HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-16 HRA Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota Tuesday, July 16, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. Edina City Hall 1. Roll Call. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous ?Meeting, Held July 2, 1974. 3. Recommendations and Reports. A. Report Re: Citizens Advisory Commission :..eeting of July 9, 1974. B. Progress Report: Feasibility Study. C. Selection of Consultants. 4. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ARID REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, ?tIPI?dESOTA HELD TUESDAY, JULY 21 1974 EDINA CITY HALL 1. Roll Call: Charles Vt. Freeburg, Chairman Gary B. Lyall James W. Nelson Lawrence W. P.ixe William F. Greer (arrived at 7:45 P.M.) Staff Present: Greg Luce, Executive Director Lynnae Nye, Secretary David Schnobrich, Intern 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting Held June 19, 1974. After brief discussion, Mr. Nelson moved the minutes of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting held June 19, 1974, be approved, with page 3 amended as follows: FEASIBILITY OF A REDEVELOPME11T PROJECT FOR THE 50TH AND FRANCE AREA 1. Statement of Conditions 1. History and Trend of the Area 2. Traffic Circulation and Congestion 3. Public Utilities 4. Parking 5. Building Condition 6. Residential Compatibility 7. Taxes 8. Aesthetics 2. Statement of Assumptions 1. Goals of H.R.A. 2. Size of Project 3. Cost of Project 4. Tax Generated by Project 5. Taxes and Future Tax Generation 6. Bonding and Financing Life 3. Statement of Feasibility and Staff Recommendation Mr. Lyall seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Lyall, Mr. nelson, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe. Nays: None. Motion carried. 3. Recommendations and Reports. B. Report Re: Citizens Advisory Commission ''`eeting. Mr. Luce reported the Citizens Advisory Commission met June 25, 1974, and discussed their role and the fact that they are an identifiable group responsible to the H.R.A. and are not an ad hoc group. Thev agreed they will attempt to encourage the citizens of ?Minneapolis to work for a compatible redevelopment project on the east side of France Avenue. 7-2-74 H.R.A. Minutes Page 2_ Mr. Luce noted Mrs. Clinton Schroeder, 4917 Arden Avenue, declined to serve on the C.A.C. He added he feels the businessmen are not fully or adequately represented by Robert Lafferty because his business is auto oriented, and suggested Lucille Smith be appointed to replace tors. Schroeder. Following brief discussion, Mr. Lyall moved the H.R.A. appoint Lucille Smith to the C.A.C. Mr. Rixe seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following.voted: Ayes: Mr. Lyall, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe, Mr. Greer. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mr. Luce agreed to contact the other C.A.C. members who did not attend the June 25th meeting; if any of them are not interested in serving, replacements will be appointed at the next H.R.A. meeting. Mr. Lvall recalled the C.A.C. also discussed their relationship with the H.R.A. and possible methods of communication to keep both groups informed so the activities of the C.A.C. can be synchronized with those-of the H.R.A. It was suggested that a permanent representative of the H.R.A. attend the C.A.C. neetings to make sure those communications are transmitted, and that the C.A.C. should probably meet the week preceeding H.R.A. meetings. Mr. Luce agreed to serve as official liaison and to prepare an outline documenting in chronological order how the H.R.A. was established and its activities to date. C. Progress Report: Feasibility Report. Mr. huce introduced Mr. Dave Schnobrich, an intern from Mankato State College, who will be working for the Planning Department on H.R.A. activities and will serve as staff for the Citizens Advisory Commission until January, 1975. Fir. Luce updated the Authority on the work he and Mr. Schnobrich have done thus far on the feasibility study, and indicated they hope to have it completed in the next two weeks. Following discussion, Mr. Rixe emphasized the importance of the feasibility study in that it is the entire basis on which the H.R.A. will judge whether or not a 50th and France tax increment project is feasible. He felt the study will have to be well documented and extremelv conprehensive. The other H.R.A. members generally - agreed. A. Selection of Consultants. Mr. Luce identified the main types of consultant arrangements available, but indicated he would prefer a single group with a range of areas of expertise (including planning, engineering, landscape architecture, architecture, etc. ) so that all of the knowledge needed to plan a specific project o,ould be contained in-house. In addition, he recommended the consultant be a local firm, preferably from within the metropolitan area. The Authority generally agreed with both selection criteria; namely, that the consultant should be local and should be a single group with a range of in-house expertise. Mr. Luce listed six consulting groups (Bather, Ringrose, 4olsfeld, Inc. ; Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. ; Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. ; Nason, aehrman, Chapman Associates, Inc. ; Breuer and Associates, Inc. ; and 1•tidwest Planning and Research, Inc.) and briefly described each one. 7-2-74 H.R.A. Minutes Page 3 Approval and implementation of the plan was discussed. Mr. Luce clarified he feels the City of Edina will be the implementor, not the consultant. The Authority generally agreed but expressed concern that the consultant's responsibility would not extend through the implementation of the project. Following further discussion, Mr. Luce agreed to collect information about each of the six consulting groups listed, including a critique of some of their recent, relevant projects. The Authority generally agreed to hold a special meeting on July 16, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. at the Edina City Hall to review the qualifications of those firms, three of which would then be contacted to interview two weeks later. 