HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-01 HRA Regular Meeting AGENDA Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota Tuesday, April 1, 1975, at 7:30 P.M. Edina City Hall 1. Roll Call. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting, Held March 4, 1975. 3. Recommendations and Reports. A. Union Oil Acquisition (Continue to May 6) . B. Report on the Feasibility Report. C. Urban Design Contract. D. Engineering Contract for Ramp. E. Request to Transfer Funds. F. Report on Land Acquisition. 4. Adjournment. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA HELD TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1975 EDINA CITY HALL 1. Roll Call: Charles W. Freeburg, Chairman James W. Nelson Gary B. Lyall William F. Greer Staff Present: Greg Luce, Executive Director Thomas S. Erickson, H.R.A. Attorney David Schnobrich, Project Planner Barbara Peterson, Secretary 2. Approval of the Minutes of the February 4, 1975, H.R.A. Meeting. A motion to approve the minutes of the February 4, 1975, H.R.A. meeting was made by Mr. Lyall and seconded by Mr. Greer. Upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Greer. Nays: None. Motion carried. 3. Recommendations and Reports. A. Reappointment of Commissioner Gary B. Lyall. Mr. Luce reported to the Commissioners that at the February 24, 1975, Council meeting the Council approved the five year term for the reappointment of Mr. Lyall. Upon this notification, Mr. Lyall was formally reappointed for a five year term to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota. B. Proposed Acquisition of Union Oil Property (Continued from 2-4-75) . Mr. Luce reported that the staff and Union Oil have been working together to investigate various alternatives in lieu of relocation of the station. After review and various discussion held on these alternatives, it was decided that none were satisfactory to the continuation of the station. Mr. Hyman Edelman, attorney representing the Union Oil Company, described the various alternatives that were not satisfactory to Union Oil and the reasons. He then stated that Union Oil has therefore agreed to write a letter of intent to the City of Edina to sell the station and property upon a satisfactory relocation site. He also stated that a final agreement will be entered into with the H.R.A. in approximately six weeks when Union Oil has completed the necessary feasibility study to determine the best solution for the station. Mr. Edelman recommended that the City of Edina lease the station for approximately a year to a year and one-half to provide a turn around time for the two operators. Mr. Luce stated there would be no problem in doing so. After a brief discussion, it was decided that Mr. Edelman will draft a letter of intent to show good faith and forward it to the H.R.A. Attorney, Tom Erickson, for review. Mr. Glenn Hubbard of Union Oil then presented a plan alternative that had been examined by Union Oil and the staff. Considerable discussion was held on the proposed plan and why it was not feasible to the H.R.A. staff in terms of the visibility, curb cuts and traffic flow. Mr. Hubbard stated that Union Oil would be unable to operate its station economically if the H.R.A. staff recommendation were followed because of the loss of square footage on the site. 3-4-75 H.R.A. Minutes Page 2 Mr. Frank Coe, one of the station operators, expressed extreme concern over his financial and business future and that of his partner if Union Oil and the H.R.A. would not make a commitment to the two operators. Mr. Hubbard stated that Union Oil does not have a legal or moral obligation to their franchise in this case; however, he thought the condemning authority would have an obligation. Mr. Luce then explained the possibilities the H.R.A. will be able to offer the two operators. Mrs. Susan Coe, Mr. Phil Johnson, and Rev. Arvid Dixen spoke on behalf of Union 76 and requested that the H.R.A. review the plans once again to see if this station can remain on this corner. Considerable discussion was held on a plan alternative proposed by Mr. Johnson, and also variations of the plan. Mr. Hosmer Brown, representative from the 50th and France business people, expressed concern on delaying the actual plan and stated that they are interested in what is happening to the station; however, this plan has been approved by the Planning Commission and Council, and the H.R.A. should be taking action on this plan and resolving this problem quickly". Mr. Freeburg moved to continue the item. He suggested that Union Oil review the proposals presented and instructed the staff to meet with Union Oil's engineers for reviewal and recommendations. Mr. Lyall seconded the motion and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Lyall, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Greer, Mr. Nelson. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mr. Lyall recommended to also move ahead with the letter of intent and continue the relocation process, working with Mr. Terry Foster, Minneapolis relocation officer who had been hired by the H.R.A. C. Tax Increment Pledge with the City of Edina (Continued from 2-4-75) . Upon Mr. Luce's request, Mr. Erickson reviewed the tax increment pledge with the City of Edina. He stated that the pledge is a statutory requirement when tax increment financing is done which authorizes the City to collect all funds from the bond sale and hold them and dispurse them to the H.R.A. upon request. The H.R.A. pledges all revenues from the project, including revenue from tax increment, to the City, and the City will then use them to pay the bonds. After approval of the tax increment pledge from the H.R.A. and City Council, it will be filed with the County Auditor and Treasurer. After brief discussion, Mr. Nelson moved that the Secretary and Chairman be authorized to sign the tax increment pledge, as recommended by Mr. Erickson and Mr. Luce. Mr. Lyall seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Greer, Mr. Lyall, and Mr. Freeburg. Nays: None. Motion carried. 