OF EDINA hereinafter called "THE VILLAGEP11 and , hereinafter called "THE CONTRACTOR." Witnesseth that the Contractor and the Village., for the consider- ation stated herein$ agree as follows: Article I. - Scope of the Work. The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials and perform all of the work shown on the drawings., and described in the specifications entitled "Specifications for Construction of Wells" under the direction of S. R, Mitchells acting as and in these contract documents entitled "The Engineers" and the Contractor shall do everything required by this agreement and the contract documents. Article II. - Commencement and Completion of Work. The Contractor shall commence,work under this contract promptly after receipt of written order from the Village and shall fully-complete all work hereunder within calendar days from and including said date. Article III. - Contract Sum. Payment will be made on a lump sum basis for the completed well as per unit prices in the proposal. The final contract sum shall be due and payable fifteen (15) days after receipt by the Village Council of the Village of a certificate by the Engineer that the work has been fully completed and this contract fully performed by the Contractorp. provided that such final payment shall in no event be due and payable less than sixty (60) days after the date of final completion of the work. 6 Article IV. - Contract Documents. The contract documents shall consist of the following: 1. Advertisement for bids. 2. Instructions to bidders. 3. The accepted proposal. 4. General Contract Conditions. 5. Detailed specifications. 6. Plans and drawings. 7. This instrument. This instrument, together with the documents hereinabove mentioned, form the contracto and they are as fully a part of-the contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated. In the event that any pro- vision in any of the component parts of this contract conflicts with any pro- vision of any other component part' the provision in the component part last enumerated herein shall govern except as otherwise. specifically stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed in two original counterparts as of the day and year first above written. 10, VILLA TE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA BY President of the Council Recorder Contractor M SPECIFICATIONS FOR I -JELL LOCATION. The well will be located on a tract of land in the Village of Edina and owned by the Village, as shown on attached plans. SCOPE OF WORK. It is the intent of the plans and specifications to provide for the drilling and construction of a complete well, to the approximate depth of the bore sizes as shown on the plans, the drilling, furnishing and placing of the necessary drive pipe, drive shoe, well casing, the sealing of casings, furnishing and testing of the well. Unless otherwise provided, it is understood that the Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, equipment, tools and necessary supplies as may reasonable be required to complete the work in accordance with the plans specifications, and terms of the Contract. The approved plans on file in the office of the Village Clerk will show the location, details and dimensions of the work contemplated. The Village reserves the right to increase or decrease any of the items specified in the plans, proposal and contract at the prices specified for the items in the proposal. Such changes shall not decrease or increase the total contract price by more than 20c/0'. The Engineer shall have the right to make such changes or alterations as the work progresses, if it is deemed necessary and desirable to do so, in order to complete fully the construction of the work. WELL. The lengths of the various sizes of the hole and casing are approximate, and the Contractor will be paid only for the actual lengths in the final construction. The drift strata shall be drilled and cased into the rock 11 12 formation with twenty -fou., inch (24*") ODD„ black steel pipe with 3/8 inch walls weighing 9L,62 lbs. per foot to an approximate depth of 100 ft. more or less below the ground level,, The casing shall extend above the ground level to a point determined by Village Engineers and the cost of same shall be included in the unit price for drilling and casing the 24 inch casing below the ground lsve.1, A suitable d_•iving head to protect the pipe shall be provided and the .price bid for the 2! inch hole and drive pipe shall includs the furnis'nir_g of the driving head,; A suitable drive shoe shall be attached to the end of the 24 . inch drive pipe. A 23 inch hole shall be drilled from the bottom of the 24 inch 0. D, casing to an approximate depth bslow.the ground level of 300 feet more or less. A 19 inch hole shall be drilled from the bottom of the 23 inch hole to an approximate depth below the ground level of 500 feet more or less,, A 16 inch 0. D. wrought steel pipe weighing 62058 lbs, per ft* and having a wall thickness of 3/8 inch shall be placed in the well with its top above the floor to an elevation designated by the Engineer with the lower end at a depth of approximately 300 feet more or less be- low the ground level. This pipe shall be.placed truly vertical in such a manner that it will retain its cylindrical shape throughout its entire length. The drill hole shall be bridged at the point of reduction from 23 inch to 19 inch and a plug set, which will effectively prevent leakage of cement during the grouting of the well. The annular space between the 16 inch casing and the 23 inch hole and between the 16 inch casing and the 24 inch drive pipe shall be filled with a cement grout consisting of one part cement and one part sand. Proportions of cement, sand and water shall be accurately measured and maintained to permit a consistency of grout that can be forced through the grout pipes. The mixture method of *wing and consistency of the grout shall be a..;_-,proved by the Engineer before being placed in the hole. A pipe of adequate size,shall be used for the grouting and if crevices are found in the rock formation within the length of casing, the contractor will place light steel or sheet metal liners in the 23 inch hole to prevent the loss of grout. The grouting shall be a continous operation and done in such a manner as will insure th-: entire filling of the annular space. The grout pipe shall be raised as the ;routing proceeds so that the cement grout in place: will be disturbed as little as possible during the period when it is taking its initial set. The work will be done in such a manner that grout will not leak out below the casing and run Anto the well. The entire length of the annular space outside of the 16 inch casing is to be filled with grout up to the top of the 24 inch casing. The unit price bid for grouting shall include the furnishing of all materials, grouting piped the furnishing and placing of light liners.through creviced rock, if they are found necessary, end the placing of the grout. No work will be permitted in the well until four days after the grouting of the casing. Upon completion of tho grouting the plug and bridge shall be drilled out. The Contractor shall furnish at his own expense a dummy 40 feet in length, with 3 rings, each ring 6 inches wide and 14 inches in diameter. The rings shall be truly cylindrical and shall be spaced one at each end of the dummy with one ring in the center: The central member of the dummy shall be rigid, so that it wiIi maintain the alignment of -the ?xis of the rings. Before the grouting is started and after the grouting is completed, the Contractor shall Power the dummy in the well and the alignment shall be such, that the dummy will move freely without bending to a depth of 300 13 feet. Should the. dummy fail to move freely throughout the entire longt�-i of the 16 inch casing, or to the depth of 300 feet., the alignment of the tell shall be corrected by the contractor at his own expensep or should he fail to correct the alignments a new well shall be constructed by the Contractor at his own expense] at a point to be designated by the Engineer. In the event the owner requests,, the