HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-22 HRA Adjourned Meeting AGENDA Adjourned Meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota Wednesday, January 22, 1975, at 7:30 P.M. Edina City Hall ' 1. Roll Call. 2. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting, Held January 7, 1975, and adjourned to January 22, 1975. 3. Recommendations and Reports. A. Urban Design Contract - ERW. k B. Proposed Notification Procedures for Property Acquisitions and Plan Modifications for the 50th and France Project. 4. Adjournment. fi i i r1 ' f MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HELD TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1975 EDINA CITY HALL 1. Roll Call: Charles W. Freeburg, Chairman Gary B. Lyall William F. Greer James W. Nelson Staff Present: Greg Luce, Executive Director Thomas S. Erickson, H.R.A. Attorney David Schnobrich, Project Planner Lynnae Nye, Secretary 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting, Held Tuesday, December 3, 1974, and adjourned to Wednesday, December 11, 1974. Mr. Lyall moved the minutes of the H.R.A. meeting held December 3, 1974, and adjourned to December 11, 1974, be approved as written. Mr. Greer seconded the motion and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Nelson Nays: None. Motion carried. 3. Communications. A. Election of Officers. Mr. Luce recalled that in 1974 Mr. Freeburg served as Chairman; Mr. Greer, Vice Chairman; Mr. Rixe, Secretary; and Air. Nelson, Assistant Secretary. After brief discussion, I4r. Nelson moved the officers elected in 1974 be retained in their present positions. Mr. Lyall seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg, Air. Lyall, Mr. nelson Nays: None. Motion carried. 4. Recommendations. A. Preliminary Financial Statement for Year Ended 1974. As requested at a previous meeting, Mr. Luce presented the year end preliminary financial report. Ile explained that $10,000 was budgeted for personal services , of which $9,333.91 was spent. Under contractual services, $26,000 was budgeted and $18,476.97 was spent. Nothing was spent for commodities, although $1,500 was budgeted. Under central services, $2,700 was budgeted and spent. C. Contract for Land Survey of 50th and France Project Area. Mr. Luce explained that in order to proceed from the concept planning stage to the detailed urban design stage, a land survey of all existing physical details in the project area must be accomplished. IIe presented a contract proposal and agreement for land control surveys and topographic and engineering surveys at a maximum fee 1-7-75 H.R.A. Minutes Page 2 (not to be exceeded without supplemental written agreement) of $14,559. Mr. Don Ringrose of BRW clarified that under the proposed contract, and pursuant to normal surveying practices, his firm would identify the property lines as they exist but would not attempt to resolve ownership disputes where overlaps or gaps exist. Following discussion regarding the proposed maximum surveying fee, the extent of the work to be accomplished, and the anticipated cost for the urban design contract, Mr. Nelson moved the "Proposal and Agreement for Surveying Services with BRW be executed and the survey undertaken as soon as possible in order to expedite the detailed urban design stage of the 50th and France project. fir. Greer seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: fir. Greer, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Nelson. Nays : None. Motion carried. D. Set Hearing Date for Acquisition and Relocation of Union Oil Station. Mr. Luce recalled that when the City Council approved the "50th and France Commercial Area Plan", it suggested that a public hearing he held by the H.R.A. on the acquisition and relocation of the Union Oil Station at 50th and Halifax for the purpose of informing all interested and affected parties. He suggested the public hearing be held on January 22 or 23, 1975, at the Edina City Hall. Mr. William Pentelovich, representing Union Oil Co. of California, protested the lack of proper notice to Union Oil of California for the January 7, 1975, meeting and of the other meetings held during the process of development and approval of the plans for a redevelopment project for the 50th and France area. He felt it was premature to set a hearing date until the II.R.A. and Union Oil Co. have tried to resolve their differences, and suggested instead that dates be set for the H.R.A. planning staff and consultant to meet with the Union Oil people to discuss "in a reasonable and conciliatory manner alternative proposals for removing the station that would satisfy the objections of the planners." He noted that although a hearing would be the last resort, if a hearing is necessary after meetings are held to discuss the possibility of keeping the station at its present location, then "we will be glad to participate in