3-4-75 H.R.A. Minutes Page 3 D. Urban Design Contract. Mr. Luce presented a flow chart describing the time table that will be necessary in order to complete the projected 1975 project activities. A feasibility study must be prepared and presented to the City Council for approval before any money is authorized for this project. After approval, an assessment hearing must be held so that 20 percent of the project cost can be charged against the benefiting property owners. Mr. Luce stated that the assessment hearing will be held the first week in April. Mr. Luce then presented a modified detailed urban design contract with BRW outlining the design development activities necessary for the feasibility study and those activities necessary for actual construction. Mr. Luce further explained the actual work and input and the procedure of initiating each element of the contract. After lengthy discussion, it was decided that the cost of the feasibility study would be approximately $7,000, which will be taken from the present H.R.A. budget. Mr. Erickson thought that the payment procedure should be clarified in the contract. Mr. Luce agreed to add a separate paragraph to distinguish the payment procedure of the input of the feasibility study to be an hourly wage. Mr. Freeburg moved that the H.R.A. authorize its chairman and secretary to enter into an agreement with BRW for the proposed contract when and if the City Council approves the undertaking of the feasibility study. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lyall, and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Greer. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mr. Freeburg then moved to recommend to the City Council that the H.R.A. and staff be authorized to prepare the feasibility study for public improvements in the 50th and France area. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lyall, and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Greer. Nays: None. Motion carried. After considerable discussion on the implementation of the contract, Mr. Freeburg moved that after approval of the feasibility study by the City Council, the Executive Director notify BRW in writing authorizing the implementation of Part 1 of the design and development phase of the contract. Mr. Lyall seconded the motion, and upon roll 'call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Greer, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Lyall. Nays: None. Motion carried. 3-4-75 H.R.A. Minutes Page 4 E. Resolution. Mr. Luce presented a copy of a resolution authorizing the staff to begin acquiring options for property. Mr. Erickson briefly reviewed the resolution and procedures in acquiring land. After considerable discussion on the length of land options, a motion approving the following resolution was made by Mr. Freeburg and seconded by Mr. Lyall. Upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Greer, Mr. Lyall. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota ("H.R.A.") , by resolution adopted December 11, 1974, and the Edina City Council ("Council") , by resolution adopted December 16, 1974, did adopt and approve, respectively, the 50th and France Commercial Area Plan dated December 3, 1974 ("Plan") ; and WHEREAS, the Plan describes a project area and provides for acquisition of certain parcels of land within the project areas; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of said parcels is necessary to carry out the Plan, which Plan is a redevelopment project as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, Subdivision 13; and WHEREAS, it is necessary, advisable, and in the public interest that the H.R.A. acquire the parcels to be acquired pursuant to the Plan, and that such acquisition proceed as diligently as possible; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and advisable, and the intent of the H.R.A. , that all reasonable effort be made to acquire all such parcels by direct negotiation and purchase and that the use of eminent domain be employed only if necessary, and that in any such acquisition the provisions of the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, acts amendatory thereof, and regulations adopted thereto (together called the "Act") , be complied with to the extent required by applicable statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the acquisition of the parcels to be acquired pursuant to the Plan is necessary to carry out the Plan; that the Executive Director proceed to give notice of proposed acquisitions pursuant to the resolution adopted by the H.R.A. at the January 22, 1975, portion of the adjourned meeting of January 7, 1975, and proceed, in compliance with the Act to the extent applicable, to obtain appraisals of all parcels to be acquired for review and approval by the H.R.A. ; that once values have been established