Contractor shall, at his expense] provide the services of a Consulting Engineering-Firm to rune the alignment test. The Firm must be auproved by the owner's representative. The Contractor will furnish the necessary water for drilling - _erg, The Contractor shall furnish and install a turinine pump unit for testing the well when it is completed. This test to be called the Preliminary Acceptance Test; The pump shall have a capacity of at least 2000 gallons per minute when pumping against a static lift of 200 feet and the top of the bowls shall be set at a depth of 200 feet below the surface of'the ground if necessary, The unit shall be complete with prime movers controls and all appurtenances. The Village will furnish the electrical energy for testing and the contractor shall furnish the. wiring and other equipment from motor to source of current on top of the pole; this will include the temporary wiring, meter and switch box, The Contractor shall furnish all piping including a pipe of a .size to be determined by the Engineer which shall serve as an orifice drums all gauge connections and an orifice. Also to furnish and install a tell -tale pipe for measuring the water levels in the well during the test. Pipe to be placed in such a manner that its bore will remain open and all joints air tight. The Contractor will also furnish such facilities as `are necessary to conduct the water pumped during the test to an outlet that will avoid any damage to property. J. 7 If the Contractor fails to drill the well to tho, depth spec:irl.od on the plans, or abandons the well for obvious reasonsy he shall drill another well at another place designated by the Engineer, at•his own expense, and shall receive no further payment, until progress has been made in the new well to a point beyond that at which the previous well was abondoned, The abondoned hole shall be filled with clay and concrete. The new well, upon completion, shall be left free from tools: timbers or debris of a ny kind and the well at the ground surface shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Minnesota State Board of Health, The Contractor shall furnish all the labor, all materials and supplies required for the operation of the pumping unit during the Preliminary Acceptance Test. The estimated namber of hours required for the Final Acceptance Test is approximately 8 but the Engineer shall make the final decision as to the duration of the test. The measurements of the drive pipe shall be from the surface of the ground to the bottom of-said pipe, and the measurement of the drilled sections shall be the actual length from the bottom of the prey ceding section measured. The measurement of the 16 inch casing and grouting shall be from the top of the drive pipe to the bottom of the casing. The Contractor shall keep an accurate record of the rrmber, length, and order in which the drive pipe and well casing lengths are inserted. A 2" breather line shall be welded into the inner casing at such an angle as to permit easy access for electric draw -down equipment,, It shall beIequipped with a suitable cap and meet with approval of owner representa• tiveo After completion of the test the well must ae treated with.a minimum of 15# -of 70% HoT�h, and ;acurely capped„ The Contractor shall preserve samples of the material encountered during the drilling of'the well, one sample being taken from one section not more than 5 feet in depth and from each point where the material or strata encountered varies from that previously sampled. Each sample shall consist of 1 pound of material preserved in a jar and to be marked (195_) with the depth at which the sample was (date) obtained. The well shall be drilled straight, true and plumb throughout its entire length and shall be tested at the expense of the Contractor and in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer, for compliance with these specifications. Samples of material encountered in the drilling of the well shall be preserved by the Contractor. One sample of each change of formation encountered shall be kept . in sealed jars at the site of the well for inspection by the Engineer, properly labelling same.for identification. When the well has been completed, tested and accepted, the Contractor shall cut the casing at the proper heighth for installation of the deep well pump and shall temporarily close the opening in an approved substantial manner to prevent damage to the well and for the protection of the public, For the purpose of testing the well, the Contractor shall furnish his own deep well turbine test pump with the bowls of the pump set down . 200 feet below surface and provide all of the necessary connections for the operation of said test pump. Said pump shall be capable-of pumping the well from this depth up to a capacity of 2000 gallons per minute if the well is capable of producing this capacity at this pump setting. The test shall be run by the Contractor for a period of not less than eight (8) hours in the presence of the Engineer who may direct the test to 1- be continued beyond eight (8) hours if he elects. Such additional pumping I time will be paid for at the unit price bid by the Contractor. In the event additional work is ordered after the first test,, additional tests shall be run at the order of the Engineer. Prior to conducting the official test, the Contractor shall pump the well sufficiently long to remove sand and drillings., and to satisfy himself that the test equipment he has installed will comply with these specifications. No compensation will be allowed for cleaning the well and for testing the test equipment. Before starting this test the Engineer and' Contractor shall observe and record the static water level in the well. At thirty (30) minute intervals observations shall be taken and recorded showing the drawdown in the well and rate of flow. Samples of water shall be taken by the Engineer I periodically to determine the presence of sand at various pumping rates including the 2000 G. P. M. rate. Near the end of the test the Contractor shall take a sample of the water: in a clean container suitable to receive water for testing purposes. The Contractor shall deliver the sample immediately to the Minnesota State Board of Health Laboratory for Chemical Analysis. Care shall be exercised in delivering the sample to the Laboratory so as not to contaminate the water samples There will be no charge for this analysis and the State Board of Health will furnish a report of the analysis to the Owner and the Engineer. At the time the test operations are completed the static water level shall be measured and recorded, and at regular intervals such observations shall be repeated until the water level becomes constant or returns to its original level. la GUARANTEE, The.Contractor shall further guarantee that the well upon completion will be capable of producing the contract amount of water free from sand. The term "Free from sand" shall be defined as water having a turbidity of not to exceed 10 P„P.M. (Silica Scale) in accordance with the United States Public Health Service Drinking Water.Standards - 1946. Any dispute arising under the paragraph as to the quantity of water obtained "Sand Free" shall be arbitrated by Twin Cities. Testing Laboratory. Condition. Page Number Number 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 3. 5. 3. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. 4. 9. 4. 10. 4. 11. .6. 12. 7. 13. 7. 14• 7. 15. 8. 16. 8. 17. 9. 18. y. 19. 9. 20. 10. 21. 10. 22. 10. 23. 11. 24. 11. 25. 11. 26. 11. 27, 12. 28a, 13. 28b. 14. 29, 14. 30. 14. 31.. 14: 32. 14. 33. 14, 34. 15. 35. 16. 36. 16. 37. 16. 38. 16. 39. 17. 11 t0. 17. 41. 