that." In reply to Mr. Pentelovich, Mr. Erickson clarified the City Council, in approving the 50th and France Commercial Area Plan, did not make any modifications to the plan and did not make their approval conditional in any way. The Council was, however, advised that the statutes allow plan modifications, so modifications can be made. Lengthy discussion followed. Mr. Pentelovich presented and briefly explained two alternatives for redesign of the service station driveways, canopy and service bays "to try to be responsive to what the Union Oil people think are the objections to having a station at that location." IIe stated the service station has existed since about 1940, has six full-time and three part-time employees , was completely rebuilt in 1968 making it one of the newest buildings in the entire area, and, as the gasoline shortage worsens , will provide a source of gasoline for the 50th and France area. He presented a petition "with several hundred signatures" of people opposed to removal of the station. fir. Frank Coe, "one of the station owners", recalled Mr. Luce had informed him that the H.R.A. could relocate or huv his business. Mr. Coe stated he "is not interested in selling; the business and relocation is out r 1-7-75 H.R.A. Minutes Page3 of the question because there is no place in the immediate area where we could relocate and maintain our business. If we are relocated out of the immediate area, we would have to rebuild our business from scratch, and I am violently opposed to tearing down our business for a parking lot." 11r. Glen Hubbard, the division real estate representative for Union Oil, pointed out that of the businesses at each corner of 50th and Halifax, the Union Oil station is the only clear sight corner. He reiterated the station building is one of the newest structures in the area, and objected that the principles were not notified when the planning process started. Mr. J. S. Begg, 5509 Oaklawn Avenue, spoke in favor of retaining the service station in its present location. After further discussion, Mr. Freeburg moved a public hearing be held February 4, 1975, at the regular H.R.A. meeting to determine whether the Union Oil station should be acquired or if the plan should be modified. Mr. Lyall seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Nelson. Nays: None. Motion carried. It was generally agreed that if, as a result of the meetings between the H.R.A. planning staff and Union Oil, the scheduled February 4th hearing is not necessary, that hearing would be cancelled. Lengthy discussion followed during which the method of giving notice to land owners, tenants, and other interested persons was criticized by several people present, including Mr. Pentelovich, 11r. Hubbard, and Mr. Coe of Union Oil Company, Mrs. Charlotte Hauck (5029 Indianola Avenue) , and Mr. Bright Dornblaser (4630 Drexel. Avenue). The H.R.A. Attorney and Executive Director were instructed by the Authority to formulate a procedure for notification clarifying who is to be contacted, by what method, and at what stages, to be considered at a special meeting January 22 , 1975, at 7:30 P.M. at the Edina City Hall. B. Estimated Financial Program for 50th and France Project. Mr. Luce presented the estimated financial program for the 50th and France project, indicating the estimated costs for acquisition and relocation, street, parking, and pedestrian improvements and beautification. The estimated total project cost is $3,296,736; $2,546,736 would be paid by the tax increment and there is a possibility that other sources of funding (FAU funds, state aid funds, etc. ) will be available to further reduce the project cost by an estimated $7505000 or more. Figures were presented showing the increment received if the project were to continue to 1995 and assuming the bonds will be paid off at 6% interest from 1975 to 1991. He noted that the maximum costs for public improvements were used, and contingencies have been figured at 10% of the total project cost. Discussion was held regarding the financial statements presented, the potential increase of assessed valuation of commercial properties, the total project cost and the amount to be assessed to the commercial property owners. 5. Adjournment. Mr. Lyall moved to continue the 1-7-75 H.R.A. meeting to January 22, 1975, at 1-7-75 H.R.A. Minutes Page 4 7:30 P.M. at the Edina City Hall. Mr. Greer seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Nelson. Plays: None. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned to January 22, 1975, at 7:30 P.M. at the Edina City Hall. Respectfully submitted, �j Greg Luce, Executive Director L 1/20/75 Proposed Resolution HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA - ITHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Min- nesota ("H.R.A.") , by resolution adopted December 11, 1974, and the Edina City Council ("Council") , by resolution adopted December 16, 1974, did adopt and approve, respectively, the 50th & France Commercial Area Plan dated DecembeL S, 1974 ("Plan") ; and jTHEREAS, the Plan describes a Project Area and provides for acqui- sition of parcels of land within the Project Area; and TMEREAS, the H.R.A. has made every effort to obtain planning participation by all parties concerned with and having an interest in the Project Area, and to inform and advise all such parties of the H.R.A. 's plans for the Project Area, and, in addition, has given all notices required by law in connection with the adoption and approval of the Plan; and ITHEREAS, the H.R.A. desires to continue to give all persons who may own or have an interest in property within the Project Area which is pro- posed to be acquired, reasonable opportunity to be heard concerning the Plan and its effect on such property, and any proposal such persons may have for modification of the Plan as it relates to such property. NOW, THEREFORE, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, does hereby resolve that, in connection with any acquisition by the H.R.A. of land or buildings, or any interest therein, within the Project Area, the following procedure be used: 1. Prior to any action being taken for any such acquisition, the Executive Director shall give written, mailed notice to the owners of the property or interest to be acquired, as such owners are shown on, and at the addresses shown on, the records of the Assessor of the City of Edina. A copy of such notice shall also be sent to all persons in possession (other than by means of parked vehicles) of the property to be acquired, as can best be determined by a physical inspection and inquiry then to be made by the Executive Director. The notice shall state that the Plan contemplates acquisition of their property by the H.R.A. and shall give the extent of such acquisition, that the Plan is able to be modified, and that if the recipient of the notice wishes to discuss the proposed acquisition or any modification to the Plan for the purposes of eliminating, or changing the extent of, the proposed acquisition, then the recipient should communicate with the Executive Director within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice, to set up a meeting to discuss such modification. 2. lf, within the 10-day period, a meeting is requested, the Execu- tive Director shall meet with the requesting party to discuss the acquisition and any proposed modifications. The Executive Director also shall give at least five (5) days' written notice to a representative of the Citizens Advisory Committee and the 50th & France Conmercial Steering Committee of such meeting, so that a representative of those committees may attend and join in the discussions. 3. The Executive Director shall report the results of such meeting or meetings to the H.R.A. at its next regular meeting following the last of such meetings. If the Executive Director recommends that a modification be made to the Plan, then the H.R.A. , at such meeting, shall set a date for a public hearing on the modification. If the Executive Director recommends, as a result of such meeting or meetings, that no modification be made to the Plan, but the person or persons requesting the meeting with the Executive Director pursuant to paragraph 1 above, requests a hearing before the H.R.A. to propose a modification of the Plan, then the H.R.A. shall set a date for a public hearing on the modification. . The hearing shall b` set for a date: within forty-five (45) days of such regular meeting of the H.R.A. The Executive Director shall give written, mailed notice to all persons who attended any one or more of the meetings held pursuant to paragraph 2 above, at least ten (10) days before the hearing date, advising them of the public hearing and the proposed modification. Also, a notice of the date, time, place, and proposed modification to be discussed at the meeting shall be published in the Edina Sun at least ten (10) days before _ the hearing date. 4. At the public hearing, the oral and written views of all interested persons shall be heard, and the H.R.A. shall makes its decision on whether to modify the Plan at the same or a specified future meeting of the H.R.A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the failure to follow or comply with I any one or more of the procedures above established shall not in any way affect or invalidate any action or inaction of the H.R.A. otherwise taken or done in compliance with applicable statutory requirements and procedures, it being understood that the foregoing procedures are not required by any applicable statutory requirements or procedures, but are being implemented by the H.R.A. for improved communication and to aid the H.R.A. in making decisions concerning the implementation or modification of the Plan. -3-