by the H.R.A. pursuant to such appraisals, the Executive Director use all reasonable effort to acquire the parcels of land to be acquired' pursuant to the Plan, and in compliance with the Act to the extent applicable, by direct negotiation and purchase and for the value so established; and that the Executive Director and the attorney for the H.R.A. , together with the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and Secretary or Assistant Secretary, are instructed and directed to do all things reasonably necessary to so acquire such property by direct negotiation and purchase- 3-4-75 H.R.A. Minutes Page 5 F. Community Development Program. Mr. Luce presented a copy of the Community Development Program which was approved by the City Council and submitted to Hennepin County for inclusion in the urban county application to HUD. He briefly reviewed the various elements of the program and recommended that the H.R.A. implement the housing element, which is closely related to the function of a housing and redevelopment authority. Mr. Freeburg moved to ask the City Council to authorize the H.R.A. to implement the housing element of the Community Development Program. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Lyall. Nays: None. Motion Carried. G. Additional discussion was held regarding the general direction of the 50th and France project. Mr. Jarvis was extremely concerned in regard to the out- come of the meeting. 4. Adjournment. No further discussion being heard, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Greer and seconded by Mr. Lyall. Upon roll call the following voted: Ayes: Mr. Lyall, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Greer. Nays: None. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, L Greg Luce, Executive Director GL:ln MEMORANDUM TO: H.R.A. FROM: Greg Luce, Executive Director SUBJECT: Recommendations and Reports for 4-1-75 Meeting. A. Union Oil Acquisition: very little positive progress has been made with Union Oil or the tenants in regard to either their relocation or alternate plans to keep them on that site. I would thus suggest that this matter be continued to May 6th, and have had that information typed on the agenda which will be sent to the owners and tenants of the station. B. Report on the Feasibility Report: The City accepted the staff draft of the feasibility report for the reconstruction of 50th and France, and set the improvement hearing for April 7th. At that meeting, if the feasibility study is approved, 200 of the project costs will be obligated and assessed to the property owners. C. Urban Design Contract: Should the feasibility report be approved by the City Council and the improvements ordered, it is imperative that BRW be authorized to complete the design development construction drawings, etc. For them to begin this work, it is necessary, according to the contract, that I authorize them by letter to do so. Therefore, contingent on an approval of the feasibility report by the Council, I should be instructed to authorize BRW to enter the remaining phases of their contract. D. Engineering Contract for Ramp: Bob Dunn, David Schnobrich, Bob Johns from BRW, and myself reviewed six engineering consulting firms who expressed interest in designing the north side ramp. From those six firms, we chose three to interview, and selected the firm of Carl Walker and Associates. Carl Walker and Associates has designed some- thing like 50 ramps in the last five years, and in the last three years has done ten in the metropolitan area. They are exclusively ramp consultants and in our unanimous opinion, were far and away the best firm interviewed. They are now preparing a contract for our review, and I will send that to Tom Erickson as soon as I receive it. Our comments and redraft (if necessary) will be presented on April 1. In order to keep on the schedule I submitted to the H.R.A. at the last meeting, the H.R.A. should authorize the chairman and secretary to execute the contract contingent on the approval of the feasibility study by the City Council. M ' Memo/Staff Report April 1, 1975 Meeting Page 2 E. Request to Transfer Funds: If the City Council approves the feasibility report and authorizes the improvements in the 50th and France area, it will be necessary to transfer funds to the H.R.A. account so that we may pay BRW and Carl Walker and Associates (should they be selected) . The request should include $56,000 for BRW and $20,000 for Carl Walker and Associates, for a total of $76,000. This money will pay for the total design for all of the buildings in the 50th and France area, all the streets, landscaping, walkways, including the construction drawings for each of these improvements. To my knowledge, there will only be one additional contract necessary for design or planning in the area, and that will be for the design engineering of the expansion of the south side ramp. F. Report on Land Acquisition: To date options have been delivered and generally agreed upon for all of the north side parking area except the Edina liquor store-.and Twin City Federal. The man I must talk to in regard to Twin City Federal will be back in town on Monday; I intend to see him as soon as possible. Additional acquisition needed for this year includes only a minor strip of land acquired for the 49� Street right of way near the corner 'of 4912 and France. These options will be prepared by the staff in the near future. GL:ln 3/27/75