17. F' VILLAGE OF EDINA GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Revised April 1, 1953 INDEX Conditi ;ti Definitions. Consideration of Bids. Award of Contracts. Rcturn of Proposal Guaranty. Requirement of Contract Bond. Execution of Contract Documents. Failure to Execute Contract Documents. Types of Bonds and. Insurance required. Workman's.Compcnsation. Scope of the Contract. Control of Work. Unauthorized Work._ Defective: Work. Night Work. Protection of Work. Prosecution.of Work. Suspension and Resumption of Work. Acceptance of the Work. Plans, .. Coordination of Plans, Specifications and Spccial.Prov-isions. Cooperation by Contractor.' Construction Stak6s, Moving Heavy Equipmc::nt over Public Highways.. Restricted use of the Street by Traffic. "Engineer's Status. Inspection. Legal Relations and Responsibility to the Public. Responsibility for Damage Claims. Responsibility for Damage to Property: P6rsonal Liability of Public" Officials. Accidc;rit Prevention.: Building Code. "Or Equal " Clause.. Instruments. Payments tb Contractor. The Right of the Village to Do the Work. Right of the Village to Turminatr Contract. Assignment., Subrlortr a;;"ts . Labor Preference. Interference with Other Utilities. VILLAGE OF EDINA GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Revised .April 1, 1953 1. DEFINITIONS: In this contract and specifications, the following words are used in accordance with these definitions: (a) "The Village" means The Village of Edina. (b) "Engineer" means the Village Engineer of the Village of Edina un- less a consulting engineer or architect is designated as engineer for the project by the Village Council, in which case the designated engi- neer or architect.. (c) "Contractor" is the individual, firm, or corporation with whom the Village contracts and unless otherwise specified includes sub- contractors. (d) The-term "Work" of the Contractor or Sub - contractor includes labor or materials or both. (e) "Notice" shall be properly given to the Contractor by mailing same by registered mail to the address given on his proposal or by delivery to his representative at the site of the work. Notice to the Village must be delivered to the Village Clerk's Office. (f) "Bidder" means any individual, partnership, or corporation sub- mitting a proposal for the work contemplated, acting directly ex- through a duly authorized agent. (g) "Contract" means a written agreement, valid in form, between the Village and the successful bidder, by which the contractor is bound to perform the work contemplated, in accordance with the plans, specifica- tions, special provisions, and supplemental agreements, and by which the Village is bound to compensate him therefor at the mutually established and accepted rate or price. The contract includes the advertisement for bids, instruction to bidders, proposal, contract bond, plans, general contract condition, special provisions, specifications, and the contract pertaining to the work and /or materials therefor. "Contract Bond" is the approved form of security furnished by the contractor and his surety or sureties as a guaranty of good faith and ability on the part of the contractor to execute the work in accordance with the terms of the contract, (h) "Grade" - the established elevation of the surface of the completed improvement, or elevation points shown on the plans. (i) "Inspector" - the authorized representative of the engineer, as- signed to make detailed inspection of any or all. portions of the work or materials therefor. (1) �IJERAL CUTP.AU., JOhDITIfONS- Cont. -2- (j) "Labaratoiy" - the testing laboratories of a reputable inde- ,pendent laboratory, or any other testing laboratory which may be acceptable to the engineer to inspect and determine the suitability of materials. (k) "Plans" - All approved drawings', or reproductions of such draw- ings, pertaining to the work provided for in the contract, (1). "Project" - the contemplated improvement as indicated in the plans and specified in the oontraet.k (m) "Proposal ". - The written offer of the bidder, on a form furnished by the Village,-to pErfoM the work contemplated. (n) "Special Provisions".- Specific clauses setting forth eonditions or requirements peculiar to the project under consideration and cover- ing work.or materials involved in the contract, which are not covered by the specifications.' (o) "Specifications ". - the directions, provisions, and requirements contained herein, or in supplements hereto, duly approved by the . Engineer pertaining to the performance of the work and the qualities 9f materials to be furnished under the contract. (p) "Sui- Contractor" - the individual, fiM or corporation undertaking the execution of a part of the work under the terms of the contract by. virtue of an agreement between himself and the contractor, subject to the approval of the Village, but does not include one who merely fur- nishes material. (q) "Surety" - the individual or corporate body which is bound with and for the contractor to insure his acceptable performance of the contract, and for his payment of all obligations pertaining to the project. 2. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: (a) The Village reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive defects or technicalities, as it may deem best for its interest. (b) Comparison of bids will be based on the correct summation of item totals, obtained from the unit prices bid. (e) Bids submitted by "out of Stater' corporations will not be con- sidered unless these corporations have furnished evidence or proof to the owner that they have met all legal requirements'for transacting business in the state in which the project is located. (d) Evidence that any, bidder is interested in more than one proposal for the same project will cause rejection of all such proposals. Col - lusi,an between the bidders will be considered sufficient cause for the rejection of all proposals made by bidders so involved, or rejection of all bids. (2) . _ ,NERAL CONTRACT OMDITIONS- Cont. -3- 3. AWARD OF CONTRACTS: Each contract will be .awarded to the lowest re- -sponsible bidder, Within. 30 days after the opening of .proposals, the Village will send to the successful bidder the necessary contract and a notice that the contract has been awarded to him subject to the proper execution of the contract and furnishing of a bond, and.insur- anoe,.and further subject to the approval of the contract as required by law. Notice of approval or disapproval of the contract and bond will be given the contractor within 7 days, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, after they have been properly executed and returned to the office of the Village Clerk. 4. RETURN OF PROPOSAL GUARANTY: All proposal guaranties except the low bidders will be returned within 30 days after the date of the opening of proposals. The proposal guaranty of the successful bidder will be returned upon the receipt of the properly executed contract and bond. Should no notice of award to given, the low bidder's. proposal guaranty will be returned. 5. REQUIREMENT OF CONTRACT BOND: Before commencing any work under this contract and within ten days after notice of acceptance of his bid, the contractor shall execute.and,deliver. to the Village a bond executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota in a sun equal to the contract price for the use of the Village and all persons doing work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, or materials under or for the purpose of this contract to secure the faithful per- formance of this contract by said'Contraotor and to be conditioned as required by the-.laws of the State of Minnesota for public contractor's bond. 60 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: (a) The individual, a member of the partnership, or the president or vice president and the secretary of -the corporation to whom or to which the contract has been awarded shall sign the n:,,cessary agreements entering into a contract with the Village, and shall return then to the office of the Village Clerk within 10 days after receiving written notice of such award. In the case of a corporation, the signatures shall be those of two different persons. No proposal will be con- sidered as binding on the Village until the contract has been approved and certified as provided by law.. (b) Execution, Correlation, and Intent of Documents. The contract shall be executed in duplicate by the Contractor and the Village. The contract documents are complementary, and what is called for by any one shall be as binding.as if called fcr by