4. Adjournment. Mr. Lyall moved the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting be adjourned to July 16, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. at the Edina City Hall to further discuss the feasibility study, selection of consultants, and any other agenda business. Mr. Rixe seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted Ayes: Mr. Lyall, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe, Mr. Greer. Nays: None. Motion carried. fleeting Adjourned. Respectfully submitted, J I , Greg Luce, Executive Director LN MEMORANDUM TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Greg Luce, Executive Director SUBJECT: Progress Report: Feasibilitv Studv It was hoped that the feasibility study could he completed by this time, however, due to their work loads, three departments will not be able to submit data regarding congestion, buildings, etc. , until Monday, July 15th (the day before your meeting). Nevertheless, it is hoped that at least a rough draft of the feasibility study will be available for you to look at by meeting time. If at all possible, I will attempt to get it out Mondav evening, but at this time that appears doubtful. GL:1n 7/12/7! i MEMORANDUM TO: Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Greg Luce, Executive Director SUBJECT: Selection of Consultants (Agenda Item r30 As requested by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, I have contacted the six consulting firms identified at the July 2nd H.R.A. meeting, and those firms are now in the process of responding to my letter (attached). Also attached is an outline of a comprehensive plan for the 50th and France area, which we can submit to the consultants so that they may have an idea of the required product. Also, please find a list of questions to the consultants which allow flexibility on their part to answer. Finally, attached is a rating sheet for the Authorit%O s use during the interviews. GLLPI 7/12/7LF I [:A City 11"D July 9, 1974 4601 WEST FIFTIETH STREET EDINA. MINNESOTA 55624 e2�-east Bather, Ringrose, Wolsfeld, Inc. 7101 York Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55435 Northwest Associated Consultants Inc. 4544 Chowen Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55410 Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 1821 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Nason, Wehrman, Chapman Associates, Inc. 1415 Lilac Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 Brauer & Associates, Inc. 6440 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55343 Midwest Planning 6 Research Inc. 2101 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 Gentlemen: The F.dina Housing and Redevelopment Authority, which was recently created by the Edina City Council, has been studying the feasibility of a tax increment redevelop- ment project for the 50th and France area of Edina. They have to date prepared. goals and are in the process of concluding the feasibility study. Assuming that the conclusions of the feasibility study show that a tax increment finance project can be accomplished, the H.R.A. intends to immediately hire a consultant and begin planning and engineering. The H.R.A. has in conjunction with the feasibility study been reviewing their choice of consultants. They have decided to hire a single firm who should have the in-house capability of providing almost all of the services required and has a healthy wor}:ing relationship with real estate experts. With these facts in mind, the H.R.A. has asked me to contact the six above named consulting groups so that we may move to the next step of our selection. Consultants July 9, 1974 Page 2 If you feel your firm can provide the services zecessary for a tax increment redevelopment project within a rigorous time fr tee, please submit by Monday, July 15th, a standard brochure about your company, as well as examples of other recent relevant plans. It would obviously be -)re;erable if these examples include a tax increment project or other redeve'c-ment plan and perhaps a state- ment identifying relevant parts of your reports and also who may be contacted from the agency which hired you to prepare those reoorts. The H.R.A. then will select from your submissions two to four firms that they wish to interview. Should your firm be selected to interview, you will be contacted immediately and will receive a copy of our set of goals as well as a guide to help us both through the interview. If you have any questions regarding the inform~`_-= we now request, please contact me prior to Friday of this week. Sincerely, Greg Luce H.R.A. Executive Director GL:ln 50TH AND FRANCE PLAN OUTLINE 1. Market report including a planning definition of needed occupancies. 2. Land use plan. 3. Generalized utility plan. 4. Traffic plan. 5. Urban design plan. 6. Suggested code and ordinance changes. 7. Relocation plan. 8. Rehabilitation program. 9. Land disposition and construction staging plan. 10. Financial plan. GL:ln 7/12/74 QUESTIONS TO CONSULTANTS After an explanation of our problems (congestion, auto-pedestrian conflict, wiring and signing blight, parking shortage, limited nonconforming land uses) and a synopsis of where we are to date on solving those problems (community and business awareness, action by the City Council, H.R.A. feasibility study and other reports) , the consultant should be asked to respond to the following general questions. He should be allowed to use his own ingenuity to respond, as it is that quality we are seeking in the planner. 1. What approach will you take in the planning of this project (methodology)? 2. How will you relate to the public for the most effective support for plan approval and implementation? 3. Who will be responsible for this project? Wh;r? 4. What is the basis of your fee structure? 5. ?hat assistance will you need from us? 6. What other assistance do we need from you? LN 7/12/74 1 - Lowest 10 - Highest CONSULTANT RATING SHEET I. Firm ul Firm r2 Firm 143 Firm #4 Does the consultant have the staff capability necessary for this project? Is the consultant sensitive to the environ- ment we are trying to create? Does the consultant have the proper experience in the elements necessary to complete our project? Is the suggested planning approach right for us? Is the consultant innovative? Will the consultant maintain good public and community relations? Are the consultanth outside consultants satisfactorv? Does the consultant seem organized in his presentation? Is his product worth his price? I — I GL:In 7/12/74