all. The.intention of the documents is to include all labor and materials, equipment, transporta- tion necessary, etc. for the proper execution of the work. (3) ENERAL CONTR...:..'i: Cc'idD TIONS- Cont. -4- 7. FAILURE TO EkF'UTE CONTRACT DOCLHENTS: Failurr. on the part of the suecessfui i.ader to furnish an acceptable bond as provided above or to execute the contract as provided will be considered cause for the annulment of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty, not as a penalty but in liquidation of damages sustained by the Village as a. result of such failure. If, due to the absence; of one or more of the required signers of the agreements, return of the: ex- ecuted agreements within the specified time is impossible, the Village may extend Such time provided evid.eiiee satisfactory to it is produced that the agreements will be executed. B. TYPES OF BONDS, AND INSURANCE iEQUIRED: (a) The Contractor shall furnish certifiDd copies of insurance policies as evidence to the Village before commencing any work under this contract that, with respect to the opc:ratiens he performs, he carries regular Contractor's Public Liability Insurance providing for a.limit of not less than 550,000. for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one person, and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of P'100,C)CO. for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of two or more persons in any one accident,- and regular Contractor's Property Damage Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than .50,000. for all damages aris- ing out.of injury to or destruction of property in any one accident and subject to that limit per accident, a total limit of ';"100,000. for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property during the policy period. (b) I,f any part of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by or in behalf of the Sub- Contractors to cover their opera- tions. (c): Contractor shall keep the above insurance in effect during the life of the contract. 9. WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION: The attention of the Contractor is directed to the provisions 6f the Statc Statutes relating to "Workmens Compen- sation Insurance", which laws shall be applicable on this contract. 10. SCOPE 'OF THE CONTRACT: (a) Intent of Plans and Specifications. The intent of thu plans and speci ications is to prescribe a complete improvement. No deviations fmom the plans shall be made unless authorized by the Engineer in writiiyg. Unless othonvii,: provided, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, ;materials, (all mat -rial shall be nE:w), equipm(Dnt, tools, light, power, transportation, supplies, incidentals, and all else which may be neces- sary to construct and complete the improvement in accordanec with the contract. (4) ::O RAL CONTNA"J. "DITIONS- Cont. 10. SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT: (Continued) (b) Special Provisions. Should any construction items or require- ments which are not covered by these specifications be anticipated on any proposed work, special provisions covering sueh items will be. included with the proposal form, and these special provisions shall be considered as a part of.tbe contract. (c) Changes in the .Work. The Village, to the extent authorized by law,.may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding.to, or deducting from the work without invalidating the contract, and the . contract sum will be adjusted accordingly. No such order for extra work or change shall be valid unless authorized by official action of the Village Council and communicated to the Contractor in writing by the Engineer. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract, except that any claim for extension of time eaused.thereby shall -be adjusted at the time of ordering such change. In giving instructions the Zngineer shall have; authority to make minor changes in the work not involving extra cost and not inconsis- tent with the purposes of the installation. The value of any extra work or change shall be determined in one ar eore of the following ways- (1) By estimate and.acceptance of a lump sum: (2) By unit prices named in the contract or subsequently agreed upon. (3) By cost and percentage or by cost and a fixed fee.. if hbhe of the.above methods is agreed upohi the Contractor, pro- vide'd he r'eCeiited an order, as above; shall proEebd with the work. In such case and also under case (3), he shall keep and presc;nt in such form as the Engineer may direct a correct account of the net cost of the labor and materials, together with vouchers- In any case, the Engineer shall certify to the reasonable vaiue' of such labor_ and materials, and reasonable,allowance shall be made by him for overhead and profit due to the Contractor. (d). Claims for Extra Cost. If the Contractor claims that any in- structions by drawings or otherwise involve extra cost under this con tract he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such instructions and in any event before proceeding to execute the work, except in einergeney en- dangering life or property, and the procedure shall then be as pro - vided for changes in work. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. (e) Delays and Exter,si.en of Time:. If the Contractor. be delayed at any time in the pr,3pre:ss of the work by any act or neglect of the Village Council or the Engineer, or of any employe; of either, or by any other contractor employed by the Villaga, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strikes, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or other causes b:yond the Contractor's control, or by any cause which the Engineer shall. decide to justify the delay, (5) : Al ERAL CONTRA^ C `: ` =i. !'IOA<S- Cont. -6- 10. SCOPE JF T.H� (YNTRACT: (Continu(A). then the time of completion shall be extended for s-u.ch reasonable time as: the. Engineer' may decide t No such extension shall be ma4e. for delay occurring more than seven days before claim tr:ereforr; is mp.de in writ= ing to the Engineer,,...This . docs not exclude the recovery of damages for delay.by either party undx- other provisions of the contract docu- msnts. (f) Correction of Work Before. - Final Payment:' The Contractor shall pr -mptly remove from the premises all materials condemned by the Engineer as.failing to conform to the contract, whether incorporated in the work or not, and the Contractor shall promptly replace and i~e- execute his own work in accordance with the contract documents and without expense to the Village and shall bear the expense of making good all work of other contractors destroyed or damaged by such re- moval or replacement. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and mater- ials within a reasonable time fixed by written notice, the Village may remove them and may store the material at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the expenses of such removal within ten days time thereafter, the Village may upon ten days written notice sell such materials at auction-or at private sale and shall aceourit for the net proceeds thereof, after deducting all the costs and ex- penses that should have been borne by the Contractor. 11. CONTROL OF WORK: Authority of Engineer. The Engineer shall decide any and all questions which may arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials fur- nished and work performed, and as to the.manner of performance and rate of progress of,said work. He shall decide all questions which may arise as to the interpretation of any or all plans and specifications relating to the work, and all questions as to the acceptable'fulf ill - ment of the contract on the part of the Contractor. He shall also determine the amount and quality of the sevcral.kinds of work performed and materials furnished which are to be paid for under the contract. The Engineer shall have the authority to demand, in writing_, the dis- missal of any person employed by tho Contractor,'in,about, or upon the work who shall misconduct himself or b: incompetent or negligent in the due and proper performance of his duties, and of any foreman or superintendent who neglects or refuses to comply with the directions given; and such person shall not be employed again on the work with- out the written consent of the Engineer. Should the Contractor con- tinue to employ, or again employ such person or persons, the Village may withhold all monies which are or may become due, or the Engineer may suspend the wort: until such orders or dismissals are complied with. The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline; and order among his employees and shall not employ on the work any unfit person or anyone unskilled in the work assigned to him. (6) - FNERAL CONTRAC i _ "` TDI`"IONS- Cont. -7- 12. UNAUTHORIZED WORK: (a) Except as otherwise provided in the contract, work done without lines or elevations being given or with materials which have not been given the required inspection may be considered as unauthorized work and as having been done at the expense of the Contractor. Compensa- tion for such work will be made only in the event that the Engineer determines it to be acceptable to the Village. Any work which may be done by the Contractor prior to the approval of the contract may be considered as unauthorized work and as having been done at the expense of the Contractor. Compensation for such work will be made: only in the event that the contract is approved and the Engineer determines the work to be acceptable to the Village. (b)- Any work done, which is not specified in the contract and which is not ordered by the Engineer to be d-,ne in writing, and any work done by the Contractor contrary to the terms of any "Suspension of Work Order" is- sued by the Engineer, will be considered as unauthorized work and will not be measured or paid for by the Village. Any unauthorized work may be ordered removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 13. DEFECTIVE WORK: (a) All work and materials which do not conform to the requirements of the contract shall be considered as defective and will not be ap- proved. When so ordered by the Engineer in writing, all.defective work shall be remedied or repaired, or, if necessary, removed and re- placed in an acceptable manner by the Contractor and at Contractor's expense. If the Contractor fails or refuses to remedy or repair any defective work or materials or to remove and replace such work or materials, within the'peri.od specified in such written order, the Vil- lage shall have the right at its option: .(1) to take: over and use such defective work by payment to the Contractor of any amount equal to the reasonably: value of such work, or (2) to cause such defective work to b: remedied or repaired, or removed and replaced, and deduct the cost thereof from any monies due or which may become due the Contractor or require reimbursemfnt there- fore from the surety of the contract bond. When such defective work has been remedied or repaired, or removed - and replaced by the Contractor, the Contractor will be credited with an amount equal to the value of the completed work.based on the contract price or price therefor, . (b) If the Contractor continues to perform defective work, the munici- pality may declare him in default. 14. NIGHT WORK: No work will be permitted at night unless the Contractor furnishes flood light's in sufficient number and of sufficient intensity to insure the same degree of accuracy of workmanship as would be ob- tained by daylight. However, no work shall be done at night contrary "(7) RAL CONTRAC�' CONDITIONS- Cont. —8— 14. NIGHT WORK: (Continued) to any restrictimn imposed in the detailed specifications for any particular class of work. Night work may undertaken only when written consent has,been given by the :engineer. 15. PROTECTION OF WORK: The Contractor shall have charge of the site and shall be responsible for the protection of his work during the execu- tion of the contract...He shall take charge of, and be.responsible for any loss or injury from any cause, to -any materials delivered on or in the vicinity of the work to be used thereon in connection with this con- tract. The Contractor shall protect his work from injury due to weather, frost, accident or other cause and shall immediately after written notice is given him by the Engineer repair any damaged work or replace such work with new work. All work shall be perfect upon com- pletion of the .contract and shall be protected by the 8ontractor until_ its final acceptance in writing by the Village.Engineer. The Contractor shall erect substantial barricades, fences, walks, shelters, provide and maintain danger signals and warnings where neces- sary and do whatever else may be necessary and shall observe and obey all laws and ordinances relating thereto. 16. PROSECUTION OF WORK: (a) The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the location at which he proposes to start work at least five ealerndar days prior to start - ing operations, and shall outline..h s.proposed sequence of operations and what portions,of the work he expects to.,have completed.at various times. (b) Should the prosecution of the work for, any reason be temporarily suspended, with the consent of the Engineer, the Contractor shall give him at least 24 hours notice before again resuming operations. In case of a seasonal suspension of operations, the Contractor shall give the Engineer at least five days notice of his intention to resume operations.. (c) The work shall be prosecuted in such a manner as to ensure its completion within the time set forth in the contract. (d) No work shall be performed .on Sundays or legal holidays without permission of the Village. This shall be inteppreted to mean that construction operations shall be suspended for 'a period of 24 hours from approximately 6:00 A.M. on each Sunday or legal holiday until 6:00 A.M. on the following day. Slight changes in these hours will be permitted, but the intent of,this. policy shall be complied with. Written permission will not be required for the prosecution, on Sundays or legal holidays, of minor operations which may be necessary to pro- tect the work or safeguard traffic, such as sprinkling, concrete for curing, sprinkling sod, maintaining lights and barricades, etc.. (8) 6'NERAL CONTRtiCl &,) DITIONS- Cont. -9- 17. SUSPENSION AND RESUMPTION OF WORK: (a) The Engineer shall have the authority to suspend the Contractor's. operations wholly or in part for such periods of time as he may deem necessary because.of unsuitable weather- or other conditions which he considers unfavorable for the prosecution of the work:, or because of the non - completion of work being done under other contracts on the same construction; or for such time as may be necessary because of the failure of the Contracto." to comply with the provisions of the contract. Such "Suspension of Work Order" shall be in writing and will state the reason for such suspension, the effective date, and the operations suspended. Any work done by the Contractor contrary to such "Suspension of Work Order" shall be considered as unauthorized work and as.having been done at the expense of the Contractor.. (b) No operations which have been suspended by a "Suspension of Work Order" shall be resumed until the Engineer has issued a "Resumption of Work Order ". The order to resume: operations will be issued when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the conditions which justified the suspension no longer existv. This order shall be in writing and will state the reason for ordering such resumption, the effective date, and the operations to be resumed. (c) If it should become, necessary to suspend operations for any in- definite period, the Contractor shall, before leaving the project, store all materials and equipment in such a manner as will not obstruct or impede the traveling public. He shall take ever�r precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work .performed, shall provide suitable drainage of the area and shall erect temporary structures where.necessary. (d) The Engineer shall also have the authority to order the resump- tion of any operation.- which may have been suspended by the Contractor. Such "Resumption of Work Order" shall be in writing; and will state the reason for ordering such resumption, the effective date, and the opera- tions to be resumed. Working days will be counted from the effective date of such order whether or not the Contractor resumes his operations as ordered. 18. ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK: The Engineer will make a final inspection of the entire project, and, if such inspection shows that the work re- quired by the contract has been, completed in accordance with the terms thereof, the Engineer will so certify and the Village will forthwith accept the workmanship and quality of the materials in the entire project. 19. PLANS: All work shall be done in accordance with. the lines, grades and dimensions shown in tho plans except as otherwise ordered by the Engineer. Any deviation from the plans which may be required by the exigencies of construction will be determined by the Engineer and authorized by him in writing. All drawings, specifications and copies thereof furnished by the Village or any engineer - employed by it remain the property of (9) 1LNERAL CONTRACT: 01�,DITIONS- Cont. -10- 19. PLANS: (Continued) the Village or the Engineer and are not to be used on other work. The plans and specifications are intended to cover the complete installa- tion, and any details not shown or described but necessary for the suc- cessful working of the installation must be furnished without addition - al cost to the Village. 20. COORDINATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS: The specifications, plans, special provisions, and all supplementary docu- ments are essential parts of the contract, and a requirement occurring in one is as binding as though occurring in all. In case of a. dis- crepancy, figured dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions, plans shall govern over Special Provisions and specifications, and Special Provisions shall govern over specifications. 21. COOPERATION BY CONTRACTOR: (a) The Contractor shall have a complete set of plans and specifica- tions available on the project at all times during its progress. He shall cooperate with the Engineer in preserving stakes and marks established by the Engineer.. He shall have a competent and reliable foreman or superintendent on the project at all times who is authorized to act for him. (b) When different types of construction work on a section of the project are let under separate contracts, the owners.of the several contracts shall cooperate to the fullest extent with each .other so that prosecution of the work under each contract will be carried out to the best advantage of the Village. (c) When a contract is awarded on a portion or on all of a section covered by a previous contract, the owner of the subsequent contract shall not interfere with the operation of the previous contract with out permission of the owners of that contract. When the construction Of sewers, culverts., water mains, or buildings is within the limits of a grading project and.is being provided for under - separate contract, the grading contractor shall cooperate in arranging a. schedule of oper- ations which will permit the construction of the structures in advance of the grading. 22.. CONSTRUCTION STAKES: The Engineer will furnish and set survey- stakes for the center line, grade, and other necessary points, with proper notes thereon, accompanied when necessary by detailed instructions. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the preservation of all stakes and marks, and, if in the opinion of the Engineer, any of the survey stakE:s or marks have been carelessly or wilfully destroyed or disturbed by the Contractor, the cost to the Village of replacing them shall be charged to the Contractor and shall be deducted from the pay- ment for the work. (10) NERAL CONTRACT )NDITIONS- Cont. -11- 23. MOVING HEAVY EQUIPMENT OVER PUBLIC HIG04AYS: No equipment which ex" ceeds the statutory limitations in dimensions or whc!el or axle load shall be moved over any public highway except in conformity with:. (1) the terms of a special permit issued in accordance with the regu- lations promulgated by the agency in charge of highuays governing the movement of special equipment over trunk highways, in the case of trunk highways; or, (2) the terms of a special permit issued by the proper governmental subdivision or authority, in the case of roads other than trunk highways. 24. RESTRICTED USE OF THE STF.ELT BY TRAFFIC: (a) When traffic cannot be diverted, it will be permitted the use of the street at all times. (b) The Contractor shall at his own expense erect and maintain a suf- ficient number of warning signs and warning barricades at each end of the construction operations. The Contractor shall at his own expense furnish, place and maintain not less than two open - flamed torches at each of these barricades, plus any flares and barricades which may be required between the ends as. ordered by the Engineer. 25. ENGINEERS STATUS: The Village Engineer or such other consulting engineer as may be designated by the Village Council as responsible for this project, shall have general supervision and direction of the work. He is the agent of the Village only to the extent provided in the contract documents and as authorized by law. He has authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to insure the proper execution of the contract. He is recognized by both parties to the contract as the interpreter of the contract documents. He shall, within a responsible time, make decisions on all claims of the Village or the Contractor on all matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the contract documents. 26. INSPECTION: (a) The Engineer and the inspector are authorized to inspect all work performed and materials furnished. Such inspection may extend to all or any part of the work and to the preparation or manufacture of the materials to be used. Such inspection, however, shall not relieve the Contractor from any obligation to perform all of the work strictly in accordance with the requirements of the contract, (b) An inspector may be stationed on the work to report to the Engineer as to the progress of the work and the manner in which it is being performed; also to report whenever.it appears that the matorials furnished, or the work performed by the Contractor fail to fulfill the requirements.of the contract, and to call to the attention of the Con- tractor any such failure or other infringement. In case of any dispute arising between the Contractor and the inspector as to materials fur- nished or the manner of performing the work, the inspector shall have the authority to reject any materials or suspend the work until the question at issue can be referred to and be decided by the Engineer. (11) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -12- 26. INSPECTION: (Continued) The inspector shall not act as foreman for the Contractor, or inter- fere with the management of the work. No advice which the inspector may give the Contractor shall be construed as binding upon the Village, nor will such advice release the Contractor from the fulfillment of the terms of the contract. The Engineer and his representatives shall at all times have access to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress, and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and for inspection. If the specifications, the Engineer's instructions, laws, ordinances, or any public authority require any work to be specially tested or ap- proved, the Contractor shall ,give the Engineer timely notice of its readiness for inspection, and if the inspection is by another authority than the Engineer, of the date fixed for such inspection. Inspections by the Engineer shall be promptly made and where practicable at the source of supply. If any work shall be covered up without approval or consent of the Engineer, it must, if required by the Engineer, be un- covered for examination at the Contractor's expense. Re- examination of questioned work may be ordered by the Engineer, and if so-ordered the work must be uncovered by the Contractor. If such work be found in accordance with the contract documents the Village shall pay the cost of re- examination and replacement. If such work be found not in accordance with the contract documents the Contractor shall pay such cost. 27. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC: (a) Laws to be Observed. All work and materials covered by these specifications must conform strictly to the respective requirements of the latest edition of the Standard Specifications of the'American Society of Testing Materials, all laws of the State of Minnesota, and all ordinances and regulations of governmental subdivisions thereof having jurisdiction, including the Minnesota State Board of Health. If the Contractor shall discover any provision in the contract which is contrary to or inconsistent with any such laws or regulations, he shall immediately report it to the Engineer in writing. (b) Permits and Licenses, The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices.necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. (c) Patented Devices, Materials and Processes. The contract prices shall, without exception, include compensation for all royalties and costs arising from patents, trademarks, and copyrights in any way in- volved in the work. (d) Sanitary Provisions. The Contractor shall observe and comply with all laws, rules and regulations of the state and local authorities and shall take such precautions as are necessary to avoid creating unsani- tary conditions. He shall provide suitable "toilet" facilities for (1 2) workmen on the project. G8NERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -13- 27. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC: (Continued) (e) Public Convenience and Safety. The Contractor shall at all times conduct his operations and perform the work in such a manner as to insure the least obstruction and interference to traffic.. The.Contractor shall take adequate precautions to insure the safety of the general public and those who require access to abutting property. (f) Traffic Provisions. In all cas'es.where construction work inter- feres with the normal-use of the construction area, provisions will be made to either close the construction area-to traffic or to.afford it restricted use of the area. (g) Protection and Restoration of Property.' The Contractor shall not enter upon private property for any purpose without obtaining permission from the owner. The Contractor shall notify, in writing, the owners of all corporate or private property which will be interfered with by his operations, advising them of the nature of the interference and arranging with them for the protection of such property. He shall furnish the Engineer, upon request, with.copies of all such notifications. (h) The Contractor shall protect and carefully preserve all property markers until the owner or an authorized surveyor or agent has wit - nessed or otherwise referenced their location or relocation, 28a. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Village, its-officers and employues from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or property, on account of the operations of the said Contractor, or on account .of or in conse- quences of his neglect in safeguarding the work; or through his use of unacceptable materials in constructing the work; or because of any act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said Contractor; or because of any claim or liability arising from or based on any violation of any law or regulations made in accordance with law, whether by the Con- tractor or any of his agents or Employees; or because of any claims or amounts recovered for any infringement of patent, trademark or copy- right; or from any claim arising out of or amounts r�: covered under any law, ordinance, or regulation made in accordance with any law or ordinance; and so much of the money due the Contractor under and by . virtue of his contract as may be considExed necessary by the munici- pality for such purposes will be retained for the use of the munici- pality, or in case no money is due, his surety shall be held liable until such suit or suits, action or actions, claim or claims for in- juries or damages as aforesaid shall have been settled and suitable evidence to that effect has been furnished by the Village. The re- sponsibility for damae.. claims shall apply as fully for damage to publicly owned property as to privately owned property. (13) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS-. Cont. -14- 28b. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. The Contractor shall Imadc- food, replace, renew at his own cost, any loss or damage to the work occurring during the constructioq thereof or prior to the final delivery to and acceptance theee�f by the Village; by reason of fire, tornado, theft or any cause whatsoever and shall be wholly responsible for the conttrue- tion, completion) and delivery of the work in its - entirety. Any pay- . anent or payments made to said Contractor pursuant to the contract Shall not be construed as operating'to relieve: said Contractor from responsibility for the construction and delivery of the work as speci- fied in the contract. The Contractor agrees to hold the Village harmless from all damages and claims of damages that may arise by reason of any negligence or viola- tion of the law on the part of said Contractor, his agents, or employees while engaged in the performance of this contract and that said Contrac- tor will take all precautions necessary to protect the public against injury and keep danger signals out at night and at such other times and at such places as public safety may requira. 29. PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS. In carrying out any of the provisions of the contract or in exercising any power or authority granted to it thereby, there shall be no personal liability upon the Village's authorized representatives, it being understood that in such matter they act as agents and representatives of the Village. 30. ACCIDENT PREVENTION: Precaution shall be exercised at all times for the protection of persons (including employees and property). The safety provisions of applicable laws, building and construction codes shall be observed; machinery, equipment and:all hazards shall be guarded or eliminated in accordance with the safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, published by the Association of General Contractors of America, to the extent that such provisions are not in confliction of applicable law. 31. BUILDING CODE: The building code of the municipality where the work is to be done shall be considered a part of these specifications and shall be complied with by the Contractor. 32. "OR EQUAL" CLAUSE: Whenever, in any of the contract docwnents, any article, appliance, device or material is designated by the name; of the manufacturer or vendor or by any propriety name and such name is followed by the words "or equal" it shall be deemed that any article or materials equaling the standards fixed may be used in place of that specifically mentioned by the specifications, provided that the material proposed is first submitted to and approved by the Engineer. 33. INSTRUMENTS: The Contractor shall provide and keep constantly upon the work first class surveying instruments for use on the project in verifying and establishing lines, levels, etc. and shall ascertain that the foreman on the work is thoroughly qualified in their use. (11�) GENERAL CONTRP.CT GAP ?DITIONS - Cont. -15- 34. PAUIENTS TO CONTRACTOR: (a) Payments will be made by the Village monthly providing the Con- tractor is due such amounts. (b) Partiall.paymcnts will be reduced by 10% of the total amount paid and due the Contractor. (c) Payments Withheld. The Village may withhold, in addition to re- tained percentages, from payment to the Contractor such an amount or amounts as may be necessary to cover: (1)' Defective work not remedied. (2) Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to sub- contractors or for material or labor. (3) A reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid. (4) Evidence of damage to another contractor. The Village may disburse and shall have the right to act as agent for the Contractor in disbursing such funds as have been withheld pur- suant to this paragraph to the party or parties who -are entitled to payment therefrom, but the Village assumes no obligation to make such disbursement. The Villagc will render to the Contractor a proper ac- counting of all such funds disbursed. (d) No payment made to the Contractor; nor partial.or entire use or occupancy of the work by the Village, shall be an acceptance of any work or materials not in accordance with this contract. (e) Final Payment. (1) After the project has been acceptod, the Engineer will pre - pare a final estimate showing the quantities of each and every item of work performed by the Contractor. All estimates upcn which previous payments may have been based arc partial estimates and are subject to correction in the final statement. The final estimate, showing the entire quantity and value of each and Every item of work performed will be submitted to the Contractor for his approval before being passed for payment. (2) Upon written approval of the final estimate by the Contractor, the Village will make final payment; however; the Villagc;.may at its discretion withhold final payment until the Conta -actor has ftled with the Village an affidavit showi.ng evidence.that all claims against him by reason of the contract have been paid or satisfactorily secured. In case such evidence is not furnished, the Village may retain, from any amount duc said Contractor, sum sufficient to cover all claims unpaid. (3) Correction of Work Aftc.r Final Payment. Neitht:r the final certificate nor payment nor any provision of the contract documents (15) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Conti -16- 34. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR: (Continued) shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship,-and unless otherwise specified he shall rE:medy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one ycar from the date of substantial completion. The'Village shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. All questions arising under this article shall be decided.;by. the Engineer. J 35. THE RIGHT OF THE VILLAGE TO DO THE WORK: If the Contractor. should neg ect.to prosecute the work properly or fail to perform any provi- sion of this contract, the Village after three days writteri, notice to the Contractor, may without prejudice to any other remedy the Village may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due thc;.Contractor, provided, h6v- ever, that the Engineer shall approve both such action andithe. amount charged to the Contractor. 36. RIGHT OF THE VILLAGE TO TE&KINATE CONTRACT: If the Contractor, should be adjudged a bankrupt or if he should make.a general assignment for, the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he should persistently orrepeatedly refuse or should fail, except in cases for which extension of time is provided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to sub - contractors or fop labor or materials, or should persistently disregard laws,;ordinances, or the instructions of the Engineer, or otherwise be quilty, of a sub- stantial violation of any provision of the contract, then the Village, upon the certificate of the Engineer that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor and the surety on his bond seven days written notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials, tools, and appliances thereon and finish the work by whatever method the Village Council may deem expedient. In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive' any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exceed the expense of finishing the work, including compensation for additional managerial and administrative services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Village. 37. ASSIGNMENT: This contract shall not 6'e assignable by the Contractor or sublet as 'a whole without the written consent of the Village Council, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to becomeidue to him hereunder without the previous written consent of the Village Council. 38. SUBCONTRACTS: The "Contractor shall, as soon as practicabjeelafter the signature of the contract, notify the Engineer in writing of the names of sub - contractors, if any, proposed.for the principal parts of the (16) GENERAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS- Cont. -17- 38. SUBCONTRACTS: (Continued) work and he shall not employ any that the Engineer may within a reason- able time object to as incompetent or unfit. All sub - contractors shall be bound by the terms of all the contract documents, but nothing in this article shall create any obligation on the part of the Village to pay to or see to the payment of any sums to any sub - contractor, and nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relation between any sub - contractor and the Village. 39. CLEANING UP: The Contractor shall at all times keep.the premises free from accumulations of waste material or rubbish caused by his employees or work, and at the completion of the work he shall remove all his rub- bish from and about the. place of work and all his tools, scaffolding and surplus materials. In case the work requires excavation in the public streets, the same shall be left in a safe and smooth condition and all debris, soil, and materials necessarily left upon adjoining property shall be removed. Any waste material or rubbish or other meterials left by the Contractor on any'public or private property may be removed by the Village and the cost thereof charged to the Con - tractor. 40. LABOR PREFERENCE: The Contractor shall give preference to Minnesota domestic labor in accordance with Minnesota Laws which may pertain thereto and will give preference to the residents of the Village of Edina in employing labor whenever possible. 41 INTERFERENCE WITH OTHER UTILITIES: (a) The Contractor shall determine the existence of gas mains, utili- ties, and any other obstructions located in the streets of the Village, which may be interfered with under this contract, and no responsibility is assumed by the Village or the Engineer for the accuracy of the loca- tion of the utilities indicated on any of the plans.. The Contractor is to exercise care in crossing water mains and other utilities and is to be responsible for any damage thereto. The Contractor will assume all responsibility to the Gas Company or other Utilities for expense incur- red by them to protect or maintain their operation during the time the work is in progress. (b) The Contractor will notify the Village, the Gas Company, the Telephone Company, and the Power Company prior to the beginning of any construction operations on Village property. (17) LA ST. DRIFT VILLAGE OF EDINA'• MML SPECIFICATIONS Variable Top of well casing GROUND shall be left 1011 above the future.pump + house floor of the elev. 1 determined by the Engr. ` • 2 8Pipe Welded To Casing • And Capped, 10 DD ve i e Fiu am ce with 1:1 Grout f � • 'PETER SANDSTONE • e ' f e s a t 1+ p f e I 7 ONEOTA SHAKOPEE i `0r l I - 1911 Open Rack Hole J" JORDAN t � THE WELL SHALL BE DRILLED DOWN .INTO THE JORDAN STRATUM, A PIR•SPING TEST SHALL BE RUN FOR 48 !MR OR MORE TO DETEMIPtE THE CAPACITY, DRAJD0',-M do QUALITY OF WATER. (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF ED MINNESOTA HE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS j DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Minnea- polis 10, Minn., on Monday, May 24, e deringo sealed purpose b ds sfor fthe furnishing and installation of a water lubricated electric, motor driven deep well turbine Pump, Cap. 1000 G.P.M., complete with electric motor, control e4ulpment, appurtenances and ac- cessories. Specifications —for same may be had at the Edina Village Hall. All bids must be sealed and accompan- ied by a cash deposit, certified check, or bid 'bond acceptable to the Village Council, than n tent per cent o Village the Clerk for not less bid. than The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUN- CIL. EVALD C. BANK Village Clerk V111ag of Edina (May i13 and 20, 1954)